Be Still

by: Joe Talhelm

Horns blowing. People yelling and talking too much. Machines roaring and cars are moving. Babies are crying and children are always needing something from us. The boss doesn't slow down and the work keeps piling up. In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, there is one thing that most of us long for... peace. Peace and quiet. Stillness and calm. Tranquility and silence. If these items could be marketed and sold, there would not be enough to handle the demand. There would always be a short supply and never enough to go around. The cost would be whatever people could pay - millions wouldn't be enough, for there would always be a shortage of stillness and tranquility. And yet, in the book of Psalms, God says' "Be still and know that I am God..." You see, God knows that we all need to be still to know Him. He knows that we are in a non-stop crazy world. He knows that in the midst of all the commotion we just can't hear Him speak to us. He knows that the only way we can really know God and what He wants of us, we must be still to hear Him. Here are a few things that happen when we are still before God:

In stillness, we learn more of ourselves. We learn that we are need of a Savior and that we are need of a deep Spiritual cleansing. We learn that we are inadequate by ourselves. God begins to speak through the conscience and allows us to really see ourselves as He sees us. God, too, lets us know that He sees our unshed tears and will help us with our pain. He lets us know that He will help us unsort the confusions in our life. He reminds us that He is a friend to the lonely and that He still soothes heartaches.

In stillness, we learn that we serve an extraordinary God. He is the Almighty, the Great Creator, the beginning & end, the giver of life! We learn, also, that we are extraordinary to God - to Him we are amazing, remarkable, fantastic & unique. And we learn that we are created for extraordinary accomplishments. He wants His people to prosper and do well in life. He wants His people to be used of Him day by day. He wants His people to help others. He wishes the best for all His children and He will give the best things to us for His glory.

In stillness, we learn more of God and who He is. We learn that He is our refuge and strength, and that He is a very present help in trouble. This means that God is there for immediate help, instant strength, and quick reinforcement.

In stillness, we learn more of God's power in our lives. We will not have fear, even though the earth is shaken, even though the mountains be moved into the middle of the sea, and even though the waters of life be troubled. We will not fear because we have God right by our side. He is with us and will continue to be with us. He is our escape and our haven. He is our resort and our retreat. He is our shelter and strength.

These and many more things do we learn when we just stop and get still with our Maker. Our lives become richer and more useable when we learn to pause in our hectic day and get alone with God - just by our self and in a quiet little place away from the noise and crowds.

"Be still and know that I am God..."