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Armageddon #7
Armageddon #6
Armageddon #5
Armageddon #4
Armageddon #3
Armageddon #2
Armageddon #1

House Shows

House Show #7
House Show #6
House Show #5
House Show #4
House Show #3
House Show #2
House Show #1


Rumble in the Bronx
Last Man Standing
War Games
House of Pain

Saturday Night Havoc

Havoc #19
Havoc #18
Havoc #17
Havoc #16
Havoc #15
Havoc #14
Havoc #13
Havoc #12
Havoc #11
Havoc #10
Havoc #9
Havoc #8
Havoc #7
Havoc #6
Havoc #5
Havoc #4
Havoc #3
Havoc #2
Havoc #1

live from the Pensacola Civic Center,
Pensacola, Florida.
27th June 2001

**Pyro's blast off as "Demanufacture" by Fear Factory plays over the speakers. The new intro and symbol for Armageddon flashes on the Tron as the camera pans over the packed crowd in Pensacola Civic Center. The camera spins around and zooms in on the announcing team.**

Big Dave:- Hello and welcome to (insert venue here) for the first of the new look PWF ARMAGEDDON, i'm Big Dave Lambourne, along with Eric "The bushbomber" Gellar, and tonight we have prepared for you, one of the biggest cards in PWF history to relaunch wednesday night Armageddon isn't that right Eric?

Gellar:- Your damn right Dave just check out this line up!


Big Dave:- My god, that is one awesome card, on what is guarenteed to be an amazing night of PWF action folks!

Gellar:- Especially after the events of War Games, my goodness, with all this action, you can bet that there will be revenge tonight, especially for the gWo in the main event!

Big Dave:- Thats right Eric, for the all the folks that didn't watch the PPV, belts changed hands in what is probably the most contraversial title match in PWF history, Rye and Crusader came out trumps in the the Double Jeapordy ladder match....

Gellar:- My god, how can those guys wear those belts with any sort of dignity, they cheated and we all know the gWo doesn't need to cheat to win!

Big Dave:- What??!!??

Gellar:- I'm pretty sure that the public agrees with me Dave!

Big Dave:- Anyways on with the show, and to kick off the first Armageddon of the new regime, it'll be Silas Parish vs Big Poppa, take it away ring announcer Philip Edgar Jones!


Philip: "The following match is scheduled for one fall, coming to the ring at this time, weighting in at 285 pounds, he's beaten the almighty Trolley, 'The Real Show' Big Poppa!

**The audience goes mad as Big Poppa emerges through the Havoc curtains. He does a air-guitar taunt to the tune of the song, and dances down to the ring**

"Come out and Play" by The Offspring begins to play increasingly loud through the arena speakers, heralding the arrival of "Pitbull" Silas Parish. Several scenes of a pitbull on a chain, barking and straining to get loose, play on the TitanTron as the words SILAS PARISH slowly appear at the bottom of the screen and PITBULL appears at the top. Suddenly, a series of pyrotechnic explosions erupt down the right side of the ramp and back up the left side as Silas steps through the backstage curtain and into view. He pauses at thetop of the ramp, his eyes locked on his opponent in the ring. He cracks his knuckles and makes sure the tape around his hands is tight, his gaze still locked on the ring. Then he begins to stalk forward. About halfway down the ramp he breaks into a run and slides into the ring under the bottom rope, quickly getting to his feet well before the bell rings.

Philip: Introducing from Vancouver, Canada, Silas,"The Pitbull" Parish.*Crowd Cheers*

Report:- The two immediately go into an elbow tie up which is won by Big Poppa as he knees Pitbull in the gut repeatly as he backs him off into the corner, Big Poppa then begins to choke the Pitbull and the referee steps in to break them up. They begin to circle each other in the ring for a few seconds and then the Pitbull goes charging in with a clothesline which is ducked by Poppa, Poppa then tries the same thing but is ducked and then grabbed by the waist by the Pitbull, Poppa elbows him in the face and is released, he runs into the ropes and takes down Pitbull with an elbow block and then begins to pose to the crowd to show his superior strength...

Big Dave:- This guy is real smart he's about to let Pitbull back in!

Pitbull elbows him in the back of the head, he sends Big Poppa into the ropes and back drops him hard into the mat, he then runs to ropes and drops a leg drop on the back Poppa's head. He then picks up Poppa, grabs a handful of Poppa's trousers and sinches his arm and executes a snap suplex. Pitbull continues to hold the advantage as the match wares on, and Irish whips Poppa and then charges at him and performs an awesome spear!

Gellar:- Things aren't looking too good for Poppa!

Pitbull kicks Poppa in the gut and steps into the corner, he begins to run at Poppa and grabs his head looking to hit the running "Pitbulldog" but Poppa manages to counter the moves by throwing Pitbull out of the headlock. He then picks up Pitbull by the hair, and grabs him around the throat and slams him into the mat using the "Show Slam"!
He then begins to climb the turnbuckle as Pitbull gets onto his feet and just as Pitbull is up goes for a flying clothesline and connects perfectly!

Big Dave:- He looks just about out now!

Poppa is signalling the end now to the crowd as he sets up Pitbull for the "Paptizer" (Sleeperhold drop). He grabs him around the throat and brings his head crashing into the canvas and goes for a quick cover....

Big Dave:- That must be all 1..........., 2 ........kick out!
Poppa doesn't waste anytime and picks up the now exhausted Pitbull and sets him up for the "Poppa Bomb"........

Gellar:- He hits this its all over....

Poppa sends him crashing to the mat and immediately covers him and the ref begins the count....
1.................., 2,............. 3!

Big Poppa d. Pitbull
8.23 pin

Big Dave:- It's all over and Big Poppa picks up an impressive victory!

Gellar:- Yes, a good performance from both wrestlers but i knew Poppa would come out trumps there!

Big Dave:- OK folks now its time for some tag team action, It'll be the Gummi Bears vs The Russians, lets show the video package showing just how this match came about tonight...........

** As the shot fades in it reveals the Cameraman walking down the hallway, apparently in search of something or someone, he reaches the corner and as he turns he is met by The Russians **

Cameraman- Excuse me i have to go ......somewhere

Wowbowski- Vait up. After losingk to LoD on Var Game, ve vant to redeem ourselves.

Cossak- Da.

Wowbowski- Ve vant to fight da gummi bearskies.

Cossak- Ve do?

Wowbowski- Da.

Cossak- Ok.

Wowbowski- So, Gummi bear, ve vill see you ...tonight.

** The camera man tuns the corner and is walking away as Rye Hazwaki passes him, he continues walking but hears a struggle and turns around, when he gets around the corner, Rye can be seen laying on the ground as the Russians walk off to their room to get ready **

Gellar:- Seems somebody was pissed off with Rye Hazwaki!

Big Dave:- God damn it, the gWo has struck already tonight, and the US champ is going to be in a bad state for his match tonight!

Gellar:- Hey Dave, there is no evidence that it was the gWo, it could of been anyone......

Big Dave:- Yeah sure, how many other people have a vendetta with Rye Hazwaki?

Gellar:- Well a few million gWo fans i'd guess, but we'll have to wait until Rye gets out here to find out what really happened.......

Big Dave:- OK well down to the ring, its over to you again Philip Edgar Jones!


Philip:- "The following match is a tag team match, scheduled for one fall, introducing first, Cookie and Barry, The Gummi Bears!

**(Flashing random lights all the way through apart from at the slap hands at the end where one slap makes the lights go one colour, the next changes the colour and the double high five causes the lights to return to normal as well as causing the fireworks on stage) Two rocket fireworks fly to the stage and explode. The Gummi Bears appear and stand at the top with big grins, look at each other, then Cookie runs forward a little and Banoffe leap frogs over him, Banoffe then ducks and Cookie leap frogs him, this is done so each man has leapfrogged twice. Then they look at each other again and run towards the ring, sliding in and rolling. Both men bounce to there feet, look at each other again! and run to opposite diagonal corners and start dancing, they look at each other from there position in the corners, throw both arms in the air with big smiles and run to each others corners high fiving as they go past . Once at the other corner they jump up again and start dancing. After a few more seconds they jump back down and meet in the centre of the ring where they "go down low, go up high then double high five which causes fountains of sparks from up on the stage.**

Philip:- And their Opponents hailing from Russia, The Russians

** A Russian flag appears on the Big Screen along as red and blue strobe lights begin to flash, after a few moments Du Hast by Rammstein kicks in. The two Russians then come walking out of the back, Wowbowski turns and looks at the picture of the flag while Cossak just walks straight to the ring. Wowbowski follows Cossak down and grabs a mic before sliding into the squared circle. He makes his way to the middle of the ring and raises the mic to his face **

Gellar:- Hahaha, that Philip guy is really smart!

Report:- Wowbowski and Barry start off the match, and Barry waving to the crowd, and this gives Wowbowski an opperunity to attack as he nails Barry from behind with a forearm, and drags him into the Russians corner. Cossak holds Barry in the corner whilst Wowbowski bites Barry's head, but the ref quickly breaks it up!

Big Dave:- My god thats canibilism!

Gellar:- Didn't you know there is a famine in some parts of Russia?

The Russians continue to bend all the rules as Barry is laid out, and Wowbowski begins to choke him using his boot as he leans on the ropes. He then picks up the helpless Gummi Bear in a side-headlock and tags in Cossak. Cossak retains the headlock and plants Barry solidly with a firm DDT and goes for a lateral press
1..........2.......... kick out!

Big Dave:- Barry is really struggling here!

Cossak climbs the turnbuckle with Barry laid out, and goes for an elbow drop and connects. Cossak then begins to pose for the crowd and Barry manages to roll across the ring and tags in Cookie. Cossak is taunting Cookie to come and get it across the ring and this prompts Cookie to charge straight at Cossak who ducks into his stomach, picks him and Spinebusters him hard into the mat.Wowbowski is tagged back in and belly-to-belly suplexes Cookie back into the Russians Corner. He picks up Cookie and rests him into the corner and begins to jab him repeatly in the face with the crowd counting the punches up to 9 when he pauses to clentch his fisk and hits Cookie with an awesome right hand which sends down Cookie face first into the mat. Wowbowski looks down on Barry and a trickle of blood begins to run from his face...

Gellar:- Wow, what an incredible right hand, hes busted him wide open!

Barry runs back into the ring to try and save his partner but gets hit with a Russian Lariet (Power Clothesline) and is out cold, Cossak is now back into the ring to assist Wowbowski in finishing off Cookie. He grabs Cookie around the knees and lifts him into air and Wowbowski connects with a flying spear from the top rope...

Big Dave:- What a fantastic move from The Russians
Wowbowski steps on Cookies chest for the cover.....1..........2.........3

The Russians d The Gummi Bears
3:18 pin

Big Dave:- A pretty comprehensive victory for The Russians!

Gellar:- I think we have just seen the end of The Gummi Bears!

Big Dave:-You maybe right... EMT's are in the ring attending to Barry and Cookie, this a very sad sight

Gellar:- Well i'm personally glad to see the back of those losers, they have no place here in the PWF............

Big Dave:- Now onto more pressing matters, earlier a secret camera recorded footage of the gWo in their dressing room, as they discussed teh events of War Games, roll the tape...............

** Footage is played for the TV audience of the gWo backstage after a disasterous night at War Games, somehow a camera is planted in the corner of the room and catches the converation of the gWo as they congregate around a table in disappointment**

MVD is seen sitting down with his face in his hands, and JVD with her arms around him, trying desperately to re-assure the real F'N show!

Travis Right is drinking a beer, and looks uncomfortable sitting around his peers after their defeats.

And Power is sitting upright with the real McCoy massaging his shoulders as the conversation begins...............

MVD:- This is the biggest farce in wrestling history, we were about to grab the damn belts and those 2 punk ass bitches, Bloodbath and Havoc ran in and robbed us damn it damn it damn it! **MVD proceeds to get out of his chair and assault the wall**

Travis:- Don't worry fellas, we'll get pay back against those mis-matched has-beens next week, i've earned a US title shot after all, and don't worry MVD, i'll kick his ass for you!

** At this point an awkward silence falls upon the room and MVD stops attacking the wall, with his arms pressed against the wall, he turns his head towards Travis and gives him the coldest look you can possibly imagine.......... MVD steps away from the wall and walks towards Travis, but at this point, The Real McCoy interupts before the two clash **

McCoy:- Do not worry Van Dam, because you and Power G will entertain the nation by destroying 2 of those misfits...... THE OUTKASTS!

I've already spoken with Mr. Pellington, and i've arranged for you guys to meet Bloodbath and Crusader Chrome at Armageddon!

MVD:- Excellent, pay back will begin wednesday for those assholes and my god it will not be pretty, what do you say G?

Camera pans in on Power G who crushes a Beer can in his hand, and simply nods affirmatively at MVD, as static interupts the transmission before completely cutting off.......

Big Dave:- gWo perhaps hinting at a break up there, an aweful lot of friction in the ranks as we just saw.

Gellar:- Well MVD was understandably pissed off that he lost the US title match at War Games Dave, but i'm sure it'll all be put right, when they meet up with 2 of the Outkasts tonight!

Big Dave:- We shall have to see, but now we have a number 1 contenders match for the Hardcore title, it'll be the mafia man Big Lou vs Theros Macalvia, in what is sure to be an exordinary match up to say the least.

Gellar:- Yeah, that nutbar Theros has been throwing himself through tables and all sorts of late and i seriously doubt he can come on top with this sort of illness!

Big Dave:- It's without question we've never had a wrestler quite like Theros on our roster, but lets roll some video footage of what the two combatants had to say earlier today..........

****Big Lou laying back in his couch with a bottle of jack daniels in one hand and a 40 ounce of budweiser. The camera man is looking straight at Big Lou.****

Big Lou: The name Theros sounds very furmilar maybe in the H.N.W. days but maybe not... I might of even fought you... I've been told by the president that I must fight you Theros for the #1 contendership for the hardcore championship here in the p.w.f.!! I'm ready to take out anybody that gets in my way for the hardcore title. I will become this federations hardcore champion. Theros I've herd word about you and you were a hardcore champion of some other federations near by. I'll tell you this I ain't no hardcore legend I'm beyond that I'm a fuckin HardGore legend.

(Big Lou clears throat and removes his sunglasses while sitting on his leather couch.)

Big Lou: You won't forget the night I kick your ass Theros while the ref is holding my arm up in the air with me looking down at your poor soul. I WILL BECOME THE PWF'S HARDCORE CHAMPION GOD DAMMIT!! You might be thinking why I have said so few words I like to keep it short and sweet just like how I'm going to defeat you in the ring short and sweet!

****Big Lou then gets off his couch and throws the camera man out of his room!****

Gellar:- Man...... that guy is intense, here is what Theros had to say on tonight's match-up............

{Theros appears in his lockerroom, apparantly somewhat healed or recovered from his swanton through the electrical equipment. He sits in the corner of his room, the knees pulled up into his chest as his arms rest on the knees, blocking sight to his face and body}

Theros: "He hehe ha hehe hahahahahahHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

{Theros's body shakes as he laughs}

Theros: "Revolution!!!!! REVENGE! It is done, done like the flower. Now the world must trembles, Theros returns. Yes yes yes. Theros becomes Theros once more. And you? You are no one. You are a shadow, shadow of lights and floating like a paper boat. A little white paper boat. On the sea of red. Red like the sky! Beware, the madman is returned and now at peace. As peace as the Madman knows, yes, peace like the shattered window. Stillness like the gravestone, but not dead. No...... not dead."

{Theros straightens, using the wall to instantly push himself to a standing position}

Theros: "Theros fought the change, he dispised it. But Theros knew better, he knew Theros was wrong, and so he beat Theros. Beat Theros with Theros's own body. Like an elephant... just like the elephants. Hardcore? No more? Beware your fears, the bloody crown still hangs upon this head like the sychophants and crocodiles. Watch me and bleed."

{Theros pushes off the wall and walks out into the hallway, people already there give him wide space as he walks. From nowhere his right arm snaps out and grabs a random backstage crewman by the neck. The man flails and fights, hitting the arm, trying to dislodge it. But the arm doesn't care, and slams the man's head into the wall. Theros seems totally unaware and continues to talk while his arm brutalizes the man, slapping and throwing him around}

Theros: "Theros knows the rules, he knows the game. He wins the prize, and leaves to fish. Theros......"

{The Madman turns and sees his arm pounding the poor soul, and he grabs the wrist and tears it away from the man.}

Theros: "BAD!!!"

{The hand curls lightly and hangs limp at his side. His other arm is used to point and shake at the misbehaving limb}

Theros: "Bad bad bad bad! No, bad!"

{Theros wanders off down the hallway, a short distance down he stops reprimanding the rogue arm and takes it attention away from it, as soon as he does it comes to life again and slugs some lady across the face dropping her. Theros continues to walk unawares.}

Big Dave:- He is indeed unique to say the least, its over to you Philip Edgar Jones........


Philip:- The following match, scheduled for one fall, is a number 1 contenders match for the Hardcore title, introducing at this time from Syracuse, New York, weighing 282lbs. Theros Macalvia!!

**Suddenly wild laughter echoes through the arena, the lights flashing purple and red. Theros appears on stage, his hands on his hips as he laughs. After several moments the laughs die off, and Ozzy's 'Crazy Train' hits. Theros stalks down towards the ring, a confident smirk on his face as the music continues to boom. Theros rolls into the ring and starts laughing again. The music then shatters into another chorus of wild laughter.**

Philip: And his opponent from Las Vegas, Nevada, accompanied by Mad Mike, weighing 270lbs, Big Lou. *Crowd Boos*

Natural Born Killaz blast on the stereos throughout the arena then you see on the titantron "N.B.K. ALL THE WAY!" in red blood type letters. Big Lou makes his way to the ramp. Big Lou then raises his Louie ville slugger in the air and slowly raises his head up and all of a sudden red flames from the right and green flames on the left side shoot up in the air. Big Lou then enters the ring and goe over the top rope, Big Lou climbs up the turnbuckle with the Louie ville slugger high in the air.

Report:- Before Big Lou can even get down from the turnbuckle Theros is on the attack as he jumps on Big Lou's back and starting to strangle and bite his neck, Big Lou has an expression of agony on his face but manages to jump off with Theros still attached to him and convert it into a variation of the Somoan Drop....

Big Dave:- My god the man is sick, look he has drawn blood!!

Both return to their feet, with Lou clutching at his neck, and Theros wipes away the blood from his face as the two lock up. Both struggle to gain advantage from the elbow tie-up as they swing each other around the ring, until Theros releases one hand and manages to insert his finger into the wound on Lou's neck.....

Gellar:- That man is demented, i have no idea what hes looking for in there!

Lou manages to get an elbow into the face of Theros and gets him to break the manouver. The two tie-up again and Theros ducks under a right hand and has him in a waist lock, but Lou counters with a mule kick to the groin and Theros releases the hold....... but as Lou looks behind him, expecting Theros to be riving in pain he is chuckling to himself and then pokes Lou in the eye.....

Big Dave:- Now that is very strange behaviour from Mr Macalvia

Theros scoops up Lou and charges him into the turnbuckle for the "crazy train" (Oklahoma Slam), but keeps hold of Lou in his arms and hangs in the tree of woe. Theros takes a run and spears Big Lou and he collapses from the turnbuckle in a heap clutching his stomach. Theros picks up Lou, but Lou headbuts Theros in the chin and this completely distorts Theros and he stumbles to one knee, and Lou soccer kicks Theros right in the temple. Theros is now down on the canvas as Lou begins to kick him in the ribs in typical streetfight fashion, and then abandons the assault to go outside to grab a weapon. He makes his way to the announcers table and grabs the ring bell.......

Gellar:- I can't wait to see what he'll do with that!

Big Dave:- You sick sick individual!

Lou picks up Theros and whips him into the turnbuckle and begins to charge at him, he jumps off his feet and connects with the bell perfectly on the forehead of Theros. Theros slumps into the corner, and Lou is now indicating his next move to the crowd. He runs towards the corner and jumps with the bell feet first right into the face of Theros, thus busting him wide open!

Gellar:- I don't care who you are, that has gotta hurt!
Big Lou is now sensing victory and begins to roll off his big moves, he sits on top of Theros' chest as hes still laid out in the corner of the ring and is viciously punching him in the face over and over again...

Big Dave:- He calls that, the fists of steel! (ultimate punching)

Theros at this point looks all but beaten and Lou picks him up and sits on top of the turnbuckle. Lou starts to climb up and begins to set him up for a big move......

Gellar:- My god what he is going to do now?
He looks like his going for a superplex, but drops him vertically on his head with an awesome super- brainbuster

Big Dave:- Holy mother of mercy, hes killed Theros Macalvia, hes dead, he must be!

Lou immediately goes for the cover, almost certain he has victory....1.........2.......................kick out!

Gellar:- Thats impossible how could he kick out!

Big Lou is totally dumbfounded that Theros was able to kick out, and goes outside the ring and then pulls out a kendo stick from under the apron. Theros is on his knees and Lou begins to bitch to him, and then unleashes an almighty crack of the stick on his head, but Theros is still on knees but swaying back and forth. Lou cracks the stick on his head again, this time Theros is on one knee, again Lou cracks the stick this time across the side of his head, but Theros is now standing, and laughing right in the face of Big Lou.

Big Dave:- How is he even alive, nevermind standing, i've never seen anything like this in my years of commentary!

Lou is staring at the kendo stick examining it, and its covered in the blood of Theros, he then tenses himself and screams, he takes a run into the ropes and snaps the stick in half over Theros' head with a last mighty hit. Theros now is screaming loudly and wickedly and tightens the grip of gloves and lunges at Big Lou..........

Gellar:- Hes got him by the throat, by the throat damn it!

Big Dave:- Its legal Eric, its Hardcore, but look at Lou's face, its blue!

Theros is sitting on top of Lou, and is throttaling Lou on the canvas, he will not release his grip on Lou's neck. Theros is now laughing at Lou as he chokes him out, Lou gets his hands around Theros throat but is unable to break the hold and eventually passes out

Theros d Big Lou
6:14 submission (pass out)

Big Dave:- I think i'm gonna throw up

Gellar:- i seriously think we should remove those scenes from our broadcast, its this sort of violence that creates serial killers...

The EMT's are in the ring with Big Lou and Mad Mike looks over his companion with dispare, as he is carried out of the ring limp, his tongue hanging loose from his mouth, this is truely a terrible moment in PWF history...

Big Dave:- Theros has flipped, he's completely lost it, he needs incarcerating!

Gellar:- I think you maybe right Dave, this is a new side to Theros we've not seen before!

Big Dave:- OK our next match is a perfect example of how the PWF loves to pit new and old against each other, it's the new kid on the block Dirk Danger vs PWF veteran Firestorm!

Gellar:- Huhahahaha Dirk Danger

Big Dave:- Whats so funny?

Gellar:- Ummmm nothin

Big Dave:- OK over to you ring announcer Philip Edgar Jones....

Philip:- The following match is scheduled for one fall, introducing first in his first PWF appearance, give a warm welcome to DIRK....DANGER!
**Round of applause**

**Danger by Mystikal hits, and green and white lights flash on and off. A danger symbol and clips of the Danger Driver are shown flashing on and off. Dirk steps out onto the ramp, he looks around at the crowd who cheers loudly. He then comes out to the end of the stage and flexes to the crowd. He continues down the ramp and steps up onto the ring apron, where he steps through the ropes and walks over and stands on the middle of the ropes and raises his arms in the air.**

**Fire Storms music hits as the lights go out. The words "Fear for he is here" flash on the screen. Pyros start fling from the rafters as Fire Storm comes out walking with an evil grin on his face. He stands there for a while as the arena starts to get hotter and hotter. As smoke rises up around him he disappears. The crowd looks in amaze. All of the sudden a huge explosion around the ring, lights up the arena. He then is somehow standing in the middle of the ring.**

Philip: And His Opponent from East Los Angeles, California, weighing 283lbs, Firestorm. *Crowd Cheers*


Report:- The two wrestlers stop to stare each other down at the beginning of the match for about a minute, when Firestorm taunts Dirk by dragging his thumb across his throat gesturing he is going to kill Dirk and then they lock up. Dirk then knees Firestorm in the gut to gain the advantage, and then begins to jab away at the PWF veteran, this sends Firestorm stumbling back into ropes and appears to be at Dirk's mercy as Dirk swings with a big right hand, but Firestorm ducks underneath and wraps his hand around the throat of the challenger, he lifts him up into the air and brings him down with a perfectly executed Chokeslam. At this point Firestorm looks confident and begins to point at his opponent and laughing. While Firestorm is not looking Dirk Danger gets on to his feet and hits Firestorm with a clothesline to the bag of the head which sends him straight down to the mat, and he crawls out of the ring to take a breather!

Big Dave:- Pretty foolish of Firestorm to let his opponent back into the match like that!

Gellar:- Don't worry, hes just picking his spots, he'll take timeout to regain his composure and get back in the ring!

He gets back into the ring and goes straight into an elbow tie-up which he wins and whips Dirk into the ropes, but Dirk hits a spear on his return which is countered beautifully into "The Prominence" (Small package DDT). Dirk is down on the mat and looks tired, Firestorm picks him up by the hair and clamps his legs around the head of Dirk and unleashes the "Total Magnitude" (Snap powerbomb 1).

Gellar:- Beautiful moves there from Firestorm, he is looking good for a win here!

Firestorm picks up his opponent who is now completely groggy, and jabs him twice in the face before lifting him high above his head for a Military Press, he begins to press him into air to the amusement of the crowd and then throws him over the top rope and onto the floor. He then begins to pose to crowd, and then points to his opponent on the outside as he gets to his feet. He then takes a run up and leaps through the middle rope for a suicide dive, but Dirk rolls out of the way and Firestorm hits the crowd barrier headfirst........

Big Dave:- Oh my god, that has to compress all the vertibrae in the spine, i don't think Firestorm will make it through the match-up!

Dirk Danger is completly oblivious to what just happened and rolls Firestorm back into the ring. He picks up Firestorm and sets him for a cradle piledriver to cause further damage to Firestorm's already injured neck.

Big Dave:- Beautiful manouver, cover..........
1..................2..........................3's all over

Dirk Danger def Firestorm
9:15 pin

{Commerical Break}

*clips of Blackbird's arm being raised with the Hardcore and World titles are shown*

Voice-He's the most resiliant man in wrestling today. He is a former PWF World Champion

*More clips shown*

Voice-Hardcore is what this man does.

*Blackbird is shown sitting in the corner of a ring with a mic*


Fast voice-Order your copy of Blackbird: Definition of hardcore including entire matches and commentary from Blackbird himself for only $9.99! Available in Shopzone NOW!

{End Commercial}

Big Dave:-Well how much weirder can things get tonight after the Theros incident and then Firestorm making a fatal error in his match with PWF debutant Dirk Danger?

Gellar:- Hey take nothing away from Dirk Danger, he took some heavy punishment in that match and still had his wits about him to avoid the suicide dive....

Big Dave:- Your right, but coming up next is another debut, it'll the PWF's newest signing Rampage coming up against one of the most decorated men in wrestling today, the PWF European champion HOMICIDE!

Gellar:- Should be an interesting match up and Rampage can really make
a name for himself in this match up

Big Dave:- Over to Philip Edgar Jones...

**The arena lights dim (not turn off) and turn red. Welcome to the Jungle plays and two large explosions go off on either side of the stage. Rampage walks out and makes a v-line straight to the ring hardly looking at the fans. Sometimes he runs straight out as soon as the lights dim and attacks.**

Philip:- The next is scheduled for one fall, introducing first, making his first PWF appearance....... Rampage!

**The PWF arena goes black and the crowd silences while words flash across the VideoTron: "THE.. REAL.. BOSTON.. MASSACRE!!" A single silver flare streaks down from the rafters on target with the stage, and it is answered by a row of blue explosions, as "Cowboys From Hell" by Prodigy blares over the speakers and the crowd roars in approval. A man in black and blue thigh length tights appears from through the curtain, and makes his way to the end of the stage, where he stops to taunt the crowd, and then proceeds to the ring .**

Philip: Introducing from Boston, Massachusetts, weighing 292lbs, "The Real Boston Massacre" Homicide. *Crowd cheers*


Report:- Rampage and Homicide tie-up , but Homicide just pushes him away using his superior strength to get the better of his opponent, Rampage tries again, but Homicide just kicks him in the breadbasket. Homicide grabs Rampage's hand as he is leant over clutching his abdominal muscles amd then whips him to the ropes and tries a back body drop, but Rampage jumps over the back of him and grabs his neck into a reverse headlock and quickly drops into the mat with a beautiful reverse DDT. Homicide gets back to a vertical base stratching his head in wonder as the new boy seems to be getting the better of him. They both come together but Homicide sends Rampage sprawling with a forearm to the face of Rampage. Homicide then picks up Rampage into a waist lock and performs a lovely release german suplex landing Rampage right on the back of his head. Homicide then makes a cover. 1.....2...Rampage gets a firm kick out. Homicide picks up Rampage and escorts him into a corner. Homicide then connects with a few well placed shoulder thrusts and then sends Rampage chest first into the other corner, and as Rampage stumbles back, Homicide follows through with a clothesline.

Big Dave:- Homicide's experiance is really beginning to show now folks!.

Homicide then renches back into the Boston Crab on Rampage. Rampage refuses to submit and Homicide pulls even further back making Rampage scream in agony, but Rampage still refuses to tap out and begins to crawl to the ropes using is elbows and manages to get close enough to get one hand to the bottom rope. Homicide refuses to release the hold. Despite the referees demands.

Gellar:- He knows exactly how much he can get away with here, he'll keep hold of this for as long as possible

Big Dave:- Thats just totally cheap from Homicide!

Gellar:- He does what it takes to win, stop complaining!

Homicide pulls as far back as he can on the Boston Crab then he lets Rampage loose as the ref was looking to call for a DQ, he walks away posing to the crowd before he turns back to Rampage. Rampage is making his way towards Homicide and begins to fire off right hands on Homicide, then whips Homicide to the ropes, Rampage tries a clothesline, but Homicide ducks underneath and spins around and connects with a big boot to the face of Rampage. Rampage goes down but gets back up, meanwhile Homicide climbs to the top rope and flies off with a Shoulder tackle taking Rampage down.

Big Dave:- This is over!

Homicide covers 1.............2.................Rampage kicks out
As Homicide picks up Rampage, Rampage gets in a low blow. Rampage then whips Homicide to the ropes, Rampage tries a superkick but gets caught, and Homicide hooks him into a capture suplex and drives him into the mat with authority!

Big Dave:- This is it 1.................2.......................3

Homicide def Rampage
2:55 pin

Gellar:- A truely professional performance by the European champion there i think you will agree Dave?

Big Dave:- Yes i do, Homicide didn't give his opponent a chance to get into the match, better luck next time to Rampage....
**Rampage recieves a round of applause as he exits the ring**

{Commerical Break}

*Voice - Hello, this is a comercial to advertise the new "Big Poppa Chat-Line" You can talk to Big Poppa any time of the day and talk to his about any of these catagories:

'How To Lose
'How To Dance
'How To Wrestle
'How To Make The Chicks Spot You
and you have a 100% chance he will answer. So call now on


Calls cost $4 a min, but it's well worth it!

*Big Poppa - Call Me Now. (Wink, Wink)

{End Commercial}

Big Dave:- Welcome back wrestling fans, we've had a hell of a night so far haven't we Eric?

Gellar:- We sure have Dave, no shortage of contraversy either, but the night is about to hot up i'm sure of that...........

** Just as Gellar and Big Dave were about to introduce the next match-up, footage is seen of PWF legend Eraser as he enters the Arena**

Big Dave:- Hes not on tonight's card damn it, why is he here???

Gellar:- I'm sure we'll find out!

* Eraser is seen driving up to the arena in his jeep, he graps his bag and starts to walk toward the entrance as he passes Gambino's Cadillac Escalade; Eraser stops in front of the Cadillac *

Eraser: Gambi's

* Eraser walks through the door with a smile on his face. The camera men loss Eraser in the back and he walks pass the locker rooms *

*The Titan Tron starts to flash I.C.O.N as "I am" by Eminem hits as Eraser walks out from behind the curtains with his bag still in hand. He has a grend on his face as the crowd starts to boo and chant ass-hole. Eraser walks down to the ring as tosses his bag in the ring as he walks over to James and grabs him by the collar an dstands him up and takes his chair and his mic. Eraser tosses the chair in the ring as he pushes James out the way, puts the mic in his back pocket and climbs in the ring. Eraser grabs his bag and the chair. He sets the chair up in the middle of the ring and put his bag as a stool and has a sit. While sitting signs to the back to cut his music. *

Eraser: LOL.........The P....W....F..........LOL........Man things have changed and so have I LOL

* The chants of ass-hole get louder as Eraser laughs *

Eraser: ass-hole....ass-hole.....ass-hole......Oh yall are talking about me....So I feel that same about you. But that is not why I came out here I came out here to talk to a friend LOL. My dare good friend...........Gambino.

* The crowd screams as Eraser says Gambinos name *

Eraser: so yall like him too. Me too he is really...........really.............really.....whats the word I'm looking for.......Loser no, sucks no, I got it now, a luck son of a bitch. I say he should go shake the hand of Devastator or what ever his name is. Because if it wasn't for him Gambi would more. LOL. SO Gambi wahy don't you come down here I'll go get you a chair if you want to sit and talk man or should you just come down hear so I can finish what I started. SO Gambino come on down...............

Gellar:- He appears to be renewing an old rivalry with Gambino Dave!

Big Dave:- I remember the end of the old PWF where Gambino was denied the chance to be in the last ever match in the old PWF, the rumour went around for months that Eraser was the one who made sure he never got in the match.

** Again as Big Dave is addressing the current situation, a response from Gambino's locker room is immediately beamed on the titan tron **

**Gambino is sitting in the locker room watching the moniter when he see's Eraser in the ring talking.**

Gambino"That son of a bitch, he really is crazy."

**Gambino grabs a steel chair and leaves the locker room heading for the ring where Eraser is waiting. He walks down the hall, and when he turns the corner, he is shoved to the ground. He looks up to see Eraser standing over him. Eraser has a chair of his own, and he swings towards Gambino but Gambino rolls out of the way and the chair hits the floor. Gambino gets up and starts to charge towards Eraser, but security gets there just in time to keep the two men apart. Gambino is yelling at Eraser, who just stares at Gambino with a blank look in his eyes.**

Gambino"Yeah, you're a real big shot, eh? Attacking from behind, ambushing me on my way to the ring. Real tough guy! You want to play with the big boys Eraser, you just got your wish! You won't have a clue what hit you Eraser, you're times just about up!"

**Security continue to hold the two men back. They release Gambino when he calms down a bit, but they tell him to go the other way, away from Eraser.**

Gellar:- A little too much testosterone flying around the arena tonight for my liking...

Big Dave:- I have to agree, on with tonights card, its over to ring announcer Philip Edgar Jones!

The arena dims as purple strobe lights flash on the Ultra-tron. Suddenly, a purple explosion on the Titantron sends Renegade blasting onto the ramp, with his bat in hand. He points with his bat to the crowd to his left, then to the crowd to his right, then he slams it against the metal ramp. He walks toughly to the ring, and slides in. He climbs all four turnbuckles, raising his bat high in the air before climbing down.

Philip:- The following match is scheduled for one fall, introducing first, hailing from Toronto, Canada, weighing in at 266lbs ....... Renegade!

**"The Fight Song" by Marilyn Manson hits as Devastator walks out onto the rampway. He raises both arms in the air with clenched fists. He then walks down to the ring, he climbs in over the top rope. He walks to the far turnbuckle and climbs to the second rope before raising two clenched fists again.**

Philip: And his opponent, one half of the former PWF tag team champions..... The Ruff Ryders, hailing from Brooklyn New York and weighing in at 355lbs.......Devastator!


Report:- : Renegade ties up with Devastator but cannot cope with Devastator's awesome strength and gets pushed straight to the mat. Renegade gets back up rubbing the back of his head where it crashed against the mat. Renegade punches Devastator in the breadbasket as he gets up and Devastator clutches his stomach in pain. Renegade grabs his head and goes for a DDT, but Devastator punches Renegade repeatedly in the kidneys and Renegade has to release his grip on Devastator. Devastator whips Renegade to the ropes and lifts him up and delivers an awesome tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Renegade gets back up slowly holding his back damaged from the last move.

Big Dave:- Great move for a big man there, and the new boy Renegade is in the hands of the former European Champion!

Devastator elbows Renegade to the side of the head and sends him tumbling back across the ring. Renegade slowly gets back up but gets sent straight back down by Devastator with a firm right hand. Devastator goes for a quick cover. 1........….2....................…..Renegade kicks out. Renegade staggers back to his feet, and Devastator goes for a gut kick, but Renegade catches the leg, spins him around and takes him into a full-nelson and slams into the canvas. Renegade and Devastator are both lifeless on the canvas and the referee begins the count them down...........

Big Dave:- Both men are down, Devastator is holding the back of his neck, that Full-nelson slam could be the turning point in the match as far as Renegade is concerned!

The count is up to 9 when Renegade manages to get to his knees. Devastator manages to get to his feet while Renegade is still on his knees, Devastator goes for a big right hand but Renegade manages to connect with a an uppercut to the chin of Devastator which sends him crashing to the canvas. Renegade then goes for the cover on Devastator. 1.................2..................., but there is still life in Devastator and he powers out. Devastator climbs to his feet and gets caught by Renegade with a superb standing dropkick to the face, but Devastator doesn't go down and Renegade connects with a second dropkick. Devastator still won't go down and Renegade connects with a third and this time Devastator drops to both his knees and Renegade bounces off the ropes and connects with an inch perfect two footed dropkick to the face of Devastator which leaves him laid out on the mat.........

Gellar:- This must be all 1......................2.......................3, Renegade wins!

Renegade d Devastator
6:34 (time doubled) pin

Big Dave:- Well this looks like the beginning of a losing streak for Devastator

Gellar:- I still think hes more suited to the tag team game, i'm sure we'll see him back there if this streak continues!

Big Dave:- Well our next match-up is a match i've been looking forward to all night, its the first defense of the Hardcore title by new champion Andy Clegg **Footage rolls of the Hardcore 4 way match up at War Games, in which Andy Clegg defeats all three men to win the belt**, and one of the PWF's rising stars, the submission expert Xuway Zanchu, lets go to the ring..........

Philip:- The next match, scheduled for one fall, is for the Pelican Wrestling Federation, Hardcore Championship, introducing first the challenger, from the empire of China and weighing in at 392lbs, Xuway Zanchu!

**Xuway sits in a chair which is carried by his loyal slaves. Once in the ring, Xuway meditates in dance. Then the dance gets aggresive almost if he is fighting a ghost. When done his eyes roll up in the back of his head. He goes to his corner and waits. The Ultra-tron just has some ninja camp with a bunch of ninja fighting**

**"Darling Violetta" plays as Andy Clegg walks out carrying his trusty baseball bat and stands and looks around as if expecting something to kick off. He runs to the ring and begins to stare at a few members of the crowd.**

Philip:- And his opponent, hailing from parts unknown weighing in at 234lbs, he is the PWF Hardcore Champion, Andy Clegg!


Report:- Andy Clegg locks eyes with the animal that is Xuway Zanchu and the two men circle each other. They go for a grapple, but Clegg ducks under and takes Xuway into a waistlock. Xuway swings with an elbow back into the face of Clegg and catches him in the forehead sending him staggering backwards into the ropes, as he comes back off Xuway smashes a right hand into his face and immediatly leaps onto the right arm of Andy Clegg and takes him into a fujiwara armbar putting all his weight behind the lock to apply more pressure on the elbow and shoulder joints, Clegg is screaming in agony and begins to drag himself towards the ropes with his other arm, he gets there and Xuway Releases the hold.

Big Dave:- This match isn't going to last long if Clegg allows Xuway to lock submission moves on him like that, hes made a name for himself by maiming his opponents with such moves.

Clegg gets back up, he swings a couple of right hands at Xuway , but they don't faze the awesome Chinaman.Xuway swings with a big right which sends Clegg staggering backwards into the turnbuckle. Xuway walks towards the corner and then lays into Clegg with repeated right hands to the chops, and then one big right hand which sends Clegg to the floor. Xuway picks up Clegg and then delivers a back drop, but immediately again falls down to the canvas and has him in the Xuway Dragon Lock (reverse armbar). Clegg again begins to crawl to the ropes and is just about to reach the bottom rope when Xuway releases the hold and then drives a knee into the arm.Clegg rolls around the ring in agony favouring the now limp right arm, but Clegg staggers back to his vertical base. Xuway picks him up and locks him into a devastating bearhug which he holds for a couple of minutes draining the life out of Clegg and then spins and plants him with a belly to belly suplex and Xuway covers. 1............................2...............................Clegg kicks out.

Big Dave:- Andy Clegg cannot have much left after all that punishment, Xuway is going to cripple him.....

Xuway then picks up Clegg and tosses him through the ropes out onto the floor.
Xuway steps over the top rope and drops down to the floor. Xuway picks up Clegg into a military press and drops him by the next onto the barricade. Clegg is now rolling across the floor holding neck now gasing for breath. Xuway grabs him by the hair and throws him to the ring post and rams his head into it. Clegg goes down to the mat, Xuway goes for a cover 1................................2..........................Clegg just gets out. Xuway picks up a chair from the announcers desk. He begins to taunt Clegg as he staggers to his feet.and then smashes the chair into the forehead of Andy Clegg who goes down like like a virgin in a whore house. Xuway throws away the chair and then covers. 1.................................2......................................Clegg just gets his shoulder up.

Big Dave:- That was instinct, pure instinct by Andy Clegg and he is walking death row now!.

Clegg rolls towards the ring apron and Xuway gets up and questions the speed of the referee's count. Xuway turns away from bitching the referee and goes back to Clegg. Xuway bends down to pick up Clegg and all of a sudden a huge pinching sound is heard, and Xuway hits the deck clutching the family jewels.

Gellar:- Oh my god, hes puncherd Xuway's testicular fortitude with a pair of pliars!

Andy Clegg staggers to his feet and raises the pliars into the air to a huge pop from the crowd ** A chant of holy shit is heard from the majority of the crowd** Xuway gets up slowly and Andy Clegg thrashes the handle of the pliars across Xuway's head. Xuway looks dazed but doesn't go down. Andy Clegg hits him with the pliars over the head again, but still he won't go down. Clegg then begins to stab the pliars into the head of Xuway repeatedly, until he hits the canvas and is now busted wide open. Once Xuway goes down, Clegg tosses the pliars aside and covers Xuway 1.............................2...............................Xuway kicks out barely

Big Dave:- Thats the only oppertunity Clegg has had to beat Xuway in this match up, what else does he have in the bag?

Gellar:- I'm not sure how hes going to beat this animal, hes so damn big!

Andy Clegg pulls out a table from underneath the ring, and sets it up just in front of the turnbuckle, and manages to straggle Xuway on the top turnbuckle.

Big Dave:- I think hes going for a superplex Eric, he hits this its over!

Gellar:- I think your right, but wait, whats Xuway doing?

Xuway begins to punch Clegg in the face, and then grabs hold of his right arm, and leeps into the air taking him into the "Great Immobilzer" (Jumping Armbar) and through the table!

Big Dave:- Great Immobilzer, Great Immobilzer, this one is over.
Clegg is too tired to make a reach for the ropes at this point, and almost immediately taps out to the power of Xuway before he breaks his arm!

Xuway d Clegg
10:56 (time doubled) subsmision

Gellar:- What a performance by Xuway, hes our new Hardcore Champion

Big Dave:-Your right, but it was a scary match-up, the whole PWF should stand up and take notice of this Chinese giant!

Gellar:- Well if you think that was Hardcore, we're about to get extreme, in what is guarenteed to be, one of the most shocking matches we've ever had in the PWF!

Big Dave:- You asshole, that isn't even funny. If everyone at home is wondering what the hell Eric is talking about, right now, the PWF ring crew is dismantalling the ropes from the ring, and installing barbwire, i mean real barbwire, this isn't the poxy crap you find on your next door neighbours gate, this is mititary grade, razor sharp barb wire, and to make it even worse, the PWF technitians are busy installing a shock system to the ropes, anyone who makes contact with the ropes will get a very painful high voltage shock!

Gellar:- Thats' right Dave, its time for Electrified Barbed Wire rope match to contest the PWF Extreme title.Only the Hardest of the Hardcore set foot into a PWF Extreme title match, and it'll be Demon taking on the champion Mad Mike, lets go to the ring!

**"Leave you far behind" by Lunatic Calm hits and the lights darken, pyros blast off at the ramp and a man in a dark cloak is standing in the entrance way, he is holding a long scythe, he raises his hands as if he is drawing on a dark power, then slams his hands down, the lights slam back on and the man throws down his cloak to reveal it is Demon, he walks down to the ring slowly and then climbs in over the top rope**.

Philip:- The following match scheduled for one fall is an electrified barbwire rope match for the PWF Extreme Championship!
Introducing first the challenger, hailing from Death Valley California, weighing in at 494lbs .......Demon!

Natural Born Killaz blast on the stereos throughout the arena then you see on the titantron "N.B.K. ALL THE WAY!" in red blood type letters. Mad Mike makes his way to the ramp. Mad Mike then raises his Louie ville slugger in the air and slowly raises his head up and all of a sudden red flames from the right and green flames on the left side shoot up in the air. Mad Mike then enters the ring and goe over the top rope, Mad Mike climbs up the turnbuckle with the Louie ville slugger high in the air.

Philip:- And his opponent, from Las Vegas, Nevada, weighing in at 234lbs, he is the the PWF Extreme Champion, Mad Mike!


Report:- Both men start out very cautiously, neither wanting to make the crucial first move. As they circle the ring both men become drawn closer together and Demon makes the first move, driving his knee into the gut of Mad Mike, and begins to pummel Mad Mike with punches to the back sending Mike to the floor. Demon picks up Mike, takes hold of his left hand and drags him into his body for a short clothesline nearly taking the champion's head off. Demon picks up Mike again and tries to send him into the ropes, but Mike desperately slides to stop himself touching the ropes!

Gellar:- My god that was close!

Big Dave:- You get a feeling that whoever touches the ropes first, will lose the match up!

Mike gets back onto his feet and shruggs his shoulders trying to regain his composure. They go into a tie-up again, Demon picks up Mike and slams him hard into the canvas, and drops leg over the the throat of the champion. Demon picks up Mike and goes for a suplex which is counter by Mike who goes riggles out of the hold and charges at Demon with a clothesline that is then ducked by Demon, Demon races towards Mike with a shoulder Charge and Mike cannot fight the power and is sent flying into the ropes and sparks fly into the crowd!

Gellar:- Holy shit, thats it the match is over, new Extreme champion!

Big Dave:- No No Eric, the electrification isnt the end of the match up, he still has to pin Mike!

Demon waits for Mike's body to collaspe from the ropes and then goes for a cover 1......................2.....................kick out!
Demon beings to beat the mat with his hands telling the ref to count faster. He gets up with Mike begging for mercy, he crawls on his knees towards Demon and hits a low blow as Demon attempts to pick him up, Mike then slaps on a headlock and drops Demon into a DDT. Mike kicks Demon repeatedly as he lays on the mat until Demon catches his foot and drags him off balance. Demon now gets up same time as Mike and begins to chop the chest of Mike *WOOOO from the crowd**, Demon chops again*WOOOO from the crowd**. Mike then spins Demon around and chops back at him *WOOOO from the crowd**, and again *WOOOO from the crowd**. Mike then backs off from Demon who begins to run at Mike and goes for a spear, but Mike lays back and counters the spear with a sort of monkey flip sending Demon into the ropes!

Big Dave:- Oh my god, his entire body is entangled in the ropes, his face, his arms his legs!

Gellar:- His testicular fortitude!

But suddenly Demon begins to pull at the ropes entangled all over his anatomy, and his awesome strength pulls the wire from the turnbuckle!
A speechless Mad Mike stands in amazement at Demon, Demon pulls himself up to his feet and kicks a stunned Mad Mike in the gut then takes one look at him and picks him up over his shoulder and executes "The Midnight Driver" (Tombstone Piledriver) on to a length of barbwire and covers 1......................2................3

Demon def Mike
4.40 (time doubled) pin

Philip:- Your winner.................. and new PWF Extreme Champion...........Demon!

Big Dave:- i've never seen anything like this, he was uneffected by the electric charge!

Gellar:- Hes Demon, nothing hurts the Hardcore monster!

Big Dave:- Well what a night of Hardcore action we've had, but now it's back to some more traditional stuff, the next match is a 3 way dance, elimination rules apply and it is the decide the number 1 contendership for Rye Hazwaki's Challenge Title.

Gellar:- Well i think that's a little unfair Dave, the winner has to wrestler again this evening if he earns the title shot.....

Big Dave:- A good point there Eric, but after what happened to Rye at War Games, he won't be 100% for this match!

Gellar:- Damn right, no one is 100% ever again after getting into the ring with everyone's favourite wrestler MATT VAN DAM!
By the way Dave do you have your MVD t-shirt yet?

Big Dave:- No i don't i have my own shirt on see, "Big is Beautiful" costing just $19.95 at the PWF merchandise stand!

Gellar:- It's not quite the same is it Dave, lets get over to the ring for the 3 way dance!

Philip:- The following match is a 3 way elimination match to decide number 1 contendership for the PWF challenge title, the winner of this match will meet Rye Hazwaki for the Challenge title later this evening.

The lights fade in the sold out Freedom Hall, the fans begin to cheer. Red-lights begin to flash across the ceiling of the arena as "Machinehead" begins to blast through the speakers. You see action shots of Cage on the ultra-tron, as Cage begins to walk out onto the arena floor, cut like Chris Beniot, wearing Black tights with Red slashes across the thighs. He wears black boots and a sleeveless t-shirt that reads "You will belong to me..." written in blood red. He taunts the crowd and rubs his unshaven face as he steps into the ring and holds up his arms to a chorus of boo's from the crowd

Philip:- Introducing first from Chicago Illnois, weighing in 225lbs, Kevin Cage!

"Cool to Hate" by Offspring starts playing and the arena goes pitch black. 10 seconds go by with nothing happening. Two huge flames light up the Entry way and Blackbird makes his way to the ring.

Philip:- Introducing next from Dayton Ohio, weighing in at 245lbs, Blackbird!

"Bad Influence" by Eminem plays as Havok walks in front of the UltraTron and does his taunt, he then walks through the crowd. He really loves the crowd and will never forget where he came from. His Ultra-Tron video shows him skating and then his finisher.

Philip:- And finally from Tuscon, Arizona, weighing in at 267lbs, and representing the OUTKASTS, Havok!!

Report:- Cage and Havok immediately hook up as Blackbird goes straight outside to look for a weapon. Cage and Havok exchange fists until Hovok gets tired and Cage runs to the ropes and connects a jumping knee to the face. Blackbird comes back with a steel chair and sneaks up behind Cage and smashes it square over his head leaving a massive indentation!

Gellar:- Cage will have a headache after that one!

As Cage is down, Blackbird begins to stab the top of the chair into the ribs of Havok who is lying there helpless. He then places the chair on the face of Havok and drops an elbow into his face. Havok rolls out screaming and hiding his battered face. Cage is now back up and takes Blackbird's arm from behind and forces him into the mat and into a fujiwara armbar. Blackbird shows pain on his face but has no intention of tapping out. Cage releases the hold and then rides his back and takes him into a cobra-clutch. Blackbird is desperate to escape but is nowhere near the ropes, but is saved when Havok comes back in and clotheslines Cage off his back. Blackbird immediatley turns his attention to Havok and elbows him to the back of his head while his back is turned, and locks him from the rear and plants him with a horrific full-nelson suplex!

Big Dave:- Poor Havok, his head just bounced off the mat like a jibba-jabba!

Blackbird goes back outside and sets up a table, meanwhile Cage seizes the oppertunity and and locks on an STF in the middle of the ring. Havok is screaming with his neck already extremely fragile after the suplex and Cage renches back so far as to almost snap Havok's neck and he taps very lightly as he is almost out cold!

Philip:- Havok has been eliminated by submission!

Big Dave:- I think Cage has come into this match up with a game plan!

Blackbird comes back in and uppercuts Cage, and takes him straight down with a DDT. Cage is sprawled out on the mat and Blackbird picks up the steelchair and pulls out some insulation tape from his pockets.

Gellar:- What is he going to do with that?

Blackbird begins the tape the chair to this stomach and climbs the turnbuckle. He jumps high into the air but Cage rolls out of the way and Blackbird crashes to the mat!

Big Dave:- My god, he might of burst his stomach with that move!

Cage picks up Blackbird and sets him up for a powerbomb, but then he points to the outside and the crowd roars!
He picks Blackbird up and runs towards the ropes and throws Blackbird over the top and he smashes the table on the way down!

Big Dave:- Oh my god he must be dead!

Cage gets to the outside to finish off the nearly dead Blackbird, he gets to floor with him and rolls him into a bow and arrow lock to stretch the injured abdominal muscles. Blackbird is trying desperating to struggle free, but is losing energy fast and Cage shows no sign of letting go. Blackbird holds on for as long as he possibly can before suddenly 2 small cracks can be heard and it would appear his abs have been hyper-extended by the bow and arrow lock and he falls unconscienous.
The Referee begins to count Blackbird's limp hand 1....... it drops down.......2.................its drops again..................3 and its all over!

Big Dave:- That was horrific, Blackbird may never be able to stomach another solid meal in his life, but what a performance from Kevin Cage, he will go on to face Rye Hazwaki for the challenge title later tonight, lets go to commercial.

{Commerical Break}

(((The scene opens showing a crowded street. It closes in on a middle-aged, balding, overweight guy in an old blue car. Smoke comes across his face as he shouts "C'mon, get going!!!" Suddenly you see a man on top of the car...)))

BaldGuy: Whoa... who are you?

KevinCage: I'm Kevin Cage, and I'm here to make YOU a better person... no longer will you be a pot-bellied, smelly, balding moron... When you order my T-shirt from PWF Shopzone, for only 19.95... you will be a HERO!

BaldGuy: Wow! How do I get one?

(((Camera cuts to a picture of the t-shirt with 1-800-255-4099 on the bottom... a voice says... "Order the Cage T-shirt at the PWF Shopzone for only 19.95... ORDER TODAY! The camera cuts back to Cage...)))

KevinCage: Get yours now!

{End Commercial}

Big Dave:- Welcome back folks, now on to a match that is for the wrestling purists!

Gellar:- Thats right next up its the gWo's Travis Right vs the unconventional Sabre!

Big Dave:- Thats right Eric, hes a little bit unusual but can wrestler with the best of, same goes for Travis Right who himself is a highly decorated amature superstar!

Gellar:- Expect lots of mat wrestling for this one fans, down to the ring, take it away Philip Edgar Jones.........

**As "Walk with your head up" by Deftones & System of Down hits" hits and you hear "Get up Stand up, I got my head up" Travis comes walking out onto the ramp and arrogantly waves for the fans to boo all they want. Firecrackers pop off all around the Titantron as the Future makes his way to the ring. As he reaches the front of the ring, Travis slides under the bottom rope and slowly walks to the center of the ring. He crosses his arms and nods his head as the pyros explode behind him.**

Philip:- The next match is scheduled for one fall, introducing first, representing THE GREEN WORLD ORDER, from Miami, Florida and weighing in at 283lbs

"Sad But True" by Metallica hits, as the lights fade into a dim blue. Sabre struts out, raising his arms to the cheers of the crowd. He walks down the ramp at a normal pace, slapping hands with a few people near the guard rail. He climbs onto the apron, before jumping over the ropes and heading straight to a turnbuckle, to once again raise his hands to the crowd.

Philip: And His opponent, from Sydney, Austrailia, weighing at 230lbs, The Sabre!

Report:- Travis ties up with Sabre but gets taken down in a drop toe hold. Travis gets up and shruggs the dust of his body and punches Sabre in the stomach as he towards his opponent. Sabre goes to his knees clutching his abdominal muscles. Travis goes for a DDT, but Sabre punches Rye in the kidneys. Travis releases the hold on Sabre, and Sabre whips Travis to the ropes and and performs a flying headlock then bringing Travis' head crashing down with a tornado DDT. Travis rolls out of the ring rubbing his head in fustration.

Big Dave:- Travis my still be feeling the aftermath of his cage match at War Games!

Sabre punches Travis and sends him stumbling across the ring. Travis slowly gets back up but gets sent straight back down by Sabre wiyth a running clothesline, and goes for a quick cover. 1..........….2..........…..Travis gets the left shoulder up. Travis staggers back to his feet and Sabre goes for a knee to the gut, but Travis counters it into a text book fishersmans suplex. Referee makes the count 1.............2...........kick out!

Big Dave:-: Both men have made a good start to the match here, they look pretty even!

Both men are tired and take their time getting back to their vertical base. Sabre manages to get to his feet while Travis is leaning on the ropes for support, Sabre goes for a superkick but Travis manages to sinch up his leg, and executes a lovely capture suplex. Travis then covers Sabre. 1...............2...............Sabre just gets a shoulder up. Sabre climbs to his feet and gets caught by Travis with an inch perfect standing dropkick, and Sabre hits the deck, he pops back up and Travis dropkicks him again, this time Sabre stays down. Travis picks him up and huddles him onto his shoulders and plants him with a DVD, and then points to the turnbuckle. Travis sits The Sabre on the top rope and climbs up with him. He wraps hes arms around his neck, and jumps off with Sabre in his grasp and crashing into the mat with the "Near Future" (super Tazplex)

Big Dave:- The Near Future, this one is over!

Travis d Sabre
14:06 pin

Big Dave:- Another accomplished performance there from Travis Right, perhaps the crown jewel in the gWo's crown at the moment!

Gellar:- Hes definately learnt alot from Power G and MVD, and is the in-form member of the stable at the moment!

Big Dave:- OK next up on our Format Is Rye Hazwaki VS Kevin Cage for the challenge title, and what a performance from Cage to beat Havok and Blackbird Eric.

Gellar:-Maybe when Rye gets out here we'll find out what happened earlier with the Russians?

**Break Stuff by Limp Bizkit hits, as the lights flash red and white, and Rye Hazwaki is shown doing a slow ‘Cyclone Kick.’ The Pyro’s blast as Rye stands on the top of the stage, he looks at the crowd then walks down and enters the ring.**

Big Dave:- Looks like Rye has something to say.......

Rye:- Matt Van Dam................ i know it was your pussy ass that jumped me earlier tonight, so if you wanna go, i'm asking you to bring it on down to the ring right now..........

**"Snap your Fingers, Snap your neck" by Prong plays as MVD walks down the aisle, cluching Jennifer Van Dam by the waist, he lets her go, and poses, flexing his arms towards his head (RVD style). The Ultra-Tron bears the gWo logo and then shows clips of MVD striking opponents out with his Kendo Stick and finishing them the 5 star frog splash.**

MVD:- Poor old Rye, you may have gotten the better of MVD at War Games thanks to your little bitches........ THE OUTKASTS **huge pop from the crowd** But i've got no intention of getting revenge for it, but i know a couple of guys that might..............

**Just as MVD finishes talking, The Russians come storming down the aisle and attack Hazwaki**

Big Dave:- Damn it, get some help down here Rye is in big trouble!

Gellar:- Here comes Kevin Cage!

**Kevin Cage comes to ring and clears the Russians out, as The Russians make their way to the stage area, MVD awaits and gives the Russians 2 gWo t-shirts which they accept!

Big Dave:- Oh my god, MVD has got the Russians!

Gellar:- This is brilliant, those OUTKASTS had better watch out now!


Report:- Rye and Cage circle each for a moment and then find themselves in an elbow tie up. Rye takes Cage into a side-headlock, but Cage counters it into a lovely side suplex. Rye gets up and charges at Cage with a yazuka kick which is side-stepped by Cage and his whips Rye into the ropes, Rye ducks underneath Cage's grasp and nails him to back of the head with a scissor kick. Cage looks bemused but continues to carry on, and gets up and whips Rye into the ropes and nails him with a nasty jumping clothesline!

Big Dave:- That was a devastating clothesline from Cage, the champion looks rocked!

Gellar:- He almost took his head off.

Cage picks up Rye, and nails him with a couple of good right hands before whipping Rye towards the corner. Rye slings off the ropes and straight into a kick to the groin by Cage who then sets up Rye for a snap powerbomb and executes pefectly. Cage then turns over the champion and takes him into an indian deathlock, and snaps back on the leg 3 times before releasing the hold.

Big Dave:- Rye looks unable to get into the match after his attack by the russians.

Gellar:- Cage looks like he's going to work on the legs now and make Rye tap, just like in the 3 way dance!

Cage now grabs the ankle of Rye and drives his knee into the canvas with authority, before allowing Rye to get back on his feet. Cage grabs Rye and attempts a suplex, but Rye gets a punch into the abs of Cage and the hold is released, Rye jumps off the ropes and nails Cage with an awesome Yazuka kick.

Big Dave:- He certainly found the mark this time, what a kick!.

Both men makeare up at the same time, Rye shields himself from a right hand by Cage and strikes with a couple of knife-edge chops and then an elbow to the face followed by a spinning heel kick, but Cage catches the leg of Rye, but Rye hits a reverse Enziguri.

Big Dave:- Beautiful move from Rye, he has to be the single most imitated wrestler in the world today!

Gellar:- Nobody would imitate that hair though!

Big Dave:- huh?

Cage gets to his feet and Rye starts to jab away with blows to the body and face until Travis goes down into a sitting position. Rye bounces off the ropes, and connects with a 2 footed dropkick to the face Cage. Rye now senses the end of the match. He picks up Cage and nails him with "the grip of death" (chokeslam from hell). He then places Cage into a corner and slashes him with a couple of chops and then goes straight into the "feet of fury" and then straight into a cover.

Big Dave:- Cage is down 1.................................2.....................................3!!!!

Rye d. Cage
6:55 Pinfall

Big Dave:- A great performance from Kevin Cage, but give it up to our champion Rye Hazwaki, yet again he defies all the critics!

Gellar:- Only by keeping that damn haircut!

Big Dave:- Well not its time for tonight's finale, a tag-team match of nothing but pure hatred, the gWo represented by Matt Van Dam and Power G, will take on Bloodbath and new PWF champion Crusader Chrome representing the OUTKASTS, roll the footage of the OUTKASTS party after War Games please..............

[The scene opens within the million dollar mansion of Crusader Chrome. The Outkasts and other friends of the Crusader are scattered about chatting and dancing to music when Crusader calls everyone together into his living room. He and the rest of the Outkasts stand at the front of the room in front of the fireplace. Crusader turns off the music and speaks]

Crusader: ( raises a wine glass in the air)"Attention, Attention."(brings wine glass down) "Your new PWF world heavyweight champion has some things to talk about. First off, a few thank you's are in order, and the first goes to Bloodbath. He gave me and Rye the opportunity to grab our respective belts and bring the PWF back on top, over the GWO. So lets give him a round of applause"

(crowd claps for Bloodbath)

"Secondly, i'd like to thank my good friend Havok, who despite losing a hard fought cage match to Travis Right, still acted in the interest of the group by aiding two victories in the ladder match."

(crowd gives a round for Havoc)

"I'd also like to thank this man to my immediate left, Rye Hazwaki. We watched each other's backs and were on the same page. Along with the support of thousands of fans in attendance, and with our fellow Outkasts, we dethroned the GWO. But there's still alot of work to do. Bloodbath.-"

Bloodbath: "You're absolutely right Crusader. But first I want to explain to everyone what an "OutKast" is. An "Outkast" is not neccessarily someone who doesnt fit in. But in our cases, Outkasts are people who stand out. That is exactly what we are, a bunch of standouts. So far, we have 3 of the PWF's titles in our clique, the world, US, and challenge, but we wont stop there. However in the near future, myself and Crusader have to take care of MVD and Sour G in a tag match."

Havoc: "Thats right, but Crusader, let me remind you of something. The last tag match you were in involving the GWO, didnt Travis Right interfere?"

Crusader: "I believe youre right. And I'm beggin him to get involved in this one, because if he does, his ass will be whooped!!"

Rye: "In this best of whatever series of Outkasts v. GWO, we are up 2 to 1. Now the only question I have is (pauses briefly) Who wants to wreak Havok?!!"

Havok: "Uh, Rye?"

Rye: "What?"

(the scene cuts as the party continues)

Big Dave:- It's obvious they enjoyed War Games just a little eh?

Gellar:- What sort of a champion is Chrome, drinking, galovanting around , he should have it removed!

Big Dave:- Well maybe one of the gWo will do soon, but lets see if they can in tonight first, lets go down to the ring with Philip Edgar Jones...

Philip:- The next match scheduled for one fall, is our main event!

Snap your fingers, snap your neck by Prong hits the PWF soundsystem as MVD and Power G stand at the top of stage, as green Pyro erupts around them and the gWo makes their way to the ring!

Philip:- Introducing first, the former PWF world champion, Power G and Matt Van Dam!

**Enter Sandman hits as the roof nearly blows off the building as the crowd go absolutely crazy, The OutKast's symbol appears on the Tron and out walk Bloodbath and Crusader Chrome. Crusader holds up the World Title to a massive cheer, then the two men head for the ring.**

Philip: And their opponents representing the OUTKASTS, the PWF world champion Crusader Chrome, and Bloodbath!


Report:-Power G and MVD jump Bloodbath and Crusader before the ref can start the match, Power G throws Crusader out of the ring and follows him out and they begin to trade blows outside the ring. Meanwhile in the ring MVD gets in a few sharp right hands to Bloodbath, and then whips him to the ropes, MVD attempts a spinning heel kick, but Bloodbath ducks underneath it and stops and tries to clothesline MVD, but he ducks it and sweeps Bloodbath, but he manages to jump it. MVD flips back onto his feet as he stares Bloodbath in the eye to a round of applause from the crowd. Power G and Crusader by this time have taken up their positions on the apron. MVD takes Bloodbath into a tie up, and the two men grapple, MVD takes Bloodbath into an sleeper but Bloodbath runs backwards into the turnbuckle with MVD still attached and MVD hits the mat. Bloodbath picks up MVD, and performs a backbreaker but holds on, and then stretches MVD over his knee.Crusader gets on the rope rope and jumps across the open chest of MVD with a knee drop and MVD crawls off to his corner guarding his injured chest!

Big Dave:- Big move there early on from the OUTKASTS, MVD will need a rest now.

Bloodbath tags in Crusader and Power G tags in and huge hush falls over the crowd as the PWF's top 2 wrestlers collide!
Crusader delivers a big right hand sending Power G but he doesnt even flinch.Crusader hits a second right hand this time Power G is on the backfoot .Power G, Power G recovers and fakes a tie up with Crusader and goes behind him in a waistlock. Crusader reverses it and delivers a neck drop. But Power G gets straight back up and gives Crusader the finger, and taunts Crusader by gliding his hands over his hips to indicate the belt will be his again and the crowd boos. Crusader does the same and the crowd erupts. Power G delivers a hard chop to the chest of Crusader. Crusader swings with a big right, but Power G ducks it and as they spin around Power G hits another hard chop to the chest of Crusader. Power G then whips Crusader to the ropes, but Crusader uses his strength to reverse it. Crusader picks up Power G for a military press but Power G wriggles out and rakes the back of Crusader, and he goes down holding his back!

Big Dave:- Simple but effective there from Power G.

Power G tags MVD, and kicks Crusader in the temple, Bloodbath tries to interfere as MVD climbs to the 2nd turnbuckle, but the ref threatens to DQ Bloodbath if he doesn't return to the apron and MVD flies off and delivers the Stinky Leg Drop. MVD covers, the referee spins around and slides across to make the count.

Gellar:- MVD has never lost when he has connected with the Stinky Leg drop, this is over!

1................................2..............................Bloodbath connects with a boot to the back of MVD and then returns to the apron after making the save. MVD picks up Crusader and whips him to the ropes, MVD delivers a drop toe hold then comes off the ropes again and performs a rolling senton splash.MVD then stands over the head of Crusader and touches himself all over as if he were a sex god, and then performs the old man stick (Venis grind and punch) and the crowd laughs in amusement and MVD attempts a cover 1....................2..........................Bloodbath makes the save again, but immediately returns to his corner. MVD picks up Crusader and holds him in a headlock as he tags Power G. Power G climbs through the ropes and kicks Crusader in the stomach. Power G then goes behind and delivers a release tiger suplex to Crusader who folds up like an accordion. Power G then bounces off the ropes and connects with a beautiful 2nd rope lionsault and begins to do a Jeff Jarrett style strutt around the ring and this infuriates Bloodbath who tries to get in the ring but the referee forces him out. Power G tags in MVD who calls for a finish, and sits Crusader on the top rope as the ref is distracted, and Power G holds a chair in his face, MVD climbs the next nearest turnbuckle and leaps off and connects with an awesome VanDaminator!

Big Dave:- What a move this one is over!


Gellar:- Unbelievable!

MVD holds his hands in his face in fustration, but picks up up Crusaders crumpled body as Power G leaps from the turnbuckle onto the shoulders of Crusader and rolls forward into the victory roll and the referee counts
1......................2.................................3 this one is over!

6:15 (time doubled) pin

Big Dave:- A great show there from the gWo, yo'd think MVD and Power G had been partners all there life, wait a mintue, whats this!

Rye Hazwaki and Havok run to the ring and begin to attack the gWo, Crusader and Bloodbath also join in.

Gellar:- My god this is horrible make them stop!

Rye nails both Power G and MVD with the feet of fury before the Russians and Travis run down the aisle, but the OUTKASTS make a quick escape through the crowd as the cameras fade to black.........

Big Dave:- Well the OUTKASTS get the upperhand this time folks, Tune in Saturday for Havoc, and don't forget to tune in next week for Armageddon.