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Saturday Night Havoc

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Havoc #1

Live from the Savvis Centre
St Louis Missouri.
7th April 2001

Special Note: The wrestler featured at the end of the main event is NOT owned by the original person in the old PWF, he is being controlled by the owner of the PWF and has returned for storyline purposes. Please take note of this, those who were around before will know why.

**Footage rolls from last week.**
**First we see clips of Rye being attacked by the gWo, including having his hair sprayed green.**
**Then we see Gambino attacking Resnick and Demon after their match, then the lights go out and we see the man standing in the mist at the top of the ramp. The mist then clears up and the lights come back on and the man is gone.**
**The Havoc intro then rolls**

**Pyros blast off as "Master of Puppets" blasts across the speakers, The PWF logo flashes on the screen and then the camera pans across the crowd to reveal a few crowd signs.**
"MVD sucks ass"
"The One has arrived"
"Hardcore is what I do"
"I wanna dance with Big Poppa"
**The camera then pans around to the announce table**

Stanyer: Welcome everybody to the Savvis Centre in St Louis Missouri for PWF Saturday Night Havoc. I'm Jason Stanyer.

Dawg: And I am The Big Dawg Dave Harley.

Stanyer: We welcome you all to what should be a fantastic event as we are ready to start the PWF World Title tournaments tonight.

**The brackets are displayed on the screen.** Gambino v Carbon
Chaos v The Fro

Demon v Tisok
Sabre v Andy Clegg

Crusader v Havok
Genecide v ArchAngel

???? v Maxwell Powers
MVD v Big Lou

Leo v Carnage
Power G v Theros Macalvia

Firestorm v Marcus Shooter
Travis Right v Alexander

Blackbird v Homicide
Bloodbath v Big Poppa

Josh Resnick v Riptide
Rye v Devastator

Dawg: We have a lot of interesting match-ups there.

Stanyer: Who is the mystery opponent for Maxwell Powers, nobody knows yet. Dawg: I am sure we will find out soon enough.

Stanyer: There was a big announcement earlier today made by the owner of the PWF, Michael Pellington, here is the footage.

**Footage of Pellington at a press conference**

Pellington: This announcement concerns the PWF World Title tournament, I will make this short, I have decided to make all of the matches No Disqualification and have No Countout, victory will be by Pinfall, Submission or TKO. However to stop interference, I have added this stipulation, should anyone interfere, the interferer will lose his spot in whatever tournament they are in, and be suspended for six months. This is a harsh penalty I know, but I want a fair tournament. Also when the World Title tournament reaches it's quarter final stages, all matches will be decided by a pinfall only. Thank you for your time.

**Footage ends**

Stanyer: There you have it, all matches are to have No Disqualifications and No countouts.

Dawg: This could get very interesting.

Stanyer: The big question on everyone's mind is who was it at the top of the ramp at the end of last weeks Havoc? I have my suspicions, but even I am not sure.

Dawg: I don't really know, but perhaps we will find out later.

Stanyer: Well I can tell you who it looked like, it looked like Eraser, but with no lights and that mist, it was hard to tell.

Dawg: Could Eraser be back? Maybe, we will have to wait and see I suppose.

***Walk by Pantera comes on as Josh Resnick comes out to a loud pop from the crowd as they cheer him. He comes to a stop as he raise his arm with mic in hand. The music stops as Josh begins to address the crowd.***

Stanyer: It's Josh Resnick, let's hear what he has to say.

Josh - As you know last week on Havoc I defeated the Devil himself, Demon in record time. While celebrating my victory some cowardly individual interupted my moment of glory by jumping me from behind. Well that might have been fine and dandy but you had to use a steel chair. That I didn't take kindly. Gambino you might have pulled one off last week but tonight is a whole different story. That's right Gambino, tonight I challenge you mono to mono, face to face. Tonight I teach you the meaning of losing. So get your ass out here now!

***Josh pace impatiently in the ring waiting for Gambino to come out.***

**Keep Away by Godsmack blares through the sound system as Gambino walks down to the bottom of the ramp and stops just short of the ring. He has a microphone and is prepared to speak**

Gambino"Resnick, Resnick, Resnick. Boy, I thought you would be a helluva lot smarter than that. You're challenging me, Gambino, the tougest mother @#%$ in the PWF. You must have some kind of death wish. Either that or some sick fetish for pain. If it's a match with me you want, then it's a match with me you can have. Anyways, it's your funeral. I'm gonna destroy you just like I'm gonna destroy every single opponent in the World Title Tournament. I showed you last week what I could do, and now, you'll get an even bigger taste of what I can dish out! I'm not afraid of you Resnick, and I'm not afraid of anyone else in the back either, no matter who it is! Whether it be General Leo, Firestorm, that new guy Marcus Shooter, or even the Devil himself, that big dumb son of a bitch, Demon!"

***The lights go out leaving a pitch black arena. Suddenly the stage blows up and standing in the middle of the entrance way stands a large man wearing a cloak and holding a very long scythe. He begins to speak.***

Demon- "Resnick you got a lucky win, it might have been in record time but you still were lucky for i had a bad night. It looks like you two are gonna have a little match here tonight. HAHAHAHAHHAHA......well it isint going to happen unless I am in the middle of it. Gambino like you said to Resnick about him having a sick fetish for pain, well I do have one, and it's going to tear your living, breathing souls right out of the bottom of your pittiful body's. I want this match to be a three way battle to the death, but in a lesser sense I want your asses."

***The arena lights go out once again to late come on leaving no one standing on the entrance way***

***Josh stands in the middle of the ring with a smerk on his face as Demon has disappeared again. Then he looks at Gambino, and he begins to laugh. Gambino then points at Josh as he walks up the ramp. Then Josh proceeds to follow.***

{Commercial Break}

Stanyer: Well it is time for the tournament to begin.

Christopher Chaos v The Fro

"Dragula" by Rob Zombie hits, Ultra-tron shows pictures of Chris causing Chaos, smacking people with weapons etc. Walks aggressively, doesn't stop to pose. Walks up to fans on side of aisle and tears up their signs on way to ring, no pyros or no lights, he doesn't need it.

James: Introducing from Brooklyn, New York, accompanied by Stunning Sarah, weighing 342lbs, "The Chaotic One" Christopher Chaos. **Crowd Boo**

**"My Generation" by Limp Bizkit plays as The Fro walks to the ring showing no sign of intimidation or fear and he wears a "The People's Answer" t-shirt. He walks up onto the apron and then faces the crowd and holds one arm in the air. He then enters the ring and goes over to one corner and then holds one arm in the air.**

Report: Both men start out tentatively, they feel each other out, not wanting to lose in this big match. Both men tie up, Chaos takes Fro into a headlock, Fro pushes Chaos off and Chaos comes off the ropes with a clothesline, but Fro ducks and hits Chaos with a couple of right hands as he turns around. Fro then goes for an Irish whip, but it is reversed and Chaos pulls Fro back towards him and takes him down with a clothesline.
Fro springs back up and tries a right hand, but Chaos blocks it and hits a right hand of his own, sending Fro reeling backwards. Chaos hits a second right hand sending Fro backwards again, then a third right hand sends The Fro to the canvas. Fro gets back up slowly, holding his head, he shakes it off. Chaos goes for a right hand, but Fro blocks it and hits a beautiful heel kick to the face of Chaos, Chaos stagger backwards and turns around, The Fro runs in and hits a facecrusher. Fro then holds onto the ropes and starts to stomp on Chaos, eventually Chaos rolls out of the ring to get away.

Stanyer: The Fro is aggressive tonight, he looks determined to impress in the World Title tournament.

Chaos goes over to his valet, Stunning Sarah, she offers a few words of advice, then Chaos rolls back into the ring. Chaos locks up with The Fro and pushes him into the turnbuckle, Chaos then hits a few right hands to the face, then walks away, before running in with a big clothesline. The Fro staggers out of the corner, and gets picked up in a suplex. Chaos floats over and covers. 1…..2….The Fro gets the right shoulder up.
Chaos gets up looking annoyed, he picks the Fro up and delivers a big piledriver and covers. 1….2…..Fro gets the right shoulder up again.

Stanyer: Great resilience by The Fro.

Chaos looks particularly annoyed and goes to his corner to speak to Sarah, but Fro gets up behind him and jumps him from behind with a Flying Forearm. Chaos staggers into the turnbuckle, Fro quickly lifts him up and climbs up himself and delivers a huge Super Backdrop, both men stay down, the referee begins a ten count, but on 2 The Fro rolls over and drapes an arm over Chaos. 1…..2……Chaos kicks out.
Both men stagger to their feet, Chaos goes for a right hand, but Fro blocks it and counter with a right hand of his own, Chaos staggers but stays on his feet, Fro hits a second right, but Chaos still stays on his feet. Fro goes for a third, but Chaos ducks it and goes behind and counters with a German Suplex with a bridge. 1……2…….The Fro just kicks out.

Stanyer: That was close, Fro only just kicked out of that one.

Dawg: The People’s Answer nearly ran out of Answer’s.

Chaos picks up The Fro and whips him into the corner. He sets him up on the turnbuckle. He signals to the crowd that it’s over.

Stanyer: Could be time for the Chaotic Crusher(Flipping Slam)

Chaos delivers the Chaotic Crusher, but somehow The Fro escapes Chaos’s grip and lands on his feet, The Fro turns around as Chaos gets up and The Fro kicks Chaos in the gut and then delivers The Fro Bomb(Stone Cold Stunner). The Fro hooks a leg. 1…..2…..3!

Stanyer: A great win for The Fro, and a great match as well.

The Fro d. Chaos
11:11 Pinfall

Dawg: A good contest between two newcomers to the PWF, I enjoyed it.

Stanyer: Well our next match is again a tournament match, and pits one of the most celebrated wrestlers in wrestling history, with more than 25 titles over many feds to his name, Genecide takes on the PWF newcomer, ArchAngel.

Dawg: Not that holy freak again, he keeps trying to give me a bible, doesn't he realise I don't give a f....

Stanyer: Watch it.

Dawg: Yeah, yeah.

Genecide v ArchAngel

The arena goes dark, and a hush falls over the crowd. The Titantron then suddenly comes to life, and these words appear on the screen:
Romans 13:4 - For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil.
Holier Than Thou by Metallica then suddenly hits and a tall powerful looking man with long white hair pulled back in a ponytail appears at the top of the ramp. He has on long white tights adorned by gold crosses on each leg, along with white boots also bearing gold crosses. As he makes his way to the ring, he tosses mini-Bibles out to the crowd and hi-fives fans

James: Introducing, from Jerusalem, Israel, weighing 285lbs, "The Redeemer" ArchAngel.*Crowd cheers**

"Stupify" by Disturbed plays as Genecide walks out to the cheers of the crowd. He walks down to the ring, hi-fing with a few fans as he makes his way to the ring. He climbs in the ring and walks over to the opposite turnbuckle and climbs up and holds both hands up.**

James: Introducing at this time, weighing 251lbs, Genecide.**Crowd Cheers**

Report: Genecide goes straight for ArchAngel and delivers a succession of right hands sending ArchAngel into the corner. Genecide then starts to hammer ArchAngel with body shots. ArchAngel manages to counter with a kick to the gut, then whips Genecide to the ropes. Genecide comes off and is hit with a back body drop. ArchAngel drops an elbow, then covers. Genecide quickly kicks out.

Dawg: Far too early for a pin there, what was ArchAngel thinking of?

Stanyer: A high paced match this one.

Genecide gets back up and goes for a kick in the gut, but ArchAngel catches it, Genecide goes for the Enziguri, but ArchAngel ducks it and Genecide crashes to the canvas.

Stanyer: That move looked more painful than when he hits the Enziguri!

ArchAngel locks in a Figure Four Leglock on Genecide in the middle of the ring.

Dawg: Genecide needs to get to the ropes, and fast, before ArchAngel breaks his leg.

Stanyer: Genecide is almost there, wait, ArchAngel is dragging Genecide back into the middle, how much longer can Genecide hold on?

Dawg: He’s trying to turn ArchAngel over, if he does, then the pressure will be all on the legs of ArchAngel.

Stanyer: Genecide has done it! He’s turned the Figure Four over, now it is ArchAngel who is being asked if he wants to give it up, ArchAngel manages to clamber over to the ropes and the referee calls for a rope break.

Genecide and ArchAngel get back up, Genecide falls back to one knee as he holds his injured leg. ArchAngel is trying to shake off the damage to his leg. ArchAngel kicks Genecide in the head, Genecide is sent sprawling to the mat. ArchAngel goes to the turnbuckle and starts to climb.

Stanyer: High risk manoeuvre now by ArchAngel. Wait Genecide is up, ArchAngel is looking the other way, GENECIDE BOMB(Last Ride).

Dawg: Only divine intervention can save ArchAngel now.

Stanyer: Cover, 1….2…..3. Genecide gets the win. Genecide advances in the World title tournament.

Genecide d. ArchAngel
6:27 Pinfall.

Stanyer: Easy for Genecide that time, but the next round could prove to be much more testing.

{Commercial Break}

Bloodbath v Big Poppa

**The arena darkens down and "Real Show" flashes across the UltraTron. "I'm the Greatest" hits and "The Real Show" Big Poppa walks out to an array of fireworks and cheers.**

James: "Coming to the ring at this time, weighing at 285 pounds, he says that you'll like him no matter what, he's 'The Real Show,' Big Poppa!!!"

** The fans go crazy as Big Poppa does plays an air-guitar and does a airplane taunt to the ring. Inside the ring Poppa does a mini version of his disco dance and signals for someone to throw him a mic. The fans get quiet down just as he begins to speak**

Big Poppa: "PWF'ers and 'ites, IT'S REAL SHOW TIME!!!!"

**Fans roar**

Poppa: "The Real Show is ready, ready for his second PWF match up. I'm ready to face a long time and very respected PWF'er. So I guess I'm ready to face a long time PWF'er in my first and only second PWF match up! You see, usually someone as new to this fed as I am would be all nervous and prance around the ring with fear because cause he's facing someone who's been here since whenever. Well, as you may know, I don't do the usual thing. My thinking is that I'm about to face a plain old PWF'er, however, this one has been slammed on the mat a few thousand times more then me. This one has been hit over the head a lot more times then me, this one has been DDTed, suplexed, and powerbombed more then me. Oh and I almost forgot, this one can't dance, and that says a lot, and I mean A LOT, to me."

**Big Poppa gets a mix of laughs and cheers**

Poppa: "You see, he can't do a perfected spin, especially with a grin."

**Big Poppa starts to get jacked up. He begins to dance every step that he claims that Bloodbath can't do**

Poppa: "Bloodbath can't do the robot! Hell, he probably hasn't even HEARD of the moonwalk! In fact, it's time to show world what I can really do, and what he can't! Start my music!"

**The Fans go nuts as Big Poppa's theme song, "I'm the Greatest," hits and he starts dancing. He does his patented Disco Dance, which is followed by a mean robotic. He moonwalks, then smiles, and spins on his head. After making a swift landing, he stumbles a little because he is dizzy.**

"96 Quite Bitter Beings" by CKY plays as a ring of fire appears by the entrance. Bloodbath rises out of the flames before walking towards the ring. He stops on the apron, and looks to the crowd, before he climbs in the ring.

James: Introducing, from Hell, Michigan, weighing 225lbs, Bloodbath.

Report: Big Poppa goes in for a tieup, but Bloodbath rolls around the back, Poppa counters with a couple of elbows and sends Bloodbath off towards the ropes. Bloodbath comes off and tries to hit a Belly to Belly on Bloodbath, but Bloodbath blocks it with an elbow to the back of the neck.

Stanyer: A fast start to this match.

Bloodbath goes for a right hand, but Poppa blocks it, and hits a right of his own, Bloodbath staggers off, but comes back with a forearm, which catches Poppa by surprise and sends him down. Poppa gets back up quickly and whips Bloodbath to the ropes, he lifts Bloodbath up into a Swinging Chokeslam, but Bloodbath drops down and has Poppa in position for the Blood Bash.(Downward Spiral)

Stanyer: The Blood Bash by Bloodbath, cover. 1….2….3!!!

Dawg: That was quick, I didn’t expect it to be over so fast, not a good performance by Big Poppa at all, Bloodbath advances in his quest for the World Title.

Stanyer: The drive inside Bloodbath to win the World Title is so great, it swept aside Big Poppa.

Bloodbath d. Big Poppa
2:53 Pinfall.

Stanyer: Well our next match is between General Leo and Carnage of the Lords of Destruction in the World Title tournament. Our reporter Johnny Cornell caught up with General Leo earlier and got these thoughts.

**Johnny Cornell walks up to the locker room door of General Leo. He knocks on it.**

General Leo- Come in.

**Johnny Cornell opens the door to see Leo sitting on a chair. Another one is set up across from him and he offers General Leo a seat. Cornell accepts.**

General Leo- Thank you for giving me your time, Mr. Cornell.

Johnny Cornell- Anytime General. I just wanted to ask you, what do you think about drawing the match against Blackbird in the King of the Deathmatch tournament?

General Leo- I tried to be this man's friend, but he didn't want any part of that. They always said I was thick headed, but I thought he'd come around... I was wrong, but that's ok.

Johnny Cornell- Well, you will be facing him in a flaming table match.

**Leo smiles.**

General Leo- Yes, I wanted this match. I can put him through that table so many different ways. I can backdrop him, suplex him, bodyslam him, powerslam him, the list goes on and on. You see, he's gonna lose that match, and I am going to be crowned the king. Blackbird, I'll see you there.

Johnny Cornell- Is that all Gen. Leo?

General Leo- Yes, thank you for this interview.

Johnny Cornell- Anytime.

**Both men stand up and shake hands. Leo then salutes Cornell and they leave with the camera shutting off.**

Dawg: Looks like Leo wants to take Blackbird apart.

Stanyer: Tune in wednesday to find out how that match goes folks.

General Leo v Carnage

**The lights go blue, as "The Imperial March" starts over the speakers. General Leo walks out from the back to an expensive looking fireworks show. The fans cheer as he walks to the ring with his sword in hand. He steps in and the lights go up.**

James: Introducing from Vector, the capital of the World, weighing 235lbs, General Leo.

"Serial Killer" by Prodigy begins to play as images of the Lords of Destruction destroying past opponents play on the titantron. Once the Lords of Destruction appear on the ramp there is a very loud mixed reaction from the crowd with the cheers noticably louder. LoD walk to the ring quickly, barely acknowledging the crowd, climb in & go straight after their opponents.

James: Introducing, he is one half of the Lords of Destruction, from Canada, Carnage.

Report: Leo and Carnage tieup and Carnage turns it into a headlock, Leo pushes him towards the ropes and bounces Carnage off and sends him to the ropes, Carnage comes off with a clothesline which Leo ducks, Carnage comes off the other side and Leo attempts a Belly to Belly Suplex, but Carnage manages to hold his ground and delivers a double axe handle to the back of Leo. Leo crashes to the canvas but gets back up quickly holding his back. Carnage hits Leo with a big right hand which sends Leo staggering into the turnbuckle. Carnage then starts to lay into Leo with right hands until he delivers one big right hand which sends Leo down into the sitting position. Carnage then starts to stomp away at Leo until he stomps Leo right out of the ring.

Stanyer: Carnage looks impressive in what is his singles debut here in the PWF.

Carnage follows Leo outside the ring and picks up Leo. He whips Leo into the barricade and Leo collapses to the floor holding his back. Carnage poses to the crowd while the referee tries to convince him to get back in the ring.

Dawg: What is the referees problem? This is No DQ and has no countout. They can do what they like.

Stanyer: But you can only win the match in the ring remember.

Carnage picks up Leo and picks Leo up and drops him ribs first across the barricade. Leo staggers off and holds onto the bottom rope of the ring as he holds his ribs. Carnage sends Leo flying with a right hand. Leo lands by the announce table. Carnage stomps on Leo then picks him up, he slams Leo's face into the announce table.

Stanyer: Get this match back in the ring! This isn't where wrestling is supposed to be fought.

Carnage then whacks Leo with a big right hand and then points to the announcers table. The crowd give a big cheer. Carnage picks up Leo and puts him in position for a suplex.

Stanyer: Carnage is going to suplex Leo right through our announce table!

Dawg: I think we'd better make a move for it Jay.

**The announcers scramble out of the way.** Stanyer: Carnage has Leo up, he is holding him there, just delaying the agony for Leo. Wait, Leo has escaped, he has Carnage from behind THE SHOCK THE SHOCK!!! MY GOD THE SHOCK(Reverse Tazzplex) RIGHT THROUGH OUR ANNOUNCE TABLE!!! He could have broken Carnage's neck!

Dawg: Am I still on?

Stanyer: Yes, I can still hear you.

Dawg: What a move by Leo, Carnage isn't moving at all. Leo is down as well.

Stanyer: Look at the crowd, they are all standing.

Dawg: They are all in Shock, if you mind the pun, at what they just saw.

Stanyer: They are in shock? How do you think we feel, we were only a few feet away from it!

Dawg: I think Leo is making his way to his feet.

Leo makes his way to his feet and rolls back into the ring, Carnage is just starting to recover. Leo climbs out of the ring and helps Carnage up before rolling him back into the ring.

Stanyer: This one could be all over, cover. 1....2......My god Carnage kicked out. He nearly had his neck broken being put through our announce table and he still managed to kick out.

Leo picks up Carnage and puts Carnage in position for the Head and Arm Suplex. But Carnage manages to fight his way out of it, he pushes Leo towards the ropes.

Stanyer: Carnage is still aware enough to counter one of Leo's suplexes. Wait Carnage has Leo, THE DEATH PENALTY(Rock Bottom) cover. 1.....2......3!!!!! Carnage got 3!! Carnage has beaten General Leo!!!

Carnage d. Leo
8:32 Pinfall

Stanyer: I am in shock, Carnage beat General Leo? Leo was one of the favourites to win the World Title tournament, and he has been knocked out in the first round.

Dawg: I don't think Leo can believe it himself, he looks in shock himself. This might not be good news for Blackbird either, Leo will turn up on Wednesday determined to prove that this was just a one off defeat.

Stanyer: I still can't believe it, but all credit to Carnage, he came out here and showed that he is a damn good singles wrestler as well as a great tag team wrestler. But you have to think that this only helps Gambino now, Leo was the main threat in his half of the tournament brackets, and now he is out you have to favour Gambino to make the final now.

Dawg: Absolutely, I am sure Gambino is now the happiest man in the locker room.

Stanyer: I just can't believe it.

{Commercial Break}

** Zombie nation by Kerncraft plays and The Real McCoy walks down the ramp with Power G. He see's a sign saying "gWo are great".**

McCoy: (to the fan) Yeah, that's right.

** He carries on walking down to the ring. He stands in the centre as the crwod boo's him. **

Stanyer: Looks like The Real McCoy has something to say, let's hear it then.

McCoy: Now listen to me, Power G is yet to be defeated. At the first Havoc be beat "the devil" DeMoN. Now if i recall correctly, "the devil" is in the world division. That doesn't say much for DeMoN. At the second Havoc, G beat Genecide. He went on about how he was going to kick G's ass and how he was bigger than the gWo. Since then, he hasn't said a word about it but that doesn't suprise me 'cos Genecide is all mouth but when it comes down to the nitty-gritty he just doesn't hack-it.

** Crowd start to chant "Genecide". **

McCoy: What fools you are. At the World Title Tournament G faces Theros. "The madman" he may be, and he must be mad to step in the ring with Power G, but come the match he will not be mad any longer. The beating he will take off Power G will knock some sense into him. Everyone knows who will win that World Title Tournament. I'll give you a clue as most of you don't look to bright..

** Crowd start to chant "asshole" **

McCoy: His name starts with P and ends in G.And he's the greatest wrestler to ever grace the PWF. So too start off Power G's road to gold, he challenges Crusader Chrome, tonight, for the Challenge Title. Do you accept Chrome or are you too scared of getting into the ring with the "Silence behind the Violence"?. And there is another announcement to make. The gWo is getting stronger and bigger every day. Some wrestlers have being saying that the gWo is more of a tag team than a stable. Well I'm going to prove all those losers wrong. There is a new member of the gWo and here he is....?

** The crowd all turn to the ramp but there is silence.**

McCoy: Hahahaha, you fools I knew you'd all fall for that. I guess I was right, most of you aren't too bright. But I didn't lie. There is a new member of the gWo and as we run this fed, the gWo will decide on when the unveiling of the new member takes place.

**The lights go out and a series of light blue lights flash throughout the arena. Rock Superstar by Cypress Hill blares over the pa followed by an explosion of fireworks similar to Y2J’s. Crusader's Ultra-tron has images of Harley Davidsons and biker babes transcending into one another. His entrance attire consists of a leather trench coat, dark sunglasses, and a du- rag rapped around his head. When he walks out into the entrance, he pauses and raises both fists in the air, proceeding to walk to the ring. Walking with a bmf walk, he climbs into the ring, while the lights are still out, and raises the lights with a fist in the air.**

Stanyer: It looks like we have ourselves a title match.

Crusader Chrome v Power G

Report: Power G and Crusader tie-up, G pushes Crusader back. Crusader looks surprised at Power G's strength and ties up with him again, this time Crusader pushes G down to the mat and smiles at him. He doesn't smile for long as G delivers a Low Blow as he gets up.

Stanyer: Oh come on, using cheap moves like that so early in the match.

Dawg: That's the way it is Jay, live with it.

As Crusader manages to get to his feet G delivers a Knife Edge chop, he delivers a second sending Crusader into the corner. G then starts to deliver repeated fast chops to the chest of Crusader.

Stanyer: How many times can Power G chop Crusader???

Eventually G stops and delivers one last big chop to Crusader sending him to the canvas. Crusader gets back up holding his chest and gets chopped again. Power G then delivers a Back Body Flip to Crusader and covers. 1....2...Crusader kicks out. Power G picks up Crusader and goes for a chop, but Crusader catches G's hand and then delivers a short-arm clothesline. G bounces back up but only to be sent straght back down again with another clothesline. G bounces back up again and Crusader tries a third clothesline, but G ducks it and goes behind Crusader.

Stanyer: G POWER, THE G POWER SLAM!!(Olympic Slam). Cover 1....2....3!!!! Power G got it! He beat Crusader with the G Power Slam, what a shock win for Power G.

Power G d. Crusader 4:11 Pinfall James: The winner and NEW PWF Challenge Match Champion, POWER G.**Crowd Boos**

Dawg: What do you mean? Shock win my ass, Power G is one of the best in the PWF.

Stanyer: That may be your opinion, but remember, Crusader Chrome has been around a long time, and he will be very dissappointed with this defeat. I am pretty sure he is going to want a rematch next week.

Dawg: And I am sure that Power G will kick Crusader's ass in that match as well.

Stanyer: Well that is only your opinion, but I am sure that it is not the opinion of all the PWF fans.

Dawg: Not my problem.

Stanyer: Well onto our next match, The Pellington brothers are still looking for their first win, take on the Waveriders, still looking for their first win.

Pellington Bros v Waveriders.

**The lights flash multi colours and “Creeping Death” by Metallica plays. Michael and David both come out to cheers from the crowd and both pose by raising their arms to the crowd. They then run to the ring and slide under the ropes. They climb opposite turnbuckles and raise their arms and the crowd cheer once again.**

James: Introducing, from Chicago, Illnois, at a combined weight of 457 lbs, Michael and David, the Pellington Brothers.

"Good Vibrations" plays as The Waveriders walk out with big smiles and dances in a comical style. They climbs up to the ring and leap frog over the ropes and then do an acrobatic tumbling set to the far corner.

James: Introducing, from Newport Beach, California, at a combined weight of 410lbs, Riptide and T-Bomb, the Waveriders.**Crowd Cheer**

Report: Michael and Riptide start out. Riptide runs in with a clothesline but Mike ducks and hits a flipping dropkick. Riptide flips back up but gets sent back down with a heel kick. He climbs over to his corner and tags in T-Bomb. T-Bomb walks straight into a superkick Mike jumps up top and catches T-Bomb with a Missile Dropkick. Mike sets T-Bomb up on the top turnbuckle and tags David. Mike then delivers a Super German Suplex, David then flies off the top rope with a stunning Pheonix Splash and pin. 1….2…..3!! With Mike blocking Riptide from making the save.

Stanyer: What a one sided match. The Pellington brothers dominated to pick up their first win here in the PWF.

Pellington Bros d. Waveriders
3:29 Pinfall

**The Waveriders are picking themselves up in the ring when the Ruff Ryders come charging down the ramp and attack the Waveriders. They both deliver numerous right hands then they deliver Stereo Chokeslams.**

Stanyer: The Ruff Ryders are taking apart the Waveriders. The Ruff Ryders have really taken a disliking to Riptide and T-Bomb

Dawg: What do they expect, the ring isn't for clowning around, it's for wrestling. The Ruff Ryders like to wrestle.

{Commercial Break}

Stanyer: Welcome back folks, it's time for our next Tournament match, Rye, still recovering from his attack last week takes on Devastator.

Rye v Devastator

**Break Stuff by Limp Bizkit hits, as the lights flash red and white, and Rye Hazwaki is shown doing a slow ‘Cyclone Kick.’ The Pyro’s blast as Rye stands on the top of the stage, he looks at the crowd then walks down and enters the ring.**

James: Introducing, from Tokyo, Japan, weighing 251lbs, Rye Hazwaki.

**Ruff Ryders both enter to the cheer of the crowd when their music hits. Devastator and Destroyer both clich they fists and hit them together and climb in the ring and wait in the corner**

James: Introducing at this time, one half of the Ruff Ryders, Devastator.

Report: Rye ties up with Devastator but gets pushed straight to the mat. Rye gets back up holding his head. Rye punches Devastator in the stomach as he gets up. Devastator doubles up. Rye goes for a DDT, but Devastator punches Rye in the kidneys. Rye releases his grip on Devastator. Devastator whips Rye to the ropes and lifts him up and delivers a beautiful Tilt a whirl Sidewalk slam. Rye gets back up slowly holding his back.

Stanyer: Rye is still hurting after the attack by the gWo last week, he still has a tinge of green in his hair.

Devastator punches Rye and sends him sprawling across the ring. Rye slowly gets back up but gets sent straight back down by Devastator. Devastator covers. 1….2…..Rye gets the left shoulder up. Rye staggers back to his feet. Devastator goes for a gut kick, but Rye catches it and hits a Dragon Screw. Rye and Devastator then both stay down. The referee begins a ten count.

Stanyer: Both men are down, Devastator is holding his knee, that Dragon Screw could have done a lot of damage.

The count is up to 7 when Rye manages to get to his knees. Devastator manages to get to his feet while Rye is still on his knees, Devastator goes for a big right hand but Rye manages to connect with a martial arts uppercut to the chin of Devastator which sends him crashing to the canvas. Rye then covers Devastator. 1....2...Devastator powers out. Devastator climbs to his feet and gets caught by Rye with a superb martial arts kick to the face, Devastator doesn't go down and Rye connects with a second. Devastator still won't go down and Rye connects with a third. This time Devastator goes down to his knees, Rye delivers a fourth kick to the face, but still Devastator won't go down. Rye then bounces off the ropes and connects with an awesome two footed dropkick to the face of Devastator which finally puts him down. Rye covers. 1....2.....3!!

Rye d. Devastator
10:05 Pinfall

Stanyer: Rye advances in the tournament, what an awesome move that is.

Dawg: He calls it the Feet of Fury.

Stanyer: I think Rye was sending a message to Matt Van Dam in that match, despite his injuries.

Dawg: Hey where is that??

**The Camera shows a dark room, there is a hum of a boiler in the background, a man is seen curled up in the corner, it is Carbon.**

Carbon: Theros, The time is ticking down to are first round match in the King of the Death match tournament. Theros, the voices have forseen your Body, punctured with millions of Thumb Tacks! leaving you in a pile of your own blood and rithing in the thee most extreme pain you have ever felt, leaving you scared for life,HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Theros, nothing will stand in my way of being the King of the Deathmatch, nothing........ you see, the voices have foreseen Carbon going through extreme amounts of pain in this tournament, and at the end holding the tile of "King of the Deathmatch" in his hand, but you see, Pain is like friend that keeps you company, and you see I love it.... So Theros, you lead your self into thinking you can pin Carbon but remember the proficy still remains, YOUR BODY SLAMMED OVER AND OVER AGAIN ONTO MY LITTLE FRIENDS, THE THUMBTACKS. Theros, it's time that you become part of the path of terror that the voices have been talking about, Theros, It's time you feel PAIN.. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

**The Camera returns to ringside.**

Stanyer: Man that guy is sick.

**The Arena becomes darkned, smoke starts to sprial around the entry way, as a dark blue symbol starts to burn its way through the Ultra-tron, then a blast of fire comes from the entry way as "batman beyond theme" plays, and a ,man in a dark gothic cloak appears at the top of the entry way, and proceeds to make his slow decent down to the ring** Stanyer: That's DaiKaTanA!!!! So that is Maxwell Powers mystery opponent!!

Dawg: Well I'll be damned, The Dark Warrior has returned.

Maxwell Powers v DaiKaTanA

**The South African Flag appears on the Ultra-Tron before Maxwell Powers music plays, Sir Matthew Powers walks out first, followed by Maxwell Powers. Both men taunt the crowd and get booed for it, they ignore the boos and walk off towards the ring, Maxwell climbs the turnbuckle and poses again, and again gets booed, both men ignore the crowd again.**

James: Introducing, from Johannesburg, South Africa, Maxwell Powers.

Report: Daikatana and Powers tieup, Power manages to force Daikatana into the corner and forces a break. They tie up again, both men again trying to gain the advantage, this time Daik manages to force Powers into the corner, The ref calls for a break, and gets it from Daik, but Powers gets in a cheap shot on Daik and then backs it up with a sucession of right hands, before he delivers a DDT. Powers then drops a knee before covering. 1...Daikatana kicks out.
Daikatana gets to his feet and blocks a right hand by Powers and counters with a roundhouse kick to the face of Powers which sends him into the ropes. Powers comes off and connects with a clothesline. He then locks in a Camel Clutch on Daikatana.

Stanyer: The camel clutch by Powers, but can he make Daikatana tap out?

Powers arches back on the Camel Clutch as Sir Matthew Powers applauds him on the outside. Eventually Powers lets Daikatana go and then picks him up. He then delivers a Belly to Belly Overhead Suplex and then covers Daikatana. 1......2......Daikatana just gets his left shoulder up. Daikatana slowly gets to his feet holding his back. Powers goes for a clothesline, but Daikatana ducks and then kicks Powers in the gut and hooks him up and delivers a Fisherman's DDT. Daikatana stays down and then rolls over to drape an arm over Powers. 1.....2....Powers kicks out. Both men make their way to their feet. Powers goes for a right hand, but Daikatana blocks it and then whips Powers to the ropes, Powers reverses but Daikatana comes off with a clothesline anyway, Daikatana then picks up Powers and signals to the crowd before delivering the Twist of Fate. Daikatana covers. 1.....2.........Powers gets his left shoulder up.

Stanyer: My god, how did Powers kick out? That is Daikatana's trademark finishing move.

Daikatana looks annoyed and starts to stalk the referee, behind him Powers gets to his feet and takes Daikatana by surprise with a German Suplex and a bridge. 1.....2.......3!!!

Stanyer: He got him! The man from South Africa has beaten the man from the Dark side, Daikatana.

Maxwell Powers d. DaiKaTanA
7:52 Pinfall

{Commercial Break}

Stanyer: Welcome back folks, we have had a few surprises in the tournament already, could there be more to follow?

** Snap your fingers, Snap your neck by Prong blasts through the PWF sound system, and the women in the crowd go wild as they get a peek at the most wanted man in sports entertainment MVD. The men then go equally wild at the presence of Jennifer Van Dam, in a new highly revealing gWo garment**

Stanyer:- Here are the glamour couple of the PWF the Van Dam's

Dawg:- What i wouldn't give for one night of conscenious sex with that young lady!

Stanyer:- What a creep, how does such an ass like MVD get a woman like that??

Dawg:- He's rich, he's a damn sight better looking that you, and he's probably the best damn wrestler in the world today.

** Stanyer sighs**

Stanyer:- lets go to the damn ring!

**MVD slips under the bottom rope, and picks JVD off the apron and over the top rope to join him in the ring. HE grabs a mic.......**

**There is a mixed reception in the crowd, the soap opera lovers of the world are booing MVD with extreme hostility, whilst the more die-hard fans and of course the ladies' response is one of great anticipation.

Stanyer:- as much as i condemn MVD's actions over the last couple of weeks, he seems to be winning the fans over, this is unprecedented in the PWF!

Dawg:- it's hardly any surprise, he's the king of cool, have you got your new MVD t-shirt yet?
**Dawg pulls off his jacket to reveal a t-shirt bearing MVD's logo of "everyone wants to be like MVD"**

Stanyer:- it would seem the merchandise stand has stooped to a whole new low nowadays......

**suddenly all you can hear is MVD shout.....**

MVD:- Stanyer, shut the @#%$ up when you know i'm about to talk!

**Stanyer gulps**

MVD:- Rye Hazwaki....... The first example of the lengths the gWo will go to reign supreme in the PWF. There is a career deciding title tournament coming up tonight, i seriously doubt that poor ol' Rye will be participating though.The destiny of his career was decided last week, when i slashed him to within an inch of his pathetic life with my Singapore Cane.

**JVD hands him the cane that was used on last week's havoc, it is split at both ends and is still stained with the blood of Rye Hawzwaki**

MVD:- This is all that is left of the legacy between me and Rye Hazwaki, and i'll discard this broken weapon, just like the morge will discard his broken body!

MVD is about to leave the ring when................

**The arena goes black with just a single red light shinning down on to the entrance way. "Break Stuff" by Limp Bizkit hits, as the crowd erupt in cheers... Out from the entrance way apears Rye Hazwaki. He has just his Martial Art trousers on, no top and the patch over his eye. He holds a mic in his hand..**

Dawg: Looks like Rye has come out here to speak a few words!

Stanyer: Yes he does... now lets hear what he has to say to MVD.

**Rye then raises the mic to his hand and begins to speak.**

Rye: MVD, you think your real clever now, after what you did last Havoc! Well i've come out here to tell you that... your not. You may have brought me down that night on Havoc... but think about the future, just think about what lies ahead for you and me, and i'll tell you now... it ain't to good. Me and you will go face to face one day! Which day? It's unknown, but you best start to prepare, because that day your career will end.

Rye: MVD you have got your self into a problem you now can't get out of. Attacking me, was the worst thing you ever did, but you just remember "Revenge.... Is Sweet"!!

Stanyer: Rye doesn't seem to happy with MVD.

Dawg: When these two meet, it will truly be Havoc!!!

**Rye then spikes the mic, and waits to see what MVD has to say.**

** MVD is now standing on the bottom rope whilst leaning over the top (Justin Credible style) and begins to talk!**

MVD: Rye Hazwaki, lets face it, the whole world knows you just wanna be MVD! But i gave you the biggest wake up call in wrestling history. Your not good looking enough, you've a personality no equal to a homosexual piano player and most inportantly, you can't wrestle. Your just yesterday's news ginger haired boy!

**Rye looks at MVD with a face of anger as the crowd boo profusely**

MVD: I'm today's news and i'm tomorrow's news and before long myself and the gWo will be main-eventing every PPV in the PWF. I'm sorry to tell you your revenge will be little more than the spilt blood of the innocent on the canvas of a ring in the fed that is owned by Matt Van Dam (MVD flexes his arms towards his head aka RVD style).

** MVD's music plays as he embraces JVD and Rye walks away keeping his eyes locked on MVD**

{Commercial Break}

Stanyer: Welcome back folks, time for Alexander and Travis Right.

Alexander v Travis Right

**Fire Erupts from the stage and continues to burn as "Call of the Ktulu" By Metallica hits Threw the fire walks Maximus and Kull. They look to the crowd and the crowd explodes. They March to the ring and Kull climbs the turnbuckle and raises his sword.**

James: Introducing, from parts unknown, one half of the Gods of War, weighing 283lbs, Alexander.

**As the Music hits and you hear "Get up Stand up, I got my head up" Travis comes walking out onto the ramp and arrogantly waves for the fans to boo all they want. Firecrackers pop off all around the Titantron as the Future makes his way to the ring. As he reaches the front of the ring, Travis slides under the bottom rope and slowly walks to the center of the ring. He crosses his arms and nods his head as the pyros explode behind him.**

James: Introducing from Miami, Florida, weighing 283lbs, "The Future" Travis Right.*Crowd Boos*

Report: Alexander and Travis circle each other, They both tie-up, Travis turns it into a Headlock, but Alexander turns it into a Back Drop. Travis bounces back up and goes for a right hand, but Alexander blocks it and sends Travis down to the mat with a big right hand of his own.

Stanyer: The vastly experienced Alexander is teaching The Future how to wrestler.

Travis gets back up and looks puzzled, he shakes his head and then gets up, he circles Alexander again, they tie-up, Travis locks in a headlock, Alexander pushes Travis off into the ropes, Travis comes off with a clothesline but Alexander ducks, Travis keeps going, he comes off the other side and Alexander tries a back body drop, but Travis catches him with a Knee Smash.Travis then walks off and poses to the crowd.

Stanyer: What a show-off.

Dawg: He isn't showing off, he is just that good.

Stanyer: Wait, Alexander has Travis, School Boy Pin, 1.....2......3!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dawg: What the hell!! No way, this isn't possible, it was a fast count.

Stanyer: No chance, Travis is out, what a shock, he spent too much time showing off and paid for it.

Alexander d. Travis
5:35 Pinfall

Dawg: This can't be, this isn't right.

Stanyer: Another shock in the PWF tournament, Travis was many people's Dark horse to win the World Title Tournament, but like General Leo, he falls at the first hurdle.

Dawg: It seems that the tag team wrestlers are showing up the singles wrestlers today.

Stanyer: It would seem that way, well I am told we are going to hear from The Real McCoy again.

** The camera pans in on The Real McCoy holding the Challenge title. He's polishing it up.**

McCoy: (to Power G) Do you smell that G?

** Power G nods.*

McCoy: You know what that is? I'll tell you. It's the sweet smell of victory. It's smells good doesn't it.

** McCoy turns to the camera. **

McCoy: Well, the gWo first title is in my hands. But don't you worry yourself,cos it won't be the last. It certainly won't be Power G's last as everyone knows that he will become the World Champion. So who's gonna be the first to challenge Power G for the challenge title. Not that it matters as Power G will keep hold of the title for as long as he wants.

** Camera fade to black. then comes back to ringside. **

Stanyer: They are so arrogant in the gWo.

Dawg: Don't forget to get your gWo t-shirt folks.

Stanyer: Do you plug all the gWo's merchandise?

Dawg: No, but I do reccomend the Silence behind the Violence t-shirt, it is almost as good as the one I am wearing.

Stanyer: (shakes his head) What can we do with you, Sabre v Andy Clegg.

The Sabre v Andy Clegg

"Sad But True" by Metallica hits, as the lights fade into a dim blue. Sabre struts out, raising his arms to the cheers of the crowd. He walks down the ramp at a normal pace, slapping hands with a few people near the guard rail. He climbs onto the apron, before jumping over the ropes and heading straight to a turnbuckle, to once again raise his hands to the crowd.

James: Introducing from Sydney, Australia, weighing 230lbs, The Sabre. **Crowd Cheers loudly**

**"Darling Violetta" plays as Andy Clegg walks out carrying his trusty baseball bat and stands and looks around as if expecting something to kick off. He runs to the ring and begins to stare at a few members of the crowd.**

James: Introducing, from Parts Unknown, weighing 234lbs, Andy Clegg.

Report: Sabre and Andy both tieup, Sabre goes into a headlock, he pushes Clegg to the ropes and pushes him off, Sabre then takes Clegg over with a beautiful Japanese Arm Drag. Clegg rolls throught the Arm Drag and stays on his feet. Clegg runs at Sabre but again gets taken over by an Arm Drag. Clegg charges in again, Sabre attempts an Arm Drag, but Clegg blocks it, he punches Sabre in the stomach and then puts his leg over Sabre's head, Sabre then backflips Clegg over but Clegg grabs Sabre and delivers a back drop.
Sabre is quickly back to his feet. Clegg whips Sabre to the ropes and takes him up for a sidewalks slam but he is countered with a flying headscissors by The Sabre. Clegg again rolls to his feet and takes Sabre down with a clothesline. Sabre gets back up and charges in but gets lifted up by Clegg and dropped face first onto the turnbuckle pad.

Dawg: Ouch, that looked very painful for The Sabre.

Andy Clegg then rolls out of the ring.

Stanyer: Where is Clegg going? He should be covering The Sabre.

Dawg: He is looking for something, wait he seems to have found it.

Stanyer: A BASEBALL BAT!! What the hell does he want to do with that? That has no place in this tournament.

Dawg: No disqualifications remember.

Stanyer: Don't remind me.

Clegg climbs in the ring, he strokes his Baseball Bat then drives it into The Sabre's gut. he then starts to do it over and over again.

Stanyer: Come on, get him off Sabre.

Dawg: It's all legal remember, the ref can't do a damn thing.

Clegg climbs off Sabre and poses to the crowd, who boo profusely. Sabre staggers to his feet and then gets smashed down with a running Ball Bat shot by Clegg. Clegg again turns to the crowd.

Stanyer: Just cover him and get it over with.

Clegg drops the bat for a second and waits for Sabre to get up, then scoops him up and delivers the Cranium Correction.

Dawg: This one is all over.

Stanyer: What? Clegg isn't covering him, he is going back for the bat.

Clegg picks up the bat and again goes back to beating Sabre with the bat.

Stanyer: Come on, this is enough now, stop it, just cover him, you have the match won Clegg.

Clegg stands Ball bat ready waiting for Sabre to get to his feet. He swing, but Sabre ducks.

Stanyer: SMALL PACKAGE, SMALL PACKAGE, 1....2......3!!!!! Sabre got him, how did he pull that one off!

Sabre d. Clegg
15:58 Pinfall

Stanyer: Andy Clegg has nobody but himself to blame for that one, he refused to cover Sabre when he had the match won.

Dawg: As much as I hate to, I have to agree with you, what was Clegg thinking of, this is a World Title Tournament.

Stanyer: Well I am told Johnny Cornell is about to speak to Blackbird.

*Johnny Cornell is seen backstage looking for Blackbird he walks down the hall and he hears a loud crash and insane laughter coming from a nearby locker room he walks in and Blackbird is on the floor laughing*

Johnny-What in God's name are you doing?

Blackbird-It's called preperation but obviously you weren't "prepared" were you, narc?


Blackbird-Answer me when I talk to you or get the hell outta my face!

*Johnny gives Blackbird the mic and walks away grumbling obsenities under his breath*

Blackbird-Leo, they must have been right when they said you were thick headed. Well the only thing I have to say in response to you is that thick head is gonna come in handy when I DDT you off the turnbuckle thru that flaming table. Now cameraboy, watch me "prepare" which I suggest Leo does to.

*Blackbird swipes food off a table and sets it up in the corner of his room. He backs up to the other side. Runs and dives thru the table.*

*camera fades*

{Commercial Break}

Main Event
Josh Resnick v Demon v Antonio Gambino

**Walk by Pantera hits the speakers throughout the arena. The Titantron comes on with solar flares of the sun showing. Then out of the back Josh Resnick makes his way out. Stops at the ramp. Listens to the crowd cheer his name. Then continues to the ring. Once on the apron, Resnick climbs up the turnbuckle. Looks out into the crowd before flipping over the ropes, landing on his feet in the middle of the ring.**

James: Introducing from Detroit, Michigan, weighing 230lbs, Josh Resnick. **Crowd Cheers**

**"Leave you far behind" by Lunatic Calm hits and the lights darken, pyros blast off at the ramp and a man in a dark cloak is standing in the entrance way, he is holding a long scythe, he raises his hands as if he is drawing on a dark power, then slams his hands down, the lights slam back on and the man throws down his cloak to reveal it is Demon, he walks down to the ring slowly and then climbs in over the top rope.

James: Introducing, from Death Valley, California, weighing 494lbs, "The Devil" Demon.

**The lights dim and violins begin playing an eerie tune, like from the Godfather movie. On the Ultra-tron, pictures, apparently flashbacks of life in the Mafia, are shown. Images of gunfights, driveby shootings, and car's exploding alternate with pictures of a funeral in progress. Just as they begin lowering the casket into the grave, the screen goes black and then begins flashing the name "Gambino" across the screen in silver lettering. Then, as an explosion of pyros occurs on the stage, "Keep Away" by Godsmack begins blaring through the arena and Gambino appears in the entrance. He stands in the entrance for a short moment before walking down the aisle towards the ring. Once he reaches the ring, he climbs in and heads to the closest corner of the ring and begins taunting the crowd. He then raises both hands in the air as if celebrating.**

James: Introducing, from Brooklyn, New York, weighing 245lbs, Antonio Gambino**Crowd Boos loudly**

Report: Demon and Resnick both look at each other and Josh nods his head, they then charge at Gambino and begin to lay into him with right hands. Demon then tosses Gambino out of the ring. Josh then clocks Demon with a forearm from behind, but it barely fazes the big man.

Dawg: I think Demon is still smarting from that shock defeat last week.

Demon lays into Josh with an awesome right hand, he then picks up Josh in a military press and tosses him over the top rope.

Stanyer: My god, he just threw him out of the ring like a rag doll. Does this man's power have no end?

Gambino has made his way back into the ring and kicks Demon in the back of the knee, Demon's knee bends, but Demon keeps his balance, Gambino tries again, and puts Demon on one knee, but Demon gets back up and connects with a big right hand to Gambino, Gambino staggers back and comes off the ropes and comes back with a dropkick to the knee, which sends Demon crashing to the mat holding his knee. Gambino immediately locks on the Mafia Stretch(Gangsta Stretch). Resnick gets back in the ring and sees Gambino with Demon in the Mafia Stretch and then starts to stomp on the back of Demon.

Dawg: It looks like Josh wants Demon out of the way so he can take on Gambino 1 on 1.

Gambino eventually lets Demon go and turns to Resnick, they stare each other down and then they start to exchange right hands, Gambino wins the exchange and Resnick is reeling backwards from the right hands, then Resnick blocks on of Gambino's rights and tries to turn it into The Equinox(Crippler Crossface), but Gambino blocks it with a couple of elbows to the face and then delivers a suplex to Resnick.

Stanyer: That was close for Gambino, Resnick nearly had him.

Gambino gets back up from the suplex, and takes a step back, appearing to prepare for an elbow, but he steps backwards into the monster that is Demon, who has recovered. Gambino turns around and gets picked up by the throat and Demon delivers a Double Chokelift Slam. Resnick has gotten to his feet and starts to lay forearms into Demon, he then tries to lift Demon from behind in a back drop, but Demon elbows him off. Demon then whips Resnick into the ropes and delivers a Spinebuster and then covers. 1....2.....Gambino makes the save with a boot to the face of Demon.
Demon rises to his feet, Gambino connects with a couple of right hands, but they seem to have no effect, Demon swings with a big right, but Gambino has already ducked and connects with a dropkick to Demon's knee. Taking the big man down. Gambino then starts to stomp away at the knee of Demon. Resnick has made his way to his feet and sees what Gambino is doing and climbs the turnbuckle, he waits there until Demon has made his way back to his feet and then connects with a Double Axe handle taking Demon down again. Resnick covers, but Gambino kicks him off straight away. Gambino picks up Resnick and whips him to the ropes, Gambino bounces off the other side and takes Resnick down with a clothesline. Resnick is quick to his feet and goes back to Gambino with a right hand, but Gambino blocks it and connects with a right of his own, Gambino then goes for the Gambino Facebuster, but Resnick elbows him off and then tries for The Equinox again, but Gambino blocks him from taking him down and elbows him off then Gambino delivers a Full Nelson Gambino Facebuster.

Stanyer: Gambino has this match won, he turns to taunt the crowd, OH MY, Demon is back, he scoops up Gambino, The Midnight Driver, this one is over now. 1....2.....3. Demon has done it, he gets the three count.

Demon d. Gambino & Resnick
10:11 Pinfall (time not doubled, the length was long enough).

Dawg: A very topsy-turvy match to end the show, hey what happened?

**The lights go out in the arena**

Stanyer: Hey, this happened last week, could we find out who it is?

**A mist forms at the top of the rampway, a man is seen in the mist, the mist then fades away and the man is gone.**

Stanyer: Who is that man? What does he want??

**The lights then flash back on and a familiar face is standing in the ring.**

Stanyer: OH MY GOD, IT CANNOT BE!!! IT'S DIABLO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The most hated man in wrestling is back, how can this be????

Dawg: Oh my god, even I didn't expect this.

**Diablo delivers the Diablo Neckbreaker(3/4 Turn Neckbreaker) to Demon, then to Resnick as he gets back up, he then stands over Gambino and waits for him to get up.**

Dawg: Is Diablo back for Gambino, why is he back???

**Gambino staggers to his feet and turns around, he is then taken aback with shock, he looks stunned when he sees the face of Diablo, but Diablo quickly delivers the Diablo Neckbreaker. He then stands over Gambino and a smile comes across his face.**

Stanyer: We are out of time folks, see you on Wednesday.

***© 2001 PWF Entertainment***