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PPV Results

House of Pain
War Games
Last Man Standing
Rumble in the Bronx


King of the Death Match
Battle of Britain
Darkest Hour
House of Pain
War Games
Independence Day
Last Man Standing
Rumble in the Bronx
The End of the World
Hardkore Hell
A Dark Day in Hell


live on PPV from Madison Square Garden
New York City
27th May 2001

**The opening video plays**

**"Oh Fortuna" from the Carmina Burana by Carl Orff plays as we show scenes of soldiers marching into battle. Then scenes of Tanks rolling through a city as crowds cheer on. Then as various scenes of War play, we hear a voice-over. "Tonight we go into battle. Tonight we go to War. On that battlefield you will fight to achieve the goal that you have been set, no matter what length you have to go, no matter what you must do. You must not quit, you will die fighting, or leave the battlefield in disgrace........**

**Opening video ends**

**The camera comes in to focus, on a small high street situated on the east side of the War Games arena. As the camera pans around the area, we see pedestrians crossing roads, walking dogs and doing their normal daily routine. The cameraman impatiently looks around at the pedestrians, and what they are doing for about 5 minutes, he keeps looking at the traffic, as if he was waiting for a car or some sort of transport to arrive. After about another minute or so, he puts the camera down and sits on the side of the road, making sure that he is well out of the way of any on coming traffic. He then unzips his "Nike" bag, and takes out a bottle of fresh spring water. He takes the bottle off and takes a long, slow sip of the fresh cold water. **

Cameraman - "Ahhh... Damm that’s good. Man if I have to film one more stinking interview, I am going to go nuts! Well at least this one is a bit more interesting, I mean a radio station. I have never been to one of these before. I suppose this could be pretty fun."

** He then takes the lid of the water and puts it back on top of the bottle, making sure that he does it up tight enough so that he is confident that the bottle won't leak in his bag. Just as he does that, a man exits the radio stations building. He was rather small and skinny, and I don't think his dress sense was up to scratch. He looked around 45-55, and part of his hair was going gray, he also had a bald patch right in the middle of his head. He approached the cameraman. **

Man - "Beautiful day ain't it? I love the sun, not that I get to see a lot of it. Stuffed up in there for most of the day you see. Always something to do, but I suppose if I didn't like doing it, I wouldn't be there now."

Cameraman - "Hehe... yea, I suppose."

Man - "Anyway, I came out here to ask you where the hell..."

**Just before the man could finish his sentence, a taxi pulled up to the radio station, just missing the cameraman’s feet. The cameraman jumped up, making sure he brought his camera and bad with him. **

Cameraman - "What the..."

**He then opened the driver’s door**

Cameraman - "What the hell do you think you’re doing? Theirs a car park just over there, where you are meant to be parking. What are you doing parking here!? You could of damm near broke my toes!"

**The taxi driver when looking at him, looked Jamaican. He had long dreadlocks, and an illuminate green and yellow top on. Meanwhile, the man who the camerman was previosly talking to went inside, laughing as he did so **

Taxi Driver - "I'm a taxi driver man, what do you expect? I need to get off in a hurry man, am like late as it is. Tell this guy to get out of the car and pay me man! I mean come on, the traffic in this place is terrible, and I need to be somewhere real fast!"

**The camerman then looks at the passenger in the taxi, and tells him to get out and pay the taxi driver.**

Camerman - "Come on! I have been waiting for you ass for about a hour now, you were meant to get here ages ago so that we could sort out the equipment, and also so that we could get the script done so that you know what you meant to be saying!"

Passenger - "Calm down, we got ages before War Games starts. Anyway, how hard could it be to get a script to read? Actually thinking about it... I know what i am going to be saying, so forget the script. All that i have to worry about today is my fight tonight against..."

** Then, the bald guy from the radiostation came rushing out.**

Man - "Ok, we got to move. We have not got long untill your on air. So please follow me, we have alot of work to do!"

** The cameraman then picks up his bag, and turn his camera on. He then follows the bald guy into the station. The passenger of the taxi pays the taxi driver, then quickly catches up with them. The camera then fades as we see the bald guy rushing into the studio.**

**Moments later, that same camera man heads down the hallway and turns the corner running straight into Crusader Chrome. Crusader looks as if he's going to smack his ass but calmly asks for time to talk**

Crusader: (very excitedly)"Maybe next time you'll be more carefull, jackass. Now in just a little while I'll have perhaps the biggest challenge of my life. I'll be challenging a superstar, who's pinned my shoulders to the mat twice, for his world championship. Not only that, but i'll be making sure that Rye holds on to his title by assisting him at the appropiate times. But tonight its not about win loss records, tonight is not about how many times G has pinned me. Instead, its about one determined motherfu**er, who has the shot he's been wanting since he came here. That determined s-o-b, is me Crusader Chrome. Tonight you will here James announce: "Your winner, and new PWF world heavyweight champion, The One, Crusader." Not only that, but everyone watching will find out what hard work and determination is all about. So, G, get ready because Im getting ready and making some final preperations to whip your sorry ass.

**Crusader storms off as the cameras fade**

**pyro's blast off as "Insert Music here" plays throughout the arena. The camera pans across the crowd before cutting to the announcers table**

Stanyer: Welcome everybody to PWF War Games, live on PPV from Madison Square Garden right in the heart of New York City. I'm Jason Stanyer alongside "Big Dawg" Dave Harley.

Dawg: Welcome everyone to the gWo show live on PPV from Van Dam Square Gardens.

Stanyer: How much did he pay you to say that?

Dawg: What are you talking about? This is the gWo show.

Stanyer: Well folks we have a fantastic card lined up for you tonight, including a Double Jeapordy Ladder Match featuring two matches for two titles at the SAME time.

Dawg: Don't forget the Cage Match between Travis and Havok.

Stanyer: And of course there is the Triple Threat Theatre between Diablo and Gambino with both their careers on the line.

Dawg: Hey, who's this arriving now?

**A car is just showing up to the arena. Havok gets out of the car to the cheers of the crowd when a camara man asks if he has anything to say for tonights events.**

Havok: Your damn right I have something to say about tonight's events. First of all, I would like to wish good luck to Crusader, my partner in the war aganist the gWo. I wish you the best of luck in your world title match.

Havok then pauses and takes a drink of his Sprite.

Havok: Now concerning the cage match that I have aganist Travis Right. I have no doubt in my mind that I will win the match. I would also like to add a stipulation for the match. That stipulation is who ever wins gets a United States Title mtach at next weeks Havoc. It would be cool to win this match.

**He takes another drink of his Sprite.**

Havok: Well, I goota go get ready for this big match that I have, I would like to say good luck to everybody tonight, except for the gWo

**Crowd cheers as Havok leaves for his locker room. **

**Camera cuts to the back at the entrance area. A Black with Gold Firebird logo, 1973 Pontiac Firebird Trans Am flys into the parking garage. It comes to a stop as the engine is turned off. The Camera man moves around the car to get a view of who just pulled in. Then the doors open as Josh Resnick gets out. Wearing blue jeans and a cut off tank.**

Josh - Well this is the place and the time is coming. Fro... it is only a matter of time, until your lesson begins. You started this fight and now I am going to end it. Tonight you are going to experience more pain then you ever experience in your life. Once I lock in the Equinox you will know the meaning of losing.

**Josh then close the door and begins toward the locker room area. Fans come shoving their way to get to Josh for autographs.**

Stanyer: It looks like Josh Resnick is ready for his matchup.

Dawg: He had better be ready quick, because his match is now.

Josh Resnick v The Fro

**"My Generation" by Limp Bizkit plays as The Fro walks to the ring showing no sign of intimidation or fear and he wears a "The People's Answer" t-shirt. He walks up onto the apron and then faces the crowd and holds one arm in the air. He then enters the ring and goes over to one corner and then holds one arm in the air.**

James:The following match is scheduled for one fall, Introducing first, from Green Bay Wisconsin, weighing 281lbs, "The People's Answer", The Fro.*Crowd Cheers*

**Walk by Pantera hits the speakers throughout the arena. The Titantron comes on with solar flares of the sun showing. Then out of the back Josh Resnick makes his way out. Stops at the ramp. Listens to the crowd cheer his name. Then continues to the ring. Once on the apron, Resnick climbs up the turnbuckle. Looks out into the crowd before flipping over the ropes, landing on his feet in the middle of the ring.**

James:And his opponent from Detroit, Michigan, weighing 230lbs, Josh Resnick. **Crowd gives a mixed reaction**

Report: The two men circle each other, both are totally focused on this match. The two men tie up, both men tussle, trying to get the advantage over the other, The Fro manages to get the advantage and takes Resnick into a headlock. Josh pushes Fro into the ropes then pushes him off him to the other side. Josh tries a clothesline but The Fro ducks it and spins around and connects with right hand. The Fro backs it up with two more swift right hands then a kick to the gut. The Fro then hooks up Josh and lifts him up for a Suplex, but Josh wriggles free and drops behind The Fro, Josh grabs the Fro in a waistlock, but The Fro counters with a couple of elbows to the head and reverses the waistlock. The Fro tries to deliver a German Suplex, but Josh blocks it, The Fro delivers a couple of forearms to the back of Josh and then tries again, but again Josh manages to block the suplex. The Fro then spins around and delivers a hangman's neckbreaker catching Josh by surprise.

Stanyer: Wonderful wrestling skills from The Fro, these two have developed quite a hatred of each other in the last couple of weeks. This is going to be a fantastic contest.

Josh gets up and the Fro immediately catches Josh with three swift right hands and then whips Josh to the ropes. The Fro follows in with a clothesline which sends Josh over the top rope. The Fro then runs to the opposite ropes and catches Josh with a Baseball Slide as Josh gets up. Josh is sent crashing backwards into the barricade. The Fro then rolls out of the ring. The Fro holds onto the barricade as he delivers a few stomps to the chest of Josh. The Fro then picks up Josh and whips him towards the steel steps, but Josh reverses it and drops to the floor to send The Fro crashing into the steps shoulder first at maximum speed.

Stanyer: Josh has broken Fro's offensive streak with that counter, but he needs to recover quickly to capitalise on it.

Josh gets up holding his gut. He walks over to The Fro and kicks him in the chest as he lies against the steps. Josh picks up The Fro and goes to drive his head into the steps, but The Fro blocks it and slams Josh's head into the steps, Josh staggers away turning away from The Fro, The Fro goes to clothesline Josh from behind, but Josh was playing possum and quickly spins around and takes Fro down with a standing clothesline. Josh rolls in and out of the ring to break up the referee's count and gets an ear bashing from the referee as a consequence. Josh ignores the referee and goes for The Fro. Josh grabs the arm of The Fro and lifts him with it and twists it over into a wristlock and then slams the arm into the steel steps. The Fro rolls away onto the floor holding his arm.

Stanyer: Josh Resnick's game plan is clear for all to see, he is going to take out The Fro's arm in preparation for The Equinox.

Dawg: Josh walks over to The Fro and pulls his arm and lays it out across the floor. Josh then delivers a double footed stomp to The Fro's arm. The Fro again rolls over holding his arm. Josh then rolls in and out of the ring again to break the count. Josh ignores the referees demands to get back in the ring. Josh picks up The Fro and delivers an Arm Popper. Josh then looks around and picks up a steel chair. The Referee immediately rolls out of the ring and stands in front of Josh, trying to convince him to drop the chair. Josh pushes the referee aside and goes to The Fro, Josh raises the chair above his head and appears to be aiming for the arm of The Fro when the referee grabs the chair from Josh. Josh turns around and starts to remonstrate with the referee when The Fro quickly gets in a low blow from behind. Much to the delight of the New York crowd. The Fro gets to his feet slowly and rolls Josh in the ring.

Stanyer: The Fro has the advantage while Josh is disabled, he needs to hit a big move to keep the advantage.

Dawg: He's going to the top rope, The Fro needs to hit whatever this is.

The Fro positions himself on the top rope and flies off with a big body splash, but finds nothing but canvas as Josh Resnick rolls out of the way. Josh then quickly rolls onto The Fro and locks on The Equinox (Crippler Crossface).

Stanyer: This could be it, how long can The Fro survive??

The Fro's face is clearly showing the pain he is in from Josh's hold. The Fro's hand is poised above the canvas, but he refuses to tap out. The Fro slowly drags himself towards the ropes, but Josh slows him down by clamping the hold on even tighter. But The Fro summons up all the energy he can and makes one last effort to grab the ropes and suceeds in grabbing the bottom rope. The referee calls for the break and Josh is forced to release the hold. Josh grabs the legs of The Fro and drags him back to the middle of the ring. Josh tries to lock in The Equinox again, but The Fro fights it and gets in a couple of elbows before rolling over to kick Josh off him. The Fro gets to his feet holding his left arm gingerly. Josh goes for a right hand, but The Fro blocks it and delivers a big right hand of his own. The Fro then backs it up with a second and a third right hand, but Josh counter with a kick to the gut, Josh then whips The Fro to the ropes but The Fro reverses it and then delivers a Spear to Josh putting him down. The Fro then grabs the legs of Josh and pulls him into the middle of the ring. The Fro then locks on The Fro Comb(Sharpshooter) and now the referee is asking Josh if he wants to give it up.

Stanyer: The tables have been turned, now it is Josh Resnicks turn to be asked if he wants to tap out.

Dawg: But has The Fro got enough strength left to make Josh Resnick tap out?

Josh shakes his head, and refuses to tap out. Josh bridges up on his hands and tries to crawl towards the ropes. The Fro arches back and Josh drops down to his chest again due to the pain. Josh then bridges up again and crawls towards the ropes. Josh stretches out his arm and just manages to grab the bottom rope. The Fro releases the hold and immediately turns around and stomps on the back of Josh causing him to roll out of the way and ends up leaning in the corner of the turnbuckle. The Fro then walks over and deliver repeated Stomps to the chest of Josh Resnick. The Fro then picks up Josh and whips him towards the other turnbuckle. Josh bounces off and staggers towards the middle of the ring. The Fro kicks him in the gut and then goes for The Fro Bomb, but as he spins around, Josh Resnick comes to life and grabs the left arm of The Fro and takes him down to the mat and locks in The Equinox.

Stanyer: Brilliant counter by Josh Resnick, can The Fro survive The Equinox one more time.

The Fro crawls towards the ropes, Josh wrenches back on the hold as much as he can, but The Fro gets to within a few inches of the ropes. Then Josh releases the hold and drags The Fro by the leg into the middle of the ring and then locks in The Equinox again.

Dawg: The Fro can't take this for much longer.

The Fro tries to hold on, but this time the pain is too much and The Fro taps the mat.

Josh Resnick d. The Fro
11:13 Submission

Stanyer: A brilliant performance from both men, and what a way to start out the show.

Dawg: The Fro fought hard, but the body can only take so much punishment and eventually The Fro had no choice but to tap out.

Stanyer: Indeed. But now...........

** A Russian flag appears on the Big Screen along as red and blue strobe lights begin to flash, after a few moments Du Hast by Rammstein kicks in. The two Russians then come walking out of the back, Wowbowski turns and looks at the picture of the flag while Cossak just walks straight to the ring. Wowbowski follows Cossak down and grabs a mic before sliding into the squared circle. He makes his way to the middle of the ring and raises the mic to his face **

Dawg: Hey, it's the Russians, I guess they are still looking for a fight.

Wowbowski- I always know americanskies vere bunch of Muddacks, but then not von can come accept our little challenge.

Cossak- Stupid Americans

Wowbowski- I tink i know Vhy though Cossak.

Cossak- Vhy

Wowbowski- It simple comrade, All these pathetic americanskies know that Ve Vrussians can not be beaten.

Cossak- You speak truth comrade

Wowbowski- And so they sit back in chairs, vaiting for someone else to do there jobs.

Cossak- Da.

Wowbowski- Vhile ve come out here and show these stupid people that ve are true champions. But because no von vill come out ve can't show our skill.

Cossak- muddacks.

Wowbowski- Vell,Cossak, look like ve vill go to back and drink Vodka again Vhile people be scared of us.

Cossak- Da! Let us go.

** Wowbowski drops the mic and makes his way to the ropes, Cossak is about to step over as............. "Serial Killer" by Prodigy hits and the Lords of Destruction charge down to the ring.**

Stanyer: I guess we have ourselves a match.

Lords of Destruction v The Russians

Report: Cossak Joe and Carnage start out, they tie up. Neither man can gain an advantage and they release each other, they circle around for a second then tie up again, this time Cossak Joe pushes Carnage into the LoD corner, Bloodstorm gets a blind tag and comes into the ring and catches Joe across the back with big forearm. Bloodstorm then whips Joe to the ropes and looks for a back body drop. Joe counter with a kick to the face. Then Joe follows it up by clotheslining Bloodstorm out of the ring. Joe rolls to the outside. Wowbowski drops down from the apron and heads around to help out Cossak, but the referee gets in his way and sends him back to his corner, Wowbowski argues with the referee, this gives Carnage a chance to drop a Double Axe Handle to the back of Joe who is stomping on Bloodstorm. Carnage then slams Cossak's face into the barricade. Bloodstorm gets up and the two lift Cossak up in a double suplex, then drop him forwards gut first on the barricade.

Stanyer: Wowbowski is trying to help his partner, but he is just letting the LoD double team his partner.

Bloodstorm rolls Cossak back into the ring and then rolls in himself. Wowbowski has gone back to his corner and Carnage climbs back on the apron, the ref rolls back in the ring as Bloodstorm delivers a big vertical suplex to Cossak and then covers. 1.................2..................Wowbowski comes in to make the save. the referee forces Wowbowski straight back out. Bloodstorm picks up Cossak and takes him into his corner. He tags in Carnage and he comes in. The LoD then deliver a Double Powerbomb to Cossak. Carnage covers as Bloodstorm leaves the ring. 1.................2................Wowbowski again makes the save and then quickly gets back to his corner as the referee stops him helping his partner any more.

Stanyer: Wowbowski is desperate to be involved in this match. It's been all LoD so far.

Carnage picks up Cossak and then whips him to the ropes, Carnage goes for a clothesline, but Cossak ducks and then he comes off the other side and takes Carnage down with a big clothesline. Carnage bounces back up and gets kicked in the gut and Cossak delivers a DDT. Cossak and Carnage then stay down.

Stanyer: Cossak desperately needs to make a tag while Carnage is down.

Cossak crawls over to his corner and makes a diving tag just as Carnage gets to his feet. Wowbowski charges in and smashes Carnage down with a big clothesline. Wowbowski follows straight through and forearms Bloodstorm off the apron. Wowbowski turns around and kicks Carnage in the gut and then whips him to the ropes and hits a Powerslam. Cover 1................2..............Bloodstorm pulls Wowbowski off him and drags him outside the ring. But Wowbowski blocks a right hand from Bloodstorm and kicks him in the gut and then grabs him by the head and springs off the barricade and delivers a Tornado DDT. In the ring Cossak has recovered and surprises Carnage by locking in a Bearhug. Wowbowski rolls back in the ring and bounces off the ropes and then takes Carnage down from the Bearhug with a jumping Lariat. Wowbowski covers. 1....................2..................Carnage just kicks out.

Dawg: The Russians pull of a great move, but still the LoD kick out.

Bloodstorm grabs the leg of Cossak from the outside and drags him outside. Then whips him hard into the steel steps. In the ring Wowbowski is about to deliver the Fall of Communism(Full Nelson Face Drop) when Carnage breaks free and Wowbowski staggers into the ropes and then walks straight into the Death Penalty(Rock Bottom). Carnage hooks a leg. 1.................2.......................3!!!!

LoD d. The Russians
8:37 Pinfall

Stanyer: The Lords of Destruction spoil The Russians party by beating them on their PWF debut.

** The submission expert Xuway is waving the Chinese flag. He is wearing his martial arts pants with his black belt wrpped around his waist. His massive chest shows yet a new tattoo. It is his home country of China. He appears to be proudly humming the Chinese national anthem. **

Xuway- General Leo, tonight you are going to realize why the rest of the world considers you and your fans as stupid Americans. And tonight, one billion fans back home are going to watch me cripple you! Not only will they see the Chinese victorious (again) but they also get to see a poor pathetic American cry to the TAFKAG. General Leo its going to be a pleasure causing you pain. All my anger from these boose drinking rude rednecks are going to be answered and channeled to their hero. Heck they ought to call you -how do u say- "Jesus" cause you are going to pay for their sins. **Xuway cracks his knuckles**

Xuway- But General you will pay for interfering my last match. And I know you think you have done your homework. You think you can avoid the chinese torture. But may I remind you- A sly rabbit will have several openings to its den. Since you are dumb let me explain- I have MANY moves to break you down. Doing bit-by-bit with persiverence. Its going to be Like ants eating a bone. And when the bone is clean Im going to apply the TAFKAG. And when you beg for mercy I will laugh in your face. And I am not going to let go until I hear your bones snap. Then I will get my flag and lay it on your sorry ass.

**The camera cuts in on General Leo. He is in his army fatigues and a tanktop. The American flag is slung across his shoulder. He is standing in attention.**

General Leo- (singing) O say, can you see, by the dawn's early light,
What so proudly we hail'd at the twilight's last gleaming?
Whose broad stripes and bright stars, thro' the perilous fight,
O'er the ramparts we watch'd, were so gallantly streaming?
And the rockets' red glare, the bombs bursting in air,
Gave proof thro' the night that our flag was still there.
O say, does that star-spangled banner yet wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave?
**Leo changes shoulders with the flag and leaves his stance of attention.**

General Leo- Xuway, that is the anthem of the greatest country in the world. The United States of America. You say that your country is the best. The last time I checked, the world's population was a bit over 6 billion. I wasn't aware that over half of that was in China and I don't think anyone else was either.

**General Leo chuckles audibly.**

General Leo- Xuway, I wasn't alive the last time China beat the U.S.A. in something. My grandparents weren't even alive. To tell you the truth, I don't think tht China has been better than the U.S.A. in the entire 225 year history of my great country. The country that you are in, by the way. If you don't like this country, then leave! Every person in this country must abide by that rule. Love it, or leave it. Xuway, after I defeat you tonight, you will have no choice but to become an American.

**General Leo gets back into his stance and salutes the camera. He then leaves the room with the flag waving.**

Stanyer: Well it's time for our Americanisation Flag Match. If General Leo wins this match, Xuway must convert to the ways of the americans, but get this, if Xuway wins, Leo must stand and watch Xuway Zanchu burn the American Flag live on PPV.

Americanisation Match: Flag Match
General Leo v Xuway Zanchu

**The lights go blue, as "The Imperial March" starts over the speakers. General Leo walks out from the back to an expensive looking fireworks show. The fans cheer as he walks to the ring with his sword in hand. He steps in and the lights go up.**

James:The following match is an Americanisation Flag Match, Introducing first representing the USA, from Vector, the capital of the World, weighing 235lbs, General Leo. *Crowd Cheers loudly*

**Xuway sits in a chair which is carried by his loyal slaves. Once in the ring, Xuway meditates in dance. Then the dance gets aggresive almost if he is fighting a ghost. When done his eyes roll up in the back of his head. He goes to his corner and waits. The Ultra-tron just has some ninja camp with a bunch of ninja fighting**

James:And his opponent, representing China, from The Orient, weighing 392lbs, Xuway Zanchu.*Crowd boos loudly*

Report: The two men tie up, Xuway immediately takes advantage and takes Leo into a headlock. Leo tries to push Xuway off into the ropes, but Xuway clamps the hold on tighter to stop him. Leo then grabs Xuway around the waist and somehow lifts him up and delivers a Back drop.

Stanyer: Oh my god, what strength from Leo, how did he lift someone that weight over 150 pounds more than himself?

Xuway gets up quickly and looks surprised at Leo's strength, and sarcastically applauds Leo. Leo doesn't like this and charges in and body tackles Xuway to the ground and then starts to pound fists into Xuway's face. Xuway uses his leg strength to get his feet in Leo's chest and push him off. Leo gets back up and charges in with a clothesline, but Xuway manages to grab the arm of Leo and then delivers an Arm Popper. Xuway immediately grabs the arm of Leo as he goes down and lays it out across the mat. Xuway then bounces off the ropes and drives his knee into the arm of Leo.

Stanyer: First Josh Resnick, now Xuway Zanchu is concentrating his attack on the arm of his opponent.

The crowd start to boo as Xuway comes off the ropes and drives a second knee into the arm of Leo. Xuway grabs the left arm of Leo and locks in a Cross Armbreaker. Leo tries to block the move and stop his arm from getting straight, but Xuway uses his right leg to hammer the face of Leo and Xuway manages to lock in the hold properly. The crowd boo heavily at this, then change and start to chant USA. This seems to give Leo a lift as he starts to crawl over towards the ropes and manages to grab the bottom ropes to the loud cheers of the fans. Xuway releases the hold and gets up. Leo gets up holding his left arm. Xuway stalks in for the attack but Leo catches him by surprise with a right hand. This stuns Xuway who turns away and walks off holding his face. Leo takes advantage of this and leaps onto the back of Xuway and locks on the Katah Jimei.

Stanyer: Leo has got to get the big man off his feet, he is in a precarious position.

Dawg: Come on Xuway, fight it.

Stanyer: You are going against your own country.

Dawg: I have Chinese Blood you know, my great grandfather was 1/4 chinese.

Stanyer: You have as much chinese blood in you as you have intelligence.

Dawg: Exactly, and I am the most intelligent commentator in the business today.

Stanyer: So who is the Emperor of China then?

Dawg: Err... Give me a minute.

Xuway is trying to fight the submission hold but drops to one knee. Leo locks his legs around the waist of Xuway to try and get a better grip. But Xuway takes advantage of this and stand back up and drops down on his back driving Leo into the canvas. Xuway then gets up and goes over to the corner where his flag is and starts to climb up the turnbuckle. Leo gets to his feet and sees Xuway on the top turnbuckle trying to get his flag off the pole. Leo immediately runs into the ropes crotching Xuway on the top turnbuckle. Leo goes over and climbs the turnbuckle. Leo locks in a waistlock and looks for a German Suplex, but Xuway battles back and elbows Leo off to the mat. Xuway then stands back up again and then amazingly dives backwards off with a Moonsault, but Leo gets his knees up and Xuway lands gut first on Leo's knees. Xuway immediately rolls off holding his gut and rolls out of the ring.

Stanyer: What a move by Xuway, I've never seen a 400lb guy do a Moonsault in my life, what athleticism.

Dawg: You don't seem to have much faith in us Chinese's wrestling ability. You see that move was not a surprise for me.

Leo gets up and starts to climb up the opposite turnbuckle where his flag is. He stands on the top rope and manages to touch the flag, but he can't quite reach the flag. He just manages to grab the bottom of the pole holding the flag when Xuway gets to the apron and crotches Leo. Xuway gets in the ring and locks the leg of Leo into the turnbuckle and pulls Leo down into the Tree of Woe position. Xuway then walks to the other side of the ring. Xuway charges in and goes for a baseball slide to the face of Leo. But at the last second Leo pulls himself up and Xuway slides through and crotches himself on the turnbuckle post. Leo pulls himself back up to the top rope and again tries to reach for the flag. Leo just manages to get his hands on the flag again when Xuway grabs him by the legs and then lifts Leo off and delivers a stunning release Powerbomb to Leo from the top turnbuckle.

Stanyer: OH MY GOD, that could have killed Leo!!!

Dawg: Now is Xuway's chance. He must get his flag.

Xuway again starts to climb up his turnbuckle to try and reach his flag. Xuway has his hand on the flag as Leo manages to grab him around the waist.

Stanyer: How did Leo get up from that Powerbomb??

Leo manages to hold onto Xuway and deliver a German Suplex from the top rope. But Xuway holds onto the flag as he does it and the momentum of the suplex causes the Flag to be released from it's holder and Xuway crashes down to the canvas holding his flag. The referee calls for the bell, as Leo sees the Chinese flag on the mat and realises what has happened. Leo starts to pound the mat in frustration as the crowd boo heavily and a few start to throw drinks at Xuway.

Xuway d. Leo
12:45 Grabbed Flag

Stanyer: Xuway has beaten Leo, and now we all have to watch as Xuway gets to burn the American Flag live on National Television. This really is a sad moment.

Dawg: I'm not sad, I'm happy, my man has won, and we get to see the flag of my home country raised.

Stanyer: Home Country?? You were born in the USA??

Dawg: Don't be stupid, I was born in Beijing.

Stanyer: Yeah right, I can obviously tell that, you really look like a Chinaman.

Dawg: I'm telling you, my parent just happened to be on holiday in Beijing at the time.

Stanyer: A likely story. Well screw you, you've lived in the USA all your life and you can't even be sorry to see it's flag desecrated on national television. That flag stands for everything that is right in this country, and you cheer for the other guy. You make me sick.

Dawg: Well you can be whatever you want to be. It makes no difference to me.

**In the ring, Xuway Zanchu has recovered and a smile comes across his face. He demands that the American flag be brought down for him. Everybody refuses to drop the flag. Xuway's slaves hold Leo back. Xuway ignore everyone else and climbs up to retrieve the flag on his own.**

Stanyer: Someone stop this, go backstage, something, just get this off camera.

**One of Xuway's loyal slaves hands Xuway a bottle and a lighter. Xuway empties the bottle on the flag. The crowd boo furiously Drinks and bottles are being lobbed at Xuway left right and centre. Xuway laughs as he holds up the flag to Leo's face and then raises it into the air and holds the lighter to the flag.**

Stanyer: Come on, don't do this, please.

Dawg: Watch and learn Jay, this is what these people deserve to see.

**Suddenly the crowd bursts into a massive cheer, Xuway looks surprised at this and delays lighting the flag for a second as he looks around. The camera turns to the apron as we see Blackbird spring onto the top rope and then fly off and catch Xuway in a headlock and roll him around into a swinging EvenFlow DDT.** Stanyer: YES!!! Blackbird has saved us all from this nightmare. Thankfully someone in the back had some sense to stop this disgraceful act.

Dawg: What the hell does he think he is doing? He shouldn't be out here, he has nothing to do with this, get him out of the ring.

**Blackbird fights off Xuway's Slaves and then both him and Leo raise the American flag in the air to a massive ovation from the crowd. The two men then roll out of the ring as Xuway comes in for the attack. Leo and Blackbird then walk backwards up the aisle with the flag raised high above their heads.**

****Big Lou walking down a dark ally way two blocks from the building where the p.w.f. payperview war games will be held. Big Lou notices the poor souls that lean up against the cold buildings and lost children drinking from puddles to survive.****

Big Lou: A day that will never be forgotten or missed is amongst us.... A day when a new hardcore champion will be crowned in the p.w.f. once again. It’s time for a new hardcore champion to step foot in the ring. The men that will sacrifice there lives to become champion, Andy Clegg a man that speaks well but can’t back up his words if his life depended on it! Firestorm basically a men unknown in the p.w.f. in other words a bum and a rotten example of a hardcore wrestler to the p.w.f. then the so called hardcore champion Semen... I mean Demon who needs help by this man in a cloak that will probably come out again to defend the slow giant!

(Big Lou looks down at a child who is washing his face from some water found in a puddle. Big Lou gets down on his knees and extends his arm out in good faith and hands the child a 100 dollar bill.)

Big Lou: This will give you a couple of nights of a warm room and a bed tosleep in.

(Child nods his head towards Big Lou and shows his thanks)

Big Lou: Reminds me of the days when I was living on the streets when I was young until I found my real father after my step father kicked me out of the house when I was about 10yrs old. Gods watching down on me even though I commit serious crimes of evil. I make time to recognize the poor folk around me. I’m a hero outside the ring and a HardGore legend inside the ring!!

****Big Lou looks at the boy with the 100 dollar bill walking further into the darkness and then slowly fades away in the fog of night.****

*** The arena is packed and the crowd is still buzzing from the Previous match that had taken place. Suddenly the Angel Theme by Darling Violetta hits and Andy Clegg appears on the ramp, quite a lot of the crowd cheer at the site of clegg. He makes his way to the ring and grabs a mic. ***

Clegg: Not long to go and i will be involved in the Hardcore title match against that Chump-ion Demon, Firestorm and Big Lou. Now as i said before i'm not concerned with Firestorm and Lou it's Demon that i want. He and his little hooded friend are a thorn in my side. The fact that Demon can't win a match without the help of his friend is shocking. I think maybe we ought to give the title to him. Demon doesn't deserve the Title. Now i know my track record has been really poor up until last Havok, But tonight will be my night. I am not leaving here till that belt is round my waist. Now as for Firestorm and Lou i realise you guys are in this match too and i just know one of you will try and cheap shot me to get me out of the way, but damn it i a'int gonna be that easy. I will make sure you two don't win either. And as far as 'the Hood' as i will refer to him from now on, is concerned he better stay out of this match cause if he doesn't he will suffer a severe injury at the hand's of the New Hardcore Champion Andy Clegg.

*** Clegg drops the mic and jumps out of the ring amid a large cheer from the crowd. ***

Stanyer: Well it's time for our Hardcore Title Match now.

Andy Clegg v Big Lou v Fire Storm v DeMoN

Natural Born Killaz blast on the stereos throughout the arena then you see on the titantron "N.B.K. ALL THE WAY!" in red blood type letters. Big Lou makes his way to the ramp. Big Lou then raises his Louie ville slugger in the air and slowly raises his head up and all of a sudden red flames from the right and green flames on the left side shoot up in the air. Big Lou then enters the ring and goe over the top rope, Big Lou climbs up the turnbuckle with the Louie ville slugger high in the air.

James:The following Hardcore Match is scheduled for one fall and is for the PWF Hardcore Championship, Introducing the challengers, first from Las Vegas, Nevada, weighing 270lbs, Big Lou. *Crowd Boos*

**Fire Storms music hits as the lights go out. The words "Fear for he is here" flash on the screen. Pyros start fling from the rafters as Fire Storm comes out walking with an evil grin on his face. He stands there for a while as the arena starts to get hotter and hotter. As smoke rises up around him he disappears. The crowd looks in amaze. All of the sudden a huge explosion around the ring, lights up the arena. He then is somehow standing in the middle of the ring.**

James: And Introducing the third challenger from East Los Angeles, California, weighing 283lbs, Firestorm. *Crowd Cheers*

**"Leave you far behind" by Lunatic Calm hits and the lights darken, pyros blast off at the ramp and a man in a dark cloak is standing in the entrance way, he is holding a long scythe, he raises his hands as if he is drawing on a dark power, then slams his hands down, the lights slam back on and the man throws down his cloak to reveal it is Demon, he walks down to the ring slowly and then climbs in over the top rope.

James: And finally, from Death Valley, California, weighing 494lbs, The PWF Hardcore Champion, "The Devil" Demon.*Crowd Boos loudly*

Report: Big Lou immediately goes for DeMoN and connects with a succession of right hands. These don't affect DeMoN much until Andy Clegg joins Big Lou and they both start to hit DeMoN with big right hands and slowly they force DeMoN into the turnbuckle where the two of them start to stomp away at DeMoN. Meanwhile Fire Storm rolls out of the ring and pulls out some weapons from underneath the ring. Fire Storm tosses a few trashcan lids into the ring, then a Kendo Stick and then tosses a couple of Steel Chairs into the ring as well. Fire Storm rolls into the ring and picks up one of the steel chairs. He then slams the chair into the back of Andy Clegg and then into Big Lou. Fire Storm then slams the chair into the head of DeMoN as he lies on the turnbuckle. Fire Storm turns around and walks into a gut shot with a baseball bat from Big Lou. Andy Clegg then takes out Big Lou with a shot to the head from a Kendo Stick. Clegg then drops the Kendo Stick and delivers a DDT to Fire Storm on a steel chair. Clegg covers Fire Storm 1.................2.................The cover is broken up by DeMoN who lifts Clegg off Fire Storm by the neck with one hand. DeMoN then tosses Clegg across the ring with ease.

Stanyer: What power from DeMoN. He threw Andy Clegg like he was a rag doll.

DeMoN then gets hit across the back by Fire Storm with a chair. Big Lou then drives a baseball bat into the gut of DeMoN. The two then deliver repeated shots to the gut and back of DeMoN trying to get him off his feet. Then Andy Clegg tells them to move and he delivers a Hurricanranna to DeMoN and holds on for a pin. Both Fire Storm and Big Lou jump on top and hold DeMoN down. 1....................2......................3!!!!!

Stanyer: No help for DeMoN today, all three men have joined forces to eliminate the champion, now we know there is definitely going to be a new champion crowned here tonight.

All three men stand in the ring and look at one another. Big Lou motions to Clegg and points to Fire Storm. Clegg nods and the two close in on Fire Storm, Big Lou then double crosses Andy Clegg and takes him down with a clothesline. Fire Storm and Big Lou then stomp away at Clegg. Big Lou picks up a chair and drives it into the gut of Andy Clegg. Fire Storm stands over Clegg and places a Trashcan lid in front of Cleggs face. Big Lou then drives a baseball bat into the trashcan driving it into Andy Clegg's face.

Dawg: Ouch, that has to be a broken nose for Andy Clegg.

Big Lou tells Fire Storm to do it again. Fire Storm holds the trashcan lid in place, but this time Lou drives the Baseball Bat into the forehead of Fire Storm. Big Lou then quickly covers. Fire Storm 1.................2..............Fire Storm kicks out. Big Lou then sets up one of the chairs and positions it near the turnbuckle. Big Lou then grabs Andy Clegg and takes him towards the turnbuckle. Big Lou grabs Clegg in a front facelock and sits himself on the turnbuckle and then rolls around and drives the head of Clegg into the chair with a Tornado DDT. Big Lou gets to his feet and walks straight into a Chair Shot from Fire Storm. Fire Storm then drive the chair into the gut of Big Lou and then drops the chair in front of him. He then puts Big Lou inbetween his legs and picks him up and drives Big Lou into the chair with a Piledriver. Fire Storm then covers. 1.................2......................3.

Stanyer: That Piledriver on the chair was just enough to put Big Lou out of this match, now it is down to Andy Clegg and Fire Storm.

Andy Clegg gets up to all fours and then takes a shot across the back with a chair from Fire Storm. Fire Storm then does a throat cut taunt and picks up Clegg. He locks Clegg into position for the Prominence(Small Package DDT). But Clegg suddenly fights back and elbows Fire Storm off him. Fire Storm staggers off and then comes back at Clegg who scoops him up across his shoulders. Clegg then carries Fire Storm part way across the ring and then delivers the Cranium Correction(Rikishi Driver) onto a steel chair. Andy Clegg rolls on top of Fire Storm for the cover. 1.......................2.......................3!!!!!!!

Andy Clegg d. Fire Storm, Big Lou & DeMoN
10:16 Pinfall

James:And the winner of the match, and NEW PWF HARDCORE CHAMPION, ANDY CLEGG!!!!!

Stanyer: Yesterday Andy Clegg won his first match here in the PWF, today he has pulled off a major upset and is the new PWF Hardcore Champion.

Dawg: What is wrong with Andy Clegg, he is supposed to be a jobber.

Stanyer: Well he will job no more, he is now a champion.

**Travis is sitting in his locker room, just kicking back and relaxing before his match with Havok. As he sits there sipping on an orange soda he notices Havok on the monitor and leans forward turning up the volume. The Future pays close attention and chuckles a bit as Havok finishes and leaves for his locker toom**

Travis: Hahaha, man Havok I must say you are such a little bitch. (Travis in a squeaking voice) "Well all Havok wants to say is good luck to everyone, except the GWO, cause your mean." Seriously, why is it that your always crying over the GWO kicking your ass. Cause I dont want to hear anymore or your shit once this match is over. If I kick your...Wait Wait, When I kick your ass tonight, there will be no more crying.

**MVD walks into the GWO locker room with his wrestling bag. He walks over to his locker, still in his street clothes and sits down facing Travis**

Travis: O yea, and about that whole winner is the number #1 contender for the U.S. belt thing. What the hell were you thinking man. Thats just a lose, lose, situation. First you have to beat me. And theirs just no way in hell I see that happening. Id be suprised if your dumbass could find your way out of a paper bag, let alone a cage. But, If by some great miracle, like maybe me throwing you so hard into the cage it breaks, and you happen to get that shot at the U.S. title. Well than your gonna have to fight MVD over there. Cause he's taking Rye's title.

**Travis pauses for a bit, and thinks ahead to the possibility of himself facing MVD**

Travis: Hey, Matt, whats gonna happen if I win my match tonight and you win your match. Cause then were gonna have to face eachother at Havoc.

MVD: Well, I dont know what to tell ya. Lets just get through tonight and when its all said and done, we'll see what were left with.

Travis: Alright, well Havok I'll see you in the cage!!

**The camera fades off as "The Future" and MVD talk about what lies ahead**

**The PWF arena goes black and the crowd silences while words flash across the VideoTron: "THE.. REAL.. BOSTON.. MASSACRE!!" A single silver flare streaks down from the rafters on target with the stage, and it is answered by a row of blue explosions, as "Cowboys From Hell" by Prodigy blares over the speakers and the crowd roars in approval. A man in black and blue thigh length tights appears from through the curtain, and makes his way to the end of the stage, where he stops to taunt the crowd, and then proceeds to the ring with a microphone in hand.**

Dawg: "Tonight is the night for Homicide to prove himself."

Stanyer: "In just a few moments he will be facing Devastator for a shot at the PWF European Title, and I don't think anything will stop him from winning it."

Dawg: "I'm not so sure.."

Homicide: "You love me.. You hate me.. You'll NEVER forget me!! Devastator, get ready to *crowd chants with him* FEEL the PAIN!!" *crowd roars*

Stanyer: "This pay per view audience sure loves Homicide."

Homicide: "Tonight, Devastator, you will be another one of the many victims who stood in my path to gold. Demon fell to the Boston Massacre. Xuway got bathed in his own blood. Unfortunately for you, your luck will be no greater."

Dawg: "I wouldn't be so cocky. Devastator didn't get the European title handed to him, he fought for it."

Stanyer: "Yeah, but Homicide's already taken down a PWF great, Demon, and a 7'3" monster, Xuway, to name a few. Those are two big accomplishments in his young career here in the PWF."

Dawg: "Still not convinced.."

Stanyer: "Whatever, I think tonight is Homicide's night."

Homicide: "You see, Devastator.. There may be a reason that you are the European Champion, but there is also a reason why I am called the REAL Boston Massacre, and tonight you will EXPERIENCE why. I could go on-and-on about how I am gonna’ beat you or injure you, but I will just let my fighting do my talking and guarantee you three things. You will BLEED.. You will LOSE.. and more importantly.. You will be MASSACRED!!"

Stanyer: It's true. It’s true."

Dawg: "We'll see.."

"Cowboys From Hell" by Prodigy blares over the speakers as Homicide drops the microphone and waits for Devastator to enter as the crowd is chanting "Homicide, Homicide, Homicide.."

Homicide v Devastator

**"The Fight Song" by Marilyn Manson hits as Devastator walks out onto the rampway. He raises both arms in the air with clenched fists. He then walks down to the ring, he climbs in over the top rope. He walks to the far turnbuckle and climbs to the second rope before raising two clenched fists again.**

James: And his opponent, from Brooklyn, New York, weighing 350lbs, the PWF European Champion, Devastator

Report: The two men circle each other, Homicide goes to grab Devastator but he moves out of the way. Devastator then connects with a right hand which sends Homicide reeling. Devastator backs it up with a second right hand. which sends Homicide into the turnbuckle. Devastator whips Homicide to the opposite turnbuckle and then charges in and hits a big clothesline. Homicide staggers out of the corner and Devastator lifts him up on his shoulders and hits a DVD. Devastator covers.

Stanyer: Devastator trying to win this one quickly. 1...............2......................Homicide just gets his left shoulder up. So far Homicide hasn't got into this match.

Devastator picks up Homicide and whips him to the ropes. Devastator looks for a clothesline but Homicide ducks it. Homicide spins around and kicks Devastator in the gut and hits a DDT. Homicide stays down for a few seconds to catch his breath then gets back to his feet. He picks up Devastator, but he gets in a couple of body shots as he is picked up. Devastator whips Homicide towards the ropes, but Homicide reverses. and then drags back Devastator for a short arm clothesline. Homicide then mounts Devastator and delivers repeated punches to the face of Devastator before Devastator pushes him off him.

Stanyer: Homicide getting into this match now.

Dawg: But he can't keep Devastator down for long enough.

Devastator gets to his feet and walks into a couple of big right hands from Homicide. Homicide grabs Devastator in a front facelock and looks for a suplex. But Devastator won't be lifted. Devastator reverses the suplex, but Homicide counters by dropping behind Devastator and locking him in a Reverse DDT position. Homicide tries to lift Devastator for the Boston Massacre, but Devastator won't be lifted. Homicide then holds onto Devastator and runs up the turnbuckle and then flies off and drives Devastator into the canvas with the modified Boston Massacre(Reverse DDT Drop). Homicide hooks a leg. 1....................2.......................3!!!

Homicide d. Devastator
6:34 Pinfall

Stanyer: What an upset!!! Homicide just won the European Title. I didn't think that move would be enough, but somehow it was.

Dawg: That came as a total surprise, I was expecting a much longer match. But Homicide pulled off the win in lightning quick time.

**The PWF-Tron lights up and shows the men that were saw earlier running into the radiostation. The bald guy leads them into a small room that has a glass wall splitting the room into two. There are two microphones on each side of the glass wall that hang down from the top of the small room. One side of the room has some computers and speakers while the other one just has a few chairs. The bald man sits on the side of where the computers are and the camera man and the passenger that got out of the taxi sit on the empty side of the room. The bald guy then flicks a few switches ad puts some head phones on and holds the mic to his mouth. Some letters then light up that read "On Air"**

Radio Operater: "Here we are, 6:32pm on a Sunday afternoon, with the sun shining and the blue sky making you fall into a daze. But thats not important at this present time. Today we are met with one of the top superstars in the well known federation of... PWF, he has come here today to talk about his upcoming wrestling match which will take place at War Games. So Rye.... how do you feel about your upcoming match against MVD in a two in one ladder match?"

Rye: "I feel nothing but confidence, confidence is the key. If you have no confidence you have no chance of coming out of a match with a victory. How do you think i got these two titles? By Confidence."

Radio Operater: "Confidence is the Key.... Well you seem pretty confident.... Are you?"

Rye: "Of course i'm confident, if i wasn't confident then i don't think i would have the strengh to even turn up here on this very day. I have prepared for my match tonight, and i'm not prepared to walk out there with just one of my belts!"

Radio Operater: "MVD also has confidence, he has the whole of gWo to back him up, which brings me onto my next point.... What made you decide to take the trip down gWo lane? Why did you pick MVD to feud with? He is possibly one of the most powerfull men in the PWF at this present time."

Rye: "MVD is only confident when he has gWo by his side, it's like bullys, on there own they are weak and nothing, but with there friends they are tough and scary and i chose to take the road that would lead me straight to gWo because i knew that they were nothing inside, they act rough on the outside, but on the inside they need each others support."

Radio Operater: "Well we have a few callers on the line now.... The first one is Linder from New York City... Okay Linder what do you have to say to Rye Hazwaki."

Linder: "Rye you best go out there and kick some MVD ass, you will come out there with that best still wraped around your waist."

Radio Operater: "Got to cut you off there Linder and go straight to Bruce from Florida."

Bruce: "Rye i've seen both you and MVD fight and it will be a exciting match up, two good wrestlers in a huge match-up. Good Luck."

Radio Operater: "Some of your fans there Rye, but we must leave it at that, nice talking with you and thankyou for coming."

**Just as he speaks those last words the light saying "On Air" shuts off. The bald man then walks up to Rye... shakes his hand and then shows him and the camera man the exit.**

Stanyer: Well after that interesting video we now have our match between Havok & Travis Right, which has been made a #1 contenders match for the US title. The 16 foot high steel cage is coming down now, this is going to be a great match.

Steel Cage Match
Havok v Travis Right

"Bad Influence" by Eminem plays as Havok walks in front of the UltraTron and does his taunt, he then walks through the crowd. He really loves the crowd and will never forget where he came from. His Ultra-Tron video shows him skating and then his finisher.

James:The following match is a Steel Cage Match and is for the #1 contendership to the US Title, To win you must go over the top of the cage and both feet must touch the floor. Introducing the competitors, first from Tucson, Arizona, weighing 267lbs. Havok. *Crowd Cheers*

**As "Walk with your head up" by Deftones & System of Down hits" hits and you hear "Get up Stand up, I got my head up" Travis comes walking out onto the ramp and arrogantly waves for the fans to boo all they want. Firecrackers pop off all around the Titantron as the Future makes his way to the ring. As he reaches the front of the ring, Travis slides under the bottom rope and slowly walks to the center of the ring. He crosses his arms and nods his head as the pyros explode behind him.**

James: And his opponent from Miami, Florida, weighing 283lbs, "The Future" Travis Right.*Crowd Boos*

Report: The two men circle each other, tentatively tempting each other to go for the tie up. Eventually they do tie up and they fight to gain the advantage in the tie up. Travis manages to get the advantage and takes Havok into a Headlock, Havok pushes Travis towards the ropes and then pushes him off him into the opposite side. Havok goes for a clothesline, but Travis ducks it and carries on into the ropes again. Havok goes for a Super Kick, but Travis ducks under it and then grabs Havok in a waistlock. Travis goes for a German Suplex, but Havok counters with a victory roll. Havok releases the pin immediately. Travis goes for a tie-up again but Havok flips him over with an Arm Drag. Travis rolls through and up to his feet. Travis goes in again angrily and again gets flipped over with an Arm Drag, this time Havok holds on and wrenches the arm back. Travis gets to his feet in the arm wrench and then Travis reverses the arm wrench and then goes for a hook kick, but Havok ducks the hook kick and then chops Travis in the chest bringing a big wooo!! from the crowd. Havok chops again sending Travis into the corner. Havok whips Travis into the opposite corner and then follows in with a superb Jumping Body Splash.

Stanyer: These two trying to out wrestle each other in the early goings.

Dawg: The cage hasn't come into play at all yet.

Havok backs off from Travis again and signals to the crowd that he is going for a second splash. Havok runs in but Travis ducks down and launches Havok face first into the cage. Havok goes down holding his face. He gets back up and Travis grabs him by the head and rams his head into the cage wall.Havok staggers off and staggers about. Travis charges in with a running knee to the gut which sends Havok down to all fours. Travis then puts Havok's head between his legs and delivers a Pulling Piledriver.

Stanyer: Viscious Piledriver by Travis Right, will that be enough to let him escape the cage though?

Travis goes over to the turnbuckle and climbs to the top. He then starts to make his way up the cage. Havok has slowly made his way to his feet and come across to try and stop him. Travis gets in a couple of kicks to the face of Havok to stop him for a second. Travis climbs a little higher and Havok siezes his chance. Havok springs up to the top rope and then grabs Travis at the waist and then takes him off the cage and drives him down to the mat with an awesome Powerbomb.

Stanyer: Oh My God!!! Havok could have broken the neck of Travis Right.

Dawg: That was reasonably impressive.

Havok slowly gets back to his feet. Havok starts to climb the cage. As he starts to get near the top, Travis has got up and is climbing up to Havok. Travis manages to grab the leg of Havok as he gets to the top of the cage. Havok kicks Travis a couple of times in the head and Travis drops to the canvas. Havok climbs to the top of the cage. Havok looks down, then shows his balance by standing up on top of the cage. Havok looks down towards the floor, then he turns around and looks back down at Travis. Havok then launches himself into an amazing 450 Splash from the top of the cage, but Havok finds nothing but Canvas as Travis rolls out of the way.

Stanyer: OH MY !!! Havok could be dead!!! That was totally insane.

Dawg: That is why they are called High Rish Moves, cause if you miss them, it hurts like hell.

Travis gets back up and mounts Havok and pounds his face with right hands. Travis then lifts Havok to his feet and then grabs him in a waistlock and delivers a German Suplex. Travis bounces off the ropes and then drops an elbow into the heart of Havok. Travis picks up a dazed Havok and whips him into the ropes. Travis then delivers a Powerslam. Travis picks up Havok again and whips him into the turnbuckle Travis then lifts Havok up onto the top turnbuckle. Travis then climbs up and looks for a Superplex. but Havok blocks it and then delivers a couple of gut punches knocking Travis to the canvas. Havok then flies off and delivers a Guillotine Leg Drop to the throat of Travis Right.

Stanyer: Havok has to capitalise on this chance he has now.

Dawg: Please, Travis is gWo, he is not going to let this one slip.

Havok and Travis get to their feet at the same time Havok connects with a couple of right hands, then whips Travis to the ropes, Travis reverses it and looks for a back body drop, but Havok rolls over his back. Havok then ducks and waits for Travis to turn around before connecting with the Devastation Kick(Sweet Chin Music). Havok takes a moment to catch his breath, and then starts to climb the cage.

Stanyer: This is it, All Havok has to do is go over the top and touch the floor and it's over.

Dawg: Travis is getting up though, this ain't over yet.

Havok does not see Travis getting up. Travis starts to climb the cage after Havok. Havok is half way over the top, when Travis catches him up and gets in a few blows to the gut, Havok drops to a sitting position in the corner of the top of the cage. Travis looks down at the floor and then looks at Havok. Travis then grabs Havok around the head and neck.

Stanyer: He wouldn't, not from there, no way. OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!! The Near Future(Super Tazzplex) from the top of the Cage!!!!!!!!!!! OH MY GOD!!! It's over, someone stop this, get some help in there now.

Dawg: That is why Travis Right is gWo.

Stanyer: This is ungodly, both men could have serious injury.

Dawg: Travis is getting up. This is his chance.

Travis starts to climb the cage. Havok has not moved since landing. Travis slowly makes his way over the top of the cage. Travis drops the last 10 feet to the floor and then collapses in a heap from exhaustion.

Travis d. Havok
17:46 Escaped Cage

Stanyer: Well Travis is the new #1 contender to the US title, get this cage up now so some EMT's can see to Havok.

Dawg: The gWo gets stronger every day. Hey if MVD wins the US title tonight, then he will have to face Travis. Wonder what would happen.

Stanyer: Don't you even care about Havok? The man is injured for god's sake.

Dawg: Please, he knew what he was getting into, he should have known what to expect and been prepared, obviously he wasn't.

Stanyer: You are sick, totally sick.

**The lights go down on a cheering crowd in the midst of a sold out PWF Pay-per-view... WAR GAMES... suddenly, flashes of red light extend through the arena and the fans begin to boo, knowing what's next... As "Machinehead" hits, Kevin Cage walks out wearing his wrestling tights and his new "Kevin Cage Hockey Jersey"... he is wearing a black PWF cap backwards and black Oakley shades... he rubs his hands across his unshaven face as he steps between the ropes and into the middle of the ring. The fans are already beginning their lewd chants of animosity as he picks up a mic to speak...**

Kevin Cage: "Well, well, well... the night we've all been waiting for has finally arrived. It is time for the 'War Games' so to speak to begin, and I've gotta tell ya... my opponent, Silas Parish has yet to be seen... Maybe..."

**Fans interrupt Cage with their chants of "Pitbull... Pitbull"**

Kevin Cage: "(louder)... M A Y B E, he's hiding back in his locker room, knowing that he's about to get taken apart by this wrestling machine... or maybe he has decided not to even show his face. Either way, tonight that #1 contendership is going to be mine. I WILL BE the last man standing. So, for all the little kids sitting down front in your Kevin Cage hockey jerseys... I won't let you down. I will be your hero yet again for another night. For all you fat, lazy, smelly people in the crowd. I won't let you down. And you can go home to dream about being like me. Because I am your hero! And hey... at least you can dream, because you know you will never... EVER, be as cool as Kevin Cage!"

**Crowd begins chanting "loooser" "loooser"!**

Kevin Cage: "And Pitbull, you can join the ranks of all the people here in this arena... you will NEVER be as cool as me either... but I just hope that you have the guts to show your face here tonight, so that I can stomp it with my boots as I put you down once and for all, and take one more step to capturing the gold that is rightfully mine! Thank you, and GOODNIGHT!"

** Cage drops the microphone and takes a bow, the crowd begins to boo him furiously... then...**

**As Cage drops the microphone and takes a bow, the crowd begins to boo him furiously... then the TitanTron flashes and shows a familar sight. A rabid pitbull dog strains against the chain that is keeping it restrained in the video. The crowd roars with cheers and applause, nearly drowning out "Come Out and Play" by The Offspring. Suddenly, in the video, the pitbull breaks free and lunges. The scene changes in a split second to show an image of Kevin Cage getting bitten in the ass by the dog. The crowd roars again, and Silas "The Pitbull" Parish walks through the entryway. He stands motionless for a few seconds and glares down at Cage, then pulling a microphone out of his back pocket he waits for the crowd to quiet some before speaking.**

Pitbull - "Cage, I think I speak for everyone here tonight when I tell you to put a sock in it! I cannot believe even you'd come out here, in front of all these PWF fans, and spew out such obvious garbage about how everyone wants to be like you. Who in their right minds would ever want to be like you? I mean, everyone here tonight already is far superior compared to you Kev. If you were smart, you wouldn't even want to be like you. Grab a clue buddy."

**Silas takes a moment to crack his neck, the whole time not taking his eyes off of Cage's for even a split second. Slowly he walks about halfway down the ramp before pausing again.**

Pitbull - "Now you can stand in the ring and make up lies like I'm hiding in the back, scared to show my face. Or that I didn't even show up tonight. But these fans here know me better than that. They know that I wouldn't miss this match tonight for the world. There isn't anything on this planet that can stop me from climbing through those ropes later tonight and showing you just how talentless you really are. My only concern about the match tonight, is that it may end way to soon. I'm scared that I'm gonna knock you out so fast, that they'll have to show the whole match again in slow motion so that no one will feel cheated. You are right about one thing though Kev. I will never be as cool as you, no one will, because you'd have to deep freeze yourself to even come close to being the least bit cool. I'll see you... later."

**"Come Out and Play" by The Offspring begins to play once more as Silas smiles and backs up the ramp. The crowd begins to cheer once more and chant "Pitbull, Pitbull, Pitbull" over and over again, to Cage's disgust.**

Stanyer: These two will settle their fued later tonight in a Last Man Standing Match.

Dawg: That one is another match I have been looking forward to.

Stanyer: But now it is time for our Tag Team Title Match between the Gods of War and The Pellington Brothers.

The Pellington Bros v Gods of War

**The lights flash multi colours and “Creeping Death” by Metallica plays. Michael and David both come out to cheers from the crowd and both pose by raising their arms to the crowd. They then run to the ring and slide under the ropes. They climb opposite turnbuckles and raise their arms and the crowd cheer once again.**

James: The following match is scheduled for one fall and is for the PWF World Tag Team Championship, Introducing the challengers from Chicago, Illnois, at a combined weight of 457 lbs, Michael and David, the Pellington Brothers.

**Fire Erupts from the stage and continues to burn as "Wherever I may Roam" By Metallica hits Threw the fire walks Maximus and Kull. They look to the crowd and the crowd explodes. They March to the ring and Kull climbs the turnbuckle and raises his sword.**

James: And their opponents at a combined weight of 513lbs, The PWF World Tag Team Champions, Alexander and Kull, The Gods of War*Crowd Cheers*

Report: Kull and Mike start the match out. The two tag hands as a show of respect as the match gets under way. They tie up, Mike takes Kull into a hammerlock, Kull reverses it into a top wristlock, Mike reverses it into an arm wrench, Kull rolls through the arm wrench and turns it into an arm wrench of his own. Kull pulls Mike towards him and tries a short arm clothesline but Mike ducks it and runs onto the ropes, Mike comes off and Kull whips him over with an Arm Drag and holds on. Mike brings himself to his feet and tries a hook kick, but Kull ducks it and sweeps Mike down. Kull releases the arm wrench and bounces off the ropes, Mike ducks under and then stands up, Kull Leapfrogs over Mike. Kull bounces off the ropes and takes Mike down with a spinning wheel kick. Mike rolls over to his corner and tags in David. Kull walks to his corner and tags in Alexander.

Stanyer: Impressive athleticism in the early goings by Mike and Kull. Can Alexander and David keep up the pace?

Alexander and David circle each other then tie up. Alexander uses his strength to push David into a neutral corner. Alexander then whips David to the opposite turnbuckle. Alexander follows him in, but David slingshots over Alexander. Alexander spins around and David chops him across the chest. David delivers another two chops then pulls Alexander out and then whips him to the ropes. Alexander reverses and then as David comes off flips him over with a headlock takedown and clamps the hold down. David rises to his feet and elbows Alexander in the gut a couple of times forcing him to release the hold. David then runs into the ropes and takes Alexander down with a Running Front Neckbreaker. David rolls over and tag in Mike. Mike springs to the top rope. As Alexander turns around to find his opponent, Mike flies off and takes Alexander down with a Cross Body. Mike follows through into a cover. 1...................2....................Alexander kicks out.

Stanyer: These 4 are keeping up an incredible pace, they won't be able to fight for much longer if they keep up this pace.

Dawg: Someone will have to slow down the pace. My eyes are going blurry.

Alexander and Mike roll up to their feet. Mike whips Alexander to the ropes, but Alexander reverses, but Mike hits the ropes and then takes down Alexander with a rolling wheel kick. Mike then picks up Alexander and tags in David. David positions himself on the apron as Mike delivers a Reverse DDT. As Mike exits the ring, David slingshots himself over the top rope driving his body into the chest of Alexander. David covers. 1.....................2...................Alexander kicks out.

Stanyer: There is no let up in pace at all, but the Pellingtons have singled out Alexander and have a clear advantage.

David picks up Alexander and whips him into the turnbuckle. David walks to the opposite turnbuckle and then starts a run up and begins a tumbling body press. But as he comes out of the flip Alexander explodes out the corner and spears David hard. Alexander stays down and starts to crawl to his corner. David starts to crawl to his corner holding his gut. David makes the tag, and a second later Alexander makes a tag. Kull springs to the top rope and takes down Mike with a springboard dropkick. Kull bounces off the ropes and takes Mike down with a Face Crusher as he gets to his feet. Kull runs and springs off the ropes with a Moonsault and pins Mike. 1.....................2.....................David comes in and makes the save. Alexander has recovered enough to attack David and toss him out of the ring as Kull springs to the top rope. Mike staggers to his feet and Kull flips off and hits a Dragonrana Pin on Mike. 1....................2.........................3!!!!

Gods of War d. Pellingtons
11:56 Pinfall

Stanyer: The Gods of War retain the Tag Titles in an entertaining matchup.

Dawg: But now it is time to see who will be the Last Man Standing.

**Footage rolls from before House of Pain which shows Cage and Pitbull brawling in the aisle, then it shows Pitbull hitting the K'9er on Cage at House of Pain, then it shows some of Cage and Pitbull's Promo's before tonight, then it shows clips from their table match last night finishing with Pitbull looking up at Kevin Cage walking down the aisle with his arm held in the air.**

Last Man Standing Match
Kevin Cage v Silas "Pitbull" Parish

The lights fade in Madison Square Gardens, the fans begin to cheer. Red-lights begin to flash across the ceiling of the arena as "Machinehead" begins to blast through the speakers. You see action shots of Cage on the titan-tron, as Cage begins to walk out onto the arena floor, cut like Chris Beniot, wearing Black tights with Red slashes across the thighs. He wears black boots and a sleeveless t-shirt that reads "You will belong to me..." written in blood red. He taunts the crowd and rubs his unshaven face as he steps into the ring and holds up his arms to a chorus of boo's from the crowd.

James: The following Match is a Last Man Standing Match for the #1 contendership to the European Title. Introducing the competitors, first from Chicago, Illnois, weighing 225lbs, Kevin Cage.*Crowd boos*

"Come out and Play" by The Offspring begins to play increasingly loud through the arena speakers, heralding the arrival of "Pitbull" Silas Parish. Several scenes of a pitbull on a chain, barking and straining to get loose, play on the TitanTron as the words SILAS PARISH slowly appear at the bottom of the screen and PITBULL appears at the top. Suddenly, a series of pyrotechnic explosions erupt down the right side of the ramp and back up the left side as Silas steps through the backstage curtain and into view. He pauses at the top of the ramp, his eyes locked on his opponent in the ring. He cracks his knuckles and makes sure the tape around his hands is tight, his gaze still locked on the ring. Then he begins to stalk forward. About halfway down the ramp he breaks into a run and slides into the ring under the bottom rope, quickly getting to his feet well before the bell rings.

James: And his opponent from Vancouver, Canada, weighing 159lbs, Silas,"The Pitbull" Parish.*Crowd Cheers*

Report: The two men circle each other, both men are really up for this match. They tie up, Kevin Cage pushes Pitbull back into a corner, but Pitbull fights back with a couple of well placed knees to the gut of Cage forcing him to release his grip. Pitbull then delivers a couple of straight rights to Cage putting his full weight behind them. Cage comes back and delivers a couple of big knife edge chops to the chest of Pitbull. Cage then whips Pitbull to the ropes, Pitbull slides underneath Cage's legs. Pitbull tries to German Suplex Cage, but Cage stands his ground and elbows Pitbull off him. Cage goes for a clothesline but Pitbull ducks and Back Body Drops Cage up and over the top rope, but Cage manages to grab the top rope with two hands as Pitbull Back Body Drops him and Cage lands on the apron and ducks down to shoulder charge Pitbull in the gut and then slings himself up and delivers a two footed dropkick through the ropes to the face of Pitbull.

Stanyer: Lovely skills from both men.

Pitbull is sent staggering backwards as Cage climbs back in the ring. Cage waits for Pitbull to turn around before hitting a hard knife edge chop to the chest of Pitbull. Cage then whips Pitbull to the ropes. Cage waits for Pitbull to get close to him then sidesteps him and helps him to go over the top rope to the floor. Cage rolls out of the ring. Cage picks up Pitbull and rams his head into the barricade. Then Cage whips Pitbull into the steel steps. Cage stands over Pitbull and hangs onto the bottom rope as he delivers a few stomps to the chest of Pitbull. Cage picks up Pitbull and delivers a Snap Suplex on the floor. Cage then paces around his opponent.

Dawg: It's all looking good for Kevin Cage.

Cage picks up Silas Parish and rolls him back into the ring. Cage rolls in alongside him. Cage picks up Pitbull, who gets in a couple of headbutts to the gut of Cage, and then pushes Cage into the ropes, Pitbull goes for a clothesline, but Cage ducks it spins around and kicks Pitbull in the gut and delivers a DDT, Cage hangs on and drags Pitbull up for a second DDT. Cage hangs on again and brings Pitbull up for a 3rd DDT, but Pitbull counters with a couple of rabbit punches, but Cage delivers a forearm to the back of Pitbull and then delivers the 3rd DDT. Cage backs off and tells the referee to start counting. 1......................2.....................3...........................4..................Pitbull starts to move.................5................6..............Pitbull is up to one knee..............7.............Pitbull is nearly up and Cage pushes the referee out of the way and delivers a knife edge chop to Pitbull as he stands up. Cage whips Pitbull to the ropes, but Pitbull reverses and then follows Cage into the ropes and then grabs Cage and hits the Running Pit-Bulldog. Cage gets to his feet holding his head. Pitbull kicks Cage in the gut and delivers a Double Arm DDT. Pitbull climbs to the top rope and then flies off with a flying knee drop to the gut of Kevin Cage.

Stanyer: This crowd are getting into a frenzy as Pitbull makes a comeback.

Cage staggers to his feet and Pitbull whips him into the turnbuckle. Pitbull then runs up Cage and goes for the K-9'er(Diamond Dust) but Cage reads it and pushes Pitbull off him to the floor. Cage then takes Pitbull down with a hard left arm clothesline as Pitbull stands up. Cage then rolls out of the ring and pushes one of the ring crew off their seat so he can pick up the chair that they were sitting on. Cage slides the chair into the ring and climbs in himself. Cage walks over to Pitbull who is almost standing, Cage grabs him in a headlock, he holds his fist up to the crowd who boo furiously, then Cage drives an uppercut into the face of Pitbull. Cage then positions the chair in the ring and then picks up Pitbull and then kicks him in the gut and delivers the Cage-Factor(Facebuster) onto the steel chair. Cage isn't done though and picks up Pitbull and locks him in a German Suplex, he delivers the German Suplex and holds on, Cage delivers a second German Suplex and again holds on. On the third suplex Pitbull counters with two elbows to the face then hits a Stunner out of nowhere which sends Cage sprawling and rolling out of the ring.

Dawg: Dammit, how the hell did he get out of that move.

Pitbull picks up the chair and climbs to the top rope. As Cage gets to his feet. Pitbull dives off the top rope and drives the chair into the face of Kevin Cage. Pitbull walks off and holds the chair up in the air to the cheers of the crowd. Pitbull waits for Cage to get back to his feet then knocks him down again with a running chair shot. Pitbull tosses the chair away and then starts to tear up the announcers table.

Dawg: Hey, come on, that's my monitor, I need that.

Stanyer: It looks like Pitbull has plans for our table.

Pitbull rolls Kevin Cage onto the table. Pitbull climbs on top of Cage and delivers repeated right hands to the face of Cage. Then Pitbull rolls off and climbs to the apron, then Pitbull climbs to the top rope. Pitbull then flies off and looks for a Shooting Star Press, but Cage rolls off the table to the floor and Pitbull crashes chest first through the table.

Stanyer: OH MY GOD!!! Pitbull just crashed from the top rope through our announcers table. Pitbull is out, there is no way back from this.

The referee begins the ten count, both men are down. 1......................2.....................3......................4...................5............Cage starts to get to his feet..................6...............7......Pitbull starts to move off the table, Cage is up to all fours...............8..............Pitbull is trying to get to his feet.............9..........Cage is on one knee..................Cage stands up just as the referee counts 10. Pitbull stands up a moment later, but is too late. Cage immediately clotheslines down Pitbull as the bell rings.

Cage d. Pitbull

Stanyer: Kevin Cage just wins this Last Man Standing Match, and will get his shot at the European Title, but you have to give Pitbull credit, he put up a fantastic fight.

Dawg: Give who credit? No give Kevin Cage all the credit, and all the plaudits, because he destroyed Pitbull with total ease and will win the European Title from Homicide no problem whatsoever.

Stanyer: Were you watching the same match as me???

***Ted Tedison is seen in the backstage area just outside of Bloodbath's locker room. He knocks on the door.***

Ted: "Bloodbath? Are you there? I would like to get a word with you before your title defense."

***Bloodbath opens his door and steps out of his locker room.***

Bloodbath: "OK. But I don't want to stand here talking too long."

Ted: "OK. Well, Bloodbath, tonight you face Mad Mike in a 30 Minute Iron Man Street Fight for your PWF Extreme Championship. What do you have to say about this match?"

Bloodbath: "I don't have too many thoughts about tonight's match with Mad Mike. I know that he supposedly has a "hardcore" reputation, but I have never seen him in a hardcore type of match. As a matter of fact, I don't even think I have seen him in singles action. I really don't think he stands much of a chance against me tonight, but I can't be too sure. The 30 Minute Iron Man Street Fight was my idea, and I wouldn't have chosen that match if I didn't know I could win."

Ted: "Well, that makes sense and I guess it worked in your last defense when you chose a Extreme HIAC match for your defense against Blackbird?"

Bloodbath: "Exactly. Now, I have to finish getting ready for my match."

Ted: "OK, Bloodbath, thank you for your time."

***Bloodbath goes back into his locker room as Ted Tedison and the camera man walk down the hall.**

*Camera cuts to an unused section of the parkinglot, lighting is dim. The camera pans sideways thru the parkinglot, until it catches two flames burning in the distance. The cameraman approaches the two barrels of fire, and Mad Mike is seen standing between them, head bowed.*

Mad Mike: *lifts head and slowly faces camera*

"Ahhhhh, the street, the raw outdoors. And I DON'T mean grassy hills and nice little fields where you bring your children. I'm talking about the streets that I grew up on, and the streets that every other black-hearted mother fucker has grown up on. Places that have a similar setting such as this one: with their cracked pavement, broken windows, boarded-up houses, and of course, my favorite, chalk-outlines on the sidewalks. All from victims of drive-by shootings, to victims of random acts of violence, and to victims of drug deals gone bad. And just like the streets, I'm going to fuck you up so bad that your own parents won't be able to identify you. And just like the streets, they won't allow any children to see what GORE I will bring you!"

MM: *throws something into each barrel causing the flames to shoot up high in the air and leaving an evil grin on Mike's face* "It is here on the steets where I feel comfortable, and THAT'S the first advantage I have over you Bloodbath...Here...there are so many weapons, I feel like a little kid in a candyshop of brutality. Just thinking of all the things I can do to you out here on the street, it just makes my blood pump through my veins even harder. You see, out here, the flames flare wildly, unrestricted from extinguishing...I can assure you of one thing, YOU will feel these flames in our match! But do not prepare for the burn, you will not escape it, and it will not be brief, for I will GLADLY burn myself to watch YOU BURN!"

"To me, the saying "an eye for an eye" is quite pleasing, just as long as I have my other eye to watch you quiver in pain. You may not care for any of the words I say, and that is fine with me. Becuz I WILL see you suffer, and I WILL claim your belt. So I leave with you a piece of advice which is rare for me to give: Do NOT go into this match trying to save your belt, for it will be mine. But rather go into this match, trying to save your life!!! Cuz I'm NOT Going To Rip You Open Like A Flaming Chainsaw!!! I WILL rip you open WITH A FUCKIN' FLAMING CHAINSAW!!!!! SO BRING THE WHOLE FUCKIN BURN UNIT FROM THE NEAREST HOSPITAL, CUZ YOU'RE GONNA FRY LIKE HELL IN A HEAT WAVE!!!!!!"

*Mike kicks over the flaming barrel to his left, tossing the burning ambers to the ground. He then picks up the other barrel and heaves it thru the back window of a nearby car...BLOODBATH'S CAR!! Scorching the complete interior of the car. Mike begins to walk calmly away from the car, but the cameraman is hesitant to move, still in shock from the fiery display of anger Mad Mike had just demonstrated.*

MM: *continues walking, without turning around, smiling* "If you don't want to be a human piece of charcoal then I suggest you get the fuck away from that car."

Cameraman: "What?! What are ya talkin' about?!"

MM: *looks at watch* "13 seconds..."

Cameraman: "What? What do ya mean?! What did ya do?!"

MM: *repeats very quickly* "Well, in a nutshell, I used my handy switchblade to pop the lock of Bloodbath's car, then a little mix n' match with the wires, then drove it on over here, then set some "presents" in the back seat. So just add fire and..."

*The cameraman takes one look at the car and sprints away from it frantically. says while running* "AND WHAT!?!?"

MM: "3.....2.....1............"

*BOOMMMM!!!! Bloodbath's car explodes into pieces!*

MM: "And Boom...Hahaha, I warned you. And Bloodbath, don't worry about your ride home now, I've taken care of it with a single phone call. And the best part is that YOU DON'T HAVE TO PAY AMBULANCE DRIVERS!!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!! SEE YOU IN HELL MUTHAFUCKA!!!" *Camera fades*

Stanyer: What the hell?? Is Mad Mike insane?? He just blew up a Car in the parking lot!!!!

Dawg: HAHAHA!! Now that is the funniest thing I have seen in a LONG time.

Stanyer: Well he will suffer now as he takes on Bloodbath in an Iron Man Street Fight for the Extreme Title.

Iron Man Street Fight
Mad Mike v Bloodbath

Natural Born Killaz blast on the stereos throughout the arena then you see on the titantron "N.B.K. ALL THE WAY!" in red blood type letters. Mad Mike makes his way to the ramp. Mad Mike then raises his Louie ville slugger in the air and slowly raises his head up and all of a sudden red flames from the right and green flames on the left side shoot up in the air. Mad Mike then enters the ring and goe over the top rope, Mad Mike climbs up the turnbuckle with the Louie ville slugger high in the air.

James: The following match is an Iron Man Street Fight where there are no rules, and falls will count anywhere, this match is scheduled for 30 minutes and it is for the PWF Extreme Championship. Introducing the challenger from Las Vegas, Nevada, weighing 234lbs, The Human Chainsaw, Mad Mike. *Crowd Boos*

**"96 Quite Bitter Beings" by CKY plays as a ring of fire appears by the entrance. Bloodbath rises out of the flames before walking towards the ring. He stops on the apron, and looks to the crowd, before he climbs in the ring.**

James: Introducing his opponent, from Hell, Michigan, weighing 225lbs, the PWF Extreme Champion, Bloodbath.

Report: Bloodbath and Mad Mike circle each other. They tie up, they both tussle for supremacy, neither man able to overpower the other. they break free of each other. They go for a tie up again, but Bloodbath fakes and goes for a right hand, but Mike reads it and blocks the right hand and knocks Bloodbath flying into the ropes with a massive right hand. Mad Mike charges and goes for a clothesline, but Bloodbath ducks down and back drops Mike over the top rope to the floor. Mike lands with part of his body sticking under the ring. Mike slowly starts to get to his feet. Bloodbath springs onto the top rope and then flies off with a Body Press, but Mike has got a chair from underneath the ring and smashes it into the face of Bloodbath as he comes down.

Stanyer: We are only minutes into this match, and already it is getting violent.

Dawg: We got a LOT more of this Jay.

Mad Mike raises the chair above his head again and smashes it across the back of Bloodbath. Mike then drops the chair on the floor and picks up Bloodbath. Mike puts Bloodbath's head between his legs and delivers a piledriver onto the steel chair. Mike covers Bloodbath. 1.........................2.........................Bloodbath just kicks out. Mike searches underneath the ring and pulls out a Kendo Stick.

Stanyer: I shudder to think of what Mad Mike can do with a weapon like that.

Mike stands and waits for Bloodbath to get to his feet, he waits for him to turn around before smashing the cane over the head of Bloodbath. Bloodbath goes down like he has been shot. Mike follows in and continues to smash the cane over the body of Bloodbath. By the time Mike has finished and throws the cane away, it is splintered and is barely recognisable as a Kendo Stick. Mike covers Bloodbath. 1.....................2.................................Bloodbath gets his left shoulder up. Bloodbath is busted open, his forehead is pouring Blood after than Cane shot.

Dawg: Bloodbath is busted open early in this match, there's just under 25 minutes to go and he is already bleeding, that is not going to stand him in good stead.

Stanyer: Your right, unless that wound heals up fast, Bloodbath himself is in real danger of passing out, not to mention Bloodbath's Extreme Title.

Mike picks up Bloodbath and rolls him into the ring. Mike pulls out a chair from under the ring and slides it in the ring. He then walks around the ring looking under it for something. He finds what he wants and pulls out a table from under the ring to the cheers of the crowd. Mike slides the table into the ring. Mike rolls into the ring and starts to set up the table. Once complete he turns around, but Bloodbath is up and kicks him in the gut, Mike is surprised and doesn't react. Bloodbath grabs Mike and delivers the Blood Bash(Downward Spiral, driving Mike's head through the table. Bloodbath rolls on top of Mike. 1.......................2........................Mike gets his right shoulder up.

Stanyer: How did Mad Mike kick out of that? That would knock any mortal out cold.

Bloodbath rolls off Mike and slowly climbs to his feet. He staggers into the corner, the blood loss getting to him now. Mike begins to get to his feet. Bloodbath looks around and sees the chair on the mat. He picks it up and goes to Mike and cracks it across his back as he gets up. The ringside crew pull the broken table out of the ring. Mike goes down to the mat face first. Bloodbath places the chair across the back of Mike's head and then bounces off the ropes and delivers a Leg Drop driving the chair into the head of Mad Mike. Bloodbath rolls over Mike and covers. 1.......................2..........................Mike gets his left shoulder up.

Stanyer: Mad Mike somehow survives big move from Bloodbath. What is Bloodbath looking for now?

Bloodbath rolls out of the ring and searches underneath the ring. He pulls out another table. He slides it into the ring. Bloodbath slowly sets up the table in the corner. Bloodbath pushes Mad Mike into the corner and sets him up on the turnbuckle. Bloodbath looks like he is going to Superplex Mad Mike through the table, when Mike counters with a couple of body punches, then Mike grabs Bloodbath and raises him in the air and then drives Bloodbath through the table with a Powerbomb. Mike rolls on top of Bloodbath for a cover. 1...........................2...............................3!!!!!

Stanyer: Mad Mike picks up the first fall in this Iron Man Match.

Mike slowly gets to his feet and then rests against the turnbuckle. Eventually after catching his breath he drops to the floor and rolls out of the ring. Mike walks over to the timekeepers table and pushes everyone out of the way, he reaches underneath the table and pulls out something he obviously put there earlier, a Baseball Bat wrapped in Barb Wire. Bloodbath has made his way to his feet in the ring and is staggering around as Mike rolls back in. Mike goes to hit Bloodbath over the head, but Bloodbath ducks it, and then as Mike spins back around, Bloodbath Superkicks Mike, who staggers backwards into the turnbuckle. Bloodbath picks up the Barb Wire Bat that Mike dropped and drives it into the forehead of Mike who goes down to the mat. Bloodbath then mounts Mike and rakes the Barb Wire in the face of Mike. Bloodbath walks away, the adrenalin starting to flow in him now. He picks up the steel chair and waits for Mike to get to his feet. Mike gets up, his forehead a mass of blood. Bloodbath drives the chair into the head of Mad Mike. Bloodbath then places the chair across the face of Mad Mike. Bloodbath climbs to the top rope and then flies off with a Guillotine Leg Drop driving the chair into the face of Mad Mike. Bloodbath hooks a leg. 1........................2............................3!!!!!

Stanyer: Bloodbath evens up the scores. It's 1 apiece now, with under 10 minutes to go.

Bloodbath gets to his feet and Mad Mike rolls out of the ring to the floor. Bloodbath follows him out. Bloodbath helps Mike to his feet then hammers him with a right hand, Mike staggers backwards up the aisle. Bloodbath walks in to Mad Mike who takes Bloodbath by surprise and hits a drop toe hold driving Bloodbath into the steel ramp. Bloodbath gets up holding his head, Mad Mike hits Bloodbath with a big right hand, then whips him into the steel railings. Mad Mike then knocks Bloodbath down with another right hand as he bounces off the steel.Mike covers 1.......................2.........................Bloodbath kicks out. Mike picks up Bloodbath and puts him in a headlock and takes him up the stage to where the Titan Tron is. Mike slams the head of Bloodbath into the UltraTron. Bloodbath goes down holding his head. Mike drops a knee into the back of Bloodbath then picks him up. Mike goes to throw Bloodbath off the top of the stage, but Bloodbath manages to counter with a Russian Leg Sweep. Bloodbath staggers to his feet. He then walks towards the Ultra-Tron and starts to climb the fixtures.

Dawg: What the hell is Bloodbath planning?

Stanyer: I have no idea, but wherever is he going, it is not good.

Mad Mike gets back up and sees Bloodbath climbing the fixtures and climbs up after him. At about the ten foot mark Mike catches up with Bloodbath, but Bloodbath gets in a couple of kicks to the head and Mike loses his grip and falls back to the steel stage.

Stanyer: OH MY!!!! That has got to have done serious damage to Mad Mike. That had to have been at least a ten foot drop onto cold hard steel.

Dawg: But Bloodbath is still climbing???

Bloodbath gets to the top of the Ultra-Tron and then carefully walks across the top to position himself.

Stanyer: He's not, he can't even think about this.

Suddenly the lights black out. Sounds of Thunder are heard throughout the arena, the Ultra-Tron lights up with a gothic symbol. Then the lights come back on and the attention is drawn to the top of the Ultra-Tron, where a man in a black cloak is now on top of the Ultra-Tron with Bloodbath and has Bloodbath by the throat. The man raises Bloodbath in the air and tosses him off the top of the Tron and he crashes down to the side of the stage and lands out of sight of the camera. The entire crowd is in shock as the lights flicker off again, and then a few seconds later they come back on and the man is gone.

Stanyer: OH MY GOD!!! Get some help out here now, I don't care how extreme Bloodbath is, he is not that strong, he is not that resilient, he needs help now.

Dawg: Who was that? or should I say What was that?

Mad Mike starts to crawl across the stage and drops down off the side. We see Bloodbath out cold on what appears to be part of the set, fortunately made out of wood. Mad Mike goes across and covers Bloodbath. 1..........................2.................................3!!!!!!

Mike rolls off Bloodbath and just lies there trying to catch his breath. About 30 seconds later the bell rings to signal the end of the match as EMT's rush to both men.

Mad Mike d. Bloodbath
30:00 2 falls to 1.

Stanyer: I don't care who you are, you have to respect both men for their performance in that match, this crowd is still in shock over what happened to Bloodbath.

Dawg: That was ungodly, unreal, and too extreme.

Stanyer: I don't know who that man on top of the Tron with Bloodbath was, but I know that Bloodbath will be looking for him when he recovers from this match.

** A cameracrew and interviewer is snooping around backstage looking to interview somebody when they walk past the locker room door of Matt Van Dam, and decide to knock on his door looking for an interview **

-----KNOCK KNOCK----------

**they enter and MVD is sitting down talking to Jennifer van Dam whilst drinking an ice cold can of Coca Cola**

Mayhem:- Mr Van Dam can we get some words from you as we build up for the most important US title match in history?

**MVD slams down is empty can and kisses JVD as she leaves the room to allow MVD to do the interview**

MVD:- You can see i'm busy, you've got 2 minutes!

Mayhem:- Firstly Mr Van Dam, how do you feel going into this title match tonight?

MVD:- Very confident, i'm going to show the world what a 2 dollar bum this guy really is, hes not worthy of holding such an important title in the PWF, and he will find out why i am the real F'N show!

Mayhem:- Rye Hazwaki claims that you would be nothing without your ontourage the gWo, what do you have to say to these claims?

**MVD begins to chuckle**

MVD:- Rye Hazwaki, has been running scared of me since he first dared to interfere with my first match against Genecide all those weeks ago, thats why we have yet to hook up in the ring, as for the gWo, we are all very talented wrestlers congrecated under one name and under my leadership. I don't need the gWo to beat Hazwaki, just as Power G will not need my help tonight!

Mayhem:- Keeping Power G's involvement in tonights match in mind, how do you think the presence of another match in the same ring will effect your match?

MVD:- I seriously doubt it will have any great consequence little man, i'll be doing my thing, and so will G, we're both far too much for our opponents to handle and don't be surprised to have this match over very quickly!

Mayhem:- So you certainly believe the gWo will have double champions after War Games?

MVD:- Yes i do, now get out!

**Camera exits the room quickly.......... maybe to find the other contenders for the double jeapordy match?**

**The cameras cut backstage and we see Ted Tedison standing with Gambino.**

Tedison: Gambino, tonight, you're stepping into the ring with Diablo for what could be your very last match here in the PWF. What are your feelings going into such an important match?"

Gambino:"Well, it's like this Ted, this is the absolute, most important match of my life. My whole career, everything I've worked my ass off for up until now is on the line. How would you feel about it if in this situation?"

Tedison:"Well, I'd probably be a bit worried."

Gambino:"Worried, of course you'd be worried. The same as I am. I could lose everything tonight James, everything I've worked for, everything I've been through in the past couple years, it would all mean nothing if I lose here tonight. So the only thing I can do, the only choice I have, is to go out there, do the best I can, give it everything I've got in me, and try to win that damn match."

Tedison:"We've seen the Lords of Destruction and Michael Pellington allying with Diablo over the course of the past couple of weeks, do you think they will play a major role in the outcome of this match?"

Gambino:"Well, I think they will definately try to. I know they're gonna try to screw me out of this match, out of my career. But they can only screw me if I let them, and I don't plan on doing that. So, if LoD, and that son of a bitch, Pellington, want to come down to the ring and try to get involved, let them. Cuz I'm not just gonna lay down for them and let them take me out that easy. This is gonna be the match of my life, and I don't plan on going down that easy. I'm gonna take it to Diablo like no one else ever has, and I'm expecting him to do the same. Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got a match to get ready for."

Tedison:"Okay, good luck tonight."

**Gambino turns and walks away heading for his locker room as the cameras cut back to the arena**

Stanyer: Well we are almost ready for our Double Jeapordy Ladder Match now, the ring crew are just getting the ladders out now in preperation. What the hell??

Dawg: Is that who is looks like?

Stanyer: Yes, that's Theros Macalvia, he has just wondered out onto the rampway, what the hell is he doing here??

Theros wonders out onto the rampway, he looks dazed, his left arm suddenly punches himself in the face. Then his right arm comes across and grabs himself by the throat and Theros backs up into the Ultra-Tron.

Stanyer: It looks like Theros is still having problems.

Theros uses his left arm to drag away his right from his throat, then his head rams itself into the steel frame of the Tron. Theros goes down holding his head. One of the ring crew comes out carrying a ladder, and stops to look at Theros. Theros gets up and grabs the ladder off the man, and then pushes him out of the way. Theros then suddenly drags the ladder back into his own forehead. Theros then starts to set up the ladder by the stage.

Dawg: Is this guy insane??

Stanyer: Yes, this guy IS insane. And someone needs to stop him before he hurts himself badly.

Theros climbs to the top of the ladder and looks over the top of the stage, then Theros turns around and flies off in the other direction with a what appears to be a splash and Theros crashes into the steel stage, knocking himself out cold. EMT's rush out to treat Theros.

Dawg: Well whoever Theros was fighting, he won.

Stanyer: Perhaps someone will be able to help Theros at the hospital, because he needs help badly.

Dawg: Help? He needs to be locked up, permanantly.

Stanyer: Well folks it's now time for our World and US Title Match. This one is going to be simply Amazing. Both the US and World Titles on the line at the same time. Two Matches in One. Two Ladder Matches in one. Both titles hang above the ring, 2 men competing for each title, they can all interact, but can only win their respective titles. Let's not forget that this feud has been building for quite some time. Let's take a look at what has happened so far.

**The camera shows the opening show in the PWF where MVD is fighting Genecide. then Rye interfering and costing MVD the match. Then we see Rye being taken apart by the gWo from the show a week later. Then we see footage from a two weeks ago with Power G and MVD beating Rye and Crusader as a ladder flickers in between various scenes before it shows a picture of a wall with gWo spray painted on it**

Double Jeapordy Ladder Match

Crusader Chrome v Power G

Matt Van Dam v Rye Hazwaki

**"Snap your Fingers, Snap your neck" by Prong plays as MVD walks down the aisle, cluching Jennifer Van Dam by the waist, he lets her go, and poses, flexing his arms towards his head (RVD style). The Ultra-Tron bears the gWo logo and then shows clips of MVD striking opponents out with his Kendo Stick and finishing them the 5 star frog splash.**

James: The following match is the Double Jeapordy Ladder Match. Match one of the two is for the PWF United States Championship, Introducing the challenger, from Battlecreek, England, weighing 228lbs, "The Real F'n Show" Matt Van Dam. *Crowd Boos heavily**

**Break Stuff by Limp Bizkit hits, as the lights flash red and white, and Rye Hazwaki is shown doing a slow ‘Cyclone Kick.’ The Pyro’s blast as Rye stands on the top of the stage, he looks at the crowd then walks down and enters the ring.**

James: And his opponent, from Tokyo, Japan, weighing 251lbs, the PWF US Champion, Rye Hazwaki.

**The lights go out and a series of light blue lights flash throughout the arena. Rock Superstar by Cypress Hill blares over the pa followed by an explosion of fireworks similar to Y2J’s. Crusader's Ultra-tron has images of Harley Davidsons and biker babes transcending into one another. His entrance attire consists of a leather trench coat, dark sunglasses, and a du- rag rapped around his head. When he walks out into the entrance, he pauses and raises both fists in the air, proceeding to walk to the ring. Walking with a bmf walk, he climbs into the ring, while the lights are still out, and raises the lights with a fist in the air.**

James: And the second match of the two is for the PWF WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP, Introducing the challenger, from Palm Beach, Florida, weighing 299lbs, "The One" Crusader Chrome. *Crowd Cheers*

"Zombie Nation" by Kernkraft begins to play as Power G walks out with The Real McCoy, both men are holding Microphones. Power G begins to hit himself to psyche himself up, before walking to the ring with the Real McCoy.

James: And his opponent, from Holguin, Cuba, weighing 230lbs, the PWF WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION, POWER G. *Crowd boos*

Report: MVD and Power G immediately charge in and jump start the match by attacking their respective opponents. MVD hits a jumping heel kick that knocks Rye over the top rope. Power G chops Crusader a couple of times in the corner. On the outside MVD whips Rye into the steel steps. MVD goes to dropkick Rye's head in the steps, but Rye moves out of the way and MVD dropkicks the steps. In the ring Power G's chops are blocked by Crusader who hammers Power G with a couple of right hands then whips him to the ropes. Crusader picks up Power G with a military press, but Power G drops down and rolls up Crusader from behind. Power G releases the pinning hold and goes for a clothesline, but Crusader ducks and kicks him in the gut and hits a DDT. On the outside Rye kicks MVD in the face as he gets up and then shoulder charges him into the ring apron. Rye then hits a viscious martial arts punch to the gut of MVD. Crusader rolls out of the ring and collects the ladder from the aisle, he carries it to the ring, where Power G does a running dropkick through the ropes knocking the ladder back into the face of Crusader.

Stanyer: That's the first use of the ladder we've had in this match.

Power G slides the ladder in the ring. He sets it up underneath his World Title and quickly climbs the ladder.

Dawg: Power G is trying to win this one quick.

Rye sees Power G and climbs to the ring apron and hits a springboard dropkick to the ladder knocking it over and sending Power G crashing over the top rope to the floor. As Rye gets back up on the inside. MVD has gotten to the apron and springs to the top rope and then flies off taking Rye down with a Hurricanranna. MVD then sees Crusader getting to his feet and flies over the top rope with a vaulting body press, but Crusader catches him and then rams MVD's ribs into the steel ring post.

Stanyer: This match is already taking it's toll on these wrestlers, and they are just getting started.

Crusader rolls into the ring and sets up the ladder under the World Title. He starts to make his ascent. He tries to reach the title, but can't quite reach it, then Power G starts to climb the ladder with him. Crusader tries to reach the title, but then sees Power G and delivers a right hand to him, Power G swings backwards holding on with one hand as Crusader tries again to reach the title, Power G swings back and chops Crusader in the chest. Crusader comes back and grabs Power G around the throat. Crusader then jumps off the ladder and Chokeslams Power G from the ladder.

Stanyer: Beautiful Chokeslam from the top of the ladder, what impact.

Rye Hazwaki is back up and is collecting another ladder from outside the ring, He sees MVD getting up and goes to knock him down with the ladder, but MVD ducks it and then dropkicks the ladder back in Rye's face. The ladder lands on top of Rye's chest. MVD then does a Sak-Fu Stomp on the ladder driving it into the chest of Rye. In the ring Crusader mounts Power G and hammers him with right hands. Back on the outside MVD picks up the ladder and leans it against the ring. MVD picks up Rye and leans him against the apron. MVD then picks up the ladder and drives it into the body of Rye. Then MVD leans the ladder against Rye. MVD then climbs on the barricade. MVD runs along the barricade and then jumps off but Rye pushes the ladder off himself into MVD's head.

Stanyer: Oh my god, Rye nearly took MVD's head off with that shot.

Dawg: Crusader is going for the title again.

Crusader has set up the ladder underneath the title again, and is climbing to the top. Power G slowly gets to his feet and starts to climb the ladder behind Crusader. Crusader kicks Power G in the face a couple of times and Power G drops from the ladder. Power G is undetered though and instead pushes the ladder and Crusader drops off the ladder crotching himself on the top rope then falling to the outside. Power G then resets the ladder up underneath the title. Power G starts to climb up. Rye slides into the ring and starts to climb the ladder on the opposite side to try and stop Power G. Power G chops Rye as he gets to the top. Rye counters with a blow to the body of Power G as he was reaching for the title. Power G responds with another chop, and then grabs the head of Rye and swings off the ladder and drives Rye back to the mat with a DDT from the ladder.

Dawg: That's the way of the gWo.

Stanyer: Amazing Impact from the top of the ladder, Power G putting his own body on the line to do serious damage to Rye Hazwaki.

MVD gets to his feet and picks up the ladder that Rye left. He rams the ladder into the face of Crusader who had just got back to his feet. MVD slides the ladder into the ring and then sets it up underneath the US title. MVD starts to climb up the ladder. MVD the top and tries to reach the title, but he can't reach, and climbs stretches out even further. Unbeknownst to him, Crusader has climbed to the top rope opposite MVD and as MVD sees Crusader, Crusader flies off and takes MVD off the ladder with an awesome clothesline.

Stanyer: These four men have taken unbelievable punishment already.

Power G and Crusader get to their feet and square off. They Crusader explodes into Power G with a sucession of right hands, then whips Power G to the ropes, Power G bounces off with a flying forearm. Crusader gets straight back up and kicks Power G in the gut, then whips him again, but Power G reverses it and MVD who is just getting up using the ropes, pulls the top rope down low bridging Crusader over the top rope to the floor. Power G then sets up the ladder near the ropes. Power G climbs to the top of the ladder and steadies himself before flying off with a Stunning Senton Bomb, but he hits nothing but the cold hard mats as Crusader Chrome rolls out of the way.

Stanyer: Oh My God, Power G could have a broken neck.

In the ring Rye and MVD get to their feet and square off, MVD tries a spinning heel kick, but Rye goes for a sweep and takes MVD down. Rye tries a flipping Leg Drop, but MVD rolls out of the way, MVD grabs the ladder as Rye gets up and throws it into the face of Rye. Rye staggers backwards into the ropes. MVD drops the ladder and hits the Vandaminator. MVD then climbs to the 2nd Turnbuckle and poses to the crowd. MVD drops down from the turnbuckle and turns around straight into a big boot from Crusader. Crusader then picks up MVD on his shoulders and deliver The Concussion(Emerald Fusion). Crusader then picks up the ladder and sets it up underneath the World Title. On the outside Power G has gotten to his feet and is picking up one of the big ladders. He slides the ladder into the ring, then sees Crusader almost reaching the World title.

Stanyer: Crusader has his fingertips on the World title, he is so close, he justs needs to climb that little bit more.

Power G climbs the ladder behind Crusader and distracts him, Crusader kicks Power G a couple of times, but Power G isn't knocked off. Crusader tries again to reach the title, then Power G grabs him and hits the G Power Slam(Olympic Slam) from the ladder.

Dawg: Beautiful, G Power Slam from the top of the ladder. That is what we like to see.

MVD has gotten to his feet and he and Power G pick up one of the ladders and charge at Rye as he is getting up and knock him back down. MVD then places Rye at the bottom of one of the turnbuckles. MVD then set up the big ladder near the other turnbuckle on the same side. MVD then sets up a smaller one just behind it as Power G slides out of the ring and picks up a chair. Power G lodges the chair in position in front of Rye's face. Power G then goes to hold the big ladder as MVD climbs to the top of the smaller ladder and places his hands on the top of the big ladder to keep himself steady.

Stanyer: What is MVD doing???

MVD then leapfrogs over the Big Ladder and then comes down and delivers a two footed dropkick to the steel chair in front of Rye Hazwaki's face.

Dawg: VANTERMINATOR!!!!!!!!!!!!


Dawg: Now is the gWo's chance, they have to grab the titles now.

MVD slowly gets to his feet with a little help from Power G. Power G turns his attention to a ladder and sets it up underneath his title as MVD catches his breath in the corner. Power G starts to climb as MVD drives his ladder into the face of Crusader to put him back down on the mat. MVD then sets up his ladder underneath the US title. Suddenly the arena lights go red, and MVD and Power G look around, on the Ultra-Tron there is a swirl of red, black and white, then it slowly comes together to reveal the words "The OutKasts".

Dawg: OutKasts? What the hell does that mean.

Stanyer: Wait!! In the ring!!! Bloodbath, and Havok!!!!!

Bloodbath is sporting bandages around his chest and his head and is limping slighty as he climbs up the ladder and locks Power G in position and delivers a Blood Bash off the ladder. MVD turns around into the Devastation Kick from Havok. Bloodbath are Havok both have T-Shirts with the same OutKasts symbol as on the Tron. They both help up Crusader and Rye and help them to start climbing the ladders under their respective titles.

Stanyer: Are these The OutKasts? Can they pull this off, do Crusader and Rye have enough strength to grab the titles?

Dawg: This can't be, the gWo are being screwed.

Travis Right comes running down the ramp and slides into the ring but he is too late as both Crusader Chrome and Rye Hazwaki grab their respective titles and then fall off their ladders. Bloodbath and Havok both superkick Travis as he gets on top of the apron.

Crusader d. Power G
Rye Hazwaki d. MVD

Stanyer: They've done it!!! We have a new World Champion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dawg: DAMMIT!!! This is ridiculous, the gWo have been screwed over.

Havok and Bloodbath hand Crusader and Rye T-Shirts and they put them on before the referee hands them both their respective titles. Both are wearing OutKast T-Shirts now.

Stanyer: Crusader Chrome has finally done it, after years of hard work and dedication, The One has finally acheived his dream and become the PWF World Heavyweight Champion.

Dawg: This is just totally ridiculous.

Crusader and Rye raise their titles in the ring before all the OutKasts roll out of the ring and walk up the ramp, Rye and Crusader still holding their titles up for the crowd to see. The Crowd are cheering wildy. MVD and Power G are just getting up and see the OutKasts walking up the ramp and they pound the mat in frustration.

Stanyer: We have a new World Champion, but the show is not over yet, we still have the main event, Gambino v Diablo, Triple Threat Theatre, with both men's careers on the line. This one is going to be one for the ages. Let's show you some of what has happened in the past few weeks.

**The first scene shows a match between Josh, Gambino and DeMoN then the lights go out, before flashing back on to see Diablo hitting the Diablo Neckbreaker on all 3.**

**The next scene shows Pellington and Diablo telling the whole world why Diablo is back**

**The next scene shows Diablo and the LoD taking apart the Ruff Ryders and breaking Destroyers neck.**

**The final scenes show the end of the Diablo v Devastator match. with Devastator being attacked by the LoD and Diablo as Gambino is shown the the Tron being held backstage**

Stanyer: Well folks, it's now time for our Main Event, Triple Threat Theatre, first match, a simple one on one match. 2nd Match, a Street fight, third match, I quit. The loser of this match must retire effective today. This is going to be one you will tell your kids about it years to come.

Dawg: Let's get it on.

Main Event
Triple Threat Theatre - Career Match
Match 1: Normal Match
Antonio Gambino v Diablo

James: The following Match is our Main Event for the evening. It will be a Triple Threat Theatre Match with both men's careers on the line. The First match will be a straight one on one match-up, the second, a street fight, and the third an I Quit Match.

**The lights dim and violins begin playing an eerie tune, like from the Godfather movie. On the Ultra-tron, pictures, apparently flashbacks of life in the Mafia, are shown. Images of gunfights, driveby shootings, and car's exploding alternate with pictures of a funeral in progress. Just as they begin lowering the casket into the grave, the screen goes black and then begins flashing the name "Gambino" across the screen in silver lettering. Then, as an explosion of pyros occurs on the stage, "Keep Away" by Godsmack begins blaring through the arena and Gambino appears in the entrance. He stands in the entrance for a short moment before walking down the aisle towards the ring. Once he reaches the ring, he climbs in and heads to the closest corner of the ring and begins taunting the crowd. He then raises both hands in the air as if celebrating.**

James: Introducing the competitors, first. from Brooklyn, New York, weighing 245lbs, Antonio Gambino**Crowd cheers loudly**

"Take a Look Around" by Limp Bizkit hits as a chorus of boos descend on the arena. Diablo walks out with a huge grin on his face and walks down to the ring. He climbs the apron and then the turnbuckle and raises his arms to the crowd bringing another chorus of boos. He flips the crowd off and gets in the ring.

James:And his opponent, weighing 284lbs from Baltimore, Maryland, Diablo. *Crowd boos and jeers*

Suddenly "The Memory Remains" hits and out walks the owner of the PWF, Michael Pellington wearing a referee's shirt.

James:And Introducing the Special Guest Referee, the owner of the PWF, Michael Pellington *Crowd boos and jeers*

Stanyer: Special Guest Referee?? This wasn't announced. This is just going to be a screwing Gambino hasn't got a chance. Pellington will never count Diablo out.

Dawg: You know what, GOOD.

Report: Gambino looks in total shock at Pellington wearing the referee's shirt. He doesn't know what to do. Gambino looks at Pellington with an angry look. Pellington tries to calm down Gambino and then calls for the bell. Diablo immediately jumps Gambino from behind and hammers Gambino with right hands to the face. Diablo whips Gambino to the turnbuckle, but Gambino reverses it and then follows in with a clothesline. Gambino kicks Diablo in the gut as he staggers out and delivers a DDT to the cheers of the crowd. Gambino covers Diablo. Pellington gets down and starts to count. 1................................................................................Diablo kicks out of the extremely slow count. Stanyer: Come on, that was ridiculous.

Dawg: What are you talking about?

Gambino gets up and starts to remonstrate with Pellington. Pellington warns him and points to the bell. Gambino stares at Pellington and turns back to Diablo who surprises Gambino with a couple of right hands. Diablo then whips Gambino to the ropes and hits a Powerslam. Diablo covers. Pellington slides down for the count. 1.....2.....Gambino only just kicks out of the fast count. Diablo gets up and starts a fake remonstration with the referee, complaining of a slow count.

Stanyer: Come on, A Fast count for Diablo, and a slow count for Gambino, we can all see where this is going.

Dawg: Stop making assumptions, and I agree with Diablo, that was a slow count by Pellington.

Diablo picks up Gambino and whips him to the ropes. Gambino reverses and then takes Diablo down with a stunning Jumping clothesline. Gambino then stoops in the corner waiting for Diablo to get up then Spears him down. Gambino covers. 1........................................................................2...........Diablo kicks out with ease.

Stanyer: Come on, another slow count.

Gambino gets up and starts arguing with Pellington again. This time Gambino pushes Pellington away and turns to Diablo. Pellington immediately calls for the bell. Gambino turns around and looks stunned.

Stanyer: What the hell? Did Pellington just Disqualify Gambino??

Dawg: He pushed the referee, that's a DQ isn't it.

Stanyer: He was doing a slow count!!

James: The winner of the first match by disqualification. Diablo!!! *Crowd boos loudly*

Second Match: Street Fight

Stanyer: Well I guess we are now into our Street Fight now. This is ridiculous, Gambino doesn't have a chance.

Gambino continues to argue with Pellington. Then he hears the bell for the 2nd match and turns to Diablo, then spins around and kicks Pellington in the gut, taking him by surprise, and then delivers the Gambino Facebuster to the cheers of the crowd. But this distraction give Diablo time to get in a Low Blow on Gambino. Diablo then rolls to the outside and grabs a steel chair and slides it into the ring. Diablo slams the chair across the back of Gambino. Diablo then drives the chair into the gut of Gambino, and then hammers it two more times across his back. Diablo covers, but Pellington is still down. Diablo goes to check on Pellington. This gives Gambino a moment to recover and as Diablo turns around he gets clocked over the head with the steel chair by Gambino. Gambino then mounts Diablo and hammers him with right hands to the face. Gambino picks up Diablo and whips him into the ropes. Gambino follows through and clotheslines Diablo over the top rope, Diablo lands on his feet and staggers away. Gambino runs and bounces off the opposite ropes and connects with a dropkick through the ropes as Diablo comes back towards the ring.

Stanyer: Beautiful move by Antonio Gambino.

Gambino picks up Diablo and whips him towards the steps, but Diablo reverses it and drop toes holds Gambino face first into the steel steps. The two men stay down as in the ring Mr Pellington is starting to get back to his feet. He looks around to see where the two fighters are.

Dawg: Ah, now we have our referee back, we can restore some order to this match.

Diablo gets back up and rolls Gambino into the ring. Diablo climbs to the top rope as Gambino gets to his feet. Diablo flies off and takes Gambino down with a Missile Dropkick. Pellington tells Diablo something as he gets up and Diablo goes to pick up the steel chair. Pellington picks up Gambino and holds him for Diablo. Diablo goes for a big chair shot, but Gambino ducks and Diablo takes out Pellington. Gambino grabs Diablo and hits Diablo's own finisher, the Diablo Neckbreaker. Gambino drags Pellington towards Diablo and then covers Diablo and uses his hand to count down Diablo. 1......................2.............................3!!!!

James: The winner of the 2nd Match, Antonio Gambino!!! *Crowd Cheers Wildly*

Final Match: I Quit Match

Stanyer: Brilliant, simply brilliant.

Dawg: Pellington never counted Diablo down, this is ridiculous. That fall doesn't count.

Stanyer: Hey, it even's things up, Gambino was screwed in the first match.

Gambino calls for the microphone and immediately goes to Diablo.

Gambino: "Come on Diablo, you want to suffer the pain and humiliation I am about put upon you, or do you want to save your own dignity and give it up now."

Diablo: "**** you Gambino."

Gambino: "You wanna do this the hard way, fine, let's do it the hard way."

Gambino mounts Diablo and repeatedly hits him in the head with the microphone. Gambino then gets off and puts the mic to one side and picks up the chair. He positions it on the mat. He picks up Diablo and kicks him in the gut and delivers a Double Arm DDT onto the chair.

Gambino: "Come on Diablo, all you have to do is say two words, and I will end your suffering."

Diablo: "Piss off"

Gambino: "Still playing the hardman eh?"

Gambino picks up the steel chair and drives it into the chest of Diablo. Diablo convulses with the pain. Gambino places the chair on the body of Diablo and climbs to the second turnbuckle then flies off with an elbow drop driving the chair into the chest of Diablo. Gambino picks up the mic.

Gambino: "What d'ya say Diablo? You still wanna play?"

Diablo: "Your're Dead Gambino, Dead."

Gambino: "(Laughing) Who's going to save you Diablo, certainly not this asshole here,(kicks Pellington). You friends the LoD are going nowhere, I took care of them."

Gambino picks up Diablo and kicks him in the gut and delivers the Gambino Bomb (Powerbomb). Gambino then climbs to to the top turnbuckle and flies off with a Guillotine Leg Drop driving his leg into the throat of Diablo.

Stanyer: Gambino is picking Diablo apart piece by piece.

Dawg: Something tells me that Diablo isn't finished yet.

Gambino: "Come on Diablo, I don't like waiting, it pisses me off" Diablo: "You got no chance Diablo, you are about to be Erased."

Stanyer: Erased??? Could it be??

The arena light's dim and a mist starts to form at the entrance way, and Gambino looks around, he doesn't know what is happening. Then "Dragula" by Rob Zombie starts to play. A man walks out of the entrance way. The lights make it difficult to make out who it is.**

Stanyer: It cannot be? Nobody has seen him for months.

Dawg: It is, it has to be, Eraser.

The man on the ramp raises his arms and slams them down to bring the lights back on and then we see that it is Eraser as he storms down to the ring. Eraser slides into the ring and hammers Gambino with right hands. Gambino is in shock and doesn't react. Eraser hammers Gambino into the corner and then whips him into the opposite corner, as he bounces off the turnbuckle he kicks Gambino in the gut and then puts his head between his legs and then hits The Eraser(Super Snap Powerbomb 01). Eraser then grabs the mic as Diablo gets to his feet.

Stanyer: Why?

Eraser: "You all stand there and look shocked, you all wanna know why, well simple, I am the ICON on of the Wrestling world, and I just proved why, I didn't come here to.........." Eraser is interuppted by "The Fight Song" by Marilyn Manson as Devastator comes charging down the aisle and slides into the ring, he hammers Diablo with a right hand and then goes after Eraser, he hammers Eraser with right hands and then clothesline him over the top rope. Devastator then follows him out and clothesline him over the barricade. The two men then fight their way through the crowd.

Stanyer: Devastator has cleared Eraser out of the ring, and out of the arena.

In the ring Diablo, Pellington and Gambino have all got to their feet. Gambino is dazed from the powerbomb, Pellington has the steel chair. Diablo tells him to hit Gambino. Pellington goes for Gambino and at the last moment changes direction and clocks Diablo to a massive cheer from the crowd. Pellington then starts to hammer Diablo with the chair. Gambino joins in and takes the chair from Pellington and starts to batter Diablo.

Dawg: What the hell is going on?? Pellington just turned on Diablo?

Stanyer: I have no idea.

Gambino picks up the mic.

Gambino: "Do you understand now Diablo? Of course you don't, you are stupid, did you really think Mr Pellington would ever, EVER help you. Don't be so damn Blind. It was all a plan Diablo, all a plan to get to you. Everything was planned from the start. We didn't mean for the LoD to injure Destroyer so badly, but that was beyond our control. But we knew we had to get close to you to get rid of you. Who gave you the idea to make this a career match Diablo? Was it yours? or was it Mr Pellington's. We set you up Diablo, and now you are finished. The only thing that remains is two words."

Gambino pushes the mic in the face of Diablo, Diablo takes the mic and rolls out of the ring.

Diablo: "I'll get you for this Gambino, and the same goes for you Pellington, I may Quit now, but this will not be the end, it will never be over between me and you Gambino, It don't matter when, whether it's in a ring again, or when you are 50, retired and shopping with your kids. I will get you Gambino. You win this one Gambino, I Quit."

**The whole crowd had gone quiet during this, but they all give a massive cheer as Diablo says the words I Quit. Gambino and Diablo exchange trash talk as Diablo walks up the aisle.**

Stanyer: It's over, it's finally over. Gambino has beaten Diablo, and Diablo is out of the PWF for good.

Dawg: It was all one big screw job, but Diablo will be back. I just know it.

Stanyer: Well folks, it's the end of what has been an amazing night. Thanks for watching.

**The camera fades to a PWF logo as we see Diablo walk through the entrance way a dejected man.**

***© 2001 PWF Entertainment***