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Armageddon #7
Armageddon #6
Armageddon #5
Armageddon #4
Armageddon #3
Armageddon #2
Armageddon #1

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House Show #7
House Show #6
House Show #5
House Show #4
House Show #3
House Show #2
House Show #1


Rumble in the Bronx
Last Man Standing
War Games
House of Pain

Saturday Night Havoc

Havoc #19
Havoc #18
Havoc #17
Havoc #16
Havoc #15
Havoc #14
Havoc #13
Havoc #12
Havoc #11
Havoc #10
Havoc #9
Havoc #8
Havoc #7
Havoc #6
Havoc #5
Havoc #4
Havoc #3
Havoc #2
Havoc #1


from the First Union Center
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
11th April 2001

**pyros blast off and "De-manufactured" by Fear Factory blasts over the speakers, the camera passes over the crowd and shows a few signs.**
"The Madman"
"Get HardGore"
"Wanna Fight?"
"The One is in da house"
"Blackbird is God"
**The camera then passes over the ring, where the ropes have been replaced with Barb Wire before it switches to the announce position"

Mayhem: Welcome to the First Union Centre in Philadelphia Pennsylvania. Hello everyone, I'm Johhny Mayhem.

Dave: And I'm the one and only "Big Dave" Lambourne

Mayhem: And we welcome you to Armageddon: King of the Death Match. This is the first Armageddon show since the PWF reopened. This is a special late night edition of Armageddon, we will be on much earlier next week, however we were forced to show this show at a later time due to the extreme nature of the matches on tonights card.

Dave: It's good to be back in the PWF, and I am looking forward to tonights matches, although things could get quite gruesome.

Mayhem: Make no mistake about it folks, this is the extreme side of Hardcore, the wrestlers participating in tonights matches have been forced to sign contracts stating that the PWF is not liable for any injuries or death caused to themselves during tonights event. And yes I did say death, these matches put the very lives of the participants a risk. Remember, they are doing this all to win the PWF Extreme Championship, that is what these wrestlers signed up to this tournament for.

Dave: You can only imagine the Carnage Johnny, I was here when we held a Death Match between Stoney and Crusader in the old PWF, they damn near killed each other, both men went out on stretchers. Crusader is back tonight, he must be seriously insane.

Mayhem: Well I was here earlier and I saw them bring some of the items down to the ring, They were carrying boxes full of Thumbtacks, a bed of Nails, Boards covered in Barb wire, even panes of glass.

Dave: Did you see the C4 test?

Mayhem: Oh yeah, I saw it, it damn near deafened me it was that loud, god help the two that make the final.

Dave: It's still ringing in my ears.

Mayhem: Well the ring crew are bringing out the boxes of thumbtacks from under the ring, so it must be time for our first match in the King of the Death Match. Carbon is to take on Theros Macalvia in a Thumbtack match. For those not familiar with the rules of the Death Match, there are no holds barred, no countout, the ropes are replaced by barbed wire, there are no protective mats, only concrete floor, win is by pinfall in the ring, unless specified and to add to it there is usually a gimmick, although the name barely describes it, to go along with it. In this case it is Thumbtacks. Well over to the ring.

King of the Death Match
Thumbtack Match
Carbon v Theros Macalvia

**Suddenly wild laughter echoes through the arena, the lights flashing purple and red. Theros appears on stage, his hands on his hips as he laughs. After several moments the laughs die off, and Ozzy's 'Crazy Train' hits. Theros stalks down towards the ring, a confident smirk on his face as the music continues to boom. Theros rolls into the ring and starts laughing again. The music then shatters into another chorus of wild laughter.**

James: The following match is a Thumbtack Match, scheduled for one fall. Introducing from Syracuse, New York, weighing 282lbs. Theros Macalvia

**"Cuban Necktie" by Cypress Hill hits and Out comes Carbon with a Barbed wire 2 x 4. Carbon then walks with his Deranged stride he stops at the begining of the walk way and lifts the barbwire 2 x 4 in the air to recieve huge cheers by the fans. Carbon then walks down the ramp with the same Deranged stride and enters the ring threw the middle rope. Carbon then makes his way to the middle of the ring again and lifts the Barbed wire 2 x 4 in the air again to receive the cheers from the crowd.**

James: Introducing from Baltimore, Maryland, weighing 280lbs, Carbon

Report: Both men circle each other at first, neither sure how to start, Carbon looks at the thumbtacks and has a smile comes across his face. Theros goes for a right hand while Carbon is distracted, but Carbon ducks it and lands a right hand of his own. Carbon then tries to whip Theros towards the Barb Wire, but he reverses and sends Carbon to the wire, but Carbon manages to brake before he hits the wire, but Theros delivers a Back Drop instead while he is looking the other way. Theros slides outside and looks under the ring, he doesn't seem to find what he wants.

Dave: What is Theros looking for?

Mayhem: I think he has found it.

Theros spots what he was looking for, a board wrapped in Barb Wire, he slides in into the ring, Carbon is back up by now. Theros rolls in and gets stomped by Carbon as he comes in. Carbon picks up the board and slams it into the back of Theros. Carbon then places the board in the ring and puts Thero's head between he legs.

Mayhem: Not a piledriver on the board, he'll rip his face to shreds!!

Carbon tries the piledriver, but he can't lift Theros who reverses it into a Back Body Drop. Theros then places the barb wire board on top of Carbon then delivers a leg drop driving the board and the wire into Carbon.

Mayhem: Theros drives the barb wire into Carbon.

Dave: Look at Carbon. He is smiling. What the hell??

Theros then drags Carbon to the barb-wire ropes, he then rakes the head of Carbon across the bottom ropes.

Mayhem: My god he is ripping Carbon to pieces.

Dave: Carbon's busted now, it's pouring out.

Carbon lies slumped across the bottom of a turnbuckle while Theros slides out of the ring, Carbon touches his head, he looks at his hand and sees the blood, he smiles a sick smile, then looks around, he sees what he wants and crawls across to the thumbtacks. He picks up a handful then goes back to his corner, Theros hasn't seen a thing and comes back in with a chair. Theros helps Carbon to his feet, Theros swings the chair but he gets a face-full of Thumbtacks mid-swing and drops the chair and goes down clutching his face.

Mayhem: My God, Theros could be blinded.

Carbon then picks up the chair and smashes it across the back of the downed Theros. Carbon then hits Theros about 4 times in a row in the same spot then walks away holding the chair high above his head.

Dave: Listen to this crowd, they are loving this.

Theros staggers to his feet and slowly turns towards Carbon who promptly smashes him down with the chair. Theros lays flat on his back, blood starts to trickle from his forehead.

Mayhem: Theros has been busted open now.

Carbon then walks over to the boxes of thumbtacks. He picks one up and holds it up in the air, the crowd go wild, he then tips the box. Thousands of Thumbtacks pour out of the box, they scatter over a small area of the ring. Carbon the picks up Theros and signals for an end.

Mayhem: No, not the Blackout(DD DDT) on those Thumbtacks.

Carbon puts Theros in position, but Theros manages to get an elbow into the gut of Carbon causing him to release the hold. Theros then lifts Carbon part-way up, Suplex Style and then drops him gut-first on the barb-wire ropes. Carbon hangs on the ropes for a few seconds before dropping back in the ring. Theros is resting on one of the turnbuckles trying to recover, he wipes some of the blood away from his face then walks over to Carbon. Theros then picks up Carbon, but Carbon surprises him and tries to scoop slam Theros on the tacks.

Mayhem: He's gonna scoop slam him on those tacks, no wait Theros drops behind Carbon, Carbon spins around, Theros scoops him up, SYSTEM SHOCK, SYSTEM SHOCK(Scoop Reverse DDT) on the Thumb-tacks. That has to be all. Theros covers. 1.....2........HE KICKED OUT!!!!!!

Dave: Look at Carbon, he has Thumbtacks sticking in him all over his body, there are about 30 in the back of his head and still he kicks out? What is this guy made of???

Mayhem: Hey what is Theros doing? He has the other box of tacks.

Dave: He is scattering them all over Carbon, what the hell does he have planned.??

Theros empties the tacks all over Carbon then begins to climb the turnbuckle, he eventually is standing on the top turnbuckle looking over at Carbon.

Mayhem: No, No way, he won't do this, MY GOD, A SPLASH FROM THE TOP ROPE, Sandwiching the tacks between his and Carbon's body, Theros is rolling around in agony.

Dave: What did he expect? He jumped onto Tacks for gods sake, he did more damage to him than he did to Carbon.

Mayhem: Wait, Theros has an arm over Carbon, 1.....2.......3!!! Theros got it, Theros got the three count.

Theros d. Carbon
16:32 Pinfall (Time doubled)

Mayhem: My god what a match, they must both be hurting like hell after that one, and that was only the first match!!

Dave: Things are fixing to get a lot worse Johnny, don't you worry.

Mayhem: That doesn't surprise me one little bit, well while the ring crew clear the ring, perhaps we can talk about what happened on Havoc.

Dave: I presume you mean the return of Diablo.

Mayhem: Yes, Diablo, the most hated man in wrestling is back folks. **footage from the end of Armageddon rolls, we see Diablo delivering the Diablo Neckbreaker to Gambino then standing over him**

Dave: It caught me by surprise, I never expected him to come back to wrestling, not after the way he left the wVw.

Mayhem: Left is the wrong word, he was thrown out.

Dave: Well he is here to stay now I guess, and it looks like he wants Gambino.

Mayhem: Well it looks like we are ready for our next match now, a Glass match between Rye Hazwaki and Big Louie.

Dave: I'd better get my protective glasses then.

King of the Death Match
Glass Match
Rye Hazwaki v Big Louie

Natural Born Killaz blast on the stereos throughout the arena then you see on the titantron "N.B.K. ALL THE WAY!" in red blood type letters. Big Lou makes his way to the ramp. Big Lou then raises his Louie ville slugger in the air and slowly raises his head up and all of a sudden red flames from the right and green flames on the left side shoot up in the air. Big Lou then enters the ring and goe over the top rope, Big Lou climbs up the turnbuckle with the Louie ville slugger high in the air.

James: The following match is a Glass Match. Introducing from Las Vegas, Nevada, weighing 270lbs, Big Lou. *Crowd Boos*

**Break Stuff by Limp Bizkit hits, as the lights flash red and white, and Rye Hazwaki is shown doing a slow ‘Cyclone Kick.’ The Pyro’s blast as Rye stands on the top of the stage, he looks at the crowd then walks down and enters the ring.**

James: Introducing, from Tokyo, Japan, weighing 251lbs, Rye Hazwaki.

Report: Big Lou stands in his corner tapping his ball bat in his hand, then he signals for Rye to come get some. Rye charges in, Lou swings with the bat, but Rye ducks it and then catches Lou with a roundhouse kick to the back of the head, Lou staggers forwards but grabs the ropes to stop himself from falling over. Rye is now bouncing back and forth signalling for Lou to come and get some. Lou looks pissed off and charges in with the bat, but Rye ducks again and catches Lou with a second roundhouse. Lou grabs the ropes again to stop himself falling over.

Dave: He surely won't fall for the same trick three times?

Lou charges in again, Rye ducks, but Lou doesn't swing high, instead he stoops and smashes the bat across the knees of Rye. Lou gets up and points to his head.

Mayhem: Lou outsmarted Rye that time.

Lou then smashes the bat into the gut of Rye as he lies on the mat clutching his knee. Lou hits Rye again with the bat and then rolls out of the ring. he picks up a large pane of glass and slides it into the ring. Lou climbs back in and picks up Rye from the mat. He then lifts up Rye into a Suplex and positions himself to suplex Rye into the Glass, but Rye drops behind Lou and looks for a German suplex, but Lou rolls around him, Rye backs up into the barbed wire and Lou pushes him off, Rye comes off the barb wire ropes on the other side and ducks Louie's clothesline. Rye then hits a jumping heel kick which puts Rye down. Rye then turns around and picks up the pane of Glass. Rye turns around with the Glass held at head height, but he turns straight into a Baseball Bat swing by Big Lou which smashes straight through the glass and hits Rye full in the face and sends Glass all over the place.

Mayhem: OH MY!!! Rye took the bat and the glass full in the face. Cover by Lou, 1....2......3. Lou gets the win.

Big Lou d. Rye
6:04 Pinfall (Time doubled)

Dave: Look at Rye's face, it is covered in blood, that glass must have cut his face in about 6 places.

Mayhem: Rye Hazwaki does indeed have the proverbial crimson mass now, this is the second time in two weeks he has been busted wide open.

Dave: Well that was a rather short match.

Mayhem: Getting shards of glass and a ball bat in the face usually ends a match pretty quickly.

{Commercial Break}

Dave: oh well, what's next.

Mayhem: A bed of nails match between Genecide and Crusader.

Dave: A Bed of Nails match??? Who invented these things??

Mayhem: Same people who invent everything these days, the Japs.

Dave: Oh yeah, I guess that's why they call it a Japanese Death Match.

Mayhem: You really aren't too bright are you.

Dave: Shut up Johnny, if you know what's good for you.

Mayhem: Oh well, it's time for the match anyway.

King of the Death Match
Bed of Nail Match
Crusader Chrome v Genecide

**The lights go out and a series of light blue lights flash throughout the arena. Rock Superstar by Cypress Hill blares over the pa followed by an explosion of fireworks similar to Y2J’s. Crusader's Ultra-tron has images of Harley Davidsons and biker babes transcending into one another. His entrance attire consists of a leather trench coat, dark sunglasses, and a du- rag rapped around his head. When he walks out into the entrance, he pauses and raises both fists in the air, proceeding to walk to the ring. Walking with a bmf walk, he climbs into the ring, while the lights are still out, and raises the lights with a fist in the air.**

James: The following match is a Bed of Nails Match. Introducing, from Palm Beach, Florida, weighing 299lbs, "The One" Crusader Chrome. *Crowd Cheers*

"Stupify" by Disturbed plays as Genecide walks out to the cheers of the crowd. He walks down to the ring, hi-fing with a few fans as he makes his way to the ring. He climbs in the ring and walks over to the opposite turnbuckle and climbs up and holds both hands up.**

James: Introducing at this time, weighing 251lbs, Genecide.**Crowd Cheers**

Report: Genecide immediately rolls out of the ring and slides the Bed of Nails into the ring. Genecide rolls back in and points to Crusader and then to the bed of nails.

Dave: I think Genecide is telling Crusader he is going onto that Bed of Nails.

Genecide and Crusader tie up, Crusader uses his strength to push Genecide straight into the barb-wire ropes. Genecide comes off holding his back and gets picked up in a sidewalk slam. Genecide gets back up quickly but gets scooped up and into a slam. Crusader drops and elbow on Genecide and covers.

Mayhem: Early cover. 1.....2....Genecide kicks out.

Crusader then picks up Genecide and puts him between his legs and signals for a powerbomb. He then moves himself and Genecide to the bed of nails.

Mayhem: No, not a Powerbomb on the nails, wait Genecide reverses, Back Body Drop on the bed of nails, my god, Crusader is in agony.

Dave: What is Genecide doing?? COVER HIM!!!

Mayhem: Genecide is going up top, OH MY GOD!!! A Senton Bomb on Crusader, driving him into the Bed of Nails, cover. 1....2....3!!!! What a win for Genecide.

Dave: That was even quicker than the last match.

Genecide d. Crusader
4:34 Pinfall (time doubled)

Mayhem: Another surprisingly short match, well I doubt this next match will be quite as short. Blackbird takes on General Leo in a Flaming Table Match, yes that's right folks, the winner is the first person to put their opponent through a flaming table, and yes I do mean a flaming table, they can go through 100 tables and still not end the match unless one of them is on fire.

Dave: And who's idea was this match?? Let me guess Blackbird.

Mayhem: It was General Leo's idea actually.

Dave: Leo? What the hell? I don't know, well Leo hasn't got much else to look forward to at the moment after he went out to Carnage in the World Title tournament.

Mayhem: That was the upset of the week that one, that one shocked me completely, Leo was one of the top favourites to win the tournament.

Dave: Well Leo has now the favourite to win the European title, that will be an interesting competition.

Mayhem: Well onto the subject of this next match, Blackbird is my pick to win this tournament, he is the most hardcore man in the business today.

Dave: Well, I had gone for Carbon, but now I favour Theros, I think he is a good bet now. Mayhem: He could very well win it, but it's time for our match now.

King of the Death Match
Flaming Table Match
General Leo v Blackbird

"Cool to Hate" by Offspring starts playing and the arena goes pitch black. 10 seconds go by with nothing happening. Two huge flames light up the Entry way and Blackbird makes his way to the ring.

James: The following match is a Flaming Table match, to win you must put your opponent through a table that is on fire. Introducing from Dayton, Ohio, weighing 245lbs, Blackbird. *Crowd boos*

**The lights go blue, as "The Imperial March" starts over the speakers. General Leo walks out from the back to an expensive looking fireworks show. The fans cheer as he walks to the ring with his sword in hand. He steps in and the lights go up.**

James: Introducing from Vector, the capital of the World, weighing 235lbs, General Leo.

Report: Leo and Blackbird tie up, Leo tries a Belly to Belly Suplex, but Blackbird blocks it and flips Leo over into a Headlock takedown. Leo rolls out of it and ties up with Blackbird again, this time Blackbird comes out with a Japanese Arm Drag, Leo rolls through and charges in again, and gets taken over with an American Arm Drag this time.

Mayhem: Well this isn't what I expected. This match has started out as a wrestling match.

Leo charges in, but fakes a grapple and goes behind Blackbird and attempts a German Suplex, but gets caught with a Mule kick by Blackbird. Blackbird then grabs Leo and rakes his eyes across the top barb wire rope.

Dave: I think this is more what you were looking for Johnny.

Blackbird releases Leo and he falls to the mat, Leo touches his head and blood is pouring out of it. Leo staggers back up, Blackbird charges in and clotheslines Leo and himself out of the ring over the barb wire, Blackbirds top rips as he falls to the floor. Blackbird quickly gets up and picks up a chair, Leo staggers to his feet and is sent back down by an awesome chair shot from Blackbird. Blackbird then goes under the ring looking for something.

Mayhem: What does Blackbird want now??

Blackbird pulls out a spool of Barb wire.

Mayhem: What the?? Isn't there enough Barb wire in this match already?

Blackbird rakes the barb wire into the face of Leo, spilling yet more of his blood. Blackbird then places the barb wire on the concrete and picks up Leo.

Mayhem: Not that, not a piledriver on the barb wire, My God he did it.

Dave: Blackbird is one sick mother....

Mayhem: Hey, watch the language.

Blackbird starts to set up a table on the outside. He sets the table up, then he picks up a bottle of fluid and pours it over the table. Blackbird then picks up a lighter from a ringside table, he then lights the fluid on the table and it sparks into flames.

Mayhem: Oh my, these two mean serious business now.

Blackbird picks up Leo and places him in position for a Powerbomb. But the flames die out as he does so, he relaxes his grip on Leo and Leo then back drops Blackbird through the table.

Dave: You cannot let up in a match like this, Blackbird did and it has cost him dear.

Leo goes down after the back body drop and takes a while to get back up, when he does he is staggering all over the place holding his head, his face is now covered in blood, his hair is now blood red, and his bare chest has blood all over it. Blackbird has made his way to his feet and tries to punch Leo, Leo blocks it and punches Blackbird back which sends him staggering backwards. Blackbird then gets back up and gets knocked backwards again up the ramp. Leo then grabs Blackbird and marches him up the ramp. Leo then slams Blackbird's face into the Ultra-Tron, then delivers a T-Bone Suplex on the ramp. Leo then rests on the Ultra-Tron to try and catch his breath.

Mayhem: Leo delivers the best suplexes in the business, but on the ramp they are even more devastating.

Leo then picks up Blackbird, but as he does so Blackbird gets a low blow in, then delivers the EvenFlow DDT. Blackbird then staggers down the ramp and climbs off and goes to the section just below the rampway. He sees a table and he shouts something at the referee. The referee then runs back to the ring and fetches a bottle of lighter fluid and a lighter. While the referee is doing this, Blackbird positions the table, then sets up a ladder by the stage. The referee returns, he hands them to Blackbird who empties the bottle over the table, then lights it, Blackbird then starts to climb the ladder. Just as Blackbird is about to get on the stage he looks at the stage, and sees Leo standing over him. Blackbird tells Leo no, but Leo pushes the Ladder away and Blackbird and the ladder crash through the flaming table.

Mayhem: OH MY GOD!!! I have never seen ANYTHING like that in my life.

Dave: That is one way to end a match, but not a pleasant one.

General Leo d. Blackbird 11:14

Mayhem: What a match, and that was just a quarter final match. The EMT's are tending to Blackbird, it looks like he is going out on a stretcher, we wish him a speedy recovery.

Dave: That is a hell of a way to go out, he fell ten feet off the ladder, crashed through a table that was on fire and hit a solid concrete floor, that is pain in the extreme.

Mayhem: It certainly is, well we now have all our Semi Final Match-ups. Theros takes on Big Lou and Genecide takes on Leo. The question is, what matches will they be in? We know the Final is a C4 Exploding ring death match, but what are the semis?

Dave: I am getting a message in my ear now. Yes, yes, ok. Right Johnny, the semi-final matches will be a combination of the two previous matches that the two wrestlers participating were in. Mayhem: So Theros takes on Lou in a Thumbtacks and glass match. And Leo takes on Genecide in a Flaming Table Bed of Nails match.

Dave: That's right. This should be very interesting.

{Commercial Break}

Mayhem: Well then, our first semi-final.

King of the Death Match
Thumbtacks & Glass Match
Theros Macalvia v Big Lou

James: I have just been informed that the semi final matches in the King of the Death Match will be a combination of the two matches previously participated in by the two participants. Therefore the following match is a Thumbtacks and Glass Match scheduled for one fall.

**Suddenly wild laughter echoes through the arena, the lights flashing purple and red. Theros appears on stage, his hands on his hips as he laughs. After several moments the laughs die off, and Ozzy's 'Crazy Train' hits. Theros stalks down towards the ring, a confident smirk on his face as the music continues to boom. Theros rolls into the ring and starts laughing again. The music then shatters into another chorus of wild laughter.**

James: Introducing from Syracuse, New York, weighing 282lbs. Theros Macalvia

Natural Born Killaz blast on the stereos throughout the arena then you see on the titantron "N.B.K. ALL THE WAY!" in red blood type letters. Big Lou makes his way to the ramp. Big Lou then raises his Louie ville slugger in the air and slowly raises his head up and all of a sudden red flames from the right and green flames on the left side shoot up in the air. Big Lou then enters the ring and goe over the top rope, Big Lou climbs up the turnbuckle with the Louie ville slugger high in the air.

James: Introducing from Las Vegas, Nevada, weighing 270lbs, Big Lou. *Crowd Boos*

Report: Theros looks a little battle weary after his war with Carbon, but Lou looks quite fresh. Big Lou goes in first and gets a ball bat shot to the gut of Theros. Lou then delivers a shot to the back of Theros. Lou then drives the bat into the back of Theros. Lou then covers Theros. 1....Theros kicks out. Theros staggers to his feet, Lou swings with the bat, but Theros ducks it, then delivers a Belly to Belly overhead suplex to Lou. Theros then slides out of the ring, he picks up a chair and throws it in the ring, he then rolls back in under the barb wire. Big Lou is up and he goes for Theros with a right hand, Theros comes back with a right hand of his own, the two then start to exchange rights until Lou gets the upper hand and hits a big right sending Theros into the barb-wire.

Dave: Ouch.

Theros goes down to one knee, but gets back up, Lou goes for another right hand, but Theros blocks it and hits a right hand of his own. Theros then delivers an awesome Northern Lights Release Suplex which sends Lou flying over the top rope to the concrete floor.

Mayhem: Oh My God, Lou could be broken in half, Theros threw him out like he didn't have a care in the world.

Dave: I don't think he has a care in the world.

Theros goes to the outside and picks up a box of thumbtacks and slides it into the ring, he then picks up a pane of glass and slides it in, he then slides two steel chairs into the ring. Theros then walks around to Big Lou, He picks him up, but he can barely stand. Theros slams his head into the barricade and Lou just collapses. Theros picks Lou up again and looks into his face, he then smiles and rolls Lou back into the ring. Theros then goes across to the items he put in the ring. He places the chairs opposite each other so something can be balanced between them, then places the glass on the two chairs. Then he picks up the box of thumbtacks and empties it out over the glass.

Mayhem: What the hell does Theros have in mind, this doesn't look good for Big Lou at all.

Theros then picks up Big Lou and takes him across to the setup. He looks into the glazed eyes of Lou, but Lou suddenly looks back at Theros.

Mayhem: Big Lou has fooled Theros into thinking he was out of it.

Theros looks surprised, Lou then knees Theros low, then puts him between his legs and positions him by the setup.

Dave: Oh my, he is going to do to Theros what Theros planned to do to him.

Mayhem: Here we go, MAFIA BOMB(Super Snap Powerbomb 02), and Lou drives Theros straight through the glass and onto the Thumbtacks. This one is over. Cover. 1......2..........THEROS GOT A SHOULDER UP!!!!

Dave: How in god's name did he manage that? Lou is in shock.

Big Lou sits up, and looks at Theros, who is face down in the thumbtacks. Lou gets up and looks for his ball bat, he finds it and turns towards Theros, but somehow Theros is up and he delivers a Low Blow of his own. Theros then Scoops Big Lou up and carries him over to the glass and tacks then delivers the System Shock(Scoop Reverse DDT) into the glass and tacks.

Mayhem: Now it is Lou's turn to take the glass and tacks. Theros covers, 1.....2.....3!!! Theros is in the final!!

Theros d. Big Lou
9:51 Pinfall

Mayhem: Well Theros progresses to the final, now we just have to wait to see who he will face.

Dave: A bed of Nails Flaming Table match, that is definitely someone's sick idea of a joke.

Mayhem: Well it is about to happen, so prepare yourself.

King of the Death Match
Bed of Nails Flaming Table Match
Genecide v General Leo

"Stupify" by Disturbed plays as Genecide walks out to the cheers of the crowd. He walks down to the ring, hi-fing with a few fans as he makes his way to the ring. He climbs in the ring and walks over to the opposite turnbuckle and climbs up and holds both hands up.**

James: The following match is a Bed of Nails Flaming Table match, the winner is the first person to put their opponent through the Flaming Table, a Bed of Nails is provided in the ring for this match. Introducing at this time, weighing 251lbs, Genecide.**Crowd Cheers**

**The lights go blue, as "The Imperial March" starts over the speakers. General Leo walks out from the back to an expensive looking fireworks show. The fans cheer as he walks to the ring with his sword in hand. He steps in and the lights go up.**

James: Introducing from Vector, the capital of the World, weighing 235lbs, General Leo.

Report: Genecide runs in at Leo and catches him by surprise with a clothesline. Leo springs back up and ducks Genecides second attempt at a clothesline, Leo then jabs Genecide in the face. Genecide comes back with a right hand of his own. Leo then knees Genecide in the gut and then uncerimoneously throws Genecide over the barb-wire to the concrete floor.

Mayhem: That didn't look good at all.

Leo rolls out of the ring and picks up Genecide, he slams Genecide's face into the barricade, then lifts him up and drops him gut first across the barricade. Leo then rolls Genecide back in the ring. Genecide climbs to his feet as Leo gets back in. Leo goes for a punch, but Genecide blocks it and kicks Leo low. Genecide then picks up Leo and drops him gut first across the barb-wire. Genecide then picks up Leo and then scoop slams Leo onto the bed of nails.

Dave: Ouch, ouch, ouch, that will hurt.

Leo rolls off the bed and Genecide helps Leo up, but Leo manages to roll around Genecide as he picks him up and launches Genecide overhead with a Release German Suplex. Leo then does a cut-throat sign and picks up Genecide. Leo then delivers a Belly to Back Suplex. Leo picks up Genecide and then delivers a T-Bone Suplex. Leo picks him up again and delivers a Tiger Suplex. Leo picks Genecide up again and this time delivers a Head and Arm Suplex.

Mayhem: My god Leo is killing Genecide with suplexes. Listen to this crowd.

**The crowd begin a chant of "Leo, Leo"**

Leo has a look of anger on his face as he rolls out of the ring, he pulls out a table from under the ring, he slides it into the ring. He then picks up the lighter and the lighter fluid. Leo then rolls back in the ring and sets up the table. Leo then picks up the bed of nails and places it on the table. Genecide is still down after the series of suplexes. Leo pours the fluid over the nails the lights it. Leo then picks up Genecide and takes him across to the table. Leo puts Genecide into position for The Shock.(Reverse Tazzplex).

Mayhem: This one is over, no wait, Leo can't lift Genecide, Mule kick, Genecide turns around, NO, NO WAY, Genecide just scoop slammed Leo onto the flaming table and the bed of nails. Genecide has won! How did he do that after the beating he took from Leo with those suplexes.

Dave: I have no idea, but that is the rule, you go through the table, and you lose, doesn't matter what else happens.

Genecide d. Leo

Mayhem: That is true Dave, your right, it really doesn't matter in that match what Leo did to Genecide, but it will in our next match, as Genecide by just simple bad luck of the draw has to go straight into the final, a Japanese Deathmatch.

Dave: He has about 5 minutes while the ring crew set up the explosive, this is going to be brutal Johnny.

Mayhem: While they do that, we will go to a commercial.

{Commercial Break}

Mayhem: Well we are almost ready to start the match, while we are waiting, I will explain how this match works. The setup is the same as before, except in the ring are provided 3 barb-wire wrapped boards equipped with impact sensitive C4 explosives. Now don't worry, you aren't going to see someone's head off, the explosives are not that powerful, however they can cause serious burns to the body, and they could easily burn someones face off. However stationed about 4 feet in from each corner are special C4 explosive boards, they don't explode on impact, these explode when the timer for the match reaches exactly ten minutes. Now these explosions are powerful, and they are dangerous, so to warn the wrestlers there will be ten rings of the bell to count down the explosion. That is all you need to know really, well time for the match.

King of the Death Match
Japanese Death Match
Theros Macalvia v Genecide

**Suddenly wild laughter echoes through the arena, the lights flashing purple and red. Theros appears on stage, his hands on his hips as he laughs. After several moments the laughs die off, and Ozzy's 'Crazy Train' hits. Theros stalks down towards the ring, a confident smirk on his face as the music continues to boom. Theros rolls into the ring and starts laughing again. The music then shatters into another chorus of wild laughter.**

James: The following match is the final match in the King of the Death Match Tournament. This Match will be a Japanese Death Match, scheduled for one fall to crown the first PWF Extreme Champion. Introducing from Syracuse, New York, weighing 282lbs. Theros Macalvia

"Stupify" by Disturbed plays as Genecide walks out to the cheers of the crowd. He walks down to the ring, hi-fing with a few fans as he makes his way to the ring. He climbs in the ring and walks over to the opposite turnbuckle and climbs up and holds both hands up.**

James: Introducing at this time, weighing 251lbs, Genecide.**Crowd Cheers**

Report: Theros and Genecide both look battle weary, they both look at the C4 boards with aprehension.

Mayhem: Neither of these wrestlers have ever been in this situation before, with C4 explosives in the ring.

Theros and Genecide tie up, but neither man can get the advantage and they eventually let go of each other. They go for a tieup again, but Genecide loops around Theros and then delivers a German Suplex.

Dave: Looks like Genecide learned something from his match with Leo.

Genecide avoids the C4 boards and rolls out of the ring, he picks up a steel chair and climbs in the ring with it. Theros makes his way to his feet, but after two matches and that suplex he is battle weary, Genecide takes advantage of this and slams the chair onto Theros's head, leaving a three inch dent in the chair.

Mayhem: My god, what an awesome chair shot by Genecide.

Genecide then carefully positions one of the C4 boards.

Mayhem: Oh my, business is about to pick up. This is going to get ugly fast.

Genecide picks up Theros, he then places Theros between his legs and sets him up for the Genecide Bomb(Last Ride)

Dave: Genecide is going to powerbomb Theros on the C4, this one could be over fast.

Genecide tries to lift Theros, but Theros powers out and then back body drops Genecide onto the C4 board. *BOOM!!!!*

Mayhem: OH MY GOD!!!! Genecide just landed full on to a board packed with C4, look at his back it is covered in burn marks. Theros covers 1.........2...............Genecide kicks out!!! What the?

Dave: Is Genecide made of Asbestos or something, because there is no way he can kick out of a C4 explosion.

Theros gets to his feet and simply smiles. Theros then positions Genecide near a turnbuckle. He then carefully places a C4 board on top of Genecide. Theros then climbs the turnbuckle.

Mayhem: He is insane, he will do just as much damage to him as he will to Genecide!

Dave: He just doesn't care, and he is already insane.

Theros comes flying off with a big body splash, but while he is in mid-air, Genecide pushes the C4 board upwards towards Theros and rolls quickly out of the way, the board hits Theros full in the face and explodes, Theros lands and recoils backwards, he is lying on the turnbuckle with his head resting on the barb-wire. His face has a burn mark on his right hand side and his hair is partially burnt.

Dave: This is just too much, this match can't last much longer.

Mayhem: Both men are in their third match of the night, and they have both taken a beating and now they have both been in C4 explosions.

Both men stay down for about a minute, eventually Genecide starts to stir and begins to make his way to his feet. When he does, he nearly collapses again, but manages to grab hold of the barb-wire ropes to stop himself from falling down. Theros begins to stir and begins to hold his face and crawls out from the turnbuckle. Genecide staggers over to Theros and stomps on Theros's back. Theros just collapses. Genecide falls down on top of Theros and rolls him over. 1......2.........Theros gets his left shoulder up.

Dave: It seems that Theros is still with us, barely, but with us.

Genecide picks up Theros and delivers a DDT, he covers again. 1.....2........Theros gets the right shoulder up.

Genecide slowly picks up Theros again. Genecide delivers a Brainbuster.

Dave: That must surely do it.

Mayhem: 1......2............Theros gets the left shoulder up. How does Theros keep doing this?

Genecide picks up Theros. He places him between his legs and signals for the Genecide Bomb(Last Ride)

**The bell starts to toll to signal the big C4 Explosion**

Mayhem: Here we go, this is the big explosion, Genecide should get out now. What is he doing??

Dave: I don't think he can hear it, he must still have that explosion ringing in his ears.

Mayhem: He has him up, no not on the last C4 board, wait. Theros is punching him, Theros drops down, DDT ON THE C4 BOARD. Theros has an arm on Genecide 1........2...***KABOOOM!!!!!!****

Dave: Owww!!! My ears.

Mayhem: Join the club, what happened, I didn't see if Theros got the win, there is all that smoke. YES HE DID!!! I can just see in the ring now, Neither of them are moving, but the referee has the arm of Theros Macalvia raised, we have a winner, we have a new extreme Champion.

Dave: What's left of him that is, you have to worry for the future of these two wrestlers, will they be able to continue in the world title tournament.

Mayhem: I have no idea, but I can tell you now that the EMT's are going to be busy tonight, they are already in the ring with stretchers to take these two out of here. This isn't the way to crown a champion, but this is no ordinary championship. Well that's all folks, I hope you enjoyed it, see you on Havoc.

Dave: And remember SIZE DOES MATTER!!!

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