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Armageddon #7
Armageddon #6
Armageddon #5
Armageddon #4
Armageddon #3
Armageddon #2
Armageddon #1

House Shows

House Show #7
House Show #6
House Show #5
House Show #4
House Show #3
House Show #2
House Show #1


Rumble in the Bronx
Last Man Standing
War Games
House of Pain

Saturday Night Havoc

Havoc #19
Havoc #18
Havoc #17
Havoc #16
Havoc #15
Havoc #14
Havoc #13
Havoc #12
Havoc #11
Havoc #10
Havoc #9
Havoc #8
Havoc #7
Havoc #6
Havoc #5
Havoc #4
Havoc #3
Havoc #2
Havoc #1

11th July 2001

Pitbull Promo

**The lights dim at a local PWF house show. While everyone in the crowd strains to see what, if anything, is happening, the TitanTron flickers to life. The camera opens on Silas "The Pitbull" Parish sitting in the backstage area, his locker room most likely. The crowd gives him a large pop but start to quiet when he looks like he's about to speak.**

Pitbull - "I have just recieved word that come Armeggeddon, I'll be fighting none other than "The Boston Massacre", Homicide! I must say that news came as a huge surprise to me. I was amazed that not only I was booked for a match, but it's against the former PWF European champion. I say former because, well, he recently lost the belt to a man I know all too well."

**Even though Silas doesn't actually say Kevin Cage's name, the crowd is more than happy to yell it out for the benefit of those who didn't know already. Silas smirks.**

Pitbull - "Yeah, thats the guy. Homicide... I've never faced you in the ring before, but your reputation preceeds you. You are one of the top stars in some areas of the world. The problem is, I don't really care. However, I do know not to take you lightly and to go into our match expecting anything to happen. After all, I don't wanna get screwed out of another victory like I did on Havoc. But I see it like this. I have beaten Kevin Cage. Kevin Cage beat you. So therefore, I should be able to beat you as well. Right?"

**The crowd isn't sure, despite the logic of it. Some people however, are quick to respond with a loud "RIGHT!"**

Pitbull - "So when I beat you on Armeggeddon, I'll be one step closer to obtaining PWF gold. Then, next Havoc, when I take on and defeat Rampage for pissing me off last week at the gym, I'll be one more step closer. Sooner or later, I will catch up to the European title. I make that promise to all my fans out there where ever they are. Homicide, get ready. The Pitbull is comin' for ya!"

**The crowd roars and the scene fades. Hardly anyone in the crowd seems to notice, or care, that Silas didn't really say anything constructive. They just like rooting for the underdog.**

Homicide v Pitbull

Report: Homicide and Pitbull exchange blows early on, Homicide takes control early on hitting a couple of big suplexes and gets a couple of close 2 counts, Pitbull starts to fight back and manages to hit a Stunner but Homicide just manages to kick out. Homicide manages to counter the K'9er and hits The Boston Massacre to score the 3 count.

Homicide d. Pitbull
7:14 Pinfall

Clegg Promo

*** Clegg is seen in his locker room holding an icepack to the back of his neck. He looks up at the camera and begins to speak. ***

Clegg: So we have a new Hardcore Champ again? Theros i congratulate you but enjoy the title for as long as you can because i have decided to get it back. I haven't seen anyone worthy enough to hold it, except maybe for...ME! Xuway you whine and moan but i beat you again. Now i know you and i will cross paths again and next time i'll make sure i hurt you bad. Now onto other things Rampage you and i will be facing each other on Armageddon. Well you better make sure you bring some back up cause i am pretty pissed off at loosing the title match and you will be the pefect dunny to vent my rage upon. See you in the ring where i will destroy you. Oh and Theros i'll be seeing you......

*** Clegg signals for the camera to leave and the screen fades.... ***

Rampage Promo

**A punching bag swings wildly behind a massive figure. The camera focuses in on a very pissed off looking Rampage, dripping in sweat and breathing hard.**

Rampage: Clegg, you think I'm some push over...Think again! I took Homicide to his limits and destroyed Danger and Renegade. I'm not stepping down for you. Bring whatever you want...I'll be ready.

And Clegg becarefull for my friend...

**Rampage holds a an old dented metal chair**

Rampage: I'm ready Clegg...Bring all you have. I'm going to crush you!

Hardcore Match
Rampage v Andy Clegg

Report: Clegg jumps Rampage early on and takes the match outside. A couple of chair shots earn a couple of close 2 counts for Clegg. The fight begins to take to the ramp, Rampage manages to stun Clegg with a Belly to Belly on the ramp. Rampage hits the Gore on Clegg but somehow Clegg manages to kick out. After numerous exchanges Rampage manages to Gore Clegg backwards into the Ultra-Tron and scores the 3 count.

Rampage d. Clegg
6:45 Pinfall

Big Poppa Promo

[Big Poppa is in his, err, Marcus Shooter's former locker room and he's talking on the phone. I'm sure whatever he's saying is soo interesting that you're going to hear the last few words. Yup. Just wait a second. He's almost at the end of the convo. Doo-dee-doo-dee doo. Ok, listen up.]

Big Poppa
“… And this time make it a regular, cause I have a singles match.” [A muffled “ok.” is heard and Big Poppa hangs up the phone.] “Wait a second… I forgot about Sabre. He’ll want a pizza box for himself too. Shoot.”

[Big Poppa picks up the phone, and starts searching for the redial button.]

Big Poppa
“Where’s that… Good god. Why the hell are these damn things so hard to find? Jesus, help me! Lord, guide me to the almighty redial key.”

Telephone Operator Recording
“If you would like to make a call, please hang up and dial again…”

Big Poppa
“God? GOD! Oh my! D-Do you know where the redial key is? What are you trying to tell me?”

Telephone Operator Recording
“This rec… Big Poppa sneezes[/b] …high pitched tone.”

Big Poppa
“What God? It’s near the high pitched tone? I didn’t catch that; I sneezed. Hello. God? Are you there?”

[The usual high-pitched tone that follows that damned recording starts

Big Poppa
“HEY! WHAT ARE YOU DOING GOD? STOP THAT! NOW! OUCH! Take your HAND of the 3 KEY please. God, damnit! Ok jackass. If you don’t stop that I’m going to find you and Paptize the hell out of you! LIKE THAT? HUH! Wait a second… The redial key…”

[Big Poppa presses the redial key.]

Big Poppa
“Hmm… It doesn’t seem to be working. Maybe if I hit it harder. D’oh. Damn phone. I FOUND THE REDIAL KEY WITHOUT YOUR HELP, DAMN GOD PERSON! Wait a second! I have to hang UP first. Oh god- err MANY MANY GODS. What a life.”

[Big Poppa finally “hangs up and tries again.” He gets “Bob’s Pizza Universe” and starts chatting with the guy. I’m sure that whatever Big Poppa is saying is funny, but for some reason all you can hear is the sound of someone typing. Click-click-backspace-click. Oh gosh, we can hear again! Oh no, you’re missing the good part! Sucks for you.]

Big Poppa
“Thanks a lot, Chief. Phew. Man, I like this whole Tag-Team thing. I remember my last partner… Steve Da’ Fan. I wonder how that guy is doing.”

[Suddenly Sabre walks in with two Medium pizzas.]

Big Poppa
“Oh sh… Ok Sabre, we have to leave.”


Big Poppa
“There’s no time for an explanation. We need to get the fack out of here.”

“If you say so. Hey, you can CARRY and PAY for your OWN pizza next time, Pal.”

[Big Poppa takes the pizza box from Sabre and they run out. Big Poppa checks the halls to make sure no one’s coming. Sabre and Poppa sneak around for a while, and finally Poppa decides on a resting point. They enter the room that says “Mr. Pellington” on the door.]

Big Poppa
“Phew, they’ll never find us here.”


Big Poppa
“The pizza guy. You see, I ordered for us too!”

“You did? Ha! I win! I guess I’m the better partner cause I thought of helping us both out first.”

Big Poppa
“Damn. You win. Crap! I left my wallet back at my locker room. I’ll give you your dollar later.”

“You know I could be making a collect call right now? For just a buck?”

Big Poppa
“No way!”

“Yeah huh!”

Big Poppa
“Doing what, though?”

[Both Big Poppa and Sabre turn and face the camera.]

“With… 1 – 8 0 0 – C A L L A T T you can make collect calls starting with a dollar a minute!”

Big Poppa
“Wow! That’s fan-tas-tic! I guess the ‘dollar’ you won is going a long way.”

“Sure is… Sure is… Hey. I just realized we are in Mr. Pellington’s office. Is this…”

Big Poppa
“Don’t worry, me and the p-man go WAY back. About two or three months.”

“Ok-ok. I call the big chair!”

Big Poppa
“Damn. Ok, well I get control of the remote!”


Big Poppa
“Oh sorry. Just reliving my childhood. I’m not very hungry… But… Hey! Look! Here’s that Armageddon Card we’ve been talking about. Who the hell is ‘Dirk Danger?’ Why am I facing him? Hmm… Oh! Oh! He’s ‘Double-D’!”

“Ha! Double D Dirk Danger… Hey, that’s four D’s.”

Big Poppa
“Ha! It is! One, two, three… Yup, four D’s. Hey, look, it’s his profile just laying out here. What are the chances?”

“Wow, that IS odd. It’s almost like someone was expecting that we’d make a mess and go through his office to find out more stuff about our opponents.”

Big Poppa
“I don’t think so, because Havock’s profile would be out too. Know what that means?”

“We’re going to find it! Ok, you check the bathroom and I got the office. Make sure that you don’t let a thing go unchecked. It’s probably in the oddest place ever.”

Big Poppa
“Ok! Let’s do this!”

[Sabre and Big Poppa start tearing up Mr. Pellington’s office. Big Poppa is turning the water on and off to make sure that Pellington didn’t stick it in there. A lot of time passes by… The show cuts to a commercial. When it comes back on air Big Poppa and Sabre are eating Pizza while sitting on piles of paper. Some how they’ve managed to get a TV and VCR in there. The camera moves back to show all of the ciaos that was once a neat and organized office. Big Poppa checks his watch and notices that it’s about five hours past the time that the Pizza guy should be here. He smiles and tells Sabre they can go. Sabre asks about the slight mess they’ve made, and Big Poppa reassures Sabre that Pellington and him are tight. Sabre is the first to leave, and Big Poppa scrambles to get a piece of paper and pen. He writes “gWo was here,” and runs out.]

Dirk Danger Promo

**Dirk Danger is shown walking down the hallway. He looks around for the bathroom. After wondering around in the hallway, he runs into a pizza guy.**

Guy- Hey do you know where I can find a guy by the name of Big Poppa, I've been looking for him for about 15 minutes and no sign of him?

Dirk- To tell you the truth, I can't even find the damn bathroom! But anyways, I think he's down the hall and to the right. If not, then try the left or something. Who knows.

Guy- Um...ok....

**The pizza guy gives Dirk a funny look and turns around**

Dirk- What in the heck is your problem?!

**Dirk lunges forward like he's gonna hurt him. The pizza guy jumps**

Dirk- Nah man, I'm not gonna do anything to ya. I'm just playin. I'm sure you'll catch up to him sometime.

**Dirk walks away down another hallway looking for the bathroom.**

**About 5 and a half hours later Dirk is shown walking towards Pelican's office. He turns the corner and knocks on the door. No one answers but Dirk walks in anyway.**

Dirk- Mr. Pelican I was just wondering if you had the card...

**Dirk looks in astonishment as there are papers all over the floor and the whole room is trashed**

Dirk- Damn, Pelican ain't gonna like this one bit. I better go find him...wait what's that?

**Dirk looks on the floor and finds two pieces of paper sitting on Pelican's desk**

Dirk- Ah, here's the Armageddon card. Hm....

**Dirk reads over until he finds Dirk Danger v. Big Poppa**

Dirk- Oh, I get to face Big Poppa. I think it'll be a pretty good match.

**Dirk sets down the paper and picks up the other paper. It reads "The gWo was here"**

Dirk- Oh gWo did this....damn Pelican sure ain't gonna like this

**Dirk turns and walks out the door in search of Mr. Pelican**

Big Poppa v Dirk Danger

Report: A closely contested contest, Dirk Danger takes control early on and nearly gets the win with a big Superplex. Dirk manages to infuriate Big Poppa and Poppa snaps, and starts to beat on Dirk Danger violently, the referee is close to disqualifying Big Poppa but let's him off. Poppa hits the Poppa Bomb and scores the 3 count.

Big Poppa d. Dirk Danger
9:09 Pinfall

Josh Resnick Promo

**Camera man enters to the gym. In the back, Resnick can be seen kicking and punching at a punching bag. When a man in the training ring calls out Resnick. Resnick takes notice to this challenge and drops what he was doing and gets in the ring. Both men stretch a bit then tie it up.**

Training Report -

Trainee gets the upper hand with a headlock. Resnick picks the trainee up into a back drop. Resnick follows it up with a series of kicks and elbow drops. Trainee rolls out of the way after an attempt of a knee drop. Resnick holds his knee as the trainee drops his leg across Resnick's head. Resnick lays motionless. Trainee climbs the to the top of the turnbuckle. Trainee flys off the turnbuckle to attempt a elbow drop. Resnick rolls out of the way at the last minute. Trainee lands on his arm. Trainee rolling in pain as he holds his arm. Resnick goes to work on that arm. First drivind several knee shots onto the arm. Then picks up the trainee and delivers a shoulder breaker. Then locks in an arm breaker. Releases the hold, as the trainee graps the ropes. Resnick then jumps up. Trainee slowly gets up. Resnick walks around behind the trainee. Trainee standing, he turns around to a taunting Resnick. Trainee charges Resnick. Resnick reverses the charge into The Equinox. Trainee tries to reach the ropes, but the pain is too much and taps out.

**Resnick gets up and begins to laugh at the defeated trainee. Trainee holds his arm, as the pain remains sharply. Resnick then exit the ring and heads toward his locker room. Stopping on the way at the EMT office to inform them of the situation back at the gym's training ring.**

Havok v Sabre

Report: Havok and Sabre battle it out in a fast paced athletic contest, after Sabre hits a few early luche libre moves, Havok comes back, Sabre manages to get Havok down and goes for a Moonsault, but Havok rolls out of the way and up to his feet and then connects with the Devastation Kick early on. Havok covers to get the three count.

Havok d. Sabre
3:03 Pinfall

Russians Promo

** The camera cuts to Ted Tedison Standing in the back with the Russians **

Ted- Tonight the Russians will face the Gods of War in a non title tag team match-up, I am Ted Tedison standing with the Russians. First Questin, what are your thoughts on...

Wowbowski- My thought? My thought are that Outkast better stay out of vay or ve vill take liberty on them. Havok, Chrome, step foot in vring during our match again and ve vill make you vant your pathetic american mother.

Ted- Actually i was talking about the new members of the Outkasts.

Cossak- More meat for gWo to slaughter.

Wowbowski- That right comrade. They just meat for us to slaughter. They no match-up versus gWo. Who better than Power G? MVD dominate all, Travis is US champ. Ve vill be tag champion soon. not to forget talented JVD. Ve have it all.

Ted- Now on to your match tonight, any thoughts?

Wowbowski- Da. ve put it simple, Not everyone beleive in Gods.

Cossak- And Gods of Var, Ve no beleive in you.

** Cossak pushes Ted out of the way, as the Russians walk off down the hallway **

Ted- There you have it folks, The Russians

Gods of War v The Russians

Report: This is a topsy turvy contest, which keeps swinging both ways, Kull manages to hit The Conqueror on Cossak, but Wowbowski is able to make the save. Cossak makes a comeback and hits the Soviet Stinger on Alexander, but this time Kull manages to make the save. in the midst of the battle the referee accidently gets knocked down by Wowbowski. While the referee is down Mad Mike slides into the ring and picks up Kull and hits the Dead Man's Curve(TKO) and Wowbowski makes the cover as the referee recovers to get the three count.

The Russians d. Gods of War
20:20 Pinfall

Gambino Promo

**Keep Away by Godsmack plays as Gambino walks to the ring with a microphone. He climbs in the ring and waits for the crowd to quiet their cheering**

Gambino"Maxwell Powers...who the hell are you? Who the hell are you to compare yourself to Antonio Gambino? You said that I am not equal to you...well, you're right. And believe me when I say this Powers, I agree %110, because I am not equal to you. I'm 100 times better! You can talk about whoever you want in the PWF. You can talk about Josh Resnick, you can talk about MVD, hell, talk about that goofy little bastard Sabre all you want...but when you talk about me, when you compare your miserable self to me, then we've got problems. Now I know you were probably just mentioning my name to try and add some prestige to your status, but since you seem to think you're so much better then me, why don't you come on down here, and we can get it on tonight and I can show you exactly what I'm all about."

**Gambino awaits to see if Maxwell Powers will accept his challenge**

**Ode to Joy hits and Maxwell Powers charges down to the ring and slides in to start the match**

Maxwell Powers v Antonio Gambino

Report: Another closely contested contest, Powers takes an early advantage and hits a couple of powerful moves. He locks in the African Sleeper but cannot get Gambino to tap out. Gambino makes a comeback and clotheslines Powers out of the ring and then hits a baseball slide dropkick sending Powers into the barricade. Sir Matthew Powers then tries to get in the ring and the referee is distracted, out of the crowd comes Eraser who slides into the ring behind Gambino and then hits The Eraser(Strong Lariat) as Gambino turns around, the referee sees nothing, Powers slides into the ring and covers as Sir Powers drops down from the apron. Powers gets the 3 count.

Powers d. Gambino
10:31 Pinfall

Kevin Cage Promo

The lights go out in a sold out PWF arena... suddenly on the Ultra-tron "Outkasts" appears in red... then "Privilege" by Incubus blasts through the arena speakers as Kevin Cage's entrance video is shown. The crowd cheers as Kevin Cage walks out of the entrance-way wearing a black OutKasts t-shirt and blue jeans. He has his newly won European title over his left shoulder. He walks down the aisle, then steps between the ropes into the ring, picking up a microphone in the ring.)

Kevin Cage: "It feels so good to be here tonight as your European champion!"

(Crowd Cheers)

Kevin Cage: "I proved that I was your hero last week... not only by winning the European title, but by joining the greatest group of wrestlers in the world today!"

(Crowd Cheers)

Kevin Cage: "Why did I join the OutKasts? Because I was sick and tired of what the gWo does every week. And I was sick and tired of hearing them jabber and jabber and talk every single week. So I decided that instead of listening to it, instead of pretending not to hear, that I was gonna do something about it. That's when the OutKasts came to me, and I knew that this would be the end of the gWo as we know it."

(Crowd Cheers)

Kevin Cage: "Now, Homicide... may I say what a match last week."

(Crowd chants "Encore! Encore!")

Kevin Cage: "Homicide, we may have had our differences, but you've certainly won my respect these past couple of weeks."

(Crowd Cheers)

Kevin Cage: "Now, as far as who I want to fight next goes. I would like that loser - Travis Right, who just happens to hold Rye's US title right now."

(Crowd Cheers)

Kevin Cage: "Travis... how about you and me, duel it out in a cage, non-title, in the main event at the next Havoc? (Speaking to the fans) Would you like to see that?"

(Fans cheer)

Kevin Cage: "So Travis, if you've got the guts, please please... I'm beggin' ya - take me on, next Havoc... Main Event... Cage... I won't even make you put Rye's... I mean, your title on the line. But I promise ya, You will belong to me! Hit my music!"

(Cage's music blasts through the arena, and his video lights up the Ultra-tron as he holds his title high in the air, and prepares to walk out of the ring, the camera's cut to promo by another PWF wrestler backstage.)

Travis Right Promo

:The camera comes on backstage where Travis Right is standing alone in the middle of the gWo's locker room:

Travis: Do ya know what this room and my match with Rye had in comman?? Oh come on Cage im sure a bright man such as yourself can figure it out. Well seeing as I know your not exactly the sharpest knife in the drawer I tell ya. In both cases I stood alone. Yea thats right all by myself. I kicked Rye ass fair and square and yet I still have to listen to morons such as yourself bad mouth me, calling it Rye's title.

:The Future walks over to a nearby table and picks up what seems to be an OutKasts tshirt. Why would there be and OutKast's tshirt in the gWo locker room?

Travis: Well look what I found. Wow what a cool shirt, I wish I had one of my own.....(Travis rips the Out letters off the shirt) Ohhhh Nooo!!! I ruined my favorite shirt...(The Future rips off the K and the T) Wait.... Whats this.

:Travis holds up the shirt for the camera to zoom in on:

Travis: Now isnt that better. I think this shirt clearly shows just who the OutKasts really are, a bunch of ASS'S!!! Kevin you want to fight me in a cage? Well thats fine with me. Why dont you ask your good ole stablemate Havoc what happened the last time someone stepped into a cage with me. I seem to remember just about killing that little bitch when I dropped his stupid ass off the top of the cage with the "Near Future." But if thats what you want, well I'll see you at Havoc.

:The Future pauses for a second and crumples the OutKast t-shirt into a little ball and looks back up at the camera:

Travis: Now if you'll excuse me I need to put this shirt where it truely belongs. I'll see you all later.

:The Future walks into the bathroom and tosses the shirt into the toilet and flushes as the camera fades away:

General Leo v Travis Right

Report: This match starts out with Leo on fire hitting a couple of massive suplexes. Travis comes back though and takes control of the match but can't get a 3 count on Leo. Leo starts to make a comeback and manages to surprise Travis from behind and hits The Shock and scores the 3 count over the US champ.

Leo d. Travis
7:31 Pinfall

Rye Hazwaki Promo

**A camera fades into Rye Hazwaki sitting on a small stool in his locker room, he seems to be rubbing some cream into his palm of his hand and then putting some tape around it. The camera zooms in onto Rye's face.**

Rye: "MVD, you beat Pitbull to get to me and now your going one on one, i'm not afraid of you, and you're not afraid of me... I've beaten you once and you've beaten me once, but neither of them have been a singles match, so now the heat is on MVD, prepare to get struck down with Fury!"

Rye: "I don't actually care about this Challenge title, i care about the US title, and i will get it back off that little bitch Travis Right but that isn't the case, i finally get to go one on one with you inside that very ring for the Armageddon Challenge Title! So i'll see you in the ring MVD!"

**Rye then looks back down at his wrists and carrys on taping them up as the camera fades.**

Matt Van Dam v Rye Hazwaki

Report: The two start out with some fast exchanges with a few arm drags and they counter each others moves with ease. MVD takes control and performs the Old Man Stink pose before hammering Rye with punches to the face. MVD hits the Stinky Leg Drop but cannot score a 3 count. Rye Hazwaki makes a comeback and hits the Hazwakinator and then hits the Kung Fu Slash which nearly knocks MVD out. But somehow he manages to kick out. Rye is setting MVD up with a waistlock, but MVD counters with a mule kick and then hits the FrogAsser. MVD covers but Rye just kicks out. MVD picks Rye up and hits a Cradle Piledriver and covers, but Rye again kicks out. MVD can't believe it and climbs to the top rope and connects with the Five Star Frog Splash. This time Rye cannot kick out and MVD is the new Challenge Champion.

Matt Van Dam d. Rye Hazwaki
12:12 Pinfall

***© 2001 PWF Entertainment***