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Rumble in the Bronx
Last Man Standing
War Games
House of Pain

Saturday Night Havoc

Havoc #19
Havoc #18
Havoc #17
Havoc #16
Havoc #15
Havoc #14
Havoc #13
Havoc #12
Havoc #11
Havoc #10
Havoc #9
Havoc #8
Havoc #7
Havoc #6
Havoc #5
Havoc #4
Havoc #3
Havoc #2
Havoc #1

Myriad Convention Center
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
14th July 2001

The PWF logo flashes on screen and immediately fades to a scene shot earlier in the day in MVD's dressing room, MVD can be seen polishing his new prize, the PWF challenge title, and talking to myself in the mirror, the camera is filming over his shoulder so the viewers can see his reflection in the mirror as he talks

MVD:- At last, my first piece of PWF gold......... It was a long time in coming, no thanks to that piece of trash Rye Hazwaki, but it's finally mine. The gWo has the PWF at our feet now, we are taking all the gold, i have the challenge title, Travis has the US, the Russians have defeated the current tag champions and are easily future holders of the titles......................

MVD: Just one thing remains, The PWF world championship, the belt that rightfully belongs around the waist of a gWo member................ Tonight begins a new era in the PWF. The beginning of the end for the Outkasts............... we will take back what is rightfully ours, and there is nothing the Outkasts, Comissioner Gambino or anybody in the PWF can do about it.............

the scene fades as MVD is leaning into the mirror laughing wilding and the Havoc music erupts as the camera cuts to the crowd.................

"Master of Puppet's" plays as the PWF intro plays on the screen, the camera then cuts to the arena as we see a full house in the Myriad Convention Center cheering wildy as pyro's blast off around the Ultra-Tron, the camera passes over the crowd and then cuts down to the Announcers table

Stanyer: Welcome everybody to PWF's Saturday Night Havoc. We come to you live from the Myriad Convention Centre in the heart of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. I'm Jason Stanyer alongside "The Big Dawg" Dave Harley. We have an action packed event for you tonight. Here is a quick rundown on the card.

Mingin Mary v Sweet Ice v Robin v JVD (Women's Title)
DaiKaTanA v Dirk Danger
Mad Mike v Kull
Big Poppa & Sabre v Lords of Destruction
Pitbull v Andy Clegg
DeMon(c) v Blackbird v Bloodbath (Extreme Title)
Josh Resnick v General Leo

Dawg: It already looks good to me, especially as we finally get to see the ladies in action.

Stanyer: Yes folks, it's been a long wait, but finally the ladies ar making their in ring debut here in the PWF.

Dawg: And I can't wait, hey, you heard the rumour about the main event?

Stanyer: You mean that thing above us.(he points to above the ring, the camera pans out to show a Steel Cage)

Dawg: Yes, the rumour has it that Kevin Cage will take on Travis Right, Champion v Champion, right here tonight.

Keep Away by Godsmack blares through the arena. Then, as Gambino appears in the entrance, the crowd bursts into a huge cheer. He walks to the ring, and once there, he climbs in and asks for a microphone from the ring announcer

Stanyer: It looks like our good Commissioner has something to say.

Gambino: "As you're all aware, the Last Man Standing pay per view is only a couple weeks away. Pellington has asked me to lend a hand and book a match or two for the pay per view. So, I thought about it, and it looks like I've come up with my match. It will be Homicide challenging Kevin Cage for the European Championship at Last Man Standing. As for tonight, GWO's Travis Right will face Kevin Cage in a Steel Cage Match."

The crowd cheers at the mention of new Outkasts member, Kevin Cage

Stanyer: Well that's the rumour cleared up.

Gambino: "Now, that brings me to another announcement. I was sitting in the back at the last Havoc, watching the main event when I saw something. Not only did I see Crusader beat Blackbird to retain the PWF World Championship Title, but I saw the GWO come down and like the pussies that they are, attack Crusader when he was in the ring all alone. Then the Outkasts came down to help Crusader and all hell broke loose. But what I saw after all of this that really put a smile on my face...was the GWO crawling to the back with their tails between their legs.

The crowd lets out another huge cheer

Dawg: The gWo did not tuck-tail and run all

Gambino: "So, after all the screw jobs, and after all the fighting that's gone on between the two groups in the past weeks, I feel it only necassary that the following match takes place. So, right here tonight...on one side...Power G, MVD, and The Russians. On the other side...the PWF World Champion, Crusader, Havok, Rye Hazwaki, and one member of the Ruff Ryders. Four against four, the GWO against the Outkasts, in this ring, right here tonight!"

The crowd goes wild at the announcement of the match

Stanyer: Tonight! gWo v The OutKasts!!!

Gambino: "Now, before I go, I would like to talk about Eraser for a moment. Everyone's seen what he's done in the past few weeks, screwing me out of matches, invading my home. Well, tonight, it's my turn to get a little payback. Tonight it's my turn to get the last laugh. You see, when he invaded my home, when nobody was there, when he though nobody was watching...he was dead wrong. Somebody was watching. I expected that sick son of a bitch to pull something like that, so I took the liberty of installing some hidden video equipment, and well, I got some pretty interesting stuff on the tapes. Let's take a look...roll the footage please."

Gambino looks towards the Tron as a video begins's Gambino's bedroom. It shows a man who appears to be Eraser, although it's a very poor disguise, rummaging through dresser drawers and he pulls out a pair of thong panties. He holds them to his face and gives them a little sniff. Even though the crowd is on to the fact that it's not really Eraser, they laugh anyways. He then pulls out a peice of Langerie, which appears to be a black lace Teddy. 'Eraser' holds it up to him and looks in the mirror, and poses for a bit to see how it looks. He then walks away, off camera for a moment, only to return to the mirror. This time, Eraser is wearing the garment, and poses sexually in front of the mirror. He then turns around to get a view of his buttocks on the garment, and asks himself, "I wonder if this makes my ass look too big." The crowd is now in a state of uncrontrollable laughter as the video comes to an end.

Stanyer: (laughing). Now that is funny

Dawg: That isn't Eraser.

Stanyer: Perhaps not, but it's still funny.

Gambino: "Now, I hope this lets everyone in on what kind of man Eraser is. All I have to say is...parents...please, please, please talk to your children. You do NOT want them to grow up to be like that jackass."

Gambino's smile then fades away as he climbs the turnbuckle and looks towards the backstage

Gambino: "Eraser, soon, the fun and games will end, and you will meet up with your fate. You think you've felt pain and haven't felt anything yet, but you will. You will feel pain, and you will suffer Eraser, because you can't hide forever...I will find you, and when I do, I will show absolutely no mercy!"

Gambino tosses the microphone aside and hops off of the turnbuckle as his music plays and he exits the ring. The Camera then cuts backstage to the gWo locker room.

**The Real McCoy, shakes his head after hearing Gambino mouthing off about the gWo.**

McCoy: He just doesn't learn, does he? Power G gives him a beating but still he goes on. What's his little saying? ' I Give no Mercy, I Take no Shit'. After his defeat last week it should be 'I'm at your Mercy, I am shit'

McCoy smiles to himself, while the other gWo members are laughing.

McCoy: But at least he redeemed himself somewhat, by giving us a match against the OutKasts, not that it's really a contest.

He turns and points to Power G, MVD and The Russians.

McCoy: And that's because, standing there, are 4 supreme wrestlers and these four are up against four..........

McCoy tries to think of the word.

McCoy: LOSERS. Now tonight's stable match will once and for all show the world that it's the gWo who are the best. Finally, we'll put the OutKasts on their knee's, begging for our Mercy. And we won't give it. The OutKasts need to be driven out of the PWF and we intend to do that. We seen before what an awesome partnership Power G and MVD are when they combine. If I'm not mistaken then they are undefeated. Add to that the strength and wrestling ability of The Russians and you've got the perfect combination. The chances of us losing are near zero and what a sight it'll be when these four men have their hands raised in the air after victory, while the OutKasts will be lying at their feet, defeated.

Camera cuts to a commercial

{Commerical Break}

*clips of Blackbird's arm being raised with the Hardcore and World titles are shown*

Voice-He's the most resiliant man in wrestling today. He is a former PWF World Champion

*More clips shown*

Voice-Hardcore is what this man does.

*Blackbird is shown sitting in the corner of a ring with a mic*


Fast voice-Order your copy of Blackbird: Definition of hardcore including entire matches and commentary from Blackbird himself for only $9.99! Available in Shopzone NOW!

{End Commercial}

The broadcast returns as the cameras pick up a black hummer pulling into the parking lot with the Boston license plates reading "CIDE 342". As the vehicle stops, the door opens, and a man steps out with a PWF official duffel bag, and reveals himself as Homicide, who is dressed in leather pants and a Homicide 4:32 t-shirt. When he reaches the hallway, Ted Tedison catches up with him for an interview.

Ted Tedison: "Homicide, I would just like to tell you that your rematch for the European Title was confirmed. What do you have to say about it?"

Homicide: "Heh, Cage.. Start taking Poleroids for the memories, 'cuz there ain't NO way in HELL that I'm gonna' fuck this one up again.."

Ted Tedison: "I can see that you're fired up for you second opportunity. Anyways, since he made the last stipulations, what do you have planned for Cage at the pay per view?"

Homicide: "CAGE!! You know DAMN well what I want. It's a match that will prove what kind of champion you are. Will you be a CHUMP and walk away from the challenge? Or WILL you at least SHOW you have testicals ACCEPT the stips? I guess we'll both find out, now, wont we.."

Ted Tedison: "What match are you referring to?"

Homicide: "Damn, Ted, you've got to be the dumbest person alive if you don't know what match I'm referring to. It's the most EXTREME! The most DARING! AND by God, the most TESTING match for a champion! With our brief feud thus far, I have come to respect his technical aspects of wrestling.. BUT, he has not even ATTEMPTED to show his hardcore survival skills, which he will need if he wants to make it out of this match in anything less than a body cast."

Ted Tedison: "Ooh, ooh! I know what kind of match it is! It's a Boston Massacre Match!"

Homicide: "Wow, Ted. Did you figure that out all by yourself?"

Ted Tedison: "Shut up.. Wait.. Homicide, I'm.."

Homicide: "Ted, if you weren't a little fucking interviewer, I'd kick your ass right here on Havoc. But, I don't see any point to go that far as I have already made you piss yourself.. Back to the subject.. CAGE!! I will let you go for now and let you finish polishing that belt of yours for pictures, but, keep in mind that there is a reason why I.. AM.. THE.. REAL.. BOSTON.. MASSACRE!!!!!!"

** Homicide moves closer to the camera to get a face shot **

Homicide: "The championship reign clock is ticking, Kevo.. TICK, TOCK!! TICK, TOCK!! AND the time IS almost UP..."

Stanyer: Strong words from Homicide, it's time for our Women's Title Match now folks, this one should interesting.

Dawg: VERY interesting, if you know what I mean.

Women's Title Match
Mingin Mary v Robin v Sweet Ice v Jennifer Van Dam

"Pleasure for Pain" by SUM 41 plays as Robin struts out onto the ramp, she poses as the crowd cheer and then walks down to the ring

James: Introducing, from Dayton, Ohio, weighing 125lbs, Robin. *Crowd cheers*

The lights flash black and white… while the lights flash a big white curtain is put in front of the entrance way. The lights come back on and “Beautiful People” by Marilyn Manson hits as a skinny figure appears behind the big white curtain. The curtain then falls and Mingin Mary is seen behind it. She then walks down the ramp and jumps into the ring.

James: Introducing from Butte, Montana, weighing 243lbs, Mingin Mary. *Crowd boos*

"Snap your Fingers, Snap your Neck" by Prong plays as JVD walks out with the gWo entrance video playing, the crowd boo, but also wolf whistles are heard as she makes here way down to the ring.

James: Introducing weighing 162lbs, Jennifer Van Dam. *Crowd boos*

Her music hit an dthe blues turn to a light blue color as her logo hit the titan tron and she walks out to the ring and climbs in. She stands in the middle of the ring as snow begans to fall from the ceiling on her. Then she taunts a few time before thesnow stops and her music stops.

James: Introducing from Denver Colorado, weighing 162lbs Sweet Ice*Crowd boos*

Report: Mingin Mary and Robin tie up, while Sweet Ice and JVD tie up. Ice takes JVD into a waistlock, which she reverses and then trips up Ice. Robin has Mingin Mary in a waistlock, but she flips her over in snapmare. Mary then hits a dropkick to the back of Robin's head. JVD rolls over Ice and locks in a front facelock, Ice starts to rise to her feet and JVD takes her into a hammerlock, Ice hits a couple of elbows to the face then twists the hammerlock around into a short arm clothesline. Ice goes for a quick cover. 1.....................2......................JVD kicks out. Robin gets up and ties up, Mary takes her into a headlock and Robin pushes Mary into the rope and sends her off into the other ropes, Robin takes Mary down with a drop toe hold and then comes off the ropes and hits a leg drop to the back of her head.

Stanyer: Impressive start for the ladies.

Ice helps up JVD and whips her into the corner, she then follows in and then hits a running Monkey Flip out of the corner, but JVD lands perfectly on her feet and then dropkicks Ice back into the turnbuckle. JVD then jumps up onto the turnbuckle and hooks up the head of Ice and delivers a Tornado DDT. JVD hooks a leg. 1................................2..............................Ice just kicks out. Robin helps up Mary and then tries to hit a suplex, but Mary is too big for her. Mary reverses the Suplex into one of her own. Mary then climbs on top of Robin and starts to pound her face with right hands.

Stanyer: My god that's viscious.

Dawg: What do you expect from someone as ugly as her.

JVD helps up Ice and then positions herself and goes for a jumping heel kick, but Ice ducks it and JVD lands hard on her back and side. Ice then locks in the Goku Raku Stretch on JVD.

Dawg: There is no way a women can stand that hold for long.

Stanyer: For once you are right Dawg and JVD taps out!! JVD has been eliminated.

JVD rolls out of the ring holding her neck. In the ring Ice attacks Mary from behind with a clubbing forearm, but it barely fazes the big woman and she stands up straight and turns around and then stares at Ice. Mary then kicks Ice in the gut and then locks in a front facelock and hits a devastating Brainbuster. Mary hooks a leg. 1..........................2.............................3!!

Stanyer: Now Sweet Ice has been eliminated, it's down to Robin and Mary now.

Mary kicks Ice a couple of times as she rolls out of the ring. Mary then turns around and walks straight into the Hardkore Kick by Robin. Robin then rolls up Mary with the Oklahoma Roll. 1..............................2.............................Mary just kicks out. Mary gets to her feet holding her head. Robin comes off the ropes and tries a clothesline, but Mary ducks it and then kicks Robin in the gut and then puts her head between her legs. Mary then lifts Robin up for a Powerbomb, but Robin counters with a couple of punches to the head, Robin drops down to her feet and then kicks Mary in the gut and delivers the EvenFlow DDT.

Stanyer: That's her brother's move, Robin covers. 1...............................2.................................3!!! We have our first Women's Champion!!!!!

James: The winner and NEW PWF Women's Champion, ROBIN!!!**Crowd cheers**

Robin d. Mary & Ice & JVD.
7:18 Pinfall

Dawg: And there isn't a better looking, I mean more deserving champion.

Blackbird comes running down to the ring and starts to celebrate with Robin.

Stanyer: Blackbird celebrates in the ring with his sister, will it be a double celebration as later tonight Blackbird will fight for the Extreme Title.

Dawg: Hey what is Mary looking for underneath the ring?

Mary pulls out a chair and slides into the ring behind the celebrating couple. Mary goes for Robin with a chair, but Blackbird turns around and grabs the chair and pulls it from her grasp. Blackbird threatens Mary with the chair and she backs off and rolls out of the ring.

Stanyer: A close call for Robin and Blackbird.

In the Outkasts locker room, Crusader has just got through watching Gambino on the monitor and the stable match he has made.

Crusader: "Thank you Gambino, that was very thoughtfull of you to put the gWo in a match where they'll be taken out right here tonight. You know there is a saying that goes "Dont fight ugly people because they have nothing to lose", well its safe to say that i'm not afraid of ugly people. Ive proved that by going after Power G numerous times, eventually winning this belt I have. I've proved that i have no fear of the ugly people by causting the Vrussians a tag team bout along with Havok. And tonight the Outkasts will prove that we all hate the Ugly, which happens to be the GWO, by whippin their asses all over the arena."

a knock on the door is heard

Crusader: "And speaking of ugly people, Whats up Devastator (Crusader laughs), just kiddin man, just jokin. Hey, you know we need one of you Ruff Ryders' help tonight...."

Crusader waits on Devastator's reply

Devastator: -Hey guys thanks for letting us in. We just got tired of the shit the gWo were pulling. And I will be the one that takes the spot in the stable match. Let's kick some gWo ass!!!

Devastator starts hitting a punching bag as the camera pans to Bloodbath

Bloodbath: "Well, guys, I would love to stay and talk more with ya about how you are gonna destroy the gWo tonight, but I have myself a match for some gold. I'll see ya later."

Bloodbath walks out of the locker room as the rest of the OutKasts continue talking about the upcoming stable match.

Stanyer: Looks like it will be Devastator in that Stable match, this good looking event just got better.

"Natural Born Killaz" hits the speakers and the Gods of Gore come out on the ramp. Mad Mike is storming out in front of Big Lou, but not just cuz Lou isn't the speediest gangster of all time, but cuz Mike is obviously pissed about usual. Big Lou stops in the entrance way to pose, raising his barbwire louieville slugger high in the air, but Mad Mike just continues to charge down to the ring. Mike doesn't even wait for Lou to get in the ring before he starts to speak:

Mad Mike: clears throat ...Mutha Fucka! crowd cheers to the selective language Mike has chosen to begin his tirade. ...Those fuckin gods of shit, I mean war, they are just dogshit on our boots that don't even deserve to be wiped-off...which is EXACTLY WHY they are still in our faces! Cuz we haven't wiped them out yet!

Stanyer: This is not language you want to repeat.

Lou finally enters the ring grabbing a mic for himself as Mike paces heavily in the ring, clutching tightly to his barbwire slugger. Mike continues:

Mad Mike: Can you fuckers take a goddamn hint?! We kick your ass too many times to count, even the stupid RUSSIANS kicked your ass! You couldn't pick 2 retards from a mental house and last 5 minutes in the ring with them! So its time to show you the door...its time to show you the GORE!!!!

the mostly young crowd cheers to the enjoyment of the vulgar language and aggression displayed by Mad Mike. Mike paces around the ring some more while Lou adds:

Dawg: Hey, I disagree Jay, I think this crowd loves the foul language.

Big Lou: I don't know who the fuck you guys think you are, and I don't give a shit! Mike's right, you ARE just the shit on our boots, but now we are gonna kick you in the face with those same fuckin boots! So you can TASTE what horrible shit you guys REALLY are!!! *crowd once again appreciates the language*

Mad Mike: But why am I pissed yet AGAIN you ask? What the fuck is my problem THIS TIME you ask?! Cuz I'm not in MY match for MY FUCKIN EXTREME TITLE!!! Thats the fuck why I'm pissed! Fuck DeMon! Fuck Blackbird! Fuck Bloodbath! And fuck that piece of shit Fire Storm! I never even heard of his ass. He's probably only a "fire storm" cuz he's flaming so much, then again, ALL of them are! They are gonna have a nice little get-together for MY belt without ITS RIGHTFUL MUTHA FUCKIN OWNER!!!

Mike slams his bat into the turnbuckle and spits into the crowd

Mad Mike: Goddammit fuckin numbskull Kull and Mr. Fuckhead Alexander! Get your pussies out here now so we can rip your fuckin limbs off and feed them to your wives!!!

Mad Mike and Big Lou grip their bats tightly awaiting the arrival of the Gods of War...

Wherever I may Roam" erupts over the loud speakers the pyros flare up and the fans explod into cheer for the World Tag Champions. After almost a minute the Ultra-tron comes alive with Alexander and Kull standing around the parking lot near a brand new Mercedes license plate "HRDGORE"

Stanyer: What are the Gods of War doing?

Alexander:- Even in War one must sometimes go against his own beliefs. He pulls out a pair of keys and unlocks the car I believe this is your car isn't it Lou?

Big Lou can be seen in the ring mouthing "You son of a bitch"

Kull: - I've always loved destructionand final I've been given the go to hurt you where it counts the most, Your wallet.

Kull picks up a gas can a pours it's contents on the leather interior. Then pulls out a gas soaked rag and puts it in the gas tank. He lights the interior with a match that he throws into the seat. Then he lights the ring with his lighter and he and Alexander clamly walk away.

Big Lou is in the ring almost in tears and Mad Mike is utterly confused at his partners reaction.

As the Gods of War walk a little further from the burning car it explodes, leaving the ground flipping in mid air and landing on it's hood.

Dawg: Oh my god, what an explosion!!!

Stanyer: The Gods of War are using the Gods of Gore's own tricks against them.

Big Lou snaps and starts to storm around the ring hitting the ball bat he holds at anything. Mad Mike begins screaming incoherrently and the Ultra-tron.

Kull looks up at MM

Kull: - See ya in a few Mike.

Ultra-tron goes blank

{Commerical Break}

**Clips are shown of Gambino delivering the Gambino Face Buster to various opponents while Keep Away by Godsmack plays. Then a voice over comes on**

Voice"You may not be able to kick ass like PWF Superstar, Antonio Gambino, but now at least you can look like him. New from PWF Shopzone, the Gambino Gangster Hat, available in black and red and for only 21.95. It has the Antonio Gambino logo embroidered on it, so your friends can see who your favorite PWF Superstar is. Also available are the Gambino Gangster Sunglasses. Great for keeping those harmful rays out of your eyes, or even better for looking like a real tough guy! Available now for only 13.95. All your friends are sure to be envious of you for wearing these items, order now from PWF Shopzone or wherever cool clothes are sold.

**Then, Gambino is shown standing on the sidewalk in a busy city wearing the Gangster Hat and Gangster Sunglasses.**

Gambino"You can't be me, you can't be like me, so do the next best thing and look like me!"

{End Commercial}

Stanyer: Welcome back folks, Kull has made his way out here, and the referee has had a hell of a job keeping these two teams apart.

Mad Mike v Kull

Report: The two men circle for a few seconds, then they tie up, Kull takes Mike into a hammerlock. Mike reverses and whips Kull to the ropes, Mike ducks down for a back body drop but Kull rolls over the back of him and carries on, Kull springs into the ropes and connects with a back elbow as Mike turns around. Mike rolls back up and gets caught with some fast forearms by Kull who then whips Mike to the turnbuckle. Kull follows him in but walks into a raised boot. Mike clobbers Kull with a couple of right hands and then delivers a suplex. Kull gets back up and Mike whips him to the ropes and then smashes Kull down with a stiff clothesline.

Stanyer: Viscious clothesline from Mad Mike.

Kull staggers up and leans against the ropes, Mad Mike then sticks two fingers up to Alexander who immediately tries to get in the ring, The referee goes to stop him and then Big Lou smashes Kull across the back with his Baseball Bat.

Stanyer: Oh my god, what a cheap shot by Big Lou.

Dawg: This one is over early.

Kull staggers off the ropes and gets scooped up over the shoulders of Mad Mike and he delivers Dead Man's Curve(TKO) and then hooks a leg. The referee turns around and makes the count. 1...............................2.................................Alexander stomps on the head of Mad Mike, the referee calls for the disqualification.

Mad Mike d. Kull
2:08 DQ

Stanyer: Mad Mike gets the win, but the fight is still going on.

Alexander immediately picks up Mad Mike and hits a Belly to Belly Suplex, Big Lou is in the ring and goes for a Ball Bat shot, but Alexander ducks it and then lifts Big Lou up onto his shoulder and hits the Fall of Rome.(Reverse DVD). Kull has got up and lifts up Mike from the mat and hits The Conqueror(Russian Neck Drop).

Stanyer: The Tag Team Champions have taken out the Gods of Gore. But this war is far from over.

The camera fades into Rye Hazwaki sitting alone in the OutKasts locker room. He seems to be adding some gel type substance to his hands and wrists and then wraping tape round them. Rye looks up at the camera and puts the gel and tape down.

Rye: "So, it has finally come, Havoc #12 the Outkasts go up against gWo, it's a pitty it isn't at a PPV and then it could be really special, but instead it is for the main show Havoc. Moving on, i finally get to go up against mostly all of gWo... And i get sweet revenge at MVD for taking away my Challenge Title the bad thing is Travis won't be in this matchup, the good thing is Power G doesn't have his title..."

Rye: "Tonight will be explosive, i will sure as hell put in my best effort and the rest of my team mates will, but the question that everyone will ask is.... Will gWo?"

Rye then puts his head down and tapes up his wrists again as the camera fades out.

Stanyer: Well folks it's time for Dirk Danger v DaiKaTanA, this should be a pretty good matchup, DaiKaTanA hasn't wrestled a lot recently, and Dirk Danger is still finding his feet here in the PWF.

Dirk Danger v DaiKaTanA

"Danger by Mystikal" hits, and green and white lights flash on and off. A danger symbol and clips of the Danger Driver are shown flashing on and off. Dirk steps out onto the ramp, he looks around at the crowd who cheers loudly. He then comes out to the end of the stage and flexes to the crowd. He continues down the ramp and steps up onto the ring apron, where he steps through the ropes and walks over and stands on the middle of the ropes and raises his arms in the air. He walks over to the ring announcer and grabs his mic.

Dirk: - Alright, I don't know you DaiKaTanA and you don't know me. I don't know your wrestling style either, so you are a new opponent to me. I'm ready so get your ass out here...I got something to prove to you all here in PWF.

Dirk waits in the ring for DaiKaTanA

A static screen is shown in the tron, as suddenly dark lines start to run across the screen, and the outline of daikatana's symbol appears on the screen, then the screen cuts to a castle, which, on one of the balconys there stands three men, one, having a katana sword tappored on his back, which can only be one man, Daikatana, but other two from this distance can not be made out. The camera man proceeds through the courtyard, and up the massive stairs to the doors which protect the insides of this acient castle, upon entering the castle and walking through a long corridor, the cmaera man comes to a set of spiraling stairs that he follows until he reaches the upper level to which the three men were supposedly at, the other two men, a little smaller than daikatana, but as the camera man comes closer it seems that Daikatana is enraged about something

DaiKaTanA: -............I CAN'T STAND IT, this imposter, by the sands of the immortal soul, I shall destroy him, he has no idea that I shall come after him, but, what he doesn't know, is that a prophecy has been fulfillled in you two coming back......

???: -..........The empire is rising fast, and the tyrant of the empire shall have the first blow.....

DaiKaTanA: -.......hah hah hah......brave one, you have become a valued soul in my army, now a test shall be.......wait, do you smell that, it smells like *sniff sniff* FEAR, someone else is here, quickly find him and bring him to me.....

the other two men span out looking for the camera man, but to the camera man's amazement they walk right past him, and after a few moments had pasted, the camera man is fixsated on Daikatana again, but this time, he has his trademark sword in his hand, and slowly turns around, and almost as if starring right into my soul, he lifts his arm, and points with the sword to the camera man, all of a sudden the other two men come from behind the camera man, and bring him forward to the leader of what seems these three, daikatana. Daikatana, simply takes the camera man by the shirt and lifts him with one arm while one of the other two men has the camera. Daikatana look at him with a firey glaze in his eyes, then says

DaiKaTanA: -........go tell Demon, his soul belongs to me....

DaiKaTanA drops the camera man, and the cmaera man flees from the castle in search of Demon

Stanyer: What the hell was all that about? And where is DaiKaTanA, that must have been pre-recorded, as he is definitely here.

**The Areana becomes darkned, smoke starts to sprial around the entry way, as a dark blue symbol starts to burn its way through the ultra-tron, then a blast of fire comes from the entry way as "batman beyond theme" plays, and Daikatana in a dark gothic cloak appears at the top of the entry way, and proceeds to make his slow decent down to the ring**

James: Introducing from Parts unknown, weighing 307lbs, "The Dark Warrior" DaiKaTanA

Report: Dirk circles the big man and they tie up, DaiKaTanA uses his extra strength to push Dirk Danger away from him, DaiK then starts to stalk towards Dirk. Dirk is unsure of what to do and fires a couple of right hands at the face of DaiK. They don't faze him and he kicks Dirk in the gut and then whips him to the ropes. Dirk comes off with a clothesline that surprises DaiK and puts him down. DaiK bounces back up and Dirk hammers him with right hands which this time send the Dark man reeling backwards into the turnbuckle. Dirk whips DaiK to the opposite turnbuckle, but DaiK reverses and then follows in with a big splash. DaiK then grabs the head of Dirk and delivers a bulldog. DaiK hooks a leg. 1.............................2.........................Dirk kicks out.

Stanyer: DaiKaTanA takes early control of this match.

DaiK picks up Dirk and hooks him up and delivers a Belly to Belly Suplex. DaiK covers again. 1.....................2.............Dirk kicks out again. DaiKaTanA picks up Dirk and delivers a Suplex, but DaiK holds on and delivers a second Suplex. DaiK holds on again and is back up to the standing position and then delivers a hard DDT.

Stanyer: Beautiful Tri-fector. Lateral Press. 1............................2................................Dirk somehow kicks out.

DaiK gets up and stalks the referee into the corner. DaiK gives the referee one last stare then turns around and walks into a straight superkick from Dirk Danger. DaiK bounces back up and Dirk peppers him with right hands. Dirk then whips DaiKaTanA to the ropes and then follows it with a big clothesline. Lateral Press. 1............................2.....................DaiK kicks out. Dirk helps up DaiK and kicks him in the gut and hooks him up for the Danger Driver, but DaiK back body drops him out of it. DaiK goes for a right hand, but Dirk blocks it and hits a big right of his own. DaiK staggers back, Dirk comes off the ropes and takes DaiK down with a front neckbreaker. Dirk covers again. 1............................2..........................DaiK kicks out. Dirk picks up DaiK and then shows his strength as he lifts DaiK up and delivers a Vertical Suplex. DaiK gets to his feet and staggers to a corner. Dirk comes in and kicks DaiK in the gut a few times and then goes for an Irish whip, but DaiK reverses it and pulls Dirk in towards him and hooks his head and then delivers the Twist of Fate. DaiK hooks a leg. 1..................................2.....................................3!!!!

DaiKaTanA d. Dirk Danger
7:53 Pinfall

Stanyer: DaiKaTanA pulls out the win with the Twist of Fate. We now go backstage where I believe Travis Right.

The camera cuts to a backstage hallway where there seems to be a line of people standing outside the GWO locker room. Next to the locker room there is a table where "The Future" Travis Right is sitting with another man dressed in a business suit. Johhny Mayhem comes walking up past all of the people in the line and sits down next to Travis

Mayhem: Hey Travis, whats with all the people here?

Travis: Well you may have noticed that ever since I won the U.S. title every single bum backstage has been demanding matches like they've earned them. And since I cant keep up with all of them I'm thinking of hiring an agent, so he can deal with it. I mean just in the past day or so I've got bloodbath and that punk Havoc askin for matches, and tonight im fighting Kevin Cage in a cage.

Mayhem: Yea, about tonight what are your thoughts on Cage and the comments he made earlier.

Travis: Well to me it sounds like he's in awe of the whole match tonight. He was going on about how its his first main event, and that just shows how pathetic he really is. Well I'll tell you what Cage, you better enjoy this main event while you have the chance, cause when im through with you, you'll be a house show opening jobber.

Travis is interupted by the man sitting across the table

Man: Hey, umm in this application it says "Are you willing to take a chair shot for me" Umm what exactly does that mean.

Travis: What?? Let me see that. (snatches the clipboard from his hands) Aww the hell with this I dont need any assistant. Hey listen up everyone, Ive decided that your all probably worthless money hungry agents that are looking to screw me over, so I dont want an agent. So everyone, You aint got to go home, but you got to get the hell out of here!!

The camera fades off as the small crowd turns around to leave and Travis Right walks back into his locker room

{Commerical Break}

**The screen goes onto Rye Hazwaki with black Karate trousers on, he is seen in the distance, lots of people are standing around him. Rye then jumps in the air, and Cyclone Kick's all of the people around him, they all fall to the ground. A voice is then heard.**

Voice: You want to know the newest fashion???? Well, look at these.
**The screen goes to a man just showing the bottom half of his body it shows, Black Karate Trousers with Rye Hazwaki down one side, and his face on the other it also has a red belt.**

Voice: The new fashion of today, Rye Karate trousers, avaliable in Red, Black, White and Blue. You ask where from? only $24.83 and if you buy two pairs, you can get your very own Rye Vest. In Red, Black and white.

Voice:So come to now!

**The screen then goes onto Rye again, but in a diffrent location jumping up in slow motion (Matrix Style) and Whirl-Wind Kicking a Man..**


****"Do not try those moves at home."****

{End Commercial}

Stanyer: Welcome back folks, well, we must show you this footage from earlier, these two are quite ridiculous at times.

Footage shows Big Poppa and Sabre in a corridor

Poppa: "I told you not to yell at the janitor like that. He's an angry old man, at the best of times."

Poppa is helping Sabre along a corridor, as the daredevil tries to dislodge the mop bucket from his head.

Sabre: "It's not funny. I almost drowned in here! Just imagine! Sabre... died young, and with a terrible win/loss record!"

Poppa: "Well that's not a healthy attitude to have, tag buddy! Think positive, and use that Tai-Bo energy you have against your enemies, not yourself!"

Sabre: "Okay... first of all... Tai-Bo?! And second of all... my enemy IS myself. Now.... let's take this one step at a time. Got something to make some eyeholes?"

Minutes later,Sabre is lying on a reception desk, as Poppa stabs furiously at the bucket with a screwdriver, to the horror of onlookers...

Sabre: "Ow... ow... OWWW!!!... Y'know, I just realised.... this is gonna hurt me when it punctures. Maybe we should work more on greasing this bad boy up a little."

Poppa: "Heh. I just realised... you're gonna look mighty stupid at our match tonight..."

Ummm... I'm spent.

Stanyer: Well onto the match.

Lords of Destruction v Sabre & Big Poppa

"Serial Killer" by Prodigy begins to play as images of the Lords of Destruction destroying past opponents play on the titantron. Once the Lords of Destruction appear on the ramp there is a very loud mixed reaction from the crowd with the cheers noticably louder. LoD walk to the ring quickly, barely acknowledging the crowd, climb in & stand in their corner.

James: Introducing, from Canada, at a combined weight of 630lbs, Bloodstorm and Carnage, the Lords of Destruction. *Crowd give a mixed reaction, but mainly cheers.**

**The lights begin to dim and the fans quiet down in anticipation. The words "Real Show" fade in and out on the dark UltraTron, and the lights suddenly turn on and fire works blast off as a customized version of Limp Bizkit's My Way starts up**

James: "Coming to the ring at this time, at a combined weight of 515lbs, Big Poppa and The Sabre *Crowd cheer loudly*

**The audience goes mad as Big Poppa and Sabre emerge through the Havoc curtains. They do a air-guitar taunt to the tune of the song, and they Big Poppa dances down to the ring as Sabre walks down hi-fi-ing all the fans**

Report:Carnage and Poppa start out, they lock up and Carnage takes Poppa into a headlock. Poppa pushes him off into the ropes, Poppa drops to the floor and Carnage runs over the top. Poppa gets up and grabs Carnage around the waist looking for a Belly to Belly, but Carnage counters with an elbow to the back of Poppa's head. Carnage then hammers Poppa with a stiff forearm to the face. Poppa staggers into a neutral corner. Carnage comes in with a couple of big right hands, Poppa suddenly flips him around and hits Carnage with some fast right hands, Poppa then whips Carnage to the opposite corner, but Carnage reverses, Carnage follows in but gets caught with a boot to the face and turns away, Poppa jumps up to the 2nd turnbuckle and jumps off with a Double Axe Handle which catches Carnage in the face. Poppa makes a quick tag to Sabre, Sabre jumps over the top rope as Carnage rolls over to his corner and tags in Bloodstorm.

Stanyer: Poppa gets the better of the opening exchanges, how will Bloodstorm and Sabre fare.

Sabre and Bloodstorm circle as well then tie up, Bloodstorm pushes Sabre into a corner and then hammers him with right hands and then a big body punch doubles up Sabre. Bloodstorm whips Sabre into the opposite turnbuckle and then charges in, but as Sabre reaches the turnbuckle he springs to the top rope and then backflips over Bloodstorm and lands on his feet. Bloodstorm stops him self hitting the turnbuckle and then turns around and gets dropkicked in the face. Bloodstorm staggers back into the turnbuckle. Sabre climbs the turnbuckle and starts to punch Bloodstorm in the face as the crowd count. 1...2...3....4.....5.....6......7....The count stops as Bloodstorm lifts Sabre off the turnbuckle and is looking for a Powerbomb when Sabre reverses it with a Hurricanranna and holds on for the pin. 1.........................2.........Bloodstorm kicks out. Bloodstorm gets to his feet and gets kicked in the gut, Sabre locks in a headlock and tags in Poppa, he holds Bloodstorm for Poppa to kick him in the gut. Poppa then hits Bloodstorm with a couple of right hands in his corner and grabs him by the head and runs out of the corner with a Front Face Neckbreaker.

Stanyer: Beautiful move by Big Poppa, Lateral Press. 1........................2...........................Bloodstorm kicks out.

Big Poppa picks up Bloodstorm and whips him to the ropes, Bloodstorm reverses and as Poppa hits the ropes Carnage knees him in the back from the apron. Bloodstorm then knocks Poppa down with a hard clothesline. Bloodstorm drops to his knees and then clambers across to tag in Carnage. Carnage comes in and stomps on Poppa a couple of times before picking him up. Carnage lifts Poppa up for a suplex and then shows his strength by holding him up there for about 10 seconds before delivering the suplex.

Dawg: Look at the strength of Carnage, Big Poppa weighs 280lbs, but Carnage held him up in the air with ease.

Carnage covers. 1.............................2..........................Poppa just kicks out. Poppa staggers to his feet. Carnage tags Bloodstorm. They both whip Poppa to the ropes and lift him up onto their shoulders before delivering a big double whipping spinebuster. Bloodstorm covers. 1...........................2............................Sabre races in to just make the save. Thre referee sends Sabre back out of the ring.

Dawg: Had Sabre not interfered, the LoD would have won the match right there.

Bloodstorm whips Poppa to the ropes, Bloodstorm delivers a Powerslam and hooks the leg for a cover. 1...........................2...........................Poppa kicks out. Bloodstorm picks up Poppa and whips him to the ropes, Bloodstorm bends down for a back body drop, but Poppa kicks him in the face, Bloodstorm comes straight back with a clothesline which Poppa ducks and they both carry on into the ropes, they both come off and they both deliver clothesline to each other and stay down.

Stanyer: Poppa has to make the tag now.

The referee begins his 10 count. 1....2.......3............4.........Bloodstorm starts to move towards his corner........5......6.......Poppa is crawling towards his corner. .......7........8.....Bloodstorm makes the tag, Carnage comes in the ring and heads towards Big Poppa who just dives and makes the tag to Sabre who immediately flips over the rope and then bounces off his feet as he lands and grabs Carnage by the head and whips him around into a DDT.

Stanyer: WHAT A MOVE BY SABRE!!! What amazing athleticism, nobody else in the PWF could have pulled off a move like that.

Sabre hooks the leg of Carnage. 1.....................2.................Bloodstorm breaks it up with a boot to the head. Sabre gets to his feet and surprises Bloodstorm with quick forearms to the face and then an irish whip which Bloodstorm reverses and picks up Sabre who counters with a flying head scissors. Sabre then jumps on the shoulders of Carnage who has got to his feet, but Carnage counters by driving Sabre into the mat with a Powerbomb. Poppa comes back into the ring and knocks Carnage off his feet with a clothesline. Poppa then hammers Bloodstorm into the corner with forearms and then lifts hits a big forearm knocking him into the turnbuckle. Poppa lifts him up onto the turnbuckle. Sabre is up and hits a backflip splash on Carnage before he gets to the top rope, but Carnage quickly gets to his feet, and crotches Sabre. Carnage then lifts Sabre off the turnbuckle onto his shoulders, he walks towards the other turnbuckle where Bloodstorm has just punched Poppa off him and stands up and flies off with the End of Days(Doomsday Device). Carnage hooks a leg. 1..........................2.............................3!!!!

LoD d. Sabre & Poppa
15:17 Pinfall

Stanyer: The Lords of Destruction pull out the victory in a fantastic contest.

Dawg: Strange how Big Poppa & Sabre can be so stupid together, yet be such an effective team.

Stanyer: Well I am told Ted Tedison is with Bloodbath backstage.

Ted Tedison is standing by in the back with Bloodbath.

Ted Tedison: "Well, Bloodbath, it looks like you have the interview time right now. So, why did you ask for this time anyway?"

Bloodbath: "Hmmm. Let me see. Maybe it is because I have an Extreme Title match tonight against DeMoN and Blackbird! I know I can beat Blackbird since I did before when I was thew Extreme Champ. Demon on the other hand might be somewhat difficult. I have not fought him in over a year. He shouldn't even be champ, seeing how I never got a rematch with Mad Mike for MY title. But, it won't make a difference come time for our match, because I intend on doing whatever it takes to eliminate my competition and regain my PWF Extreme Championship!"

Bloodbath turns and heads towards the OutKasts' locker room.

Ted Tedison: "Okay. I guess that wraps up this interview."

Blackbird is in a locker room watching Bloodbath's interview.

Blackbird: - Bloodbath, don't get too cocky. I'm a three time hardcore champion. I'm a former World Champion. I've lost ONE match to you Bloodbath. Just one. DeMoN you are af NO concern to me. You just happen to have MY belt. Bloodbath, I didn't have it last time but this time my Bag of Tricks is coming with me. When the time is right you'll see what I mean. Now get out of my face.

pushes camera away and laces up his boots as the camera fades.

{Commerical Break}

Announcer- SPRITE! The best stuff on Earth!!!

**The camera flashes a shot of General Leo of the PWF drinking Sprite.**

Announcer- The...

**The camera cuts to a shot of the MOW E's Phreak, drinking down some Sprite.**

Announcer- best...

**The next MOW Sanitarium Champion, Heelmaster, is seen, drinking Sprite.**

Announcer- stuff...

**The triple crown champion of the UAW, Bates Masterson, is guzzling down a Sprite.**

Announcer- on...

**Cleveland, Ohio's own Heavy Metal guru, Matt Wilkins is shown tossing a can of Sprite in the air and drinking all of the contents of the can before catching it.**

Announcer- EARTH!!!

**The camera focuses on Nightshade completely downing a 20 oz. Sprite right before the camera! All six men are shown finishing off their respective Sprite. They then give a simultaneous thumbs up.**

Nightshade- Drink Sprite, because I said so!

**The camera cuts out.**

{End Commercial}

The Ultra-Tron flares to life, playing the familar image of a pitbull dog straining to be free from the chain that restrains him. The crowd reaction is less enthusiastic than usual, but still favorable as Silas "The Pitbull" Parish makes his appearance on the entry way ramp. He's dressed in his wrestling gear but only has one hand taped up currently. Waiting for the crowd's cheers to die down, he quickly finishes taping his other hand then pulls a microphone out of his back pocket and smiles.

Pitbull: - "Well, its nice to see that most of you people seem to still be Pitbull fans even though I've been on a losing streak as of late. Your loyalty is truly refreshing."

Silas begins his long, slow walk down to the ring and slides in under the ring ropes. The smile on his face has faded a little but the fans still seem to be behind him.

Pitbull: - "Anyways, I didn't come out here to tell you all that I think you are the best group of pure wrestling fans on earth. No, I came out here to talk about two separate matters entirely. Firstly, I wanna publically comment about the losing streak I've been on. I really don't know what to say about it. I'm letting you all down, I can feel it, and I have no excuse for that. Although, it does seem fishy to me that ever since I lost the European title contenders shot to Kevin Cage, the one where I knocked my own ass out, things have degraded. I've been slower, less agile and all around sloppy in the ring. Maybe I damaged something, I don't know. Thats why I'm taking the next Armeggeddon off to get things checked out."

The crowd seems to echo Silas' concerns and cheer when he says he is gonna get checked out. Their support makes Silas' smile brighten a little again.

Pitbull: - "Now you may ask why I'm taking Armeggeddon off and not Havoc. Well thats a good question and I'll give you a good answer. I think. At first it was because I was set to face Rampage at Havoc, but then he went on a short leave of absence aparently. Then, when I went to the top brass to ask if I could have Havoc off, they presented me with a opportunity I couldn't pass up. Which brings me to the second thing I wanna talk about, Andy Clegg. Clegg! The powers that be have given me a shot at bringing you down, and I just couldn't pass it up. Why you may ask? Well I'll tell you. I have no beef with you, I hardly even know you, but I know of you. You have a growing reputation around the PWF and if bring you down on Havoc, I can be known as the man who brought down Clegg when several others have failed miserably! And I really, really like the sound of that!"

The crowd roars and starts chanting "Pitbull! Pitbull! Pitbull!" at the top of their lung. Meanwhile, Silas' smile has become a full fledged grin from ear to ear.

Pitbull: - "By the sounds of things, it seem you guys like the sound of that too. So Clegg, I only have one more thing to say. Come Havoc, you better watch out, cuz this Pitbull goes for the jugular!"

The crowd roars again and music begins to play, but its not Silas' music. Its Andy Clegg's...!

The music is instantly recognised as the Angel Theme by Darling Violetta and Andy Clegg appears on the ramp. He scans the crowd and then looks towards Pitbull.

Clegg: Well now i know you all have been wondering why i have been a bit quiet lately, well it's because i have been under the weather a bit. I know you all think i am a god * Clegg chuckles at that remark * But even i get unwell from time to time. Plus i suffered a bit of an injury at the hands of Theros. But i don't plan on bitching about it. Pitbull i don't have no beef with you either but damn it you want to take me down then bring it on. If you know me as you say you do then you will know that i don't back down from anyone. I think i can take 5 minutes out of my schedule to bust you open, then another 5 minutes to weaken your neck and about 2 seconds to knock you out with the Cranium Correction.

Clegg starts to walk to the ring

Clegg: You see i have no battle plan in the PWF everyone is rushing around after gold and trying to be the best, but you don't have to be a champion to be the best. I have held the Hardcore title once and if i get another shot i will hold it again. People say i don't talk much well as all my fans know i do my talking with my fists so Pitbull are you ready to face a true maniac?

Clegg reaches the ring and stands looking up waiting for Pitbull to respond.

Pitbull: - "I'm ready Clegg, lets do it!"

Pitbull v Andy Clegg

Report: Pitbull and Clegg tie up, Pitbull takes Clegg into a hammerlock, Clegg reverses into an armbar and then whips Pitbull to the ropes, Clegg hits a high back body drop on Pitbull who gets back up quickly. Clegg hits a couple of right hands and then hits a Snap Suplex on Pitbull. Clegg then stomps on Pitbull a couple of times and then mounts him and hits a few right hands.

Stanyer: Pitbull's struggling, he hasn't really been the same since losing to Kevin Cage at War Games, he's a wonderful talent, he just needs little confidence boost and he will be back to his usual self.

Clegg picks up Pitbull and locks him in a headlock and tightens it showing his impressive biceps. Pitbull then elbows Clegg in the gut three times and then pushes him into the ropes and sends him to the other side, Pitbull then follows him and comes off the same ropes and hits a Running Pitbulldog. Clegg gets back up holding his face, his nose starts to drip blood.

Dawg: Looks like Clegg has busted nose.

Stanyer: Could even be broken.

Pitbull hits Clegg in the face with a few right hands, then whips him into the turnbuckle. Pitbull follows in with a jumping clothesline putting all of his weight behind it. Pitbull then locks Clegg in a headlock and then runs up the ropes and hits a top rope swining Pitbulldog. He hooks a leg. 1............................2.......................Clegg kicks out. Clegg's nose has now got a lot of blood around it and Pitbull makes it worse with a viscious stomp directly to the nose. Pitbull picks up Clegg and then hits a Snap Suplex. Pitbull then climbs to the 2nd rope and flies off driving the leg into the chest of Clegg, driving the wind out of him. Pitbull hooks the leg again. 1.........................2...........................Clegg kicks out.

Stanyer: Two close falls for Pitbull, he is looking more like his old self again.

Pitbull picks up Clegg and takes him over to the turnbuckle and signals for the K'9er(Diamond Dust). He sets it up, but Clegg elbows him in the gut and then takes Pitbull off the turnbuckle on his shoulders and carries him to the middle of the ring and then hits the Cranium Correction(Rikishi Driver).

Stanyer: Cranium Correction from nowhere. Cover. 1..............................2.............................3!!! Clegg pulls this one out of the bag, Pitbull's poor run of bad luck continues.

Clegg d. Pitbull
6:46 Pinfall

Stanyer: The losing streak of Pitbull continues, perhaps he will have more luck next week, even if he has given himself an Armageddon off.

Dawg: Sarcastically It's a crying shame, it really is.

Stanyer: Shut up, Pitbull is a top notch wrestler, he might be stuck in a rut, but I'm damn sure he will get himself out of it.

After a match on Havoc, the camera's cut backstage, where Kevin Cage is standing beside PWF employee Jimmy Jones. Jones, a man in his middle 40's, with dark hair, eyes, and a black PWF shirt on, is about to interview Cage about his match tonight. Cage, in wrestling attire, sets down a cup of water as the interview begins.

Jimmy Jones: Well Cage, you have a match tonight against Travis Right, a cage match for the main event... what are your feelings on this match-up?

Jones hands Cage the mic, as he begins to speak.

Kevin Cage: Well Jimmy, tonight on the greatest show in all of sports entertainment, I'm going to be in the main event. The first main event in my career. And what a better match, than a steel cage match against the US Champion? Tonight, I'm going to set foot in that ring, in that cage, and I'm going to show Travis what it feels like to belong to someone else. You see, Trav... you may think you have the skills, after all you are US Champ... you may think you have the heart... you may think you have the gWo... but I've got so much more. Because I have more talent, I have more heart, and I have the OutKasts on my side. So Trav, you think you have this won? Well, I'm beggin ya - show me what you've got. And I'll beat it. Ready to get caged?

Jimmy Jones gets back the mic as Cage walks off...

Jimmy Jones: There you have it.

Pitbull is shown making his way through the backstage area, massaging a sore shoulder from his match. As he turns around a corner a purple glove shoots out and clocks him across the jaw. Pitbull is stunned and faces the attacker, only to have his neck gripped in that vice-like clench, and slammed into the wall visciously.... multiple times. Theros's hand's trademark.

Theros walks out, idly trying to play a Gameboy with one hand

Theros: "Easier with two!!!! THREE FOUR FIVE!!!!!"

Stanyer: What the hell is Theros doing??

Theros seems annoyed as he can't play correctly while his hand is pummeling Pitbull. After the thwacks against the wall Pitbull slides down and Theros's hand reaches around wildly, until it finds a shovel behind him and whips it around, snapping the shaft over Pitbull's head. Pitbull topples over unconscious. Theros's hand comes back and he walks down the hallway continuing to play his game

Stanyer: I guess Pitbull's problems just get worse and worse.

{Commerical Break}

**Big Poppa is shown at a disco like dance party, and he's doing a few dance moves. He whips some sweat of his head and notices that everyone around him is having some milk. He swallows his sweat and begins to get delusional. The music starts to fade out as he sees a giant milk carton saying, "Drink Me." He rubs his eyes and it's gone, so begins to walk from the dance floor.**

Girl 1: Big Poppa, don't leave! I want you to show me your moves.

Big Poppa: Yeah, whatever.. I'm going to get something to drink. I'm really thirsty for some reason.

**Big Poppa walks to the bar, and sits down. He winks at the ladies sitting about five seats down.**

Bartender: What'll it be?

Big Poppa: Make it a moo-juice, and hold the ice. I'm feeling a little "exotic" tonight so make it two-percent'er.

Bartender: I'll see what I can do.

**Big Poppa checks his pocket, and finds an oddly large box of pretzels. They look old, but he shrugs and starts eating them by the handful. The bartender comes back**

Big Poppa: *With a mouth full of Pretzels* Where is my milk?

Bartender: Oh, I thought you knew… About 1 minute ago we officially stopped serving everything but Dish Water.

**The Bartender puts a large glass of Dish Water in front of Big Poppa, and Big Pappa starts spitting the pretzels out. Big Poppa gives the camera a mean stare as the announcer says**

Got Milk Guy: Got Milk?

{End Commercial}

We return to the gWo locker room where they are preparing for their match tonight The camera pans over to Wowbowski who is sitting at the small round table playing a game of cards with Cossak, Wowbowski lays down his hand and begins to speak as Cossak sweeps up the money that layed in front of him

Wowbowski:- Gambino, You say that gWo, bunch of pussies. Vell, tonight ve vill mop up floor vith all Outkast. It Too bad you no Outkast so ve kick your ass too. As for match, how ve lose? Vrye is joke, both Vruff Vriders jokes. and ve Vrussians already show that our tainted championski , Chrome, and partner Havok are both pansy american punk. Ve in gWo perfect specimen. No von can touch us.

The camera then pans over to Cossak who is shuffling the cards skillfully as he glares into the camera

Cossak:- Da. So tonight, Outkasts, vatch yourself, at end of night people be runningk in streets screaming " Nuchalis Bespo Rjadki!, Nuchalis Bespo Rjadki!. As all of Outkast lay on ground after ve have our vay vith you.

Stanyer: Well our next match should be a fantastic technical wrestling contest between General Leo and Josh Resnick. Rumours are abound of Resnick and Xuway not getting along, however we cannot confirm these reports.

Dawg: A rumour has to come from somewhere Jay, you know that, if there is a rumour, then chances are there's some truth there.

Stanyer: I agree, but we won't know until we hear from either of them.

General Leo v Josh Resnick

**The lights go blue, as "The Imperial March" starts over the speakers. General Leo walks out from the back to an expensive looking fireworks show. The fans cheer as he walks to the ring with his sword in hand. He steps in and the lights go up.**

James: Introducing from Washington D.C., weighing 235lbs, General Leo. *Crowd cheers wildly*

**Walk by Pantera hits the speakers throughout the arena. The Titantron comes on with solar flares of the sun showing. Then out of the back Josh Resnick makes his way out. Stops at the ramp. Listens to the crowd's boos. Then continues to the ring. Once on the apron, Resnick climbs up the turnbuckle. Looks out into the crowd before flipping over the ropes, landing on his feet in the middle of the ring.**

James: Introducing from Detroit, Michigan, weighing 230lbs, Josh Resnick. **Crowd boos**

Report: Leo and Resnick tie up, Resnick takes Leo into hammerlock, Leo reverses the hammerlock, Resnick turns it into a top wristlock, Leo flips Resnick over with an arm drag and holds on, Resnick kicks up and reverses the arm wrench and then flips Leo over with an Arm Drag of his own. Leo rolls over and turns the Arm Wrench over and then whips Resnick to the ropes. Leo bends down for a back body drop and Resnick rolls over the top of him and goes for a German Suplex, Leo counters and reverses the waistlock. Leo tries a German Release Suplex, but Resnick lands on his feet. Leo turns around and goes for a clothesline but Resnick grabs the arm and then hits a shoulder stunner. Leo gets to his feet holding his arm. Leo charges in and Resnick flips him over with an arm drag, Leo rolls through to his feet, he charges in again and Resnick tries another Arm Drag, but Leo blocks it and hiptosses Resnick over. Resnick gets to his feet and Leo kicks him in the gut and then delivers a Fast Snap Suplex.

Stanyer: Lightning Fast opening from these two outstanding Technical wrestlers.

Leo covers quickly. 1.......................Resnick kicks out. Resnick gets to his feet, Leo delivers a back drop and then picks him back up, but as he does Resnick grabs the arm and takes him down into a Fujiwara Armbar. He wrenches back for a few seconds and then rolls Leo over and tries to lock in a Cross Armbreaker.

Stanyer: If Resnick can straighten the arm of Leo, then this one could be over quickly.

Leo manages to keep his elbow straight, although the strain on his arm is still extremely painful as he has to resist the force of Resnick. Resnick finally abandons the hold and pulls Leo to his feet. He grabs Leo by the waist and then turns him around and throws him shoulder first through the turnbuckle pads so his shoulder hits the ring post. Leo comes out holding his arm and slumps in the turnbuckle. Resnick stomps on the shoulder of Leo. Resnicks picks up Leo and hits a Single arm DDT.

Dawg: An intelligent move by Resnick, concentrating his attack on the arm of Leo.

Resnick picks Leo up and takes him into a hammerlock and then delivers a back drop on the hammerlock. Resnick then holds down the arm of Leo and then lifts himself up and drives the knee into the arm of Leo. Resnick then covers. 1..............................2.....................Leo kicks out. Resnick pulls Leo up and hits an arm popper. Leo rolls onto his stomach holding his shoulder, Resnick immediately goes for The Equinox, Leo scrambles to the ropes as Resnick battles to lock on the hold. Resnick picks up Leo and then delivers a Shoulder Breaker, and then covers. 1..........................2....................Leo kicks out. Resnick grabs the arm of Leo and turns him over into a sitting reverse Armbar. Leo refuses to tap out and manages to scramble his way to the ropes. Resnick jumps down on the arm as he breaks the hold.

Stanyer: Leo will be fortunate if he doesn't have a dislocated shoulder, even a rotator cuff injury after this onslaught from Resnick.

Resnick locks a hammerlock on Leo and looks for the hammerlock back drop, but Leo drops down behind Resnick and then hits a massive Release German Suplex. Both men stay down.

Dawg: Leo needs to capitalise now, or perhaps he spent his last bit of energy just hitting that move.

Both men make it to their feet at the same time. Resnick goes for a forearm, but Leo blocks and then jabs Resnick a couple of times in the face. Resnick is a little stunned and Leo hits a T-Bone Suplex. Resnick gets to his feet immediately, and looks Leo straight in the face. Resnick blocks a right hand by Leo and hits a knife edge chop. Leo counters with an overhand chop. The two then exchange chops until Leo gets the better of Resnick and then delivers an Overhead Belly to Belly Suplex which sees Leo throw Resnick directly into the referee. Leo goes for a cover, but the referee is down.

Stanyer: What the hell. Who's this??

Maxwell Powers then comes running down the aisle, and Xuway Zanchu appears seconds later. They charge down to the ring. Leo and Powers start to exchange blows while Xuway locks on the TAFKAG on Resnick. Resnick struggles desperately but then starts to slow down as Xuway strengthens the hold. Powers manages to get the better of Leo and kicks him in the gut before delivering the Jacknife Powerbomb, Leo rolls over and somehow ends up on top of the near unconcious Resnick. Powers and Xuway leave the ring happy with their work. The referee comes around unaware of what has just happened and makes the count. 1...........................2...............................3!!!!

Leo d. Resnick
8:10 Pinfall

Stanyer: What the hell? Maxwell Powers and Xuway just attacked Leo and Resnick? It looks like the rumours are true.

Dawg: And Leo the flukey American loving crowd hero has picked up the win, how lucky can you get.

Stanyer: I don't call being Jacknife Powerbombed, "lucky". Anyway, I'm told we can finally see how Pitbull is after what happened earlier.

Quite awhile later, Silas wakes up in the trainers area of the arena. He has an icepack on his head, trying to keep a very large lump on his head from growing. His ribs are also bandaged up tight. Seeing he's awake, the trainer runs over to see if he's ok, but Silas pushes him away.

Pitbull: - "Back the hell off! If I need you I'll call you!"

Silas sits himself up with a little discomfort and some apparent light-headedness. None the less he looks straight into the camera.

Pitbull: - "Theros, the last several months I've been sitting back and laughing at all your little backstage antics. But this time, you and your rebel appendage have pissed with the wrong guy. I want you and your miscreant arm in the ring for the next Havoc, and don't forget to bring your Hardcore title belt. Cuz I'm gonna be all healed up by then, and even if I'm not, I'm still gonna rip off your arm and beat you over the head with it. I've never thought of myself as Hardcore, but with all the screw jobs and disqualifications lately, I'm getting bloody pissed off. You know what happens when a pitbull gets pissed off Theros? People get shredded."

Silas winces in pain, but still manages to get to his feet and exit the room. The camera fades to the arena.

Stanyer: Well folks after the break we have the Extreme Title on the line in a Barbed Wire Match, this one is going to be brutal.

{Commerical Break}

**Rye Hazwaki, is sitting on a couch in a very large, but empty room**

Rye Hazwaki: *In a Canadian accent, and speaking slowly* "I don't want to think aboot my situation. It's just so hard being the only Canadian-Japanese American known to the free world. Boy do I wish I could do something fun, eh. I wish I could be like Big Poppa himself."

**Suddenly a hardcover book is thrown at Rye Hazwaki, and he gets mad. An announcer starts talking, and Rye responds to what he says.**

Announcer: "Do you feel that you're the only Canadian-Japanese American in the free world that can't go out and have a good time?"

Rye Hazwaki: "YES! YES!"

Announcer: "Are you a non-smoker over the age of 14?"

Rye Hazwaki: "Boy am I!"

Announcer: "Do you feel bad about not knowing how to dance like Big Poppa?"


Announcer: "Then do we have the item for you. Big Poppa has taken journeys all over the world finding unique dance steps, and now he has assembled his personal knowledge and his gained knowledge into one large, user friendly instructional dance book."

Rye Hazwaki: "Now that's fine and dandy, but how does it work?"

Announcer: "With incredible pop out pictures and large font, Big Poppa's Instructional Dance Book makes it easy for people of any race or age to learn to dance, Real Show style."

Rye Hazwaki: "Great! But I don't have a lot of money, how much would this cost an average Canadian-Japanese American like myself?"

Announcer: "Well, the people at DSM and CO like to meet a standard of selling high quality products at low, consumer friendly prices. So that is why they are marketing Big Poppa's book at a recommended price of only $24.52!"

Rye Hazwaki: "Wow! That IS consumer friendly! Where can I buy this wonder book?"

**Rye Hazwaki hits his head and remembers that a book hit him in the head. He smiles and as he opens it, the large empty room he's in turns into a nightclub filled with people. He joins in the fun.**

Rye Hazwaki: "Thanks Big Poppa! You're book turned my lonely nights into crazy… Crazy.. Flights!"

Announcer: "Big Poppa's Instructional Dance Book, sold at bookstores everywhere."

{End Commercial}

Barbed Wire Match
Bloodbath v Blackbird v DeMoN(c)

"Cool to Hate" by Offspring starts playing and the arena goes pitch black. 10 seconds go by with nothing happening. Two huge flames light up the Entry way and Blackbird makes his way to the ring.

James: Introducing from Dayton, Ohio, weighing 245lbs, Blackbird. *Crowd cheers*

**"96 Quite Bitter Beings" by CKY plays as a ring of fire appears by the entrance. Bloodbath rises out of the flames before walking towards the ring. He stops on the apron, and looks to the crowd, before he climbs in the ring.**

James: Introducing, from Hell, Michigan, weighing 225lbs, Bloodbath.

**"Leave you far behind" by Lunatic Calm hits and the lights darken, pyros blast off at the ramp and a man in a dark cloak is standing in the entrance way, he is holding a long scythe, he raises his hands as if he is drawing on a dark power, then slams his hands down, the lights slam back on and the man throws down his cloak to reveal it is Demon, he walks down to the ring slowly and then climbs in over the top rope.

James: Introducing, from Death Valley, California, weighing 494lbs, "The Devil" Demon.

Report: Bloodbath and Blackbird look at each, they both hate each other, but they both still charge DeMoN and hammer him with double right hands. They grab DeMoN and whip him into the barbwire. DeMoN hits the barb wire and gets his arms tangled in it, he pulls himself free and stands up as if nothing has happened. Bloodbath goes for DeMoN again, but Blackbird cleverly fakes and Bloodbath walks straight into a big right hand from DeMoN. Bloodbath turns around and staggers backwards into Blackbird who hits a right of his own spinning him around into DeMoN who grabs him by the throat and then lifts him up in the air in a one handed choke hold. Blackbird rolls underneath the barb wire and grabs a couple of weapons from under the ring, he pulls out a chair, a Kendo Stick, and a spool of spare barb-wire.

Stanyer: Isn't there enough Barb-wire in this match already?

Blackbird rolls back into the ring. Bloodbath is down holding his throat, DeMoN is stalking him. Blackbird picks up a Kendo Stick and smashes it across the head of DeMoN. It doesn't even faze him, Blackbird smashes it again and again over the head until the cane is in pieces, he manages to force DeMoN down onto his knees. Then from behind Bloodbath hits Blackbird over the head with a Steel Chair, then Bloodbath drives it into the face of DeMoN. This time DeMoN goes down and Bloodbath goes for the cover. 1......................2.....................DeMoN throws Bloodbath half way across the ring with his kickout.

Dawg: Look at the power of the man from the darkside.

Blackbird is back up and he picks up Bloodbath, he whips him towards DeMoN who lifts Bloodbath up and drops him face first across the barb wire, Bloodbath immediately rolls out of the ring holding his face.

Stanyer: My god, Bloodbath's face could have been ripped open, he is right in front of us.

Dawg: He is busted open, that barb-wire has slashed his forehead open.

In the ring DeMoN stalks Blackbird, who refuses to back down and hits DeMoN with repeated right hands, but they don't faze the big man, DeMoN grabs Blackbird by the throat and pushes him into the barb-wire, Blackbird is unfazed and comes off the wire and charges DeMoN, but DeMoN moves and helps Blackbird to go into the wire, Blackbird becomes entangled in the barb-wire. DeMoN picks up the chair and smashes it into the face of Blackbird as he becomes entangled from the wire and collapses to the outside.

Stanyer: This DeMoN is damn near invincible, who can stop him?

As if on cue, the lights go out, and an eerie tune begins to play, dark, satanic images appear on the Ultra-Tron and entrance way is lit with a dark blue light showing a symbol on the entrance ramp

Dawg: What the hell is happening???

Stanyer: I know that symbol like no other, that is the symbol of the Alliance of Darkness.

Dawg: The AoD? Are they back??

Suddenly massive pyro's blast off around the ring as the lights come back on, in the ring is DeMoN and he is surrounded by three men, each wearing a black mask. DeMoN seems to know what is going on, each man is facing away from DeMoN. Suddenly they all turn around and are facing DeMoN. The man in the middle raises his hand towards his mask and then suddenly pulls it off.

Stanyer: It's DaiKaTanA!!!!! This has to be the return of the AoD, but who are the other two men?

Dawg: DeMoN, DaiKaTanA and these two men could be an unstoppable force.

Suddenly the two men in masks go towards DeMoN, then suddenly they attack DeMoN, then DaiKaTanA joins in the attack.

Stanyer: What the hell is this??? They are attacking DeMoN???

The three men beat DeMoN to the ground. Then the two men in masks roll DeMoN out of the ring and then place him onto a Giant metal version of the AoD symbol. They strap DeMoN to the symbol, DaiKaTanA then leads them up the ramp as the lights dim once again.

Stanyer: Where are they taking DeMoN??? What the hell is going on???

Bloodbath and Blackbird have been watching it from the outside, and when the 4 men have gone, and the lights return to normal, they roll back into the ring. They look at each other and then start to exchange punches.

Stanyer: I guess we still have ourselves an Extreme Title Match. With or without DeMoN!!

Bloodbath gets the better of the exchange and whips Blackbird into the barb-wire, Blackbird winces at the pain. Bloodbath picks up the steel chair but gets it dropkicked in the face by Blackbird. Blackbird grabs the chair and climbs the turnbuckle and then flies off with a leg drop driving the chair into the face of Bloodbath. Blackbird hooks a leg. 1........................2.......................Bloodbath kicks out. Blackbird picks up the spool of barb wire and positions it on the mat. He picks up Bloodbath and looks for the DDT on the wire, but Bloodbath counters with a couple of hard rabbit punches. Bloodbath then out of nowhere grabs Blackbird and delivers the Blood Bash driving the face of Blackbird directly into the Barb-wire.

Stanyer: OH MY GOD!!! A Blood Bash on Barb wire!! Cover. 1..............................2..................................OH MY GOD BLACKBIRD KICKED OUT!!!!! Unbelievable!!

Bloodbath cannot believe what happened and gets up. Bloodbath rolls out of the ring, he pulls a bottle from underneath the ring and something else with it. He gets in the ring and empties the bottle out over the barb-wire. He then gets the other item, which appears to be a lighter and puts it to the barb-wire and it lights up.

Dawg: OH NO!! Barbed Wire on Fire???

Stanyer: This is sick!!

Blackbird is up to his feet. Bloodbath doesn't notice. Bloodbath stands up and gets kicked in the gut and hit with the EvenFlow DDT driving his face into the Barbed wire on Fire. Bloodbath rolls about holding his face. Blackbird hooks the leg. 1........................................2.......................................3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

James: The winner of the match, AND NEW PWF EXTREME CHAMPION, BLACKBIRD!!!!!

Blackbird d. Bloodbath
21:18 Pinfall

Stanyer: That has to be one of the sickest endings I've ever seen. And what happened to DeMoN.

Dawg: I have no idea, but I think we are going to need a commercial while we clear this mess up.

{Commerical Break}

*Crusader is sitting in his million dollar mansion in his laboratory putting some chemicals together. When he completed his job he sprayed himself with the new mixture and nodded in satisfaction.*

*Later on at a wrestling workout gym, Crusader is heading towards the bathroom when Diablo walks out. Crusader steps in and says- "Damn son, what did you have for lunch"
So he leaves the bathroom and puts on his cologne, that still has no name, to cover Diablo's putrid smell. Then Stunning Sarah walks by and says-
"Damn Crusader, you smell so good, can I have some of that for Chris?" Crusader says-
"Sure you can, put it on his musty and beat down body after our match"

*Crusader turns toward the camera and says, get your "Damn, you smell good" cologne only at PWF Shopzone*

{End Commercial}

The Camera returns to a darkened room, in it we see DaiKaTanA and the two masked men surrounding the symbol with DeMoN on it.

DaiKaTanA: It is time.

???: Nods to other man in mask. Begin.

The third man appears to touch something on the symbol, a few seconds go by and nothing happens and then the symbol is surrounded with fire, with DeMoN in the middle, the screen then goes black

Stanyer: What the hell?? What is going on??

Dawg: Hey, I have no idea

Stanyer: Oh well, I am told Mayhem has found Havok just before the big match.

The camaras show Havok walking from his car to the ring. He is already in his wrestling gear.

Mayhem: Havok, Havok, Havok, can I get an interview with you????

Havok: Shut the Fuck up and back the Fuck up man, your breathe really stinks. What is it that you want?? Do you want to wreak Havok?? Shut up 'till I am finished. You know that I'm playing around with you. But you still can't wreak Havok!!

Mayhem: It looks obvious that you already know about the match tonight.What do you think will happen.

Havok: You want to know what WILL happen is what you mean. I'll tell you what WILL happen. When I get tagged in, I'll Devastate the crowd with my moves and then tag in Crusader and have him finish the gWo off.

Mayhem: Thank you for your asspect of the match.Anything else you would like to say.

Havok: I would like to thank Crusader for helping me begin the OutKasts. Do you know what started this thing?? It was me defeating Crusader at in the tournament of Champions. We have not parted since then. Who wants to wreak Havok???

Crowd: We do!!!

Stanyer: It sounds like the crowd is ready for this one already, you can already feel the tension now. Remember this is under stable match rules, all 4 men on a team must be eliminated to win the match.

Stable Match
gWo v The OutKasts

"Enter Sandman" by Metallica plays as Havok and Rye walk out, Crusader follows with the World Title over his shoulder, Devastator is the last out from the curtains, they head towards the ring.

James: Introducing, the members of The OutKasts, Havok, Rye Hazwaki, Devastator and the PWF World Champion, Crusader Chrome. Crowd Cheers wildly

"Snap your Fingers, Snap your Neck" by Prong plays as MVD and Power G walk out from the entrance ramp, they are followed by the Russians, MVD has the Challenge Title around his waist, the Real McCoy and JVD follow behind the Russians. They charge the ring and slide in.

Report: The gWo charge into the ring and attack the OutKasts, MVD goes for Rye, Power G goes for Crusader, Havok goes for Wowbowski and Cossak goes for Devastator. The 8 men exchange blows and Wowbowski clothesline Havok out of the ring, Power G manages to hit a jawbreaker on Crusader, MVD gets caught with a hook kick from Rye and Cossak Joe is sent flying out of the ring with a hard right hand by Devastator. The referee finally restores some order and Devastator is left in the ring with MVD. The two tie up and Devastator uses his power to push MVD to the floor, MVD pretends to get up and then drop toe holds Devastator and then goes for a corkscrew leg drop, but misses as Devastator rolls out of the way. MVD gets to his feet and gets clobbered by two big rights by Devastator sending him into the OutKast's corner.

Dawg: That is not where MVD wants to be right now.

Devastator tags Havok and Devastator hits one more big right before leaving the ring. Havok stomps away and MVD and then brings him out of the corner, he whips him to the ropes where Wowbowski makes a blind tag. Havok takes MVD down with a hurricanranna. Then gets clotheslined out of his boots by Wowbowski as he stands up. MVD rolls out of the ring.

Stanyer: Havok didn't see the tag, and has paid for it.

Wowbowski picks up Havok and hits a scoop slam and then a hard elbow drop to the chest. Wowbowski covers. 1.............Havok kicks out easily. Wowbowski picks up Havok and holds him as he tags Cossak. Cossak gets in and climbs to the 2nd turnbuckle and then hits a double axe handle to the back of Havok. Cossak then covers Havok. 1.................2......Havok kicks out.

Stanyer: The gWo want to isolate Havok.

Cossak picks up Havok and goes for a short arm clothesline, but Havok ducks and then catches Cossak with a Standing Sidekick.

Stanyer: That's the dizzy kick, Havok must make a tag now.

Havok manages to scramble over to his corner and makes the tag to Rye. Rye comes in and points to MVD, Cossak gets up and looks like he is going to tag MVD, then tags Power G instead with a smile on his face as the crowd boo him.

Dawg: Now that was funny.

Power G comes in and ducks a heel kick from Rye and locks in a waistlock. Rye counters with an elbow to the face and then springs up and hits a Rin-Me kick to the back of Power G's head. Rye picks up Power G and kicks him in the gut, but Power G catches the kick, Rye goes for an enziguri but misses but lands on his feet and leaps back up and hits a sidekick to the face instead. Power G gets to his feet and ties up with Rye. Power G takes Rye into a headlock, Rye pushes him off into the ropes, Power G springs off the ropes and catches Rye with a Moonsault. Rye gets up and Power G hits a hard knife edge chop. Power G follows it up with repeated chops to the head then he hits a Back Body Flip. Power G then tags in MVD.

Stanyer: Oh yeah, MVD comes in while Rye is down I see.

MVD stands above Rye and performs the Old Man Stink pose and then sits on his chest and pounds him with right hands. MVD then climbs the turnbuckle and poses to the crowd. MVD picks up Rye and hits a Spinning Belly to Back Suplex. MVD covers. 1..........................2......................Devastator comes in and makes the save. The referee forces Devastator out of the ring as MVD puts Rye in the corner and Wowbowski starts to choke Rye then lets go as the referee turns around. MVD then whips Rye into the corner. MVD drops to the mat and Rye goes over him, Rye then comes off the ropes and MVD tries a leapfrog, but Rye stops and hits a stunning 540 Spinning heel kick. Rye stays down and starts to crawl towards his corner. MVD does the same and Wowbowski and Crusader are tagged in. Crusader comes in and hamemrs down Wowbowski, Cossak comes in and does the same, Crusader then hits MVD who comes in as well. Then the rest of the OutKasts pile into the ring and it breaks out into a 4 v 4 brawl.

Stanyer: This is chaos now.

The OutKasts get the upper hand and send MVD and the Russians to the outside, Havok, Rye and Devastator follow and they fight their way up the ramp. This leaves Power G and Crusader in the ring to a massive cheer from the crowd. The referee calls for the bell and rolls out of the ring and tells the ring announcer something.

Stanyer: What's going on?

James: Havok, Devastator, Rye Hazwaki, The Russians and Matt Van Dam have all been counted out, this match is now between Power G and Crusader Chrome.

Dawg: Oh my.

Stanyer: Oh my indeed, we are about to get a preview of what we will see at Last Man Standing.

Crusader and Power G circle each other, they lock up. Crusader takes Power G into a headlock, Power G pushes him off into the ropes, Crusader shoulder charges Power G down, Crusader comes off the ropes, Power G moves to duck under Crusader and then stand up, Power G then takes Crusader down with a flying forearm. Crusader bounces back up and Power G hits a knife edge chop. Crusader comes back with an overhand chop. Power G then hits another chop, this time Crusader is sent reeling backwards.

Stanyer: Power G gets such force behind those chops.

Power G chops Crusader until he is in the turnbuckle. Power G then locks Crusader's head and delivers a Tornado DDT. Power G hooks a leg. 1..........................2.....................Crusader kicks out. The rest of the gWo and The OutKasts have fought their way backstage, but everyone's attention is on the ring. Power G picks up Crusader Chrome and goes for a suplex, but he can't lift Crusader, he tries again, but Crusader counters and hits a Brainbuster from nowhere. He hooks a leg. 1...........................2........................Power G somehow kicks out at the last second.

Stanyer: Power G's resilience is amazing, few people kick out of brainbusters.

Crusader mounts Power G and hammers him with right hands, Crusader then stands up and waits for Power G to get up and then goozles him.

Stanyer: Ice Breaker time(Chokeslam).

Power G counters with a low blow, which the referee doesn't quite spot. Power G then hooks up Crusader and hits a fast DDT. Power G then starts to climb the turnbuckle and flies off with a Moonsault, but Crusader rolls out of the way and gets up, he scoops up Power G and hits The Concussion(Emerald Fusion). Crusader covers. 1.............................2..............................3!!!!!

The OutKasts d. gWo
18:35 Pinfall

Stanyer: The World Champion Crusader Chrome just scored a clean pinfall victory over Power G. Something only Rye Hazwaki had acheived until today.

Dawg: I don't believe it, but pinfalls won't matter at the PPV, as it will be whoever is the Last Man Standing.

{Commerical Break}

(((The scene opens showing a crowded street. It closes in on a middle-aged, balding, overweight guy in an old blue car. Smoke comes across his face as he shouts "C'mon, get going!!!" Suddenly you see a man on top of the car...)))

BaldGuy: Whoa... who are you?

KevinCage: I'm Kevin Cage, and I'm here to make YOU a better person... no longer will you be a pot-bellied, smelly, balding moron... When you order my T-shirt from PWF Shopzone, for only 19.95... you will be a HERO!

BaldGuy: Wow! How do I get one?

(((Camera cuts to a picture of the t-shirt with 1-800-255-4099 on the bottom... a voice says... "Order the Cage T-shirt at the PWF Shopzone for only 19.95... ORDER TODAY! The camera cuts back to Cage...)))

KevinCage: Get yours now!

{End Commercial}

Stanyer: Welcome back folks, well this is to me a dream match, European Champion v US Champion, two of the best technical wrestlers in the PWF, this is a wrestling fans dream. And one I am sure you will all enjoy watching.

Main Event
Steel Cage Match
Kevin Cage v Travis Right

The lights go out in a sold out PWF Arena. Suddenly the lights flicker and "Privilege" by Incubus begins blasting through the speakers. Kevin Cage walks out as the crowd gives a loud chorus of cheers. Cage poses for the fans as he walks slowly to the ring. Once he reaches his destination, he steps through the ropes as the crowd's cheers are heard.

James: Introducing from Chicago, Illnois, weighing 225lbs, the PWF European Champion, Kevin Cage.*Crowd cheers loudly*

**As "Walk with your head up" by Deftones & System of Down hits" hits and you hear "Get up Stand up, I got my head up" Travis comes walking out onto the ramp and arrogantly waves for the fans to boo all they want. Firecrackers pop off all around the Titantron as the Future makes his way to the ring. As he reaches the front of the ring, Travis slides under the bottom rope and slowly walks to the center of the ring. He crosses his arms and nods his head as the pyros explode behind him.**

James: Introducing from Miami, Florida, weighing 283lbs, the PWF United States Champion, "The Future" Travis Right.*Crowd Boos*

The Cage lowers down above their heads as they stare each other down, once the cage is down, the referee checks the door and then calls for the bell

Report: The two men circle each other, they look around at the cage, then they tie up. Cage takes Travis into a headlock. Travis pushes Cage into the ropes then sends him off into the ropes. Travis bends down for a Back Body drop, but Cage hits a knee smash. Travis gets back up quickly. He hits Cage with a right hand, Cage counters with a knife edge chop that echoes throughout the arena. Travis counters with a hard chop of his own. Cage hits another chop then goes for a snap suplex, but Travis blocks it and then hits a suplex of his own. Cage gets back up and Travis hits a running knee to the gut that puts him down on all fours. Travis then puts Cage's head between his legs and hits a pulling piledriver. Travis then starts to climb the cage. Travis gets about 3/4's of the way when Cage starts to climb behind him and grabs the foot of Travis. Travis manages to kick Cage a couple of times in the face and he falls off the cage to the mat. Travis then throws himself backwards off the Cage driving an elbow into the chest of Kevin Cage.

Stanyer: Beautiful Elbow from near the top of the cage.

Dawg: I hope he broke a few of Cage's ribs.

Travis gets back up and picks up Cage and hits a perfect Belly to Belly Overhead release suplex. Travis then starts to climb the cage. Cage gets back up slowly and starts to climb after him. Cage manages to get up to Travis who was having trouble with his grip, Cage has Travis in a waistlock, Travis tries to elbow Cage off, but he is losing his grip on the cage. Cage then pulls Travis one last time and Cage delivers a release German Suplex from half way up the Cage. Travis flips over and lands stomach down, Cage lands on his back.

Stanyer: Oh my God, both men could be broken in half.

Both men eventually get to their feet, Cage hits a knife edge chop and a "Wooo!!" echoes around the arena. Cage chops Travis again and then kicks him a couple of times in the gut. Cage then grabs Travis and hits a Northern Lights Release Suplex. Cage then signals for an end.

Stanyer: Cage's says this one is over, it's Lion Cager time.

Cage grabs the legs of Travis and turns him over for the Lion Cager. Cage arches back on the hold and Travis tries to fight it but eventually he starts to tap. But it doesn't matter as the only way to win is to escape the cage. Cage releases the hold and leaves Travis down on the mat holding his back. Cage then starts to climb the Cage. Slowly but surely Travis gets to his feet, he sees Cage climbing the cage, rather than climb after him Travis starts to climb the other side.

Stanyer: This one is a race to see who can escape first. Cage has to be the favourite, as he is nearly over the top.

Suddenly Homicide comes running down the ramp with a Kendo Stick in hand. Homicide climbs the cage quickly and reaches the top and then holds on one handed as he smashes Cage over the head with the Cane. Cage hangs on with one hand, Homicide hits him again, still Cage hangs on. A third shot sends Cage falling off the Cage and crashing to the mat. Travis Right manages to climb over the top of the cage on the other side and drops to the floor as Homicide walks up the ramp with a smile on his face as the crowd boo him.

Travis Right d. Kevin Cage
11:57 Escaped Cage

Stanyer: Travis Right the US champ picks up a tainted victory over the European Champion.

Dawg: And soon to be ex-European Champion when Homicide kicks his ass at Last Man Standing.

Stanyer: When did you become a Homicide fan.

Dawg: The day he saw sense and stopped caring about the fans, and started to look after himself.

Stanyer: Well folks, The OutKasts managed to defeat the gWo, we crowned our first Women's Champion.

Dawg: And a damn fine looking one at that

Stanyer: And we have a new Extreme Champion in Blackbird, the brother and sister combination will be having a big celebration tonight. Which I doubt you will be invited to.

Dawg: What do you mean I won't be invited.

Stanyer: You've been running your mount about Blackbird, you should be more careful. Anyway, that's the end of tonights.....What the hell?? (he puts his hand to his ear as though he is being told something). The show is not over?? Go to Commerical?? Mr Pellington?? What the hell???..........

{Commerical Break}

*Voice - Hello, this is a comercial to advertise the new "Big Poppa Chat-Line" You can talk to Big Poppa any time of the day and talk to his about any of these catagories:

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'How To Make The Chicks Spot You
and you have a 100% chance he will answer. So call now on


Calls cost $4 a min, but it's well worth it!

*Big Poppa - Call Me Now. (Wink, Wink)

{End Commercial}

Stanyer: Well folks, I have been told in my ear during the break that the show is not quite done, it appears that the owner of the PWF has arrived and has an announcement to make.

"The Memory Remains" blasts over the PWF speakers as the owner of the PWF walks down to the ring to the cheers of the crowd.

Pellington: "Thank you, You are probably wondering why I am here tonight, well many of you know we have a PPV coming up soon, and apart from a tournament, we don't have many matches booked for it, well I thought I would make my presence felt for a change, and book us some matches."

Crowd Cheers

Pellington: "Firstly I was looking at the US Title situation, and I was looking over the contenders, it seems that Rye probably deserves one last crack at the title Crowd Cheers I also see that MVD deserves another shot at the title Crowd boos and I do believe Havok has some unfinished business with Travis Right as well. Crowd Cheers So therefore I have taken it upon myself to book a Fatal Four way elimination match for the US Title at Last Man Standing. Crowd Cheers Quite literally, the last man standing will be the US Champion."

Pellington pauses as the cheers die down

Pellington: "Now many of you are wondering about the Last Man Standing Tournament, and who will be in it, well the particpants will be announced in just a few short days. The first 4 qualifying matches take place next week on Havoc, with the final 4 to take place the night before the PPV. Crowd Cheers Now finally....."

Pellington is interuppted as "I am" by Eminem hits, Eraser comes storming out from the back holding a sledgehammer, the crowd boos furiously. Eraser grabs a mic.

Stanyer: Eraser looks pissed off

Eraser: "Pellington, get the hell out of the ring if you know what's good for you."

The boss quickly climbs out of the ring and hastily retreats to the back

Eraser: "Gambino, you want to make fun of me, you want to ridicule me, well you picked the wrong guy to piss off, because I brought a little someone you might soon become friends with. Eraser fondles the sledgehammer Now you idiots in the truck, you do not cut this show off until Gambino gets his ass out here. Yeah Gambino, that's right, I'm calling your ass out. So get your ass out here no so I can kick it."

A few moments go by, nothing happens.

Eraser: "What's up Gambino? You turned yellow on me? You become nothing but a coward? Crowd boos loudly"

Suddenly "Keep Away" by Godsmack hits and Gambino comes running out from the back, he is heading to the ring when out of nowhere someone attacks Gambino from the side of the ramp with a Kendo Stick. Eraser slides out of the ring and head to the ramp and starts to stomp on Gambino.

Dawg: Who the hell is that?

Stanyer: I know that face from somewhere.

Dawg: Well rack your brain.

Stanyer: Wait, I know who it is, it's Kidd!!! Kidd is back in the PWF!!!

Kidd and Eraser beat on Gambino, Eraser then raises the Sledgehammer in the air and drives it into the gut of Gambino. Eraser and Kidd then stand above Gambino as the show starts to fade out.

Stanyer: When Gambino comes around, there is going to be hell to pay.

***© 2001 PWF Entertainment***