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Rumble in the Bronx
Last Man Standing
War Games
House of Pain

Saturday Night Havoc

Havoc #19
Havoc #18
Havoc #17
Havoc #16
Havoc #15
Havoc #14
Havoc #13
Havoc #12
Havoc #11
Havoc #10
Havoc #9
Havoc #8
Havoc #7
Havoc #6
Havoc #5
Havoc #4
Havoc #3
Havoc #2
Havoc #1

Live from the Pepsi Arena
Albany, New York
25th August 2001

Master of Puppet's plays during the Havoc Intro Video. The camera then cuts to the Pepsi Arena as Pyro's blast off all around the entrance and the crowd cheer like crazy. The camera then cuts to the ringside announcing team

Stanyer: Welcome everybody to the Pepsi Arena in Albany New York for Saturday Night Havoc. We are 24 hours away from the biggest PWF event so far this year, and we still do not know half of the matches outside of the big 30 Man Royal Rumble

Dawg: It should be a very interesting night, a lot of things have to be decided tonight. Not least who will face Crusader for the World title tomorrow night.

Stanyer: Indeed, nobody has yet challenged him, or been offered the shot.

Dawg: I hope MVD gets the shot.

Stanyer: You would.

Dawg: Well are you going to tell everyone?

Stanyer: What?

Dawg: The big news.

Stanyer: Oh yeah, wonderful news for the PWF fans, The Showstopper, that's right the very same Showstopper that was in the PWF last year has recently resigned a contract with the PWF. In fact he is scheduled to appear tonight, but we are told he has not yet arrived.

Dawg: Last we remember his contract ran out one day before the last ever PWF PPV, and nobody has heard from him since, back then he was part of the Revolution, led by Eraser.

Stanyer: The question is, who will he side with now?

Dawg: Well we will find out, hopefully later tonight.

The lights dim, as a drum beat kicks in. The drums rapidly increase in volume as the name GAMBINO flashes across the screen in silver lettering, while flames burn behind the lettering. Then, "Sickness" by Disturbed begins blaring through the arena, and a spotlight shines on the entrance. Gambino steps forward into the spotlight so he can be seen. He lowers his head and raises a water bottle above him, pouring it on his head and face. He spits some of the water out as he begins to walk forward towards the ring. Once he gets to the ring, he climbs in and walks to the corner. He climbs to the second rope, and raises his arms in the air, posing to the crowd.

Stanyer: Well folks, we kick off tonight with our PWF Commissioner, Antonio Gambino.

Gambino asks for a microphone and waits for the crowd to quiet down so he may speak

Gambino:"Last week, I was out here minding my own business, doing some color commentating, and I was jumped by Eraser and Power G. Eraser, what in the hell were you thinking? Yeah, I got my ass kicked, but it damn sure wasn't the first time it's ever happened. But what did it get you? What did teaming up with Power G get you? You lost your Challenge Title. Now look at you, walking around here, claiming that you're gonna win the Rumble and go on to End of the World and win the PWF World Championship Title. Actions speak louder than words Eraser, you better learn that. It's not how you talk the talk, it's how you walk the walk...and Eraser, when it comes down to it, you just don't have what it takes. Let me take you back to just 2 weeks ago on Havoc. Our rematch from Last Man Standing...roll the footage please.

The Tron lights up and footage rolls from Havoc, 2 weeks ago from Indianapolis, Indiana

Stanyer: Now it's Gambino's turn to dish out some punishment.

Eraser staggers to his feet and then gets the chair smashed across both of his knees. Gambino gets a surge of adrenalin and begins to hammer the chair repeatedly across the knees of Eraser until the chair is almost destroyed. Gambino tosses the chair across the ring as he storms around the ring. Eraser slowly gets to his feet and Gambino hooks him up for the Gambino Facebuster, but Eraser elbows him off him and Gambino comes off the ropes. Eraser goes for The Eraser, but Gambino ducks it and wraps himself around Eraser for the DDT. Gambino hooks the leg. 1.................................2..............................Eraser just kicks out. Gambino then starts to climb the turnbuckle.

Stanyer: Gambino is going to finish it right here.

Dawg: Not so fast.

Eraser manages to get to his feet and shakes the ropes to crotch Gambino on the top turnbuckle. Eraser then climbs up with Gambino and looks set to deliver a Superplex, when Gambino counters with rabbit punches and then turns Eraser around and grabs his head. A buzz of anticipation goes around the crowd as Gambino hooks the leg of Eraser and then jump off the top turnbuckle with the Gambino Facebuster. Gambino manages to roll over and drape an arm over Eraser. 1.................................................2................................................3!!!!!!

The footage stops and the cameras once again focus on Gambino. He points to the tron and begins to speak again

Gambino:"You see that. I could barely walk, but I still beat your ass. So Eraser, break my leg, break my back, there's nothing you can do to stop me. There's nothing you can do that will keep me down for good. Knock me down, I'll get back up...injure me, I'll heal, and then I'll be back, right there in your face, night after night, beating your ass all over the god damn place!"

The crowd lights up with cheers as Gambino begins to get hyped up

Gambino:"Come Rumble in the Bronx, in my hometown...when it's all over, and the smoke has cleared, and that bell will be me standing in the middle of the ring, on my way to the End of the World main event where I have a date with destiny. Because you see..."

The Way I am hits as the sound of thunder follows. The crowd starts to boo as Eraser steps out. Eraser walks out to the end of the ramp and pulls out a mic from his back pocket.

Eraser: Why don't yall just shut the hell up. I got something to say to that man in the ring.

Stanyer: I don't think that's going to work Eraser.

The crowd boos even louder as he talks

Eraser: Gambino, last week yes I did lose that title I beat you for. But that doesn't matter, there is something more and better out there that I want. Well two things. A piece of your ass once again and the PWF World's Champion.

The crowd boos as Eraser talks about the champ

Eraser: Gambino I also heard that you where saying that actions speak louder than words. Well. I can tell you that I speak with more actions than anyone in this fed. I have been to the top of this fed longer and more times than you have ever wrestled. So I say to you. This is the last time you will ever stand face to face with me, or even stand. Because come Royal I hope you are ready because you will see a new side to me. Come Royal, one of us wont make it out of there. And I made it out twice so far, and this time there won't be anythign different. So Gambino you best train because there isn't a chance in hell that you will walk out of there alive.

Eraser pause as Gambino gets ready to speak.

Gambino:"Hey, hey, hey...wait just a minute Eraser. Did you just say you wanted a peice of my ass?"

Gambino looks around at the crowd with a confused look on his face, and the crowd laughs a bit.

Gambino:"Sorry, but I don't quite swing that way Eraser....although, if you do, then that's your business."

Gambino pauses as the crowd erupts in laughter

Gambino:"But on a serious note...Eraser, it's not about who's been at the top longer, or how many times you've been there. What matters is that it's now my time to be at the's my time to once again be the PWF Champion! Come time for Rumble in the Bronx, not only will I become the winner of the Rumble and be on my way to the End of the World main event. But I've got something else in and me, once and for all, one on one...we finish this."

Eraser, still standing on the stage looks around as if he's not quite sure what Gambino is talking about

Gambino:"Don't look confused Eraser...because I'll tell you exactly what I'm talking about. Rumble in the Bronx, how fitting it will be when me and you step into the ring for the PWF's first ever New York Street Fight."

The crowd erupts in cheers as Gambino announces the match

Gambino:"That's right Eraser, a New York Street Fight. These ropes here, they're coming down...and they'll be replaced with chains. Then, at every corner, will be a pole with a bag hanging from it...and in each bag will be a different weapon to be used by whoever is lucky enough to climb up and grab it. The rules...there are no rules Eraser. Anything goes."

The crowd is going crazy and Gambino pauses for a moment to allow them to calm down

Gambino:"But you know what Eraser...I'm not so sure I can wait until Rumble in the Bronx. So why don't you walk your ass down that aisle, get in the ring, and come get you some of this!"

Gambino tosses the microphone to the side, rips off his shirt, and prepares for Eraser. Eraser begins walking down the aisle towards the ring

Dawg: Here we go, a little preview of tommorrow night, Eraser kicking Gambino's ass, I mean butt, I mean, you know what I mean!!

Eraser slides into the ring and gets to his feet, Gambino hits a right hand, Eraser comes back with a right hand of his own, Eraser then spears Gambino to the mat and starts to hammer him with right hand, they roll around for a few seconds hitting each other with right hands, PWF Security comes running down and manages to pull Eraser off Gambino, but Gambino charges back and dives over security to catches Eraser with a forearm, Gambino is then dragged back.

Stanyer: These two won't let it lie.

Kidd then comes running down the aisle and some of the security guards go to him to try and stop him getting in the ring, but in doing so Eraser breaks free and manages to take Gambino down again and hit a couple of right hands before Security drags him back off again as the camera cuts to commerical.

{Commerical Break}

**Clips are shown of Gambino delivering the Gambino Face Buster to various opponents while Keep Away by Godsmack plays. Then a voice over comes on**

Voice"You may not be able to kick ass like PWF Superstar, Antonio Gambino, but now at least you can look like him. New from PWF Shopzone, the Gambino Gangster Hat, available in black and red and for only 21.95. It has the Antonio Gambino logo embroidered on it, so your friends can see who your favorite PWF Superstar is. Also available are the Gambino Gangster Sunglasses. Great for keeping those harmful rays out of your eyes, or even better for looking like a real tough guy! Available now for only 13.95. All your friends are sure to be envious of you for wearing these items, order now from PWF Shopzone or wherever cool clothes are sold.

**Then, Gambino is shown standing on the sidewalk in a busy city wearing the Gangster Hat and Gangster Sunglasses.**

Gambino"You can't be me, you can't be like me, so do the next best thing and look like me!"

{End Commercial}

MVD is caught entering the building with JVD along his side by a camera crew and Ted Tedison, recovered from last weeks attack by Big Lou, they see him step out of a shoddy looking dodge with gWo crudely sprayed over the sides and a sticker on the bonnet saying " PWF courtesy car"

Tedison:- Mr Van Dam, can I get your thoughts on what happened last week on Havoc?

MVD:- Listen up tedison, i've had enough of the bullshit, last week my gWo-mobile was wrecked by that crazy jackass Theros.........

Tedison:- But Mr Van Dam, it wasn't Theros it was...........

MVD:- I DON'T WANNA HEAR it Tedison, everyone in the locker room has told me it was Theros.......... playing with my possessions is like playing with my emotions, and Matt Van Dam won't let this SPACKA get away with it, he will feel the wrath of my 5 Star Frog splash before too long let me tell you that Tedison.................... now i've got a match with Lethal to get ready for, of course i'll make sure it lasts at least a few minutes, wouldn't want the fans to go home feeling ripped off would we Ted?

Tedison:- i don't understand MVD?

MVD:- well i'm everyone's favourite wrestler, i'm Matt Van Dam (flexes arms towards head RVD style) and a PWF show always sells out when MVD is on the card, so i'm going to give them their money's worth, come on Jennifer.............

Camera follows MVD and JVD into their locker room as the door slams shut in their face

Tedison continues walking down the hallway as Lethal bumps into him.

Tedison: Hey. I need to have some words with you real quick.

Lethal: What do ya want?

Tedison: What do you think about your match with MVD tonight.

Lethal: Well, MVD is a good wrestler and I respect him. But when he steps into the ring all my good thoughts about him go right down the drain. You see after I was recruited into the PWF, I had one goal. That was to get the World title. It seems that in order for me to do that I have to wrestler the best in the company. Some names would be Gambino, Crusader, Power G, and MVD. This is just the first step to my era. The era that will stick with wrestling history. Well, I gotta a match, so seeya.

Lethal walks away and into his locker room.

Stanyer: Well they will step into the ring in just a moment, but now we have another match signed for tomorrow night, Eraser v Gambino in a New York Street Fight, Ropes replaced with chains, boxes hanging in each corner, each holding weapons, that is going to be brutal.

Dawg: And I simply cannot wait for it, I will love seeing Gambino get beat down in his home-town.

Stanyer: Well we go to the ring for our first match of the night, as Matt Van Dam takes on Lethal.

Matt Van Dam v Lethal
Referee: Morgan Black

As "Lethal Injection" by Slipknot plays the words "A new definition of hardcore has come." Followed by "You are looking at him now." The fans look around wondering where he is. All of the sudden from the backstage area Lethal walks out. On the screen it shows Lethal Injections happening.

James: Weighing in at 180 lbs. from Boston, Mass., The New Definiton of Hardcore, Lethal. Crowd boos

"Snap your Fingers, Snap your neck" by Prong plays as MVD walks down the aisle, cluching Jennifer Van Dam by the waist, he lets her go, and poses, flexing his arms towards his head (RVD style). The Ultra-Tron bears the gWo logo and then shows clips of MVD striking opponents out with his Kendo Stick and finishing them the 5 star frog splash.

James: Introducing, from Battlecreek, England, weighing 228lbs, "The Real F'n Show" Matt Van Dam. The crowd boos loudly

Report: Lethal charges in and hits a hard kick to the chest of MVD. He then follows it up with a sharp thrust to the throat of MVD. He then sends MVD to the ropes and hits a Calf Kick. MVD gets up a little stunned and Lethal hits a series of fast left and right kicks to the body of MVD. Lethal then goes for a jumping roundhouse, but MVD ducks it and then catches Lethal, he lifts him up and then hits a Clinching Slam. Lethal gets to his feet quickly, MVD hits a couple of forearms and then sends Lethal to the ropes and hits a straight kick to the stomach of Lethal, he then bounces off the ropes and then hits the FrogAsser. MVD then climbs the turnbuckle and performs the two thumb taunt. The crowd shower him with boos. MVD gets up and is surprised to see Lethal charging at him, but he manages to scoop up Lethal and hit the Vandamanizer (Tilt a Whirl Driver). He hooks the leg for the pin. .................1 ......................2 .................... Lethal kicks out.

Stanyer: Beautiful counter from MVD.

Dawg: What did you expect from the sexiest wrestler in the business today.

Stanyer: Did you just say that?

Dawg: What?

Stanyer: Nothing, doesn't matter

MVD picks up Lethal and scoops him up and delivers a Slam. He then climbs to the 2nd turnbuckle and hits the Stinky Leg Drop. Lethal gets to his feet. MVD goes for a right hand, but Lethal blocks it and hits a roundhouse kick knocking MVD down. MVD gets to his feet and Lethal challenges him to hit him. MVD goes for a Spinning Heel Kick, but Lethal ducks, but MVD lands on his kicking foot and then thrusts out with his standing foot kicking Lethal straight in the jaw and putting him down on the mat. MVD then springs to the top rope and flies off with the Five Star Frog Splash and then hooks the leg for the pin. ....................1 .......................2 ........................3!!!

MVD d. Lethal
3:02 Pinfall

Stanyer: MVD pulls out a quick win over Lethal.

Dawg: I was expecting more of a fight from Lethal, I guess the non-hardcore environment doesn't suit him so much.

A voice then pops through the PA system saying OutKasts, then "Bad Influence" blasts and Havok comes out to a chourus of cheers. Once in the ring, Havok gets a mic.

Havok: I am really dissapointed from last weeks Havoc. Travis Right again got the upper hand. That is the last straw, Travis, get your ass out here and come get the whopping you need. My name is Havok and I will always be a thorn in your side. I will be that thorn until you are destroyed. Until the gWo is destroyed. I am calling you out!

Crowd: Havok, Havok, Havok......

Stanyer: Well, where is he?

Dawg: He's coming.

As "Walk with your head up" by Deftones & System of Down hits" hits and you hear "Get up Stand up, I got my head up" Travis comes walking out onto the ramp and arrogantly waves for the fans to boo all they want. Firecrackers pop off all around the Ultra-tron as the Future stands at the entrance way with a cocky smile on his face. He looks out at the crowd and just shakes his head in disgusts as he pulls out a mic from his back pocket

Travis: Damn Im good!! Im mean seriously, come on, how many times do I have to come out in front of you peices of trash and beat the hell out of another peice of trash (turns and looks right at Havok), before you will respect me. Im sure you were all hoping to see me in action again tonight, but thats just not gonna happen. Im tired of kicking the shit out of loser's like Havok. Im trying to find some real competition. You all know im the greatest champion around so I dont really think I've got to come out tonight and prove anything.

The fans boo The Future for calling himself the greatest champion. He stops and looks around again wondering why everyone's booing him

Travis: Well anyways, the one reason I did come out here tonight is to let ,that peice of crap in the ring, know that Im giving him one last shot. I told you last week Havok that that was your last shot, but knowing you I kinda figured you'd come out and cry again. So this time your signing a contract, no more bitching and moaning Havok. After the Rumble you better stear clear of me. I dont care what damn reason it might be, your nevering getting another shot at my belt after tomarrow. Which brings me to another point. Being the nice guy that I am, giving you a title shot, I get to pick the match. Heheh, Im sure your wandering what it could be Havok. Should I kick your ass in a cage??? Nah, I think I can still see some scars in your head from the beating I gave you in our last cage match. Should I kick your ass in a street fight. Nope, I think your still brain dead from that time I belted you over the head with that singapore cane. Hmm, Well how about a best 2 out of 3 falls match. Yea, that should be a whole lot of fun. It'll be twice the embaressment. That outa put my record against you around to, Ohh I dont know, 6 or 7 to nothing. Hell even I cant remember how many times I've smacked your dumbass around the ring. But remember Havok. Tomarrow will be the last time. I'll see you at the Rumble!!

Travis slowly walks backwards and points at his belt and then to Havok and tells him to wave good bye to the U.S. belt because he's never gonna win

Stanyer: Now I like that idea.

Before Travis can get to the back, Havok calls him again....

Havok: Travis, why don't we put the other fights in this one. How about the first fall is a straight one-on-one match, the second a street fight and the thrid a cage match. I think that that will be a greater match.

Crowd cheers as Havok leaves the ring.

The Future stops backing up and thinks for a moment before pulling back out the mic from his pocket

Travis: Is that what you really want Havok. Well than.......NO!!! Yea thats right Havok, Im the god damn champion and I make the rules. Now dont get me wrong, I could kick your ass in all three of those matches. But the fact is I've given you enough damn chances, and this time it's gonna be my rules. So like I said before best two out of three falls. Now if you'll excuse me I've got important U.S. champion business to do. O and good luck in your match tonight Havok.

Travis starts backing up again as he chuckles a bit to himself and disapears into the backstage area

Dawg: Hah, that will teach Havok to get cocky.

Stanyer: Indeed, I would have liked to have seen Havok's match though.

{Commerical Break}

The scene opens in a football stadium at the home of Crusader in Palm Beach Florida. It looks as if they are going to make a commercial advertisement but they cant get the extras to co-operate. The extras are a couple dozen females sitting in the stands. The problem is their mouths are wide open and they are drooling everywhere. Thier eyes are fixed on some object in the middle of the field. They are staring as if they had just seen the man of their dreams. The camera follows their stare to The One, Crusader. The camera man walks up to Crusader

Reporter- "This definitely is no Ice Breaker, no pun intended, but these girls literally cant take their eyes off you."

Crusader- "Yeah but this time they arent looking at me, its the shirt Jackass!"

(the reporter takes a look at the black, sleeveless shirt Crusader is wearing which has the words Crusader on the front and The Outkasts on the back.)

Crusader- (turns towards camera) "Get your new Crusader T-shirt only at PWF Shop Zone"

Reporter- "Umm, Crusader?"

Crusader- "What?!"

Reporter- "Damn you smell good!"

[the scene fades to black as the girls still sit with that fixed stare and drool falling from their mouths]

{End Commercial}

Davey K is in his locker room with a couple of ladies massaging him while the Water Guy sits opposite

Water Guy: Davey, being massaged is all well and good but...

Davey K: Yes, it is all well and good, I know I like it!

Blonde Woman: Is this Okay Davey?

Davey K: Yeah, you just keep giving Davey's neck that sort of rub, and aaargghhh yeah thats the spot!

Water Guy: Davey! Havoc is rapidly approaching and you have to face Havok!

Davey K: I have to do a Havoc at Havok and create more Havoc than a Havoc Pie?

Water Guy: What???? Have you been drinking something else but my water?

Davey K: Hey relax! Listen I dont care who Havok is, or what he thinks hes gonna do to the Superstar on Saturday, I mean the guy comes trotting to the ring with his "I love Jimmy Snuka" T-Shirt on, saying "Raaarrrgghhh, who wants to wreak Havok?" Is this guy for real, Who wants to wreck havoc? Is that like a really bad version of "Who Wants to be a Millionaire"? Oh man, hey speaking of which, I got to $1000 dollars last night, but well, lets say the ladies wanted to win a million!

Water Guy: I dont get it

Davey K: Ahh shut up. So You can go tell Havok that I would love to break Havok, crush Havok, and show the whole wrestling world that Im the Superstar Baby! And he is the Super Chump, super Jackass, super jerk, super lamo, super .....

Water Guy: Hey enough man!

Davey K: I cant wait to till I get that idiot in the ring, in fact I have an idea, lets give him a present!!! Haha, It'll be great!

Water Guy: Oh man, heres you cell phone, this is a really immature idea!

Davey K dials a number and sits while it rings

Davey K: Hey, is that Jane#s kissograms? Great, I'd like to order, a hehehe, kissogram, what? Yeah its for a erm friend, the costume? Do you have a gorilla one? EEEexcellent! Okay, yeah Ill get my assistant to give you the address, ok thanks, see ya!

Water Guy: Sometimes, you asstound me!

Davey K: Yeah, well thats why the people love me, hey I never said stop massaging!

Camera cuts back to ringside

Stanyer: Well folks, we now know another match for tomorrow night, as Havok will get his last title shot at Travis Right in a 2 out of 3 falls Match for the US title, these two have had a long rivalry, stretching back to before House of Pain, but tomorrow night it will be finished, two out of three falls.

Dawg: Indeed, but Travis Right will make sure that the rivalry continues to be in his favour.

Stanyer: But now we have a match between Superstar Davey K and Havok.

Havok v "Superstar" Davey K
Referee: Morgan Black
Credit: Goatman

Before the music begins, everywhere goes dark, and then purple and blue lights flicker and then go all around, then focus on the entrance where Davey P is about to enter. The minute it focuses on the entrance, the music begins.
The Video is of Superstar Davey K, dancing with many attractive women on a beach and then in his variety of cars eg BMW etc. The camera zooms into the numberplate which reads "SUPERSTAR 1". Davey K can be seen driving the car with his customary expensive jewellery and designer silk shirts. The camera then focuses on Davey K standing next to his car as many bikini wearing women wash it, and Davey stands looking on with an American Football Shirt, with his name on the back that reads "Davey P - no.69". The Video goes on to show Davey in various expensive clubs.
Superstar Davey P walks down the aisle very confidentally with a smug look on his face. He will come down dressed and have his wrestling gear underneath. His dress is either American Football Jerseys, baggy trousers and trainers if he is to wrestle. If he is out to cut a promo then he will be dressed smartly, wearing an open slik shirt, revealing jewellery. Davey P will stop every so often to look at a member of the crowd and show them the rings on his finger. All the time he will be nodding his head to the music on the speakers. When he gets to the ring he will walk up the steps, and enter the ring by going through the middle ropes. He immediatley goes to the turnbuckle and stands with his arms stretched open, nodding to the music, pointing at his chest and mouthing "Who's the superstar Baby?", "Yeah, show me the money!".

James: Introducing from Los Angeles, California, weighing 325lbs, Superstar Davey K

"Bad Influence" by Eminem plays as Havok walks in front of the UltraTron and does his taunt, he then walks through the crowd. He really loves the crowd and will never forget where he came from. His Ultra-Tron video shows him skating and then his finisher.

James: Introducing from Tucson, Arizona, weighing 267lbs. Havok. Crowd Cheers

Report: Both men circle each other. Havok locks up with Superstar Davey K but Superstar Davey K reverses the grapple and fireman carries Havok. The superstar smiles at the crowd looking for appreciation. When Havok gets up, Superstar shoots in with a double leg take down. The superstar lets go of Havok and flexes for the crowd. Havok waits for the Superstar to finish then locks up with Davey K and irish whipping him into the ropes, Havok grabs Superstar Davey K going for a tilt-a-whirl slam. However, after the spin Superstar Davey K reverses and spins Havok and slams him. Again, Superstar Davey K smiles and taunts to the crowd. While Superstar Davey K is appealing to the crowd Havok lands a Dizzy kick to the Superstar. Havok locks up and delivers a rib breaker. Havok lifts up the Superstar by the neck with both hands and lifts him high in the air before slamming him down.

Dawg: I can tell you what just happened here.

Stanyer: Go ahead, I am listening.

Dawg: Superstar Davey K is impressing the ladies. One of Superstar Davey K fans is a perfect ten model in the front row. He just got caught spending too much time looking at her...... rather than Havok.

Havok picks up Davey K and snap powerbombs him. Havok turns Davey K to his stomach and applies the Rings of Saturn. Superstar Davey K inches his way to the ropes where the ref calls for a break.

Superstar Davey K locks up with Havoc and nails a quick snap mare which is followed by a sleeper hold. Havok's arms are swinging at first but eventually die down. The ref picks up one hand and Havoc manages to keep it in the air. Havok lands a few right punches to Davey K. Davey K lets go of the hold. Havok locks up and attempts to whip Davey K into the turnbuckle however it is reversed. With Havok in the corner, Davey K lands multiple chops to Havok's chest. Davey K grabs Havok and whips him into the opposite turnbuckle. Davey K runs at Havok and leaps high in the air for a splash but Havok moves out of the way and Davey K lands on the turnbuckle. Havoc grabs Davey K from behind and does his trademark Remember the Devastation (Pumphandle Slam). Just then Travis Right comes down the aisle. The referee notices and warns Travis Right not to interfere. Travis Right joins the announcers.

Stanyer: Welcome Travis.

Travis Right: I hate this Punk Havok, he makes me puke.

Havok leans over the ropes and warns Travis not to interfere. Superstar Davey K slowly gets to his feet. Havok turns around and focuses his attention to Superstar Davey K. Travis gets up on the apron and distracts the referee. Havoc kicks Superstar Davey K in the gut and delivers a Stone Cold Stunner. He covers for the pin. No count is made as the ref is still talking to Travis Right. MVD comes down the aisle and climbs in the ring, kicking Havok off the superstar. When Havoc gets up, MVD does a spinning Belly 2 belly suplex to Havok. Havoc slowly gets up. Superstar Davey K punches Havok in the gut. MVD bounces off the ropes and hits a frogasser. Then MVD leaves the ring and the ref turns around. Seeing MVD, the referee talks to him. Travis Right comes in the ring with the ring bell and hits the referee in the back of the head knocking him out cold. Then Havok and MVD both start punching Havok. Havok falls to the ground; MVD and Travis Right continue kicking Havok. Superstar Davey K leaves the ring and goes over to perfect ten model. She hands him a permanent marker and he signs his name on her voluptuous chest. Superstar Davey K then kisses the perfect ten model and she passes out. Superstar Davey K takes a sip of water given to him by his water boy and he sends him to revive the model. Superstar Davey K then climbs back into the ring. Travis and MVD each grab one arm of Havok lifting him up. Superstar Davey K lines himself up and nails sweet chin music. Superstar Davey K goes for the cover. MVD and Travis go to wake the referee. The ref counts. ...................1 ..................2 ....................3

Stanyer: I am speechless. The gWo basically stole this one away from Havok.

Dawg: Do you think Superstar Davey K's fan has a friend?

Stanyer: You didn't even watch the match, did you?

Dawg: Yeah, I did. This was the handicap match against Havok right.

Stanyer: Exactly. Well I am sure Havok wont be too happy when he wakes up.

Camera cuts to a large field with tall grass and very few trees. As the camera pans around the field, it sees Bloodbath sitting in a lawn chair in the bed of his Crimson colored Dodge Ram truck. He has a shotgun propped up against his chair and he is holding a bottle of water. As he takes a sip of his water, he tel the cameraman to come a little closer.

Bloodbath: "Well, well, well. You guys found me. I am surprised. But, since you did, I guess I can tell you why I asked you to come out all this way. You see, I have a few matters to address." Bloodbath puts his water down next to him. "First, I must address Blackbird. Why, you ask? Because he has MY title! I should be ythe Extreme Champion, because everybody knows that I am THE most Extreme Wrestler in the PWF! Blackbird has just been carrying around my belt for the past few weeks. So, to Blackbird, I say this: Beware, because sooner or later, I am coming after my title. And the mess I leave after I am trough with you won't be pretty." Bloodbath hops down from the bed of his truck and heads towards the driver's side door. "Come on, we're going for a little ride." Camera cuts to black.

Then the camera comes back on, the truck is parked in a different location. This time, it is parked under a huge tree. Bloodbath, once again, is sitting in his chair in the truck bed.

Bloodbath: "Now, this is the spot." Bloodbath picks up his shotgun and loads two shells into it. "Watch this!" Bloodbath waits a few moments and then takes a shot at th tree, up in the branches. As soon as the shot sounds, a flock of birds flies out of the limbs. Bloodbath takes aim and shoots his second shotgun blast. Out of the sky falls a big black bird. "Haha! I got 'em! Blackbirds are so easy to take down!" Bloodbath puts his shotgun down and stands up. "At the rumble, I will be the last man in the ring after every other participant has been eliminated. Then, I will go ont to End Of The World and finally accomplish my goal of winning the PWF World Title! And no matter what Blackbird or anyone else tries to do, they will not be able to stop me!"

Bloodbath jumps out of the bed of thetruck and gets into the driver's seat and starts the engine as the camera fades.

Stanyer: Well I'm not sure what that was about, but it looks like Bloodbath wants to win the Rumble in the Bronx and become the PWF World Champion.

Dawg: He's an OutKast, and he want's to fight his own friend?

Stanyer: It's the World title, some people will do anything for glory.

Big Lou is found in his locker room sitting in a recliner with a beer in his right hand watching Homicide on television who's laying back on his couch with a pillow under his head. Big Lou then moves to the edge of his recliner about to spear his 35 inch screen television set. Mad Mike then grabs a 40ty ounce and watches Big Lou's actions towards Homicide remarks on television

Big Lou begins to talk silently to himself

Big Lou: Look at him just laying there thinking I ain't no challenge to him.... please!! Well you know I should be doing the same thing cause if some guy named himself Destroyer must have a sad wrestling career.

Big Lou begins to mock Destroyer

Big Lou: Hi fans I'm DESTROYER I'm your worst F'N NIGHTMARE!! You will all fall to my wrath!

Mad Mike begins to laugh

Big Lou: This is a Joke... Thats why Homicide rigged this up cause he knew if he gave me a rematch his chances on winning the European title would be fuckin slim to nothing. By doing it this way he hopes this Destroyer will get a quick pin against me and He'll move to the championship and Homicide will dish out a beating against Destroyer.

Mad Mike:You know somthing Lou.. Homicide has one of those special names to like Destroyer you see....

Mad Mike begins to mock Homicide

Mad Mike: Watch out I'm Homicide I'll leave you mutalated on the rough streets of Boston Mass!!

Big Lou and Mad Mike begin to laugh

Big Lou: Yeah your right he does have one of those names.

Mad Mike: Least your name is a nickname ya know. Its just funny how some of these people get these weird fuckin names.

Big Lou: Yeah I hear ya. Well Destroyer will be destroyed after I'm done with him! I will have no problem defeating him what so ever! I'm focusing on Homicide right now, I'm two steps ahead right now. I should be at the bar around the corner but this beer in my hand right now is fine enough. I'll be training in the other room Mike..

Big Lou begins to walk into his own personal weight lifting room. Big Lou then begins to talk silently to himself again.

Big Lou: I'll destroy destroyer and I'll defeat Homicide for the european championship.

Camera cuts back to the arena

Stanyer: Well for those who don't already know, earlier today, Both Big Lou and Destroyer challenged Homicide for a European title shot, so Homicide decided to book this #1 contenders match.

Dawg: And I am told Destroyer has asked Gambino to make this match a Hardcore match, and has had his request granted.

Stanyer: I'm surprised Destroyer wants to go Hardcore with Big Lou, but it is his decision.

Hardcore Match
#1 contenders Match for the European Title
Big Lou v Destroyer
Referee: Carlton Rock

Natural Born Killaz blast on the stereos throughout the arena then you see on the titantron "N.B.K. ALL THE WAY!" in red blood type letters. Big Lou makes his way to the ramp. Big Lou then raises his Louie ville slugger in the air and slowly raises his head up and all of a sudden red flames from the right and green flames on the left side shoot up in the air. Big Lou then enters the ring and goe over the top rope, Big Lou climbs up the turnbuckle with the Louie ville slugger high in the air.

James: The following match is a number one contenders match for the European Title, Introducing first, from Las Vegas, Nevada, weighing 270lbs, Big Lou. Crowd Boos loudly

"Bodies" by Drowning Pool hits as Destroyer walks out onto the rampway. He raises both arms in the air with clenched fists. He then walks down to the ring, he climbs in over the top rope. He walks to the far turnbuckle and climbs to the second rope before raising two clenched fists again.**

James: And his opponent, from Brooklyn, New York, weighing 350lbs, Destroyer

Report: Destroyer charges straight in and clubs Big Lou before he is even ready to start. Big Lou is knocked back into the turnbuckle where Destroyer proceeds to hammer him with forearms to the face. Destroyer then whips Lou to the opposite Turnbuckle and follows him in with a big clothesline. Big Lou staggers out of the turnbuckle and gets kicked in the gut and Destroyer hits a DDT.

Stanyer: An explosive start from Destroyer, cover. ................1 ................2 ................. Big Lou kicks out.

Dawg: Destroyer looks sharp tonight on his return, Big Lou may find it tough if he wants his rematch with Homicide.

Big Lou gets to his feet and Destroyer hammers him with a forearm sending Big Lou staggering backwards. Destroyer whips Lou to the ropes and delivers a Devastating Spinebuster. Cover. ................1 ...............2 ................. Big Lou kicks out.

Stanyer: Big Lou needs to get some offence in soon, it's been all Destroyer so far.

Destroyer picks up Big Lou and kicks him in the gut then puts him in position for a Powerbomb.

Dawg: If he hits this, it's all over!!!

Destroyer picks up Big Lou, but as he is above his head he gets in a few punches to the head of Destroyer and he is forced to drop him, Lou lands on his feet and immediately delivers a couple of right hands, but these don't faze Destroyer too much. Big Lou whips Destroyer to the ropes, but he reverses it and ducks down for a Back Body drop, but Big Lou kicks him in the face, he staggers backwards into the ropes and Big Lou hits a running clothesline that takes them both over the top rope, Big Lou lands on his feet and picks up Destroyer and slams his face into the apron. Big Lou then delivers a Russian Leg Sweep on the floor. Destroyer gets up holding his head. Lou kicks him in the gut then grabs Destroyer in a DDT position and jumps up before driving his head into the mat. Big Lou then rolls over Destroyer and covers him. ..................1 .................2 ................... Destroyer kicks out.

Stanyer: Big Lou could have won it right there, remember folks, this is hardcore rules, falls count anywhere, anything goes.

Big Lou gets up and picks up a chair, he slides it into the ring, He then helps Destroyer up and rolls him into the ring. Lou slides in and and picks up the chair, he waits for Destroyer to get to his feet then charges in but the Ruff Ryder counters by ducking and hitting a viscious punch to the gut of Big Lou, Destroyer picks up the chair that Lou dropped and swings it as he turns around. Big Lou staggers back to his feet slowly and gets goozled and picked up as Destroyer delivers Total Devastation(Chokeslam from Hell). Destroyer covers. .......................1 ........................2 ..................... The count is broken up when Mad Mike comes from nowhere and hits Destroyer over the head with a lead pipe.

Stanyer: Where the hell did Mad Mike come from?

Dawg: I don't know, but Destroyer is in trouble now.

Mad Mike batters Destroyer over the head with the pipe. Then "Bodies" by Drowning Pool hits and the rest of the Ruff Ryders come charging down to the ring, Mad Mike slides out of the ring and goes to meet them, while he is being overpowered Big Lou has made a cover in the middle of the ring. ....................1 .........................2 ..........................3!!!!! Carlton Rock calls for the bell and the Ruff Ryders look up to see Big Lou's arm raised. They slide into the ring, but Lou slides out the other side and then goes to his cousin and helps him up as they head off up the aisle trash talking with the Ruff Ryders who are pacing around the ring.

Big Lou d. Destroyer
7:51 Pinfall

{Commerical Break}

Announcer- SPRITE! The best stuff on Earth!!!

**The camera flashes a shot of General Leo of the PWF drinking Sprite, A fist comes flying out of the side of the screen, nailing Leo out of the picture, Cossak Joe of the gWo is revealed**

Announcer- The...

**The camera cuts to a shot of the MOW E's Phreak he cautiously looks to the left and as he opens the bottle a fist comes out from the opposite side of the screen, After Phreak falls to the ground Travis Right stands triumphantly where Phreak was **

Announcer- second.....

**The next MOW Sanitarium Champion, Heelmaster, is seen, he looks both ways before drinking some sprite, He gets hit with a lethal chop originating at the bottom of the screen, Power G stands up and nods to the camera**

Announcer- best....

**The triple crown champion of the UAW, Bates Masterson, is guzzling down a Sprite, until the scene changes .**

Announcer- stuff.....

**Cleveland, Ohio's own Heavy Metal guru, Matt Wilkins is shown tossing a can of Sprite in the air and drinking all of the contents, before spitting it on the ground.As he bends over to spit it out MVD Hits him with a Vandaminator**

Announcer- on.....

**The camera focuses on Nightshade completely downing a 20 oz. Sprite right before Wowbowski seaks up and pushes him out of the shot All the members of the gWo are shown finishing off their respective drinks. They then give a simultaneous thumbs up.**

Announcer- EARTH !!!!!!!!!

Wowbowski- Green Vodka Only! It may look Sprite, but it not. Ve comrade in gWo only drink it *under breathe* me and Cossak anyvay

**The camera cuts out.**

{End Commercial}

The Imperial March hits through the arena as Leo, Blackbird, and Blade make their way all out on the ramp as the fans cheer The Empire members walk down to the ring as Blade walks over the top rope and Leo runs to the turnbuckle and poses as Blackbid does a crucifyx pose in the middle of the ring.

Stanyer: Well here comes the Empire

Blade:- Cut the music. Now, I am out here for one reason and one reason only and Pitbull you now what it is! I want a shot at your Hardcore Title at the Rumble. So do your self a favor Pitbull, accept the challenge and step up and get your ass kicked!

The lights go black, then a spotlight lands on the entrance to the ramp. "Hells Bells" hits and Xuway Zanchu comes out.

Xuway:- Damn you Blade. I am the man you got to beat to become hardcore. But enough of all this silly hardcore talk for the moment. Blackbird.... Now that I finally found you lets set up a match for the Extreme title.

Footage rolls of Xuway's face being burned.

Xuway:- See now Blackbird, I can't let you get away with that. You see, paper can't wrap fire. And the fire you started in me you won't be able to be covered up. Now, I want that belt so move that punk to the side and give the people what they want- Two men in the ring who know the meaning of hardcore putting it to the extreme.

No sooner has Xuway laid out his challenge than he is cut off as "Come Out And Play" by The Offspring hits. People all over the arena cheer as Silas "The Pitbull" Parish's entry video plays. The curtain parts and out steps the PWF Hardcore champion. He glares at Xuway for a second, then smirks and pulls a mic from his back pocket to address Blade.

Pitbull: - "Sorry Zebra, but I have something to say to that brain dead piece of trash and his buddies thats more important than any whining you were in the middle of. Blade, Blade, Blade. You ignorant pile of horse crap. You realy seem to have a deathwish don't you? Once again you stand out here and make a challenge to me for MY Hardcore title. Like you actually deserve a shot and think you had any chance of winning. You know, after I kicked your teeth in last event, and in the process retaining MY Hardcore title, I thought you'd finally be able to get it through your thick skull. You suck, pure and simple."

The crowd actually starts to boo Silas, for the first time ever. Silas however, doesn't seem to notice.

Pitbull: - "You have very little talent, an intelligence on par with a turnip and you can hardly keep your knee's from knocking in fear at the prospect of getting your ass handed to you by yours truly... again! You want a match with me for MY Hardcore title huh? Well, here is my answer, and you can quote me if you want, BITE ME!!!"

Silas flips the entire Empire the bird, then smirks at Xuway once more on his way back out to the back. Before he can leave however, he is stopped by Leo beginning to speak.

General Leo:- You know what... I have a better idea. Since all four of you want a piece at gold of some sort, why not make this a double title tag match?

The fans cheer at the prospect.

General Leo:- Why don't we make this an Extreme tag match for both the Hardcore and the Extreme Titles? If the Empire wins, Blade gets the Hardcore Title, if you two losers win, then Xuway gets the Extreme Title.

Leo stops talking as the fans go nuts at the decision.

General Leo:- Now... let's think rules... we've seen flaming tables matches, we've seen bed of nails matches, we've seen glass matches, I think we've seen it all here in the PWF. It's hard to come up with something original, so why don't we do an old favorite? A Stairway to Hell match. Hanging high above the ring will be a pair of Singapore Canes.

Blade and Blackbird's faces light up.

General Leo:- Well, I know these two are all for it. What about you guys?

The camera cuts to Xuway and Pitbull.

Xuway:- That fine with me. I will be partners with that mutt to achieve the gold and kick the snot out of the Empire. Maybe then when Pitbull sees a hardcore champion in action he will come to his senses and give me back MY belt.

Stanyer: Well there you have it folks, Blackbird & Blade v Xuway and Pitbull with BOTH the Hardcore and Extreme Title on the line in a Stairway to Hell match, what a match that is going to be.

{Commerical Break}

[Scene opens showing a suburban street, with a few kids dressed in hockey gear playing street hockey...]

Fat Kid: Hey, you guys... we need one more before we can have a game.

Voice: Hey, got room for one more?

[The kids all turn (as does the camera) and see Kevin Cage, walking toward them, he is wearing black cargo shorts and the all new Kevin Cage Hockey Jersey.]

Kevin Cage: I'll play!

Fat Kid: (mouth open, barely able to talk...) Ummmm... okay, Mr. Mr. Mr.... Cage.

[The scene shows Cage and the kids into their hockey game... shots of Cage skating around the kids, shooting and scoring... the scene fades out... then goes to after the game.]

Small kid: Wow, how'd you learn to play like that?

Kevin Cage: It's all in the jersey kid.

[Cage walks away... close up of the kids face.]

Small kid: Wow, I gotta get me one of those!


PWF Advertisement voice: And so do you! Get this black hockey jersey, with Kevin Cage written on the front in red/outlined in white, and the number 12 on the back and both sleeves, for only $39.95 in the PWF Shopzone!
Call 1-800-PWF-ZONE today!

{End Commercial}

Stanyer: Welcome back folks, we go to the ring for Xuway v Blade, with tomorrows Tag Match now booked, this one will be very interesting.

Xuway Zanchu v Blade
Referee: Mark Johnson

"Hell's Bell's by AC/DC hits as Xuway sits in a chair which is carried by his loyal slaves. Once in the ring, Xuway meditates in dance. Then the dance gets aggresive almost if he is fighting a ghost. When done his eyes roll up in the back of his head. He goes to his corner and waits. The Ultra-tron just has some ninja camp with a bunch of ninja fighting

James: The following match is scheduled for one fall, Introducing from The Orient, weighing 392lbs, Xuway Zanchu.Crowd boos

Walks out to Dope by Debonaire and he does the HHH water bottle thing and then he walks down to the ring over the top rope and does the spin around 2 sweet sign like Kevin Nash.

James: And his opponent, from Toronto Canada, weighing 325lbs, Blade Crowd Cheers

Report: The two big men circle each other, they tie up and try to overpower each other, Xuway has a 50lb weight advantage and manages to push Blade into the corner. Mark Johnson calls for a clean break, but Xuway ignores him and hits an overhand chop to the chest of Blade. Xuway then whips Blade out of the corner, but Blade reverses and sends Xuway into the opposite turnbuckle. Blade then charges in and hits a running Clothesline. He hooks the head of Xuway and then delivers a Vertical Suplex.

Stanyer: Wow, It's not often you see a near 400lb guy getting Suplexed, what power from Blade

Blade comes off the ropes and then drives a hard knee into the chest of Xuway. Blade then picks Xuway up and then hits a big right hand, but Xuway throws his hair back and just stares at Blade. Blade hits another hard right hand which knocks Xuway's face to the side, but he again flicks his hair back and goes back to the stare. Blade goes for a third right hand, but this time Xuway blocks it and then takes Blade down for a Reverse Armbar, Xuway can't lock it on properly and Blade manages to clamber across the ring and grabs the bottom rope. Xuway reluctantly releases the hold and gets up. Blade stands up shaking his arm. Xuway kicks Blade in the gut and then grabs the same arm and hits an Arm Popper. Blade staggers towards the turnbuckle holding his injured arm. Xuway stalks him but Blade comes back and hits a couple of big right hands which stun Xuway. Blade goes to clothesline Xuway down but he gets blocked and hiptossed over and then taken into a Cross Armbreaker.

Dawg: Look at that agility, can the Empire pull moves like that off, I didn't think so.

Stanyer: Amazing agility from Xuway Zanchu, his phenomenal skills as a submission wrestler give him a big advantage over many PWF superstars, the question has always been over his endurance. If Blade can survive the early onslaught from Xuway, then he has a big chance of winning the match.

Blade is struggling with the pain of the move, but he manages to reach out and slowly drag himself to the bottom rope, Mark Johnson continually asks him if he wants to give it up, but he says no and finally he reaches the bottom rope. Mark Johnson asks Xuway to break the hold, Xuway refuses and cranks back even more on the hold. The Referee counts to 5 and still Xuway refuses to break the hold. Mark Johnson tries to break the hold with his own hands, but Xuway temporarily releases one hand to push the referee away and then goes back to the Cross Armbreaker.

Stanyer: Xuway has snapped, he is trying to break the arm of Blade.

Dawg: Wrench back, further, snap his arm!!

Mark Johnson is left with little choice and signals for the bell and the disqualification. But Xuway still continues to hold onto the arm of Blade. Then Blackbird comes running down the aisle and slides into the ring. He goes to break the hold, but Xuway releases it and then rolls out of the ring to avoid Blackbird, he walks around the ring with a Sick Smile on his face as he heads up the aisle, EMT's come running down to help Blade, Blackbird turns to help his friend who is rolling about holding his left arm.

Dawg: What genius by Xuway, he threw this match so he could deliberately injure the arm of Blade, Now Xuway has a major advantage tomorrow night for that Tag Team Match.

Blade d. Xuway
4:24 Disqualification.

Stanyer: Well Blade is going to need to put some Ice on that, otherwise he will struggle in the Stairway to Hell match tomorrow night.

Dawg: If can even make it to the Rumble tomorrow.

Alexander and Kull sit in a dimmly light room. Their Tag Team Titles sit on either side of a large white candle. Their faces are lit by the shie of the light coming off the titles.

Alexander:- Sadly the Russians were no match for our superior skills in the arts of war. They were forced to ask for help from their gWo allies. However, they were stopped short by a chivalrous duo, the Topp Doggs. We appericate ...

Kull:- (interupting Alexander) Though unneed and unwanted

Alexander:- True, but none the less we appericate your interference on our behave. Though the match was over and our victory eminent. We have asked for a match against you to prove your worthiness.

Kull:- Bring your best and the War Wagon shall be victorious,

The scene fades out

A Russian flag appears on the Big Screen along as red and blue strobe lights begin to flash, after a few moments Du Hast by Rammstein kicks in. The two Russians then come walking out of the back, Wowbowski turns and looks at the picture of the flag while Cossak just walks straight to the ring. Wowbowski follows Cossak down and slides into the squared circle. He makes his way to the middle of the ring and asks for a mic.

Wowbowski: "Tonight we not here to talk about you stupid Americanski's"

Cossak: "Da"

Wowbowski: "Tonight we put out challenge to Americanski's"

Cossak: "Da"

Wowbowski: "And those Americanski's are the two people who hold our titles, the MOW E belts. The titles they stole from us!"

Cossak: "Da"

Wowbowski: "So we challenge the Top Doggs to a Hardcore Tag Match for the Rumble"

Cossak "Da"

”2 of Amerikas Most Wanted” plays as The Top Doggs come out with mics

Ken:- You want a hardcore tag match at at the Rumble with us?

Shawn:- For the MOW E Tag Titles we hold so dearly?

Ken:- Why? Don’t you remember what happened the last time we faced each other?

Shawn:- Which was under hardcore rules I might add.

Ken:- That’s right. Don’t you remember how sent your asses back to “Motherland” in a dumpster?

Shawn:- Don’t you remember the brutal beating we gave you? The injuries you sustained afterwards?

Ken:- All we gotta say is, “Bring it on!”

2 of Amerika's Most Wanted hits again as both teams leave the ring

{Commerical Break}

*clips of Blackbird's arm being raised with the Hardcore and World titles are shown*

Voice-He's the most resiliant man in wrestling today. He is a former PWF World Champion

*More clips shown*

Voice-Hardcore is what this man does.

*Blackbird is shown sitting in the corner of a ring with a mic*


Fast voice-Order your copy of Blackbird: Definition of hardcore including entire matches and commentary from Blackbird himself for only $9.99! Available in Shopzone NOW!

{End Commercial}

McFreeze is in his locker room with Icicle and Angel Frost, getting ready for his match

McFreeze:- Josh Resnick… You are a worthy opponent but your win over me was a fluke, It should have never happened. But everything that’s happened, its in the past. Now, seeing how the Rumble card is full, I challenge you to a match at the next Havoc in which I will unveil my new finisher. This time the Kodiak Krippler will prevail, This time you will tap out, THIS TIME YOU WILL FEEL THE PAIN! Now, on to tonight, I have a match against Rye. I respect him but He does not have as much as in-ring experience as me, I know every thing in the ring, you will not beat me. I will take you out to show Josh Resnick how it is really done.

McFreeze continues getting ready for his match

Camera catches up to Resnick as he is heading down the hall. Suddenly he stops and look at the camera man. Smiling at him.

Resnick: - No need to tell me. McFreeze you just don't get it. You are the past and you will remain the past. The future is now and I will show you why no one walks away from The Equinox. So I will see you at Havoc or Armageddon which ever comes next after tonight. Yet there is one thing i am not sure of. Am I in the rumble? Well if Mr. Pellington and Mr. Gambino know what is best I better be.

Resnick continues on his way down the hall then stops. Looks at an unsuspecting referee. Suddenly locks this referee in The Equinox. Camera is set down as the camera man tries to pry Resnick off the ref.

The scene fades into Ted Tedison the reporter pacing up and down the narrow corridor staring at a peice of paper attached to a notepad. He has a pen that rests upon his ear. He seems to be reading something to himself. As he does he pulls the pen away from his ear and makes a few changes. He then procedes to walk down the corridor until he comes to a locker room labeled "Rye Hazwaki" Ted knocks on the door three times before slowly entering. He sees Rye sitting on the couch taping up his fists. Rye sees Ted and jumps up to his feet.

Rye: "Whoa, what you think your doing?"

Tedison: "Can i have an interview with you Rye?"

Rye: "Umm....."

Tedison: "I take that as a yes then? Anyways, earlier tonight McFreeze was quite dis-loyal to you. How do you feel about him."

Rye: "Quite frankly i don't give a damn about McFreeze, he can speak all he likes it don't effect me. He knows i'll beat him. He may have the ring experience but he doesn't have pure power does he."

Tedison: "True, but McFreeze is a tough competitior, what makes you so confident?"

Rye: "Did i say i was confident?"

Tedison: "...No, but i'm asuming you are"

Rye: "Get your facts right nerd. McFreeze is the Submission expert or so he says, but that don't worry me, he doesn't have power in the mind and soul to beat anyone. I'll smother his blood all around the ring. Then we will see who is laughing."

Tedison: "Well moving on, the Rumble is coming up soon, how well do you think you will do?"

Rye: "You people know nothing. I'll win that rumble no matter what, i'll get a shot at the World Title even if Crusader holds it. I'll prove to the world that i am a True Champion."

Tedison: "That brings me onto another subject. The OutKasts"

Rye: "What bout em?"

Tedison: "You lot don't seem to be very active as of late. Which is making you smaller and gWo bigger."

Rye: "Ah, the Outkasts, were all going through quite a tough time right now. Things will soon pick up. I seem to be the only active member but not to worry... i've taken gWo down once before, i can do it again."

Tedison: "gWo are strong now, when you went up against them last there were three members, now there are about 6."

Rye: "Point exactly?"

Tedison: "You have no chance in beating them alone."

Rye: "Your saying i'm not good enough? Huh? Huh?"

Tedison: "No... No...No i was jus.."

Rye picks Ted up by his shiny white shirt before he can finsh his sentence. Rye slams him into the wall and holds him there for multiple seconds before dropping him and walking out the room. Ted brushes his clothes as the camera fades to black.

Stanyer: Ted Tedison nearly didn't survive another week.

Dawg: He should be more careful, you just can't keep pissing people off like he does.

Stanyer: Well we now have a battle of the champions, as the PWF Tag Team Champions, the Gods of War, take on the last MOW E Tag Team Champions, the Top Doggs. This should be interesting.

Gods of War v Top Doggs
Referee - Carlton Rock

A remix of 2 Pac and Snoop Dogg’s 2 Of Amerika’s Most Wanted is heard over the sound system as pyrotechnics go off as Ken and Shawn come out wearing the wVw and the MOW E Tag Team belts that they kept

James:The following non-title Tag Team Contest is scheduled for one fall, Introducing first, at a combined weight of 504 pounds, “The Man” Ken Reilly and Shawn “Shiznitz” O’Neil, The Top Doggs! Crowd Cheers

Fire Erupts from the stage and continues to burn as "Wherever I may Roam" By Metallica hits Threw the fire walks Maximus and Kull. They look to the crowd and the crowd explodes. They March to the ring and Kull climbs the turnbuckle and raises his sword.

James: And their opponents, at a combined weight of 513lbs, Alexander and Kull, the PWF Tag Team Champions, the Gods of War Crowd Cheers loudly

Report: Kull and Shawn start the match out. They tie up, Kull takes Shawn into an armbar, but he counters with an elbow to the head and then reverses the hold. Kull then hiptosses Shawn over his to the mat and then hangs onto the arm and goes for a reverse armbar but Shawn kips up and reverses into an arm wrench. Kull reverses the arm wrench and then hook kicks Shawn clean in the jaw sending him reeling across the ring. Kull bounces off the ropes and goes for a clothesline, Shawn ducks the clothesline and then tries a Spinning Heel Kick, which is ducked. Kull spins Shawn around and then sends him to the ropes. Kull then takes Shawn O'Neil down with a diving clothesline. Shawn rolls over to his corner and reaches up to make a tag to his partner, Ken Reilly. Kull walks over and tags in Alexander.

Stanyer: The Gods of War win the opening exchange of the light-weights, now it is time for the heavyweights to do battle.

Ken immediately charges in at Alexander with a forearm that sends Alexander back into his corner. Ken charges in aggressively, but Alexander simply moves out of the way and then takes Ken down with a Clothesline as he bounces off the turnbuckle. Ken gets up quickly and Alexander hits a calculated right hand. He goes for a second, but Ken blocks it and then drives a Hard Knee into the gut of Alexander while still holding his arm. Ken then grabs the other arm and spins Alexander into a Swinging Neckbreaker. Ken hits a few stomps and then pulls Alexander up, but he pushes the Top Dogg away and hits him with a couple of fast right hands. Alexander whips Ken to the ropes, but he reverses and takes him over with a Powerslam and a pin. ....................1 .........................2 ..... Alexander kicks out easily. Ken pulls Alexander up and drives his knee into his gut. He sends him to the corner where he hits a couple of Reverse Elbows to the face and then sends him to the opposite corner and follows in with a Driving Knee to the gut. Alexander falls flat on his face holding his stomach. Ken rolls him over for the Lateral Press. ...................1 .......................2 .................. Alexander kicks out.

Stanyer: Ken will be looking to isolate Alexander from his partner and wear him down.

Dawg: But how long can they manage that for against the PWF Tag Team Champions?

Ken picks up his opponent and then tags his partner. Ken sends Alexander into the ropes while Shawn springs off the ropes and then takes Alexander down with a Springboard Moonsault and rolls into a pin. .........................1 ...............................2 ......................... Alexander gets his shoulder up. Shawn pulls Alexander up and sends him to the ropes, Shawn drops to the mat and lets Alexander run over him before jumping up and hitting a Hurricanranna with a Pin. ......................1 ...........................2 ........................ Kull comes in to break up the pinfall. Referee Carlton Rock stops Kull from continuing the fight and makes him leave the ring. Shawn holds Alexander in a headlock and makes the tag to Ken. Ken kicks Alexander in the gut and then sends him to the turnbuckle. Ken drives repeated shoulders into the gut of Alexander before he pulls him out of the turnbuckle and lifts him onto his shoulders and delivers a Fireman's Carry to Pancake. Ken pulls Alexander closer to the ropes and then tags Shawn. Shawn flips over the ropes and hits a Slingshot Body Splash. He then pulls Alexander to his feet and kicks him in the gut and hits the Face Rearrangement (X-Factor)

Stanyer: Face Rearrangement, this one is over.

Shawn makes the cover, Carlton Rock dives over him and slides into position for the count. .....................1 .......................2 ......................... Kull breaks up the count with a kick to the head of Shawn O'Neil. Shawn gets up and gives Kull a bit of Trash Talk as the referee sends him out of the ring. Shawn pulls Alexander up and hits him with a couple of fast forearms. But Alexander comes back with a big right hand. Shawn is surprised and is sent realing back into the ropes, he bounces off and ducks a clothesline by Alexander, they both come off the ropes and collide with a Double Clothesline. Both men stay down, Shawn immediately rolls away and starts to reach out for his tag partner. Shawn makes it to Ken before Alexander can make the tag and Ken charges in and grabs the foot of Alexander. Ken drags Alexander back a couple of feet before he gets to his feet and then surprises the Top Dogg with an Enziguri. Alexander then dives out and makes the tag to Kull. He springs to the top rope and takes Ken down with a Flying Cross Body, Shawn climbs into the ring but gets caught with a Flipping Dropkick knocking him into the turnbuckle. Kull then grabs the head of Ken and delivers a DDT. He then grabs the head of Shawn in the corner and runs up to the top rope to hit the World Conqueror(Tornado DDT).

Stanyer: Kull is on fire and taking the Top Doggs apart.

Dawg: A high speed, high flying demolitoin job by The Conqueror, Kull

Kull grabs the head of Ken Reilly in a headlock and runs up to the top rope and looks set to hit a Top rope Bulldog when Ken throws him off him and Kull crashes to the mats on the outside. Alexander is back up and in the ring and forearms Ken across his back, Alexander then scoops up Ken over his shoulders and delivers the Fall of Rome (Reverse DVD). Alexander then hooks the leg. But Carlton Rock tells him that he is not the legal man, Alexander gets up and starts to remonstrate with the referee when Shawn O'Neil goes for a big clothesline, but Alexander is aware of him and ducks sending Shawn into the referee knocking him out of the ring. Alexander then hits Shawn with a couple of right hands and then sends him into the ropes, but Shawn springs off the ropes and takes Alexander down with a Flying Back Elbow. Ken is back up, but holding his head. He signals to Shawn and pulls Alexander up with him. He hooks Alexander from behind and then Shawn hits a devastating Heel Kick to the face of Alexander as Ken delivers a Release Tiger Suplex.

Dawg: Ouch, that had to hurt.

Stanyer: The Gods of War are being decimated by the Top Doggs.

Ken signals for a finish and is setting Alexander up for The Edge when The Russians climb out of the crowd behind the Top Doggs. They go to the Timekeeper's table and grab the MOW E Tag Belts that are there and slide into the ring, Ken and Shawn turn around straight into belt shots to the head. The Russians then put Alexander on top and slide out of the ring, they place the MOW E belts over their shoulders and walk off up the aisle. Kull has made it into the ring and manages to cover Ken as the referee is just about awake. .....................1 .....................2 ........................3!!!!

Gods of War d. Top Doggs
13:18 Pinfall

Stanyer: The Russians just helped the Gods of War to win, last week they were all about kicking their asses, what the hell?

Dawg: Perhaps the Gods of War have joined the gWo.

Stanyer: I hope not, I just hope it's the Russians getting revenge on the Top Doggs.

{Commerical Break}

[voice] Want a little excitement? Well, now you don't HAVE TO snap into a slimjim! We at DSM and Co would like to introduce the next "thing." That's right, Canadian Monkey Empire, THE ALBUM!!!! With hit tracks like:

[Starts playing the number one track "Moose's Caboose" *sung to the tune of 'My Heart Will Go On' by Celine Dieon or whatever she calls herself]

Moose. Caboose. A MOOOSE'S cabooose. And a moose. With a caboose. A moose's caboooooose. A moose *whisper 'a moose'* a caboose. A MOOOOSE'S caboose.

[Voice] That's right you PWF'ites! And if that ONE TRACK alone isn't enough, THERE'S MUCH, MUCH MORE! You can buy it for $18.99 at places that sell the next "thing" everywhere!

{End Commercial}

Stanyer: Welcome back, it's time for our next match between McFreeze and Rye Hazwaki

McFreeze v Rye Hazwaki
Referee: Chris Regan

"Freeze Time" by 311 begins to play as the lights cut to a pale blue. Snow begins to fall from the ceiling as McFreeze walks out from the back accompanied by Icicle and Angel Frost. The fans cheer McFreeze as he walks down to the ring. He kisses Angel Frost and then gets in the ring.

James: Introducing from Kodiak Island, Alaska, weighing 288lbs, the Master of Submissions, McFreeze.

Break Stuff by Limp Bizkit hits, as the lights flash red and white, and Rye Hazwaki is shown doing a slow ‘Cyclone Kick.’ The Pyro’s blast as Rye stands on the top of the stage, he looks at the crowd then walks down and enters the ring.

James: Introducing, from Tokyo, Japan, weighing 251lbs, Rye Hazwaki. Crowd Cheers

Report: Rye and McFreeze tie up. McFreeze gets the advantage and takes Rye into an arm wrench. Rye tries to reverse into a hammerlock but McFreeze blocks it and takes him into a headlock. Rye then pushes McFreeze into the ropes and hits a drop toe hold. Rye then gets up and goes to hit a leg drop to the back of McFreeze's head but he rolls out of the way. They both get to their feet and tie up again, this time Rye takes McFreeze into a headlock, but McFreeze sends Rye off him into the ropes and then locks on an Abdominal Stretch. Referee Chris Regan asks Rye if he wants to give it up, but he shakes his head and then manages to use his leg strength to break the hold and then rolls McFreeze forwards and lock his leg in an ankle lock. McFreeze quickly scampers to the ropes and grabs the bottom rope forcing Rye to break the hold.

Stanyer: I think McFreeze was caught by surprise by Rye's submission move.

Both men get to their feet and McFreeze catches Rye with a powerful straight right stunning him for a moment, McFreeze then whips Rye to the ropes, but Rye reverses and then hits a stunning Crescent Kick. McFreeze gets up quickly holding his head but Rye catches him with Sho-Ryu-Ken. McFreeze staggers backwards and Rye goes behind and hooks in a Full Nelson and hits the Karate Kripple. Rye then goes for the cover. .....................1 .........................2 ................... McFreeze kicks out. Rye gets to his feet and then climbs the turnbuckle and stretches his arms out for the crowd who give him a massive pop. Rye drops down from the turnbuckle and goes to McFreeze who is getting up. He hooks him in a headlock and then hits a throat thrust. Rye then pulls McFreeze to his feet and sends him to the ropes, He goes for a Tilt a Whirl Backbreaker, but McFreeze somehow manages to roll out of the hold and take Rye down with an Arm Drag and then holds onto the arm and locks in a Cross Armbreaker.

Dawg: Now that is what I call a reversal. Make that OutKast tap!!!

Chris Regan asks Rye if he wants to give it up for the 2nd time in this match, again Rye refuses and manages to slide himself across the ring to grab the bottom rope. McFreeze releases the hold and then stamps on the arm of Rye, who immediately pulls it towards his body and cradles it. McFreeze grabs the arm and lays it on the mat and then pulls himself in the air and drives his knee into Rye's arm. He rolls away cradling the arm this time. McFreeze pulls Rye to his feet and scoops him up and hits a shoulder breaker. McFreeze then hits a couple of stomps to the shoulder of Rye before he taunts the crowd, and gets booed in response.

Stanyer: McFreeze is targetting that left arm of Rye Hazwaki, but he can no longer use the Krippler, as he lost that move to Josh Resnick, what is he planning?

McFreeze then pulls Rye up and hits River Rapid (Fast DDT). McFreeze then goes for the cover. ....................1 ........................2 ..................... Rye kicks out. McFreeze signals for an end and pulls Rye to his feet. He lifts Rye up on his shoulder and locks on the Avalance(Torture Rack). He racks Rye as Chris Regan asks Rye if he wants to give it up, but he refuses, so McFreeze turns the Torture Rack into a DVD and then makes the cover. .....................1 .........................2 ........................ Rye just gets his shoulder up. McFreeze pulls Rye to his feet and goes to lock him in the Kodiak Bearhug, but Rye hits an elbow to the back of McFreezes head and then surprises him with the Kung-Fu Slash. Rye then looks up and is surprised to see Josh Resnick taking McFreeze down into The Equinox. Chris Regan calls for the bell.

Stanyer: Where the hell did Josh Resnick come from??

Dawg: I have no idea, but he is going to tear McFreeze's shoulder out of socket, look at him wrench back on The Equinox.

Rye looks annoyed at the DQ, he argues with Chris Regan, but he just holds his arms out. Rye shrugs his shoulders and runs off the ropes and catches Josh Resnick with the Feet of Fury. Rye then dusts his hands off as he leaves the ring with McFreeze down holding his shoulder and Josh Resnick out cold.

McFreeze d. Rye
8:01 DQ

Stanyer: Josh Resnick cost Rye Hazwaki the match, and he got his revenge with a perfect Feet of Fury.

Dawg: Dammit, I had money on that match.

Stanyer: You bet on Rye winning? I thought you hated him.

Dawg: I do, but when it comes to money, I don't let my opinions get in the way.

Stanyer: Well we now go backstage to DarkStorm, who has something he wishes to add.

In the back Darkstorm is seen walking through the halls with a smirk on his face, he turns down a hall, and walks up to a locker room door, he knocks, no one answers, and he just walks in. the room is darkened with candles surrounding a chair sitting in the middle of the room. There beside the chair, there on a stand, lays Daikatana's black sword in its sycthe, darkstorm walks over to it, and picks it up, he throws one strap over his shoulder, and speaks to the camera

DarkStorm:- "...This would look good in my kitchen, to shop up my oions. Daikatana, you won't ever face me, so I have to ask you are you scared, are you scared od darkstorm, or is it the fact that you and demon are to sore to roll out of bed cause you two hermy's are playing with each others pastrys. So daikatana, your sword says with me, and you know that with it or without it, you always sing it, but just once, I don't care if its twice, trice, or for that matter any more time, but just once, you need to let go of demon's strudle, and just bring it....."

Darkstorm walks out of the dressing room

Stanyer: Well we move onto our next match between Pitbull and Blackbird.

Pitbull v Blackbird
Duane Dibley

"Come out and Play" by The Offspring begins to play increasingly loud through the arena speakers, heralding the arrival of "Pitbull" Silas Parish. Several scenes of a pitbull on a chain, barking and straining to get loose, play on the TitanTron as the words SILAS PARISH slowly appear at the bottom of the screen and PITBULL appears at the top. Suddenly, a series of pyrotechnic explosions erupt down the right side of the ramp and back up the left side as Silas steps through the backstage curtain and into view. He pauses at the top of the ramp, his eyes locked on his opponent in the ring. He cracks his knuckles and makes sure the tape around his hands is tight, his gaze still locked on the ring. Then he begins to stalk forward. About halfway down the ramp he breaks into a run and slides into the ring under the bottom rope, quickly getting to his feet well before the bell rings.

James: The following match is scheduled for one fall, Introducing first, from Vancouver, Canada, Silas,"The Pitbull" Parish. Crowd Boos

The arena lights go out and blue strobes begin to flash as "Put a label on a life put a lable on a lifestyle put a label on the way you wake up every morning and the way you go to bed everynight."(from Linkin Park - High Voltage) At that moment two white flares burst out from the entry way and Blackbird makes his way to the ring

James: And his opponent, from Dayton, Ohio, weighing 245lbs, Blackbird. Crowd cheers

Report: Pitbull charges in and jumps Blackbird from behind, he knocks Blackbird into the turnbuckle and spins him around and then starts to beat him down with forearms to the face. Pitbull then starts to stomp on Blackbird in the corner. Pitbull then walks away before charging in and driving his knee into the face of Blackbird. Pitbull then goes back to stomping Blackbird down like a rabid dog. Pitbull then pulls Blackbird up to his feet and then hooks both arms and delivers a Double Arm DDT. Pitbull then rolls Blackbird over and hooks the leg as Duane Dibley drops down for the count. ...................1 ........................2 ............ Blackbird kicks out.

Stanyer: Pitbull is getting more and more aggressive as weeks go by, he is taking Blackbird apart at the moment.

Pitbull pulls Blackbird up and locks in a headlock and then hammers Blackbird with blows to the gut before running forwards and hitting a Pitbulldog. He then rolls Blackbird over and covers again. .....................1 ....................2 ................. Blackbird kicks out. Pitbull then picks up Blackbird and kicks him hard in the gut before running into the ropes and then hitting a running Knee Lift. Pitbull then climbs to the top rope and flies off hitting a Guillotine Leg Drop. He then turns over into the cover. ......................1 .........................2 .......................... Blackbird just gets his shoulder up.

Dawg: I like this new Pitbull, he doesn't mess about, he keeps on top of his opponents, no playing to the crowd, he is all business.

Pitbull doesn't hang about and pulls Blackbird up to his feet and then locks both of his arms in before turning around to hit the Mongrel Driver (Impaler). Pitbull quickly covers. .....................1 ........................2 ....................... Blackbird just gets his shoulder up. Pitbull then rolls out of the ring and picks up a chair. He slides it into the ring, Duane Dibley immediately picks it up. Pitbull slides into the ring and goes over to the referee, who is about to throw the chair out of the ring. Pitbull grabs the chair and yanks it from the referee's grasp. Blackbird has staggered to his feet and Pitbull goes to hit him with the chair, but the referee grabs it from behind his head and pulls it off Pitbull and it slides to a corner of the ring. Pitbull turns around and then stalks the referee into a corner. He turns back towards Blackbird and gets kicked in the gut and then hit with the EvenFlow DDT. Blackbird stays down for a second before rolling over to make the cover. ......................1 ........................2 ......................... Pitbull just gets his shoulder up.

Stanyer: Blackbird nearly pulls out the win with a surprise EvenFlow DDT.

Blackbird and Pitbull both get to their feet. Blackbird hits Pitbull with a couple of Blackbird Jabs before he hooks him in a Front Facelock and then delivers the Throbbing Headache (Reverse Brainbuster). Blackbird then goes for a cover again. .......................1 ........................2 ...................... Pitbull just gets his right shoulder up. Blackbird pulls Pitbull to his feet and whips him to the turnbuckle. Pitbull is still dazed from that EvenFlow DDT. Blackbird climbs to the 2nd turnbuckle and hits the Driving DDT (DDT off 2nd Turnbuckle). Blackbird rolls over into a cover. .......................1 ........................2 ....................... Pitbull somehow manages to get his shoulder up again.

Stanyer: How is Pitbull doing this? He has kicked out of three massive moves from Blackbird.

Dawg: He is just that resilient.

Blackbird slams the mat in frustration and then picks up Pitbull again. But Pitbull throws Blackbird off him and kicks him in the gut and hits the Rabid Jawbreaker (Mac Stunner). Pitbull then manages to get an arm over Blackbird for the cover. ........................1 .........................2 ........................3!!!

Pitbull d. Blackbird
7:37 Pinfall

Stanyer: Pitbull sneaks out the win in this battle of the Hardcore Champions, a closely fought contest that one.

Dawg: I'm surprised Pitbull pulled out the win over the far more experienced Blackbird.

The Ultra-Tron lights up to find everyone’s favorite jackoffs, Sabre and Big Poppa, lounging around. Poppa is playing with a toaster and Sabre is laying on a couch staring at the ceiling.

Big Poppa: “If I could only figure out how to get that damn cheese whiz out of the toaster. If I had some sort of scooping device.”

Sabre: “That was a freaking 450 splash. Wait, no. It was THE freaking 450 splash.”

Big Poppa: “Sabre, I have a question.”

Sabre begins to babble about 450 splashes.

Big Poppa: “Sabre?”

Big Poppa looks up from the toaster with concern.

Big Poppa: “Sabre, I’m only going to say this once. We don’t live in a pool. You can’t splash air.”

Sabre: “Huh?”

Big Poppa: “Isn’t that what you’re so angry about? How you can’t splash when you’re not in water.”

Sabre: “What the hell?”

Big Poppa: “THAT’S WHAT I’VE BEEN SAYING. I have NO IDEA what you’re talking about lately. That match with Crusader sure mess’d you up. You did your best, but you didn’t paptize that bugger. I forgot to tell ya to. This past week reminds me off a saying…”

Sabre: “You’re right. I see where you’re coming from. It’s that one saying about the rabbi and a priest.”

Big Poppa: “You can’t eat either one.”

Sabre: “Hmm… That really applies with my whole situation. What’s the big deal if Mr. Happy Crusader Pants kicked out of my 450 splash? He STILL can’t eat IT or me. Yeah. Yeah!”

Big Poppa: “Sabre, you aren’t understanding it completely. You aren’t focusing on the truth that lays directly in front of you.”

Sabre: “Huh?”

Big Poppa: “The pizza is out of the box.”

Sabre: “Ok Big Man, you’ve lost me.”

Big Poppa: “The Chinese Checkers have lost their pants.”

Sabre: “I dun get it.”

Big Poppa: “Good god! Ok, I’ll put this simply for ya… The Moose has not been Facked with.”

Sabre: “Jumping Jehosephat! It all adds up!”

Big Poppa: “That’s right Sabre, you did your best. You’re the moose. You had nothing to lose, ‘cept your pants, and you didn’t lose them. You thought out of the box and challenged Crusader. You’re the moose who gave it their all. You were a MAINEVENT for crying out loud.”

Sabre: “Thanks for clearing me up man. I was really getting down.”

Big Poppa: “Word brother man. There’ll always be another craphorse over the rainbow.”

Sabre: “I hear dat, yo. Much love, much love.”

Big Poppa: “Ok, enough of that. Let’s get ready for our match.”


Big Poppa: “Yeah, against the Russians.”

Sabre: “Hmm, maybe it’s time to introduce our Asian Craphorse technique.”

Big Poppa: “Not yet Sabre-San. Thee longer thou waits, the longer thou eats. Uh… I think that we were supposed to be down at the ring at least 1 minute ago.”

Sabre:- “Damnit. If you hadn’t got caught up in your ‘paptisms’ we woulda been on time.”

Sabre and Big Poppa rush out the door with enlightened spirits, almost at as if they were in a state of Zen. No, not yens. Those Japanese think that they can say their Yens are like Zen, but I know better. I’m smarter then those damn Japanese. DAMN THE JAPANESE. Oh, and note to self, don’t let Poppa use Cheese whiz anymore. That bastard keeps wasting it. He freaking puts it in the toaster. What the hell is up with that... Great, I’m talking to myself again.

The Russians v Big Poppa & Sabre
Referee: Chris Regan

The lights begin to dim and the fans quiet down in anticipation. The words "Real Show" fade in and out on the dark UltraTron, and the lights suddenly turn on and fire works blast off as a customized version of Limp Bizkit's My Way starts up

James: "Coming to the ring at this time, at a combined weight of 515lbs, Big Poppa and The SabreMassive Cheer from the crowd

The audience goes mad as Big Poppa and Sabre emerge through the Havoc curtains. They do a air-guitar taunt to the tune of the song, and they Big Poppa dances down to the ring as Sabre walks down hi-fi-ing all the fans

A Russian flag appears on the Big Screen along as red and blue strobe lights begin to flash, after a few moments Du Hast by Ramstein kicks in. The two Russians then come walking out of the back, Wowbowski turns and looks at the picture of the flag while Cossak just walks straight to the ring. Wowbowski follows Cossak down and slides into the squared circle. He makes his way to the middle of the ring

James: The following Tag Team contest is scheduled for one fall, Introducing from Borisovka, Russia, at a combined weight of 591lbs, Wowbowski and Cossak Joe, The Russians Crowd Boos

Stanyer: The Russians are still carrying the MOW E Tag Team Championship belts, the Top Doggs are not going to be pleased about that.

Dawg: Why, those belts BELONG to the Russians, they gave them to the Top Doggs so they could join the PWF.

Before the match can even start, the Top Doggs come running down to the ring armed with Chairs. They attack The Russians in the aisle before they can even climb into the ring. Both Cossak and Wowbowski take chair shots to the back. The Top Doggs then drive the chairs into the guts of both Russians a second time before they pick up their MOW E Tag Belts, then they are surprised from behind as Matt Van Dam and Power G come running down the aisle. MVD clocks Ken over the head with a Kendo Stick while Power G drives a mic into the back of the head of Shawn. The two gWo members then stomp away on The Top Doggs.

Stanyer: This is complete Chaos, get some security out here.

Dawg: There is no need, the gWo still run this place, and they are making sure The Russian keep what is rightfully theirs.

Stanyer: But those belts belong to the Top Doggs, not The Russians.

Dawg: Shut up Jay, and watch the greatness of the gWo.

Stanyer: Wait a second, what is Sabre doing?

MVD then looks up and a look of shock comes across his face as he sees Sabre diving through the ropes and hitting him with a Suicide Dive. Big Poppa climbs to the outside and begins to exchange right hands with Power G. But Poppa is stopped in his tracks by a Chair shot to the back of his head from Cossak Joe. Wowbowski then smashes a chair over Sabre's head. Wowbowski helps MVD to his feet and then picks up the MOW E belts, the gWo slowly make their way up the aisle

Stanyer: The Russians escape this time, but there will be no escape for them tomorrow night when they must face the Top Doggs at the Rumble in the Bronx.

{Commerical Break}

(((The scene opens showing a crowded street. It closes in on a middle-aged, balding, overweight guy in an old blue car. Smoke comes across his face as he shouts "C'mon, get going!!!" Suddenly you see a man on top of the car...)))

BaldGuy: Whoa... who are you?

KevinCage: I'm Kevin Cage, and I'm here to make YOU a better person... no longer will you be a pot-bellied, smelly, balding moron... When you order my T-shirt from PWF Shopzone, for only 19.95... you will be a HERO!

BaldGuy: Wow! How do I get one?

(((Camera cuts to a picture of the t-shirt with 1-800-255-4099 on the bottom... a voice says... "Order the Cage T-shirt at the PWF Shopzone for only 19.95... ORDER TODAY! The camera cuts back to Cage...)))

KevinCage: Get yours now!

{End Commercial}

{Commerical Break}

*Voice - Hello, this is a comercial to advertise the new "Big Poppa Chat-Line" You can talk to Big Poppa any time of the day and talk to his about any of these catagories:

'How To Lose
'How To Dance
'How To Wrestle
'How To Make The Chicks Spot You
and you have a 100% chance he will answer. So call now on


Calls cost $4 a min, but it's well worth it!

*Big Poppa - Call Me Now. (Wink, Wink)

{End Commercial}

Walking through the parking lot, a camera repair man is walking to his car. This man has been helping in the areana setting up the cameras for the show. As the man walks closer and closer to his car, there is a oppsite foot step sound everytime his hits the ground, much like whenever someone is walking behind a person. The camera man picks up his pace looking over his shoulder while speed walking to his car. The camera man bumps into someone whenver he looks back, he says sorry as he looks up at the man, and there with his long white hair under his hood, there stands daikatana. Daikatana motions to take his hood off, and when he does the camera man starts to back up quickly, daikatana now with his hood off, he raises one hand and motions for him to come closer. The camera man does and when he get within arms distance daikatana grabs him by the shirt, and start to speak

DaiKaTanA:-.....How could you let him take my sword, he has no reason to have such power. Where is the one that calls himself Darkstorm.pick the man up adn shouts WHERE??

Camera Man:- I haven't seen darkstorm since eariler..

DaiKaTanA:-....HAS HE LEFT?

Camera Man:-.....I don't think so...

DaiKaTanA:-....ha ha ha, good, puts the man back on his feet Now, run and tell storm, that if he wants my sword let him keep it, let him play into my plan, you don't know his mindset, but I do, Darkstorm, you shall be under my control one day, one day very soon, I told you that I was going to destroy Demon, and look what happened, you I do not want to destroy, mearly, bring back to power, bring you back to my power, whilde my sword with pride, for soon, I shall have my sword, and you as my soldier again....

Daik laughs slowly and walks down a corridor

Stanyer: Well it looks like DaiKaTanA is trying to convince DarkStorm to convert back to his way of thinking, I'm not too sure DarkStorm will be too co-operative.

Dawg: He should go back, he knows that DaiKaTanA will destroy him if he doesn't.

Stanyer: Well we are nearly ready for our Main Eve.......

Rock superstar by Cypress Hill blares over the p.a. system as the PWF World Champion, Crusader Chrome, walks down to the ring. He is wearing black wrestling tights with a cutoff sleeve Crusader t-shirt. He is wearing the world title around his waist as he strides to ringside.

Once in the ring, he pauses as the crowd chants: Crusader...Crusader...Crusader......

Crusader: "Once again, I have the proud privledge to stand before you today and say that I am still the PWF Champion."

Dawg: Only just

crowd cheers loudly

Crusader: "Sabre's a good talker but he couldnt speak his way to a victory last week. That bright light he saw was indeed my new Lexus headlights, and yes Sabre when I gave you your Conclusion you were on dream street. However I must say you've put forth the best effort so far out of the contenders to date. That effort in fact made me better. Just when the world thought Crusader was down for the count, whaaaam!!!!, he kicks out of the 450 splash. I've been taught to never give up. When my carreer was fading, The Owner of this company lifted my spirits and said just stick with it. So to Mr. Pellington I give thanks. I've always thanked my fans and will continue to do so for the encouragement you give me to go out every night and whip ass. Thanks to all the support, I could very well be considered as the best PWF Champion of all time--thus far."

Crowd gives an enourmous cheering eruption

Dawg: How can these people cheer him for a statement like that?

Crusader: "And speaking of ass- whipping, it looks like I still dont have an opponent yet for the Rumble....Isnt that quite odd?...Lets see Gambino---no, he's street fighting with Eraser. Hmmm, damn who could I---"

Crusader is interrupted, as the Imperial March hits the arena. He looks at the stage, as General Leo walks out onto it. The fans cheer for the General.

Stanyer: Leo?

General Leo:- Crusader...

General Leo looks around as the fans give him a more mixed reaction.

General Leo:- I know just who you should face at Rumble in the Bronx. You should face the man that deserves it the most. You should face the man that Shocked his way through the Last Man Standing tournament, to win the entire thing. You should face the man who has held virtualy every title in the PWF. You should face me, Crusader. You should face General Leo. The only man in the PWF who deserves a shot.

Leo looks straight at Crusader. Crusader stares straight back at him

Stanyer: Will he accept.

Crusader: "You have asked, and you shall recieve, tomorrow night you will get your wish and get the biggest ass whipping of your life, courtesy of "The One", Crusader Chrome"

"Rock Superstar" blares once again as Crusader and Leo head towards the back.

{Commerical Break}

**Clips are shown of the old PWF matches.**

Get your Canadian Monkey shirts today! A Canadian flag on the front and a big ol Monkey on the back of it. Black and white and red colors!

*Big Poppa, Genecide, Rye, Leo, and Blackbird are all shown wearing the shirts and flashing big thumbs up signs*

{End Commercial}

The broadcast is interrupted, and the cameras come into focus on Homicide in his locker room, who is lounging back in his custom steel recliner chair, and watching the Havoc broadcast. He reaches over and then turns off the portable 19" television, and then grabs the Dr. Pepper at his right. He chugs that down fast, and lays his head back onto the chair, almost as if he was going to sleep. Then, he hears a knock on the door. Homicide lifts his head and looks to the door, appearing to be annoyed at the 'timely' guest.

Homicide: "To be interrupted at a time like this, you better have a fucking good reason."

There is no answer. He still proceeds to the door, but grabs a steel chair for protection before reaching it. Then, he opens it...

Homicide: "You son of a bitch I.. I.."

Pizza Guy: "Your pizza's here."

Homicide: "Pizza? I ordered pizza 3 fucking hours ago. Did you have to cook it on the side-walk or something? Crist almighty."

Pizza Guy: "We had a little bit of trouble delivering it Mr. Homicide."

Homicide: "Does it look like I care about your troubles? This is supposed to be my week off. At this moment, I don't have much care in the world, and sure the hell don't care who wins tonight, getting the opportunity to face me."

Pizza Guy: "That'll be $9.26 sir."

Homicide: "$9.26? What is this world coming to. Even with the recent gas prices going back up, it would have been cheaper for me to drive there and steal a damn pizza. AND then I wouldn't have had to deal with your snotty ass."

Pizza Guy: "$9.26 sir."

Homicide: "You know what.."

Homicide sets down the chair and reaches into his pocket, pulling out a tied-off wad of cash. He flips through it, finding a $10 bill.

Homicide: "Here's your damn payment, keep the change you greedy bastard."

Homicide then throws the money at the pizza boy and grabs the box, then slams the door shut in his face. He then sits back down into his chair, and turns on the television. Homicide then laens back, and opens the box..

Homicide: "No pizza? What the fuck? That kid is gonna' die."

Homicide runs to the door, and whips it open. Then, he runs to the end of the hall, only to see the pizza car screaching away.

Homicide: "Let's see now, what have we here."

Homicide opens the box completely, and finds that at the bottom there is a note taped to it, which is minorly stained by the grease which probably leaked off the pizza that was in it. Homicide decided to read it..

Dear Homicide,

Thanks for the meal, you've got good taste in pizza toppings. Pepperoni rules!


Homicide: "That son of a bitch. LOU!!"

Homicide runs down the hall, shouting out "LOU". After he turns the corner, out of site, you can still hear his angry voice echoing out "LOU" as the camera fades out and back to the Havoc broadcast.

Stanyer: Welcome back folks, we now have our Main Event for tomorrow night signed, General Leo will face off against Crusader Chrome for the PWF World Heavyweight title.

Dawg: And to be honest, I couldn't care less who wins, I don't like either of them.

Stanyer: Well it will still be a great match, either way, but it is now time for our Main Event.

Main Event
Antonio Gambino v Kidd
Senior Referee: Mark Johnson

One Step Closer by Linkin Park hits the arena as Kidd walks down to ringside.

James: The following match is scheduled for one fall, Introducing first, weighing 316lbs, Kidd Crowd boos

The lights dim, as a drum beat kicks in. The drums rapidly increase in volume as the name GAMBINO flashes across the screen in silver lettering, while flames burn behind the lettering. Then, "Sickness" by Disturbed begins blaring through the arena, and a spotlight shines on the entrance. Gambino steps forward into the spotlight so he can be seen. He lowers his head and raises a water bottle above him, pouring it on his head and face. He spits some of the water out as he begins to walk forward towards the ring. Once he gets to the ring, he climbs in and walks to the corner. He climbs to the second rope, and raises his arms in the air, posing to the crowd.

James: And his opponent, from Brooklyn, New York, weighing 245lbs, Antonio Gambino Crowd gives a Massive Cheer

Report: Referee Mark Johnson calls for the bell as Gambino and Kidd circle each other, they tie up, they each try to overpower each other, eventually Kidd suceeds and manages to push Gambino into a corner and then drives a knee into his gut. Kidd then hits a couple of right hands to the face. Kidd reels back for a third, but Gambino blocks it and then starts hammering rights of his own walking out of the corner as he does so. He then sends Kidd to the ropes, but Kidd reverses and goes for a Titl a Whirl Slam, but Gambino slips out and lands on his feet. Gambino then pokes Kidd in the eyes and then runs into the ropes and then comes off and hits a Face Crusher. Gambino mounts Kidd and hammers him with right hands, he then stands up and waits in the corner signalling to Kidd to get up as the crowd cheer him on with chants of "Gambi-no".

Stanyer: This New York crowd are cheering on one of their own in Gambino, and he is showing why he could be the last man standing tomorrow night at the Rumble in the Bronx.

Kidd gets to his feet a little stunned and Gambino smashes him back down with a hard left arm hooking clothesline. Gambino then climbs to the 2nd turnbuckle and flies off hitting a Diving Elbow. Gambino then hooks the leg. ................1 ....................2 ................ Kidd kicks out. Gambino rolls to his feet. Kidd gets up and Gambino hits him with right hands as he does so. Gambino hits a right hand sending Kidd staggering into the ropes and then clothesline him over the top rope. Kidd lands on his feet and turns away and rests on the barricade. Gambino backs off towards the other side of the ring, as Kidd turns around Gambino charges in and catches Kidd with a Flying Dropkick through the ropes. Kidd crashes into the barricade and slumps against it. Gambino picks him up by his hair and then slams his head into the steel steps.

Stanyer: Kidd is looking out of his league against someone like Gambino.

Dawg: Kidd may have been away for a long time, but trust me, he can hang with Gambino.

Gambino tosses Kidd back into the ring. Kidd gets to his feet as Gambino gets in. Gambino goes to help him up and gets caught with a Low Blow. Referee Mark Johnson looks around as he sees Gambino collapsing in pain and simply holds his arms out. Kidd then pulls Gambino up and knees him in the chest. He then hooks the arms and delivers a Swinging Neckbreaker. Kidd bounces off the ropes and hits a Leg Drop. Kidd then looks like he is going for a cover, but instead goes for a blatant Choke. Mark Johnson counts to 4 and then Kidd releases the choke and pulls Gambino to his feet. Kidd sends Gambino into the ropes and then scoops him up and delivers a Sidewalk Slam. Kidd then sticks two fingers up to the crowd who shower him with boos and then start chanting "Gambi-no" again. Kidd makes the cover. ................1 .......................2 ...................... Gambino kicks out to a massive cheer from the New York crowd.

Stanyer: Kidd is going to need to do some serious damage to beat Gambino, it's one thing putting him down, it's another thing entirely keeping him there.

Kidd pulls Gambino up and places his arm across Gambino's chest and then delivers a Sambo Suplex. Kidd then hooks the leg again. ..................1 .......................2 ...................... Gambino kicks out to another massive cheer from his home town crowd. Kidd picks up Gambino and kicks him in the gut and sets him up for a Powerbomb. He raises his arm to the crowd who boo him and then he delivers the Powerbomb folding Gambino up like an accordian. Kidd makes the cover. ...............1 .................2 ................ Gambino just gets his shoulder up as a sigh of relief goes around the arena. Kidd gets up and starts to argue with Mark Johnson. He gives the referee a stare before turning back to Gambino, who is trying to pull himself to his feet, and then puts Gambinos head between his legs and signals for an end.

Dawg: Time for the Hangman's DDT.

Stanyer: If he pulls this off, then we could have a major upset on our hands.

Kidd goes to pick up Gambino, but Gambino blocks it and then powers Kidd out into a back body drop. Kidd gets up quickly but gets caught with a kick to the gut and then a Double Arm DDT. Both Kidd and Gambino stay down. The two men pull themselves to their feet at the same time, Kidd kicks Gambino in the gut and sends him to the ropes, but Gambino comes off with a Jumping Clothesline knocking Kidd down, Gambino then waits in the corner. Kidd staggers to his feet and turns towards Gambino who Spears him to the mat. Gambino hooks the leg. ..................1 .....................2 ...................... Kidd just kicks out in time. Gambino pulls Kidd up, but Kidd counters with a back elbow and then rolls around to lock Gambino in a waistlock, but Gambino reverses and then locks Kidd in a Full Nelson and delivers a Full Nelson Gambino Facebuster. Gambino then hooks the leg as Mark Johnson drops down for the count. ...................1 ..........................2 .........................3!!!!

Gambino d. Kidd
10:46 Pinfall

Stanyer: Gambino picks up the win over Kidd in a fiercly competitive contest.

Out of the back comes Eraser and Thorn, they run down and slide into the ring.

Dawg: Here comes the cavalry.

Eraser and Thorn attack Gambino and beat him down with right hands. Thorn pulls Gambino and sends him to the ropes and Eraser hits the Eraser. Eraser continues to beat Gambino down when "Wanna be Startin’ Somethin'" by Michael Jackson hits. Showstopper then walks out of the curtain.

Stanyer: It's Showstopper!!! We were all told he would be back tonight.

Dawg: He left it late.

Stanyer: I had nearly given up hope.

Showstopper charges down to the ring and slides in, he hits Thorn with a big forearm. Kidd is back up and armed with a chair, but Showstopper hits him with a hard right hand making him drop the chair, he then hits a devastating clothesline knocking Thorn inside out and rolling out of the ring. Showstopper then starts to exchange right hands with Eraser, but Kidd hits him from behind with a big forearm. Gambino has pulled himself to his feet and picks up the chair Kidd had dropped. He cracks it across the back of Eraser. Gambino then hooks the leg of Eraser and hits the Gambino Facebuster. Showstopper then hits a low blow on Kidd and then lifts him up and hits Stoppin' Da Show (Powerbomb to Facebuster). Thorn pulls both Eraser and Kidd out of the ring and they stagger up the aisle together.

Stanyer: Showstopper and Gambino are back together kicking ass like they always did in the Ruff Ryders.

Dawg: Dammit, this was a fix, Gambino planned this all along.

Gambino leans over the ropes giving Eraser a bit of a jaw jacking as they head through the curtain, behind him, Showstopper has picked up the steel chair.

Stanyer: Wait a minute, what is Showstopper doing??

Gambino drops down from the ropes and turns around straight into a Chair Shot right across his forehead from Showstopper. He then sticks two fingers in his face, throws the chair across the ring and rolls out of the ring and heads off up the aisle with the crowd still in shock.

Dawg: YES!!! Showstopper has seen sense.

Stanyer: Why Showstopper? Why? Why did you do it?

Dawg: It doesn't matter, this a beautiful night. YES!!

Stanyer: We are out of time, perhaps someone will answer our question tomorrow night at the Rumble. See you there folks.

The last shot is of Showstopper raising his arms to the crowd as they boo him, then it fades to a PWF logo.

***© 2001 PWF Entertainment***