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Saturday Night Havoc

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Havoc #1

live from the Arco Center
Sacramento California
28th April 2001

**Footage rolls from last week.**

**We see Diablo in the ring fighting Leo, then we see him getting the 3 count. Then we see him getting a sledgehammer.**

Stanyer: Hey what is Diablo doing, this match is over.

Dawg: Oh my, A Sledgehammer, this one is going to look good Jay.

Stanyer: Come on, someone stop Diablo. He won the match, isn't that enough?

**We see Diablo about to hit Leo with the Hammer, then the Pellington Brothers come running down. They attack Diablo, then as they are about to finish him off, the Lords of Destruction come down and take out the Pellington Brothers. Then we see Diablo smashing the Hammer into the face of both Pellington Brothers. Then we see Diablo driving the Hammer into Leo in slow motion. The final picture is of a Ko'd Leo lying flat out with blood trickling from his forehead as the camera fades to black.**

**Pyro's blast off as "Master of Puppets" by Metallica blasts through the Arco Center in Sacramento, California. The camera passes across the cheering crowd and reveals a few crowd signs.**
"I've had MVD!!"
"The People's Answer"
"I'm HardGore, I'M HARDGORE!!"
**The camera pans across the arena one more time before zooming to the announcers table.**

Stanyer: Welcome everybody to PWF Saturday Night Havoc, we are Live from the Arco Center in Sacramento, California. I'm Jason Stanyer, alongside the "Big Dawg" Dave Harley. We are just 24 hours away from the PWF's first PPV since returning, and the crowning of a new PWF World Heavyweight Champion. But let us not forget tonight, tonight is about titles, two of them to be more precise, as we crown TWO, count em, TWO champions tonight. We have the last 8 of the European Title Tournament to be completed tonight, and we have the fulll US Title tournament as well. This is going to be a cracker.

Dawg: It's certainly will be when MVD raises that US title above his head.

Stanyer: You think he will win???

Dawg: Of course, Everyone wants to be like MVD.

Stanyer: You have no shame do you??

Dawg: What are you talking about???

Stanyer: Never mind. We must sidetrack from the tournament for a moment as we must talk about what happened at the end of Havoc last week.

Dawg: That was really funny, seeing both Pellington's getting their asses kicked, live on National television, that was SO funny. And Leo, HAHAHA!! Man, I hope he broke something.

Stanyer: You just have no heart do you?? No compassion at all???

Dawg: It's a wrestling ring, they stepped into it, they should accept the consequences.

Stanyer: The match was over, there was no call for the use of that Sledgehammer.

Dawg: You do what you have to do in this business.

**"Keep Away" by Godsmack blares throughout the arena.**

Dawg: Exactly like this man, he does what he has to do to get ahead in this business.

Stanyer: Well it makes me sick to my stomach, and I hope someone teaches Diablo a lesson, sooner rather than later.

Dawg: Shut up Jay, and let the master speak.

**Gambino stands in the ring, holding a microphone, and waiting for the crowd to stop booing him so he can speak. The crowd calms down a bit, and he prepares.**

Gambino"You know, I went back home to New York this past week, after Havoc, after the final 8 participants for the World Title Tournament were decided. I went to the local hangout, to meet up with some old friends, and they told me that a guy from the neighborhood was running bets on who was going to win the tournament. Now, even though I know I'm gonna win the World Title, everyone seems to have their predictions, or their favorites to win the tournament. But the one choice that outnumbered all of the others, was for me to win the tournament, therefore, becoming the PWF World Champion once again. Now I gotta tell you, it was a real close call between me and Resnick. Seems quite a few people have taking a liking to this boy. Well, one person that hasn't taken a liking to him is me. I don't like the guy, and I look forward to kickin his ass in the final round or the tournament, if he should happen to make it that far. You see, he may have the skills to make it into the PWF, hell, he may even actually become the PWF World Champion, somewhere down the line. Of course that would be well after I'm long gone and retired from the PWF, but his time will come. But it takes a hell of a lot more than skills to make it here, and become the World Champion. You see Resnick, I've got a little something more over you...first, as skilled as you might be, I've got just that much more of an edge over you, but something that you can't even compare to, is experience. I've been in this game well before you ever even dreamed of becoming a professional wrestler. I've been the World Champion, and I know I can do it again. But ask yourself Resnick, do you really think you can do it? Do you really have what it takes to beat me, and become the champion? I guess we'll all soon see. Now this brings me to another topic...Diablo, the most hated man in our sport, probably even more than me. He's back, and apparently looking for some revenge. I don't really give a shit! Diablo, you want to waltz in here with a chip on your shoulder, about things that have happened in the past, things that you can't change, no matter how hard you try. Then be my guest, but let me tell you something...don't go lookin for trouble boy, cuz if you come looking in my direction, you might not like what you find. Now I'm gonna go out there, and I'm gonna bust my ass, and do my best, and I'm gonna walk out of House of Pain with that World Title strapped around my waste, and there's not a damn thing anyone can do about it. Not Pellington, not Sabre, not Josh Resnick, and damn sure, not even you Diablo! I've tasted that gold, and I like it!"

**Gambino toss's the microphone aside and leaves the ring to his music**

{Commercial Break}

Announcer- SPRITE! The best stuff on Earth!!!

**The camera flashes a shot of General Leo of the PWF drinking Sprite.**

Announcer- The...

**The camera cuts to a shot of the MOW E's Phreak, drinking down some Sprite.**

Announcer- best...

**The next MOW Sanitarium Champion, Heelmaster, is seen, drinking Sprite.**

Announcer- stuff...

**The triple crown champion of the UAW, Bates Masterson, is guzzling down a Sprite.**

Announcer- on...

**Cleveland, Ohio's own Heavy Metal guru, Matt Wilkins is shown tossing a can of Sprite in the air and drinking all of the contents of the can before catching it.**

Announcer- EARTH!!!

**The camera focuses on Nightshade completely downing a 20 oz. Sprite right before the camera! All six men are shown finishing off their respective Sprite. They then give a simultaneous thumbs up.**

Nightshade- Drink Sprite, because I said so!

**The camera cuts out.**

{End Commercial}

Stanyer: Welcome back folks, we have heard the words of Gambino, I'm sure that Diablo will have some words for him sooner or later. But now it is time to get down to some action as we kick off the last 8 of the European Title Tournament, this one should be a great match, as Devastator of the Ruff Ryders takes on "The Madman" Theros Macalvia.

Dawg: I have to say I have been impressed with Devastator, he has made the transition from a tag wrestler to a singles very easily, it can be a hard gap to bridge.

Stanyer: I agree, some people can make the change, other cannot, but Theros is the Extreme champion, we know he can take a beating, but can he beat the big man in Devastator? Let's find out.

European Title Tournament - Quarter Final
Devastator v Theros Macalvia

**Suddenly wild laughter echoes through the arena, the lights flashing purple and red. Theros appears on stage, his hands on his hips as he laughs. After several moments the laughs die off, and Ozzy's 'Crazy Train' hits. Theros stalks down towards the ring, a confident smirk on his face as the music continues to boom. Theros rolls into the ring and starts laughing again. The music then shatters into another chorus of wild laughter.**

James: Introducing from Syracuse, New York, weighing 282lbs. Theros Macalvia

**Ruff Ryders both enter to the cheer of the crowd when "Beautiful People" by Metallica hits. Devastator and Destroyer both clich they fists and hit them together and climb in the ring and wait in the corner**

James: Introducing from Brooklyn, New York, weighing 350lbs, accompanied by his tag team partner Destroyer, one half of the Ruff Ryders, Devastator. *Crowd gives a mixed reaction.*

Report: Theros and Devastator circle each other, Theros still has his Extreme title wrapped around his head, he throws it off to the mat then charges in for a tieup, but Theros ducks under Devastator and goes behind him in a waistlock. Devastator reverses it and tries to lift up Theros in a German Suplex, but Theros counters, drops down and flips Devastator over with a hiptoss. Devastator rolls through onto his feet. Devastator swings with a big right but Theros ducks it and clubs Devastator across the back twice, Theros then grabs Devastator by the head and delivers a bulldog. Devastator gets up holding his head, Theros hits a couple of straight right hands stunning Devastator, Theros then goes into boxer mode and starts to jab at Devastator with his left hand. Theros connects with a couple and then swings with a big right, but Devastator ducks it and locks in a full nelson and delivers the Full Nelson Slam.

Stanyer: Theros shouldn't get too cocky with the big man.

Dawg: Cocky?? I think he is just being his "normal" self.

Theros climbs up to his feet slowly, but as he does Devastator clubs him down with a big forearm across the back. Devastator then stomps on Theros and then kicks him in the gut as he is on all fours. Theros rolls into the corner and Devastator continues to stomp away at Theros. After repeated stomps, Devastator picks up Theros out of the corner and then whips him to the other turnbuckle. Theros bounces off and Devastator connects with the Decapatator(Clothesline from Hell). Devastator covers. 1......2.......Theros kicks out.

Dawg: I thought he had it then.

Theros staggers back to his feet. Devastator kicks Theros in the gut and sets him up for a Powerbomb, but Theros counter with a back body drop. Devastator gets to his feet. Theros kicks Devastator in the gut and tries a DDT, but Devastor punches Theros in the kidneys, Devastator then whips Theros towards the corner, but Theros reverses it and Devastator hits it chest first then Theros hits Negative Space(Spear to the back).

Stanyer: What a move by Theros, now both men are down, who will gain the advantage in this match??

Theros and Devastator reach their feet at the same time, Devastator goes for a big forearm, but Theros blocks it and hits two straight rights. Theros then kicks Devastator in the gut and delivers a DDT. Theros then climbs up to the top turnbuckle.

Stanyer: Theros is looking for a high risk move.

Devastator staggers to his feet, Theros flies off with a Flying Roundhouse, but Devastator swats him away. Theros is quick to his feet, but a little dazed. He staggers for a second and then walks straight into Devastators goozle. Devastator delivers Total Devastation(Chokeslam from Hell). Devastator covers. 1.......2.........Theros gets his left shoulder up.

Stanyer: MY GOD!! How on god's green earth did Theros kick out of that???

Dawg: I haven't a clue, it defies even me.

Devastator is incensed, he picks up Theros, Devastator hammers Theros with three forearms and then a big one to send Theros down. Devastator covers. 1.....2........Theros gets his right shoulder up.

Stanyer: What resilience by The Madman.

Devastator snaps and picks up Theros, he puts Theros's head between his legs and delivers The Big Bomb(Powerbomb).

Dawg: That has to be it.

Stanyer: 1.......2........3!! This time Devastator gets the three count, but it took him a long time to finish Theros off.

Devastator d. Theros
8:35 Pinfall

Stanyer: Devastator advances to take on the winner of Homicide and Chris Chaos.

Dawg: But how did Theros keep kicking out???

Stanyer: He is one of the toughest men in the business, he might not look tough like Homicide, or act tough like MVD but...

Dawg: Hey watch who you are talking about boy.

Stanyer: It's a free country isn't it.

Dawg: Yeah, but I hear the hospitals are too good at this time of year.

Stanyer: Point taken, well it's time for our next Quarter Final match.

European Title Tournament - Quarter Final
Homicide v Christopher Chaos

**"Cowboy's From Hell" by Prodigy hits, and words flash across the tron screen as the lights go off. THE...REAL...BOSTON...MASSACRE...; Four silver streaks shoot down from the rafters, and are answered by two red flames which shoot up from each side of the stage. As the lights dimly flash on with alternating flashes of red, Homicide can be seen facing the tron in a pose as if he was hanging from a cross. Then, as the crowd erupts in cheers, the arena lights go on, and Homicide turns, and proceeds down to the ring as he is announced.**

James: Introducing from Boston, Massachusetts, weighing 292lbs, "The Real Boston Massacre" Homicide. *Crowd cheers*

"Dragula" by Rob Zombie hits, Ultra-tron shows pictures of Chris causing Chaos, smacking people with weapons etc. Walks aggressively, doesn't stop to pose. Walks up to fans on side of aisle and tears up their signs on way to ring, no pyros or no lights, he doesn't need it.

James: Introducing from Brooklyn, New York, accompanied by Stunning Sarah, weighing 342lbs, "The Chaotic One" Christopher Chaos. **Crowd Boo**

Report: Chaos and Homicide tie up, Homicide pushes Chaos into the corner. Chaos looks surprised with the strength of Homicide. The ref calls for a clean break and gets it. They tie up again, they battle for a few seconds, then Chaos pushes Homicide into the corner. Chaos smiles as he breaks the hold, but Homicide pokes him in the eyes and then delivers a couple of right hands to Chaos, then whips him to the ropes, Homicide then low bridges the ropes sending Chaos crashing to the floor. Homicide follows Chaos onto the outside. Chaos has staggered to his feet and is using the apron to stay up. Homicide grabs the head of Chaos, he looks at Stunning Sarah, and then slams Chaos's head into the steps. Homicide then grabs the head of Chaos and slams it into the steps again.

Stanyer: Homicide is aggressive tonight.

Homicide tosses Chaos back into the ring. Chaos staggers to his feet. Homicide slides in. Homicide charges in for a clothesline, but Chaos ducks and then takes Homicide over with a Powerslam. And a pin. 1......2....Homicide kicks out. Homicide gets up quickly. Homicide and Chaos start to exchange right hands, Chaos wins the exchange and hammers Homicide into the corner. Chaos charges in with a clothesline, but Homicide moves out of the way and Chaos hits it chest first. As Chaos comes off the turnbuckle, Homicide comes off the ropes and takes Chaos down with a clothesline. Homicide covers. 1....2....Chaos kicks out. Homicide helps Chaos up. Homicide scoop slams Chaos. Homicide then climsb to the top turnbuckle. He looks set for an elbow drop when Chaos pushes the referee into the ropes crotching Homicide. Chaos gets to his feet and then delivers The Chaotic Crusher(Flipping Slam). Chaos covers. 1.......2........3.

Chaos d. Homicide
6:43 Pinfall

Stanyer: A great win for Chris Chaos, who now must face Devastator in the semi final. Chaos has looked impressive in recent weeks.

Dawg: Has he?? Sorry, I tend to look at Sarah too much during his matches.

Stanyer: After the break we have Travis Right v General Leo, which could prove to be a classic match.

{Commercial Break}

**Big Poppa is shown at a disco like dance party, and he's doing a few dance moves. He whips some sweat of his head and notices that everyone around him is having some milk. He swallows his sweat and begins to get delusional. The music starts to fade out as he sees a giant milk carton saying, "Drink Me." He rubs his eyes and it's gone, so begins to walk from the dance floor.**

Girl 1: Big Poppa, don't leave! I want you to show me your moves.

Big Poppa: Yeah, whatever.. I'm going to get something to drink. I'm really thirsty for some reason.

**Big Poppa walks to the bar, and sits down. He winks at the ladies sitting about five seats down.**

Bartender: What'll it be?

Big Poppa: Make it a moo-juice, and hold the ice. I'm feeling a little "exotic" tonight so make it two-percent'er.

Bartender: I'll see what I can do.

**Big Poppa checks his pocket, and finds an oddly large box of pretzels. They look old, but he shrugs and starts eating them by the handful. The bartender comes back**

Big Poppa: *With a mouth full of Pretzels* Where is my milk?

Bartender: Oh, I thought you knew… About 1 minute ago we officially stopped serving everything but Dish Water.

**The Bartender puts a large glass of Dish Water in front of Big Poppa, and Big Pappa starts spitting the pretzels out. Big Poppa gives the camera a mean stare as the announcer says**

Got Milk Guy: Got Milk?

{End Commercial}

Stanyer: Welcome back folks, we have a little bit of interesting footage to show you of an attack by the gWo on Maxwell Powers.

Dawg: This was hilarious.

Stanyer: Well this was taken as Maxwell arrived at the building earlier today.

**Camera shows a parking lot, a limo pulls up with Powers 1 on the number plate. Out steps Sir Matthew Powers, followed by his son, Maxwell Powers. They head towards the Arco Center, when the gWo jumps them from behind. MVD starts to beat on Powers with a Kendo Stick as Power G and Travis Right stomp on Sir Matthew Powers. JVD then sprays gWo across the bonnet of the Limo, and then MVD tosses the Kendo Stick onto Maxwell Powers body and they all walk to the arena.**

Stanyer: Well I can tell you now that Maxwell is NOT here now, he has been taken to a local medical facility, we hope he is ok to fight tomorrow night in the World Title tournament.

**The gWo music hits and the gWo walk down the ramp to a chorus of boo's. They walk up the steps and into the ring. McCoy takes the mic first.**

Stanyer: Oh great, now they have come to gloat as well, just what we need.

McCoy: Alexander, your match with Power G is just a formality. You are already making excuses for your defeat. Everyone in this arena knows you the best wrestler is...

**The crowd start to chant 'Crusader'.**

Dawg: This crowd should keep their mouth shut.

McCoy: Oh yes, that loser Crusader. He has upset Power G. G doesn't like him and that's bad news for Crusader. You see, Power G does not leave jobs unfinished. When he starts something he will not stop until it is finished. He'll do this in the World Title Tournament. He will not stop until he is champion. And the same will happen to Crusader. G will not stop until Crusader is no longer. He has beaten you before Crusader so what makes you think he won't do it again and again and again. The answer is that there is no answer. G will beat you as many times as he wants. I've also got a little mention for Gambino. I believe you said that Power G has no talent. You seem to think that he can't wrestle because he is new. Oh, how i will laugh when he kicks you ass whenever that may be.

Stanyer: You know, for once, I would actually like to see Gambino kick someone's ass, because the gWo are seriously pissing me off.

**The Real McCoy then hands the mic over to "The Future" Travis Right who is looking at the crowd in disgusts**

**Travis slowly takes the mic from McCoy and begins to raise it to his mouth when the fans suddenly begin cheering for General Leo. The Future drops the mic to his waist and furiously looks around the arena**

Travis: Yeah, thats right. You all better get all your cheering through now, because as soon as Leo steps in the ring with The Future, he's going down, down hard. Now he thinks he can run around fighting Diablo and and all the other so called "stars" around here and just forget about ole Travis Right. Well Leo its not looking very good for you now, is it? You tried to be the big superstar and got the greatest ass kicking of the new millenium. Well, at least up until our match anyways.

**The fans begin to chant pussy, pussy, as this just enrages Travis even more, he begins to point out people in the crowd**

Stanyer: The crowd are getting onto the back of Travis now.

Travis: Yea, Yea, you just keep it coming. Cause im gonna take it all out on your little hero. Thats right im talking to you fatty. Why dont you get onboard The Futures badwagon so you can say, "Yes, I always knew he was gonna be great." "I was a fan of the champ ever since he got here."

*A mixture of boos and laughs can be heard as Travis continues on with his little speech*

Travis: Actually now that I think about it your a little to fat to get aboard anything. I dont want my fans to be worthless slobs. But anyways, the point was I'm gonna kick General Leo's ass. Then I'm gonna kick somebody elses ass. And after that I'm gonna kick another persons ass, until I win the European belt. I know its not exactly the world belt, but hell ya gotta start somewhere. I guess I'd be proud to represent Europe. Hopefully the fans over there are a little more respectful, than you trash

**The rest of the GWO nods in approval as the crowds continues with its booing, and The Future hands the mic over to MVD**

Stanyer: I guess we must now have some words of wisdom from Matt Van Dam.

Dawg: Keep your ears open and your mouth shut, the great MVD is about to speak.

**MVD shakes the hand of Travis and takes the Mic from his hand.**

MVD:- Maxwell Powers, just like Rye Hazwaki, you have payed the price for interfering with the plans of the GREEN WORLD ORDER. I don't battle the war of words as well i do the physical side of war, so thats why I felt the gWo must take your pansy ass out of the PWF. Nobody gloats at the expense of Matt Van Dam! NOBODY! If you win the world title now, and by the way I don't think you will after that beating we gave you in the parking lot, then you'll earn the respect of MVD (nods his head chuckling to himself). Hell if you show up for your match at havoc I'll be surprised and I don't like surprises you sad experimental lifeform! As a warning for the rest of the PWF lookback at the damage we've done. We are the spine of the PWF, we call all the shots, and I can't wait until the gWo kick some ass tonight, and you all take notice of just how damn strong we really are!

**The gWo then embrace as a hug before everyone bar Travis slides out of the ring and heads to the back, Travis waits for his opponent.**

European Title Tournament - Quarter Final
Travis Right v General Leo

**The lights go blue, as "The Imperial March" starts over the speakers. General Leo walks out from the back to an expensive looking fireworks show. The fans cheer as he walks to the ring with his sword in hand. He steps in and the lights go up.**

James: Introducing from Vector, the capital of the World, weighing 235lbs, General Leo.

Report: Leo and Travis tie up, Leo takes it into a headlock, Travis, counters with a back drop but Leo lands on his feet. Leo grabs Travis in a waistlock and tries a German Suplex, but he can't lift Travis and Travis counters with a waistlock of his own. Leo spins it around into a drop toe hold then tries to lock on an STF, but Travis fights Leo off and they both get up.

Stanyer: What athleticism by both men.

Leo and Travis tie up again, Leo spins Travis into a hammerlock, Travis spins it into a Top Wristlock, Leo rolls over and flips Travis over. Travis rolls through onto his feet and tries a clothesline, Leo ducks it and tries a German Suplex, but Travis blocks it half way through and turns it into a victory roll. 1......2....Leo kicks out.

Dawg: Travis nearly beat Leo there.

Stanyer: Tremendous counter wrestling from both men.

Leo and Travis both tie up again. Leo takes Travis into a headlock, Travis pushes Leo off into the ropes, Travis ducks under Leo, Leo comes off the other side and tries a back body drop, but Leo leapfrogs over Travis. Leo comes off the other side and grabs Travis as he spins around and hits a beautiful Belly to Belly Suplex.

Stanyer: Beautiful suplex by Leo. You could hear the impact of Travis Right's body bouncing off the canvas.

Travis slowly gets to his feet. Leo delivers a couple of straight rights before hitting a big forearm spinning Travis around. Leo goes for a Tiger Suplex. But Travis counters with a groin kick. Travis quickly spins around and delivers the Mu-Ken with a bridge. 1.......2........3!!!

Travis Right d. General Leo
4:58 Pinfall

Dawg: Now that was the gWo in Travis Right, that is how you beat someone.

Stanyer: He used a low blow to beat Leo, a man of honour. How can you even condone something like that?

Dawg: Question, who is in the next round?

Stanyer: Well.... Travis of course.

Dawg: And what will Leo be doing for the rest of tonight?

Stanyer: Nothing I suppose.

Dawg: Exactly. Now you see my point. Winning is everything, no matter how you do it, nobody remembers the losers.

Stanyer: Yes, sadly I do know that. Wait, I hear Ted Tedison has Fire Storm with him backstage.

**Fire Storm is shown in the hall way roaming around. Ted Tedison walks up to him and starts to talk to him.**

Ted- Fire Storm I need to ask you what you think about your next match with Riptide.

Fire Storm- All I have to tell Riptide is it's all over. Pack your bagas and head out.I know that a former PWF Champ shouldn't get the European Title but I figured title or no title European is good enough. And after the European I will work my way right up to the World. It will take time but you know what they say to be the man you got to beat the man and I figure inorder to get the title I will have to beat the best. Riptide your time is short until your hopes are gone.

Ted- Also how do you expect to get to the World Divison?

Fire Storm- Ted it is easy. You win all of your matches and then you get promoted. So if you please let me get to my match so that Riptide can feel the wraith of The Storm.

**Camera fades on Fire Storm walking away.**

{Commercial Break}

**"Zombie Nation" by Kernkraft plays as we see Power G training, still holding his microphone. Power G is practising his chops.**

McCoy: Forget T-Shirts, forget Baseball Caps, there is only one piece of merchandise you want to get for your kids. Your very own Power G chopping board. Practice your chops, and one day you could chop as well as Power G.

**Power G is seen chopping at a solid wood board emblazened with a picture of Power G with The Real McCoy in the background. Camera fades.**

{End Commercial}

Dawg: That is just such a cool advert!!! Nothing beats a Power G chopping board. Whoo!!!!

Stanyer: Right, I'll take your word on that one. Well it's time for the last match in our European Title Tournament Quarter Finals, Firestorm takes on Riptide of the Waveriders.

European Title Tournament - Quarter Final
Fire Storm v Riptide

**Fire Storms music hits as the lights go out. The words "Fear for he is here" flash on the screen. Pyros start fling from the rafters as Fire Storm comes out walking with an evil grin on his face. He stands there for a while as the arena starts to get hotter and hotter. As smoke rises up around him he disappears. The crowd looks in amaze. All of the sudden a huge explosion around the ring, lights up the arena. He then is somehow standing in the middle of the ring.**

James: Introducing from East Los Angeles, California, weighing 283lbs, Fire Storm. *Crowd Cheers*

"Good Vibrations" plays as The Waveriders walk out with big smiles and dances in a comical style. They climbs up to the ring and leap frog over the ropes and then do an acrobatic tumbling set to the far corner.

James: Introducing, from Newport Beach, California, weighing 210lbs, one half of the Waveriders, Riptide**Crowd Cheer**

Report: Fire Storm ties up with Riptide. Firestorm pushes Riptide to the floor with consumate ease. Riptide gets up, he goes for another tie up, but gets kicked in the stomach instead. Fire Storm whips Riptide to the ropes and then delivers a Spinebuster. Riptide gets up slowly holding his back, Fire Storm picks him up and delivers a DDT.

Stanyer: Riptide is not putting up much of a fight with Fire Storm.

Fire Storm gets up, looking as though he has already won the match. He picks up Riptide. He then lifts him and delivers The Prominence(Small Package DDT). Fire Storm nonchantly covers Riptide. 1.......2.......3.

Fire Storm d. Riptide
3:12 Pinfall

Stanyer: That one was all too easy for Fire Storm, let's hope Travis Right can put up more of a fight for him.

Dawg: That was pathetic, I expected a lot more from Riptide.

Stanyer: Well folks, I hear something is happening backstage.

**Bloodbath is walking down a corridor when out of nowhere Blackbird jumps him with a Trashcan. Bloodbath and Blackbird then start to brawl around the corridor. Eventually security comes and breaks the two up. As security takes the two away, we see in the background a Tall Dark man, we cannot see his face, all he is doing is nodding his head.**

Stanyer: It seems that last weeks match has left a bit of bad blood between Blackbird and Bloodbath.

Dawg: And who is that man in the background.

Stanyer: Perhaps we might find out soon enough, but it's time for the tag team debut of two teams in our Tag Team Tournament. This match was held over from last week. As a new team take on the Gods of Gore.

**Country music plays as the New Team comes out. ** Announcer- Introduing, at a combined weight of 507lbs, "The Fan" Ben Wiley and Don "Bizkitz" A'Deal, The TOPP HOGGS!

Stanyer: What the hell?? I've heard of the Topp Doggs, but Topp Hoggs????

**The fans give off a very litte reaction because the Topp Hoggs are new. The duo get in the ring, Ben Wiley stands on one turnbuckle and Don A'Deal stands on the opposite turnbuckle. They get off and Ben Wiley grabs the mic from the ring announcer**

Ben: Well, I gess we have to introduce ouselves, dats wat tha people in power tol' us.

Don: My name is Don "Bizkitz" A'Deal and dis here is my partner "The Fan" Ben Wiley, We from the south and I came here to get the paychecks for good eats.

Ben: Now our opponents are some people called Gods o' Gore? Well i guess i'ma gonna have some fun beating up these people, but i would like to ask that it doesn't get too hardcore, We don't like hardcore, we like to wrestle, actually we like pig wrestling its really fun ya know. Those pigs are sqealin' and slippery. I love pig wrestling

Don: yeah, the mud make me feel good. Hey do you wanna get some grits?

Ben: Sure, lets get them right now.

**The Topp Hoggs start leaving the ring but then Natural Born Killaz by NWA hits the speakers**

**Natural Born Killaz by N.W.A. play as the God's of Gore come out!**

**The Fan" Ben Wiley and Don "Bizkitz" stop dead in there tracks**

Announcer- "There opponents Big Lou and Mad Mike with a combined weight of 530, The God's of Gore!!!!!!!

**Big Lou and Mad Mike hold there Louisville sluggers up high in the air and then point them at the Topp Hoggs. Big Lou and Mad Mike mostly get boo's and a few claps from the crowd. Big Lou and Mad Mike then approach the Topp Doggs suddenly the God's of Gore and the Topp Doggs exchange a few words back and forth towards each other. Big Lou then rips the mic out of Bens hand.**

Big Lou: You Hicks think you can take out the Gods of Gore!!! You say you wrestle pigs and barn yard animals in the mud that's just gross! I see you hate the hardcore style of wrestling well don't worry guys where here to teach you a new lesson of a new style what Mike and I have created called HardGore its basically extremely more violent then Hardcore!! We are known to make people bleed to the highest degreed and you gotta be joking with these suspenders for you outfits what are you guys the cheap imitation of trailer Inc. for Christ sakes! I'll tell ya Mike you know how I don't like these damn red necks. Jaster beat me in the SEW recently for the hardcore title and now I get to fight a PAIR of burning whytrash red necks! You two low life's are going to know what gore is all about by the end of tonight!

**Mad Mike then grabs the mic from Big Lou**

Mad Mike: I also gotta say I hate red necks to. I mean look you come from the smelly ass south chewing tobacco all day long not giving a damn and you claim your a tag team in the PWF.!! Your folk, shouldn't even be able to step on the ring canvas and you both say you'll be the next tag team champions in the PWF!!! WELL YOU KNOW WHAT WERE SIMPLY GOING TO CHANGE THAT WHOLE THEORY OF YOURS RIGHT NOW!!

**Big Lou and Mad Mike spear both of the Topp Hoggs and the bell rings and the match is under way.**

Tag Team Title Tournament - Quarter Final
Gods of Gore v Topp Hoggs

Report: After the two Gods of Gore spear Topp Hoggs they hammer into Don and Ben with right hands, but Don and Ben rolls over Mike and Lou and start to hammer the Gods of Gore with right hands. Topp Hoggs then climbs off the Gods of Gore and Don is sent out of the ring by the referee. Mad Mike rolls out of the ring leaving Lou and Ben. Ben ties up with Lou and they tussle it out until Lou manages to push Ben into his corner where Mike clubs Ben across the back with a forearm. Lou then delivers two stiff body shots putting Ben in the corner then tags in Mike. Lou walks across and sticks two fingers up at Don, prompting him to climb in the ring and try and fight, but the referee stops him, meanwhile the Gods of Gore happily stomp away at Ben, then Mad Mike starts to choke Ben with his boot as the referee turns around. The referee remonstrates with Mike, and eventually he releases the choke hold.

Dawg: What does the ref think he is doing? This is No DQ anyway.

Stanyer: And that plays right into the hands of the Gods of Gore.

Mike picks up Ben and delivers a Vertical Suplex. He then picks up Ben and holds him in a headlock. He tags in Lou who climbs in and kicks Ben in the gut. Lou then whips Ben to the ropes. Lou then delivers a Powerslam. Lou covers. 1.....2.....Ben kicks out. Lou picks up Ben and takes him to his corner and tags in Mike. They both whip Ben to the ropes and then deliver a Double Spinebuster. Mike covers as Lou leaves the ring. 1.....2.......Don makes the save, but the ref forces him out of the ring straight away. Mike picks up Ben and tosses him outside. Mike then sticks two fingers up to Don. Don climbs in and goes for Mike, but the referee has to restrain him. Meanwhile Lou delivers two body shots to Ben on the outside and then delivers a brutal chair shot. Lou then rolls Ben back into the ring. Mike covers. 1......2......Don just makes the save. Lou comes in and gets a forearm in on Don catching him by surprise and Don rolls out of the ring. The ref forces Lou out of the ring. Mike picks up Ben and takes him over to Big Lou and tags Lou in. Lou and Mike both take Ben to the middle of the ring and set him up for a double suplex. But Ben manages to counter and manages to deliver a Double DDT. All three men stay down as Don desperately reaches for a tag. Ben manages to climb over and tags in Don to the cheers of the crowd. Lou and Mike have just made it to their feet. Don charges in and clothesline Lou down, then clotheslines down Mike. Don then delivers right hands to Lou before a big right puts Lou down. Don then whips Mike to the ropes and then uses Mikes momentum to toss Mike over the top rope Ben goes to Mike and starts fighting with him. Don then turns around to kick Lou in the gut and deliver a DDT and a cover. 1.........2...........Lou kicks out.

Stanyer: Don is on fire now.

Don picks up Lou and delivers a Belly to Back Suplex. Don then climbs to top rope and looks for a high risk move. But Mike manages to whip Ben into the steps then climbs to the apron and pushes Don off the top rope sending him crashing to the floor. Don staggers to his feet and gets kicked in the gut and is set up for the Mafia Bomb. Lou delivers it and covers Don. 1........2...........3!!!

Gods of Gore d. Topp Hoggs
14:16 Pinfall

Stanyer: The Gods of Gore go through to face the Gummi Bears later tonight, that will be an interesting contest.

Dawg: Submissions versus Hardcore. Very interesting.

Stanyer: The US title tournament starts after the break folks.

{Commercial Break}

**Rye Hazwaki, is sitting on a couch in a very large, but empty room**

Rye Hazwaki: *In a Canadian accent, and speaking slowly* "I don't want to think aboot my situation. It's just so hard being the only Canadian-Japanese American known to the free world. Boy do I wish I could do something fun, eh. I wish I could be like Big Poppa himself."

**Suddenly a hardcover book is thrown at Rye Hazwaki, and he gets mad. An announcer starts talking, and Rye responds to what he says.**

Announcer: "Do you feel that you're the only Canadian-Japanese American in the free world that can't go out and have a good time?"

Rye Hazwaki: "YES! YES!"

Announcer: "Are you a non-smoker over the age of 14?"

Rye Hazwaki: "Boy am I!"

Announcer: "Do you feel bad about not knowing how to dance like Big Poppa?"


Announcer: "Then do we have the item for you. Big Poppa has taken journeys all over the world finding unique dance steps, and now he has assembled his personal knowledge and his gained knowledge into one large, user friendly instructional dance book."

Rye Hazwaki: "Now that's fine and dandy, but how does it work?"

Announcer: "With incredible pop out pictures and large font, Big Poppa's Instructional Dance Book makes it easy for people of any race or age to learn to dance, Real Show style."

Rye Hazwaki: "Great! But I don't have a lot of money, how much would this cost an average Canadian-Japanese American like myself?"

Announcer: "Well, the people at DSM and CO like to meet a standard of selling high quality products at low, consumer friendly prices. So that is why they are marketing Big Poppa's book at a recommended price of only $24.52!"

Rye Hazwaki: "Wow! That IS consumer friendly! Where can I buy this wonder book?"

**Rye Hazwaki hits his head and remembers that a book hit him in the head. He smiles and as he opens it, the large empty room he's in turns into a nightclub filled with people. He joins in the fun.**

Rye Hazwaki: "Thanks Big Poppa! You're book turned my lonely nights into crazy… Crazy.. Flights!"

Announcer: "Big Poppa's Instructional Dance Book, sold at bookstores everywhere."

{End Commercial}

Stanyer: Welcome back folks, well it's time for us to get the US Title Tournament started, we have some great matches for you. We will start out with Bloodbath taking on Tisok.

**Camera cuts to the back where LoD are arriving with their manager Nicholas Kain. Kain spots the cameraman & motions for him to come over.**

Kain- Last week on Havoc the PWF saw just a little of how dominating the LoD can be and now with Diablo we are unstoppable. My guys...Carnage and Bloodstorm...a finally tuned destructive machine. And this week Pellington Brothers are the next in in our path to the titles which will soon be ours. Last week was nothing compared to what will happen this week to you two little boys. I am only asking one thing from you am DEMANDING you at least make this worth while for my two guys. Disappoint us and the punishment will be much worse then last week.

**With that Kain & LoD storm past the camerman.**

Stanyer: Strong words from the Lords of Destruction, Carnage has his work cut out for him tonight, he has to wrestle at least twice.

US Title Tournament:- Quarter Finals
Bloodbath v Tisok

As "It's my job to keep Punk Rock Elite" by NOFX starts, Tisok appears in the stage and taunts for the crowd. Then he goes in the walkway and into ringside where he "high-fives" with his fans, and sometimes pose with them for the camera. he gets in the ring by jumping the ropes qand gets ready for the match. His titantron video shows him in action with incredible flying moves from top rope, ladders, etc.

James: Introducing, from Matomoros, Tamulipas, Mexico, weighing 200lbs, Tisok. *Crowd Cheers*

"96 Quite Bitter Beings" by CKY plays as a ring of fire appears by the entrance. Bloodbath rises out of the flames before walking towards the ring. He stops on the apron, and looks to the crowd, before he climbs in the ring.

James: Introducing, from Hell, Michigan, weighing 225lbs, Bloodbath.

Report: Bloodbath and Tisok tie up. Tisok spins Bloodbath into a hammerlock. Bloodbath elbows Tisok off him. Bloodbath then whips Tisok to the ropes. Bloodbath goes for a back body drop, but Tisok rolls over the back of Bloodbath and rolls him up in a school boy pin. 1...Bloodbath kicks out. Bloodbath rolls up quickly and delivers a couple of right hands to Tisok. Then whips him to the turnbuckle, but Tisok reverses and then runs in and hits a Tiger Wall Flip as Bloodbath hits the turnbuckle. Tisok then locks in the head of Bloodbath and delivers a Bulldog. Tisok then rolls up Bloodbath in a Mahistrol Cradle. 1.....2...Bloodbath kicks out. Bloodbath gets up a little dazed. Tisok delivers a couple of forearms as he pushes Bloodbath into the ropes. Tisok whips Bloodbath into the ropes. Tisok then connects with a running spinning wheel kick. Tisok then springs up to the top rope and goes for a Moonsault, but Bloodbath rolls out of the way. Bloodbath then picks up Tisok and delivers a quick DDT. Bloodbath then covers. 1....2......Tisok kicks out.

Dawg: High risk moves never work, why do they even bother??

Stanyer: I disagree, they DO work and they are highly entertaining.

Dawg: Entertainment, this is about winning, not entertaining.

Bloodbath picks up Tisok and whips him to the ropes, he goes for a sidewalk slam, but Tisok counters with a Flying Head Scissors. Tisok then bounces back up and Bloodbath staggers to his feet. Tisok looks for a Snap Suplex, but suddenly Bloodbath counters with The Blood Bash out of nowhere, Bloodbath covers. 1......2........3!!

Bloodbath d. Tisok
5:05 Pinfall

Stanyer: Bloodbath picks up the win out of nowhere, just when it looked like Tisok might be getting the advantage in this one.

Dawg: But who will he face?

Stanyer: Let's find out now, as Carnage takes on The Fro.

US Title Tournament:- Quarter Finals
The Fro v Carnage

**"My Generation" by Limp Bizkit plays as The Fro walks to the ring showing no sign of intimidation or fear and he wears a "The People's Answer" t-shirt. He walks up onto the apron and then faces the crowd and holds one arm in the air. He then enters the ring and goes over to one corner and then holds one arm in the air.**

James: Introducing, from Green Bay Wisconsin, weighing 281lbs, "The People's Answer", The Fro.*Crowd Cheers*

"Serial Killer" by Prodigy begins to play as images of the Lords of Destruction destroying past opponents play on the titantron. Once the Lords of Destruction appear on the ramp there is a very loud mixed reaction from the crowd with the cheers noticably louder. LoD walk to the ring quickly, barely acknowledging the crowd, climb in & go straight to his corner.

James: Introducing, from Canada, weighing 317lbs, one half of the Lords of Destruction, Carnage.. *Crowd give a mixed reaction, but mainly cheers.**

Report: Both men start out tentatively, they feel each other out, not wanting to lose in this big match. Both men tie up, Carnage takes Fro into a headlock, Fro pushes Carnage off and Carnage comes off the ropes with a clothesline, but Fro ducks and hits Carnage with a couple of right hands as he turns around. Fro then goes for an Irish whip, but it is reversed and Carnage pulls Fro back towards him and takes him down with a clothesline.
Fro springs back up and tries a right hand, but Carnage blocks it and hits a right hand of his own, sending Fro reeling backwards. Chaos hits a second right hand sending Fro backwards again, then a third right hand sends The Fro to the canvas. Fro gets back up slowly, holding his head, he shakes it off. Carnage goes for a right hand, but Fro blocks it and hits a beautiful heel kick to the face of Carnage, Carnage staggers backwards and turns around, The Fro runs in and hits a facecrusher. Fro then holds onto the ropes and starts to stomp on Carnage, eventually Carnage rolls out of the ring to get away.

Stanyer: The Fro is looking on top form tonight.

Carnage paces around the ring for a few moments, surprised at the speed of The Fro, then Carnage rolls back into the ring. Carnage locks up with The Fro and pushes him into the turnbuckle, Carnage then hits a few right hands to the face, then walks away, before running in with a big knee to the gut. The Fro staggers out of the corner, and gets picked up in a suplex. Carnage floats over and covers. 1…..2….The Fro gets the right shoulder up.
Carnage gets up looking annoyed, he picks the Fro up and delivers a big piledriver and covers. 1….2…..Fro gets the right shoulder up again.

Stanyer: Great resilience by The Fro.

Carnage looks particularly annoyed and starts to remonstrate with the referee, but Fro gets up behind him and jumps him from behind with a Flying Forearm. Carnage staggers into the turnbuckle, Fro quickly lifts him up and climbs up himself and delivers a huge Superplex, both men stay down, the referee begins a ten count, but on 2 The Fro rolls over and drapes an arm over Carnage. 1…..2……Carnage kicks out.
Both men stagger to their feet, Carnage goes for a right hand, but Fro blocks it and counter with a right hand of his own, Carnage staggers but stays on his feet, Fro hits a second right, but Carnage still stays on his feet. Fro goes for a third, but Carnage ducks it and goes behind and counters with a German Suplex with a bridge. 1……2…….The Fro just kicks out.

Stanyer: That was close, Fro only just kicked out of that one.

Carnage picks up the Fro and puts him in position for the Death Penalty, but out of nowhere The Fro counters with The Fro Bomb. The Fro hooks a leg. 1........2...........3!!

The Fro d. Carnage
8:03 Pinfall

Stanyer: A great win for The Fro, and a great match as well.

Dawg: Carnage fought hard, but The Fro just manages to sneak that one.

Stanyer: Well The Fro will now take on Bloodbath in the next round, which should be a great contest.

**The lights begin to dim and the fans quiet down in anticipation. The words "Real Show" fade in and out on the dark UltraTron, and the lights suddenly turn on and fire works blast off as a customized version of Limp Bizkit's My Way starts up The audience goes mad as Big Poppa emerges with casual attire through the Havoc curtains. He does an air-guitar taunt to the tune of the song, and makes his way down to the ring. Someone throws him a mic, and Poppa gets ready to speak**

Dawg: What the hell?? He isn't on tonights card??

Stanyer: He doesn't have to be, Big Poppa is one of the most popular wrestlers in the business today.

Dawg: What are you talking about?? He loses every match he is in??

Stanyer: He beat Tedison didn't he?

Dawg: What?? he is an f'n reporter!!

Big Poppa: "PWF'ers and ites, WELCOME TO THE REAL SHOW!!! Once again, I've managed to lose a third match. Or wait, is that a fourth? Hell, it may be the fifth… But lets not focus on past encounters, we should focus on the time at hand. Let's focus on Big Poppa's future, my future. As you may or may not know, I was not at Armageddon last Wednesday. It's truly heartbreaking to receive fan mail with little sad faces. Did yawl know there are a bunch of different versions of little sad faces? **Pauses** It's the truth! I've seen 'em all, and it almost brings a tear to my eyes. It seems like I come out here week after week and disappoint every last one of your Pap'ites, and then go check my email and find a bunch of little sad faces. It makes a guy want to stop dancing and just give up everything. Just to find a little hole and hide in it. HOWEVER, that guy isn't me… There's a big difference between my fellow PWF'ers and me. I'm not a boring Alabamian monkey that talks about fruit loops. I actually have supporters. I have Pap'ites. I wish I could say the same for some people like Fire Storm. Seriously, He walks around threatening to end the world. It took a lot out of me to have to face him in the ring; he's very ugly. The one thing I don't get is the whole concept of people I don't know not taking showers. Is that a thing of the past? Who here has taken a shower today… Let me see a show of hands."

**The audience is filled with people raising their arms, telling Big Poppa that they've taken a shower**

**Dawg raises his arm**

Dawg: I guess you didn't take a shower then today.

Stanyer: Of course I did, what are you implying??

Dawg: Your hand isn't up, and I can smell you from here, if you have had a shower, I'm Lord Lucan.

Stanyer: What the hell??? you are two feet from me???

Big Poppa: *Sticks nose in air* "Smells good to me. Now, it's time to move on to more important things. There are many, many, many important things I want to talk about tonight. Let's call it a 'sit-down.' Since I wasn't allowed airtime for the majority of this week, I feel that I need to tell everyone one week's worth of important things. Let's start with… My finishing move, yeah, that's an important thing. Oh nuts, I almost forgot. I've yet to use the goddamn move, because I haven't won a match. Ok, time to talk about another important thing. Hmm, let's see. What is something that is so important it could very well be the biggest thing since that one thing that was really important? I got it! Canadians! Don't you just love them? They're so soft and lovable, and you really just want to gobble them up! Ok enough of that! Ok I got another very important thing. I've done what everyone else couldn't possibly do… I've done the impossible… I did what people like General Leo and Blackbird WISHED they could do… My Instructional Dance Book is the first ever-instructional dance pop-up book with large font to hit number one on the best seller's list! I HAVE MADE HISTORY! Who else here could say that they've achieved something like that? NONE! Hell, half the roster can't read, and that brings up my next topic. Like I mentioned before, half the roster can't read. Not knowing how to read is a bad thing. Writing a best-selling pop-up book is a good thing. Doing a good thing makes you good. Doing a bad thing makes you bad. So, basically I'm a good person and half the people in the PWF roster are bad illiterate monkeys. If you can read, please stand up."

**Almost all the fans get up. Big Poppa smiles.**

**Dawg stands up**

Stanyer: Don't say it, just don't even dare, you know I can read.

Dawg: Never said a word.

Big Poppa: "Hmmm… I think every one needs to keep standing up for a little. Ok, let's backtrack a little. I need to make a point. To state the obvious, I'm not truly proving myself as a wrestler. Well, all I can say is 'whooptidido.' It doesn't matter as much as I thought it did. I have something to fall back on, unlike people that copy others *cough*MVD*cough*. I'm a better dancer than wrestler, but don't you worry, there will be a time where I am good in both fields of the game. Oh and one last thing… It doesn't matter if you like it or not, cause the Real Show, JUST SAID SO!!!! Hit some dance music!!!"

**Big Poppa gets a lot of cheers as he starts showing off his dance moves. He does his normal array of moves, and then makes a grand exit as his music comes on**

{Commercial Break}

*Crusader is sitting in his million dollar mansion in his laboratory putting some chemicals together. When he completed his job he sprayed himself with the new mixture and nodded in satisfaction.*

*Later on at a wrestling workout gym, Crusader is heading towards the bathroom when Diablo walks out. Crusader steps in and says- "Damn son, what did you have for lunch"
So he leaves the bathroom and puts on his cologne, that still has no name, to cover Diablo's putrid smell. Then Stunning Sarah walks by and says-
"Damn Crusader, you smell so good, can I have some of that for Chris?" Crusader says-
"Sure you can, put it on his musty and beat down body after our match"

*Crusader turns toward the camera and says, get your "Damn, you smell good" cologne only at PWF Shopzone*

{End Commercial}

Stanyer: Welcome back folks, after the "Big Dawg" here tried to embarass me, we will go to our next tournament match.

Dawg: I don't need to embarasss you Jay, you do that all by yourself.

US Title Tournament:- Quarter Finals
Rye Hazwaki v Genecide

"Stupify" by Disturbed plays as Genecide walks out to the cheers of the crowd. He walks down to the ring, hi-fing with a few fans as he makes his way to the ring. He climbs in the ring and walks over to the opposite turnbuckle and climbs up and holds both hands up.**

James: Introducing at this time, weighing 251lbs, Genecide.**Crowd Cheers**

**Break Stuff by Limp Bizkit hits, as the lights flash red and white, and Rye Hazwaki is shown doing a slow ‘Cyclone Kick.’ The Pyro’s blast as Rye stands on the top of the stage, he looks at the crowd then walks down and enters the ring.**

James: Introducing, from Tokyo, Japan, weighing 251lbs, Rye Hazwaki.

Report: Rye waits for Genecide to attack, Genecide comes in with a couple of stiff rights, but Rye counters with a couple of kicks to the thigh. Genecide comes back with a big right, knocking Rye backwards. Rye counters with a kick to the thigh, but Genecide catches it but Rye counters with the Enziguri. Genecide is quick to his feet. but gets caught with a viscious roundhouse kick to the head sending Genecide crashing to the canvas.

Stanyer: My god what a kick, you can see Genecide's head bouncing off the canvas on the replay.

Genecide staggers to his feet, he is holding his head, his eyes are a little glazed over.

Stanyer: Oh dear, I think Rye really caught Genecide with that one, it looks like Genecide might have a concussion.

Dawg: There is no way he can continue like this.

Stanyer: These two are good friends, and I am sure Rye didn't want to hurt Genecide, but this is a tournament match.

Rye kicks Genecide in the head, then again, before Rye bounces off the ropes and hits a running dropkick to the face.

Stanyer: FEET OF FURY. Cover. 1......2.........3!!

Rye d. Genecide
3:03 Pinfall

Stanyer: Genecide looks in a bad way, we had better get some medics out here.

**Two EMT's come down, they put an ice pack on Genecides head, Rye helps Genecide out of the ring, and they carry him to the back.**

Dawg: That was good fun, I love seeing people hurt.

Stanyer: Yeah, that sounds like your thing.

Dawg: What are you saying??

Stanyer: Nothing, we have another match now.

US Title Tournament:- Quarter Finals
Matt Van Dam v Marcus Shooter

**"Final Countdown" by Europe hits and up on the titantron it has highlights of Marcus Shooter's amateur wrestling career and he walks out and stands on the ramp looks around for a moment then walks confidently toward the ring, steps between the ropes and sits on the top corner turnbuckle waiting for the match to start.**

James: Introducing from Detroit, Michigan, weighing 241lbs, Marcus Shooter. *Crowd give a mixed reaction*

**"Snap your Fingers, Snap your neck" by Prong plays as MVD walks down the aisle, cluching Jennifer Van Dam by the waist, he lets her go, and poses, flexing his arms towards his head (RVD style). The Ultra-Tron bears the gWo logo and then shows clips of MVD striking opponents out with his Kendo Stick and finishing them the 5 star frog splash.**

James: Introducing, from Battlecreek, England, weighing 228lbs, "The Real F'n Show" Matt Van Dam. *Crowd Boos heavily**

Report: MVD comes in with a couple of forearms, but Shooter comes back with forearms of his own. Shooter then takes down MVD by the legs, Shooter then tries to roll across MVD and lock on an armbar, MVD counters and cartwheels up to his feet. Shooter gets to his feet. They tie up, MVD takes Shooter into a hammerlock, Shooter reverses and delivers a Back Drop. MVD gets up quickly and hits a charging forearm. Shooter goes down but gets back up quickly. MVD and Shooter then tie up again, MVD takes it into a waistlock, but Shooter reverses it, MVD then counters with a couple of elbows to the back of the head, then springs up and hits a beautiful kick to the back of the head of Marcus Shooter.

Stanyer: What a kick my MVD, caught Marcus Shooter totally off guard.

MVD picks up Shooter and whips him to the turnbuckle, MVD then hits a drop toe hold, then a corkscrew leg drop driving Shooter's head into the canvas. MVD rolls Shooter over into a pin. 1.....2......Shooter kicks out. MVD springs up to the top rope as Shooter staggers to his feet. MVD flies off with a spinning wheel kick taking Shooter down. MVD rolls Shooter over. 1......2........Shooter kicks out again. MVD looks infuriated. MVD picks up Shooter, then kicks him low causing Shooter to double up, Shooter then comes off the ropes and goes for the FrogAsser, but Shooter suddenly springs to life and catches MVD mid move and delivers the Cradle Suplex. MVD hits the canvas hard. Shooter rests on the ropes trying to catch his breath. As MVD gets to his feet. Shooter attacks. He locks MVD in a Full Nelson and looks for a suplex, but MVD blocks it, MVD then flips Shooter over with a hiptoss, but Shooter lands on his feet. Shooter grabs MVD for a Belly to Belly, but MVD counters with an elbow to the back of Shooters head. Shooter turns away from the blow, MVD grabs Shooter from behind and looks for a German Suplex, but Shooter reverses the waistlock and locks in the Cobra Clutch and delivers the Cobra Clutch Suplex. Shooter covers. 1.......2.......3!!!

Shooter d. MVD
7:54 Pinfall

Stanyer: Once again, MVD is all mouth, and has nothing to back it up.

Dawg: That was a fluke, what are you talking about.

{Commercial Break}

**Clips are shown of Gambino delivering the Gambino Face Buster to various opponents while Keep Away by Godsmack plays. Then a voice over comes on**

Voice"You may not be able to kick ass like PWF Superstar, Antonio Gambino, but now at least you can look like him. New from PWF Shopzone, the Gambino Gangster Hat, available in black and red and for only 21.95. It has the Antonio Gambino logo embroidered on it, so your friends can see who your favorite PWF Superstar is. Also available are the Gambino Gangster Sunglasses. Great for keeping those harmful rays out of your eyes, or even better for looking like a real tough guy! Available now for only 13.95. All your friends are sure to be envious of you for wearing these items, order now from PWF Shopzone or wherever cool clothes are sold.

**Then, Gambino is shown standing on the sidewalk in a busy city wearing the Gangster Hat and Gangster Sunglasses.**

Gambino"You can't be me, you can't be like me, so do the next best thing and look like me!"

{End Commercial}

Stanyer: Well it is time for our semi finals now, but first we must go backstage, where Ted Tedison is with Diablo.

**Camera cuts to backstage, Ted Tedison is standing there with Diablo.**

Tedison: Thank you Jay, I'm here with former PWF World Champion.....

Diablo: Give me that.

**Diablo rips the mic from the hands of Ted.**

Diablo: Go, get the hell out of my face, NOW!! before I kick you ass.

**Tedison scurrys away**

Diablo: Firstly to Leo, how is your head?? Still got a headache I see. Now onto my favourite subject, the boss. How are your kids by the way, I heard that one had a broken nose and both had concussions. Sorry about that, I must have been in a good mood, normally I would have beaten them to a pulp.

*Crowd boos furiously*

Diablo: Boo me, chant all you like, it doesn't matter to me. Gambino, you seem to think that you can beat me? Sorry G-boy, but I've kicked your ass before, and I will damn sure kick your ass again. And if I don't do it, then I have some back up to take you down. asses will be kicked, body's will be broken, because if you don't walk the way of Diablo, I'll kick your ass.

**Diablo walks off with a sick smile on his face. Camera gos back to the arena.**

Dawg: Poor Ted, he never seems to have a normal interview now does he.

Stanyer: Something tells me that Diablo has something planned tonight, and I don't want to find out what.

Dawg: I'm sure it will be good, whatever it is.

Stanyer: Well it is time for our European Title Tournament to continue, it's the semi finals now. The tension will be mounting in each of these 4 competitors, as they know they are just two wins away from being European Champion. Neither man has held this title, although Fire Storm has been World Champion twice.

European Title Tournament: Semi Final
Devastator v Christopher Chaos

**Ruff Ryders both enter to the cheer of the crowd when "Beautiful People" by Marilyn Manson hits. Devastator and Destroyer both clich they fists and hit them together and climb in the ring and wait in the corner**

James: Introducing from Brooklyn, New York, weighing 350lbs, accompanied by his tag team partner Destroyer, one half of the Ruff Ryders, Devastator. *Crowd gives a mixed reaction.*

"Dragula" by Rob Zombie hits, Ultra-tron shows pictures of Chris causing Chaos, smacking people with weapons etc. Walks aggressively, doesn't stop to pose. Walks up to fans on side of aisle and tears up their signs on way to ring, no pyros or no lights, he doesn't need it.

James: Introducing from Brooklyn, New York, accompanied by Stunning Sarah, weighing 342lbs, "The Chaotic One" Christopher Chaos. **Crowd Boo**

Report: The two big men circle each other, they tie up, they aggressively try to gain the advantage over each other, but neither man can get the advantage, so they break the hold. Both men then immediately tie up again, they both aggressively try to get an advantage, and eventually Devastator manages to take Chaos into a headlock, Devastator applies a bit more pressure on the headlock before Chaos pushes him off into the ropes. Devastator comes back and tries a clothesline, but Chaos ducks and then charges into Devastator and clotheslines him over the top rope, Devastator lands on his feet. Chaos then follows Devastator to the outside. Devastator kicks Chaos in the gut, and then goes to slam Chaos's head into the steps, but Chaos blocks it and slams Devastator's head into the steps. Chaos then knees Devastator in the gut. Then walks away before hitting a running knee hit knocking Devastator down. Chaos then picks up a chair. He waits for Devastator to get back up then goes for a big shot to the head, but Devastator springs to life and takes Chaos down with a boot to the face of Chaos. Devastator then picks up the chair and drives it into the gut of Chaos.

Stanyer: This is getting brutal now, these two are really taking it to each other now.

Devastator then picks up Chaos and rolls him into the ring. Devastator climbs in after him as Chaos climbs to his feet. Devastator goozles Chaos and sets him up for Total Devastation, but Chaos counters with a Low Blow. Chaos then delivers a DDT. Chaos covers. 1.....2......Devastator kicks out. Devastator rises to his feet. Chaos whips him to the ropes, but Devastator reverses it and drags Chaos towards him and goozles him, and this time Devastator delivers Total Devastation. Cover. 1.....2.......3!!

Devastator d. Chaos
7:06 Pinfall

Stanyer: Devastator advances to the final, could the tag team specialist win the European Title??

Dawg: He has looked impressive in all his singles matches so far, he could certainly win it.

Stanyer: Well, our next match decides who he will face, and it will be a close contest this one. But first we have some words from Alexander of the Gods of War.

**A camera zooms in on Johnny Mayhem who is sitting beside Alexander of Gods of War. Alexander has a serious look on his face, a look of determination.**

Mayhem- Alexander, first off congratulations on making to the final 8 in the PWF World Heavyweight Title Tournament.

Alexander- Thank you Mayhem.

Mayhem- I'm gonna get straight to the questions is that ok with you?

Alexander- you may ask your questions

Mayhem- Does it bother you that you are the underdog in you match with Power G,Considering that no one even expected you to make it past the first round?

Alexander- I do not care where the people place me in the odds game, nor do I care that in the minds of many that I should have never made it this far. The only person's opinion that matters to me is my own, and from day one I have never doubted my chances to gain the ultimate prize, the ulitmate spoil of victory.

Mayhem- So you made some comments earlier to Power G wishing him luck, why did you do that?

Alexander- I come from a world untouched by the cruelity of this place we call reality. I treat my enemies with respect and take my victories and defeats with the honor they deserve. I simple feel that the best man should win, not the man with the most backing.

Mayhem- That's rare these days, Now what is your feeling about gwo and there possible involvement in your match with Power G?

Alexander- I believe that only cowards run in packs to face a man alone. I will come to our match standing on my own, if Power G decides that he needs his gwo then he will show their true color, yellow.

Mayhem- **with a surprised look** Harsh words from a lone man. What is your position concerning the people like Rye, who are fighting the gwo? are you willing to help them?

Alexander- I chose my place to stand in that war. I am not one to stand and be a mere spectator. I will join that war if I am needed but I pledge my loyality to anyone who would oppose the gwo. Does that anwser your question?

Mayhem- yes, thank you and Good Luck against Power G.

**Mayhem looks into the camera as it focuses on him.**

Mayhem- It's looks like Alexander is prepared for his match with Power G, and it appears that the gwo has found themselves another enemy and Rye my have found himself a new friend

**the Screen cuts to a different backstage area.**

**The camera opens up with a shot of Sabre, doing some savagley quick push-ups. After finishing the workout, he stands up, and shoots his patented cheeky grin at the cute looking secretary he was blatently trying to impress.**

Sabre- Now if THAT isn't a loaded spring, I don't know WHAT is. How's this for a bicep, babe?

**Sabre flexes his arm, as the secretary pulls a file from her bag, and starts working on her fingers.**

Secretary- I thought you were taking me out to dinner! Why did you bring me here?

Sabre blushes a little, and scratches the back of his neck, all innocent-like.

Sabre- heh heh heh... Uhhh... How does it feel to be in the prescence of a champion? You'll be watching the PPV with baited breath right?

Secretary- I guess so... who're you wrestling?

Sabre- Ohhhhh... some gimp called... MmmmBino...

Secretary- What was that??? Gambino??? As Antonio Gambino? Ha! I'll call the coroner.

Sabre- Oh, that's rich. What, you don't think I can take him?

Secretary- Oh, I'm sure you'll put up a fight. Or something close to a fight. Where do I send the flowers?

Sabre- Rich. Let me tell you something, babe. Gambino will go down for the three count. I'll make sure of it. Hell, like him, I'm after the gold, but unlike him, I also go out there with something to prove.

Secretary- And what would that be? How well you take a beating?

Sabre drops the grin, and stares directley at the smart-alec.

Sabre- I'm going to show the World just how much of a World champ I can be. And it all starts with pinning Gambino.

Secretary- I tell you what. I'll watch that PPV, and if you don't die, I'll stop saying to people how much of a loser you are. Deal?

Sabre- I guess that's the problem when you're the resident joker around here...

Secretary- Sorry?

Sabre- Nobody knows when you're dead serious.

**Sabre walks away, and slams the door behind him, leaving the secretary to herself.**

Secretary- You cheapskate! You said you'd take me out to dinner!

**The camera returns to the arena**

Dawg: HAHAHAHA!!! Sabre beating Gambino. HAHAHAHAHA!!!!

Stanyer: Don't be so surprised if it happens, Sabre might be a bit of a comedian, but he is no slouch in that ring, you don't get this far in a tournament without being a good wrestler, it just doesn't happen.

Dawg: Please, If Sabre beats Gambino, I'll wrestle him.

Stanyer: I might hold you to that.

Dawg: Do that, I don't care.

Stanyer: Well it's time for our second Semi-Final, as Firestorm takes on Travis Right.

European Title Tournament: Semi Final
Fire Storm v Travis Right

**As "Walk with your head up" by Deftones & System of Down hits" hits and you hear "Get up Stand up, I got my head up" Travis comes walking out onto the ramp and arrogantly waves for the fans to boo all they want. Firecrackers pop off all around the Titantron as the Future makes his way to the ring. As he reaches the front of the ring, Travis slides under the bottom rope and slowly walks to the center of the ring. He crosses his arms and nods his head as the pyros explode behind him.**

James: Introducing from Miami, Florida, weighing 283lbs, "The Future" Travis Right.*Crowd Boos*

**Fire Storms music hits as the lights go out. The words "Fear for he is here" flash on the screen. Pyros start fling from the rafters as Fire Storm comes out walking with an evil grin on his face. He stands there for a while as the arena starts to get hotter and hotter. As smoke rises up around him he disappears. The crowd looks in amaze. All of the sudden a huge explosion around the ring, lights up the arena. He then is somehow standing in the middle of the ring.**

James: Introducing from East Los Angeles, California, weighing 283lbs, Firestorm. *Crowd Cheers*

Report: Fire Storm and Travis Right tie up, Travis takes Fire Storm into a hammerlock, Travis tightens the hammerlock, Fire Storm elbows Travis off him, then turns around and hits a couple of right hands to Travis. Fire Storm then whips Travis to the ropes and looks for a back body drop, but Travis kicks Fire Storm in the head. Fire Storm then runs at Travis and tries a clothesline, but Travis catches the arm of Fire Storm and takes it down into an armbar, Fire Storm quickly clambers to the ropes to escape the hold. Fire Storm gets to his feet. Travis tries a couple of forearms, but Fire Storm ducks it and grabs Travis by the waist and hits a perfect Belly to Belly Release suplex.

Stanyer: That could be the match winner right there, Travis didn't see that coming at all.

Travis gets to his feet slowly, Fire Storm attacks with right hands, then whips Travis to the ropes, Travis reverses it, Travis tries a standing clothesline, but Fire Storm ducks it and then delivers a back drop. Travis gets up quickly but walks straight into a two handed goozle. Fire Storm then delivers a Two Handed Choke Bomb. Fire Storm hooks a leg. 1......2........3!!!

Fire Storm d. Travis Right
4:11 Pinfall

Stanyer: That was another impressive display by Fire Storm, Travis Right is no push over, but he made him look easy. See you in a few.

{Commercial Break}

**The screen goes onto Rye Hazwaki with black Karate trousers on, he is seen in the distance, lots of people are standing around him. Rye then jumps in the air, and Cyclone Kick's all of the people around him, they all fall to the ground. A voice is then heard.**

Voice: You want to know the newest fashion???? Well, look at these.
**The screen goes to a man just showing the bottom half of his body it shows, Black Karate Trousers with Rye Hazwaki down one side, and his face on the other it also has a red belt.**

Voice: The new fashion of today, Rye Karate trousers, avaliable in Red, Black, White and Blue. You ask where from? only $24.83 and if you buy two pairs, you can get your very own Rye Vest. In Red, Black and white.

Voice:So come to now!

**The screen then goes onto Rye again, but in a diffrent location jumping up in slow motion (Matrix Style) and Whirl-Wind Kicking a Man..**


****"Do not try those moves at home."****

{End Commercial}

**Camera returns to Mr Pellington's office. He is on the phone.**

Stanyer: It's Mr. Pellington, wonder who he is talking to.

Pellington: What do you mean we will run out of time? Can't they extend the show? WHAT!! I own the damn network!!! What do you mean we have the news directly after, we can delay the news surely. What do you mean the board has given a unanimous decision. Goddammit, what am I going to do now? How the hell can I shorten the damn show??? The Tag Team matches? But....I was looking......oh, all right, I'll move them to the PPV then, goddammit, I thought you gave us a big slot for this show, but obviously I need to fire someone. Later.

**Pellington puts the phone down, he sees the camera man in the room.** Pellington: You, are we live? **Camera man nods**. Good, because I have an announcement to make. It seems that someone has messed up and not booked us enough TV time, so we haven't got enough time to complete the show tonight, not to my liking, so I have decided to move the two Tag Team Semi-Finals to tomorrow night, they will take place along with the Final. I apologise to the fans, as this is unfair to them, and unfair on those who paid to watch tonight, but it is a decision that has been taken out of my hands. Thank you for your time, goodnight.

**Camera returns to ringside.**

Stanyer: Well it looks like we have no Tag Team Matches then, I guess that means we have the US Title Semi Finals next then.

US Title Tournament: Semi Finals
The Fro v Bloodbath

**"My Generation" by Limp Bizkit plays as The Fro walks to the ring showing no sign of intimidation or fear and he wears a "The People's Answer" t-shirt. He walks up onto the apron and then faces the crowd and holds one arm in the air. He then enters the ring and goes over to one corner and then holds one arm in the air.**

James: Introducing, from Green Bay Wisconsin, weighing 281lbs, "The People's Answer", The Fro.*Crowd Cheers*

"96 Quite Bitter Beings" by CKY plays as a ring of fire appears by the entrance. Bloodbath rises out of the flames before walking towards the ring. He stops on the apron, and looks to the crowd, before he climbs in the ring.

James: Introducing, from Hell, Michigan, weighing 225lbs, Bloodbath.

Report: The Fro and Bloodbath start out exchanging right hands, The Fro gets the advantage and punches Bloodbath repeatedly until he is in the corner. The Fro then stomps a few times, then grabs Bloodbath by the head and delivers a Facecrusher out of the corner. Bloodbath staggers to his feet. Fro hits another succession of right hands, then a big one puts Bloodbath down. Fro comes off the ropes and hits a leg drop. Fro covers. 1.....2...Bloodbath kicks out. Fro picks up Bloodbath and whips him to the corner. Fro then charges in with a splash, but Bloodbath moves out of the way and comes off the ropes as The Fro bounces out of the corner, Bloodbath then goes for a clothesline on the Fro, but Fro turns around and clotheslines Bloodbath first. Fro covers. 1......2.....Bloodbath kicks out. Fro picks up Bloodbath and kicks him in the stomach and delivers The Fro Bomb. Fro rolls up Bloodbath. 1.....2......3!!!!

The Fro d. Bloodbath
3:03 Pinfall

Stanyer: The Fro advances to the final, but who will his opponent be?

Dawg: I have to fancy Marcus Shooter, anyone who can beat MVD has to be pretty damn good.

Stanyer: Well first we have an interview with Josh Resnick.

**Ted Tedison standing by with Josh Resnick.**

Ted Tedison - Josh tomorrow you will be facing Blackbird. What are your thoughts for the match tomorrow?

**Josh looks at Ted as if he said something offensive.**

Josh - As for Blackbird, well might as well call the paramedics for this one. I plan on doing what I know best. That is breaking peoples arms. Now that I think of it. Didn't I make Blackterd pass out the last time? I believe I did....

**Blackbird strikes Josh from behind with a chair shot, out of nowhere.**

*Tedison runs away and drops the mic. Blackbird hits Josh in the head again as he is getting up. He drops the chair and Evenflows Josh on it. He picks up the Mic...*

Blackbird-IT WONT HAPPEN AGAIN! And you know whay Josh? Cause this match is pinfall ONLY!

*Drops mic and heads off up the corridor.*

Stanyer: It looks to me like Blackbird is getting quite aggressive in the past few weeks, that is the third time he has attack someone backstage.

Dawg: Must have got some new deodorant.

Stanyer: What??

Dawg: Nothing.

Stanyer: Anyway, it is time for Rye Hazwaki and Marcus Shooter.

US Title Tournament: Semi Finals
Rye Hazwaki v Marcus Shooter

**"Final Countdown" by Europe hits and up on the titantron it has highlights of Marcus Shooter's amateur wrestling career and he walks out and stands on the ramp looks around for a moment then walks confidently toward the ring, steps between the ropes and sits on the top corner turnbuckle waiting for the match to start.**

James: Introducing from Detroit, Michigan, weighing 241lbs, Marcus Shooter. *Crowd give a mixed reaction*

**Break Stuff by Limp Bizkit hits, as the lights flash red and white, and Rye Hazwaki is shown doing a slow ‘Cyclone Kick.’ The Pyro’s blast as Rye stands on the top of the stage, he looks at the crowd then walks down and enters the ring.**

James: Introducing, from Tokyo, Japan, weighing 251lbs, Rye Hazwaki.

Report: Rye and Shooter tie up, Shooter looks for a belly to belly, but Rye counters with a forearm to the head of Shooter. Rye then kicks Shooter in the thigh, he follows it up with a kick to the body and then a kick to the jaw of Shooter who goes down.

Stanyer: Wow, what kicks by Rye.

Shooter gets back up, but gets sent straight back down with an awesome Super Kick from Rye. Cover. 1.....2....Shooter kicks out.

Dawg: This one is not going well for Marcus Shooter.

Rye kicks Shooter in the head, then in the gut, then a couple more kicks to the head. Then Rye jumps up and kicks Shooter clean in the head with a martial arts kick. Shooter goes down like he had been shot. Rye covers. 1.....2......3!!!

Stanyer: My god, what a quick win, I didn't expect Rye to pull a victory out that fast!!

Rye d. Shooter
2:26 Pinfall

Dawg: How did MVD lose to such a jobber?

Stanyer: HAH, Perhaps MVD IS a jobber.

Dawg: Don't get cocky now boy.

Stanyer: See you after the break folks.

{Commercial Break}

**Images of former PWF World Champions are shown winning their titles**

Voice: 8 men will enter, only one can leave. 8 men will try, but only one can survive. 8 men will look for glory, but only one will find it. 8 men will stand, but only one will become a Champion.

**The House of Pain Logo comes up**

Voice: PWF presents, The House of Pain, live on PPV, April 29th.

{End Commercial}

Stanyer: Welcome back folks, well it is time to crown the New PWF European Champion.

Devastator v Fire Storm

**Fire Storms music hits as the lights go out. The words "Fear for he is here" flash on the screen. Pyros start fling from the rafters as Fire Storm comes out walking with an evil grin on his face. He stands there for a while as the arena starts to get hotter and hotter. As smoke rises up around him he disappears. The crowd looks in amaze. All of the sudden a huge explosion around the ring, lights up the arena. He then is somehow standing in the middle of the ring.**

James:The following match is scheduled for one fall and is for the PWF European Championship. Introducing from East Los Angeles, California, weighing 283lbs, Firestorm. *Crowd Cheers*

**Ruff Ryders both enter to the cheer of the crowd when "Beautiful People" by Marilyn Manson hits. Devastator and Destroyer both clich they fists and hit them together and climb in the ring and wait in the corner**

James: Introducing from Brooklyn, New York, weighing 350lbs, accompanied by his tag team partner Destroyer, one half of the Ruff Ryders, Devastator. *Crowd gives a mixed reaction.*

Report: Devastator and Fire Storm both start to circle each other both men are a little nervous. Fire Storm looks the calmer, he has been in this position before. The two men fake tie ups at each other, then they finally do tie up. Devastator uses his power to push Fire Storm into the corner then starts to pound on Fire Storm with Body shots and punches to the face. Devastator walks away as Fire Storm staggers out of the corner. Devastator then charges in and clotheslines down Fire Storm

Stanyer: Devastator gets the upper hand in the early going of this match.

Fire Storm gets back up quickly. He looks a little dazed. Devastator clubs Firestorm with a big forearm, sending Firestorm staggering across the ring. Devastator charges at Fire Storm who ducks and launches Devastator over the top rope to the floor.

Stanyer: My god, what a counter by Fire Storm, the tide has turned quickly in this match.

Fire Storm follows Devastator outside, Fire Storm stomps on Devastator and then picks him up. Fire Storm whips Devastator into the steel steps, Devastator hits it Shoulder first. Fire Storm helps Devastator up and slams his head into the steps. Fire Storm then takes Devastator by the head and slams it into the barricade. Devastator slumps down by the barricade. Fire Storm proceeds to stomp on Devastator. Fire Storm picks up Devastator and rolls him into the ring. Fire Storm follows him in, he lifts up Devastator but Devastator pushes Fire Storm off him as he picks him up and then kicks Fire Storm in the gut and delivers a DDT.

Dawg: This is Devastator's chance now, he needs to capitalise while Fire Storm is down.

Devastator still stunned by Fire Storms attacks earlier is slow to his feet. Fire Storm gets up slowly, holding his head. Devastator kicks Fire Storm in the gut, then sets him up for a Suplex, but Fire Storm blocks the suplex and delivers a suplex of his own. Fire Storm quickly covers. 1......2......Devastator powers out. Fire Storm waits for Devastator to get up and then starts to pepper him with right hands, Fire Storm then whips Devastator to the corner, but Devastator reverses it and Fire Storm slams into the turnbuckle, but he fires out of it and takes Devastator down with a clothesline. Fire Storm covers. 1.......2.......Devastator gets his left shoulder up. Fire Storm pushes it back down and tries again. 1.........2.........this time Devastator rolls over onto his stomach. Fire Storm mounts Devastator and locks in a Camel Clutch.

Stanyer: This could really weaken Devastator, he can't win by submission, but he can do a lot of damage with them.

Fire Storm arches back on the hold. Devastator winces at the pain, and looks close to be tapping out, although it won't matter. Fire Storm releases the hold and rolls Devastator over for the pin. 1......2.......Devastator just kicks out. Fire Storm helps Devastator up to his feet. Fire Storm whips Devastator to the ropes, but he reverses it and then hits a Tilt a Whirl Sidewalk Slam with authority. Devastator and Fire Storm both stay down. The referee begins a ten count, but then realises that there can be no countouts in this match and stops it. Fire Storm is first to his feet and goes for a right hand, but Devastator blocks it and hits a succession of forearms to the face of Fire Storm, he follows it up with a Manhatten Drop, then a kick to the stomach and a DDT. Fire Storm springs back up, but we walks straight into a Spinebuster by Devastator.

Stanyer: That could do it!!! Cover, 1.....2.......No, Fire Storm kicks out.

Fire Storm rises to his feet. Devastator runs off the ropes and tries the Decapatator, but Fire Storm ducks it and as Devastator comes off the other side he locks in a goozle. But the Devastator counters by goozling Fire Storm. Devastator is the stronger man and tightens his grip enough to force Fire Storm to release the hold. Devastator then deliver Total Devastation.

Dawg: This one is over.

Stanyer: Devastator hooks the leg, could be a new european champion. 1......2.........NO, Fire Storm get's the left shoulder up somehow.

Devastator can't believe that Fire Storm kicked out. He picks up Fire Storm, but Fire Storm gets in a kick to the gut of Devastator, Fire Storm then sets Devastator up for The Prominence, but he can't lift Devastator who clubs Fire Storm across the back putting Fire Storm in perfect position for The Devastator(Dominator).

Stanyer: Could it be?? Cover. 1........2..........3!!!!!! WE HAVE A NEW EUROPEAN CHAMPION!!!!!!

Dawg: I can't believe it, Devastator wins it.

Devastator d. Fire Storm
13:50 Pinfall

James: The winner of the match, AND NEW PWF EUROPEAN CHAMPION, DEVASTATOR!!! *Crowd Boos*

Stanyer: He may not be the most popular champion of all time, but he certainly a deserving one.

Dawg: What does it say for the singles division, when a tag team wrestler wins a singles title.

Stanyer: It says that we have a very strong tag team division doesn't it.

Dawg: Well, All credit to Devastator, he won it, and deservedly so.

{Commercial Break}

**Clips are shown of the old PWF matches.**

Voice: Coming soon to PWF Shopzone, PWF Classics. Relive the moments when Eraser became the first PWF World Champion, See Blackbird become King of the Ring, See the amazing Hell in a Cell Match between Headache and Demon. Witness Solo show why he was the master of "The Snakepit". And watch the classic Rumbles. All these coming soon to PWF Shopzone.

{End Commercial}

Stanyer: Welcome back folks. We have just crowned a new European Champion, and it is.....

**The lights go out in the arena... suddenly the lights flash red as "Machinehead" hits the speakers. The Video for Kevin Cage begins to play as the man himself walks out to the entrance way and down to the ring. A chorus of boos salutes him as he steps between the ropes and picks up a microphone... The house lights come back up as Cage begins his speech...**

Stanyer: Well before I was interupted, I was going to say that Devastator is the new European Champion, but I guess Kevin wishes to speak.

Kevin Cage: Well, well, well... Mr. Pitbull seems to lack a little fight. He said that he would go for the jugular... but all he did was get beat my his master.

*Crowd boos as Cage laughs...*

Kevin Cage: I got to the ring that night, after listening to Silas complain, and complain... somebody had to show the guy a lesson... so - since you unbathed, toothless fans were cheering him on, nobody better than Kevin Cage to come to the rescue and get his boring tail out of the ring!

*Crowd chants "asshole"*

Kevin Cage: AND... (raises voice) ANNNND... I beat him in this very ring, within an inch of his life, then I took him backstage and beat him within an inch of his life... I proved that I am the best... and nobody can tell me different, cause...

** "Come Out and Play" by The Offspring cuts Cage off mid-sentence. Silas 'The Pitbull' Parish's entrance video begins to play and within a few seconds, The Pitbull walks out onto the entry ramp. He glares down to the ring and locks his eyes on Kevin Cage as he reaches into his back pocket to retrieve a microphone. The crowd begins to cheer, just to spite Cage which brings a smile to Silas' face.**

The Pitbull - "Whoa Cage! I didn't realize you were soooo popular with the... what was it you called them? Unbathed and toothless? Yeah, thats it... The unbathed and toothless fans. I'm in awe of your obvious love for the people who put the zero's in your paycheck from week to week. Now despite you're obvious popularity, I have noticed one other thing about your little speech so far. And that one thing is that you have got to be the BIGGEST, DUMBEST, UGLIEST, son of a bitch I've ever laid eyes on!"

**The crowds reaction is huge as they clearly show that they agree with Silas' observations. As Cage tries to ignore them and show he doesn't care what the crowd thinks, Silas' smile widens because he knows it DOES get to Cage, at least a little bit.**

The Pitbull - "You come out here and talk about events that didn't happen. Talking about how you beat me within an inch of my life there in the ring. Then how you beat me within an inch of my life in the back. What a complete and total pile of sh... no, I'm not gonna go there, you get my point anyways. The fact is, you didn't beat me at all. Heck, you didn't even manage to bruise me or even draw blood. No, your attempt however, WAS very pathetic. So if I have to take your King Kong sized ego down a few notches by kickin' your ass... I will! And, well, there's no time like the present!"

Stanyer: Their going to get it on right now!!!

**Silas drops the mic and walks down the ramp towards the ring, his eyes never straying from Cage, who has also dropped his mic. About halfway to the ring, Silas breaks into a dead run and slides under the bottom rope into the ring. Quickly to his feet, him and Cage start exchanging punches, neither one gaining too much of an advantage. Finally the ring starts to fill up with security as the two are dragged apart. Since they can't move much under all the restraining manpower, they stare daggers at each other.**

{Commercial Break}

**Clips are shown of the old PWF matches.**

Get your Canadian Monkey shirts today! A Canadian flag on the front and a big ol Monkey on the back of it. Black and white and red colors!

*Big Poppa, Genecide, Rye, Leo, and Blackbird are all shown wearing the shirts and flashing big thumbs up signs*

{End Commercial}

Stanyer: Welcome back folks, after the fracas that just happened, it is clear that The Pitbull and Kevin Cage will have a score to settle, somewhere down the line.

Dawg: And I would love to see it go down.

Stanyer: But now it is time for our Main Event, as we are set to crown a new PWF US Champion.

Main Event

Rye Hazwaki v The Fro

**"My Generation" by Limp Bizkit plays as The Fro walks to the ring showing no sign of intimidation or fear and he wears a "The People's Answer" t-shirt. He walks up onto the apron and then faces the crowd and holds one arm in the air. He then enters the ring and goes over to one corner and then holds one arm in the air.**

James: Introducing, from Green Bay Wisconsin, weighing 281lbs, "The People's Answer", The Fro.*Crowd Cheers*

**Break Stuff by Limp Bizkit hits, as the lights flash red and white, and Rye Hazwaki is shown doing a slow ‘Cyclone Kick.’ The Pyro’s blast as Rye stands on the top of the stage, he looks at the crowd then walks down and enters the ring.**

James: Introducing, from Tokyo, Japan, weighing 251lbs, Rye Hazwaki.

Report: Rye and The Fro stand off, Rye is aware that The Fro can get The Fro Bomb from almost any position, and The Fro is fully aware of the dangers of Rye's kicks. The two men square up to each other, they look each other straight in the eyes, then they start to exchange right hands, Rye not used to fist fights loses out in the battle and Fro hammers him repeatedly until he is in the corner. Fro starts to stomp away on Rye, but Rye manages to grab Fro and reverse the positions, Rye then starts to aim precise kicks at the kidneys of The Fro.

Stanyer: Look at the precision of Rye's kicks, exactly where they will do damage.

Rye stops the kicks as The Fro gets to his feet holding his left kidney area. Rye tries another kick there, but The Fro catches it, Rye goes for the Enziguri, but The Fro ducks it and Rye crashes to the mat. The Fro then mounts Rye and starts to punch him repeatedly in the face. The Fro then walks off and comes off the ropes and delivers and Elbow Drop. The Fro goes for a cover. 1......2...Rye kicks out. Rye rises to his feet, The Fro kicks Rye in the gut, and then whips Rye to the ropes, The Fro then hits a Flapjack on Rye sending Rye crashing chest first into the canvas. The Fro covers again. 1......2.......Rye kicks out.

Stanyer: The Fro has a clear advantage now, how much longer can Rye hold out?

Rye again gets to his feet. The Fro delivers a couple of right hands, then kicks Rye in the gut and delivers a Double Arm Suplex. The Fro then climbs to the second turnbuckle and comes off and connects with a Driving Elbow to the chest of Rye. The Fro covers. 1......2.......Rye gets the right shoulder up.

Dawg: That one was close.

Stanyer: These two are very popular wrestlers, and the crowd are caught in two minds of who to cheer for.

The Fro helps up Rye, He then puts Rye in position and delivers a devastating Jumping Piledriver. The Fro covers. 1.........2.........Rye gets the right shoulder up again.

Dawg: How did he kick out of that? I don't believe that at all.

The Fro picks up Rye and sets Rye up for a Powerbomb. He lifts Rye up but amazingly Rye counters with a Hurricanranna Pin. 1....2....Fro kicks out.

Stanyer That caught The Fro completely by surprise. Could this be the comeback from Rye??

The Fro gets back up quickly, The Fro looks for a right hand, but Rye ducks it and kicks Fro in the chest, Fro reels backwards. Fro looks a little uncertain of what to do. Fro tries to punche Rye, but he ducks again and hits a heel kick putting The Fro down. The Fro rolls away and gets back to his face. The Fro checks his jaw for a second.

Stanyer: The adrenalin is flowing in Rye now.

The Fro fakes a punch at Rye, Rye ducks down, but Fro grabs him and goes for an inverted DDT, but Rye somehow wrangles his way out of it into a hammerlock. Fro, reverses the hammerlock into a top wristlock. Rye then jumps up and hits a two footed dropkick to the chest of The Fro forcing him to release the hold. Fro quickly gets back up but gets caught with a perfect Superkick from Rye, this time Fro does stay down. Rye covers. 1........2.........The Fro kicks out.

Stanyer: A perfect kick from Rye almost, almost wins him the US title.

Rye helps The Fro back up. Rye kicks The Fro in the kidneys a couple of times, then tries a roundhouse to the head, but Fro ducks it and looks for a back drop, but Rye reverses and looks for a German Suplex, but The Fro looks to counter with The Fro Bomb, but Rye pushes him off, The Fro comes off the ropes and Rye connects with a stunning Running Two Footed Dropkick to the face of The Fro. The Fro stays down. Rye covers. 1............2..............The Fro just gets the right shoulder up.

Dawg: Rye was less than an inch away from winning it there.

Rye picks up The Fro, The Fro pushes Rye's hands away and kicks him in the gut and delivers a DDT. Fro covers. 1.........2.............Rye just gets the left shoulder up. Rye rises to his feet. The Fro swings with a Haymaker, Rye ducks and connects with a kick to the head of Fro, dazing him. A second and third kick put The Fro on his knees. Rye then bounces off the ropes and hits The Feet of Fury.

Stanyer: This is it, Cover. 1............2......................3!!!!!! RYE HAZWAKI, RYE HAZWAKI IS THE NEW US CHAMPION!!!! Dawg: Hey, Hey calm down, calm down.

Stanyer: I can't help it, great credit must go to The Fro who put up an outstanding fight, and I am sure he will be a champion in the PWF someday, but this is Rye Hazwaki's moment.

Rye Hazwaki d. The Fro
14:26 Pinfall (Time doubled)

James: The winner of the match, AND NEW PWF US CHAMPION, RYE HAZWAKI. *Crowd gives a standing ovation for both men.*

Stanyer: Listen to this crowd, what an ovation for both men, what will it be like tomorrow night when we crown our World Champion. There is only one way to find out, tune in tomorrow night. Seeyah folks.

**Camera fades to black with Rye holding up the US Title.**

***© 2001 PWF Entertainment***