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Rumble in the Bronx
Last Man Standing
War Games
House of Pain

Saturday Night Havoc

Havoc #19
Havoc #18
Havoc #17
Havoc #16
Havoc #15
Havoc #14
Havoc #13
Havoc #12
Havoc #11
Havoc #10
Havoc #9
Havoc #8
Havoc #7
Havoc #6
Havoc #5
Havoc #4
Havoc #3
Havoc #2
Havoc #1

live from the Freedom Hall
Louisville, Kentucky
26th May 2001

**pyro's blast off as "Master of Puppets" by Metallica blasts throughout the arena. The camera passes across the Freedom Hall as the PWF intro plays on the Ultra-Tron. The camera cuts to the announcers table**

Stanyer: Welcome everybody to PWF's Saturday Night Havoc, we are live from the Freedom Hall in Louisville, Kentucky. I'm Jason Stanyer alongside The "Big Dawg" Dave Harley. We bring to you another fantastic lineup of matches.

Dawg: And of course your weekly fix of the gWo.

Stanyer: Well anyway, let's run down tonights projective Card.

Theros v MVD
Andy Clegg v Mad Mike
Gods of War v Lords of Destruction(Tag Titles)
Xuway v Homicide(Boston Massacre Match)
Travis Right v Rye Hazwaki(Challenge Title)
Gambino v Blackbird.

Stanyer: It looks a little small at the moment, but I am sure we will fill it up as the show goes on.

Dawg: Of course, with the gWo about, anything can happen.

Stanyer: Well after last week, the situation between Rye, Crusader, Havok and the gWo is close to boiling point. We can only expect even more tonight.

Dawg: Not to mention Diablo and Gambino.

Stanyer: Yes of course, they are booked for the big Triple Threat Theatre match tomorrow night. That is going to be something else.

** Snap your fingers, Snap your neck by prong hits the PWF soundsystem, and a group of dark figures can be seen at the top of the runway as a huge burst of green pryo erupts and the gWo make their way to ring

As MVD with JVD, Power G with the Real McCoy and Travis Right make their way down the aisle, McCoy tosses MVD a mic as they all clamber into the ring to a chorus of boos from the crowd.

MVD then runs to each turnbuckle to acknowlegde the fans, and is seen doing his famous pose (tensing arms towards his head RVD style), whilst Power G is seen with the World Championship aloft in the centre of the ring and Travis running rope to rope to warm himself up.**

Dawg: It's time to get this show on the road.

MVD then begins to speak.......

MVD:- Cut the music! Tonight, is a very special night............ Tonight is the last Havoc before War Games and the gWo intends to make their mark like never-before. Not only that, but that slanty-eyed piece of inbred trash Rye Hazwaki, has finally granted me a shot at the US title at War Games! The US title will go very nicely around my waist, as if were made specifically for Matt Van Dam(doing his RVD pose)

MVD: Rye I just hope your ready for the match of your life, you finally get to step into the ring, with the greatest pure athlete in Wrestling today, and none of your fancy kicks will you get you anywhere near MVD pal. But i have some immediate business to take care of tonight. That son'o'bitch Pellington has put everyones favourite wrestler against that crazy bastard Theros Malcalvia (huge pop from the crowd) I guess i'll just have to knock some sense into him, what do you think "G"

**Camera pans in on Power G who just nods at MVD affirmatively**

MVD: Well on to the more pressing matters, i believe you have something to say Mr. McCoy.....................

**MVD tosses the Mic to the Real McCoy........................ **

Stanyer: Looks like Rye and MVD will finally get it on tomorrow night at War Games, that will be a classic.

**McCoy catches the mic.**

McCoy: That's right MVD. I've got something to say so you better listen up.

**Crowd boo's**

McCoy: Now, with War Games not being that far away, I bet you lot can't sleep at night wondering who Power G will face, and beat, for the World Title at War Games. There are many it could be but there will be only one and tonight I will announce who that one will be.

McCoy: But before I do that, I will announce what the match at War Games will be. Many of you will not know about Power G's favourite match, the match he is best at. Yes, I know what you're thinking. 'Power G is an even better wrestler!'. Yes, he has become the World Champion and he hasn't even fought in his favourite match. How good does that make him?

**Crowd boo's yet again.**

McCoy: And that match I'm talking about is a Ladder match. Yes, Power G is known as King of the Ladder match and he will show you why at War Games. But who will his opponent be?

**McCoy pauses and looks around at the crowd.**

McCoy: For many weeks now, there has been one so called 'man' who has been pissing both Power G and I off. One 'man' who think's he's good enough to take the Title off Power G. One who thinks that he should be the champ.

McCoy: Well, this man will get his wish because at War Games, Power G will defend his World Title, in a ladder match, against Crusader Chrome. Power G will finish this once and for all. Your 'dream' Crusader will be turned into a nightmare by that man.

**McCoy points at Power G, who is staring straight ahead of him.**

Stanyer: Oh My God, Power G v Crusader in a Ladder Match, what a match. I can't wait for that one.

**McCoy hands the mic over to Travis Right**

Travis Right: Im feeling good tonight. Hows everybody out there feeling

**The Future points the mic to the crowd put as the start to yell he pulls it back**

Travis Right: Haha, Im just kidding, I could care less about how your feeling. Although I am please to tell you all that your favorite, will be wrestling good ole Rye Hazawaki or whatever the hell his name is. You'll get to see me beat the U.S. champ and the Challenge Title champ, all in one match. Although our match is only for the Challenge Title. I would of felt kind of bad taking all his glory in one night. Besides my main man MVD will be taking that belt at War Games anyways.

**Travis points to MVD and he nods in approvel as the crowd boos on**

Travis: But anyways, back to my point. I'll tell you somebody who isnt feeling very good right about now. That poor excuse of a wrestler Havok. Did you guys see him last week when he was challenging me from his hospital bed? HAHAHA!! What an idiot.

**The rest of the GWO begin to laugh**

Travis: Hey Havok, I already put you in the hospital and you want to challenge me again? Whats next, are you gonna challenge me from your coffin. I mean thats fine with me if you want to sign your own death warrant.

**MVD leans over and whispers something into Travis's ear**

Travis: O yea thats right, I smashed that cane so far into Havoks head he probably doesnt know any better. So I guess all thats left to say is.....

**"The Future" is suddenly cut off by music**

***"96 Quite Bitter Beings" by CKY hits as Bloodbath comes out of the entryway. He holds a mic in his hands***

Bloodbath: "Listen, Travis Right, shut your trap! Now, I am out here to tell you guys in the gWo that you don't run things around here. Just because you have the World Championship doesn't mean shit! And I am going to prove that tonight! Power G, I want a Title shot tonight! I am the PWF Extreme Champion and I am supposed to have a night off? I don't like that. So, Power G, what do you say?"

***Bloodbath waits as the members of gWo are looking surprised.***

Bloodbath: "Well, I am waiting. If you are afraid of losing, I can understand."

Stanyer: That sounds like a challenge to me, come on Power G, if your man enough, accept.

Dawg: Power G is man enough to beat anyone. Just you wait.

**McCoy stares at Bloodbath.**

McCoy: Well, well, well. What do we have here?? Another one who thinks that he can be beat Power G. How original. So you want a Title shot do you?? Here tonight??

McCoy: How about I let Power G decide?? What do you say G??

**The camera zooms in on Power G. After a twenty second pause his head nods.**

McCoy: Lucky you, Bloodbath. It seems that G is in a good mood. I hope for your sake that he's still in a good mood come the match. Actually, lets hope he isn't. I wouldn't mind seeing another wrestler career ruined by G.

**McCoy lowers the mic and turns away from Bloodbath. He sudden;y remembers something.**

McCoy: Oh yes, I almost forgot. Crusader listen up. I bet you worried that you might not get your title shot at War Games but fear not. There's not a chance in hell that G will lose tonight.

Dawg: What did I tell you, Power G will take on anyone.

**MVD looks amused at Bloodbath has to say and begins to rant again down the mic**

MVD:- You are the most pathetic specimen i've ever come across Bloodbath, you really are living on former glories! What you did in the old PWF don't mean shit to me buddy, we weren't here then and thats probably why you actually won something, so don't go making yourself out to be the big guy here, i'm the big guy in the PWF, I call all the shots, isn't that right "G"

**Camera pans in on Power G who just nods affirmatively at MVD**

Bloodbath: "We'll just see what happens later, McCoy. And Power G, I'll see you later!"

***Bloodbath turns and walks back to his locker room as the camera cuts to a commercial.***

{Commerical Break}

*clips of Blackbird's arm being raised with the Hardcore and World titles are shown*

Voice-He's the most resiliant man in wrestling today. He is a former PWF World Champion

*More clips shown*

Voice-Hardcore is what this man does.

*Blackbird is shown sitting in the corner of a ring with a mic*


Fast voice-Order your copy of Blackbird: Definition of hardcore including entire matches and commentary from Blackbird himself for only $9.99! Available in Shopzone NOW!

{End Commercial}

**Wild laughter is heard through the back as a camera crew runs through the hallways. Then come around the corner and see Theros slamming his head into the lockers, laughing.**

Theros: "MVD? MVP? CIA? FBI? SSA?......"

**Theros slams his head into the locker**

Theros: "Damn Van.... hehehehehe. What is it you are so sure about? Unhappy of meeting the madman...."

**Theros slams his head against the locker**

Theros: "Frightened of the confusion? The confusion yes, like a beacon in the ink. It draws to me more. It does. Why do you anger so? Speak the notion and understand the cause. You do not embrace, you fight! And fight you must....."

**Slam into the locker**

Theros: "Think you superior? Think you better? Think you that Theros will betray himself? Fear that which you cannot know.... yes....."


Theros: "... you cannot know Theros! We are only ONE!!!"


Theros: "Speak you truth! YES TRUTH!"


Theros: "Watch the skies, fear the birds. They have eyes!"


Theros: "The hand of wrath.... has given me this day. Damn Van, you will not have it aiding you. It is mine again...... again..... again...... again......"


Theros: "HAHAHAHA! Fear ME! FEAR me! Fear me?! Fear me? fear me....? fear.... me........"

**Theros cracks his skull against the locker again and turns, walking away down the hall**

Stanyer: Welcome back folks, it seems to me that Theros is having even more problems than before, how he will survive this match with MVD I do not know.

Dawg: Problems!! That guy has more than just problems.

**The arena dims, and purple flashes appear on the screen. Suddenly, a purple blast explodes from the stage, and "Supernatural" plays as Renegade bursts out onto the ramp. After a swift hit to the ramp with his Blood bat, Renegade walks to the ring and slides in. He climbs on all four turnbuckles, pointing his bat to the crowd**

Stanyer: That folks is Renegade, one of the PWF's newest signings.

Renegade: "Listen up! As I'm sure you've all heard, I'm Renegade, the newest superstar here in the PWF. I'm here for a simple reason: to kick ass! And of course, I'm looking for my first victim, so any of you bloodnuts backstage wanna take me up on my offer, I'll be around!"

**Renegade slides the microphone out of the ring, and makes his way back up the ramp, but not before slamming his bat onto the ramp again, producing a high-pitched CLANG sound**

**Just before Renegade can get to the back, "It's my job to keep Punk Rock Elite" by NOFX hits and Tisok walks out and immediately points to the ring. Renegade walks back to the ring and gets in waiting for Tisok.**

Renegade v Tisok

Report: Tisok and Renegade both tie up, Renegade takes Tisok into a Hammerlock, Tisok reverses into a top wristlock, Renegade pushes Tisok off into the ropes, Renegade tries a Hiptoss, but Tisok lands on his feet, Renegade runs in and Tisok flips him over with a Japanese Arm Drag. Renegade rolls through it to stay on his feet, he charges in again and gets taken over with a second Arm Drag. This time Tisok holds on to turn it into an Armbar. Renegade rises to his feet in the armbar, then rolls out of it and then tries a heel kick on Tisok, Tisok ducks it and then School Boy's Renegade. 1......Renegade kicks out.

Stanyer: Amazing Speed and agility from Tisok.

Renegade gets to his feet. They tie up, Renegade rolls around the back of Tisok, Renegade tries to deliver a German Suplex but Tisok lands on his feet then Tisok delivers a Running Facecrusher. Tisok picks up Renegade and tries a spinning heel kick, but Renegade ducks it and delivers a reverse DDT to Tisok. Tisok bounces back to his feet. Tisok ties up with Renegade, Renegade takes Tisok into a headlock, Tisok pushes Renegade into the ropes. Tisok tries an Arm Drag but Renegade rolls off Tisok and then delivers an awesome Superkick knocking Tisok down.

Stanyer: I've never seen Renegade wrestle like this before, and I've seen some of his tapes, but he has decided to wrestle his PWF debut in the style of his opponent.

Renagade picks up Tisok and whips him into the corner. He then follows in with a Jumping Body Splash. As Tisok staggers out of the corner, Renegade kicks him in the gut and then delivers the The Power Play (Last Ride). Renegade covers. 1.............2.................3!!!

Renegade d. Tisok
3:28 Pinfall

Stanyer: Renegade picks up a win on his debut, we now go backstage to Havok.

**The camara then shows Havok's new t-shirt and then zooms out to show Havok himself.**

Havok: Travis Right, you seem to be a great wrestler. I have seen most of your and matches and I would like to challenge you to a match for War Games. A Steel Cage match at that. Anything goes. but you have to be up be the first man over the cage, and that is the ONLY way to win. Who wants to wreck Havok???

Stanyer: Well it looks like we have another challenge for tomorrow nights War Games, Havok v Travis Right in a steel Cage match, that one will be very interesting.

Dawg: But now we get to see everyone's favourite wrestler, MVD.

Matt Van Dam v Theros Macalvia

**"Snap your Fingers, Snap your neck" by Prong plays as MVD walks down the aisle, cluching Jennifer Van Dam by the waist, he lets her go, and poses, flexing his arms towards his head (RVD style). The Ultra-Tron bears the gWo logo and then shows clips of MVD striking opponents out with his Kendo Stick and finishing them the 5 star frog splash.**

James: Introducing, from Battlecreek, England, weighing 228lbs, "The Real F'n Show" Matt Van Dam. *Crowd Boos heavily**

**Suddenly wild laughter echoes through the arena, the lights flashing purple and red. Theros appears on stage, his hands on his hips as he laughs. After several moments the laughs die off, and Ozzy's 'Crazy Train' hits. Theros stalks down towards the ring, a confident smirk on his face as the music continues to boom. Theros rolls into the ring and starts laughing again. The music then shatters into another chorus of wild laughter.**

James: Introducing from Syracuse, New York, weighing 282lbs. Theros Macalvia

Report: Theros and MVD circle each other then the two men tie up. MVD turns the tie up into a waistlock, Theros connects with an elbow to the head of MVD then reverses the waistlock and hits a back drop. MVD bounces back up and they tie up again, Theros takes MVD into an armlock with his right hand, but then out of nowhere Theros's left hand smacks himself in the face causing him to release the armlock. MVD takes advantage of this and charges in and hits a running Monkey Flip.

Stanyer: It looks like Theros is still having problems controlling his own body.

MVD then climbs to the second turnbuckle and looks for the Stinky Leg Drop but Theros rolls out of the way and MVD misses. MVD gets to his feet and Theros delivers a Belly to Back Suplex. Theros then climbs to the top turnbuckle.

Stanyer: Theros going to the air very early on.

Dawg: Errrr. Jay, look...........

Theros has turned away from the ring and is looking towards the announcers table. As Jay and Dawg scramble out of the way Theros flies off and delivers a picture perfect Senton Bomb crashing through the announcers table.

Stanyer: OH MY GOD!!! Theros just Senton Bombed himself through our announce table.

Dawg: He's miles out, MVD is over there.

Stanyer: Will you leave it, the man has mental problems and can't control his own body.

Dawg: Then he should take medication or just not be here.

In the ring MVD has gotten to his feet and looks outside at Theros and looks a little perplexed. Then the referee signals for the bell.

MVD d. Theros
1:55 Countout

Stanyer: The referee has counted Theros out, here comes the EMT's, Theros is in serious need of medical attention.

Dawg: Look at this, he's ruined our table.

Stanyer: Will you shut up, someone is hurt here.

Dawg: PLEASE, the man threw himself through a table, he shouldn't expect any sympathy.

Stanyer: You have no heart at all do you.

Dawg: Why should I care about him, if he wants to hurt himself, let him, I don't care.

Stanyer: You don't get it do you, he doesn't want to this, his body is forcing him to do these things against his will.

Dawg: Yeah, I'm going to believe that one.

Stanyer: Well we will go to a commercial while these people take care of Theros.

{Commerical Break}

*Voice - Hello, this is a comercial to advertise the new "Big Poppa Chat-Line" You can talk to Big Poppa any time of the day and talk to his about any of these catagories:

'How To Lose
'How To Dance
'How To Wrestle
'How To Make The Chicks Spot You
and you have a 100% chance he will answer. So call now on


Calls cost $4 a min, but it's well worth it!

*Big Poppa - Call Me Now. (Wink, Wink)

{End Commercial}

Stanyer: Welcome back folks, we are told that Mr Pellington is going to make a special announcement from his office backstage.

**The camera cuts backstage where we see Mr Pellington sitting at his desk looking into the camera**

Pellington: I was sitting here backstage watching the opening of the show on the monitor, then I heard Power G ask for a Ladder Match with Crusader, and Rye has granted MVD a US title shot. Then an idea hit me, why don't we combine the two matches, tomorrow night at War Games, there will be a Double Jeapordy Ladder Match for the US and World Titles, in it, MVD will fight Rye for the US title, and Crusader will fight Power G for the World title. All four wrestlers can fight each other, but only their respective pairing can win their respective title. There won't be a final match between the two winners, just whoever gets the title first is the new champion. Have a Nice Day.

**Camera cuts back to ringside**

Stanyer: Oh my god, what a match, that is going to be something special indeed. That has to be a first for wrestling.

Dawg: I believe it is.

**(Flashing random lights all the way through apart from at the slap hands at the end where one slap makes the lights go one colour, the next changes the colour and the double high five causes the lights to return to normal as well as causing the fireworks on stage) Two rocket fireworks fly to the stage and explode. The Gummi Bears appear and stand at the top with big grins, look at each other, then Cookie runs forward a little and Banoffe leap frogs over him, Banoffe then ducks and Cookie leap frogs him, this is done so each man has leapfrogged twice. Then they look at each other again and run towards the ring, sliding in and rolling. Both men bounce to there feet, look at each other again! and run to opposite diagonal corners and start dancing, they look at each other from there position in the corners, throw both arms in the air with big smiles and run to each others corners high fiving as they go past . Once at the other corner they jump up again and start dancing. After a few more seconds they jump back down and meet in the centre of the ring where they "go down low, go up high then double high five which causes fountains of sparks from up on the stage.**

**Both the Gummi Bears ask for Mics.**

Cookie: "Hello everybody"

Barry: "We say hello to everyone?"

Cookie: "Well we gotta promote our Gummi Berry Juice haven't we."

Barry: "Oh yeah, Hello everyone, drink yummy Gummi Berry Juice."

Dawg: Would somebody please get these two out of the ring.

Barry: "Is that all we came out for?"

Cookie: "No you idiot, we came out here to make a challenge, a challenge to the Tag Team Champions."

Barry: "What a Tag Team Champion"

Cookie: (hits Barry) "Shut up, we make a challenge to whoever win the Tag Team Titles tonight for the PPV, we don't care who wins."

Stanyer: Well perhaps someone would like to accept the challenge.

**"Wherever I may Roam" hits the PWF loud speakers and the crowd erupts in cheers for the newly crowned World Tag Team Champions. After a few seconds pass Alexander and Kull emerge from the smoke, Kull with the Title around his waist and Alexander with it over his shoulder. Alexander and Kull with mics in hand walk to the ring and slide under the bottom rope. Kull climbs the far turnbuckle and raises both arms into the air. Alexander stands in the middle of the ring and raise the title High into the air, and raises the mic to his faces.**

Alexander- Our march to history has reaped us the ultimate reward........ The World Tag Team Championship. **Loud pop from the crowd** I believe the world was told that the Gods of War would become just another statistic, just another speed bumb. Well it appears, LoD, that you were sorely mistaken and you greatly underestimated the Gods of War. By law of the land we owe you a re-match for OUR Titles, so we shall oblige tonight and grant you that honor. Battle should please me, but battling you is a disgrace for your petty dishonoring of your opponents. I take no pride in beating you, for we are only putting you in your place.

**Alexander looks to Kull and Kull jumps down off the Turnbuckle and raises his mic to his face.**

Kull- I think that a re-match is bull@#$! because you ogre bastards don't deserve the honor and glory that comes with wearing these titles. Much respect is to be given to the Champions and the challengers of those Champions, but you will never receive any respect for your violent attacks and misguided rage. Tonight we will show you ogre bastards that we were not lucky, that we soundly handed you your asses and we will do it again.

**Kull lowers the mic as the crowd erupts in response to the Gods of War's remarks. Kull begins to raise the mic again when the cheering lowers a bit, but he is interupted by ...

**"Serial Killer" begins to play throughout the arena as the LoD walk out to a chorus of boos. Carnage and Bloodstorm both laugh, enjoying the crowds hatred.**

Carnage: "Will you two just shut the hell up(pointing to the Gummi Bears). You bore us all with your pointless drivel, you think that you are funny. I hope to god that you get your chance, because after we beat the shit out of the Gods of War tonight, we will glady beat the shit out of you two idiots.

**Carnage then turns his attention to the ring and the Gods of War.**

Carnage- Now for you two maggots. You think you are so great beating us with the help of steel chairs? Where is the honour in that?? You knew you couldnt beat us! We are too good for you! The beating you managed to avoid last week will come to you tonight! You want respect? You want honour? You will get respect and honour by finally defeating us without the help of weapons and doin it on your own.

Bloodstorm- But...tonight the only respect you will be shown is us ending your short pathetic title reign....and seriously shortening your careers! On with the body count!!

**With that the LoD begin making their way to the ring.**

Stanyer: This could be trouble now.

***Natural Born Killaz suddenly goes pumping through the stereos of the P.W.F.!! Big Lou and Mad Mike then walk out to the top of the ramp with there bats in there hands holding them high in the air. Mad Mike then hands Big Lou a mic.***

Big Lou: You know what this is one big ass joke for real!!! The Gummi bears and the L.O.D. both come out hear saying they want a shot at the tag titles... please!! Well for one thing the Gummi Bears don't deserve crap, cause we simply beat the living crap out of you guys not once but twice and you say you deserve a shot I DON'T THINK SO! The L.O.D. on the other hand they were crowned the first tag team in the re-opening of the new P.W.F. but I got one question for you L.O.D.!! Who did you have to fight to win those tag straps! Your looking right at them the God's of Gore! Now to the fans of Big F'n Lou you all know I'm fighting Demon for the hardcore title tonight! I'll tell ya I'm going to be walking out of that ring later tonight with the hardcore title around my waist while Demon will dragged out by parametics on a strecher. Alot of things are going to be going down in the P.W.F., lots of changes and lots of title changes in the next couple of days. Now enough about me...

(Big Lou hands Mad Mike the mic)

Mad Mike: Gummi bears saying they deserve a tag team title shot yeah you do but not right now though, maybe in the near future!

(Both men begin to laugh and some laughter can be herd within the crowd)

Mad Mike: We destroy you two times in the ring and your still alive and kicking but stupid as fuck! Now if you guys want a little tag team tournament for the second time here in the P.W.F. that's fine with me but the gummi bears shouldn't even have the right to step in ring at this tournament. On to other things Lou and I aren't just here to win the tag straps of the p.w.f. but were here for those other titles such as the Hardcore and Extreme titles. You see how we fight in our tag team matches its brutal in every aspect if its high flying to power moves or just weapons. Some times we lose but our opponents will lose conscious, when we win we simply grin! Now we have proved our point now its time to back up what we said!!!!

***Both Big Lou and Mad Mike begin to run down the ramp towards the ring with there bats!***

Dawg: Now we definitely have trouble!!!

**Suddenly "The Memory Remains" by Metallica hits and out walks the PWF owner Michael Pellington to a chorus of boos from the crowd.**

Pellington: "Stop right there, don't make me drag security out here. Now I've had enough of all your bickering about who should get the title shot at the PPV. I make the matches around here. LoD, you get your re-match tonight as planned. Gummi Bears, you want the shot, then you face the Pellingtons in a #1 contenders match tonight. Don't feel too left out though Gods of Gore, because Mad Mike, tomorrow night you get to face Bloodbath in the match of his choice for the Extreme Title, and Big Lou, tonight you take on the man monster DeMoN for the Hardcore Title. Now if you don't mind, I have other important things to do.

**"The Memory Remain's" plays again as we go to commercial.**

{Commerical Break}

(((The scene opens showing a crowded street. It closes in on a middle-aged, balding, overweight guy in an old blue car. Smoke comes across his face as he shouts "C'mon, get going!!!" Suddenly you see a man on top of the car...)))

BaldGuy: Whoa... who are you?

KevinCage: I'm Kevin Cage, and I'm here to make YOU a better person... no longer will you be a pot-bellied, smelly, balding moron... When you order my T-shirt from PWF Shopzone, for only 19.95... you will be a HERO!

BaldGuy: Wow! How do I get one?

(((Camera cuts to a picture of the t-shirt with 1-800-255-4099 on the bottom... a voice says... "Order the Cage T-shirt at the PWF Shopzone for only 19.95... ORDER TODAY! The camera cuts back to Cage...)))

KevinCage: Get yours now!

{End Commercial}

Stanyer: Welcome backs folks, just before the break Mr Pellington booked two more matches for tonight, The Gummi Bears v The Pellingtons in a #1 contenders match, and Big Lou v DeMoN for the hardcore title.

Dawg: Should be interesting.

Stanyer: Well now we go backstage to Rye Hazwaki.

**Rye Hazwaki is seen sitting down in his locker room with what looks to be a small cup of water. Rye looks up at the camera and takes one last sip of the drink before putting it down on the glass table in front of him.**

Rye: "Well... Well... Well, looks like Mr.Pellington has decided to make a huge match at War Games, possibly one of the biggest matches ever to be written down in history. Mr.Pellington has arranged a match with Rye, Crusader, Power G and MVD. Pellington has decided it will be two matches in one, in a Ladder match. Me and MVD going for the US Championship which i have right here in front of me, and Crusader and Power G going for the World Championship. I belive i can help Crusader win that World title, and he can help me win the US, but Power G and MVD can also help each other."

**Rye takes another sip of his drink.**

Rye: "Should be one hell of a match up, and i can't wait to beat the living hell out of the man they call..... MVD and maybe even Power G. So this time come War Games, a war will truly break out, and nothing shall be left behind, we can all let out our anger and fustration... in one true battle for some Gold."

**Rye then drinks the rest of his water, and throws the platic cup into the bin which is in the corner of the room and walks out the door as the camera slowly fades.**

**A static screen is seen, with nothing but the static line running across the screen, when suddenly the screen turns completely pitch black, and through all of the darkness a long shinningn object is seen, and can't be made out, but it sound like it is slicing through the air, and the wind off of the object can be heard. Suddenly A series of candles start to light in a circlular pattern, that funally takes the shape of a large room, a gothic room, of mid-evil decent, and there in the center is the soul throne of the one known as Daikatana. THe sound of the object slicing through air is once again heard, but this time it is coming from the throne itself, as the screen zooms in on the throne, a black bladed katana comes within inches of the screen, nearly taking the man life who is holding the camera, but, there sitting in the throne, is the one known as Daikatana. Daikatana notices the camera man, and puts the sword down on his right side, the same side the the camera is on. Daikatana speaks:

Daikatana-..."..Is there a light in any shape, is there a leader of all things, and in one sense, is darkness the one power that is constant, or are all things consealed, as I ponder such things, I fall back on memories of past, and the better days of the alliance, now, each have gone there own way leave only two, which two that is remain to be seen, but is there a third, there is, in that since, hs is Bloodbath, and he is mearly mislead, and doesn't know his true way home....Bloodbath, if all that must be will be, there I am, you will find me, and when you do, you shall known your place, standing behind me, it is written, that the two soul beginners shall raise and fall, and then a new leader, a leader soul bent on revenge from those who hath abondoned the old code shal rebuild, and it is also written that in the glory of the bath of blood, the new ways will meet the old........"

**Daikatana reaches to his left and picks up and large book, with some sort of writting, but it can not be translated just be looking at it. Daik looks up once again and points to the wall, the wall seems to break open, and there it shows Bloodbath, sitting in some sort of room, and Daikatana gets up from his throne, grabs the sword, and places it on his back, and walks through the wall, as watching this, Bloobath looks around as if hearing something, he walks out onto the balcony, and there standing right behind him is Daikatana, he places something on the bed where Bloodbath was, and then falls back into the shadows. Returning from outside, Bloodbath looks around, and there on the bed to which he was just sitting, is a scoll, he picks it up, opens it and reads, in the same sort of writting, but it starts to translate itself, it reads:

"....Don't fear the darness, only Fear what it hides..."

**Then at the bottom on the scoll Daikatana's dark symbol glows with a firey decent**

***Bloodbath drops the scroll as if afraid of it. He quickly begins to search the room for who may have left the scroll. He finds nothing. After a while, he grabs his coat and leaves the room in a hurry.***

Dawg: DaiKaTanA is stepping up his stalking of Bloodbath. He is really freaking Bloodbath out now.

Stanyer: Well now it is time for our Hardcore Title Match between Big Lou and DeMon.

Big Lou v DeMoN

Natural Born Killaz blast on the stereos throughout the arena then you see on the titantron "N.B.K. ALL THE WAY!" in red blood type letters. Big Lou makes his way to the ramp. Big Lou then raises his Louie ville slugger in the air and slowly raises his head up and all of a sudden red flames from the right and green flames on the left side shoot up in the air. Big Lou then enters the ring and goe over the top rope, Big Lou climbs up the turnbuckle with the Louie ville slugger high in the air.

James: Introducing from Las Vegas, Nevada, accompanied by Mad Mike, weighing 270lbs, Big Lou. *Crowd Boos*

**"Leave you far behind" by Lunatic Calm hits and the lights darken, pyros blast off at the ramp and a man in a dark cloak is standing in the entrance way, he is holding a long scythe, he raises his hands as if he is drawing on a dark power, then slams his hands down, the lights slam back on and the man throws down his cloak to reveal it is Demon, he walks down to the ring slowly and then climbs in over the top rope.

James: Introducing, from Death Valley, California, weighing 494lbs, "The Devil" Demon.

Report: Big Lou and Demon circle each other, Demon towers over Big Lou. Big Lou goes for a couple of right hands, but they barely faze the big man. Demon smashes a right hand into the face of Big Lou sending him staggering backwards. Big Lou comes back again with right hands but they still don't faze Demon. Who kicks Lou in the gut and then picks him up into a military press and then casually tosses Big Lou half way across the ring.

Stanyer: What power by Demon, Big Lou is no lightweight at 270, but Demon just threw him for a 3 pointer

Big Lou signals to Mike while on the mat, who rolls Lou's baseball bat into the ring. Demon does not notice this. Big Lou pretends to be crawling away from Demon but he is crawling to his bat. Big Lou grabs it then spins around and drives it into the gut of Demon doubling him up. Big Lou then gets to his feet and smashes it across the back of Demon putting Demon onto the mat. Demon then suddenly sits up but Lou responds quickly by whacking the bat across the back of Demon's head.

Stanyer: My god what a shot by Lou, he could have caved in the skull of Demon.

Big Lou throws the bat away and then covers Demon. 1..................2.....................Demon powers out. Big Lou picks up Demon and tries to lift up Demon in a suplex.

Dawg: What is Lou thinking? He can't lift a man who weighs 500lbs.

Demon reverses the suplex, but as he lifts up Lou, he drops down behind Demon and then Lou grabs the head of Demon and delivers a reverse DDT. Big Lou then hooks a leg. 1...................2.....................Demon powers out again. Big Lou then signals for Mad Mike to get in the ring.

Stanyer: It didn't take long for Big Lou to realise that he is going to need some help to keep Demon down.

Dawg: It's not against the rules is it?

Stanyer: There aren't exactly many of them in a Hardcore match.

Mad Mike slides into the ring and both Big Lou and Mad Mike manage to just lift Demon and deliver a devastating Double Suplex. Big Lou then holds down Demon as Mike climbs to the top rope. Then suddenly the lights go out in the arena.

Stanyer: Here we go again, every time DeMoN seems in trouble, this happens.

The lights flash back on and once again there is a man in a black cloak standing in the ring, he immediately pushes Mad Mike off the turnbuckle and sends him flying to the mat. The man then scoops up Big Lou and delivers a devastating Fire Thunder Driver. Then rolls DeMoN on top of Big Lou. The referee counts. 1................2...................3!!!!

DeMoN d. Big Lou
6:40 Pinfall

**The lights then go off again for a few moments, before coming back on to reveal nobody is left in the ring as the camera cuts backstage.**

*** Clegg is all ready for his match against Mad Mike, Ted Tedison spots him and rushes up for an interview. ***

Tedison: Andy Clegg you are just moments away from a match up against Mad Mike what are your thoughts about the up coming match?

Clegg: I'm not worried about my match with Mad Mike, I am thinking about that sorry excuse for a champion Demon. That punk may have beaten me but it was with the help of some lowlife in a hood. So damn it i say you need to learn what hardcore is all about. Tonight i am going to beat Mad Mike into the ground and then i'm coming for you. You won't have a hope in hell of escaping and that little rat you have that scurries around in the shadows behind you will be squashed under my boot if he ever shows himself again. So watch your back Demon especially in your title defence tonight because i may decide to make an appearance. I may not so you better brace yourself cause i think tonight you may loose your precious title. Oh and Mad Mike make sure you bring a lot of Bandages to the ring cause you won't be a pretty sight when I have finished with you.

Stanyer: It looks like Andy Clegg is ready for his match with Mad Mike, could this be his first win?

Dawg: I seriously doubt it, even if he is a sick psycho maniac.

Hardcore Match
Andy Clegg v Mad Mike

Natural Born Killaz blast on the stereos throughout the arena then you see on the titantron "N.B.K. ALL THE WAY!" in red blood type letters. Mad Mike makes his way to the ramp. Mad Mike then raises his Louie ville slugger in the air and slowly raises his head up and all of a sudden red flames from the right and green flames on the left side shoot up in the air. Mad Mike then enters the ring and goe over the top rope, Mad Mike climbs up the turnbuckle with the Louie ville slugger high in the air.

James: Introducing from Las Vegas, Nevada, weighing 234lbs, Mad Mike. *Crowd Boos*

**"Darling Violetta" plays as Andy Clegg walks out carrying his trusty baseball bat and stands and looks around as if expecting something to kick off. He runs to the ring and begins to stare at a few members of the crowd.**

James: Introducing, from Parts Unknown, weighing 234lbs, Andy Clegg.

Report: Clegg and Mike tie up, Clegg pushes Mike off him and then smacks him in the face a couple of times with forearms then pushes Mike into the ropes and sends him to the other side. Clegg follows in with a clothesline which Mike ducks. Mike stops and turns around and delivers hard rights to Cleggs face and then kicks him in the gut and delivers a DDT.

Stanyer: Mike doesn't seem to be suffering any after effects of that fall he took in Lou's match.

Dawg: Where is Lou anyway?

Stanyer: I guess he is still hurting in the back.

Mike picks up Clegg and whips him to the turnbuckle. Mike follows in with a shoulder block to the gut of Andy Clegg who doubles up and falls to the mat. Mike climbs to the second turnbuckle and then flies off driving an elbow into the back of Clegg's head. Mike rolls over Clegg and covers. 1...............2..................Clegg kicks out. Mike picks up Clegg and tosses him out of the ring. Mike rolls out and reaches under the ring for a few weapons. He pulls out a trashcan lid and a steel chair. Mike smacks the trashcan lid over the head of Clegg as he gets up. Mike then tosses the trashcan lid away and then poses for the crowd who shower him with boos. Mike then picks up the chair as Clegg gets to his feet. As Mike turns around Clegg dropkicks the chair into the face of Mike who is knocked down, Mike gets up again slowly. Clegg kicks him in the gut and then scoops him up and then delivers the Cranium Correction(Rikishi Driver) onto the steel chair. Clegg then covers. 1..................2..................3!!!!

Clegg d. Mike
3:12 Pinfall

Dawg: I don't believe it, Andy Clegg has finally won a match.

Stanyer: And well done to him, he has worked hard to get that first win here in the PWF. It's hard to make a name for yourself you know.

**Camera cuts backstage**

** A long shadow on a wall shows a man punching through walls. The camera pans and yet the man seems even bigger then the shadow. Its the 7'3" Chinese submission expert, Xuway punching through walls of concrete. **

Xuway- You know Homicide, you thought if you took away the element of submissions you had a chance. Are you stupid? You cant match my strength. I beat you in the pin-only ironman match. Now you think by closing me in cage with brutal weapons laying all over the ground maybe u can win.

**A cocky smile appears across Xuways face. Then the smile is over come by a stoned look as you can see the tension building in Xuways face. His eyes show that he is really get pissed**

Xuway: You are stupid. You Americans are so stupid. I am HARDCORE. I am going to beat the living shit out of you. Maybe if your lucky I'll knock some sense in you. But I know the American mentality.

Xuway: "Uggghh I got my ass kicked. If i change the match type maybe I have a chance to win. Punk, this isn't your match. This is MY MATCH. Weapons everywhere. No where to run. No rope breaks. Just me, your sorry ass and the TAFKAG. And when the TAFKAG is locked in and you pay for your ignorance maybe just maybe you will learn to respect the true talent of the PWF.

{Commerical Break}

Cookie Dough and Barry Banoffe's GummiBerry Juice!

1.Guaranteed to make you jump higher!
2.100% Secret ingredients.
3.Only sold to the caring and sharing.
Buy your GummiBerry juice today!!

{End Commercial}

** Red White and Blue strobe lights start flashing around the entrance as Du Hast By Rammstein Hits the speakers, after a few moments 2 men step out from behind the curtains. The taller man walks straight down to the ring as The slightly shorter one turns around and flexes for the crowd. The taller man reaches the ring and paces around before the other joins him in the ring with a mic in hand **

Stanyer: What the hell? That's the Russians, they aren't scheduled to appear tonight??

Wowbowski- Vell, da Russians have arrive in PWF.

Cossak- Da,

Wowbowski- Ve need no introduction, Ve are vorld famous, everyone know who we are.

Cossak- Da,

Wowbowski- I know vhat you all think, Vhy da Russians come here?

Cossak- Nyet? Ya ne znau? I don’t know. Vhy?

** Wowbowski slaps Cossak on the upside of his head **

Wowbowski- Muddack! You no answer question, I say answer.

Cossak- oh ok

Wowbowski- Vell, back in old federation, Ve have no challenge, Ve dominate every tag team, Ve Vin gold, Da Russians most respected vrestlers in there, but ve needed challenge. Ve knows dat no von vill beat us, so ve, Me, and Cossak Joe here, vant to throw out open challenge to any team who think they can handle a vreal team, right Cossak

Cossak- Da, and ve vin! because we are from Russia. Ve stronger, tougher, and smarter than puny americanski’s. Then on way to top, ve crush every team who step in path of us Russians, ve show all you pathetic americanski’s vhere vreal men come from. Da motherland.

** Cossak starts to leave the ring, but Wowbowski grabs him by the arm **

Wowbowski- Cossak. Vhere you go? No von come out to accept challenge yet.

Cossak- Vell, ve made challenge, so ve vait in back for answer,

Wowbowski- Vhy go back, ve vait here.

** Wowbowski goes to the corner and sits on the turnbuckle **

Cossak- but there no vodka in ring, how ve toast to new success if there no vodka?

Wowbowski- Cossak, you make god point * underbreathe * For once. Let us toast to da new legends of PWF, Da Russians!

** Wowbowski and Cossak leave the ring and exit backstage **

Stanyer: Well the Russians have made a challenge to any tag team here in the PWF for tomorrow night. I wonder who will accept their challenge.

Dawg: Probably nobody, they aren't worth challenging.

Stanyer: The Russians are former MOW E tag team champions, in fact their last match was to lose the tag team titles.

Dawg: This ain't the MOW E, this is the PWF.

Stanyer: But that doesn't mean they won't be as successful.

Dawg: At least they aren't as boring as these next two teams.

Stanyer: Well you may think they are boring, I think that they are two of the best young teams in wrestling today. So sit back and enjoy.

Dawg: I think I will go asleep.

Tag Team Match
The Gummi Bears v The Pellington Bros

**The lights flash multi colours and “Creeping Death” by Metallica plays. Michael and David both come out to cheers from the crowd and both pose by raising their arms to the crowd. They then run to the ring and slide under the ropes. They climb opposite turnbuckles and raise their arms and the crowd cheer once again.**

James: And their opponents, from Chicago, Illnois, at a combined weight of 457 lbs, Michael and David, the Pellington Brothers.

**(Flashing random lights all the way through apart from at the slap hands at the end where one slap makes the lights go one colour, the next changes the colour and the double high five causes the lights to return to normal as well as causing the fireworks on stage) Two rocket fireworks fly to the stage and explode. The Gummi Bears appear and stand at the top with big grins, look at each other, then Cookie runs forward a little and Banoffe leap frogs over him, Banoffe then ducks and Cookie leap frogs him, this is done so each man has leapfrogged twice. Then they look at each other again and run towards the ring, sliding in and rolling. Both men bounce to there feet, look at each other again! and run to opposite diagonal corners and start dancing, they look at each other from there position in the corners, throw both arms in the air with big smiles and run to each others corners high fiving as they go past . Once at the other corner they jump up again and start dancing. After a few more seconds they jump back down and meet in the centre of the ring where they "go down low, go up high then double high five which causes fountains of sparks from up on the stage.**

James: Introducing at a combined weight of 429lbs, Cookie Dough and Barry Banoffe, The Gummi Bears. *crowd cheers*

Report: Barry and David start out in the ring. The two tie up, Barry takes David into a hammerlock, which David promtly reverses into a top wristlock, which Barry rolls through to flip David over, David flips back to his feet and rolls the arm through into a Hiptoss. Barry rolls through the hiptoss to his feet and charges back in to David who flips Barry over with a Japanese Arm Drag.

Stanyer: Beautiful wrestling from the Pellingtons.

Barry rolls over to his corner and tags in Cookie. Cookie comes in and ties up with David. David takes Cookie into a headlock, Cookie pushes him off into the ropes, David comes off and connects with a flying forearm taking Cookie down. Then as Cookie gets back up David kicks Cookie in the gut and delivers a Swinging DDT. Then out of the back come the Gods of Gore, Big Lou and Mad Mike.

Dawg: Well look who's come to join the party.

Stanyer: What do these two want??

In the ring David tags in Michael and then Michael springs to the top rope. But Mad Mike comes across and pushes Michael off the top rope. The referee immediately call for the bell. Big Lou hits David across the back with his baseball bat. Then he turns towards Barry who comes charging in, he hits Barry in the gut with his baseball bat and then drives it across his back. Big Lou then drops the bat. Mad Mike climbs to the apron and signals to Big Lou. Big Lou picks up Cookie and whips him to the ropes, Big Lou then picks up Cookie near the ropes and then drops him down towards the top rope as Mad Mike grabs the head of Cookie and 3D's Cookie into the top rope. Cookie springs off the ropes and rolls around holding his neck as Big Lou and Mad Mike leave the ring and walk to the back.

Pellington d. The Gummi Bears
3:12 DQ

Stanyer: What do the Gods of Gore think they are doing? They ruined a perfectly good match.

Dawg: Well, you are on your own on that one.

Stanyer: What?

Dawg: That it was a good match, I almost fell asleep.

Stanyer: (shaking his head). Let's go backstage to Homicide.

**Camera cuts backstage into Homicide's locker room, where he is doing crunches and push-ups, preparing for his match with Xuway. As he is doing his warm-ups, Homicide is studying his loss in the Ironman match on the last Havoc taping, eyeing his successes and mistakes.**

Homicide: *muttering to himself* "It's not his time, it's MY time. He will suffer..."

**A knock is heard at the door and Homicide allows him to enter. It is Ted Tedison**

Tedison: "Homicide, you have a rematch with Xuway tonight. He beat you last week on Havok, will anything be different, and if so, how?"

Homicide: "Well, first off, I don't appreciate you questioning my wrestling skills with your lack of confidence.."

Tedison: "I meant nothing by it, I just thought.."

Homicide: "That was your first problem, you thought.. You see, everything will be different in this match. We both know each other's strengths and weaknesses after the 20 minute match last week, and I know what to do and not to do. Also, it is my specialty match, and if I can't beat him in it, how else can I?"

Tedison: "Good point."

Homicide: "This is my chance to prove my superiority, and nothing will stand in my way no matter how tall he is nor how strong he is. He may be skilled in submissions, but what about hardcore ethics. He's from China, not Japan. BIG difference. If he wants to be hardcore, he'll have to prove it to me."

Tedison: "But, Homicide.."

Homicide: "Don't you 'but, Homicide' with me. After I am finished massacreing Xuway, you're next! NOW GET OUT!!"

**Homicide grabs Ted Tedison and shoves him out the door, then slams it shut as the camera fades to a commercial.

{Commerical Break}

*Crusader is sitting in his million dollar mansion in his laboratory putting some chemicals together. When he completed his job he sprayed himself with the new mixture and nodded in satisfaction.*

*Later on at a wrestling workout gym, Crusader is heading towards the bathroom when Diablo walks out. Crusader steps in and says- "Damn son, what did you have for lunch"
So he leaves the bathroom and puts on his cologne, that still has no name, to cover Diablo's putrid smell. Then Stunning Sarah walks by and says-
"Damn Crusader, you smell so good, can I have some of that for Chris?" Crusader says-
"Sure you can, put it on his musty and beat down body after our match"

*Crusader turns toward the camera and says, get your "Damn, you smell good" cologne only at PWF Shopzone*

{End Commercial}

**The Camera fades in to find Big Poppa and Marcus Shooter in a dark room. Big Poppa is sitting quietly in a chair fiddling with his thumbs, and Marcus is circling him and looks angry.**

Marcus Shooter: “For the love of God, what do Monkeys have to do with wrestling?”

Big Poppa: “Huh?”

Marcus Shooter: “Monkeys are stupid. You’re stupid. Stupid stupid stupid.”

Big Poppa: “What are you…”

Marcus Shooter: “MONKEYS SUCK!!!”

Big Poppa: “Take that back you bastard!”

Marcus Shooter: “No! Dancing is for WOMEN! Are you a chick, Poppa?”

Big Poppa: “No and no it isn’t. Are you feeling ok? I don’t understand what this has to do with me being a badass…”

Marcus Shooter: “I’m pissing you off. You hairy monkey-like no class dancer.”

Big Poppa: “Oh. You’re trying to make me angry. Ha. You’re pretty funny. It’s hard to stay mad at a guy who has sideburns.”

Marcus Shooter: “Are you making fun of my…”

Big Poppa: “Shut up, I’m not done yet. I am the Real Show, and you’re a jackass who has sideburns. You get all angry when people make fun of your Irish background.”

Marcus Shooter: “I’m not Iri…”

Big Poppa: “I’m not done yet you Leprechaun. You remind me of an Oompa-Loompa with sideburns. Ok, I’m done. Now, what did you want to say?”

Marcus Shooter: “Grrrr… Ok, I think that this isn’t working. Why the hell can’t you go crazy? Why am I getting so pissed off?”

Big Poppa: “Were you beat as a child?”

Marcus Shooter: “ENOUGH! Big Poppa, do you want to lose for the rest of your career? I didn’t think so. Now, you can either piss me off or learn how to kick ass. You need to stop being a wuss.”

Big Poppa: “I’m no wuss.”

Marcus Shooter: “You could fooled me, wuss.”

Big Poppa: “I don’t think name calling is going to help.”

Marcus Shooter: “I do, wuss.”

**Big Poppa whacks Marcus Shooter in the ear**

Marcus Shooter: “Good! Good! It’s working. Now, let’s take it to the next level. Big Poppa, the only way to really let out all your anger is to actually be in the ring. So you and me are gonna fight tonight.”

Big Poppa: “Is your ear ok?”

Marcus Shooter: “Don’t worry about it. But seriously, you can’t care about my ear. You have not want to care about the person’s safety. If they’re pissing you off, let them know it… Physically.”

Big Poppa: “Whatever, I got to get dressed. You know what pisses me off? Having to wrestle tonight. Thanks a lot, you damned Leprechaun.”

**Big Poppa exits, and the camera fades out to ringside.**

Stanyer: It looks like Marcus Shooter's teaching lesson's aren't going down to well, perhaps he can teach him better in the ring.

Dawg: He is wasting his time, Poppa can't do anything but Dance, and he can't even do that.

Stanyer: That is your opinion, I think he can dance rather well, anyway, it's time for our Tag Team Title Match now.

Lords of Destruction v Gods of War

"Serial Killer" by Prodigy begins to play as images of the Lords of Destruction destroying past opponents play on the titantron. Once the Lords of Destruction appear on the ramp there is a very loud chorus of boos. LoD walk to the ring quickly, barely acknowledging the crowd, climb in & go straight after their opponents.

James: Introducing, from Canada, at a combined weight of 630lbs, Bloodstorm and Carnage, the Lords of Destruction. *Crowd boos loudly.**

**Fire Erupts from the stage and continues to burn as "Wherever I may Roam" By Metallica hits Threw the fire walks Maximus and Kull. They look to the crowd and the crowd explodes. They March to the ring and Kull climbs the turnbuckle and raises his sword.**

James: Introducing at a combined weight of 513lbs, Alexander and Kull, The Gods of War*Crowd Cheers*

Report: Alexander and Carnage start the match. They tie up, Carnage pushes Alexander into his corner using his strength. Carnage then deliver repeated right hands to the face and body of Alexander. Carnage then tags Bloodstorm. Bloodstorm pulls Alexander out of the corner and whips him to the ropes, Bloodstorm then delivers a Powerslam and goes for an early cover. 1.............2.............Alexander kicks out.

Stanyer: The LoD try to sneak a quick win to regain their belts.

Bloodstorm picks up Alexander and hammers him with a big right then whips him into a neutral corner. Bloodstorm follows in with a big clothesline, then as Alexander staggers out of the corner Bloodstorm picks him up for a Military Press and then tosses him into the middle of the ring. Bloodstorm picks up Alexander and takes him to his corner and tags in Carnage. Carnage comes in and the two men whip Alexander to the ropes and then deliver a double clothesline. Carnage covers as Bloodstorm leaves the ring. 1................2................Kull comes in to make the save.

Dawg: Hey, get him out of there, he's not the legal man.

Stanyer: You didn't say anything about Bloodstorm just a minute ago.

The referee forces Kull out of the ring as Carnage picks up Alexander. Carnage kicks Alexander in the gut and sets him up for a Powerbomb. But Alexander manages to get a couple of punches to the head of Carnage and then Carnage lets him drop over his head, on the way down, Alexander grabs the head of Carnage and then delivers a Hangman's Neckbreaker. Both men stay down.

Stanyer: Both men need to make tags now.

Carnage, the fresher of the two, makes a tag to Bloodstorm. Bloodstorm comes into the ring and grabs the leg of Alexander to stop him making a tag. Alexander gets to his feet and then hits an Enziguri knocking Bloodstorm off his feet. Alexander then dives and makes the tag to Kull to a massive ovation from the crowd. Kull springs to the top rope and connects with a springboard dropkick to Bloodstorm just as he gets to his feet. Carnage comes running in and Kull connects with a rolling wheel kick to put him down. Alexander gets a rush of adrenalin and joins back in attacking Carnage as he gets up. Kull whips Bloodstorm to the turnbuckle and then follows in with a Tiger Wall Flip. Kull then kicks Bloodstorm in the gut and then grabs him around the waist, he looks to the fans who give a massive cheer as he lifts Bloodstorm and drags him around to deliver a Russian Neck Drop. Kull covers. 1................2...................3!!!! Alexander manages to keep Carnage away from Kull with a DDT.

Gods of War d. Lords of Destruction
8:43 Pinfall

Stanyer: The Gods of War retain their titles. They will now take on the Pellingtons tomorrow night. That will be a great match.

**The camera cuts in on General Leo. He is in the back in his army fatigues. He is obviously not his usual, happy self.**

General Leo- Xuway, you have once again disrespected the American way. I asked you once not to. Now, I am going to make you face the consequences. You and I will face, one on one at War Games. I will show you what it is to be Americanized. Xuway, prepare to feel the Shock. When I defeat you, you will not be allowed back to your native country. Instead, you will have to become an American.

**General Leo smiles as an idea comes to him.**

General Leo- That's it Xuway... I have figured it out. We will have an Americanization match. If I win, you will become an American.

**General Leo smiles and salutes the camera as it cuts back to ringside.**

Dawg: An americanization match? What the hell is one of them?

Stanyer: I am sure we will find out in due course.

Big Poppa v Marcus Shooter

**The lights begin to dim and the fans quiet down in anticipation. The words "Real Show" fade in and out on the dark UltraTron, and the lights suddenly turn on and fire works blast off as a customized version of Limp Bizkit's My Way starts up**

James: "Coming to the ring at this time, weighting in at 285 pounds, he's beaten the almighty Trolley, 'The Real Show' Big Poppa!

**The audience goes mad as Big Poppa emerges through the Havoc curtains. He does a air-guitar taunt to the tune of the song, and dances down to the ring**

**"Final Countdown" by Europe hits and up on the titantron it has highlights of Marcus Shooter's amateur wrestling career and he walks out and stands on the ramp looks around for a moment then walks confidently toward the ring, steps between the ropes and sits on the top corner turnbuckle waiting for the match to start.**

James: Introducing from Detroit, Michigan, weighing 241lbs, Marcus Shooter. *Crowd give a mixed reaction*

Report: Poppa begins to dance in the ring, but Shooter just shakes his head. Poppa stands there and holds his arms out and asks what do you want me to do? Shooter points to his face and mouths "hit me". Poppa walks up to Shooter and goes for a big right hand, but stops half way through and instead hugs Shooter instead. Shooter pushes Poppa off him and then slaps him across the face. Poppa staggers backwards and shakes his finger at Shooter.

Stanyer: Looks like Big Poppa isn't a very good trainee for Marcus Shooter.

Dawg: What a waste of space that Big Poppa is, he doesn't deserve to even be in the ring with Marcus Shooter.

Poppa then turns away from Shooter and starts to dance for his fans. The crowd cheer loudly, but then boo as Shooter takes Poppa down with a Big Clothesline to the back of his head. Shooter stands over Poppa and shouts at him. Then helps him up. Shooter then grabs the arm of Poppa and motions it through a big punch. But Poppa shakes his head and then shows Shooter his robot arm movement. Shooter grabs the arm of Poppa which suddenly promps Poppa to forearm Shooter down with his left arm. Poppa looks surprised at himself, and trys to apologise to Shooter, but then suddenly Poppa starts to hammer Shooter with right hands.

Dawg: What the hell? This isn't Big Poppa, is this some alter ego of his? Poppa can't fight?

Stanyer: It looks like Shooter has awakened something in Big Poppa.

Poppa then picks up Shooter and whips him to the ropes, there is suddenly a totally serious look on Big Poppa's face. Poppa runs at Shooter and delivers a massive clothesline sending Shooter through a loop. Poppa then picks up Shooter and pushes him into the turnbuckle. Poppa then lifts Shooter up onto the top rope and then delivers the Poppa Bomb (Super Powerbomb). Shooter lands hard on his neck and head. Poppa then covers Shooter. 1....................2..........................3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Big Poppa d. Shooter
4:47 Pinfall

Stanyer: Big Poppa wins!!!!!!

Dawg: I don't believe it, this isn't possible. Something has to be wrong with Big Poppa, I mean he fought?

Stanyer: Wait, Shooter hasn't moved at all. The ref can't get him to wake up. Here come the EMT's now. This isn't good.

Dawg: What has Poppa done? He can't have injured Shooter, he doesn't have it in him.

Poppa who has been sitting in the corner not moving, suddenly seems to realise where he is and then looks shocked, he looks like he has seen a ghost. Poppa rolls out of the ring and then literally runs up the aisle as the EMT's load Shooter onto a stretcher and take him up the aisle.

Stanyer: Hopefully we will get more news on Marcus Shooter later in the program.

{Commerical Break}

**Rye Hazwaki, is sitting on a couch in a very large, but empty room**

Rye Hazwaki: *In a Canadian accent, and speaking slowly* "I don't want to think aboot my situation. It's just so hard being the only Canadian-Japanese American known to the free world. Boy do I wish I could do something fun, eh. I wish I could be like Big Poppa himself."

**Suddenly a hardcover book is thrown at Rye Hazwaki, and he gets mad. An announcer starts talking, and Rye responds to what he says.**

Announcer: "Do you feel that you're the only Canadian-Japanese American in the free world that can't go out and have a good time?"

Rye Hazwaki: "YES! YES!"

Announcer: "Are you a non-smoker over the age of 14?"

Rye Hazwaki: "Boy am I!"

Announcer: "Do you feel bad about not knowing how to dance like Big Poppa?"


Announcer: "Then do we have the item for you. Big Poppa has taken journeys all over the world finding unique dance steps, and now he has assembled his personal knowledge and his gained knowledge into one large, user friendly instructional dance book."

Rye Hazwaki: "Now that's fine and dandy, but how does it work?"

Announcer: "With incredible pop out pictures and large font, Big Poppa's Instructional Dance Book makes it easy for people of any race or age to learn to dance, Real Show style."

Rye Hazwaki: "Great! But I don't have a lot of money, how much would this cost an average Canadian-Japanese American like myself?"

Announcer: "Well, the people at DSM and CO like to meet a standard of selling high quality products at low, consumer friendly prices. So that is why they are marketing Big Poppa's book at a recommended price of only $24.52!"

Rye Hazwaki: "Wow! That IS consumer friendly! Where can I buy this wonder book?"

**Rye Hazwaki hits his head and remembers that a book hit him in the head. He smiles and as he opens it, the large empty room he's in turns into a nightclub filled with people. He joins in the fun.**

Rye Hazwaki: "Thanks Big Poppa! You're book turned my lonely nights into crazy… Crazy.. Flights!"

Announcer: "Big Poppa's Instructional Dance Book, sold at bookstores everywhere."

{End Commercial}

Stanyer: Welcome back folks, we are being told that Marcus Shooter still has not regained conciousness and is being taken to a local medical facility as we speak. Hopefully we will know more tomorrow night.

Dawg: That was one nasty bump he took, I didn't know Poppa had it in him to be that viscious.

Stanyer: Neither did I, well folks, it's now time for our Boston Massacre Match. This is essentially a Cage Match, with weapons littering the ring, except you win using Last Man Standing Rules. A little confusing I know. You also lose if you leave the Cage. This one is going to be brutal.

Boston Massacre Match
Xuway Zanchu v Homicide

**Xuway sits in a chair which is carried by his loyal slaves. Once in the ring, Xuway meditates in dance. Then the dance gets aggresive almost if he is fighting a ghost. When done his eyes roll up in the back of his head. He goes to his corner and waits. The Ultra-tron just has some ninja camp with a bunch of ninja fighting**

James: Introducing from The Orient, weighing 392lbs, Xuway Zanchu.*Crowd boos*

**"Cowboy's From Hell" by Prodigy hits, and words flash across the tron screen as the lights go off. THE...REAL...BOSTON...MASSACRE...; Four silver streaks shoot down from the rafters, and are answered by two red flames which shoot up from each side of the stage. As the lights dimly flash on with alternating flashes of red, Homicide can be seen facing the tron in a pose as if he was hanging from a cross. Then, as the crowd erupts in cheers, the arena lights go on, and Homicide turns, and proceeds down to the ring as he is announced.**

James: Introducing from Boston, Massachusetts, weighing 292lbs, "The Real Boston Massacre" Homicide. *Crowd cheers*

Report: The cage drops down surrounding the ring then the bell rings, the two men circle each other, Xuway at 7'3'' towers above Homicide. The two men tie up, Xuway immediately takes the advantage with his extra power and slams the head of Homicide into the cage. Xuway then grabs the arm of Homicide and delivers an Arm Popper. Homicide drops to the mat holding his arm. Xuway immediately locks in a Sitting Reverse Armbar on Homicide, Homicide cries out in pain. Xuway releases the hold and picks up Homicide. Xuway whips Homicide into the turnbuckle. Xuway charges in with a clothesline, but Homicide moves out of the way and drop toe holds Xuway into the turnbuckle pad. Homicide then picks up a steel chair and slams it into the back of Xuway.

Stanyer: If Homicide is to beat Xuway, then he is going to have to use those weapons, Xuway is such an imposing figure, he has size, strength and amazing agility. But Homicide is one of the best in the business at handing out a beating, and Xuway will have to learn to survive to beat Homicide.

Xuway turns around after the chair shot holding his back. Homicide immediately cracks the chair over the head of Xuway, but this doesn't send him down, instead Xuway staggers backwards into the turnbuckle. Homicide drops the chair and picks up some barb-wire, he then places it across the face of Xuway and rakes the barb-wire and Xuway's head along the ropes. Xuway drops down to the mat, immediately blood starts to drip from his face.

Stanyer: That's the first blood of the match, this one is going to get a lot more brutal than this.

Homicide picks up a Kendo Stick and then stands over Xuway and locks in a Choke Hold using the Kendo Stick. Homicide then walks off and then stands and summons Xuway to get to his feet. Xuway staggers to his feet using the ropes. Homicide charges in with a Kendo Stick shot, but Xuway somehow manages to grab the arm of Homicide and takes him down into a Reverse Fujiwara Armbar. Xuway wrenches back on the hold and refuses to let it go. Homicide tries to hold on, but slowly but surely his body becomes weaker and weaker. Eventually Xuway releases the hold and tells the referee to count. 1............2.........3.........4.........5........Homicide starts to stir............6.........Homicide gets up to all fours. He grabs the ropes to aid him......7.........8...Homicide is nearly to his feet when Xuway pushes the referee out of the way and slams Homicide's head into the cage wall.

Stanyer: That was a close call for Homicide.

Xuway whips Homicide into the turnbuckle, and then lifts him up to the top. Xuway then takes a step back and goes for The Great Immobilizer, but as Xuway grabs Homicide's arm, Homicide delivers a punch to Xuway's face with his other hand. Xuway staggers backwards and Homicide flies off with a flying clothesline taking Xuway down. Homicide then picks up a Ball Bat and as Xuway gets up Homicide slams it into the face of Xuway. Homicide then picks up Xuway and looks for The Boston Massacre, but Xuway won't be lifted and rolls around Homicide into a Waistlock, Xuway then delivers a massive German Suplex to Homicide, who lands badly on a steel chair.

Stanyer: That could do it for Xuway.

Then out of the entrance way comes General Leo. Xuway is busy stalking around the ring as the ref counts Homicide down. Leo climbs the cage quickly, and almost drops down into the cage. Xuway doesn't see him there and Leo grabs him from behind and delivers a German Suplex. Leo holds on and then delivers a Full Nelson Suplex, but again he holds on and then Leo delivers The Shock(Reverse Tazzplex). This time he lets go. Leo starts to climb out of the ring as Homicide manages to get to his feet. Homicide just makes it up on 9. The ref starts to count down Xuway, but Homicide ignore the ref and picks up Xuway and then delivers The Boston Massacre(Reverse DDT Drop). Homicide then tells the referee to count. 1..........2..........3.........4...........5.............6.............7............Xuway rolls over.....8.........Xuway gets to all fours.......9........Xuway is on one knee.........10!!!! Just before Xuway can get to his feet. Homicide immediately cracks a Kendo Stick over Xuway's head putting him back down again.

Homicide d. Xuway
12:18 TKO

Stanyer: Homicide pulls out the victory with some help from General Leo.

Dawg: What does Leo think he is doing? He wasn't in this match. He should keep his nose out of other people's business.

Stanyer: Xuway is not going to be pleased after this match.

{Commerical Break}

**Clips are shown of the old PWF matches.**

Get your Canadian Monkey shirts today! A Canadian flag on the front and a big ol Monkey on the back of it. Black and white and red colors!

*Big Poppa, Genecide, Rye, Leo, and Blackbird are all shown wearing the shirts and flashing big thumbs up signs*

{End Commercial}

Stanyer: Welcome back folks, we..........

**"Keep Away" by Godsmack hits as Gambino and Devastator walk out from the back. They both walk straight to the ring and get mics.**

Stanyer: Looks like we are to hear from Antonio Gambino and Devastator.

**Gambino stands in the middle of the ring holding a microphone while waiting for the mixture of boo's and cheer's from the crowd to die down. Once the crowd quiets down, he is ready to speak**

Gambino: "Diablo, last week, I came out and made the challenge to you for War Games. Triple Threat Theatre, with the first match being a normal, one on one, singles wrestling match. Second match, being a street fight...and you and I both know that is right up my alley. Then with the third fall being decided in an I Quit match. Where the winner has to make the other man say, I quit, by any means necessary. Whether it be by making the other man submit, or just beatin the shit out of the other man until he can no longer take it anymore, and must say I quit. Coming up at War Games Diablo, it could be the most brutal match I've ever taken part in. Possibly the most brutal match in PWF history. Our limits will be pushed...we will be hurt...we WILL bleed Diablo!"

**The crowd begins cheering**

Gambino: "You know, I said before that you don't know how to quit. But, for your sake, at War Games, I sure as hell hope I'm wrong. I hope you say those two words to end that match, before I do something I might...or, then again, might not regret the next morning. Ever since this match was made, I've felt different. I've felt a bit more violent...I've felt a bit more twisted...and Diablo, I've felt a lot more sick! Violent, Sick, and twisted, Diablo, that's what this match will be, that's what I will become when we step into the ring at War Games. So, while I'm beating Blackbirds ass tonight, why don't you pull up a seat at ringside and watch what I do. Then you ask yourself, are you down with the sickness, Diablo?"

**Gambino leans against the turnbuckle in the corner while Devastator begins to speak**

Devastator- Diablo,I said it would either be me or Gambino that got payback on you and Gambino will get his payback at War Games, but War Games is a couple weeks away and I am worried about tonight and tonight only.You see Diablo there is a difference between me and you. You see, you can only take pain ,but I can give pain. Unlike you,Diablo I am going to whine and cry to the LOD like you do every single week here in the PWF! **Crowd Cheers** I do not bitch about wanting to be the PWF World Champion. Unlike you I have gold that I am satisfied with. ANd I want my payback for you and the LOD attacking my brother, Destroyer. He is sitting at home right now watching tonight and he is probably thinking. What is Devastator going to do? Well Destroyer, This is what I am going to do for you tonight. Diablo I want you one on one in the ring tonight no interfereance, just one on one me and you. What do you say?

Stanyer: Now that is a match I want to see.

**Devastator waits for Diablo to reply**

**Gambino walks towards the middle of the ring, microphone still in hand**

Gambino: "I think what he's trying to say Diablo, is get out here and take this ass whipping like a man. You better pray someone's watchin over you tonight."

**A moment passes by, and still, no Diablo. Gambino is getting angry and let's it be known. He climbs the turnbuckle and looks towards the entrance area.**

Gambino: "Diablo, you sorry peice of shit, get your ass out here now!"

**Then, Diablo's music hits and Gambino and Devastator both await his answer in the ring**

**As "Take a look Around" by Limp Bizkit blasts on the speakers, Diablo walks out to the ramp with mic in hand. He does a quick cut-throat sign telling the crew in the back to cut his music**

Diablo: "Good evening to the both of, now both of you Shut the Fuck up and let me speak"

**Crowd boos**

Diablo: "You can boo all you like, it don't make a damn bit of difference to me. Now Gambino, every week you come out here, you run your mouth about doing this and doing that, and every time, when it comes to the crunch, you fail. How many times have I beat you Gambino? How many? Too many to count. Well this Sunday, I will do it one last time, this time however I want it to BE the very last time. I don't want there to be a next time. So this is how it will go Gambino, at War Games, our Triple Threat Theatre match will not just be about me beating you, it will be about me retiring you. Yes that's right, our match will be a Career match Gambino. Your career versus mine. I know I will be the happiest man alive to see your sorry ass walk down that aisle after being beaten 2-0 and never have to see you in my way again. But should our match, however unlikely it may be, make it to our third match. There will be no cheap way out Gambino, no knocking the opponent out and having the referee end it because they can't say I Quit, not you will have to make me say I Quit, and you know damn well that you simply can't do it, because if you don't walk the way of Diablo, I'll kick your ass."

Stanyer: Will Gambino put his Career on the line just to beat Diablo?

Gambino: "Wait a minute there pal. My career on the line? Diablo, you've stooped to an all time low, even for you. Do you really think that I'm crazy enough to put my career on the line Diablo? Do you think that it's really worth that much to me just to beat your ass one more time? YOU'RE DAMN RIGHT IT IS!!! So if those are the rules you want, then fine, we'll play by your damn rules. But you remember the age old saying Diablo, it ain't over 'til the fat lady sings...well I don't hear that fat bitch singing just yet!"

**The red hot crowd erupts in a huge cheer as Gambino's music hits. Diablo leaves through the curtain and Gambino and Devastator stand in the ring conversing about what just went down.**

{Commerical Break}

**Clips are shown of the old PWF matches.**

Voice: Coming soon to PWF Shopzone, PWF Classics. Relive the moments when Eraser became the first PWF World Champion, See Blackbird become King of the Ring, See the amazing Hell in a Cell Match between Headache and Demon. Witness Solo show why he was the master of "The Snakepit". And watch the classic Rumbles. All these coming soon to PWF Shopzone.

{End Commercial}

Stanyer: Welcome back folks, it challenge title time, as Travis Right challenges Rye Hazwaki.

Travis Right v Rye Hazwaki

**As "Walk with your head up" by Deftones & System of Down hits" hits and you hear "Get up Stand up, I got my head up" Travis comes walking out onto the ramp and arrogantly waves for the fans to boo all they want. Firecrackers pop off all around the Titantron as the Future makes his way to the ring. As he reaches the front of the ring, Travis slides under the bottom rope and slowly walks to the center of the ring. He crosses his arms and nods his head as the pyros explode behind him.**

James: Introducing from Miami, Florida, weighing 283lbs, "The Future" Travis Right.*Crowd Boos*

**Break Stuff by Limp Bizkit hits, as the lights flash red and white, and Rye Hazwaki is shown doing a slow ‘Cyclone Kick.’ The Pyro’s blast as Rye stands on the top of the stage, he looks at the crowd then walks down and enters the ring.**

James: Introducing, from Tokyo, Japan, weighing 251lbs, Rye Hazwaki.

Report: Rye and Travis circle each other for a few seconds then tie up. Rye takes Travis into a hammerlock, Travis counters with a couple of elbows then reverses the hammerlock. Rye manages to break free and drops down to deliver a drop toe hold then tries to put Travis into an Ankle Lock but Travis rolls over and kicks Rye in the face. The two men roll to their feet, Travis immediately gets in a punch to the face of Rye, Travis then whips Rye to the ropes, Travis goes for a Back Body Drop but Rye counters with a kick to the face of Travis, Travis staggers backwards into the ropes then uses them as a springboard to fly at Rye and knock him down with a hard clothesline.

Stanyer: Viscious clothesline by Travis Right, he nearly took the head off Rye Hazwaki.

Dawg: That's the way to do it, rip his head off Travis.

Stanyer: Bit aggressive aren't we?

Dawg: I hate Rye Hazwki, you got a problem with that?

Travis picks up Rye, and delivers a couple of right hands before whipping Rye towards the corner. Rye bounces off and walks straight into a gut kick by Travis who then delivers a Double Underhook Backbreaker. Travis then grabs both legs of Rye and rolls him over into a Boston Crab.

Stanyer: It doesn't look good for Rye.

Dawg: But it definitely does look good for The Future.

Travis arches back on the Boston Crab but Rye refuses to tap out manages to grab the bottom rope. Travis releases the hold and then helps Rye up to his feet. Travis grabs Rye and looks for a Back Drop, but Rye counters with an elbow to the head and then hits a Rin-Me kick to the back of Travis's head. Rye stays down with Travis.

Stanyer: Amazing kick by Rye Hazwaki.

Both men make it to their feet at the same time, Rye blocks a right hand by Travis and hits a knife edge chop and then a forearm to the face followed by a spinning heel kick, but Travis catches the leg of Rye, but Rye counters with an Enziguri. MVD then comes out of the crowd and climbs to the ring apron, the referee goes to stop him from getting in the ring. Dawg: Here comes the man, Matt Van Dam.

Stanyer: I wonder what he wants. He doesn't want to screw Rye out of the title now does he?

Dawg: Of course not, he is here to watch his opponent for tomorrow night.

Stanyer: Right.

Travis gets to his feet and Rye starts hitting him with left and right kicks to the face and body. Eventually putting Travis into a sitting position. Rye bounces off the ropes, then stops just short of Travis and notices MVD but Travis springs to his feet and grabs Rye around the waist and delivers a Spinning Belly to Back Suplex. Then from the other side of the ring, Havok comes out of the crowd. Travis covers, but the referee is distracted. Travis goes to the referee and tries to get his attention, but the referee refuses. Havok slides into the ring behind Travis and then as Travis turns away from the referee Havok delivers the Devastation Kick to Travis Right. Travis hits the mat then bounces back up into a sitting position. Rye has just gotten to his feet and flies off the ropes and delivers the Feet of Fury to the face of Travis Right. Havok then drags MVD off the apron and the referee turns around and sees Rye covering Travis. 1.....................2.........................3!!!! Rye d. Travis
7:34 Pinfall

Stanyer: Rye Hazwaki wins, and retains the title with a little help from Havok.

Dawg: A little help, dammit Travis had the match won easily, until that damn Havok interfered.

Stanyer: Here comes PWF security to break up Havok and MVD. It's going to be one hell of a battle between Travis and Havok come War Games.

Dawg: It will be, and it will be one that the gWo will win.

**Everyone has now made their way to the back.**

Stanyer: Crusader, Rye and Havok will be no pushover for the gWo, they face a tough battle.

**Ode to Joy hits and Maxwell Powers steps out from underneath the curtain. He stops smiling before the crowd as they continue booing. He takes a mic from a cameraman on stage and starts talking**

Stanyer: Looks like we are to hear from Maxwell Powers.

Maxwell: As you may now my name is Maxwell Powers the first and only member of a true family of excellance that has graced you "common" Americans in a ring. As you may already know, my opponants have not been doing well as of late. Rye, well was beaten so ugly that he could not even get back in the ring to finish the match. Silas, now he tipped another off in which that man came in and kinda disqualified me. But I have found the solution Americans, in fact all this blame can be pointed to one and only one man that being Havok. So I have come here to this "bluegrass hic country" as you Americans say to challenge you to a match. You don't have to accept, just turn up later tonight in the ring.

(Maxwell smiles as the fans boo, Maxwell turns and walks back through the curtain as Ode to Joy plays.)

Stanyer: Looks like we have another match for tonight, now Havok v Maxwell Powers. Dawg: That's a puzzler if you ask me.

Stanyer: Well folks, our next match contains a lot of rivalry, Pitbull and Kevin Cage have been at each for weeks, and Josh and The Fro have taken a disliking to one another, this table match was booked by Mr Pellington himself. This one should be interesting.

Tag Team Table Match
Kevin Cage & Josh Resnick v Pitbull & The Fro

"Come out and Play" by The Offspring begins to play increasingly loud through the arena speakers, heralding the arrival of "Pitbull" Silas Parish. Several scenes of a pitbull on a chain, barking and straining to get loose, play on the TitanTron as the wordsSILAS PARISH slowly appear at the bottom of the screen and PITBULL appears at the top. Suddenly, a series of pyrotechnic explosions erupt down the right side of the ramp and back up the left side as Silas steps through the backstage curtain and into view. He pauses at thetop of the ramp, his eyes locked on his opponent in the ring. He cracks his knuckles and makes sure the tape around his hands is tight, his gaze still locked on the ring. Then he begins to stalk forward. About halfway down the ramp he breaks into a run and slides into the ring under the bottom rope, quickly getting to his feet well before the bell rings.

James: Introducing from Vancouver, Canada, Silas,"The Pitbull" Parish.*Crowd Cheers*

**"My Generation" by Limp Bizkit plays as The Fro walks to the ring showing no sign of intimidation or fear and he wears a "The People's Answer" t-shirt. He walks up onto the apron and then faces the crowd and holds one arm in the air. He then enters the ring and goes over to one corner and then holds one arm in the air.**

James: Introducing, from Green Bay Wisconsin, weighing 281lbs, "The People's Answer", The Fro.*Crowd Cheers*

The lights fade in the sold out Freedom Hall, the fans begin to cheer. Red-lights begin to flash across the ceiling of the arena as "Machinehead" begins to blast through the speakers. You see action shots of Cage on the ultra-tron, as Cage begins to walk out onto the arena floor, cut like Chris Beniot, wearing Black tights with Red slashes across the thighs. He wears black boots and a sleeveless t-shirt that reads "You will belong to me..." written in blood red. He taunts the crowd and rubs his unshaven face as he steps into the ring and holds up his arms to a chorus of boo's from the crowd.

James: Introducing from Chicago, Illnois, weighing 225lbs, Kevin Cage.*Crowd boos*

**Walk by Pantera hits the speakers throughout the arena. The Titantron comes on with solar flares of the sun showing. Then out of the back Josh Resnick makes his way out. Stops at the ramp. Listens to the crowds boos. Then continues to the ring. Once on the apron, Resnick climbs up the turnbuckle. Looks out into the crowd before flipping over the ropes, landing on his feet in the middle of the ring.**

James: Introducing from Detroit, Michigan, weighing 230lbs, Josh Resnick. **Crowd Boos**

Report: The Fro and Cage start the match. The Fro ties up with Cage, they tussle for a few seconds, then Fro takes Cage into a waistlock. Cage tries to sweep the legs of the Fro, but can't reach, then tries a couple of elbows to the face. Then Cage reverses the waistlock, The Fro immediately counters with an elbow to the face of Cage knocking him towards the ropes. The Fro then grabs Cage as he comes off and delivers an overhead release Belly to Belly Suplex. The Fro then picks up Cage and delivers a couple of knees to the face of Cage. Fro then delivers a Vertical Suplex. Pitbull then asks for a tag from The Fro. The Fro grants Pitbull's request and Tags in Silas Parish.

Stanyer: These two will get it on tomorrow night in a Last Man Standing Match, this will just be a little preview of what is to come.

Pitbull immediately picks up Kevin Cage and whips him into the ropes, Pitbull follows him into the ropes a little behind him and then grabs Cage and delivers a Running Bulldog headlock. Pitbull then rolls over Cage and mounts him before delivering repeated right hands to his face. Pitbull then gets up to his feet. He picks up Cage. Pitbull goes for a right hand to Cage, but Cage blocks him and delivers a couple of forearms to the face then whips him to the ropes, Cage holds on though and drags Pitbull back to him and delivers a short arm clothesline. Cage then falls to one knee, then manages to get to his feet and go across the ring to tag in Josh Resnick. Josh climbs into the ring and immediately delivers two knife edge chops to Pitbull sending him into the turnbuckle. Josh whips Pitbull to the opposite turnbuckle and then follows in with a knee to the gut of Pitbull. Pitbull doubles up and lands on all fours. Josh immediately puts Pitbull's head between his legs and delivers a piledriver. Josh Resnick then covers. But this is a table match. Josh realises this and shouts to Cage to get a table.

Stanyer: Resnick forgot this was a table match at first, but now he realises his mistake and wants a table.

Kevin Cage searches under the ring for a table, as he pulls one out he is jumped from behind by The Fro. The Fro delivers a DDT to Cage onto the table which is on the floor. In the ring Josh picks up Pitbull and whips him to the ropes, he then takes down Pitbull for The Equinox(Crippler Crossface). After about 30 seconds of this hold Pitbull taps out, but it does not matter. Outside The Fro delivers The Fro Bomb(Stone Cold Stunner) to Kevin Cage then picks up the table and slides it into the ring. The Fro slides into the ring himself and breaks up Josh's hold on Pitbull. Pitbull quickly rolls out of the ring holding his arm. The Fro attacks Josh with right hands, then kicks him in the gut and delivers a Gutwrench Powerbomb. The Fro then starts to set up the table. He then turns back to Josh and picks him up, he kicks him in the gut and delivers The Fro Bomb to Josh Resnick. The Fro then signals for an end, He picks up Josh, but then behind him Kevin Cage drags the table towards The Fro, then Cage surprise Fro from behind and grabs him in a waistlock and delivers a German Suplex driving The Fro through the table.

Cage & Resnick d. Fro & Pitbull
8:48 Put through a Table

Stanyer: Kevin Cage pulls out the win with a surprise attack from behind on The Fro to put him through the table and get the win.

{Commerical Break}

**"Zombie Nation" by Kernkraft plays as we see Power G training, still holding his microphone. Power G is practising his chops.**

McCoy: Forget T-Shirts, forget Baseball Caps, there is only one piece of merchandise you want to get for your kids. Your very own Power G chopping board. Practice your chops, and one day you could chop as well as Power G.

**Power G is seen chopping at a solid wood board emblazened with a picture of Power G with The Real McCoy in the background. Camera fades.**

{End Commercial}

Blackbird v Antonio Gambino

**The lights dim and violins begin playing an eerie tune, like from the Godfather movie. On the Ultra-tron, pictures, apparently flashbacks of life in the Mafia, are shown. Images of gunfights, driveby shootings, and car's exploding alternate with pictures of a funeral in progress. Just as they begin lowering the casket into the grave, the screen goes black and then begins flashing the name "Gambino" across the screen in silver lettering. Then, as an explosion of pyros occurs on the stage, "Keep Away" by Godsmack begins blaring through the arena and Gambino appears in the entrance. He stands in the entrance for a short moment before walking down the aisle towards the ring. Once he reaches the ring, he climbs in and heads to the closest corner of the ring and begins taunting the crowd. He then raises both hands in the air as if celebrating.**

James: Introducing, from Brooklyn, New York, weighing 245lbs, Antonio Gambino**Crowd gives a mixed reaction**

"Cool to Hate" by Offspring starts playing and the arena goes pitch black. 10 seconds go by with nothing happening. Two huge flames light up the Entry way and Blackbird makes his way to the ring.

James: Introducing from Dayton, Ohio, weighing 245lbs, Blackbird. *Crowd cheers*

Report: As soon as Blackbird gets in the ring he charges at Gambino who surprises Blackbird and connects with a couple of right hands that send Blackbird staggering. Gambino then whips Blackbird to the ropes and charges in with a clothesline which Blackbird ducks, Blackbird then spins around and hits a couple of Blackbird jabs sending Gambino into the ropes, Blackbird charges in to clothesline Gambino over the top rope, but Gambino ducks down and Back Drops Blackbird over the top rope to the floor.

Stanyer: Gambino sends Blackbird crashing to the floor.

Gambino follows Blackbird out of the ring and helps Blackbird to his feet before whipping him into the steel steps at ringside. Blackbird hits the steps shoulder first. Gambino follows in and delivers a couple of stomps to the chest of Blackbird before picking him up and slamming Blackbirds head into the steps.

Dawg: Gambino is really fired up tonight, Diablo has been really winding him up over the last few weeks and he is taking it out on Blackbird.

Blackbird is slumped against the steps, Gambino walks away and then charges in with a knee but Blackbird counters with a drop toe hold and Gambino's head smashes into the top of the steel steps. Gambino immediately rolls away holding his head. Blackbird gets to his feet, and walks over to Gambino and stomps on him a couple of times. Then helps him to his feet. Blackbird picks up Gambino from behind and delivers a Back Drop on the floor. The referee is trying to get both men to go back into the ring.

Stanyer: The ref is letting these two men fight it out, he could have counted both men out by now, but that is not what the fans want to see.

Blackbird mounts Gambino and then starts to pound Gambino's head into the mats surrounding the ring. Blackbird then picks up Gambino and rolls him into the ring. Blackbird rolls into the ring and then gets to his feet. Gambino is making his way to his feet in the corner, using the turnbuckle to help him stand. Blackbird delivers a couple of Blackbird jabs to Gambino in the corner Blackbird then sets Gambino up on the top turnbuckle and climbs up with him.

Stanyer: Looks like Blackbird is going to Superplex Gambino off the top rope.

Blackbird tries to lift Gambino, but Gambino blocks it, then delivers a couple of rabbit punches before pushing Blackbird off, Gambino then flies off from the second turnbuckle delivering a picture perfect leg drop. Gambino and Blackbird both stay down.

Stanyer: Beautiful Leg Drop from Gambino.

Dawg: But can he capitalise on it.

Both men slowly get to their feet, Blackbird gets there first and goes for a right hand, but Gambino blocks it and counters with a right of his own, followed by two more rights that send Blackbird staggering backwards. Blackbird then staggers back to Gambino who kicks him in the gut and then delivers a Double Arm DDT. Gambino then hooks a leg for a pin. 1........................2...........................Blackbird kicks out.

Stanyer: It will take a lot more than that to finish off Blackbird.

Dawg: Bear in mind that Blackbird cannot be 100% after his Extreme Hell in a Cell Match last week. It's a miracle he is even here this week.

Gambino helps Blackbird to his feet, then delivers a Vertical Suplex. Gambino floats over for a cover. 1..........................2.......................Blackbird kicks out. Suddenly a chorus of boos runs around the Freedom Hall. The camera quickly pans to the entrance way.

Dawg: Hey, it's the man of the moment, Diablo.

Stanyer: (sarcastically) I wonder what he wants.

Dawg: Perhaps he just came out here to watch the match.

Stanyer: Yeah right.

In the ring Gambino sees Diablo arriving at ringside and walks over to the ropes and challenges him to get in the ring, they exchange a bit of trash talk then Diablo points behind Gambino, Gambino turns around and walks straight into a gut kick from Blackbird who then delivers the EvenFlow DDT. Diablo smiles as Blackbird covers. 1......................2.........................Gambino just gets his left shoulder up.

Stanyer: He kicked out, amazing, Diablo doesn't look too happy.

Dawg: Damn that Gambino!!!!

Stanyer: Whatever happened to him being "The Man"

Dawg: Shut up Jay.

Blackbird rolls over and slams his fist into the mat three times. Diablo is pissed off as well and climbs to the ring apron and looks to get in the ring, the referee goes to stop him as Blackbird picks up Gambino, Gambino gets in a low blow as Blackbird picks him up and then Gambino delivers the Gambino Facebuster. The referee has enough of Diablo and pushes him off the ring apron. The ref turns around just as Gambino is making the cover. 1.....................2......................3!!!!!

Gambino d. Blackbird
8:24 Pinfall

Stanyer: Gambino wins, despite the efforts of Diablo.

Dawg: What the hell does that referee think he is doing? He can't go around pushing people like Diablo.

Diablo rolls into the ring and grabs the referee and brings his face right up to his and shouts in his face before delivering the Diablo Neckbreaker. Diablo then turns towards Gambino who is making his way to his feet. Diablo charges in and spears him down before mounting him and delivering repeated right hands to his face. Then the ring fills up with PWF security who pull Diablo off Gambino, then hold back Gambino as he tries to fight back. Gambino manages to break free and flies in with a flying forearm through security connecting to Diablo's head which brings a massive pop from the crowd. Diablo is infuriated as Security pull back Gambino once more and hold off Diablo.

Stanyer: The situation between these two men has reached boiling point, these two are ready to explode right here tonight.

**The Camera cuts backstage to Mr Pellington's office, in walks Bloodbath. Mr Pellington looks up.**

Bloodbath: "Hey boss, I have a favour to ask.

Pellington: "What can I do for you?

Bloodbath: I want the gWo barred from ringside in my title match.

Pellington: Hmm, well I can't just ban the gWo, but I can ban everyone, so we will do it like that, everyone is banned from ringside.

Bloodbath: Good, because nobody is going to screw me out of my big chance.

Pellington: Have a Nice Day.

**Camera cuts back to ringside.**

Dawg: gWo barred from ringside, that is totally unfair.

Stanyer: No, it is fair, because then we can have a fair one on one contest.

Dawg: That's typical of you, "one on one contest". It ain't going to be a contest, Power G will take Bloodbath apart on his own, with or without the gWo.

Stanyer: Well it's now time for Havok v Maxwell Powers.

Havok v Maxwell Powers

"Bad Influence" by Eminem plays as Havok walks in front of the UltraTron and does his taunt, he then walks through the crowd. He really loves the crowd and will never forget where he came from. His Ultra-Tron video shows him skating and then his finisher.

James: Introducing from Tucson, Arizona, weighing 267lbs. Havok. *Crowd Cheers*

**The South African Flag appears on the Ultra-Tron before Maxwell Powers music plays, Sir Matthew Powers walks out first, followed by Maxwell Powers. Both men taunt the crowd and get booed for it, they ignore the boos and walk off towards the ring, Maxwell climbs the turnbuckle and poses again, and again gets booed, both men ignore the crowd again.**

James: Introducing, from Johannesburg, South Africa, weighing 310lbs, accompanied to the ring by his father, Sir Matthew Powers, Maxwell Powers.

Report: Havok and Maxwell Powers circle each other, they tie up, Powers uses his extra strength to push Havok into a corner and then delivers a couple of right hands to Havok followed by a knee to the gut. Powers then whips Havok to the opposite turnbuckle. Powers follows in with a big splash, but Havok moves out of the way. Powers runs into the turnbuckle and then turns around. Havok delivers a couple of right hands then whips Powers to the ropes. Havok bends down for a back body drop, but Powers counters with a Knee Smash. Havok rolls out of the way and then gets to his feet using the ropes. Havok then fakes a tie up with Powers and goes behind him, as Powers turns around Havok delivers a couple of forearms to the face of Powers. Powers then comes back with a big knee to the gut of Havok and then lifts Havok up in a Suplex, but Havok drops down behind Powers and then delivers a Back drop to Powers.

Stanyer: Wonderful athleticism by Havok.

Havok goes for an early pin. 1..................Powers kicks out easily. Havok rolls to his feet and helps Powers up. Powers pushes the arms of Havok away as he gets up and grabs Havok and delivers a scoop slam. Powers comes off the ropes and tries an elbow drop, but Havok moves out of the way. Havok rolls to his feet and bounces off the ropes himself and tries a leg drop but Powers moves out of the way. Both men get to their feet. Havok tries a right hand but Powers blocks it and connects with a big right of his own, then Powers whips Havok to the ropes and takes Havok down with a big powerslam followed by a pin. 1...............2...............Havok kicks out.

Stanyer: This time Maxwell Powers gets the advantage.

Powers picks up Havok and whips him into the turnbuckle. Powers then follows in and connects with the Powersline. This dazes Havok. Powers then kicks him in the gut and delivers a DDT. Powers covers. 1..............2................Havok kicks out. Powers rolls over Havok and then locks on The African Sleeper(Goku Raku Stretch).

Stanyer: Powers is trying to break the back of Havok.

Dawg: It's a logical move, Havok can't fly off the top rope if his back has gone can he?

The referee stands right in front of Havok asking him if he wants to give up. Powers pulls himself back a little and then starts to use the ropes for extra leverage. Havok cries out in pain, but still refuses to give up. The referee stands up just as Powers drops off the ropes. The referee goes to ropes and taps them, he asks Powers if he was using the ropes. Powers shakes his head and says no. The ref goes back to Havok and asks him again if he wants to give up, again Powers starts to use the ropes for extra leverage, this time however the referee looks up before Powers can get his feet down and immediately calls for a break and starts a 5 count. Powers releases the hold and then starts to remonstrate with the referee. Powers then turns to Havok and picks him up. Powers whips Havok to the ropes. Havok takes Powers by surprise and comes off with a flying forearm to the face of Powers. Powers gets to his feet and looks a little shocked. He swings a right hand at Havok who ducks it and then grabs Powers by the waist and delivers a Belly to Belly Side Suplex. Havok then stands in the corner and signals for Powers to get to his feet. Powers gets to his feet and Havok delivers the Devastation Kick. Havok then locks in a Mahistrol Cradle Pin. 1........................2.....................Powers just manages to kick out

Stanyer: My god, how close was that. Powers just and I mean just managed to kick out of that one.

Havok slams his fist into the mat. Havok then decides to climbs to the top turnbuckle. Havok flies off for a Guillotine Leg Drop, but Powers moves out of the way. Powers begins to make his way to his feet as does Havok. Powers kicks Havok in the gut and sets him up for his Jacknife Powerbomb, Powers lifts up Havok above his head, but Havok counters and turns it into a Hurricanranna Pin. 1....................2.......................3!!!!!

Havok d. Powers
13:41 Pinfall

Stanyer: Havok once again picks up the win over Maxwell Powers. Sir Matthew will not be pleased about this one.

Dawg: Damn that Havok, he cost me 10 bucks now.

Stanyer: Who you bet with this time.

Dawg: Damn Big Dave.

Stanyer: Hahaha, you should have known better. Well after that great match I think we need a little break.

{Commerical Break}

**Big Poppa is shown at a disco like dance party, and he's doing a few dance moves. He whips some sweat of his head and notices that everyone around him is having some milk. He swallows his sweat and begins to get delusional. The music starts to fade out as he sees a giant milk carton saying, "Drink Me." He rubs his eyes and it's gone, so begins to walk from the dance floor.**

Girl 1: Big Poppa, don't leave! I want you to show me your moves.

Big Poppa: Yeah, whatever.. I'm going to get something to drink. I'm really thirsty for some reason.

**Big Poppa walks to the bar, and sits down. He winks at the ladies sitting about five seats down.**

Bartender: What'll it be?

Big Poppa: Make it a moo-juice, and hold the ice. I'm feeling a little "exotic" tonight so make it two-percent'er.

Bartender: I'll see what I can do.

**Big Poppa checks his pocket, and finds an oddly large box of pretzels. They look old, but he shrugs and starts eating them by the handful. The bartender comes back**

Big Poppa: *With a mouth full of Pretzels* Where is my milk?

Bartender: Oh, I thought you knew… About 1 minute ago we officially stopped serving everything but Dish Water.

**The Bartender puts a large glass of Dish Water in front of Big Poppa, and Big Pappa starts spitting the pretzels out. Big Poppa gives the camera a mean stare as the announcer says**

Got Milk Guy: Got Milk?

{End Commercial}

Stanyer: Welcome back folks, it's now time for one of our two big matches here tonight, as Diablo takes on Devastator. This one is going to get viscious.

Diablo v Devastator

**"The Fight Song" by Marilyn Manson hits as Devastator walks out onto the rampway. He raises both arms in the air with clenched fists. He then walks down to the ring, he climbs in over the top rope. He walks to the far turnbuckle and climbs to the second rope before raising two clenched fists again.**

James: Introducing from Brooklyn, New York, weighing 350lbs, Devastator

"Take a Look Around" by Limp Bizkit hits as a chorus of boos descend on the arena. Diablo walks out with a huge grin on his face and walks down to the ring. He climbs the apron and then the turnbuckle and raises his arms to the crowd bringing another chorus of boos. He flips the crowd off and gets in the ring.

James:Introducing at this time, weighing 284lbs from Maryland, Diablo. *Crowd boos and jeers*

Report: Diablo ties up with Devastator who immediately pushes Diablo to the mat. Devastator has a focused look on his face. He wants to put some hurt on Diablo. Devastator ties up with Diablo again, this time he pushes Diablo into the corner, Devastator then follows it up with repeated right hands to the face. Devastator then whips Diablo towards the opposite corner. Diablo hits it hard and bounces off the turnbuckle. Devastator follows in and hits the Decapatator(Clothesline from Hell).

Stanyer: Devastator is on fire tonight, he is really putting the hurt on Diablo.

Devastator picks up Diablo and delivers another couple of big right hands. Then he kicks Diablo in the gut and puts him in position and delivers a viscious Powerbomb. Devastator refuses to cover Diablo, instead he drags Diablo to his feet and goozles him. Devastator then delivers Total Devastation(Chokeslam from Hell). But again he refuses to cover Diablo. The referee remonstrates with Devastator, but Devastator just pushes the ref to the mat. The ref rolls over holding his head. Devastator picks up Diablo and looks for the Devastator to finish Diablo off, but then the Lords of Destruction come running down the aisle and slide into the ring.

Dawg: It's the LoD!!

Devastator drops Diablo and goes to fight the LoD. Devastator gets in two right hands to put both men down once, then he hits repeated right to put Carnage in the corner, but then gets jumped from behind by Bloodstorm. Bloodstorm then hammers Devastator with rights, as does Carnage. The two then pick up Devastator and deliver a Double Powerbomb. Then they slide out of the ring. Devastator and Diablo both get to their feet at the same time. Devastator staggers towards Diablo who hits the Diablo Neckbreaker. Diablo then covers just as the referee recovers and starts to count. 1.................2....................3.

Diablo d. Devastator
5:15 Pinfall

Stanyer: Dammit, Diablo stole that one.

Dawg: Where was his so called friend Gambino?

**Almost as if on cue, the Ultra-Tron shows Gambino being held backstage by PWF security**

Stanyer: That is why, Damn Pellington had Gambino held backstage.

Dawg: That is why you shouldn't cross the boss.

Stanyer: Dammit, well after the break we have our World Title Match, at least nobody can interfere in that.

{Commerical Break}

Announcer- SPRITE! The best stuff on Earth!!!

**The camera flashes a shot of General Leo of the PWF drinking Sprite.**

Announcer- The...

**The camera cuts to a shot of the MOW E's Phreak, drinking down some Sprite.**

Announcer- best...

**The next MOW Sanitarium Champion, Heelmaster, is seen, drinking Sprite.**

Announcer- stuff...

**The triple crown champion of the UAW, Bates Masterson, is guzzling down a Sprite.**

Announcer- on...

**Cleveland, Ohio's own Heavy Metal guru, Matt Wilkins is shown tossing a can of Sprite in the air and drinking all of the contents of the can before catching it.**

Announcer- EARTH!!!

**The camera focuses on Nightshade completely downing a 20 oz. Sprite right before the camera! All six men are shown finishing off their respective Sprite. They then give a simultaneous thumbs up.**

Nightshade- Drink Sprite, because I said so!

**The camera cuts out.**

{End Commercial}

Stanyer: Welcome back folks, Main Event time, this one is going to be a classic, remember that there can be no interference in tonight match whatsoever.

Dawg: Why did he make that ruling?

Main Event

Bloodbath v Power G

**"96 Quite Bitter Beings" by CKY plays as a ring of fire appears by the entrance. Bloodbath rises out of the flames before walking towards the ring. He stops on the apron, and looks to the crowd, before he climbs in the ring.**

James: Introducing, from Hell, Michigan, weighing 225lbs, Bloodbath.

"Zombie Nation" by Kernkraft begins to play as Power G walks out with The Real McCoy, both men are holding Microphones. Power G begins to hit himself to psyche himself up, before walking to the ring with the Real McCoy.

James: Introducing, from Holguin, Cuba, weighing 230lbs, Power G. *Crowd boos*

Report: Power G and Bloodbath circle each other patiently, each waiting for the other to make the first move. Power G calls for a tie up, Bloodbath ties up with Power G, they tussle for a few seconds, then Power G takes Bloodbath into a headlock, Bloodbath pushes Power G off into the ropes, Power G comes off with a flying forearm, but Bloodbath ducks it. Bloodbath connects with a gut kick as Power G turns around. Bloodbath then whips Power G to the turnbuckle. Bloodbath follows in with a clothesline, but Power G moves out of the way and Bloodbath runs into the turnbuckle and turns around to rest on it. Power G then delivers two loud knife edge chops to the chest of Bloodbath.

Stanyer: Power G's chops echo throughout the Freedom Hall here in Louisville,Kentucky.

Power G then goes for an irish whip to the opposite turnbuckle, but Bloodbath reverses it and Power G hits the turnbuckle. Bloodbath charges in again with a clothesline, this time Bloodbath connects. Bloodbath immediately grabs Power G by the head and then delivers a running Bulldog. Bloodbath then goes for a cover. 1.................2..............Power G kicks out.

Dawg: Never in doubt that Power G would kick out of that cover.

Bloodbath picks up Power G. Bloodbath kicks Power G in the gut and then delivers a DDT. Bloodbath then mounts Power G and deliver repeated right hands to the face of G. Bloodbath then picks up Power G and delivers a snap suplex. Bloodbath then covers. 1..................2............Power G kicks out.

Stanyer: Bloodbath has had two near falls here in the early goings of tonight Main Event.

Bloodbath picks up Power G again. Bloodbath takes Power G into a waistlock, but then Power G counters with a Mule kick.

Dawg: Yes, that's the way to do it Power G.

Stanyer: What a cheap shot by Power G, some World Champion.

Power G gets to his feet as does Bloodbath. Power G delivers a couple of chops to Bloodbath then whips him to the ropes, Bloodbath reverses and then drags Power G back for a Belly to Belly, but Power G counters with an elbow to the back of the head of Bloodbath then Power G grabs the waist of Bloodbath and delivers a Side Suplex. Power G then rolls under the rope and stands on the apron. Power G then uses the ropes to deliver a Slingshot Body Splash to Bloodbath.

Dawg: Beautiful, simply Beautiful.

Power G picks up Bloodbath and delivers another chop then delivers a Back Body Flip. Power G then covers. 1...................2.............Bloodbath kicks out. Power G immediately picks up Bloodbath and then delivers a High Impact Shoulder Breaker. Power G then covers again. 1................2....................Bloodbath kicks out again. Power G picks up Bloodbath again and whips him into the ropes and then delivers a Swinging Chokeslam. Power G then covers. 1.................2..................Bloodbath kicks out for a third time.

Stanyer: What resilience from Bloodbath surviving three covers by Power G.

Power G then picks up Bloodbath again, and this time he looks for the G Power Slam, but Bloodbath somehow manages to roll off Power G's shoulders and then out of nowhere delivers the Blood Bash(Downward Spiral) to Power G.

Stanyer: BLOOD BASH!! BLOOD BASH!!! That could do it, Bloodbath rolls on top of Power G(along with crowd.) 1..................2......................NO!! Power G just kicks out.

Dawg: HA! That ruined your evening didn't it.

Bloodbath slams his fist into the mat, knowing how close he just came. He picks up Power G, he whips Power G into the ropes but Power G reverses and looks for a Back Body drop, but Bloodbath counters with a swinging DDT. Bloodbath covers again. 1..................2........................Power G just kicks out again.

Stanyer: Bloodbath is so close once again to acheiving his dream and winning the World Title.

Bloodbath picks up Power G again, but Power G catches him with a blow to the gut and then delivers the G Power Slam.

Stanyer: NO! Not like this, cover. 1........................2.........................3!!!! DAMN!!! Power G wins again.

Power G d. Bloodbath
14:26 Pinfall

Dawg: Power G wins again, and makes it look easy.

Stanyer: What are you talking about, Bloodbath pushed Power G to the limit and back.

Dawg: Be realistic, Power G was never in any danger during that match, he had it sown up from the start.

Stanyer: Well we will have to finish this discussion off air, as we have ran out of time, Power G retains his World Title and goes to War Games to take on Crusader in a Double Jeapordy Ladder Match. We will see you tomorrow night at Madison Square Gardens. This is Jason Stanyer alongside "Big Dawg" Dave Harley, we will see you next week.

**Camera shows final shot of Power G at the top of the stage holding the World Title aloft as the screen cuts to a PWF logo.**

***© 2001 PWF Entertainment***