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Saturday Night Havoc

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Havoc #1

live from the United Centre
Chicago, Illnois.
24th March 2001

**Pyros blast off and the camera pans around the arena as "Master of Puppets" by Metallica blasts through the speakers. The camera pans across the crowd to reveal a few crowd signs.
"Gambino sucks"
"Bring back Diablo"
"The Future is here"
"Blackbird is God"
"I came to see MVD"
The camera then switches to the announce table.**

Stanyer: Welcome everybody to the United Centre in Chicago, Illnois for the first Saturday Night Havoc in a long long time, I'm Jason Stanyer, and alongside me for the first time is the "Big Dawg" Dave Harley, welcome Dave.

Dawg: It's good to be here Jay. I'm looking forward to commentating on my first event.

**"The Memory Remains" by Metallica plays, The owner of the PWF, Michael Pellington comes out from the entrance way to a huge ovation from the crowd, he heads down to the ring.**

Stanyer: Well it looks like the boss wants to open the show

Mr Pellington: "The PWF is back in town!"

**Crowd Cheers wildly**

Mr Pellington: "I'd like to take this oppurtunity to thank the many fans who have supported me throughtout my absence, without them I would not be back here today."

**Crowd Cheers again**

Mr Pellington: "Well now for some more official news, The PWF tournament to crown a new World champion begins in just 2 weeks, with that tournament also crowning a US champion and a European Champion. There will also be a battle royal.....

Stanyer: What the hell? Who would dare interupt the boss?

**The lights dim and violins begin playing an eerie tune, like from the Godfather movie. On the Ultra-tron, pictures, apparently flashbacks of life in the Mafia, are shown. Images of gunfights, driveby shootings, and car's exploding alternate with pictures of a funeral in progress. Just as they begin lowering the casket into the grave, the screen goes black and then begins flashing the name "Gambino" across the screen in silver lettering. Then, as an explosion of pyros occurs on the stage, "Keep Away" by Godsmack begins blaring through the arena and Gambino appears in the entrance. He stands in the entrance for a short moment then starts to speak**

Dawg: There's only one man who would do it, THE man himself, Gambino.

Gambino: "Hey, what's up big P-Man? Long time no see, heard you been duckin' me, it's okay though. I knew we'd reunite sometime. Don't worry, I won't take too much of your time, I just had some concerns that I thought you, as the big, bad, PWF owner should know about. First of all, why bother wasting mine, and everyone else's time around here with this Tournament for the World Title? You might as well just hand that title back over to me where it belongs. I mean, come on, you don't really expect anyone in the Tournament to beat me, do you? I mean, you've got Josh Resnick, General Leo, Demon, and Firestorm, just to name a few...and while all these guys are pretty good, ain't a damn one of them as good as me, so stop playing your damn games and just give me my damn title!!"

**Crowd boo's Gambino heavily**

Stanyer: Gambino is pumped up.

Gambino"I dominated things around here the first time around, and shit's not gonna be any different this time around either. What's wrong Pellington, you look suprised at what you're hearing? Did you think things would change? Did you think that I would just walk in here, and be prepared to step down as the big dog of the PWF, and let some of these amatuers disgrace MY PWF World Championship Title? If that's what you thought was going to happen, then you're almost as dumb as the people here in Chicago, Illnois."

**Crowd boo's even more, asshole chants begin**

Gambino"I'm not stepping down, and I'm not letting up, so stop with the games, stop with the bullshit, and just do what's inevitable to happen and announce me the PWF World Champion, or maybe I'll just come on down to the ring and beat it out of ya."

Dawg: This is great, first show back and Gambino is going to kick Pellington's ass, just what I love to see.

Stanyer: He's your boss!!

Dawg: I'm like most people, I hate my boss.

**Gambino begins to head down the ramp towards the ring when Fire Storms music hits as the lights go out. The words "Fear for he is here" flash on the screen. Pyros start fling from the rafters as Fire Storm comes out walking with an evil grin on his face. He has a mike.

** Fire Storm: "Why don't you shut the @#%$ up?"

**Crowd Cheers**

Fire Storm: "Ever since I've been back all I've heard from you is you ranting how good you are, how you are going to win the world title, how no one is a challenge to you. Well that's bull shit Gambino. Remember all of the matches we had together the first time around? We had so many matches I can't remeber how many we had. But one thing I can remember that every time we had a match, even if I won or lost, I still kicked your ass with in an inch of your life. And how you said that no one in the world divison is a challenge to you so Pellington should hand you the title right now? Let me tell you to keep on dreaming. Remember at End of the World last year before the PWF closed. I didn't see you in the 4 Way Triple Hell in a Cell match for the title. You were to worried that I would kick your ass up and down the cell. Espeacially after the 4 way Iron Man Match where I beat Solo, Diablo, and you. Well to let me prove to you that I am a challenge to you. How about me and you tonight? You say that no one gives you challenge so I am sure you will accept right?

**Fire Storm walks out while his music is blaring**

**As Firestorm walks through the curtain, his music stops playing and Gambino has something to say**

Gambino"Yeah, talk your shit and leave you little bitch. Pellington, I want a match with that son of a bitch tonight! You'd better book it or it's gonna be your ass, understand?!"

**Gambino slams the mic down and walks out as "Keep Away" by Godsmack blares from the speakers**

Stanyer: Firestorm v Gambino tonight!! What a match!

Dawg: Please, there is only one person in tonights match, and that's Gambino.

{Commercial Break}

Stanyer: Welcome back folks, it's time for the first match, and is a title match, to determine the new Challenge Title Champion, a new special title that is defended on each show. This match was determined by a random draw last night and the match is to take place next.

Dawg: I have to pick Theros in this one, he is the best man in there.

Stanyer: He's insane!! How can you pick an insane man to win!!

Dawg: Shut up boy, I do what I want around here.

Crusader v Maxwell Powers v The Fro v Theros Macalvia

**The lights go out and a series of light blue lights flash throughout the arena. Rock Superstar by Cypress Hill blares over the pa followed by an explosion of fireworks similar to Y2J’s. Crusader's Ultra-tron has images of Harley Davidsons and biker babes transcending into one another. His entrance attire consists of a leather trench coat, dark sunglasses, and a du- rag rapped around his head. When he walks out into the entrance, he pauses and raises both fists in the air, proceeding to walk to the ring. Walking with a bmf walk, he climbs into the ring, while the lights are still out, and raises the lights with a fist in the air.**

James Smith: "The following match is for the PWF Challenge Title, Introducing first, from Palm Beach Florida, weighing in at 299lbs, Crusader Chrome." (Crowd gives a great response)

**The South African Flag appears on the Ultra-Tron before Maxwell Powers music plays, Sir Matthew Powers walks out first, followed by Maxwell Powers. Both men taunt the crowd and get booed for it, they ignore the boos and walk off towards the ring, Maxwell climbs the turnbuckle and poses again, and again gets booed, both men ignore the crowd again.**

James: "Introducing his opponents, first, from Johannesburg, South Africa, weighing in at 310lbs, accompanied by Sir Matthew Powers, Maxwell Powers. (Crowd boos)

**Suddenly wild laughter echoes through the arena, the lights flashing purple and red. Theros appears on stage, his hands on his hips as he laughs. After several moments the laughs die off, and Ozzy's 'Crazy Train' hits. Theros stalks down towards the ring, a confident smirk on his face as the music continues to boom. Theros rolls into the ring and starts laughing again. The music then shatters into another chorus of wild laughter.**

James: "And his second opponent, from Syracuse New York, weighing in at 282lbs, "The Madman" Theros Macalvia.(Mixed reaction)"

**"My Generation" by Limp Bizkit plays as The Fro walks to the ring showing no sign of intimidation or fear and he wears a "The People's Answer" t-shirt. He walks up onto the apron and then faces the crowd and holds one arm in the air. He then enters the ring and goes over to one corner and then holds one arm in the air.**

James: "And finally from Green Bay, Wisconsin, weighing 281lbs, The Fro. (mixed reaction)

Report: Crusader and Theros pair off, while the Fro takes on Powers. The Fro throws a couple of punches at Maxwell, but he comes back with a massive Beatdown Hammer(Bradshaw Hammer) sending Fro to the canvas.
Meanwhile Crusader and Theros exchange right hands, before Theros goes for an Irish whip, then tries a spinebuster, but Crusader manages to roll behind Theros and puts him in a Full Nelson, Crusader tries the Sit Down(Dudley Atomic Drop) but Theros blocks it and rolls around Crusader, Crusader pushes forward and grabs the rope, Theros rolls off him backwards and Crusader turns to face Theros.
Meanwhile The Fro has got back up, Powers throws Fro to the ropes and tries a hip toss, but Fro blocks it and tries to hiptoss Powers, but he is too heavy, Fro then wraps around Powers and delivers a DDT and goes for a quick cover, 1..2. Powers kicks out with ease.
Crusader goes for a right hand, but Theros ducks it and spins around the back of Crusader and delivers a Reverse DDT. Theros then immediately starts to stomp on the left knee of Crusader.
The Fro picks up Powers and throws him to the ropes, but Powers reverses it and delivers a Powerslam to Fro. Powers then grabs both arms of Fro and locks in the Ne-Han submission hold. The Fro tries to wriggle out of it, but he can't and then decides to crawl to the ropes.
Crusader has managed to get to his feet but is struggling on his left knee. Theros comes off the ropes and takes down Crusader with a running dropkick to the knee. Theros then locks in a Figure Four leglock.
Powers is forced to release the hold. Powers then begins to remonstrate with the referee,when he turns around The Fro is ready for him and takes him down with a clothesline.
Crusader is struggling in the Figure Four, and can't get to the ropes, so he uses all his strength and manages to turn the Figure Four over putting the pain onto Theros. Theros refuses to submit and manages to release the hold.
Powers is down and The Fro climbs up to the top turnbuckle, Powers gets to his feet and The Fro comes off with a Missile Dropkick, Powers moves out of the way and Fro hits Crusader instead. Powers then grabs The Fro from behind and hits the Power Driver(Full Nelson Driver). Powers covers, 1....2....Fro gets his left shoulder up.
Crusader is miffed at being hit by The Fro and turns his attention away from Theros, this is a mistake as Theros comes up behind Crusader and hits a Sitdown Full Nelson Slam. Theros covers, 1....2.... Crusader kicks out.
The Fro gets to his feet, Powers grabs him from behind and looks to hit a Cannon Ball Buster, but Fro manages to counter it in The Fro Bomb(Stone Cold Stunner), his finisher, The Fro covers. 1......2.......3.

Stanyer: The Fro has pinned Maxwell Powers, we are now down to three participants.

Dawg: Thank you for stating the obvious.

The Fro turns his attention to Crusader and he and Theros begin to double team Crusader. They both irish whip Crusader and go for a double clothesline, but Crusader ducks it, comes of the other ropes and flies at them both with a double clothesline.
Crusader picks up The Fro and goozles him. Crusader then delivers the awesome chokeslam from hell and then raises his arm to the crowd. Crusader hits a hip press on Theros to keep him down, before helping The Fro up and picking him up and hitting his finisher, The Concussion (Emerald Fusion). Crusader covers. 1....2....3.
Theros and Crusader are left and Crusader immediately goes to Theros, who has made it to his feet. Crusader tries a big punch, but Theros blocks it and kicks Crusader in the gut before delivering a Front Powerslam. Theros picks Crusader up, and then picks him up for the Crazy Train(Oklahoma Slam). He delivers it perfectly and then covers. 1.....2.....Crusader just gets the right shoulder up. Theros then mounts Crusader and begins to punch him visciously in the face with hard lefts and rights. He stops after a while and picks up Crusader. Theros puts Crusader's head between his legs and signals for the System Shock(Super Snap Powerbomb 01). But Crusader powers Theros over his head. Theros gets up quickly, but is caught by a Running DDT by Crusader. Crusader then climbs up top and flies off with a Senton Bomb and connects. He covers Theros. 1....2.....Theros just kicks out. Crusader picks up Theros and sets him up for a Powerbomb, but Theros manages to crawl through Crusader's legs and roll up Crusader with a School Boy Pin. 1......2........Crusader just manages to kick out. Theros goes for a clothesline, but Crusader ducks, Theros comes off the other rope and is picked up by Crusader who then hits The Concussion (Emerald Fusion). Crusader covers, 1....2.....3!!!

Crusader d. Theros & The Fro & Powers
17:00 Pinfall

James: "The winner of the match and NEW PWF Challenge Title Champion, Crusader Chrome." (Crowd Cheers).

Stanyer: A great win for Crusader and a great match to start off the new PWF.

Dawg: Damn, I had $50 on Maxwell Powers winning, damn.

Stanyer: Well onto our next match, featuring an old PWF favourite, Tisok, formerly known as Lizbon Molotov, one of the best fliers in the wrestling business today. He is up against a promising newcomer from Cuba, known as Power G, he always carries a microphone with him, but never speaks. The speaking side is done by his manager "The Real McCoy", an odd combination. Power G is also part of a faction calling themselves the gWo, along with Matt Van Dam. They have not been making many friends in the locker room.

Dawg: Hey, I'm good friends with them.

Stanyer: What are you talking about? You've never even spoke to them.

Dawg: Just call the damn match Jay.

Stanyer: It's not started yet, over to you James.

Tisok v Power G

As "It's my job to keep Punk Rock Elite" by NOFX starts, Tisok appears in the stage and taunts for the crowd. Then he goes in the walkway and into ringside where he "high-fives" with his fans, and sometimes pose with them for the camera. he gets in the ring by jumping the ropes qand gets ready for the match. His titantron video shows him in action with incredible flying moves from top rope, ladders, etc.

James: Introducing first, from Matomoros, Tamulipas, Mexico, weighing 200lbs, Tisok.(Crowd Cheers quite loudly)

"Kernkraft" by Zombie Nation begins to play as Power G walks out with The Real McCoy, both men are holding Microphones. Power G begins to hit himself to psyche himself up, before walking to the ring with the Real McCoy.

James: And his opponents, weighing 230lbs, from Cuba, Power G. (Crowd Boos at the very mention of Cuba).

Report: Power G and Tisok lock up, Power G irish whips Tisok, and hits an Arm Drag, Tisok tries to run at G again, but gets hit with another arm drag. Tisok, then tries a dropkick to the knee, but G jumps it, G tries a chop, but Tisok blocks the arm and leaps up catching G on the back of the head with a heel kick.
Power G gets back up quickly and chops Tisok in the chest, and again. Tisok counter with a chop of his own, but Power G blocks it and then hits multiple chops to the neck of Tisok before one big chop sends Tisok to the canvas. Power G then picks up Tisok and irish whips him, Power G tries a clothesline, but Tisok jumps it, Tisok comes off the other side and Power G leapfrogs him, Tisok comes back off the other side with a jumping calf kick taking Power G down. Tisok then rolls up Power G in the Mahistrol Cradle. 1...2... G kicks out. Tisok then picks up G and throws him to the turnbuckle. Tisok goes for a running clothesline, but G comes out and ducks it, Tisok goes into the turnbuckle and then G spins him round and rest Tisok in the corner. G then starts to hit Multiple Chops to the chest, but G won't stop and the ref has to drag G off Tisok. G remonstrates with the ref, but he can't understand him, behind the referee, The Real McCoy gets up onto the apron.

Stanyer: Hey, what's McCoy doing, he has that mike. He just hit Tisok, wait Power G has Tisok, G Power Slam, G Power Slam(Olympic Slam). Cover, 1...2...3. Power G gets the win with an assist from The Real McCoy.

Power G d. Tisok
3:24 Pinfall

Dawg: Ahh, it's the only way to win matches isn't it.

Stanyer: What cheating.

Dawg: Cheating?? I never saw any of that, I meant with style.

Stanyer: You didn't see McCoy hit Tisok with that mike???

Dawg: Did he? Perhaps I was looking somewhere else at the time.

Stanyer: Yeah, right.

{Commercial Break}

Hardcore Match
Havok v Big Lou

Havok's Music plays as he walks in front of the UltraTron does his taunt, he then walks through the crowd. He really loves the crowd and will never forget where he came from. His Ultra-Tron video shows him skating and then his finisher.

James: The following Hardcore match is set for one fall, introducing first, from Tuscon, Arizona, weighing 267lbs, Havok. (Crowd Cheers)

Natural Born Killaz blast on the stereos throughout the arena then you see on the titantron "N.B.K. ALL THE WAY!" in red blood type letters. Big Lou makes his way to the ramp. Big Lou then raises his Louie ville slugger in the air and slowly raises his head up and all of a sudden red flames from the right and green flames on the left side shoot up in the air. Big Lou then enters the ring and goe over the top rope, Big Lou climbs up the turnbuckle with the Louie ville slugger high in the air.

James: And his opponents, from Las Vegas Nevada, weighing in at 270lbs. Big Louie

Report: Big Lou immediately tries to hit Havok with the Ball Bat, but Havok ducks under him and connects with a right hand Havok then picks up the bat that Lou has dropped and hits Lou in the gut with it, but it barely fazes Lou. Lou simply grabs the bat and shakes his finger at Havok. Lou then smashes the ball bat into Havok's gut. Havok doubles up and falls to his knees. Lou then hits a second shot to the back of Havok. Lou then goes outside and searches for something else.

Stanyer: I think Havok looks a little out of place in this Hardcore enviroment.

Lou pulls a Stop Sign and a couple of trash can lids from under the ring and chucks them into the ring. Havok is trying to get to his feet but is sent straight back down by a visious shot to the head from a trashcan by Big Lou. Lou then picks up the Stop Sign and places it on the mat. He picks up Havok and signals for a Piledriver. But Havok counters with a back body drop, Havok. then spins around and hits a leg drop to Big Lou. Havok then picks up a trashcan lid, he waits for Lou to get up then throws it at Lou, Lou catches it but Havok connects with an awesome Superkick to the face of Lou, Lou goes down and Havok covers. 1...2...close two count.
Havok goes to the top rope, but Lou manages to throw a trashcan lid at Havok and knocks him off balance, Lou then runs into the ropes and crotches Havok. Lou then gets up and places the stop sign again. This time Lou climbs up the turnbuckle with Havok and then delivers an awesome Brainbuster from the top rope onto the stop sign. Lou rolls on top of Havok. 1....2.....3.

Big Lou d. Havok
4:15 Pinfall

Stanyer: What a way to win by Lou, some matches can go that way, one big move and it's all over.

Dawg: Even I am impressed.

**Camera goes to the parking lot**

**Someone pulls up to the arena in a Crimson colored Dodge Durango.**

Stanyer: Looks like someone is just arriving.

Dawg: Hey, it's Bloodbath, and Johnny Mayhem is there to interview him.

Johnny Mayhem: "Bloodbath, what happened to your black hearse?"

Bloodbath: "I sold it. My Durango will do just fine. Isn't it cool!"

Mayhem: "But won't it ruin your dark reputation?"

Bloodbath: "I am really starting to get sick of people associating me with those satanic bafoons in the A.O.D. !!!!! I AM NOT DARK ANYMORE!!!"

Mayhem: "Sorry! So, what is your new gimmick?"

Bloodbath: "I don't know sort of a misunderstood type of guy, I guess."

Mayhem: "Oh, well, I guess you will be changing your name then, right?"

Bloodbath: "No, why would I do that?"

Mayhem: "Because Bloodbath sort of sounds dark and evil if you ask me."

Bloodbath: "I didn't ask you, you asked me! Bloodbath is my name and I am keeping it! If you think this is a mistake on my part, then just say so."

Mayhem: "OK, I think it is the biggest mistake of your career!"

Bloodbath: "Now, THAT was a mistake!"

**Bloodbath punches Johnny Mayhem and knocks him down. Then he picks him up and throws on the hood of his car. As Johnny staggers to his feet, Bloodbath gets on the hood and delivers the BLOODBASH ot him straight through the windhield and into the front seat!**

Stanyer: He can't do that!!!

Bloodbath: "Oh, Shit!!! Now I am going to have to pay to get that fixed!"

{Commercial Break}

Lords of Destruction v Ruff Ryders

Ruff Ryders both enter to the cheer of the crowd when their music hits. Devastator and Destroyer both clich they fists and hit them together and climb in the ring and wait for their opponents on the corner

James: The following Tag Team contest is scheduled for one fall, introducing first at a combined weight of 705lbs, from Brooklyn New York, The Ruff Ryders.(Crowd cheer)

"Serial Killer" by Prodigy begins to play as images of the Lords of Destruction destroying past opponents play on the Ultra-tron. Once the Lords of Destruction appear on the ramp there is a very loud mixed reaction from the crowd with the cheers noticably louder. LoD walk to the ring quickly, barely acknowledging the crowd, climb in & go straight after their opponents.

James: And their opponents.....(The match starts, so James gets out of the ring.)

Report: Bloodstorm and Carnage immediately go straight for Destroyer and Devastator and a brawl ensues, Destroyer and Carnage take to the outside. Devastator meanwhile manages to punch Bloodstorm into the corner and starts to deliver viscious right hands to Bloodstorms face. The referee finally manages to get Carnage and Destroyer to their corners.
With Bloodstorm down, Devastator tags out and Destroyer takes up the beating on Bloodstorm. Destroyer picks him up and then throws him to the ropes, before smashing him down with a Big Boot. Destroyer then picks up Bloodstorm and drags him to the Ruff Ryders corner, he lays him up against the turnbuckle and stomps him a few times, he then tags out and both men start stomping away on Bloodstorm, Carnage tries to get in the ring, but the referee stops him. Destroyer then gets out, Devastator hits a German Suplex to Bloodstorm and then covers, 1....2... Bloodstorm gets his right shoulder up.
Devastator then hits a Hip Press and covers again. 1....2....Bloodstorm gets the right shoulder up again. Devastator picks him up and tags in Destroyer, they deliver a Double Powerbomb, while Carnage tries to get into the ring. Destroyer covers. 1.....2.....Carnage manages to escape the referee and makes the save, but gets pushed back to his corner by the referee.
Devastator is tagged back in and delivers a Belly to Back Suplex, and covers. 1....2....Carnage makes the save, but is sent back out again. Devastator throws Bloodstorm to the ropes and goes for another big boot, Bloodstorm ducks, Devastator comes off the ropes and both men connect with a clothesline to each other. The referee starts the ten count while both men are down. 1......2......3.......4.....Devastator is nearly in his corner.....5.....Bloodstorm has almost made it to his conrer.....6....7.....Devastator makes a tag, and Bloodstorm makes one at the same time. Carnage comes flying in and knocks Destroyer down with a clothesline, Destroyer bounces back up but is hit with a DDT, Carnage covers. 1....2.....Destroyer kicks out. Carnage then dropkicks Devastator off the apron, then signals to Bloodstorm. Carnage places Destroyer on his shoulders and signals for The End of Days(Doomsday Device). But as Bloodstorm jumps off Destroyer rolls down Carnage and rolls him up, while Bloodstorm jumps straight into a goozle from Devastator. 1...2...3! Destroyer got the three count on Carnage and Devastator delivers a big Chokeslam to Bloodstorm.

Ruff Ryders d. LOD
8:12 Pinfall

James: The winners of the match, The Ruff Ryders.

Stanyer: An emphatic victory for the Ruff Ryders on their return to the PWF.

Dawg: Emphatic isn't the word, destructive is.

Stanyer: Well anyway, it's time for our next Hardcore match, an old favourite Bloodbath, who attacked one of our interviewers earlier, takes on a newcomer in Carbon.

Dawg: I like Bloodbath's new attitude, it's much better than his old Darkside rubbish.

Hardcore Match
Carbon v Bloodbath

"96 Quite Bitter Beings" by CKY plays as a ring of fire appears by the entrance. Bloodbath rises out of the flames before walking towards the ring. He stops on the apron, and looks to the crowd, before he climbs in the ring.

James: The following Hardcore match is scheduled for one fall, introducing first, from Hell, Michigan, weighing 225lbs. Bloodbath.(Mixed Reaction)

Carbon's Music Hits and Out comes Carbon with a Barbed wire 2 x 4. Carbon then walks with his Daranged stride he stops at the begining of the walk way and lifts the barbwire 2 x 4 in the air to recieve reasonable cheers by the fans. Carbon then walks down the ramp with the same Daranged stride and enters the ing threw the middle rope. Carbon then makes his way to the middle of the ring again and lifts the Barbed ire 2 x 4 in the air again to receive the cheers from the crowd.

James: And his opponent, from Baltimore, Maryland, weighing 280lbs, Carbon.(reasonable cheers)

Report: Carbon goes straight in with his Barbed wire 2x4. Bloodbath ducks, and connects with a dropkick to the face. Carbon springs back up and both men exchange right hands. Carbon wins the battle and sends Bloodbath to the corner. Carbon then hits throws Bloodbath to the other corner, Bloodbath bounces off and Carbon hits a Double Arm DDT.
Carbon picks up Bloodbath, but as he picks him up Bloodbath pushes him away, Bloodbath then delivers a neckbreaker to Carbon.
All of a sudden the lights cut out.

Stanyer: What the hell? Don't tell me the lights failed on the first show.

Dawg: Hey, I see someone else in the ring? Who is it?

**The lights come back on, both Carbon and Bloodbath are out cold, Carbon is on top of Bloodbath.**

Stanyer: What the hell happened???

Dawg: Hey the ref just counted out Bloodbath

Carbon d. Bloodbath
4:42 Pinfall

Stanyer: Well seeing as this is a hardcore match, I guess that counts as a win. Bloodbath will not be pleased, someone ruined his big TV return to the PWF.

{Commercial Break}

Stanyer: Welcome back, our next match is...

**"Snap your fingers, Snap your neck" by Prong hits the arena, this can only mean Matt Van Dam accompanied by Jennifer Van Dam is about to hit the ring**

Stanyer: He's not next, what does this rip-off want?

Dawg: The man, Matt Van Dam has something to say.

MVD: "Since MVD has no action for tonight, it's obvious Mr Pellington has something bigger in stall for "the real F'N show". But after I destroyed World division opposition in Blackbeard in the last house show, I'd like some more of this so called PWF elite, so if anyone in the back has the balls, bring it on!"

Dawg: Nobody has the balls to fight Matt Van Dam.

** "Stupify" By Disturbed blasts through the speakers and Genecide runs out. He has a mic in hand and is still running when he stops to speak**

Genecide: "MVD! You got yourself a match and your gonna have hell to pay!"

Stanyer: Looks like someone does have the balls to fight MVD.

Matt Van Dam v Genecide

Report: Matt Van Dam and Genecide lock up, MVD immediately comes out with an arm drag. Genecide rolls off onto his feet and comes off the ropes, MVD attempts a heel kick, but Genecide ducks under it, Genecide comes off the other side and tries a clothesline, but MVD ducks under it and hits a heel kick to the back of Genecides head.
MVD immediately poses to the crowd, who immediately boo him. MVD ignores the boos and goes back to Genecide. MVD throws him to the ropes and then leapfrogs him, rolls forward, spring off the ropes and catches Genecide with a Moonsault. MVD again takes time out to taunt the crowd who start jeering him and chanting "rip-off". MVD starts to lose his cool a little, and goes over to Jennifer, but behind him Genecide has got up and connects with an Elbow to the back of MVD's head.
Genecide the picks up MVD and goes for a Belly to Belly, but MVD rolls behind Genecide and hits a Dragon Suplex with a bridge. 1....2...Genecide kicks out. MVD poses to the crowd but then walks straight into a low blow by Genecide, Genecide then hits a DDT and covers. 1....2.....MVD kicks out.
MVD and Genecide both get up. MVD chops Genecide, Genecide chops MVD back, then MVD tries a jumping heel kick, but Genecide ducks and MVD catches the referee with it instead. Genecide then hits an overhead Belly to Belly Suplex. Genecide covers, but the referee is still down. Genecide goes to check on the ref, when MVD sneaks up behind him and hits a Rev. DDT Drop. MVD then goes up top and signals for the Frog Splash.

Stanyer: Hey, is that Rye coming out the back?

Rye Hazwaki comes running down the ramp as MVD is climbing the top rope and pulls the leg of MVD off the turnbuckle, crotching him. Genecide then climbs up top and delivers a Super DDT and covers, the referee is just waking up and counts. 1....2......3!! Rye costs MVD the match.

Genecide d. Matt Van Dam

Stanyer: I don't think MVD is very pleased.

Dawg: I wouldn't be very pleased if someone cost me the match like that, I'd be pissed off.

Stanyer: Well onto our next match, A new tag team called the Waveriders is to take on The Gods of War.

Waveriders v Gods of War.

"Good Vibrations" plays as The Waveriders walk out with big smiles and dances in a comical style. They climbs up to the ring and leap frog over the ropes and then do an acrobatic tumbling set to the far corner.

James: The following tag team contest is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, from Newport Beach, California at a combined weight of 410lbs, Riptide and T-Bomb, The Waveriders.(crowd cheer)

**The Ruff Ryders are seen in their locker room after the Wave Riders having fun before their match**

Devastator-"What the hell are these guys doing? Dancing and partying in the ring?"

Destroyer"I know. The ring is for fun, but not that kind of fun. The ring is for beating people's ass's. Dancing and shit has no place in the ring, save that for the clubs. We're not gonna let them disgrace the PWF like that."

Devastator"Well, what do you say we go down to the ring, and show these newcomers, just what the PWF and the Ruff Ryders are all about"

Destroyer"Sounds like a plan"

Devastator"Let's go!"

**The Ruff Ryders leave their locker room and head down the hall way**

Stanyer: Looks like the Waveriders are in trouble.

**"Call of the Ktulu" starts playing and Gods of War walk out, but they are taken out by Destroyer and Devastator as they head to the ring, the Ruff Ryders then start to beat up the Waveriders who simply can't handle the power of The Ruff Ryders. Devastator places Riptide on the turnbuckle and they deliver Total Devastation(Double Chokeslam from top rope to the ring) to him.**

{Commercial Break}

Stanyer: Welcome back folks, it's time for our next match, featuring two newcomers to the PWF, Christopher Chaos and The Sabre.

Chaos v The Sabre

"Dragula" by Rob Zombie hits, Ultra-tron shows pictures of Chris causing Chaos, smacking people with weapons etc. Walks aggressively, doesn't stop to pose. Walks up to fans on side of aisle and tears up their signs on way to ring, no pyros or no lights, he doesn't need it.

James: The following match is scheduled for one fall, introducing first, accompanied by "Stunning" Sarah, from Brooklyn, New York, weighing in at 342lbs, "The Chaotic"Christopher Chaos(crowd boos and jeers heavily)

"Sad But True" by Metallica hits, as the lights fade into a dim blue. Sabre struts out, raising his arms to the cheers of the crowd. He walks down the ramp at a normal pace, slapping hands with a few people near the guard rail. He climbs onto the apron, before jumping over the ropes and heading straight to a turnbuckle, to once again raise his hands to the crowd.

James: And his opponent, from Sydney Australia, weighing in at 230lbs, The Sabre(Crowd cheers)

Report: The Sabre and Chris Chaos lock up, Chaos pushes Sabre off him, nearly sending him through the ropes. Chaos looks at Sarah, Sarah blows him a kiss. Sabre looks infuriated that Chris isn't respecting him. Sabre runs in, Chaos tries to pick Sabre up in a sideslam, but Sabre counters with a Flying Headscissors.
Chris looks shocked as he gets up and checks with Sarah, but Sabre doesn't give him chance and hits him with facecrusher, Sabre then hits a Moonsault from the 2nd Turnbuckle. Chris gets to his feet and doesn't know what hit him, Chris swings at Sabre, but Sabre ducks it, and hits a Spinning Heel Kick, Sabre then climbs up the top rope and hits a picture perfect Super-Sault(450 Splash) with pin. 1...2...3!!!!

Stanyer: Chaos didn't even get a move in!!
Sabre d. Chaos
2:58 Pinfall

James: The winner of the match, The Sabre.

Dawg: Well that was a turnup for the books, I didn't expect Sabre to win so easily.

Stanyer: I think Chaos needs concentrate on his wrestling more than his girlfriend

Dawg: What did he expect if he she comes to ringside, she is bound to distract him from his job.

**Suddenly "Walk with your headup" By The Deftones hits the arena and out from the back steps "The Future" Travis Right. He seems to get a decent reception as the fans were impressed with his match against Gambino.**

Stanyer: Wo, I wasn't expecting that.

**Travis slowly walks around the ring, not slapping any of the outstretched fans hands as he walks by. The Future then slides under the ropes and stands up in the middle of the ring raising his hands to the crowd**

Travis: "Well hello there everyone. Just incase we have any idiots out there, the great man who stands before you is "The Future" Travis Right. Please, Please, hold your applause until im finished. Now im here today, at the first big time show to face a man known as Archangel. I dont know who he is, nor to i care. Because what should be obvious is he is not me. And everyone knows that I am the future of this damn company. Not only will I win this match without breaking a sweat. Im gonna end it so fast that all you hard working joe shmoes out there, will probably of wasted half your grocery money for nothing, cause you'll miss it. But dont worry, it wont be all bad. You will be some of the only few who can say, "Yes I was there, when Travis Right started his reign (pauses for a moment) in the PWF."

**With that "The Future tosses the mic aside and leans back against the ropes awaiting his challenger**

Dawg: Bring on the Archangel

Travis Right v Archangel

The arena goes dark, and a hush falls over the crowd. The Titantron then suddenly comes to life, and these words appear on the screen:
Romans 13:4 - For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil.
Holier Than Thou by Metallica then suddenly hits and a tall powerful looking man with long white hair pulled back in a ponytail appears at the top of the ramp. He has on long white tights adorned by gold crosses on each leg, along with white boots also bearing gold crosses. As he makes his way to the ring, he tosses mini-Bibles out to the crowd and hi-fives fans

James: The following match is scheduled for one fall, coming down the aisle, weighing 285lbs, from Jerusalem, Israel, "The Redeemer", ArchAngel.

Report: Travis and ArchAngel lock up, both men try to gain a leverage advantage, but neither succeeds and they eventually break the grapple. ArchAngel tries again, but Travis fakes it and takes ArchAngel over with an Arm Drag. Archangel tries again, but again Travis hits an Arm Drag, this time he holds onto it and turns it into an armbar.
Travis lets go and Archangel gets up. Archangel tries a right hand, but Travis blocks it and delivers one of his own. Travis then throws Angel to the ropes and then delivers a Belly to Belly overhead suplex. Travis then poses to the crowd who boo him. Travis ignores the boos and locks the Triangle Hold on Archangel.
Angel refuses to tap out and crawls across to the ropes forcing Travis to release the hold. Travis picks up Angel and throws him to the ropes, Travis goes for a big boot, but Angel ducks under and then launches Travis overhead into a German Suplex, with bridge. 1....2..kick out.
Archangel then delivers a Sideslam to Travis, followed by another cover. 1...2....kick out. Angel picks up Travis again and throws him to the ropes, Angel comes off the other ropes and hits a massive Spear. Cover, 1.....2....kick out again. Angel picks Travis up again and goes for a Full Nelson Slam, but Travis rolls behind, then trips up Angel, before locking in the Mu-Ken submission hold. Angel tries to get to the ropes, but just before he can get there, Travis drags him back to the middle of the ring, and he has no choice but to tap out.

Travis Right d. ArchAngel
6:16 Submission

James: The winner of the match, "The Future" Travis Right.

Stanyer: An impressive debut for the youngster, Travis Right, and not such a bad performance from ArchAngel either, although I don't know what I will do with this mini-bible he gave me, but still.

{Commercial Break} **The camera's return to the back, where we see the entire gWo, MVD, Power G, The Real McCoy and Jennifer Van Dam walking down a corridor, MVD looks annoyed, and is armed with a Kendo Stick, Power G has a Mike as always. They stop at a locker room, the door says Rye Hazwaki, Power G and MVD charge the door, and it comes open quite easily.**

MVD: "Where are you Bastard, come out of hiding Rye, what's up with you."

**Power G is motioning to a monitor.**

McCoy: "What is it G, Hmm, Matt, you should take a look at this."

**The pictures show Rye leaning on his car signing a few autographs**

MVD: "The Parking lot, let's go"

**Back to Ringside**

Dawg: Rye is going to get his ass kicked if MVD catches him anytime soon. And I am going to enjoy it.

Stanyer: Well onto our penultimate match, Josh Resnick, a man who has stunned many people with his ability, and Blackbird, famed for being able to take pain, pain and more pain.

Josh Resnick v Blackbird

**Walk by Pantera hits the speakers throughout the arena. The Titantron comes on with solar flares of the sun showing. Then out of the back Josh Resnick makes his way out. Stops at the ramp. Listens to the crowd cheer his name. Then continues to the ring. Once on the apron, Resnick climbs up the turnbuckle. Looks out into the crowd before flipping over the ropes, landing on his feet in the middle of the ring.**

James: The following match is scheduled for one fall, introducing first, from Detroit, Michigan, weighing in at 230lbs, Josh Resnick.(Crowd Cheers).

"Cool to Hate" by Offspring starts playing and the arena goes pitch black. 10 seconds go by with nothing happening. Two huge flames light up the Entry way and Blackbird makes his way to the ring.

James: And his opponents, from Dayton, Ohio, weighing in at 245lbs, Blackbird. (Crowd boos)

Report: Blackbird starts out by trying a Blackbird Jab, Josh blocks it and delivers a punch to Blackbird. Josh throws Blackbird to the ropes and hits a superkick. Blackbird gets up albeit slowly and then hits a Blackbird Jab on Josh, Josh counters with a knee to the gut then hits a shoulder breaker.
Josh immediately begins to stomp on the shoulder of Blackbird, causing Blackbird to roll out of the way. Blackbird gets up and tries a clothesline, but Josh ducks, but Blackbird keeps going, Josh tries a Back body drop but gets hit with a Running DDT and a cover, 1...2..Josh kicks out.
As Blackbird gets up, Josh manages to get a few shots in at Blackbird's shoulder, then locks in a Standing Armbar. Blackbird pulls Josh across the ring to get a rope break. Blackbird gets up slowly and manages to get in a couple of blows to Josh's stomach, before he throws him to the turnbuckle. Blackbird waits for him to bounce off then picks him up into a Body Press, then drops him behind him. Blackbird then picks up Josh and then delivers a Cannon Ball Buster and covers, 1....2...Josh kicks out. Blackbird picks up Josh and sets him up for the Evenflow DDT, but Josh suddenly reverses it into The Equinox(Crippler Crossface) and holds on in the middle of the ring. Blackbird tries to crawl across the ring, but Josh keeps pulling him back, slowly but surely Blackbird begins to slow down, but he refuses to tap out. Eventually after nearly a minute, Blackbird is checked by the referee, and shows no kind of motion, the ref calls for the bell.

Josh Resnick d. Blackbird
4:36 Submission

James: The winner of the match, Josh Resnick(crowd give a more mixed reaction this time)

**Camera immediately goes backstage.**

Stanyer: Hey, that's General Leo.

**General Leo is in the backstage area, sipping on a soft drink. He is by a monitor and just finished watching Blackbird's match on it. He is standing there shaking his head and slightly frowning.**

General Leo: "Blackbird, Blackbird... Your head wasn't in that match. Josh Resnick is the toughest opponent I have ever been in the ring with. Blackbird, don't give up hope though. I am here for you. My offer still stands. I will be your friend if you let me. Deep inside, I know you are a good man. I know you want to do good, even if you won't admit it to yourself. I want to help you Blackbird. I won't betray you like the others have. I ask you to give me a chance and I will do anything, within reason, to get that chance."

**Leo scratches his head, nods to the cameraman, and walks back to his locker room.**

**Camera's cut to the parking lot where the gWo have turned up**

MVD: "RYE!!! Where are you, you @#%$@"

**A car drives past the gWo, you can clearly see Rye is driving it.**

MVD: "Where is he running to? gWo, I have a plan."

{Commercial Break}

Stanyer: It looks like the gWo are after Rye Hazwaki, and they want him quickly.

Dawg: And the gWo always get their man.

Stanyer: So they say, anyway, it is main event time, Gambino takes on Firestorm, after this exchange at the beginning of the show.

**clips of the start of the show are replayed.**

Dawg: Firestorm asked, and he shall recieve an ass kicking.

Stanyer: Well to the ring

Main Event
Gambino v Firestorm.

**The lights dim and violins begin playing an eerie tune, like from the Godfather movie. On the Ultra-tron, pictures, apparently flashbacks of life in the Mafia, are shown. Images of gunfights, driveby shootings, and car's exploding alternate with pictures of a funeral in progress. Just as they begin lowering the casket into the grave, the screen goes black and then begins flashing the name "Gambino" across the screen in silver lettering. Then, as an explosion of pyros occurs on the stage, "Keep Away" by Godsmack begins blaring through the arena and Gambino appears in the entrance. He stands in the entrance for a short moment before walking down the aisle towards the ring. Once he reaches the ring, he climbs in and heads to the closest corner of the ring and begins taunting the crowd. He then raises both hands in the air as if celebrating.**

James: The following match is scheduled for one fall, in the ring, from Brooklyn, New York, weighing in at 245lbs, Antonio Gambino.(Crowd Boos and Jeers heavily.)

**Fire Storms music hits as the lights go out. The words "Fear for he is here" flash on the screen. Pyros start fling from the rafters as Fire Storm comes out walking with an evil grin on his face. He stands there for a while as the arena starts to get hotter and hotter. As smoke rises up around him he disappears. The crowd looks in amaze. All of the sudden a huge explosion around the ring, lights up the arena. He then is somehow standing in the middle of the ring.**

James: And his opponent, from East L.A., weighing 283lbs, Firestorm.(Crowd Cheers wildy)

Report: Both men are very cautious, they circle each other before going into a tieup, Firestorm uses his leverage and strength advantage to push Gambino down, but Gambino springs back up. They tieup again and this time Firestorm comes out with a hammerlock, Gambino reverses it into a hammerlock of his own, Firestorm then pulls out of the hammerlock and delivers a hook kick to Gambino's face. Gambino shakes it off as he gets back up. Firestorm goes for a right hand, but Gambino blocks it and delivers three swift jabs to the face of Firestorm before he irish whips him to the ropes, Firestorm ducks an attempted clothesline, Gambino drops to the floor the second time, then Gambino connects with a Mafia Kick putting Firestorm down. Gambino then throws Firestorm to the outside, Gambino whips Firestorm into the ring steps. Firestorm hits them shoulder first. Gambino then picks him up and slams Firestorms head into the steps. The referee ask Gambino to get back in the ring, but he gives him two fingers and slams Firestorms head into the ring steps again.
Gambino then tries to pick up Firestorm and drop him on the barricade, but Firestorm manages to counter and drop behind Gambino, Firestorm then delivers a Cannon Ball Buster to Gambino. The referee is trying to convince both men to get back in, but they refuse.

Stanyer: The referee is using his leniency here, the crowd here don't want to see either man get counted out.

Firestorm then climbs on the Apron and then delivers a perfect Leg Drop onto the chest of Gambino. Gambino then staggers to his feet, Firestorm goes for a German Suplex, but Gambino gets a couple of elbows in and rolls around the back of Firestorm and then delivers a Back Drop. Gambino then picks up a chair and goes to use it on Firestorm, but the referee grabs it from behind, Gambino spins around and starts to intimidate the referee, but is then hit by a low blow from behind by Firestorm. Firestorm throws Gambino back in the ring.
Firestorm climbs to the top rope once he is in the ring and connects with a Flying Clothesline as Gambino gets back up. Firestorm covers Gambino. 1....2....Gambino gets the right shoulder up. Firestorm picks up Gambino and delivers the Blast(DVD). Firestorm covers again. 1.....2.....Gambino just gets the left shoulder up.
Firestorm picks up Gambino again and delivers a DDT, then climbs up to the top rope and flies off with a Big Elbow Drop, but Gambino rolls out of the way and Firestorm hits the canvas hard. Both men stay down and the referee starts a 10 count. 1......2........3.......4....Both men start to stir...........5......6...Gambino and Firestorm are on all fours.....7....8...Firestorm is first up and goes for a right hand, which Gambino blocks and goes for a clothesline, but Firestorm ducks. Firestorm spins around but walks into a Mafia Kick, Gambino collapses on Firestorm. 1.....2.....Firestorm just kicks out. Gambino picks up Firestorm and then lifts him up into a Fireman's Carry and then delivers the New York Neckbreaker(Fireman's Carry to Pancake) dropping Firestorms head onto the turnbuckle. Gambino drapes an arm over Firestorm. 1......2.........Firestorm just manages to get a shoulder up.

Stanyer: It doesn't get much closer than that

Gambino picks up Firestorm and goes for the Gambino Facebuster, but Firestorm elbows him off, Gambino goes off into the ropes and Firestorm lifts him up for The Prominence(Small Package DDT) but Gambino drops off behind Firestorm and delivers the Gambino Facebuster(Front Russian Leg Sweep). Gambino covers. 1......2........3.

James: The winner of the match, Antonio Gambino.

Gambino d. Firestorm
12:16 Pinfall (special note: all Main Event times will be doubled to allow longer match reports).

Stanyer: What a match to close out the show, well it's time for us to say goodbye and we hope you tune in next week.

Dawg: Later folks.

**Camera fades out to a PWF logo.**

***© 2001 PWF Entertainment***