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live from the Conseco Fieldhouse
Indianapolis, Indiana
March 31st 2001

**Pyro's blast off and "Master of Puppets" by Metallica plays throughtout the arena. The camera pans across the crowd showing a few signs.**
"MVD was robbed"
"Give No Mercy"
"I am the Future"
"The Madman is here"

**The camera then rolls around to the announce table.**

Stanyer: Welcome everybody to the Conseco Field House in Inidanapolis, Indiana, I'm Jason Stanyer alongside the Big Dawg Dave Harley. It looks set to be a great show tonight, I will just give you a short run-down of our card...What the hell???

**The lights of the arena go black, suddenly fire shoots up from the ramp and a large man stands at the top wearing a large black cloak holding a long sharp scythe. The large man folds back the hood of the cloak and begins to speak in a low, dark, voice. He says**

DeMoN: "I challenge anyone, and I mean ANYONE to a one-on-one fight. I will stand here and wait for someone to step up and fight me."

Dawg: I didn't expect to see him here, this is a surprise, wonder who will....

**Walk by Pantera begins to play as Demon stands waiting for some one to step up to the plate. Out walks Josh Resnick with a mic in hand. Music cuts off as Josh begins to speak.**

Stanyer: Well I guess it looks like Josh wants a fight.

Josh: Well isn't it the dead man, who claims to be the devil himself. So you looking for a fight tonight? Well you don't have to look far...

**Josh stares into the crowd then turns his attention back to Demon.**

Josh: ...Cause I am the man to give you that fight. If you still up to it that is? Now is your chance to walk away.

**Josh stands waiting for Demon to respond. As if he didn't expect him to.**

Dawg: This crowd are cheering Resnick?? Why?

**Demon stands face-to-face with Resnick. He stares into the crowd then focuses his attention once again on Resnick and begins a evil psychotic laugh**

Demon: " ask am I still up to it. I say only one thing and one thing is all I need to get it through, I am the DeViL, This will be your last night of living for evil will take your soul and you will burn in hell."

**Demon turns away still keeping his eyes stuck to Resnick's then walks back through the entrance way leaving Resnick alone on the entrance ramp**

**Resnick turns to the entrance way then turns to the camera with a sadistic look on his face. Then he heads to the back.**

Stanyer: Well it looks as if we have tonights Main event, Josh Resnick will take on DeMoN, one on one. What a matchup that will be.

Dawg: I don't doubt it one bit. But I came here to see my man, Matt Van Dam, The Real F'N show take on The Sabre.

Stanyer: MVD musn't underestimate Sabre, as he destroyed Chris Chaos last week.

Dawg: I don't know what Chaos was doing last week, he seemed to be somewhere else, and you don't win matches if you are not focused.

Stanyer: Well it is time for our first match tonight. Carbon to take on ArchAngel.

Dawg: What that religous freak? Give me a break, I hope Carbon breaks his neck.

Stanyer: I know ArchAngel may think he is a messenger of god, but he is still a damn good wrestler, and this should be a good match.

Dawg: Whatever.

Carbon v ArchAngel

Carbon's Music Hits and Out comes Carbon with a Barbed wire 2 x 4. Carbon then walks with his Daranged stride he stops at the begining of the walk way and lifts the barbwire 2 x 4 in the air to recieve huge cheers by the fans. Carbon then walks down the ramp with the same Daranged stride and enters the ing threw the middle rope. Carbon then makes his way to the middle of the ring again and lifts the Barbed ire 2 x 4 in the air again to receive the cheers from the crowd.

James: The following match is scheduled for one fall, introducing first, from Baltimore, Maryland, weighing 280 lbs, The last master of Hardcore, Carbon.(Crowd cheers)

The arena goes dark, and a hush falls over the crowd. The Titantron then suddenly comes to life, and these words appear on the screen:
Romans 13:4 - For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil.
Holier Than Thou by Metallica then suddenly hits and a tall powerful looking man with long white hair pulled back in a ponytail appears at the top of the ramp. He has on long white tights adorned by gold crosses on each leg, along with white boots also bearing gold crosses. As he makes his way to the ring, he tosses mini-Bibles out to the crowd and hi-fives fans

James: And his opponents, from Jerusalem, Israel, weighing 285lbs, "The Redeemer" ArchAngel. (Crowd gives a mixed reaction)

Report: Both men start out cautious, neither man wanting to make a mistake. Both men tie up eventually, Archangel uses his strength advantage to push Carbon into the corner then starts to pepper him with right hands, but Carbon manages to block one, then flips Angel around and starts to hammer him with right hands. Carbon then throws Angel to the ropes and takes him down with a clothesline. Angel gets back up, Carbon throws a right, but Angel ducks under it and kicks him in the stomach then throws Carbon to the ropes, Angel tries a clothesline, but Carbon ducks and comes off the other side with a flying forearm. Carbon goes for a quick cover, 1.....kick out.

Stanyer: That was a little early to be looking for a 3 count.

Carbon and Angel get up, Carbon kicks Angel in the gut then throws him to the corner, he then comes in with a big clothesline, but Angel ducks out of the way and Carbon runs into the turnbuckle, as he bounces off Angel hits a Powerslam and then covers. 1....2..kick out.
Both men get up, Carbon goes for a kick, but Angel catches it but Carbon counters with an Enziguri. Carbon then climbs on Angel and starts to batter him with right hands. Carbon then walks off to taunt the crowd.

Dawg: Carbon is one sick individual.

Angel staggers to his feet, Carbon throws him to the ropes and then lifts him up in a flapjack and then drops him throat first over the top rope. Carbon then covers. 1.....2.....Angel kicks out. Carbon then picks up Angel and puts him in position for The Blackout(DD DDT). But Angel counters with a couple of Elbows to the gut, then push Carbon to the ropes, but he sends Carbon straight into the referee, who goes down. Angel then hits a DDT on Carbon. Then out of the back comes an unknown wrestler.

Stanyer: Who the hell is that???

Dawg: Hey I know him, that's Homicide, he just signed with the PWF. I didn't know he was here.

Homicide is armed with a chair and climbs in the ring, he swings the chair at Angel, but he ducks and Homicide catches Carbon who has just got back up. Angel then hits the Holy Driver(DVD) on Homicide and then rolls him out of the ring. Angel then climbs to the top rope and hits the Celestial Splash(Low Down) on Carbon. The referee is just recovering. 1....2......3! ArchAngel picks up the win.

ArchAngel d. Carbon
5:46 Pinfall

Stanyer: ArchAngel picks up the win, but Carbon will not be happy with Homicide interfering.

Dawg: What did he want with ArchAngel anyway?

Stanyer: I'm sure we will find out in due course.

{Commercial Break}

**Cameras return to the Parking Lot, a Limousine pulls up.**

Stanyer: I wonder who this is? **MVD gets out of the Limo, Power G gets out the other side, Jennifer Van Dam and The Real McCoy follow them out.**

Dawg: Hey it's the gWo, glad to see the people that run this show are finally here.

Stanyer: Run this show? What are you talking about?

MVD: (to Power G) Come on, we have business to take care of.

**Power G nods and then follows MVD. Camera goes back to the arena**

Stanyer: Business, what type of business?

Dawg: I'm sure we will find out soon enough.

Stanyer: Who is this?

**Serial Killer by Prodigy begins to play & the crowd gives a very loud mixed reaction. Nicholas Kain leads his team of Carnage & Bloodstorm to the ring. Kain grabs a mic as L.o.D stand on either side of him with very angry looks on their faces. **

Kain: Gods of War....we have payback on our mind tonight. Remember our first match? You know the one where you had to use chairs to take the L.o.D down? Well tonight is the night we want revenge! No...let me rephrase that. Tonight is the night we WILL get our revenge! Now Gods of either come out here & get your asses handed to you or I send Carnage & Bloodstorm to the back & we destroy you there. The choice is yours to make....I trust you will make the right decision.

Dawg: Well, where are they???

Stanyer: It's not like the Gods of War not to accept a challenge.

**"Call of the Ktulu" by Metallica hits, but nobody comes out. The L.O.D. look puzzled, then Alexander and Kull walk out to the cheers of the crowd. They both walk to the ring slowly, never taking their eyes off the L.O.D.**

Gods of War v Lords of Destruction

Report: Carnage and Kull start out the match, Kull runs straight to Carnage and tries a low dropkick, but Carnage moves out of the way. Kull quickly gets to his feet then gets sent back down with a right hand from Carnage. He springs back up, and goes for a right hand of his own, but Carnage blocks it then throws Kull to the ropes. Carnage then whips Kull over with a viscious Powerslam.

Dawg: He nearly knocked Kull out of his boots there.

Bloodstorm then tags in and then both whip Kull to the ropes and then hit a Double Flapjack. Bloodstorm covers. 1....2....Kull gets the right shoulder up. Bloodstorm then throws Kull outside, Bloodstorm then distracts the referee, while Kain holds Kull so Carnage can hit Kull with a viscious clothesline. Carnage then rolls Kull into the ring.
Bloodstorm then stomps away at Kull before picking him up, Bloodstorm then picks Kull up above his head in a Miltary Press, then drops him behind him before tagging in Carnage. Carnage bounces off the ropes and hits a leg drop, then covers. 1.....2.....Alexander makes the save then the referee sends him back to his corner. Carnage picks up Kull and takes him over to his corner, he pushes him into the turnbuckle and then tags Bloodstorm, both men start to stomp away at him before Carnage gets out of the ring. Bloodstorm throws Kull to the ropes and goes for a sidewalk slam, but Kull counters with a Flying Head Scissors. Bloodstorm springs back up and goes for a clothesline, but Kull ducks under and then kicks him in the gut and hits a DDT. Kull and Bloodstorm then both stay down.

Stanyer: Both men need to make a tag and fast.

Kull and Bloodstorm both crawl over to their corner and Kull makes the first tag, then Bloodstorm. Alex comes in and takes down Carnage with a clothesline, then he takes down Bloodstorm with a clothesline, Kull recovers and joins in the fight and all four men start to brawl. Alexander whips Carnage to the ropes, then hits a dropkick, Kull manages to hit a spinning wheel kick on Bloodstorm sending him over the top rope. Kull then springs on the top rope and flies off with a flying body press taking Bloodstorm down. In the ring, Alexander hits a DDT and covers, 1....2...Carnage kicks out. Alex whips Carnage to the ropes and goes for a clothesline, but Carnage ducks under and comes off the other side and hits a massive spear on Alexander. He covers. 1....2.....3! Carnage gets the three count.

L.o.D. d. Gods of War.
20:31 Pinfall

Stanyer: A good win for the L.O.D there.

Dawg: Impressive display, but now it is time for someone even more impressive. Antonio Gambino.

Stanyer: How come he always seems to get airtime whenever he wants it? I thought Pellington hated him.

Dawg: How can you deny such class.

Stanyer: Well here he comes.

**Keep Away by Godsmack blares through the speakers as Gambino appears in the entrance. He walks to the ring and grabs a microphone**

Gambino"You know, never in my life, have I seen so many losers in one place at the same time. I've seen so many losers around since my arrival at the arena this afternoon, that I lost count of them...and that was just in the locker room. The amount has as much as tripled since I came out here."

**Crowd boo's heavily**

Gambino"Anyways, onto what I came out here for. I was told that I had the night off tonight, which sounded great. But instead, I tought I would come out here and say what's on my mind right now."

**Crowd boo's more**

Stanyer: Just what I wanted to hear.

Dawg: Shut up and let him speak.

Gambino"Would you idiots shut up and let me talk? I won't take up much of your time. Trust me, the less time I have to spend out here with you low lifes, the better off I'll be. I've just got a few things to say, to the boys in the back, and to that son of a bitch, Pellington. Now I know you're in the back, so I want you to sit there on your fat ass and listen to me, and you listen real good. I told you last week that I wasn't about playing games anymore. I told you that you were waisting mine, and everyone else's time by having a tournament for the World Title. Well now I'm going to prove to you that you're waisting our time. Let's give a quick rundown of the World Title competition. First off you've got Josh Resnick. To me, this guy's nothing more than a cocky little shit, that doesn't even deserve to be here. This kid should be on the playground with the rest of the youngsters, playing in the sand box. If you ask me, he's a little too wet behind the ears if you know what I mean. Then, you've got Firestorm. Mouth just too damn big for his own good. This guy's always getting into other people's business, especially my business, and people get hurt when they mess in my business. Then you've got Blackbird. Oh yes, the famous Blackbird. He think's he's hardcore, I'm thinking more like, hard-bore. I mean, does this guy even know a damn wrestling move? Crusador Chrome seems to be next on the list. You know, now that I think about it, he's from Atlanta, Georgia, the home of Dubbya C Dubbya...and well, that really sums it up right there. Next on my list, Demon. Now everyone that's followed the PWF, knows that Demon was a great wrestler. Notice I said WAS. I think this guy's ran his course already, time to step back and relax a bit. I mean, he thinks he's the freakin devil! I'll tell you what Demon, I've been to hell, and I like it! So anytime you feel like trying me, just let me know. Now, last, but definately not least, my old friend General Leo. Now, I have to admit, Leo is the only person to beat me upon the return of the PWF. But you know, every dog has his day, and that was Leo's one day out of a million. So you see, Pellington, if you go over the list of the competitors that are lined up here, I don't really have that much stacked against me. So do you really feel it necassary to waist everyone's time with these bullshit tournaments? If you still choose to do so, then that's fine with me. But you leave me no other option than to destroy any opposition that gets in my way, and I'll unleash a fury upon the PWF that you could never even imagine. Now you don't really want to @#%$ with that! 've said all I have to say, so bring on all the asshole chants and the boo's, cuz I don't give a shit what any of you peices of trash think about me!"

**Gambino toss's the microphone to the ring announcer and leaves the ring as Keep Away by Godsmack blares through the PWF sound system**

Stanyer: Man Gambino is hyped up tonight.

Dawg: I’ve seen him in worse moods, you should have seen him when he lost to Diablo in that World Title match.

Stanyer: What?? You weren't with the PWF then, how the hell would you know?

Dawg: Me and him go way back.

Stanyer: Since when?? Oh, we will talk about this after the show.

{Commercial Break}

**Camera returns to the corridors in the back, Power G and MVD walk into view.**

Stanyer: What are the gWo doing?

Dawg: It looks like they have something planned.

**MVD appears to be looking for something, he seems to have found what he is looking for, the camera pans around and sees that it’s says Rye Hazwaki.**

Dawg: Looks like the gWo are after payback for Rye costing MVD his match last week.

**MVD and G storm the locker room, but all they find is an empty locker room, G turns back towards the door, and checks the sign on the door, he rips off the sign to reveal the name Travis Right.** Stanyer: Looks like Rye pulled a fast one this time, that locker room was for Travis Right, who was scheduled to be here, but couldn’t quite make it tonight. His flight was cancelled.

Dawg: Damn that Rye Hazwaki.

Stanyer: Well onto our next match, Blackbird takes on Big Lou in a Hardcore match.

**Blackbird is in on his way to the ring for his match when he is stopped by a backstage interviewer**

Interviewer-Blackbird, by now you have heard General Leo's comments about your match last week. Have you've got anything to say regarding them?

Blackbird-**Takes the mic** Get out of here, narc! Leo, about your comments last week, You are right I was NOT ready for my match last week. See if I were mentally and physically prepared I never would have PASSED OUT in the Equinox. Now Leo all you want is for me to be your droid. For me to be YOU. Leo I am not nor will I ever be your "Mini-Me". That would be "conforming to YOUR way of life. You say you don't want to conform me. Well It all demends how you define conformity. I see conformity as being what your peers see as "normal". Leo, I am an outcast and I want to stay this way. I have been an outcast since I was born. My parents gave my bedroom away to my grandmother instead of putting her in a home with all the other crazies. You must have your head up your ass if you dont comprehend what I am telling you. If your head wasn't so far up your ass you would understand. I don't WANT your help. I don't need your help. Leo, I grew up neglected. I grew up hardcore. I lived my life hardcore. I am hardcore. Hardcore is what I is my is who I am. Now I got a match. Get that camera outta my face!

**Blackbird heads to the ring**

Hardcore Match

Blackbird v Big Lou

"Cool to Hate" by Offspring starts playing and the arena goes pitch black. 10 seconds go by with nothing happening. Two huge flames light up the Entry way and Blackbird makes his way to the ring.

James: The following Hardcore contest is scheduled for one fall, introducing first, from Dayton Ohio, weighing 245 lbs, Blackbird.

Natural Born Killaz blast on the stereos throughout the arena then you see on the titantron "N.B.K. ALL THE WAY!" in red blood type letters. Big Lou makes his way to the ramp. Big Lou then raises his Louie ville slugger in the air and slowly raises his head up and all of a sudden red flames from the right and green flames on the left side shoot up in the air. Big Lou then enters the ring and goe over the top rope, Big Lou climbs up the turnbuckle with the Louie ville slugger high in the air.

James: And his opponents, weighing 270 lbs, from Las Vegas Nevada, Big Louie.

Report: Blackbird immediately slides out of the ring and looks for some weapons underneath the ring. He pulls out a couple of trash can lids, a stop sign and a Kendo Stick. He climbs back in with a trash can lid, and Lou is leaning in the corner holding his Ball Bat and tapping it against his free hand. Lou runs towards Blackbird with the Bat, but Blackbird ducks and hits Lou in the knees with the trashcan lid, Lou drops his Bat. Blackbird then hits Lou in the face with the lid. Blackbird then places the lid on top of Lou and comes off the ropes and Leg drops it into his face.
Lou staggers to his feet, Blackbird picks up the stop sign and tries to hit Lou, but he blocks it, kicks Blackbird in the gut then slams the sign down over his back. Lou then kicks Blackbird out of the ring. Lou then whips Blackbird into the steps. Lou then slams Blackbirds head into the barrier, then grabs him by the head and drags him up the ramp hitting right hands all the way.
Lou slams Blackbirds head into the metal frame holding the Ultra-tron up, then takes him into the back. Lou tries to slam Blackbird's head into a table, but he blocks it and slams Lou into the table instead. Blackbird then wanders off looking for something, he picks up a trashcan, he turns around only to have it dropkicked in his face. Lou covers. 1.....2......Blackbird kicks out.

Stanyer: Where the hell are these two going??

Lou then picks up a steel chair and slams it into Blackbirds face. Blackbird goes down, Lou covers. 1....2....Blackbird gets the right shoulder up. Lou then picks Blackbird up and then starts to hit him with right hands, each time he sends Blackbird further down a hall. Eventually then end up near the loading bay, there is a big drop of about 10 feet just next to where Blackbird is lying, Lou picks up Blackbird and then with a running start attempts to throw Blackbird off the ledge, but Blackbird counters by rolling around to the front of Lou and manages to get his arm around his head, they both go off the edge and Blackbird manages to hold onto Lou.

Stanyer: MY GOD! An 10 foot Evenflow DDT!!! Blackbird gets an arm over. 1...2.....3! Blackbird gets the win.

Blackbird d. Big Lou
10:21 Pinfall

Stanyer: A great win for Blackbird, and a great match as well.

Dawg: Dammit, what was Lou thinking, anyone can beat that Hardcore freak.

Stanyer: What are you talking about? Blackbird is a former World Champion.

Dawg: That was a long time ago, he is not the man he once was.

Stanyer: Just go to the commercials.

{Commercial Break}

Stanyer: Welcome back folks, we go straight into a title match, with Bloodbath challenging Crusader for the Challenge Title.

Bloodbath v Crusader Chrome

"96 Quite Bitter Beings" by CKY plays as a ring of fire appears by the entrance. Bloodbath rises out of the flames before walking towards the ring. He stops on the apron, and looks to the crowd, before he climbs in the ring.

James: The following match is for the PWF Challenge Title, introducing the challeger, from Hell Michigan, weighing 225 pounds, Bloodbath. (Crowd Cheers).

**The lights go out and a series of light blue lights flash throughout the arena. Rock Superstar by Cypress Hill blares over the pa followed by an explosion of fireworks similar to Y2J’s. Crusader's Ultra-tron has images of Harley Davidsons and biker babes transcending into one another. His entrance attire consists of a leather trench coat, dark sunglasses, and a du- rag rapped around his head. When he walks out into the entrance, he pauses and raises both fists in the air, proceeding to walk to the ring. Walking with a bmf walk, he climbs into the ring, while the lights are still out, and raises the lights with a fist in the air.**

James: And his opponent, from Palm Beach Florida, weighing 299lbs, the PWF World Challenge Champion, Crusader Chrome.

Report: Bloodbath starts out by attacking Crusader with a couple of big right hands, but the have little effect on the big man. Crusader hits Bloodbath with a couple of right hands of his own, sending Bloodbath to the canvas. Bloodbath gets back up and Crusader throws him to the ropes. Crusader tries a clothesline, but Bloodbath ducks, Crusader then drops to the floor and Bloodbath runs over him, Bloodbath comes off the other side and gets hit with a massive spinebuster. Crusader then drops an elbow and then covers Bloodbath. 1...2..Bloodbath kicks out.
Crusader then picks up Bloodbath and lifts him up into a Miltary Press, Crusader then tosses Bloodbath aside. Bloodbath staggers to his feet and gets picked up by Crusader who delivers The Concussion(Emerald Fusion) and then covers. 1....2....3! Crusader d. Bloodbath
3:45 Pinfall

Stanyer: An impressive display of wrestling from Crusader, he destroyed Bloodbath to retain his title.

Dawg: I’m not impressed, he could have won quicker.

Stanyer: And how do you work that out?

Dawg: Just a thought, don’t get worked up about it.

Stanyer: Oh well, onto our next match, where Leo takes on Firestorm.

**General Leo is in his locker room sitting on a chair as the camera cuts in.**

General Leo- Fine... Blackbird... you don't want my help. We can leave it at that. I just wanted to be your friend, but your happier being alone. I can live with that, but if you don't want to be my friend, you will be my enemy.

**Leo sighs and shakes his head slowly.**

General Leo- I am challenging you to a match at Havoc. I'll even let you choose any stipulations if you want. I can take a hint after awhile. I was just hoping that you would have the common sense to listen to me. I'll see you at Havoc, Blackbird... I'll see you there, if you accept that is...

**Leo salutes the camera and then asks him to leave. Leo then follows him out and heads to the ring for his match.**

**Camera switches to Pellington's office.**

Pellington: Leo wants a match with Blackbird. Hmm... I might be able to fit that in on this card. Let me find out.

**Back to ringside.**

Dawg: What did he mean, he might be able to fit that onto a card?

Stanyer: I am sure we will find out.

General Leo v Firestorm

**Fire Storms music hits as the lights go out. The words "Fear for he is here" flash on the screen. Pyros start fling from the rafters as Fire Storm comes out walking with an evil grin on his face. He stands there for a while as the arena starts to get hotter and hotter. As smoke rises up around him he disappears. The crowd looks in amaze. All of the sudden a huge explosion around the ring, lights up the arena. He then is somehow standing in the middle of the ring.**

James: Introducing first, from East L.A, weighing 283 lbs, Firestorm.

**The lights go blue, as "The Imperial March" starts over the speakers. General Leo walks out from the back to an expensive looking fireworks show. The fans (give an appropriate reaction) as he walks to the ring with his sword in hand. He steps in and the lights go up.**

James: And his opponent, from Vector, Capital of the World, weighing 235lbs, General Leo. (Crowd Cheers)

Report: Leo and Firestorm tie up. Leo immediately throws Firestorm over his head into a Belly to Belly Suplex. Firestorm gets back up quickly but is holding his back. Leo immediately grabs Firestorm and hits a Snap Suplex. Leo then hits a Jumping Punch. Firestorm staggers back to his feet and tries to throw a right hand at Leo but Leo ducks and hits a German Suplex with a bridge. 1....2....Firestorm kicks out.

Stanyer: Leo is out to make a statement, and I don't think Firestorm can do much about it.

Firestorm staggers back to his feet, but Leo rolls around the back and locks in the Katah Jimei, before turning it into The Shock(Reverse Tazzplex). Leo covers. 1...2...3! Leo gets the win.

Leo d. Firestorm
3:29 Pinfall

Stanyer: A spectacular demolition victory by Leo, see you after the break.

{Commercial Break}

Stanyer: Welcome back, time for the Television debut of the Pellington Brothers.

Dawg: Please, who really cares.

Stanyer: I do, and so does the owner of the company, and your boss.

Dawg: Oh, yeah, sorry, like he is going to fire me.

Stanyer: We can only hope.

The Ruff Ryders v The Pellington Brothers

Ruff Ryders both enter to the cheer of the crowd when their music hits. Devastator and Destroyer both clich they fists and hit them together and climb in the ring and wait for their opponents on the corner

James: The following tag team contest is scheduled for one fall, introducing first, from Brooklyn New York, at a combined weight of 705lbs, Destroyer and Devastator, The Ruff Ryders.

**The lights flash multi colours and “Creeping Death” by Metallica plays. Michael and David both come out to cheers from the crowd and both pose by raising their arms to the crowd. They then run to the ring and slide under the ropes. They climb opposite turnbuckles and raise their arms and the crowd cheer once again.**

James: And their opponents, from Chicago, Illnois, at a combined weight of 457 lbs, Michael and David, the Pellington Brothers.

Report: As the Pellington brothers are on the turnbuckles, both the Ruff Ryders attack them, the bell sounds. Both Pellington's are thrown to the ropes and both Ruff Ryders hit dual Powerslams. The Pellingtons get back up but are both sent over the top rope by big boots from the Ruff Ryders. They follow them outside and then they both start to pummel them on the outside. The begin to fight their way up the ramp when the bell tolls.

Stanyer: What the? I think the referee counted them both out.

Ruff Ryders draw Pellington's
2:34 Double Countout.

Stanyer: Hey look who's just come out of the crowd, it's the Waveriders!!

Dawg: Looks like they want retribution for last week.

**The Waveriders jump the Ruff Ryders from behind and then both teams battle it up the ramp and into the back as the camera cuts to the commercials.**

{Commercial Break}

Stanyer: Well the Waveriders totally ruined what could have been a great match, now we will have to wait till another time to see just how good these two teams really are.

Dawg: Thank god for that, no more of those damn Pellingtons.

Stanyer: Well it is now time for the boss to speak about the title tournaments.

**”The Memory Remains” by Metallica plays and Micahel Pellington makes his way to the ring.**

Pellington: Once again I have to thank everyone here for making this a full house here at the Conseco Fieldhouse in Indianapolis Indiana. (Massive Pop from the crowd.)

Pellington: Now it is time for business, it is time to make an announcement concerning the titles. Firstly, the World Title, the US title, and the European Title. As many of you know, these three titles will be decided in a combined tournament, 32 wrestlers will start, those who lose in the first round will enter a 16 man tournament for the European title. Those who lose in the second round will enter an 8 man tournament for the US title. The final 8 will then go to the House of Pain PPV on 29th of April for the final tournament to crown the World Champion. Announcements concerning the Hardcore and Extreme titles will be made later this week.

{Commercial Break}

Stanyer: Welcome back, time for our next match between Big Poppa and Rye Hazwaki.

**The arena darkens down and Real Show flashes across the Ultra-Tron. "I'm the Greatest" hits and "The Real Show" Big Poppa walks out to an array of fireworks and cheers.**

Announcer: "Coming to the ring at this time, weighing at 285 pounds, making his PWF debut The Real Show, Big Poppa!"

*** The fans go crazy as Big Poppa does his air-guitar taunt, and then walks down to the ring. Inside the ring Poppa does his Disco Dance taunt and someone throws him a mic.***

Big Poppa: "PWF Wrestlers, PWF Staff, and PWF Fans, THE REAL SHOW HAS ARRIVED!!! Now, I recently found out people DO NOT know who I am... So that's why I, the Real Show, am planning on putting the name The Real Show Big Poppa in your face for a long, long time. A key fact to me is that unlike most of the boring names here at PWF I don't care. I don't care if you don't like me, because sooner or later, you'll end up LOVING me. Oh and that's a proven fact! Let's use my favorite boss as an example. You have to understand that good ole P-Money didn't like the idea of me being here in PWF. I know, I know! I'm as shocked as you guys are! I was thinking how COULDN'T P-Money like me! However, after some brief meetings and a few Paptizings, P-Money became my third biggest fan! All you truly need to know about me is that you will end up liking me, and now that we've established that, it's time to talk about the smartest Canadian-Japanese American I've ever met. Yup, you guessed it, Rye Haz-wakawaka-ki. You may or may not know this but Wakawaka is the smelliest guy I've ever met. Jesus, I didn't want to say that anything but standing in the same ring with the guy is like being in a locker room that deodorant is banned or something. Maybe he's going on some type of "Personal Health" strike. Those Canadian-Japanese Americans sure are weird if you ask me, and because he's not normal like me, I'm going to PAPTIZE him! That's right, you could say there's a Poppa-Bomb in his future. Hey, it's just "Fo-Show." Now, this one goes out to the PWF Wrestlers, the PWF Staff, and all your PWF Fans… Whether you like it or not, The Real Show, JUST SAID SO!!!! Haz-wakawaka-ki, get your smelly Canadian-Japanese American ass out here so I can Paptize it!!!

Rye Hazwaki v Big Poppa

Report: Rye and Big Poppa tie up, Poppa pushes Rye to the ground, then tries to drop an elbow but misses. Rye springs back up, Poppa tries to grab Rye but he moves out of the way and lands a kick to the back of the neck sending Poppa down to the mat. Poppa gets back up slowly, Rye attempts a second kick but Poppa catches it, then waves his finger at Rye, Rye then counters with an Enziguri. Rye then bounces off the ropes and hits a leg drop. Rye covers, 1….2….Poppa kicks out.
Rye helps Poppa to his feet then attempts a belly to belly suplex, but Poppa counters with an elbow to the back of the neck, then whips Rye to the ropes and hits a big back body drop. Poppa then bounces off the ropes and hits a hip press. Poppa covers. 1….2..Rye kicks out.
Poppa picks up Rye and then lifts him up in position for a vertical suplex and then holds him there.

Stanyer: How long can Poppa hold Rye up there? BRAINBUSTER. Poppa covers. 1….2……He kicked out! How the hell did he kick out of that?

Rye staggers to his feet, he looks out of it, Poppa grabs Rye around the waist and delivers a Belly to Belly Suplex. He covers. 1….2…..Rye gets the right shoulder up. Poppa picks up Rye again and looks set for a second Belly to Belly Suplex, but Rye counters and rolls around to hit a Jumping Heel Kick to the back of Poppa’s head. Rye then hits a Jumping Leg Drop to the back of Poppa’s head. Poppa climbs back to his feet. Rye bounces off the ropes and hits an awesome jumping two footed dropkick to the face of Big Poppa. Rye covers. 1….2…..3! Rye gets the three count.

Rye d. Big Poppa
6:32 Pinfall

Stanyer: A good win for Rye Hazwaki. How did he jump so high?

Dawg: Hey it looks like Big Poppa isn’t done.

**Big Poppa stops Rye from leaving the ring, he appears to discuss something with Rye, Rye appears to say no, but Poppa insists, and eventually Rye gets back in with him.**

Stanyer: I wonder what Big Poppa wants with Rye?

**Big Poppa calls for his music, then he starts to dance and Rye joins in with him.**

Dawg: Rye is dancing with Big Poppa, what an idiot.

Stanyer: Hey wait a minute, here comes the gWo! **MVD, Power G, Jennifer Van Dam and The Real McCoy come running out and immediately go for Rye Hazwaki who is dancing with Big Poppa. Power G takes out Big Poppa with his mike and then throws him out, MVD corners Rye before smashing him over the head with his Kendo Stick. MVD then starts to beat him repeatedly with the Kendo Stick.**

Dawg: This is great, go on Matt, finish the job.

Stanyer: Will someone get security out here!!!!

**MVD picks up Rye who is busted open above his right eye, blood is pouring down his top. MVD then passes him over to Power G while he springs up to the top rope, Power G hits the G Power Slam, then MVD comes flying off the top rope and hits the Five Star Frog Splash.** Dawg: Beautiful, simply Beautilful.

Stanyer: Come on, that’s enough now, let him go.

**Power G picks up Rye and holds him for MVD, Jennifer places a chair in front of Rye’s face and MVD hits the Vandaminator. Jennifer then comes towards Rye, she has a spraycan in her hand, she sprays gWo on the back of Rye in green paint. MVD & Power G then continue the attack, MVD stands over Rye and delivers the Old Man Stink (Venis Grind and Punch.) The Real McCoy then takes the spray can and sprays green paint all over Rye’s hair. Power G and MVD then stomp away at Rye.** **As the attack by the gWo on Rye continues, "Stupify" Blares over the speakers and Genecide walks out with a mic. The gWo stop there attack and throw Rye to the canvas as "Stupify" downs out**

Genecide: Now, gWo, I don't know why you feel you must mess with little Rye there but I do know he is an ally to me. You lay another finger on him and I will come down there and personally hand you all your asses on a silver ass kicking platter!

*Crowd roars with cheers*

Genecide: As for me tonight, I am not scheduled and I want a piece of one of the gWo. So how about me and The little shy fella, Power G, in a match, right here. Right now!

Stanyer: Finally someone comes out and stops this. Here come the EMT’s to give Rye some medical attention.

.** The Real McCoy paces around the ring after listening to Genecide challenge Power G. **

Real McCoy: You want a match with Power G, Genecide? Well you got your god damn match. Right here, right now. But I warn you. You just saw what happens when you mess with the gWo. I hope you are prepared for the biggest ass kicking in your life!** Power G turns to Genecide and menacingly stares at him. **

**MVD grabs the mike from the grasp of the Real McCoy as the paramedics stretcher Rye Hazwaki from the ring**

MVD: To all you punks in the back. This is what happens when you @#%$ with the gWo! This loser's pityful career is just about over, and all because he was jealous of the fame of me, Matt Van Dam!Rye is an example of what will happen to anyone who stands in our way. We are the power in the PWF, we call all the shots, not that has-been Mr Pellington!Genecide this goes out to you, you want a piece of Power G and i guaran-damn-tee the only place your going after this match is the hospital, so i strongly suggest you retract that challenge you little bastard!MVD then throws the mic down in anger on the canvas, and stands in the corner of Power G for the on-coming matchup!

Genecide v Power G

Stanyer: Here we go with an inpromptu matchup, Genecide v Power G.

Report: The bell rings and Power G charges at Genecide and attempts a flying forearm, but Genecide moves out of the way. Power G then gets up and turns into a right hand by Genecide, Genecide backs this up with a few more rights. Gencide then whips G to the ropes and hits a powerslam and covers. 1…G kicks out. Genecide helps G up, but G pushes him away and then hits a knife edge chop, he follows this up with a second one, thenn whips him into the ropes, but Genecide reverses it and goes for a clothesline, but G ducks it and comes off the other side with a Flying Forearm.
G then picks up Genecide and chops him repeatedly around the neck before a final chop sends him to the mat. G covers. 1….2..Gencide kicks out. G picks up Genecide then hoists Genecide onto his shoulder then hits a big shoulder breaker. Power G then locks on the Strangle Hold. Genecide clambers across the ring to make it to the ropes.
Genecide manages to get a low blow in as Power G picks him back up. Genecide then puts G between his legs and signals for the Genecide Bomb, but Power G counters with a Back body drop, Genecide gets back to his feet but Power G grabs him and hits the G Power Slam.(Olympic Slam) Cover. 1…..2…..3!

Power G d. Genecide
9:53 Pinfall

Stanyer: Power G wins, but I don’t think this will be the last of Genecide with the gWo.

{Commercial Break}

Stanyer: Welcome back everyone, it’s time for an interview with Johnny Cornell, who is covering for Johnny Mayhem after he was taken out by Bloodbath last week.

**Camera's switch quickly to backstage, where Maxwell Powers stands outside his lockerroom. With him is Johnny Cornell**

Cornell: "Mr. Powers, tonight you have a match against Theros Macalvia. Over the last two weeks you've met him in the ring, and had some strange incidents outside the ring. What are your thoughts on this match?"

Maxwell Powers: "You must realize something friend. He doesn't have a chance. A man of my lineage, my integrity, my strength and conviction. What can a fool like him possibly do? Two hundred years ago his kind would be tied and thrown into a lake, strung up, or just ignored as the village idiot. At that time my ancestors were *already* powerful and strong. And that strength has passed to me.

Cornell: "So you don't believe he has any prayer?"

Maxwell Powers: "Exactly. He just can't compete with the likes on me, and after I dispose of that mentally unstable upstart, I'll move on to take the European championship."

Cornell: "About the European Championship….

**At this point Theros charges into the camera's field of view, he rushes both men. Maxwell stands quickly and get's ready for a fight, as the interviewer jumps to his feet. In mid run Theros pulls a steel chair out from behind him. Maxwell Powers ducks and rolls aside as Theros passes, but Theros doesn't swing at him. Instead Theros continues past, and slams the chair across the interviewer's head! Theros looks down at the collapsed man and then throws his head back and laughs. Jauntily, like he had just conquered the world, Theros turns on heel and struts off camera. Meanwhile Maxwell stands, in shock that something so pointless would happen.**

Stanyer: What the hell was Theros doing?? Why attack the interviewer and not Powers??

Dawg: well he has a match now, so maybe we will find out more.

Theros Macalvia v The Fro

**Suddenly wild laughter echoes through the arena, the lights flashing purple and red. Theros appears on stage, his hands on his hips as he laughs. After several moments the laughs die off, and Ozzy's 'Crazy Train' hits. Theros stalks down towards the ring, a confident smirk on his face as the music continues to boom. Theros rolls into the ring and starts laughing again. The music then shatters into another chorus of wild laughter.**

James: Introducing first, from Syracuse, New York, weighing 282lbs, "The Madman" Theros Macalvia. (Crowd give a few cheers)

**"My Generation" by Limp Bizkit plays as The Fro walks to the ring showing no sign of intimidation or fear and he wears a "The People's Answer" t-shirt. He walks up onto the apron and then faces the crowd and holds one arm in the air. He then enters the ring and goes over to one corner and then holds one arm in the air.**

James: And his opponent, from Green Bay, Wisconsin, weighing 281lbs, The Fro. (Crowd cheers very little).

Report: The Fro starts out with right hands to Theros, but Theros blocks one and then hits a dropkick to the knee of The Fro. The Fro manages to get back to his feet, but is met by right hands from The Fro, Fro then whips Theros to the ropes and hits a Spinebuster. Theros then hits an elbow drop and then covers. 1..Fro kicks out. The Fro gets to his feet. Theros whips Fro to the corner and then starts to stomp him down in the corner. Theros walks away and looks to hit a running dropkick, but The Fro rolls out of the way and Theros slides straight into the post, with his vital parts leading the way.

Dawg: That looked painful.

The Fro picks up Theros, then hits a vertical suplex. Fro covers. 1…2…Theros kicks out. Fro then picks up Theros and looks to hit a German Suplex, but Theros reverses it and tries to attempt one himself. He gets him part way up, but The Fro drops down and hits The Fro Bomb (Stone Cold Stunner). Fro covers. 1…2….3!

The Fro d. Theros
6:51 Pinfall

Stanyer: A win for the Fro, that surprised even me, Theros has been the much better wrestler over the last few weeks, but The Fro picks up his first win in the PWF regardless.

Dawg: He is the People's Answer? I am glad I'm not one of the people. Hey that’s Maxwell Powers? What does he want?

Stanyer: I don’t know, hey he has a chair!

**Maxwell Powers takes out Theros with a chair. Maxwell then laughs and walks off.

{Commercial Break}

Stanyer: What match is next? I can't find my card sheet.

Dawg: THE MAN is next, MVD fights The Sabre, Hardcore style.

Stanyer: Great, we have to see him again.

Dawg: Shut up Jay, THE MAN is about to grace us with his presence.

Stanyer: Please, you'll be plugging his merchandise next.

Hardcore Match
Matt Van Dam v The Sabre

**MVD’s entrance music “Snap your fingers, Snap your neck” by Prong starts and The Sabre comes rolling out of the rampway. MVD follows him with Jennifer.**

Stanyer: Looks like this match has already started.

Report: MVD throws Sabre back into the ring. Sabre staggers to his feet as MVD poses to the crowd and gets jeered by nearly everyone. MVD climbs onto the apron then hits a springboard spinning wheel kick. He then poses to the crowd again. Sabre gets back to his feet and tries to kick MVD, but MVD blocks it, Sabre counters with a reverse Enziguri. Sabre then bounces off the ropes and hits a flying head scissors as MVD gets back up. Sabre then springs off the ropes and hits a moonsault. Sabre covers, 1…2..MVD kicks out. MVD climbs to his feet, Sabre tries a heel kick, but MVD ducks it, Jennifer throws him a chair, he throws it at Sabre, he catches it and MVD hits the Vandaminator. MVD then poses to the crowd before climbing to the top rope and connecting with the Five Star Frog Splash. Cover 1…2….3.

MVD d. Sabre
3:26 Pinfall

Stanyer: MVD picks up the win in a quick matchup, but this crowd are really getting on the back of MVD, they really hate him.

Dawg: Shut up Jay, the people love MVD.

Stanyer: Oh yes, they love him so much they are calling him an asshole, what a proud moment that must be for MVD. Go to the commercials.

{Commercial Break}

Stanyer: Welcome back folks, it's time for our Main Event. Josh Resnick is set to take on Demon. This should be a great match.

Dawg: What?? Demon will kill Josh, he weighs twice as much as him.

Stanyer: With Josh's ability, that might not matter.

Dawg: Watch and learn Jay.

Main Event
Josh Resnick v DeMoN.

**Walk by Pantera hits the speakers throughout the arena. The Titantron comes on with solar flares of the sun showing. Then out of the back Josh Resnick makes his way out. Stops at the ramp. Listens to the crowd cheer his name. Then continues to the ring. Once on the apron, Resnick climbs up the turnbuckle. Looks out into the crowd before flipping over the ropes, landing on his feet in the middle of the ring.**

James: The following Match is scheduled for one fall, introducing first, from Detroit, Michigan, weighing 230lbs. Josh Resnick.(Crowd Cheers).

**The lights of the arena go black, then fires shoots out from the stage and then the lights come back on, Demon is standing in the middle of the ring.**

Report: Both men tieup and Demon pushes Josh to the ground, Josh immediately springs back up. Josh fakes a tieup and then dropkicks Demon to the knee. Demon staggers, but Josh tries again and again Demon stays up. Josh tries a third time and this time Demon does go down. Josh immediately locks in an Armbar. Demon refuses to tap out, Demon eventually manages to power out. Demon gets to his feet. Josh attempts to lift up Demon with a Scoop Slam. He somehow succeeds and manages to Scoop Slam Demon. Josh covers. 1….2….3!!!!!

Josh d. Demon
3:48 Pinfall (Time doubled)

Stanyer: What the hell? Josh won in under 4 minutes? He beat Demon with just a scoop slam, what is up with Demon, this is not like him at all?

Dawg: Hey wait, that’s Gambino.

**Gambino comes running out of the back with a Ball Bat and attacks Josh Resnick who is still celebrating his win. He smashes the Ball Bat over Josh’s head, then hits Demon for good measure. Then the arena lights black out.**

Stanyer: What the hell is this now?

Dawg: Hey is that someone on the rampway???

**A strange mist swirls around the rampway, the lights brighten, but it is still very dark. A tall dark figure is seen on the rampway.**

Stanyer: Could that be? No surely not, we are out of time, see you next week folks.

***© 2001 PWF Entertainment***