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Rumble in the Bronx
Last Man Standing
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Saturday Night Havoc

Havoc #19
Havoc #18
Havoc #17
Havoc #16
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Havoc #14
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Havoc #12
Havoc #11
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Havoc #3
Havoc #2
Havoc #1

Live from the Charlotte Coliseum
Charlotte, North Carolina
21st July 2001

Pyro's blast off as "Master of Puppets" by Metallica blasts throughout the arena, the camera pans across the packed house in the Charlotte Coliseum before closing in on the announcers table

Stanyer: Welcome everybody to PWF Saturday Night Havoc, tonight we come to you live from the Charlotte Coliseum in Charlotte, North Carolina. I'm Jason Stanyer alongside the "Big Dawg" Dave Harley. And tonight we bring you the opening qualifying matches in the Last Man Standing Tournament.

Dawg: Indeed, but the question on people's minds is Kidd.

Stanyer: Indeed, last week Kidd shocked us all by turning up on Havoc and helping his friend Eraser beat down Gambino.

Dawg: And what a beautiful moment that was, but the question is, where is he? Nobody has seen or heard from him since.

Stanyer: Only Eraser knows, perhaps he will tell us.

**The lights dim and violins begin playing an eerie tune, like from the Godfather movie. On the Ultra-tron, pictures, apparently flashbacks of life in the Mafia, are shown. Images of gunfights, driveby shootings, and car's exploding alternate with pictures of a funeral in progress. Just as they begin lowering the casket into the grave, the screen goes black and then begins flashing the name "Gambino" across the screen in silver lettering. Then, as an explosion of pyros occurs on the stage, "Keep Away" by Godsmack begins blaring through the arena and Gambino appears in the entrance. He stands in the entrance for a short moment before walking down the aisle towards the ring. Once he reaches the ring, he climbs in and heads to the closest corner of the ring and begins taunting the crowd. He then raises both hands in the air as if celebrating.**

James: Introducing, from Brooklyn, New York, weighing 245lbs, Antonio Gambino**Crowd cheers loudly**

Gambino goes to the edge of the ring and asks for a microphone.

Gambino: "First off tonight, I've got several announcements regarding the upcoming Last Man Standing pay per view. To add to the few matches that are already booked for the event, we'll be seeing Gods of Gore take on Gods of War, for the Tag Team Titles. We'll also be seeing Josh Resnick face Zuway Zanchu, in an Ultimate Submission Match. Adding to that, Bloodbath will face Blackbird in an Extreme Title match. That's all I've got concerning Last Man Standing as of now, but now I want to talk about tonight."

Gambino stands in the center of the ring and lowers his head. He then raises his head and shakes his head as if he were disagreeing with someone.

Gambino: "Now, everyone saw what happened at the end of Havoc last week. But in case you didn't, or in case anyone forgot, I'm gonna show you some footage. Roll the tape please."

Scenes from last weeks Havoc play on the tron, and show Kidd and Eraser jumping Gambino and beating him to the ground

Gambino: "(shaking his head)You see what happened? It took two of them, not one, but two, to beat me down. Well, Eraser, it's gonna take a hell of a lot more than you and some punk named Kidd to keep me down. A whole hell of a lot more! Tonight, as I told you on Armageddon, you, and whoever steps forward to be your partner, will face me in a Handicap match. I don't care who it is, and I don't care if I get my ass kicked. But I'll get payback, and you know what they say about's a bitch!"

Gambino is then interupted by MVD's music and he looks very angry at the interuption

"Snap you Fingers, Snap your Neck" by Prong hits the PWF speakers as MVD makes his way out onto the entrance ramp. He poses for the crowd who shower him with boos as he heads down to the ring, he asks for a mic.

MVD: "Well what do we have here, our proud Commissioner, "Mr Gambino" and what do we have here(points to himself), nothing but the finest wrestler in this business."

The crowd boo as MVD basks in his own glory

MVD: "But I didn't come down here to talk about just me, but I enjoyed watching you get your ass kicked last week so much, that I just had to come out and say something."

Gambino looks pissed off

MVD: "You look unhappy, I guess it's because your not "Matt Van Dam""

Dawg: You do know Jay, that if God were a wrestler, he'd me Matt Van Dam.

Gambino resists the urge to hit MVD.

MVD: "But there are other matters that concern me, namely The OutKasts, who just constantly seem to want to get their asses kicked. Well if that's what they want, then so be it. As for the boss, MR Pellington, what the hell does he think he is doing? I have to fight a fellow gWo member? Now kicking the OutKast's asses is not a problem, but I cannot fight my own team-mate. As for........."

Rock Superstar by Cypress Hill plays as Crusader steps out into the entrance with a mic. He pauses for a moment for the wild cheering of the fans

MVD looks annoyed that someone interuppted him

Crusader: (in a serious tone) "MVD, i never have liked you, probably never will. But since I am the champion now, the one that everyone is gunning after, i'm sure you want a piece of me too. Im sick and tired of hearing you run your mouth about my team, and i use that term loosely now, of The Outkasts. You see i did say that everyone goes after a champion, especially if they think they can beat him. Even if they are your teammates, it doesnt matter, everyone's main goal starting out is to eventually be the man. In other words MVD, I'm offering you your chance, right here tonight."

Crowd cheers in agreement

Crusader: "Sometimes being the champ can get frustrating and you have the desire to beat the hell outta someone. You may not neccessarily be the number one contender, but you are next in line for an ass -whipping."

the crowd cheers as Crusader lowers the mic and waits for MVD's response

MVD: "Well I always say that everyone wants to be like MVD. Well tonight everyone WILL want to be like MVD, because after tonight, MVD will be the PWF World Heavyweight Champion."

"Snap your Finger's Snap your Neck" by Prong hits the PWF speakers as everyone leaves.

Stanyer: Well there you have it, tonight Matt Van Dam will take on Crusader Chrome one on one for the PWF World Title. This is going to be some night.

{Commerical Break}

*clips of Blackbird's arm being raised with the Hardcore and World titles are shown*

Voice-He's the most resiliant man in wrestling today. He is a former PWF World Champion

*More clips shown*

Voice-Hardcore is what this man does.

*Blackbird is shown sitting in the corner of a ring with a mic*


Fast voice-Order your copy of Blackbird: Definition of hardcore including entire matches and commentary from Blackbird himself for only $9.99! Available in Shopzone NOW!

{End Commercial}

The cameras cut to Sabre and Poppa, enjoying some tasty beverages near a coffee machine. Sabre is in the middle of one of his glorious stories while Poppa pretends to be interested...

Sabre: "And that's why I'll never drink motor oil again. Are you listening???"

Poppa: "To be honest... no. Sorry. I'm wondering about the last man standing tournament... do you realise that we could be facing each other in the semi's???"

Sabre: "Doubtful, sunshine. The way I've been going... or 'losing' in better terms... I doubt I could even beat Rampage."

Poppa stands next to Sabre and slaps him...

Sabre: "Ow!"

Poppa slaps him again...

Sabre: "OW!!!"

Poppa continues the slap-fest...

Sabre: "You... can... stop... that... whenever... you... like... mate... ow!"

Poppa: "What happened to you, man? You used to be cool. Now you're a loser. A big one at that. I can't believe I hang with such a gimp. A big gimp. A reaaaally big..."

Sabre: "I get it. Well, there's not much I can do about it, is there? I suppose I could bake a cake or something..."

Poppa slaps Sabre again...

Poppa: "Change your attitude, that's what you can do! But whatever you do, don't be an American Badass... *Shudder*..."

Sabre: "*Shudder*... Well... lemme think... Aha! Eureka! Coolangata!!! I have it! I'll always be victorious now, cuz everyone wants to be like S... V... D!!!

Poppa: "Uhhh... no. Please don't."

SVD: "Hey! Sabre Van Dam will give you the 450 frog splash if you keep that up! Cuz everyone wants to be like S... V... D!!! Man... you better get your ass to the quarter finals... so SVD can show you how to get things done! Boom, baby!!!"

Poppa: "That made no sense. Don't make me slap you again."

SVD: "Slapping only makes SVD stronger! Drink up that tasty beverage, punk! Cuz you'll need all the tasty beverages you can beverage, in order to take on SVD! Cuz everyone wants to be like S... V... D!!!"

Poppa: "Gee. Who'd a thunk I'D be the one that needs to knock some sense into someone. I always thought it would be the other way around..."

Camera cuts back to the ring

Dawg: Sabre Van Dam?

Stanyer: Don't look at me. I don't have a clue what Sabre is talking about.

Last Man Standing Tournament Qualifying Match
Rampage v The Sabre

"Sad But True" by Metallica hits, as the lights fade into a dim blue. Sabre struts out, raising his arms to the cheers of the crowd. He walks down the ramp at a normal pace, slapping hands with a few people near the guard rail. He climbs onto the apron, before jumping over the ropes and heading straight to a turnbuckle, to once again raise his hands to the crowd.

James: Introducing from Sydney, Australia, weighing 230lbs, The Sabre. **Crowd Cheers loudly**

The arena lights dim (not turn off) and turn red. Welcome to the Jungle plays and two large explosions go off on either side of the stage. Rampage walks out and makes a v-line straight to the ring hardly looking at the fans. Sometimes he runs straight out as soon as the lights dim and attacks.

James: Introducing from Hamilton, Onatario, weighing 253lbs, Rampage.

Report: The two men tie up, Rampage takes Sabre into a headlock, Sabre pushes Rampage into the ropes and sends him off to the other side, Rampage knocks Sabre down with a shoulder block, then goes off the ropes, Sabre stays down and Rampage goes over the top of him, Sabre springs up then leap frogs Rampage and then hits a Flipping Dropkick. Rampage bounces back up and goes for a clothesline which Sabre ducks and then knife edge chops Rampage. Sabre hits a 2nd Knife Edge Chop. Sabre then whips Rampage to the ropes, but Rampage reverses and goes to pick Sabre up for a sidewalk slam but Sabre counters with a Flying Headscissors.

Stanyer: Beautiful counter by The Sabre, this man is perhaps the most athletic man in the PWF.

Rampage picks himself up holding his head. Sabre hits a couple of forearms and then jumps up on Rampages shoulders trying for a Hurricanranna but Rampage holds onto his legs and shakes his head and then powerbombs Sabre.

Stanyer: Rampage just folded Sabre up like an accordian.

Rampage immediately covers. 1...........................2.................................Sabre gets the left shoulder up. Rampage picks up Sabre and positions his face and then hits a running knee lift. Rampage then comes off the ropes and hits a knee drop to the face of Sabre. Rampage covers again. 1.............................2................................Sabre gets the left shoulder up again. Rampage has words with the referee then turns around and gets poked in the eyes by Sabre who has somehow got back to his feet. The eye poke gets a great pop from the crowd. Sabre then whips Rampage to the corner, but Rampage reverses and Sabre hits the turnbuckle, Rampage charges in but Sabre lifts himself up and wraps himself around Rampage as he charges into the corner and rolls Rampage up. 1..........................2...........................Rampage powers out. They both roll up to their feet, Rampage immediately charges in and connects with the Gore on Sabre. Rampage covers. 1.............................2..........................Sabre just kicks out.

Dawg: Rampage is irate, he can't believe Sabre kicked out of the Gore.

Stanyer: Sabre has shown his resiliency in this match.

Rampage stomps on Sabre and then climbs to the 2nd turnbuckle, he holds his arm up signalling for the diving elbow. but Sabre flips up and immediately goes to Rampage and hits an overhand chop to the chest of Rampage sending him swinging backwards, almost sending him off the turnbuckle. Sabre then climbs up and hits the Sabre-canranna. Sabre scampers over and hooks the leg. 1...............................2...............................Rampage kicks out. Sabre gets up and springs to the top rope, he waits for Rampage to get up and then flies off and connects with a Flying Body Press taking Rampage down into a pin. 1...............................2.............................Rampage kicks out again. Sabre springs up to the top rope again, Rampage gets up and turns around. Sabre flies off but Rampage charges and Gore's Sabre in mid-air, Sabre lands and rolls about holding his gut. Rampage hooks the leg. 1..............................2................................3!!!!!!

Rampage d. Sabre
8:01 Pinfall

Stanyer: The young PWF superstar Rampage advances into the next round of the Last Man Standing Tournament, he will take on the winner of Dirk Danger and Maxwell Powers.

Dawg: He could definitely be a dark horse for this tournament.

Stanyer: Sounds like something is happening in the gWo locker room.

McCoy is pacing up and down the gWo locker room.

McCoy: I tell you something G. Either that Gambino has learnt how to wrestle overnight or he likes pain. Is he trying to prove something by setting up a handicap match, Eraser and someone against Gambino?? He must be mad.

McCoy sits down staring blankly at the monitor.Ten seconds pass and he gets up.

McCoy: Hey G do you fancy wrestling tonight??

G shrugs his shoulders.

McCoy: Well I think you should. I think you should be Eraser partner. I think you should kick Gambino ass once again. What do you say G?? I mean i don't like Eraser at all, just like you, but any chance to shut that Gambino up is welcome to me. He been going on about up 'gWo wimps' for to long now and finally I want him shut up and you're the man to do it G. You've done it twice before and you'll do it again.

Power G rises from his seat and starts to warm up as the camera cuts back to the arena.

Stanyer: It sounds like Eraser might have himself a partner.

Dawg: And not too bad of a partner at that.

Stanyer: Well it's time for the 2nd qualifier for the Last Man Standing Tournament.

Last Man Standing Tournament Qualifying Match
General Leo v Renegade

**The lights go blue, as "The Imperial March" starts over the speakers. General Leo walks out from the back to an expensive looking fireworks show. The fans cheer as he walks to the ring with his sword in hand. He steps in and the lights go up.**

James: Introducing from Washington D.C., weighing 235lbs, General Leo. *Crowd cheers wildly*

The arena dims as purple strobe lights flash on the Ultra-tron. Suddenly, a purple explosion on the stage sends Renegade blasting onto the ramp, with his bat in hand. He points with his bat to the crowd to his left, then to the crowd to his right, then he slams it against the metal ramp. He walks toughly to the ring, and slides in. He climbs all four turnbuckles, raising his bat high in the air before climbing down.

James: Introducing, from Toronto, Canada, weighing 266lbs, Renegade

Report: Leo and Renegade circle each other, Leo goes for a tie up but Renegade ducks underneath and then hammers Leo with a hard right hands. Renegade backs it up with two more and then whips him to the ropes, Leo reverses but Renegade takes him down with a drop toe hold. Renegade rolls over Leo and locks in a front facelock. Leo forces his way up to his feet and then grabs Renegade by the waist and launches him overhead with a Release Northern Lights Suplex. Renegade rolls up to his feet. Leo comes in and hits a couple of straight right hands and then whips Renegade into the corner. Renegade bounces out and Leo locks in a waistlock and launches him overhead with a release Belly to Belly Suplex.

Stanyer: Leo delivers the best suplexes in the business today, and Renegade is feeling it.

Renegade slowly gets up holding his back. Leo goes behind him and locks in a waistlock. Leo looks for a German Suplex, but Renegade blocks it and then elbows Leo a couple of times to break the hold. Renegade then grabs the arm and surprises Leo by taking him down for a Fujiwara Armbar. Leo manages to drag himself over to the ropes. Renegade breaks the hold and then immediately stamps on the arm of Leo. Leo rolls underneath the ropes holding his arm. Leo pulls himself up on the apron as Renegade climbs to the top rope and connects with a Missile Dropkick knocking Leo off the apron to the floor. Renegade then bounces off the opposite ropes and flies over the top rope taking Leo down again with a Flying Body Press.

Stanyer: Renegade taking to the air to counter those massive suplexes that Leo can throw.

Renegade picks himself up and then picks Leo up. Renegade sends Leo into the steel steps shoulder first. Renegade then starts to stomp on the left shoulder of Leo. Renegade then takes the arm of Leo and slams it hard into the steps. Renegade then rolls Leo back into the ring. Renegade rolls in after him. Renegade immediately goes for a cross armbreaker, Leo manages to resist letting his arm go straight, but Renegade stills puts heavy pressure on the left arm and shoulder of Leo. Renegade places the arm out across the mat and then drops a leg drop onto the upper arm.

Dawg: Renegade intelligently concentrating on the left arm of Leo. He can't throw a suplex with a broken arm now can he?

Stanyer: I don't know, I've seen Leo throw some amazing suplexes in my time.

Renegade picks up Leo and whips him into the ropes. Renegade looks for a back body drop but Leo rolls over the top of him and then grabs him with the Katah Jimei and then out of nowhere hits The Shock.(Reverse Tazzplex).

Stanyer: THE SHOCK, THE SHOCK, from nowhere. Leo hooks the leg. 1................................2.............................3!!!!! From out of nowhere Leo pulls out the victory and advances into the next round.

Dawg: Leo has to be the luckiest man alive, Renegade was taking him apart, he hits one big move and gets the win, and he likes to think of himself as a hero?

Leo d. Renegade
9:50 Pinfall

Stanyer: When you can pull off suplexes like Leo can, that's all you need, one move.

The Camera cuts to the backstage locker rooms

Xuway is standing in the locker room. His waist is lacking gold and around his head is his self-acclaimed hardcore crown. Xuway is talking to three of his slaves

Xuway:- See I am the best wrestler here at the PWF. Its not because the Americans are fat, lazy dull-witted nincompoops.

The slaves look at Xuway puzzled. One gains enough guts to ask why

Slave 1: - Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatt? Me dont understand. You are superior because you Chinese.

Xuway: - Yes this is true and its what makes me a better wrestler. But what makes me best is

The slave feeling enlightened interrupts

Slave 1: - Oh I know Master. Its because you hardcore. You take it too the limits. You the hardcore champion.

Slave 2: - No no no no. He lost it to Theros. He not hardcore anymore.

Slave 3: - Yeah. He hardcore. Lookie. He wear crown. He still hardcore.

Xuway: - Shut up! I am hardcore because I am the submission specialist!! No one can stop the TAFKAG. You must remember that being hardcore is not about weapons. It's not about winning. It's not about gold belts.

All the slaves look at each other stunned. In unison.

Slaves: - What the F....

Xuway:- Thats right. Its about causing pain. So much pain that they wish they never entered the ring. So much pain they wish they never was born. So much pain the feel like their in hell. And when I lock in the TAFKAG on RESNICK or LEO or BLACKBIRD or HOMOCIDE or THEROS or anyone who steps in my way they will know the meaning of the TAFKAG. And when the leave the ring on stretcher they will know why I am hardcore.

Resnick in his locker room sitting while watching Xuway. Then hears him mention Submissions Specialist. This irrates Resnick beyond sanity.

Resnick: - Xuway you might have pulled on me last week, but I am going to return the favor this week. When you least expect it i will strike. Locking the Equinox on. You will scream in pain as i yank on your head adding even more pressure to your shoulder. Then suddenly it pops out of place. I am going to break your arm for good.

Resnick then begins to slam things against the walls and floor as the camera man hurries out of the room.

The Camera cuts to a commerical

{Commerical Break}

*Voice - Hello, this is a comercial to advertise the new "Big Poppa Chat-Line" You can talk to Big Poppa any time of the day and talk to his about any of these catagories:

'How To Lose
'How To Dance
'How To Wrestle
'How To Make The Chicks Spot You
and you have a 100% chance he will answer. So call now on


Calls cost $4 a min, but it's well worth it!

*Big Poppa - Call Me Now. (Wink, Wink)

{End Commercial}

Last Man Standing Tournament Qualifying Match
DaiKaTanA v Xuway Zanchu

**The Areana becomes darkned, smoke starts to sprial around the entry way, as a dark blue symbol starts to burn its way through the ultra-tron, then a blast of fire comes from the entry way as "batman beyond theme" plays, and Daikatana in a dark gothic cloak appears at the top of the entry way, and proceeds to make his slow decent down to the ring**

James: Introducing from Parts unknown, weighing 307lbs, "The Dark Warrior" DaiKaTanA

**Xuway sits in a chair which is carried by his loyal slaves. Once in the ring, Xuway meditates in dance. Then the dance gets aggresive almost if he is fighting a ghost. When done his eyes roll up in the back of his head. He goes to his corner and waits. The Ultra-tron just has some ninja camp with a bunch of ninja fighting**

James: Introducing from The Orient, weighing 392lbs, Xuway Zanchu.*Crowd boos*

Report: The two big men tie up, they try to overpower each other, eventually Xuway does and manages to take DaiK into an arm wrench. Xuway violently jerks the arm. Xuway repeats the move and then steps over and rolls DaiK into a cross armbreaker. DaiK manages to stop the arm from hyper-extending. DaiK manages to roll overand punch Xuway in the face, but Xuway holds on. DaiK rolls over and gets in a second punch, this time Xuway releases the hold and DaiK mounts Xuway and hammers him with right hands to the face. DaiK picks up Xuway and whips him to the ropes, Xuway reverses but DaiK lifts him up and hits a sidewalk slam. DaiK covers. 1..........................2...................Xuway kicks out.

Stanyer: Pretty even so far from the two big men.

The two men get back up. DaiK hits Xuway with a right hand and then a couple of kicks to the gut. DaiK then hits a big suplex on Xuway. DaiK covers. 1..............................2...........................Xuway kicks out. DaiK picks up Xuway and whips him to the corner. Xuway bounces off and DaiK whips him into the opposite turnbuckle and then follows in with a hard clothesline. Xuway collapses in the corner into a sitting position. DaiKaTanA kneels down and then begins to talk to Xuway, nothing can be heard, but DaiK doesn't appear to like what he hears and starts to pummel Xuway with right hands in the corner. DaiKaTanA then climbs off Xuway and sits himself on the 2nd turnbuckle and signals for Xuway to get up. Xuway staggers to his feet and then suddenly runs to the corner and grabs the arm of Xuway and takes him down from the turnbuckle with The Great Immobilizer (Jumping Armbar Takedown). Xuway lands with the cross armbreaker locked on fully in the middle of the ring with DaiKaTanA struggling to reach the ropes.

Stanyer: This match is surely over, DaiKaTanA has no option but to tap out.

DaiK refuses to tap out and begins to slowly move towards the ropes, after about a minute he finally manages to grab the bottom rope. Xuway can't believe it. He picks DaiK up who is heavily favouring his left arm. AS he picks him up DaiK connects with a low blow and then hits the Twist of Fate. DaiK manages to drape an arm over Xuway. 1..............................2............................3!!!

DaiKaTanA d. Xuway
6:56 Pinfall

Stanyer: DaiKaTanA somehow pulls out the win in this match.

Suddenly out of the back comes Josh Resnick, he races past DaiKaTanA who is heading up the aisle holding his arm, he slides into the ring and attacks Xuway who is taunting some fans on the opposite side. He forearms Xuway across the back and then takes him down for The Equinox.

Stanyer: It's Josh Resnick, he's got The Equinox locked on!!

Dawg: Here come the referee's

The referee's flood the ring and eventually manage to get Josh to break the hold, but he immediately pushes them out of the way and locks the hold on again. The referees finally manage to get Josh off Xuway and he rolls out of the ring.

Stanyer: This feud is going to explode at Last Man Standing.

{Commerical Break}

(((The scene opens showing a crowded street. It closes in on a middle-aged, balding, overweight guy in an old blue car. Smoke comes across his face as he shouts "C'mon, get going!!!" Suddenly you see a man on top of the car...)))

BaldGuy: Whoa... who are you?

KevinCage: I'm Kevin Cage, and I'm here to make YOU a better person... no longer will you be a pot-bellied, smelly, balding moron... When you order my T-shirt from PWF Shopzone, for only 19.95... you will be a HERO!

BaldGuy: Wow! How do I get one?

(((Camera cuts to a picture of the t-shirt with 1-800-255-4099 on the bottom... a voice says... "Order the Cage T-shirt at the PWF Shopzone for only 19.95... ORDER TODAY! The camera cuts back to Cage...)))

KevinCage: Get yours now!

{End Commercial}

Stanyer: A few moments ago while we were on commercial break, Ted Tedison caught up with Homicide for an interview with the latest on his feud with the European Champion, Kevin Cage. So, without any further adu, lets roll the footage...

The broadcast is interrupted to show the interview of moments ago: The parking lot security cameras pick up a black hummer with custom H-shaped hubs and the Boston license plates 'CIDE 432'. As it pulls into the staff parking section, it takes a right into the section with a sign reading 'PWF RESERVED PARKING - HOMICIDE'. As the hummer comes to a hault and the roaring engine is shut off, a man reaches over to the passenger seat and grabs his official PWF licensed luggage. Then he opens the door and steps out. Before proceeding any further, he pushes the driver seat forward and reaches into the back to get something. Without revealing what it was, he quickly open his luggage and then zips it away. Now, he shuts the door and proceeds toward the hallway labeled 'WRESTLER DRESSING ROOMS - RIGHT'. As he makes his way down the first hallway, he sees a sign 'WRESTLERS G-K - LEFT'. After making the turn, he bumps into Ted Tedison who is leaving the staff lounge. Tedison pulls a microphone out of his pocket and confronts Homicide for an interview.

Tedison: "Homicide, can I get a quick word with you?"

Homicide: "You just got 9, now beat it."

Tedison: "Please, Mr. Homicide, it'll just be a quick interview."

Homicide: "You have 2 minutes."

Tedison: "Fair enough. Now, Homicide, as you are aware, your Boston Massacre Match for the upcoming pay per view has been confirmed. What do you have to say about that?"

Homicide: "I'd like to thank Commissioner Gambino for his decision to let me finish off what I started a few weeks ago, and finally put Kevin Cage on the shelf and me with the European gold around my waist once again."

Tedison: "I know that this Boston Massacre match is very unorthidox and I was just wondering.. Where did you get the idea for any match this brutal? I mean easily someone could be severely injured or worse, killed.."

Homicide: "Well, Teddy, yes, someone could easily be hurt bad in this match, and the fear that my opponents have about that is what I thrive on. A massacre isn't scared of what could be put forth to him. He gives his 100% no matter at what costs. As for origin of this match, it came at a pay per view with stakes high like they are now, in the now defunct Virtual Championship Wrestling. Do you know what happened in that match Ted?"

Tedison: "Sorry, H-Cide, but I don't think I saw that pay per view.."

Homicide: "After our blood had stained the cell, I fought my ex-partner Suicide to the top of the 20 foot cage, where we risked life and limb. I nearly got thrown off the cage a good plenty of times, as did he, but in the end, he got Boston Massacred (Reverse DDT Dropped) off that very cage, and through the Spanish announcer's table.. I took that man to his limits, and then put him on the shelf for the rest of his career. For Cage's sake, he better be a CHAMPION, and NOT A CHUMP, if he wants to leave that arena in less then a stretcher, or worse, a body bag. Now, like just like Cage's title reign will be at the pay per view, Time's up!"

Homicide pushes Ted Tedison aside and returns to his search for his locker room. The recording ends and the camera now returns to the broadcast as Homicide turns the corner and is out of sight.

Dawg: Man, I wish I saw that brutal match.

Stanyer: Maybe we'll see the repeat in a few weeks at the pay per view... I wonder what he was hiding from us and put into that bag..

Dawg: Who knows, it's a surprise I guess.

Stanyer: Well anyway, it's time for the last qualifying match of the night.

Dawg: How did DeMoN get here tonight?

Stanyer: I honestly don't know, he damn near got burned to death last week at the hands of the AoD. But I've seen him since, so I know he is alive. Somehow since last weeks show DeMoN has escaped the clutches of the AoD.

Last Man Standing Tournament Qualifying Match
DeMoN v Carnage

**"Leave you far behind" by Lunatic Calm hits and the lights darken, pyros blast off at the ramp and a man in a dark cloak is standing in the entrance way, he is holding a long scythe, he raises his hands as if he is drawing on a dark power, then slams his hands down, the lights slam back on and the man throws down his cloak to reveal it is Demon, he walks down to the ring slowly and then climbs in over the top rope.

James: Introducing, from Death Valley, California, weighing 494lbs, "The Devil" Demon.

"Serial Killer" by Prodigy begins to play as images of the Lords of Destruction destroying past opponents play on the titantron. Once Carnage appear on the ramp there are loud boos from the crowd. Carnage walks to the ring quickly, barely acknowledging the crowd, climbs in & stand in their corner.

James: Introducing, from Canada, weighing 317lbs, from Canada, Carnage. *Crowd boos*

Report: Carnage circles around Demon, looking small in comparison to the massive DeMoN. Carnage attacks with big right hands, DeMoN is knocked backwards a little by the hard rights but comes back with a massive right of his own which sends Carnage staggering backwards. Carnage charges right back in but DeMoN grabs him by the throat and picks him up and holds him in the air for about 10 seconds.

Stanyer: My god, look at the power of DeMoN. Carnage weighs over 300lbs!!!

Dawg: DeMoN is seriously pissed off after what happened to him last week.

DeMoN delivers the Chokeslam to Carnage. DeMoN then does his trademark cut-throat taunt and picks up Carnage and then delivers the Midnight Driver. DeMoN places both arms of Carnage across his chest for the cover. 1........................2.............................3!!!

DeMoN d. Carnage
2:11 Pinfall

Stanyer: I guess Carnage should stick to Tag Team wrestling.

Dawg: He did beat Leo once remember, he can go one on one, but perhaps DeMoN was pushing it a bit too far.

Stanyer: DeMoN is a monster, and after being nearly killed at the hands of the AoD last week, he is seriously pissed off.

Dawg: How did he survive anyway?

Stanyer: Nobody knows, the rumour is that the AoD let him live, purely so they can torture him even more.

Dawg: They are sick.

{Commerical Break}

*Crusader is sitting in his million dollar mansion in his laboratory putting some chemicals together. When he completed his job he sprayed himself with the new mixture and nodded in satisfaction.*

*Later on at a wrestling workout gym, Crusader is heading towards the bathroom when Diablo walks out. Crusader steps in and says- "Damn son, what did you have for lunch"
So he leaves the bathroom and puts on his cologne, that still has no name, to cover Diablo's putrid smell. Then Stunning Sarah walks by and says-
"Damn Crusader, you smell so good, can I have some of that for Chris?" Crusader says-
"Sure you can, put it on his musty and beat down body after our match"

*Crusader turns toward the camera and says, get your "Damn, you smell good" cologne only at PWF Shopzone*

{End Commercial}

Stanyer: What's this?

Dawg: What?

Stanyer: I have just been informed that Eraser is driving up. And Ted is on his way to him as we speak.

Camera switch to the back as we see Ted Tedison walking down the hall to the back by the exit door. Ted turns the corner as Eraser is walking through to door with his bags in hand and and water bottle on the other. The crowd begins to boo as Eraser starts to walk the other way. Ted try to flag Eraser down to get a few words with him about his match

Tedison: Hey Eraser! Can I have a word with you!?

Eraser stop as Ted catched up to him.

Tedison: Thanks Eraser.

Eraser looks up with a blank look. Ted takes a step back and begans to talk

Tedison: Sorry if I am wasting your time but I would like to inform you that Gambino said that tonight you have to find you a partner to face him in a handicap match.

Eraser drops his bags

Eraser: What!

Tedison: Yes, Tonight you have a match against Gambino. And might I add that about a minute ago McCoy was telling Power G that he should tag up with you. What is going through your head Eraser. May I ask?

Eraser lifts up his head and takes the mic away from Ted and looks into the camera.

Eraser: Gambino! You want to throw your power around and make matches.Well thats all good with me I don't mind kicking your ass once again. So yes I will fight you tonight but as for of Power G I don't need you as a partner because tonight this match will be one on one. So stay out of my way or will have to hurt both out you. Oh yea Gambino, you will not make it to Last Man Standing! I will make sure of that tonight!

Eraser pushes the mic into Ted chest and picks up his bags and starts to walk toward the lockerooms,the crowd begans to boo as the camera fade back to Stanyer and Dawg

Stanyer: Well I'm not too sure if Eraser means all he just said. Would he really turn down the help of Power G?

Dawg: You never know with Eraser.

Stanyer: Well I am now told that Travis Right has something to say in the back.

The camera comes in on an unhappy Travis Right sitting in the gWo locker room

Travis: Well Im sure you all saw last week's Havoc, hell you better of been watching seeing as I was main eventing. Anyway's the great Mr.Pellington decided to grace us with his presence and sign a few matches for the upcoming ppv. One of which happened to be a fatal four way for my U.S. title. Now Im sure your all happy as could be, and for good reason, seeing as you'll see four of the best wrestler's in the PWF going at it. Well I'll tell you one person whos not so happy with the decision...Travis Right.

The Future brings down the US belt that was on his shoulder and lays in on his lap. He then looks at it for awhile and seems to become lost in its glow. He then suddenly snaps out of it with a shake of his head and looks back up at the camera

Travis: Sure, Sure its all fun and entertainment to the fans, but to be honest, who cares about the fans. I sure as hell could care less, there not out there buying my T-shirts and yelling my name. They dont know a damn thing about talent. Now im left stuck in a match with two OutKast rejects and a friend of mine. And I know if MVD happens to get taken out first those no good bastards will double team ole Travis Right. So I could be left with a handicap match for my title. Which is just what they want to happen. Because both of those punks know, one on one there nothing compared to "The Future."

MVD comes walking into the gWo locker room and graps a water bottle before turning around and walking back out. As he leaves Travis gives quick glance over and then looks back as MVD closes the door behind him

Travis: And how do I know that my own teamate wont just join in and try to really screw me over, then it be 3 on 1. Dont get me wrong MVD has been a true friend so far but I know what the gold can do to people. Maybe there all just jealous of me, they cant take the fact that they know I could smack there dumbass's around the ring in a fair fight. Or then again maybe Im just paranoid. I guess we'll just have to wait and see what goes down at the ppv. But you can be sure of the fact that no matter who goes after who, in the end you'll have to damn near kill me to take this title away.

Travis sits back in his chair and hangs the belt over his shoulder again as the camera fades out

A camera fades into Rye Hazwaki sitting upright on a chair in his locker room, a camera man stands directly in front of him rolling the tape.

Rye: "Travis you think this may turn into a two on one? or maybe even a three on one...? Well to tell you the truth that won't happen because i know for sure that i won't help out MVD or even Havok for that matter, i'm in this for myself i want back what WAS rightfully mine..."

Rye then moves himself closer to the camera lense.

Rye: "I'm gonna get my revenge! Both you and that silly fool MVD are gonna pay for grabbing both of my titles. And what a better way to do it than a 4 way brawl... So Travis you best start saying your goodbye's to that title... Oh, and before i forget make sure it's clean, i don't want none of your filthy fingure marks all over it."

Rye then leans back on the leather chair as the camera slowly fades.

{Commerical Break}

**Rye Hazwaki, is sitting on a couch in a very large, but empty room**

Rye Hazwaki: *In a Canadian accent, and speaking slowly* "I don't want to think aboot my situation. It's just so hard being the only Canadian-Japanese American known to the free world. Boy do I wish I could do something fun, eh. I wish I could be like Big Poppa himself."

**Suddenly a hardcover book is thrown at Rye Hazwaki, and he gets mad. An announcer starts talking, and Rye responds to what he says.**

Announcer: "Do you feel that you're the only Canadian-Japanese American in the free world that can't go out and have a good time?"

Rye Hazwaki: "YES! YES!"

Announcer: "Are you a non-smoker over the age of 14?"

Rye Hazwaki: "Boy am I!"

Announcer: "Do you feel bad about not knowing how to dance like Big Poppa?"


Announcer: "Then do we have the item for you. Big Poppa has taken journeys all over the world finding unique dance steps, and now he has assembled his personal knowledge and his gained knowledge into one large, user friendly instructional dance book."

Rye Hazwaki: "Now that's fine and dandy, but how does it work?"

Announcer: "With incredible pop out pictures and large font, Big Poppa's Instructional Dance Book makes it easy for people of any race or age to learn to dance, Real Show style."

Rye Hazwaki: "Great! But I don't have a lot of money, how much would this cost an average Canadian-Japanese American like myself?"

Announcer: "Well, the people at DSM and CO like to meet a standard of selling high quality products at low, consumer friendly prices. So that is why they are marketing Big Poppa's book at a recommended price of only $24.52!"

Rye Hazwaki: "Wow! That IS consumer friendly! Where can I buy this wonder book?"

**Rye Hazwaki hits his head and remembers that a book hit him in the head. He smiles and as he opens it, the large empty room he's in turns into a nightclub filled with people. He joins in the fun.**

Rye Hazwaki: "Thanks Big Poppa! You're book turned my lonely nights into crazy… Crazy.. Flights!"

Announcer: "Big Poppa's Instructional Dance Book, sold at bookstores everywhere."

{End Commercial}

Ted Tedison catches up with the Ruff Ryders back stage

Tedison: -Ruff Ryders tonight you face The Gods of Gore, what are you thoughts of what will happen in that match?

Devastator: -Well Ted, I think Gods of Gore are a very good team. You have Big Lou a big tought sonofabitch, who also happens to be a hardgore legend. And then you have Mad Mike, Another Hardgore legend and he is a crazy sonofabitch too. And I we want them to take those titles from Gods of War at the Last Man Standing PPV. So After tonight we can beat their asses for the gold that is all it is about. GOLD!!!!!

Dominator: -Settle down man. Ted just like Devastator said, It is all about gold, which we will have some soon enough.Now onto tonight, Gods of Gore, You are a very team and you have our respect, but you can never beat us. You can never match up to the talent of the Ruff Ryders. You have the branch of Ruff Ryders everywhere. Devastator and Me in the PWF. Destroyer who is out with a broken neck thanks to the Lords of Destruction, and then you have Destructor, The Soon to be PWF Ice Age World Champion the Ice Age will be Destructed.Everywhere you go you see a Ruff Ryder. Any time you think, you think about a Ruff Ryders.Hell Gambino was the leader of the Ruff Ryders. Showstopper was a Ruff Ryders. The Topp Doggs were Ruff Ryders. When Gambino suprised the world with forming the Ruff Ryders on that night. When he attacked the leader of the Destruction Crew, Eraser! When Showstopper turned on The New DX. When the Topp Doggs were new to federations. Gambino brought them under his wing and help them be come one of the best tag teams in the world. Gambino was there. Eraser wasn't there. There was nothing Eraser could do just like that night. There is going to be nothing you can do from us beating you. Then Winning the tag titles!

Tedison: -Ok,Well I will go now and let you two rest.

Ted runs off like he was about to get attacked and the camera cuts to ringside

Stanyer: Ted never seems to have much luck when talking to people does he.

Gods of War v The Sharp Shooters

**Fire Erupts from the stage and continues to burn as "Wherever I may Roam" By Metallica hits Threw the fire walks Maximus and Kull. They look to the crowd and the crowd explodes. They March to the ring and Kull climbs the turnbuckle and raises his sword.**

James: Introducing at a combined weight of 513lbs, Alexander and Kull, The PWF Tag Team Champions, The Gods of War*Crowd Cheers*

Chris and Scott both come down to the ring together. When they get in the ring they each stand on opposite turnbuckles and pose for the crowd (sorta like the Hardyz). Then, they patiently await their opponents.

James: Introducing from Pittsburgh Pensylvanlia, at a combined weight of 431lbs, Chris and Scotty Sharp, the Sharp Shooters.

**"Natural Born Killaz" by Dr Dre & Ice Cube blasts on the stereos through out the stadium then you see on the Ultra-tron "N.B.K. ALL THE WAY!" in red blood type letters. Big Lou makes his way to the ramp accompanied by Mad Mike his tagteam partner. Big Lou then raises his Louie ville slugger in the air and slowly raises his head up and all of a sudden red flames from the right and green flames on the left side shoot up in the air. Big Lou and Mad Mike then walk around the ring staring at the Gods of War and then sit down at the ringside announcers table, they put on headsets.

Stanyer: What the hell? They are joining us for commentary.

Dawg: How's it going boys.

Mad Mike: Pretty good, Shame we have to watch such a boring match eh?

Stanyer: I think this will be quite a good match actually.

Big Lou: Nobody cares what you think Stanyer.

Mad Mike: We came here to gather some intelligence on the team we are going to beat the shit out of at the PPV.

Report: Kull and Scotty start the match out. Scotty ties up with Kull who takes him into a hammerlock. Scotty taps his shoulder then reverses the hammerlock. Kull reverses out and tries to hit a short arm clothesline but Scotty ducks and locks on a waistlock. Scotty tries to lift Kull up for a Suplex, but Kull counters with a victory roll. 1......................2...........Scotty kicks out. They roll up and Scotty charges in and gets flipped over with an arm drag. Scotty rolls to his feet. Kull whips him to the ropes, Kull ducks down for a back body drop and Scotty jumps over him into a sunset flip. 1.....................2.............Kull reverses the pinning predicement. 1...................2...............Scotty rolls up turns around and rolls up Kull with both legs. 1.........................2..................Kull flips Scotty over and then rolls over and lies on him facing upwards. 1.......................2....................Scotty wraps his arms around the chest of Kull and powers himself up and then spins around and takes Kull down with a Backslide Pin. 1.............................2.....................Kull kicks out and they roll to their feet. Kull charges in and gets taken over with a Japanese Arm Drag and Scotty holds onto the arm. Scotty reaches up and tags in Chris.

Stanyer: After that breathtaking series of moves, Scotty Sharp will need a rest.

Chris comes in and stomps on the chest of Kull as Scotty releases Kull and leaves the ring. Chris picks up Kull and then whips him to the ropes. Chris knocks Kull down with a Dropkick.

Dawg: You too have been pretty silent so far.

Mad Mike: Like I said, we are here to gather intelligence.

Big Lou: We'll let our actions to our talking.

Stanyer: What like kidnapping peoples wifes?

Mad Mike and Big Lou both stare at Stanyer, then turn their attention back to the match, they don't say a word.

Meanwhile Chris has been working away on Kull. He tags in Scotty and they whip Kull to the ropes then they take him down with a perfect Double Arm Drag. Scotty covers. 1.......................2...................Kull kicks out.

Mad Mike: You call that a double team move?

Big Lou: Perhaps we should show them a proper double team move.

Mad Mike: Not yet.

Scotty picks up Kull and whips him to the ropes, Scotty then comes off the ropes and goes for a clothesline but Kull ducks it and then they both try for a cross body and collide with each other in mid-air.

Stanyer: Both men are down, and Kull HAS to make a tag.

Mad Mike: So does Scotty Sharp, why are you so fucking biased.

Stanyer: You can't say that on commentary!!

Big Lou: Shut the Fuck up Stanyer, we'll say what the hell we like, you just make your stupid comments and support "the good guy"

Kull and Scotty both crawl to their corners and make their respective tags. In comes Alexander who clothesline down Chris. He then clothesline Scotty who has got back up. Alexander then delivers a Snap Suplex to Chris and then repeats the move on Scotty as the crowd cheer him on. Alexander grabs Chris and lifts him up in the air for what looks like a Suplex or Brainbuster and then holds him up their.

Mad Mike: I think this might be a good moment.

Big Lou: I think it's time for this match to get HardGore.

Big Lou and Mad Mike toss off their Headsets and pick up their baseball bats. Alexander delivers a Brainbuster to Scotty and covers. 1..............................2......................Mad Mike breaks up the count with a stomp to the back of Alexanders head. The referee rings the bell.

Gods of Gore d. Sharp Shooters
8:52 Disqualification

The Sharp Shooters don't look too pleased with the Gods of Gore for costing them their match, but they roll out of the ring to avoid them as Mike and Big Lou beat on the Gods of War with their baseball bats. They pick up Alexander and deliver a Double Powerbomb. Big Lou then sits on the top rope as Mike lifts Kull up to him and Big Lou delivers a big Super Powerbomb from the top rope. Mike then rolls out of the ring and picks up the Gods of War's Tag Team Titles, he then lays them over the chests of the Gods of War and then trash talks them a little before the Gods of Gore leave the ring

Stanyer: The Gods of Gore are sick, they came down here so they could take out the Gods of War because they know if they fought them one on one, they would lose.

Dawg: What, you saying the Gods of Gore can't beat the Gods of War, you should watch your words.

Stanyer: If they are so good, how come they have to use sneak attacks and dirty tricks.

Dawg: Because they can, because they are that good. You want to tell them otherwise, feel free.

Stanyer: Well after the break, we have The Ruff Ryders taking on the Gods of Gore. Perhaps we will see if the Gods of Gore can back up their words.

{Commerical Break}

**Clips are shown of the old PWF matches.**

Get your Canadian Monkey shirts today! A Canadian flag on the front and a big ol Monkey on the back of it. Black and white and red colors!

*Big Poppa, Genecide, Rye, Leo, and Blackbird are all shown wearing the shirts and flashing big thumbs up signs*

{End Commercial}

The Ruff Ryders v Gods of Gore

**Ruff Ryders both enter to the cheer of the crowd when "Beautiful People" by Metallica hits. Dominator and Destroyer both clich they fists and hit them together and climb in the ring and wait in the corner**

James: Introducing from Brooklyn, New York, at a combined weight of 720lbs, Dominator and Devastator, the Ruff Ryders. *Crowd gives a mixed reaction.*

"Natural Born Killaz" hits the PWF speakers as the Gods of Gore walk out to the boos of the crowd.

As they taunt the crowd on the stage, a massive cheer erupts from the crowd as the Gods of War have appeared from the entrance behind the Gods of Gore. Mike and Lou surprised by the cheers turn around straight into chair shots from Kull and Alexander. The Gods of War then hammer the Gods of Gore again with the chairs and then they head back through the entrance way.

Dawg: What were you saying about cheap attacks from behind. Oh sorry, I guess it is ok if one of your "good guys" do it.

Stanyer: They were just getting revenge for what happened earlier.

Dawg: The Ruff Ryders don't look too happy either, this was supposed to be their in ring Havoc debut as a tag team.

Stanyer: What the hell, who's this??

From the side of the announcers table, two men in jeans and T-Shirts hop over the barricade, we see that it is Carnage and Bloodstorm. They slide into the ring behind the Ruff Ryders The Ruff Ryders turn around and Devastator walks straight into the Death Penalty(Rock Bottom) and Dominator walks straight into a gut kick and then Bloodstorm lifts him up and hits the Jackhammer. The LoD then leave the ring with both the Ruff Ryders left lying.

Special Note: I did sim this match, the result was the Gods of Gore winning by countout after 1:29, so I came up with this alternative instead

A camera crew cuts to backstage in the PWF arena. Interviewer Ted Tedison is standing in front of a large PWF logo and standing opposite him, is Silas "The Pitbull" Parish.

Tedison: - "Well, Mr. Parish, I'm glad you could find the time to join us here and maybe answer a few nagging questions."

Pitbull: - "Sure Teddy, and call me Pitbull. What do you wanna know?"

Tedison: - "Ok, Pitbull. First I'd like to ask the question that has been on everyone's minds as of late. What is up with this slump you seem to be in? I mean, ever since that Last Man Standing match with Kevin Cage, you just can't seem to pick up a win."

Pitbull: - "Well, I've been asking myself that very same question Teddy, and as you know, I even took Armegeddon off to see a doctor. Now, I'm not making any excuses for my poor performances, but I did find out that I had a slight inner ear infection. It was royally screwing up my balance and coordination. That is part of the reason I haven't been winning lately."

Tedison: - "Part of the reason? Is there another part or something?"

Pitbull: - "Yeah there is, and this is hard for me to admit, but haven't you noticed how my stature is different than the other PWF superstars? Going toe to toe with men who are 100+ lbs heavier and over a foot taller puts me at a disadvantage from the start. That disadvantage, combined with my inner ear problem recently, has taken me off of my game."

Tedison: - "I see. Well, are you taking time off of wrestling to cure that minor inner ear infection?"

Pitbull: - "No way! The doctor gave me something for it and until it wipes it out, I'm just gonna work through it. And I'm gonna start by taking that brain damaged Hardcore champion out tonight."

Seemingly on cue, Theros turns the corner behind Tedison. As soon as Silas lays his eyes on him, he springs into action and spears Theros to the ground. The two start to brawl and Theros manages to push Silas right off of him and into the wall pretty hard. Silas stands and shakes it off and heads towards Theros again, only to be cut off by security. They pull the two wrestlers apart and the scene fades to black.

Stanyer: Well folks it is now time for our Handicap match, as Power G & Eraser take on Antonio Gambino, will we see Kidd again?

Handicap Match
Antonio Gambino v Eraser & Power G

"Zombie Nation" by Kernkraft begins to play as Power G walks out with The Real McCoy, both men are holding Microphones. Power G begins to hit himself to psyche himself up, before walking to the ring with the Real McCoy.

James: Introducing, from Holguin, Cuba, weighing 230lbs, Power G. *Crowd boos*

**It starts off when "I am" by Eminem starts off low and on the Tron you see flashing pictures of the Triple Hell in a Cell match, all of a studden the music blasts through the speakers and the dim. Eraser comes through the back and stands at the top of the ramp and looks around for 15 sec and then at a certain part of the music he raises both his arms in the air as Pyros go off all around and all up and down the ramp, Eraser walks slowly and powerfully down to the ring and grabs the top rope and climbs over he goes to the middle of the ring and at the same part of the song again he raises his right arm over his head and at each ring post a shot of pyros go off. Then he walks over to his corner and poses one more time as his music stops.**

James: Introducing from Tampa Bay, Florida, weighing 289lbs, The Icon of the PWF, Eraser. *Crowd boos loudly*

**The lights dim and violins begin playing an eerie tune, like from the Godfather movie. On the Ultra-tron, pictures, apparently flashbacks of life in the Mafia, are shown. Images of gunfights, driveby shootings, and car's exploding alternate with pictures of a funeral in progress. Just as they begin lowering the casket into the grave, the screen goes black and then begins flashing the name "Gambino" across the screen in silver lettering. Then, as an explosion of pyros occurs on the stage, "Keep Away" by Godsmack begins blaring through the arena and Gambino appears in the entrance. He stands in the entrance for a short moment before walking down the aisle towards the ring. Once he reaches the ring, he climbs in and heads to the closest corner of the ring and begins taunting the crowd. He then raises both hands in the air as if celebrating.**

James: Introducing, from Brooklyn, New York, weighing 245lbs, Antonio Gambino**Crowd cheers loudly**

Report: Eraser does not look too happy that he is teaming with Power G. Especially as the Real McCoy insists on Power G starting the match. Power G locks up with Gambino, Power G takes Gambino into an arm wrench and then sends him into the ropes. Gambino comes off with a clothesline, but Power G ducks it. Power G comes off the ropes and takes Gambino down with a flying cross body into a pin. 1..............Gambino throws Power G off him. Gambino rolls up and then hammers Power G with a hard right, Power G staggers backwards. Gambino goes for a 2nd punch, but Power G blocks it and counters with a knife edge chop. Gambino comes back with right hand, Power G hits a 2nd chop. Gambino then hits a 3rd right, this time Power G staggers backwards into the turnbuckle. Gambino kicks Power G in the gut a few times and then whips him to the opposite side where Eraser is. Power G follows in with a big splash but Gambino moves out of the way and Power G hits the turnbuckle, Eraser then tags the back of Power G without asking. Power G looks at Eraser as he climbs through the ropes.

Stanyer: Power G not happy with Eraser, but finally we get to see Eraser one on one with Gambino in the ring.

Gambino beckons Eraser to attack him. Eraser charges in with a big right, but Gambino ducks it and then hammers Eraser with repeated right hands to the cheers of the crowd. Gambino then hits a hard right sending Eraser into the ropes, Gambino then follows it up with a clothesline sending Eraser to the floor, Eraser lands on his feet and turns away. Gambino runs off the opposite ropes and catches Eraser with a Baseball slide sending Eraser into the barricade. Gambino then rolls out of the ring and starts to stomp away at Eraser as he is lying against the barricade. Power G stands on the apron and refuses to help his tag team partner. Gambino rolls Eraser back into the ring.

Dawg: What is wrong with Power G? He shouldn't take Eraser's actions too seriously.

Gambino rolls back into the ring and picks up Eraser. Gambino puts Eraser into a waistlock, but Eraser counters with a Mule Kick. Eraser turns around and starts to stomp away at Gambino, then mounts him and hammers him with hard right hands. Eraser picks up Gambino and whips him to the ropes and then lifts him up and hits a Front Face Flapjack. Eraser covers Gambino. 1.............................2.........................Gambino kicks out. Eraser picks up Gambino and takes him across to his corner and offers a tag to Power G. Power G does not accept the tag. And he steps down from the apron. Eraser knees Gambino in the face and then starts to trash talk Power G as he walks away. Power G stops and slides into the ring. He looks Eraser straight in the eye and then they both turn around and start to stomp on the fallen Gambino as the crowd boos loudly.

Stanyer: Oh come on, what is this.

Dawg: Now that is what I call funny, Power G was simply toying with Gambino.

Suddenly "The Fight Song" by Marilyn Manson hits and the crowd erupts as the Ruff Ryders charge down the rampway and slide into the ring.

The two men hammer both Eraser and Power G with right hands and Devastator then tosses Power G out of the ring. They then both set Eraser up onto the top turnbuckle and deliver Total Devastation. Gambino who is now back up then mounts Eraser and starts to trash talk him and then hammers him with a few right hands. He gets off and tells the Ruff Ryders to pick up Eraser. Gambino then hits the Mafia Kick.

Stanyer: The Ruff Ryders and Gambino have decimated Eraser. And where is the mighty Power G.

Dawg: Power G may be mighty, but he is not stupid either. He can't win 3 on 2, no matter how good he might be.

Stanyer: I guess this match has been thrown out.

Gambino and The Ruff Ryders leave as "Keep Away" blares over the speakers and the crowd cheer, Eraser is left in the middle of the ring out cold.

{Commerical Break}

**Clips are shown of the old PWF matches.**

Voice: Coming soon to PWF Shopzone, PWF Classics. Relive the moments when Eraser became the first PWF World Champion, See Blackbird become King of the Ring, See the amazing Hell in a Cell Match between Headache and Demon. Witness Solo show why he was the master of "The Snakepit". And watch the classic Rumbles. All these coming soon to PWF Shopzone.

{End Commercial}

Stanyer: Welcome back folks, it time for our Hardcore title match, these two had a bit of an altercation earlier tonight, but now they will get it on in the ring for the Hardcore Title

Silas "Pitbull" Parish v Theros Macalvia(c)

"Come out and Play" by The Offspring begins to play increasingly loud through the arena speakers, heralding the arrival of "Pitbull" Silas Parish. Several scenes of a pitbull on a chain, barking and straining to get loose, play on the TitanTron as the words SILAS PARISH slowly appear at the bottom of the screen and PITBULL appears at the top. Suddenly, a series of pyrotechnic explosions erupt down the right side of the ramp and back up the left side as Silas steps through the backstage curtain and into view. He pauses at the top of the ramp, his eyes locked on his opponent in the ring. He cracks his knuckles and makes sure the tape around his hands is tight, his gaze still locked on the ring. Then he begins to stalk forward. About halfway down the ramp he breaks into a run and slides into the ring under the bottom rope, quickly getting to his feet well before the bell rings.

James: Introducing from Vancouver, Canada, Silas,"The Pitbull" Parish.*Crowd Cheers*

**Suddenly wild laughter echoes through the arena, the lights flashing purple and red. Theros appears on stage, his hands on his hips as he laughs. After several moments the laughs die off, and Ozzy's 'Crazy Train' hits. Theros stalks down towards the ring, a confident smirk on his face as the music continues to boom. Theros rolls into the ring and starts laughing again. The music then shatters into another chorus of wild laughter.**

James: Introducing from Syracuse, New York, weighing 282lbs. Theros Macalvia

Report: Pitbull jumps Theros as he gets into the ring and takes him down by the waist and then starts to hammer him with clubbing forearms to the back of the head. Pitbull then rolls out of the ring and pulls out a stop sign from underneath the ring. Pitbull rolls into the ring and smashes the stop sign over the head of Theros as he gets up. Pitbull then places the Stop Sign on the chest of Theros. Pitbull climbs to the top rope and flies off with a big splash driving the stop sign into Theros's sternum.

Stanyer: Pitbull punishes Theros with a big splash, but he did damage to himself as well.

Pitbull covers Theros. 1...........................2..........................Theros kicks out. Pitbull picks up Theros and grabs him in a side headlock. Pitbull then runs up the ropes and delivers a Top Rope Swinging PitBulldog to Theros. Pitbull hooks the leg again. 1..............................2...........................Theros kicks out again.

Dawg: Pitbull is going to need more than that to beat Theros, I mean Theros does moves like that to himself.

Pitbull picks up Theros again and tosses him to the outside. Pitbull follows him out. Pitbull sets up a chair and then picks up Theros. He whips Theros towards the chair and then drop toe holds Theros so his face hits the chair. Pitbull covers again. 1..............................2.........................Theros kicks out.

Stanyer: Pitbull has dominated this match, but Theros refuses to stay down.

Pitbull picks up Theros who gets in a blow to the gut of Pitbull. Theros gets in two more, but is stopped by a clubbing forearm to the back by Pitbull. Pitbull whips Theros towards the barricade, but Theros reverses it. Pitbull hits the barricade hard but gets to his feet quickly and charges Theros who picks him up and picks him up over his shoulder and drops him down so his face smashes against the edge of the announcers table. Pitbull goes down holding his face.

Stanyer: My god, that was Pitbull's FACE hitting our table.

Dawg: He will be lucky to escape without a broken nose.

As Pitbull gets up, Dave Harleys words ring true as Pitbull's nose is bloodied. Theros is up but his left arm suddenly dives over the timekeepers table and grabs James Smith the ring announcer. Theros's left arm is about to hammer James in the face when Pitbull intervenes and takes Theros down with a clothesline. Pitbull then rolls Theros back into the ring and slides a chair in as he rolls back in. Pitbull picks up Theros who connects with a blow to the gut of Pitbull and then lifts Pitbull up on his shoulders and whips him over into a spinebuster type manouever driving Pitbull into the chair. Theros covers. 1........................2.......................Pitbull kicks out. Theros gets up and then his left arm suddenly turns and grabs the referee. Theros pushes the referee into the corner, Theros tries to pull his left arm off the referee with his right arm, and manages to do so and spins himself around in the process and turns straight into Pitbull who kicks him in the gut and delivers the Stunner. Pitbull covers. The referee who was shaken quickly drops down for the count. 1..............................2.............................3!!!!

Pitbull d. Theros
9:57 Pinfall

James: The winner of the match and NEW PWF HARDCORE CHAMPION, SILAS "THE PITBULL" PARISH. Crowd Cheers

Stanyer: Pitbull defeats Theros for the Hardcore title, Theros's inability to control himself has cost him the Hardcore Title. Just as it won him the title last week.

Dawg: The Hardcore Title is changing hands more times than I've ever known it to. How many title changes is that now?

Stanyer: That's the 4th Title change since DeMoN originally won it.

Dawg: It seems like a lot more.

Stanyer: Well after the break it is time for our Main Event for the evening.

Main Event

Matt Van Dam v Crusader Chrome

**"Snap your Fingers, Snap your neck" by Prong plays as MVD walks down the aisle, cluching Jennifer Van Dam by the waist, he lets her go, and poses, flexing his arms towards his head (RVD style). The Ultra-Tron bears the gWo logo and then shows clips of MVD striking opponents out with his Kendo Stick and finishing them the 5 star frog splash.**

James: The following match is scheduled for one fall, and is for the PWF World Heavyweight Championship, Introducing the challenger, from Battlecreek, England, weighing 228lbs, "The Real F'n Show" Matt Van Dam. *Crowd Boos heavily**

**The lights go out and a series of light blue lights flash throughout the arena. Rock Superstar by Cypress Hill blares over the pa followed by an explosion of fireworks similar to Y2J’s. Crusader's Ultra-tron has images of Harley Davidsons and biker babes transcending into one another. His entrance attire consists of a leather trench coat, dark sunglasses, and a du- rag rapped around his head. When he walks out into the entrance, he pauses and raises both fists in the air, proceeding to walk to the ring. Walking with a bmf walk, he climbs into the ring, while the lights are still out, and raises the lights with a fist in the air.**

James: Introducing his opponent, from Palm Beach, Florida, weighing 299lbs,The PWF World Heavyweight Champion, "The One" Crusader Chrome. *Crowd Cheers*

Report: MVD and Crusader circle each other, they tie up, Crusader overpowers MVD and pushes him into the turnbuckle. Crusader then hammers MVD with right hands to the face. Crusader then whips MVD to the opposite turnbuckle and follows in with a hard clothesline. Crusader then waits for MVD to stagger out of the turnbuckle and then comes off the ropes and takes MVD down with a Face Crusher. Crusader hooks a leg. 1............................2.....................MVD kicks out. Crusader picks up MVD and whips him to the ropes. Crusader ducks down for a Back Body Drop but MVD dives over the top of him with a Sunset Flip. But MVD can't take Crusader over and Crusader sits down on the chest of MVD. 1..............................2............................MVD manages to throw Crusader off of him.

Stanyer: MVD is not doing so well against the World Champion.

Dawg: Give it time.

MVD gets to his feet and manages to get a couple of quick kicks to the thighs of Crusader but Crusader floors MVD with a short arm clothesline. MVD gets up holding his head. Crusader pushes him towards a corner and then starts to kick MVD in the gut and then starts to stomp on him. Crusader then drags MVD out from the corner and hooks the leg. 1................................2..........................MVD kicks out. Crusader picks up MVD and whips him to the ropes, MVD slides out underneath the bottom rope and holds his head. Crusader slides out after him, MVD runs around to the other side of the ring and slides back in. Crusader follows MVD and slides back in but gets caught as MVD stomps on the back of Crusader. MVD hits a leg drop to the back of Crusader's head. MVD then stands up and hits a BackFlip Splash driving his knees into the back of Crusader.

Dawg: What did I tell you, MVD is in control of this match now.

Stanyer: But for how long?

MVD picks up Crusader and whips him to the ropes but Crusader reverses, but MVD takes him down with a spinning wheel kick to the face. MVD then climbs to the 2nd turnbuckle and connects with the Stinky Leg Drop. MVD then covers. 1................................2.......................Crusader pushes MVD off of him. MVD walks to the turnbuckle and springs to the top rope. As Crusader stands up MVD flies off and connects with a leaping sidekick to the jaw of Crusader. MVD immediately covers. 1...............................2............................Crusader kicks out.

Stanyer: That was a close one, Crusader nearly had me worried.

MVD then stands up and performs the Old Man Stink pose(Venis Grind & Punch) and then sits down and hammers Crusader with repeated right hands. MVD then covers again. 1.............................2.............................Crusader gets his left shoulder up. MVD picks up Crusader and kicks him in the gut and sets him up for the Cradle Piledriver. MVD tries to lift Crusader up, but he is too heavy and Crusader back body drops MVD to the cheers of the crowd. MVD gets back up and takes a big right from Crusader. MVD goes for a kick but Crusader catches it. MVD then surprises Crusader with the Enziguri knocking Crusader back down. MVD covers. 1................................2..........................Crusader kicks out again.

Stanyer: MVD is getting frustrated, he cannot keep Crusader down for the 3 count.

MVD picks up Crusader and kicks him in the gut and then bounces off the ropes and delivers the FrogAsser. MVD then signals for the end and springs to the top rope. He flies off with the Five Star Frog Splash but Crusader rolls out of the way at the very last second and MVD crashes into the mat.

Stanyer: MVD misses the Five Star Frog Splash, and now Crusader has to capitalise.

Dawg: Come on Matt, get up!!!

The referee administers his ten count on both men, but it isn't needed as MVD and Crusader make it to their feet at almost the same time. MVD immediately connects with a right hand to Crusader. Crusader comes back with a big right hand that sends MVD staggering backwards. Crusader backs it up with three more right hands and then whips MVD to the ropes. MVD reverses and goes for a Dropkick but Crusader hangs onto the ropes and MVD hits nothing but canvas. Crusader then runs across and hits an elbow drop on MVD. Crusader covers. 1..........................2.....................MVD kicks out. Crusader picks up MVD and whips him into the ropes and hits a Powerslam and then covers again. 1................................2.........................MVD kicks out again. Crusader picks up MVD and lifts him high above his head in a military press, but MVD somehow drops down from it and goes for the Vandaminator, but Crusader ducks it. MVD then gets kicked in the gut and Crusader scoops him up and then delivers The Concussion. Crusader hooks the leg. 1................................2.................................3!!!!

Crusader d. MVD
16:29 Pinfall

Stanyer: Crusader Chrome retains the title in a closely fought contest.

Dawg: For once nobody interfered.

Stanyer: Indeed, wait in the ring!!!

In the ring Power G has appeared from nowhere and is behind the celebrating Crusader Chrome. Crusader turns around on the crowds shouts and Power G picks him up and hits the G Power Slam(Olympic Slam).

Stanyer: Power G, where did he come from? He just G Power Slammed the World Champion!!

Dawg: And now he has the World Title in his hands.

Power G has the title in his hands, he stares at it intently for a few moments, and then lays it across the body of Crusader Chrome as he leaves the ring

Stanyer: These two will get it on at Last Man Standing, the question is, can these two wait that long. Tune into Armageddon folks, and I will see you next week.

Camera fades out with a shot of the Ko'd Crusader Chrome with the World title draped over his body

***© 2001 PWF Entertainment***