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Armageddon #7
Armageddon #6
Armageddon #5
Armageddon #4
Armageddon #3
Armageddon #2
Armageddon #1

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House Show #7
House Show #6
House Show #5
House Show #4
House Show #3
House Show #2
House Show #1


Rumble in the Bronx
Last Man Standing
War Games
House of Pain

Saturday Night Havoc

Havoc #19
Havoc #18
Havoc #17
Havoc #16
Havoc #15
Havoc #14
Havoc #13
Havoc #12
Havoc #11
Havoc #10
Havoc #9
Havoc #8
Havoc #7
Havoc #6
Havoc #5
Havoc #4
Havoc #3
Havoc #2
Havoc #1

From the Teco Arena
Ft. Myers, Florida
15th August 2001

Pyro's blast off as "Defmanufactured" plays throughout the arena. The camera pans across the cheering fans in the Teco Arena before it cuts to the announcers table.

Big Dave: Welcome everybody to PWF Armageddon. I'm Big Dave Lambourne alongside. Eric "bushbomber" Gellar. We come to you tonight from the Teco Arena in Fort Myer's Florida.

Gellar: And my favourite match was cancelled.

Big Dave: Yes folks, sorry for those of you who were looking forward to Eraser taking on Kevin Cage, but Kevin Cage has been declared unfit to wrestle, he is still suffering from the injuries he sustained at Last Man Standing.

Gellar: Couldn't they find a replacement.

Big Dave: From what I was told, Eraser heard Cage wasn't going to be here, and simply hasn't bothered to turn up.

Gellar: Typical.

Big Dave: Well we move onto our... What the hell??

Thunder is heard throughout the arena, starting at the oppsite end of the areana, then coming around to the entryway, then fromt eh rafters, two lightning bolts come down and strike the rampway. Then, "wake up" by rage against the machince hits, and Darkstorm comes high stepping out of teh curtain. He stops at teh top of the ramp and thorws both his hands up, and then runs to the ring, sliding in under the bottom rope. He gets up off his stomach and runs and jumps on the second rope, and throws one hand up, he jumps back down, walks around the ring once or twice, then looks for a mic, a ringhand hands him one, and Storm speaks

Gellar: I guess DarkStorm has something he needs to get off his chest before his match with Theros.

DarkStorm:- "....Have you ever seen, a cross between a shadow, and a clown, well if you haven't heres a good picture of one." DS points to the titatron, and there on the screen is a picture of a clown with Daikatana's head the clown ..... " He looks good in pink don't you think, ha ha, Daikclown, I see you drving around on your little miniture car, driving around honking the little horn, *honk honk* then, in the back you got that bit pimple that stays on your ass longer than any homophabia hermaphrodite on the right side of the planet. The question is, do you think you can beat me, well, I sure you would love to get a piece of me, but I ask you, excatly what kind of alliance are you running over there by yourself, and that big bottle of lotion that you keep to polish your sword, mr burty, isn't that his name, ha ha, dickclown it looks like you beat the big monoball Demon in one on one, but Dick, you want me next, my only question is, I wonder how mayn shots I'm gonna have to have to kick your ass clean"

Storm spikes to mic and then waits for Theros.

DarkStorm v Theros Macalvia

Suddenly wild laughter echoes through the arena, the lights flashing purple and red. Theros appears on stage, his hands on his hips as he laughs. After several moments the laughs die off, and Ozzy's 'Crazy Train' hits. Theros stalks down towards the ring, a confident smirk on his face as the music continues to boom. Theros rolls into the ring and starts laughing again. The music then shatters into another chorus of wild laughter.

James: Introducing from Syracuse, New York, weighing 282lbs. Theros Macalvia Crowd gives out a big cheer for the madman

Report: Theros and DarkStorm tie up. Theros takes DarkStorm into a headlock, DarkStorm sends Theros into the ropes. Theros hits a shoulder block and comes off the ropes. Dark Storm ducks under, Theros goes for a clothesline, DarkStorm ducks and takes Theros over with a Powerslam. He hooks the leg. 1...........Theros kicks out. Theros gets up and shouts at his left arm. DarkStorm hits Theros with a right hand, Theros staggers back and then tries to direct his left arm at DarkStorm, the arm is having none of it. DarkStorm hits two consecutive right hands, DarkStorm winds up for a big punch when Theros's left arm comes alive and grabs DarkStorm around the throat. Theros takes DarkStorm down and chokes him on the floor. Theros gets up and then delivers a hard elbow drop. Theros covers. 1..........................2......DarkStorm kicks out.

Big Dave: Theros has successfully managed to control some of his madness.

Gellar: The question is for how long?

Theros picks up DarkStorm and delivers a Vertical Suplex. Theros picks him up again and sends him to the ropes and delivers a stiff left arm clothesline. Theros covers. 1............................2...............DarkStorm kicks out. Theros picks up DarkStorm, but he throws Theros's arms away and start to hit Theros with right hands and then hits a knife edge chop before whipping Theros to the turnbuckle, but Theros reverses and DarkStorm hits the turnbuckle chest first, Theros then hits Negative Space(Spear to Back in turnbuckle). DarkStorm lays rested against the turnbuckle chest first. Theros climbs the turnbuckle and hooks the head of DarkStorm and spins around to deliver a Tornado Reverse DDT. Theros then makes the cover. 1..............................2......................DarkStorm gets his shoulder up.

Big Dave: Theros is dominating this match, I didn't expect this at all.

Theros then climbs to the top rope and flies off going for the HeadPlant, but DarkStorm rolls out of the way and Theros hits the mats hard. The two men stay down for a moment then slowly make their way to their feet. DarkStorm blocks a right hand and hits a hard right of his own and then sends Theros to the ropes, Theros reverses but DarkStorm still connects with a flying forearm. DarkStorm then hits a clothesline. Theros staggers to his feet and DarkStorm hooks him up and then delivers a Fisherman's Buster DDT. He hooks the leg. 1................................2.............................Theros somehow kicks out. DarkStorm pulls Theros up and then rolls up him and hits the DarkStorm Driver(Rios Driver).

Gellar: This one is over.

Big Dave: What the hell? The lights just went out??

The lights go out before DarkStorm can make the cover. After a few moments they come back on and DaiKaTanA is standing behind DarkStorm. DarkStorm senses a presence and turns around and gets goozled. DaiKaTanA then delivers the Chokeslam as the referee calls for the disqualification.

DarkStorm d. Theros
DQ 6:19

DaiKaTanA laughs at DarkStorm as he lies out cold on the mat and then the lights go out as we go to commerical.

{Commerical Break}

The scene opens in a football stadium at the home of Crusader in Palm Beach Florida. It looks as if they are going to make a commercial advertisement but they cant get the extras to co-operate. The extras are a couple dozen females sitting in the stands. The problem is their mouths are wide open and they are drooling everywhere. Thier eyes are fixed on some object in the middle of the field. They are staring as if they had just seen the man of their dreams. The camera follows their stare to The One, Crusader. The camera man walks up to Crusader

Reporter- "This definitely is no Ice Breaker, no pun intended, but these girls literally cant take their eyes off you."

Crusader- "Yeah but this time they arent looking at me, its the shirt Jackass!"

(the reporter takes a look at the black, sleeveless shirt Crusader is wearing which has the words Crusader on the front and The Outkasts on the back.)

Crusader- (turns towards camera) "Get your new Crusader T-shirt only at PWF Shop Zone"

Reporter- "Umm, Crusader?"

Crusader- "What?!"

Reporter- "Damn you smell good!"

[the scene fades to black as the girls still sit with that fixed stare and drool falling from their mouths]

{End Commercial}

Big Dave: Welcome back folks, we go backstage to The Sharp Shooters.

Chris and Scotty Sharp are standing backstage reading the Card for Armageddon.

Scotty: "Hey Chris, how do you spell dog?"

Chris: "I am pretty sure it is spelled D-O-G."

Scotty: "That is what I thought. But why does it say our opponents are the Top Doggs, with two G's? I mean, are they THAT dumb that they can't spell dog?"

Chris: "I was thinking the same thing myself. It looks like they need to go back to school or something."

Scotty: "Well, I guess that we will have to take those puny geeks to school then, won't we?"

Chris: "Yeah. Let's knock some sense back into those bafoons at Armageddon."

The Sharp Shooters then start to walk back to their locker room.

Big Dave: Well that match is next.

Top Doggs v The Sharp Shooters

A remix of 2 Pac and Snoop Dogg’s 2 Of Amerika’s Most Wanted is heard over the sound system as pyrotechnics go off as Ken and Shawn come out wearing the wVw and the MOW E Tag Team belts that they kept

James: Introducing now, at a combined weight of 504 pounds, “The Man” Ken Reilly and Shawn “Shiznitz” O’Neil, THE TOPP DOGGS!

Chris and Scotty both come down to the ring together. When they get in the ring they each stand on opposite turnbuckles and pose for the crowd (sorta like the Hardyz). Then, they patiently await their opponents.

James: Introducing from Pittsburgh Pensylvanlia, at a combined weight of 431lbs, Chris and Scottyy Sharp, the Sharp Shooters.

Report: Chris and Shawn start out, they tie up, but the power of Shawn means he can push Chris into the corner. Shawn then follows up with repeated right hands to the head of Chris. Shawn then whips Chris to the other corner. Shawn follows in but Chris slings over him and wraps his legs around Shawn and rolls him up. 1.....Shawn kicks out. Shawn rolls towards his corner then casually tags in Ken. Ken delivers a chop to Chris, who counters with a chop of his own. Chris then whips Ken to the ropes, but Ken reverses. Ken goes down for a back body drop, but Chris sunset flips over him and rolls him over. 1........Ken kicks out. Ken gets up angry and delivers a fierce right hand straight to the nose of Chris who goes down clutching his nose.

Stanyer: He could have broken Chris Sharp's nose with that one shot right there.

Ken picks up Chris and whips him to his corner. He then tags in Shawn. The two of them deliver a Double Suplex to Chris and Shawn covers as Ken leaves the ring. 1..........2...........Chris kicks out. Shawn picks up Chris and spins him into the corner and stomps on him a few times before walking across to the other side of the ring and taunting Scotty, who tries to get in the ring. The referee runs across to stop him, behind him Ken starts to choke Chris, as Shawn stomps away on him in the corner. When the referee turns around Ken holds his hands up as if to say he hasn't seen anything. Shawn tags in Ken and he climbs into the ring, the two of them whip Chris to the ropes, they go for a double back body drop, but Chris manages to grabs the heads of both Ken and Shawn and drops back down to deliver a Double DDT.

Stanyer: This is Chris's chance now, he has to make the tag now.

Chris crawls along the bottom rope in his attempt to make the tag, he is close to making the tag when Ken grabs his foot, but Chris manages to kick Ken in the head and then dives to tag in Scotty. Scotty comes in and knocks Shawn down with a right hand, he knocks Ken down with a right hand, he dropkicks Shawn in the face, he then clotheslines Ken out of the ring. Scotty whips Shawn to the ropes and delivers a perfect hurricanranna. Shawn gets to his feet a little dazed, Scotty superkicks him right in the jaw sending him sprawling through the ropes. But Ken sneaks up on him from behind and locks in a Dragon Suplex and delivers it perfectly. 1..............2..................3!!!!!!

Top Doggs d. Sharp Shooters
7:18 Pinfall

Big Dave: Top Doggs pull out the victory, but only just, wait, behind them!!!

Top Doggs are celebrating on the turnbuckles as The Russians have come out from the back and are waiting in the ring armed with steel chairs. Top Doggs drop down from the turnbuckle and walk straight into hard shots from both The Russians. Wowbowski and Cossak then toss the chairs away and both moun Ken and Shawn and deliver right hands to them before referees flood the ring and separate the two teams. The Russians head off up the aisle satisfied with their work as we cut to an advert

{Commerical Break}

Announcer- SPRITE! The best stuff on Earth!!!

**The camera flashes a shot of General Leo of the PWF drinking Sprite, A fist comes flying out of the side of the screen, nailing Leo out of the picture, Cossak Joe of the gWo is revealed**

Announcer- The...

**The camera cuts to a shot of the MOW E's Phreak he cautiously looks to the left and as he opens the bottle a fist comes out from the opposite side of the screen, After Phreak falls to the ground Travis Right stands triumphantly where Phreak was **

Announcer- second.....

**The next MOW Sanitarium Champion, Heelmaster, is seen, he looks both ways before drinking some sprite, He gets hit with a lethal chop originating at the bottom of the screen, Power G stands up and nods to the camera**

Announcer- best....

**The triple crown champion of the UAW, Bates Masterson, is guzzling down a Sprite, until the scene changes .**

Announcer- stuff.....

**Cleveland, Ohio's own Heavy Metal guru, Matt Wilkins is shown tossing a can of Sprite in the air and drinking all of the contents, before spitting it on the ground.As he bends over to spit it out MVD Hits him with a Vandaminator**

Announcer- on.....

**The camera focuses on Nightshade completely downing a 20 oz. Sprite right before Wowbowski seaks up and pushes him out of the shot All the members of the gWo are shown finishing off their respective drinks. They then give a simultaneous thumbs up.**

Announcer- EARTH !!!!!!!!!

Wowbowski- Green Vodka Only! It may look Sprite, but it not. Ve comrade in gWo only drink it *under breathe* me and Cossak anyvay

**The camera cuts out.**

{End Commercial}

Big Dave: Welcome back folks, The Top Doggs managed to pull out the victory and then got attacked by The Russians.

Gellar: Damn foreigners, always causing problems.

Big Dave: You should be more careful with your words.

Gellar: Why? What are they going to do about it?

Big Dave: I don't know, I just hope they do something. Anyway, before the Hardcore Title match we have some footage from earlier today.

Rampage sits in his locker room with a black towel drapped over his head. He fixes his hand wraps and begins speaking without looking up.

Rampage: I lost my first match against Homicide. To me that was a great defeat. I had a chance to make a name for myself on my first day, but that never happen. I took the hard road that lead to me having a winning streak that ended when Dirk pulled out all the stops at LMS. I've taken care of Dirk and now I'm ready for my next high profile match. I have a chance to win the hardcore title. I am one of the most physicly dominating men in the PWF and I guarantee that I will use out every once of my power to win that title. Its going to be a war Silas. I hope your ready.

Rampage gets up and kicks his locker room door open and walks outside and towards the stage.

Silas "The Pitbull" Parish, current PWF Hardcore champion, is shown out in the parking lot throwing a ball for two actual pitbull dogs. Noticing the camera, he begins to speak as much to it as to the dogs.

Pitbull: - "Boy, they sure are coming out of the woodwork lately. Wow. I don't recall any of the other, previous Hardcore champions being challenged as often as I have. Maybe they think I'll be a push over. Heh! Think again boys. Xuway, you'll get your chance someday, when you earn a shot. Theros, I've beaten you twice already. Once for the belt, the other time to retain it. Try back later, maybe when you can learn to control your stray body parts. Rampage... what can I say about you? We were set to face each other once before, but it never came to pass. I guess thats why you're the "lucky" one to face me next."

It seems Silas has sat idle for too long without throwing the ball, as the two pitbulls begin to growl and move towards the camera man. After a stern word by Silas however, and the fact that he throws the ball for them again, both dogs back away. The camera man, who had started to back away, move back closer again.

Pitbull: - "Sorry about that camera guy. They can get cranky at times... kinda like me. Recent events with The Empire have pushed me passed cranky though, straight to downright pissed off! And the only way I can relieve all this bottled up anger and agression is to tear someone limb from limb. So, since you want the Hardcore belt so much Rampage, and I'm still pissed at you from before, you better get ready. You may think that you are one of the most physically dominating men in the PWF, but that means jack to me. To borrow a phrase from a very wise man, its not the size of the dog in the fight. Its the size of the fight in the dog! Remember that Rampage... remember."

The camera fades to black

Rampage v Pitbull

The arena lights dim (not turn off) and turn red. Welcome to the Jungle plays and two large explosions go off on either side of the stage. Rampage walks out and makes a v-line straight to the ring hardly looking at the fans. Sometimes he runs straight out as soon as the lights dim and attacks.

James: Introducing from Hamilton, Onatario, weighing 253lbs, Rampage.

"Come out and Play" by The Offspring begins to play increasingly loud through the arena speakers, heralding the arrival of "Pitbull" Silas Parish. Several scenes of a pitbull on a chain, barking and straining to get loose, play on the TitanTron as the words SILAS PARISH slowly appear at the bottom of the screen and PITBULL appears at the top. Suddenly, a series of pyrotechnic explosions erupt down the right side of the ramp and back up the left side as Silas steps through the backstage curtain and into view. He pauses at the top of the ramp, his eyes locked on his opponent in the ring. He cracks his knuckles and makes sure the tape around his hands is tight, his gaze still locked on the ring. Then he begins to stalk forward. About halfway down the ramp he breaks into a run and slides into the ring under the bottom rope, quickly getting to his feet well before the bell rings.

James: Introducing from Vancouver, Canada, Silas,"The Pitbull" Parish.

Report: Pitbull jumps Rampage as he gets into the ring and takes him down by the waist and then starts to hammer him with clubbing forearms to the back of the head. Pitbull then rolls out of the ring and pulls out a stop sign from underneath the ring. Pitbull rolls into the ring and smashes the stop sign over the head of Rampage as he gets up. Pitbull then places the Stop Sign on the chest of Rampage. Pitbull climbs to the top rope and flies off with a big splash driving the stop sign into Rampage's sternum.

Big Dave: Pitbull does some damage to himself as he hits the Big Splash

Pitbull covers Rampage. 1...........................2..........................Rampage kicks out. Pitbull picks up Rampage and grabs him in a side headlock. Pitbull then runs up the ropes and delivers a Top Rope Swinging PitBulldog to Rampage. Pitbull hooks the leg again. 1..............................2...........................Rampage kicks out again.

Gellar: It will take more than that to beat Rampage

Pitbull picks up Rampage again and tosses him to the outside. Pitbull follows him out. Pitbull sets up a chair and then picks up Rampage. He whips Rampage towards the chair and then drop toe holds Rampage so his face hits the chair. Pitbull covers again. 1..............................2.........................Rampage kicks out.

Big Dave: Pitbull in control at the moment.

Pitbull picks up Rampage who gets in a blow to the gut of Pitbull. Rampage gets in two more, but is stopped by a clubbing forearm to the back by Pitbull. Pitbull whips Rampage towards the barricade, but Rampage reverses it. Pitbull hits the barricade hard but gets to his feet quickly and charges Rampage who picks him up and picks him up over his shoulder and drops him down so his face smashes against the edge of the announcers table. Pitbull goes down holding his face.

Gellar: Pitbull has been put down.

Big Dave: Pitbull hit the table face first, it must have broken his nose.

As Pitbull gets up, Dave's words ring true as Pitbull's nose is bloodied. Rampage is up and picks up a Steel Chair. He waits for Pitbull to get up and goes to hit him with it when Pitbull ducks and then dropkicks the chair back into his face.. Pitbull then rolls Rampage back into the ring and slides the chair in as he rolls back in. Pitbull picks up Rampage who connects with a blow to the gut of Pitbull and then lifts Pitbull up on his shoulders and whips him over into a spinebuster type manouever driving Pitbull into the chair. Rampage covers. 1........................2.......................Pitbull kicks out. Then out of the back comes Dirk Danger carrying his trademark sledgehammer. Rampage is facing away from the entrance and is waiting in the corner signalling for the Gore. Rampage hits the Gore nearly taking Pitbull out of his boots. But Dirk Danger slides in the ring and hits Rampage in the back of the head with the Sledgehammer. He then places Pitbull on top of Rampage and leaves the ring as the referee counts. 1..................................2...................................3!!!!

Pitbull d. Rampage
8:12 Pinfall

Gellar: Come on, this is a disgrace!!!

Big Dave: Perfectly legal, it's a hardcore match. Anything can happen.

Gellar: Rampage had the Hardcore title won, and then Dirk Danger took him out with that sledgehammer.

Big Dave: It's just a way of life. Well while he recovers, we'll show you some footage of Big Poppa with "Superstar" Davey K.

Sabre and Big Poppa are found in their locker room. Big Poppa seems to be yelling about something, and Sabre is sleeping on a brand new red leather couch.

Big Poppa:“Jesus! Kids today! Man… I told him to PAPTIZE. P-A-P-T-I-Z-E. Frigging frick. Man, that guy really ruined my day. After all the training I gave him, grrr. He failed me. This is going to look bad to P-Man. He’s going to notice that I’m giving sour advice to young blood. Crap. That dumbass Davey. I should kick his ass. ACK.”

Poppa continues rambling as Sabre tries to cover his ears with a cushion. Sabre sighs, and gives up. He knows Poppa is trying to get him up. Damn that Big Poppa. All the guy wanted was a little sleep. But nooo, Poppa has to get angry about stupid things. If it weren’t for Sabre, Big Poppa would probably be a felon. Wait, that’s right. He’s already one, and that’s because of one of Sabre’s ideas. Well, what I mean is he’d probably have beaten someone to a bloody pulp and such. Sabre is the ying to Poppa’s yang. Ha. Ying and Yang. Sounds like a bad tag team name. “The Highflying Chinese Martial Artists, Ying and Yang!!!” Hoo. That’s a good one. Anywho, now I’m… Err… Sabre is going to talk Big Poppa out of hurting the poor Davey K.

Sabre:- “Shut up.”

Big Poppa:“Sorry. It’s just that…”

Sabre:- “Please.”

Big Poppa:“But Davey K…”

Sabre:- “Talk to someone else about it. I want to sleep. I need sleep. I am sleepy. Oh so sleepy.”

Big Poppa:“That sounds like one of your bad lines.”

Sabre:- “Hey, watch it. I’ll have you know that the bad line that sounds like worked in Canada.”

Big Poppa:“Really?”

Sabre:- “Sure did.”

Big Poppa:“Sorry, I’m just in a bad…”

Sabre:- “Poppa, I lied. I’m not going to talk you out of anything right now.”

Big Poppa:“You what?”

Sabre:- “Never mind.”

Big Poppa:“Ok, now you’re scaring me. I guess your are tired. I’ll work this one out on my own. I can handle it. I can control anger. It’s easy. Just like that one girl from Reno.”

Sabre:- “OUT!”

Big Poppa, noticing Sabre’s twitch, takes this as a sign from God to get out. He doesn’t want to provoke Sabre into that rare eye disease. So he leaves quietly, and Sabre collapses on the couch. Big Poppa is walking down the hallway, thinking about cookies. He figures that if he thinks about cookies, then he won’t think about Davey K making him look like a fool.

Big Poppa:“I love cookies. Davey K is a bastard. DAMN! It didn’t work. Man that guy makes me mad. He probably WANTED to do that. He probably thought it’d be funny if he didn’t paptize Dirk. That jerk. Man o man. I’m going to have to have a talk with him. He’s facked with the WRONG guy. Everyone’s laughing… Thinking I’m not really the ‘Real Show’. Last time I give advice to someone who can’t understand it.”

Big Poppa makes his way down the hall. He notices Davey K talking to one of those girls he has around him soo much. Big Poppa marches down and confronts Davey.

Big Poppa:“Listen up K, I have a bone to pick with you.”

Davey K:- “Huh?”

Big Poppa:“You heard me you jerk. Why the hell did you lose to Dirk? Huh? Did someone bribe you? Was it those damn Russians?”

Davey K:- “What are you talking about? I didn’t lose to him. I got DQ’ed because Rampage interfered.”

Big Poppa:“A likely story.”

Davey K:- “You watched it right?”

Big Poppa:“Every second.”

Davey K:- “So then you SAW what happened.”

Big Poppa:“Yeah. I did. I saw you NOT paptize Dirk Danger. I saw you NOT win. I saw you acting like you were MAD when you lost. I saw you do a lot of things.”

Davey K:- “Dude, calm down. I didn’t do anything. I was about this…” **Davey shows Big Poppa how close** “… Close to paptizing him. I swear.”

Big Poppa:“You don’t understand. Now I’m going to look bad. Everyone going to remember me as the guy who can’t give good advice to newcomers.”

Davey K:- “Now that’s just crazy talk.”

Big Poppa:“Oh so I’m the one who’s crazy. Oh ok. Ok Mr. Big Mouth. I say you and me go at it one on at the next PWF event. How about it? Huh?”

Davey K:- “I don’t think so…”

Big Poppa:“Why not? Are you afraid to get what you deserve? Do you want to run away? Ha. That’d make you look worse then I do right now because of you, pansy.”

Davey K:- “Ok, this isn’t funny anymore. It was funny earlier at Havoc, but this is just out of line.”

Big Poppa:“Oh so now this is all a joke. Ha ha. Look at me. The funny guy. Ha. Woo. I’m hil-fackinla-larious.”

Davey K:- “You are though.”

Big Poppa:“I’m not right now. I’m not kidding at all. You’re going down at either Armageddon or Havoc. You just wait and see. Even if you DON’T accept my challenge, I’ll find you. I will. I’ll hurt you."

Big Poppa removes his glasses

Big Big Poppa: “Davey. You’ve made me look like a fool, and now I’m going to beat you. Whad do you think?”

Davey K:- “This is jus…”

Big Poppa:“Davey. Truthfully, it doesn’t really matter at all. Because whether you like it or not, The Real Show… Just… Said… So…”

Big Poppa puts his glasses back on and starts whistling a tune as he walks off. Davey K looks frightened, but he isn’t really. He’s about to say whether he’ll accept Big Poppa’s challenge, and we already know what it's going to be.

Davey K is left standing in the hall after Big Poppa's challenge, he is then approached by a guy carrying around water bottles

Water Guy: Hey man, you look a bit flustered, need some water?

Davey K: H20, is that really going to help me, what are you a reject from Water Boy...hmmmm high quality H20, and all that!

Water Guy: Water Boy?

Davey K: Yeah you know Adam Sandler, what the hell? Why am I taking all this time explaining to you about films, I have a really big psycho guy called Big Poppa, which sounds like some guy from a trailer park who carries a butt ugly pig under his arm, but that really is a different matter.

Water Guy: Can I go now, I only wanted to know if you wanted water.

Davey K: No, you cant go, hear your not just a water guy are you. Im sure you can deliver messages..

Water Guy: Well its not really in my job description...

Davey K: Job description? What the hell would be in it--1.Get Water, 2. Give Water, 3. Promote the values of water.....Here take 10 bucks, buy yourself a shirt whih doesnt show sweat stains and go pay a visit to a couple of people for me.

Water Guy: If it will shut you up, okay.

Davey K: Right, firstly go see Big Frikkin Poppa, and tell him, that I accept his challenge, and also ask him exactly what he means when he says Paptize, it sounds like a spice or a nintendo game.

Water Guy: Hang on let me make a note, Big Poppa-yes to challenge, right got it.

Davey K: Hmm, well done, I always thought you water guys couldnt read or write, yes well done indeed. Right now go see Rampage. Now tell that piece of monkey trash that I dont want him interfeering in anymore of my matches. I dont need his help or want it, Im a superstar, I dont need a big ol' retard running down the ring trying to enter my stomach...he cost me my match and reeeeelly got Big Poppa pissed.

Water Guy: Rampage--you erm, dont like him.

Davey K: Yeah that'll do, and the last person to visit is Matt Van Dam. Now tell him I am not Ali G, I really am a superstar. And ask Mr Van Dam, if he is a) Belgium, b) Uses the Van Daminator and c) Did he enjoy making Double Impact, or whatever it was called...

Water Guy: Okay, got it, right ill do that!

Davey K: Excellent Junior, If you do well, I might have a permanent job for you, I mean the ladies need water, especially when Im finished, hey, you no what I mean.

Water Guy: Erm yeah, Im going ill do as you said.

Davey K: Excellent, I love the world working for Davey K.

Big Dave: Well that took place after Havoc, and it set up this match for tonight.

Big Poppa v "Superstar" Davey K

Before the music begins, everywhere goes dark, and then purple and blue lights flicker and then go all around, then focus on the entrance where Davey P is about to enter. The minute it focuses on the entrance, the music begins.
The Video is of Superstar Davey K, dancing with many attractive women on a beach and then in his variety of cars eg BMW etc. The camera zooms into the numberplate which reads "SUPERSTAR 1". Davey K can be seen driving the car with his customary expensive jewellery and designer silk shirts. The camera then focuses on Davey K standing next to his car as many bikini wearing women wash it, and Davey stands looking on with an American Football Shirt, with his name on the back that reads "Davey P - no.69". The Video goes on to show Davey in various expensive clubs.
Superstar Davey P walks down the aisle very confidentally with a smug look on his face. He will come down dressed and have his wrestling gear underneath. His dress is either American Football Jerseys, baggy trousers and trainers if he is to wrestle. If he is out to cut a promo then he will be dressed smartly, wearing an open slik shirt, revealing jewellery. Davey P will stop every so often to look at a member of the crowd and show them the rings on his finger. All the time he will be nodding his head to the music on the speakers. When he gets to the ring he will walk up the steps, and enter the ring by going through the middle ropes. He immediatley goes to the turnbuckle and stands with his arms stretched open, nodding to the music, pointing at his chest and mouthing "Who's the superstar Baby?", "Yeah, show me the money!".

James: Introducing from Los Angeles, California, weighing 325lbs, Superstar Davey K

The lights begin to dim and the fans quiet down in anticipation. The words "Real Show" fade in and out on the dark UltraTron, and the lights suddenly turn on and fire works blast off as a customized version of Limp Bizkit's My Way starts up

James: "Coming to the ring at this time, weighting in at 285 pounds, 'The Real Show' Big Poppa!

The audience goes mad as Big Poppa emerges through the Havoc curtains. He does a air-guitar taunt to the tune of the song, and dances down to the ring

Report: Poppa goes to tie up with Davey K, but Davey gets in a knee to the gut and then hits a couple of big right hands and then sends Poppa to the ropes. Davey goes for a clothesline, but Poppa ducks it and then comes off the opposite side with a forearm knocking Davey down. Davey bounces back up and takes a right hand from Poppa sending him staggering into the ropes. Poppa comes off the opposite ropes and looks to clothesline Davey over the top rope, but Davey ducks down and back drops Poppa up and over, but Poppa looks like he has been training with Sabre as he grabs the top rope and lands on the apron. Poppa then shoulder blocks Davey in the gut and then Sunset Flips over the ropes. 1...................Davey kicks out.

Big Dave: It looks like Poppa has been doing a bit of training with The Sabre, at 280lbs he's a big man, and it's not easy to do those kind of moves at his size.

Poppa and Davey roll up. Davey connects with a hard forearm and then kicks Poppa in the gut a couple of times putting Poppa in the turnbuckle. Davey then hits some aggressive knees to the gut of Poppa in the corner and then sends Poppa out to the opposite turnbuckle. Poppa hits the turnbuckle chest first and staggers out backwards and Davey K smashes him down with a clothesline to the back the head. Davey covers. 1.......................2...................Poppa kicks out.

Gellar: Now Davey is what I call a Superstar, none of this Japanese Bu.......

Big Dave: Watch it.

Davey K picks up Poppa and hits a vertical Suplex. He pulls Poppa up and sends him to the ropes and hits a big Samoan Drop. He hooks the leg. 1...........................2......................Poppa kicks out. Davey picks up Poppa and lifts him onto his shoulder and then hits the Sidewalk Slam. Davey K then signals for an end and starts to climb the turnbuckle. He stands up straight on the turnbuckle and then flies off with the Elbow Drop, but Poppa rolls out of the way and Davey K hits the mats hard. Poppa then suddenly gets straight back up and mounts Davey and hammers him with right hands. Poppa then walks away with an angry look on his face, Davey K gets up and Poppa hits a running knee to the gut that almost makes Davey K sick. Poppa then comes off the ropes and drives the knee into the gut again.

Big Dave: I've not seen this side of Big Poppa in a while, he might be the funny guy most of the time, but you don't want to make this guy angry.

Big Poppa picks up Davey K and clubs him across the back until he is on all fours and then delivers a Jumping Piledriver. Poppa covers. 1.................................2..............................Davey just kicks out. Poppa pulls Davey up and hooks both arms and delivers a Double Underhook Suplex. Poppa picks up Davey again and hits a Side Belly to Belly Suplex. Poppa then signals that it's over. He picks up Davey and sits him on the top turnbuckle.

Gellar: He's not going to Poppa Bomb Davey, he weighs 325lbs!!!

Big Dave: He's going to try!!

Poppa climbs up and looks set for the Poppa Bomb when Davey hits him in the gut a few times and then knocks him off the turnbuckle. Davey K then falls off the turnbuckle to the canvas and stays there. They both start to get up, Poppa makes it to his feet first and goes to pick Davey up when Davey K gets in a low blow. Davey then stands up and delivers the Superstar Slam(Pedigree). Davey then covers. 1....................................2.....................................3!!!

Davey K d. Big Poppa
8:01 Pinfall

Big Dave: Well Davey K pulls out the victory, thanks to a low blow.

Gellar: I never saw it, just saw 1, 2, 3.

Big Dave: You never see anything.

Gellar: Stop Complaining.

Big Dave: Well after the break folks we have our Submission Match.

{Commerical Break}

[Scene opens showing a suburban street, with a few kids dressed in hockey gear playing street hockey...]

Fat Kid: Hey, you guys... we need one more before we can have a game.

Voice: Hey, got room for one more?

[The kids all turn (as does the camera) and see Kevin Cage, walking toward them, he is wearing black cargo shorts and the all new Kevin Cage Hockey Jersey.]

Kevin Cage: I'll play!

Fat Kid: (mouth open, barely able to talk...) Ummmm... okay, Mr. Mr. Mr.... Cage.

[The scene shows Cage and the kids into their hockey game... shots of Cage skating around the kids, shooting and scoring... the scene fades out... then goes to after the game.]

Small kid: Wow, how'd you learn to play like that?

Kevin Cage: It's all in the jersey kid.

[Cage walks away... close up of the kids face.]

Small kid: Wow, I gotta get me one of those!


PWF Advertisement voice: And so do you! Get this black hockey jersey, with Kevin Cage written on the front in red/outlined in white, and the number 12 on the back and both sleeves, for only $39.95 in the PWF Shopzone!
Call 1-800-PWF-ZONE today!

{End Commercial}

Submission Match
Josh Resnick v McFreeze

"Freeze Time" by 311 begins to play as the lights cut to a pale blue. Snow begins to fall from the ceiling as McFreeze walks out from the back accompanied by Icicle and Angel Frost. The fans cheer McFreeze as he walks down to the ring. He kisses Angel Frost and then gets in the ring.

James: Introducing from Kodiak Island, Alaska, weighing 288lbs, the Master of Submissions, McFreeze.

Walk by Pantera hits the speakers throughout the arena. The Titantron comes on with solar flares of the sun showing. Then out of the back Josh Resnick makes his way out. Stops at the ramp. Listens to the crowd's boos. Then continues to the ring. Once on the apron, Resnick climbs up the turnbuckle. Looks out into the crowd before flipping over the ropes, landing on his feet in the middle of the ring.

James: Introducing from Detroit, Michigan, weighing 230lbs, Josh Resnick.

Report: Resnick and McFreeze tie up. The bigger man McFreeze pushes Resnick into the corner. He hammers Resnick with a hard forearm to the gut. He then grabs the arm and yanks it down over the turnbuckle. McFreeze then pulls Resnick out and sends him to the ropes. McFreeze then tries to take Resnick down for the Krippler, but Resnick blocks it with a couple of elbows to the head. Resnick then takes McFreeze down with a Reverse Armbar, but McFreeze flips rolls over Resnick and locks goes for a Cross Armbreaker, but Resnick blocks it and elbows McFreeze off him. They get up. Resnick gets a couple of kicks to the gut in before McFreeze catches his leg. Resnick then counters with an Enziguri. Resnick then scrambles across to the floored McFreeze and locks in a Reverse Armbar. McFreeze is close to the ropes and stretches out to force the break.

Big Dave: This is a battle of the finishers, both men have used the same finisher for a while now, and now they are in the same fed, one of them has to change theirs. But neither man will give up their finisher easily.

Gellar: Resnick has to be the favourite here as McFreeze has barely wrestled in the past six months.

Big Dave: But don't forget that Resnick fought in that Ultimate Submission match a few weeks ago, and his arm must still be hurting from that match.

The two men get back up. They tie up, McFreeze gets a knee to the gut in. McFreeze then locks in an arm wrench and jerks the arm of Resnick. McFreeze then pulls Resnick towards him and hits a Belly to Belly Suplex. McFreeze then locks on a Sitting Reverse Armbar, but Resnick reaches out and grabs the ropes. But McFreeze refuses to break the hold and the referee is forced to use his 5 count. McFreeze breaks the hold on 4 and then starts to remonstrate with the referee. McFreeze gives the referee a stare and then turns back and picks up Resnick. He hits an Arm Popper but hangs onto the arm. McFreeze then flips Resnick over his shoulder with a Flowing Hiptoss. McFreeze then rolls Resnick over and goes for The Krippler, but Resnick fights the move and manages to pull himself over to the ropes so McFreeze cannot lock on the hold.

Gellar: Good ring awareness by Resnick, knows where the ropes are at all times.

McFreeze gets up and Resnick drop toe holds him down and goes for The Equinox, but McFreeze blocks it and pushes Resnick off him. They get to their feet. McFreeze kicks Resnick in the gut and then he hits a T-Bone Suplex. McFreeze then rolls Resnick over and locks on The Krippler. (Crippler Crossface). The referee asks Resnick if he wants to quit, but he refuses. Resnick drags himself towards the ropes. McFreeze realises where Resnick is going and releases the hold and drags Resnick back to the middle of the ring, but Resnick rolls over and kicks McFreeze in the face to stop him from locking on the hold again.

Big Dave: Resnick just survives The Krippler.

McFreeze and Resnick get up. Resnick catches a kick by McFreeze and hits a Mandara Hineri. McFreeze gets up and Resnick hits a clothesline. Resnick pulls up McFreeze but McFreeze headbutts Resnick in the gut and then sets him up for a Powerbomb and performs a cut-throat taunt. McFreeze then lifts Resnick up, but Resnick counters and wraps his body around McFreeze to lock on the Vertical Horizon(Six Seconds Magic). Resnick takes McFreeze down to the floor where he changes the hold to The Equinox. McFreeze refuses to tap and pulls himself to the ropes. But Resnick releases the hold and drags McFreeze back into the middle of the ring. McFreeze rolls over and goes to kick Resnick in the face, but Resnick catches the kick and turns Resnick over and then locks on The Equinox once again. McFreeze tries to hold on, but the pain is finally too much and he taps out.

Resnick d. McFreeze
9:19 Submission

Big Dave: Well I guess Resnick gets to keep his finishing move. McFreeze must now find a new move for his finisher.

The camera cuts to Homicide's locker room, where he sits in his custom Lazy Boy steel recliner chair, PWF European Championship belt over his shoulder, and his focus is on the portable 19" television which is playing back the encore presentation of Last Man Standing. Homicide watches the match as it were a football game, occasionally shouting for the good parts, snacking on a bag of Funions, and sipping back on a few bottles of Dr. Macguillicutty.

Homicide: "Yeah, Cage, that's what you get when you mess with the Massacre! A Boston Massacre, hehe."

Homicide rewinds back to the Boston Massacre off the cage, then sits back again and watches.

Homicide: "It's too bad I had to go to those lengths to get my title back, though. I mean, now I actually have to find a new person to feud with since Cage will be out a while, probably a long while..

Homicide then fast-forwards to the end of the match, when the title gets handed over to him after his name is announced.

Homicide: "There is no way that that title is gonna' leave my grips. But, to prove that I deserve it, I probably should defend the title some time soon.. But against who?.."

Homicide sits a moment and thinks, then pulls out a notebok and a pen, and writes a note.

Homicide: "There we go.. This open challenge letter will get taped to my door, and then I will have somebody to unleash my inner massacre on.."

Homicide gets up from his steel recliner, and walks over to the counter, puts a piece of tape on the paper, and then walks to the door, which he opens. Then, after posting it on the door, he slams it shut and the camera fades to black.

Big Lou and Mad Mike are walking down the hall way passing all the locker room doors talking about there tag team title shot against the gods of war next event planning out how they'll destroy the gods of war for good. While the Gods of Gore are walking down the hall Mike then ask Lou if he wants to get something to eat at Burger King. Big Lou then refuses and Mad Mike goes to Burger King on his own. Big Lou then walks to a soda machine and gets a can of Rootbeer. He then turns around and see's a paper on Homicides locker room door reading "Open challenge for p.w.f. European title" in bold print. Big Lou then chugs his can of rootbeer and throws it down the hall and begins to knock on Homicides door.

Homicide: Who is it!!!

Big Lou doesn't say a word he just continues to knock over and over again.

Homicide: Who in the fuck is it!

You then hear Homicide power walking to the door in anger, he then opens the door but doesn't see anyone. Suddenly Big Lou taps him on his left shoulder.

Big Lou: I challenge you the so called Boston Massacre for your PWF European title!

Homicide: Ah Lou long time no see...

Big Lou: I've went through hell and back against you and I've always walked out of the ring when ever you defeated me in any other federation so to me you ain't no Massacre! Lets just say I built up a immune system against your beatings over the last couple of years. Yes you are a legend of Massacres no doubt but against me its just a out all out war! Now Homicide if the offers still on the table I would like to face you next event for you European title. Since your the champion you go ahead and pick what kind of match you would want to face me in since I'm in a good mood today.

Big Lou waits for Homicides responses.

Homicide thinks a moment, and then replies.

Homicide: "You know, Lou, it's been some 30 times I've fought you, and there are lots of matches we have fought, the brutal of the brutalist, the hardgore of the hardgore, or what have you.. But, this match we will encounter will be like no other.."

Lou starts rolling his eyes back into his head thinking of a match he's never faced Homicide in.

Big Lou: "What kind of match have we not possibly fought in, Boston Massacre, wait we did that.. Tables, no we did that last summer.. Umm.. I dono, what kind of match?"

Homicide: "I thought you would never ask. The match that we will fight in on Havoc will be a .......................................... SINGLES MATCH!!"

Lou about chokes on the Root Beer he is swallowing, and his jaw drops almost to the floor.

Big Lou: "A singles match?"

Homicide: "I guess there is something that hollow head is good for, and echo. Yes, I said a singles match.. We have never fought a normal match against each other.. NEVER. We may have done it all with weapons, but you have never proven that you can beat me when suplexes, powerbombs, piledrivers, and top rope moves are the only weapons to use in an assault."

Lou is about to crack up laughing at the thought of a singles match again, and Homicide smacks him in the face.

Big Lou: "Why the hell did you do that?"

Homicide: "Well, Lou.. Just consider that the beginning of your end."

Big Lou: "What the fuck did you just say?"

Homicide: "You heard me.."

Homicide steps back and then slams the door into Lou's face. Lou goes to open the door but there is a click on the other side of the knob, and he can't open it. He pounds on it, yelling "What the fuck is that suposed to mean?", and then, he gives up after about 30 seconds of knocking and yelling, and he heads back for the Rootbeer machine muttering those words over and over to himself under his breath. As he keeps walking, the camera fades out.

Big Dave: Well I never thought I'd see the day when Homicide would fight Big Lou in a straight one on one match, but I guess this Saturday on Havoc, it will happen.

Gellar: Wierd, very wierd.

{Commerical Break}

[voice] Want a little excitement? Well, now you don't HAVE TO snap into a slimjim! We at DSM and Co would like to introduce the next "thing." That's right, Canadian Monkey Empire, THE ALBUM!!!! With hit tracks like:

[Starts playing the number one track "Moose's Caboose" *sung to the tune of 'My Heart Will Go On' by Celine Dieon or whatever she calls herself]

Moose. Caboose. A MOOOSE'S cabooose. And a moose. With a caboose. A moose's caboooooose. A moose *whisper 'a moose'* a caboose. A MOOOOSE'S caboose.

[Voice] That's right you PWF'ites! And if that ONE TRACK alone isn't enough, THERE'S MUCH, MUCH MORE! You can buy it for $18.99 at places that sell the next "thing" everywhere!

{End Commercial}

Main Event
Matt Van Dam v Blackbird

Credit: Goatman

"Cool to Hate" by Offspring starts playing and the arena goes pitch black. 10 seconds go by with nothing happening. Two huge flames light up the Entry way and Blackbird makes his way to the ring.

James: Introducing from Dayton, Ohio, weighing 245lbs, Blackbird. Crowd cheers

"Snap your Fingers, Snap your neck" by Prong plays as MVD walks down the aisle, cluching Jennifer Van Dam by the waist, he lets her go, and poses, flexing his arms towards his head (RVD style). The Ultra-Tron bears the gWo logo and then shows clips of MVD striking opponents out with his Kendo Stick and finishing them the 5 star frog splash.

James: Introducing, from Battlecreek, England, weighing 228lbs, "The Real F'n Show" Matt Van Dam. The crowd boos loudly

Report: Blackbird starts the match trash talking MVD. MVD mocks Blackbird smiling and laughing. Blackbird gets a bit closer continuing with his badgering. MVD continues to laugh and slaps Blackbird across the face. Blackbird looks away as if that just didn't happen and sees MVD smirking at him. Blackbird lands a hard left to MVDs jaw. Blackbird lands a sequence of lefts and rights.

Big Dave: An aggressive Blackbird knocked the smile off MVDs face. Blackbird isn't one to be slapped around.

Gellar: Blackbird has a short fuse. But MVD has dealt with his kind before and knows how to handle him.

Blackbird grabs MVDs head and heads for the turnbuckle. Blackbird slams his head in the TB 1 ... 2... 3.... 4...... 5..... MVD elbows Blackbird. MVD locks up and whips Blackbird to the ropes. MVD drop kicks Blackbird. Blackbird quickly gets up. MVD fireman carries Blackbird. Blackbird again gets up quickly. MVD elbows Blackbird then sends Blackbird to the ropes. MVD jumps up for a devastating hurricana and sends Blackbird flying across the ring.

Gellar: YES. I think MVD just put out the flame that Blackbird brought with him to the match.

Big Dave: Must you cheer MVD. Try and be professional for at least one match.

MVD bounces to the other side of the ring and comes back with a somersault kick to Blackbirds head. Blackbird is on the ground holding his head. MVD smiles and taunts Blackbird. MVD steps on Blackbirds head. MVD picks up Blackbird. MVD attempts to irish whip Blackbird but Blackbird reverses. Blackbird charges MVD with a clothesline but MVD ducks under and Blackbird hits the ref. Keeping the momentum MVD bounces off the other side. MVD comes back this time with a rolling clothesline. Blackbird is sent through the ropes and on to the apron. MVD quickly jumps up to the nearest TB and delivers a missile drop kick. Blackbird is sent into the guard rail.

Big Dave: We have no referee. Things might get a little crazy. Blackbird is looks pretty dazed right now and we have seen some impressive maneuvers from MVDs play book.

Gellar: MVD gives 110% every match. MVD doesn't have one move set but rather is always trying new and more impressive moves. I don't even think MVD knows what moves he will do next.

Big Dave: The fans are sure getting there moneys worth today.

Gellar:It doesn't matter if there is 100 fans watching or 1 million. MVD knows that if there is a new comer in the audience that he will go home talking about MVD and how impressed he was. MVD couldn't live with himself in other way. I always look forward to watching any member of the gWo.

MVD sets Blackbird up on the guard rail outside. MVD slides back in the ring. Runs to the opposite side of the ring flips over the ropes. MVD taunts the crowd. He back flips in the ring and charges at Blackbird. He jumps to the third rope and splashes Blackbird through the rail into the crowd. Both men are down.

Big Dave: I think MVD may have connected with the rail himself.

Gellar: That was an amazing display of agility. I don't think Blackbird is moving.

MVD gets to his knees. Blackbird eyes are closed. MVD slowly starts to get to his feet. MVD stands over Blackbirds head. MVD starts to grind. Blackbird opens his eyes.

Gellar: Old man stick! What a terrible time to open your eyes. LOL

MVD drops down and starts to punch Blackbirds face. Blackbird grabs MVD and rolls over on top. Blackbird starts to punch MVD. Blackbird gets off MVD and picks him up. Blackbird locks up and sends MVD hard into the ring steps. Blackbird grabs a chair. Blackbird hits MVD over the head with it. Blackbird climbs in the ring with the chair. Blackbird notices the ref is still knocked out cold. Blackbird climbs to the apron with the chair. MVD starts to get up. Blackbird jumps and swings the chair knocking MVD back to the ground. Blackbird climbs up to the top TB with the chair.

Big Dave: We just saw a variation of the Perch. It looks like Blackbird is going to try Blackeyes from the top turnbuckle to the outside.

Gellar: Come on, roll, roll roll...

Blackbird does a leg drop with chair underleg.

Big Dave: And connects. MVD is busted open. Looks like a cut above his right brow. A lot of punishment today folks. I think thaws it for MVD.

Blackbird goes for the cover.

Gellar: What an idiot. First, you have to wake up the ref. Second, you have to be in the ring.

Big Dave: Looks like Blackbird started thinking he was in a hardcore match.

Blackbirds picks up MVD and throws him into the ring. Blackbird rolls in the ring. Blackbird tries to wake the ref. MVD gets up and kicks Blackbird. Blackbird manages to stand up and starts to place a few well placed jabs to MVD. Blackbird locks up and lifts MVD straight up and delivers a throbbing headache (reverse brainbuster). Blackbird goes for the cover. The ref is still out of it and thus there is no count. Blackbird again goes to wake the ref. The ref seems to be okay and Blackbird scoops the leg and goes for the pin. 1.....2.......

Big Dave: He got him


Dawg - Nope MVD got his shoulder up.

Blackbird picks up MVD and irish whips him to the ropes. He gets on the second rope and delivers a driving DDT.

Blackbird goes for the pin. The ref counts 1........2.......

Big Dave: MVD kicks out.

Gellar: MVD is one of the most resilient wrestlers in the sport.

MVD gets up and goes for the the tilt a whirl pile driver. Blackbird is in the air. Blackbird starts kicking. Blackbird reverses slamming MVDs head to the ground. Blackbird lifts MVD up and signals for the Burning Driver. Blackbird underhooks MVDs arms lifts him, spins him in the air in a circle and slams his face to the mat. Blackbird goes for the pin.

Ref counts 1.......

Big Dave: Its over

Ref counts 2......

Gellar: MVD got his leg on the rope. Come on ref. Open your your eyes.

Blackbird looks at the ref and the ref points to the leg. Blackbird gets up and picks up MVD. Blackbird circles around the rear and locks his hands around MVDs waist. MVD uses his elbows to pry a little opening, loosening Blackbirds grip. MVD steps forward then lands a hard mule kick to Blackbirds jewels. Blackbird lowers his posture in response to the cheap hit. MVD runs to the rope and does a frogasser. MVD runs to the TB jumps up to the top turnbuckle and delivers a 5 star frog splash. 1..........................2.................................

Gellar: He's done for MVD pulled it off.

Ref counts 3.....

Gellar: What a tremendous come back from MVD. You give MVD an inch and he will turn it into a mile. What an awesome match-up

Big Dave: Its a nutless wonder that he was able to pull that one off. MVD used a cheap shot. A hit there and anyone would go down.

Gellar: Nevertheless, this will go down as a history book as a win for MVD.

Matt Van Dam d. Blackbird
8:12 Pinfall

Big Dave: MVD pulls out the victory, we are out of time, tune into Havoc on Saturday folks.

***© 2001 PWF Entertainment***