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Saturday Night Havoc

Havoc #19
Havoc #18
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Havoc #2
Havoc #1

live from the Hartford Civic Center
Hartford, Conneticut
19th May 2001

**footage rolls from the end of last weeks show.**

**We see the end of the Gambino v Power G match where Destroyer is put through the table, and Diablo attacks Gambino. The final shot is of Pellington standing at the top of the ramp applauding what is happening in the ring.**

**Footage ends**

**pyro's blast off as "Master of Puppets" blasts throughout the arena. The camera pans across the crowd revealing a number of crowd signs.**

"Nightshade MVD is God"
"It's Clearly Stated."
"The Fro IS the people's answer"
"Learn to Lose"
Gummi Bears rule"

**The camera then cuts to the announcers table**

Stanyer: Welcome everybody to a full house here at the Hartford Civic Center in Hartford, Conneticut. We are live for PWF Saturday Night Havoc. A fantastic card has been booked for you tonight. Our Main Event has been confirmed as a Tag Team match between Rye Hazwaki and Crusader v Matt Van Dam and Power G of the gWo.

Dawg: The gWo are going to kick Rye and Crusader's ass.

Stanyer: Also tonight is the Tag Team Title Match between the Gods of War and the Lords of Destruction.

Dawg: (looking up) But it is that thing that scares me.

Stanyer: Yes folks, that is the Extreme Hell in a Cell, ready for tonights match between Bloodbath and Blackbird for the Extreme Title. That one is not going to be for the feint of heart.

Dawg: Someone is going to be seriously injured.

Stanyer: Well we will do a quick run through of the rest of the card.

Hardcore Title: Andy Clegg v DeMoN.
General Leo v Theros Macalvia
The Fro v Travis Right
15 Min. Iron Man Match: Homicide v Xuway Zanchu
Submissions only Tag Team Match: Gummi Bears v Pellington Brothers.

Dawg: Looks like it's going to be an interesting night.

**The lights dim and violins begin playing an eerie tune, like from the Godfather movie. On the Ultra-tron, pictures, apparently flashbacks of life in the Mafia, are shown. Images of gunfights, driveby shootings, and car's exploding alternate with pictures of a funeral in progress. Just as they begin lowering the casket into the grave, the screen goes black and then begins flashing the name "Gambino" across the screen in silver lettering. Then, as an explosion of pyros occurs on the stage, "Keep Away" by Godsmack begins blaring through the arena and Gambino appears in the entrance. He stands in the entrance for a short moment before walking down the aisle towards the ring. Once he reaches the ring, he climbs in and heads to the closest corner of the ring and begins taunting the crowd. He then raises both hands in the air as if celebrating.**

Stanyer: Well it looks like Gambino has something to say regarding last weeks incidents.

**Gambino grabs a microphone and is ready to speak. He is welcomed by a mixture of boo's and cheers**

Gambino"You know, I know what you're all expecting. You're expecting me to come out here and talk about the World Title, and how I want another shot at it. But you know what, even though I deserve another shot after being screwed out of it last week on Havoc, that's not what I'm here for. You see, something even more important has come into play here in the PWF. Something more important has been threatened here in the PWF. It's something that's more important than any World Title could ever be. It means a hundred times more than some peice of metal could ever me, and any other self respecting man. That's Pride. When Diablo comes in here, thinking he can do what he wants, to whoever he wants, and attacks me, and makes me look like a fool in front of everyone...the boys in the back, you people in the audience, hell, even Pellington back there. When he does that, it's not the physical pain that's inflicted that hurts so's something even greater, and that's pride. Me and Diablo have been up and down the road together, I've kicked his ass, he's kicked mine. But sometimes you just gotta know when to quit, and say that's enough. Diablo doesn't know the meaning of stop, he doesn't know the meaning of quiting. Well guess what Diablo, neither do I you son of a bitch!(the crowd responds with a mixture of boo's and cheers) I'll never quit, not for you, not for Pellington, not for anyone! So I think it's time we settle this, once and for all, Diablo. That's why I'm proposing a match, one last and final match between me and to on one...pride against pride. At War Games Diablo, me and you will meet for one last a Triple Threat Theatre match. First fall, standard wrestling match, normal rules. No weapons, just me and you. Second fall, will be an anything goes, all out Street Fight. Now, if it should happen to go to a third fall, well, let's hope it doesn't get that far Diablo, for your sake. But if it should happen to go to that third fall, it will be an I Quit Match, where the winner will be the one who makes the other man say 'I Quit.' I've already told you Diablo, I WON'T quit! So ask yourself, do you have what it takes to go along for the ride one last time Diablo? I know I do. So what do you say tough guy? I's about fuckin' time."

**Gambino tosses the microphone aside and leaves the ring to his music, and the crowd cheering for the news they've just heard**

Stanyer: Oh my, what a match that will be.

Dawg: Presuming Diablo accepts.

**"The Memory Remains" blasts over the speakers as Mr Pellington walks out onto the entrance ramp, mic in hand. Gambino stops and waits for Pellington.**

Stanyer: Thats the owner of the PWF, Michael Pellington, perhaps we will now find out what last week was really about.

Pellington: "Good Evening Gambino, it seems that you are not the happiest person today, well that's too bad. You should have seen it all coming, you know how I feel about you Gambino. You know what I think of you. Now I may not be the best of friends with Diablo, but he seemed like the perfect person to get to you. As for Destroyer, he just got in the way. Now onto your proposal. Diablo has not arrived yet, but on behalf of him, I will accept this match. Or three matches to be precise. Now you say that this will be the last time. Well Gambino, you are right, this will be the last time. I will make sure of that. Have a Nice Day Antonio Gambino."

**"The Memory Remains" blasts over the speakers again as the camera cuts to commercial.**

{Commerical Break}

**Clips are shown of Gambino delivering the Gambino Face Buster to various opponents while Keep Away by Godsmack plays. Then a voice over comes on**

Voice"You may not be able to kick ass like PWF Superstar, Antonio Gambino, but now at least you can look like him. New from PWF Shopzone, the Gambino Gangster Hat, available in black and red and for only 21.95. It has the Antonio Gambino logo embroidered on it, so your friends can see who your favorite PWF Superstar is. Also available are the Gambino Gangster Sunglasses. Great for keeping those harmful rays out of your eyes, or even better for looking like a real tough guy! Available now for only 13.95. All your friends are sure to be envious of you for wearing these items, order now from PWF Shopzone or wherever cool clothes are sold.

**Then, Gambino is shown standing on the sidewalk in a busy city wearing the Gangster Hat and Gangster Sunglasses.**

Gambino"You can't be me, you can't be like me, so do the next best thing and look like me!"

{End Commercial}

Stanyer: Welcome back folks, well we go straight into our opening match between......

Dawg: Who's this?

** The lights go down in the Hartford Civic Center. Suddenly blasts of red light appear and Machinehead begins to blast through the speakers. Out walks Kevin Cage, already in his wrestling gear, with a look on his face that shows he has something to prove. He slowly walks down the ramp, ignoring the harsh words from the fans, steps into the ring and begins to speak... **

Kevin Cage: "Tonight, I plan on ending this little fued between myself and Pitbull..."

**Fans boo**

Kevin Cage: "Pitbull, you may have lucked up and beaten me at the PPV, but now - I'm rested, and I'm ready, and I'm going to kick your tail and there is NOTHING that you can do about it."

**Fans begin chanting... "Shut the Fuck Up!...Shut the Fuck Up!"**

Kevin Cage: "But, you know something... I think that we should put more on the line than this little fued. I think that there should be more to this matchup than revenge, than 'last man standing', than just me and you. See, I think that the winner of this match, should get the right to fight for the European Title at the next PPV."

**Fans begin cheering... for Pitbull**

Kevin Cage: "So, what do you say Pitbull? Are you up to those stipulations? And the boss... what do you have to say about it?"

**Kevin Cage stands, waiting for a reply from someone...**

Dawg: Sounds like a challenge to me.

**As Kevin Cage waits in the ring, "Come Out and Play" begins to play over the speakers. As Silas 'The Pitbull' Parish's entrance video plays on the TitanTron, the man himself walks out to a huge pop from the crowd. As per normal, Silas pauses at the top of the ramp and adjusts the taping around his hands before pulling a mic out of his back pocket. The crowd quiets as he begins to speak.**

Pitbull - "You know Kevin, I'm really getting tired of this front you keep putting up to try and explain why you lost to me at the PPV. You lost, get over it. You're gonna lose again so get used to it."

**The crowd roars in response to Silas' words of wisdom for Cage, they obviously agree with him.**

Pitbull - "Now as for your little stipulation to our upcoming Last Man Standing match tonight, its more than fine with me. So when I knock your ass out I get a European title shot? Provided the boss agree's that is. I like that. It'll give me a chance to face someone who is a hell of a lot more competition than you Kev! I'll see later tonight, and don't worry, after I hit the K-9'er and everything goes black for you, you won't even hear the bell ring signaling your utter defeat. I will save you a tape though."

**Silas, as well as virtually ever person in the crowd, begins to laugh. Silas waits for any reaction from Cage or the boss.**

Stanyer: Strong words from Pitbull.

** Cage, now pacing in the middle of the ring, stops, picks back up the microphone, and begins to speak again... **

Kevin Cage: "Whoa... Whoa... now Pitbull, aren't we getting a little bit on the arrogant side? You see, I hope you have all the confidence in the world that you are gonna beat me... cause then it'll just be that much sweeter when you get Caged!"

** Crowd begings to chant "K9er! K9er!" **

Kevin Cage: "If you morons knew ANYTHING about wrestling, you'd all be chanting MY name right now! And all of you will once you see me kick Pitbulls ass this week and then win the European title at the PPV, with the Boss' approval, then your true "fairweather" colors'll show."

** Crowd chants... "Asshole" "Asshole" **

Kevin Cage: "Shut your mouths! All of you! Shut your mouths and give me the proper respect when I'm talking! SHUT UP!!!!"

** Cage drops the microphone and covers his ears as the chants get louder and louder... with Pitbull egging them on even more intensly... Cage ultimately drops to a sitting position in the corner, with his ears still covered, waiting for someone's next reply... **

**"The Memory Remain's" by Metallica hits the arena, and out walks the PWF owner to a chorus of boos**

Pellington: "It seems the two of you have a little problem with each other. Now Cage you claim that you want a shot at the European Title for whoever wins the match between you two. Hmmm, well I think that perhaps I will grant your request, but I feel that perhaps this #1 contenders match needs to take place in the right place, at the right time. And that place is Madison Square Garden, Live on PPV. That's right, Pitbull, you will take on Kevin Cage in a Last Man Standing Match at War Games. Now seeing as you want to fight this week, I think I will book the two of you a couple of warm up matches. Pitbull, seeing as you like to prove yourself against the big guys, you will compete in a match with Maxwell Powers. Now for you Cage, you seem to fancy yourself as a pretty good technical wrestler, well lets see you take on one of the best technical wrestlers when you will challenge Josh Resnick. Have fun"

**"The Memory Remains" hits again as Pellington walks to the back**

Stanyer: Well it sounds like we have two more matches for tonight now. Kevin Cage takes on Josh Resnick and Pitbull takes on Maxwell Powers.

{Commerical Break}

*clips of Blackbird's arm being raised with the Hardcore and World titles are shown*

Voice-He's the most resiliant man in wrestling today. He is a former PWF World Champion

*More clips shown*

Voice-Hardcore is what this man does.

*Blackbird is shown sitting in the corner of a ring with a mic*


Fast voice-Order your copy of Blackbird: Definition of hardcore including entire matches and commentary from Blackbird himself for only $9.99! Available in Shopzone NOW!

{End Commercial}

Stanyer: Welcome back folks, well it is now time for our opening match as DeMoN defends the Hardcore title against Andy Clegg.

Andy Clegg v DeMoN

**"Darling Violetta" plays as Andy Clegg walks out carrying his trusty baseball bat and stands and looks around as if expecting something to kick off. He runs to the ring and begins to stare at a few members of the crowd.**

James: Introducing, from Parts Unknown, weighing 234lbs, Andy Clegg.

**"Leave you far behind" by Lunatic Calm hits and the lights darken, pyros blast off at the ramp and a man in a dark cloak is standing in the entrance way, he is holding a long scythe, he raises his hands as if he is drawing on a dark power, then slams his hands down, the lights slam back on and the man throws down his cloak to reveal it is Demon, he walks down to the ring slowly and then climbs in over the top rope.

James: Introducing, from Death Valley, California, weighing 494lbs, "The Devil" Demon.

Report: Andy Clegg looks up at the big man, the two men circle each other. They go for a grapple, but Clegg fakes and takes Demon into a waistlock. Demon swings with an elbow and catches Clegg in the forehead sending him staggering backwards into the ropes, as he comes back off Demon smashes a right hand into his face. Andy Clegg bounces back up, he swings a couple of right hands at Demon, but they don't faze the big man. Demon swings with a big right which sends Clegg staggering backwards into the turnbuckle. Demon walks towards the corner and then lays into Clegg with three right hands to the face, then one big right hand which sends Clegg to the floor. Demon picks up Clegg and then delivers a back drop. Clegg staggers to his feet. Demon picks him up into a military press and then releases him to drop face first to the canvas. Demon covers. 1..................2................Clegg kicks out.

Stanyer: Close call that one for Andy Clegg.

Demon picks up Clegg into a Military press again and then tosses him over the top rope.

Dawg: Ouch, that was a long fall.

Demon climbs over the top rope and drops down to the floor. Demon picks up Clegg and drives his face into the barricade. Clegg drops to his knees holding the barricade to keep him up. Demon grabs him by the head and takes him to the ring post and slams his head into that. Clegg goes down to the mat, Demon covers him. 1.......................2...................Clegg kicks out. Demon picks up a chair from ringside. He slams it into the steps then signals for Clegg to get up. Clegg staggers to his feet. Demon smashes the chair into the forehead of Andy Clegg who goes down like he has been shot. Demon tosses the chair to one side and then covers. 1.......................2...........................Clegg just gets his shoulder up.

Stanyer: How close was that, Clegg just barely survived that chair shot.

Clegg rolls towards the ring apron and Demon gets up and stalks after the referee. Demon turns away from intimidating the referee and goes back to Clegg. Demon bends down to pick up Clegg and Clegg appears to hit him low with something, Demon goes down holding his genitalia and Andy Clegg is seen holding a Kendo Stick

Dawg: Now that hurts, I don't care who you are. Or how big you are.

Andy Clegg staggers to his feet still holding the kendo stick. Demon gets up slowly and Andy Clegg smashes the stick over his head. Demon staggers but doesn't go down. Andy Clegg smashes the cane over the head of Demon again, still he won't go down. Clegg then snaps and smashes the cane over the head of Demon repeatedly, slowly beating Demon down to the floor. Once Demon is down, Clegg tosses the stick, now virtually destroyed, aside and covers Demon. 1................2.....................Demon kicks out.

Stanyer: Is that the first time we have seen Andy Clegg attempt a cover??

Dawg: Quite possibly yes. He is usually more interested in dishing out punishment. I believe he is trying to build a collection of victims. Each of them numbered. I believe Demon would be #3 if Andy Clegg succeeds.

Andy Clegg pulls out a table from underneath the ring, he sets it up on the outside. Andy Clegg picks up Demon and rolls him on top of the table. He hammers Demon with a couple of right hands then the lights go out.

Stanyer: What the hell is going on???

Dawg: Hey, you know strange things happen when Demon is about.

The lights flash back on and we see that Demon now has Andy Clegg in position for a Midnight Driver, a man in a black cloak is standing on the second turnbuckle near the apron, he jumps off and the two of them deliver a spike Midnight Driver to Andy Clegg driving his head through the table to the floor. The referee covers. 1...................2.....................3!!!! The referee hands Demon his belt, then the lights go out again, and after a few seconds they come back on and a hexagram is displayed on the Ultra-tron.

Demon d. Andy Clegg
6:18 Pinfall

Stanyer: Well thanks to the help from that unknown man, Andy Clegg is still searching for his first win here in the PWF.

Dawg: Well challenging people like Demon to a hardcore match doesn't usually help.

Stanyer: Well who he challenges is up to him I suppose.

**Following the first match on havoc, Ted Tedison is awaiting the arrival of Matt Van Dam and Jennifer Van Dam in the gWo limo.**

**After a few seconds the limo is seen driving into the parking lot and Ted taps on the rear-window!**

Ted Tedison:- Mr Van Dam, Mr Van Dam would it be possible to get your thoughts on tonight's main event.

** The rear window on the limo comes down to reveal Matt Van Dam in his black berret and shades looking even cooler than usual **

MVD:- what are you talking about little man, i've only just got here, so either your gonna waste more of my time, or tell what is going on?

Tedison:- Well Mr Van Dam, you've been scheduled for tonights main event, yourself and Power G vs Crusader and Rye Hazwaki

** Cheers are heard from the crowd after the mention of crusader and Rye **

MVD:- well I think its about time!

Tedison :- What do you mean?

MVD:- One day young man you'll be a truely great reporter, but you'll look back on this moment and think "wasn't I bad, thank god MVD put me on the road to success".

MVD:- Anyone close to MVD is successful, Power G is the world champion, Travis Right has been promoted to the US division. So now its time for MVD to get some success, starting tonight. Rye Hazwaki you punk ass bitch, our fued has dragged on long enough, tonight is the first time we'll meet competitively, and i'll show you what real wrestling gWo style is all about, i want your belt and I want your blood to run all over the arena. MVD has only released about 25% of his ability thus far in the PWF, but Rye, your gonna get "the real F'n show" running wild on your punk ass! Now if you don't mind i've got to prepare for the main event.

Tedison:- Thank you Mr Van Dam, I won't let you down!

**The Reporter is heard mumbling to himself as the gWo limo drives away saying "Wow such a great guy"**

**After seeing MVD arive at the arena, the camera turns to Rye Hazwaki in his locker room taping up his feet and wrists in some thick white tape. He looks up at the camera and begins to speak.**

Rye - Tonight Rye is going up against Power G and MVD, with Crusader on my side. Now Rye has no problem with Crusader, we both have something in common. We both have held the Challenge Title in the reign of the new PWF!

Rye - But the main thing is... Tonight, me and MVD finally go at it for the first time, the feud between me and MVD has been going on for month's, and we have yet to fight! We nearly met at the Tourny's but MVD was sadly eliminated by Marcus Shooter. Haha! It's a shame this match isn't a one on one... But that isn't a big problem for Rye, i got a world title contender on my side, but so has MVD. So MVD and Power G.. i'll meet you in the ring!

**Rye then carrys on taping up his wrists as the camera slowly fades to black**

{Commerical Break}

*Voice - Hello, this is a comercial to advertise the new "Big Poppa Chat-Line" You can talk to Big Poppa any time of the day and talk to his about any of these catagories:

'How To Lose
'How To Dance
'How To Wrestle
'How To Make The Chicks Spot You
and you have a 100% chance he will answer. So call now on


Calls cost $4 a min, but it's well worth it!

*Big Poppa - Call Me Now. (Wink, Wink)

{End Commercial}

**Video footage starts up of Big Poppa watching Television. "Yesterday" appears on the right hand corner of the screen as he flips through the channels. Big Poppa sees something promoting PWF's Havoc**

Big Poppa: "Homicide scheduled for an appearance, yada yada… Wait a second.. What's this? Big Poppa NOT going to be there, and doesn't have a match??? Been missing for weeks? DUH HUH? I'm missing? Good god almighty! They must think I'm dead, so I better get down there quick! This is the *counts fingers* 4th week in a row that I haven't have a match!"

**Video feed stops**

Stanyer: Welcome back folks I'm not sure where that footage came from, it's not scheduled to be here, perhaps Big Poppa has been playing about in the tech truck, anyway it's time for our first match of the two that have just been booked, Josh Resnick takes on Kevin Cage.

Josh Resnick v Kevin Cage

**Walk by Pantera hits the speakers throughout the arena. The Titantron comes on with solar flares of the sun showing. Then out of the back Josh Resnick makes his way out. Stops at the ramp. Listens to the crowd cheer his name. Then continues to the ring. Once on the apron, Resnick climbs up the turnbuckle. Looks out into the crowd before flipping over the ropes, landing on his feet in the middle of the ring.**

James: Introducing from Detroit, Michigan, weighing 230lbs, Josh Resnick. **Crowd Cheers**

The lights fade in the sold out ????, the fans begin to cheer. Red-lights begin to flash across the ceiling of the arena as "Machinehead" begins to blast through the speakers. You see action shots of Cage on the titan-tron, as Cage begins to walk out onto the arena floor, cut like Chris Beniot, wearing Black tights with Red slashes across the thighs. He wears black boots and a sleeveless t-shirt that reads "You will belong to me..." written in blood red. He taunts the crowd and rubs his unshaven face as he steps into the ring and holds up his arms to a chorus of boo's from the crowd. James: Introducing from Chicago, Illnois, weighing 225lbs, Kevin Cage.*Crowd boos*

Report: Josh and Cage tie up, Josh takes Cage into a hammerlock, Cage tries to elbow Josh, but Josh dodges it, Cage manages to roll around a reverse Josh into a hammerlock of his own. Josh pulls forward and grabs the ropes, Cage rolls off backwards. Josh turns around and walks straight into a clothesline by Kevin Cage. Cage looks pleased with himself and picks up Josh Resnick who holds his head after that stiff shot to the head. Cage whips Josh to the ropes and delivers a beautiful hiptoss to Josh. Resnick gets to his feet quickly and goes for a knife edge chop on Cage which brings a big WHOO!! from the crowd. Cage recoils but then comes back immeditately with a chop of his own. Cage whips Josh to the ropes, who reverses. Josh looks for a reverse armbar off the ropes, but Cage flips over and then hiptosses Josh over.

Stanyer: These two excellent technical wrestlers are feeling each other out early on.

Josh gets back to his feet and motions for Cage to tie up with him, Cage goes for the tie up, but Josh ducks underneath it and goes behind Cage and lifts him up for a Back drop. Josh immediately rolls across Cage and tries to lock in a Cross Armbreaker, but Cage manages to keep his arm bent and manages to reach the ropes forcing a break.

Dawg: Resnick really wants to hurt than arm of Kevin Cage's.

Both men get back up. Josh chops Cage, who in turn chops him back twice sending Josh into the corner. Cage kicks Josh in the gut a couple of times, then pulls him out of the corner and whips him to the ropes. Cage grabs Josh and looks for a belly to belly, but Josh counters with a couple of elbows to the neck. Josh goes for a clothesline as Cage staggers backwards, but Cage ducks it and then locks in a full nelson and delivers a perfect Dragon Release Suplex.

Stanyer: Picture Perfect Suplex by Kevin Cage.

Cage rolls over and covers Josh. 1.................2..............Josh just kicks out.

Dawg: That was close. That suplex took a lot out of Josh Resnick.

Stanyer: Pretty much any suplex will do that to you.

Cage rolls Josh over and then comes off the ropes and drives a knee into the back of Josh Resnick. Cage then stands up and measure an elbow to the lower back of Josh Resnick.

Stanyer: You can see the plan of Cage now, targetting the lower back for his finishing maneover.

Cage helps up Josh and then delivers a back drop driving the back of Josh into the canvas. Josh rolls onto his stomach holding his back. Cage again stomps on the back. Cage delivers a jumping knee drop to the back of Josh. Josh rolls away holding his lower back. Cage grabs him and rolls him onto his side and then pushes his knee into his back to turn it into a surfboard like move.

Dawg: A different move by Cage, but a very effective one.

Stanyer: Kevin Cage now trying to place as much pressure on the back of Josh Resnick as he can with his right knee.

Cage eventually pushes Josh off him and gets to his feet. He helps Josh up as he tries to get to his feet. Cage whips Josh to a corner. Cage charges in with a clothesline, but Josh moves out of the way. Cage crashes into the turnbuckle and bounces off and staggers to the middle of the ring. Josh Resnick dropkicks Cage in the back of the head. Cage gets to his feet quickly. Josh grabs his arm and hits a fast arm-popper. Cage walks off holding his arm. Josh grabs it again and twists it over into an arm wrench and then jumps in the air whiplashing the arm. Josh then tries to take Cage down into a Reverse Armbar. Cage resists, but Josh manages to sweep the legs of Cage and takes him down into the armbar.

Stanyer: Beautiful move by Josh Resnick. He is really torquing that arm now.

**Suddenly there is some unrest in the crowd, a number of loud cheers are heard, but most are looking towards the entrance way looking puzzled. The camera turns it's attention to the entrance way revealing The Fro is making his way to the ring.**

Stanyer: The Fro?? Why is he out here? He has no interest in either of these wrestlers that I know of?

Dawg: Perhaps he has come to watch.

Josh Resnick sees The Fro at ringside and releases the armbar and goes to the ropes. He and the Fro exchange words. The Fro climbs to the apron by Josh Resnick and they appear to be having a heated exchange. In the ring, the referee is checking on Kevin Cage when The Fro knees Josh in the gut and delivers The Fro Bomb driving the head of Josh Resnick into the ropes. Josh staggers off the ropes into a Northern Lights Suplex with a bridge by Kevin Cage. 1...................2......................3!!!!

Kevin Cage d. Josh Resnick
8:47 Pinfall

Stanyer: What the hell??? Why did the Fro just cost Josh the match, I don't get it??

Dawg: Either way, Kevin Cage has picked up an excellent win over Josh Resnick.

Stanyer: Josh appears to be having an arguement with the referee. HEY!!! Josh has The Equinox on the referee!!!

Dawg: Josh Resnick has snapped. He has lost it, he hates losing, and this defeat has sent him over the edge.

Stanyer: Someone help this guy, the ref is not a wrestler, he can't take this punishment. Finally, some security. But Josh is refusing to let go. Security are having to drag him off that referee, he has lost control. THE SECURITY GUARD!!!. Josh has The Equinox on the Security guard now!!! Finally they have got him off, Not the referee again!!!

Dawg: Josh Resnick has snapped, and god help anyone that gets in his way now.

Stanyer: Hopefully someone can control him while we take a commercial break.

**Just before the commercial, the camera cuts to the parking lot**

**10 minute after the arrival of MVD another gWo limo turns up and the entrance of the PWF building. The inbuilt T.V. in the limo has the end of the interview with MVD 10 minutes before. Reporters are waiting for McCoy and G to get out of the limo. As they do, a Ted Tedison begins to ask a question but McCoy interrupts.** McCoy: So we are against Rye and Crusader tonight. Well I suppose we must train against someone. I mean tonight isn't really a match. It's more of an exhibition for Power G's and MVD's wrestling skills. It'll be like Brazil playing Hong Kong in soccer or the US playing England in Baskeball. There's only one outcome. Brazil and England. And the outcome for tonight's match. MVD and Power G. It's as simply as that. Now, does anybody have a question?

Tedison: Yeah I do, it seems that Power G and Crusader have built up quite a rivalry. Any comments on this??

McCoy: Do we really have to talk about him? He's one of those wrestlers who, no matter how hard they try, they never quite make it. You see tonight when he enters the squared circle, he will be amazed. When Power G beat him for the Challenge Title, G wasn't at full fitness. But now he's the world champ and he's just starting his dominance in the PWF. No more questions for now.

**McCoy and G enter the PWF building only to be followed by reporters. They go through the door but the reporters are kept out by security guards. McCoy and G are walking down the corridor.**

McCoy: So G what do you think of tonight's match?

**Power G is about to answer when the camera turns off.**

{Commerical Break}

(((The scene opens showing a crowded street. It closes in on a middle-aged, balding, overweight guy in an old blue car. Smoke comes across his face as he shouts "C'mon, get going!!!" Suddenly you see a man on top of the car...)))

BaldGuy: Whoa... who are you?

KevinCage: I'm Kevin Cage, and I'm here to make YOU a better person... no longer will you be a pot-bellied, smelly, balding moron... When you order my T-shirt from PWF Shopzone, for only 19.95... you will be a HERO!

BaldGuy: Wow! How do I get one?

(((Camera cuts to a picture of the t-shirt with 1-800-255-4099 on the bottom... a voice says... "Order the Cage T-shirt at the PWF Shopzone for only 19.95... ORDER TODAY! The camera cuts back to Cage...)))

KevinCage: Get yours now!

{End Commercial}

**Big Poppa is storming down the hallway with a brand new Big Poppa Portable Boombox from the JBC PWF Wrestler Boombox series. He storms in a locker room door, and the plaque reads "Michael Pellington, PWF CEO." Big Poppa sets down the boombox on a chair, and demands attention from Pellington, who seems to be working hard.**

Dawg: Not this idiot again. How does he get on TV?

Big Poppa: "Umm, Mike, buddy, pal, drag queen.."

Stanyer: Drag Queen?

Mr. Pellington: "Excuse me?"

Big Poppa: "Hi, how's it going? That good? Great. Now, I'm not going to lie to you Pelli, that wig looks horrible. But let's not focus on the little things, lets focus on the 'Big' things. 'Big' things like this week's event.

Stanyer: Now that is funny.

Mr. Pellington: "Oh boy.. Big Poppa, do you mind, I'm trying to make a deal with Wendy's. I want some PWF related toys in their Kids Meals. They're just for kids."

Big Poppa: "You damn right, you damn right. But seriously P-man, I want a match."

Mr. Pellington: "I seriously don't have time for this."

Big Poppa: "Pleeeeease?"

Mr. Pellington: "I'm already **checks watch** 4 minutes behind schedule. I don't know what I'm going to do!"

Big Poppa: "Ok, ok. I get it. I know what you want. I hope you like rain."

Stanyer: What is Poppa doing?

**Mr. Pellington gives Big Poppa an odd stare and Big Poppa gives a devilish smile and puts on a pair of glasses. He quickly turns on the boombox and starts dancing. The song that's playing is Gerri Spice's cover of "It's Raining Men." Big Poppa seems to know this hits a nerve, so he sings along**

Big Poppa: "It's raining men, hallelujah it's raining men, every specimen. Tall, Dark…"

Dawg: Someone change camera, PLEASE!!!

Mr. Pellington: "Turn it off, for the Love of God, turn it off."

Big Poppa: "What? You want to see the moonwalk? You got it!"

**Big Poppa does the moonwalk and Mr. Pellington gets up and turns off the tape. Big Poppa is still dancing and humming the tune until Mr. Pellington taps him on the shoulder.**

Mr. Pellington: **Shudders** "Look, if I sign a match for you with… Uh.. Sabre, yeah. If I sign a match for Sabre and you, will you go away, now"

Big Poppa: "You got it, boss! Thanks for you time! I hope we can do it again. You drag queen."

**Big Poppa quickly runs out before Mr. Pellington can respond, and Mr. Pellington goes back to his desk and sits down.**

Mr. Pellington: "Let's see, where was I? Oh yes. I was discussing raining men… Wait… No… Damn that Big Poppa!"

**Camera cuts back to the arena**

Stanyer: Well I guess we now have Big Poppa v Sabre as well now.

Dawg: Someone has to sort out Big Poppa.

Stanyer: Why? I think he is funny.

Dawg: This is a wrestling show, not the comedy channel.

Stanyer: Anyway, it's time for our Iron Man Match between Xuway and Homicide.

15 Minute Iron Man Match
Pinfalls only, No DQ
Homicide v Xuway Zanchu

**Xuway sits in a chair which is carried by his loyal slaves. Once in the ring, Xuway meditates in dance. Then the dance gets aggresive almost if he is fighting a ghost. When done his eyes roll up in the back of his head. He goes to his corner and waits. The Ultra-tron just has some ninja camp with a bunch of ninja fighting**

James: Introducing from The Orient, weighing 392lbs, Xuway Zanchu.*Crowd boos*

**"Cowboy's From Hell" by Prodigy hits, and words flash across the tron screen as the lights go off. THE...REAL...BOSTON...MASSACRE...; Four silver streaks shoot down from the rafters, and are answered by two red flames which shoot up from each side of the stage. As the lights dimly flash on with alternating flashes of red, Homicide can be seen facing the tron in a pose as if he was hanging from a cross. Then, as the crowd erupts in cheers, the arena lights go on, and Homicide turns, and proceeds down to the ring as he is announced.**

James: Introducing from Boston, Massachusetts, weighing 292lbs, "The Real Boston Massacre" Homicide. *Crowd cheers*

Report: (Note: Due to Time Contraints and the problems I have been having, I have not had the time to write this match report. Therefore I will list the results as they happened on the game only. If in the next few days I get the time, I will write this match report. As it is only fair to the wrestlers involved. If a match report is written, then the actual events surrounding a fall may be changed, what is listed is exactly what happened on the game.)

6:18 - Xuway pins Homicide after making him tap out to a reverse armbar.

10:02 - Homicide pins Xuway Zanchu after hitting The Boston Massacre(Reverse DDT Drop.)

13:47 - Xuway pins Homicide after a KO from a Martial arts punch.

Xuway d. Homicide
15:00 by a score of 2-1 in favour of Xuway Zanchu.

Stanyer: Well it looks like Xuway has picked up his first win here in the PWF. We go straight into our next match between Pitbull and Maxwell Powers

The Pitbull v Maxwell Powers

**The South African Flag appears on the Ultra-Tron before Maxwell Powers music plays, Sir Matthew Powers walks out first, followed by Maxwell Powers. Both men taunt the crowd and get booed for it, they ignore the boos and walk off towards the ring, Maxwell climbs the turnbuckle and poses again, and again gets booed, both men ignore the crowd again.**

James: Introducing, from Johannesburg, South Africa, weighing 310lbs, accompanied to the ring by his father, Sir Matthew Powers, Maxwell Powers.

"Come out and Play" by The Offspring begins to play increasingly loud through the arena speakers, heralding the arrival of "Pitbull" Silas Parish. Several scenes of a pitbull on a chain, barking and straining to get loose, play on the TitanTron as the wordsSILAS PARISH slowly appear at the bottom of the screen and PITBULL appears at the top. Suddenly, a series of pyrotechnic explosions erupt down the right side of the ramp and back up the left side as Silas steps through the backstage curtain and into view. He pauses at thetop of the ramp, his eyes locked on his opponent in the ring. He cracks his knuckles and makes sure the tape around his hands is tight, his gaze still locked on the ring. Then he begins to stalk forward. About halfway down the ramp he breaks into a run and slides into the ring under the bottom rope, quickly getting to his feet well before the bell rings.

James: Introducing from Vancouver, Canada, Silas,"The Pitbull" Parish.*Crowd Cheers*

Report: Powers looks at Pitbull and laughs, Pitbull takes offence to Powers laughter, he presumes he is laughing at his size and immediately charges in with a spear takedown which takes Powers by surprise. Pitbull then climbs on top of Powers and lays into him with hard rights to the face. Powers uses his strength to push Pitbull off him. Pitbull rolls up and goes after Powers again with right hands as soon as Powers gets to his feet. Powers looks stunned by the onslaught and is backed into the corner. But Powers manages to grab Pitbull by the throat and reverses the positions in the corner and then hammers Pitbull with a hard right, Powers then backs it up with repeated blows to the body and head. Powers then walks off and taunts the crowd. Powers turns around and walks straight into a hard clothesline by Pitbull, Powers doesn't go down, instead he staggers into the ropes, Pitbull bounces off the same ropes and takes Power down with a running Bulldog. Pitbull goes for a cover. 1.................2..................Powers pushes Pitbull off of him.

Stanyer: I don't think Maxwell Powers has taken Pitbull seriously, and he is paying for it. Pitbull may be small, but he can fight.

Pitbull and Maxwell Powers get to their feet. Pitbull hits another couple of straight rights when out of the back comes Kevin Cage. Cage slides into the ring behind Pitbull who has Powers in the corner. Cage clubs Pitbull from behind and the ref calls for the bell. Cage then grabs the legs of Pitbull as he turns around and turns him over into the Lion Cager(walls of Jericho). Referee's come running down and manages to break up the hold. But Pitbull manages to break free of the referees and the two men start to hammer each other with right hands. The referee's manage to break the two men up again.

Pitbull d. Maxwell Powers
3:16 DQ.

Stanyer: It is going to be one hell of a last man standing match between these two at War Games.

{Commerical Break}

Cookie Dough and Barry Banoffe's GummiBerry Juice!

1.Guaranteed to make you jump higher!
2.100% Secret ingredients.
3.Only sold to the caring and sharing.
Buy your GummiBerry juice today!!

{End Commercial}

**The camera cuts in on Xuway, he is in the back celebrating his win over Homicide with a bowl of rice. He is praying in front of a small shrine. When he is finished, he raises the bowl and takes a bite. He turns his head and sees the camera. He is obviously angered.**

Xuway- Do you Americans have no manners? That ceremony is sacred and should not be viewed by anyone. I defeated an American, despite your pathetic rules where submissions are not allowed. You stupid Americans need to learn not to invade privacy. If this were China, you would be imprisioned for your violation! Get out! Get out now!

**The camera cuts from Xuway's locker room to a shot of General Leo in the hallway. He was watching what Xuway had just said. He is a bit angered.**

General Leo- Xuway, you are in the United States of America. A country who you are not on good terms with. My father fought against the Chinese in the Korean War. I will uphold the tradition if you do not mind your manners and respect this country and its traditions. You have your chance to apologize. If you refuse to, then actions will be taken. Those actions will be firmly against you. Decide your fate.

**Leo salutes the camera as it fades out.**

Stanyer: Looks like Leo is not too pleased with Xuway Zanchu.

Dawg: And I don't think Zumway Zakachoo will be too pleased either.

Stanyer: It's prounounced Zoo-way Zan-choo.

Dawg: Whatever.

**Rock superstar by Cypress Hill blares over the pa as Crusader walks down to the ring. There is an enormous crowd pop for "The One" who makes his in ring return tonight.**

**Crusader pauses as the crowd cheers**

Cru: "First of all I must say, while G's still trying to mumble an answer backstage, it feels damn good to be back in action, right here in this very ring after a long vacation."

**huge crowd reaction**

Cru: "This tag match tonight is going to answer alot of questions, and raise some new ones. I know one question on the people's minds is how will ring rust affect the Crusader? Well the answer is simple, it wont."

**crowd cheers loudly**

Cru: "I'm hardcore, and if I cant wrestle your ass, I'm just gonna whip your ass."

**crowd cheers**

Cru: "I listened to McCoy run his mouth about me on last weeks Havoc. Saying, "Crusader, you better start worrying about your match with Power G for the Championship." Well I as well as all these people here are looking forward to it"

**crowd cheers loudly**

Cru: "But tonight you'll have to survive this tag team match the best way you can. DMV, youre currently beefing with Rye, but Crusader doesnt like your ass either. What you 2 need to understand is this, I dont have anything to lose tonight. This will be preperatory for my match versus that dumb jackass Power G. Even if I beat him up tonight, he's still going to face me soon for that coveted world title. So the bottom line is this, tonight, its GWO against the PWF, and those green retards have done pissed me off for the last time. And that means that your asses---

crowd: Will Be Whooped!!

**all arena lights go out and when they reappear the Crusader has gone**

Stanyer: It sounds like Crusader is ready for tonights match.

{Commerical Break}

*Crusader is sitting in his million dollar mansion in his laboratory putting some chemicals together. When he completed his job he sprayed himself with the new mixture and nodded in satisfaction.*

*Later on at a wrestling workout gym, Crusader is heading towards the bathroom when Diablo walks out. Crusader steps in and says- "Damn son, what did you have for lunch"
So he leaves the bathroom and puts on his cologne, that still has no name, to cover Diablo's putrid smell. Then Stunning Sarah walks by and says-
"Damn Crusader, you smell so good, can I have some of that for Chris?" Crusader says-
"Sure you can, put it on his musty and beat down body after our match"

*Crusader turns toward the camera and says, get your "Damn, you smell good" cologne only at PWF Shopzone*

{End Commercial}

**We return from that bloody riveting advertisement with a shot of Sabre's chiseled mug, as he takes a drink at one of the coffee stands inside the arena. Fully decked out in his wrestling attire, he looks ready and raring to go for his match-up with Big Poppa.**

Sabre: 'Hmmm... From the quarter finals to wrestling 'Big Poppa'... could be worse, I suppose... I could be on the backburner... again.'

**He takes a sip of coffee, as he notices the rather hot nurse standing beside him....**

Sabre: 'Helllllllo nurse!'

Nurse: 'Leave me alone. What you did to the secretary was cruel. She's been crying her eyes out all week!'

Sabre: 'Hmmmm.... sounds like she could do with some healing... the only way Sabre knows how. Care to join me?'

**The nurse looks shocked, and slaps Sabre square across the kisser.**

Nurse: 'You sicken me. Leave me alone!'

**The nurse storms off, leaving Sabre to think about his actions.**

Sabre: 'Was it something I said? Maybe I should....'

**As Sabre turns around, he is meeted by a familiar face...**

Sabre: 'Oh. It's you...'

**Sabre has bumped into Diablo**

Diablo: "Get the hell out of my way."

**Sabre quickly moves out of the path of Diablo, who continues down the corridor.**

Sabre: "Jeez, he could have said thank you."

**Camera cuts back to the arena.**

Stanyer: Well before we go to our match between The Fro and Travis Right, we have some footage to show you taken from Havok's hospital bed after the attack by the gWo last week.

**Havok is shown in his hospital bed.**

Doctor: Before Havok says anything, I have a very good announcement. Havok has been healing very quickly and will be able to fight at next weeks Havoc.

Havok: Do you hear that Travis Right. Next week you are going down. Wrestling is my life and I will destroy you for waht you did to me. Because of you injuring me, I did not win the heavyweight title. I will kill you. I am brand new to this fed, but I am an expert on wrestling. I challenge you to a match at the next Pay Per View. Believe me, you will be in major pain. Who wants to wreak Havok???

Stanyer: Well onto our match between The Fro and Travis Right.

**The camera cuts back to Travis Right standing in one of the arena's hallways. He starts to do a little dance and kicks the wooden cane that in his right hand, it twirls up and over his head and lands perfectly in his left hand as a big smile comes over the Future's face**

Travis: Damn Im good!!! Hey Havok, hows your head. Did ya get all of those splinters out yet? But seriously now that I look back on it I really am quite upset. As soon as I got back to my locker room I thought long and hard about what I should do. So I wrote a letter to that company who made the cane and told them a thing or two about how a cane really should be made.That damn thing just exploded over your head.

**The Future pauses for a moment with a serious look on his face but then busts out laughing**

Travis: Hahaha, sometimes I crack myself. Awww well anyways it looks as if I got myself a match against The Fro tonight. The Peoples Answer, well Mr.Answer Ive got a question for ya. Do you have life insurance? Cause you might think of buying some before ya step into the ring with me. I dont care if ya did make it to the U.S. division finals. Your a cheater anyways, ya got all of that padding on your head with your Fro. Im afraid if I piledrive you, ya might just bounce back up. Heh, then I could hop around the ring with ya like a pogo stick. Hah, Ohhhh Im killing me, well folks I gotta go but I'll see you all out in the ring.

**Travis picks up his cane and twirls it around in his hand as he walks away and the camera fades out**

The Fro v Travis Right

**As "Walk with your head up" by Deftones & System of Down hits" hits and you hear "Get up Stand up, I got my head up" Travis comes walking out onto the ramp and arrogantly waves for the fans to boo all they want. Firecrackers pop off all around the Titantron as the Future makes his way to the ring. As he reaches the front of the ring, Travis slides under the bottom rope and slowly walks to the center of the ring. He crosses his arms and nods his head as the pyros explode behind him.**

James: Introducing from Miami, Florida, weighing 283lbs, "The Future" Travis Right.*Crowd Boos*

**"My Generation" by Limp Bizkit plays as The Fro walks to the ring showing no sign of intimidation or fear and he wears a "The People's Answer" t-shirt. He walks up onto the apron and then faces the crowd and holds one arm in the air. He then enters the ring and goes over to one corner and then holds one arm in the air.**

James: Introducing, from Green Bay Wisconsin, weighing 281lbs, "The People's Answer", The Fro.*Crowd Cheers*

Report: The Fro and Travis Right tie up, Travis takes The Fro into a hammerlock, Travis tightens the hammerlock, The Fro elbows Travis off him, then turns around and hits a couple of right hands to Travis. The Fro then whips Travis to the ropes and looks for a back body drop, but Travis kicks The Fro in the head. The Fro then runs at Travis and tries a clothesline, but Travis catches the arm of The Fro and takes it down into an armbar, The Fro quickly clambers to the ropes to escape the hold. The Fro gets to his feet. Travis tries a couple of forearms, but The Fro ducks it and grabs Travis by the waist and hits a perfect Belly to Belly Release suplex.

Stanyer: That could be the match winner right there, Travis didn't see that coming at all.

Travis gets to his feet slowly, The Fro attacks with right hands, then whips Travis to the ropes, Travis reverses it, Travis tries a standing clothesline, but The Fro ducks it and then delivers a back drop. Travis gets up quickly but walks straight into a kick to the gut. The Fro goes for The Fro Bomb and connects. The Fro covers, but out of nowhere the Real McCoy has come down to ringside, he distracts the referee, while in the ring MVD has come in from the other side. As the Fro turns around from trying to talk to the referee, he walks straight into a Vandaminator. MVD immediately puts Travis on top of The Fro and slides out of the ring. The Real McCoy immediately drops down to the floor and the referee turns around and goes to the cover. 1..............2.....................3!!!!!

Travis Right d. The Fro
5:15 Pinfall

Stanyer: What a screw job, The Fro had the damn match won, and then MVD has to interfere.

Dawg: The Fro looks pissed off, wait behind him!!!

**Josh Resnick has come through the crowd and has slid in the ring behind The Fro as he is talking trash to the gWo as they exit up the aisle. Josh taps The Fro on the shoulder who turns around and is taken down into The Equinox. The Fro taps out immediately, referee's then charge into the ring and break up the hold. Josh rolls out of the ring with a sick smile on his face.**

Stanyer: What the hell does Josh Resnick think he is doing!!

Dawg: Hey, The Fro cost him a match earlier on, and you know Josh Resnick hates to lose. He is just teaching The Fro a lesson.

Stanyer: Why did The Fro attack Josh anyway? I am still puzzled by that one myself.

Dawg: He obviously has his reasons.

Stanyer: Well we go backstage for some words from Theros Macalvia now.

Dawg: Words? From him???

**Theros is caught by the crew in his lockerroom, pacing back and forth. The straight jacket is gone and he walks back and forth, back anf forth, then forth and back, then back and forth again**

Interviewer - Excuse me.... Mr. Macalvia?

**Theros looks up quickly and smiles**

Theros - Flowers for me?

**The crew is confused since all they have is a camera and a microphone. Theros takes the microphone and smells it, smiling. He turns and drops it into a water filled vase. The microphone crackles for a moment then dies**

Theros - Questions? Questions yes yes yes. General Leo! The Lion, a force to fear. But what of the Macalvian?? Theros is heeeeere. Yes. Like the ground and the sky, it battles between, the spirits tell me stories and see all your dreams. Is Theros ok? No no no. Is Lion ok? No no no. People talk and speak of bad things, but they know nothing of fate. Like the turtle. Yes.... just like the turtle........"

**Theros turns and walks out, skipping. Then his left arm grabs a handful of his hair and slams him headfirst into the wall. He bounces off and grabs his bad left hand, fighting it. Suddenly the right leg sweeps his other foot, and Theros crashes to the ground where he starts to roll around, kicking and screaming at himself**

**The camera crew wisely leaves the vicinity quickly**

Stanyer: Well it is time for our match between Big Poppa and The Sabre.

Sabre v Big Poppa

"Sad But True" by Metallica hits, as the lights fade into a dim blue. Sabre struts out, raising his arms to the cheers of the crowd. He walks down the ramp at a normal pace, slapping hands with a few people near the guard rail. He climbs onto the apron, before jumping over the ropes and heading straight to a turnbuckle, to once again raise his hands to the crowd.

James: Introducing from Sydney, Australia, weighing 230lbs, The Sabre. **Crowd Cheers loudly**

**The lights begin to dim and the fans quiet down in anticipation. The words "Real Show" fade in and out on the dark UltraTron, and the lights suddenly turn on and fire works blast off as a customized version of Limp Bizkit's My Way starts up**

James: "Coming to the ring at this time, weighting in at 285 pounds, he's beaten the almighty Trolley, 'The Real Show' Big Poppa!

**The audience goes mad as Big Poppa emerges through the Havoc curtains. He does a air-guitar taunt to the tune of the song, and dances down to the ring**

Report: Big Poppa starts the match out by offering to shake the hands of Sabre. Sabre is happy to oblige

Dawg: What the hell is he doing that for?

Stanyer: It's a nice show of friendly sportsmanship.

Dawg: Sportsmanship, that will get you nowhere.

Big Poppa then ties up with Sabre, he takes Sabre into a headlock, he has a smile on his face as he does it, but it is quickly wiped off when Sabre pushes him off into the ropes, Sabre then connects with a flipping dropkick catching Poppa on the jaw. Poppa gets up rubbing his jaw. He shakes his head as he looks down at the mat. Poppa calls Sabre to him, and Sabre walks up to him, Sabre is careful not to walk into a trap. Poppa offers his hand again. Sabre shakes it, but Poppa shakes his head, and tells him to give him his hand. Poppa then raises the hand of Sabre in the air as if he had won.

Dawg: What the hell is Big Poppa doing???

Stanyer: Hey, don't ask me.

Sabre takes a step back and shakes his head, he turns and heads out of the ring, but Poppa catches up with him and begs him not to go. Sabre stays in the ring. Poppa then calls for his music and starts to dance in the ring, he stops and then asks Sabre to dance with him. Sabre shakes his head at first, but Poppa is persistent and eventually Sabre begins to try out a few of Poppa's moves to the cheers of the crowd.

Dawg: How can a match degenerate into this.

Suddenly "Final Countdown" by Europe hits and Marcus Shooter walks down the ramp and into the ring. He asks for a mic

Stanyer: That's Marcus Shooter, I wonder what he wants?

Shooter: What the hell are you two doing? Dancing in the middle of a match??

Sabre and Poppa look at each other.

Shooter: You(pointing to Sabre), I thought you would know better, but you Poppa, you just don't seem to get it, you come out here trying to entertain these idiots(crowd starts to boo), and every week you record defeat after defeat.

Poppa looks at Sabre, and Sabre shrugs his shoulders and then holds his hands out as if to say "hey he has a point"

Shooter: It looks like I will have to demonstrate to you how it is done.

Shooter then kicks Sabre in the gut and goes behind him and deliver a Cobra Clutch Suplex. Shooter then picks up the mic as the referee calls for the bell.

Shooter: That is how you beat someone, now come with me, and I will show you how it is done.

Shooter guides a slightly shell-shocked Big Poppa out of the ring and towards the back.

James: The winner of this match as the results of a disqualification, The Sabre!!!

Sabre d. Poppa
5:42 DQ

Stanyer: Well I guess Sabre wins the match, but he doesn't look like a winner. And what does Shooter want to do with Big Poppa??

Dawg: I have no idea.

{Commerical Break}

**Rye Hazwaki, is sitting on a couch in a very large, but empty room**

Rye Hazwaki: *In a Canadian accent, and speaking slowly* "I don't want to think aboot my situation. It's just so hard being the only Canadian-Japanese American known to the free world. Boy do I wish I could do something fun, eh. I wish I could be like Big Poppa himself."

**Suddenly a hardcover book is thrown at Rye Hazwaki, and he gets mad. An announcer starts talking, and Rye responds to what he says.**

Announcer: "Do you feel that you're the only Canadian-Japanese American in the free world that can't go out and have a good time?"

Rye Hazwaki: "YES! YES!"

Announcer: "Are you a non-smoker over the age of 14?"

Rye Hazwaki: "Boy am I!"

Announcer: "Do you feel bad about not knowing how to dance like Big Poppa?"


Announcer: "Then do we have the item for you. Big Poppa has taken journeys all over the world finding unique dance steps, and now he has assembled his personal knowledge and his gained knowledge into one large, user friendly instructional dance book."

Rye Hazwaki: "Now that's fine and dandy, but how does it work?"

Announcer: "With incredible pop out pictures and large font, Big Poppa's Instructional Dance Book makes it easy for people of any race or age to learn to dance, Real Show style."

Rye Hazwaki: "Great! But I don't have a lot of money, how much would this cost an average Canadian-Japanese American like myself?"

Announcer: "Well, the people at DSM and CO like to meet a standard of selling high quality products at low, consumer friendly prices. So that is why they are marketing Big Poppa's book at a recommended price of only $24.52!"

Rye Hazwaki: "Wow! That IS consumer friendly! Where can I buy this wonder book?"

**Rye Hazwaki hits his head and remembers that a book hit him in the head. He smiles and as he opens it, the large empty room he's in turns into a nightclub filled with people. He joins in the fun.**

Rye Hazwaki: "Thanks Big Poppa! You're book turned my lonely nights into crazy… Crazy.. Flights!"

Announcer: "Big Poppa's Instructional Dance Book, sold at bookstores everywhere."

{End Commercial}

**Scene opens to LoD arriving at the arena in their street clothes. Both dressed in black jeans, black LoD t-shirts & sunglasses. Johnny Mayhem spots Carnage & Bloodstorm and quickly runs in their direction.**

Mayhem- LoD! Can I get your thoughts on your title defence against the Gods of War tonight?

**LoD stop dead in their tracks, turn & glare at Mayhem. Mayhem begins to look nervous and takes a step back. Bloodstorm makes a motion as if he is about to hit Mayhem & both Carnage & Bloodstorm laugh as Mayhem ducks for cover.**

Carnage (still laughing)- Title defence? We have a title defence tonight?

Mayhem (nervously)- Yeah....against the Gods of War....

**Carnage and Bloodstorm both laugh some more.**

Carnage- Oh thats right. The Gods of War...

**Carnage and Bloodstorm suddenly stop laughing and with an evil serious look Carnage stares at Mayhem and begins again.**

Carnage- As you can see we think nothing of the so called Gods of War. Once you step in the ring with LoD nothing but destruction and chaos will take place. You like those other so called Gods will be destroyed too.

Bloodstorm- You are next on the hit list of the career killers! The body count will continue!!

**Carnage and Bloodstorm both stare at Mayhem as if to say keep your mouth shut if you know whats best for you and then walk away. Camerman centers on a rather startled looking Mayhem before returning to ringside.**

Stanyer: They are two sick wrestlers. I hope the get their asses kicked tonight.

Dawg: Well, that is your opinion, I expect them to take the Gods of War apart.

** " The Fight Song " by Marilyn Manson hits through the arena and out comes Devastator he walks to the corner of the stage and holds up the European title**

** Crowd Cheers **

**He gets in the ring and ask for a mic **

Devastator- LOD just a week ago you bitches came out here and stuck your nose where it didn't belong in the battle of Gambino and Diablo. You attack Gambino and me and Destroyer came out here to help our friend Gambino, but you had to make it personal. Like I always say you mess with family you make it personal. In this case you did make it personal. You put my brother through a table with a spike piledriver, You know that wasn't very nice to break some ones neck and send them to the hospital. It ain't right to ruin a mans carrear for pleasure. I swear I will make your lives a living nightmare till my brother gets out of that hospital and is back in this ring. Which may not be for a very long time, maybe ever. We don't know, yet so hope your tough enough to endure the pain you will suffer untill he is back in this damn ring. As for Diablo you will get yours in the coming weeks also, maybe not from me, but you can bet your ass Gambino will have something to say in the coming weeks for the pain your ass will suffer at the PPV.

** Crowd cheers **

** " The Fight Song " hits through out the arena again and Devastator leaves **

Stanyer: Well I guess that confirms the news that Destroyer's career is over.

Dawg: It's not as if he was any good anyway.

Stanyer: That's not nice to say about someone who has just been seriously injured.

Dawg: Who cares.

Stanyer: Well we have some words from Leo before his match.

**The camera cuts in on General Leo. He is standing in front of the Havoc promo set and is joined by Ted Tedison.**

Ted Tedison- General Leo, you will be facing Theros tonight. He isn't all there in his head. Will this affect your gameplan at all?

General Leo- Well, with every opponent, there is a new gameplan. You see, Theros is hardcore in a sense.

Ted Tedison- He's more than hardcore, he's extreme.

General Leo- That may be so, but if I take him out of his element and into mine, then I should fare much better.

Ted Tedison- What if Theros uses weapons to take advantage?

General Leo- I hope it doesn't come down to that, but if he does, I believe that he will have sealed his own fate.

Ted Tedison- What do you mean by that?

General Leo- I mean I will stop him from injuring me with that weapon.

Ted Tedison- I see.

General Leo- However, now is the time for my match.

**Leo salutes and walks through the curtain.**

General Leo v Theros Macalvia

**Suddenly wild laughter echoes through the arena, the lights flashing purple and red. Theros appears on stage, his hands on his hips as he laughs. After several moments the laughs die off, and Ozzy's 'Crazy Train' hits. Theros stalks down towards the ring, a confident smirk on his face as the music continues to boom. Theros rolls into the ring and starts laughing again. The music then shatters into another chorus of wild laughter.**

James: Introducing from Syracuse, New York, weighing 282lbs. Theros Macalvia

**The lights go blue, as "The Imperial March" starts over the speakers. General Leo walks out from the back to an expensive looking fireworks show. The fans cheer as he walks to the ring with his sword in hand. He steps in and the lights go up.**

James: Introducing from Vector, the capital of the World, weighing 235lbs, General Leo.

Report: General Leo starts the match by calling for a tie up, but suddenly the left arm of Theros smashes himself in his face. Theros then grabs himself by the hair and drags himself to the turnbuckle and slams his own face into the turnbuckle. Theros staggers for a second, then grabs himself by the head and charges towards the ropes and throws himself over the top rope!!!

Stanyer: This is hard to describe really. I mean Theros just kicked his own ass.

Dawg: First Theros's mind went, now his own body is turning against him.

General Leo is still in his corner, he looks totally perplexed about what has just happened. He slides out of the ring and rolls Theros back into the ring. Theros's left arm is hitting the head of Theros as Leo picks him up. Leo locks in a Full Nelson and delivers a Full Nelson Suplex with a bridge. 1................2..................3!!!

General Leo d. Theros
2:56 Pinfall

Stanyer: That match was quite possibly the wierdest match I've ever had to call?? I mean Theros beat himself??

Dawg: That guy has SERIOUS mental problems.

Stanyer: Well I am told Johnny Mayhem is backstage with Blackbird.

**Blackbird is backstage with Johnny Mayhem**

Johnny-Blackbird tonight you have a match against Bloodbath for the Extreme Hardcore Title. What are your thoughts?

Blackbird-Right now I am looking forward to making Bloodbath scream. That Hell in a Cell you call extreme. I call it home. You tell me you are hardcore. You tell me you are extreme. As soon as that cage lowers there is no turning back. Now during the PWFs first run I beat your for the World Title. Then in a World Title Tourny match I beat you. That's 2 for 2 against you Bloodbath. Tonight in The Bowery, thats right the Bowery, the record will change I will be 3 for 3 and I will have that Extreme hardcore Title in my possession and no one and I mean NO ONE is hardcore enough to pry it out of my hands. And don't you ever forget Bloodbath...before challenging me to a match like this....Hardcore is what I do!

{Commerical Break}

**Clips are shown of the old PWF matches.**

Get your Canadian Monkey shirts today! A Canadian flag on the front and a big ol Monkey on the back of it. Black and white and red colors!

*Big Poppa, Genecide, Rye, Leo, and Blackbird are all shown wearing the shirts and flashing big thumbs up signs*

{End Commercial}

Stanyer: Welcome back folks, our next match is the Gummi Bears versus The Pellington Brothers in a submissions only match.

**Camera switches to the back where we see The Pellington Brothers walking towards the ring.**

Stanyer: There are the Pellington Brothers, Michael and David now.

**The camera then turns to look down the corridor, we see Diablo with a smile on his face standing at the end of the corridor. Two loud crashes are heard, the camera turns back to the Pellington Brothers, both are now out cold. The camera looks down the corridor, nobody is there, he then turns back to where Diablo was and he has dissappeared.**

Stanyer: What the hell?? Well I guess our match is out of the window now.

**(Flashing random lights all the way through apart from at the slap hands at the end where one slap makes the lights go one colour, the next changes the colour and the double high five causes the lights to return to normal as well as causing the fireworks on stage) Two rocket fireworks fly to the stage and explode. The Gummi Bears appear and stand at the top with big grins, look at each other, then Cookie runs forward a little and Banoffe leap frogs over him, Banoffe then ducks and Cookie leap frogs him, this is done so each man has leapfrogged twice. Then they look at each other again and run towards the ring, sliding in and rolling. Both men bounce to there feet, look at each other again! and run to opposite diagonal corners and start dancing, they look at each other from there position in the corners, throw both arms in the air with big smiles and run to each others corners high fiving as they go past . Once at the other corner they jump up again and start dancing. After a few more seconds they jump back down and meet in the centre of the ring where they "go down low, go up high then double high five which causes fountains of sparks from up on the stage.**

James: Introducing at a combined weight of 429lbs, Cookie Dough and Barry Banoffe, The Gummi Bears. *crowd cheers*

Stanyer: Well the Gummi Bears are here now, I guess they must still want a match.

Dawg: Or perhaps they don't realise what has happened.

Stanyer: Hey, wait a minute, someone is coming through the crowd. It the Gods of Gore!!!!

**The Gods of Gore slide into the ring behind the Gummi Bears and smash baseball bats to the back of the heads of both men. Mad Mike and Big Lou then deliver repeated shots with the ball bats, the two men then climb the turnbuckle and raise their bats as the camera goes to backstage.**

**We switch to the Gods of War's Locker room**

**Alexander sits in a folding chair lacing his boots. Kull stands to the side of him putting on his fish net shirt. Alexander looks up to notice the cameraman and he nudges Kull. Wh then looks to see the cameraman as well. The picture focus' on Kull**

Kull- I'm glad you find us humorous LoD. I'm glad you think we will be an easy victory. I will warn you be prepared for the wraith of the Gods.

**The Camera then moves to Alexander who is completely dressed in his ring attire.**

Alexander- The time ticks down, I hope you are prepared for us. You are very confident and I hope that you are, but don't not confuse denial with confidence. We are the real deal and we will show you just how Power Gods are....

**Alexander motions the Cameraman to leave the room and he does so and the promo ends.**

Stanyer: Well it is now time for that match between the Gods of War and the Lords of Destruction.

Gods of War v Lords of Destruction

**Fire Erupts from the stage and continues to burn as "Wherever I may Roam" By Metallica hits Threw the fire walks Maximus and Kull. They look to the crowd and the crowd explodes. They March to the ring and Kull climbs the turnbuckle and raises his sword.**

James: The following match is scheduled for one fall and is for the PWF World Tag Team Championship, Introducing the challengers at a combined weight of 513lbs, Alexander and Kull, The Gods of War*Crowd Cheers*

"Serial Killer" by Prodigy begins to play as images of the Lords of Destruction destroying past opponents play on the titantron. Once the Lords of Destruction appear on the ramp there is a very loud mixed reaction from the crowd with the cheers noticably louder. LoD walk to the ring quickly, barely acknowledging the crowd, climb in & go straight after their opponents.

James: Introducing, from Canada, at a combined weight of 630lbs, The PWF World Tag Team Champions, Bloodstorm and Carnage, the Lords of Destruction. *Crowd boos loudly**

Report: After the two Lords of Destruction spear Topp Hoggs they hammer into Kull and Alexander with right hands, but Kull and Alexander rolls over Bloodstorm and Carnage and start to hammer the Lords of Destruction with right hands. Topp Hoggs then climbs off the Lords of Destruction and Kull is sent out of the ring by the referee. Bloodstorm rolls out of the ring leaving Carnage and Alexander. Alexander ties up with Carnage and they tussle it out until Carnage manages to push Alexander into his corner where Bloodstorm clubs Alexander across the back with a forearm. Carnage then delivers two stiff body shots putting Alexander in the corner then tags in Bloodstorm. Carnage walks across and sticks two fingers up at Kull, prompting him to climb in the ring and try and fight, but the referee stops him, meanwhile the Lords of Destruction happily stomp away at Alexander, then Bloodstorm starts to choke Alexander with his boot as the referee turns around. The referee remonstrates with Bloodstorm, and eventually he releases the choke hold.

Dawg: What does the ref think he is doing? This is No DQ anyway.

Stanyer: And that plays right into the hands of the Lords of Destruction.

Bloodstorm picks up Alexander and delivers a Vertical Suplex. He then picks up Alexander and holds him in a headlock. He tags in Carnage who climbs in and kicks Alexander in the gut. Carnage then whips Alexander to the ropes. Carnage then delivers a Powerslam. Carnage covers. 1.....2.....Alexander kicks out. Carnage picks up Alexander and takes him to his corner and tags in Bloodstorm. They both whip Alexander to the ropes and then deliver a Double Spinebuster. Bloodstorm covers as Carnage leaves the ring. 1.....2.......Kull makes the save, but the ref forces him out of the ring straight away. Bloodstorm picks up Alexander and tosses him outside. Bloodstorm then sticks two fingers up to Kull. Kull climbs in and goes for Bloodstorm, but the referee has to restrain him. Meanwhile Carnage delivers two body shots to Alexander on the outside and then delivers a brutal chair shot. Carnage then rolls Alexander back into the ring. Bloodstorm covers. 1......2......Kull just makes the save. Carnage comes in and gets a forearm in on Kull catching him by surprise and Kull rolls out of the ring. The ref forces Carnage out of the ring. Bloodstorm picks up Alexander and takes him over to Big Carnage and tags Carnage in. Carnage and Bloodstorm both take Alexander to the middle of the ring and set him up for a double suplex. But Alexander manages to counter and manages to deliver a Double DDT. All three men stay down as Kull desperately reaches for a tag. Alexander manages to climb over and tags in Kull to the cheers of the crowd. Carnage and Bloodstorm have just made it to their feet. Kull charges in and clothesline Carnage down, then clotheslines down Bloodstorm. Kull then delivers right hands to Carnage before a big right puts Carnage down. Kull then whips Bloodstorm to the ropes and then uses Bloodstorms momentum to toss Bloodstorm over the top rope Alexander goes to Bloodstorm and starts fighting with him. Kull then turns around to kick Carnage in the gut and deliver a DDT and a cover. 1.........2...........Carnage kicks out.

Stanyer: Kull is on fire now.

Kull picks up Carnage and delivers a Belly to Back Suplex. Kull then climbs to top rope and looks for a high risk move. But Bloodstorm manages to whip Alexander into the steps then climbs to the apron and pushes Kull off the top rope sending him crashing to the canvas. Kull staggers to his feet and gets kicked in the gut and is set up for the Death Penality. Carnage delivers it and covers Kull. 1.....................2.......................KULL KICKED OUT!!!

Stanyer: What the hell?? Kull just kicked out of the Death Penalty!!!!

On the outside we see Alexander delivering a chair shot to Bloodstorm. Alexander then slides into the ring. Carnage has picked up Kull and is about to deliver a second Death Penalty when Alexander clubs him from behind, Carnage then turns around and gets kicked in the gut and DDT'd. Kull climbs the ropes and flies off with a stunning Shooting Star Press. 1...................2.......................3!!!!!!!!!!!!

Stanyer: We have new champions!!! We have new champions!!!!!!

Gods of War d. Lords of Destruction
13:56 Pinfall

James: The winners of this match, AND NEW PWF WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS, THE GODS OF WAR!!!!!!

Dawg: I don't believe it, they beat the Lords of Destruction. Hey look, it's Diablo, and he has a sledgehammer!!!

**Bloodstorm gets back in the ring with Diablo and they both attack the Gods of War while they are celebrating their win. Diablo delivers a hammer shot to the back of Alexander sending him through the ropes to the floor. Bloodstorm then whips Kull to the ropes and Diablo slams the Hammer into the head of Kull sending him crashing to the mat. Diablo then slams the hammer into the mat. Carnage gets to his feet and stomps on Kull a couple of times, They start to leave, but Bloodstorm and Carnage can't resist getting in a few more stomps to the prone body of Kull.**

Stanyer: They lost the match, and look what they did, I've heard of sore losers, but this is beyond that.

Dawg: They should know better than to mess with the Lords of Destruction.

{Commerical Break}

**"Zombie Nation" by Kernkraft plays as we see Power G training, still holding his microphone. Power G is practising his chops.**

McCoy: Forget T-Shirts, forget Baseball Caps, there is only one piece of merchandise you want to get for your kids. Your very own Power G chopping board. Practice your chops, and one day you could chop as well as Power G.

**Power G is seen chopping at a solid wood board emblazened with a picture of Power G with The Real McCoy in the background. Camera fades.**

{End Commercial}

**Johnny Mayhem is seen trying to catch up to Bloodbath, who is wandering the halls before the big Extreme Hell In A Cell match.**

Mayhem: "Bloodbath, Bloodbath, can I have a word with you?"

Bloodbath: "Well, alright but make it quick."

Mayhem: "Well, tonight you are going to be in the first ever Extreme Hell In A Cell match against Blackbird. What are your thoughts."

Bloodbath: "I think....... No! I KNOW that I am going to tear Blackbird apart!"

Mayhem: "For the record, you are 0-2 against Blackbird in your PWF career."

Bloodbath: "I know tha. But I am not 0-3 against anyone and never will be! When we step into that ring, he may be right at home, but I will be in paradise. He will NOT survive this match."

**Bloodbath turns and walks away.**

Mayhem: "Well, I guess this wraps up the interview."

Stanyer: Well it is now time for that match, and this one is going to be brutal.

Dawg: I have to admit I've been looking forward to this one all day.

Extreme Hell in a Cell Match
Blackird v Bloodbath

"Cool to Hate" by Offspring starts playing and the arena goes pitch black. 10 seconds go by with nothing happening. Two huge flames light up the Entry way and Blackbird makes his way to the ring.

James: The following match is scheduled for one fall and is an Extreme Hell in a Cell Match for the PWF Extreme Championship. Introducing the challenger, from Dayton, Ohio, weighing 245lbs, Blackbird. *Crowd boos*

**"96 Quite Bitter Beings" by CKY plays as a ring of fire appears by the entrance. Bloodbath rises out of the flames before walking towards the ring. He stops on the apron, and looks to the crowd, before he climbs in the ring.**

James: Introducing his opponent, from Hell, Michigan, weighing 225lbs, the PWF Extreme Champion, Bloodbath.

Stanyer: Well folks it's now time for our extreme title match. Which after a long battle with the censors in court we have managed to get this match on TV. A few concessions have been made however, there are no flaming tables outside of the ring for fire safety reasons. However lighter fluid and matches have been provided.

Dawg: Oh that's nice to know, they can burn each other to death, but they have to light the tables themselves first.

Stanyer: They wanted this match, Hell in a Cell, tables surrounding the ring, Barb Wire wrapped around the cell. It is quite possibly one of the sickest matches ever designed.

Dawg: And I thought Bloodbath was trying to stay away from the dark side.

Stanyer: Well, here come the participants now.

Report: A referee on the outside wraps a chain around the door and the cell and then locks it with a big padlock. He then checks the door cannot be opened. Then the referee in the ring signals for the bell. Bloodbath and Blackbird circle each other, a little apprehensive. Blackbird and Bloodbath tie up, Blackbird takes Bloodbath into a hammerlock and then uses his free hand to get in a few blows to the back of Bloodbaths head. Blackbird pushes Bloodbath off into the ropes, Blackbird ducks down for a back body drop, but gets kicked in the head. Blackbird staggers back into the ropes and Bloodbath charges for a clothesline, but Blackbird ducks and back body drops Bloodbath over the top rope. Blackbird immediately follows him outside and picks Bloodbath up. Blackbird slams Bloodbath into the cell wall. Blackbird then ducks and searches under the ring for something. He pulls out a steel chair. Bloodbath is on all fours trying to get up and Blackbird slams the chair into the back of Bloodbath sending him rolling across the floor holding his back.

Stanyer: This match is already starting to get brutal.

Dawg: There is a LONG way to go yet Jay.

Blackbird helps Bloodbath up and then whips him into the cell wall sending his back into some of the barb wire. Bloodbath goes down holding his back again. Blackbird picks up Bloodbath and tries to rake the face of Bloodbath across the barb wire, but Bloodbath manages to put his hands on the cell and block Blackbird then elbow him in the head to make Blackbird release him. Bloodbath then goes for a clothesline, but Blackbird ducks it, they spin around and Blackbird clotheslines Bloodbath down. Blackbird then climbs to the apron and flies off with a double axe handle knocking Bloodbath back down as he just gets to his feet. Blackbird helps Bloodbath up and then in the spear position pushes Bloodbath hard into the cell wall and the barb wire. Bloodbath goes down into a sitting position against the cell. Blackbird bends down to pick Bloodbath up, but Bloodbath counter with a low blow which doubles Blackbird over and sends him to the floor.

Stanyer: Desparation move by Bloodbath.

Both men reach their feet at the same time, Blackbird goes for a right hand, but Bloodbath blocks and deliver three straight rights before slamming the head of Blackbird into the cell wall. Bloodbath grabs the head of Blackbird and rakes it across the barb wire on the cell wall. Blackbird goes down holding his head.

Stanyer: Oh my god, he could have ripped the face off of Blackbird!!!

Blackbird staggers to his feet, blood is pouring from a wound in his head. It is already in his long hair, and is dripping onto the floor. Blackbird staggers about and walks into a gut kick by Bloodbath followed by a DDT. Bloodbath then searches under the ring. He drags out a table. He sets the table up on the outside. Bloodbath positions the table exactly how he wants it.

Stanyer: What is he planning to do now?

Dawg: It looks like he is trying to finish Blackbird off.

Bloodbath rolls Blackbird onto the table. He delivers a couple of blows to the head before rolling into the ring. Bloodbath climbs to the top rope and then flies off looking for a big elbow drop, but at the last second Blackbird rolls out of the way and Bloodbath crashes through the table. Blackbird appears to be crawling to the ring apron. Bloodbath rolls off from the tables debris and uses the cell wall to slowly get to his feet. Blackbird helps himself up using the ring apron, he has pulled a kendo stick out from underneath the ring. As Blackbird gets to his feet he spins around and smashes the kendo stick onto the head of Bloodbath. Bloodbath staggers, but stays on his feet. Blackbird swings again and connects. Bloodbath goes to one knee, but gets back to his feet again. Blackbird takes a short running start and this time sends Bloodbath to the floor and splinters the cane in the process. Blackbird drops to one knee himself, the blood has covered his face and is all over his clothes and hair.

Stanyer: Blackbird is losing a lot of blood, he can't keep going for much longer, now matter how hardcore he is.

Dawg: There is only so much blood in the human body, and Blackbird has already spilt most of it.

Blackbird gets up and checks the door. He shakes it as if he wants to go through it. He sees Bloodbath getting up and turns his attention back to him. Bloodbath is now bleeding from a wound caused by the kendo stick. Blackbird kicks Bloodbath in the gut and then whips him as hard as he can into the cell wall. Blackbird looks unhappy and whips him even harder into the opposite side. Still he looks unhappy. Bloodbath staggers back towards him and Blackbird whips him harder still into the sames side he went after first. Bloodbath crashes into the steel mesh breaking parts of it's welding with the steel frame and Bloodbath ends up half in the cell and half out. A smile comes across the face of Blackbird.

Stanyer: Oh No! They can get outside the cell now. If you thought it was brutal before, you ain't seen nothing yet.

Blackbird kicks Bloodbath through the cell wall, and then breaks it a bit more and climbs through himself to a massive cheer from the crowd. Blackbird picks up Bloodbath and rolls him onto one of the tables surrounding the cell. Blackbird then hammers Bloodbath with right hands while he is on the table. Blackbird then points to the top of the cell and sends the crowd into a frenzy.

Stanyer: What is Blackbird got in store for Bloodbath now. Surely he is not going up there.

Blackbird starts to climb the cell as the crowd start to go wild in anticipation. Blackbird climbs over the top and turns around to see that Bloodbath has recovered enough to roll off the table. The crowd boo as they wanted to see Blackbird fly off. But then Blackbird beckons for Bloodbath to come up with him. Bloodbath immediately starts to climb the cell wall. The crowd are whipped up into a frenzy once again. Blackbird allows Bloodbath to climb over the top and then hits him with a right hand, Bloodbath comes back with a right hand of his own. Bloodbath then kicks Blackbird in the gut and delivers a DDT which shakes the cell.

Stanyer: Oh my god!! A DDT on top of the cell!!

Dawg: I think Blackbird's head might have hit the steel frame.

Stanyer: Let's see the replay. (replay shows Blackbird's head being driven directly onto the steel frame of the cell). Your absolutely right, Blackbird could be knocked out. That is no mat up there, that is cold hard steel folks.

Bloodbath walks over to the edge of the cell and starts motioning to one of the ring crew. The ring crew doesn't appear to know what Bloodbath wants him to do. But Bloodbath continually points to the table, and then to a ringside table.

Stanyer: What does Bloodbath want him to do???

Dawg: I think he wants him to set that table alight.

Stanyer: WHAT THE!!! He can't be planning to throw Blackbird from that height through a flaming table!!!!

The member of the ring crew follows the instructions from Bloodbath and picks up the bottle of lighter fluid from ringside. He then empties it onto the table Bloodbath was just on. And then lights the table. Meanwhile Bloodbath picks up Blackbird and sets him up for a Powerbomb off the edge through the table.

Stanyer: He can't do this, not a powerbomb. No way, he will kill him. NO!!!!!!!! BLACKBIRD COUNTERED BLACKBIRD COUNTERED. OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD!!!!!!! BLOODBATH JUST GOT BACK BODY DROPPED 16 FEET THROUGH A FLAMING TABLE!!!! OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dawg: This is unreal, There is no way Bloodbath can survive that, that is just impossible.

Stanyer: Blackbird is pacing about the top of the cell, he surely can't think Bloodbath will get up from that.

Dawg: We have seen Bloodbath survive many things here in the PWF, this would not be an exception by any means.

Stanyer: Oh My God!!! Bloodbath is moving, Bloodbath is moving. He is trying to get to his feet. No way, that is just impossible, no human being can take punishment like that and survive. That fall would kill a normal man.

Dawg: These two men are by no means normal. And I doubt they ever will be.

Bloodbath starts to use the cell wall to get to his feet. He can barely stand though and is staggering about, only able to stand using the cell wall. Bloodbath then suddenly starts to try and climb the cell wall sending the crowd absolutely crazy.

Stanyer: HE CAN'T GO BACK UP!!!! No, this is insane, someone has to stop him, he is going to kill himself.

Dawg: Will he be able to even make it back up after that bump he has just taken.

Bloodbath slowly climbs the cell, almost losing his grip on numerous occassions. Blackbird looks a little shocked, but is beckoning Bloodbath to climb up. Bloodbath finally manages to climb over the top of the cell. Blackbird immediately stomps on him as he tries to get back up. Blackbird climbs on top of Bloodbath and starts to pound Bloodbath's head into the cell roof. Blackbird climbs off Bloodbath and beckons for him to get to his feet. Blackbird has stopped bleeding, but is struggling to keep his balance after losing so much blood. Both men's faces are a crimson mass. Bloodbath slowly staggers to his feet. Blackbird kicks him in the gut and then delivers the EvenFlow DDT. Blackbird then staggers about. He motions for Bloodbath to get to his feet. Bloodbath slowly but surely climbs to his feet. Blackbird charges in with a clothesline but Bloodbath ducks down and delivers a high back body drop which sees Blackbird crash onto the cell roof behind Bloodbath, then the cell roof gives way and Blackbird goes crashing to the canvas below. Blackbird lies there in the ring, absolutely motionless.

Stanyer: OH MY GOD!!!!! BLACKBIRD COULD BE DEAD!!!!! Did you see his head snap back as he hit the canvas. He is out cold, there is no way he can get back up from that one.

Dawg: (as replay's are being shown of the fall). Wait, look at Bloodbath, what is he doing??(replay's cut out to show Bloodbath standing at the edge of the hole looking down at Bloodbath.)

Stanyer: What does he have in mind. Listen to this crowd, the noise is deafening.

Dawg: He can't be, no way, he wouldn't jump would he???

Stanyer: No way, no way. No, he can't do this, he will kill himself and Blackbird, this is suicide!!!

Dawg: He's going to do it!!


Dawg: Bloodbath could have broken his ribs, if he hasn't done it already by going off the top once.

Stanyer: Wait, Bloodbath has an arm draped over Blackbird. (in unison with the crowd). 1........................2........................3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

**The crowd go absolutely crazy and Bloodbath rolls off Blackbird. Blackbird still hasn't moved since going through the cell. The referee grabs the extreme title and hands it to Bloodbath on the mat, and then raises him arm.**

James: The winner of this match, AND STILL PWF EXTREME CHAMPION, BLOODBATH!!!!**Crowd cheers again**

Bloodbath d. Blackbird
34:18 Pinfall

Dawg: I'm at a loss for words to describe that one Jay.

Stanyer: I've seen many matches in my time, but that has to rank way up there with the best of them. Perhaps only the King of the Death Match tournament saw more brutality. And even this has pushed that extremely close.

Dawg: Bloodbath is being helped out of here by EMT's, they have brought out a stretcher for Blackbird.

Stanyer: I know this isn't how Blackbird wanted to leave this match, but he is going to go out on a stretcher. Blackbird may be the most resilient man in this business, but unlike when Bloodbath went off, there was no table to break his fall, he hit the hard canvas, but the way his head snapped back could easily have fractured his skull, even broke his neck. If he has survived serious injury then he is either the toughest man ever to walk the face of this earth, or he is the luckiest man alive today.

Dawg: Listen to this crowd Jay, they are giving Blackbird a standing ovation as he is taken out.

Stanyer: Let's hope that Blackbird survives to see the tape of this. We will keep you up to date on both mens condition. But now it is time for a break.

{Commerical Break}

Announcer- SPRITE! The best stuff on Earth!!!

**The camera flashes a shot of General Leo of the PWF drinking Sprite.**

Announcer- The...

**The camera cuts to a shot of the MOW E's Phreak, drinking down some Sprite.**

Announcer- best...

**The next MOW Sanitarium Champion, Heelmaster, is seen, drinking Sprite.**

Announcer- stuff...

**The triple crown champion of the UAW, Bates Masterson, is guzzling down a Sprite.**

Announcer- on...

**Cleveland, Ohio's own Heavy Metal guru, Matt Wilkins is shown tossing a can of Sprite in the air and drinking all of the contents of the can before catching it.**

Announcer- EARTH!!!

**The camera focuses on Nightshade completely downing a 20 oz. Sprite right before the camera! All six men are shown finishing off their respective Sprite. They then give a simultaneous thumbs up.**

Nightshade- Drink Sprite, because I said so!

**The camera cuts out.**

{End Commercial}

Stanyer: Welcome back folks, (replays are showing of numerous incidents from the EHIAC match). We have just witnessed one of the most brutal matches in PWF history. Now the news on the participants is coming through. I am told Blackbird has woken up and is now refusing all medical attention. Bloodbath has apparantely left the building while they were treating Blackbird.

Dawg: They both need medical help, what are they thinking of.

Stanyer: Well hopefully we shall know more later this week. Now it is time for our Main Event.

Main Event
Power G and MVD(gWo) v Rye Hazwaki & Crusader Chrome

**"Snap your Fingers, Snap your neck" by Prong plays as MVD walks down the aisle, cluching Jennifer Van Dam by the waist, he lets her go, and poses, flexing his arms towards his head (RVD style). The Ultra-Tron bears the gWo logo and then shows clips of MVD striking opponents out with his Kendo Stick and finishing them the 5 star frog splash. Following a few seconds behind is Power G wearing his World Title belt. He is accompanied by The Real McCoy. They both head down to the ring.**

James: Introducing, at a combined weight of 458lbs, accompanied by Jennifer Van Dam and The Real McCoy, Matt Van Dam and the PWF World Champion, Power G, the Green World Order.*Crowd Boos heavily**

**The lights go out and a series of light blue lights flash throughout the arena. Rock Superstar by Cypress Hill blares over the pa followed by an explosion of fireworks similar to Y2J’s. Crusader's Ultra-tron has images of Harley Davidsons and biker babes transcending into one another. His entrance attire consists of a leather trench coat, dark sunglasses, and a du- rag rapped around his head. When he walks out into the entrance, he pauses and raises both fists in the air, proceeding to walk to the ring. Walking with a bmf walk, he climbs into the ring, while the lights are still out, and raises the lights with a fist in the air.**

James: Introducing, from Palm Beach, Florida, weighing 299lbs, "The One" Crusader Chrome. *Crowd Cheers*

**Break Stuff by Limp Bizkit hits, as the lights flash red and white, and Rye Hazwaki is shown doing a slow ‘Cyclone Kick.’ The Pyro’s blast as Rye stands on the top of the stage, he looks at the crowd then walks down and enters the ring.**

James: Introducing, from Tokyo, Japan, weighing 251lbs, Rye Hazwaki.

Stanyer: This will be an interesting match, Rye and Crusader have never teamed before, but MVD and Power G have been team-mates for a good while, and although they have never fought together here in the PWF, in independent federations they had been teaming quite reguarly until they signed for the PWF.

Report: MVD and Power G immediately jump Rye and Crusader before the bell rings, Power G tosses Crusader out of the ring and follows him out and they begin to exchange punches and chops on the outside. In the ring MVD gets in a few right hands to Rye, and then whips him to the ropes, MVD tries a standing heel kick, but Rye ducks underneath it, Rye stops and tries a heel kick of his own, MVD ducks it and at the same time attempts a sweep, but Rye manages to jump it. MVD rolls backwards and gets to his feet. Power G and Crusader have been sent to their positions on the apron. MVD calls for a tie up, the two men grapple, MVD takes Rye into an standing arm wrench, Rye rolls his body through to reverse it. Rye janks the arm, forcing MVD to drop to one knee for a second. MVD then reverse the arm wrench into a hammerlock, Rye tries to grab MVD through the legs, but then comes up with an elbow to the face of MVD. Rye then tries a low spinning back kick, but MVD catches the leg of Rye. Rye tries for an Enziguri and connects sending MVD to the canvas holding his head.

Stanyer: Beautiful Enziguri counter there by Rye Hazwaki, this battle between MVD and Rye could turn into who is the better at martial arts kicks!

Rye tags in Crusader. Crusader delivers a big right hand sending MVD staggering backwards, then Crusader hits a second right hand putting MVD into his own corner. Crusader then points to Power G and tells him to get in. MVD offers Power G the tag, who duly makes the tag. Power G fakes a tie up with Crusader and goes behind him in a waistlock. Crusader reverses it and delivers a back drop. But Power G bounces straight back up. Power G delivers a hard chop to the chest of Crusader. Crusader swings with a big right, but Power G ducks it and as they spin around Power G hits another hard chop to the chest of Crusader. Power G then whips Crusader to the ropes, but Crusader uses his strength to reverse it. Crusader picks up Power G for what appears to be a Tilt a Whirl Slam, but as Crusader spins Power G around, Power G escapes and lands on his feet. Power G then kicks Crusader in the gut and delivers a DDT.

Stanyer: Wonderful athleticism by the World Champ.

Power G tags MVD, then grabs the legs of Crusader and holds him down, Rye tries to get in the ring as MVD climbs to the 2nd turnbuckle, the referee stops Rye from coming in as MVD flies off and delivers the Stinky Leg Drop. MVD covers, the referee spins around and slides across to make the count. 1.................2...............Rye comes in to make the save and is immediately hounded out by the referee. MVD picks up Crusader and whips him to the ropes, MVD delivers a drop toe hold then comes off the ropes again and delivers a flipping leg drop to the back of the head of Crusader. MVD then drags Crusader around so that his head points to Rye. Then stand over him and does The Big Stink(Venis Grind and Punch). He deliberately looks at Rye as he does the taunt, this infuriates Rye who tries to get into the ring. But the referee holds him back. MVD delivers repeated right hands to the face of Crusader and then turns into a cover. 1....................2......................Rye makes the save again, but again he is forced out by the referee. MVD picks up Crusader and holds him in a headlock as he tags Power G. Power G climbs through the ropes and kicks Crusader in the gut. Power G then delivers a back body flip to Crusader. Power G then bounces off the ropes and connects with a beautiful 2nd rope Springboard Moonsault. He covers. 1..................2..................Rye kicks Power G in the head to make the save. Again the referee forces Rye out of the ring. Power G places Crusader's head on the bottom rope so it sticks out on to the apron. Power G then taunts Rye who tries to get into the ring, the referee is distracted trying to stop Rye and MVD takes a running start before delivering a jumping leg drop to the back of the head of Crusader. Power G pulls Crusader back into the ring, then tags MVD. MVD climbs to the top rope and delivers the 5 Star Frog Splash.

Dawg: It's over.

MVD covers Crusader. 1.........................2........................Rye makes the save again to stop MVD picking up the win.

Stanyer: That was a close call for Crusader Chrome and Rye Hazwaki.

MVD picks up Crusader and kicks him low. MVD then comes off the ropes and looks for the FrogAsser, but Crusader moves out of the way and MVD hits the canvas. MVD bounces back up. Crusader goes for a right hand, but MVD blocks it and whips Crusader to the ropes, but Crusader reverses it and then delivers a big Spinebuster and then Crusader falls to the canvas.

Stanyer: This is Crusader's chance, but how much strength does Crusader have left after delivering that Spinebuster.

Crusader crawls over to his corner and MVD gets to his feet. MVD goes to attack Rye when Crusader manages to make the tag to the thunderous cheers of the crowd.

Stanyer: Now we get to see what MVD is made of.

Rye charges into the ring and floors MVD with a heel kick, Power G charges in and Rye catches him with a low spinning back kick to the gut, and then a standing roundhouse to the head. MVD tries to attack Rye from behind but Rye springs up and catches Rye with his version of a Vandaminator.

Stanyer: Rye just hit MVD with the Vandaminator. cover. 1......................2........................MVD kicks out.

Rye picks up MVD and then starts to kick him repeatedly in the head, body and legs, Rye eventually gets MVD into a sitting position, then Rye bounces off the ropes and connects with the Feet of Fury. Rye covers. 1...................2...................Power G makes the save with a springboard leg drop to the back of Rye's head breaking up the count. Crusader comes in and hammers Power G with right hands forcing him into a corner where he lifts him up onto the top turnbuckle. Crusader then delivers a stunning Super Belly to Belly Suplex to Power G. Rye has picked up MVD and delivers a stunning Superkick to the face of MVD. They both cover. The ref makes dual counts. 1..............................2..............................Both Power G and MVD kick out.

Stanyer: So close.

Crusader picks up Power G for The Concussion(Emerald Fusion) and Rye picks up MVD for the same move. Then out of the back comes Travis Right to a crescendo of boos from the crowd. Rye and Crusader both drop their respective men and challenge Travis to get into the ring. Travis is a little unsure of what to do.

Stanyer: Travis Right came down to help his fellow gWo members, but now he doesn't fancy 2 on 1.

In the ring Rye and Crusader turn around and Rye gets caught with a Vandaminator from MVD sending him flying backwards over the top rope, and Power G grabs Crusader and delivers the G Power Slam. Power G covers. 1..........................2...........................3!!!!!

gWo d. Rye Hazwaki & Crusader
14:37 Pinfall

Stanyer: Dammit, Travis was just a distraction.

Dawg: The gWo win again, it's just becoming all too easy for them.


Havok then slides into the ring and goes after MVD, but he gets attacked from behind by Power G. JVD and Real McCoy then toss a Kendo Stick and a Mic into the ring. MVD picks up the cane, and G picks up the mic. Power G and MVD then go for a dual shot on Havok, but Crusader grabs the arm of Power G and Rye grabs the cane that MVD is holding. They spin both MVD and Power G around. Crusader nails Power G with right hands, and Rye kicks MVD repeatedly. Rye manages to deliver a jumping heel kick which sends MVD over the top rope to the floor, Crusader clotheslines Power G over the top rope.

Stanyer: Rye Hazwaki and Crusader clear the ring, the gWo have been sent packing.

MVD and Power G pick up Travis Right and they head to the back as both sides trash talk each other.

Dawg: This won't be the last they will hear of the gWo.

Stanyer: We are out of time folks, see you next week.

***© 2001 PWF Entertainment***