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Armageddon #1

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Rumble in the Bronx
Last Man Standing
War Games
House of Pain

Saturday Night Havoc

Havoc #19
Havoc #18
Havoc #17
Havoc #16
Havoc #15
Havoc #14
Havoc #13
Havoc #12
Havoc #11
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Havoc #4
Havoc #3
Havoc #2
Havoc #1

from the Convention Center
Tucson Arizona
July 26th 2001

**The show opens in Dirk Danger's locker room as he sits and watches the TV. So Dirk, sadly your chances of becoming anything are gone for I will be going to the PPV and I will be winning the PPV because that is what a true South African would do. Dirk Danger gets up and walks over to the TV and turns it off. He turns and faces the camera...**

Dirk: Well Maxwell, I think there are three things you really do need to worry about. 1) You need to worry about my speed, as it will help greatly in the match with you. 2) You need to worry about making an ass out of yourself when you don't take me seriously...and 3) You need to worry about...Getting Dropped, Danger-Style!!!

**Danger by Mystikal is heard in the background as Dirk turns and sits down in his chair, thinking...**

(The camera cuts into Maxwell Powers locker room where Maxwell is laying on his couch. His face is turned toward the television as he watches Dirk Danger in random matches. He finally notices the camera, turns the television off, and stares into the cameraman's eyes)

Maxwell: For the last three days I have been reviewing tapes showing exactly what this Dirk Danger is made off. And after watching these long and painful segments of PWF material. All I can say is what is there for me to worry about. Maxwell Powers is the type of man who could never lose to such an American, one who must rely on his speed to save him, because he surely does not have my strength. So here comes another case of David and Goliath and as I proved with Sabre I will not make a mere myth become reality. So Dirk, sadly your chances of becoming anything are gone for I will be going to the PPV and I will be winning the PPV because that is what a true South African would do.

(Maxwell points the camera out the door as he flips on the tape which now shows Maxwell Powers finishing Sabre)

**Demanufactured by Fear Factory blasts over the PWF Speakers as the camera circles the Convention Center in Tucson Arizona, the crowd are cheering like crazy and the camera cuts the announing positions.

Big Dave:- Hello and welcome to Convention Center: Tuscon, Arizona for PWF wednesday night ARMAGEDDON, i'm Big Dave Lambourne, along with Eric "The enema" Gellar, and tonight we bring you the 2nd round of qualifiers for the Last Man Standing tournament.......

Gellar:- This is tonight's complete hot line-up!




Big Dave:- Another excellent line-up there folks i'm particulary looking forward to the tag team match between Power G & Eraser vs Rye and Crusader.

Gellar:- There is alot heat amongst these 4 egoes, i'm not sure if we can fit them into one ring!

Big Dave:- Thats right Eric, it will make fantastic television when those 4 get in the same ring. Also, MVD is yet to be challenged tonight, i expect someone to issue a challenge before the night is out!

Gellar:- It'll make the admission all worth while, MVD has become even more dangerous since taking that challenge title from his nemesis Rye Hazwaki!

Big Dave:- Thats a good point, he's become a desperate man since winning his first PWF gold and won't let go of it easily.

Gellar:- I have to agree with you on that one Dave

Big Dave:- Anyhow on with the show, lets go to the ring with Philip Edgar Jones for our first match up of the evening..............

LMS Qualifier
Dirk Danger v Maxwell Powers

Philip: "The following match is scheduled for one fall, coming to the ring at this time, weighting in at 260 pounds, Dirk Danger!

**Danger by Mystikal hits, and green and white lights flash on and off. A danger symbol and clips of the Danger Driver are shown flashing on and off. Dirk steps out onto the ramp, he looks around at the crowd who cheers loudly. He then comes out to the end of the stage and flexes to the crowd. He continues down the ramp and steps up onto the ring apron, where he steps through the ropes and walks over and stands on the middle of the ropes and raises his arms in the air.**

Philip: Introducing from Johannesburg South Africa, accompanied by Sir Matthew Powers, weighing in at 310 pounds, Maxwell Powers!

**The South African Flag appears on the Ultra-Tron before Maxwell Powers music plays, Sir Matthew Powers walks out first, followed by Maxwell Powers. Both men taunt the crowd and get booed for it, they ignore the boos and walk off towards the ring, Maxwell climbs the turnbuckle and poses again, and again gets booed, both men ignore the crowd again.**

Report:- The two immediately go into an elbow tie up which is won by Dirk as he knees Powers in the gut repeatly as he backs him off into the corner, Dirk then begins to choke the Powers and the referee steps in to break them up. They begin to circle each other in the ring for a few seconds and then the Powers goes charging in with a clothesline which is ducked by Dirk, Dirk then tries the same thing but is ducked and then grabbed by the waist by the Powers, Dirk elbows him in the face and is released, he runs into the ropes and takes down Powers with an elbow block and then begins to pose to showboat to the crowd!

Big Dave:- Dirk Danger should becare, hes showing signs of inexperience here, wait just minute, thats Rampage whats he doing here?

**Rampage takes a seat at ringside and watches the action**

Powers clotheslines him in the back of the head, he sends Dirk into the ropes and back drops him hard into the mat, he then runs to ropes and drops a leg drop on the back Dirk's head. He then picks up Dirk, grabs a handful of Dirk's tights and sinches his arm and picks him up into a suplex, and holds in mid air for 10 seconds and then drops him head into the mat. Powers continues to hold the advantage as the match wares on, and Irish whips Dirk and then charges at him and performs a spear!

Gellar:- Dirk looks in big trouble here Dave!

Powers kicks Dirk in the gut and steps into the corner, he begins to run at Dirk and takes him into a headlock looking to hit a running bulldog but Dirk counters by throwing him out of the headlock. He then picks up Powers by the hair, hooks him around the head and drops him with a firmly placed DDT.
He then begins to climb the turnbuckle as Powers gets onto his feet and just as Powers is up Dirk launches himself into a missle dropkick and connects perfectly!

Big Dave:- Beautiful Move by the Danger man, this is over!

Dirk is signalling the end now to the crowd as he sets up Powers for the "Danger Driver" (Tiger Driver). He hooks him under the arms and plants him hard into the mat on the back of his head....

Big Dave:- That must be all 1..........., 2 ........kick out!

Dirk doesn't waste anytime and picks up the now exhausted Powers and and hits him again with the Danger Driver!

Gellar:- My god not again!

Dirk sends him crashing to the mat and immediately covers him and the ref begins the count....
1.................., 2,............. 3!

Dirk Danger d Maxwell Powers
4.26 pin

Big Dave:- Its over and a good win there for Dirk Danger, he progresses into the Last Man Standing event!

Gellar:- Look out here comes Rampage!

Rampage comes into the ring while Danger is still celebrating, he turns around and Rampage gores him inside out, and then takes off through the crowd to the boos of the audience!

Big Dave:- What the hell was that all about?

Gellar:- I got no idea Dave, what else could go down tonight?

**Keep Away by Godsmack plays as Gambino makes his way to the ring. He gets in the ring and plays to the crowd a bit before asking for a microphone.**

Gambino: "I was sitting in back a moment ago, and I got to thinking about something. On Havoc, when Power G and Eraser were fighting me in the handicap match, we all saw what happened when Ruff Ryders came down to get in on it. Power G turned tail and ran off like a scolded dog. That proves one thing to me, and everyone else around the PWF...when the situation gets a little hot, gWo just can't take the heat. Well, MVD, things just got a bit hotter for you tonight. Cuz right here tonight, on Armageddon, you'll be defending your Challenge Title That's right MVD, I'm putting this thing with me and Eraser on hold for one night, just to show everyone that when the pressures on, you just can't quite cut it. This isn't about the title though, it's about proving to everyone that you're not quite as good as you claim. I'm sick and tired of you running around here with that Title, claiming that everyone wants to be like you, and that you're the best. I'm gonna prove you wrong tonight. So, MVD, better rest up, cuz you've got a very important meeting with me later tonight, in the ring."

**Gambino hands the microphone back to the ring announcer as Keep Away by Godsmack plays and he climbs out of the ring to head to the back**

Gellar:- Well MVD i'm sure will not be at all happy at the prospect of having to face Gambino.

Big Dave:- Unless i'm mistaken it'll be the first time they have met in the ring tonight, should be a fantastic main event.

Gellar:- Don't worry, the fans always get their money's worth when MVD is in the ring!

Big Dave: Well before we go to our next match, we are going backstage to Poppa and Sabre's locker room.

**The show cuts to the Ultratron and the fans start cheering when they see that Sabre and Big Poppa are sitting in Sabre's locker room.**

Big Poppa: **Sings** “Video killed the radio star. Video killed the radio star.”

Sabre: “Did not.”

Big Poppa: “What? Yeah it did.”

Sabre: “Nope.”

Big Poppa: “What are you trying to say? Are you saying I prefer the company of frogs?”

Sabre: “Maybe.”

Big Poppa: “Well I’ll have you know that I am TOTALLY a toad person.”

Sabre: “Really? I’ve always seen you as a frog-guy.”

Big Poppa: “Well… Don’t judge a book by its colors.”

Sabre: “I hear that. Ya go to the store and you see the damn colorful books with coloful titles. Then they turn out to be damn Power Ranger stuff.”

Big Poppa: “If I had a nickel for every time I bought a Power Ranger book by accident, I could probably own Australia.”

Sabre: “…”

Big Poppa: “I mean… I could probably OWN Cuba.”

Sabre: “So you’re saying Australia is as cheep as Cuba?”

Big Poppa: “No. I’m just saying that I could probably sell my Power Ranger books for more money to buy Australia!”

Sabre: “No you’re not.”

Big Poppa: “Am too.”

Sabre: “Are not.”

Big Poppa: “Ok. That’s it. I can’t take it anymore. You keep hair-ass-ing me. I hate this hair-ass-ment.”

Sabre: “Hey, if you can’t handle the heat then stay out of the kitchen.”

Big Poppa: “Oh yeah? I got the REAL Boston Manicure.”

Sabre: “Everyone wants to be like S V D.”

Big Poppa: “Hey, watch your mouth or you’re going to get caged.”

Sabre: “Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

Big Poppa: “Did you hear, I have a match like, right now?”

Sabre: “Bastard.”

Big Poppa: “Ya know. Maybe the reason you’ve been doing so bad, well, maybe it’s because your finisher sucks.”

Sabre: “Does not.”

Big Poppa: “Yeah you’re right. I really… I love the… The… Well your finisher kicks buttox, American buttox that is. Anywho, I was thinking last night. Thinking about a new move that would paptize the hell out of someone.”

Sabre: “And… Are you going to use it tonight?”

Big Poppa: “No. Ohh no. I wouldn’t waste it on what’s-his-face. I’ll probably lose. I don’t to use it and lose.”

Sabre: “I think you’re fighting the guy with the Manicure.”

Big Poppa: “No, I’m not fighting any manicurist.”

Sabre: “Oh ok.”

Big Poppa: “Wait.”

Sabre: “What?”

Big Poppa: “Shhh.. Can you hear it?”

Sabre: “What? Wait I hear it!”

**Sabre puts his hand over his mouth. He turns around and starts chanting “Poppa, Poppa.”**

Big Poppa: “THEY’RE CALLING FOR ME! I better go!”

Sabre: **Sniggers** “Yeah they are… Go quickly! Run!”

Gellar: What the hell?? The Manicure?? These two are sooo.... stupid.

Big Dave:- Well, what do you expect? Anyway onto our next match-up its the suicidal Theros Macalvia vs Big Poppa, its over to ring announcer, Philip Edgar Jones......

LMS Qualifier
Theros Macalvia v Big Poppa

Philip:- The following match, scheduled for one fall, is a number 1 contenders match for the Hardcore title, introducing at this time from Syracuse, New York, weighing 282lbs. Theros Macalvia!!

**Suddenly wild laughter echoes through the arena, the lights flashing purple and red. Theros appears on stage, his hands on his hips as he laughs. After several moments the laughs die off, and Ozzy's 'Crazy Train' hits. Theros stalks down towards the ring, a confident smirk on his face as the music continues to boom. Theros rolls into the ring and starts laughing again. The music then shatters into another chorus of wild laughter.**

Philip: And his opponent from San Francisco, California, weighing in at 285 lbs, Big Poppa!

**The audience goes mad as Big Poppa and Sabre emerge through the Havoc curtains. They do a air-guitar taunt to the tune of the song, and they Big Poppa dances down to the ring as Sabre walks down hi-fi-ing all the fans**

Report:- Before the bell even rings Theros is on the attack as he charges at Big Poppa and nails him with a spear to the gut, Poppa goes down in a heap, Theros picks him up by the hair and clutches him into his arms and runs with him into the turnbuckle for the Crazy Train, (oklahoma slam).

Big Dave:- Awesome start to the match from Theros!

Theros makes a quick cover but Poppa kicks out after 2!
Theros picks him up and throws him through the middle ropes. As Poppa gets back onto his feet dazed and bemused, Theros runs to the ropes and leaps over the top rope and connects with the crazy corkscrew "corkscrew attack" and gets a huge pop from the crowd!

Gellar:- The man is crazy, i've never seen him pull that sort of move off before!

Theros gets up with Poppa, who manages to get an elbow into the face of Theros and gets him to break the momentum. The two tie-up again on the outside, Theros ducks under a right hand and has him in a waist lock, but Poppa counters with a mule kick to the groin and Theros releases the hold. Poppa then rolls Theros back into the ring, and sends him into the ropes and clutches his hand around the neck of Theros and sends him into the canvas with "the showslam" (chokeslam).

Big Dave:- Poppa now is back in this matchup!

Poppa begins to dance for the crowd with his back turned to his opponent as he he turns around Theros is up and Theros sends Poppa running face first into the turnbuckle and then spears him in the back!

Big Dave:- Negative space there Theros, what a move!

Theros is calling for a finish here, he places Poppa on the top turnbuckle, and performs the SYSTEM SHOCK!

Gellar:- This one is over 1..................2.....................3

Theros d Big Poppa
8:47 pin

Big Dave:- Well a convincing victory for Theros, he is surely one of the favourites to win the Last Man Standing!

Gellar:- He is even more crazy than usual which is bad news for everyone else in the PWF!

{Commerical Break}

**Clips are shown of Gambino delivering the Gambino Face Buster to various opponents while Keep Away by Godsmack plays. Then a voice over comes on**

Voice"You may not be able to kick ass like PWF Superstar, Antonio Gambino, but now at least you can look like him. New from PWF Shopzone, the Gambino Gangster Hat, available in black and red and for only 21.95. It has the Antonio Gambino logo embroidered on it, so your friends can see who your favorite PWF Superstar is. Also available are the Gambino Gangster Sunglasses. Great for keeping those harmful rays out of your eyes, or even better for looking like a real tough guy! Available now for only 13.95. All your friends are sure to be envious of you for wearing these items, order now from PWF Shopzone or wherever cool clothes are sold.

**Then, Gambino is shown standing on the sidewalk in a busy city wearing the Gangster Hat and Gangster Sunglasses.**

Gambino"You can't be me, you can't be like me, so do the next best thing and look like me!"

{End Commercial}

**The camera fades into Rye Hazwaki sitting at a small table with his hand gel, tape and a glass of water. He then looks at the camera.**

Rye: "Rye & his good pal Crusader go against Power G and his rival Eraser? It makes no sense, well the Rye and Crusader does... But Power G and Eraser? What happened there? Anyways me and Crusdaer have decided we have got nothing to worry about as Power G and Eraser arn't going to get along. And secondly me and Crusader are just that dam good. We have beat many people in our time, and we have tasted defeat. Crusader is at the top of the Pyramid right now and hes doing a dam good job of staying there. I got pushed down that pyramid by Travis Right and MVD, but that won't stop me from making my return. I have learnt in this fed never to give up! And that's exactly what i'm going to do!"

**Rye takes a long sip of his drink**

Rye: "So to me and Crusader this match will be.... A walk in the park! And this match is gonna bring me one step closer to that US title and that son of a B*tch Matt Van Dam!"

**The camera then slowly fades as Rye adds the gel to his hand and then wrapes tap around it.**

Big Dave:- Well next up is another LMS qualifying match, its Silas "Pitbull" Parish against Crossbone in his first taste of singles competition, should be an interesting contest, over to you Philip Edgar Jones!

LMS Qualifier
Pitbull v Crossbone

Philip:- The following match, scheduled for one fall is a qualifying match for Last Man Standing!

"Come out and Play" by The Offspring begins to play increasingly loud through the arena speakers, heralding the arrival of "Pitbull" Silas Parish. Several scenes of a pitbull on a chain, barking and straining to get loose, play on the TitanTron as the words SILAS PARISH slowly appear at the bottom of the screen and PITBULL appears at the top. Suddenly, a series of pyrotechnic explosions erupt down the right side of the ramp and back up the left side as Silas steps through the backstage curtain and into view. He pauses at the top of the ramp, his eyes locked on his opponent in the ring. He cracks his knuckles and makes sure the tape around his hands is tight, his gaze still locked on the ring. Then he begins to stalk forward. About halfway down the ramp he breaks into a run and slides into the ring under the bottom rope, quickly getting to his feet well before the bell rings

Philip: Coming down the aisle at this time, from Vancouver, Canada, Silas "the pitbull" Parish *Crowd cheers*
And his opponent, making his singles debut, please welcome Crossbone!

The True Age Outlaws music hits and they walk down to the ring after posing for the fans

Report:- Crossbone and Pitbull tie up, they both struggle for the advantage, Pitbull manages to take Crossbone into a hammerlock, Pitbull reverses it and then strikes a couple of forearms to the back of Crossbone. They break the hold and Pitbull kicks Crossbone in the gut as he turns around. Pitbull whips Crossbone to the ropes, Crossbone tries a clothesline but Pitbull ducks it and then takes Crossbone down with a left arm clothesline. Crossbone gets back up a little dazed, Pitbull hooks Crossbone up and then delivers a snap suplex. Pitbull comes off the ropes and drops an stiff knee to the chest of Crossbone. Pitbull then mounts the back of Crossbone and batters him with cross face punches battering him to a pulp. Pitbull then picks up Crossbone and sits him on the top turnbuckle.

Big Dave: It looks like Crossbone is being set up for the K-9er!

Gellar: If he hits this its over!

Pitbull sits up behind Crossbone on the top rope flips over the top of his shoulders and connects with his shoulder into the chin of Crossbone!

Big Dave: There it is, the K-9er! (diamond dust) cover 1.............2....................3.

Pitbull d Crossbone
2.13 pin

Big Dave:- A disappointing debut for Crossbone, i'm sure he'll do alot better in tag team competition!

Gellar:- But Pitbull goes on and is looking good for a possible LMS winner!

Big Dave:- Well on a busy night, we'll move straight into our next match up, the last of tonight's LMS Qualifiers, another singles debut for Scotty Sharp going up the hardcore veteran Andy Clegg, should be a good one, over to Philip Edgar Jones!

LMS Qualifier
Scotty Sharp v Andy Clegg

Philip:- The following match, scheduled for one fall, is an LMS qualifying match!

**"Darling Violetta" plays as Andy Clegg walks out carrying his trusty baseball bat and stands and looks around as if expecting something to kick off. He runs to the ring and begins to stare at a few members of the crowd.**

Philip: Introducing first, from parts unknown, weighing in at 234lbs, Andy Clegg!
And his opponent making his singles debut, please welcome Scott Sharp!

Chris and Scott both come down to the ring together. When they get in the ring they each stand on opposite turnbuckles and pose for the crowd (sorta like the Hardyz). Then, they patiently await their opponents.

Report:- Clegg looks straight at Scotty and laughs, as if to say he shouldnt even be in the same ring as himself, the two men circle each other. They go for a grapple, but Clegg fakes and takes Scotty into a waistlock. Scotty swings with an elbow and catches Clegg in the forehead sending him staggering backwards into the ropes, as he comes back off Scotty smashes a flying forearm into his face.Clegg bounces back up, he swings a couple of right hands at Scotty, and Scotty returns the favour. Scotty swings with a big right which sends Clegg staggering backwards into the turnbuckle. Scotty runs towards the corner and clentches his fist and goes into a furry of punches and the crowd counts along 1....2....3....4....5....6....7....8....9 and one the ten Scotty smashes Clegg to the ground with a one big swinging right hand. Scotty picks up Clegg and then whips him into the ropes and leaps into the air and connects with a text book standing dropkick and the crowd applaudes Scotty. He then picks up Clegg with his head between his legs and performs a brain rattling piledriver and covers 1..................2................Clegg kicks out.

Big Dave: Not quite the push over Clegg expected!

Scotty picks up Clegg and throws him through the middle rope to the outside.

Gellar: This isn't a good idea by Scotty, he's playing into Clegg's game on the outside!

Scotty clambers to the outside. Scotty picks up Clegg and drives his face into the ring steps. Clegg drops to his knees holding the steps to keep him up. Scotty grabs him by the head and rams him hard into the ring post, Scotty rolls hm back in side, drops an elbow and covers 1.......................2...................Clegg kicks out. Scotty Climbs the top rope and signals to the crowd who roar back with encouragement for Scotty, he leaps off the top rope with a flying elbow, but Clegg manages to roll to safety at the last second and Scotty goes down hard clutching his elbow.

Big Dave: A nasty miss there for Scotty!.

Clegg runs towards the ropes and hits Scotty with a leg drop before picking him up. Clegg whips Scotty into the corner but inadvertantly crushes the referee in the corner with Scotty.Clegg siezes the oppertunity and goes to the outside the collect his ball bat, he get back into the ring and cracks it over the back of Scotty

Gellar: This is great, totally brilliant from Clegg!

Big Dave: What do you mean, hes cheating for gods sake, Scotty was well in control!

Andy Clegg waits for Scotty to get back to his feet still holding the ball bat. Scotty gets up slowly and Andy Clegg smashes the stick over his head. Scotty goes down and looks to be out cold But the referee is out on the floor too.

Big Dave: Well seems like Clegg's plan backfired

Gellar: My god this is a robbery, hes got the match up won damn it!

Clegg slaps the referee and manages to revive him, but just he turns around Scotty is up and connects with an awesome super kick and covers 1....................2...................3

Scotty d Clegg
6:36 pin

Big Dave: Justice has been done, and a great debut there for Scotty Sharp

Gellar: Andy Clegg had the match won damn it and you know it!

Big Dave: Well you can aruge about it after the break.

{Commerical Break}

**The screen goes onto Rye Hazwaki with black Karate trousers on, he is seen in the distance, lots of people are standing around him. Rye then jumps in the air, and Cyclone Kick's all of the people around him, they all fall to the ground. A voice is then heard.**

Voice: You want to know the newest fashion???? Well, look at these.
**The screen goes to a man just showing the bottom half of his body it shows, Black Karate Trousers with Rye Hazwaki down one side, and his face on the other it also has a red belt.**

Voice: The new fashion of today, Rye Karate trousers, avaliable in Red, Black, White and Blue. You ask where from? only $24.83 and if you buy two pairs, you can get your very own Rye Vest. In Red, Black and white.

Voice:So come to now!

**The screen then goes onto Rye again, but in a diffrent location jumping up in slow motion (Matrix Style) and Whirl-Wind Kicking a Man..**


****"Do not try those moves at home."****

{End Commercial}

Big Dave: Ok, well now we'll roll a video package filmed earlier today, this is Homicide talking about his match tonight with Daikatana, roll the footage....

**Camera cuts backstage to Homicide's make-shift Armageddon locker room where he is warming up for his match with Diakatana. He stops for a second to pour a bottle of water over his head, then after spewing it into the air, he goes back to his push-ups and starts firing himself up.**

Homicide: "Daikatana.. heh that's funny.. I have a hardcore match with some demon wannabe. This must be some pathetic attempt to boost his ratings or something because he didn't last 3 minutes with me in the MOW E, and he sure as hell wont when the bell rings tonight. Deadman meets the Massacre, and all that will remain is dented metal, a pool of blood, and a helpless man lying in it begging for a few more breathes before I take those from him as well. Because TONIGHT.. the MASSACRE.. will be.. UN-LEASHED!!"

**Homicide is trembling in anger for his match as the camera fades back to the Armageddon broadcast as Homicide continues with his intense work-out and harsh words for Diakatana.**

**A Static screen appears on the veiwing screen. From left to right the dark lines run across it, making it utterly impossible to see what is really there. When, suddenly, the darkest of the lines come together to form a sentence, it reads "don't fear the darkness(then two glowing eyes come from the background, and the sentence conitunes to stay) only fear what it hides" Then, the static goes to a dark setting where a mid-evil castle, set out in the middle of a dark forrest, that almost seem to act as a protective cover for the castle. The Castle itself has a outer wall which the only way to pas through this giant wall, is a rod-iron gate which it connect to a gothic archway. Upon passing through this gate, right infront of the camera man, there is a large courtyard, which in the courtyardm there are large statues that seems to form a "v" shape which at the point where the last two staues are placed infront of teh stiars that lead up to the castle doors. These statues almost act like doormen, and the camera man is hasty while passsing by these last two statues. Walking up the stairs, the camera man finally comes to the doors of this castle, and prepares to knock on the door, but before his hand may touch the door, both of the doors creep slowly open. Now inside the massive castle, the camera man, has no choice but to proceed, and try to find someone. While walking the camera man zooms in on some walls, and there seems to be writting on the wall, coming to a certain writting the camera man stops and reads:

".....After the Quest continues, a Demon shall continue, only to be..."

**The Camera man hears somthing, coming from behind him, he turns around but to o aveal, there is no one there, he shurgs it off, but as he turns around, he sees two shadowed figures walking toward him, and another coming from the oppisite side that the first two are coming from. The one walking byhiimself can be Identified as Daikatana, due to the fact that he has his sword with him, but these other two, the camera man can not make out their faces, as Daik gets closer the camera man can hear him laughing:

DaiKaTanA: -.....*laughing slowly, and very deeply*......A Story, is somthing that has a beginning, a climax, and utterly a ending, all of which can be predicted through prophecy, and controling ones Fate......Demon, you have flawed my ancestor, by driving him away, now, you will be the first man laying in the grave i dug for you...........but, Demon is another path in itself, Hardcore is a path of itself, which in the middle of my path, there stands a small dog, about a pitbull size, but we shall see if the Pitbullforces me onto a seperate path......

**Daik slowly turns away, and the camera man slowly walks behind him to ask him a question**

CM: - Daikatana, um, Who are these men that come with you to the ring, and are here in this castle??

**Daikatana doesn't even turn around, but says: know who others are, one must know oneself first, everyone wishes to know who these men are, These men, shall make themselves know soon, to a few individuals......

**Daikatana walks up a set of stairs, and the camera man looks behind him to see if teh other men are still behind him, but they too, has left**

Gellar: Homicide is pumped up, and what was that with DaiKaTanA?

Big Dave: It certainly seems that way, ok its now on to our next match up, it'll be the Russians vs The Ruff Ryders

Gellar: I love da Russians, day are ma thavorit tag teem!

Big Dave: Knock it off Eric, wait, I am told we are to hear from The Russians.

** The scene cuts to the back where the Russians are sitting in the gWo room getting prepared for the match **

Wowbowski:- Tonight, Vruff Vrider, in short minutes. Ve Vrussian vill go to vring, and make fool out of you pathetic americanski's.

Cossak:- Da. Ve show vorld that gWo, and Vrussians are best ever.

Wowbowski:- Ve be left out of tag title match at PPV, Last man standink, but ve vill show Mr.Pellington that ve should be champion, ve are true best team.

Cossak:- But vhen ve fightink puny, and pathetic americanski's how ve no vin? You Vruff Vriders are nothink but dirt on boot of us Vrussians

Wowbowski:- Nothink, but somethink for us to valk all over.

** The Russians finish up tieing their boots then stand and exit the room **

Big Dave: Well over to you, Philip Edgar Jones.

The Russians v The Ruff Ryders

** A Russian flag appears on the Big Screen along as red and blue strobe lights begin to flash, after a few moments Du Hast by Rammstein kicks in. The two Russians then come walking out of the back, Wowbowski turns and looks at the picture of the flag while Cossak just walks straight to the ring. Wowbowski follows Cossak down and slides into the squared circle. He makes his way to the middle of the ring**

Philip: Our next match scheduled for one fall is a tag team conest, introducing first hailing from Borisovka, Russia, at a combined weight of 592lbs, Cossak Joe and Wowbowski, The Russians!

**Ruff Ryders both enter to the cheer of the crowd when "Beautiful People" by Metallica hits. Dominator and Destroyer both clich they fists and hit them together and climb in the ring and wait in the corner**

Philip: And their oppenents, at a combined weight of 720lbs, Dominator and Devastator, The Ruff Ryders!

Report: Wowbowski and Devastator start out the match. They tie up, Devastator uses his power to take Wowbowski into an arm wrench. Devastator yanks the arm of wowbowski and then whips him to the ropes, Wowbowski ducks a clothesline and Devastator follows through onto the ropes, Wowbowski then takes Devastator down with a flying forearm. Wowbowski picks up Devastator but he pushes Wowbowski off him and then kicks him in the gut. Devastator follows it up with a big right hand. Devastator then whips Wowbowski into his corner and then kicks him in the gut a few times and then makes a tag. Dominator comes in and the two of them stomp away for a few moments.

Big Dave: God damn it, break it up, this is supposed to a match not a public flogging!

Dominator picks up Wowbowski and pulls him out of the corner, he whips him to the ropes, Cossak makes a blind tag and as Wowbowski ducks the clothesline by Dominator Cossak slingshots himself over the ropes and takes down Dominator with a shoulder block. Dominator gets back up and is met by strong rights from Cossak. Cossak then whips Dominator to the opposite corner and follows in with a big splash. Cossak then delivers a vertical suplex to Dominator and covers. 1........................2.....................Dominator kicks out. Cossak gets back up and delivers a quick leg drop and then hooks the leg. 1........................2..................Dominator kicks out again.

Gellar: Come on Russians!

Cossak picks up Dominator and takes him to his corner and tags Wowbowski. He comes in and they both delivers a Double Back Drop. Wowbowski covers. 1........................2.................Dominator kicks out. Wowbowski picks up Dominator and whips him to the ropes, Wowbowski takes Dominator down with a hard clothesline and then comes off the ropes and delivers an elbow drop to the chest. Wowbowski covers again. 1...........................2......................Dominator kicks out again.

Big Dave: Dominator needs to make a tag badly here!

Wowbowski picks up Dominator and whips him to the ropes, Wowbowski lifts Dominator up for a flapjack, but Dominator hooks the head of Wowbowski and whips around for a Jumping Swinging DDT. Both men then stay down. They crawl to their corners and they both make tags at the same time, Devastator flies in like a house of fire and hammers Cossak with a hard right and then knocks Wowbowski down with a hard right. Devastator then floors Cossak with a clothesline and then repeats the move on Wowbowski. Devastator then kicks Cossak in the gut and delivers a Powerbomb, then goozles Wowbowski, but Wowbowski goes low. Wowbowski then hooks Devastator up for the Fall of Communism(Full Nelson Face Drop), but Dominator comes in and clubs Wowbowski on the back to block the move.

Gellar: God damn that dominator!

Dominator and Wowbowski then exchange rights as Cossak gets to his feet. Devastator kicks Cossak in the gut and sets him up for the Devastator, but Cossak drops behind Devastator then spins him around and hits the Soviet Stinger. Cossak then covers. 1..........................2.........................3!!!! Wowbowski and Dominator were fighting on the outside.

The Russians d. The Ruff Ryders
8:57 Pinfall

Big Dave: A fantastic match up there, surely the Russians are in the tag title picture now!

Gellar: I have to agree Dave, they've been so hot since joining the gWo!

Big Dave:- Our next match, is one for the purists, a wrestling fans dream and a wrestlers nightmare, submission specialist Josh Resnick, will take on amature wrestling superstar General Leo, lets go to the ring!

Josh Resnick v General Leo

**The lights go blue, as "The Imperial March" starts over the speakers. General Leo walks out from the back to an expensive looking fireworks show. The fans cheer as he walks to the ring with his sword in hand. He steps in and the lights go up.**

Philip:- Our next match up is scheduled for one fall, introducing first from Vector the capital of the world, weighing in at 235lbs, General Leo

**Walk by Pantera hits the speakers throughout the arena. The Titantron comes on with solar flares of the sun showing. Then out of the back Josh Resnick makes his way out. Stops at the ramp. Listens to the crowd's boos. Then continues to the ring. Once on the apron, Resnick climbs up the turnbuckle. Looks out into the crowd before flipping over the ropes, landing on his feet in the middle of the ring.**

Philip: And his opponent, from Detriot Michigan, weighing in at 230lbs, Josh Resnick!

Report: Resnick charges into the ring and immediately goes to work on Leo with forearms. But Leo grabs Resnick around the waist and then delivers an overhead release Belly to Belly Suplex. Resnick gets back up and Leo grabs Resnick again, this time Resnick elbows Leo in the back of the head. Leo staggers off and Resnick goes to clothesline Leo down but he ducks underneath and launches Resnick overhead with an awesome release German Suplex.

Big Dave: This is not what i expected, this should be one of the most evenly contested matches in the PWF locker room

Leo then picks up Resnick and whips him to the ropes, Leo goes for a jumping clothesline, but Resnick ducks underneath and dropkicks Leo in the back of the head. Leo slowly gets to his feet, helped up by Resnick, Leo suddenly slips behind Resnick and out of seemingly nowhere delivers The Shock. Leo hooks the leg. 1..............................2................................3!!!!!

Leo d. Resnick
2:45 Pinfall

Big Dave:- That i simply did not expect

Gellar:- Leo didn't let him into the match for one second, perfect display of professionalism from Leo, hes on hot form at the minute!

Big Dave:- I'm sure we'll see gold around the waist of General Leo in the non-too distant future, our next match is a hardcore contest, not for the faint of heart, it'll be Homicide against the gothic warrior Daikatana

Gellar:- I here he has his own video game, its supposed to suck!

Big Dave:- Well i wouldn't know too much about that, lets go see if Philip Edgar Jones knows.........

Hardcore Match
Homicide v DaiKaTanA

Philip:- Our next match, is a hardcore rules match...........

**The PWF arena goes black and the crowd silences while words flash across the VideoTron: "THE.. REAL.. BOSTON.. MASSACRE!!" A single silver flare streaks down from the rafters on target with the stage, and it is answered by a row of blue explosions, as "Cowboys From Hell" by Prodigy blares over the speakers and the crowd roars in approval. A man in black and blue thigh length tights appears from through the curtain, and makes his way to the end of the stage, where he stops to taunt the crowd, and then proceeds to the ring .**

Introducing first from Boston, Massachusetts weighing in at 292lbs, the boston massacre, Homicide *Crowd cheers*

**The Arena becomes darkned, smoke starts to sprial around the entry way, as a dark blue symbol starts to burn its way through the ultra-tron, then a blast of fire comes from the entry way as "batman beyond theme" plays, and Daikatana in a dark gothic cloak appears at the top of the entry way, and proceeds to make his slow decent down to the ring**

Philip: And his opponent, from parts unknown, weighing in at 307lbs, "the dark warrior" Daikatana!

Gellar:- I'm beginning to think that "Parts Unknown" is a real place, we have that many people from there nowadays!

Report: DaiKaTanA and Homicide circle and then lock up, Homicide takes DaiK into a hammerlock and then trips DaiK up and locks in a side headlock, DaiK pulls himself up to his feet and elbows Homicide in the gut a few times and then comes off the ropes and goes for a clothesline, Homicide ducks, DaiK stops and knocks Homicide down with a beautiful Thai Roundhouse kick to the head. DaiK then rolls out of the ring, he pulls out a kendo stick and tosses it into the ring, he then pushes a security guard out of his chair and then picks up the chair. He turns around and walks into a baseball slide knocking the chair right back in the face of DaiKaTanA.

Big Dave: What a shot there from Homicide

Homicide picks up the chair and then waits for DaiK to get up, he then smashes the chair down over his head, but somehow DaiK only goes down to his knees, and then he stands up and flicks his hair back, only for Homicide to floor him with an even more devastating chair shot, Homicide then holds the chair up in the air for the crowd to see, there is a massive dent where DaiK's head connected with the chair.

Gellar: That was Daikatana's cranium hitting that chair!

Homicide pulls out a table from underneath the ring, he slides it into the ring and then begins to set it up in one of the corners. DaiK is back up and rolls into the ring, he can hardly stand. DaiK throws a punch, but Homicide blocks it and hammers DaiK with a big right hand, DaiK staggers towards the table in the corner. Homicide sets himself up and goes for a spear to put DaiK through the table, but DaiK moves out of the way and Homicide crashes head first through the table.

Big Dave: Homicide always did like a bit of wood

DaiK stays down for a moment before rolling across for the cover. 1.............................2..........................Homicide gets the right shoulder up right at the last second.

Gellar: Really should of hooked the leg there!

DaiK then crawls across the ring to the Kendo Stick and picks it up, he slowly gets to his feet and beckons Homicide to get up. DaiK then smashes the Kendo Stick over the head of Homicide. Homicide staggers but stays on his feet. DaiK swings again and this time Homicide goes down to his knees. But he gets back up. DaiKaTanA then snaps and starts to swing the cane wildly, hitting Homicide wherever he can until Homicide is down on the mat, the crowd boo heavily. DaiK then covers Homicide. 1........................2.........................Homicide just kicks out.

Big Dave: My god, Daikatana is nuts!

DaiKaTanA slides out of the ring and pulls a table of his own out from underneath the ring. He slides it into the ring and positions it near the turnbuckle. DaiK then picks up Homicide and hits a couple of right hands that send Homicide into the corner. DaiK then sets Homicide up on the turnbuckle. DaiK then climbs up and sets Homicide up for a superplex through the table. But Homicide blocks the move and gets in a couple of rabbit punches. Homicide then stands up and moves himself around DaiK and then locks DaiK in a Reverse DDT position and then jumps off delivering The Boston Massacre through the table. Homicide lands hard as well, but manages to drape an arm over DaiKaTanA. 1.................................2...............................3!!!

Homicide d. DaiKaTanA
9:42 Pinfall.

Big Dave:- Great matchup there

Gellar:- The PWF's hardcore division is earning quite a reputation in the wrestling business and its no surprise after matches like that!

Big Dave:- And the best of tonights action is yet to come, next up is the challenge title match between Commissioner Gambino and Champion Matt Van Dam!

Gellar:- Oh hell yeah, this is the match up the people came to see, i can't wait to see MVD old man stick Gambino all the ring! (Venis grind and punch)

Big Dave:- That move is as degrading as it is disgusting, and i hope Gambino gets a handful of MVD's balls if he goes for it!

Gellar:- I'd pay good money for that .........ahem!

Big Dave:- Enough of your sad personal life Eric, The Match is just after these few words.

{Commerical Break}

Announcer- SPRITE! The best stuff on Earth!!!

**The camera flashes a shot of General Leo of the PWF drinking Sprite.**

Announcer- The...

**The camera cuts to a shot of the MOW E's Phreak, drinking down some Sprite.**

Announcer- best...

**The next MOW Sanitarium Champion, Heelmaster, is seen, drinking Sprite.**

Announcer- stuff...

**The triple crown champion of the UAW, Bates Masterson, is guzzling down a Sprite.**

Announcer- on...

**Cleveland, Ohio's own Heavy Metal guru, Matt Wilkins is shown tossing a can of Sprite in the air and drinking all of the contents of the can before catching it.**

Announcer- EARTH!!!

**The camera focuses on Nightshade completely downing a 20 oz. Sprite right before the camera! All six men are shown finishing off their respective Sprite. They then give a simultaneous thumbs up.**

Nightshade- Drink Sprite, because I said so!

**The camera cuts out.**

{End Commercial}

Antonio Gambino v Matt Van Dam(c)

Philip: The next match is for the PWF challenge title.........

** A suited man crawls into the ring and hands philip edgar jones a new set of announcement cards and orders the announcer to restart the pre-match welcomings **

Big Dave:- What the hell is this all about?

Philip:- I stand corrected, the next match is for the gWo challenge title match!

Big Dave:- What the hell is this bullshit!

**The lights dim and violins begin playing an eerie tune, like from the Godfather movie. On the Ultra-tron, pictures, apparently flashbacks of life in the Mafia, are shown. Images of gunfights, driveby shootings, and car's exploding alternate with pictures of a funeral in progress. Just as they begin lowering the casket into the grave, the screen goes black and then begins flashing the name "Gambino" across the screen in silver lettering. Then, as an explosion of pyros occurs on the stage, "Keep Away" by Godsmack begins blaring through the arena and Gambino appears in the entrance. He stands in the entrance for a short moment before walking down the aisle towards the ring. Once he reaches the ring, he climbs in and heads to the closest corner of the ring and begins taunting the crowd. He then raises both hands in the air as if celebrating.**

Philip:- introducing first the challenger, from Brooklyn, New York weighing in at 289lbs, Antonio Gambino!

** Camera zooms quickly backstage to see MVD leaving his locker room with Jennifer Van Dam, and suddenly is attacked by a man wearing a mask, he takes a crashing chair shot to the head and is almost KO'd **

**"Snap your Fingers, Snap your neck" by Prong plays as MVD as pratically dragged out by JVD, The Ultra-Tron bears the gWo logo and then shows clips of MVD striking opponents out with his Kendo Stick and finishing them the 5 star frog splash.**

Philip:- And his opponent, he is the current gWo challenge title champion, weighing in at 228lbs, he is from the town of champions, Battlecreek, England, he is everybodies favourite wrestler, Matt Van Dam! *Crowd Boos Loudly*

Big Dave:- This is a crock of shit, MVD has been attacked but is making a mockery of the match!

Gellar:- This is funny as hell!

**MVD limps into the ring, mic in hand, he shakes Philip Edgar Jones hand for a job well done, and begins to talk to Gambino.....**

MVD:- Gambino, just because your Commissioner, does that mean that you demand respect respect from the gWo?
Well dont expect any from MVD, I know you being Commissioner is all a big plan from Pellington to screw over the gWo, but uh-uh, aint happening, you can take my belt, but you'll never rid the PWF of the gWo ............oh and a special treat, just to show how much i respect you and your heritage, check this out, please roll the tape!

** Camera zooms to the titan-tron and a graphics rolls from side to side on the screen **

Big Dave:- Where's my pizza........... WHERES MY PIZZA, holy shit, Gambino is gonna kill him!

** Camera pans in on Eric Gellar who is just seen falling from his seat in laughter **

Report: MVD gets into the ring holding his head and struggling badly, Gambino is confused as he does not know what has happened backstage. Or at least he appears not to know. Gambino hammers MVD with a big right which sends MVD sprawling into the corner. Gambino looks puzzled, he doesn't know why MVD is like this. He picks up MVD and whips him into the ropes. Gambino then takes MVD down with a Running Jumping Clothesline. He then waits in the corner and signals for MVD to get up before driving MVD down with a Spear.

Gellar: This is bullshit MVD can't defend himself

Gambino picks MVD up and then delivers the Gambino Facebuster. Gambino hooks the leg. 1...........................2............................3!!!

Gambino d. MVD
3:11 Pinfall

Big Dave: That was shocking, its almost as if MVD sacrificed the title just to get a jibe at Gambino, he barely put up a fight.. i don't think Gambino knows what happened in the back?

Gambino takes the challenge title, but again looks at MVD with a puzzled look on his face before he exits the ring. Gambino looks totally perplexed at the actions of MVD.

Big Dave: I almost feel sorry for MVD, i'll give him credit for actually attempting to fight Gambino after that one, but live by the sword, die by the sword!

Gellar:- That was total bullshit, i hope MVD gets a rematch, and i'm sure the gWo will deface whoever just did that to MVD.

Big Dave:- Speaking of gWo, it's time for the main event, and it'll be the gWo's Power G teaming up with Eraser to take on the Outkasts Rye Hazwaki and Crusader Chrome lets go to the ring............

Main Event
Power G & Eraser v Crusader & Rye

Philip:- The next match, scheduled for one fall, is tonights main event, introducing first, representing the gWo, from Holguin, Cuba, weighing in at 230lbs, accompanied by the Real McCoy, Power G!

"Zombie Nation" by Kernkraft begins to play as Power G walks out with The Real McCoy, both men are holding Microphones. Power G begins to hit himself to psyche himself up, before walking to the ring with the Real McCoy.

**It starts off when "I am" by Eminem starts off low and on the Tron you see flashing pictures of the Triple Hell in a Cell match, all of a studden the music blasts through the speakers and the dim. Eraser comes through the back and stands at the top of the ramp and looks around for 15 sec and then at a certain part of the music he raises both his arms in the air as Pyros go off all around and all up and down the ramp, Eraser walks slowly and powerfully down to the ring and grabs the top rope and climbs over he goes to the middle of the ring and at the same part of the song again he raises his right arm over his head and at each ring post a shot of pyros go off. Then he walks over to his corner and poses one more time as his music stops.**

Philip: And his partner, from Tampa Bay Florida, weighing in at 289lbs, the icon of the PWF, Eraser!

**Enter Sandman by Metallica hits, as the lights flash red and white, and Rye Hazwaki is shown doing a slow ‘Cyclone Kick.’ The Pyro’s blast as Rye and Crusader Chrome stand on the top of the stage, they both aknowledge the crowd to a huge applause and make thier way to the ring**

Philip: Their opponents, both representing the OUTKASTS, Rye Hazwaki, and the PWF World Heavyweight Champion, Crusader Chrome!

Report: Crusader & Eraser start out the match. Crusader is pointing at Power G. Eraser goes in and connects with a couple of right hands before Crusader comes back with two big rights of his own. Crusader whips Eraser into his corner and charges in with a clothesline and nearly knocks Eraser out of the ring. Crusader tags Rye who grabs the arm of Eraser while still on the apron and then springs onto the top rope and then bounces off the top rope and springs off with an arm drag. Rye waits for Eraser to get up before connecting with a roundhouse kick to the face which floors Eraser. Rye covers. 1.........................2..................Eraser kicks out.

Big Dave: Those kicks are lethal, Eraser will have to watch out for those!

Rye picks up Eraser and nails a couple of kicks to the kidneys and then whips him to the ropes. Rye goes for a Hurricanranna but Eraser holds him in the air and then delivers a sit-down Powerbomb. Eraser holds on for the pin. 1..........................2.........................Rye kicks out. Eraser pauses for a second to regain his breath and then rolls over to his corner and tags in Power G.

Gellar: Now there in the shit, here comes Power G

Power G comes in and picks up Rye and then delivers a knife edge chop that echoes throughout the arena. He then pushes Rye into the turnbuckle and kicks Rye in the gut a couple of times before delivering multiple lightning fast chops to the chest of Rye. Power G then poses which brings a chorus of boos from the crowd before delivering one big chop which puts Rye down in the corner. Power G picks up Rye and then sends him into the opposite turnbuckle, Rye bounces off it and staggers into Power G who delivers a back body flip. Power G then springs off the ropes and connects with a moonsault and hooks the leg. 1...........................2...........................Rye just kicks out. Power G picks up Rye and holds him in a headlock and takes him over to Eraser. Power G holds out his hand for a tag, but Eraser refuses to tag and tells Power G that he is doing fine. Power G glares at Eraser and then knees Rye in the chest.

Big Dave: I knew this was coming, Eraser and Power G can barely stand each other!

Power G then delivers 2 more knees, the third of which puts Rye down on the mat. Power G then climbs to the top rope and flies off with a Senton Bomb which connects perfectly to Rye. Power G hooks the leg. 1...............................2...............................Crusader has to come in to break up the 3 count. Power G goes for Crusader but the referee blocks them both off. Power G then turns around and picks up Rye. Power G delivers a big chop and then whips Rye into the turnbuckle. Power G then sits on the turnbuckle and grabs the head of Power G and signals for a Tornado DDT. But Rye manages to hits a few rabbit punches and then Rye springs up off the second rope and manages to hit a spinning back kick to the face of Power G. Rye then climbs the turnbuckle and delivers a Superplex to Power G. Both men stay down.

Gellar: I'm not sure who got the worse of that one!

Power G manages to crawl to his corner first, but Eraser will not offer the tag. Power G gets to his feet and starts to remonstrate with Eraser while holding his head. A massive cheer goes up from the crowd as Rye manages to tag in Crusader and he charges in and takes Power G down with a hard clothesline just as he turned around. Crusader then hits a big right hand knocking Eraser down off the apron. Crusader turns around and hits a few rights to Power G and then whips him to the turnbuckle, Crusader picks Power G up over his shoulders and then delivers the DVD. He covers. 1............................2...................Eraser makes the save with a double axe handle.

Big Dave: Maybe Eraser does want to win after all

Eraser then stands up and gets caught in the back of the head with a viscious kick from Rye. Rye then tosses Eraser out of the ring. Crusader picks up Power G and kicks him hard in the gut and then bounces off the ropes and hits a running DDT. Crusader covers. 1...........................2.......................Power G just kicks out. On the outside Eraser manages to knock down Rye with a chair shot that goes un-noticed by the referee in the ring. Crusader picks up Power G and sets him up for The Concussion. But Power G drops down behind and then manages to hook up Crusader and delivers the G Power Slam. Power G covers. 1........................Eraser comes in and kicks Power G in the head and then covers himself. 1...............................2...............................3!!!

Eraser & Power G d. Crusader & Rye
18:00 Pinfall

Big Dave:- Eraser steals the victory from Power G, McCoy on the outside looks furious!

Eraser celebrates in the corner of the ring taunting Crusader and Rye who are making their way up the ramp. Power G is down holding his head, then he turns and looks up at Eraser.

Power G gets to his feet and stands in the ring behind Eraser. Eraser drops down and continues to taunt the crowd. Power G walks up to him and then hooks him up and delivers a G Power Slam. Power G then rolls out of the ring and walks off up the aisle with The Real McCoy.

Gellar:- Thats just what that loser Eraser deserved, hes trying to steal Power G's thunder, but hes just too damn good!

Big Dave:- Well we're right out of time folks, see you at Havoc, same PWF time, same PWF channel, good night!

***© 2001 PWF Entertainment***