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Saturday Night Havoc

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Havoc #1

Live from the Pepsi Coliseum
Indianapolis, Indiana
11th August 2001

Pyro's blast off as "Master of Puppets" blasts through the arena and the camera pans across the packed crowd in the Pepsi Coliseum. The camera eventually cuts from the cheering crowd to the ringside announcing team

Stanyer: Welcome everybody to the Pepsi Coliseum in Indianapolis, Indiana. We are coming to you live for Saturday Night Havoc. I'm Jason Stanyer alongside the "Big Dawg" Dave Harley.

Dawg: We are in the aftermath of Last Man Standing, where Leo became the tournament champion.

Stanyer: The fans were surprised to see the return of the Empire, but who is actually in the Empire this time around?

Dawg: Don't forget that Travis Right retained the US title as well, defeating 3 men no less.

Stanyer: And of course we expect to hear from Crusader Chrome who retained the PWF World Title defeating Power G in the process.

Down with the Sickness by Disturbed hits and Gambino steps out onto the stage. He walks to the ring and immediately grabs a microphone from the ring announcer

Stanyer: Commissioner Gambino does not look happy, and it can only be about Eraser.

Gambino:"Well done did what you said you were gonna do. You beat me and you won the Challenge Title. Now I could come out here tonight, and make all kinds of excuses as to why you beat how your little buddies Kidd and Thorn came down to help you, but I'm not going to. I'm not gonna bitch and moan about being beat. When I lose, it doesn't matter how I goes in the books as a loss either way. So I suppose congratulations are in order, you're now a champion, and you've now added a little bit of prestige to your meaningless career here in the PWF. You can now say that you've stood face to face, toe to toe with the best there is. You can now say that you've beaten the best there is in the game today. So, congratulations Eraser, congratulations on your win at Last Man Standing."

Dawg: That's right, congralutations to Eraser for kicking Gambino's ass.

Gambino paces the ring a bit with the microphone at his side. He then stops mid-ring and lifts the microphone to his mouth and is ready to speak again

Gambino:"Now, after all this congratulating bullshit is done, we can move on to the next order of business. The real reason I'm out here is to warn you Eraser. You see, I said that I wasn't gonna bitch and moan about how you beat me, and I wasn't gonna complain about the fact that it took three of you to beat me, and I'm not. But I didn't say that I wouldn't get payback. I didn't say that there wouldn't be consequences for your actions...because there will, and believe me when I say this Eraser...there will be serious consequences. You and your two little buddies in the back, laugh it up, have a good time, and enjoy what little time you have left. Because even though you won the battle at Last Man Standing, you will not win the war. The hunt is on in the PWF, and Eraser, Kidd, and're the prey. You've painted a permanant bullseye on your back, and now..."

Gambino is interupted by Eraser's music

Stanyer: This might not be a good idea, Eraser should think twice about interuppting the commissioner in this mood.

"The Way I am" hits the speakers as the Ultra-Tron starts to flash pictures of LSM in the TLC match with Eraser and Gambino. Then Eraser steps out, from the back with the PWF Challenge title in hand and bandages on his ribs, to a huge roar of boos. Eraser walks out a little then stops. He raises his hand with the PWF Challenge Title in it and then starts to walk down to teh ring but stops about 3/4 of the way down. He drops the title on the ramp and pulls out a mic form his back pocket.

Stanyer: Now Eraser wants to have his say.

Eraser: Gambino. Last night at Last Man Standing I stepped into the ring with you. In a TLC pin falls anywheres match, for the Challenge title. I have brought some footage from last night. Guys please roll that footage I brought.

The camera gets a shot of the ultra-tron which is playing a part of LMS

The Ruff Ryders battle with Thorn and Kidd and the four start to fight away from Gambino and Eraser and eventually work their way through the entrance way. Eraser picks up Gambino and drags him up the stage and slams his head into the stantions. He goes to do it again, but Gambino blocks it, then elbows Eraser in the gut and delivers a Double Arm DDT on the stage. Gambino then gets up and walks to the edge of the stage, he points to a table at the bottom of the stage. A massive cheer erupts from the crowd.

Dawg: He's not seriously going to put Eraser through that table. Is he?

Stanyer: Gambino doesn't give any mercy, if he is looking at that table, then Eraser is going through it.

Gambino turns away from the edge of the stage and walks right into The Eraser which sends both him and Eraser flying backwards off the stage through the table.

Stanyer: OH MY GOD!!! Eraser and Gambino just flew ten feet off the stage and came crashing down onto the concrete, the table did little more than slow them down.

Dawg: This match surely can't go on much longer.

The referee has come across and checks on both men, Eraser suddenly raises his arm in the air and rolls over to drape it over Gambino. The referee makes the count. 1.........................................2...............................................3!!!!!

The Ultra-Tron then cuts off

Stanyer: Eraser is just winding Gambino up, that is a bad idea.

Eraser: You see there one move. That's what it took. One move. You come out here saying that it took 3 of us to beat you. The way I see it is that it took one move to get the 3 count on you. Gambino you say that me, Kidd and Thorn are marked men. Gambino I have been a marked man form the start of my career. So I say you to Gambino and to all of the PWF stars in the back. You do not want to get Personal with me.

Eraser drops the mic and grabs his title and turns to walk away but Gambino stops him

Just as Eraser drops the microphone and turns around, Gambino goes to the corner of the ring and climbs to the second rope. He yells for Eraser

Gambino:"Eraser! Don't walk away from me! Don't you ever turn your back on me, you son of a bitch! Don't make this personal with you? You already made this personal you little bastard, a long time ago. That time has come and is personal, and it forever will be personal between me and you. As for tonight, I think we've got a bit of unfinished business to tend to. Like I told you before, you won the battle last night, but the war....the war wages on my friend. The war wages on, right here tonight! I'm booking a match tonight, between me and you. Right here in this ring, me and you in a No Disqualification, no interference match...and if anyone from the back, and I mean ANYONE, interferes in the match, they will have to personally answer to me. Oh, and you can keep your title for now, because it's not gonna be on the line. That's right, no titles...because tonight isn't about a title, it's about's about the right to say that I kicked your ass, and prove that your win last night was merely a fluke, that won't happen again."

The crowd is going crazy at hearing the news of the match

Gambino:"Oh, and don't worry, I haven't forgot about your buddy Kidd, because I've got something to keep him busy for the evening as well. He'll meet up with Andy Clegg tonight in a hardcore match. I'm sure he'll have his hands too full to worry about interfering in our match tonight. With that said Eraser, I'll see you out here in the ring later on."

Gambino tosses the microphone aside as he continues to stand on the ropes in the corner. Down with the Sickness hits and Eraser leaves as Gambino is still in the ring with the crowd cheering

Dawg: This is going to explode tonight

{Commerical Break}

The scene opens in a football stadium at the home of Crusader in Palm Beach Florida. It looks as if they are going to make a commercial advertisement but they cant get the extras to co-operate. The extras are a couple dozen females sitting in the stands. The problem is their mouths are wide open and they are drooling everywhere. Thier eyes are fixed on some object in the middle of the field. They are staring as if they had just seen the man of their dreams. The camera follows their stare to The One, Crusader. The camera man walks up to Crusader

Reporter- "This definitely is no Ice Breaker, no pun intended, but these girls literally cant take their eyes off you."

Crusader- "Yeah but this time they arent looking at me, its the shirt Jackass!"

(the reporter takes a look at the black, sleeveless shirt Crusader is wearing which has the words Crusader on the front and The Outkasts on the back.)

Crusader- (turns towards camera) "Get your new Crusader T-shirt only at PWF Shop Zone"

Reporter- "Umm, Crusader?"

Crusader- "What?!"

Reporter- "Damn you smell good!"

[the scene fades to black as the girls still sit with that fixed stare and drool falling from their mouths]

{End Commercial}

Stanyer: Welcome back folks, what the hell???

Live feed from the Ultratron starts up to find Big Poppa whistling his favorite Kenny G tune near the ring entrance, and Poppa gets a pop from the crowd.

Poppa:- “Dee, doo, da, dee-do. Doo-deeda da do. Hey… HEY! Who the HELL is that?”

The camera zooms into newcomer Davey K. Big Poppa approaches the unknown.

Poppa:- “Hey, nice pants!”

Davey K:- “Huh?”

Poppa:- “NICE PANTS.”

Davey K:- “Yeah. I got these badboys custom made at Wal-Mart.”

Poppa:- “So, are you a fan or what? Want my autograph?”

Davey K:- “No, I’m ‘Superstar’ Davey K.”

Poppa:- “Who names their child that? Anyway, do you have a pen cause I left mine in my other shoe.”

Davey K:- “No, I don’t. And I DON’T want your autograph.”

Poppa:- “Well you don’t have to yell. Wait a second, I can take a hint. You want SABRE’S autograph. All the kids want HIS autograph. Man, ok. I’ll see what I can do.”

Davey K:- “No! I don’t want Sabre’s autograph! I don’t need it!”

Poppa:- “Well if you already have it then you should have mine too. We are a tag team and all.”

Davey K:- “Ahh. I’m a freaking PWF wrestler.”

Poppa:- “Sure you are kid.”

Davey K:- “No, that’s the other guy.” (Kidd)

Poppa:- “Ok Mr. Crazy Pants, I don’t know who you are and how many personalities you have, but if you give me any more attitude I’m calling security.”

Davey K’s right eye begins to twitch

Poppa:- “You should get that checked out… I remember my friend's Uncle had a twitch once, and it turned out to be some fatal rare Australian eye disease. In fact, that was recent. Hey, it was Sabre! That's right. You have his autograph right. Let me tell you about the time Sabre and me went to the Circus. You see, I was wearing a cowboy hat, and Sabre had a lot of cheese whip. Man, you wouldn't believe the amount of damage we cau...”

Davey K:- “BIG POPPA! Look at me. My name is ‘Superstar’ Davey K and I’m wrestling Dirk Danger here tonight. In about three minutes to be exact.”

Poppa:- “Dirk Danger? I REMEMBER THAT GUY! I beat him awhile back.”

Davey K:- “Yeah, I saw that Havoc. Hey, can you give me any advice?”

Poppa:- “Of course I can. Here’s how I beat him. I got into the ring and paptized him.”

Davey K:- “Paptized?”

Poppa:- “Paptized.”

Davey K:- “Is it really that simple?”

Poppa:- “Of course. Just paptize the bugger. Ya know, I could be your trainer. I could be like the guy who mentors you into paptizing your opponents.”

Davey K:- “I’ll get back to you on that.”

Poppa:- “Good luck. And remember, PAPTIZE. If you Paptize you shall reign victorious.”

Big Poppa starts whistling again and exits. Davey K is seen saying the word “Paptize” as he is getting ready to go out.

Dawg: Did he just do that?

Stanyer: I'm afraid he did.

Dawg: How does he get away with that?

Stanyer: He's Big Poppa, he has the backing of Mr Moo...what the hell am I talking about. Just go to the ring.

"Superstar" Davey K v Dirk Danger

Before the music begins, everywhere goes dark, and then purple and blue lights flicker and then go all around, then focus on the entrance where Davey P is about to enter. The minute it focuses on the entrance, the music begins.
The Video is of Superstar Daay =, dancing with many attractive women on a beach and then in his variety of cars eg BMW etc. The camera zooms into the numberplate which reads "SUPERSTAR 1". Davey K can be seen driving the car with his customary expensive jewellery and designer silk shirts. The camera then focuses on Davey K standing next to his car as many bikini wearing women wash it, and Davey stands looking on with an American Football Shirt, with his name on the back that reads "Davey P - no.69". The Video goes on to show Davey in various expensive clubs.
Superstar Davey P walks down the aisle very confidentally with a smug look on his face. He will come down dressed and have his wrestling gear underneath. His dress is either American Football Jerseys, baggy trousers and trainers if he is to wrestle. If he is out to cut a promo then he will be dressed smartly, wearing an open slik shirt, revealing jewellery. Davey P will stop every so often to look at a member of the crowd and show them the rings on his finger. All the time he will be nodding his head to the music on the speakes. When he gets to the ring he will walk up the steps, and enter the ring by going through the middle ropes. He immediatley goes to the turnbuckle and stands with his arms stretched open, nodding to the music, pointing at his chest and mouthing "Who's the superstar Baby?", "Yeah, show me the money!".

ar" Davey K

Danger by Mystikal hits, and green and white lights flash on and off. A danger symbol and clips of the Danger Driver are shown flashing on and off. Dirk steps out onto the ramp, he looks around at the crowd who cheers loudly. He then comes out to the end of the stage and flexes to the crowd. He continues down the ramp and steps up onto the ring apron, where he steps through the ropes and walks over and stands on the middle of the ropes and raises his arms in the air.

James: And his opponent, from Chicago, Illnois, weighing 260lbs, "Double D" Dirk Danger.

Report:Dirk and Davey K circle, Davey has a cocky smile across his face. They tie up. Davey takes Dirk into a hammerlock and has a cocky smile on his face as he holds Dirk from behind. But the smile quickly dissappears as Dirk reverses the hammerlock and then lifts Davey up and delivers a back drop. Davey gets to his feet and is met by a hard right from Dirk which sends him towards the corner. Dirk follows in with a clothesline hitting Davey strong across the chest. Davey staggers out of the corner and Dirk follows up by taking Davey down with a running Bulldog. Dirk then rolls Davey into a cover. 1.......................2.........................Davey kicks out. Dirk picks Davey up and sends him to the ropes and hits a back body drop. Davey gets to his feet near the ropes and Dirk charges in but Davey ducks down and back drops Dirk over the top rope.

Stanyer: Davey K finding it tough going on his PWF debut.

Dirk picks himself up as Davey follows him outside only to roll Dirk back into the ring. Davey picks up Dirk and kicks him in the gut a couple of times before delivering a big right hand and then he delivers a big suplex. Davey bounces off the ropes slowly and then delivers a big jumping leg drop driving his 325lbs into the chest of Dirk Danger. Davey makes a lateral press. 1......................2......................Dirk kicks out. Davey picks up Dirk and slaps on a Reverse Chinlock.

Dawg: Smart move by Davey K, slowly sapping the energy of Dirk Danger.

Dirk manages to get to his feet and elbows Davey K in the stomach to break the hold, Dirk then comes off the ropes but Davey takes Dirk down with a hard clothesline. The angry expression on Davey's face changes to his arrogant smile as he taunts the crowd. Davey picks up Dirk and scoop slams him. He then climbs to the 2nd rope and dives off driving the elbow into the heart of Dirk Danger. Davey makes the cover. 1............................2.......................Dirk kicks out. Davey picks up Dirk again and whips him towards the turnbuckle. Davey charges in for a shoulder block to the gut, but Dirk moves out of the way and Davey hits the turnbuckle pad hard with his shoulder. Davey gets to his feet holding his shoulder. Dirk immediately grabs the arm of Davey K and delivers an Arm Popper. Dirk backs this up with a couple of stomps to the shoulder of Davey K. Dirk then picks up Davey and delivers a Reverse DDT. Dirk then climbs to the top rope and flies backwards with the Dangersault and hooks the leg. 1..................................2...................................Davey K gets the shoulder up

Stanyer: Davey K just survives.

Dirk picks up Davey and sends him into the ropes. Dirk then climbs to the 2nd turnbuckle and starts to deliver right hands to the head of Davey K. As the crowd chant along and reach 10. Dirk drops down from the turnbuckle and turns around and from seemingly nowhere Rampage has appeared and Gores Dirk Danger.

Dawg: GORE!!!

Stanyer: Where the hell did he come from? There goes the bell, this match is over.

James: The winner of this match by Disqualification, DIRK DANGER

Dirk d. Davey K
5:18 DQ

Stanyer: Rampage has just gored Dirk Danger out of his boots. But Davey K isn't too happy with Rampage. GORE!!!!! GORE to Davey K.

Dawg: I don't think you should mess with Rampage, he doesn't hang about. He just hits you and gets on with it.

Eraser is seen in the back getting him a bottle of water. He starts to walk back to his lockeroom when Kidd walks into the arena. Eraser stops when he sees Kidd and calls him over.

Eraser: Hey Kidd! Come see men.

Kidd walks over to Eraser and drops his bags

Eraser: Kidd I got some news for you. Gambino is at it again. He is once again tossing around his powes and making matches. He you against Andy Clegg tonight in a hardcore match and he thinks that you want interfere in my match with him tonight. Man.

Eraser stops talking as Kidd speaks.

Kidd: Well I think it is bullshit but if he wants me to start with Clegg. Well then Clegg it is.

Kidd pulls a 2x4 from one of his bag and looks into the camera

Kidd: Hey Clegg looks like you will be first to fall from child's play here in the pwf.

Kidd then turns way as him and Eraser walk toward their lockeroom

Stanyer: Kidd seems philosophical about his match with Andy Clegg, he might not be when he steps in the ring with him. Clegg is as hardcore as they come.

Dawg: I know Clegg was none too happy about not getting a match at LMS, he is sure to take out his frustrations on Kidd tonight.

2 Of Amerika’s Most Wanted by 2Pac and Snoop comes on as pyrotechnics go off. Ken Reilly and Shawn O’Neil, the Top Doggs walk out of the backstage area, down the ramp and into the ring

Stanyer: Well here come the returning Top Doggs.

Ken: How ya feeling tonight, Indiana!!!

Crowd cheers loudly

Dawg: Cheap pop.

Ken: Pretty damn good huh? We’re feeling like that too.

Shawn: Do you guys remember us?

Crowd cheers

Dawg: Another cheap pop.

Shawn: I guess you do. For those who don’t, we are the Top Doggs, the best tag team in the PWF, ever!

Ken: We were in the PWF the first time around, so when it came back we just had to come back. But during the time the PWF was closed we were in two other well-known federations.

Shawn: wVw, where we won the Tag Team titles and where Ken was held the Tre Title, and the Mow E, where we became Tag Team Champions by defeating and humiliating those communist bastards impersonating the russians Da Vrussians.

Dawg: Is that all these guys do? Talk about the past?

Ken: I don’t know if anyone saw the match…but it was a dumpster match, where the opposing team must be put in a dumpster to win, so threw them in a dumpster, then we shipped them off to their “motherland”.

Shawn: We thought they were done with. But suddenly they popped up in the PWF. And we since we still had beef with them, we came to the PWF to once kick their asses.

Ken: So Russians, if your watching in the back, you better know that...

Stanyer: Here come the Russians.

The arena lights dim down and are replaced by flashing green strobes lights. Du Hast by Rammstein then blasts over the speakers as Wowbowski and Cossak Joe emerge from the back. The two men skip there usual entrance and just head down to the ring, with mics in hand, they get into the ring and stand square in the middle as their music stops

Wowbowski: You know Cossak, it seem like stupid Americanski's, the Topp Dogg. Follow us Vrussians to PWF!

Crowd Boos

Cossak: Vhy they do that?

Wowbowski: Because vithout Vrussians the Topp Doggs just pile of seal shit.

Crowd boo's louder

Cossak: Zatknis! pathetic americanski's

Wowbowski: vrespect members of gWo!

Huge eruption of boo's from the crowd

Stanyer: This crowd are really getting on the back of The Russians now.

Wowbowski: Only vreason you have those belt Topp Dogg is us Vrussians lose on purpose, to come to great PWF!

Crowd boos at mention of throwing the match, but give a cheap pop to the PWF

Wowbowski: Ve have better fight here in PWF, better opponent.

Cossak: Topp Dogg like baby here. Vhile us Vrussians like might Polar Bear. Ve are still vrightful MOW E tag team champion. Vright Vowbowski?

Wowbowski: Vright Cossak, tonight ve make example for you Topp Dogg, tonight ve pulverize Vruff Vryders. Ve make example of Vruff Vriders to show you vhat ve do to you.

Cossak: Da.

Wowbowski: Then after ve make Vruff Vrider look like muddacks. Ve come after you pathetic excuse for vrestlers and take back our title. And.........

Stanyer: I'd be surprised to see anyone make a "muddack" out of the Ruff Ryders.

Let the bodies hit the floor, let the bodies hit the floor, LET THE BODIES HIT THE FLOOOORRAHHHHH!!! BOOM!!!!! A big explosion hits as "Bodies" by Drowning Pool hits and out come Devastator, Destroyer, and Dominator The Ruff Ryders! Devastator in the middlem, Destroyer on the right side of the ramp, and Dominator on the left side. Devastator grabs a mic from his pocket.

Devastator: -Russians, you think you are going to beat us tonight!

Dominator: -We don't think so! Tonight will be the worst nights of your lives!

Destroyer: -And Topp Doggs, Welcome back guys! Now we can get the party started. With all of the Ruff Ryders back, except Showstopper!

Crowd Cheer at the mention of his name

Devastator: -Yeah guys, Where has he been?

Dominator:- I don't know, oh well.

Destroyer: -Back to tonight. Russians you or your buddies the gWo will never be as great as us, or the Outkasts! The gWo is going down, slowly but surely!Tonight you then, maybe MVD and former PWF world champion Power G! Whoever it is the Outkasts are taking them out. Tonight, tommorow night, the night after that! It doesn't matter what nght the Outkasts will win the battle!!

The Russians turn to the Ruff Ryders as they are taunting and making fun of them

Devastator:- Ve are the Russians and Ve are big Jackasses!

Stanyer: That was a bad idea.

The Russians start to head up the ramp when the Top Doggs slide out of the ring and hit The Russians from behind with the MOW E belts. The Top Doggs then stomp on them a couple of times before they decide to leave through the crowd. The Ruff Ryders seize the oppurtunity and head down to The Russians where they deliver a couple of stomps to each of them and then throw them into the ring. Referees then break them up and bring some order before they can start their actual match

Stanyer: When these two teams finally settle down, we can bring you the match between these two teams. But for now, we will take a short break.

{Commerical Break}

Announcer- SPRITE! The best stuff on Earth!!!

**The camera flashes a shot of General Leo of the PWF drinking Sprite, A fist comes flying out of the side of the screen, nailing Leo out of the picture, Cossak Joe of the gWo is revealed**

Announcer- The...

**The camera cuts to a shot of the MOW E's Phreak he cautiously looks to the left and as he opens the bottle a fist comes out from the opposite side of the screen, After Phreak falls to the ground Travis Right stands triumphantly where Phreak was **

Announcer- second.....

**The next MOW Sanitarium Champion, Heelmaster, is seen, he looks both ways before drinking some sprite, He gets hit with a lethal chop originating at the bottom of the screen, Power G stands up and nods to the camera**

Announcer- best....

**The triple crown champion of the UAW, Bates Masterson, is guzzling down a Sprite, until the scene changes .**

Announcer- stuff.....

**Cleveland, Ohio's own Heavy Metal guru, Matt Wilkins is shown tossing a can of Sprite in the air and drinking all of the contents, before spitting it on the ground.As he bends over to spit it out MVD Hits him with a Vandaminator**

Announcer- on.....

**The camera focuses on Nightshade completely downing a 20 oz. Sprite right before Wowbowski seaks up and pushes him out of the shot All the members of the gWo are shown finishing off their respective drinks. They then give a simultaneous thumbs up.**

Announcer- EARTH !!!!!!!!!

Wowbowski- Green Vodka Only! It may look Sprite, but it not. Ve comrade in gWo only drink it *under breathe* me and Cossak anyvay

**The camera cuts out.**

{End Commercial}

The Ruff Ryders v The Russians

The two teams are still in the ring awaiting the bell. Destroyer is still at ringside accompanying his partners.

Report: Dominator charges Wowbowski at the start and clubs him across the back. He then sends Wowbowski into the ropes, but Wowbowski reverses and then goes for a clothesline which Dominator ducks. They both carry on and Dominator tries a clothesline but this time Wowbowski ducks, they carry on again and this time Wowbowski takes Dominator down with a Flying Back Elbow. Dominator gets back up and Wowbowski follows in with a couple of right hands. Wowbowski then hooks up Dominator for a Suplex, but Dominator is too heavy for him and Dominator delivers the same suplex. Wowbowski gets up and Dominator hammers him with a big right and then whips him towards his turnbuckle. Dominator then follows in with a stiff lariat knocking Wowbowski down to a seated position in the turnbuckle. Dominator then tags in Devastator and the two men stomp away on Wowbowski in the corner for a moment and then Dominator leaves as the referee ticks them both off.

Stanyer: Destructive work by The Ruff Ryders.

Devastator pulls Wowbowski up from the corner and pulls him towards the middle and sends him to the ropes to deliver a big Powerslam. He hooks the leg. 1...............................2...........................Wowbowski kicks out. Devastator picks up Wowbowski and hits a big right hand sending Wowbowski staggering towards the ropes. Devastator then clotheslines Wowbowski over the top rope and then distracts the referee. Dominator and Destroyer then stomp away on Wowbowski on the outside. Destroyer then throws Wowbowski back into the ring.

Dawg: Come on, this is blatant cheating.

Stanyer: Would you say the same thing if it was The Russians dishing out the punishment?

Dawg: Of course I would, why wouldn't I?

Devastator pulls Wowbowski up and then tags in Dominator. They then send Wowbowski into the ropes, They then lift him up an deliver a Flapjack sending Wowbowski crashing to the mat. Dominator covers. 1................................2................................Cossak comes in to make the save. Dominator then clubs Cossak around the back of the head as he tries to leave the ring sending him through the ropes. Dominator picks up Wowbowski but he gets in a Low Blow as the referee is distracted trying to stop Destroyer from attacking Cossak. Wowbowski and Dominator crawl to their corners and Cossak manages to get to the apron just in time to make the tag. Cossak gets in the ring and takes down Devastator with a stiff lariat. He then kicks Dominator in the Solar Plexus and then delivers a DDT. Cossak then hits an uppercut on Devastator sending him staggering towards the corner. Cossak then pulls Devastator out of the corner and hits the Soviet Stinger. He covers. 1...........................2..........................Dominator makes the save with a diving double axe handle.

Stanyer: So close there for the Russians.

Cossak picks up Dominator and tosses him outside the ring, He then picks up Devastator but he grabs the legs of Cossak and tosses him outside the ring. Destroyer then drags Wowbowski out of the ring and The referee goes across to him and starts to remonstrate with him. Behind his back Someone jumps out of the crowd.

Stanyer: It's Shawn O'Neil of the Top Doggs!!! And he's got that MOW E tag belt!!

Cossak is getting to his feet as Shawn waits and then clocks him across the head with the belt. He then rolls Cossak back into the ring where Devastator makes the cover. 1............................................2.........................................3!!!!

The Ruff Ryders d. The Russians
8:19 Pinfall

Stanyer: Shawn O'Neil comes back to get another piece of The Russians and for the second time has cost them a match.

Dawg: It seems that there is some serious bad blood between The Russians and the Top Doggs.

Stanyer: Well I am told we have some footage of DaiKaTanA. He doesn't speak very often, so I guess he has something important to say.

Daikatana is seen in a dark room, sitting in a throne of some kind which is surrounded by candles of various sizes. Daikatana leans up, but only the lower half of his face can be seen. He speaks

DaiKaTanA:-"...........Ha ha ha, Darkstorm, is that what you call yourself, what ever happened to the prophecy. You say you have lost the darkness, Storm, you can never get away from the darkness, do you know who I am, I am in ever shadow that walks, and very soon, you shall see the darkness inside growing, you can not defeat soethign that you can not get away from Storm. Demon, you are just a large thorn in my side, and one way or another, you shall feel the twist of fate, then, STORM, you are next....."

daik leans back in his throne, and laughs to himself, slowly, and in a very deep voice

Dawg: He is one wierd dude.

Stanyer: Indeed, well now it is time for a Women's title match, this division has taken a backseat in recent weeks, but we hope that it will recieve some more airtime from now on.

Dawg: I'm hoping it recieves a LOT more airtime.

Stanyer: Well Sweet Ice has challenged Robin to a title match, and Robin agreed on the condition it was made a hardcore match. Here we go.

Women's Title
Hardcore Match
Sweet Ice v Robin(c)

Sweet Ices' music hit and the lights turn to a light blue color as her logo hit the titan tron and she walks out to the ring and climbs in. She stands in the middle of the ring as snow begans to fall from the ceiling on her. Then she taunts a few time before thesnow stops and her music stops.

James: The following Hardcore match is scheduled for one fall, and is for the PWF Women's Championship. Introducing the challenger from Denver Colorado, weighing 162lbs Sweet Ice

"Pleasure for Pain by SUM 41" hits as Robin walks out with the Women's title over her shoulder.

James: And her opponent, from Dayton, Ohio, weighing 125lbs, the PWF Women's Champion, Robin

Report: The two women tie up, Sweet Ice grabs the hair of Robin and slams it into the mat. Robin rolls out of the way and gets to her feet. Sweet Ice hits a couple of forearms and then sends Robin to the ropes, Robin grabs the ropes to stop herself. Sweet Ice charges in and Robin backdrops her over the top rope. Robin immediately drops down and rolls out of the ring. Robin then reaches under the ring and pulls out a steel chair. Sweet Ice gets to her feet and gets clocked over the head with the Steel Chair. Sweet Ice drops to the mat and Robin goes for a quick cover. 1............................2......................Sweet Ice kicks out. Robin drives the chair into the gut of Sweet Ice and then places the chair across her chest. She then climbs to the apron and goes for a running elbow drop but Sweet Ice moves and Robin hits the mats on the outside. Sweet Ice rolls up with the chair. Sweet Ice drives the chair into the face of Robin, she goes down to one knee, but then stands up and flicks her hair back to the cheers of the crowd.

Stanyer: Robin is the sister of Blackbird, and like her brother, she can take one hell of a beating.

Sweet Ice clocks Robin again and still she won't go down. Sweet Ice then drives the chair into the gut of Robin and then drops the chair and delivers a DDT on the chair. Sweet Ice makes the cover on the outside. 1.........................2.......................Robin kicks out. Sweet Ice picks up Robin and slams her backwards into the barricade. Sweet Ice then pulls out a lead pipe. She waits for Robin to pull herself to her feet and then slams the pipe into her head. Sweet Ice then makes the cover. 1............................2..........................Robin just gets her shoulder up. Sweet Ice looks frustrated.

Stanyer: Sweet Ice is getting really frustrated now, she needs to understand that Robin can survive more punishment than any female, probaly alive.

Sweet Ice pulls up Robin to her feet and performs a cut-throat motion.She lifts Robin onto the apron an grabs Robin by the head. But Robin elbows her in the head and then grabs the head of Ice and then swings around and delivers a Tornado DDT. Robin then slowly pulls herself to her feet, Sweet Ice is just behind. Sweet Ice goes for a right hand, but Robin ducks it and then hits a big right hand which staggers Ice backwards. Robin then runs and takes Ice down with a Running Swinging Neckbreaker. Robin then picks up the steel chair and climbs to the apron. Robin then jumps off and puts the chair under her legs to drive the chair into the face of Ice. She covers. 1...............................2..........................Ice just kicks out.

Dawg: These two women surely can't fight much longer.

Stanyer: Is that a sexist comment I hear? Are you saying these two lack stamina because they are women?

Dawg: No, but they have beaten the crap out of each other, and they can't do that for long.

The crowd begin to boo as Lethal walks down the ramp

Stanyer: What the hell is he doing here?

Robin gets to her feet and she pulls a table out from underneath the ring. She sets up the table and then turns around, but Lethal has come down to ringside and picks up Robin and delivers an over the shoulder spinebuster driving Robin through the table. Lethal then drags Ice on top of Robin. 1.....................................2................................3!!!!!

Lethal escapes through the crowd as they jeer him and Blackbird comes running down the ramp to protect his sister.

Sweet Ice d. Robin
6:45 Pinfall

James: The winner of the match and NEW PWF WOMEN'S CHAMPION, SWEET ICE.Crowd Boos

Stanyer: Lethal has just cost Robin the Women's title, just because she is Blackbird's sister.

Dawg: That's the way it goes in life, you have to take everything that is thrown at you, and today, Robin simply couldn't do that.

Stanyer: Come on, Lethal had no business attacking Robin.

Dawg: That isn't for me to decide.

Stanyer: Well after the break, we have DaiKaTanA and DeMoN. But before we go to the commercials, Jimmy Jones is backstage with DarkStorm

Jimmy Jones is standing in the hallway of the arena talking about who this guy is that hit attacked Demon, and looked to be with Daikatana but then turns on him too**Clip is shown from LMS**

Jimmy Jones:- "I am standing outside of what I am told to be the locker room of this man that attacked Demon, and Daikatana *The camera looks away from the door, and glances down the corridor, when a man is walking toward them* Hey, I was wondering if I could have a word with you?

DarkStorm:- "Ok, and the word for today is......rightguard.... *leans over toward Jimmy* smells like you could use some..."

Jimmy Jones:- "I was wonder what your relationship with Demon and Daikatana is?"

DarkStorm:- " relationship*looks over toward the camera, smiles, then looks back at Jimmy*....yes, a relationship is s meaningful thing, you have your homo's, you got you hetero's, you got your hermaphroditeo's, then you got the two biggest pieces of crap, I know pimples that are harder to pop than them. You got Daikawhatever, who always carries that little stick, talking bout how he knows everything, well Daikatana, Storm has got a little riddle for ya, whats about 6'3", 230lbs, and the one person that is gonna whoop your burnt ass all over the areana, who do you think it is Jimmy?

Jimmy Jones:-"I don't know, maybe you?"

DarkStorm:-"Maybe me, maybe darkstorm he says, maybe i should take this right hand*hold his hand up* and proceed to bitch slap your ass until you know its me *takes a swing at jimmy but stops midway, jimmy backs up fast and runs into the background* Stand up son, I anit gonna hit you. Then you got Demon, who walks around with his hand up in the air, saying :looky what I can do, uh uh uh: Tonight, they are gonna have a little match, to see who can beat who, probably to see who gets to be on top tonight, but none the less, whoever wins, I will end it, cause Daikatana, you talk about I am next, well the only thing I am next for is to kick your tank ass all over the arena.....oh yea, and jimmy, nice tie"

Darkstorm walks into his dressing room, and Jimmy Jones just looks at the camera

{Commerical Break}

[Scene opens showing a suburban street, with a few kids dressed in hockey gear playing street hockey...]

Fat Kid: Hey, you guys... we need one more before we can have a game.

Voice: Hey, got room for one more?

[The kids all turn (as does the camera) and see Kevin Cage, walking toward them, he is wearing black cargo shorts and the all new Kevin Cage Hockey Jersey.]

Kevin Cage: I'll play!

Fat Kid: (mouth open, barely able to talk...) Ummmm... okay, Mr. Mr. Mr.... Cage.

[The scene shows Cage and the kids into their hockey game... shots of Cage skating around the kids, shooting and scoring... the scene fades out... then goes to after the game.]

Small kid: Wow, how'd you learn to play like that?

Kevin Cage: It's all in the jersey kid.

[Cage walks away... close up of the kids face.]

Small kid: Wow, I gotta get me one of those!


PWF Advertisement voice: And so do you! Get this black hockey jersey, with Kevin Cage written on the front in red/outlined in white, and the number 12 on the back and both sleeves, for only $39.95 in the PWF Shopzone!
Call 1-800-PWF-ZONE today!

{End Commercial}

Stanyer: Welcome back folks, we go straight to the ring for DaiKaTanA v DeMoN. The battle of the darkside.

DaiKaTanA v DeMoN

"Leave you far behind" by Lunatic Calm hits and the lights darken, pyros blast off at the ramp and a man in a dark cloak is standing in the entrance way, he is holding a long scythe, he raises his hands as if he is drawing on a dark power, then slams his hands down, the lights slam back on and the man throws down his cloak to reveal it is Demon, he walks down to the ring slowly and then climbs in over the top rope.

James: The following match is scheduled for one fall, Introducing first, from Death Valley, California, weighing 494lbs, "The Devil" Demon.

The Arena becomes darkned, smoke starts to sprial around the entry way, as a dark blue symbol starts to burn its way through the ultra-tron, then a blast of fire comes from the entry way as "batman beyond theme" plays, and DaiKaTanA in a dark gothic cloak appears at the top of the entry way, and proceeds to make his slow decent down to the ring

James: And his opponent, from Parts unknown, weighing 307lbs, "The Dark Warrior" DaiKaTanA

Report: DeMoN and DaiKaTanA exchange words, then they start to exchange hard right hands. DeMoN wins the exchange and hammers DaiK into the corner. DeMoN then hits a couple of hard shoulder thrusts and then whips DaiK out to the opposite turnbuckle. He follows in with a big body splash. Then he picks up the staggering DaiKaTanA and lifts him up for a military press. DeMoN then tosses DaiK half way across the ring. DeMoN then delivers a big running elbow drop. DeMoN covers. 1.........................2.......................DaiK kicks out. DeMoN picks DaiK up and hits him with a big right hand, DaiK staggers into the ropes. DeMoN pushes him into the ropes and sends him to the other side. DeMoN then hits a massive running clothesline that puts DaiKaTanA through a loop. DeMoN hooks the leg. 1.............................2............................DaiK kicks out.

Stanyer: Major league clothesline from DeMoN, knocking DaiK almost out of his boots.

DeMoN picks up DaiK and delivers a one handed scoop slam. DeMoN then climbs to the second turnbuckle and jumps off with a big body splash, but DaiK rolls out of the way and DeMoN hits nothing but canvas. The two men get back up, DaiK blocks a big right and then hits a couple of his own. DeMoN comes back and grabs DaiK around the throat. But DaiK counters with a couple of kicks to the gut and then hooks both arms a delivers a Double Arm DDT. DaiK comes off the ropes and delivers a big Leg Drop across the chest of DeMoN. He then hooks the leg. 1.............................2..........................DeMoN throws him off. DaiK gets up and picks up DeMoN and sends him to the ropes, but DeMoN reverses and then grabs DaiK with both hands around the throat as he comes off. DeMoN then delivers a massive Double Chokelift Slam. He pushes the legs forward for the cover. 1.................................2...........................DaiKaTanA just gets the shoulder up.

Dawg: DaiKaTanA can't find an equaliser to the power of DeMoN.

DeMoN stands up and performs a cut-throat and then picks up DaiK. He scoops him up for the Midnight Driver, but DaiK rotates him around and lands on his feet. DaiK ducks a big right hand then grabs the arms of DeMoN and turns him around before delivering the Impaler. He rolls DeMoN over for the pin. 1.................................2............................DeMoN kicks out. DaiK mounts DeMoN and hits him with some hard rights to the face until DeMoN throws him off.

Stanyer: DeMoN just keeps coming, how do you stop this man?

DaiK gets up and ducks a DeMoN clothesline and then hits a dropkick to the knee which staggers DeMoN. DaiK then hits a diving clothesline to the knee of DeMoN which takes him off his feet. He then hooks the leg. 1.............................2.........................DeMoN kicks out. DaiK gets up and stomps on the knee of DeMoN. DaiK then hooks the leg of DeMoN and jumps up driving the knee into the mat. DaiK then goes for a Figure Four, but DeMoN counters by kicking DaiK in the butt sending him into the turnbuckle. DeMoN then rises up and goozles DaiKaTanA. But DaiK counters with a Low kick and then delivers the Twist of Fate. DaiK hooks the leg. 1.......................................2................................3!!!!

DaiKaTanA d. DeMoN
7:46 Pinfall

Stanyer: DaiKaTanA manages to keep DeMoN down for three, but DeMoN is back up and he is not happy.

DeMoN is on his feet and goozles DaiKaTanA. This time he delivers the Chokeslam. Then out of the back comes DarkStorm carrying a chair. DeMoN doesn't see him and picks up DaiK for the Midnight Driver. DarkStorm then smashes the chair across DeMoN's back. Then he hits DeMoN across the back of the head. He then smashes the chair across the face of DaiKaTanA flooring both men. He slams the chair into the mat and leaves the ring while trash talking both DeMoN and DaiKaTanA lying flat on the mat.

Stanyer: Darkstorm makes his presence felt and takes out both DeMoN and DaiKaTanA, they are not going to be too happy when they get up.

Dawg: I pity the day when DeMoN gets hold of Darkstorm.

Stanyer: Well we now go backstage to hear from The Real McCoy with Power G.

Camera cuts backstage to the gWo locker room, it is empty except for The Real McCoy sitting in a chair, alongside him is sitting Power G.

McCoy: "Crusader, at Last Man Standing you and Power G took it to another level, you both raised the bar, you both took each other to the edge. And for that Power G has respect for you. You managed to do what few people have ever done, and that is defeat the Machine, Power G. Not only that, but you did it by yourself, and for that Power G has respect for you. But what will this do to Power G you might be saying? Absolutely nothing. Power G is still the best in the PWF. And whoever steps into his path of destruction will feel the true force of G Power. And that my friends, is Clearly Stated."

Power G starts to stand, but McCoy stops him and sits him back down

McCoy: "Wait, we are not done yet. For there is the small matter of tonight. Where the Canadian-Japanese-American has decided to step into the ring against Power G. Well he will feel the true force of Power G's anger. He will feel the true force of Power G's wrath. And you know something Rye, I will love it. I will simply love it."

As The Real McCoy finishes talking about his match up with Rye Hazwaki , MVD bursts in and begins talking to Power G and McCoy

MVD:- Hey G, hey McCoy. Tonight it's very important that we get back on track, we can't let the events at Last Man Standing effect our plans, and we must make an example of the OutKasts, so G i'd like to take your place against Rye tonight, we still have unfinished business...........

McCoy: "Perhaps, but don't you think that Power G would be the best man to destroy Rye?

MVD: "Perhaps, but I am the leader of the gWo, and recently my leadership hasn't been that great. Well that will change tonight. I am sick and tired of Rye Hazwaki and The OutKasts. Between me and him, it's personal, and I want to finish it. I don't want there to be any comebacks. I want me and him, in the ring, one on one. So come on, what do you say?"

McCoy: "Well, I'll leave it up to Power G to decide"

The camera zooms in on Power G's face. He doesn't move for a few moments, then eventually gives the nod as the camera fades back to the arena

Stanyer: Well it looks like we have a change of plan tonight, now it looks like it will be Matt Van Dam taking on Rye Hazwaki. An interesting turn of events.

Dawg: Indeed, MVD's been on a bad run of late, and he will be looking to take out his frustrations on Rye.

Stanyer: Rye hasn't been in the best of form over the past month either, both men will be looking to get wins tonight. We'll be back in a few moments.

{Commerical Break}

[voice] Want a little excitement? Well, now you don't HAVE TO snap into a slimjim! We at DSM and Co would like to introduce the next "thing." That's right, Canadian Monkey Empire, THE ALBUM!!!! With hit tracks like:

[Starts playing the number one track "Moose's Caboose" *sung to the tune of 'My Heart Will Go On' by Celine Dieon or whatever she calls herself]

Moose. Caboose. A MOOOSE'S cabooose. And a moose. With a caboose. A moose's caboooooose. A moose *whisper 'a moose'* a caboose. A MOOOOSE'S caboose.

[Voice] That's right you PWF'ites! And if that ONE TRACK alone isn't enough, THERE'S MUCH, MUCH MORE! You can buy it for $18.99 at places that sell the next "thing" everywhere!

{End Commercial}

As "Lethal Injection" by Slipknot plays the words "A new definition of hardcore has come." Followed by "You are looking at him now." The fans look around wondering where he is. All of the sudden from the backstage area Lethal walks out. On the screen it shows Lethal Injections happening.

James: Introducing, from Boston, Mass., The New Definiton of Hardcore, Lethal. Crowd boos

Stanyer: Well I guess this newcomer has something he wants to say.

Lethal comes down to the ring with a microphone in his hand. He steps into the ring and starts to yack.

Lethal:- I know all of you are wondering who I am. Well, I am about to answer you question. My name is Lethal. I am here to ride you of the so called "extreme" wrestlers. They say that they are extreme then after a pussy octagon match they are laying on there death bed. When you see me in action you will see I am extreme. Blackbird or Bloodbath won't even compare. I am the NEW definition of Hardcore. If any of the boys in the back g..........

Lethal is interrupted by the sudden blare of "96 Quite Bitter Beings" by CKY. Through the entryway walks Bloodbath, he heads down to the ring. He is carrying a microphone in one hand.

Stanyer: Well if Lethal want's to go Extreme, he picked the right two people. Or should I say the wrong two people.

Bloodbath: "Lethal, shut you damn mouth! You come out here and talk about how much more extreme you are than Blackbird and I. Well, I don't see how much of that is true, because when I fought Blackbird in the octagon, you waited and attacked us after we had already gone through a lot and you attacked us from behind. Anybody could attack a wounded man from behind. But that doesn't make you extreme. That just makes you a pussy!"

The crowd starts cheering as Lethal looks a little bit fed up.

Lethal: "Bloodbath..............

Bloodbath: "Shut Up! Did I say I was finished talking? Now, back to the important stuff. I still deserve my title shot against Blackbird! I had the Octagon Match won, if it weren't for that stupid son of a bitch standing down there in the ring." Bloodbath points to Lethal standing in the ring "So, Blackbird why don't you come out here and give me my rematch? Unless you are afraid to fight me without interference?"

Stanyer: Bloodbath wants that Extreme Title so badly.

Blackbird makes his way out with a mic and sits on the entry ramp with his belt on his waist.

Blackbird: - Lethal you think you deserve this title? The way I see it is Bloodbath is more deserving than you. You think you can come in here and challenge me to make a name for yourself? I think not. Now since I am champion and I have the belt and I get partial decision in who gets a shot I have set up with P-Man a Hardcore Match between you two chumps. The winner gets a shot at MY belt. My presence is no longer needed. Later bros.

Blackbird drops the mic gets up and walks back stage

Stanyer: I guess we got ourselves a match up.

Hardcore Match
Lethal v Bloodbath

Report: Lethal goes straight in with a clothesline but Bloodbath ducks it and hits a stiff right hand, Bloodbath whips Lethal to the ropes, Bloodbath takes Lethal down with a Cross Body Block into a cover. Lethal kicks out immediately. Lethal gets to his feet and connects with a pair of kicks to the kidneys of Lethal. Bloodbath catches a third kick, but Lethal shows his martial arts skills and steps over the arm of Bloodbath a sweeps the legs of Bloodbath. Lethal picks up Bloodbath and hits a low spinning back kick straight into the gut of Bloodbath. Bloodbath is doubled up. Lethal hits a thrust kick to the back of Bloodbath's head putting him down on the mat. Lethal then rolls out of the ring and lifts up the ring apron.

Stanyer: Lethal looking for some impliments of destruction in this hardcore contest.

Lethal pulls out a Kendo Stick and tosses it in the ring, he pulls out a pair of nunchuks and the crowd suddenly becomes a little restless. at the sight of the nunchukas. Lethal rolls in the ring and wields the nunchuks to show how skilled he is with them. He then spins them around before clocking Bloodbath over the head as Bloodbath was getting to his feet. Lethal covers immediately. 1..........................2...............................Bloodbath kicks out. Bloodbath reaches up to his face and the camera zooms in to show that Bloodbath has been busted open in the forehead. Lethal has picked up the Kendo Stick and is spinning it around daring Bloodbath to get up. Bloodbath staggers to his feet. Lethal smashes the Kendo Stick over Bloodbath's head, but it only staggers him. Lethal swings again, this time putting Bloodbath on one knee. Lethal goes for a third shot but Bloodbath ducks it and then manages to grab Lethal as he turns around and hits the Blood Bash(Downward Spiral). Both men stay down.

Dawg: Bloodbath pulls a move from nowhere, but Lethal has already destroyed the face of Bloodbath, if Lethal can survive this, it's just a matter of time.

After a short while, Bloodbath rolls over and makes the cover. 1.................................2..........................Lethal kicks out. Bloodbath rolls to his feet, the blood dripping onto the canvas. Bloodbath staggers around as Lethal starts to get to his feet. Bloodbath hammers Lethal in the face with a forearm that sends Lethal back to the canvas. Bloodbath picks up the Kendo Stick and smashes it across the back of Lethal. Bloodbath then rolls out of the ring. He pushes the timekeeper out of the way and reaches behind the table. He pulls out a spool of barb wire. A buzz of anticipation goes around the crowd as Bloodbath climbs the apron, but Lethal is up and he hits the Lethal Injection(Morality Check) to Bloodbath sandwiching the barb-wire between his foot and Bloodbath's face and sending Bloodbath flying backwards through the announcers table.

Stanyer: OH MY GOD!!!! Bloodbath just got hit in the face with barb-wire and sent crashing through our table. Bloodbath surely can't take much more punishment.

Dawg: He's bleeding all over the place, the referee surely has to stop this match now.

Stanyer: He can't, it's a hardcore match, only a pinfall or submission can end this match.

Lethal slowly makes his way outside the ring and holds both arms in the air as the crowd suddenly let out a massive cheer. Lethal looks surprised and turns around to see Blackbird coming through the crowd. Blackbird hops the barricade and ducks a kick from Lethal and then kicks him in the gut as he turns around. Blackbird then delivers an EvenFlow DDT driving the head of Lethal onto the barb-wire that Bloodbath brought into the match. Blackbird then drags Bloodbath onto Lethal. 1.....................................2..................................3!!!!!!

Bloodbath d. Lethal
7:56 Pinfall

Stanyer: Why did Blackbird help Bloodbath to defeat Lethal, when he knows that he will then have to fight Bloodbath for his Extreme Title?

Dawg: It beats me, perhaps he is afraid of Lethal.

Stanyer: I doubt it, this is Blackbird we are talking about.

Dawg: True.

Stanyer: Well before out Hardcore Match between Clegg and Kidd, we have an interview with Andy Clegg.

The camera comes into focus backstage and Clegg is seen giving some thoughts on his matchup against Kidd.

Mayhem: Clegg tonight you will be facing Kidd please can you give us your thoughts about the upcoming matchup.

Clegg: My thoughts huh? Well firstly i'm going to pummel him into the mat. Then i think i'll stomp on his head a couple of times make sure he's dazed. Then i'll deliver the Cranium Correction and that'll be it. Kidd will lose and lose badly.

Mayhem: Clegg you must be nervous going into this match as your win loss record isn't very good as of late.

Clegg: So? Just cause i lose doesn't mean i done bad does it? Yeah it would be great if i won all the time but that ain't going to happen when you got the likes of MVD and General Leo in this fed, not that i have had the honour of kicking their asses but one day perhaps. But i know tonight that i will get a win against Kidd because i am just that bit better. Plus i'm as Hardcore as hell and you can bet he won't walk away from the match in one piece. Now if you'll excuse me i got some ass to kick

. Clegg shoves the camera out of the way and heads off....

Stanyer: Clegg is definitely fired up for this one.

Wherever I may Roam by Metallica rips through the pa system. THe Arena goes dark and the Titan tron lights up with the words "Hell has come marching..." The fans erupt in a loud chorus of Cheers. Out come Alexander and Kull, Still wearing the World Tag Team Titles. They slide into the ring mic in hand.

Stanyer: Here come the Tag Team Champions, they and the Gods of Gore both suffered nasty injuries at Last Man Standing, the Gods of Gore are not even here tonight, in fact I thought the Gods of War were not here as well. But I guess I was wrong.

Dawg: Your always wrong Jay.

Alexander:- (in a very scratchy voice) First thing I would like to make clear is I have a great deal of respect for the ablility of the Gods of Gore... But I still think that personaly that you both big piles of pig shit.

Kull:- Your damn right. Now on to more import things... Like who will we face next who is the next to stand before the marching army. We are quickly become the greatest tag team to ever grace the PWF. We wish dearly that the Wages of Sin still were under contract to wrestle in the PWF for that would be a battle I would love to take part in. but for now we must settle for the opposition currently under contract and we will await and anwser in the back...

Wherever I may Roam hits and the Gods of War return to the back.

{Commerical Break}

*clips of Blackbird's arm being raised with the Hardcore and World titles are shown*

Voice-He's the most resiliant man in wrestling today. He is a former PWF World Champion

*More clips shown*

Voice-Hardcore is what this man does.

*Blackbird is shown sitting in the corner of a ring with a mic*


Fast voice-Order your copy of Blackbird: Definition of hardcore including entire matches and commentary from Blackbird himself for only $9.99! Available in Shopzone NOW!

{End Commercial}

Hardcore Match
Andy Clegg v Kidd

One Step Closer by Linkin Park hits the arena as Kidd walks down to ringside.

James: Making his debut, weighing 316lbs, Kidd

"Darling Violetta" plays as Andy Clegg walks out carrying his trusty baseball bat and stands and looks around as if expecting something to kick off. He runs to the ring and begins to stare at a few members of the crowd.

James: And his opponent, from Parts Unknown, weighing 234lbs, Andy Clegg.

Report: Andy Clegg immediately slides out of the ring. He pulls out a trashcan with a variety of weapons and tosses it into the ring. He then slides into the ring himself. Kidd immediately stomps on him. Kidd picks him up and slams Clegg's head into the turnbuckle. He then hits a reverse elbow to Clegg's face. Kidd then sends Clegg to the opposite turnbuckle and then clotheslines him down as he bounces off the turnbuckle. Kidd picks up the trashcan and empties it out. He then slams it into the head of Clegg as he sits up to try and get to his feet. Kidd then covers. 1............................2.......................Clegg kicks out. Kidd pulls clegg up and picks up a cookie sheet from the ground. He slams it into Cleggs head, he staggers around. Kidd lifts Clegg over his shoulder and slams him down with a Sidewalk Slam. Kidd covers. 1............................2.......................Clegg kicks out easily.

Stanyer: Kidd making a good start on his debut.

Kidd picks up a broom handle and breaks it across the back of Clegg. Kidd then delivers a back drop to Clegg. Kidd then comes off the ropes and delivers a big jumping leg drop to the chest of Clegg. Kidd then covers. 1....................................2...........................Clegg gets the shoulder up. Kidd picks up Clegg and then tosses him to the outside. As Clegg hits the floor he reaches underneath the ring and grabs hold of something. Kidd doesn't see this and climbs out of the ring and picks up Clegg who has a Kendo Stick and brings it up low on Kidd who collapses holding his genitalia. Clegg pulls himself to his feet and smashes the stick over the back of Kidd. The stick breaks into pieces and Clegg tosses it away. Kidd picks up Kidd and then delivers a DDT on the outside. Clegg then reaches underneath the ring and pulls out a table to a massive cheer from the crowd.

Dawg: This does not look good for Kidd.

Clegg finishes setting up the table and raises his arm in the air to a masive cheer from the crowd. Kidd picks up Kidd and climbs to the apron. He locks in the head of Kidd and signals for a Tornado DDT. Clegg jumps off and whips around but Kidd manages to weaken Clegg's grip and manages to stand his ground and Clegg crashes through the table. Kidd quickly goes for the cover. 1......................................2..................................3!!!

Kidd d. Clegg
4:51 Pinfall

Stanyer: Kidd pulls out the win with a deft reversal on his first match on his return to the PWF.

Dawg: Perhaps you might give him a bit more respect now.

Stanyer: Not likely, someone who does sneak attacks and takes out people from behind doesn't deserve respect.

Dawg: Well that's.....

Stanyer: Sorry Dave, I am told we are to show some footage of Big Poppa and Sabre from earlier tonight.

Dawg: Oh great, these two nincompoops get airtime over me.

Reporter: ... Where are you taking me!?!...

The reporter struggles wildly, as Sabre and Big Poppa drag the poor man through a hallway, before kicking open a locker room, and throwing him into a chair.

Sabre: 'You're going to interview us, numbnuts'

Poppa: 'Yep. We had a great win at last man standing, but no one seems to give a monkey's nipple.'

Sabre: 'So we've stood and stood, but we can't stands no more!'

Poppa: 'So get to shooting those questions, sunshine, and this shiny penny could be yours!'

Poppa displays a shiny penny into the reporters eyes...

Reporter: 'Oooo... shiny!'

Sabre: 'Well, what would you like to talk about first? The amazing win at Last Man Standing against the Russians? The upcoming match up tonight against the True Age Outlaws? Or the fact that slowly but surely... Poppa and Sabre are making a name for ourselves!'

Reporter: 'Well, I'll start by asking you how...

Poppa: 'OR... how about asking what our double team move is! It's currently under wraps, but one of these days... one of these days... POW! right in the kisser! No one will ever see it coming! Or, how about asking us about the road to the PWF tag team titles? We're bound to have a shot at them at some stage!'

Reporter: 'Actually, I...

Sabre: 'Ohhh.. shoot. Look at the time! I gotta go get me something to eat! I can't wrestle on an empty stomach.'

Poppa: 'Hey, I know this great place just down the road...'

Sabre: 'I'm banned. I wouldn't leave the waitress alone.'

Poppa: 'Hmmm... well how about the place right around the corner?'

Sabre: 'Banned. Same reason.'

Poppa: 'The place over the meadow?'

Sabre: 'Banned.'

Poppa: 'Through the woods?'

Sabre: 'Banned.'

Poppa: 'I guess we'll have to settle for whatever they have here.'

Sabre: 'Better hurry. I think they're gonna ban me soon.'

Both men rise, and look at the reporter...

Poppa: 'Uhhh... you stay here!'

The reporter stays in the seat, not moving a muscle, while Sabre and Poppa get led away from their rumbling bellies...

Dawg: How can our director even give them airtime, let alone airtime over me.

Stanyer: Perhaps it's because they are entertaining, and you are not.

Dawg: At least I'm not banned from half the restuarants in the country.

Stanyer: Well it's time for Big Poppa & Sabre v the True Age Outlaws.

Big Poppa & Sabre v True Age Outlaws

The lights begin to dim and the fans quiet down in anticipation. The words "Real Show" fade in and out on the dark UltraTron, and the lights suddenly turn on and fire works blast off as a customized version of Limp Bizkit's My Way starts up

James: "Coming to the ring at this time, at a combined weight of 515lbs, Big Poppa and The Sabre

The audience goes mad as Big Poppa and Sabre emerge through the Havoc curtains. They do a air-guitar taunt to the tune of the song, and they Big Poppa dances down to the ring as Sabre walks down hi-fi-ing all the fans

The True Age Outlaws music hits and they walks down to the ring after posing for the fans.

James: And their opponents, from Richmond, Virginia, at a combined weight of 524lbs, Black Ass and Crossbone, the True Age Outlaws.

Report: Poppa and Crossbone start out the match. Poppa performs a little dance at the start to the cheers of the crowd. Poppa and Crossbone tie up. Crossbone takes Poppa into a hammerlock and then back heel trips Poppa up and takes him down to the mat. Poppa then shows his wrestling skills and rolls around Crossbone to reverse the hold, he then slaps Crossbone over the back of the head and stands up. Crossbone gets up annoyed and goes for a big right hand, but Poppa ducks and then hits Crossbone with two rights before a little shuffle and then he goes for the big right hand, but Crossbone ducks it and then kicks Poppa in the gut. Crossbone then sets Poppa up for a powerbomb, but Poppa reverses with a back body drop, but Crossbone rolls down the back of Poppa and sunset flips him. 1.........................2.................Poppa rolls both of then forwards to turn it into a pin of his own. 1................................2..........................Crossbone kicks out and rolls backwards and they come to a stand-off to the cheers of the crowd. Both men decide to make tags.

Stanyer: A stylish show of athleticism from Big Poppa and Crossbone.

Sabre comes in and ducks a big clothesline from Black Ass and hooks him up in a crucifix. 1....................Black Ass kicks out. Black Ass goes for a right hand but Sabre ducks it and hits a dropkick to the back of Black Ass's head and sends him into the ropes. Sabre goes for a hiptoss but it is blocked. Sabre kicks Black Ass in the gut and places his head over Black Ass's head and Black Ass flips Sabre over and then Sabre hooks up Black Ass and delivers a Back Drop. Sabre rolls into the cover. 1...........................2.............Black Ass kicks out. Sabre gets up and poses for the cheers of the crowd. But on the apron Crossbone grabs Sabre's hair and slams his head into the mat. Black Ass then quickly makes the tag and the two men begin to stomp away on Sabre.

Dawg: That's the spirit, Double Teaming is the key to winning a Tag Match, didn't you know that Jay.

Stanyer: Of course I know that, do you think I'm stupid or something?

Dawg: Let me think about that one..... Thought about it, Yes.

Stanyer: So typical of you.

Crossbone picks up Sabre and send him into the ropes, he then lifts Sabre up and drops him throat first across the top turnbuckle. The referee remonstrates with him, but he ignores the protests. Crossbone picks up Sabre and delivers a Suplex. He tags in Black Ass who helps him pick up Sabre and they send him to the ropes. They pick up Sabre and deliver a Double Spinebuster. Black Ass makes the cover. 1................................2...........................Poppa comes in and just makes the save. The referee then sends Poppa out of the ring Black Ass picks up Sabre and sends him into the ropes. He scoops him up and then delivers a Pendulum Backbreaker. Black Ass hooks the leg. 1..............................2.........................Sabre kicks out this time. Black Ass picks up Sabre and holds him as he makes the tag. Crossbone kicks Sabre hard in the gut once in the ring. Crossbone then delivers a scoop slam and then climbs to the 2nd turnbuckle and delivers a Leg Drop. He then hooks the leg. 1.............................2.......................Poppa has to come in and make the save once again. Crossbone taunts Poppa as he picks up Sabre. He sends Sabre to the ropes, but Sabre slides underneath his legs as he comes back and hits a couple of forearms. Sabre then jumps up and goes for the hurricanranna, but Crossbone counters with a Powerbomb. Crossbone covers. 1.............................2..........................Poppa makes the save once again. Crossbone tags in Black Ass and He picks up Sabre. Black Ass kicks Sabre in the gut and sets him up for the Powerbomb. He goes to flip Sabre up but Sabre counters and manages to hit the Sabre's Edge (Rios Driver). Both he and Black Ass then start to look for the tag.

Stanyer: Sabre desperately need a tag.

Black Ass manages to make the tag and as Crossbone gets in Sabre manages to dive and tag in Big Poppa. Poppa charges in and clotheslines down Crossbone. Black Ass comes in as back up and gets clotheslined as well. Poppa scoop slams Crossbone and then hits a DDT on Black Ass sending him rolling out of the ring. Poppa sends Crossbone into the ropes and hits a Powerslam. Poppa bounces off the ropes and hits a hard elbow drop. Poppa hooks the leg. 1............................2...................Black Ass breaks up the count. Black Ass starts to hammer Poppa with right hands and Crossbone backs him up. But Sabre on the apron springs onto the top rope and then takes down Black Ass with a dropkick to the back of his head. Black Ass rolls out of the ring and Sabre follows him out. Crossbone whips Poppa to the ropes but Poppa reverses and then hits a high jumping back elbow to put Crossbone down. Poppa picks up Crossbone and delivers a Brainbuster which leaves Crossbone flat on his back.

Stanyer: This one is over.

Poppa decides not to cover and picks up Crossbone and carries him to the corner and sets him up on the turnbuckle. Poppa begins to climb up but Crossbone counters and hits a few elbows to the gut and then reverses the positions. He then looks set to hit a hurricanranna when Poppa counters with a couple of blows to the gut. Poppa then stands up and signals to Sabre as he puts Crossbone's head between his legs on the top rope. Sabre sends Black Ass crashing into the steps and then climbs to the top turnbuckle the the left of Big Poppa. Poppa then flips Crossbone up and flies off with the Poppa Bomb, as Sabre flips through the air and connects with the 450 Splash a moment later. Sabre rolls off as the referee counts. 1................................2................................3!!!!

Sabre & Poppa d. True Age Outlaws
10:34 Pinfall

Stanyer: What an amazing move from the tag team of Poppa and Sabre. Simply unbelievable.

Dawg: Ok, ok, I'll give them some credit, that was a pretty good double team. But that's about the only thing they did that was any good. Sabre got his ass kicked for most of the match.

Stanyer: Who got the 1, 2, 3?

Dawg: Yeah, yeah.

The PWF arena goes black and the crowd silences while words flash across the VideoTron: "THE.. REAL.. BOSTON.. MASSACRE!!" A single silver flare streaks down from the rafters on target with the stage, and it is answered by a row of blue explosions, as "Cowboys From Hell" by Pantera hits full intensity over the speakers and the crowd roars in approval. A man in black leather pants and a Homicide 4:32 t-shirt appears from through the curtain with the PWF European Championship belt draped over his shoulder, and makes his way to the end of the stage, where he stops to taunt the crowd, and then proceeds to ringside where he gets a microphone from the A.V. crew, and then he rolls into the ring and begins a lecture.

Stanyer: "Now we will get a word on the wildside from our very own PWF European Champion, Homicide."

Dawg: "What a match he and Kevin Cage had at Last Man Standing! Cage will never be the same after that Boston Massacre off the cage.."

Homicide: crowd chants with him YOU LOVE ME.. YOU HATE ME.. YOU’LL NEEEVER FORGET ME!! CAGE!! At Last Man Standing, YOU.. FELT.. THE.. PAIN!! crowd erupts That’s right folks, if you missed the Boston Massacre Match on LMS, here’s a clip.."

Homicide is climbing the cage when Cage gets up and sees Homicide climbing the cage. Cage goes after him and starts to climb the cage aside Homicide. Cage is lighter than Homicide and climbs a little faster to catch Homicide up and they both make it to the top at about the same time. Homicide hits Cage with a right hand which nearly sends him off the cage, but he holds his balance somehow. Cage hits a right hand on Homicide and he staggers, having to grab one of the cables to stop himself from going off the cage. Homicide hits Cage with another right hand and then grabs Cage by the head. He then turns Cage over and then throws himself off the Cage and takes Cage with him and delivers the Boston Massacre (Reverse DDT Drop) from the top of the cage.

Ooh’s and Oww’s from the crowd.

Stanyer: "That clip gets more and more gut-wrenching every time I watch it."

Dawg: "OUCH, now that HAD to hurt.."

Homicide: "Yes, Dawg, that damn well HAD to hurt. I haven‘t seen Cage since he got hauled out in a stretcher at Last Man Standing, but let me tell you this, he ain‘t gonna’ be pretty when he get’s released from the hospital.."

Dawg: "That‘s for damn sure."

Homicide: "Although, there is some good that has come out of it.. Two things actually.. The first, and MOST importantly, I am now a two time European champion.. AND.. The second, the whole world now knows, what happens, WHEN.. THE.. MASSACRE.. IS.. UN-LEASHED!!"

Stanyer: "Who is going to face Homicide now that Cage is injured?"

Dawg: "Does it really matter? Nobody has stopped him from completing his goals yet! Whomever it be wont be much more successful.."

"Cowboys From Hell" blares over the speakers as Homicide tosses the mic to someone at ringside, and he takes off his Homicide 4:32 t-shirt and tosses it to the crowd. After doing so, he drops the belt under the bottom rope, and slides out after it. Then, he grabs it and places it over his shoulder, before walking backup the ramp to the ovation of the crowd, occasionally hi-fiving a fan on the way.

The camera fades into Rye Hazwaki's Bathroom, he is seen staring in the mirror fiddling with his shocked up hair... He carrys on fiddling with it untill it is just right. He then splashes some water over his face and looks at the camera.

Rye: "So MVD want's to face me does he? He had to moan and groan at Power G to face me, just proves how popular i am, everyone wants to face me, even Power G wanted to face me but he knew he would be defeated so he decided to let it slip and hand MVD's ass to me! Both his and my performances havent been the greatest as of late. I have had a bit of a losing streak but it's no biggie as that lifeless scum bag they call MVD will get me my victory."

Rye walks into the other room and sits down, he then starts taping up his wrists.

Rye: "I'll get Power G another time and i'll also get that United's State's championship belt of Travis Right! But there will be a time... And a place for that. Pelican Wrestling Federation is just a big test, they put you up against worthless wrestlers and see how you will do against them. They monitor you 24 hours untill you can't live no longer. I have proven myself to Pelican and he still doesn't think i am worthy why is that i ask? But tonight is going to be the night that i kick MVD's ass all over that ring!"

Rye then puts his head down so he can see what he's doing. The camera then fades.

{Commerical Break}

*Voice - Hello, this is a comercial to advertise the new "Big Poppa Chat-Line" You can talk to Big Poppa any time of the day and talk to his about any of these catagories:

'How To Lose
'How To Dance
'How To Wrestle
'How To Make The Chicks Spot You
and you have a 100% chance he will answer. So call now on


Calls cost $4 a min, but it's well worth it!

*Big Poppa - Call Me Now. (Wink, Wink)

{End Commercial}

Stanyer: Welcome back folks, our next match is Leo and Blade taking on Pitbull and a mystery partner.

The Emperial March hits through the arena as Blade an Leo walk on to the stage as the crowd cheers. Leo and Blade proceed down the ramp. Blade walks toward the announcer and grabs a mic. Leo slides into the ring and walks over to the turnbuckle an poses for the crowd. Blade gets up on the apron and walk ove the top rope as raises his right arm

Stanyer: Welcome Blade, the former Slaughterhouse US champion.

Blade:-Cut The Music. Now many of you know me from the Slaughterhouse. For all you PWF fans who don't know me I am Blade the guy who cost Pitbull The Last Man Standing Tournament. Pitbull I did you a favor when I came in and Jacknife Powerbombed you because Leo would have won the tournament any way you look at it. I just gave you an excuse to moan and complain on why you lost. Now you want his Tag Team match with Leo and myself tonight well you got it.

Crowd Cheers

Blade hands the mic to Leo

General Leo:- I am the Last Man Standing, and the rise of the Empire is happening... sooner than you all might think.

Leo smiles.

General Leo:- My friend Blade did come out and interfere in the finals, but as he said, the outcome of the match was inevitable. I was going to win that tournament, whether Blade came out or not. I do give you much credit Pitbull. You did kick out of the Shock, It took a Super Shock to defeat you. I hope you and your mystery partner can give Blade and myself that kind of challenge tonight.

"Come Out and Play" by The Offspring erupts from the speakers as Silas "The Pitbull" Parish's entry video plays. The crowd lets loose a deafening roar as the current UAW Hardcore champion makes his way out onto the entry ramp with a puzzled look on his face. He waits until tha crowd calms down before grabbing the microphone out of his back pocket and locking eyes on Leo from a distance.

Pitbull: - "Whoa there Leo, Blade. You say the outcome of Last Man Standing was inevitable? Leo, you would have won regardless of Blade's help? Really? Now I know my short term memory isn't as sharp as it once was, you know, after taking several blows to the skull over the years, but the way I remember things differs slightly. You see, up until your friend Blade there had to bail you out, our match could have gone either way. You may be a ring veteren around here, but I am the current Hardcore champion, and that title doesn't come easy. It comes from putting my life on the line and taking to another level. Even when I get beat down, this belt around my waist proves that I can still get up and kick ass over and over again. So I don't think the outcome was as inevitable as you seem to think it was."

The fans applaud and cheer Silas' words. He slowly takes a few steps toward the ring then pauses again.

Pitbull: - "However, despite your bluster. Despite the fact that you had to cheat to win Last Man Standing. Despite your questionable taste in friends. I still have to give you credit Leo. You are one hell of a wrestler. It was an honor stepping into the ring with you. It was an honor kickin' the crap out of you until Blade's interferance. And most of all, it will be an honor kickin' your ass again right here tonight!!!"

The roar of the crowd is positively deafening again. In several parts of the arena, rapid Pitbull fans even begin to bark. However, it doesn't seem Silas is finished speaking just yet. He smiles and raises the mic once more.

Pitbull: - "First however, I would like to introduce you to my tag team partner for tonight. You're gonna love this, trust me. BLACKBIRD"

"Cool to Hate" by Offspring starts playing and the arena goes pitch black. 10 seconds go by with nothing happening. Two huge flames light up the Entry way and Blackbird makes his way out from the entryway. He and Pitbull then walk down to the ring and get ready for the match.

Stanyer: That one has caught me by surprise, I didn't expect Blackbird to team up with Pitbull.

Blade & General Leo v Pitbull & Blackbird

Report: Pitbull and Leo start out in a re-match of the PPV. They tie up. Pitbull takes Leo into a waistlock. Leo counters with an elbow to the head. Leo hits a couple of straight right hands and then sends Pitbull into the ropes. Pitbull flies off the ropes with a back elbow taking Leo by surprise. Pitbull springs up and hits Leo with some stiff forearms and then sends him into the ropes, Blade makes a blind tag and Pitbull hits a shoulder block on Leo taking him down and then gets clubbed across the back of the head by the big man Blade. Pitbull reaches out for a tag to Blackbird, but Blade steps over him and forearms Blackbird sending him flying off the apron and his face hits the barricade.

Stanyer: A massive forearm by Blade sends Blackbird flying.

Blade then picks up Blackbird and delivers a big back drop. Blade then drops a big elbow into the heart of Pitbull and covers. 1.............................2.........................Pitbull kicks out. Blade picks up Pitbull and tags in Leo. They send Pitbull to the ropes and then send Pitbull flying through the air with a big Double Flapjack, Pitbull comes crashing back down to the mat. Leo immediately makes the cover. 1................................2...........................Pitbull just gets the shoulder up. Leo picks up Pitbull and delivers a Snap Suplex. He holds on and delivers a 2nd Snap Suplex. He holds on again and finishes it off with a 3rd Snap Suplex. Leo then rolls into the cover. 1...........................2..........................Pitbull just gets the shoulder up again.

Dawg: Now why didn't Blackbird come in to make the save, he knew Pitbull was in danger of being pinned.

Leo picks up Pitbull and hooks Pitbull up and delivers a big Overhead release Double Underhook Belly to Belly Suplex. Leo then tags in Blade. Blade drops a big leg drop and then goes for the cover. 1..............................2............................Pitbull just gets his shoulder up again. Blade lifts up Pitbull and then begins to mock him and give him a soft slap to the face. Pitbull is dazed and cannot respond. Blade scoops up Pitbull and delivers a sidewalk slam. He hooks the leg. 1...............................2.....................Pitbull is forced to kick out again Blade looks surprised at the resilience of Pitbull and picks him up. He sends him to the ropes and then delivers a big Samoan Drop. He then tags in Leo. Leo picks up Pitbull and signals for an end and hooks Pitbull up for The Shock. But Pitbull counters with a Mule kick and then hits the Stunner and then both men stay down.

Stanyer: Pitbull has summoned the last strength left in him to hit the Stunner and now he must make a tag.

Pitbull manages to crawl across the ring. Leo makes the tag to Blade. Pitbull dives and manages to make the tag to Blackbird. Blackbird climbs into the ring and then goes to charge at Blade and then stops. They both hold their arms out and then they hug.

Dawg: What the hell? A Double cross!!!

Blackbird then turns around and points at Pitbull. He picks him up and then tosses him at Blade who slots Pitbull's head between his legs. Blade then flips Pitbull up and release him for the Jacknife Powerbomb. Blade covers as the surprised referee is forced to make the count. 1...........................2..................................3!!!!

Blade & Leo d. Blackbird & Pitbull
7:03 Pinfall

Dawg: Well I'll be damned, it seems that The Empire has pulled a fast one on Pitbull.

Stanyer: I'm not sure that one will go down too well.

"Hell's Bell's by AC/DC hits as Xuway sits in a chair which is carried by his loyal slaves. Once in the ring, Xuway meditates in dance. Then the dance gets aggresive almost if he is fighting a ghost. When done his eyes roll up in the back of his head. He goes to his corner and waits. The Ultra-tron just has some ninja camp with a bunch of ninja fighting

Stanyer: What does he want?

Xuway stands tall in the middle of the ring. The crowd is booing heavily as you can barely hear him speak

Xuway:- I told you worthless pieces of scum that I would defeat your glorious submission specialist. When will you learn that I am better than anyone here. My TAFKAG is much more powerful then any move known to man. Resnick never had a chance. I am just too powerful. Now that I beat your precious Equinox maybe you too should bow to your master. No one can beat me. Not now. Not ever.

The temperature gets colder and all of a sudden the lights black out, then turn to a dark blue. The snow starts falling from the roof as “Freeze Time” by 311 plays and McFreeze comes out to the cheers of the fans

Stanyer: It's McFreeze!!! We had all heard the rumours that he had come back to the PWF, but now we know they are true.

McFreeze:- Well… I have finally come back to the PWF. The fed that launched my carrer. I went on to win more titles. But nothing compared to the PWF. I was obsessed with trying to find a way to come back and win the PWF world title. Well I finally quit the MOW Slaugherhouse because I heard that some punks had the nerve to call themselves the Masters Of Submissions, when everyone knows that I was the original Master of Submissions. That’s right, everyone remembers my matches with Bud Dawg and Specialist. Now there are two people to replace Bud Dawg and Specialist. Xuway Zanchu and Josh Resnick. Xuway? What kind of name is that? Well I don’t care right now because who I really want to talk about is Josh Resnick. I admit that hes an average submissionst. But… but the only reason for that is because he stole my Finisher. He stole the Krippler and re-named it the “Equinox”. The guy can’t even come up with his own moves, so he has to steal it from the best submissionist ever. So that is why. Tonight. I challenge You, Josh Resnick, To a match to decide who will be able to use the Krippler. If you win, and you won’t, you will be able to keep the Equinox. Do you accept?

Dawg: But Josh Resnick isn't here? He can't accept this challenge without being here.

The ring announcer climbs into the ring and tells McFreeze something

McFreeze: - "It seems that Josh Resnick isn't here tonight, he appears to be taking a short holiday. Well perhaps when he returns he can accept this match."

McFreeze tosses the mic to the ring announcer, he stares at Xuway as he leaves the ring.

{Commerical Break}

(((The scene opens showing a crowded street. It closes in on a middle-aged, balding, overweight guy in an old blue car. Smoke comes across his face as he shouts "C'mon, get going!!!" Suddenly you see a man on top of the car...)))

BaldGuy: Whoa... who are you?

KevinCage: I'm Kevin Cage, and I'm here to make YOU a better person... no longer will you be a pot-bellied, smelly, balding moron... When you order my T-shirt from PWF Shopzone, for only 19.95... you will be a HERO!

BaldGuy: Wow! How do I get one?

(((Camera cuts to a picture of the t-shirt with 1-800-255-4099 on the bottom... a voice says... "Order the Cage T-shirt at the PWF Shopzone for only 19.95... ORDER TODAY! The camera cuts back to Cage...)))

KevinCage: Get yours now!

{End Commercial}

As "Walk with your head up" by Deftones & System of Down hits" hits and you hear "Get up Stand up, I got my head up" Travis comes walking out onto the ramp and arrogantly waves for the fans to boo all they want. Firecrackers pop off all around the Titantron as the Future makes his way to the ring. As he reaches the front of the ring, Travis slides under the bottom rope and slowly walks to the center of the ring. He crosses his arms and nods his head as the pyros explode behind him. He stands silent for a second wearing his U.S. title proudly, and then turns to the ring announcer who tosses him a mic

Dawg: The Future of the PWF is here, and it's time for you Jay to keep your mouth shut and let the master do some talking.

Travis: So, are you all suprised to see "The Future" standing here in the ring still wearing his U.S. title belt? Well you shouldnt be, because like I said, there was no way in hell that I was gonna lose that belt. I've beaten those guys before and I will beat them again. I know you all hate the fact that im still wearing it too. Which makes the victory just that much sweeter. You all better get use to it, because many hardcore, european, and even world champions will come and go. But this belt right here is going to be around my waist forever. Hell, I might just keep the damn thing and win the World title too.

"Bad Influence" blasts though the speakers and the crowd goes wild. But where is Havok, he is not at the entrance.

Stanyer: Where's Havok?

Havok: You know something, Travis Right.....

The camara then shows Havok in the crowd.

Havok: The only reason that you won was becauseyou threw the ref into the ropes. That is the only reason that you won. I am the People's Champion and I will make sure that you will not keep the U.S. title like you say you would. I garun-damn-tee it will never happen.

Havok then waits for a reply from Travis.

The Future looks out into the crowd at Havok and yells a few things away from the mic. Then after taking a few seconds to calm down he walks over to the corner and takes a seat a top the turnbuckle

Travis: Havok, I swear you have got to be the biggest bitch in this business. Everytime I win a match I can always look forward to listening to Havok bitching and moaning. Its either you complaining about not having a match with me or its you complaining about a match when I beat you. So I figured after I whooped your ass at Last Man Standing you would come out here and cry like the pussy that you are. So its already set, next week on Havoc, everyone can see me kick Havok's ass for the last time. Thats right, after this match I dont want to hear and more crap from you for a long time. So you better train your ass off, and hope that your blessed with a miracle, because thats the only way in hell you'll walk out of Havoc with my belt. So I'll see ya next week Havok, I (in sarcastic voice) garun damn tee it.

The Future tosses the mic in the middle of the ring and laughs at Havok, as he slides out of the ring and walks backstage

Stanyer: Well there you go folks, Travis Right will take on Havok next week for the US title. What a match up that is going to be.

Dawg: I agree, but now we have another match that is going to be a classic.

Stanyer: These two have fought tooth and nail since the PWF began. Finally we have them in the ring, one on one. I don't think I need to say anything else.

Rye Hazwaki v Matt Van Dam

Break Stuff by Limp Bizkit hits, as the lights flash red and white, and Rye Hazwaki is shown doing a slow ‘Cyclone Kick.’ The Pyro’s blast as Rye stands on the top of the stage, he looks at the crowd then walks down and enters the ring.

James: Introducing, from Tokyo, Japan, weighing 251lbs, Rye Hazwaki.

"Snap your Fingers, Snap your neck" by Prong plays as MVD walks down the aisle, cluching Jennifer Van Dam by the waist, he lets her go, and poses, flexing his arms towards his head (RVD style). The Ultra-Tron bears the gWo logo and then shows clips of MVD striking opponents out with his Kendo Stick and finishing them the 5 star frog splash.

James: Introducing, from Battlecreek, England, weighing 228lbs, "The Real F'n Show" Matt Van Dam.

Report: Rye and MVD circle, they stare into each others eyes. They close in and square up in the middle of the ring. MVD gives Rye a little trash talk, Rye responds and then they start to exchange punches. Rye gets the upper hand and sends MVD into the ropes. Rye goes for a heel kick, but MVD catches the kick. MVD goes to sweep the standing leg of Rye but he jumps it and then hits a Reverse Enziguri catching MVD in the back of the head. MVD springs up and recieves a couple of kicks to the kidneys from Rye. MVD comes back with a couple of forearms to the face and then sends Rye to the ropes. MVD then takes Rye down with a running Spinning Wheel Kick. MVD then hits a Backflip Splash and hooks the leg. 1...................Rye throws MVD off him. MVD gets up and Rye goes for a Back Spinning Heel Kick, but MVD ducks it and locks in a waistlock. Rye counters with an elbow to the face and then delivers a Russian Leg Sweep. Rye covers quickly. 1.......................MVD kicks out. MVD gets to his feet and staggers to the corner holding his head. Rye springs onto the 2nd rope and kicks MVD hard in the head. Rye then whips MVD out of the corner to the opposite side and then follows in taking MVD down with a Karate Kick as he bounces off the turnbuckle. He covers. 1..............................2........................MVD kicks out.

Stanyer: These two are setting a frantic pace at the start of this match.

Rye helps up MVD, who is holding his head, Rye sends MVD into the ropes, but MVD reverses and then hits the Vandaminisor(Tilt a Whirl Driver) and hooks the leg. 1.............................2.......Rye kicks out. Rye gets to his feet and is hit with a couple of forearms by MVD who then sends Rye into the turnbuckle. MVD follows in and sets Rye up for a Monkey Flip. MVD hits the Monkey Flip, but Rye lands on his feet. Rye goes for a Roundhouse kick, but MVD catches the leg and then hits a superb Cradle Suplex. MVD then bounces off the ropes and hits a rolling Senton Splash. MVD then hooks the leg for the cover. 1.................................2.................................Rye just gets the shoulder up. MVD then springs to his feet and walks around the ring and poses to the crowd who simply boo him

Dawg: What's wrong with these people, don't they recognise greatness when they see it?

Stanyer: Matt Van Dam could be the best wrestler on the planet, and these people would still hate him, because he is the most arrogant, the most cocky........

Dawg: Calm down Jay, no need to get all worked up there.

MVD picks up Rye and hooks him up and delivers a Northern Lights Suplex with a bridge. 1..................................2........................Rye just kicks out. MVD springs to the top rope and signals for Rye to get up. Rye slowly gets to his feet and MVD springs off and connects with a Sidekick to the jaw of Rye Hazwaki. MVD poses to the crowd and then goes for the cover. 1................................2.............................Rye just kicks out. MVD is a little frustrated and hooks the leg for a second cover. 1.................................2.............................Rye again kicks out. MVD slams the mat and gets to his feet. He pulls Rye to his feet and sends him into the ropes. He takes Rye down with a Hurricanranna and then stands up over Rye and performs the Old Man Stink pose(Venis Grind and punch) and then hammers Rye with right hands. MVD then gets up and climbs to the 2nd turnbuckle and then flies off delivering the Stinky Leg Drop. MVD then hooks the leg for the pin. 1...................................2.............................Rye just gets the shoulder up.

Stanyer: What will it take to keep the former US champion down. MVD has exhausted most of his offence on Rye and still he kicks out.

Dawg: Not all of his offence.

MVD picks up Rye and kicks him in the gut doubling him up. MVD comes off the ropes and taps his thigh signalling for the FrogAsser. But as he is about to jump, Rye stands up and spins around and connects with the Hazwakinator catching MVD in mid-air. Both Rye and MVD then stay down.

Stanyer: Out of nowhere Rye pulls out his version of the Vandaminator and now Rye must take advantage of this oppurtunity.

Rye and MVD just make it to their feet and MVD goes for a forearm, but Rye blocks it and hits the Kung-Fu Slash sending MVD staggering into the corner holding his jaw. Rye whips MVD out of the corner hard and MVD hits the turnbuckle and staggers out and Rye runs in and connects with a massive Yakuza kick taking MVD down. Rye stomps hard on the back of MVD's head before he picks him up. Rye then sends MVD into the ropes and then grabs him around the waist and delivers an Overhead release Belly to Belly Suplex. Rye then waits in the corner and signals for MVD to get up, Rye then runs in and takes MVD down with a Rolling Wheel Kick. Rye then hooks the leg. 1...................................2...................................MVD just kicks out. Rye picks up MVD who starts to counter with punches to the gut, but Rye knees him in the gut to stop him. Rye then lets MVD stand up and then hits a spinning back kick to the jaw putting MVD in a sitting position. A buzz goes around the arena as Rye comes off the ropes and hits the Feet of Fury. Rye hooks the leg as the crowd chant along with the referee. 1.................................2.................................MVD gets his shoulder up.

Stanyer: Amazing, MVD has kicked out of the Feet of Fury, I don't think anyone has done that before.

Dawg: Come on Matt, you can beat this OutKast.

MVD slowly gets to his feet dazed. Rye goes for a Thai Roundhouse kick, but MVD ducks it and then hits the Vandaminator. Both he and Rye stay down. MVD starts to crawl towards the turnbuckle and manages to use the ropes to pull himself up and then starts to climb the turnbuckle. MVD gets to the top turnbuckle and connects with the Five Star Frog Splash. MVD covers. 1..........................................2....................................Rye just gets his shoulder up.

Stanyer: Unbelievable, both men have now kicked out of each others finishing moves.

MVD pulls himself up and staggers a little. Then he pulls Rye up and puts his head between his legs. He lifts Rye up and delivers the Cradle Piledriver. MVD hooks the leg. 1......................................2........................................3!!!!!

MVD d. Rye
14:19 Pinfall

Stanyer: What an amazing contest, and MVD somehow manages to survive and pick up the win.

Dawg: This could be the start of great things for the gWo. The tide is beginning to turn, can you feel it Jay?

Stanyer: I certainly hope not. The day the gWo takes control here, will be the day I leave this company.

Dawg: What are you talking about? The gWo are already in control.

Stanyer: Not in the slightest.

{Commerical Break}

**Rye Hazwaki, is sitting on a couch in a very large, but empty room**

Rye Hazwaki: *In a Canadian accent, and speaking slowly* "I don't want to think aboot my situation. It's just so hard being the only Canadian-Japanese American known to the free world. Boy do I wish I could do something fun, eh. I wish I could be like Big Poppa himself."

**Suddenly a hardcover book is thrown at Rye Hazwaki, and he gets mad. An announcer starts talking, and Rye responds to what he says.**

Announcer: "Do you feel that you're the only Canadian-Japanese American in the free world that can't go out and have a good time?"

Rye Hazwaki: "YES! YES!"

Announcer: "Are you a non-smoker over the age of 14?"

Rye Hazwaki: "Boy am I!"

Announcer: "Do you feel bad about not knowing how to dance like Big Poppa?"


Announcer: "Then do we have the item for you. Big Poppa has taken journeys all over the world finding unique dance steps, and now he has assembled his personal knowledge and his gained knowledge into one large, user friendly instructional dance book."

Rye Hazwaki: "Now that's fine and dandy, but how does it work?"

Announcer: "With incredible pop out pictures and large font, Big Poppa's Instructional Dance Book makes it easy for people of any race or age to learn to dance, Real Show style."

Rye Hazwaki: "Great! But I don't have a lot of money, how much would this cost an average Canadian-Japanese American like myself?"

Announcer: "Well, the people at DSM and CO like to meet a standard of selling high quality products at low, consumer friendly prices. So that is why they are marketing Big Poppa's book at a recommended price of only $24.52!"

Rye Hazwaki: "Wow! That IS consumer friendly! Where can I buy this wonder book?"

**Rye Hazwaki hits his head and remembers that a book hit him in the head. He smiles and as he opens it, the large empty room he's in turns into a nightclub filled with people. He joins in the fun.**

Rye Hazwaki: "Thanks Big Poppa! You're book turned my lonely nights into crazy… Crazy.. Flights!"

Announcer: "Big Poppa's Instructional Dance Book, sold at bookstores everywhere."

{End Commercial}

Enter Sandman by Metallica blares over the pa system as The PWF Chmapion, Crusader, strolls down the entrance ramp. Around his waist is the world title which is over a Red Outkasts t-shirt with cut-out sleeves and black leather pants. The fans are cheering very loudly for their champion as he steps into the ring.

Crusader: "I--" (he starts to speak but cant hear himself over the crowd)

Stanyer: Listen to this crowd, what an ovation for the PWF World Champion.

crowd chants: "Crusader...Crusader...Crusader...."

Crusader: "Thank you all so much for your support. If it were not for you, I probably wouldnt be the world champ right now. I tried to make some sort of peace with Sour G before our matchup, seeing how it would be a massacre. However, his manager put his foot in his mouth. And therefore, once again I had to kick Power G's ass, thus retaining this coveted belt. And from the ecstatic cheering of all you Outkasts and Crusaders out there--"

crowd cheers

Crusader: "It wouldnt be a surprise to see Crusader hold on to this belt for another few months, for a year....hell forever with the support I have from team mates and fans. At LMS, I truly was the Last Man Standing and will continue to be in all of my title defenses. Just when the world thought Crusader was all washed up...whaaaam! he stuck it to the competition like glue on a poster or something--hell yall know what i'm tryin to say. So to any future challengers out there, your asses--!"

Crowd:"Will be whooped!"

Enter Sandman by Metallica plays again as The Crusader walks backstage.

Stanyer: Looks like Crusader is looking for a new challenger for his World title, the question is, who will step up to the plate.

Dawg: There are plenty who have the talent, the question is, who has the testicular fortitude.

Stanyer: Well, the two men in this match have those exact qualities, perhaps one of them will step up to the plate. As Gambino and Eraser fight in a No Disqualification match. And Interference is not allowed.

Main Event

No Disqualification Match
Antonio Gambino v Eraser

It starts off when "I am" by Eminem starts off low and on the Tron you see flashing pictures of the Triple Hell in a Cell match, all of a studden the music blasts through the speakers and the dim. Eraser comes through the back and stands at the top of the ramp and looks around for 15 sec and then at a certain part of the music he raises both his arms in the air as Pyros go off all around and all up and down the ramp, Eraser walks slowly and powerfully down to the ring and grabs the top rope and climbs over he goes to the middle of the ring and at the same part of the song again he raises his right arm over his head and at each ring post a shot of pyros go off. Then he walks over to his corner and poses one more time as his music stops.

James: The following no disqualification match is scheduled for one fall, introducing first, from Tampa Bay, Florida, weighing 289lbs, The Icon of the PWF, Eraser.

The lights dim, as a drum beat kicks in. The drums rapidly increase in volume as the name GAMBINO flashes across the screen in silver lettering, while flames burn behind the lettering. Then, "Sickness" by Disturbed begins blaring through the arena, and a spotlight shines on the entrance. Gambino steps forward into the spotlight so he can be seen. He lowers his head and raises a water bottle above him, pouring it on his head and face. He spits some of the water out as he begins to walk forward towards the ring. Once he gets to the ring, he climbs in and walks to the corner. He climbs to the second rope, and raises his arms in the air, posing to the crowd.

James: And his opponent, from Brooklyn, New York, weighing 245lbs, The commissioner of the PWF, Antonio Gambino

Report: Eraser jumps Gambino and hits him across the back as he stands on the turnbuckle. He hooks up Gambino and delivers a back drop off the 2nd rope. Gambino gets to his feet holding his back. Eraser sends him into the ropes and goes for a running clothesline, Gambino ducks it and then comes off the ropes and connects with a flying forearm putting Eraser down. Gambino comes off the ropes and goes for an elbow drop, but Eraser moves out of the way. Gambino manages to catch Eraser with a couple of big right hands, Gambino sends Eraser to the ropes but Eraser reverses and lifts Gambino high in the air in a Military Press. He then drops Gambino onto his shoulder and slams him hard into the mat. He hooks Gambino's leg for a cover. 1...................................2............................Gambino kicks out. Gambino slowly makes his way to his feet holding his back. Eraser kicks him in the gut and then goes for a big haymaker, but Gambino ducks it and hits a couple of stiff rights rocking Eraser back onto the ropes and then Gambino clotheslines Eraser over the top rope to the cheers of the crowd. Eraser lands on his feet and turns away. Gambino bounces off the opposite ropes and goes for a baseball slide, but Eraser had that move scouted and moves out of the way and Gambino slides out of the ring. Gambino blocks a punch by Eraser and hits a hard right of his own and then goes to whip Eraser into the steps, but Eraser reverses and Gambino hits the steps knees first and flips over the steps.

Stanyer: My god, Gambino's kneecaps could be destroyed.

Dawg: This is just the oppurtunity Eraser needs.

Eraser walks over to Gambino and picks him up by the knee and slams it into the floor. Eraser then hooks the knee around his leg and then snaps himself backwards jarring the knee as he does so. Gambino rolls about holding his knee. Eraser has a sadistic smile on his face. Eraser pushes a security guard out of the way and picks up the chair he was sitting on. Gambino has made it to his feet and goes for a running clothesline on Eraser but Eraser stoops down and smashes the chair across the knees of Gambino. Eraser then hooks the chair around the injured knee of Gambino and then climbs to the apron. Eraser then jumps off and drives his knee into the chair. You can hear Gambino cry out as he the rolls about holding his knee.

Stanyer: My God he could have broken the ankle of Gambino, or dislocated his knee cap easily there. Eraser is just plain sadistic.

Dawg: You have to understand Eraser's mentality, he didn't come here to beat Gambino, he came he to destroy Gambino, for good.

Eraser picks up Gambino and rolls him back into the ring. Eraser reaches under the ring and pulls out a sledgehammer.

Stanyer: Oh now, come on, this is taking it too far. There is no need for this.

Dawg: Eraser is going to annhiliate Gambino once and for all.

Gambino slowly staggers to his feet as Eraser gets into the ring. Eraser charges in and smashes the sledgehammer across the knee of Gambino who rolls around the ring in serious pain. Eraser isn't done though, and signals for Gambino to get up. Gambino slowly gets to his feet, struggling to keep his balance with his injured knee. Eraser goes to hit Gambino in the head with the hammer but Gambino ducks it and then hits the Mafia Kick to the face of Eraser putting him down before his knee gives out and Gambino goes down as well.

Stanyer: Gambino's knee is badly hurt, and he is going to struggle from here on in, but he has managed to score a hit on Eraser, but he has to get some offense in now.

Both Eraser and Gambino get to their feet at the same time. Eraser is a little dazed from that kick, and Gambino is limping. Gambino connects with a right hand, Eraser comes back with a right hand. They both exchange slow right hands for a moment, until Gambino picks up the pace and hits a couple of fast right and sends Eraser to the ropes. Gambinos knee gives out and he drops to one knee, but he springs up to hit Eraser with a Jumping Clothesline. Gambino goes down holding his knee, but drags himself to his feet in the corner and signals for Eraser to get up, which he does and he turns to Gambino who charges in and takes him down with a Spear. Gambino hooks the leg. 1..................................2................................Eraser kicks out. Gambino then signals to the security guard on the outside and the security guard follows Gambino's instructions and hands him the chair that Eraser used. A big cheer goes around the arena as they know what's coming.

Stanyer: Now it's Gambino's turn to dish out some punishment.

Eraser staggers to his feet and then gets the chair smashed across both of his knees. Gambino gets a surge of adrenalin and begins to hammer the chair repeatedly across the knees of Eraser until the chair is almost destroyed. Gambino tosses the chair across the ring as he storms around the ring. Eraser slowly gets to his feet and Gambino hooks him up for the Gambino Facebuster, but Eraser elbows him off him and Gambino comes off the ropes. Eraser goes for The Eraser, but Gambino ducks it and wraps himself around Eraser for the DDT. Gambino hooks the leg. 1.................................2..............................Eraser just kicks out. Gambino then starts to climb the turnbuckle.

Stanyer: Gambino is going to finish it right here.

Dawg: Not so fast.

Eraser manages to get to his feet and shakes the ropes to crotch Gambino on the top turnbuckle. Eraser then climbs up with Gambino and looks set to deliver a Superplex, when Gambino counters with rabbit punches and then turns Eraser around and grabs his head. A buzz of anticipation goes around the crowd as Gambino hooks the leg of Eraser and then jump off the top turnbuckle with the Gambino Facebuster. Gambino manages to roll over and drape an arm over Eraser. 1.................................................2................................................3!!!!!!

Gambino d. Eraser
15:26 Pinfall

Stanyer: Gambino somehow manages to pull out the victory, despite Eraser nearly destroying the knee of Gambino.

Dawg: He got lucky this time, but Eraser will get revenge, one way or another.

Stanyer: Well folks, it's been a surprising night, but we have ran out of time. Tune into Armageddon folks.

Camera fades to a PWF logo as the camera shows Gambino staggering up the aisle looking back to the ring, the camera cuts to Eraser who is sitting up holding his head staring a hole into Gambino as the camera fades out.