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House of Pain
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Last Man Standing
Rumble in the Bronx
The End of the World
Hardkore Hell
A Dark Day in Hell


Live on PPV
from the Nassau Coliseum, Uniondale.
Long Island, New York
16th September 2001
(originally dated 26th August 2001)

This show is dedicated to those who lost their lives on September 11th 2001, and their families who have suffered much in the aftermath.
Following is a collection of tributes from the members of the PWF and others alike.

"Fade to Black" plays as the tributes begin to play.

I pray for all the lives that were lost Tuesday mornig and the lives for the people that it effected. I wish that it somehow could have been prevented. One of my friends lost family in the World Trade Center and I now know what it is like to lose family. I wish you the best of luck in the future.

God Bless.
Aaron Smithers

Many people died when the Twin Towers had planes driven into them. I pray my hardest for the victims inside the building and the planes. I also pray for the workers inside the building that never even knew the building was under attack. They were still working when the building fell on them crushing there spines and frying them to a crisp. A world famous swimmer was just about to go into the Twin Towers but forgot his camera (for pictures) and headed back home to go get it. As he did the building was hit, i think it is a miracle that he forgot his camera but it's no miricle that thousands of people's lives flashed before them.

Family's and freinds are devestated, everyone across the world is devestated except for those who set this evil plan up. I hope USA and UK plants their bodys into a bottemless pit. God always says forgive those who have done wrong, the thing about this they think they have done right, they don't know the meaning of right and wrong! Thats because their facless Cowards! R.I.P to all those who died

~Twisted Fate~

Where does one start when something as terrible as what happened happens? I live in the UK and watching what happened unfold before my eyes made me pysically sick. I know i didn't know anyone who lost their lives that day but i prayed for them all the same. I still pray for all those poor souls that had their lives taken and i pray for all the families that lost someone that day. I know it won't bring anyone back but i hope that there can be some tiny spec of comfort for those families to know that everyone that participates in this e-fed shares their grief. I can't think of anything else to say so i will go back to saying a prayer for those who had their lives taken from them.

Andy Clegg.

I am not a religious person, but in light of the events that have occured these past days, even I have said prayers for the safety of those yet to be rescued. I request that, religious or not, you all do the same. My thoughts are with the many people killed in this tragic event, and I have prayed for them also. So please, whether or not you are religious, join in the prayers for all those affected.

--Mr. Walrus

Tuesday... Was the worst tragedy I have ever seen in my life, it was the worst Terrorist attack on the United States ever. When I first heard the news from a classmate I didn't think much of it because the classmate didn't explain it very well. But then, over the intercom came the Principals voice and he started talking about what happened, Only then did I realize what really happened, only then did I realize the extend of what happened, only then did I realize what this meant to the country. I was in shock, complete and total shock. I felt so many feelings, Anger, Sadness, Depression, Worry and many similar feelings. All day the school was quieter than it is usually. Some people were walking around the hallways. Every time I didn't have to do any class work, I put my headphones on and listened to Staind. It was perfect music for what happened, not the lyrics by the beat, everything. It really put everything in perspective for me. Today, I really understood what happened, today I really understood what other people felt. Today during my last class, AP Block (History and English), We were told to write a journal topic on the tragedy of Tuesday, It really provided an outlet for all of my feelings, just like this did, after we wrote some of us shared what we wrote, I was one of those people. We talked about what happened, we got in a discussion about what happened and that felt really good. Now in a closing statement I would like to express my deepest sympathies and prayers for the survivors and the families of the victims. I think a line from a Staind song fits well "I can't believe, I can't believe all the travesty, Surrounding me

Leo "McFreeze" Mendoza

I find it hard to put into words the sadness I felt when I heard the tragic news of the disaster in New York City. All I can really say is offer my eternal sympathy to the families and friends of the victims, my prayers go to the victims--your lives were taken from you god bless your souls.

Davey K

Right now, I'm going to be honest. I am extremely saddened by what has happened over the past few days. I was asleep in bed when my friend woke me up and turned on my television set. I saw the planes hit my Twin Towers, and soon after, seeing them slowly disintegrate to the ground. Just seeing the building fall from the top down just made my mouth drop. Concern for my friends ran thru my mind. I was worried for my friends in the University of New York, scared for my friends at the Fashion Institute of Technology, my friends at Pratt, and my friends and family in Long Island. I called my grandmother immediately and when I heard my cousins and uncles were supposed to be in the World Trade Center, my eyes widened, my hair stood up, and my voice got softer. Thank god my grandfather called them a short time after, because it turned out, they were unable to get there on time.
Throughout the whole day, I kept in touch with all my friends from High School, trying to find everyone, and eventually, everyone was alright and contacted. The trains were so packed that my friends waited 8 hours to get a ride home. I remember talking to Tommy Stone, the owner of SEW, and he kept me updated on the event during my Writing Class. He is not far from the city as he is within 25 minutes, and he saw the smoke outside his bedroom window. So, my friends and family was accounted for.
But, for me, it doesn't end there. I feel helpless for all the families that have lost. I don't know how my favorite politician, Rudolph Guiliani, the mayor of New York can be somewhat calm about this. Another piece of information is the lack of policemen and firefighters the city has. 265 brave firemen and 85 policemen are missing and presumed to be dead. I have friends whose parents are either firefighters or police officers in Manhattan.
I feel for all of those who lost loved ones, I feel for those who have suffered, and I feel for those whose souls were lost in this travesty. No one deserves to go thru this pain and I just want to say I am praying for you all. I am praying for the individuals lost in this heartless destruction. This is one scary event. This could only be the start of something terribly worse. Economies could fail, more lives could be taken, and more families could be destroyed. September 11th, 2001 is a date we all will never forget.
Once we find out who is responsible, everyone knows a war will erupt. I think one of the things that hurt me the most would have to be that the Middle East is dancing in the street. It is sad whenever this happens, but it is even sadder when people dance in a street for lives that were taken.
Now is not a time to think about war or murder though. Even though I want to go in destroy every foreigner in site, I know in my heart that there will be a place and time for that. This is not a time of war right now¦right now, this is a time for prayer.
My heart goes out to all the innocent victims who died in Pennsylvania, the District of Columbia, and New York. My heart goes out to the family's who have suffered. My heart goes out to the friends lost in this despicable time. And, my heart goes out to everyone who is feeling pain due to this shock.

***** Lord, I feel a sudden sadness in my heart. After the past-related events, I pray to you for strength to overcome this dastardly tragedy. I pray for all the innocent souls lost in the terrible destruction and for the ones trapped inside the Twin Towers. I pray for all the families, friends, acquaintances, and peers who have lost in this evil attack. Please help everyone in need and watch after our souls. Then, I say in god's name, Amen. *****

All I can say now is to the brave souls lost is Rest In Peace. You'll all be missed.


On September 11th, 2001 the we were witness to possibly the most heinous assault in the history of the world. Terrorist attacked the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. Countless thousands were lost for an unknown cause, Mine and several others simple questions are why? Why have so many people been tragicly taken from this world and their families? My thoughts and prayers go out to the victims and their families, as well as the Emergency workers risking their lives to find possible survivors and bring closure to those people that have lost their fathers, Husbands, mothers, wives, sons, daughters, uncles, aunts, grandparents, and friends, god bless you all. Another question that the world has is How? How will the United States as well as the World respond? Do we go eridicate our enemies? Revenge is not what it's made out to be in movies, it does not end with the good guy getting their revenge, it continues until there is nothing left. And my final question what? What of those monsters that planned and executed this heinous assault? When we choose to attack we will show no mercy and you will stand before the almighty and you will be judged. My final thoughts go out to the innocent, those lost September 11th and those to be lost in the counter-offensive, may god rest your souls.

- William "Bud Dawg" King

I send my condolances and i'm sure the PWF is with me on this one , to the families of those touched by this disaster, let us all pray another great war does erupt in the reprocussiuons of this incident.

-Matthew "MVD" Lambourne

I pray for all involved in the tragic happenings of today. Many of us will be changed forever by this event, and it allows us to really see how precious our lives are.

I would like to pray for everyone right now, not just the victims, victims families, etc, but everyone, that we make it through this safely, that no more innocent lives are taken..


- "Real Deal" Damien Steele

A great injustice has fallen over our great country. Tuesday, September 11th, 2001, a day that will live in infamy... On this horrific day, a group of terrorists destroyed the World Trade Center Twin Towers. Because of this, it is possible that thousands of people have lost their lives. Innocent civilians, who were just trying to do their everyday jobs. These terrorists have succeeded in destroying the lives of thousands. But their overall goal has not succeeded. America has shown more unity in this time of need than ever before. I dedicate this night to all of the men and women who lost their lives, and to all the families who have been broken apart because of this.


I heard someone on the television say the other day that, "New York is crying." I think every single one of us have cried over these past few days. It is a very sad time here in America. As I sit here in front of my computer, I feel a loss for words. I really don't know what to say as I have never encountered such a tragedy during my 22 years on this Earth.

I awoke Tuesday morning, to what was supposed to be one of the happiest days of my life.. My daughter, Ashley Michelle, was born on Sunday, September 9th. She was to come home on Tuesday. I flipped through the channels on the television, and what I saw shocked me. I saw the first WTC tower burning, and I thought what I was seeing was a horrible accident. However, I would soon find out that my thoughts were wrong. As I watched the second plane crash into the second tower, I realized that what I was seeing was no accident at all. It was a horrible crime against our country, performed by some coward. I cleaned up, got dressed, and headed to the hospital. Once I arrived, I had my girlfriend turn the television to the news channel, only to learn that they had also attacked our Pentagon. What the hell is going on, I thought to myself.

Since seeing that first footage that I viewed on Tuesday morning, up until now, Friday morning, I've gone through many emotions. First was disbeleif...I couldn't believe something like this could actually happen in the United States. It all seemed like a movie, but it wasn't, it was real. Reality settled in, and I came to the realization that this was, in fact, happening. I was angry! How could those bastards do this to us?! How could a human being do something so horrible, so evil. All of those innocent people, killed, because of some religious belief, or whatever sick reason they did this for. Last night, which was Thursday, anger calmed, and sadness took over. For the first time since this tragedy, I cried. I cried for the people who lost their lives. I cried for their families...their Mothers, Fathers, children, brothers, and their sisters.

I watched the WWF last night, and they paid tribute to the people of America who were affected by this tragedy. Two things they said really grabbed my attention, and stuck in my head. Vince McMahon said, "We will not live our lives in fear." No, we will not! We will not let these evil men take our freedom away from us. We will not let them take that freedom, in which so many people have lost their lives for in the past. Then, while Kurt Angle paid his tribute, he said that all this time he's talked about being an American hero for winning his gold medals in 1996, that he realised something while watching the television...the real heros are those firemen, policemen, doctors, nurses, and everyone else who has volunteered in some way to help out during ths time of need. People who have given blood, donated money, or even went so far as to actually travel to New York to help clean up and try to find survivors. Those are the real heros of America. Joining them soon, will hopefully be those in our military forces, who will no doubt, make those who are responsible for this pay for what they've done. I hope they make them pay dearly! Everyone says, "if we retaliate, then they will retaliate as well." Am I scared of a war? Yes I am. Am I willing to take this lying down, and let these people walk all over us? Hell no I'm not! I'm proud to be a part of this great nation, and I'm proud to be an American!

My condolences go out to the families of those who lost their lives in this attack. For those innocent people who passed on....

You will not be forgotten

-Aaron Rhoades(Antonio Gambino)

The camera fades in with "Imagine" by John Lennon now playing as the camera cuts to the arena, the entire ring is surrounded by the PWF wrestlers, with their heads bowed. A subdued crowd fills the Nassau Coliseum. PWF Owner Michael Pellington stands in the ring.

Pellington: "It's hard to know where to start on such a tragic week such as this, but I will start by offering my heartfelt condolonces to the families of those who lost their lives. May they rest in peace."

Pellington pauses for a moment

Pellington: "As I stand here before you now, only a few miles away, there are Firemen trying to find possible survivors and finding the bodies of those who died, and nurses and doctors battling to save the lives of the many who were injured. And Police, FBI, and others striving to find out who caused this atrocity. Many doubt my logic when I decided to continue with this event. You often hear someone say to someone, Don't let things get you down. In a tragedy such as this, much of the world is in mourning, but while we mourn, we mustn't throw everything away just because of a madman psychopathic whim. We must stand together and be strong. They have destroyed buildings, they have killed thousands of innocent people, but we must show them all that they can never destroy our Spirit. We must show our resolve and battle through this tragedy and bring those who created this monstrocity to justice, by any means neccesary."

Pellington pauses for a moment to regain his composure

Pellington: "Nothing I can say is going to bring anybody back, but I hope that what we put on show today gives the people watching a release. I cannot change the world, but I hope that these people surrounding me today can put on a show to entertain you all. For that is all we are, but mere entertainers, and in this time of sorrow and depression, sometimes you need entertainment to forget the real world, and become lost in the world of entertainment."

Pellington paces around the ring

Pellington: "But I have talked too much now, the people of this city do not need reminding of this tragedy every day, life must go on, we must always remember though. But for tonight, I have asked these PWF superstars to say their thoughts in the video you have already seen, and then their will be no more talk of these tragic events. Silence is a mark of respect. And now I ask for silence from you all for the 10 Bell Salute, as we remember those who lost their lives."

The fans all stand and fall silent as the crowd bows it's head along with the PWF superstars, and all the PWF staff surrounding the ring. Ring Announcer James Smith rings the bell once every 6 seconds. On the sounds of the 10th Bell the crowd gives a warm round of applause to everyone for their silence.

Pellington: "Thank you everybody. And now please sit back and enjoy the show."

The camera fades to a PWF logo before the Rumble in the Bronx intro plays and "Fade to Black" plays once again. The camera cuts to the ring announcers, the PWF wrestlers and Mr Pellington have left ringside.

Stanyer: Welcome everyone to the Rumble in the Bronx, we have heard the words of Michael Pellington, and now I on behalf of the PWF Staff would like to send our heartfelt condolonses to the families of those who have lost earlier this week. God rest their souls.

Dawg: Amen.

Stanyer: But that will be the last words on that subject today, as Mr Pellington said, We will respect those who died with Silence, as their families and friends have been reminded enough.

Dawg: Well I'd say it was time we got onto the show.

Stanyer: Yes folks, we have a fantastic show for you tonight, including a Stairway to Hell match, for both the Extreme and Hardcore titles.

Dawg: Don't forget the I Quit Match.

Stanyer: And a New York Street Fight between Gambino and Eraser.

Dawg: And don't forget the 30 Man Royal Rumble.

Stanyer: And then finally General Leo will take on Crusader for the World title. But to open the show we have a Table Match.

Dawg: Dirk Danger's last match in the PWF in fact.

Stanyer: Yes, Dirk Danger will end his PWF career tonight in a Table match with his rival of recent weeks, Rampage. Remember the rules of a Table match, you must put your opponent through the table in an offensive move to win the match. You cannot go through a table of your own accord and lose the match.

Dawg: Should be a good match this one.

Dirk Danger's Retirement Match
Table Match
Dirk Danger v Rampage
Referee: Carlton Rock

Danger by Mystikal hits, and green and white lights flash on and off. A danger symbol and clips of the Danger Driver are shown flashing on and off. Dirk steps out onto the ramp, he looks around at the crowd who cheers loudly. He then comes out to the end of the stage and flexes to the crowd. He continues down the ramp and steps up onto the ring apron, where he steps through the ropes and walks over and stands on the middle of the ropes and raises his arms in the air.

James:The following match is a Table Match, Introducing from Chicago, Illnois, weighing 260lbs, "Double D" Dirk Danger.

The arena lights dim (not turn off) and turn red. Welcome to the Jungle plays and two large explosions go off on either side of the stage. Rampage walks out and makes a v-line straight to the ring hardly looking at the fans. Sometimes he runs straight out as soon as the lights dim and attacks.

James: And his opponent, from Hamilton, Onatario, weighing 253lbs, Rampage.

Report: Dirk Danger and Rampage circle, they square up face to face, a war of words begins, Rampage is the first to engage in physical action when he pushes Dirk Danger back. Dirk retaliates by pushing Rampage back, they then square up chest to chest. The war of words continues until Rampage strikes out with a right hand, then Dirk comes back with a right hand of his own. The two then exchange right hands until Dirk Danger gets the advantage and hits right hands to Ramapage pushing him towards the ropes. Dirk then sends Rampage to the ropes and runs at him with a clothesline, Rampage ducks underneath but both men continue and come off the ropes again. This time Rampage attempts a clothesline, but it is Dirk Danger's turn to duck underneath, Dirk then comes off the ropes and manages to catch Rampage with a Lou Thesz Press. Dirk then starts to hammer Rampage with right hands. He gets up and tells Rampage to get up. Rampage gets up only to be hit with three hard right hands then a knee to the gut. As Rampage is doubled up, Dirk bounces off the ropes and hits a Swinging Neckbreaker. Rampage immediately sits up holding the back of his neck, Dirk sits down behind him and locks on a Reverse Chinlock and takes Rampage back down to the mat.

Stanyer: Dirk Danger is trying to wear down Rampage with that Reverse Chin Lock, almost a Choke hold, which is legal I might add.

Dawg: It's very early on in the match, Dirk is simply making Rampage waste energy escaping the hold.

Stanyer: Indeed, he can't Gore you or hit a big Suplex while he's on the mat.

Rampage manages to pull himself to his feet and hits an elbow to the gut of Dirk. Two more and then Dirk is pushed off towards the ropes, Rampage then takes Dirk down with a standing lariat followed by a quick elbow drop to the chest. Dirk rolls out of the way after the elbow and pulls himself to his feet, as he does so he is kicked in the gut by Rampage. Rampage sends Dirk to the ropes and takes him down with a big Powerslam. Rampage hooks the leg on instinct, but Carlton Rock reminds him that this is a table match, no pinfalls. Rampage releases the pinning combination and then stands up and stomps Dirk directly on his stomach causing Dirk to double up for a moment. Rampage then pulls Dirk up to his feet and grabs him around the waist. Rampage looks for the Side Belly to Belly Suplex, but Dirk counters with an elbow to the back of the neck. Rampage steps backwards holding his neck, Dirk swings with a right hand, but Rampage ducks underneath and locks in a waistlock and hits an awesome Snap German Suplex.

Stanyer: My god, Rampage just folded Dirk Danger up like he was a copy of the New York Times.

Dawg: Look at that on the Replay, Dirk lands directly on the back of his neck and head, that could easily have ko'd him.

Rampage leaves Dirk Danger lying in the ring and rolls out under the bottom rope. He goes over to the Timekeeper's table and pushes James Smith the ring announcer out of the way and picks up his Steel Chair. He slides it into the ring. Rampage then rolls back in. Rampage places the chair in the ring by Dirk Danger. Rampage then pulls Dirk to his feet. He sets him up for a Piledriver. He lifts him into the position for the piledriver and then stalls. Jeers can be heard from the crowd directed towards Rampage before he jumps up and drives Dirk Danger's head into the Steel Chair, then a few chants of "Holy Shit" are heard from the crowd. Rampage isn't done yet though, he picks up the Steel Chair and places it over the head of Double D. Rampage then goes to the edge of the ring and demands one of the ringside personnel give him a chair, not wanting to anger the man, they oblige and hand him a chair. Rampage then walks around Dirk before slamming the Steel Chair into the Steel Chair on Dirk Danger's head. This time much louder chants of "Holy Shit" can be heard throughout the arena.

Dawg: Holy Shit indeed, Rampage is trying to destroy Dirk Danger. And I'm loving every minute of it.

Stanyer: Rampage isn't planning on letting Dirk Danger have his grand farewell, he is determined to win this match.

Rampage begins to pull Dirk Danger to his feet, Dirk can barely stand up, and nearly collapses a couple of times. Rampage is the only thing keeping him standing. Rampage suplexes Dirk up and then crotches him on the top rope. Rampage then climbs up and hooks Dirk around the waist. Rampage then stands up and lifts Dirk up a little before he delivers an Overhead Belly to Belly Release Suplex. Loud chants of Holy Shit can be heard throughout the Nassau Coliseum. Rampage climbs to the top rope and taunts the New York crowd, who respond to him with boos, jeers and insults. A small chant of "Rampage Sucks" starts up, but doesn't get going properly. Rampage climbs down and callously stomps Dirk in the chest as he walks over to the other side of the ring and climbs through the ropes. Rampage then reaches underneath the ring and a cheer comes up from the crowd as he pulls out a Table. He slides it into the ring. Rampage then drags it to the corner and sets it up leaning against the turnbuckle. Rampage then walks around Dirk Danger and walks across to the opposite turnbuckle and signals for Dirk to get up. Rampage goes into position for The Gore. Dirk slowly staggers to his feet, he is right next to the Table when Rampage goes for the Gore, but at the last moment Dirk moves out of the way and falls to the mat as Rampages goes straight past him and crashes through the table head first and hits the turnbuckle pad with his forehead. A big cheer goes up around the arena and chants of "Double D" start up.

Stanyer: Dirk Danger saved the match and bought himself some recovery time, but will it be enough, Rampage hasn't hit many moves, but all have been high impact. Remember, you must put your opponent through the table to win.

Dawg: I don't think Dirk Danger has the Endurance, or the capability to take punishment as much as Rampage, sure Dirk's a great technical wrestler, but in this Hardcore environment, Rampage is in his element. And of course this is Dirk's last PWF match, that will only psyche Rampage up even more.

Stanyer: And it will always be in Dirk's mind, and that has to affect his concentration in a match of this magnitude.

Dirk gets to his feet slowly, he turns towards Rampage who is on his feet and goes to hit Double D with a right hand. but Dirk ducks it and then hooks Rampage from behind and hits the Dangerous DDT(Reverse DDT), giving Rampage a receipt from earlier by driving his head into one of the Steel Chairs. Rampage rolls over onto his front holding the back of his head. Dirk Danger lays down for a moment to catch his breath before he climbs to his feet and then staggers and has to use the turnbuckle to keep his balance. Dirk then takes a deep breath and climbs to the top rope, he looks set for a Moonsault as Rampage is getting to his feet. Rampage turns around holding his head as Dirk flies off with the Danger-Sault taking Rampage back down. Dirk then waits in the corner signalling like his going for the Gore. Rampage gets to his feet and turns around and Dirk surprises Rampage by Goring him.

Stanyer: Dirk Danger just Gored Rampage, using his own move against him.

Dawg: But what difference will it make if Dirk Danger doesn't put him through a table.

Stanyer: You make a valid point, in this type of match, you can beat the living hell out of someone, but they could surprise you with one move, put you through a table and win the match.

Dawg: Precisely, You have to continually keep your wits about you, that one move could come at any time.

Dirk then mounts Rampage and begins to hammer him with right hands. Dirk Danger then pulls Rampage up and hooks both arms looking for the Danger Driver, but Rampage counters with a Back Body Drop, he then goes down to one knee holding his gut. Dirk Danger gets to his feet and staggers backwards into the corner, Rampage charges at him looking to Gore him in the corner, but Dirk moves out of the way and Rampage hits the turnbuckle pads shoulder first. He gets up and turns around a little stunned, Dirk body presses him into the air and then hits a a Front Face DDT. Rampage is left laying on his back. Dirk then signals to the crowd who give him a good pop as he leaves the ring and throws back the apron. Dirk pulls out a Table to a great cheer from the crowd. He slides it into the ring. Dirk rolls in as Rampage starts to pull himself up. Dirk begins to set up the table near the corner of the ring, Rampage gets to his feet as Dirk's back is turned and staggers into the opposite corner to Dirk.

Stanyer: Oh no, you can just sense it coming.

Dirk finishes setting up the table near the corner and turns around and gets hit with a Massive Gore from Rampage, knocking them both back into the table knocking it over, but not breaking it. Rampage gets up and signals for an end bringing a chorus of boos from the crowd. Rampage sets up the table in the corner as he did before, he then pulls Dirk Danger to his feet and looks set to hit the Head and Arm Suplex through the table, but Dirk Danger hits a knee to the genital area of Rampage. Rampage immediately releases the hold and collapses to his knees, Dirk then pulls him up and hooks his arms and delivers the Danger Driver(Tiger Driver), but doesn't make it to the table. Dirk then goes to the table, and starts to try and pull it up, but behind him, Rampage suddenly gets back up with a an aggressive look on his face. He goes to the corner and stares down Dirk Danger, who has his back turned trying to free the table. Dirk gives up and Rampage charges as Dirk turns around and Rampage Visciously Gores Dirk Danger through the table. Carlton Rock signals for the bell and the end of Dirk Danger's PWF career.

Stanyer: Oh my god, Rampage just ended the PWF career of Dirk Danger in the worst possible way.

Dawg: Dirk Danger has been destroyed by a Rampage.

Rampage d. Dirk Danger

Rampage pulls himself out of the rubble caused from the table, he climbs the turnbuckle and raises his arms to the crowd, he then starts pacing around the ring as the referee checks on Dirk Danger.

Stanyer: Dirk Danger's career in the PWF is over, perhaps he may decide to return to the ring, but for the PWF, this is goodbye to Dirk Danger.

Dawg: And we will miss him?

Rampage is still pacing around the ring as the referee helps Dirk Danger to his feet. Dirk is holding his back, but manages to stand up on his own. Rampage then stops in the middle of the ring, and offers his hand to Dirk Danger.

Dawg: Oh come on, please, don't be so stupid.

Stanyer: It looks like we might get a friendly show of sportsmanship, perhaps Rampage isn't so bad after all.

Dirk Danger looks surprised, but he offers out his hand and the two men shake hands in the middle of the ring, Rampage then raises Dirk Danger's arm in the air. The two then hug as Rampage heads to leave the ring. Dirk turns to give his goodbyes to the PWF crowd.

Stanyer: It's nice to see in this day an age, that we can have a friendly show of sportsmanship.

Rampage looks set to leave the ring, when he stops and slowly turns around, a sick smile across his face, he then goes into the position signalling for the Gore, the crowd start to scream insults and boo him. Dirk Danger turns around to wave to the crowd on the other side of the arena and Rampage Gores him again. Rampage then leans over Dirk giving him some trash talk before he rolls out of the ring.

Dawg: HA HA HAH!! Beautiful, simply Beautiful, He had everyone fooled.

Stanyer: What a sad sick and sadistic human being Rampage is.

The camera cuts backstage as we see the Topp Doggs in their locker room.

Ken: Today… We will kick some gWo ass!

Crowd cheers at the mention of gWo going down

Shawn: That’s right, we will retain the MOW Extreme tag titles against the Russians in honor of a certain Nicholas Thompson.

Ken: imitating Wowboski Ve will be da vorst tag team in da History of da PWF.

Shawn: imitating Cossak Vodka! Vodka, Vodka Vodka!

Ken: Dude! You crack me up!

Shawn: Yeah, I know.

Ken: Anyways, back to the subject of those lowlifes Russians. Today is a day they will never forget, for today we kick their asses, today we give them a beating worse than the the beating we gave them at the Dumpster match in the MOW E.

Shawn: Hell yeah, because when we hit The Decline, Its gonna be all over for you!

Ken: And you will be on the ground, listening to 2 of Amerikas Most Wanted thinking “How could we have ever thought we would beat the greatest tag team in PWF history, the Top Doggs?”

The parking lot surveilance cameras pick up the roaring noise of a platinum hummer, fitted with custom H-shaped rims, a logo across the bug guard on the hood, and among other things, Massachusetts plates reading "CIDE 432". As it comes to a hault in the Homicide designated parking space for the Nassau Coliseum, the engine shuts off, and the driver-side door opens. Then, His Massacreness steps out, a look of focus and fire in his eyes, and a packed duffel bag over his shoulder. He proceeds toward the hallway marked "WRESTLER LOCKER AREA", and turns a corner, but as he does, he bumps into Ted Tedison, who is still a bit scarred from Lou‘s vicious assault on him a few weeks prior. Before Homicide can get away, Tedison confronts him for an interview.

Tedison: "Homicide, I know you’ve got lots on your mind now. Would you mind sharing some of it with us?"

Homicide: "Tonight is the night. The night for me to once and for all finish off Lou. Once and for all get my opportunity to be number one contender. AND, of course, once again prove to the world that I AM the.. REAL.. BOSTON.. MASSACRE!!"

Tedison: "As you pointed out, you are eager to prove you are worthy of moving up to title divisions of more prestige, but are you up to the challenge, Homicide?"

Homicide: "What kind of question is that? Have you NOT seen what I have done to my opponents here in the PWF? I scared Xuway away to the hardcore division. I gave Renegade a proper initiation, MASSACRE style. Demon had to resort to the AOD in our second meeting to finally defeat me. AND, Kevin Cage is STILL NOT recovered from our last meeting at Last Man Standing. Should I go further Teddy?"

Tedison: "No, that’ll be sufficient. Now, back to you finishing off Lou once and for all.."

Homicide: "What about it? I already said that he would be dealt with once and for all. We don’t need to read into it anymore than need be.."

Tedison: "But.."

Homicide: "But.. But.. I’m done wasting my time talking, Tedison. It’s time to get ready to walk the walk.. Later.."

Tedison: "But, Mr, Homicide.."

Homicide: "Save it."

Homicide walks away without looking back, duffel bag still over his shoulder. Ted Tedison acts as if he is going to make another attempt to get more answers, but seeing the focus and fire in Homicide‘s eyes make him rethink and change his idea before he starts. Moments later, the camera fades back to the Pay Per View broadcast.

Stanyer: Welcome back folks, well our next match is for the MOW E Tag Team Titles, although they are officially not part of the PWF, The Russians lost the titles in MOW E to the Topp Doggs before they joined the PWF, Now they want them back.

Dawg: And at the moment they have them.

Stanyer: Yes, after a despicable incident on Havoc where the gWo helped the Russians to steal the titles, they didn't win them folks, they just took the belts.

Dawg: And in a few moments, they will own them.

Stanyer: I should point out that his match is a hardcore match, falls count anywhere, no dq's.

The Russians v The Topp Doggs(c)
Referees: Duane Dibley & Morgan Black

A Russian flag appears on the Big Screen along as red and blue strobe lights begin to flash, after a few moments Du Hast by Rammstein kicks in. The two Russians then come walking out of the back carrying the MOW E Tag Team Belts, Wowbowski turns and looks at the picture of the flag while Cossak just walks straight to the ring. Wowbowski follows Cossak down and slides into the squared circle. He makes his way to the middle of the ring

James: The following Hardcore Match is for the MOW E Tag Team Championship, Introducing the Challengers, from Borisovka, Russia, at a combined weight of 591lbs, Wowbowski and Cossak Joe, The Russians Crowd Boos

Wowbowski and Cossak then grab the ring announcer James Smith and give him some information.

James: Correction, from Borisovka, Russia, the MOW E Tag Team Champions, Wowbowski and Cossak Joe, The Russians.Crowd boos even louder.

A remix of 2 Pac and Snoop Dogg’s 2 Of Amerika’s Most Wanted is heard over the sound system as pyrotechnics go off as Ken and Shawn come out wearing the wVw and the MOW E Tag Team belts that they kept

James: And their opponents, at a combined weight of 504 pounds, “The Man” Ken Reilly and Shawn “Shiznitz” O’Neil, The Top Doggs! Crowd Cheers

Report: Wowbowski and Ken start the match out, they circle each other. Then they tie up. Ken manages to push Wowbowski into a neutral corner and hits a knee to the gut and then follows it up with a couple of shoulder thrusts. Ken then hits a couple of right hands and then whips Wowbowski to the opposite turnbuckle. He charges in but walks into a raised boot. Wowbowski then hits a couple of right hands and then knees Ken in the gut and takes him over to his corner to tag in Cossak. He comes into the ring and the two men hook him up and deliver a Double Suplex. Wowbowski leaves the ring as Cossak goes for an early cover. ..............1 ................2 ... Ken kicks out easily.

Stanyer: These two long time rivals are faced each other many times, who will win their first encounter here in the PWF.

Cossak pulls Ken up to his feet, he sends him to the ropes and looks for a Back Body Drop, but Ken kicks him in the face and then takes him down with a Front Neckbreaker. Cossak pulls himself to his feet as Ken hits him with right hands. Ken reaches out and tags Shawn before he kicks Cossak in the gut and hits a DDT. Shawn has climbed the top rope and flies off connecting with a Guillotine Leg Drop. Shawn rolls into the cover. ..............1 ...................2 ............... Cossak kicks out. Shawn pulls Cossak to his feet and kicks him in the gut, he backs into the ropes and then takes Cossak down with a Swinging Neckbreaker. Cossak gets to his feet holding his head. Shawn hits a couple of knife edge chops before sending Cossak to the ropes, Cossak reverses and takes Shawn into a Tilt a Whirl, but Shawn reverses midway and rolls around Cossak and then takes him over with an Arm Drag. Cossak charges with an angry clothesline, but Shawn ducks and then hits a Fast Spinning Wheel Kick which sends Cossak sprawling through the ropes. Shawn then climbs to the top rope. Cossak staggers to his feet and gets caught with a Flying Body Press.

Stanyer: Beautiful move from Shawn O'Neil. The Topp Doggs are really on form tonight.

Dawg: But they are not the MOW E Tag Champs are they?

Stanyer: Yes they are, just because the Russians have possession of the belts, doesn't make them champions.

Dawg: They deserve those belts, and they will prove it tonight.

Shawn slams the head of Cossak into the steel guard rail. Ken drops down from the apron and pulls out a Steel Chair from under the ring. He holds it in front of Cossak's face before Shawn hits a stunning Back Spinning Heel Kick knocking the chair back into the face of Cossak and sending him over the guard rail. Wowbowski comes running around and clubs Wowbowski over the back of the head and slams his head into the guard rail. Wowbowski then starts to hammer Shawn with right hands but Ken comes back to knee him in the back and then hit a Reverse DDT on the outside. Shawn pulls himself together but gets grabbed by Cossak from over the guard rail, who hooks him up in a Reverse DDT then delivers a Reverse Suplex dropping Shawn Chest first on the conrete in the crowd.

Stanyer: Oh my god, the pain.

Ken picks Wowbowski up and then whips him into the guard rail and then follows in with a clothesline sending Wowbowski over the rail to the concrete. Ken then climbs over the rail. Cossak catches him with a forearm to the back of his head. Cossak then hooks up and delivers a Russian Leg Sweep on the concrete floor. Wowbowski pulls himself to his feet and then picks up Shawn, he then hits him with a forearm that sends him staggering through the crowd. Wowbowski and Shawn then brawl their way through the crowd, Wowbowski hitting Shawn with right hands and then hitting him over the head with a trashcan. Cossak has pulled Ken up and takes a drink from one of the fans and smashes it in the face of Ken Reilly. Cossak then drags Ken through the crowd with him. The camera cuts to Wowbowski who has made his way backstage, he slams Shawn into some steel shutters. As Shawn O'Neil lays slumped against the shutters, Wowbowski bends down to hammer him in the face with right hands. Cossak comes through as he does this and throws Ken Reilly across a table and into some rubbish lying around backstage.

Stanyer: Falls do count anywhere in this match, so it could still end at any time.

Wowbowski pulls Shawn up and goes to slam his head into the shutters again, but he blocks it and then counters by slamming The Russian's head into the steel. Cossak throws Ken Reilly into the next room, the camera follows him in and sees the two men in the parking lot. Cossak throws Ken Reilly across one of the cars. Cossak climbs onto the car. He takes Ken onto the top of the car and then sets him up for the Soviet Stinger, but Ken counters with an elbow to the head of Cossak. Ken then stoops to one knee and hits a low blow. Ken then sets Cossak up for The Edge(Insider's Edge). Ken then lifts Cossak up and then drops him over the windscreen so he crashes down on the bonnet of the car, making a huge dent.

Dawg: Ouch, someone is not going to be happy when they are ready to go home.

Stanyer: I'm not sure Cossak is too happy either.

The camera cuts to Wowbowski and Shawn O'Neil, they have found their way to the loading bay, where two trucks are positioned,they are on the elevated part where the trucks are unloaded. Shawn slams Wowbowski's head into the trucks. Shawn tries again, but Wowbowski blocks it and Shawn hits the truck. Wowbowski then throws Shawn towards the edge of the platform between the two trucks. Wowbowski backs off and then goes to clothesline Shawn off the edge, but Shawn ducks and Wowbowski only just manages to stop himself going over. But he turns around straight into a Superkick which sends him flying off the platform onto the pallets below. Shawn then starts to climb up the truck. A buzz of anticipation goes around the arena as they watch on the Ultra-Tron. Shawn reaches the top of the truck and looks down at Wowbowski. He then turns around and rips his shirt off and throws it away. Shawn then flies off backwards with a Moonsault which connects perfectly with the knees driving into Wowbowski's chest, Shawn then rolls off and falls off the pallets and drops a few feet before lying on the loading bay floor. Wowbowski rolls onto his stomach holding his gut as the crowd in the arena chant Holy Shit.

Stanyer: My God, Shawn O'Neil is insane, he just Moonsaulted Wowbowski from about 15 feet. Unbelievable.

Dawg: But it's still not over yet.

The camera cuts to Cossak and Ken, who have found their way into the Canteen, Ken is smashing Cossak's head into each of the tables he passes, he then slides Cossak over the counter as the fans in the canteen cheer him on. Ken is smiling as he walks towards Cossak, but the camera then pans to behind Cossak, where we see Matt Van Dam and Power G. MVD smashes a Singapore Cane over the back of Ken, and then Power G hooks him up and delivers the G Power Slam through one of the Glass Tables in the canteen. MVD then drags Cossak and places him over the top of Ken. Duane Dibley drops down to make the count. ..................1 .........................2 .......................... Ken Reilly just gets his shoulder up. Cossak cannot believe it. He snaps and pulls Ken to his feet. He then delivers the Soviet Stinger (Downward Spiral) driving the face of Ken into the glass. Cossak then rolls Ken over for the pin. ....................1 .......................2 .........................3!!!!!

The Russians d. The Topp Doggs
15:19 Pinfall

Stanyer: How cheap is that, The Russians steal the MOW E tag titles from The Topp Doggs thanks to interference from the gWo.

Dawg: Was it against the rules? No, then get over it.

Stanyer: Can't they just win the match fair and square, like the Topp Doggs tried to do?

Dawg: Life was never meant to be fair.

A slow motion montage of battles between Eraser and Gambino are shown with Jay Stanyer saying "The Showstopper, that's right the very same Showstopper that was in the PWF last year has recently resigned a contract with the PWF. In fact he is scheduled to appear tonight..." then the slow-motion clips become the Gambino v Kidd match at Havoc #17. Eraser is kicking Gambino in slow-motion and slowly turns to the entrance as fireworks go off, all in slow-mo. Jay says "It's Showstopper!!!" and then the clips speed up as Showstopper runs down and clears house. The clip goes back into slow-mo when Showstopper and Gambino hit their finishers to Kidd and Eraser respectively. Dawg mutters "Dammit, this was a fix, Gambino planned this all along" as the clip speeds up when Gambino is yapping to Eraser. The clip slows down again and repeats itself a few times as Showstopper whacks Gambino with the chair. "YES!!! Showstopper has seen sense". Showstopper raises his hands in slow-motion. The camera cuts to Showstopper watching this montage in amusement

Showstopper: looking at camera Hahahaha. I bet none of you were expecting that little stunt,were you? None of ya. Not the 'Tampa Bay' trio, who must have won the 'Most Stupid Names Ever' award countless times. Not the big boss man, Mr.Pellington, who kindly offered me a luxurious contract. And of course, not Antonio 'gangsta wannabe' Gambino. I mean, what the hell is Pel is playin' at, that SOB should not be the Commisioner. Unfortunately for my old pal, the odds are stacked against him. Sure, myself and Eraser sure as hell don't get on, but sure as hell we hate you more than we hate each other. So there's Eraser and me. Eraser's little crew. Ummm, Power G and his mates and ummm, oh I don't know, maybe near enough the whole federation? You see Gamby, I can call you Gamby; you are the Commish. The marked man. Roster enemy No.1. But for some f**ked up reason, the f**king crowd f**king love you! I mean what the f**k is that s**t? Your a f**ing a**hole! Everyone on the f**ing roster knows it. Right, anyway, why good ol' Show is back. I was screwed. I'm sure my man Dawg told yas all but I didn't appear at The End of the World II, about a week after losing the title. Turns out, Showy wasn't paying enough attention to the buisness side of things so my contract ran out the DAY BEFORE the show. Now now, I have forgiven Pellington for not letting me have a match but what you guys don't know is that Eraser and Gambino BOTH bribed Pel, to refuse my entry to the United Center in Chicago. Gambino didn't want me in his title match and Eraser didn't want me in his title match. So basically I was screwed. Badly. Well, I'm sure some other punk wants to borrow the cameraman so I gotta go but remember I'm gonna be at the Rumble, so watch out.

Showstopper leans towards the camera

Showstopper: Sometimes life can be fair...Unlucky for you ,you've just met me.

The camera fades to another area of the backstage where we see Ted Tedison and his camera crew knock on MVD's locker room looking to get some thoughts from the gWo's leader ahead of the rumble


MVD answers the door looking tired visably tired and sweaty as if he had just been working out, the camera then zooms inside the room to catch JVD scurring away in hiding covering herself with some clothing

MVD:- Tedison, can't you i'm busy preparing for the rumble you first class schmuck!

Tedison:- Sorry Mr Van Dam, i can see your busy shall i come back later?

MVD:- Well since you've already interupted my preparation, i'll grant you 2 mins with everyone's favourite wrestler Matt Van Dam (performs the two thumb pose)..........

Tedison:- So how do you rate your chances in the rumble, there are big rumours circling the locker room that Theros is out for your blood rather than looking to win the rumble........

MVD:- I've got nothing to fear from Theros, if he finds his way to the ring i'll be surprised, and i've got the gWo watching my back, nothing can go wrong, everything is set, and MVD will be going to the end of the world main event.....

Tedison:- What will you do if its yourself vs another gWo member in the rumble..........

MVD:- In the eternal words of Vince McMahon, Jim Ross, Bobby Heenan, Gorilla Monsoon, infact every commentator to ever work for the WWF, it's everyman for themselves, the gWo know the score...........

???: errmmmmmmmmm excuse me

a pretty young lady advances to MVD

Postgirl:- Mr Van Dam, i have a letter for you, this is your number for the rumble......

MVD:- Thank you

MVD begins to open the letter and begins to chuckle to himself as he returns to the locker room and the door closes on Tedison's camera crew

Stanyer: Well now we at least know some of the reasons behind Showstopper's attack, his non-appearance at last years End of the World II PPV.

Dawg: Perhaps we will know more in due time.

Stanyer: We got a great match up here folks. An I Quit Match for the European title. I would have to lean toward Homicide as having the advantage in this one. At 6 foot 9 he has the height advantage and a few more pounds then Big Lou. Who do you pick to be the favorite?

Dawg: If you went solely on height and weight for deciding matches than Pitbull wouldn't be the present hardcore champion. To be honest, I cannot pick one. I cannot picture either of these guys quitting. These guys have fought in so many hardcore match ups it is in their blood to fight to the end. Add in the fact that the European title is on the line and I'd think they would rather have their right hand chopped off before declaring the other person the winner.

Stanyer: You mention previous hardcore match ups for good reason. Like a hardcore match there are no rules whatsoever to an I quit match, however the winner is the person who can make his opponent say I quit into a microphone, the referee is just there to ring the bell.

I Quit Match
Big Lou v Homicide
Referee: Duane Dibley

Natural Born Killaz blast on the stereos throughout the arena then you see on the titantron "N.B.K. ALL THE WAY!" in red blood type letters. Big Lou makes his way to the ramp. Big Lou then raises his Louie ville slugger in the air and slowly raises his head up and all of a sudden red flames from the right and green flames on the left side shoot up in the air. Big Lou then enters the ring and goe over the top rope, Big Lou climbs up the turnbuckle with the Louie ville slugger high in the air.

James: The following match is an I Quit match and it is for the PWF European Championship. Introducing the challenger, from Las Vegas, Nevada, weighing 270lbs, Big Lou. Crowd Boos loudly

"Cowboy's From Hell" by Prodigy hits, and words flash across the tron screen as the lights go off. THE...REAL...BOSTON...MASSACRE...; Four silver streaks shoot down from the rafters, and are answered by two red flames which shoot up from each side of the stage. As the lights dimly flash on with alternating flashes of red, Homicide can be seen facing the tron in a pose as if he was hanging from a cross. Then, as the crowd erupts in cheers, the arena lights go on, and Homicide turns, and proceeds down to the ring as he is announced.

James: And his opponent, from Boston, Massachusetts, weighing 292lbs, the PWF European Champion and "The Real Boston Massacre" Homicide. Crowd Cheers

Report: Homicide starts off the match with his brass knuckles on and Big Lou has his trusty bat. Big Lou says he won't start the match until Homicide puts away the brass knuckles. Homicide refuses. Big Lou states that he is going leaving the arena. Homicide wanting to fight leaves the ring and takes off his brass knuckles. He puts his brass knuckles under the mat for later. As Homicide does this Big Lou cheap shots Homicide across the back with his bat. Big Lou continues to to swing repeatingly hitting Homicide on the left side. Homicide is trying to grab the bat but is unsuccessful and keeps getting hit. Homicide is backed into the guard rail as Lou continues to assault him with the bat. Big Lou then raises the bat over his head to swing in a downward motion at Homicides head. Homicide manages to move out of the way and the bat hits the guard rail. Homicide grabs Big Lou's wrists in a fight to knock the bat out of his hands. Big Lou won't let go and seems to be gaining control. Homicide realizing this, lands a mighty head butt to Big Lou. The bat drops to the concrete floor. Big Lou stunned by the hit grabs Homicide. Homicide quickly reverses into a Russian neck breaker landing the back of Big Lou on the bat. Homicide grabs Big Lou and lifts him for a scoop slam on the bat. Homicide picks Big Lou up again and whips him into the guard rail but Big Lou reverses and Homicide flips over the guard rail and into the crowd. Big Lou reaches down to grab his bat before hopping over into the crowd area. He charges Homicide and connects with the bat. He continues swinging the bat hitting Homicide. Homicide is trying to grab the bat but he keeps getting hit.

Dawg: Big Lou's game plan is quite simple. Beat the shit out of Homicide with the bat.

Stanyer: My good Lord. This is just horrible. This is not wrestling. This is an assault and battery.

Homicide gets beaten to all fours. Big Lou raises the bat up taunting Homicide. Big Lou raises his bat with both hands over his head but this time he hammers Homicide hard across the back. Homicide is laying flat on cement floor motionless. Big Lou kicks Homicide over and places the butt of the bat at Homicide's eye. He then pushes all his weight on the bat. Homicide's arm are flopping and his legs are kicking but Lou continues to push. Lou screams to Homicide "Had enough. You ready to quit." Homicide refuses but continues to scream. Some female shouts from the crowd beg Lou to stop. Big Lou stops and raises the bat again over head. He hammers down again and hits him in the head. Big Lou holds each end of the bat with a different hand. Big Lou quickly jumps on Homicide and pushes the bat towards his neck. Big Lou is now on top of Homicide effectively choking him with the bat. Homicide with both hands is trying to push the bat away from his head. Big Lou really puts his weight into the bat and Homicide face is getting red from a lack of blood. Lou tells Homicide that if he knows whats best for him he will quit. In a desperation move Homicide attempts to roll with Big Lou. They both continue to roll with one on top through the audience until they reach the guard rail where Homicide ends up on top. He bangs Big Lou's head against the guard rail and gets up. Lou also gets up and quickly grabs the bat and swings again at Homicide. Homicide catches the bat and rips it out of Lou's hands. Homicide holds the bat up and smashes it in half across his knee. Homicide is raging and starts chasing Big Lou. Big Lou hops over the guard rail and is being chased around the ring. Homicide catches up and locks both hands around Big Lou's neck. He lifts him way in the air and slams him to the concrete floor. Homicide grabs Big Lou and lifts him up.

Stanyer: The Boston Massacre(Reverse DDT Drop). Whoa. Seeing Big Lou tossed like that is impressive.

Homicide goes under the ring leaving Lou on the cement outside.

Dawg:Its pay back time. Homicide is about to teach Big Lou two lessons. His right fist and his left.

Homicide comes back with his brass knuckles on. Big Lou slowly gets up and has grabbed a nearby chair. Big Lou taunts Homicide to come closer. Homicide runs at Big Lou. Big Lou hits Homicide with the chair. Homicide is dazed and Big Lou lifts him up and delivers a Sentence to Hell ( Death valley Driver) into the guard rail. Homicide is down on the ground. Big Lou picks him up and nails a Mafia bomb (super snap power bomb 02) onto the cement. Big Lou mounts on top and gives him fists of steel (ultimate punches). Homicide gives up saying "I QUIT!!" The ref rings the bell.

Dawg: Look at Homicide run back to the locker room

Stanyer:I wouldn't want to show my face either. He has been disgraced and has lost at his own game.

James: And the winner of this match and the European Champion -Big Lou.

The referee holds Big Lou's hand up.

Stanyer: There seems to be a commotion on the other side of the ring.

Dawg: Look at this fool. Some guy with a hood over his head and it appears his hands are tied behind his back has just rolled out from under the ring.

Stanyer: The man has freed his hands. And now he has taken off the hood.

Dawg:What the heck? It's Homicide?

Stanyer:Something very bizarre has just taken place. From the look of those welts on his back this was the Homicide that started the match.

Dawg: So then who was the other. I knew Homicide wouldn't quit that easily

Homicide with brass knuckles on gives Big Lou a huge Haymaker taking the big man down. Homicide gets on top of Big Lou and starts punching him with lefts and rights (Ultimate punches).

Dawg: Homicide is completely oblivious of just what happened. Homicide does not know that the match is over.

Big Lou tries to cover his face but the speed and power of the punches are to overwhelming.

Dawg: I think Lou just lost some teeth on that last hit. He is definitely bleeding from the mouth and it looks to me that his whole face is swelling up.

The bell rings multiple times to send the message the match is over.

Stanyer: Somehow an imposter cost Homicde the European belt. Someone will have hell to pay.

Dawg:Well, right now it looks like Big Lou is paying. Lou has already tapped but Homicide hasn't stopped wailing on him.

The officials gather around Homicide trying to pull him off but he keeps punching. Bloodbath, Rye Hazwaki and Havok run down to take Homicide off Big Lou. They manage to peel him off and the paramedics come to carry Big Lou out on the stretcher.

The referee grabs the European belt and puts it on Big Lou as they carry him away. Homicide stands there stunned not really sure what happened. Homicide comes over to the announcer table.

Homicide: Why did they award him the belt? I didn't quit, he did!

Stanyer: It appears a look-a-like came out and well he went that way.

as soon as Stanyer points down the aisle, Homicide takes off into the back looking for his impostor.

Dawg: A lot of confusion here but the end result is that Big Lou wins the match and leaves with the European Belt.

The camera opens on a door- the gWo locker room door. A muffled sound can be heard coming from the room. A few seconds later the door opens but not fully. No one is seen but talking is still heard. Ted Tedison is then seen walking down the corridor towards the gWo locker room.

McCoy: from inside the room Yeah, a Rumble is nothing. G, you've probably beaten enough people since who started in the PWF to already win that rumble.

Tedison goes to knock on the door but it swings open. Tedison slightly falls forward.

McCoy: What do you want??

Tedison: An interview??

McCoy: And why should I give you one??

Tedison: Please yourself.

Tedison turns away. McCoy walks after him.

McCoy: Give me that mic.

McCoy rips the mic out of Tedison’s hands.

McCoy: Listen Ted, I haven’t got much to say. G enters the Rumble and leaves the ring last. Simple really. Why?? Well, some people may be scared to go into the ring. All those others, every man for themselves. But it ‘s different for G. You see he’s beaten almost everyone that’ll enter that ring. No matter what number he goes in, there’s no one to fear. Not Crusader, not Gambino, not Eraser, not Rye. Not anyone. At LMS somehow G wasn’t the last man standing. Tonight he will put that right.

McCoy: You got any questions Ted??

Tedison: Yes, don’t you think that because of all the rivals Power G has, they’ll all be after him and make it even harder to win it??

McCoy: That’s a good question Ted, a stupid one as well. G’s a machine. He can easily take out 3 or 4 men at the same time. They can go after him all they want.

Tedison: Well thanks for the interview McCoy

McCoy: What?? Is that it??

Tedison: Erm…yes.

McCoy: You should take lessons in interviewing then.

Tedison: (under his breath) Shut up

McCoy doesn’t hear him and enters the gWo locker room. Camera fades out to black

???: 'Y'know, that chick is gonna be thrilled when I show her my tag belt. Hey... you reckon I could borrow yours, as well? I'll put in a good word in to her ugly sister about you!'

The camera pans to a shot of Sabre holding a punching bag, while Poppa beats it like a red headed step child. He finishes the assault, and looks at Sabre while wiping his brow with a towel.

Poppa: 'Ugly sister, eh? Well... I like the sister part, but I dunno about the ugly. And why so confident about winning, anywayz? The amount of training you've put in recently makes me think this chicks ugly sister could probably beat you in the wrestling ring.'

Sabre: 'Well... she IS pretty big... but that's beside the point. I dunno what you're talking about. I'm primed. I can feel the heat. The fans love me, and it's my destiny to grab some PWF gold. Watch me tonight, I'll be on FIRE!'

Poppa: 'If you say so. But promise me that after tonight, you'll start hooking into some weight training goodness. I'm sick of running in and saving you from a beating time and time again.'

Sabre: 'Saving me??? It's all in the name of showbiz, tiger. They love me even more if I give them a good show. But no funny buisness tonight. Swear to Jebus.'

Poppa: 'Well... OK. If you swear to Jebus, then I guess you're serious. Geeeeez when did I start to become the serious one? I haven't talked about paptizing in fifteen minutes? C'mon Sabre my man. Time to paptize these clowns into paptize city. They'll never know what paptized 'em.'

Sabre: 'That's the spirit, cowboy! Watch me splash those evil tag guys! I'll splash 'em good! All the way to splash-ville!'

Poppa looks at Sabre with a frown on his face...

Poppa: 'Never again. Swear to Jebus you'll never say that again.'

Sabre: 'Sheesh! Fine. Y'know, if you keep at me like this, I might want a divorce, y'know what I'm sayin, homie?'

Poppa punches the bag extra hard-like, sending an unprepared Sabre toppling over onto the floor, as the camera fades...

Stanyer: More madcap capers from the comic duo, who tonight will face the Gods of War for the Tag Team Champions. I wish them luck.

Dawg: And I do not.

Stanyer: Well anyway, our next match is for the PWF Extreme and Hardcore titles, a Tag Team Stairway to Hell match. Let me explain the rules, there are two teams, Pitbull & Xuway and Blade & Blackbird. Now if Xuway and Pitbull win, then Xuway wins the Extreme title, and Pitbull keeps the Hardcore title.

Dawg: And if Blade & Blackbird win, then Blade gets the Hardcore title and Blackbird keeps the Extreme title, I get it.

Stanyer: Right, now onto the rules of the match, it's in effect a Ladder Match, except climbing the Ladder and retrieving, what is in this case, two Singapore Canes does not win you the match. No the match ends via pinfall or submission. The idea is to climb the ladder and retrieve the weapons, and use them to win the match.

Dawg: Do they actually have to climb the ladder.

Stanyer: Not really, but these four men want to beat the crap out of each other so much, they will almost certainly want those weapons at some point.

Dawg: True.

Stanyer: Well, over to the ring.

Stairway to Hell Match
Xuway Zanchu & Silas "Pitbull" Parish(c) v Blackbird(c) & Blade
Referee: Chris Regan

"Hell's Bell's by AC/DC hits as Xuway sits in a chair which is carried by his loyal slaves. Once in the ring, Xuway meditates in dance. Then the dance gets aggresive almost if he is fighting a ghost. When done his eyes roll up in the back of his head. He goes to his corner and waits. The Ultra-tron just has some ninja camp with a bunch of ninja fighting

James: The following match is the Tag Team Stairway to Hell match for the PWF Extreme and Hardcore Titles. Introducing from The Orient, weighing 392lbs, Xuway Zanchu.Crowd boos

"Come out and Play" by The Offspring begins to play increasingly loud through the arena speakers, heralding the arrival of "Pitbull" Silas Parish. Several scenes of a pitbull on a chain, barking and straining to get loose, play on the TitanTron as the words SILAS PARISH slowly appear at the bottom of the screen and PITBULL appears at the top. Suddenly, a series of pyrotechnic explosions erupt down the right side of the ramp and back up the left side as Silas steps through the backstage curtain and into view. He pauses at the top of the ramp, his eyes locked on his opponent in the ring. He cracks his knuckles and makes sure the tape around his hands is tight, his gaze still locked on the ring. Then he begins to stalk forward. About halfway down the ramp he breaks into a run and slides into the ring under the bottom rope, quickly getting to his feet well before the bell rings.

James: And his tag team partner from Vancouver, Canada, the PWF Hardcore Champion, Silas,"The Pitbull" Parish. Crowd Boos

Walks out to Dope by Debonaire and he does the HHH water bottle thing and then he walks down to the ring over the top rope and does the spin around 2 sweet sign like Kevin Nash.

James: And their opponents, first from Toronto Canada, weighing 325lbs, Blade Crowd Cheers

The arena lights go out and blue strobes begin to flash as "Put a label on a life put a lable on a lifestyle put a label on the way you wake up every morning and the way you go to bed everynight."(from Linking Park - High Voltage) At that moment two white flares burst out from the entry way and Blackbird makes his way to the ring

James: And his tag team partner from Dayton, Ohio, weighing 245lbs, the PWF Extreme Champion, Blackbird. Crowd cheers

Report: The four men stare each down from across the ring, they all look up at the two Kendo Sticks hanging above the ring, and then to the ladders in the aisle. Pitbull and Xuway then charges in with clotheslines, but Blade and Blackbird both duck them. Blade starts to hammer Xuway with right hands, Blackbird does the same to Pitbull. Xuway comes back with a knee to the gut of Blade and then grabs his head and slams it into his knee sending him reeling backwards into the turnbuckle. Blackbird sends Pitbull to the ropes and then follows in with a clothesline which sends both of them over the top rope to the outside. Xuway goes across to Blade and hits a couple of shoulder blocks to the solar plexus of Blade. Xuway then grabs the arm of Blade and shows his stunning agility by leaping over the top rope and driving the arm of Blade into the top rope as he falls to the floor and lands on his feet.

Dawg: Xuway is picking up right where he left off last night. Concentrating his attack on the left arm of Blade.

Stanyer: Indeed, remember folks, we might call them ropes, but they in fact Cables.

On the other side of the ring, Blackbird is stomping away on Pitbull. He then leaves him and heads up the ramp and collects one of the ladders. Blackbird turns around and gets the Ladder dropkicked back in his face by Pitbull. Blackbird lands on the concrete and the ladder lands across him. Pitbull then springs onto the guard rail, stops for a second to balance himself and then flies off with a Moonsault landing on the ladder driving it into the chest of Blackbird. On the other side Xuway has picked up a Steel Chair and slides it into the ring before he rolls in. Blade is on his feet but favouring his left arm. Blade stomps on Xuway as he rolls into the ring. Xuway pulls himself to his feet and gets hit with a big forearm by Blade. He follows in with another two big forearms, but Xuway gets a jab to the left shoulder of Blade and he reels backwards in pain. Xuway grabs the injured arm of Blade and takes him into a hammerlock. Xuway holds Blade in a hammerlock and then lifts him up and hits a backdrop with the arm still in the hammerlock, Blade then rolls away holding his left arm, and in considerable pain.

Stanyer: Xuway is really working over that arm of Blade, remember this match ends by Pinfall or Submission, the aim is to climb the ladder to get the Singapore Canes and then use them to win the match. But there is no need to climb the ladders.

Dawg: And Xuway is definitely going for that submission. He wants Blackbird's extreme title, he couldn't Blackbird last time, but this time he doesn't have to.

Stanyer: Indeed, neither Pitbull or Blackbird have to be involved in any decision to lose their titles.

Pitbull has propped the ladder up by the barricade and pulls Blackbird up to his feet. He then whips Blackbird towards the ladder, but Blackbird reverses and Pitbull crashes into the ladder and then rolls up and over and lands in the crowd, the ladder flips over the barricade and just misses the fans who hurried out of the way. Pitbull manages to get up quickly and staggers around. Blackbird then comes flying over the barricade and uses his own body as a weapon to take down Pitbull. The crowd around the incident and the crowd in the arena start up a chant of "Holy Shit". Back in the ring Xuway picks up the steel chair. He traps the arm of Blade in the fold of the chair. Xuway then starts to climb the turnbuckle. He climbs to the second turnbuckle and then turns around. But Blade is up and throws the chair into the face of Xuway, the chair crashes down on the outside of the ring. Xuway is a little dazed. Blade then lifts Xuway off the turnbuckle over his shoulders and then snaps him over and slams him down into the mat with a Spinebuster.

Dawg: Where are Pitbull and Blackbird going?

Stanyer: I'm not sure, Blackbird seems to be fighting through the crowd.

Dawg: This is strange, I expected Pitbull to fight Blade and Xuway to fight Blackbird.

Stanyer: I guess they are trying to give each other a chance before they do that, in both battles you just mentioned, there are massive weight and power differences.

Dawg: Strange to think these two teams are being tactical in a match like this.

Blackbird is fighting Pitbull through the crowd. Blackbird hooks Pitbull up for a suplex and waits for the crowd to clear before he hits a devastating Snap Suplex dropping Pitbull on the concrete floor. Back to the ring. Blade picks up Xuway and whips him to the ropes but Xuway reverses and looks for a Back Body Drop but Blade hooks the head of Xuway and hits a Knee Smash. Blade then mounts Xuway and hammers him with right hands before he rolls off and out of the ring. Back in the crowd Pitbull and Blackbird have made their way towards a part of the ultra-tron. Blackbird is hammering Pitbull with right hands as he sends him sprawling through the crowd. They make their way towards a table that is near part of the scaffold making up the Rumble in the Bronx set. Blackbird leaves Pitbull staggering near the stage and then goes through the side curtain, he comes back a second later with a Steel Chair, he cracks the chair over Pitbulls head and he falls backwards across the table. Blackbird then tosses the chair onto the stage.

Stanyer: What the hell does Blackbird have in mind??

Dawg: I don't know but it can't be good.

Back in the ring, Blade has collected the ladder from outside the ring and slid it into the ring. Blade places the Ladder in the middle of the ring, he pulls Xuway to his feet. He sends him to the ropes and looks set for a turnaround Spinebuster on the Ladder, but Xuway blocks the move by going deadweight. Xuway then elbows Blade across the back of the neck and then locks both his arms and deliver a Double Underhook Belly to Belly Overhead Release Suplex with Blade landing hard on his back across the Steel of the ladder. Back to Blackbird who has climbed the scaffold by the side of the ring and has climbed onto the stage. He picks up the Steel Chair and wanders across the stage. He then turns around and runs towards the edge of the stage, Blackbird flies off putting the chair under his leg as he flies off with a Guillotine Leg Drop and lands on Pitbull driving the chair into his body and breaking the table sending them both to the concrete floor as the entire arena breaks out into a loud chant of Holy Shit

Stanyer: Oh My God, Blackbird is insane!!!

Dawg: Fuck me, pardon my french, but that was totally psychopathic. And I thought Theros was insane.

Even Xuway stops in the ring as he looks to see what has happened over by the stage. He sees the replay on the screen and stamps his foot in anger. He then picks up the ladder and sets it up. He then pulls Blade to his feet and grabs his arm. Xuway then starts to climb the ladder. Xuway reaches the top of the 8 foot ladder and then jumps off the top places his leg over the arm of Blade and driving it into the mat from 8 foot. Blade rolls away into the turnbuckle holding his arm. Back by the stage, both men are still down, Blackbird is starting to move. But Pitbull is still down and out. Back in the ring Xuway waits for Blade to get to his feet. Xuway then body tackles Blade and slams him into the mat and then locks on the TAFKAG (Ultimate Armbar). Blade can be heard crying out in pain, but he refuses to tap out, but Xuway is in no mood to release the hold and wrenches back hard on the arm.

Stanyer: Xuway is determined to make Blade submit, even if it means breaking his arm.

Dawg: That's what you have to do to win these types of matches, you cannot hold back.

While Xuway wrenches back on the hold, there is a commontion in the crowd, a fired up Blackbird then hops over the guard rail to a massive cheer from the crowd. He then picks up one of the big 15 foot ladders and carrys it into the ring and slides it in. Blackbird rolls into the ring. Xuway sees him and releases the hold. He stands up but gets caught with a kick low and then Blackbird hits the EvenFlow DDT. Blackbird then points towards the Signapore Canes and sets the ladder up underneath them. The rejuvanated Blackbird climbs up the ladder. Blade is sitting up in the turnbuckle holding his left arm gingerly. He cheers Blackbird on. Blackbird reaches the top and looks about to reach the Canes, when we see Xuway is sitting up and it trying to push the ladder over. Xuway uses his massive upper body strength the push the ladder over and Blackbird goes flying over the ropes and impales himself Chest first across the barricade. Blackbird then lies draped across the barricade, his body motionless as the crowd in the arena, now all on their feet chant "Holy Shit".

Stanyer: (As replays from all angles play the horrifying move). My God, Blackbird has been broken in two, he could be dead.

Two men from the EMT come running down the aisle with a stretcher, they immediately go to Blackbird.

Dawg: Blackbird has been all but eliminated from this match now, there is no way he can survive impact like that.

A chorus of boos descend across the arena as we see Pitbull has returned to ringside and he heads across to where Blackbird is, he has a sick smile across his face. Pitbull grabs a Steel Chair from ringside and then cracks it across one of the EMT's back, he then smashes the chair across the back of the other EMT. Pitbull then snaps and starts to beat the already motionless Blackbird with the Steel Chair, the crowd boo non-stop at the sick Pitbull. An enraged Blade rolls out of the ring and grabs the chair off Pitbull, he then kicks Pitbull in the stomach and smashes the chair across the back of Pitbull.

Stanyer: My God Pitbull is sick, nobody is that sadistic, Blackbird is half dead and Pitbull wants to finish him off.

Dawg: Serves Blackbird right, he shouldn't piss Pitbull off.

Xuway rolls out of the ring and goes to hit Blade from behind, but he turns around and smashes the chair across the back of Xuway's head. Xuway collapses to the mat holding his head. Blade is seriously pissed off now and smashes the chair across the head of Pitbull before throwing it to one side and rolling Pitbull into the ring. Blade picks up one of the ladders and positions it. He then raises his arm in the air to a massive pop from the crowd. He pulls Pitbull to his feet to show that Pitbull is now bleeding from his forehead and kicks him in the gut and sets him up for the Jacknife Powerbomb. Blade pauses for a moment and then flips Pitbull up and then powerbombs him across the Ladder.

Stanyer: Oh my god, Blade just broke the back of Pitbull. How much longer can these four men keep this up?

Dawg: I have no idea, but sooner or later it's going to have to end. I don't think I've even seen a cover in this match, these two teams just want to maim each other, this match has gone beyond titles now.

Blade is now the only man left standing and he sets up the Ladder. He starts to climb the ladder. But Xuway is up and he starts to climb the ladder on the opposite side to Blade. The two men reach the top and start to hit each other with right hands. Blade hits a big right that nearly knocks Xuway off the ladder and then reaches for the Singapore Canes, but Xuway comes back with a thrust to the shoulder of Blade who pulls his arm back from reaching up to hold his shoulder. Blade then catches Xuway with a big right hand that knocks him backwards, but he holds onto the ladder only dropping a couple of rungs down the ladder. Blade then reaches up and touches the Canes before we see that Pitbull has sneaked up behind Blade and hits a Low Blow. Pitbull then grabs Blade in a Reverse DDT position and then flips off the Ladder delivering the K'9er (Diamond Dust) off the Ladder and they both crash to the canvas below.

Stanyer: These four men are giving you their body's and souls tonight, this is unlike anything I have ever seen.

Pitbull's move leaves Xuway free to climb the ladder and retrieve the Singapore Canes. Xuway climbs down the ladder and places one of them on the mat for Pitbull when he gets up and then wields the other one Martial Arts style. Xuway pulls Blade away from Pitbull who is sitting in the corner against the turnbuckle catching his breath. Xuway pulls out Blade's arm and then stalks around him spinning the Kendo Stick with a sick smile on his face. Suddenly a massive cheer comes up from the crowd, Xuway and the camera turns towards the entrance thinking someone has come out to help Blade, but nobody is there, the camera cuts back to the ring and we see Blackbird is standing behind Xuway holding the other Singapore Cane

Stanyer: Oh my God!! How is he even standing.

Xuway turns around and Blackbird cracks the cane across Xuway's head, Blackbird then snaps and batters Xuway around the head with the Cane. Xuway's cane drops to the mat and rolls towards Pitbull. Blackbird continues to batter Xuway and doesn't see Pitbull getting to his feet and picking up the Cane. The bloodied Pitbull then cracks the Cane across the ribs of Blackbird which immediately sends Blackbird to his knees. Pitbull then sadistically starts to beat Blackbird down with blows to the ribs. Pitbull then tosse the Cane to one side and goes to the Ladder, he repositions it near Blackbird. Pitbull then starts to climb the ladder. But Blade is back up and starts to climb Pitbull behind him. Xuway gets up and starts to climb the ladder on the other side. Pitbull gets to the top and looks set to fly off and hit Blackbird with something. But Blade climbs up behind him and grabs Pitbull by the legs and then throws him from the Ladder with a Powerbomb.Pitbull hits the mat hard on his neck and shoulder and then rolls onto his front and lays there motionless. Blade then raises his arms in the air celebrating to the crowd. But Xuway is by him on the other side of the ladder and grabs his left arm and takes him down off the ladder with The Greatest Immobilser (Jumping Armber Takedown). Xuway and Blade crash to the mat with Xuway wrenching back on the arm of Blade, Blade tries to resist, but this time the pain is too great and he taps out. Referee Chris Regan who has been little more than a bystander for the entire match signals for the bell.

Xuway and Pitbull d. Blade & Blackbird.
34:11 Submission

Stanyer: We have just witnessed one of the most brutal matches ever in PWF history. These 4 men gave you everything in their bodies tonight.

Dawg: And now we have a new Extreme Champion, in Xuway Zanchu.

The camera pans across the ring to show the devastation, Chris Regan has given Xuway his Extreme Belt and he clings to it like it was child. Pitbull is barely moving, General Leo has come down to check on his friends, Xuway pulls Pitbull out of the ring as Chris Regan raises his arm and hands him his belt. Xuway and Pitbull back up the aisle, both men barely standing, Pitbull just manages to raise his arm in the air holding his belt up. The entire crowd is still standing and applauding the efforts of all 4 men.

Footage from earlier tonight shows The Gods of War entering the building through the back. A budding young PWF interviewer approaches them. He stops the Gods of War to ask them a few questions.

Jimmy Jones: Gods of War, What are you feelings on your Tag Team Title match tonight with Sabre & Big Poppa?

Alexander: First Off,I don't quite understand what these two bafoons did to earn there title shot, but none-the-less they have been given it and they will meet the fate of all those before them.

Kull: You to will soon meet an honorable end at the hands of the War Wagon.

Jimmy Jones: thank you sirs good luck tonight.

Scene Fades

The cameras open up in the back where Gambino is standing and waiting to speak. He is still wearing his knee brace. He seems to be in a rather foul, down mood and speaks in a slow, low-toned manner.

Gambino:"Showstopper, who the hell do you think you are? You come to the PWF after such a long absense and all of a sudden you're a big shot? All of a sudden you're someone important? You come down to the ring, crack me over the head, and then you think that somehow, someway, people will give a shit about you? Well, I'll tell you what, since you want to be in the big time, since you want to be such a big shot, how about next week on Havoc, you meet up with me and show me how much of a big shot you are. If you're such a bad ass, I'm sure you'll have no problem with that. Now, onto tonight...."

Gambino pauses for a moment

Gambino:"Eraser...are you ready? Are you ready for the fight of your life? I hope so, because tonight, that's exactly what I'm bringing to you. Now, I could sit here and talk about how I'm gonna kick your ass, and what I'm gonna do to you...but what for? What is the point of telling you what you already know Eraser? Because even though you've gotten the best of me in the past weeks, tonight is a whole different story...tonight, you face me one on one, face to face. I'm tired of talking about it, and it's about time that I let my actions speak rather than my words. What I want to talk about right now is the Rumble. 2 years in a row I competed in the rumble, this will be my third. First 2, unsuccessful...but like I said, this is my third time, and the third time is a charm. This will be no different. Tonight, whether it be Devastator, Josh Resnick, Kidd, MVD, or Showstopper...each and every single one of you is going over the ropes...and when it's all over with, I'll be the one left in the ring. I'll be the one with my hand raised as they announce my name over the speakers, and my music blares throughout the arena. I'll be the one going on to participate in the End of the World main event. This is to all of you dreamers, who are sitting in the back right now getting all pumped up, anticipating a Rumble victory for yourselves...I heard all the talks about how I wasn't gonna show up tonight, because some doctor told me not to. Well I'm here, and I've got news for you...if you want that victory, you've got to go through me first."

Gambino turns and walks away from the camera as it fades out

Stanyer: Strong words from the commissioner there, who has not even been cleared to wrestle tonight, but he will compete in a New York Street Fight with Eraser, and then the Rumble. He has himself signed a waver clearing the PWF of any responsibility should he be seriously injured here tonight.

Dawg: That's one hell of a statement from Gambino. It gives Eraser a licence to effectively maim him.

Stanyer: Indeed. Well we now go to the ring for our Tag Team Title match, as Big Poppa & Sabre, the popular comic due take on the Tag champs, the Gods of War.

Big Poppa & The Sabre v Gods of War(c)
Referee: Mark Johnson

The lights begin to dim and the fans quiet down in anticipation. The words "Real Show" fade in and out on the dark UltraTron, and the lights suddenly turn on and fire works blast off as a customized version of Limp Bizkit's My Way starts up

James: The following match is scheduled for one fall, and is for the PWF Tag Team Championship, Coming to the ring at this time, at a combined weight of 515lbs, Big Poppa and The SabreMassive Cheer from the crowd

The audience goes mad as Big Poppa and Sabre emerge through the Havoc curtains. They do a air-guitar taunt to the tune of the song, and they Big Poppa dances down to the ring as Sabre walks down hi-fi-ing all the fans

Fire Erupts from the stage and continues to burn as "Wherever I may Roam" By Metallica hits Threw the fire walks Maximus and Kull. They look to the crowd and the crowd explodes. They March to the ring and Kull climbs the turnbuckle and raises his sword.

James: And their opponents, at a combined weight of 513lbs, the PWF World Tag Team Champions, Alexander and Kull, The Gods of War Crowd Cheers loudly

Report: Poppa and Alexander start out the match. Poppa and Alexander tie up, they try to over power each other, Poppa takes Alexander into a headlock, he pushes him off into the ropes. Alexander goes for a lariat, but Poppa ducks and then comes off with a Diving Forearm Smash to take Alexander down. Alexander gets back up holding his jaw. Poppa kicks him in the gut a couple of times and then hits a couple of forearms. Poppa then hooks up Alexander and hits a Vertical Suplex. Poppa bounces off the ropes and hits an elbow drop to the chest. Poppa goes for an early cover. ...........1 ..... Alexander kicks out on one.

Dawg: What is he thinking? Far too early to be attempting pinfalls.

Stanyer: You don't get anywhere without trying.

Poppa pulls Alexander to his feet, he sends him to the ropes, but he reverses and takes Poppa down with the Roman kick. Poppa gets up holding his jaw this time, Alexander makes a tag to Kull. Poppa reaches out and tags in The Sabre. The two new men circle. They tie up, Kull goes into a waistlock, Sabre reverses and takes him into a hammerlock. Kull pushes forwards and grabs the top rope, Sabre rolls off backwards and comes off the ropes, Kull turns around and leapfrogs over Sabre and carry's on into the ropes, Sabre takes Kull down with a High Spinning Wheel Kick. But Kull kips-up as if nothing had happened, Kull sends Sabre to the ropes, Sabre reverses but gets caught with a Flying Head Scissors as he attempts to pick up Kull. This time Sabre kips-up. Sabre then charges Kull but gets flipped over with an Arm Drag, Kull hangs on and Sabre gets to his feet and kicks Kull in the gut and then places his leg over his neck as he doubles over, Kull then flips Sabre over. Sabre locks in a waistlock and goes for a German Suplex, but Kull counters with a Roll up, ..........1 ................2 ......... Sabre reverses the victory roll, .........1 ..............2 Kull kicks out. Sabre then runs around and pushes the legs of Kull over his body. ................1 .................2 ........... Kull flips Sabre onto his back with his legs and then grabs Sabre's legs. ...............1 .................2 ............ Sabre rolls Kull back onto his back and then flips over him to lie with his back across Kull's chest. .............1 .................2 ................ Kull powers up and then reverses Sabre into a Backslide. ....................1 ......................2 ...................... Sabre finally kicks out and the two men roll up into a Stand Off as the crowd applauds all around.

Stanyer: Amazing, these two men brought their A games with them tonight. How do you describe such wonderful wrestling.

Dawg: You can't, you just have to admire it.

Sabre goes for a Heel Kick, but Kull ducks and then hits the Terra Kick. Kull then hits a Standing Hurricanranna on Sabre. Kull then makes the tag to Alexander. He pulls Sabre to his feet and locks him in a Sleeper hold from behind. Alexander then executes the Warrior's Demise (Neck Crank). Sabre collapses to the mat. Alexander makes a cover. ................1 ....................2 .................. Sabre kicks out. Alexander mounts Sabre and hits him with a couple of right hands. He then makes a tag to Kull and then holds Sabre's legs as Kull flips over the ropes into a Slingshot Leg Drop. Kull then pulls Sabre to his feet as Alexander leaves the ring. Kull kicks Sabre a couple of times until he is in one of the neutral corners. Kull then climbs to the 2nd turnbuckle. He locks in the head of Sabre and then climbs to the top rope and hits the World Conqueror (Tornado DDT). Kull then makes the cover. ................1 .....................2 .................. Big Poppa comes in and breaks up the two count. Alexander comes in as forearms Big Poppa sending him rolling out of the ring. Mark Johnson then tells Poppa to not come back in the ring as Alexander sends Sabre to the ropes and hits a Spinebuster as Kull jumps on the top rope and then hits a Pheonix Splash Mark Johnson spins around to make the count. ...................1 ......................2 ....................... Sabre just gets his shoulder up.

Stanyer: The tag team champions are getting on top now, Sabre needs to make a tag to Big Poppa, and quickly.

Kull makes the tag to Alexander who pulls Sabre to his feet and then does a cut-throat taunt. He then lifts Sabre onto his shoulders for the Fall of Rome, but Sabre drops down behind him and locks in a Sleeper Hold, he then hits one of Big Poppa's trademarks, the Paptizer(Sleeper Drop). Sabre then stays down trying to recover some energy.

Stanyer: That's one of Big Poppa's favourite moves, I guess Sabre has been listening to Big Poppa.

Both men crawl across and make tags to their respective partners at the same time. Poppa charges in and clothesline Kull so hard he sends him through a loop. Alexander gets up and gets kicked hard in the gut and sends him to the ropes. Big Poppa then hits the Show-Slam (Swinging Chokeslam). Kull gets to his feet and attempts a Hurricanranna but gets Powerbombed for his efforts. Alexander staggers to his feet and Poppa locks him in an arm wrench. Poppa then climbs the turnbuckle and starts to walk around the ropes. He walks clean across one side and then half way across the other. Poppa then performs a little dance on the top rope before he flies off taking Alexander down with a clothesline. Big Poppa then stops to perform a little dance for the crowd, but he gets caught by Kull who grabs him around the waist and delivers The Conqueror (Russian Neck Drop). Kull makes the cover. Mark Johnson has lost control and has no idea who's the legal men, so he simply makes the cover. .................1 ........................2 ...................... Sabre breaks up the count with a Leg Drop across the back of Kulls head. Kull rolls over and Sabre bounces off the 2nd rope and hits a Moonsault. Sabre then rolls to his feet and pulls up his tights.

Dawg: Sabre only just keeps his team in the match this time, a rareity, it's usually Big Poppa saving Sabre.

Alexander is back up and he hammers Sabre from behind with a clubbing forearm. Alexander then lifts Sabre up and hits the Emporer's Hammer (Cannonball buster). He drops down to make a cover. .................1 ...................2 .................... Sabre just kicks out. Meanwhile Big Poppa is back on his feet and he pulls Kull up to his feet and hits a Belly to Belly Suplex. Alexander pulls Sabre to his feet and locks in a waistlock. Alexander goes for a German Suplex, but Sabre flips out mid-move and lands on his feet. Alexander turns around and Sabre hits a flipping dropkick to Alexander's face, he staggers backwards into Big Poppa who locks him in a Sleeper and hits the real Paptizer. Sabre then runs to the turnbuckle and springs to the top rope. He holds his arms up as the crowd cheer. Sabre then hits the 450 Splash. He hits it so hard that he rolls off holding his gut. Big Poppa drops down to make the cover. Mark Johnson makes the count. ..................1 ....................2 .........................3!!!!!!!!

Stanyer: THEY'VE DONE IT!!! We have new Tag Team Champions!!!!!!!

Big Poppa & Sabre d. Gods of War
14:46 Pinfall

James: The winners of the match, AND NEW PWF TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS, BIG POPPA AND THE SABRE. Massive Cheer from the crowd.

In the ring, a tired Sabre gets to his feet, Big Poppa collects his championship belt and holds it in the air, Sabre places his over his shoulder. Big Poppa then signals to the crowd.

Stanyer: We haven't seen this for a while.

Dawg: Oh no, not this, please.

Big Poppa places his belt on the mat as the Gods of War retreat up the aisle. Big Poppa starts to dance in the ring to the cheers of the crowd. He tries to convince Sabre to join in, but Sabre won't join in, the crowd boo Sabre. Poppa stops and virtually demands that Sabre join him. Sabre reluctantly joins Poppa and he begins to dance the same steps as Big Poppa, except that Sabre cannot match the rhythm of Big Poppa and keeps missing steps. But the crowd don't mind as they cheer on the Comical duo, and new Tag Team Champions.

Stanyer: Congratulations to both The Sabre and Big Poppa, they truly have earned those titles.

The Scene goes to Davey K's enormous living area as his massive televison screen is playing the match against Havok at Havoc, he is sitting with his waterboy and two very attractive ladies

Davey K: Did you see that? Who is the superstar baby! Say my Name!

Blonde: Your the Superstar, Davey!

Brunette: You rule Davey!

Davey K: And does the waterboy have anything to say?

Water Boy: Yeah, you spend too much time showing off to the crowd...

Davey K: What? Do I tell you how to do your job? Well I will if thats what you want...that water yesterday, hmmmm a bit warm!

Water Boy: What??!?!?

Davey K: And another thing, I actually prefer sports drinks!

Water Boy: Stop!

Davey K: Well, shut your water loving mouth! So it looks like Davey K has beaten.....Havok, Big Poppa, and come Rumble in the Bronx, I will be the last man in the ring, and the whole world will see the Superstar of the PWF!

Water Boy: There is another 29 wreslters in the tournament..

Davey K: No stop, replace the word "Wrestlers" with "Losers"...thats what they are, no-one has the style or class that I have, and thats why I deserve to win!

Water Boy: Another thing Davey, a few guys are saying you only beat Havok because of the help you got...

Davey K: I am so sick of hearing all that crap, MVD came to the ring and maybe got a bit rough with Havok, and all Travis did was watch the match, sometimes people get excited when they see a Superstar, such as myself whopping some retards sorry carcas all round the ring!

Blonde: Erm Davey, who was that girl at Havoc?

Davey K: Ermmm, oh you know, friend of the family...anyway I want to be focused on the Rumble, the Rumble that I am gonna win! Whos the Superstar Baby!?!

Davey presses a button on his remote to make the Hifi come on, "Smash Sumthin" by Redman comes on, and Davey starts dancing with his ladies

A camera comes alive as Eraser is seen standing outside wearing his new Eraser shirt with his white and black leather pants. He doesn't seem to be in the right mind as he just stares off into space. The camera man askes him about his match tonight but Eraser just stares off into the sky. Eraser then starts to speak.

Eraser: New York City....... Home of the World Series Champions. Home to the New York Gaints. Home to the dumbest person walking this earth to day. Gambino.

The crowd is heard all the way outside as the boo Eraser

Eraser: Gambino you what to step in the ring with me in a New York Street fight and then you think you will win the rumble.

Eraser laughs as teh crowd contuines to boo

Eraser: Gambino you best pray that you make it out of our match before you start to worry about the Rumble. Because tonight we finish this once and for all. One of us is not going to make it to the Rumble. I will step into the ring look you in your eyes and then place my size 14 boot up your ass.

Eraser pauses as the crowd chants Jackass as Eraser just ignores them.

Eraser: Oh Yea Gambino just one more thing.

Eraser pauses

Eraser: This have gone much further than personal. Now this is about Respect.

Camera fades to the arena.

"Wanna be Startin' Somethin'" hits the speaker as the crowd boos and jeers. Showstopper hurries down to the ring, grabs a mic and leans on the turnbuckle waiting...he means business

Stanyer: Here comes Showstopper, the crowd are not giving him a warm welcome.

Showstopper: ...Just be quiet a sec please.

A**hole chants roar.

Showstopper: laughing Heh, heh. Cute. Real cute. Now shut the f*k up! Now!

The crowd quietens.

Showstopper: Better. Now you people must wonder why I'm here again. You must wonder ' What's he running his mouth with now?' Eh? Aren't you? Well, I'm not gonna run my mouth...

The crowd cheers but dies down soon after.

Showstopper: I'm not gonna run my mouth about winning the Rumble because you must be sick of hearing rant after rant after rant. No, I'm not gonna run my mouth. Know why? It's because I don't need to. I'm gonna win, plain and simple.

Boos and jeers again but not as loud as the entrance.

Showstopper: Next up on the card happens to be Eraser (boos) vs. Gambino (cheers) in a New York Street fight. I'm not going to interfere in that match, as I want to know, if Gambino can take the punishing of just one man. (Crowd boos). And I'm going to enjoy watching Eraser kick Gambino's gangsta ass. Bad-ass. Whatever. Sad-ass is what I call him -Hahahahahahahah-cough-um-yeah. Right, anyway good luck with getting your ass kicked Bamby.

Showstopper leaves to a chorus of boos

Stanyer: Well Showstopper continues to rile up Gambino, definitely not the best thing to do.

Dawg: Perhaps not, because in a few moments, Gambino will be decimated by Eraser, and Showstopper will have nothing to worry about.

Stanyer: Well before this match, let me quickly go over the rules. While we heard from Davey K, the ring crew have managed to set the match up. The ring ropes have been replaced by chains. They can be removed and used as weapons. Hanging in each corner of the ring is a box, each contains a weapon. Each wrestler was asked to choose two weapons earlier today. We have no idea what, but we will have to find out. The match ends by Pinfall or submission. Obviously in a Street Fight, there are no countouts and no disqualifications.

Dawg: This one is going to be brutal.

New York Street Fight
Antonio Gambino v Eraser
Referee: Mark Johnson

The lights dim, as a drum beat kicks in. The drums rapidly increase in volume as the name GAMBINO flashes across the screen in silver lettering, while flames burn behind the lettering. Then, "Sickness" by Disturbed begins blaring through the arena, and a spotlight shines on the entrance. Gambino steps forward into the spotlight so he can be seen. He lowers his head and raises a water bottle above him, pouring it on his head and face. He spits some of the water out as he begins to walk forward towards the ring. Once he gets to the ring, he climbs in and walks to the corner. He climbs to the second rope, and raises his arms in the air, posing to the crowd.

James: The following match is a New York Street Fight scheduled for one fall. Introducing, from Brooklyn, New York, weighing 245lbs, Antonio Gambino

It starts off when "The Way I am" by Eminem starts off low and on the Tron you see flashing pictures of the Triple Hell in a Cell match, all of a studden the music blasts through the speakers and the dim. Eraser comes through the back and stands at the top of the ramp and looks around for 15 sec and then at a certain part of the music he raises both his arms in the air as Pyros go off all around and all up and down the ramp, Eraser walks slowly and powerfully down to the ring and grabs the top rope and climbs over he goes to the middle of the ring and at the same part of the song again he raises his right arm over his head and at each ring post a shot of pyros go off. Then he walks over to his corner and poses one more time as his music stops.

James: And his opponent , from Tampa Bay, Florida, weighing 289lbs, The Icon of the PWF, Eraser.

Report: Gambino and Eraser circle as they survey the scenario in front of them, ropes replaces by chains, boxes with weapons hanging from each corner. Eraser starts the match with a right hand to Gambino, he comes back with a right of his own. The two exchange rights, Gambino comes out the winner and hits right hands knocking Eraser into the corner. Gambino then drives his shoulder into Eraser's gut three times before he hits one big haymaker knocking Eraser into a sitting position in the turnbuckle. Gambino then places Eraser's throat across the bottom chain and then places one foot on the apron and then pulls up on the chain choking Eraser. After a few seconds of this, Gambino releases the choke and then stomps on the back of Eraser's head. Eraser reaches out to hold the back of his head and rolls over. Gambino pulls him to his feet and then clotheslines Eraser over the top rope. Gambino then backs off and waits for Eraser to get to his feet and then goes for a Baseball Slide, but Eraser has the move scouted and moves out of the way. Eraser then hits Gambino with hard right hands and then whips Gambino towards the steps, Eraser drops to the floor to send Gambino at maximum velocity and Gambino hits the steps knees first and flips over them, Gambino immediately starts to hold the knee that was injured a few weeks ago.

Stanyer: Trouble for Gambino early on in the match, he has not been cleared to wrestle with that knee by the doctors, he had to use his own Commissionary power to put himself in that match with Kidd last night, and again tonight.

Dawg: Abusing his power again, Eraser should have just been awarded the match by default, Gambino's not fit to wrestle.

Eraser gets up and walks across to Gambino, he kicks Gambino hard in his injured knee. Gambino rolls away, but Eraser follows him and picks up his knee and slams it into the floor on the outside. Gambino pulls himself to his feet to try and make himself less vulnerable, he is still limping though. Eraser rolls him into the ring. Eraser then picks up Gambino and delivers a Sidewalk Slam. Eraser then removes the chain from one half of the top rope on one side, but leaves it attached to the ring post. He then wraps the chain around the injured knee of Gambino, Eraser then picks up Gambino and tosses him over the top rope. Gambino drops down and is left hanging on the turnbuckle by the chain which is wrapped around his knee and causing him immense Pain. Eraser then climbs to the apron and kicks Gambino in the knee a couple of times. Eraser then drops to the floor and looks around for something, he looks under the ring and finds a Steel Chair.

Stanyer: No, he wouldn't, he'll destroy his knee!!!!

Dawg: Your damn right he would.

Eraser climbs back on the apron and then smashes the chair across the knee of Gambino trapping it between the turnbuckle, the chain and the chair itself. This causes the coupling on the turnbuckle to break and Gambino drops to the floor in considerable pain. This gives Eraser time to climb the turnbuckle and reach up to the first box. Eraser pulls the box down and throws it to the floor, and then drops to the mat. He then punches through the wood and pulls out the weapon. Eraser smiles as he pulls out a pair of nunchukas.

Stanyer: Oh no, this is not good, Eraser is going to smash Gambino's knee into a thousand pieces.

Dawg: Yes, Gambino will never walk again!!!!

Eraser rolls out of the ring, Gambino has unwrapped himself from the chain and is trying to get to his feet. Eraser kicks him in the face, and then rolls him into the ring. Eraser wields the nunchukas as if he were a martial arts wrestler, Eraser rolls into the ring. Gambino has pulled himself to his feet. Even though Eraser has the nunchukas, Gambino challenges Eraser to attack, Eraser charges but ducks down and wraps the nunchuks around the knee of Gambino. Once again Gambino collapses holding his knee. Eraser stands up and spins the nunchuks around with a sick smile coming across his face. The crowd boo and jeer him but he ignores them and then starts to beat Gambino with the nunchuks, the first two blows are to the knee, but Eraser then hits Gambino in the gut and then the chest and then follows that with one to the head. Eraser then drops the nunchuks and mounts Gambino, a small cut can be seen opening on Gambino's forehead. Eraser hammers the cut with right hands, opening it up and spreading the face of Gambino with Crimson.

Stanyer: Gambino is getting beaten down by Eraser, this has become sadistic, when will it end.

Dawg: It won't end, Eraser won't finish until Gambino has been totally destroyed.

Eraser then climbs off Gambino and picks up his injured left knee, he wraps it in a Spinning Toe Hold and then turns it into the Figure Four Leg Lock. You can see Gambino holding the pain in, trying deperately not to cry out. Knowing it will only encourage Eraser. Mark Johnson asks Gambino if he wants to give it up, but he refuses and tries to turn the move over. Gambino lifts up and nearly turns himself over, but Eraser manages to bring it back down to the mat and Gambino collapses to his back. Mark Johnson counts. .................1 .......................2 ................. Gambino gets himself off the mat and again tries to turn Eraser over. Gambino pushes as hard as he can and this time he manages to roll Eraser over, This time it is Eraser who is in pain, but as Eraser locked the hold on, he can release it, and he does so. They pull themselves to their feet, Gambino favouring his left knee. Gambino connects with a right hand, Eraser comes back with a right hand, Gambino then kicks Eraser low and then sends him towards the chains. Eraser hits the chains and then reels backwards over the rope, Eraser's foot gets wrapped between the top and middle chains and he is left hanging over the ropes. Gambino stands up and nods at Eraser who shakes his head as he tries to reach up to free himself.

Stanyer: It's payback time.

Dawg: Come on, this isn't fair, Eraser doesn't deserve this.

Gambino rolls under the chains, stalking Eraser, he picks up the same Steel Chair Eraser used earlier on him. He gives Eraser a bit of trash talk in his face as he hangs upside down. Gambino then slams the chair into Eraser's knee. Gambino then snaps and starts to smash the chair non stop into the knee of Eraser as you can hear him crying out in pain. Eraser's foot comes free from the chains, but it doesn't stop Gambino who simply beats him down while he is on the floor. Gambino finally tosses the chair away and shouts something in Eraser's face as the crowd cheer Gambino on. Gambino rolls Eraser back into the ring. Gambino starts to climb the turnbuckle and pulls down one of the boxes. Gambino breaks open the box and pulls out a bag. He looks a little puzzled until he opens the bag. He pulls out a handful of thumbtacks and raises them to the crowd who gives a massive cheer.

Stanyer: Hell yes, from the look of Gambino's face, this isn't one of his choices of weapon, Eraser had meant to use those Thumbtacks on Gambino, and now it is going to backfire.

Dawg: Come on referee, stop this, Gambino cannot be allowed to get away with this.

Stanyer: The referee can't do a damn thing, this is a Street Fight.

Gambino empties the bag of Thumbtacks in one corner of the ring. Gambino then pulls Eraser to his feet. Gambino kicks him in the gut and then puts his head between his legs and turns him around. He signals to the crowd for the Mafia Bomb, but Eraser counters with a Back Body Drop and Gambino lands in the thumbtacks. Gambino immediately gets up from the tacks because of the pain, Eraser backs off and then hits The Eraser(Strong Lariat) which puts Gambino through a loop and then he lands back down on the thumbtacks. Eraser then stands in the middle of the ring and taunts the crowd. He then goes over to one of the last two boxes and climbs up and pulls it down to the canvas. He breaks the box open and pulls out a Baseball Bat. Eraser smiles as he looks at Gambino staggering to his feet, still favouring the injured knee, his face a mass of blood, and his body now covered in thumbtacks.

Stanyer: What is going through the sick mind of Eraser, hasn't he done enough to Gambino already?

Dawg: As long as Gambino is still standing, he hasn't done enough.

Eraser turns towards Gambino and starts to walk towards him, but Gambino suddenly charges at Eraser and takes him by surprise with a Spear. Gambino then hammers Eraser with right hands. He then picks up the baseball bat that Eraser had in his hands. He waits in the corner and signals for Eraser to get to his feet. Eraser staggers up to his feet and Gambino then runs through him and smashes the Baseball Bat across his head. Eraser spins around and falls to the mat, immediately you can see blood dripping from Eraser's head as it is from Gambino's, Gambino is struggling to keep his feet with the damage he has taken. But he signals again for Eraser to get up. Eraser pulls himself up. Gambino smashes the bat into his gut and then drops it on the floor. He places Eraser's head between his legs and then moves him across to the Thumbtacks. Gambino then hits the Mafia Bomb planting Eraser on the thumbtacks.

Stanyer: Finally Gambino puts Eraser where he should have put him 5 minutes ago, in the tacks.

Gambino then looks up at the last box, as if he knows what's in there. He starts to climb up, he pulls the box down and breaks it open. He pulls out a Reel of Barbed wire and holds it up to the crowd as they give a tremendous cheer. Gambino places the Barb wire in the middle of the ring. He then pulls Eraser to his feet. He positions him by the Barb wire and sets him for the Gambino Facebuster. Eraser suddenly manages to catch Gambino with an elbow to the head, and then he treads on the back of Gambino's injured knee. Eraser then hooks up Gambino and delivers his rivals own Gambino Facebuster driving the face of Gambino into the barb-wire. Eraser then rolls over Gambino and drapes an arm over his chest. .....................1 ...........................2 .................................3!!!!!!

Eraser d. Gambino
26:19 Pinfall

Stanyer: DAMMIT!!! He did it again.

Dawg: Once again, Gambino falls short on PPV, and once again Eraser reigns supreme.

Stanyer: I said earlier that the Stairway to Hell match was the most brutal match I have ever seen, this one is not too far off.

Dawg: I wonder if these two will even manage to participate in the Rumble.

Stanyer: Well, they have not got long to prepare.

Dawg: Nope. And the ring crew have got a bit of a job clearing this ring up for the US title match.

The camara then shows Havok's locker room door. It says "Keep Out". The camara man then knocks on the door. the door then opens to show the PWF trainerette.

Woman: Havok can not talk he is meditating and then will pray. He always does this before a match.

The camara then fades back to Stanyer and Dawg

Stanyer: Well next up is Havok v Travis Right in a simple 2 out of 3 falls match.

Dawg: No gimmicks for each fall, just a straight 2 out of 3.

Stanyer: Indeed, very old school. And the contract has been signed, Havok will not get any more matches with Travis should he lose tonight.

Dawg: Well without further adiou, the match.

Two out of Three Falls
Havok v Travis Right(c)
Referee: Morgan Black

"Bad Influence" by Eminem plays as Havok walks in front of the UltraTron and does his taunt, he then walks through the crowd. He really loves the crowd and will never forget where he came from. His Ultra-Tron video shows him skating and then his finisher.

James: Introducing from Tucson, Arizona, weighing 267lbs. Havok. Crowd Cheers

As "Walk with your head up" by Deftones & System of Down hits" hits and you hear "Get up Stand up, I got my head up" Travis comes walking out onto the ramp and arrogantly waves for the fans to boo all they want. Firecrackers pop off all around the Ultra-tron as the Future makes his way to the ring. As he reaches the front of the ring, Travis slides under the bottom rope and slowly walks to the center of the ring. He crosses his arms and nods his head as the pyros explode behind him.

James: Introducing from Miami, Florida, weighing 283lbs, "The Future" Travis Right. Crowd Boos loudly

Report: The two men circle around each other, they have fought so many times, they know each other inside out. Havok ties up with Travis, he takes him into a headlock, Travis pushes him off into the ropes, Havok knocks Travis down with a shoulder block, Havok then comes off the ropes and goes for a leg drop, but Travis moves out of the way. Travis connects with a right hand as Havok gets up. Havok hits one as well. The two exchange right hands until Travis gets the upper hand and knocks Havok into the corner. Travis then starts to hit knees to the gut. But Havok reverses the positions and hits a couple of forearms to the face of Travis and then climbs to the second turnbuckle and raises one hand to the crowd before he starts hitting right hands as the crowd chant with his punches. ...1 ...2 ...3 ...4 ...5 ...6 ...7 ...8 ...9 ... Havok pauses before he hits the last punch. ...10!!! A big cheer goes around the arena as Travis slumps down in the turnbuckle. Havok then starts to kick Travis in the chest.

Stanyer: Havok taking the initiative in the early goings, there's no doubt who this crowd are behind.

Dawg: Travis Right of course, he's gWo. And everyone loves the gWo.

Stanyer: What world are you living in?

Havok pulls Travis out of the corner and sends him to the ropes, but Travis reverses and then hits a Manhatten Drop. Travis then hits a Spinning Clothesline to take Havok down. Travis then pulls Havok up to his feet and hits him with a hard right hand. Havok staggers back towards the turnbuckle. Travis charges in with a clothesline, but Havok moves out of the way, Travis just manages to stop himself hitting the turnbuckle. He turns around and gets guillotined by a Spinning Heel Kick that knocks him down to the mat. Havok goes for a quick cover. .................1 ....................2 .....Travis kicks out. Havok pulls Travis to his feet and kicks him in the gut. Havok then hits a Swinging DDT snapping Travis head back as he drives it into the canvas. Havok rolls Travis over for the cover. ...................1 ......................2 .................... Travis kicks out. Havok pulls Travis up again. Havok sends Travis to the ropes, Havok goes for a Back Spinning Heel Kick, but Travis ducks underneath it and then comes off the ropes and hits a Kitchen Sink. Havok goes down to all fours holding his gut. Travis takes advantage and hits The Spiking (Pulling Piledriver). Travis quickly makes the cover. .................1 .....................2 .................. Havok kicks out.

Stanyer: Travis turns the tables with a quick counter and a big move. Can he maintain that advantage?

Havok climbs to his feet. Travis hits him with a hard kick to the gut and then sends him to the turnbuckle. Travis then walks in and starts to hammer him with right hands to the face. Travis then walks away and then runs in with a Shoulder Block to the gut of Havok. Havok staggers out and Travis locks him up for a Suplex. Travis lifts Havok up and then holds him there for about 10 seconds, even turning around to show the crowd his strength as they boo him. Travis then delivers a Brainbuster DDT to Havok. Travis then hooks the leg as Morgan Black makes the count. .....................1 .....................2 ......................3.

James: "The winner of the first fall, Travis Right" Crowd boos

Stanyer: Havok is at a big disadvantage now, he now has to score two straight falls over Travis Right.

Dawg: And seeing as so far he has scored no falls over him, can you see that happening?

Stanyer: You never know.

Travis Right picks up Havok and mocks him with a slap to the face. He then lifts him up over his shoulders and hits a Death Valley Driver. He then goes for the cover again. ..................1 ........................2 ..................... Havok just gets his shoulder up. Travis pulls Havok up again and hits him with a couple of right hands, he sends Havok to the ropes and then hits a Flapjack. Havok flies high in the air and then crashes down chest first. He rolls over onto his back holding his chest as Travis hooks the leg for the cover. ...................1 ..................2 .................... Havok just gets his shoulder up again. Travis stands up and points to the corner to signal for The Near Future, the crowd boo him as he lifts Travis up onto his shoulder and dumps him on the turnbuckle. Travis climbs up and does a cut-throat, but Havok surprises him by hitting a couple of right hands to his face. Havok knocks Travis off the turnbuckle with a Fury Punch and he staggers forwards and turns away and then staggers backwards into Havok who hooks him in a Reverse DDT position and then delivers a Reverse Tornado DDT. Havok manages to roll over and drape an arm over Travis. ....................1 ......................2 ......................... Travis just gets his shoulder up.

Stanyer: Havok nearly evens the scores with that devastating Reverse Tornado DDT.

Dawg: But he hasn't done it yet, and it's going to take more than one move to beat Travis Right.

Havok and Travis both pull themselves to their feet. Travis goes for a right hand, but Havok blocks it and hits Travis with one. Travis tries again, but the same thing happens. Travis tries a third time and this time Havok kicks him in the gut and then takes his arm through his legs and delivers Remember the Havok (Pump Handle Slam). Havok then makes the cover as Morgan Black makes the count. ......................1 ..........................2 ....................... Travis kicks out. Havok then pulls Travis to his feet and then delivers a Dragon Suplex with a Bridge. ................1 .....................2 ..................... Travis again kicks out. Havok gets frustrated and pulls Travis to his feet angrily, but Travis counters with a few stiff blows to the stomach. Travis then hits a big blow to the face of Havok dazing him. Travis then goes for the Spinning Clothesline, but Havok ducks underneath it and then catches Travis by surprise with the Devastation Kick (Sweet Chin Music). Havok hooks the leg for the cover. ..................1 .......................2 ..........................3!!!!!

James: The winner of the 2nd fall, Havok, the scores are now level.

Stanyer: Havok finally scores a pinfall victory over Travis Right and now he has to win the final fall to win the US title.

Dawg: It just ain't gonna happen.

Havok gets up and raises his fist in the air to celebrate winning the fall but as he does so, Travis rolls him up from behind with a School Boy, Travis pulls Havok's tights up as well to add leverage. .....................1 .........................2 ................................. Havok only just manages to kick out. Havok rolls to his feet. Travis Right gets to his feet, he touches his lip to notice that he it has been cut from the Devastation Kick Havok hit. The two men circle each other, they tie up, Travis hits a knee to the gut. Travis then hits a second knee even harder than the first. Havok stays there doubled over. Travis comes off the ropes looking for a third knee, but Havok grabs the leg and then pulls Travis towards him and hits a clothesline. Havok hooks the leg. .................1 .....................2 ................ Travis kicks out. Havok pulls him to his feet and lifts him up on his shoulder, but Travis drops down behind him and locks in both arms to hit a Tiger Suplex with bridge. ......................1 .........................2 .......................... Havok just manages to kick out at the last moment.

Stanyer: As these two men become more and more tired, the pinfalls get closer and closer each time.

Travis pulls Havok to his feet and locks him around his waist, but Travis counters and hits an STO. Havok then climbs to the top rope. Havok flies off with a Big Splash and connects and stays on for the pin. ...................1 ........................2 ........................... Travis just manages to kick out. Havok pulls Travis to his feet and sets him up for a Suplex, but Travis counters with The Last Gasp (Mu-Ken). ......................1 ..........................2 ............................. Havok just gets his shoulder up. Travis pulls Havok up to his feet and sends him into the ropes, Travis looks to lift Havok up for a Belly to Belly, but Havok rolls around Travis and then lifts him up from behind and hits a Reverse Devastation Driver. (Reverse DVD). Havok then signals to the crowd and climbs the turnbuckle. But Travis Right miraculously gets up as Havok is climbing and when Havok turns around, Travis crotches him on the top turnbuckle. The crowd senses what is coming next as Travis hooks the arm and head of Travis and delivers The Near Future(Super Tazzplex). Travis moves across the ring and makes the cover. .....................1 .........................2 ............................3!!!!!!

Travis Right d. Havok
23:56 2 Falls to 1

Stanyer: Travis Right once again defeats Havok, this time was Havok's last chance, he will get no more shots at Travis while he is US champion.

Dawg: Another glorious victory for the gWo. All that has to happen now is for Power G to win the Rumble and it will be the greatest day in PWF history.

Stanyer: I hope to god that does not happen.

McFreeze is in his locker room, ready for the rumble, just sitting on the couch with Angel Frost and talking to Icicle

McFreeze: So Ice, who do you think is gonna win the rumble?

Icicle: Well, I havn’t really been paying attention to the new PWF but from the talent that is from the old PWF I would have to choose… Gambino or Eraser

McFreeze: Wha? What about me? What about McFreeze?

Icicle: Man, shut up and stop imitating Blackbird.

McFreeze: Alright, whatever. By the Way, who have you met up with so far?

Icicle: I’ve talked with Gambino, Ruff Ryders, Eraser, Top Doggs, I think Shawn smokes the herb if you catch my drift.

McFreeze: yeah, I get you

Icicle: I’ve been meaning to catch up with Showstopper.

McFreeze: Cool, have you talked with Josh Resnick? I hate that son of a bitch. Tonight in the rumble I hope I meet up with him ‘cause I wanna kick his ass so fucking hard. Ever since he stole my move I’ve been wanting to beat his ass. Tonight I will unveil my new submission move in the rumble, it is so sweet and it hurts like a bitch.

Icicle: How does it go?

McFreeze: You wanna see?

McFreeze gets up and starts walking to the camera man. The camera starts shaking all of a sudden it falls and we can only see the wall, but a couple of seconds later we hear an ear piercing scream coming from the camera man, the camera shakes again and it is picked up by McFreeze and pointed at his face

McFreeze: Resnick, Tonight or next Saturday you will scream in pain just like that

The camera suddenly goes to static

Stanyer: Well now it is time for the match everyone in the PWF has been waiting for, the Rumble in the Bronx.

Dawg: Were prepared for a long sitting.

Stanyer: Yep, I'll quickly go over the rules. Two men start out in the match, every 2 minutes a new person enters, the order was decided by a draw earlier. Elimination is by throwing your opponent OVER the top rope and with BOTH feet touching the floor, the rules are very precise but simple. When all 30 men have entered, and only one is left standing, he is declared the winner and he will go to The End of the World PPV to face the PWF World Champion.

Dawg:Well I have picked Power G to win this one.

Stanyer: Let's find out if you are right, I personally think Gambino or Eraser will win it

Rumble in the Bronx

DarkStorm's music hits as he walks down to the ring and climbs in.

James: Entering at number 1, DarkStorm.

Natural Born Killaz blast on the stereos throughout the arena then you see on the titantron "N.B.K. ALL THE WAY!" in red blood type letters. Big Lou makes his way to the ramp. Big Lou then raises his Louie ville slugger in the air and slowly raises his head up and all of a sudden red flames from the right and green flames on the left side shoot up in the air. Big Lou then enters the ring and goe over the top rope, Big Lou climbs up the turnbuckle with the Louie ville slugger high in the air.

James: Entering in at number 2, Big Lou. Crowd Boos loudly

Report: DarkStorm and Lou circle each other, Big Lou goes in with a couple of fast right hands, but DarkStorm comes back with right hands of his own. DarkStorm sends Lou to the ropes, and then follows in looking to clothesline him over the top rope, but Big Lou hangs onto the ropes and then lifts DarkStorm up and Snake Eyes him across the top rope. Big Lou then bounces off the ropes as DarkStorm staggers around and hits him with a big boot to the face. DarkStorm gets to his feet and staggers back into the corner. Big Lou then tries to lift him over the top rope, but DarkStorm grabs hold of the ropes and manages to block it. The crowd start to chant 10.... 9.... 8.....

Stanyer: Here comes number 3, who will it be?

"My Way" by Limp Bizkit hits and Big Poppa emerges from the entranceway with a smile across his face doing an air guitar taunt, he then charges down to the ring and slides in underneath the bottom rope.

Big Poppa starts to dance in the ring as Big Lou is still trying to get DarkStorm out. Big Lou stops and turns around and then goes across to Big Poppa and clubs him across the back of the head from behind. Big Lou then takes Poppa to the mat and starts to hammer him with right hands to the face. Big Lou then gets hit with a dropkick to the back of his head from DarkStorm. DarkStorm then mounts Big Lou and hammers him with right hands. DarkStorm pulls Big Lou up and delivers a Vertical Suplex. Big Poppa gets up and delivers a back drop to DarkStorm as he concentrates on Big Lou.

Dawg: You need eyes in the back of your head in a match like this.

Stanyer: The crowd are chanting, here is the buzzer.

"Ode to Joy" hits and Maxwell Powers walks out slowly and methodically with his father, Sir Matthew Powers, Maxwell motions to his father, and then charges down to the ring as Sir Matthew nods his head and then walks back through the curtain.

Stanyer: Here comes Maxwell Powers, who has been out with an injured shoulder for the past month, welcome back Maxwell Powers.

Maxwell immediately starts on Poppa and hammers him with forearms until he in the corner, he then starts to beat him down with knees to the solar plexus and then forearms to the face. DarkStorm gets to his feet along with Big Lou and kicks him in the gut and delivers a DDT. DarkStorm then climbs the 2nd turnbuckle and delivers a flying knee drop to the face of Big Lou. Maxwell pulls Big Poppa out of the turnbuckle and lifts him up over his head in a military press and looks like he is going to throw him over the top rope, but Big Poppa manages to counter and drops down on the chest of Maxwell Powers.

The buzzer sounds and the "Batman Beyond Theme" hits as the lights dim and DaiKaTanA stalks his way down to the ring. He then slides in

DaiKaTanA immediately charges in and attacks DarkStorm, he hammers him with right hands and then picks him up and delivers a Sidewalk Slam. Big Poppa hits a Reverse DDT on Maxwell Powers and then Big Lou takes him out with a Hangman's Neckbreaker. DaiKaTanA batters DarkStorm with right hands while he is down and then picks him up. He sends him to the ropes and follows in with a clothesline, he hits it with such momentum that it sends not just sends DarkStorm over the top rope, but sends himself over with him.

Dawg: And there's the first elimination, a double elimination in fact.

Stanyer: And now entrant number 6.

"Darling Violetta" hits as Andy Clegg runs down armed with a Steel Chair.

He slides into the ring and clocks Big Lou over the head with it, Big Lou staggers about and walks into Big Poppa, who is back up and back drops Big Lou over the top rope to the floor. Clegg then drives the chair into Big Poppa's gut and then goes for Maxwell Powers, but he blocks it and hits a Hammer like blow to the back of Clegg's head. Maxwell then kicks Clegg in the gut and sets him up for a Powerbomb, but as he lifts him up, Clegg counters with a Hurricanranna.

Stanyer: Big Lou is now eliminated, here comes entrant number 7.

"Bodies" by Drowning Pool hits as Devastator comes running down the aisle

Dawg: Oh oh, this is not good for those in the ring.

Devastator slides into the ring and immediately hits Big Poppa with a big right hand, he then hits a Big Boot to the face of Andy Clegg. Maxwell Powers charges him, but gets kicked in the gut and then hit with the Devastator. Clegg clubs Devastator across his back, but Devastator just shakes it off and turns around. Clegg goes for a right hand, but Devastator blocks it and goozles Clegg and then scoops him up before Chokeslamming him over the top rope to the floor. Big Poppa then tries to charge Devastator and eliminate him by surprise, but Devastator reads it and lifts Poppa up in a Military Press and then tosses him to the outside. Devastator then pulls up Maxwell Powers and tries to lift him over the top rope, but Maxwell is deadweight and won't go over.

Stanyer: Devastator has cleaned house, there is only Maxwell and him left in the ring.

"Sad but True" hits and Sabre comes out, he looks a little reluctant.

Dawg: I don't this is the right time for Sabre to come in, there are two 300lb'rs in the ring.

Sabre slides into the ring, Devastator is trying to eliminate Maxwell still, Sabre paces about, not sure what to do, then he goes to Devastator and grabs him from behind, using all his weight he lifts Devastator up and pushes him, with the extra power involved, Maxwell has been lifted over the top rope and drops over it to the floor, but he hangs onto Devastator and drags him over as well and they both crash to the floor. Leaving Sabre on his own in the ring.

Stanyer: Little Sabre elimates the two big men, and now he is the only men in the ring.

Dawg: The question is, who is next?

"Hell's Bell's" by AC/DC hits and the behemoth, Xuway Zanchu walks out of the entrance.

Stanyer: Oh no, near 400lbs of one sick, sadistic psychopathic is now entering against the small 230lb Sabre, this is not going to look good.

Sabre looks around, not sure what to do as the monster Xuway Zanchu climbs into the ring. Sabre hits the new Extreme Champion with a kick to the gut and goes to hit him with right hands, but he is too small. Xuway grabs the arm of Xuway and hits an arm popper. Sabre then staggers around the ring and Xuway takes him down with a body tackle and locks on the TAFKAG (Ultimate Armbar). Xuway wrenches back on the arm as the crowd begin the countdown.

"96 Quite Bitter Beings" hits and Bloodbath comes running down to the ring.

Stanyer: Xuway will not release the TAFKAG, even though he can't eliminate someone by submission, he just wants to hurt Sabre.

Bloodbath slides into the ring and picks up the chair that was brought to the ring by Andy Clegg. Bloodbath then slams the chair across the head of Xuway Zanchu. He then drops to his knees and begins to choke Xuway as Sabre rolls to the corner , trying to catch his breath. Bloodbath then gets up and walks away. Sabre suddenly kips up to a cheer from the crowd. He then springs to the top rope and turns around and flies off with the 450 Splash driving his body into that of Xuway Zanchu's, Sabre then rolls away holding his own gut due to the impact of the move.

Stanyer: Sabre gets a measure of revenge for the beating he took from Xuway Zanchu.

"High Voltage" hits as Blackbird comes out from the entrance, he is clearly in pain, and has bandages over his chest.

Dawg: I cannot even believe Blackbird is out here after what happened to him in the Stairway to Hell match.

Stanyer: Blackbird is probably the most resilient man in this business.

Blackbird slides into the ring clutching his gut. He comes face to face with Bloodbath. They stare each other in the eye. Blackbird then points to Xuway Zanchu, Bloodbath turns and looks towards Xuway as well, then they go back to each other. Bloodbath then nods and the two men charge at Xuway, who has propped himself up in the corner and they start to stomp away on him in the corner. They pull Xuway to his feet and Blackbird drives his shoulder repeatedly into the chest of Xuway. Bloodbath then hits a couple of knife edge chops. Blackbird then pulls Xuway out from the turnbuckle. He signals to Bloodbath and they deliver a Double Blood Bash to Xuway(Downward Spiral). Sabre meanwhile is back to his feet and is just watching.

"Welcome to the Jungle" hits as Rampage charges out from the back.

Stanyer: Bloodbath and Blackbird working together, that is something I thought I would never see after the wars those two have been through.

Rampage charges into the ring and immediately Gores Sabre and lands on a mount and hammers him with right hands. Bloodbath and Blackbird pick up Xuway Zanchu and they deliver a double EvenFlow DDT to him. Rampage picks up Sabre and hits a Side Belly to Belly Suplex. On the other side of the ring Blackbird climbs to the top rope. Bloodbath passes him a steel chair. Bloodbath then pulls Xuway to his feet and holds him. Blackbird dives off for The Perch, but Xuway escapes Bloodbath's grip and moves out of the way and Blackbird drives the chair into Bloodbath's face.

Stanyer: Mistake by Blackbird, and now Xuway will not be happy.

Davey K's music hits as he walks out of the entrance accompanied by two bikini clad women, he doesn't head to the ring, but instead paces around the ring chatting to his ladies.

In the ring, Xuway kicks Blackbird in the face and then grabs him by the head and throws him over the top rope. Bloodbath jumps on Xuway from behind and locks on a Sleeper hold. Rampage has Sabre on his feet in the corner and is beating him down with stomps when Davey K slides into the ring behind him and grabs him from behind in a Sleeper hold. Rampage snaps him over his head and staggers off towards the ropes, Davey K gets up and gets Gored by Rampage. Xuway jumps up in the air and lands driving Bloodbath down into the mat. Xuway then gets to his feet. Bloodbath staggers up and Xuway hits him with a devastating Roundhouse Kick which sends Bloodbath reeling backwards over the top rope.

Stanyer: Xuway eliminates both Blackbird and Bloodbath, and Rampage is taking Davey K apart now. Who will be the number 14 though?

"Freeze Time" hits and McFreeze steps through the curtain.

Dawg: Here we go now, McFreeze is the old Master of Submissions, and Xuway is the new Master of Submissions, who will prevail?

Xuway beckons for McFreeze to come to the ring while Rampage delivers a Head and Arm Suplex to Davey K. McFreeze climbs into the ring and he squares up with Xuway, then they tie up and brawl their way to the mat, both trying to get on top of each other, Xuway is the stronger man and ends up on top, but the veteran McFreeze grabs the arm of Xuway and rolls through into a Fujiwara Armbar. On the other side of the ring Sabre has jumped Rampage from behind and hits the Sabre's Edge(Rios Driver). Sabre then bounces off the 2nd rope and hits a Moonsault. Davey K then grabs Sabre from behind and hits a Dragon Suplex. Davey K then climbs to the top rope. Meanwhile Xuway manages to escape the Armbar and has taken McFreeze into a Leg Lock.

Dawg: The two submission experts battle for supremacy as we await the number 15 man.

Stanyer: We are half way through the entrants now, it is going to get interesting from now on.

"Walk" by Pantera hits as Josh Resnick runs through the entrance and heads to the ring.

Stanyer: Three submission experts at once!!!

Josh Resnick slides into the ring and immediately goes to McFreeze and tells Xuway to let him go, Josh rolls McFreeze over and locks in The Equinox, Xuway, not too happy with Josh kicks him off and asks him what he is doing. On the other side of the ring Davey K is waving to his ladies on the outside when Sabre gets back up and pushes Davey K off the top rope and sends him crashing to the floor. Sabre turns around and then dodges a Gore attempt by Rampage and he hits the turnbuckle. Sabre then takes him down with a hurricanranna. Meanwhile Xuway surprises Josh with a Body Tackle and tries to lock on the Ultimate Armbar, but Josh rolls Xuway over and goes for The Equinox, but Xuway elbows him off and they both get to their feet, McFreeze is back up and the three men are circling each other.

"Lethal Injection" hits and Lethal comes running down to the ring

Stanyer: This match is becoming a martial arts exhibition, McFreeze and Josh Resnick are both professors of many forms of Martial Arts, Sabre knows Martial Arts, we know Xuway does, and now we have another Martial Arts expert in Lethal.

Lethal comes straight into the ring and kicks Xuway in the ribs. Josh then charges McFreeze and takes him down, trying to lock on the Equinox. Lethal hits repeated kicks to the ribs of Xuway stunning him and then hits a Jump Spinning Back Kick to the face of Xuway sending him into the ropes. Lethal then tries to lift Xuway over the ropes, but he doesn't have much success. Sabre is trying to lift Rampage over the top rope. But Rampage blocks it and then elbows Sabre down. Rampage kicks Sabre in the gut and then hits a Sitdown Tigerbomb. Lethal tries to lift Xuway over the ropes, but Xuway is a heavy man. McFreeze has managed to lock Josh Resnick in a Cross Armbreaker.

Dawg: Lethal the 180lb Martial Arts expert is really taking the match to Xuway.

Renegade's music hits as he walks down to the ring.

Renegade climbs into the ring just as Xuway has finally pushed Lethal off him, Lethal staggers backwards and Renegade low bridges the ropes he just climbed through and Lethal staggers backwards and flips over the ropes, but he shows his agility by landing on the apron, only for Renegade to run across and clothesline him knocking him down to the apron and then to the floor. Renegade then turns to Xuway and he hits Xuway with right hands knocking a tired Xuway into the corner. On the other side of the ring Rampage has rolled out of the ring and has brought a table into the ring. He sets it up in the corner. Rampage then lifts Sabre up and places him over his shoulder. Rampage then charges and drives Sabre and himself through the table. Renegade beats down Xuway in the corner with stomps and right hands. Josh Resnick has escaped the Cross Armbreaker and is up, he hits a knee to the gut and then sends McFreeze into the turnbuckle. Josh wraps the knee of McFreeze over the rope and then starts to stomp away at it.

Stanyer: Xuway is tired now, he was the 9th man in, we are now about to see number 18. That's a long time to be in the ring, especially after his match earlier tonight.

"Dope" plays as Blade runs down and slides into the ring to a massive cheer from the crowd

Dawg: Looks like we are to see a rematch of earlier tonight with Xuway fighting Blade

Blade goes straight in and joins Renegade in beating down Xuway Zanchu. Blade then pulls Xuway out and tells Renegade to leave him. Blade kicks Xuway in the gut and puts his head between his legs, he holds his arm up for the crowd and then delivers the Jacknife Powerbomb. Meanwhile Josh has pulled McFreeze down and has locked on the Sharpshooter, McFreeze is trying to turn it over, but without success. Rampage and Sabre are still down in the corner after going through the table, which the Referees on the outside of the ring are trying to clear. Renegade and Blade pull Xuway to his feet. Blade then sends Xuway to the ropes and follows in with a clothesline that sends Xuway over the top rope and crashing to the floor on the opposite side to the entrance.

Dawg: Damn, and I had Xuway down as one of my favourites.

"Snap your Finger's, Snap your Neck" hits and Matt Van Dam walks through the entrance with an arrogant smile on his face.

Dawg: And now we see the favourite, Matt Van Dam arriving, he is going to smoke some asses now.

Stanyer: Favourite? What are you talking about, I've got Gambino and Eraser down, but MVD?

Blade is still giving Xuway a bit of trash talk as MVD slide into the ring, MVD stands behind Blade and as he turns back to the ring he hits the Vandaminator and sends Blade sprawling backwards over the top rope. On the other side of the ring, Sabre and Rampage are back up, Rampage is hitting Sabre with right hands as they are both dazed. MVD starts to exchange right hands with Renegade. McFreeze has reversed the SharpShooter and then releases it and locks in a Bow and Arrow Lock as the two submission experts battle it out. Rampage sends Sabre to the ropes, Rampage goes for a Tilt a Whirl Slam, but Sabre counters with a hurricanranna as Rampage staggers into the ropes and Sabre hurricanrannas him over the top rope to the floor and then lands on the apron himself. MVD manages to hit "The Sexiest Move" on Renegade and then climbs the turnbuckle and does his pose as Sabre slingshots over the top rope and hits a guillotine Leg Drop. Meanwhile McFreeze has pulled Josh to his feet and hits the River Rapid.

Stanyer: Rampage has finally been eliminated after what seems like an age from his battles with one half of the new Tag Team Champions, Sabre.

"Bad Influence" hits and Havok runs down the ring and slides into the ring

Havok slides into the ring and immediately hits MVD with a right hand, the two then begin to exchange right hands as Sabre is climbing the turnbuckle. Renegade gets to his feet and Sabre flies off with a Moonsault, but Renegade moves out of the way and as Sabre rolls up to his feet Renegade hits a Superkick knocking Sabre down to the mat. Havok hits a knee to MVD's gut and then sends him to the ropes, MVD blocks a hiptoss and kicks Havok in the gut and places his leg over Havok's head, Havok flips him over and MVD goes for a clothesline which MVD ducks and Havok then locks MVD in a Reverse DDT position and then suddenly hits the Spin Doctor on MVD. Josh Resnick is being locked in a Kodiak Bearhug by McFreeze as the crowd start the countdown.

Stanyer: Wonderful athleticism in the middle of Chaos by MVD and Havok.

"One Step Closer" hits as Kidd comes running down to the ring.

Renegade turns away from hitting Sabre with right hands while he is down and signals to Kidd to get in the ring. Kidd and Renegade start to exchange right hands. Josh Resnick starts to make a comeback on McFreeze escaping the Bearhug and hitting a couple of knife edge chops before sending McFreeze to the ropes, but McFreeze reverses and then locks in a Belly to Belly and Overhead Suplexes Josh Resnick over the top rope to the floor. McFreeze then staggers around the ring and then rests in the turnbuckle as Josh Resnick lies on the outside. Havok hit a leg drop after the Spin Doctor and now is waiting for MVD to stand up, Havok goes for the Devastation Kick, but MVD ducks it and then goes for a Jumping Heel Kick, but Havok ducks, but MVD lands on his kicking foot and then kicks Havok in the jaw with his Standing foot. Renegade hits a knee to Kidd and then sends him to the turnbuckle, Kidd hits the turnbuckle hard and flips over it and lands on the apron. Renegade comes across to clothesline him, but Kidd ducks it and then pokes Renegade in the eye and then locks him in a Suplex and then Suplexes him out of the ring, only just holding onto the bottom rope to stop himself from being eliminated.

Stanyer: Both Renegade and Josh Resnick have been eliminated, we are getting to the last 9 entrants now, the battle is hotting up

"Zombie Nation" hits and Power G walks out through the curtain, the crowd stand up, and many of the wrestlers look towards the entrance way as the Cuban Phenomenon walks towards the ring.

Dawg: Here he comes, the man, Power G, the man who is going to destroy everyone in this ring, my pick to to win the Rumble.

Sabre is the first to attack Power G but Power G ducks Sabres heel kick and hits a Knife Edge Chop and then delivers a G Power Slam. Sabre staggers to his feet and Power G hits a Flash Kick and Sabre staggers backwards and falls over the top rope to the floor. Kidd is still trash talking with Renegade when he turns around into MVD who lifts him up and he and Power G deliver 3D. McFreeze gets to his feet and clubs Power G across his back He spins Power G around and sends him to the ropes. McFreeze looks set to back drop Power G over the top rope when Power G kicks him in the face and then gives him a Big Knee to the face which sends him sprawling backwards up the ropes, Power G finishes the job with a lariat to send McFreeze over the top to the floor. Power G then turns around into a Devastation Kick from Havok as MVD tosses Kidd over the top rope. Havok bends down to hit Power G with right hands, MVD stands behind him and waits, as he stands up, MVD hits the Vandaminator and then stands over him and delivers the Old Man Stink as the buzzer sounds.

"Crazy Train" hits and the crowd give a massive pop as The Madman Theros Macalvia runs out from the curtain and charges to the ring.

Stanyer: MVD and Power G have eliminated 3 people as soon as they teamed up, but now MVD will have to face the man he put out two weeks ago, Theros Macalvia.

Theros slides into the ring and hits MVD with a forearm as he is doing the Old Man Stink. Theros continues to hammer MVD with forearms and right hands knocking him into the ropes. Theros then winds up and hits a Haymaker that sends MVD flying over the top rope to a massive cheer from the crowd. Theros turns around but walks into Power G who scoops him up for the G Power Slam, but instead dumps him over the top rope, which sees Theros bounce off the apron before hitting the floor. Power G turns into Havok who hits the Dizzy Kick. Havok then climbs to the top rope and flies off hitting a picture perfect Elbow drop to Power G.

Stanyer: Theros came in and exploded on MVD to eliminate him, only to be eliminated by Power G.

Wanna be Startin’ Somethin' hits as Showstopper walks out from the back to make his first in ring appearance.

Dawg: The man, Showstopper makes his return to the ring, but he will have to get past Power G if he wants to win this one.

Showstopper enters and immediately kicks Havok in the gut and sets him up and delivers Stoppin' Da Show (Powerbomb to Facebuster). Showstopper then walks around Havok, hitting him with stomps to the chest. Power G gets to his feet and looks at Showstopper, before he starts stomping away at Havok as well. Power G pulls Havok to his feet and chops him in the corner. Showstopper hits an overhand chop. The two men then take turns hitting chops on Havok, each trying to get the loudest sound. Eventually Havok collapses down in the turnbuckle. Showstopper walks away and sits on the opposite turnbuckle as Power G pulls up Havok and delivers a Back Body Flip.

"Come out and Play" hits and Pitbull comes out and runs down to the ring

Stanyer: The Hardcore Champion enters at number 24, the action is picking up as the battle to face the World Champion at The End of the World gets real serious.

Pitbull slides into the ring and looks at Showstopper, who drops off the turnbuckle, they stare at each other, but then they all turn and start to stomp on Havok while Power G takes a moment to catch his breath. Pitbull pulls Havok to his feet and pulls him to the corner. Pitbull climbs the turnbuckle and hits the K'9er (Diamond Dust). Showstopper drives a knee into the face of Havok. While Pitbull paces around the ring.

Stanyer: This is despicable, why are those three taking apart Havok?

Dawg: I don't know, but it's fun to watch whatever happens!!!

"Sickness" by Disturbed hits and the roof nearly blows off the place as Gambino comes out to a massive cheer from the crowd. Gambino walks down with strapping over his knee, and a patch on his forehead.

Stanyer: Here comes the PWF commissioner and the favourite for this match.

Dawg: But he took a hell of a beating in that Street Fight, how long can he last?

Gambino runs and slides into the ring, he immediately hits Power G with a clothesline, he then hits Pitbull with a big right hand before he goes to Showstopper, Gambino hammers Showstopper with right hands before he kicks him in the gut and delivers the Double Arm DDT. Gambino pulls Showstopper to his feet and tosses him over the top rope. But Showstopper manages to grab the bottom rope and only one foot hits the floor and he pulls himself to the apron. But Gambino bounces off the ropes and then dropkicks Showstopper in the face as he pulls himself to the apron and knocks him down to the floor. Gambino then turns and hits Power G with right hands knocking him into the turnbuckle. Pitbull waits for Havok to stagger to his feet before he bounces off the ropes and hits the Pitbulldog. Gambino starts to stomp Power G down in the turnbuckle.

"The Way I am" hits as Eraser comes down the aisle.

Stanyer: Here comes the arch-nemesis of Gambino, and the man who won the last Rumble in the Bronx. Eraser.

Dawg: And the man who beat him earlier, with Gambino's finishing move in fact.

Eraser slides into the ring and immediately hits The Eraser on Pitbull. Eraser picks up Pitbull and taunts the little man. He then casually tosses him over the top rope. Power G starts to come back on Gambino and hits a couple of knife edge chops. Eraser grabs Gambino from behind and hits a Hangman's neckbreaker. Power G and Eraser stomp away on Gambino as Havok gets to his feet and gets his first chance to have a rest in a long time.

Dawg: Pitbull becomes the first victim of Eraser, more will follow.

"Walk with your Head up" hits and Travis Right walks towards the ring.

Travis Right enters the ring and immediately starts to attack Havok. Power G delivers the G Power Slam to Gambino and then Eraser mounts Gambino and taunts him before hammering him with right hands. Travis Right knees Havok in the gut and then delivers the Spiking(Pulling Piledriver.). Travis pulls Havok to his feet and mocks him as he slaps him in the face and pushes him towards the ropes. Havok then comes back with right hands from nowhere, and a fired up Havok hits Travis with a big right hand that dazes him. Havok then bounces off the ropes and goes to hit Travis but Travis moves out of the way and uses Havok's momentum to throw him over the top rope to the floor.

Stanyer: Havok has been eliminated after literally surviving his way this far, he has taken one hell of a beating.

"Cowboy's from Hell" hits as Homicide makes his way through the curtain.

Homicide slides into the ring and starts to exchange punches with Travis Right. He sends Travis to the ropes and hits a Spinebuster. Homicide comes off the ropes but gets hit with a clothesline by Power G who has left Gambino to help out his gWo team-mate Travis Right. Eraser hits a Snap Powerbomb on Gambino. Eraser then climbs to the 2nd turnbuckle and then delivers a Leg Drop. Power G pulls Homicide to his feet, but Homicide counters and looks for The Boston Massacre, but Travis hits him across the back to break it up. Travis then then goes low on Homicide. He then lifts him up and sets him up on the top rope. Travis then stands aside as Power G runs up the turnbuckle and hurricanranna's Homicide off the turnbuckle.

Stanyer: Gambino is taking a beating from Eraser, and now Homicide from the gWo.

Dawg: How many people have come in now?

Stanyer: 29, this is the last man to enter now.

"Break Stuff" hits as Rye Hazwaki comes running down and slides into the ring.

Rye slides into the ring and immediately catches Power G with a Kung-Fu Slash. Rye then starts to kick Power G in the thigh's, body and head until he is on his knees. He then bounces off the ropes only to get grabbed by the hair by Travis and slammed back into the mat. But Homicide attacks Travis and hits him with a big right hand sending him staggering backwards, but Homicide goes for a big right hand but Travis ducks it and starts to hit Homicide with right hands and then hits a big right hand which sends Homicide over the top rope to the floor.

Stanyer: It's not been a good night for Homicide, he too a beating from Big Lou, he was cheated out of his European Title, and now he has been eliminated from the Rumble after less than 5 minutes.

Rye has kipped up and is continuing his fight with Power G and he manages to hit the Karate Krippler (Sit-down Full Nelson Slam). Eraser pulls Gambino to his feet and hits the Eraser. Rye leaves Power G on the mat and goes across to Travis. He blocks a right hand from Travis, and then spins around to his the Crescent Kick. Rye then kicks Travis in the head which stuns him. Rye then bounces off the ropes and jumps high in the air to hit the Feet of Fury sending Travis Right reeling backwards into the ropes. Rye then gets up and hits a Jump Spinning Back Kick knocking Travis over the top rope to the floor. Rye then gives Travis some trash talk as he lands on his feet. But while he does so Eraser sneaks up behind him and lifts him over the top rope and he lands next to Travis. Travis then starts to beat on Rye and they brawl their way down the aisle.

Stanyer: It's down to Eraser, Gambino and Power G now. The final three, who will emerge victorious?

Dawg: G, G, G, G.....

Stanyer: I guess we know who you are supporting.

Gambino has pulled himself to his knees. Power G goes over to him but gets caught with a low blow. Eraser comes across and Gambino explodes on him with right hands. Then a kick to the gut and Gambino then sends Eraser to the ropes and hits a Jumping Clothesline. Gambino then waits in the corner and signals for Eraser to get up. Eraser gets up and Gambino Spears him down to the mat. Power G moves in for the attack once again, but Gambino kicks him in the gut and hits a couple of right hands before he delivers the Gambino Facebuster. A tired Gambino leans against the ropes and sees Eraser charging at him, Gambino ducks down and back body drops Eraser over the top rope, but he hangs on the top rope and lands on the apron. Gambino spins around and hits Eraser with a big right hand which sends him flying off the apron and crashing into the barricade.

Stanyer: Eraser is out, Eraser has been eliminated. And it is Gambino who has done it, a measure of revenge for what their match earlier tonight.

Dawg: It's not over yet.

Gambino picks up Power G and hammers him with right hands until he is left on the ropes. Gambino then backs off and comes off the opposite ropes and clotheslines Power G over the top rope, but Power G manages to hang onto the top rope and is left hanging onto the top rope. Gambino smiles and comes off the ropes and goes to Dropkick Power G off the ropes, but Power G moves out of the way and Gambino flies through the 2nd and 3rd ropes and lands on the mats outside as Power G flips himself back over the top rope and into the ring. Power G then starts to celebrate winning the Rumble.

Dawg: YES!!! I TOLD YOU SO!!! Power G won the Rumble, just like I told you he would.

Stanyer: Gambino is not out, he has to go OVER the top rope and both his feet must hit the floor, otherwise he is not eliminated. This match isn't over.

Dawg: What?? But Power G won?

Gambino climbs into the ring behind the celebrating Power G and grabs him by the head and tosses him over the top rope and he crashes down on the mats outside. The bell rings and the senior Referee Mark Johnson slides into the ring to raise the hand of Gambino.

James: The winner of the 2001 Rumble in the Bronx after 1 hour and 12 minutes, ANTONIO GAMBINO!!!!!Crowd Gives a Massive Cheer and Applauds non-stop

Stanyer: Gambino has done it, he is going to the Main Event at The End of the World. The man who came so close last time has finally acheived his dream.

Dawg: Dammit, Power G won, this is an abomination.

Power G is motioning with senior referee Mark Johnson on the outside, the ref explains to him that Gambino didn't go over the top rope, but Power G ignores him and hits the G Power Slam on him. Power G then climbs to the apron for some more of Gambino, but Gambino hits him with a hard right hand sending him sprawling back down to the floor. Power G backs off up the aisle as Gambino raises his arms to the cheering crowd.

Stanyer: Congratulations to Gambino, we'll let him celebrate as we show some replays.

Dawg: mumbles to himselfLucky bastard.

Replays show of various highlights of the Rumble, including Sabre's double elimination, a few surprise eliminations, Power G's arrival, Theros's sudden attack on MVD. Showstopper's elimination, Eraser's elimination and finally the closing moments of the Rumble in full as Gambino claims the victory.

Stanyer: Well folks, we now know one half of the Main Event at The End of the World, but who will the other half be.

Dawg: I hope it's neither of these two.

Stanyer: Crusader challenged anyone to beat him for the World title, Sabre stepped up to the plate and was batted away, but not without one hell of a fight, now Leo has accepted the challenge. This should be a fantastic wrestling contest. And one for the purists to enjoy. Including me.

General Leo v Crusader Chrome(c)
Senior Referee: Mark Johnson

James: It is now time for our Main Event of the evening.

The lights go blue, as "The Imperial March" starts over the speakers. General Leo walks out from the back to an expensive looking fireworks show. The fans cheer as he walks to the ring with his sword in hand. He steps in and the lights go up.

James: The following match is scheduled for one fall and is for the PWF World Heavyweight Championship. Introducing from Washington D.C., weighing 235lbs, General Leo. Crowd Cheers

The lights go out and a series of light blue lights flash throughout the arena. Rock Superstar by Cypress Hill blares over the pa followed by an explosion of fireworks similar to Y2J’s. Crusader's Ultra-tron has images of Harley Davidsons and biker babes transcending into one another. His entrance attire consists of a leather trench coat, dark sunglasses, and a du- rag rapped around his head. When he walks out into the entrance, he pauses and raises both fists in the air, proceeding to walk to the ring. Walking with a bmf walk, he climbs into the ring, while the lights are still out, and raises the lights with a fist in the air.

James: And his opponent, from Palm Beach, Florida, weighing 299lbs, the PWF World Heavyweight Champion, "The One" Crusader Chrome. Crowd gives a monumentous Cheer

Report: The two men circle around each other, they stare each other down. They walk to the middle of the ring and come face to face. There is no animosity between these two wrestlers, but they are here to fight. They exchange a few words before Crusader strikes out with a big right hand to the face, he then follows in with repeated right hands to Leo. Leo is slow to react and gets knocked backwards into the turnbuckle Crusader hammers Leo down into the corner. Crusader backs off and charges with a clothesline, but Leo gets a boot up and Crusader turns away. Leo immediately locks Crusader in from behind and delivers a back drop for his first suplex of the match. Crusader bounces back up but takes a couple of straight right jabs from Leo. Leo then kicks Crusader in the gut and sets him up for the Snap Suplex, but Crusader blocks it and then delivers a big Falling Suplex of his own. Crusader then floats over and mounts Leo and hits him with right hands. Crusader then slaps Leo on the head as he gets up and challenges Leo to come after him.

Stanyer: A little show of arrogance their from the World Champion, that won't please Leo.

Leo gets up and holds his head, he ties up with Crusader, Leo tries to use technique to push Crusader, but Crusader's power prevails and Leo is pushed into the corner. Crusader then slaps Leo in the face and backs off with a smile on his face. Leo walks out with a stare at Crusader and they circle again. They tie up, Leo quickly goes into a waistlock, he tries a German Suplex, but Crusader blocks it, and then surprises Leo by grabbing his arm and hitting a Flowing Hiptoss which drives Leo into the mat instead of flipping him over. Leo gets up holding his head from the whiplash. Crusader challenges Leo to tie up again. Leo looks around and then ties up again, this time Leo goes into a waistlock and then trips Crusader up. Leo then hammers Crusader with clubbing forearms from behind his head. Eventually Crusader pushes Leo off him. Leo stands up and this time he challenges Crusader to get up. Crusader pulls himself up, and then half way he charges Leo and backs him into a corner. He then hammers Leo with shots to the body and then a big shot to the head puts Leo down in the corner. Crusader then chokes Leo with his foot in the corner.

Dawg: I think Leo made the big man mad.

Stanyer: And you don't want to do that too often.

Mark Johnson gives Crusader the 5 count for the choke, Crusader releases on 4. Crusader pulls Leo out of the corner. He pulls him to the center of the ring, he kicks Leo in the gut and then comes off the ropes and hits The Crusade (Running DDT). Crusader then hooks the leg. .................1 .....................2 ...................... Leo kicks out. Crusader pulls Leo to his feet and sends him to the ropes and hits a Powerslam and then hooks the leg again. ..................1 .........................2 ........................ Leo kicks out. Crusader pulls Leo up, but suddenly Leo reverses into a waistlock and hits a Release German Suplex. Crusader gets back to his feet a little dazed. Leo locks him in position for a Dragon Suplex, but Crusader manages to break one arm free and elbow Leo before hitting a one arm Stunner. Crusader then makes the cover. .....................1 ........................2 ......................... Leo gets his shoulder up.

Stanyer: Crusader pulling a move out of the hat there, and nearly scores a 3 count with it.

Dawg: The Stunner, originally called the Ace Crusher.

Crusader pulls Leo up to his feet and then sends him into the turnbuckle. Crusader then sends Leo into the opposite turnbuckle and follows him in and jumps high to land a Flying Back Elbow Smash. Leo staggers out of the corner. Crusader lifts him up on his shoulders and delivers a Samoan Drop. He then backs over Leo and hooks the leg. ...................1 ......................2 ....................... Leo gets his shoulder up. Crusader picks up Leo and hits him with a couple of right hands. He then lifts him up over his shoulder and dumps him on the top rope. Crusader climbs up and looks set to deliver a Superplex, when Leo hits a couple of blows to the body and then punches Crusader to the mat. Leo climbs up to the top as Crusader gets back up. Leo flies off with a Plancha, but Crusader catches him in mid-air, and then walks around the ring before hitting a Fallaway Slam. Crusader pulls Leo towards the turnbuckle. He stands by the turnbuckle and slingshots himself up into the air then back over Leo in a Body Splash. .................1 .........................2 ...................... Leo just gets his shoulder up.

Stanyer: Leo needs to get a grip on this match, and quickly, because at the moment, he is getting his ass kicked.

Crusader pulls Leo to his feet and hits him with a couple of body blows until he doubles over and then he sets him up for the Chrome Drop(powerbomb), but Leo counters with a back body drop. Crusader gets up quickly, but Leo grabs him around the waist and lifts him once to get momentum before delivering an Overhead Belly to Belly Suplex. Leo then stays down along with Crusader. Leo and Crusader pull themselves to their feet. Crusader hits Leo with a straight right hand, Leo comes back with a straight right. Crusader goes for a second big right, but Leo grabs the arm along with Crusader's head and looks for a Head & Arm Suplex, but Crusader counters with a knee to the stomach. Crusader then goes to scoop Leo up, but Leo floats over behind him and locks in and delivers a Dragon Suplex with a bridge. ....................1 ........................2 ....................... Crusader just kicks out. Leo is fired up now and picks up Crusader, he sends him to the ropes and then grabs both his head and arm and delivers a Head & Arm Suplex. Leo then makes the cover. ................1 ....................2 ....................... Crusader kicks out. Leo slams the mat and asks Mark Johnson again, but he confirms it was a two count.

Stanyer: This is becoming quite a contest between Crusader and General Leo, both are fan favourites.

Leo picks up Crusader and delivers a Side Belly to Belly Suplex. Leo then climbs to the apron. He Slingshots over with a Leg Drop and then rolls Crusader over for the cover. ................1 ......................2 ........................ Crusader kicks out again. Leo then gets up and signals that he has had enough. He picks up Crusader and places him on the top turnbuckle. He then places his arm over the world champions chest. Leo then delivers an awesome T-Bone Suplex from the top rope. Leo catches his breath for a moment, and then hooks the leg for the cover. .....................1 ..........................2 ............................. Crusader gets his shoulder up at the last second. Leo can't believe it. He pulls Crusader to his feet. Crusader stands there dazed while Leo hits him with a couple of jabs to the face. Leo hits one big jab and then backs off into the ropes, he charges at Crusader who suddenly comes to life and goozles him. Crusader then lifts Leo up and delivers The Ice Breaker(Chokeslam from Hell). Crusader drops down for the cover. ...................1 .....................2 ......................... Leo gets his left shoulder up.

Dawg: Damn, that was close, even though I can't personally stand either man in this match, I'm actually enjoying it.

Stanyer: I agree, this is turning out to be a great wrestling contest.

Leo staggers to his feet and walks into Crusader who delivers The Cruplex(Belly to Belly Suplex).Crusader hooks the leg. ....................1 .........................2 ....................... Leo just gets his shoulder up. Leo again staggers to his feet and Crusader comes off the ropes and hits a Jumping Clothesline. Crusader then signals for an end and picks Leo up and then scoops him up over his shoulder. He then delivers The Concussion.(Emerald Fusion). Crusader then hooks the leg. .......................1 ...........................2 ................................ Leo somehow gets his left shoulder up at the last possible moment. Crusader can't believe it and hooks the leg again. .........................1 .............................2 ........................... Leo again gets his left shoulder up.

Stanyer: I don't believe it, Leo kicked out, how did he kick out of The Concussion??

Crusader slams the mat and starts to argue with the referee. While he does so Leo gets to his feet. He creeps up behind Crusader and grabs him around the waist and hits a German Suplex with a high bridge. .........................1 ..........................2 ................................ Crusader kicks out. Crusader staggers to his feet and Leo locks him in and delivers a Sambo Suplex. Leo hooks the leg. .......................1 .......................2 ........................... Crusader kicks out.

A Chorus of boos suddenly descends upon the arena. The camera pans to the entrance way.

Stanyer: Thorn? What the hell is he doing here??

Dawg: He's armed with a chair, so he has plans.

Leo sees Thorn coming and leaves Crusader for a second. Mark Johnson goes to stop Thorn from entering the ring, then the camera pans to behind the announcers table as we see Eraser climbing out of the crowd.

Stanyer: It's Eraser, now we know why Thorn was out here, but then what does Eraser have to do with Leo or Crusader???

Eraser slides into the ring and throws a chair at Leo, he catches it, Eraser then charges at Leo and hits The Eraser smashing the chair back into the face of Leo. Eraser then places Crusader on top of Leo and then leaves the ring. Thorn drops down from the apron and Mark Johnson turns around and sees Crusader on top of Leo. ...................1 .........................2 ............................3!!!!

Crusader d. Leo
21:33 Pinfall

James: The winner of the match, and STILL PWF WORLD CHAMPION, "THE ONE" Crusader Chrome.Crowd gives a cheer, but they are still puzzled by Eraser's actions

Stanyer: What is going on? Why did Eraser screw Leo out of the title, is Crusader working with Eraser?

The camera shows Eraser heading up the aisle with Thorn, Crusader is back on his feet, he looks puzzled, the referee hands him his World title which he places over his shoulder, he looks up the aisle and stares at Eraser with a puzzled look on his face.

Dawg: I guess we will have to wait to find out what Eraser was doing? Unless he and Crusader are in league, and he is simply faking it at the moment.

Stanyer: I don't know, nobody seems to know, even the crowd here tonight don't know. Well folks we are out of time, I hope you enjoyed the Rumble in the Bronx, it's been a long night, hopefully at next weeks Havoc we will get some answers from Eraser. Thanks for watching, Good Night.

In Memory of all those who lost their lives on September 11th 2001.
And to their families and friend who have suffered more than any of us.
Rest in Peace.

***© 2001 PWF Entertainment***