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Rumble in the Bronx
Last Man Standing
War Games
House of Pain

Saturday Night Havoc

Havoc #19
Havoc #18
Havoc #17
Havoc #16
Havoc #15
Havoc #14
Havoc #13
Havoc #12
Havoc #11
Havoc #10
Havoc #9
Havoc #8
Havoc #7
Havoc #6
Havoc #5
Havoc #4
Havoc #3
Havoc #2
Havoc #1

live from the Oil Palace
Tyler Texas.
May 5th 2001

**Pyros blast off as "Master of Puppets" plays throughout the arena. The camera pans across the crowd to reveal a few crowd signs.**
"The REAL F'n Show"
"No Talk, Just Fight"
**The camera spins around one last time before zooming in to the announcers**

Stanyer: Hello everyone and welcome to the Oil Palace in Tyler, Texas for Saturday Night Havoc, I'm Jason Stanyer alongside "Big Dawg" Dave Harley. We have a fantastic card lined up for you tonight, but first we must talk about House of Pain.

Dawg: Power G won the world title against all odds, and all predictions. Defeating none other than Antonio Gambino in one of the PWF's great World Title Matches.

**Shows replay of the G Power Slam from the top turnbuckle**

Stanyer: This is how he did it folks, Power G countered the Gambino Facebuster from the top rope into a G Power Slam and a cover gained him the coveted PWF World Heavyweight Title.

Dawg: I still can't believe Gambino lost, but that is the way it goes I suppose.

Stanyer: That was not all, Rye Hazwaki retained his US Title against the Fro, Bloodbath defeated Theros Macalvia in a bizarre match to win the Extreme Title, and the Lords of Destruction defeated Gods of Gore in the Tag Team Title Tournament Final to be crowned PWF Tag Team Champions. Lastly The Pitbull defeated Kevin Cage in an excellent match to beat Cage in his home town.

** The lights go dark in the arena, when suddenly a huge blast of green pyro erupts by the entrance way, and the gWo logo flashes on the titantron, and Snap your Fingers, Snap your Neck by prong blasts through the soundsystem as the gWo appear from the curtain and make their way to the ring **

Dawg: Here comes the new World Champion with his allies, the gWo.

**Once in the ring, MVD can be seen close up, stroking his chin in a menacing look on his face, Travis Right flexing his awesome physique in front of thosands of his female fans, and the new PWF Champion Power G, is seen on top of one of the turnbuckles with the title in the air, to a raptous repsonse from the fans.**

**MVD grabs a mic and begins to speak**

MVD:- "Cut the music........ Since the PWF re-opened almost two months ago, i've sworn that the gWo would dominate the competition here! Not only that, but we would destroy anything standing in our way of staying on top of the ladder of this company. That would mainly be some cross-bred experimental pile of crap Rye Hazwaki, and that greasy Al Capone wannabe Antonio Gambino.
As for Rye Hazwaki, his time to face the music will come soon and believe me Rye, you've not seen the brutal-animal side of MVD just yet. I've got big plans for you, concerning the gold you wear around your waist, which will belong to me very very soon!
Now, to that punk ass bitch Gambino, I know your here pal, and I know you can hear me! You think your the baddest SOB in the PWF ........... I dont think so! Matt Van Dam runs the show here my friend, I call all the shots. You gave the match of your life against my man Power G, probably the greatest PWF title match... of all time! But that doesn't earn my respect Gambino. To me, your just all talk and no action, and believe me, you may of been a great champion back in the days of the early PWF, but there is a new crew in town, thats the gWo!
And i'm going to damn well make sure you never reach the top of this company ever again. Be afraid of Diablo, but be very afraid of Matt Van Dam" (flexes muscles to head RVD style)

**MVD taps the champ on the back and hands the mic to his manager the Real McCoy................**

**McCoy takes the mic off MVD. He stands listening to the crowd for a while and then puts the mic to his mouth.**

McCoy: "I agree with everything MVD said but I'm not here to just nod along with MVD. NO, I'm here to talk about Power G. The man who beat Alexander, beat Blackbird and finally beat Gambino to be crowned the PWF World Champion. "

McCoy: "Many of you didn't want to know about Power G. You just thought he was a jobber, a nobody. Oh, how the tables have turned. You all now what to be Power G and none more so than Gambino. As for Crusader, he is just another victory for Power G. He doesn't have the ability or know how to beat G. He will get his match soon and he should start worrying about it from now on because as every day, every hour, every minute and every secong go by, the closer he get's to being humilliated at the hands of Power G. Now back to Gambino, the man who runs the PWF or so he say's."

**The arena lights dim as "Keep Away" by Godsmack blares throughout the arena. Gambino walks out onto the stage to a surprisingly mixed reaction. He already has a mic in his hand.**

Gambino: "Congratulations Power G, my applause goes to you, you are the PWF World Champion, the item that proves you are the best in the business today. But you didn't just get that did you, you got something few people get to do, and that was get a 1,2,3 on Antonio Gambino. But not to worry, because lightning never strikes twice where I am concerned. Now MVD can run his mouth all he wants, and Travis Right can flex his muscles day and night for all I care. I care about one thing, that belt you wear around your waist Power G. Now I know you probably don't understand a word I am saying, but McCoy, you do, now hear this, I want my rematch for the World Title, and I want it tonight."

**McCoy paces up and down the ring, MVD goes to speak to him, but McCoy holds his hand up to stop him.** McCoy: "Gambino, You want to lose again? Well if that is the way you want it, then so be it, you got your rematch."

**"Zombie Nation" by KernKraft plays as everyone leaves.**

Stanyer: OH MY!! Power G v Gambino for the World Title all over again, and it's tonight!!! What a matchup!!

Dawg: Now Gambino will show the world who is the better wrestler.

{Commercial Break}

**Clips are shown of Gambino delivering the Gambino Face Buster to various opponents while Keep Away by Godsmack plays. Then a voice over comes on**

Voice"You may not be able to kick ass like PWF Superstar, Antonio Gambino, but now at least you can look like him. New from PWF Shopzone, the Gambino Gangster Hat, available in black and red and for only 21.95. It has the Antonio Gambino logo embroidered on it, so your friends can see who your favorite PWF Superstar is. Also available are the Gambino Gangster Sunglasses. Great for keeping those harmful rays out of your eyes, or even better for looking like a real tough guy! Available now for only 13.95. All your friends are sure to be envious of you for wearing these items, order now from PWF Shopzone or wherever cool clothes are sold.

**Then, Gambino is shown standing on the sidewalk in a busy city wearing the Gangster Hat and Gangster Sunglasses.**

Gambino"You can't be me, you can't be like me, so do the next best thing and look like me!"

{End Commercial}

Stanyer: Welcome back folks, it's time for our first match as Havok takes on DaiKaTanA.

DaiKaTanA v Havok

**The camera switches to the back where we see Havok heading towards the entrance way. Then out of nowhere he is ambushed by DaiKaTanA and a man in a Dark Cloak.**

Stanyer: What the hell?? It's DaiKaTanA!!

Dawg: But who is the man with him???

**The two men slam Havok into a wall, then DaiKaTanA hits Havok over the head with a chair. The man in the cloak then throws him through the entrance way. The man leaves DaiKaTanA and walks off into the shadows. DaiKaTanA walks out onto the entrance way to a chorus of boos from the crowd.**

Stanyer: Look at DaiKaTanA, he has a sick smile on his face, he is enjoying this.

**DaiKaTanA still has the chair and drives it into the body of Havok. DaiKaTanA then drags Havok slowly towards the ring.**

Dawg: HAH! He does all this, but he still wants to claim his win!!

Stanyer: Wait! It's Crusader!!!!

**Crusader comes running down the ramp to a massive pop from the crowd and clubs DaiKaTanA from behind, Crusader then slams DaiKaTanA's head into the railings.**

Stanyer: Crusader is taking DaiKaTanA apart!!

**Then the Real McCoy appears at the top of the ramp, he is gesturing to someone backstage. Power G comes running out from the back and goes straight for Crusader and clobbers him over the back of the head with his Mic. Crusader staggers forwards. Power G charges at Crusader, but he turns around and strikes out with a big right hand flooring Power G. G bounces back to his feet and chops Crusader. Crusader then comes back with a few right hands.**

Stanyer: The World Champion Power G and Crusader Chrome are brawling all the way to the back!!!!

Dawg: Hey look, Havok and DaiKaTanA are in the ring.

Stanyer: The bell rings, we still have a match!!

Report: Havok still dazed after the attack by DaiKaTanA and the man in the black cloak, swings a right hand, but DaiKaTanA blocks it and delivers a couple of right hands of his own, DaiKaTanA whips Havok to the ropes, but Havok reverses it, Havok ducks down for a Back Body Drop, but gets kicked in the head, Havok staggers backwards and comes off the ropes slowly. He walks straight into a kick to the gut by DaiKaTanA, who then delivers the Twist of Fate. DaiKaTanA covers. 1............2...............3!!!!

DaiKaTanA d. Havok
1:20 Pinfall

Stanyer: Well DaiKaTanA picks up the win thanks to an ambush before the match. WHAT THE????

**The arena lights black out, then DaiKaTanA's symbol appears on the Ultra-Tron, then the lights come back on and the ring is empty**

Dawg: What the hell just happened????

Stanyer: I have no idea. The lights went out, then came back on, now everyone is gone.

Dawg: Wierd.

Stanyer: Wierd things tend to happen when DaiKaTanA is about.

Dawg: Wierd things tend to happen when this man is about as well.

Stanyer: Yes, DeMoN seems to have a similar effect on the world, he has a habit of instigating strange events.

DeMoN v Homicide

**"Leave you far behind" by Lunatic Calm hits and the lights darken, pyros blast off at the ramp and a man in a dark cloak is standing in the entrance way, he is holding a long scythe, he raises his hands as if he is drawing on a dark power, then slams his hands down, the lights slam back on and the man throws down his cloak to reveal it is Demon, he walks down to the ring slowly and then climbs in over the top rope.

James: Introducing, from Death Valley, California, weighing 494lbs, "The Devil" Demon.

**"Cowboy's From Hell" by Prodigy hits, and words flash across the tron screen as the lights go off. THE...REAL...BOSTON...MASSACRE...; Four silver streaks shoot down from the rafters, and are answered by two red flames which shoot up from each side of the stage. As the lights dimly flash on with alternating flashes of red, Homicide can be seen facing the tron in a pose as if he was hanging from a cross. Then, as the crowd erupts in cheers, the arena lights go on, and Homicide turns, and proceeds down to the ring as he is announced.**

James: Introducing from Boston, Massachusetts, weighing 292lbs, "The Real Boston Massacre" Homicide. *Crowd cheers*

Report: Homicide charges in with right hands catching Demon off guard and knocks Demon into the turnbuckle. Homicide proceeds to stomp away at Demon until Demon grabs him by the throat and proceeds to pick him up in the air then toss him across the ring.

Stanyer: My God, what power from Demon, he tossed Homicide like he was a play toy.

Homicide gets to his feet and then ties up with Demon, but Demon easily pushes Homicide to the ground. Homicide rolls backwards and to his feet. Homicide charges in with a couple of right hands then whips Demon to the ropes, Demon reverses the irish whip and then as Homicide comes off the ropes he lifts him high in the air and then lets him falls straight to the mat. Demon picks up Homicide and picks him up across his shoulders and then delivers a devastating Death Valley Driver. Demon covers. 1...............2.....................Homicide just gets his shoulder up.

Stanyer: Demon almost had Homicide there. Demon picks up Homicide and whips him to the ropes, Demon then delivers a Powerslam and covers. 1................2.....................Homicide just kicks out. Demon picks Homicide up again, Demon locks Homicide in position for a German Suplex. Demon lifts Homicide up, but Homicide counters and rolls Demon up. 1...........Demon kicks out.

Stanyer: Beautiful counter by Homicide, so agile for such a big man.

Homicide rolls to his feet and charges in but gets caught with a big boot to the face by Demon. Demon walks around the ring and signals for a chokeslam, getting a crescendo of boos from the crowd. Homicide staggers to his feet. Homicide turns around and walks straight into a goozle by Demon. Demon points upwards but Homicide kicks him hard and low and Demon doubles up holding his balls.

Dawg: Cheap, but effective.

Homicide then kicks Demon in the gut and then DDT's him. Homicide then waits for Demon to get back up and then clothesline him to the mat. Homicide covers. 1.............2..............Demon kicks out. Homicide picks up Demon, but Demon comes back and kicks Homicide in the gut and whips him to the ropes. Homicide comes off with a flying forearm, but Demon ducks and Homicide takes out the referee. Homicide turns around and ducks a big right from Demon and hammers Demon from behind with a big forearm, but Demon stays on his feet. Homicide goes low on Demon then locks Demon in and tries to lift him for The Bostom Massacre(Reverse DDT Drop) but he can't lift up Demon, so he delivers a powerful Reverse DDT instead. Homicide covers, but the referee is still down!!

Stanyer: Homicide has this one won, but there's no referee!!! Wait look, the entrance way.

**A man in a dark cloak appears at the top of the entrance way.**

Stanyer: This is twice we have seen this man tonight!!

Dawg: This one looks a lot different Jay, I think it is a different person than the last one.

The man slowly makes his way to ringside. Homicide has not yet seen him and is trying to revive the referee. The man picks up a chair from ringside and slides into the ring and waits for Homicide to turn around then smashes the chair across the head of Homicide. The man then tosses the chair out of the ring and slides out and heads towards the back. Demon climbs across and covers Homicide as the referee is just regaining his bearings, 1................................2......................................3!!!!

DeMoN d. Homicide
7:43 Pinfall

Stanyer: Demon sneaked one with the help of the man in the black cloak.

Dawg: But who is it? Or is it a they?

{Commercial Break}

**The screen goes onto Rye Hazwaki with black Karate trousers on, he is seen in the distance, lots of people are standing around him. Rye then jumps in the air, and Cyclone Kick's all of the people around him, they all fall to the ground. A voice is then heard.**

Voice: You want to know the newest fashion???? Well, look at these.
**The screen goes to a man just showing the bottom half of his body it shows, Black Karate Trousers with Rye Hazwaki down one side, and his face on the other it also has a red belt.**

Voice: The new fashion of today, Rye Karate trousers, avaliable in Red, Black, White and Blue. You ask where from? only $24.83 and if you buy two pairs, you can get your very own Rye Vest. In Red, Black and white.

Voice:So come to now!

**The screen then goes onto Rye again, but in a diffrent location jumping up in slow motion (Matrix Style) and Whirl-Wind Kicking a Man..**


****"Do not try those moves at home."****

{End Commercial}

Stanyer: Welcome back folks. What the hell??

**As Fire Storm's music plays he walks out on to the sound stage. He strikes a couple of poses and then walks to the ring. He asks for the mic.**

Fire Storm- "Ok as you all know at House of Pain I posted a rematch for Devastator. I know that he has not excepted yet but I want the match. Now, If Devastator would like to come out and give me the title shot that I asked for. I think that I deserve it. Now Devastator get you ass out here to accept my challenge."

**Fire Storm stand in the ring waiting for a reply**

** "The Fight Song" by Marilyn Manson hits through the arena and out comes both the Ruff Ryders they strike a pose while the crowd boos **

Devastator- "Shut the hell up Firestorm!

** crowd boos **

Devastator: "I know you want this belt "

**Devastator holds the European title up**

Devastator: "But, haven't you learned your lesson on how to get your ass kicked yet? Well, Firestorm since I am in a good mood tonight I will accept your challenge for the ppv but, tonight non-title I want a hardcore match me and you one on one and I will give you your second lesson on how to get your ass kicked. See ya in the ring!"

**The Ruff Ryders are about to leave when "The Memory Remains" hits and out walks the owner of the PWF Michael Pellington.**

Pellington: "Yes Devastator, you will take on Fire Storm in a rematch for your European Title, but it will not be at a PPV, it will be right here tonight it Tyler Texas."

**Crowd Cheers**

Pellington: "And seeing as you want it hardcore, then I say we do it right here, right now, you versus him in a Hardcore match for the European Title, RIGHT NOW."

**Crowd Cheers as "The Memory Remains" hits again and Pellington walks to the back, Devastator looks pissed off as he heads to the ring.**

Hardcore Match
Fire Storm v Devastator

Report: Devastator charges straight in and clubs Fire Storm before he is even ready to start. Fire Storm is knocked back into the turnbuckle where Devastator proceeds to hammer him with forearms to the face. Devastator then whips Fire Storm to the opposite Turnbuckle and follows him in with a big clothesline. Fire Storm staggers out of the turnbuckle and gets kicked in the gut and Devastator hits a DDT.

Stanyer: An explosive start from Devastator, cover. 1.............2.................Fire Storm kicks out.

Dawg: Devastator looks sharp tonight, Fire Storm may have picked the wrong time to challenge him for a rematch.

Fire Storm gets to his feet and Devastator hammers him with a forearm sending Fire Storm staggering backwards. Devastator whips Fire Storm to the ropes and delivers a Devastating Spinebuster. Cover. 1...............2.................Fire Storm kicks out.

Stanyer: Fire Storm needs to get some offence in soon, it's been all Devastator so far.

Devastator picks up Fire Storm and kicks him in the gut then puts him in position for a Powerbomb.

Dawg: If he hits this, it's all over!!!

Devastator picks up Fire Storm, but as he is above his head Fire Storm gets in a few punches to the head of Devastator and Devastator drops him, Fire Storm lands on his feet and immediately delivers a couple of right hands, but these don't faze Devastator too much. Fire Storm whips Devastator to the ropes, but he reverses it Devastator ducks down for a Back Body drop, but Fire Storm kicks him in the face, Devastator staggers backwards into the ropes and Fire Storm hits a running clothesline that takes both him and Devastator over the top rope, Fire Storm lands on his feet. Fire Storm picks up Devastator and slams his face into the apron. Fire Storm then delivers a Russian Leg Sweep on the floor. Devastator gets up holding his head. Fire Storm kicks him in the gut then grabs Devastator in a DDT position and jumps up before driving the head of Devastator into the mat. Fire Storm then rolls over Devastator and covers him. 1.................2...................Devastator kicks out.

Stanyer: Fire Storm could have won it right there, remember folks, this is hardcore rules, falls count anywhere, anything goes.

Fire Storm gets up and picks up a chair, he slides it into the ring, He then helps Devastator up and rolls him into the ring. Fire Storm slides in and and picks up the chair, he waits for Devastator to get to his feet then charges in but Devastator counters by ducking and hitting a viscious punch to the gut of Fire Storm, Devastator picks up the chair that Fire Storm dropped and swings it at Fire Storm as he turns around. Fire Storm staggers back to his feet slowly and gets goozled and picked up as Devastator delivers Total Devastation(Chokeslam from Hell). Devastator covers. 1...................2.....................3!!!

James: The winner of the match, and STILL PWF EUROPEAN CHAMPION, DEVASTATOR. *Crowd Boos*

Devastator d. Fire Storm
9:36 Pinfall

Stanyer: Devastator retains the European title with that devastating Chokeslam. Impressive stuff from Devastator.

{Commercial Break}

Announcer- SPRITE! The best stuff on Earth!!!

**The camera flashes a shot of General Leo of the PWF drinking Sprite.**

Announcer- The...

**The camera cuts to a shot of the MOW E's Phreak, drinking down some Sprite.**

Announcer- best...

**The next MOW Sanitarium Champion, Heelmaster, is seen, drinking Sprite.**

Announcer- stuff...

**The triple crown champion of the UAW, Bates Masterson, is guzzling down a Sprite.**

Announcer- on...

**Cleveland, Ohio's own Heavy Metal guru, Matt Wilkins is shown tossing a can of Sprite in the air and drinking all of the contents of the can before catching it.**

Announcer- EARTH!!!

**The camera focuses on Nightshade completely downing a 20 oz. Sprite right before the camera! All six men are shown finishing off their respective Sprite. They then give a simultaneous thumbs up.**

Nightshade- Drink Sprite, because I said so!

**The camera cuts out.**

{End Commercial}

**The show returns with a shot of Sabre, sitting on the edge of a table. He displays his winning smile towards the rather hot looking secretary, as she lazily looks over some papers.**

Sabre: 'So... Did I tell you I own a moped?'

**The secretary, without raising her head, reaches for the intercom**

Secretary: 'Get me security, please.'

Sabre: 'Oh, I'm sorry, am I disturbing you???'

**The secretary finally looks Sabre in the eyes**

Secretary: 'Yes. You've been bothering me for the past month. You won't stop. Leave me alone!'

Sabre: 'I never realised. Look, let me make it up to you... how about dinner tonight? I know this great Thai place...'

Secretary: '... and you constantly try to hit on me... and stop saying you know a great Thai place! That's the third time this week!'

Sabre: 'That's how good it is.'

Secretary: 'I hate you! I'd never go out with a two-bit, punching bag of a loser! I was so happy when Gambino beat you to death at the PPV!'

**The winning smile disappears, to be replaced with a mischevous grin**

Sabre: 'Uh oh spagghettioes... you won't like what I'm gonna tell you now....'

Secretary: 'The only thing you could possibly say that could make this any worse would be that we were related.'

Sabre: 'Heh. We're all related here, in this big wrestling family...'

Secretary: 'What's that supposed to mean?!?'

Sabre: 'Let me put it this way... you know how there's that womens tournament starting up... well... I thought our relationship would bloom if we worked a little closer. So, I put in a good word and.....'

**The secretaries eyes widen a hell of a lot, and her face goes pale**

Secretary: 'No. NO! You didn't! You couldn't! How? I didn't give you...'

Sabre: 'Permission? Heh. I wouldn't say I forged it, but.... Ahh hell. I forged it.'

Secretary: 'No! I won't do it! Get out of here!'

Sabre: 'Well... you kind of HAVE to... but no worries! I'll be right in your corner, cheering you on!'

**Just as Sabre flashes those pearly whites at the pearly white secretary, two burly security guards come grunting in.**

Sabre: 'Ahh. Hello, gentlemen. Watch the shirt, I just had it pressed.'

**The two guards pick Sabre up by the shoulders, and hauls him out of the room, as the camera fades...**

Dawg: (Laughing). Poor Sabre, he isn't having much luck with the girls now is he.

Stanyer: Well folks, it's time to crown our Hardcore Champion.

8 Man Hardcore Title Battle Royal

Stanyer: Well folks, this is a 8 man elimination battle royal. Four men will start, when one is eliminated by pinfall, submussion or KO, another man enter to take his place until all 8 have taken part, then the last man standing is the Hardcore Champion. Remember this is no holds barred, falls count anywhere, anything goes.

**"Darling Violetta" plays as Andy Clegg walks out carrying his trusty baseball bat and stands and looks around as if expecting something to kick off. He runs to the ring and begins to stare at a few members of the crowd.**

James: Introducing, from Parts Unknown, weighing 234lbs, Andy Clegg.

Natural Born Killaz blast on the stereos throughout the arena then you see on the titantron "N.B.K. ALL THE WAY!" in red blood type letters. Big Lou makes his way to the ramp. Big Lou then raises his Louie ville slugger in the air and slowly raises his head up and all of a sudden red flames from the right and green flames on the left side shoot up in the air. Big Lou then enters the ring and goe over the top rope, Big Lou climbs up the turnbuckle with the Louie ville slugger high in the air.

James: Introducing from Las Vegas, Nevada, weighing 270lbs, Big Lou. *Crowd Boos*

**Xuway sits in a chair which is carried by his loyal slaves. Once in the ring, Xuway meditates in dance. Then the dance gets aggresive almost if he is fighting a ghost. When done his eyes roll up in the back of his head. He goes to his corner and waits. The Ultra-tron just has some ninja camp with a bunch of ninja fighting**

James: Introducing from The Orient, weighing 392lbs, Xuway Zanchu.*Crowd boos*

**"96 Quite Bitter Beings" by CKY plays as a ring of fire appears by the entrance. Bloodbath rises out of the flames before walking towards the ring. He stops on the apron, and looks to the crowd, before he climbs in the ring.**

James: Introducing, from Hell, Michigan, weighing 225lbs, Bloodbath.

Report: Straight away Andy Clegg charges in at Bloodbath and connects with a couple of right hands. he knocks Bloodbath close to the ropes and then clotheslines him over the top. Xuway and Big Lou tie up with Xuway pushing Big Lou away with ease, but Lou comes back with right hands stunning the big man. Meanwhile Andy Clegg has pulled out a couple of trashcan lids from under the ring. He smacks one over the head of Bloodbath. Andy Clegg then places one of them on the mat before kicking Bloodbath in the gut and DDT's him on the lid. In the ring Lou whips Xuway to the ropes, but he reverses it, Xuway tries to take Lou down in an Armbar, but Lou counters it with a couple of elbows to the head of Xuway. Lou then locks Xuway from behind and delivers a Russian Leg Sweep. On the outside Andy Clegg has a chair, he is about to smash it over the head of Bloodbath when Bloodbath kicks him in the gut forcing him to drop the chair. Bloodbath grabs the head of Andy Clegg and delivers a Facebuster onto the chair.

Stanyer: Lovely counter by Bloodbath.

In the ring Xuway has gotten to his feet and delivers two fast rights to the head of Big Lou. Lou looks surprised at the speed of Xuway, Lou tries to kick Xuway in the gut, but Xuway catches the leg of Big Lou and spins him around into a waistlock. Xuway tries a German Suplex but Lou counters with a Mule Kick. Outside Bloodbath has pulled out a 2x4 and smashes it over the back of Clegg as he gets up. Bloodbath rolls over Clegg and covers him. 1............2............Clegg kicks out. In the ring Xuway gets up slowly holding his genitalia, Big Lou has picked up his Baseball Bat and slams it into the gut of Xuway, doubling him up. Lou then smashes the bat across the back of Xuway. Xuway starts to get back up and is in a kneeling position with his back straight when Big Lou puts the Bat behind his fist and runs to drive it into the face of Xuway. Lou then covers. 1.............2.................Xuway uses his power to push Lou off him.

Stanyer: Big Lou nearly had the debutant Xuway Zanchu there.

Outside Clegg hits a low blow as he gets back up after Bloodbath's near fall, Clegg then slams the face of Bloodbath into the barricade. Clegg then picks up the chair and drives it into the gut of Bloodbath. Clegg then runs into Bloodbath and shoulder charges him pushing him backwards, hard into the barricade. Clegg then picks up the chair and smashes it into the face of Bloodbath as he lies in a sitting position by the barricade. Andy Clegg then covers.

Stanyer: That could very well do it, Bloodbath is not 100% after his match with Theros last week. 1................2.................3!!! Bloodbath has been eliminated.

James: At 5:19 Bloodbath has been eliminated by Andy Clegg.

"Cuban Necktie" by Cypress Hill plays and Carbon makes his way down to the ring. He slides in and ducks the attempted chair shot by Clegg. Carbon kicks Clegg in the gut and whips him into the ropes, Carbon hits a drop toe hold then proceeds to deliver a two footed stomp to the back of Clegg's head. Xuway meanwhile has managed to get to his feet and now has the upper hand of Big Lou. Xuway delivers a Thrusting Shoulder Breaker, then follows it up with a stamp on the arm of Lou. Xuway then drops down and tries to lock in a Cross Armbreaker, Big Lou fights it and refuses to allow his arm to go straight. Eventually Big Lou manages to reach over and punch Xuway in the face a couple of times to make him release the hold.

Stanyer: Xuway will do well to get Big Lou to tap out.

Carbon picks up Clegg and goes for an Irish whip, but Clegg reverses it and sends Carbon straight into Xuway who reacts like lightning to take Carbon down into a Reverse Armbar. Xuway holds it on for a few seconds then flips himself and Carbon over to turn it into a Cross Armbreaker. Xuway wrenches back as far as he can on the hold, Carbon refuses to tap out, but Xuway refuses to release the hold. Carbon's face is turning white with the pain. Slowly but surely the body of Carbon goes limp, and the referee checks the free of arm of Carbon, he takes one look at the face of Carbon and immediately calls for the bell.

Stanyer: Carbon has passed out due to the pain of that submission hold.

Dawg: He should have tapped, it would have been much easier.

Stanyer: Not Carbon's style I guess.

Carbon is rolled out of the ring by the referee's as EMT's tend to him.

James: The referee has decided that Carbon is in no position to continue due to the submission hold applied by Xuway Zanchu after 8:40.

"Leave you far behind" by Lunatic Calm plays as the big man DeMoN makes his way down to the ring. Clegg and Lou are now fighting on the outside, and Lou whips Clegg to the barricade, but Clegg reverses and sends Lou straight into Demon who grabs him by the throat. Demon then picks up Lou with both hands around the throat. Demon then tosses Big Lou aside. Clegg picks up a Kendo Stick and slides into the ring. Xuway is taunting Demon and challenging him to get in the ring when Clegg clocks Xuway on the back of the head with the Kendo Stick. Xuway goes down holding his head, Blood starts to pour from a wound on the back of his head. Demon picks up Big Lou and pushes him up against the barricade. Demon then lays into Lou with rights and lefts to the body then whips Lou into the opposite barricade. Demon then pulls Lou up and kicks him in the gut. He then puts him in position for a Powerbomb and delivers it onto the steel rampway. Demon covers. 1....................2.....................3!!!

James: Big Lou Sean Lewis has been eliminated by DeMoN after 11:51.

"Cool to Hate" by Offspring plays as Blackbird comes running down the aisle with a chair. He catches Demon by surprise and hits the chair clean over the head of Demon. Demon staggers backwards but doesn't go down, Blackbird swings again, but still Demon won't go down. Finally Blackbird climbs to the barricade and jumps off with a chair shot, but Demon catches him by the throat and looks for a Chokeslam, but Blackbird manages to kick Demon low to counter the move. In the ring Clegg has beaten Xuway a few times with a Kendo stick and has him in the corner of the mat and is stomping on him. Clegg picks up Xuway and whips him towards the turnbuckle, but Xuway reverses it, Xuway follows Clegg in, but Clegg slings himself over Xuway and delivers a Reverse DDT. Clegg covers Xuway quickly. 1..............2............Xuway kicks out. On the outside Blackbird hits Demon on the back of the head with a chair. Blackbird then helps Demon up and tries to whip him to the steps, but Demon reverses it and sends Blackbird flying into the steps. Demon then rolls into the ring holding his head. Clegg picks up Xuway and is attempting a Suplex, but can't lift Xuway. Demon comes across and helps Clegg and together they deliver a devastating Double Brainbuster to Xuway Zanchu. Demon covers. 1.................2...................3!!!

James: Xuway Zanchu has been eliminated by Demon after 13:12.

"The Batman Beyond Theme" plays as DaiKaTanA stalks his way down to the ring. Blackbird has rolled into the ring and has a trashcan, he smashes it over the back of Demon's head, then into Andy Clegg's forehead. He covers Clegg. 1.............2...............Clegg kicks out. DaiKaTanA walks into the ring and delivers a big right hand to Blackbird sending him sprawling into the corner. DaiKaTanA then kicks Andy Clegg in the gut and delivers the Twist of Fate. He then covers him. 1...............2..................3!!!

James: Andy Clegg has been eliminated by DaiKaTanA after 15:02.

DaiKaTanA then turns his attention to Blackbird he kicks him in the gut as he gets up and whips him to towards the turnbuckle. Demon gets up and signals to DaiKaTanA.

Stanyer: This is strange to see, Demon and DaiKaTanA working together, they hate each other?

Demon and DaiKaTanA whip Blackbird to the opposite turnbuckle, DaiKaTanA follows in with a clothesline, then Demon follows DaiK with a Body Avalanche squashing Blackbird in the corner. Blackbird staggers out of the corner and walks straight into Demon who lifts him up in a Military Press. But DaiKaTanA kicks Demon in the gut as he has Blackbird in the air and Blackbird drops down into a cover. 1...........2...............Demon power out.

Stanyer: Blackbird nearly pinned Demon, but I don't think he knew much about it.

Demon gets to his feet and charges at DaiK, who ducks down and back body drops Demon over the top rope to the floor. Blackbird gets to his feet and blocks a punch by DaiK and delivers a couple of right hands of his own then whips DaiK to the turnbuckle, but DaiK reverses, DaiK follows in with a clothesline, but Blackbird moves out of the way and as DaiK spins back around Blackbird kicks him in the gut and delivers the EvenFlow DDT and then covers. 1.............2...................3!!!!!

James: DaiKaTanA has been eliminated by Blackbird after 19:12.

While Blackbird was pinning DaiK, Demon has set up a table on the outside. Demon slides into the ring. Blackbird connects with a couple of fast right hands, but Demon comes back with a massive right hand sending Blackbird to the mat, Blackbird picks up a Kendo Stick as he gets up and cracks it over the head of Demon. Blackbird comes off the ropes and cracks it over the head of Demon again putting him on the mat. Blackbird then climbs to the top rope with a chair. But Demon has got back up and he grabs Blackbird from the top rope and throws him to the outside through the table. Demon slides outside and goes for the cover. 1....................2.......................3!!!!!

James: The winner of the match, AND NEW PWF HARDCORE CHAMPION, DEMON!!!!*Crowd Boos*

Demon wins Battle Royal

Stanyer: What a win by DeMoN, who wins the Hardcore title. DeMoN is no stranger to the Hardcore title, he is a multi-time former Hardcore Champion, he will do well with that title.

Dawg: He hasn't been too impressive since his return so far, but it looks like he is getting back to his old ways once again.

Stanyer: Well after the break we have Topp Hoggs v The Pellington Brothers.

**Before the break, the camera cuts backstage**

**The camera man is walking backstage when he hears rubber bouncing on concrete, he turns to see what its all about, only to be run over by Cookie, followed by Barry. Cookie skids to a halt, Barry crashing into the back of Cookie and sending both men to the floor next to the camera man**

Cookie: Ooops Sorry mate, didn't see you there

Barry: S'Ok

Cookie: I was talking to the guy with the head injuries

Barry: Well i got head injuries too

Cookie: Yeh but yours are hereditary

Barry: Its not nice to take the piss

Cookie: Sorry Larry

Barry: Its ok Lookie

Cookie: Its Cookie

Barry: I know.... **Barry grins from ear to ear**

**The camera man gets up and seeing the Gummi Bears grabs an interviewer so they can talk to the Gummi Bears**

Interviewer: So Gummi Bears, you have got to beat two teams of Gods, what will you do? What will you do?

Cookie: Well Bob, do you mind if I call you Bob? Well no matter, We will beat them by making sure they realise how nice we are. Then when they are stunned by are niceness and pleasantness...jump on them and bounce and tug and tear till they scream and cry and they have to go home to there mummies!

Interviewer (Bob): Well, no offence but they won't fall for it now, you just let on what your going to do!

Barry: Fred, do you mind if I call you fred? Well no matter, Your minor point about giving our game plan away, is just that minor, and you wanna know why?

Fred/Bob: Why?

Barry: Cause you have a big ass.

Cookie: Yeh and I don't see no flavour being assosiated with your ass!

Fred/Bob: But thats not a reason

Cookie: Larry, what is Bob going on about?

Barry: Whos Bob, don't you mean Fred?

Cookie: Who's Fred?

Barry: BOB!

Cookie: What?

Barry: Shut up

Cookie: Screw you

Barry: panzy girl assed lazy boy

Cookie: Who you calling Big!

Barry: You!

Cookie: That's fighting talk!

Barry: You and me one on one, right now!

Cookie: Deal

Barry: Joust Rules

Cookie: Prepare to be boarded!

**Both men bounce to opposite ends of the corridor, before turning and staring down at each other. Barry shouts GO! and both men race towards each other arms extended. Unfortunatly the Camera man is in the middle of this Clash.....and seconds later......CRUNCH!**

Cookie: Uggghhh, did I win?

Barry: oooh, I dunno

**Both men look up to see the camera man standin, looking rather bemuzed!**

Cookie: He won

Barry: God Damn it...

**Both men collapse and start twitching on the floor as the camera fades to commercial**

{Commercial Break}

**Big Poppa is shown at a disco like dance party, and he's doing a few dance moves. He whips some sweat of his head and notices that everyone around him is having some milk. He swallows his sweat and begins to get delusional. The music starts to fade out as he sees a giant milk carton saying, "Drink Me." He rubs his eyes and it's gone, so begins to walk from the dance floor.**

Girl 1: Big Poppa, don't leave! I want you to show me your moves.

Big Poppa: Yeah, whatever.. I'm going to get something to drink. I'm really thirsty for some reason.

**Big Poppa walks to the bar, and sits down. He winks at the ladies sitting about five seats down.**

Bartender: What'll it be?

Big Poppa: Make it a moo-juice, and hold the ice. I'm feeling a little "exotic" tonight so make it two-percent'er.

Bartender: I'll see what I can do.

**Big Poppa checks his pocket, and finds an oddly large box of pretzels. They look old, but he shrugs and starts eating them by the handful. The bartender comes back**

Big Poppa: *With a mouth full of Pretzels* Where is my milk?

Bartender: Oh, I thought you knew… About 1 minute ago we officially stopped serving everything but Dish Water.

**The Bartender puts a large glass of Dish Water in front of Big Poppa, and Big Pappa starts spitting the pretzels out. Big Poppa gives the camera a mean stare as the announcer says**

Got Milk Guy: Got Milk?

{End Commercial}

**Alexander and Kull stand in a dark room a single candle burns at their feet. The Candle gives of an erie light.**

Alexander- I grow tired of the childish and idiotic antics of the Gummi Bears. I grow tired of the too extreme for you attitude of the Gods of Gore. Battles are waged for honor and glory not for Fun or to see how bloody you can make yourself. We shall take our rightful spot as Tag Team Champions once we are statisfied with the absolute victory we shall obtain over you.

**Kull squats down and for the first time in a calm manor speaks.**

Kull- and we shall show you just exactly why we are the Gods of War.

**with that Kull pinches the flame with his index and thumb and the light is gone. - Camera cuts back to ringside**

Tag Team Match
Topp Hoggs v The Pellington Brothers

**"Know Your Enemy" by Rage Against the Machine plays as Topp Hoggs walk down to the ring.**

James: Introducing from Nashville Tennessee, at a combined weight of 507lbs, Ben "The Fan" Riley and Don "Bizkitz" A'Deal, Topp Hoggs.

**The lights flash multi colours and “Creeping Death” by Metallica plays. Michael and David both come out to cheers from the crowd and both pose by raising their arms to the crowd. They then run to the ring and slide under the ropes. They climb opposite turnbuckles and raise their arms and the crowd cheer once again.**

James: And their opponents, from Chicago, Illnois, at a combined weight of 457 lbs, Michael and David, the Pellington Brothers.

Report: David and Ben start out, they tie up, but the power of Ben means he can push David into the corner. Ben then follows up with repeated right hands to the head of David. Ben then whips David to the other corner. Ben follows in but David slings over him and wraps his legs around Ben and rolls him up. 1.....Ben kicks out. Ben rolls towards his corner then casually tags in Don. Don delivers a chop to David, who counters with a chop of his own. David then whips Don to the ropes, but Don reverses. Don goes down for a back body drop, but David sunset flips over him and rolls him over. 1........Don kicks out. Don gets up angry and delivers a fierce right hand straight to the nose of David who goes down clutching his nose.

Stanyer: He could have broken David Pellington's nose with that one shot right there.

Don picks up David and whips him to his corner. He then tags in Ben. The two of them deliver a Double Suplex to David and Ben covers as Don leaves the ring. 1..........2...........David kicks out. Ben picks up David and spins him into the corner and stomps on him a few times before walking across to the other side of the ring and taunting Michael, who tries to get in the ring. The referee runs across to stop him, behind him Don starts to choke David, as Ben stomps away on him in the corner. When the referee turns around Don holds his hands up as if to say he hasn't done anything. Ben tags in Don and he climbs into the ring, the two of them whip David to the ropes, they go for a double back body drop, but David manages to grabs the heads of both Don and Ben and drops back down to deliver a Double DDT.

Stanyer: This is David's chance now, he has to make the tag now.

David crawls along the bottom rope in his attempt to make the tag, he is close to making the tag when Don grabs his foot, but David manages to kick Don in the head and then dives to tag in Michael. Michael comes in and knocks Ben down with a right hand, he knocks Don down with a right hand, he dropkicks Ben in the face, he then clotheslines Don out of the ring. Michael whips Ben to the ropes and delivers a perfect hurricanranna. Ben gets to his feet a little dazed, Michael superkicks him right in the jaw sending him sprawling through the ropes. But Don sneaks up on him from behind and locks in a Dragon Suplex and delivers it perfectly. 1..............2..................3!!!!!!

Topp Hoggs d. Pellington
8:56 Pinfall

Stanyer: The Topp Hoggs pulled that one out of nowhere.

Dawg: Indeed, I didn't see that Dragon Suplex coming at all, I'm surprised David didn't make the save.

Stanyer: He was out of it, he had taken such a beating already.

Dawg: Well are you going to say it or do I have to?

Stanyer: I will say it, we have some footage to show you from earlier concerning the Gods of Gore.

**Big Lou and Mad Mike are found in the P.W.F. weight room. Big Lou is doing some leg press with weight while Mad Mike is bench pressing some weight. They then begin to speak to each other while working out.**

Mad Mike: Lou tonights the night bro, we need to show all the teams in the p.w.f. to respect us. I mean we did get to the tag team championship at the payperview last show and the crowd is slowly but surley begining to chant for us. Now we gotta take these two tagteams out again we got the Gummi Bears and the so called God's of War. We beat em once, and its gonna be twice. I want the P.W.F. tagteam gold its been a while since we have been in a federation together and now we our one in the P.W.F.!! We must be victorious and conquer all in the tag team division... No one shall get in our way this time...NO ONE or they will feel the wrath of ALL OUT GORE!! We got a second chance to do this and we gotta do it right this time and prove to everyone that we our the best tag team in place.

Big Lou: I hear ya I want those titles as much as you do! We haven't done any good tag team moves latley we need to be stronger on our double team moves. I want to put people through stables, chairs, damn I wouldn't mind putting some one through the damn ring! It matters what type of ref we got if he's the hardcore type we got these two matches under our hats but if we got some panzy ass ref who wants to do his job right then where going to have to train harder in the next few hours. I say we get down to Mo's ring down the block and pay some guy to be are test dummy for some double team moves. But I hear ya bro I want that tagteam gold also!

**Big Lou and Mad Mike head on over to Mo's to do some double team moves.**

Stanyer: Well it's time for a 3 Way Tag Team match to crown the #1 contender for the Tag Team Titles. Two men will be in the ring at once, and they can tag anyone in EXCEPT their opponents tag team partner. Winner will get a shot a the LoD's titles next Havoc.

3 Way Tag Match for the #1 Contendership to the Tag Team Titles
Gods of Gore v The Gummi Bears v Gods of War.

**Fire Erupts from the stage and continues to burn as "Wherever I may Roam" By Metallica hits Threw the fire walks Maximus and Kull. They look to the crowd and the crowd explodes. They March to the ring and Kull climbs the turnbuckle and raises his sword.**

James: Introducing at a combined weight of 513lbs, Alexander and Kull, The Gods of War*Crowd Cheers*

**"Natural Born Killaz" by Dr Dre & Ice Cube blasts on the stereos through out the stadium then you see on the Ultra-tron "N.B.K. ALL THE WAY!" in red blood type letters. Big Lou makes his way to the ramp accompanied by Mad Mike his tagteam partner. Big Lou then raises his Louie ville slugger in the air and slowly raises his head up and all of a sudden red flames from the right and green flames on the left side shoot up in the air. Big Lou and Mad Mike then enter the ring both men go over the top rope Mad Mike stands in the center of the ring while Big Lou climbs up the turnbuckle with the Louie ville slugger high in the air.**

James: Introducing from Las Vegas Nevada, at a combined weight of 504lbs, Mad Mike and Big Lou, the Gods of Gore. **Crowd Boos**

**(Flashin random lights all the way through apart from at the slap hands at the end where one slap makes the lights go one colour, the next changes the colour and the double high five causes the lights to return to normal as well as causing the fireworks on stage) Two rocket fireworks fly to the stage and explode. The Gummi Bears appear and stand at the top with big grins, look at each other, then Cookie runs forward a little and Banoffe leap frogs over him, Banoffe then ducks and Cookie leap frogs him, this is done so each man has leapfrogged twice. Then they look at each other again and run towards the ring, sliding in and rolling. Both men bounce to there feet, look at each other again! and run to opposite diagonal corners and start dancing, they look at each other from there position in the corners, throw both arms in the air with big smiles and run to each others corners high fiving as they go past . Once at the other corner they jump up again and start dancing. After a few more seconds they jump back down and meet in the centre of the ring where they "go down low, go up high then double high five which causes fountains of sparks from up on the stage.**

James: Introducing at a combined weight of 429lbs, Cookie Dough and Barry Banoffe, The Gummi Bears. *Mixed Reaction*

Report: Alexander of Gods of War and Mad Mike of Gods of Gore are chosen to start. Alexander ties up, Mike takes it into a waistlock, Alexander reverses it into a hammerlock. Mike spins around the back and picks Alexander up for a back drop, but Alexander drops behind him and waits for Mike to turn around before delivering two right hands to the face then locking in a front facelock before delivering a suplex. Mike lands in his corner and immediately tags Big Lou. Alexander waits for Lou to attack before ducking his attack and hitting a forearm to the back of Lou. Alexander then whips Lou to the ropes, but Lou reverses it, and Cookie reaches out and gets a blind tag on Alexander as he hits the ropes. Cookie climbs in the ring as Big Lou hits a Clothesline on Alexander, but Lou immediately starts on Cookie with right hands and then whips him to his corner. Cookie bounces off the turnbuckle and Lou picks him up in a bearhug then carries him to the ropes, he then lets Cookie drape over the ropes and holds him by the legs in a lion tamer type postion. Mad Mike then climbs the barricade and then leaps off with a dropkick to the face of Cookie, Lou lets Cookie go and he drops to the floor.

Dawg: Now THAT is what I call a double team.

Stanyer: Inventive stuff from the Gods of Gore.

Mad Mike rolls Cookie back into the ring, Lou covers. 1..............2............Barry comes in to make the save. The referee sends Barry back to his corner while Lou makes a tag to Mike. The two whip Cookie to the ropes and pick him up before dropping him face first on the turnbuckle pad. Mike covers as Lou leaves. 1.............2....................Kull makes the save to the surprise of Big Lou. Big Lou goes over to argue with the Gods of War when Kull tags himself in, to the displeasure of Big Lou who is forced to leave the ring by the referee. Kull picks up Cookie and whips him to the ropes, Kull connects with a flipping dropkick. Kull covers quickly. 1..........2..........Big Lou breaks up the count. Alexander gets in and starts to argue with Big Lou who simply flips him off, the referee does well to keep them apart. Kull picks up Cookie and delivers a Snap Suplex and then covers. 1.........2............Barry makes the save. Big Lou comes charging in and clotheslines Barry down, Alexander comes in and he and Big Lou start to exchange right hands. Big Lou hits a big right hand that sends Alexander out of the ring Big Lou follows him. Mad Mike and Barry start to fight on the outside, in the ring Kull picks up Cookie and delivers The Conqueror. Kull covers. 1................2..................3!!!!! Nobody even noticed!!! All the wrestlers fighting on the outside stop and look around, they look puzzled, then they see Kulls hand raised and both the Gummi Bears and the Gods of Gore look dejected.

Gods of War d. The Gummi Bears & Gods of Gore

8:14 Pinfall

Stanyer: Kull gets the win while everyone else was distracted. The Gods of War now get a title shot against the Lords of Destruction at the next Havoc.

Dawg: Big Lou and Mad Mike don't look happy, they really wanted a rematch with the LoD.

Stanyer: What?? Sorry folks, I am being told in my ear that Ted Tedison has Theros Macalvia in the back, this one will be interesting.

**Theros is sitting in his lockerroom. Still recovering from the wounds and damage caused at the PPV. His left arm is in a cloth-sleeve. Like a straightjacket, it's tied solidly to his side, with the fist covered in a heavy white glove.**

Ted Tedison: Hello Theros, I was wondering if you had a chance to comment on the PPV and your loss to Bloodbath.

Theros: Loss? I have not lost, not lost what I never had. Indeed I am still, still as I was. Crowned and powerful. The putrid crown is gone and but it's taint remains.... the taint of the foul spirits...

Ted Tedison: What do you mean?

**Theros looks down to his tied and locked left arm.**

Theros: You saw! Didn't you? Yes Yes Yes, you saw the beast, the darkness, the putrid filth of the rock! Betrayal! Betrayal, yes. I hear, I hear and I see, but what do I get? I get betrayal!!

**The arm convulses, like it's trying to escape. Theros starts hitting his left arm with his right, meanwhile his right foot sneaks over, hooking under his left. With a viscious yank it hauls him clear off his chair onto the floor.**

**Ted Tedison jumps back as Theros rolls around, his knee striking upwards and slamming into his forehead as the left arm rips free from the restraint.**

Theros: Betrayer!

**The left arm grabs Theros by the hair and hauls his head down, allowing the traitorous leg to slam the knee into his skull. Finally Theros pushes the leg away with his good arm, and then slams his knuckles down into the thigh, causing a charly horse. Theros fights to his foot, and grabs his left arm, slamming it into the wall again.**

Theros: How dare you turn on you! You know nothing, I have the brain! Yes! ME!..... you bitch...."

**Theros starts choking his left hand, the right leg kick's his own knee out. Theros collapses downwards, face-first into the chair he was sitting on. Theros drops unconscious onto the floor. Even while unconscious the left fist continues to pound into his spine lazily.**

**Ted Tedison slowly backs out of the room, utterly shocked and confused**

Stanyer: What the hell?????????????? I think Theros has gone now, we need to find a Mental Hospital for him, and fast. His own body is starting to turn against him now.

Dawg: I thought that was rather funny actually.

Stanyer: You would. See you after the break folks.

{Commercial Break}

Voice: Coming soon to PWF Shopzone, PWF The Music, Volume I. Featuring quality tracks by Godsmack, Limp Bizkit and Metallica. Listen to your favourite PWF's superstars music whenever you want.

{End Commercial}

Stanyer: Welcome back folks.

**The light in the arena flash Red and Black, a man is then shown doing a 720 Cyclone Kick on the Tron. "Break Stuff" By Limp Bizkit hits as Rye Hazwaki comes out from the entrance way and into the ring. He asks for a mic and a man throws one at him and nearly hits him but Rye catches it with his Quick Reactions.** Stanyer: Well folks, it's our US and Challenge Champion, Rye Hazwaki. Let's hear what he has to say.

Dawg: Do we have to?

Rye - Well here we are at Havoc! Now after having a few words with Mr.Pellington he said that i MUST defend my Challenge title belt... but the thing is, i havent got an opponant! No one has yet stepped up to the plate to face me! So any one back there... how about you come out here and show me what your made of...! And you may be in with a chance to hold this belt around your waist!

Rye - So, like i said anyone back there come and step up to the plate... but just remember, "You Bring the Words... And I'll Bring The Fight!"

Dawg - Looks like Rye just put up a open challenge to anyone.. but who will it be....?

**Rye stands in the ring hoping for someone to come out and accept his challenge...**

**"Ode to Joy" hits and Maxwell Powers comes out to thunderous boos. Maxwell, shaking his head in amazement, brings the mic up**

Maxwell: America meet your next Challenge title champion in the form of me Maxwell Powers. You see over the last few weeks I have defeated many opponants such as DaIkaTanA and MVD so why not go with the so called kung fu master standing in the middle of the ring. And to sweeten the deal even more I'll get a title, not a very good one mind you, but a title none the less. As I have said before I always look to fatten my wallet and with a chance to get this weakling of a title tonight I might as well get started. So get ready Rye oh and don't complain when I come and beat you down because as far as me and my country are concerned, you are nothing but a opportunist of an American and do not possess the necessary skills to beat me or and else around here.

**Maxwell drops the mic and starts his way towards the ring**

Stanyer: Looks like we have ourselves a bonus challenge title matchup.

Maxwell Powers v Rye Hazwaki

Report: Maxwell Powers hits a couple of right hands to Rye, then whips him to the ropes, but Rye reverses it and tries a roundhouse kick, but Powers ducks it and lands a big right to the face of Rye. Powers tries to deliver a Belly to Belly Suplex, but Rye counters with a couple of elbows to the head of Powers. Rye kicks Powers in the kidneys, and then a spin kick sends Powers to the ropes. Rye then hits a SuperKick sending Powers over the top rope. Rye immediately follows him outside. Rye kicks Powers while he is down, Rye picks Powers up and whips him to the steps, but Powers reverses and Rye slams shoulder first into the ring steps. Powers then follows it up with a big knee to the body of Rye. Power picks up Rye and slams him face first into the ring steps. Powers then picks up Rye and drops him gut first onto the barricade. Powers stomps on Rye a couple of times, then picks him up and delivers a back drop on the outside. Maxwell Powers then rolls into the ring, he rests in one corner waiting for Rye when the referee calls for the bell. Powers grabs the referee and asks him what he is doing. The ref points to Rye and does the countout signal. Powers looks in shock.

Powers d. Rye 2:45 Counout. James: The winner of this match as the result of a countout, Maxwell Powers. But STILL PWF CHALLENGE CHAMPION, RYE HAZWAKI.

Stanyer: The referee has counted out Rye Hazwaki, a strange decision if I ever saw one. Powers wins the match.

Dawg: But no title can change hands on a Countout, so Rye is still the champion, which is a crying shame, because Powers had the match won.

Stanyer: It was barely 3 minutes old!!!

Dawg: He had the match won.

Stanyer: Well Powers walks up the ramp, he can't believe what just happened, that was his first title shot in the PWF, and he screwed it up.

Dawg: And it is a crying shame, he deserves a rematch.

**"Cool to Hate" by the Offspring plays and Blackbird comes to the ring with no entrance the fans give a mixed reaction, but mainly cheers**

Stanyer: Blackbird? what does he want??

Blackbird-Bloodbath! I know you. And you are not deserving of the Extreme hardcore Title! I grew up hardcore. I've lived my life hardcore! You do not know the meaning of hardcore till you've been in a hardcore match with me! That is why I am challenging you to defend your Extreme Hardcore Title against me! I know you've got it in you unless you aren't hardcore enough to take me on! How about a Table of Death Match? Or maybe an Ultimate Hardcore Match! Or better yet an Exploding Cage Match. There are SO many possibilities! You see Bloodbath I am the most hardcore person in this building tonight! So you need to walk yourself out here accept my match and hand over my belt!

Dawg: Strong words.

**"96 Quite Bitter Beings" hits over the loudspeakers and the flaming ring in the entrance area ignites. Up thorugh the flames comes Bloodbath, with his PWF Extreme Hardcore Title draped over his shoulder.**

Bloodbath: "Blackbird, You don't think I know what it means to be hardcore? Well, let's see how I got this belt!"

**Footage is seen of Bloodbath driving Theros Macalvia through three panes of glass and winning the Extreme Title.**

Bloodbath: "Now, that is extreme! But, I get to choose the match that I will defend my title in tonight. And, since I really miss this type of match and think the PWF should have one on the next Havoc, I will choose a Hell In A Cell match! But, this HIAC match will also have flaming tables set up on the outside all around it. It will also have barbed wire wrapped all throughout the caging. So, if you think that you can beat me in a Extreme Hell In A Cell match, then bring it on! But, just remember, You WILL Bleed!!!"

Dawg: Oh my God, what an insane match. That will be brutal.

**the camera cuts to Blackbird and a smirk grows on his face**

Blackbird-You go it

**"96 Quite Bitter Beings" plays as they both leave**

Stanyer: Anything extreme is right up Blackbird's alley. I can't wait for that next week, that is going to be some match.

{Commercial Break}

**"Zombie Nation" by Kernkraft plays as we see Power G training, still holding his microphone. Power G is practising his chops.**

McCoy: Forget T-Shirts, forget Baseball Caps, there is only one piece of merchandise you want to get for your kids. Your very own Power G chopping board. Practice your chops, and one day you could chop as well as Power G.

**Power G is seen chopping at a solid wood board emblazened with a picture of Power G with The Real McCoy in the background. Camera fades.**

{End Commercial}

**The camera cuts backstage where we see Havok lieing on the floor, he is dazed, and appears to be just waking up. Above him is a pentagram, which appears to have been burned into the wall. Crusader appears from off camera**

Stanyer: Hey, it's Havok!!

Crusader: "Shit man, what happened? Are you OK?"

Havok: "Where am I? Oh my head..."

Crusader: "Shit, they really fucked you over, I'll get the bastards who did this"

**Out of nowhere, the gWo attack Crusader, MVD and Power G take out Crusader while Travis Right beats on Havok. After taking care of Crusader. MVD holds up Havok and eggs Travis to hit him with the cane. Travis swings and splinters the cane across the head of Havok. Havok collapses in a heap as the gWo walk off. - Camera cuts back to ringside**

Stanyer: What the hell? What did they do that for? Did they have something to do with what happened earlier, this one is getting really confusing now.

Dawg: Hey, you got me.

Stanyer: Well whatever happens, it's time for our World Title Match now.

Main Event

Antonio Gambino v Power G

**The lights dim and violins begin playing an eerie tune, like from the Godfather movie. On the Ultra-tron, pictures, apparently flashbacks of life in the Mafia, are shown. Images of gunfights, driveby shootings, and car's exploding alternate with pictures of a funeral in progress. Just as they begin lowering the casket into the grave, the screen goes black and then begins flashing the name "Gambino" across the screen in silver lettering. Then, as an explosion of pyros occurs on the stage, "Keep Away" by Godsmack begins blaring through the arena and Gambino appears in the entrance. He stands in the entrance for a short moment before walking down the aisle towards the ring. Once he reaches the ring, he climbs in and heads to the closest corner of the ring and begins taunting the crowd. He then raises both hands in the air as if celebrating.**

James: The following match is scheduled for one fall, and is for the PWF World Heavyweight Championship, Introducing the challenger, from Brooklyn, New York, weighing 245lbs, Antonio Gambino**Crowd gives a mixed reaction**

"Zombie Nation" by Kernkraft begins to play as Power G walks out with The Real McCoy, both men are holding Microphones. Power G begins to hit himself to psyche himself up, before walking to the ring with the Real McCoy.

James: And his opponent, from Holguin, Cuba, weighing 230lbs, the PWF World Heavyweight Champion, Power G. *Crowd boos*

Report: Gambino and Power G circle each other tentatively, Gambino looks even more determined than he did last week. Power G has more arrogance about him now. They tie up, and tussle with each other for a few seconds before breaking the grapple. Power G immediately chops Gambino. Gambino comes back with a right hand, and Power G comes back with a chop. Gambino comes in with a knee to the gut, and then whips Power G to the ropes. Gambino ducks down and gets kicked in the head. Gambino staggers backwards but springs off the ropes and hits a clothesline knocking Power G down. Power G gets back up quickly, Gambino connects with a couple of straight rights, then whips Power G to the turnbuckle. Gambino follows straight in with a shoulder block to the gut of Power G. Power G collapses to all fours holding his gut. Gambino immediately stomps the back of Power G's head.

Stanyer: Could this be Gambino's night? He has control of this match for now.

Gambino picks up Power G and delivers a Russian Leg Sweep and then covers Power G. 1.................2................Power G kicks out.

Dawg: Damn, so close.

Power G rises to his feet and staggers backwards onto the ropes. Gambino charges in and clotheslines Power G over the top rope. Power G lands on his feet and staggers into the announcers table. Power G starts to turn around and heads towards the ring. Gambino bounces off the ropes and flies at Power G with a dropkick through the ropes, but Power moves out of the way, Gambino lands on his feet and Power G immediately chops him in the chest and then whips him into the steel steps. Power G picks up Gambino and slams his head into the steps. Power G then takes Gambino towards the announcers table and tries to slam Gambino's head into that as well, but Gambino blocks it and slams Power G's head onto the table, sending him sprawling across the table.

Stanyer: Get this back in the ring!!!!

Dawg: I think we'd better get out of here Jay!

Gambino climbs on top of the table and picks up Power G and sets him up for a piledriver on the table. Gambino tries to lift him, but Power manages to power out and back drops Gambino to the floor. Power G jumps down and picks up Gambino. He chops him in the chest then delivers a back body flip. Power G picks up Gambino and tries to deliver the G Power Slam, but Gambino rolls off it to a standing position. Gambino kicks Power G in the gut and sets him up for a Powerbomb through the table, but as he lifts him to the top, Power G counters with a Hurricanranna. Gambino quickly gets to his feet and gets kicked in the gut by Power G, then Power G rolls Gambino back into the ring. Gambino is quick to his feet and stomps on Power G as he gets in the ring. Gambino picks up Power G and whips him to the ropes, Gambino goes for the jumping clothesline but Power G ducks, G comes off the other side but walks straight into a Mafia Kick by Gambino.

Stanyer: This could be it.

**A chorus of boos descends upon the arena**

Dawg: Hey, this isn't for Gambino...

**The camera zooms on the entrance way where Diablo has walked out from the back. He makes his way to ringside. Gambino doesn't appear to have noticed him.** Stanyer: This is never good news.

Gambino picks up Power G and then delivers the Gambino Facebuster.

Stanyer: This one is over, Gambino is about to become World Champion. 1..........................2.........................WAIT!!! Diablo just pulled the referee out of the ring, what is he doing???? Right hand to the referee. Gambino can't believe it. Diablo slides into the ring, look at the eyes of Gambino, he is incensed!!!

Dawg: This is going to explode!!!!

Gambino and Diablo exchange right hands, then out of the back come running the LoD. Power G has rolled out of the ring.

Stanyer: Wait, Diablo isn't alone, this is a trap!!!

The LoD charge into the ring and both of them club Gambino, the three of them then start to beat Gambino down, they stomp away at him and then Diablo slides out of the ring and picks up a chair.

Stanyer: What is Diablo going to do now???

The LoD pick up the dazed Gambino and Diablo climbs into the ring and the LoD hold Gambino so Diablo can deliver a running chair shot putting Gambino down. Diablo then swings a couple of times with the chair to the fallen Gambino.

Stanyer: I may not like Gambino, but he doesn't deserve this!!

**"The Fight Song" by Marilyn Manson hits to a massive pop from the crowd as the Ruff Ryders come running down to the ring.**

Dawg: It's the Ruff Ryders!!!!

Stanyer: The old best mates of Antonio Gambino couldn't stand it any longer, and have come down to help him out.

The Ruff Ryders slide in and deliver big right hands to both the LoD and then a couple to Diablo, before going back to the LoD then they clothesline both of them out of the ring. They then turn towards Diablo and stalk him into a corner. Devastator grabs Diablo by the throat, but the LoD have recovered and are back in the ring with chairs. They smash the chairs over the back of the Ruff Ryder's heads. They then beat on the two of them with the chairs as Diablo goes back to beating on Gambino, who is out cold. With both of the Ruff Ryders down, Bloodstorm signals to Carnage to get something.

Stanyer: What else can they do???

Carnage slides out of the ring and pulls a table from underneath the ring.

Dawg: They can finish the job.

The table is slid into the ring and set up in the corner. Diablo and Bloodstorm roll Destroyer onto the table. Bloodstorm then climbs onto the table, as Carnage climbs to the second turnbuckle. Bloodstorm picks up Destroyer into a Piledriver position, Carnage then jumps off and the LoD deliver a devastating Spike Piledriver through the table driving the head of Destroyer into the mat.


**Diablo demands a mic**

Diablo: "You see the carnage here tonight, and you know why nobody messes with me. But your all sitting there at home, or in this pitiful arena saying "where was security", "where were the people to stop this". Well you want to know why they aren't here, because only one man can stop them coming out.

**Diablo turns towards the entrance way**

Stanyer: NO!! It can't be!!

Dawg: Surely not??

**"The Memory Remains" hits as the arena goes into shock as the owner of the PWF Michael Pellington walks out onto the stage. He has a smile on his face and is applauding Diablo.**

Stanyer: This can't be, this can't be real. Surely not Michael Pellington, surely he has not sided with Diablo?? It can't be. We are out of time.........

**Camera fades to a PWF logo as the last image of Pellington's smile fades out**

***© 2001 PWF Entertainment***