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PPV Results

House of Pain
War Games
Last Man Standing
Rumble in the Bronx


King of the Death Match
Battle of Britain
Darkest Hour
House of Pain
War Games
Independence Day
Last Man Standing
Rumble in the Bronx
The End of the World
Hardkore Hell
A Dark Day in Hell

live from the Arrowhead Pond
Anaheim, California
29th July 2001

The screen fades in to show a picture of 8 men standing, but the screen is too dark to see who the men are. Then "Full Nelson" by Limp Bizkit hits as the screen flickers to show scenes of Eraser and Gambino's verbal duels. Then as the music slows down it shows scenes of the gWo beating on The OutKasts. Followed by scenes of the Gods of Gore holding the Gods of War's wives hostage. Then as the chorus kicks in We see Kevin Cage taking out the gWo and then scenes from last night as Gambino and Eraser fight. We also see glancing scenes of the Extreme Title match between Bloodbath, DeMoN and Blackbird. The screen flashes back to the dark picture again as the music slows down, now only 4 men are left in the picture.

Voiceover: "Who will is be?"

Scenes continue to show the feuds between Eraser and Gambino, then it cuts to the scene where Cage defeats Homicide for the European Title, followed by the moment where Travis defeats Rye Hazwaki for the US title. Then scenes from the stable match are shown and we see Crusader scoring the clean pinfall victory over Power G. Then we see the scene where Kidd surprises Gambino and attacks him. Then we see scenes of the mysterious man attacking Blackbird on Havoc. Then the scene cuts to the picture again. This time it shows only two men.

Voiceover: "Who will be left?"

The screen then goes back to show more flashbacks of the gWo v The OutKasts feud, the scenes flashing by even faster than before and then finally it flickers to a 3D screen, where the camera circles around one man.

Voiceover: "Who will be the Last ................ Man ...................................... Standing"

The video fades out.

The scene fades into Rye Hazwaki walking up and down the PPV Arena corridor with his head down looking at the carpeted floor. He then raises his head and looks up to the camera.

Rye: "So this is it... The time has come, Rye takes on 3 other competitors in a 4 way brawl, I have no idea if I will come out victorious but no matter the outcome I am still a winner, I have made my goals here in Ice Age and have nothing to be ashamed of but it would be nice if I could win back the so called United States Title from that dirty little beast Travis Right! He doesn't deserve that title neither does MVD, HavoK may have a chance but he isn't as high in the ranks as me, I am more deserving the score is 3-3 between me and Travis... And i'm gonna make it 4-3 to me!"

Rye starts to walk down the corridor, he then suddnly stops and faces the camera again.

Rye: "I've faced MVD many times and we have both came out on top but this is the final straw, tonight is the night where the Martial Arts master gets his revenge.... Nothing and no-one can get in my way!"

Pyro's blast off as "Full Nelson" plays throughout the arena. Explosions go off for a few more seconds as the camera pans across the Arrowhead Pond, here in Anaheim California. The camera then cuts to the Announcers Table.

Stanyer: Welcome everybody to Last Man Standing, live on PPV from the Arrowhead Pond here in Anaheim, California. I'm Jason Stanyer alongside the "Big Dawg" Dave Harley. And tonight we bring to you one of the biggest, and best cards in PWF history.

Dawg: Indeed, My man, Matt Van Dam competes in a Fatal Four Way with OutKasts, Havok and Rye Hazwaki and MVD's gWo teammat, the US Champion, Travis Right.

Stanyer: Also we have a Scaffold Match between the Gods of Gore and the Gods of War for the PWF Tag Team Titles.

Dawg: Also Kevin Cage takes on Homicide in a Boston Massacre Match.

Stanyer: Blackbird also takes on Bloodbath for the Extreme Title in an Octagon Match.

Dawg: Let's not forget the last 8 of the Last Man Standing Tournament, to a finish.

Stanyer: The commissioner Antonio Gambino is set to put his challenge title on the line in a Falls Count Anywhere TLC match against Eraser.

Dawg: And then the coup de grace, Power G will reclaim the World Title from that no good oaf, Crusader Chrome.

The camera pans over the fans in attendance, viewing some of the many signs in support of Crusader "The One", "Lets See a Concussion", "I'm Chromed Out". Suddenly Rock superstar by Cypress Hill blares over the PA as the PWF's World Heavyweight Champion strolls down to ringside. The fans are chanting:Crusader...Crusader...Crusader... Chrome is sporting an Outkasts T-shirt, black leather pants and wrestling boots. His attire is topped of by the shiny world title wrapped around his waist. He grabs a mic and steps into the ring.

Stanyer: Well what better way to kick off the show than hear from the World Champion, Crusader Chrome.

Dawg: No, there are definitely much better ways of kicking off a PPV.

Crusader pauses for the wild cheering of the fans

Crusader: (in a serious tone) "This is a historical moment for me. Since May 30th 2001, I have proudly worn this PWF title around my waist and over my shoulder. And occasionally, I have entertained all of my fans around the world in successful title defenses. But tonight is a much bigger headline. The New York Times will say boldly: Crusader Remains Champion. The Charlotte Observer will read: Chrome Retains! Millions and billions of fans will realize that I mean what I say. Youre wondering, Crusader what were you trying to tell everyone? It's simple. I worked damn hard to get this title, worked damn hard to defend this title, and I will continue to work damn hard tonight by keeping this title. I am no pushover. Sure I may have blown a couple of tag team matches here and there, but i am still no pushover. (suddenly lightening up) As a matter of fact I'm the PWF Champion, I've alreay proven myself!"

Crowd cheers loudly

Crusader: "So all you Crusaders out all the the enitire PWF roster...and especially to the big goon himself Power G...I can promise everyone a match that they will enjoy and remember, I'll also promise that I'll remain champion. But Sour G there's just one more big thing someone told me to tell you... and that is your ass--!!!

Crowd: "Will Be Whooped!"

Rock superstar blares once again as Crusader heads to the backstage area. Before he exits, he pauses at the top of the ramp holding the title in the air.

Stanyer: Crusader is fired up tonight, it's going to be a fantastic match between him and Power G.

Dawg: We will see how fired up he is later.

Stanyer: Well before we go to our opening match, let's go backstage and hear the words on one of the participants in the Last Man Standing Tournament, General Leo is with Ted Tedison.

The camera cuts to the back, where Ted Tedison is with General Leo. Leo is wearing his army fatigues and a white tanktop.

Tedison:- General Leo, tonight, you face Theros in the first round. What are your thoughts?

General Leo:- Well Ted, Theros is one crazy competitor. You see, I know he doesn't have control of his left hand. I will use that to my advantage. Theros, you better watch out, because you are about to get Shocked.

Tedison:- How far do you think you will make it tonight?

General Leo:- I'm hoping to go all the way, but I haven't had much success in tournaments lately. I'm just hoping for a good showing.

General Leo salutes the camera and then walks out.

The scene cuts to another room where we see Rampage sitting wrapping his hands in his trademark black handwraps. Sweet drips down his face and his chest lifts with heavy breaths. Without looking up he begins speaking into the camera.

Rampage: Dirk, you felt my power already but still felt the need to try to hunt me down on Havok...Well tonight I have nowhere to go. Its you and me one on one. I'm not going down Dirk...Your going to feel the Gore one more time and I'm moving on to be the Last Man Standing. It doesn't matter if its you or any of the other qualifiers stepping in the ring with me...the outcome will always be the same. One broken back and one victor. We'll see who the best in the PWF is.

Rampage looks up into the camera with an intense stare and grins. The camera man backs off expecting the huge man to attack yet another staff member but he simply gets up and leaves the room slamming the door behind him.

The camera cuts to Dirk Danger who is sitting in his locker room preparing himself mentally for his match with Rampage. Earlier in the show, he heard Rampage's comments on the match. He turns to the camera and pauses for a moment.

Dirk: So Rampage thinks he's gonna just breeze right through the the tournament...well he's definitely wrong about that. After those attacks on me, it's made me think a little differently.

Dirk pauses for a moment as he brushes his hand over his head. He then looks at the floor and continues speaking

Dirk: You see Rampage, I am usually a calm man, who thinks matters over before he takes action.

Dirk looks straight into the camera

Dirk: But after you decided you needed to fight like a coward by attacking me after a match...I have been on such a tear, that I don't even think about what I am doing...So Rampage something will be broken...and that will be your neck snapping after I break it with the Danger Driver.

Dirk pushes the camera and it falls out of the cameraman's hands and smashes on the floor as the screen blacks out

Stanyer: Well Rampage and Dirk Danger are really fired up, that is going to be a close contest between those two.

Dawg: Both are relatively new to the PWF fans, but Dirk has been around the block a few times, he knows what he is doing. Rampage is the newcomer, I think Dirk will probably sneak the win, he has the experience to edge this one.

Stanyer: Well we begin with the Quarter Finals of the Last Man Standing Tournament, and first up is General Leo versus Theros Macalvia.

Last Man Standing Tournament Quarter Final
General Leo v Theros Macalvia

The lights go blue, as "The Imperial March" starts over the speakers. General Leo walks out from the back to an expensive looking fireworks show. The fans cheer as he walks to the ring with his sword in hand. He steps in and the lights go up.

James: The following match is a quarter final contest in the Last Man Standing Tournament, Introducing the competitors, first, from Washington D.C., weighing 235lbs, General Leo. Crowd cheers wildly

Suddenly wild laughter echoes through the arena, the lights flashing purple and red. Theros appears on stage, his hands on his hips as he laughs. After several moments the laughs die off, and Ozzy's 'Crazy Train' hits. Theros stalks down towards the ring, a confident smirk on his face as the music continues to boom. Theros rolls into the ring and starts laughing again. The music then shatters into another chorus of wild laughter.

James: And his opponent, from Syracuse, New York, weighing 282lbs. "The Madman" Theros Macalvia

Report: Theros looks a little dazed but he still ties up with Leo. Leo takes Theros into a hammerlock, Theros reverses and then clubs Leo across the back of the head with a stiff forearm. Leo staggers forwards stunned by the blow. Theros runs across and and clotheslines Leo down with a hard clothesline to the back of the head. Leo rolls out of the way and sits up holding his head before he gets to his feet. Leo goes for a grapple, but Theros ducks it and hits a series of forearms as Leo turns to face him. Theros pushes Leo into the ropes and sends him off, Leo reverses it however and sends Theros into the ropes. Leo grabs Theros around the waist and tries a Belly to Belly overhead, but Theros counters with a big left elbow to the back of Leo's head. Theros then hooks the head of Leo and delivers a DDT.

Stanyer: Theros looking a little more sane tonight.

Dawg: And how long do you think that will last?

Theros bounces off the ropes and jumps high in the air before delivering an elbow to the sternum of Leo. Leo starts to get up and Theros helps him up and then whips him hard into the turnbuckle. Leo hits it chest first and then Theros backs it up with Negative Space(Spear to the back). Theros then paces around for a few seconds, not going for the pin. His left arm suddenly hits his face, and then Theros heads towards the turnbuckle and starts to climb.

Stanyer: This is where Theros has his problems, when he starts to do insane things like this.

Dawg: Don't say I didn't tell you so.

Theros climbs to the top and waits as Leo starts to get to his feet testing his back out as he gets up. Leo turns around and Theros flies off with Insanities Decent(Flying Roundhouse Kick) but Leo sidesteps it and Theros crashes down to the mat. Leo climbs on top of Theros and hammers him with right hands and then picks him to his feet. Leo grabs Theros and hooks him up for a Snap Suplex. Leo delivers it and hangs on. Leo delivers a second Snap Suplex. Leo holds on and salutes before delivering a final snap suplex and releasing the hold. Leo immediately goes for the pin. 1...............................2......................Theros kicks out. Leo picks up Theros and is surprised when Theros's left arm starts to hammer him in the gut. But Leo manages to get in an elbow to the back of the head which leaves Theros bent over. Leo backs off and then charges in with a running knee hit. Leo drives an elbow into the heart of Theros before making a lateral press. 1..............................2..............................Theros kicks out again.

Stanyer: No matter what happens, Theros always seems to have that survival instinct.

Dawg: He needs it, and that's just for what he does to himself, never mind his opponents.

Leo picks up Theros and hooks him in a waistlock and delivers a German Suplex with a bridge. 1..................................2..............................Theros kicks out. Leo starts to look frustrated. He picks up Theros, but Theros pushes his arms away and suddenly Theros's left arm starts to hammer Leo with lightning fast right hands. Theros rears back and knocks Leo down with a big left haymaker. Leo starts to get up holding his face as Theros uses his right hand to "point" his rebel left hand at his opponent. Leo stands up a little dazed as well as surprised. Suddenly Theros's left arm lurches out and hammers Leo with forearms and then hits a big forearm to send Leo staggering into the turnbuckle. Theros charges in and hits a left arm clothesline which puts Leo down in a sitting position. Theros then backs off and charges in and flys at Leo and connects with a Flying Left hand Forearm to the face of Leo. Theros then covers. 1.............................2.................................Leo gets his left shoulder up. Theros stands up and his left arm hits him in the face and then seems to direct Theros towards the turnbuckle.

Stanyer: It seems Theros has managed to gain some control of his left arm.

Dawg: Nah, he has just managed to convince it to work for him, although it still has rebel tendencies.

Theros climbs to the top rope and then holds both arms out and flies off with the HeadPlant which connects directly to the head of Leo. Both men lie flat out on the mat.

Stanyer: Is he crazy? He could have fractured both their skulls!!

Dawg: Errr... yes Jay, he is crazy, you hadn't noticed?

Stanyer: Alright, don't get smart with me.

The two men start to stir at about the same time. They start to make their way to their feet. Neither man can stand up straight. Theros swings with a big right, Leo ducks it and hooks in a Full Nelson. Theros tries to locks his hands together to power out, but Theros's left arm refuses and starts to hammer Theros in the face. Leo changes the full nelson and locks in the Katah Jimei before delivering The Shock (Reverse Tazzplex). Leo then hooks the leg. 1................................2..............................3!!!!

General Leo d. Theros Macalvia
12:36 Pinfall

Dawg: I don't think Theros's hand was meant to do that.

Stanyer: Well an excellent match to open the show with, Leo just edges the match, after Theros's rebel left hand is shown to be not as easy to control as Theros thought.

Dawg: One day he will work out how to control his own body.

Stanyer: If he does, god help everyone, because he is already a dangerous man.

Dawg: I agree, if he can control himself, Theros can destroy anyone.

Stanyer: Well we move onto our second match tonight, where Dirk Danger is set to take on Rampage, you saw earlier these two men thought's on each other, well now lets see who is the better man.

Last Man Standing Tournament Quarter Final
Dirk Danger v Rampage

The arena lights dim (not turn off) and turn red. Welcome to the Jungle plays and two large explosions go off on either side of the stage. Rampage walks out and makes a v-line straight to the ring hardly looking at the fans. Sometimes he runs straight out as soon as the lights dim and attacks.

James: The following match is a quarter final contest in the Last Man Standing Tournament, Introducing the competitors, first from Hamilton, Onatario, weighing 253lbs, Rampage.

Danger by Mystikal hits, and green and white lights flash on and off. A danger symbol and clips of the Danger Driver are shown flashing on and off. Dirk steps out onto the ramp, he looks around at the crowd who cheers loudly. He then comes out to the end of the stage and flexes to the crowd. He continues down the ramp and steps up onto the ring apron, where he steps through the ropes and walks over and stands on the middle of the ropes and raises his arms in the air.

James: And his opponent, from Chicago, Illnois, weighing 260lbs, "Double D" Dirk Danger.

Report: The bell rings three times and the match is underway. Dirk Danger circles around the ring with Rampage. Each supuerstar looking for a weakness in the others. The two lock up, Dirk shoves away Rampages hands and catches him with a knee to the stomach. Dirk fires away with quick rights followed by a hard left. Rampage goes reeling into the ropes, Dirk slaps his opponent across the chest. The loud slap sound is met with a large 'Oooh!' reaction from the crowd. Dirk slaps him across the chest again, receiving the same reaction from the fans. Dirk whips Rampage to the opposite ropes, Rampage bounces off the ropes and speeds towards Dirk. He sends Dirk over the top rope with a clothesline. Dirk lands outside on the hard concrete floor, rampage exits the ring to go to work. Rampage grabs Danger's head, he drags him to the guard rails. Rampage slams Dirk's head onto the barricade wall. Upon impact Danger falls back a few feet, Rampage whips him into the wall, the impact ! of Danger's body sends the rail back a few feet. Rampage slides back into the ring, letting Dirk Danger recover on the outside. After a good few seconds, Danger makes his way back into the ring, but not before putting a garbage bag under the bottom rope.

Dawg: Whats in the bag?

Rampage charges at Danger, hittimg in the pit of the stomach with a kitchen sink. Rampage walks over to his fallen opponent and brings him back to his feet. Rampage whips Dirk Danger to the ropes, the ref gets into the way and collides with Danger. With the ref on the ground Danger grabs the bag, in the opposite corner Rampage is ducked, readying Danger for the Gore. Rampage sees Danger hint turning around, with all his speed Rampage charges at Danger. At the last possible second Danger raises the bag, Rampage hits his head dead on with the black bag, he goes crashing to the mat. Out of the corner of the bag is Dirk Danger's trademark Sledge Hammer.

Stanyer: What? That's a sledge hammer!

Dirk rolls over and drapes an arm on top of Rampage, the ref sits up to make the count, 1..........2...........3!

Dirk Danger d Rampage
9:28 Pinfall

Stanyer: Dirk Danger pulls out the victory with the help of his trusty sledgehammer.

Dawg: I told you he would pull it out, he had it all planned.

Stanyer: Well he will now go on to take on General Leo in the Semi Finals. Wait, I am told someone is arriving.

Camera cuts to backstage where LoD are seen arriving at the Arrowhead Pond. Carnage spots the cameraman motion for him to come over. After a moment of hesitation the cameraman obeys.

Carnage:- Ruff Ryders...tonight for the embarrassment you caused us you will suffer. You will suffer dearly. Tonight we will vanquish you from the PWF! Before you get in that ring tonight take time to look inside yourselves....are you sure about this? Are you sure you want your careers to end already? Your attempt to stop the LoD is going to be a futile one. You will fail & fail miserably. Tonight you will realize your end.

Bloodstorm:- Prepare for your ultimate destruction!

Carnage & Bloodstorm both shove the camerman aside and walk away.

Cameras Cut to the back where The Ruff Ryders are sitting in their locker room with a camera

Devastator:- LOD, You think you are going to give us our ultimate destruction here tonight?I don't don't so because tonight is going to be a very special night! A very special night indeed. You see we are going to drop a bomb like no other! Tonight you will see! Be prepared for your ultimate destruction!

Dominator:- See ya in the ring!

Camera cuts back to the arena

Stanyer: Well those two teams will get it on in a Hardcore Tag Team Match later on tonight, the Ruff Ryders will be out for revenge for what the Lords of Destruction did to their brother, Destroyer, three months ago.

Dawg: I just can't see it happening, Diablo may not be around, but the LoD will still kick the asses off The Ruff Ryders.

Stanyer: Well we will found out in a short while, but first we have DeMoN taking on Scotty Sharp in a Last Man Standing Quarter final.

Last Man Standing Tournament Quarter Final
DeMoN v Scotty Sharp

"Leave you far behind" by Lunatic Calm hits and the lights darken, pyros blast off at the ramp and a man in a dark cloak is standing in the entrance way, he is holding a long scythe, he raises his hands as if he is drawing on a dark power, then slams his hands down, the lights slam back on and the man throws down his cloak to reveal it is Demon, he walks down to the ring slowly and then climbs in over the top rope.

James: The following match is a Last Man Standing Quarter Final Match, Introducing, from Death Valley, California, weighing 494lbs, "The Devil" Demon.

Chris and Scott both come down to the ring together. When they get in the ring they each stand on opposite turnbuckles and pose for the crowd (sorta like the Hardyz). Then, they patiently await their opponents.

James: and his opponent from Pittsburgh Pensylvanlia, accompanied by his tag team partner Chris Sharp, "Slashin'" Scotty Sharp.

Report: DeMoN and Scotty Sharp circle, Scotty looks imtimidated by the big man, he doesn't quite know what to do. DeMoN starts to stalk Scotty and Scotty begins to back off. DeMoN backs Scotty into a corner, and Scotty looks around for a way out, Scotty then sees a way out and runs and slides between the legs of DeMoN. DeMoN turns around and turns into a dropkick from the light-heavyweight. DeMoN is sent staggering backwards into the turnbuckle. Scotty immediately starts to hammer DeMoN with forearms, but he can't get much weight behind them and DeMoN grabs him by the throat with two hands and throws Scotty into the turnbuckle. DeMoN then nails a couple of massive right hands which stun Scotty. DeMoN then hits a major right hand which sends Scotty reeling into the air in the turnbuckle. Scotty eventually comes back down. DeMoN whips Scotty to the opposite turnbuckle. DeMoN follows in but Scotty manages to sling himself over DeMoN. DeMoN turns around and Scotty jumps up and looks for a hurricanranna. DeMoN holds his footing and Scotty can't roll him over. DeMoN powers Scotty up and looks for the Powerbomb, but Scotty connects with a few right hands to the face of DeMoN and then manages to whip DeMoN over with the hurricanranna. DeMoN rolls through to his feet although a little stunned.

Dawg: I'm amazed he managed to get a Hurricanranna on the near 500lber.

Stanyer: Scotty will need to pull out all the stops in this match if he is to face Pitbull in the next round.

DeMoN waits on one knee holding his head, Scotty comes off the ropes and dropkicks DeMoN in the shoulder and DeMoN staggers through the ropes and to the floor. Scotty climbs the turnbuckle as DeMoN gets to his feet. Scotty flies off with a Flying Body Press but DeMoN manages to catch him in mid-air and then lifts him up and then delivers a devastating release Front Powerslam on the protective mats. DeMoN then picks up Scotty by his tights with one hand and military presses him before tossing him over the top rope.

Stanyer: DeMoN has so much power it is scary.

DeMoN climbs back into the ring, he stalks around Scotty. DeMoN grabs Scotty by the throat and lifts him up off the mat. DeMoN holds him by the throat and signals for the Chokeslam. But Scotty counters by kicking DeMoN low and then delivering a DDT.

Dawg: Disqualification!!!

Stanyer: I guess the referee must have missed it, either that or in this tournament enviroment, he is relaxing the rules a little.

Scotty and DeMoN get to their feet at the same time, Scotty blocks a right hand by DeMoN and manages to hit three rights in a row jumping to get his full weight behind the blows. Scotty tries to whip DeMoN to the ropes, but DeMoN reverses. Scotty grabs the turnbuckle and springs up to the top and then spins around as he flies off to take DeMoN down with a Flying Body Press into a pin. 1............................2.........DeMoN throws Scotty off him. Scotty rolls to his feet and stands in the corner waiting for DeMoN to get up. Scotty then connects with a Superkick. Scotty then springs up to the top rope and poses before flying off with the Swanton Bomb, but DeMoN rolls out of the way and Scotty hits nothing but canvas. Still he gets to his feet, but he is scooped up by DeMoN who delivers the Midnight Driver and then places both arms across the chest for the pin. 1................................2.................................3!!

DeMoN d. Scotty Sharp
7:43 Pinfall

Stanyer: DeMoN suffers a small scare before claiming a victory to go into the next round to face the winner of our next match.

Dawg: DeMoN is definitely my pick for the tournament, he is just too big and too powerful for the rest of them.

Stanyer: I can't argue that point, but before our next match, some words from Silas Parish.

Ted Tedison is in the backstage area with microphone in hand. Standing beside him, in front of the giant PWF logo, is Silas "The Pitbull" Parish.

Tedison: - "Silas, can get your comments on the upcoming Last Man Standing Tournament?"

Pitbull: - "Sure Teddy. You know, there has been some talk amoung some of the boys back here, saying that I had it easy in qualifying for the tournament. I mean, while most people faced off against established solo wrestlers, I was scheduled to face a newcomer, and one half of a tag team to boot. I just wanna go on record as saying that sure, Crossbone may not have been the same caliber of wrestler as some of the others had to face, but thats not my fault. But mark my words, when I step into the ring with DaiKaTanA at the pay per view, they'll all find out that I would have advanced no matter who I faced. I'm in it until the bitter end."

Tedison: - "Thank you Silas, for speaking with us."

Silas simply nods and walks away as Ted Tedison does his thing. The camera fades to the ring.

Last Man Standing Tournament Quarter Final
DaiKaTanA v Silas "Pitbull" Parish

The Arena becomes darkned, smoke starts to sprial around the entry way, as a dark blue symbol starts to burn its way through the ultra-tron, then a blast of fire comes from the entry way as "batman beyond theme" plays, and DaiKaTanA in a dark gothic cloak appears at the top of the entry way, and proceeds to make his slow decent down to the ring

James: The following match is a Quarter Final in the Last Man Standing tournament, Introducing first, from Parts unknown, weighing 307lbs, "The Dark Warrior" DaiKaTanA

"Come out and Play" by The Offspring begins to play increasingly loud through the arena speakers, heralding the arrival of "Pitbull" Silas Parish. Several scenes of a pitbull on a chain, barking and straining to get loose, play on the TitanTron as the words SILAS PARISH slowly appear at the bottom of the screen and PITBULL appears at the top. Suddenly, a series of pyrotechnic explosions erupt down the right side of the ramp and back up the left side as Silas steps through the backstage curtain and into view. He pauses at the top of the ramp, his eyes locked on his opponent in the ring. He cracks his knuckles and makes sure the tape around his hands is tight, his gaze still locked on the ring. Then he begins to stalk forward. About halfway down the ramp he breaks into a run and slides into the ring under the bottom rope, quickly getting to his feet well before the bell rings.

James: And his opponent, from Vancouver, Canada, Silas,"The Pitbull" Parish.*Crowd Cheers*

Report: DaiKaTanA rushes at Pitbull who puts his head down for a back body drop. DaiKaTanA stops and slams his foot hard into the sternum of Pitbull. Pitbull clutches his chest and Daik goes to work. He hammers him hard in the face with a right, then a huge left to the jaw. With a final right hand right between the eyes Pitbull hits the mat. DaiKaTanAshows off to the fans, then drops a hard elbow across the throat of Pitbull, he covers for a pin, 1...............................2..................................... Pitbull kicks out. A sadistic smile comes across the face of DaiKaTanA. Daik lifts up Pitbull and is met with resitance. Pitbull punches Daik in the gut several times, but a swift shot to the face from Daik shuts him up. Daik lifts his opponent over his shoulder, and slowly but powerfully walks over to the turnbuckle. He throws Pitbull face first into the steel pole, Pitbull bounces off and back onto the mat. Daik goes for a jumping elbow drop but Pitbull rolls out of the way in time. Pitbull rolls over and gets! on to his feet, he kicks DaiKaTanAin the head but Daik counters with a low blow. DaiKaTanAbacks up Pitbull into the conrner, he hammers away at Pitbull in the lower body region. After a good pounding Daik lifts Pitbull onto the top turnbuckle. DaiKaTanA gives an 'off with the head' salute, and tucks his head under the arm of Pitbull.

Stanyer: Oh no, what is DaiKaTanA going to do to Pitbull??

Pitbull, out of self preservation hits Daik in the face with an elbow, he leaps off with DaiKaTanA, flips and nails the K9'er! He covers DaiKaTanA, 1...................................2....................................3! Pitbull gets the win with his first bit of offense.

Stanyer: What the hell!!! Pitbull won the match with just that one move!!!

Pitbull d. DaiKaTanA
6:19 Pinfall

Dawg: What happened to DaiKaTanA, I know the K'9er is an effective move, but it was the only one he hit.

Stanyer: I have no idea, there is obviously something we are missing.

Dawg: Definitely.

Stanyer: What? Here we go.

Dawg: What's going on?

Stanyer: We are about to go backstage to, you guessed it, Big Poppa and Sabre. This should be interesting.

The camera finds everyone’s favorite jackoffs, Sabre and Big Poppa, lounging around Sabre’s locker room. They’re purty much ready to wrassle with the Russians, but something seems to be bothering Sabre.

Sabre: “Ya know Poppa, I’ve been thinking.”

Poppa: “What about?”

Sabre: “You see, those damn Russians have a slight advantage over us…”

Poppa: “How so?”

Sabre: “They have a team name. They’re the facking Russians.”

Poppa: “Really?”

Sabre: “Yes, really. That gives them a slight advantage. You see, they have one single name sorta or whatever, and we don’t. People aren’t going to like us because of that.”

Poppa: “What about?”

Sabre: “Because we don’t have a single name for the both of us or whatever.”

Poppa: “How so?”

Sabre: “Jesus Christ man, stop it already.”

Poppa: “Should I?”

Sabre: “… Ok, if you don’t stop I’m going to Paptize you!”

Poppa: “PAPTIZE IS MY WORK YOU… Oh crap. You got me.”

Sabre: “Anyway, I was thinking. How about we give ourselves the chance to even up the odds. That’s right. Tonight, me, Sabre, and you, The Real Show, will decide on a friggin tag team name.”

Poppa: “Are you SURE that’s a good idea?”

Sabre: “I thought you said you’d stop…”

Poppa: “Sorry, I forgot. Anywho, how about the ‘Poppians’.”

Sabre: “It has a nice ring to it, but nah. I think the ‘Sabrians’ sounds that much better.”

Poppa: “How about the Sab-Pops?”

Sabre: “Remember, we don’t want to sound like lollipops.”

Poppa: “In that case, how about the ‘Pop-Sabs’?”

Sabre: “No. That’s just not right. How about the Japs?”

Poppa: “Huh?”

Sabre: “The Japs kicked the crap out of the Russians, remember?”

Poppa: “Oh yeah, of course. I knew that. Well, since history always repeats itself, I guess we’ll have to be the Japs.”

Sabre: “It sounds great too: ‘The Japs vs. The Russians, live July 29th, 2001. Only on Pay Per View’.”

Poppa: “Japs RULE! Woo! I’m a friggin badass Jap!”

Sabre: “Sure you are.”

Poppa: “No really. If one of those damned Russians starts pissing me off I’ll beat the fack out of him. He’ll think he just facked with Mr. Moose.”

Sabre: “Don’t start that, again.”

Poppa: “Oh, and by the way… Major congrads on winning the ‘Best of the Rest’ at Baloola-Palooza.”

Sabre: “Yeah, I came on top. In fact, I basically beat Antonio Gambino.”

Poppa: “Who’s that?”

Sabre: “You know, that tall guy who wrestles here. Doesn’t like cheese much. He’s about ‘yey’ high.”

Poppa: “Never heard of the monkey.”

Sabre: “Oh well.”

Poppa: “Ya know, if we want to make this REALLY big, then we’ll have to add a stipulation to our match…”

Sabre: “What’s that?”

Poppa: “It’s one night only.”

Sabre: “Huh?”

Poppa: “Like, this will be the ONLY time the Japs and the Russians fight.”

Sabre: “What about a rematch?”

Poppa: “We’ll just change our tag name back to ‘Sabre and Big Poppa’.”

Sabre: “Nice thinking Poppa!”

Big Poppa and Sabre begin talking about the Pillsbury Doughboy as the camera fades black.

Dawg: Did I hear that correctly? The Japs?

Stanyer: Yes, you heard it right, it's no longer Big Poppa & Sabre v The Russians, it's now "The Japs" v The Russians.

Dawg: Right, do those two make any sense to you?

Stanyer: Nope.

Dawg: Thank god for that, I thought it was just me.

Stanyer: Anyway, it's now time for out Hardcore Tag Match between The Lords of Destruction and The Ruff Ryders.

Hardcore Tag Team Match
Lords of Destruction v The Ruff Ryders

Ruff Ryders both enter to the cheer of the crowd when "The Fight Song" by Marilyn Manson hits. Dominator and Destroyer both clich they fists and hit them together and climb in the ring and wait in the corner

James: The following match is a Hardcore Tag Team Contest, Introducing first from Brooklyn, New York, at a combined weight of 720lbs, Dominator and Devastator, the Ruff Ryders. *Crowd gives a mixed reaction.*

"Serial Killer" by Prodigy begins to play as images of the Lords of Destruction destroying past opponents play on the titantron. Once the Lords of Destruction appear on the ramp there is a very loud mixed reaction from the crowd with the cheers noticably louder. LoD walk to the ring quickly, barely acknowledging the crowd, climb in & stand in their corner.

James: And their opponents, from Canada, at a combined weight of 630lbs, Bloodstorm and Carnage, the Lords of Destruction. *Crowd give a mixed reaction, but mainly cheers.**

Report: The two teams charge at each other and Carnage and Devastator pair off as do Bloodstorm and Dominator. The two teams exchange big right hands and after a few big punches the Ruff Ryders take control. Dominator throws Bloodstorm to the outside and follows him out. Devastator sends Carnage into the ropes and then knocks him down with a hard clothesline. Devastator picks up Carnage and hammers him with a right hand which sends him staggering into the turnbuckle. Devastator follows in with a series of hard right hands to the face. Carnage then grabs Devastator and reverses the positions and starts to hammer The OutKast with big right hands of his own. Carnage then whips Devastator to the opposite turnbuckle, but Devastator reverses and sends Carnage into the turnbuckle. Devastator follows in with a clothesline, but Carnage moves out of the way and Devastator hits the turnbuckle face first, Carnage then comes off the ropes and takes Devastator down with a Front Neckbreaker.

Stanyer: This match is turning out into exactly what we expected, an all out brawl.

On the outside Bloodstorm has taken control of Dominator while the cameras were on Devastator and Carnage. Bloodstorm slams Dominator into the steel steps and then pulls a steel chair out from underneath the ring. He then cracks the steel chair over the back of Dominator. Bloodstorm then tosses the chair into the ring and then rolls Dominator in. In the ring Carnage has picked up Devastator and delivered a big spinebuster followed by mounting Devastator and delivering viscious right hands to his face. Bloodstorm motions to Carnage who leaves Devastator and helps Bloodstorm pick up Dominator. Bloodstorm lifts Dominator up to the top turnbuckle while Carnage positions the chair. The Lords of Destruction then hiptoss Dominator off the top turnbuckle onto the steel chair. Carnage then quickly makes the cover. 1...................................2................................Devastator just makes the save with a diving forearm. Bloodstorm kicks him in the face to get him off Carnage. Bloodstorm picks up Devastator and lifts him up and delivers a big Falling Suplex. Carnage picks up Dominator and sends him into the ropes and delivers a big Powerslam and then hooks the leg. 1.......................................2...............................Dominator just kicks out.

Dawg: The Lords of Destruction are in control now, it's only a matter of time now.

Stanyer: I hasten to disagree, the Ruff Ryders are an extremly dangerous team, you cannot dismiss them so easily.

Bloodstorm picks up Devastator and irish whips him, but holds onto the arm and drags Devastator back and delivers a short arm clothesline. Bloodstorm makes the cover. 1...............................2........................Devastator kicks out. Carnage slides out of the ring and tosses in a couple of trashcans and then pulls out a table and slides it into the ring.

Stanyer: There is the item that started it all, the table, the Lords of Destruction broke the neck of Destroyer with a spike piledriver through a table.

Bloodstorm picks up one of the garbage cans and smashes it over the head of Devastator. He then wedges it in between the 2nd and 3rd ropes in the turnbuckle. Bloodstorm picks up Devastator and whips him towards the garbage can, but Devastator reverses and sends Bloodstorm back first into the trashcan, as he comes out of the corner Devastator lifts up Bloodstorm and delivers a Front Face Pancake. On the other side of the ring. Dominator manages to get a low blow in on Carnage and then picks him up and spinebusters him onto the garbage can.

Stanyer: The Ruff Ryders have turned the tide of this match now.

The Ruff Ryders get to their feet at about the same time as the Lords of Destruction. Dominator and Devastator hammer the LoD with right hands and then send them both into the ropes. They both deliver dual clotheslines. They pick up both men and send them into opposite turnbuckles. Devastator goes to Bloodstorm and Dominator goes to Carnage. The Ruff Ryders whip the LoD out of the corners and then collide with each other in the middle of the ring. The LoD then turn around and stagger towards the Ruff Ryders who both show their strength by Military Pressing both men and then dropping them behind each other. They then both make covers. 1....................................2.............................Both the LoD kick out. Devastator then leaves the two LoD members as Dominator stomps on each of them alternately. Devastator begins to set up the table.

Dawg: It seems to me that the Ruff Ryders are out for revenge.

The two of them pick up up Carnage and place him on the top turnbuckle. They then look set to deliver Total Devastation through the table, when Bloodstorm interupts Devastator and clubs him across the back. Carnage then elbows Dominator and manages to send him crashing over the ropes to the floor. Carnage then signals to Bloodstorm and he puts Devastator on the table and looks set to lift up Devastator for the Spike Piledriver.

Stanyer: Not again, no not again.

Dawg: YES, do it!!! What the hell?

Suddenly "The Beautiful People" by Marilyn Manson begins to play. The LoD look around. Bloodstorm lets Devastator go as the arena darkens a little before a massive explosion goes off and we see none other than Destroyer walking down the aisle

Stanyer: OH MY GOD!!! Destroyer is back!! Destroyer is back!!

Dawg: What the hell? He has a broken neck, he can't be back?

The LoD prepare for Destroyer who slides into the ring and knocks down Carnage with a right hand and then gives Bloodstorm one, he then clothesline down Carnage and then lifts up Bloodstorm and delivers a spinebuster. Devastator gets up and signals to Destroyer. Destroyer picks up Carnage and hammers him with a right hand that sends him falling backwards over the table. He then lifts up Carnage and places him on the top turnbuckle. He and Devastator then grab Carnage by the throat and deliver Total Devastation through the table. Devastator then covers. 1................................................2........................................3!!!!! Crowd gives a massive cheer

The Ruff Ryders d. The Lords of Destruction
16:53 Pinfall

Stanyer: The Ruff Ryders win with the help of Destroyer.

Dawg: This in an atrocity against Mankind, the Lords of Destruction would have won this match easily had it not been for him. And what is he doing back, he has a broken neck.

Stanyer: Obviously it has healed.

Dawg: He must heal fast then, because he's only been out.......oh it's three months, but that's still fast for a broken neck.

Stanyer: Well we have no idea how well recovered he is, but he must be doing well as he turned up here tonight.

Dawg: I'll take your word for it.

Stanyer: Anyway, I am now told we are to hear from the Chinese Madman, Xuway Zanchu.

Xuway is seen in his locker room conversing with his slaves. The camera zooms in on Xuway’s face, and he is wearing his self-proclaimed hardcore crown on his head.

Xuway: "I only have TWO goals here in the PWF: To be the best submission specialist, and to be the best hardcore champion.. Tonight, I face Resnick, previously considered ‘best’ with his Equinox. It’s my time to prove that my TAFKAG is the superior move, and much more powerful than his ‘inferior’ move.. After tonight, like me or not, EVERYONE will respect ME! The TAFKAG will finally get it’s long-deserving RESPECT! I will NOT lose. I will NOT disappoint China! I will NOT disgrace my homeland! Nothing else matters.. Losing is not an option. If I can’t win, there is no point to live... RESNICK! Destroying you will be an honor.."

Camera fades back to the Last Man Standing Broadcast.

Stanyer: Xuway is in one bad mood, I would not like to be Josh Resnick tonight.

Dawg: Nor me.

Stanyer: Anyway, it's time to return to the tournaments as we progress to the semi finals where first Dirk Danger will take on General Leo.

Last Man Standing Tournament Semi Final
Dirk Danger v General Leo

The lights go blue, as "The Imperial March" starts over the speakers. General Leo walks out from the back to an expensive looking fireworks show. The fans cheer as he walks to the ring with his sword in hand. He steps in and the lights go up.

James: The following match is a semi final contest in the Last Man Standing Tournament, Introducing the competitors, first, from Washington D.C., weighing 235lbs, General Leo. Crowd cheers wildly

Danger by Mystikal hits, and green and white lights flash on and off. A danger symbol and clips of the Danger Driver are shown flashing on and off. Dirk steps out onto the ramp, he looks around at the crowd who cheers loudly. He then comes out to the end of the stage and flexes to the crowd. He continues down the ramp and steps up onto the ring apron, where he steps through the ropes and walks over and stands on the middle of the ropes and raises his arms in the air.

James: And his opponent, from Chicago, Illnois, weighing 260lbs, "Double D" Dirk Danger.

Report: Leo and Dirk tie up. Dirk takes Leo into a waistlock. Leo tries to elbow Dirk but he pulls his head away. Leo then tries to go between his legs to sweep Dirk's legs but then quickly comes up and this time catches Dirk with the elbow. Leo then reverses the waistlock and delivers a back drop. Dirk gets up quickly and Leo catches him with a couple of right hands. Leo then whips Dirk into the turnbuckle. Dirk bounces off the turnbuckle and Leo grabs Dirk around the waist for a Belly to Belly and holds him there as the crowd cheer awaiting the move. But Dirk counters with a hard elbow to the back of Leo's neck. Leo turns away holding his neck. Dirk delivers a perfect dropkick which sends Leo sprawling through the ropes to the floor. Dirk waits for Leo to get to his feet and then Baseball slides at Leo, who moves out of the way and Dirk slides out of the ring to the floor. Leo jabs at Dirk who comes back with a straight right of his own. Dirk kicks Leo in the gut and then whips him towards the barricade, but Leo reverses and sends Dirk crashing into the barricade.

Stanyer: Dirk hits the barricade hard. With Leo's suplexes and that barricade, Dirk's back is going to take some serious punishment in this match.

Leo stomps on Dirk a couple of times as he rests against the barricade. Leo picks up Dirk and rolls him back into the ring. Leo climbs to the apron and jumps over the top rope. Leo picks up Dirk and delivers a Snap Suplex and holds on. Leo delivers a second snap suplex and again holds on. Leo goes for a third snap suplex, but Dirk blocks. Leo tries again, but Dirk blocks again. Dirk then shows his strength and lifts up Leo by the waist and then drops him down with a sitdown powerbomb. Dirk holds the legs for the cover. 1..............................2...............Leo kicks out. Leo lies face down and Dirk stands over him and locks in a Camel Clutch. The referee slides down to check on Leo, who is keeping a stern face and refusing to give up. Dirk releases the hold and then jumps up to stomp on the back of Leo's head. Dirk then picks up Leo and hammers him with a hard right. Leo staggers backwards into the turnbuckle. Dirk whips him out of the turnbuckle into the opposite turnbuckle. Dirk then follows in with a big splash. Leo remains in the turnbuckle and Dirk kicks him in the gut a couple of times until Leo doubles over. Dirk then puts Leo's head between his legs and points to the turnbuckle.

Stanyer: He's not going to do what I'm thinking is he? He'll break his spine!!!

Dirk flips Leo up and then release Powerbombs him into the turnbuckle pads. Leo starts to roll about the ring holding his back. Dirk stops him and hooks the leg for the cover. 1.............................2....................................Leo just gets his shoulder up. Dirk looks surprised and hooks the leg again. 1.........................................2....................................Leo again just gets the shoulder up. Dirk stands up drags Leo back towards the turnbuckle and signals that this is the end. Dirk climbs up the turnbuckle facing towards the crowd and keeps checking back on Leo. Dirk gets to the top and stands up. Dirk then flies off backwards with the Dangersault and connects, driving his knees into the gut of Leo. Dirk then hooks the leg for the pin. 1......................................2................................Leo gets his left shoulder up. Dirk slams the mat in disgust and stands up and gets in the referee's face. The referee reiterates that it was a 2 count. Suddenly the crowd give out a massive cheer.

Dawg: Oh my god, Leo's up!!!

Stanyer: General Leo has just popped back up from nowhere, and I don't think Dirk realises it.

Dirk turns around from arguing with the referee expecting to see Leo still down, but he is shocked to see Leo standing and gives Leo a moment to grab him around the waist and deliver a Side Belly to Belly Suplex. Dirk gets back up quickly. Dirk swings with a big haymaker, but Leo ducks it and Leo hooks him in a full nelson and delivers the Dragon Suplex with a bridge. 1..........................................2.................................Dirk kicks out. Leo helps up Dirk who suddenly pushes Leo's arms away and starts to hit Leo with forearms, but Leo then counters with a kick to the gut and then grabs Dirk and delivers a Sambo Suplex. Leo hooks the leg. 1..................................2................................Dirk just gets his shoulder up. Leo picks up Dirk and goes behind him and hooks him up for The Shock. But Dirk counters with a Mule Kick. Leo goes down onto all fours. Dirk lifts him up and hooks both the arms.

Stanyer: Time for the Danger Driver, if he hits this it's over.

Dirk tries to lift up Leo for the Danger Driver, but Leo won't be lifted and counters the move with a back body drop. Dirk gets to his feet and connects with a right hand. Dirk hits two more and then goes for a big right hand, but Leo ducks underneath and then hooks up Dirk and this time delivers The Shock. Leo hooks both legs for the cover. 1.........................................2..........................................3!!!!!!

General Leo d. Dirk Danger
13:19 Pinfall

Stanyer: General Leo progresses to the final after another excellent athletic contest. Dirk can be proud of his performance tonight.

Dawg: Why should he be proud? He lost

Stanyer: He reached the Semi Finals.

Dawg: So, he didn't win it, and that's all that matters.

Stanyer: You just don't understand do you.

Dawg: Shut up.

Stanyer: Anyway, enough of this, we....What? Sabre? Again. Oh well, ok then. It seems I am being told that we are to hear from Sabre again.

The cameras fade onto Sabre, doing some quick sit ups in front of a coffee machine. A small line up of miscellaneous PWF crew stand waiting for their daily dose of caffeine, tapping their feet and grumbling softly.

Sabre: "Y'know... two weeks from now, if you'd have told me I was tagging with the Big man at last man standing, I'd of called you a moron!"

Camera Guy: "Well, I'M calling YOU a moron. Now get the hell away from my coffee."

Sabre: "Sheesh. Some people. Caffeine is addictive, you know. Anyway, I personnaly think that things are looking up for the S-man. Starting with this PPV... consider my losing streak over, baby!"

Camera Guy: "Whatever."

Sabre: "I know. Exciting, huh! Well, looking at my watch, I'd say it's time for the big, career turning match. Better round up my tag buddy, and show them Russians where vodka REALLY comes from!"

Camera Guy: "Russia?"

Sabre looks into the mans eyes, a look of concentration on his face...

Sabre: "You're damn right, sunshine."

Sabre jumps to his feet and walks away, as the camera guy, and a lot of relieved patrons, finally begin the move for their caffeine fix...

Camera Guy: ".... moron."

Dawg: Hah. The camera man is right, Sabre is a moron.

Stanyer: I wouldn't say that, I think him and Poppa are quite entertaining, if a little stupid at times.

Dawg: They are still morons.

Stanyer: Well anyway, we now move onto our second semi final in the last man standing tournament.

Last Man Standing Tournament Semi Final
DeMoN v Silas "Pitbull" Parish

"Leave you far behind" by Lunatic Calm hits and the lights darken, pyros blast off at the ramp and a man in a dark cloak is standing in the entrance way, he is holding a long scythe, he raises his hands as if he is drawing on a dark power, then slams his hands down, the lights slam back on and the man throws down his cloak to reveal it is Demon, he walks down to the ring slowly and then climbs in over the top rope.

James: The following match is a Last Man Standing Semi Final Match, Introducing, from Death Valley, California, weighing 494lbs, "The Devil" Demon.

"Come out and Play" by The Offspring begins to play increasingly loud through the arena speakers, heralding the arrival of "Pitbull" Silas Parish. Several scenes of a pitbull on a chain, barking and straining to get loose, play on the TitanTron as the words SILAS PARISH slowly appear at the bottom of the screen and PITBULL appears at the top. Suddenly, a series of pyrotechnic explosions erupt down the right side of the ramp and back up the left side as Silas steps through the backstage curtain and into view. He pauses at the top of the ramp, his eyes locked on his opponent in the ring. He cracks his knuckles and makes sure the tape around his hands is tight, his gaze still locked on the ring. Then he begins to stalk forward. About halfway down the ramp he breaks into a run and slides into the ring under the bottom rope, quickly getting to his feet well before the bell rings.

James: And his opponent, from Vancouver, Canada, Silas,"The Pitbull" Parish.*Crowd Cheers*

Report: Pitbull circles DeMoN, who stands there and beckons Pitbull to attack. Pitbull charges in and body tackles DeMoN, but he doesn't go down. Pitbull cannot even reach DeMoN's face, he instead deliver repeated punches to the body of DeMoN, but they seem to have little effect.

Dawg: Pitbull is trying, but DeMoN is over 350lbs heavier than him and two and half feet taller than him. This has to be the biggest mis-match in PWF History.

Stanyer: As much of a fan I am of Pitbull, I think even this match is beyond his giant-killing ability.

DeMoN just shakes his head and grabs Pitbull by the arms. DeMoN then picks up Pitbull and literally throws him across the ring, Pitbull slides across the mat into the turnbuckle. DeMoN starts to stalk towards him. Pitbull looks around and decides to climb to the top turnbuckle. Pitbull then flies off with a Vertical Body Press, but DeMoN catches him by the throat and then lifts him high in the air and then drives him down with the Chokeslam from Hell. DeMoN starts to perform a cut-throat motion when the arena lights dim. DeMoN stops and looks around.

Stanyer: What the hell? Not this again? The Alliance of Darkness has returned to haunt DeMoN once again.

Smoke starts to spiral around the ring as a dark blue light replaces the blackness. Pitbull is still out cold, while DeMoN keeps looking around in all directions. The lights go out completely, and we can see nothing for a few moments. Then the blue light returns and now we see that the referee is now out cold. DeMoN starts to look around anxiously. Suddenly there is a big explosion and four blue flames come up from the turnbuckles. The lights return and DeMoN stands in the centre of the ring, on one side is DaiKaTanA, on the other side is an unknown man in a black robe, who is about 6' and about 230lbs. DeMoN doesn't know which way to turn and when he eventually decides to turn towards DaiKaTanA, the unknown man attacks from behind with a weapon of some kind. He then begins to beat down on DeMoN with the weapon. DaiKaTanA then pulls out a big book and appears to begin to read from it while making hands signs over DeMoN's body. The unknown man then leaves DeMoN alone and begins to pace around the ring as DaiKaTanA continues to preach over DeMoN. The unknown man paces around the back of DaiKaTanA and then suddenly throws off his black robe. He then swings with the weapon and clocks DaiKaTanA mid-speech over the back of his head. The unknown man then begins to stomp away at DaiKaTanA until he manages to kick him out of the ring. He then gives DaiKaTanA a two fingered salute and then climbs out of the ring and heads on off up the aisle.

Stanyer: Are we back?

Dawg: Yeah, I think so? What happened?

Stanyer: I don't know, our headset's just cut out, who is that man? Why did he attack DaiKaTanA after appearing to be his friend?

Dawg: Wait, look Jay!!!

In the ring Pitbull has managed to awake and looks around puzzled, he sees DeMoN is out cold, he sees DaiKaTanAon the outside out cold. He looks at the referee out cold and goes across to try and wake him up. The referee begins to stir. Pitbull then quickly makes the cover on DeMoN. The referee looks up and makes a very slow count. 1................................................................ 2..... ................................................................3!!!!

Pitbull d. DeMoN
7:27 Pinfall

Stanyer: Pitbull goes through in perhaps the wierdest of circumstances I've ever known. In fact so far today, Pitbull has done very little, and is now in the Final. Where the Hardcore Champ will take on Leo.

Dawg: I would not want to be DaiKaTanA when DeMoN wakes up.

Stanyer: They were scheduled to compete tonight, but because of the already gigantic card we have tonight, it was put back until next week. That is going to be some match.

Dawg: Indeed, but they have definitely ruined my prediction for the tournament.

Stanyer: Well, (sarcastically) that is such a bad thing. Anyway Johnny Mayhem is with Blackbird in the back.

Blackbird is backstage with Johnny Mayhem

Mayhem: - Blackbird with this match you chose against Bloodbath tonight people are wondering what the hell you are thinking.

Blacbird: - What I'm thinking. What am I thinking is the question of the hour isnt it? Well let me tell you what's going on in my head. Me and Bloodbath absolutely HATE each other. Since someone decided to give him this match I qanted to make it as brutal as possible.

Mayhem: - Fair enough. Now what about this hatred between you and Bloodbath?

Blacbird: - Simple enough. This is the match to end the feud. Or so alot of people are hoping. Cause IF and I stress IF Bloodbath can beat me this feud will NOT end. Now if you excuse me Johnny I have a match.

Blackbird walks off and the camera fades

The camera cuts to the gWo lockerroom. All of the members are in the room except for Power G who is conspicous by his absence, but as the sound kicks in the Russians pick up their gear and exit the room, the camera follows them into the arena's gym. Wowbowski drops his bag, then takes off his Russian National Hockey team jersey. He grabs the framing of a nearby machine and starts to stretch. Meanwhile, Cossak has grabbed a couple of smaller weights and has began to do circles with them to loosen up his shoulders

Wowbowski:- Tonight, ve Vrussians vill fights Sabre, and Big Poppa

Cossak:- Da.

Wowbowski switches arms

Wowbowski:- and tonight, ve Vrussians vill destroy Sabre and Big Poppa

Cossak:- Da.

Cossak puts the weights down and starts to put weight on the bench press

Wowbowski:- Ve don't usually vork out before match, ve don't usually stretch, and...

Wowbowski pulls a bottle of water out of his bag and takes a drink

Wowbowski:- Ve don't usually drink Vater before match

Cossak pulls a bottle out of his bag and takes a drink, Wowbowski smells the air and turns to Cossak with a look of curiosity, Cossak immediately puts the lid on the bottle and stuffs it in his bag

Wowbowski:- Vright Cossak.

Cossak:- Ummm. Da.

Wowbowski:- Vright Cossak

Cossak:- Ok. ve drink vater then

Cossak grabs the bottle and throws it out, he then pulls another bottle, this time of water out of his bag

Wowbowski:- Tonight, ve be totally prepared, no distraction, ve vill crush pathetic muddacks and show vorld that Vrussians are best. gWo is best.

Cossak:- That ve should be in Tag champion match

Wowbowski:- These, " funny men " , vill be stepping stone, vill launch us to top. vill be destroyed.

Cossak:- Just like us Vrussians beat stupid yankees to space, ve beat stupid americanskies here tonight.

Wowbowski:- It time for us to get how you say " pumped up " for match. Leave !! Now!!

Cossak:- Da. Get out!!

The camera fades out as Wowbowski starts a set of bench presses

Stanyer: Well it looks like the Russians are ready for Big Poppa and Sabre. And it appears Blackbird is certainly ready for his title defence. But now it is time for the Ultimate Submission Match.

Dawg: 30 minutes of two men trying to make each other submit.

Stanyer: This match has no disqualifications, anything goes. The only way to score a fall is to make your opponent submit by either making them tap out, submit by word or to pass out through the pain of a submission hold. The wrestler who has the most falls after 30 minutes is the victor. After each fall there is a 30 second break where the clock is stopped and neither wrestler can touch each other.

Dawg: This one should be interesting.

Stanyer: I've been looking forward to this match, The winner of this match is to be declared the "Master of Submissions". It's only a name, but it has meant a lot to people in the past, notably McFreeze and the current MOW SH World Champion, Bud Dawg.

Ultimate Submission Match
Josh Resnick v Xuway Zanchu

Xuway sits in a chair which is carried by his loyal slaves, As "Hell's Bell's" by AC/DC plays. Once in the ring, Xuway meditates in dance. Then the dance gets aggresive almost if he is fighting a ghost. When done his eyes roll up in the back of his head. He goes to his corner and waits. The Ultra-tron just has some ninja camp with a bunch of ninja fighting

James: The following match is the 30 minute Ultimate Submission Match. Where the victor will be the person who scores the most submissions within 30 minutes. Introducing first, from The Orient, weighing 392lbs, Xuway Zanchu.*Crowd boos*

Walk by Pantera hits the speakers throughout the arena. The Titantron comes on with solar flares of the sun showing. Then out of the back Josh Resnick makes his way out. Stops at the ramp. Listens to the crowd's boos. Then continues to the ring. Once on the apron, Resnick climbs up the turnbuckle. Looks out into the crowd before flipping over the ropes, landing on his feet in the middle of the ring.

James: And his opponent, from Detroit, Michigan, weighing 230lbs, Josh Resnick.

Report: The two men tie up, Xuway uses his strength to push Josh into a turnbuckle. He then grabs the arm of Josh and twists it into an arm wrench before sending him to the opposite turnbuckle. Xuway charges in but Josh jumps up and rolls Xuway up into a victory roll, and then somehow tries to turn the victory roll into an armbar, but Xuway manages to break free and get to his feet. Xuway goes for a right hand, but Josh ducks and then hits a knife edge chop that sends a "whoo!!" around the arena. Xuway counters with an overhand chop which sends Josh staggering backwards such is the force of the blow. Josh swings with a chop again, but Xuway ducks it and locks in a waistlock. Josh catches Xuway with an elbow and then reverses the waistlock. Josh tries a German Suplex, but Xuway is just too big. Josh then goes to hook the head of Xuway into a sleeper hold when Xuway grabs his arm and hits a Shoulder Stunner. Josh rolls off holding his arm. Xuway immediately heads over to Josh and kicks the shoulder of Josh. He then grabs the arm and places it over the ropes, Xuway then jumps up and drives his knee into the arm. Josh rolls over holding his arm. Xuway then grabs the injured left arm of Josh and locks in a Triangle Hold. Josh tries to resist, but wisely taps out quickly. Xuway has to release the hold and give Josh his 30 second break

Stanyer: Xuway is in a destructive mood, and he is now 1 up after Josh wisely tapped out quickly, he musn't let his arm get too seriously injured, because there is still a long, long way to go yet.

Dawg: Xuway must keep his concentration, he is 1 up, he must press home his advantage and try to go two or three up.

The bell rings to signify that the match has restarted. Xuway stalks towards Josh who is resting in the corner holding his arm. Josh charges Xuway but surprises him by going low and catching Xuway with a Dropkick to the knee. Xuway is flipped over but he gets back up quickly. He hits Josh with a big forearm, but Josh comes back and kicks the left knee of Xuway repeatedly. Xuway starts to lose his balance a little, Josh ducks a big forearm and dropkicks the back of Xuway's knee which puts Xuway down on the mat. Josh picks up Xuway's left leg and drives the knee into the mat. Josh repeats the move leaving Xuway on his hands and knees. Josh goes to pick up Xuway who shows amazing agility and flips over Josh and then suddenly locks in the arm and yanks back to complete the TAFKAG. Josh tries not to tap out, not wanting to go two down, he drags himself towards the ropes, but just as he is about to grab the bottom rope Xuway drags him back into the middle of the ring and then locks on the TAFKAG once again. This time Josh has no choice but to tap out.

Stanyer: We are closing in on the ten minute mark and Xuway is already two up. This is looking ominous for Josh Resnick, he needs to score a submission, and fast.

Dawg: I can't see things changing much, Xuway is just too strong and too good for Josh Resnick.

The bell rings once again, and Xuway goes towards Josh who surprises Xuway with a drop toe hold. Josh then quickly hooks the knee of Xuway and reaches back to lock on the Inverted STF. Xuway reaches out for the ropes and drags himself towards them and manages to reach the bottom rope. Josh then drags Xuway back into the middle of the ring, he picks up Xuway's left leg again, but Xuway rolls over and kicks Josh in the face with his right leg. Josh gets up holding his face. Xuway grabs the head of Josh and then runs towards the ropes and tosses Josh over the top rope sending him crashing to the floor. Xuway then climbs out and drops to the floor. Xuway stomps on Josh's head. Xuway then throws back the ring apron and pulls out a Kendo Stick. He stalks around Josh before bashing the kendo stick over Josh's head. Xuway then uses one hand to lift up Josh before bashing him over the head with the kendo stick again which sends Josh rolling back into the ring. Xuway begins to climb up to the apron when Josh gets back up and dropkicks Xuway off the apron sending him crashing backwards into the announcers table. Josh then slignshots himself over the top rope and takes Xuway down with a flying body press.

Stanyer: Josh takes a rare trip to the sky's to take down the Chinese Machine, Xuway Zanchu.

Josh picks up Xuway and tosses him back into the ring. Josh climbs to the apron and then climbs to the top rope. Josh waits for Xuway to get up and then takes him back down with a Missile Dropkick. Xuway gets to his feet and hits Xuway with a couple of fierce forearms to the face. Josh then sends Xuway to the ropes and then locks on a Sleeper Hold. Josh wrenches the hold in hard and Xuway drops down to one knee, then Xuway drops down to both knees, the referee checks the arm of Xuway and gets a one, he checks again and gets a two, he checks a final time, but this time Xuway manages to hold his arm up. Xuway then gets the rush of adrenalin and manages to pull himself to his feet, he then elbows Josh in the gut and then pushes him off into the ropes and then ducks behind him and locks in the Katah Jimei. Josh tries to run up the turnbuckle and flip over Xuway, but Xuway drags him off and slowly Josh begins to fade, until he drops to the floor and the referee checks his arm and gets a 1. He checks again and gets a 2. He checks a third time and gets a 3.

Stanyer: Xuway scores a third submission with the Katah Jimei, the devastating judo submission hold which is barred in judo competition.

Dawg: There is surely no way back now for Josh Resnick, there is little more than 12 minutes left.

The bell rings and Josh is moving, but only just. Xuway picks him up and sets him up on the top turnbuckle. He does a cut-throat sign to signify that this is the end and grabs the arm of Josh. But Josh has been playing dead and springs up to the top rope and then flies off whipping Xuway over with an arm drag. Xuway gets to his feet quickly and charges Josh who grabs him around the waist and delivers a Side Belly to Belly Suplex. Josh then rolls Xuway over and locks in the Ankle Lock. Xuway holds his head and tries to reach for the ropes, but Josh holds him back and Xuway decides to tap out.

Stanyer: Josh makes the score 3-1 with the Ankle Lock on Xuway. But he still needs two more submissions, and we now have less than 10 minutes to go.

The bell rings and Josh is raring to go and he charges in and gets a knife edge chop on Xuway. Xuway comes back with an overhand chop which staggers Josh. But Josh comes back with a series of forearms to the face of Xuway, Josh then sends Xuway to the ropes, but Xuway reverses and sends Josh to the ropes. Xuway locks both arm of Josh and delivers a Double Underhook Belly to Belly Suplex. Xuway picks up Josh and slaps him hard in the face, he grabs Josh again and slaps him once again sending Josh into the turnbuckle. Xuway pulls him out of the turnbuckle and lifts him up over his shoulder and looks to deliver a Sidewalk Slam, but Josh suddenly wraps himself around Xuway and locks in Vertical Horizon(Six Seconds Magic)Xuway drops to the floor and Josh continues to keep the hold on and Xuway has no choice but to tap out.

Stanyer: With six minutes to go, it is 3-2 to Xuway, and Josh is right back in this match, but he must score two submissions quickly if he is to win this match.

Dawg: I think he is realistically looking at a draw, there is no way he can win the match from here.

During the 30 second break, Xuway has stayed down holding his arm, Josh rolled out of the ring and has reached under the ring for something, the crowd let out a big cheer as he pulls out a Kendo Stick. He slides back in as the bell rings, the referee pleads with Josh not to use the stick, but Josh swings and connects with Xuway's shoulder. Josh then snaps and hits Xuway's shoulder about 10 times with the Kendo Stick until it is splintered and then Josh drops down and locks in The Equinox(Crippler Crossface). Xuway refuses to tap out, despite the pain he is in, and pulls himself towards the ropes, he reaches out and makes the bottom rope. Josh gets off and picks up Xuway and locks in the arm and delivers an arm dragon screw. Josh then grabs the arm and places his foot over it before jumping up and driving it into the mat. Josh takes a quick look at the clock on the big screen and sees that he has just over 3 minutes left. Josh rolls Xuway over and locks in The Equinox one more time. Xuway shakes his head a couple of times when the referee asks him if he wants to quit, then Xuway lowers his head and taps out with just 1:40 left on the clock.

Stanyer: Josh Resnick completes an amazing fightback, and now one of these two must score a submission in the next 1 minute and 40 seconds to win this match.

Dawg: There will be no overtime, if no submission is scored, the match is drawn.

Josh is up first and stomps on the arm of Xuway again, he goes to pick up Xuway, but he trips him up. Xuway gets to his feet and he and Josh exchange chops. Josh then blocks the arm of Xuway and climbs to the top rope, looking to flip him over, but Xuway flips Josh over from the top rope and takes him down for The Great Immobilizer(Top Rope Jumping Armbar). Josh tries to hang on but the pain is far too great and he taps out, about 10 seconds later the buzzer sounds to signify the end of the match.

Xuway d. Resnick
4 - 3

Stanyer: Xuway Zanchu has pulled out the victory, with virtually nothing left on the clock.

Dawg: The pain must have been extreme, otherwise Josh would surely have held on until the end.

Stanyer: Indeed, I doubt we will hear the last of this win from Xuway. I can hear him talking about this already.

Dawg: So he should do, he is the Master of Submissions now after all.

Stanyer: Well I am told that Bloodbath is with Ted Tedison in the back

Camera cuts to Bloodbath standing backstage with Ted Tedison.

Tedison: "So, Bloodbath, it looks like I get to interveiw you, once again. This time, it is before your big Octagon Match for the PWF Extreme Title."

Bloodbath: "Yeah. Why do I always get stuck being interviewed by you? Can't Pellington ever give me a break?"

Tedison: "Well, anyways, what do you think about the Octagon Match tonight?"

Bloodbath: "My thoughts? My thoughts are plain and simple. It doesn't matter what type of match it is tonight, because I plan on doing just what I always do in Extreme Title matches, and that is win! Glass Panes match, Hell In A Cell match, Inferno Match, or even an Octagon Match. They are all the same to me. I don't even know what the hell an Octagon Match is, nor do I give a shit! All you have to know is that after this match, Blackbird will need a respirator and a motorized wheelchair, while I will be carrying that PWF Extreme Championship belt around my waist, once again."

Bloodbath drops his microphone and walks away

The camera cuts to outside Arrowhead Pond. To the left are a bunch of photographers who look like they are waiting for the leading actor of a movie that is about to premiere. The road that runs past the arena is lit up every 40 metres by streetlights.

Photographer: Here it comes.

A black and green limo turns into the road and parks up outside the entrance to the arena. Flashes from the camera's light up the car but the people inside can't be seen due to the tinted windows.

Reporter: Is this them??

The door to the limo opens and out steps the Real McCoy wearing a black tuxedo and his silver hat.

McCoy: Well look here. You waiting for the Real Champion??

Reporter: Yea…well yes and no.

McCoy: What are you saying?? That Power G isn’t the real champion??

Reporter: Well he isn’t. Crusader’s the Champion.

McCoy: Another one who’s been sucked into believing that Crusader is a worthy Champion. Did you see Havoc?? Did you??

Reporter: Y…Yes

McCoy: Tell me what happened then. Go on.

Reporter: Well…..erm……what happened was….

McCoy: You didn’t watch it did you??

Reporter: No

McCoy pushes the reporter to the ground.

McCoy: Next please.

A reporter rushes up to McCoy.

Reporter: Yes, what do….

McCoy: Wait a minute. Did you watch Havoc??

Reporter: Sure did.

McCoy: Well you would have seen what Power G did to Crusader then??

Reporter: He beat him.

McCoy: Ah finally a decent…

McCoy looks at the reporter he pushed over with disgust.

McCoy: …reporter.

McCoy: Now on to bigger things. Ever since that disgraceful match in which Power G was cheated, yes cheated out of the title against Crusader, G has wanted revenge. Over the last couple of weeks he has some pay back but not revenge. Oh no. The revenge will come tonight when he rips that belt from Crusader’s waist and holds it aloft. Don’t expect a good match tonight. Power G isn’t here to give the crowd a spectacle. G will win with a low blow if that’s what it takes. But in reality it’ll be easier than that. In fact Crusader should just be a man and lie down on the floor and give the title to Power G.

McCoy laughs to himself at the thought.

Reporter: By the way, where is Power G?

McCoy shrugs his shoulders and walks into the arena.

Stanyer: Well The Real McCoy is looking very philosophical about tonights match.

Dawg: But he is confident about the result, just like me.

Stanyer: Well anyway, if those of you watching at home are wondering why some people appear to be leaving, then it is because our next match is the Octagon Match for the Extreme Title between Blackbird and Bloodbath. Because of the nature of the match, and the structure of the cage, it is being held in a separate building around 200 yards down the road. We will be watching here safely on the screens.

Dawg: What the hell is an Octagon Match anyway?

Stanyer: Well as far as I am told, it is held on a concrete floor, inside an Octagonal Cage. Barb Wire is wrapped around the cage, and weapons litter the floor. Also every 15 minutes a random, yes I said Random explosive attached to the floor and cage goes off. Nobody knows which explosive will go off, that is the scary part. To win the match you must knock your opponent out, or make him submit. The referee is on the outside of the cage for his own safety.

Dawg: Right, It was a good idea to hold it down the road wasn't it.

Stanyer: Well we go over there live now. We will watch it on the screen. This one is not for the faint of heart.

Octagon Match
Bloodbath v Blackbird(c)

The two competitors are already in the cage waiting for the match to start. The bell rings

Report: The two competitors circle each other in the cage. Blackbird rattles the cage to the cheers of the small crowd. They tie up, Blackbird knees Bloodbath in the gut and then grabs his head and slams it into the cage wall. Fortunately Bloodbath misses the barbed wire surrounding the cage. Blackbird picks up Bloodbath delivers a Blackbird Jab and then clotheslines Bloodbath down. Bloodbath's head hits a metal sheet which is just one of the weapons littering the floor of the Octagon. Blackbird picks up a steel chair off the floor and jumps up and delivers a leg drop with the chair underneath his leg. Blackbird then props the chair up against the side of the cage. Blackbird picks up Bloodbath and goes to throw Bloodbath head first into the chair, but Bloodbath uses Blackbird's momentum to spin himself around and then send Blackbird head first into the steel chair.

Stanyer: This match is already becoming what we expected, brutality, brutality and more brutality. I'm glad it's not being held right in front of us. I'm not sure I could stand seeing it ten yards from us.

Bloodbath staggers about for a moment holding his head. He then looks around to see what he can find. He sees a baseball bat one of the corners. He walks across and picks that up. Blackbird is starting to move. Blackbird gets up to his feet holding his head. Bloodbath hits him in the gut doubling him up. Then smashes the bat across his back. Blackbird staggers around for a second, but doesn't go down. Bloodbath hits him across the back again, and sends Blackbird down to all fours. Bloodbath then kicks Blackbird in the face so he reels back into his knees and then smashes the baseball bat into the side of his head putting him down on the mat.

Dawg: My god, he nearly took his head off.

Stanyer: Bloodbath has to pull out all the stops to survive this match. This is the third PPV in a row he has been involved in an Extreme title match, so he is a vetaran and will know exactly how to survive in this kind of environment.

Dawg: And we know all about Blackbird, who lives, breathes, sweats, eats and drinks Hardcore.

Bloodbath looks at the ball bat and sees that there is blood on it. He looks at Blackbird and sees that he has opened up a wound on his forehead. Bloodbath rolls Blackbird onto his back and then starts to hammer the wound with right hands, trying to open it up even more. Bloodbath lets go of Bloodbath as a small pool of blood is starting to form where Blackbird's head lies. Bloodbath then grabs the arm of Blackbird ands locks on a Triangle Hold.

Stanyer: An intelligent move by Bloodbath, the Triangle Hold stretches the arm and hyper-extends the shoulder, and he can also use his legs to choke out Blackbird, so if Blackbird doesn't submit, he could make him pass out.

Dawg: Both of which would win him this match.

Blackbird struggles with the hold and tries to break free, but Bloodbath has the hold on good and proper. Blackbird then reaches out with his free arm and manages to drag himself a short way so he can pick up a singapore cane. Blackbird then swings wildly over his head managing to make contact with the legs and body of Bloodbath. Who releases the Triangle Hold. Bloodbath then grabs the cane and drags it out of Blackbird's hands. Bloodbath swings with the cane but Blackbird rolls out of the way, Bloodbath chases him and swings and misses again. Bloodbath swings and misses again, but this time Blackbird reaches out with his legs and manages to drop toe hold Bloodbath and sends him face first into a barb-wire wrapped board on the concrete floor. Suddenly a bleep is heard, which signifies that the explosions are set to go off in ten seconds.

Stanyer: Oh no, both men are down in the middle of the cage, and they have no idea which explosives are set to go off.

BOOOOOOMMM!!!! A deafening explosion goes off and smoke fills the cage. As the smoke clears we can see Blackbird is rolled over on the floor holding his left arm. Bloodbath has slowly gotten to his feet. Bloodbath has been lacerated by the barb-wire, but isn't bleeding too badly. Blackbird's clothes on his left arm are burnt black and are in pieces.

Stanyer: The explosion has gone off near the left arm of Blackbird, and it looks pretty badly burned.

Dawg: I'm not sure how much more of this I can watch.

Bloodbath picks up the barb-wire board and places it on the concrete floor. Bloodbath then picks up Blackbird and then delivers the Blood Bash driving the face of Blackbird into the barb wire. Blackbird rolls off holding his face with his right hand. Bloodbath then picks up a metal sheet and has a sadistic look on his face. Bloodbath then drives the sheet into the injured left arm of Blackbird. Bloodbath then starts to batter the left arm of Blackbird with the metal sheet, bending it until it is unrecognisable.

Stanyer: Blackbird is doing a good job just to remain concious despite the obvious pain he must be in.

Dawg: I can't believe he is concious, he has taken such a beating.

Bloodbath picks up Blackbird who can barely stand. Bloodbath goes to slam Blackbird's head into the steel cage, but Blackbird blocks it, then elbows Bloodbath in the gut a couple of times. Blackbird then grabs the head of Bloodbath and rakes it across the barb-wire arapped on the cage before pulling him off and delivering the EvenFlow DDT, driving the head of Bloodbath onto the concrete floor. Blackbird then lays flat out on his back as well.

Stanyer: A stunning adrenalin rush by Blackbird has brought him right back into this match, he must somehow get up and finish Bloodbath off somehow.

Blackbird slowly gets to his feet, he staggers about, he then looks up at the top of the octagon. A massive cheer comes up from the crowd. Blackbird picks up the barb-wire board and places it on top of Bloodbath's face with the barb-wire facing Bloodbath's face. Blackbird then starts to climb the side of the octagon.

Dawg: My god, what is he thinking of? He is in no state to be climbing the cage.

Stanyer: He has taken such a beating, I think he sees this as his only chance of winning this match.

Blackbird reaches the top of the cage and uses one of the wires going to the roof which are holding the cage in place to steady himself. A beep is heard to signify the ten second warning for the 2nd explosion. Blackbird then flies off with a leg drop and connects driving the barb-wire board into the face of Bloodbath at the exact moment the explosion goes off and smoke once again fills the cage. The crowd is going absolutely nuts, and the small crowd that has filtered into the small arena where the match is being held start the familiar chant of "Holy Shit".

Dawg: Holy Shit indeed, that was unbelievable.

Stanyer: You've got to wonder the state of the two wrestlers, that had to take it out of both men. This smoke needs to clear before I can see anything.

Dawg: Wait? Who's that in the cage? He's standing, so it surely can't be Blackbird or Bloodbath.

Whoever the man is, he has picked up Bloodbath and Blackbird as they are propped up against the cell. Blackbird staggers out and he connects with a Standing Sidekick to the face putting Blackbird down. Bloodbath staggers off the cage and he meets the same fate. The man then pulls out a microphone from his back pocket.

Dawg: Who the hell is this guy?

Lethal: Alright. You have a new face here in the PWF. My name is Lethal. I don't come to mess around. That means zero fun. I accept any match, any time. I willl go from the bottom to the top in the shortest time any one has ever seen. Gambino, Crusader, Power G, you have some competition coming. So hope that you are ready.

Lethal then tosses the microphone at the cage, and walks through the now open cage door.

Stanyer: Who is this Lethal? And why did he attack Bloodbath and Blackbird?

Dawg: Perhaps we will find out, but I have a question. Is this match still going?

Stanyer: I presume so, there is no DQ, the only way this match ends is by KO or Submission. So this isn't over.

The match referee who was on the outside comes into the ring. He checks both Blackbird and Bloodbath, both appear to be out. He shrugs his shoulders and lifts up both arms. He drops them as the crowd chants.

Crowd: ONE!!

The referee lifts both arms up again.

Crowd: TWO!!!

The referee lifts both arms up again...

Crowd: THREE!!!

But one wrestler manages to keep one arm in the air. The referee signals that it's over.

Stanyer: Somehow, someway, Blackbird has managed to survive, Somehow Blackbird has managed to escape this match and is still the PWF Extreme Champion. But this war between Bloodbath and Blackbird is far from over.

Dawg: And now we have this Lethal involved. Things could get interesting.

Blackbird d. Bloodbath
35:18 KO

Stanyer: There were no winners in this match, Both men are going to require serious medical attention, and are both being taken out on stretchers.

Dawg: It will be a long time before those two are the same again.

Stanyer: Well while you were gone folks, these two came down to the ring, obviously they have something to say before their match.

Big Lou and Mad Mike are found standing on the turnbuckles in the ring with there Louieville sluggers in there hands pointing up at the rafters. Both men pull out mics out of there pants pockets. Big Lou begins to speak.

Lou: Last Man Standing has almost arrived which means the tagteam championship scaffold match is near! They'll maybe be one man standing on the scaffold to claim the victory for his team or if lucky the two opponents will be left standing on the scaffold to take home the tagteam championship. What a night it will be you already saw me kick Alexanders ass one on one. Now all of you know I have the better advantage but when you think about it the best way to win is to just give your opponent a good push from behind off the scaffold and your on your way down victory lain. This day won't be forgotten cause some ones program is going to be fucked up... HardGore Style!!

Mike: Well I can relate to my cousin Big Lou I mean he kicked Alexanders ass and I kicked fuckin Kulls Ass one on one! Man your P.W.F. tagteam champions can't fight for shit on there own and they lose to the #1 contenders for the tagteam championship. That tells you alot whats instore in the future for those tag team titles, like which waist those very own titles will be around! The God's of Gore have already proven what there capable of doing and now its time to do the unthinkable Kull and Alexander the scaffold MATCH!!!

Big Lou takes of his sunglasses and points his bat up at the rafters.

Mike: Some will be sacrificed tonight off the fuckin scaffold some one will be double Mafia bombed off the fuckin scaffold and its going to be the Gods of Gore delivering that very own Mafia Bomb.

Big Lou and Mad Mike then look up at the rafters and begin to start a chant of hardgore through the stadium. It is followed by a chorus of boos as the general Majority of the fans take over the HardGore chants and continue to boo as "Natural Born Killaz" hits and the Gods of Gore head to the back.

Stanyer: What is their problem, all they ever do is come out here and mouth of 1000's of obsceneties.

Dawg: What's your fucking problem Jay.

Stanyer: Careful, you'll get us kicked of PPV.

Dawg: Yeah, right.

Stanyer: Well anyway, it's now time for that friendly international match.

Dawg: Internation Match? Oh The Japs v The Russians.

Stanyer: Yep, over to the ring announcers.

"The Japs"(Big Poppa & Sabre) v The Russians

The lights begin to dim and the fans quiet down in anticipation. The words "Real Show" fade in and out on the dark UltraTron, and the lights suddenly turn on and fire works blast off as a customized version of Limp Bizkit's My Way starts up

James: "Coming to the ring at this time, at a combined weight of 515lbs, Big Poppa and The Sabre, "The Japs"

The audience goes mad as Big Poppa and Sabre emerge through the Havoc curtains. They do a air-guitar taunt to the tune of the song, and they Big Poppa dances down to the ring as Sabre walks down hi-fi-ing all the fans

A Russian flag appears on the Big Screen along as red and blue strobe lights begin to flash, after a few moments Du Hast by Rammstein kicks in. The two Russians then come walking out of the back, Wowbowski turns and looks at the picture of the flag while Cossak just walks straight to the ring. Wowbowski follows Cossak down and slides into the squared circle. He makes his way to the middle of the ring

James: Introducing from Borisovka, Russia, at a combined weight of 591lbs, Wowbowski and Cossak Joe, The Russians **Crowd Boos**

Report: Big Poppa starts out with Wowbowski. They tie up, Poppa takes Wowbowski into an arm wrench and does a little shuffle with his feet to show off. Wowbowski promptly reverses the arm wrench into a hammerlock. Big Poppa reverses the hammerlock and then spins the two of them around and somehow turns it into a hiptoss. Wowbowski gets to his feet a little annoyed. They tie up again and this time Wowbowski comes out of it with a Knee to the gut. Wowbowski then scores with a big right hand and then sends Poppa into the ropes and delivers a back body drop. Wowbowski tags in Cossak. Wowbowski and Cossak send Poppa to the ropes who rebounds off and takes both men down with a flying double clothesline. Poppa springs to his feet and tags in Sabre who immediately springs to the top rope and then does a 180 and flies off with a Moonsault to Cossak which connects perfectly. Sabre hooks the leg. 1.................................2..................Cossak powers out. Wowbowski rolls out of the ring and heads towards his corner, casting an evil look towards Big Poppa who has that constant smile on his face.

Stanyer: Wowbowski does not look happy.

Dawg: I wouldn't want to be Sabre or Big Poppa when he gets into the ring.

Sabre picks up Cossak and takes him towards the turnbuckle Sabre grabs the arm of Cossak and then springs up to the top rope and then springs onto the ropes to the right, then lands sitting on the ropes to the left and then flips off and whips Cossak over with a stunning arm drag. Sabre stands facing away from Cossak and hits a Backflip Moonsault and hooks the leg. 1....................................2..............................Cossak kicks out. Sabre runs towards the turnbuckle as Cossak gets up Sabre springs to the top rope and then flies off and hooks his legs around Cossaks head looking for the Hurricanranna, but Cossak simply drops Sabre down with a sitdown powerbomb. Cossak then rolls towards his corner holding his head and makes the tag to Wowbowski. Wowbowski comes in and stomps on the head of Sabre. Wowbowski picks up Sabre and kicks him hard in the gut and then delivers a fierce DDT. Wowbowski has an evil look on his face as he makes the cover. 1...................................2...........................Poppa comes in and makes the save. Cossak comes charging in and forearms Poppa who is sent sprawling through the middle ropes to the floor. The referee then admonishes Cossak as he goes back to his corner. Wowbowski picks up Sabre and hits him with a couple of big forearms. He then goes behind him and hooks him up in a Full Nelson.

Stanyer: Could be time for the Fall of Communism.

Wowbowski decides not to deliver his finisher and instead delivers a release Dragon Suplex. Wowboski then makes the tag to Cossak, the two then pick up Sabre and both hook him up for a Russian Leg Sweep and they deliver a Double Russian Leg Sweep. Cossak Joe then makes the cover as Wowbowski leaves the ring. 1.................................2............................Sabre just kicks out. Cossak picks up Sabre and delivers a backbreaker. He then picks up Sabre again and sends him into the turnbuckle and then follows in with a big splash. Cossak then waits for Sabre to stagger out of the corner and delivers a Powerslam and then hooks the leg. 1........................................2................................Poppa comes in to make the save. Wowbowski starts to get in, but Poppa leaves the ring of his own accord. Cossak takes Sabre to his corner and tags Wowbowski. Wowbowski then sits on the top turnbuckle and Cossak lifts Sabre up to him. Cossak leaves the ring as Wowbowski raises Sabre in the air and jumps off for the powerbomb, but Sabre amazingly hooks the head of Wowbowski in mid-air and delivers the Sabre-canranna. Sabre and Wowbowski both stay down.

Stanyer: Oh my god, what a move by Sabre. Now he has to make a tag.

Dawg: What agility from Sabre. Perhaps he isn't just a funny guy after all.

Sabre and Wowbowski both crawl over to their corners and make tags. Cossak comes flying into the ring but walks into a clothesline by Big Poppa. Big Poppa then hammers Cossak with hard right hands then does a little shuffle before delivering a big left hook that puts Cossak down. He picks up Cossak and whips him to the ropes, Cossak reverses but Poppa connects with a Diving Forearm Smash. Poppa then bounces off the ropes and hits a Hip Press. Poppa makes the cover. 1..............................2......................Wowbowski breaks up the cover. Sabre is on the apron and he flips over the top rope and springs up and hooks Wowbowski's head and spins it around into a Swinging DDT. Poppa then picks up Cossak and twists Cossaks arm into an arm wrench. Poppa then starts to ascend to the top rope. Poppa then shows his balances as he walks one entire length of the top rope and then half way across the other. Poppa then starts to perform a little dance on the 3rd rope. But his little dance give Cossak the chance to stagger into the ropes and Poppa is crotched on the top rope. Sabre is stomping on Wowbowski in the corner while the referee tries to drag Sabre off him. Cossak charges in with a big body splash, but Sabre moves out of the way and Cossak crushes the referee and Wowbowski.

Stanyer: Here we go, the referee is out now, this must be the point where the gWo get involved.

Dawg: You make it sound like it's a bad thing.

Sabre goes to clothesline Cossak as he turns around but he ducks and Wowbowski hooks Sabre in a Full Nelson behind Cossak. Cossak hooks up Sabre and Wowbowski delivers the Fall of Communism as Cossak delivers the Soviet Stinger at the same time.(Downward Spiral and Full Nelson Face Drop). Cossak covers Sabre, but the referee is down. Wowbowski tries to wake the referee up.

Dawg: Come on referee, The Russians have this match won!!

Suddenly "Two of America's most Wanted" by Snoop Dogg hits the arena. The Russians look at each other as if they know who it is, they look around, their faces show signs of surprise. Suddenly two men hop the barriade near the ring announcers.

Stanyer: It's Topp Doggs!!!! It's Ken Reilly and Shawn O'Neil!!!!

Dawg: Where did they come from. And aren't they the MOW E Tag Belts??

Stanyer: Yes, the Topp Doggs were the last MOW E Tag Team Champions, but I don't know why them brought them here.

Ken and Shawn slide into the ring behind The Russians who are looking towards the entrance. The Russians turn around hearing the commotion behind them and Shawn and Ken hit both the Russians with the MOW E Tag Team Championship Belts. The Topp Doggs then trash talk with The Russians and point to the titles. They then raise their arms to the crowd before they roll out of the ring and head off up the ramp. Meanwhile The Sabre has climbed to the top rope. Sabre stands up straight before delivering the 450 Splash to Cossak Joe. Sabre stays on for the cover. The referee has just begun to awake and makes the count. 1...........................................2...............................................3!!!!!!

"The Japs" d. The Russians
19:47 Pinfall

Stanyer: "The Japs" defeat The Russians again, and also Big Poppa & Sabre defeat The Russians again, oh what am I talking about now.

Dawg: I say that all the time.

Stanyer: Well the Topp Doggs just cost The Russians the match, whatever their opponents want to call themselves. The Russians are not going to be a happy bunch.

Dawg: The Topp Doggs should be more careful, never mess with the gWo.

Stanyer: Speaking of the gWo, Matt Van Dam is backstage. While our ring crew set about building the Scaffold for our next match.

Camera cuts back stage to MVD's locker room, as a cameracrew and Ted Tedison are about enter to get the thought's of Matt Van Dam


Tedison with the camera crew enter to find MVD playing cards with Jennifer Van Dam, seemingly totally relaxed ahead of the big US title match up

Tedison:- Mr Van Dam, could we please have a quick interview ahead of tonights US title match up?

MVD:- Can't you see i'm busy Tedison! But, seeing as you've already disturbed me, i'll tell you how its gonna go down!

MVD grabs Tedison's mic and begins to rant about the matchup

MVD:- Being challenge champion was very important to me and the gWo, i planned using the challenge title to show the world just how good i am, by defending it everyweek on the gWo's show ARMAGEDDON, but i was screwed out of it by the powers that be. Someone has taken away my ability to tell my fans i'm undefeatable, and MVD was already a dangerous beast, but now i'm wounded, and any wild beast is more deadly when its wounded, so Rye, Havok, and even you Travis, beware of the beast! The beast is the frog, yes its my splash, you see i know more about the 5 star frog splash than anybody, its dangerous, and i know it can rattle your whole body, congratulations fellas, you just signed up for a 5 star ass smokin from everyone's favourite wrestler Matt ..........Van.........Dam

MVD throws out the camera crew and Tedison and the door slams shut...........

Stanyer: Well, the scaffold is almost finished, while they complete the job, let us show you some footage of this battle between the Gods of War and the Gods of Gore.

Footage rolls from Havoc 10

We see the Gods of War complain about the lack of competition in the Tag Team Division, Kull then makes the challenge to anyone. The Gods of Gore come out and answer the challenge.

Footage from Havoc 11

We see Big Lou taunting the Gods of War on the Ultra-Tron, then footage of them walking about Alexander's home. We see the bomb explode in the house of Alexander as the wifes of both men watch on to see the Gods of War's dogs being blown to pieces by Lou and Mike.

Footage from Havoc 12

We see Kull and Alexander inside the Gods of Gore's mercedes, we see the Gods of Gore in the ring. Then we see Kull emptying fluid all over the interior and then putting a rag in the fuel pipe. He then lights the rag and we see the Car explode as the Gods of War cooly walk away

Footage from Havoc 13

We see the Gods of Gore leaving the commentary positions and attacking the Gods of War with Baseball Bats. Then we see the Gods of Gore on their way to the ring awaiting their match, then the Gods of War attack them from behind and leave the Gods of Gore lying.

Footage from Havoc 14

We see Mr Pellington announcing that the PPV match for the Tag Team Titles will be a Scaffold Match

Footage ends

Stanyer: Welcome back folks, the scaffold is built now, the rules of this match are simple, the teams start in the ring, they work their way to the top of the scaffold, and the first team to get their opponents off the scaffold wins. Simple, but extremely dangerous.

Scaffold Match
Gods of Gore v Gods of War

"Natural Born Killaz" by Dr Dre & Ice Cube blasts on the stereos through out the stadium then you see on the Ultra-tron "N.B.K. ALL THE WAY!" in red blood type letters. Big Lou makes his way to the ramp accompanied by Mad Mike his tagteam partner. Big Lou then raises his Louie ville slugger in the air and slowly raises his head up and all of a sudden red flames from the right and green flames on the left side shoot up in the air. Big Lou and Mad Mike then enter the ring both men go over the top rope Mad Mike stands in the center of the ring while Big Lou climbs up the turnbuckle with the Louie ville slugger high in the air.

James: The following match is a Scaffold Match and it is for the PWF World Tag Team Championship, Introducing the challengers, from Las Vegas Nevada, at a combined weight of 504lbs, Mad Mike and Big Lou, the Gods of Gore.

*Fire Erupts from the stage and continues to burn as "Wherever I may Roam" By Metallica hits Threw the fire walks Maximus and Kull. They look to the crowd and the crowd explodes. They March to the ring and Kull climbs the turnbuckle and raises his sword.

James: And their opponents, Introducing at a combined weight of 513lbs, the PWF World Tag Team Champions, Alexander and Kull, The Gods of War

The two teams stare each other down as the camera pans across the scaffold, the structure is 20 feet high, the scaffold surrounds the ring and most of the outside as well, at the top there is two large platforms on each side, they are connected by a small walkway. Surrounding the ring are tables, which are there to help break the fall of any of the wrestlers. There are no ladders to climb the structure, they must climb the structure itself to get to the top.

Report: The bell rings and the Gods of War go to tie up but the Gods of Gore duck under and Mike hammers Kull with right hand while Lou hammers Alexander with right hands. They send the Gods of War into the ropes and then they both hit Kitchen Sinks to flip the Gods of War over to their knees. The Gods of Gore both go to kick the Gods of War in the face, but they pull their heads backwards and then grabs Mike & Lou's legs as they come back down and then the GoW stand up and deliver Dragon Screw leg whips to both Mike and Lou. The GoW pick up Mike & Lou and whip them into the turnbuckle. Kull then waits in the corner where Mike is facing Lou, Alexander waits for him just in front of Lou. Kull charges at Alexander who uses his hands to lift up Kull and Kull flies through to hit Lou with a big clotheslines. Alexander then waits in front of Mike. Kull charges and this time Alexander flips Kull over and Kull comes down and hits a two footed dropkick to the face of Mad Mike.

Stanyer: Wonderful double teaming from the Tag Team Champions.

Big Lou staggers out of his corner and Alexander scoops him up in a sidewalk slam. Kull hops over the top rope and then waits for Alexander to turn to him and then Slingshot's over and hits a Leg Drop to the chest of Big Lou. Mad Mike suddenly charges out of his corner, Kull ducks Mike's clothesline and Mike walks straight into Alexander who delivers a release overhead belly to belly suplex. Mike rolls out of the ring to the floor. Alexander picks up Big Lou and and sends him into the ropes, Alexander picks up Lou and delivers a Spinebuster as Kull springs to the top rope and then flies off backwards and connects with the Pheonix Splash.

Stanyer: The Gods of War are taking the Gods of Gore to pieces, they might have lost in singles competition, but they are not the Tag Team Champions for nothing.

Dawg: It's all well and good, but they can't win until they get up there(points to top of scaffold).

Alexander and Kull pose for the crowd in the ring before turning back around to Big Lou, but Kull gets clocked over the head by Mad Mike with a chair. Alexander ducks the same shot and kicks Mike in the gut forcing him to drop the chair. Alexander sets Mike up for the Powerbomb but Big Lou smashes a chair across his back and then Mike back drops him. Mike and Lou then pick up their chairs and drive them into the chests of Alexander & Kull. Lou and Mike then place chairs over the faces of the GoW. They then climb opposite turnbuckles to the 2nd rope and then fly off with Leg Drops, driving the chairs into the faces of the Gods of War. Lou then picks up Kull and sets him up for a Powerbomb, he lifts him up in the air as Mike places a chair. Lou holds him up and then Mike grabs Kull's head and they deliver a Sit-down Powerbomb - Neckbreaker combo onto the steel chair.

Stanyer: Now it is the Gods of Gore's turn to double team their opponents.

Dawg: But again, neither team can win the match until they get to the top of the scaffold.

The Gods of Gore roll out of the ring and look for something, they find their trusty baseball bats on the floor and pick them up. Big Lou then points upwards and Mike nods. The two men then start to climb the scaffold to a massive cheer from the crowd. They reach the top of the scaffold as Alexander is getting up. Mike crosses the walkway so that they occupy both sides of the scaffold. Alexander manages to get Kull to get up and they look around for their opponents, then they hear them up on the scaffold. Alexander nods to Kull and they both leave on opposite sides and start to climb the scaffold as the cheers of the crowd get louder.

Dawg: This is where it gets scary Jay, either one of these competitors could be killed right here.

Stanyer: I was here the last time we held one of these, at the last End of the World PPV, where Wages of Sin and Lords of Ice came off and suffered serious injuries, Wages of Sin were never the same again after that match.

The Gods of War reach the top but they can't climb over because of the Gods of Gore. Lou and Mike both hit right hands which send Alexander and Kull swaying backwards. Lou and Mike hit right hands but still the GoW hang on, this time they come back and manage to catch Lou and Mike with right hands sending them backwards, giving them just enough time to climb over the edge of the platform and to stand up. Lou turns and goes for a right hand on Alexander, but he blocks it and hits a big right hand which sends Lou sprawling backwards almost sending him off the scaffold. Mike on the other side manages to hit Kull in the gut with his baseball bat. Mike smashes the bat across the back of Kull and he drops down to the platform holding his back. Mike stands over Kull and locks in a Camel Clutch to intensfy the pain in the back of Kull

Stanyer: Well you won't see that often, a Camel Clutch 20 feet off the ground.

On the other side Lou is being stomped on by Alexander. Alexander picks him up and delivers the Emporer's Hammer(Cannonball Buster) which shakes the platform. On the other side of the scaffold Mike picks up Kull and delivers a Brainbuster which surely has knocked Kull out cold. Alexander picks up Lou and threatens to toss him off the scaffold, but Lou manages to elbow him in the gut to block the move. Lou grabs the head of Alexander and delivers a DDT on the platform. On the other side Mike picks up Kull and delivers a Sidewalk Slam. Mike then picks up Kull and lifts him up in the air for a Military Press. He is about to toss him off the scaffold when Kull manages to wriggle free and drops behind Mike. Kull hooks the head of Mike and delivers a Reverse DDT.

Dawg: Even I am getting worried now, this match can't go on for much longer, not while they are fighting in such a confined space.

Big Lou picks up Alexander and sets him up for the Mafia Bomb. On the other side Kull gets to his feet and lifts up Mike and holds him in position for The Conqueror. Kull and Lou look at each other, daring each other to perform the moves. Lou and Kull deliver their moves at the same time but shockingly the platforms on which they are standing on give way and the four men fall 20 feet and crash through various tables on the floor.

Stanyer: OH MY GOD!!!!! OH MY GOD!!!! They just fell 20 feet. Get some help out here now, forget the damn match.

Dawg: The platform gave way, oh my god, they are all out on the floor. Here come the EMT's now.

EMT's rush out from the back with stretchers. They immediately attend to the four men, who are all out cold and not moving at all.

Match declared a draw.

Stanyer: I cannot believe what I just saw, the platforms are supposed to be able to take the weight of all four men, clearly someone is going to be in trouble, they should never have given way.

Dawg: (as replay's show) I am just in Shock, I've never seen anything like that, the platform gave way, they fell 20 feet and crashed through tables, they were just lucky that the platform is screwed onto the scaffold, although it still looks like it might fall from here.

Stanyer: If they had fallen, then these four men would almost certainly be dead, and there is no guarantee they will survive at the moment. They all took one incredible bump.

Dawg: Perhaps we will get some more information on their condition later on in the show.

Stanyer: I hope so, one thing is for certain, these four are definitely going to need Medical Attention.

The camera cuts to Homicide’s make-shift locker room for Last Man Standing. You can see the sweat pour down from his forehead as he does an intense warm-up of push-ups and crunches, and you can see that he has the fire in his eyes of determination. A knock is heard at the door, and the voice sounds of Ted Tedison.

Tedison: "Homicide, can I get a few words from you before your big match tonight?"

Homicide: stops his push-ups for a moment " You just got 13, and I’m busy."

Tedison: "Please? It’ll just be a quicky."

Homicide: "If you wanted a quicky, you should have asked one of the women on the corner of 31st street, that’s not my job here. My job is massacring people."

Tedison: "You do know that’s not what I meant.. I just want a few comments on your match tonight."

Homicide stops again, and walks over to the door, letting Ted Tedison in.

Homicide: "Now what was SOOO important that you couldn’t wait to ask me? Huh? It better be good!"

Tedison: "Umm.. Uhh.."

Homicide: "You’re wasting my time, spit it out or I’m kicking your out!"

Tedison: "I just wanted to see if you had any words for Kevin Cage, as you will be getting a rematch for the European Title.."

Homicide: "MY European Title.."

Tedison: "..Yes, whatever.. Anyways, you will be getting a rematch in your trademark Boston Massacre Match.."

Homicide: "I knew that, already. What is the question? Do I have any advice for him? Any words of wisdom?"

Tedison: "Yes.. umm.. something like that.."

Homicide: "All I have to say to Cage is... GOOD LUCK! ‘Cuz tonight, the MASSACRE.. WILL.. BE.. UN-LEASHED!!!"

Homicide now is trembling with intensity, and he shoves Ted Tedison out of the door, and then drops down for about 20 more lightning-quick push-ups before the camera fades back to the Last Man Standing broadcast.

Stanyer: "Wow, he is definitely on a mission."

Dawg: "The last time I saw that look on someone’s face was when Mike Tyson bit off Holyfield’s ear.."

Stanyer: "I don’t think he will be going for Cage’s ear, but nonetheless, he is ready to fight!"

Dawg: And down comes the Cage, I hope Cage came ready to fight in the Cage, I'm getting my tongue in a twist now, too many Cage's.

Stanyer: Well for those not familiar with a Boston Massacre match, it is Last Man Standing rules inside a steel cage, weapons litter the cage. This is another extreme match, and it is for the European title.

Boston Massacre Match
Homicide v Kevin Cage(c)

"Cowboy's From Hell" by Prodigy hits, and words flash across the tron screen as the lights go off. THE...REAL...BOSTON...MASSACRE...; Four silver streaks shoot down from the rafters, and are answered by two red flames which shoot up from each side of the stage. As the lights dimly flash on with alternating flashes of red, Homicide can be seen facing the tron in a pose as if he was hanging from a cross. Then, as the crowd erupts in cheers, the arena lights go on, and Homicide turns, and proceeds down to the ring as he is announced.

James: The following match is a Boston Massacre match and it is for the PWF European Championship. Introducing the challenger, from Boston, Massachusetts, weighing 292lbs, "The Real Boston Massacre" Homicide.

The lights go out in a sold out PWF Arena. Suddenly the lights flicker and "Privilege" by Incubus begins blasting through the speakers. Kevin Cage walks out as the crowd gives a loud chorus of cheers. Cage poses for the fans as he walks slowly to the ring. Once he reaches his destination, he steps through the ropes as the crowd's cheers are heard.

James: And his opponent, from Chicago, Illnois, weighing 225lbs, the PWF European Champion, Kevin Cage.

Report: Homicide and Cage circle, Homicide exercises his arm before the two men tie up. Homicide takes Cage into a waistlock. Cage goes low and then high to catch Homicide with an elbow and then takes him into a hammerlock. Homicide reverses the move into a top wristlock. Cage counters with a couple of kicks to the gut, but Homicide comes back with a huge knee to the chest of Cage. Homicide then grabs Cage and slams his face into the wall of the steel cage. Cage picks himself up and gets caught with another knee to the gut from Homicide. Homicide then rakes the face of Cage across the steel cage. Cage goes down to the mat holding his face. Homicide picks up a Kendo Stick off the mat. He waits for Cage to get to his feet and then smashes the Kendo Stick over Cage's head. Cage goes down hard, the referee starts the ten count, but Homicide pushes him out of the way and picks Cage up. Homicide scoops up Cage and walks around before delivering the Pendulum Backbreaker. Homicide then comes off the ropes and delivers a quick leg drop to the face of Cage.

Stanyer: Homicide taking early control in what is his speciality match.

Homicide climbs to the top rope and waits for Cage to get up before flying off and delivering a flying lariat. Homicide then tells the referee to start counting. 1............2.............3.................4.............5........Cage starts to pick himself up..........6........Homicide pushes the ref out of the way and picks up Cage himself, but Cage pushes Homicide's arms away and chops Homicide, Homicide comes back with an overhand chop, Cage then comes back with a series of forearms and then whips Homicide to the ropes, but Homicide reverses and sends Cage into the ropes, Homicide bends down and Cage catches him and delivers a DDT, Cage hangs on and rolls through and delivers a 2nd DDT. He hangs on again and looks for a third DDT. But Homicide counters by lifting Cage up in the air, but Cage manages to counter back and brings Homicide back down and spikes the 3rd DDT.

Stanyer: Kevin Cage has managed to give himself some time to recover.

Dawg: He needs to get a weapon on Homicide, nothing else will do the job.

Cage picks Homicide up to a sitting position and then locks on a Surfboard stretch. He wrenches back on the arms for a good 30 seconds and then releases the hold with Homicide lying on the mat holding his back. Cage then picks up a steel chair and places it on the mat. Cage picks up Homicide but he pushes Cage away and hammers him with a couple of fast rights, but Cage blocks one and then grabs Homicide by the head and delivers the Cage-Factor on the steel chair. Cage then starts to climb the steel cage.

Stanyer: Where is Cage going?

Dawg: The pansy boy OutKast is trying to get away.

Stanyer: I don't think so, that is just not in Kevin Cage's nature.

Cage pulls himself up to the top of the cage and then stands up, he then jumps off for the Cage-Bomb(Big Splash) but Homicide rolls out of the way and Cage crashes into the canvas. Homicide realises the referee has been counting him down and quickly gets to his feet as the referee starts the count on Cage. 1........................2......................3.....Homicide drags the referee out of the way and clearly mouths, "He's mine" Homicide picks up Cage and scoops him up and then delivers the Cell Splitter(Fire Thunder Driver). He then backs off and tells the referee to start counting. movement. .........5.................6.............Cage starts to stir..........7..........Cage is up on one knee.......8.........9...Cage makes it to his feet. Homicide can't believe it and runs in and hits a big Jumping Clothesline. Homicide picks up Cage and hooks him up for Intentional Homicide(Tiger Suplex), but Cage counters with a Mule Kick and the two men go down to the mat.

Stanyer: Both men are down, this match is wide open, I can't predict it.

The referee begins a ten count. 1..........2................3...............4.............Cage and Homicide start to get to their feet.................5............6.........Cage is up............7....Homicide is up. Cage goes for a right hand, but it is blocked and Homicide hits a Headbutt. Cage staggers down onto the canvas. Homicide goes down to pick him up but gets caught in the head with a shot from a Metal Sheet from Cage. Cage then gets up and clocks the chair over the head of Homicide. Cage then drops the chair and helps Homicide up. Cage then delivers a Brainbuster driving Homicide's head into the steel chair. Cage then tells the referee to start counting. movement so far...........6..............7..........Homicide starts to move...........8......Homicide is on one knee...............9.........Cage ignores the count and kicks Homicide in the face. Cage then picks up the leg of Homicide and then locks in a Figure Four Leg Lock.

Dawg: Cage won't win the match with this move, but if Homicide can't stand, then he will have trouble winning it.

Cage cinches in the move and Homicide tries to resist the pain. Homicide tries to turn Cage over, he almost makes it, but Cage manages to bring him back down. Homicide tries again and this time he manages to roll Cage over and reverse the pressure. Cage manages to release the hold though. Homicide and Cage get to their feet, Homicide is standing gingerly on his left leg. Cage takes advantage of this and kicks Homicide in the left knee, Homicide comes back with a right hand, but Cage kicks Homicide in the knee again and you can visibly see Homicide wince, although he tries to hide it. Cage backs off and goes for the Superkick, but Homicide catches the leg of Cage and then delivers the Cradle Suplex. Homicide then signals for an end and places a chair across the chest of Cage. Homicide then starts to ascend the Cage walls.

Stanyer: Could we see the famous Homicide "Atomic Headbutt" from the top of the cage? Is that what he has planned for Cage.

Dawg: We saw Theros do this move last night, and he knocked himself out with it as well.

Homicide is climbing the cage when Cage gets up and sees Homicide climbing the cage. Cage goes after him and starts to climb the cage aside Homicide. Cage is lighter than Homicide and climbs a little faster to catch Homicide up and they both make it to the top at about the same time. Homicide hits Cage with a right hand which nearly sends him off the cage, but he holds his balance somehow. Cage hits a right hand on Homicide and he staggers, having to grab one of the cables to stop himself from going off the cage. Homicide hits Cage with another right hand and then grabs Cage by the head. He then turns Cage over and then throws himself off the Cage and takes Cage with him and delivers the Boston Massacre(Reverse DDT Drop) from the top of the cage.


Dawg: Unreal stuff from these two.

Stanyer: That move took a hell of a lot out of both men, the question now is who will get to their feet first to win the match.

The referee begins the 10 count. 1..................2.................3...............4................. no movement. .............5.............6............7........ Homicide begins to stir........8.......Homicide is up on one knee.........9..............Homicide just manages to stand up............10!!!! Homicide collapses back on the mat.

Homicide d. Cage
17:18 Last Man Standing

James: The winner of the match, and NEW PWF EUROPEAN CHAMPION, THE BOSTON MASSACRE, HOMICIDE. Crowd Cheers

Stanyer: Homicide reclaims the European title with an astonishing move from the top of the cage.

Dawg: Amazing, That was brutal, spectacular, these two men are going to go a long way in the PWF. All Cage has to do is dump those pansy OutKasts, and he would probably have won tonight.

Stanyer: I disagree totally. This is Homicide's speciality match, Cage was already at a disadvantage, but he wouldn't have signed if he didn't think he could win.

Dawg: I'm just saying, I think he lost because he is distracted by being in the OutKasts.

Stanyer: Well anyway, before the final of the Last Man Standing Tournament, Ted Tedison is with Gambino backstage.

Ted Tedison is shown backstage with Gambino. Gambino is still wearing his warmup suit

Tedison:"Gambino, tonight you step in the ring with Eraser for a TLC match with your Challenge Title on the line. I know this is the first time you've participated in this sort of match, do you have any apprehensions about going into such a dangerous match?"

Gambino:"Apprehensions, no, not at all. I'm gonna give Eraser 110 percent, just as I'm sure he will do for me as well. I know the dangers of this match, and I know what can happen to me out there. That's a risk I'm willing to take to get a shot at that bastard."

Tedison:"You recently just won the Challenge Title, are you worried about defending it in such a high profile match, this soon after winning it?"

Gambino:"What, are you saying that I can't beat Eraser? You think I'm gonna lose tonight Tedison?"

Tedison:", I..."

Gambino snatches the microphone from Tedisons hands and motions as if he's gonna backhand Tedison. Tedison jumps back and covers his head as if to defend himself.

Gambino:"Get the hell out of here before I smack your ass, I'm not losing this damn title!"

Tedison walks swiftly down the hall to avoid angering Gambino anymore

Gambino:"Eraser, tonight, you will see a side of me that most people do not know exists. You will see the darkest side of me tonight, and when you look into my eyes, and I look into your eyes, you will will know that everything you've done in the past several weeks...invading my attacks from behind, you will know that it was all a mistake. You will know that you've pissed off the wrong person, and you will know that your consequences await you. I said the other night, that payback was a bitch, and even though I kicked your ass in a tag team match, and I set you up for an ass whipping by the Ruff Ryders...I haven't even begun getting my payback! Payback begins tonight, when we step into the ring for the TLC match. You wanted a war Eraser, and that's exactly what your gonna get...because from here on out, I begin to hold true to my no mercy, and take no shit."

Gambino walks away as the cameras fade to black

A car is seen driving up to the arena. The car stops and Thorn and Eraser steps out. Eraser starts to bitch at Thorn.

Eraser: Thorn you had to drive so slow. Man damn we most likely missed the show. Next time we are taken my truck.

Thorn: It wasn't my fault. The truck in front of me was driven slow.

Eraser: Nevermind. Don't worry about that. Lets get down to business. Lets go see if we can find Gambino and let Eraser make his big entrance see if everyone is here.

Eraser and Thorn pass by the camera and walk into the building.

Stanyer: Eraser and his manager, Thorn are cutting it a bit fine.

Dawg: Indeed, their match is up shortly.

Stanyer: But now it is time for the Last Man Standing Tournament Final. This is the chance for two wrestlers to really make a name for themself. The winner is likely to go to great things, the loser, well he could go onto great things as well, it all depends on this one match. Well over to the ring.

Last Man Standing Tournament Final
General Leo v Silas "Pitbull" Parish

The lights go blue, as "The Imperial March" starts over the speakers. General Leo walks out from the back to an expensive looking fireworks show. The fans cheer as he walks to the ring with his sword in hand. He steps in and the lights go up.

James: The following match is the Last Man Standing Tournament Final, Introducing the competitors, first, from Washington D.C., weighing 235lbs, General Leo.

"Come out and Play" by The Offspring begins to play increasingly loud through the arena speakers, heralding the arrival of "Pitbull" Silas Parish. Several scenes of a pitbull on a chain, barking and straining to get loose, play on the TitanTron as the words SILAS PARISH slowly appear at the bottom of the screen and PITBULL appears at the top. Suddenly, a series of pyrotechnic explosions erupt down the right side of the ramp and back up the left side as Silas steps through the backstage curtain and into view. He pauses at the top of the ramp, his eyes locked on his opponent in the ring. He cracks his knuckles and makes sure the tape around his hands is tight, his gaze still locked on the ring. Then he begins to stalk forward. About halfway down the ramp he breaks into a run and slides into the ring under the bottom rope, quickly getting to his feet well before the bell rings.

James: And his opponent, from Vancouver, Canada, Silas,"The Pitbull" Parish.

Report: Leo and Pitbull circle, then they square up. Leo has the height and weight advantage but it is Pitbull who makes the first move and slaps Leo. Leo holds his face for a second then launches into Pitbull with right hands Leo then whips Pitbull to the ropes, Pitbull ducks Leo's clothesline and then comes flying off the ropes with a flying back elbow which puts Leo down. Leo rolls back to his feet and ducks Pitbull's charging clothesline. Leo kicks Pitbull in the gut a couple of times and then hooks him up for a Snap Suplex, but Pitbull counters with a hard knee to the gut of Leo. Pitbull hits a second hard knee then backs off and smashes his knee into the face of the doubled over Leo. Pitbull then makes an early cover. 1..................................2......Leo kicks out easily. Pitbull picks up Leo and snapmares him over and follows it up with a stiff kick to the back of Leo's head. Pitbull then springs onto the 2nd turnbuckle and flies off with a moonsault and connects and then hooks the leg. 1.......................................2......................Leo kicks out.

Stanyer: Pitbull trying to score the early win, but he is not going to manage that against a man the calibur of General Leo.

Leo gets to his feet and Pitbull kicks him in the gut before sending Leo into the turnbuckle. Pitbull charges in with a clothesline, but Leo moves out of the way, Pitbull stops himself before he hits the turnbuckle and turns around straight into a big right hand by Leo which sends him into the turnbuckle. Leo hits a second right hand then hits a few shoulder thrusts to the gut of Pitbull. Leo then lifts Pitbull onto the top turnbuckle. Leo then climbs up and looks set to execute a Top rope Superplex, but Pitbull counters with a few blows to the gut and a right hand to the face of Leo sends him back to the canvas. Pitbull then stands up and flies off with a Guillotine Leg Drop crushing the sternum of General Leo. Pitbull hooks the leg. 1.......................................2....................................Leo just kicks out.

Dawg: Pitbull dominating, despite his size disadvantage.

Pitbull picks up Leo and hooks him up and delivers a Snap Suplex. Pitbull then drags Leo towards the corner and then goes to the turnbuckle. Pitbull grabs the top rope and springs onto the second turnbuckle and launches himself backwards with a slingshot body splash. Pitbull hooks the Leg. 1..................................2..................................Leo kicks out again.Pitbull then climbs off Leo and climbs to the top rope and waits for Leo to get up. Pitbull then flies off and connects with a missile dropkick putting Leo back down. Pitbull then scampers across the ring and makes the cover. 1........................................2................................Leo gets his left shoulder up at the last second.

Stanyer: Pitbull is pulling out all the stops, but he just can't keep Leo down.

Pitbull picks up Leo and sends him into the ropes, Pitbull follows by the side of Leo and goes to hook up the running Pitbulldog, but Leo ducks Pitbull's arms and Pitbull comes off the other side into the waiting arms of Leo who deliver a release Overhead Belly to Belly Suplex. Both men stay down. The referee begins his 10 count. On 7 both men are back up and Pitbull goes for a right hand, but Leo blocks it and staggers Pitbull with a hard right. Pitbull goes for a second right hand, this time Leo ducks it and locks in a waistlock. Pitbull tries to counter with an elbow to Leo's face. But Leo clubs Pitbull across the back and then delivers the German Suplex with a bridge. 1.................................2...............................Pitbull kicks out. Leo is fired up now and mounts Pitbull and hammers him with right hands. Leo then grabs the left arm of Pitbull and takes it into a Cross Armbreaker.

Stanyer: Leo is trying to make Pitbull tap out, could this be the end for Silas Parish?

Pitbull tries to bend his arm, to stop Leo from hyperextending it. Pitbull then starts to drag himself towards the ropes and eventually manages to grab the bottom rope. Leo releases the hold immediately. Leo and Pitbull get to their feet. Pitbull is holding his left arm. Leo locks in a Full Nelson while Pitbull is distracted and delivers a release Dragon Suplex with folds Pitbull up like an accordian. Leo then climbs to the top rope and stands up straight before delivering a perfect flying elbow drop to the chest of Pitbull. Leo then hooks the leg. 1...........................................2.................................Pitbull kicks out. Leo picks up Pitbull and goes for a Northern Light Suplex, but Pitbull hammers Leo across the back to block it, and then turns around and holds onto the head of Leo and runs up the ropes and delivers a Top Rope Pitbulldog. Pitbull lies down for a few seconds before he rolls over to make the cover. 1......................................2.............................Leo just kicks out.

Dawg: I don't know where these two find the energy to kick out of these pinfalls.

Stanyer: These two men are wrestling their third match of the night, and still they battle on.

Both men slowly get to their feet. Pitbull blocks a right hand by Leo and connects with one of his own which sends Leo staggering backwards. Pitbull goes for a clothesline, but Leo ducks and Pitbull takes out the referee. Pitbull stares at the referee, but while he does so Leo hooks both of his arms and delivers looks for a Tiger Suplex, but Pitbull counters with a Mule Kick. Pitbull puts Leo's head between his legs and lifts Leo up and drives his head into the canvas with the piledriver. Pitbull then climbs to the top rope once again and flies off with a Twisting Senton Splash and connects driving his body into the chest of Leo. Pitbull hooks the leg, but the referee is out. Pitbull goes across to check on the referee. While his back is turned, someone comes running out from the entrance way.

Stanyer: Is that? YES!! That's Blade!! But why is he here?

Dawg: But what does that say on the front of his shirt? There's only one.....?? Only one what?

Stanyer: I don't know, but he is in the ring, the question is, who is he in the ring for?

Blade walks with a cocky walk up to Pitbull. Pitbull senses the presence and stands up and turns around, he looks stunned to see Blade and then gets kicked in the gut. Blade then slots Pitbull's head between his legs and raises his arm in the air to the cheers of the crowd. Blade then flips Pitbull up and drives him down with the Powerbomb. Blade then turns around and raises both arms to the crowds cheers.

Stanyer: THE EMPIRE!!! The Empire is back??

Dawg: That's what is says on the T-shirt, There's only one... Empire.

Blade picks up Leo and drags him over the top of Pitbull. Blade then rolls out of the ring. The referee stirs and looks up to see Leo covering Pitbull. He makes the count. 1.......................................2................................................Pitbull gets his left shoulder up at the very last second. Blade looks absolutely stunned on the outside.

Stanyer: My god, how in hell's name did Pitbull kick out of that?

Leo rolls off Pitbull and pounds the mat in frustration. He gets to his feet and picks up Pitbull. Leo locks in both the head and arms and delivers the Gargoyle Suplex. Leo covers again. 1...............................................2.....................................Pitbull gets his left shoulder up again. Leo can't believe it and picks up Pitbull and goes behind him and delivers The Shock. He covers again. 1..............................................2........................................................Pitbull gets his left shoulder up at the very last possible moment. Leo absolutely cannot believe it.

Stanyer: Pitbull refuses to stay down, he has been Shocked, Powerbombed and Suplexed to hell and back, but still he refuses to be pinned.

Dawg: What else can Leo do?

Leo picks up Pitbull again and goes to hook in The Shock when out of nowhere Pitbull grabs the head of Leo and delivers the Stunner. Both men stay down for a few seconds. Pitbull then starts to get to his feet. He realises he needs to finish Leo now and starts to climb the top rope facing towards the crowd. Blade climbs to the apron and the referee goes to stop him getting in the ring, but all Blade does is shake the ropes causing Pitbull to lose his balance and be crotched on the top rope. Leo gets to his feet and sees Pitbull Leo then climbs up behind Pitbull and hooks the head of Pitbull up.

Stanyer: He can't, no way, not from there. OH MY GOD!!!!! The Shock, The Shock from the top turnbuckle, It's over. Leo turns over to cover. 1......................................................2........................................3!!!!!!!

General Leo d. Pitbull
21:18 Pinfall

James: The winner of the match, and the Last Man Standing, GENERAL LEO!!! Crowd Cheers loudly

Stanyer: After an incredible match, where Pitbull simply refused to stay down, and with the help of former MOW SH Superstar Blade, the proud american, General Leo has managed to become the Last Man Standing.

Dawg: You have to give credit to Pitbull though, he gave us everything he had tonight, and then some, but it just wasn't enough.

Stanyer: But the big question that everyone will be asking after this match concerns The Empire, is it back, or isn't it?

Dawg: It certainly seems that way, the question is, who is in The Empire.

Stanyer: Well I guess we will have to wait until Havoc to find that one out.

The camera comes in on "The Future" Travis Right sitting all alone in his locker room holding the United States title belt

Travis: Thats right, today "The Future" comes to you in his very own locker room all by himself. No gWo, just the man who holds the U.S. title. Now Im sure your all saying to yourself's, "Their must be some problems within the gWo." Well to all the fans who came here wearing there green proud, dont worry. Me and the gWo are fine, and were gonna leave this ppv, as the Last Team Standing. The Outkast's, well they can go on and on all they want about being the good guys, and winning for the fans, and for themselves. But then again they always say the bad guys cant win. Well, I hate to break it to you all, but they have and they will win again. Your all just gonna have to life with the fact that the gWo is the best damn group of wrestler's around.

A sudden knock at the door stops Travis from continuing on about the gWo. Travis eyes the door suspiciously, pondering wether or not he should open it. Another loud knock followed by a voice at the door which cant quite be made out, makes Travis rise to his feet and opens the door to reveal MVD standing in the hallway

MVD: Umm, Hey hows it goin?

Travis: Its good, just getting ready for the match

MVD: Yeaaa, thats what I came here about. I just want to wish ya luck. I mean as long as one of us wins the match, everything will be fine.

Travis: Yea, but like I said before, Im not just laying down to give you the belt. I fought hard to earn this thing and im gonna fight hard to keep it.

MVD: I know, and I dont expect you to just lay down. I just want the best man to win. And more than likely that man will be from the gWo.

Travis: Alright, well if ya dont mind I gotta get ready for the match.

MVD: Alright, well I guess I'll cya out there.

Travis closes the door and walks back over to his chair and sits down. He looks straight into the camera, with a serious stare and slightly shakes his head

Travis: Im not losing this belt!!

The camera fades away with "The Future" still looking dead on into it

Stanyer: These four men have been feuding for weeks as part of the OutKasts and the gWo, this match is expected to become two on two, with Travis and MVD teaming up against Rye and Havok. Let's see how this one turns out.

Fatal Four Way Elimination Match

Rye Hazwaki v Matt Van Dam v Havok v Travis Right(c)

"Snap your Fingers, Snap your neck" by Prong plays as MVD walks down the aisle, cluching Jennifer Van Dam by the waist, he lets her go, and poses, flexing his arms towards his head (RVD style). The Ultra-Tron bears the gWo logo and then shows clips of MVD striking opponents out with his Kendo Stick and finishing them the 5 star frog splash.

James: The following match is a Fatal Four Way Elimination match and is for the PWF United States Championship, Introducing the challengers, first, from Battlecreek, England, weighing 228lbs, "The Real F'n Show" Matt Van Dam.

Break Stuff by Limp Bizkit hits, as the lights flash red and white, and Rye Hazwaki is shown doing a slow ‘Cyclone Kick.’ The Pyro’s blast as Rye stands on the top of the stage, he looks at the crowd then walks down and enters the ring.

James: Secondly, from Tokyo, Japan, weighing 251lbs, Rye Hazwaki.

"Bad Influence" by Eminem plays as Havok walks in front of the UltraTron and does his taunt, he then walks through the crowd. He really loves the crowd and will never forget where he came from. His Ultra-Tron video shows him skating and then his finisher.

James: thirdly, from Tucson, Arizona, weighing 267lbs. Havok.

As "Walk with your head up" by Deftones & System of Down hits" hits and you hear "Get up Stand up, I got my head up" Travis comes walking out onto the ramp and arrogantly waves for the fans to boo all they want. Firecrackers pop off all around the Titantron as the Future makes his way to the ring. As he reaches the front of the ring, Travis slides under the bottom rope and slowly walks to the center of the ring. He crosses his arms and nods his head as the pyros explode behind him.

James: And finally from Miami, Florida, weighing 283lbs, the PWF United States Champion, "The Future" Travis Right.

Report: The 4 men look at each other, then Rye and MVD tie up and Travis and Havok tie up. MVD takes Rye into a hammerlock, Rye counters with a top wristlock and then jumps up and kicks MVD in the face. MVD goes for a leg sweep but Rye jumps up and then sits down and spin kicks the seated MVD in the face. Meanwhile Travis takes Havok into an arm wrench and sends him into the turnbuckle. Travis hammers away with forearms to the face of Havock, but Havok spins Travis around into the turnbuckle and then hammers him with right hands. Havok whips Travis out of the corner to the other side, but Travis reverses and pulls Havok towards him and takes him down with a short-arm clothesline. Meanwhile Rye picks MVD up and gets pushed away before MVD kicks Rye in the thighs a couple of times. MVD then grabs Rye and sends him into the ropes, he tries for the Vandamaniser, but Rye counters and lands on his feet. Rye goes for a spin kick, but MVD ducks, MVD then connects with the Kung Fu Elbow. Meanwhile Travis picks up Havok and lifts him up for a suplex, but Havok drops down behind Travis and then delivers a Back Drop.

Stanyer: This match starting out with a very fast pace.

MVD picks up Rye and pushes him into the turnbuckle. MVD then starts to hammer Rye with repeated forearms until he is in a sitting position. Havok picks up Travis but gets caught with a knee to the gut, Travis then whips Havok to the ropes and delivers a Back Body Drop. Havok gets back up quickly and goes to clothesline Travis, but he ducks it and then hits a Hangman's Neckbreaker on Havok. Travis makes the cover. 1.........................................2...........................Havok kicks out. Meanwhile MVD climbs to the top rope and performs the MVD pose before jumping up and dropping down with a stomp to the chest of Rye. MVD picks up Rye and delivers a scoop slam. MVD then jumps onto the 2nd turnbuckle and flies off with the Stinky Leg Drop. Travis picks up Havok and sends him into the ropes, he then hits a running kitchen sink on him. Havok lands on his knees. Travis puts Havok's head between his legs and hits a Pulling Piledriver. Travis Right makes the cover. 1..............................2...........................Havok just gets his shoulder up.

Stanyer: Havok has twice been nearly eliminated by Travis Right now.

Dawg: If the referee did his job, he would have been eliminated.

MVD stands over Rye and performs the Old Man Stink pose before sitting down and hammering him with right hands, MVD then moves into a lateral press. 1..................................2..............................Rye kicks out. Travis picks up Havok and delivers a Snap Suplex. Travis then comes off the ropes and delivers a perfect elbow drop. He then hooks the leg. 1...........................2........................Havok kicks out. MVD picks up Rye and then crotches him on the top rope. He then springs to the top rope and then jumps off and catches Rye with a Leaping Sidekick to the jaw. Rye falls to the outside. MVD poses for the crowd, who shower him with boos. Travis picks up Havok and delivers a German Suplex with a bridge. 1.................................2................................Havok somehow kicks out. Travis then signals to MVD who nods and then climbs to the top rope. Travis holds Havok down and MVD delivers the Five Star Frog Splash. MVD covers. 1........................................2.................................MVD gets dragged off Havok by Rye Hazwaki on the outside. MVD gets dragged to the outside where Rye hits a Jumping Back Kick to the face of MVD.

Stanyer: You can see the tide of this match slowly turning The OutKast's way.

Dawg: Where can you see that? All I can see is a gWo ass-kicking, left, right and centre.

Rye picks MVD up and rolls him back into the ring. Travis picks up Havok. Rye climbs to the top rope and waits for MVD to get up then flies off with a Leaping Sidekick, but MVD ducks and Rye takes down Havok instead. Travis immediately goes for the cover. 1..................................2.........................Rye breaks up the 3 count. MVD then grabs Rye in a waistlock, Rye elbows MVD in the head then jumps up and connects with a Rin-Me kick to the back of MVD's head. But Rye forgets about Travis who grabs his arms and delivers a Release Tiger Suplex. Travis Right then signals that it's over. He picks up Rye and lifts him up onto the top turnbuckle. He climbs up and grabs Rye for The Near Future, but Havok is up and grabs Travis from underneath and sit-down powerbombs Travis off the turnbuckle. Havok pushes the legs forward to make the cover. 1..............................2.............................Travis kicks out. MVD is staggering to his feet and Rye stands up on the turnbuckle and flies off with a Super Hurricanranna and rolls MVD up for the pin. 1......................................2...................................MVD just powers out.

Stanyer: Wonderful back and forth action from these four great athletes.

Havok and Rye wait for MVD to get up. Havok connects with the Devastation Kick to MVD which knocks him down on his back and then up into a sitting position, Rye then bounces off the ropes and connects with the Feet of Fury. He then hooks the leg of MVD. 1..........................................2.....................................Travis just makes the save with a diving forearm. Rye picks up Travis and kicks him in the gut. Rye then grabs the head of Travis and drops it down onto his knee. Havok picks up MVD, but he breaks free and hammers Havok with a series of forearms. Havok then comes back with a big right which stuns MVD. Havok then comes off the ropes but MVD scoops him up and hits the Vandaminiser.(Tilt a Whirl Driver). 1...................................2.................................Havok kicks out at the very last second. MVD then signals for a finish and springs up to the top rope. Meanwhile Rye has been delivering some viscious kicks to the head of Travis. Rye sees MVD on the top rope and shakes the ropes causing MVD to be crotched on the top rope. Havok then climbs up and grabs the head of MVD. Havok then lifts up MVD and delivers a Super Brainbuster. Havok rolls into the cover. 1...........................................2..............................................3!!!!

Stanyer: Travis can't make the save this time, Matt Van Dam has been eliminated with that Brainbuster, now it is effectively two on one.

Dawg: This is a conspiracy, a conspiracy against the gWo.

Havok and Rye then hi-fi and then they turn their attentions to Travis. They pick up Travis and both back off and then they deliver dual Superkicks. Rye makes the cover. 1.........................................2....................................Travis just gets his shoulder up. They pick up Travis to his feet. Rye puts Travis in position for a Powerbomb. Havok climbs to the ropes and poses to the cheers of the fans. Rye flips Travis up but he lands on his feet. He then pokes Rye in the eyes and then delivers the Last Gasp(Mu-Ken). 1...........................................2..............................................3!!!!

Dawg: It's all square now!!!

Stanyer: Havok thought Rye had Travis in the bag and was showing off to the crowd when Travis took Rye by surprise and gets the 3 count with The Last Gasp. Now it is down to Havok and Travis Right.

Havok looks shocked that Rye has been eliminated. He holds his head in shock. But then he focuses on Travis. The two men are tired after a long battle. They tie up, Travis takes Havok into a headlock, Havok pushes Travis off into the ropes, Travis knocks Havok down with a shoulder block and then goes for an elbow, Havok rolls up as Travis hits the canvas and Havok goes for a leg drop, but Travis rolls up as does Havok they go for a tie up but Havok whips Travis over with an arm drag. Havok then turns the arm drag into a cross armbreaker, but Travis quickly grabs the bottom rope. Havok releases the hold and they both get to their feet. Travis goes for a right hand but Havok ducks it into a waistlock, Travis reverses the waistlock and goes for a German Suplex, but Havok counters with a victory roll. 1...................................2..........................Travis rolls the victory roll over into a cover of his own. 1..............................................2..............................Havok kicks out.

Stanyer: These two have had many battles, only two months ago they took each other apart at War Games in a Steel Cage Match.

Havok and Travis get up, Havok goes for a tie up, but Travis ducks and then hits a big forearm which sends the tired Havok staggering backwards. Travis then runs in and clotheslines Havok down. Travis picks up Havok and delivers a big Falling Suplex. He then makes a lateral press. 1.................................2................................Havok kicks out. Travis picks up Havok and this time he delivers a release German Suplex. He then drags Havok into position and then climbs to the top rope. Travis then flies off and delivers a Big Splash. 1..........................................2.......................................Havok just gets the shoulder up. Travis picks Havok up once more and sends him into the ropes. Travis goes for a Back Body Drop but Havok rolls over his back to his feet and then hits the Dizzy Kick(Standing Sidekick) as Travis turns around. Travis falls backwards slowly and Havok immediately hooks the leg. 1.......................................2.............................Travis kicks out.

Dawg: I think Travis made a mistake going to the top rope, it gave Havok too much time to recover, he should have hammered home is advantage.

Havok picks up Travis and kicks him in the gut, he then hooks the head and kicks forwards to deliver the Swinging DDT. He then hooks the leg. 1......................................2...........................Travis kicks out again. Havok then runs at the ropes and springs off with a Moonsault driving his knees into the chest of Travis before hooking the leg again. 1..........................................2...............................Travis kicks out. Havok picks up Travis again and picks him up and delivers a Sit-down Tiger Bomb. Havok signals for a finish and climbs to the top rope. But somehow Travis manages to reach out and push the referee into the ropes shaking them and crotching Havok. The referee admonishes Travis as he gets up. Travis quickly turns around and climbs up with Havok. He hooks the head and delivers The Near Future.(Super Tazzplex). He rolls over to make the cover. 1..................................................2.....................................................3!!!

Travis Right d. Havok, Rye & MVD
23:19 Pinfall

James: The winner of the match and STILL PWF UNITED STATES CHAMPION, "THE FUTURE" TRAVIS RIGHT. Crowd boos loudly

Stanyer: Travis somehow retains the US title in another fantastic battle. In which somehow the gWo and the OutKasts did not end up interfering.

Dawg: Well my man, MVD didn't win, but it doesn't matter, because The Future of this industry won, and that's all that matters.

Stanyer: I actually have no problem with that, Travis Right is the Future of our industry. I do believe that one day, he will be the PWF World Heavyweight Champion. It may take six weeks, it may take six months, or it may take 6 years, but I am certain he will get there.

Dawg: And he will 100% deserve it.

Stanyer: Well folks it's now time for our Challenge Title match, Gambino v Eraser in a TLC match. This isn't your normal TLC match, with the belt suspended above the ring. No this match is a pinfalls match, with falls counting anywhere.

Dawg: And of course, Table's, and Ladder's and Chairs are all legal.

Stanyer: This one could very well become a classic.

Falls Count Anywhere TLC Match
Eraser v Antonio Gambino(c)

It starts off when "I am" by Eminem starts off low and on the Tron you see flashing pictures of the Triple Hell in a Cell match, all of a studden the music blasts through the speakers and the dim. Eraser comes through the back and stands at the top of the ramp and looks around for 15 sec and then at a certain part of the music he raises both his arms in the air as Pyros go off all around and all up and down the ramp, Eraser walks slowly and powerfully down to the ring and grabs the top rope and climbs over he goes to the middle of the ring and at the same part of the song again he raises his right arm over his head and at each ring post a shot of pyros go off. Then he walks over to his corner and poses one more time as his music stops.

James: The following match is a TLC match where falls count anywhere and is for the PWF Challenge Title, Introducing the challenger, from Tampa Bay, Florida, weighing 289lbs, The Icon of the PWF, Eraser.

The lights dim, as a drum beat kicks in. The drums rapidly increase in volume as the name GAMBINO flashes across the screen in silver lettering, while flames burn behind the lettering. Then, "Sickness" by Disturbed begins blaring through the arena, and a spotlight shines on the entrance. Gambino steps forward into the spotlight so he can be seen. He lowers his head and raises a water bottle above him, pouring it on his head and face. He spits some of the water out as he begins to walk forward towards the ring. Once he gets to the ring, he climbs in and walks to the corner. He climbs to the second rope, and raises his arms in the air, posing to the crowd.

James: And his opponent, from Brooklyn, New York, weighing 245lbs, the commissioner of the PWF, and the PWF Challenge Champion, Antonio Gambino

Report: Gambino and Eraser circle each other, they square up and begin to trash talk each other, then they start to exchange right hands, Gambino gets the advantage in the fist fight and whips Eraser to the ropes, Gambino follows in with a big jumping clothesline. Eraser gets back up. Gambino comes off the ropes and spikes Eraser with a running DDT as he gets up. Gambino then rolls out of the ring and picks up one of the ladders on the outside and slides it into the ring. Gambino rolls back in but gets stomped on by Eraser. Eraser picks up Gambino who flings Eraser's arms away from him and then hammers him with hard right hands, Gambino then jumps up and hooks Eraser head and looks for a Swinging DDT on the ladder, but Eraser holds him up and spins him around and delivers a sit-down tiger-bomb on the ladder.

Stanyer: My god, he could have broken the back of the commissioner with just that one move.

Eraser holds on for the pinfall. 1...............................2........................Gambino kicks out and rolls off the ladder holding his back. Eraser picks up the ladder and props it up in the corner. Eraser picks up Gambino and whips him towards the ladder, but Gambino reverses and sends Eraser face first into the ladder, Eraser turns around and staggers out straight into the Mafia Kick from Gambino. Gambino immediately hooks the leg. 1.....................................2...................................Eraser kicks out. Gambino picks up Eraser and whips him towards the ropes, Gambino follows in and clothesline Eraser over the top rope. Eraser lands on the mats outside, he slowly picks himself up, as he does so he picks up one of the chairs on the outside. He turns around and Gambino baseball slides the chair back into the face of Eraser sending him into the barricade. Gambino starts to stomp on the chest of Eraser as he lies against the barricade. Gambino then pulls Eraser across the mat and places the chair across his chest. Gambino then climbs to the apron and then delivers a running Elbow Drop driving the chair into the chest of Eraser. Gambino then hooks the leg. 1...........................................2.........................................Eraser just kicks out.

Stanyer: Unlike a traditional Ladder match, or TLC match, this is a pinfall wins match, and falls count anywhere, they could fight in the streets if they wanted to.

Dawg: And don't forget that there is no disqualifications, and interference is allowed, which all plays into Eraser's hands.

Gambino picks up one of the tables from ringside and sets it up on the outside. He positions it exactly where he wants it and then rolls Eraser on top of it. He picks up the chair and smashes it into the chest of Eraser before he climbs to the apron. Gambino then climbs to the top rope and looks down at Eraser, he then flies off with a Guillotine Leg Drop, but Eraser moves at the last moment and Gambino goes crashing through the table. Eraser rolls back on top of Gambino to make the cover. 1............................................2.....................................Gambino kicks out. Eraser picks up Gambino and rolls him back into the ring. Eraser then sets up a ladder on the outside. Eraser climbs to the top of the ladder and looks towards the ring where Gambino is getting to his feet. Eraser flies off the ladder to the ring and takes Gambino down with Flying Clothesline. Eraser recovers his breath and then makes the cover. 1.................................................2........................................Gambino just gets his shoulder up.

Stanyer: The pinfalls are getting closer and closer as time goes on. There is only so much punishment one man can take.

Eraser rolls out of the ring and picks up a chair, he slides it into the ring, he picks up another chair and then climbs back to the apron, and then climbs to the top rope. He then flies off and hits a Flying Elbow/Chair shot to Gambino. He hooks the leg. 1...........................................2................................Gambino kicks out again. Eraser then sets up the chair, and then sets up the other chair side by side. He then picks up the ladder that is still in the ring and sets it up near the chairs. He then picks up Gambino and lays him on the chairs. Eraser then starts to climb the ladder. He makes the slow ascent up the ladder. But Gambino gets off the chairs and starts to climb the ladder with Eraser. Eraser hears him coming and turns around and manages to punch Gambino in the face, but Gambino is undetered and he and Eraser are almost occupying the same part of the ladder. Gambino and Eraser exchange right until Gambino manages to stagger Eraser with one big right and then hooks the leg and head of Eraser and flies off with the Gambino Facebuster driving the face of Eraser into the the two side by side steel chairs.

Stanyer: Amazing counter by Antonio Gambino, now can he capitalise on this, he hooks the leg. 1........................................2.........................................NO, Eraser gets the shoulder up. What resilience by Eraser.

Dawg: It's going to take a hell of a lot of punishment to keep either of these men down for the count, they both hate each other.

Gambino gets to his feet. He picks up the ladder and waits for Eraser to get to his feet. He then throws the ladder at Eraser who is sent staggering backwards. Gambino then spears Eraser and sends both himself and Eraser through the ropes to the floor. Gambino then picks up another table from ringside and sets it up. He then picks up Eraser and sets him up for a powerbomb. Gambino flips Eraser up and deliver the Gambino Bomb putting Eraser through the table. Gambino then makes the cover. 1.............................................2...........................................There is no 3 count. Gambino looks up at the referee and sees that his hand is being held back by someone, Gambino looks up and sees that that man is Kidd. Kidd pulls the referee out of the way and Gambino gets to his feet.

Stanyer: It's KIDD!! Where did he come from? We haven't seen him since he made his return about 2 weeks ago.

Dawg: But look behind Gambino

Behind Gambino is Thorn, who is armed with a chair and drives it into the back of Gambino who was face to face with Kidd. Kidd then hammers Gambino with right hands and then a big right sends Gambino sprawling up the rampway. Eraser starts to get to his feet and has a smile on his face as he sees Kidd and Thorn beating on Gambino. Eraser picks up a steel chair and goes to Kidd and Thorn. Kidd and Eraser stand on either side of Gambino armed with chairs and deliver a Double Chair Shot. Suddenly "The Fight Song" by Marilyn Manson hits the arena and the Ruff Ryders, Devastator and Dominator come running out. Eraser is covering Gambino. 1........................................2....................................Devastator breaks up the 3 count.

Stanyer: This match has broken out into an all out brawl between The Ruff Ryders and Gambino verus Eraser, Thorn and Kidd.

The Ruff Ryders battle with Thorn and Kidd and the four start to fight away from Gambino and Eraser and eventually work their way through the entrance way. Eraser picks up Gambino and drags him up the stage and slams his head into the stantions. He goes to do it again, but Gambino blocks it, then elbows Eraser in the gut and delivers a Double Arm DDT on the stage. Gambino then gets up and walks to the edge of the stage, he points to a table at the bottom of the stage. A massive cheer erupts from the crowd.

Dawg: He's not seriously going to put Eraser through that table. Is he?

Stanyer: Gambino doesn't give any mercy, if he is looking at that table, then Eraser is going through it.

Gambino turns away from the edge of the stage and walks right into The Eraser which sends both him and Eraser flying backwards off the stage through the table.

Stanyer: OH MY GOD!!! Eraser and Gambino just flew ten feet off the stage and came crashing down onto the concrete, the table did little more than slow them down.

Dawg: This match surely can't go on much longer.

The referee has come across and checks on both men, Eraser suddenly raises his arm in the air and rolls over to drape it over Gambino. The referee makes the count. 1.........................................2...............................................3!!!!!

Eraser d. Gambino
18:57 Pinfall

James: The winner of the match, and NEW PWF CHALLENGE CHAMPION, ERASER!!!!

Stanyer: Well after interference from Kidd, Thorn and the Ruff Ryders, although Destroyer didn't appear, Eraser has defeated the commissioner for the PWF Challenge Title.

Dawg: And it will be the first step on the road to Eraser becoming the PWF World Champion for a 5th time.

Stanyer: Perhaps it will, and perhaps it won't.

Dawg: But now is about the current World Champion, and how he is going to lose to Power G.

Stanyer: Well folks, it is now time, this has been brewing since early april, when Power G defeated Crusader for the PWF Challenge Title. Power G went on to win the World Title, whereas Crusader went out in the early stages of the tournament.

Dawg: Then Crusader went on to screw Power G at War Games and form those pansies, the OutKasts.

Stanyer: Since then, both Power G and Crusader have scored pinfall victories over each other, now is the big one though, the PWF world title match, and as the name of the PPV suggests, the winner will be the Last Man Standing.

The Main Event

Last Man Standing Match
Power G v Crusader Chrome(c)

James: It is now time for our Main Event.

"Zombie Nation" by Kernkraft 400 begins to play as Power G walks out with The Real McCoy, both men are holding Microphones. Power G begins to hit himself to psyche himself up, before walking to the ring with the Real McCoy.

James: The following match is a Last Man Standing Match and is for the PWF World Heavyweight Championship, Introducing the challenger, from Holguin, Cuba, weighing 230lbs, Power G.

The lights go out and a series of light blue lights flash throughout the arena. Rock Superstar by Cypress Hill blares over the pa followed by an explosion of fireworks similar to Y2J’s. Crusader's Ultra-tron has images of Harley Davidsons and biker babes transcending into one another. His entrance attire consists of a leather trench coat, dark sunglasses, and a du- rag rapped around his head. When he walks out into the entrance, he pauses and raises both fists in the air, proceeding to walk to the ring. Walking with a bmf walk, he climbs into the ring, while the lights are still out, and raises the lights with a fist in the air.

James: And his opponent, from Palm Beach, Florida, weighing 299lbs, The PWF World Heavyweight Champion, "The One" Crusader Chrome.

Report: Power G and Crusader circle, Crusader gives Power G a little trash talk, Power G is unaffected. They tie up. Crusader backs Power G into a corner. He looks set to give a clean break then he delivers an overhand chop to the chest of Power G. Power G comes back with a knife edge chop. Crusader comes back with a hard right hand. Crusader whips Power G out of the corner and sends him to the other turnbuckle. He follows in but Power G moves out of the way. Crusader manages to stop himself from hitting the turnbuckle. Power G comes off the ropes and looks for a clothesline, but Crusader ducks it, Power G continues onto the ropes. Crusader goes to the middle of the ring and looks for a back body drop but Power G kicks him in the face and then hits another knife edge chop. Power G then whips Crusader to the ropes, but he reverses and pulls Power G back for a clothesline, but Power G ducks underneath and locks in a waistlock. Power G then jumps up and hooks up Crusader and rolls him up backwards. 1........................Crusader powers out and rolls to his feet.

Stanyer: These two feeling each other out in the early stages.

Power G and Crusader circle once again. They tie up and Power G takes Crusader into a waistlock. Crusader elbows him off and Power G backs into the ropes. Crusader charges in with a clothesline but Power G ducks and back drops Crusader over the top rope. Power G then runs off the opposite ropes and flies through the ropes with a dropkick knocking Crusader back into the barricade just as he had got back up. Power G then picks Crusader up against the barricade and delivers a knife edge chop. Power G then lifts up Crusader and delivers a Back Body Flip. Power G springs onto the apron and then spins himself around and delivers a leg drop to the chest of Crusader. Power G picks up Crusader and whips him into the barricade. Crusader staggers off and Power G delivers a Running DDT spiking him on the mats on the outside.

Stanyer: There is little give on those mats on the outside, underneath it is just pure concrete, and that had to hurt.

Power G picks up Crusader and rolls him back into the ring. Crusader starts to get to his feet. Power G gets to the apron and then as Crusader gets to his feet Power G hits a springboard missile dropkick. Power G then picks up the arm of the downed Crusader and turns him over into a Strangle Hold. Crusader uses his strength to pull himself towards the ropes and manages to grab the bottom rope. But the referee just shakes his head at Crusader and reminds him that this is a Last Man Standing Match. There is no rope break. Power G releases the hold a few seconds later and picks up Crusader. Power G whips Crusader to the turnbuckle and then follows in and hits a running Tiger Wall Flip. Crusader staggers out of the corner and Power G comes off the ropes to the side and then hits a Running Two Handed Facebuster to Crusader. Power G then springs to the top rope and then flips off and connects with a Somersault Senton Bomb. Power G then backs off as the referee makes the count. 1...............2.................3................4............Crusader starts to pull himself up ..........5.............6.........Crusader uses the ropes to pull himself up on one knee ..........7.....Power G comes in and is about to grab Crusader when Crusader grabs Power G and tosses him to the outside. Crusader then rolls out and is holding his gut after the Senton Bomb. Power G gets back up and goes for a knife edge chop. Crusader ducks it and then clotheslines Power G down.

Stanyer: Crusader has a chance to regain the advantage, he must take it.

Dawg: He has no choice, because Power G is a machine and if he gives Power G just the slightest oppurtunity, he will take it.

Power G gets back up holding his head. Crusader kicks him in the gut and then slams his head into the apron. He then turns and slams Power G's head into the barricade. Power G slumps against the barricade. Crusader then whips Power G into the far barricade and then as Power G staggers off he lifts him up over his shoulders and then delivers a Death Valley Driver. He then tells the referee to start counting. 1..........2..............3...............4.......Power G raises one arm up ........5............6..........Power G uses the barricade to help himself up only to be clocked over the back with a steel chair from Crusader. Power G slumps down on all fours. Crusader drops the chair to the floor and pulls Power G's head between his legs. He then lifts Power G up and then drops him down with a Jumping Piledriver onto the steel chair. He then tells the referee to start counting again. 1...............2............3................4.......... no movement .............5...........6...........Power G starts to move ...........7..........Power G sits up ..................8...........Power G is up to his feet. Crusader hammers him with a big right hand which sends him staggering backwards. Crusader then grabs the arm and delivers a Falling Hiptoss. Crusader then reaches under the ring and pulls out a table. He sets the table up on the outside. He then goes to Power G who is on one knee by the apron trying to catch his breath.

Dawg: It looks like Crusader has some evil intentions for Power G.

He pulls up Power G and hits him with a right hand. He then takes him towards the table and positions him for a Powerbomb. He flips Power G up, but Power G counters with a few right hands to the face, Power G then drops down and hooks the head of Crusader and spins him around and delivers a DDT onto the mats. Both men stay down for a few moments. The referee begins a ten count, but on 4, Power G gets to his feet. He then picks up Crusader and rolls him back into the ring. Power G then picks up the chair and slides it into the ring. Power G picks up the chair and waits for Crusader to get to his feet. Power G then drives the chair into the gut of Crusader and then smashes it baseball style into the top of Crusader's head. The referee pushes Power G out of the way and starts his ten count. 1...............2..................3..............Power G pushes the referee out of the way and drops the chair on the mat. He picks up Crusader and hooks him up and delivers the G Power Slam driving Crusader into the steel chair.

Stanyer: There it is!!! The G Power Slam, onto a steel chair, can Crusader Chrome survive this?

The referee begins his ten count. movement..........6...........Crusader raises an arm.........7.........Crusader starts to get up...........8...........Crusader is half way up..........9..........Crusader just pulls himself to his feet as the referee was about to count to ten. Power G chops Crusader in the chest. Power G then grabs the arm of Crusader and deliver repeated chops to the back of Crusader's neck before one last chop sends Crusader down. Power G then climbs to the top rope, he waits for Crusader to get to his feet and then flies off but Crusader catches him out of mid-air by the throat. Crusader then delivers The Ice Breaker Chokeslam. Crusader then realises he needs to get a big move on Power G now and picks up the chair and begins to climb the turnbuckle. Crusader then flies off with the chair and delivers a perfect leg drop with the chair underneath his leg. Crusader rolls off holding his leg. He pulls himself up using the ropes. The referee begins a 10 count. 1............2..............3..............4............Power G begins to stir. Crusader has had enough and signals for a finish and picks Power G up himself, he scoops Power G up and then delivers The Concussion.

Stanyer: Crusader hits The Concussion, this time we see if Power G can survive.

Dawg: That's not even in question.

The referee starts the ten count. 1................2..............3..............4...............5...............Power G raises an arm in the air............6..........7.........Suddenly Power G kicks himself up. Crusader looks stunned. He goes for a clothesline but Power G ducks it and Crusader comes off the ropes and Power G picks up Crusader and delivers a Spinebuster. Crusader gets to his feet, not quite believing Power G got up so suddenly. Power G whips Crusader to the ropes, but Crusader reverses and then grabs Power G around the waist and then delivers The Cruplex, (Overhead Belly to Belly Suplex). Crusader rests in the corner holding his back as the referee counts. 1.................2..................3.....................4...................5..............Power G begins to pull himself up.........6..........Power G is almost to his feet. Crusader shakes his head as if he doesn't know what to do.

Stanyer: What will it take to keep Power G down, he just keeps on coming. It's as if he's some kind of machine.

Dawg: He IS a machine Jay, and Crusader just doesn't know where to throw the spanner.

Crusader grabs Power G and whips him to the ropes, Crusader jumps in the air and puts Power G down with a Flying Back Elbow. Power G gets to his feet and Crusader hooks Power G up for a suplex, but Power G blocks it and then shows his amazing strength by lifting Crusader up in the air and then delivering a Brainbuster. Both men stay down as the referee begins the ten count. 1.............2.............3............4...........Power G starts to pull himself up............5.............Power G pulls himself to his knees, Crusader begins to stir and rolls over holding his head.............6........Power G gets to his feet but then staggers into the ropes and has to use them to keep his balance......7.....Crusader begins to pull himself to his feet.........8......Crusader grabs the bottom rope and uses it to pull himself up................9...........Crusader gets to his feet. Power G decides to climb to the top rope. But Crusader sees him and walks into the ropes to shake Power G and crotch him. Crusader then climbs to the top rope with Power G. He lifts Power G onto his shoulder. He then gingerly stands up and looks towards the outside.

Dawg: No way, he can't, he surely won't.


Dawg: I don't believe it, I never knew he had the balls to do such a move.

Stanyer: Now Crusader has to make it to his feet before the ten count.

Both men are down in a mess of broken table and metal. The referee begins his ten count on both men. 1........................2.....................3...................4...................Both Crusader and Power G begin to stir.............5.................6.............Crusader grabs hold of the apron with one hand...........7........Power G grabs the barricade with one hand............8..............Crusader drags himself up to one knee...........Power G drags himself up to on knee...................9.....................Crusader manages to pull himself up to his feet, he staggers backwards........10!!! Power G pulls himself to his feet but it is too late and the bell sounds. Both men then collapse and rest themselves against the barricade and the apron respectively.

Crusader d. Power G
26:15 Last Man Standing

James: The winner of the match, and STILL PWF WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION, "THE ONE" CRUSADER CHROME. Massive Cheer from the crowd

Stanyer: Even after the big pop they give Crusader, the crowd gives a standing ovation to both men after a brilliant, brilliant match.

Dawg: Power G can pride himself on competing in such a great match, even though he lost.

Stanyer: Give credit to both men, they gave us their all, and Crusader just managed to pull out the victory.

Dawg: Kudos to Crusader and to Power G, they promised us a war, and they gave us one.

Stanyer: On a night where General Leo was crowned the Last Man Standing, The Topp Doggs returned to the PWF, Blackbird retained the Extreme Title despite interference from the new man Lethal, The Gods of War and Gods of Gore damn near killed each other in a destructive scaffold match, Xuway just managed to beat Josh Resnick. Eraser became the new Challenge Champion, and Homicide was also crowned the European Champion for a 2nd time. Travis Right retained the US title and finally Crusader Chrome retained his World Title defeating Power G.

Dawg: It's been one long, but enjoyable night.

Stanyer: I hope you all enjoyed it back home, we will see you at the next Havoc scheduled for August 11th. This is Jason Stanyer signing off.

The Camera shows a shot of Crusader backing up the aisle holding the PWF World title in the air. Power G is still resting against the barricade being attended to by the referee as the camera cuts to a PWF logo.

***© 2001 PWF Entertainment***


Thank you for reading this PWF PPV Presentation. I hope you enjoyed the show. If you did, then I would appreciate it if you took the time to give your comments on the show on the message board. Thank you for your time.

Thank you to Andrew - for writing two of the matches, DaiKaTanA v Pitbull and Dirk Danger v Rampage. Without his help, this PPV could have been REALLY late.

Again, thanks for reading and tune into Saturday Night Havoc later this week.

The Pelican