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PPV Results

House of Pain
War Games
Last Man Standing
Rumble in the Bronx


King of the Death Match
Battle of Britain
Darkest Hour
House of Pain
War Games
Independence Day
Last Man Standing
Rumble in the Bronx
The End of the World
Hardkore Hell
A Dark Day in Hell



Live on PPV from the United Centre
Chicago, Illnois
29th April 2001

**The opening video rolls as "One" by Metallica plays.**

**We see footage of each of the old PWF World Champions fighting as the opening gunfire of the song plays. Eraser is seen delivering The Eraser to Deathness. We see Blackbird delivering an Evenflow DDT to Blood Vessel. Deathness delivers a Powerbomb to Diablo. We see Demon delivering a Midnight Driver to Eraser. Then Diablo delivers a Diablo Neckbreaker to Fire Storm. We see Big Dave delivering a Jacknife Powerbomb to Diablo. Showstopper is seen hitting a 450 Splash onto Gambino. Finally we see Gambino delivering a Gambino Facebuster to Diablo. The camera then fades out to a new scene.**

**As the music begins to play, we see slow flashing footage of champions holding their titles, Eraser is seen holding his title aloft, we see Diablo standing on the turnbuckle holding his title in the air, Gambino is seen walking to the aisle title over his shoulder. Showstopper is seen on his knees holding the title to his chest. The camera then fades to archive footage**

**We see the first House of Pain, we see Eraser hammering Pelican in the face with repeated punches, we see the referee checking Pelican, he then signals for the bell, and the arm of Eraser is raised and he holds the title aloft. Camera fades to the next scene**

**We then see Deathness atop of the turnbuckle delivering a flying knee drop to the face of Eraser. Then as Eraser gets to his feet we see Deathness deliver the D-Drop(FameAsser) to Eraser and then covering, the referee counts to 3 and we see the arm of Deathness raised. camera fades to the next scene**

**We see Diablo delivering a Diablo Neckbreaker to Deathness, then turning around to be Powerbombed by Blood Vessel, then a cover. And we see the arm of Blood Vessel raised and handed the PWF World Title....Camera fades to the next scene.**

**We see Blackbird and Blood Vessel exchanging punches and then suddenly Blackbird kicks Blood Vessel in the gut and delivers an EvenFlow DDT and then covers. We see the arm of Blackbird raised in the air with the World title in hand, the camera fades to the next scene.....**

**We see The Game(Eraser) delivering a Powerbomb to Diablo in the famous Last Man Standing Match, Eraser steps aside and signals to the crowd for Game Over, but Diablo is counted out and the title is handed to Eraser. Camera fades to the next scene.....**

**We see Demon picking up The Game and delivering the Midnight Driver to him and covering him. Demon's arm is raised as the camera fades to a different scene.**

**We see Diablo hitting a Diablo Neckbreaker and then covering, he climbs the turnbuckle and holds the title aloft for all to see.**

**We see Gambino charging Diablo at Hardkore Hell, Diablo ducks it and Gambino takes out Firestorm, Diablo delivers the Diablo Neckbreaker to Gambino then covers Firestorm. (Gambino was interfering). The crowd chant 1...2....3 as Diablo remains World Champion.**

**We see the mass brawl at Armageddon the night after Hardkore Hell where Showstopper distracts the referee so Kamikaze can deliver the Kamikaze Driver to Diablo, then as Gambino delivers the Gambino Facebuster to Diablo we see Solo come running down the ramp but he is taken out by the Twin Towers. Meanwhile Gambino covers Diablo and we see the referee count to 3. Gambino's arm is raised as a brawl reigns on the outside and the camera fades to the next scene.**

**We see bits and parts of a match between Diablo and Gambino when Diablo delivers a Diablo Neckbreaker to Gambino knocking him out cold and we see the arm of Diablo raised once again as the camera fades to new scene**

**We see the 4 Way Iron Man match, we see Fire Storm scoring repeated pins and submissions over Solo, Gambino and Diablo then we see the arm of Fire Storm being raised in the air as the camera fades to a different scene.**

**We see the famous triple Hell in a Cell cage match, we see both Demon and Fire Storm crashing through the cell. Then we see Diablo setting up a ladder to reach the World Title, but Eraser pushes the ladder and Diablo falls off crashing to the 2nd cell breaking the roof, then we see him crashing into the first cell which also gives away and then Diablo falls to the ring where the ring breaks, the camera then changes to Eraser who is at the top of the ladder and we see the camera freeze as he touches the World Title and the music to "One" ends and the camera fades to black**

**Pyro's blast off all around the arena as the House of Pain logo comes across the screen. The camera passes over the crowd revealing a few crowd signs.**
"Give no Mercy Gambino"
"Wreck some Havok"
"Where is the Madman today??"
"The People's Answer"
"G Power sucks"
**The camera then spins around once again and then zooms in on the announcers table.**

Stanyer: Welcome everybody to the United Centre in the PWF's hometown of Chicago, Illnois for PWF's House of Pain, I'm Jason Stanyer alongside the "Big Dawg" Dave Harley, and we bring you a packed card tonight of some spectacular matches.

Dawg: This is going to be one of the great nights in wrestling, as Gambino will be recrowned PWF World Champion.

Stanyer: Your jumping to conclusions a bit now, he has to win three matches first before that will happen.

Dawg: But it will happen Jay, I have seen it.

**Camera switches to a backstage locker room, Fire Storm is in it. Fire Storm picks up the card of the night and sees that he is not on it. He sits in his chair really pissed off.**

Fire Storm- Seeing that I am not in the House of Pain. Although I don't agree that I am not. I think that me and Devastator should go at it. Devastator I hope that you read this. You need to let me have a rematch at the next event. If it is Havoc then that is what it will be. Me and you in a Extreme Hardcore Match. Any thing goes. I will I get the title. You win you keep it and I go my seperate ways. I expect to get a response from you some time.

**Fire Storm sits in his chair and turns on to the House of Pain Access.**

Dawg: Sounds like Fire Storm wants a rematch with Devastator, Fire Storm is hungry for gold once more.

Stanyer: Well it is time for our Opening Match, as Pitbull takes on Kevin Cage in a grudge match that was signed after their brawl a couple of weeks ago. This should be an excellent opening to the PPV.

Pitbull v Kevin Cage

"Come out and Play" by The Offspring begins to play increasingly loud through the arena speakers, heralding the arrival of "Pitbull" Silas Parish. Several scenes of a pitbull on a chain, barking and straining to get loose, play on the TitanTron as the wordsSILAS PARISH slowly appear at the bottom of the screen and PITBULL appears at the top. Suddenly, a series of pyrotechnic explosions erupt down the right side of the ramp and back up the left side as Silas steps through the backstage curtain and into view. He pauses at thetop of the ramp, his eyes locked on his opponent in the ring. He cracks his knuckles and makes sure the tape around his hands is tight, his gaze still locked on the ring. Then he begins to stalk forward. About halfway down the ramp he breaks into a run and slides into the ring under the bottom rope, quickly getting to his feet well before the bell rings.

James: The following match is scheduled for one fall, Introducing from Vancouver, Canada, Silas,"The Pitbull" Parish.*Crowd Cheers*

The lights fade in the sold out ????, the fans begin to cheer. Red-lights begin to flash across the ceiling of the arena as "Machinehead" begins to blast through the speakers. You see action shots of Cage on the titan-tron, as Cage begins to walk out onto the arena floor, cut like Chris Beniot, wearing Black tights with Red slashes across the thighs. He wears black boots and a sleeveless t-shirt that reads "You will belong to me..." written in blood red. He taunts the crowd and rubs his unshaven face as he steps into the ring and holds up his arms to a chorus of boo's from the crowd. James: Introducing his opponent, from Chicago, Illnois, weighing 225lbs, Kevin Cage.*Crowd boos*

Stanyer: Not a good response from the home town fans towards Kevin Cage.

Report: Cage and Pitbull circle each other, Cage towers above Pitbull, they tie up, Cage pushes Pitbull towards the corner, but Pitbull releases the tie up and delivers left and rights to the gut of Cage. Cage is a little stunned and walks away holding his gut. Pitbull hits a running clothesline from behind taking Cage to the mat. Cage gets back up holding the back of his head, Pitbull lays into Cage with repeated right hands to the face, Pitbull runs off the ropes and runs straight into a Tilt a Whirl Slam by Kevin Cage. Cage follows it up with a quick cover. 1......Pitbull kicks out immediately.

Stanyer: I think Cage was surprised at the power of Pitbull.

Dawg: Not surprising, he is only 5 feet tall!! Anyone would take him lightly.

Stanyer: But you cannot take anyone lightly in this business, you've got to be good just to step into the ring, let alone compete.

Cage and Pitbull get up, Cage delivers a Knife edge chop to Pitbull. Pitbull comes back with a straight right, Cage counters with a couple of forearms to the face of Pitbull then an Irish whip, which is reversed, then Pitbull follows Cage into the ropes and comes bouncing off just after Cage and hits the Running Pitbulldog(Running Bulldog). Cage gets to his feet slowly Pitbull delivers two straight rights before Cage kicks him in the gut, Cage then delivers a DDT, but hangs on and rolls back up, Cage delivers a second DDT and again rolls up.

Stanyer: Cage going for the hat-trick, NO! A Northern Lights Suplex by Pitbull, with a bridge! 1............2..........Cage kicks out. Lovely counter play by Pitbull.

Cage slowly rises to his feet, Pitbull gets up holding his head, Cage swings with a chop, but Pitbull ducks it then kicks Cage in the gut and hits a Double Arm DDT. Pitbull then covers again. 1...........2.............Cage kicks out.

Stanyer: I think Pitbull might have had him then, if he had just a bit more weight on him.

Pitbull gets up and helps up Cage, Pitbull locks in a front facelock and hooks the leg of Cage.

Stanyer: Pitbull now looking for the Fisherman's DDT.

Pitbull tries to lift Cage, but he blocks it then frees his leg and lifts up Pitbull and drops him down in a Brainbuster. Both Cage and Pitbull stay down.

Stanyer: Amazing counter by Kevin Cage, can he take advantage though?

Dawg: He needs to cover Pitbull now.

Cage manages to drag himself on top of Pitbull and hooks a leg. 1.............2............Pitbull kicks out at the last second.

Dawg: He took too long recovering, he had Pitbull then.

Cage picks himself up, Pitbull makes his way to his feet. Cage chops him in the chest, then grabs his head and then delivers an Uppercut to the jaw. Pitbull walks away holding his jaw. He then charges at Cage who picks him up and drops him down in a Front Face Pancake. Cage is now getting a bit more cocky and walks around the ring. He stands in the corner and taps his knee waiting to hit a Superkick. Pitbull gets to his feet and turns towards Cage who connects with the Superkick. Cage then immediately grabs the legs of Pitbull and turns him over to lock in the Lion Cager(Walls of Jericho).

Stanyer: This is it, this is the move that beat The Fro!!

Pitbull refuses to give up, and keeps shaking his head, even though you can see the pain in his face. Pitbull starts to edge his way towards the ropes, eventually Pitbull manages to stretch out to just reach the bottom rope and Cage has to let go of the hold. Cage looks annoyed. He picks up Pitbull and delivers another uppercut, this one much more aggressively. Cage then whips Pitbull to the corner, but Pitbull reverses, Pitbull follows in and runs up Cage to the top rope and locks in a reverse headlock and then flies off with the K-9'er (Diamond Dust). Pitbull covers Cage. 1............2..................3!!!!!! Pitbull immediately rolls out of the ring where the referee raises his arm.

James: The winner of this match, Pitbull.

Cage gets to his feet and looks stunned that Pitbull beat him, he immediately starts to trash talk with Pitbull as he walks up the aisle.

Pitbull d. Kevin Cage
10:14 Pinfall

Stanyer: A great win for Pitbull, in what is his real debut, as his last one ended in a double countout with the same man.

Dawg: Kevin Cage is none to happy about it, and I am not surprised, he had Pitbull and he just hit that move out of nowhere, and that was it, Pitbull got the three count.

Stanyer: I don't think this feud is over at all, Cage will not want to leave it as a loss against his name, he will want to prove he can beat Pitbull.

Dawg: Well it looks like Kevin Cage has lost in his home-town, that is not going to please him at all.

Stanyer: Well it is now time for our next match in tonight event, these two matches were hung over from last night's Havoc. They are the semi finals of our Tag Team Title Tournament. First the Gods of Gore take on The Gummi Bears.

Tag Team Title Tournament: Semi Finals
Gods of Gore v The Gummi Bears

*****Natural Born Killaz play on the PWF speakers... There is no movement shown at the top of the ramp or anything. A couple of pwf fans then point up above there heads!!! The God's of Gore are shown up near the rafters on a small platform with a cage all around the platform high above the audience! The platform then begins to lower towards the ring while Big Lou and Mad Mike hold there bats forming a "X" while standing on the platform. The crowd begins to chant "HardGore" but then is shortly faded by the boo's in minutes. The cage of the platform is then engulfed in blood red flames!! The crowd then gets a bit nervous but the platform then lands in the ring and Big Lou and Mad Mike step out of the cage with there bats and they run towards the turnbuckles and stand on them while holding there bats high in the air. They are then thrown mics and they begin to speak!*****

Big Lou: The time has come to decide the first PWF tag team champions!

(crowd boos profusely)

Big Lou: Mad Mike and I have trained hard for this match and where ready for war! What a war it will be against two Gummi Nears in the PWF! Mwahahahaha! Its time for you all to see the two most brutal hardGore icons in the PWF to team up with each other for the tag team titles. The gummi bears will go down while we go down in the history books of the PWF folks!!! Its time to join the HardGore revolution and become one of the most powerful forces in wrestling entertainment. We have been tag team champions of the VCW, GZW, and UHCW and seconds away of becoming the PWF tag team champions!! We will brutally destroy the Gummi Bears.

Mad Mike: Listen to the man folks cause we will begin the HardGore revolution in seconds and our conquest to become hardcore and extreme champions of the PWF will begin soon. We want to be known as the most brutal tagteam and pair of wrestlers in wrestling history. We put federations on the map everyday we fight! We brought you the crowd to this payperview tonight no matter if you want to see us lose or not! We basically bring in the money every event. We beat the sweaty red neck hogs and now its the sticky ass Gummi bears now get your ass's out here!

****Big Lou and Mad Mike stand on the turnbuckles waiting in anger and aggression with there bats high in the air for the Gummi Bears!!!*****

**(Flashin random lights all the way through apart from at the slap hands at the end where one slap makes the lights go one colour, the next changes the colour and the double high five causes the lights to return to normal as well as causing the fireworks on stage) Two rocket fireworks fly to the stage and explode. The Gummi Bears appear and stand at the top with big grins, look at each other, then Cookie runs forward a little and Banoffe leap frogs over him, Banoffe then ducks and Cookie leap frogs him, this is done so each man has leapfrogged twice. Then they look at each other again and run towards the ring, sliding in and rolling. Both men bounce to there feet, look at each other again! and run to opposite diagonal corners and start dancing, they look at each other from there position in the corners, throw both arms in the air with big smiles and run to each others corners high fiving as they go past . Once at the other corner they jump up again and start dancing. After a few more seconds they jump back down and meet in the centre of the ring where they "go down low, go up high then double high five which causes fountains of sparks from up on the stage.**

James: The following match is a semi final contest in the Tag Team Title Tournament, Introducing at a combined weight of 429lbs, Cookie Dough and Barry Banoffe, The Gummi Bears. *Mixed Reaction*

Report: Barry starts out, he squares off against Big Lou. Big Lou delivers two big right hands to the face of Barry sending him sprawling into his corner. Barry quickly tags in Cookie, Cookie looks a little aprehensive, but gets in the ring, Big Lou challenges him to attack. Cookie goes in with a right hand, but Big Lou blocks it and delivers another big right hand, Big Lou then grabs Cookie by the head and takes him over to his turnbuckle and slams his head into it. Big Lou then deliver repeated right hands to the face of Cookie until he drops to a sitting position. Then Big Lou tags in Mad Mike. Lou stomps on Cookie a couple of times, as Mad Mike walks away, then Big Lou moves out of the way and Mad Mike charges in with a knee to the face of Cookie Dough.

Stanyer: Ouch, what a knee by Mad Mike.

Mad Mike drags Cookie out of the corner and covers him. 1...........2........Barry comes in and makes the save. Big Lou comes charging in and punches Barry in the face sending him sprawling out of the ring. The referee then sends Big Lou back to his corner. Mad Mike picks up Barry and whips him to the ropes and delivers a Powerslam. Cover. 1.........2..........Cookie kicks out. Mad Mike picks up Cookie and tosses him through the ropes. Mad Mike then flips off Barry who tries to get in the ring, meanwhile Big Lou has his Baseball bat on the outside and drives it into the gut of Cookie, then sets Cookie up against the barricade, and then hits him three times hard in the gut as though he was hitting a baseball. Cookie collapses to the floor holding his gut. Big Lou throws Cookie back into the ring.The referee turns around as he does so and Big Lou holds his arms out as if to say he didn't do anything. Mad Mike covers. 1.............2..............Barry comes into the ring and stomps on the head of Mad Mike to break up the count. The referee forces Barry out of the ring, Barry tries to resist, but as the referee is distracted. Big Lou signals to Mad Mike, Mad Mike whips Cookie to the ropes, Mad Mike then lifts up Cookie and carries him to the ropes then drops down as Big Lou grabs Cookies head and drops to the floor guillotining Cookie over the top rope. Mad Mike makes the cover. 1.................2.............Cookie kicks out.

Stanyer: Cookie only just managed to survive that move.

Dawg: Indeed, that was a devastating move by the Gods of Gore.

Mad Mike picks up Cookie and tags in Big Lou. Big Lou kicks Cookie in the gut then Mike lets him go and leaves the ring. Big Lou delivers a couple of big right hands to Cookie, then whips him to the ropes. Big Lou picks up Cookie into a DVD, but Cookie suddenly drops down Big Lou and delivers a drop toe hold. Cookie then locks in the Ankle Lock on Big Lou. Big Lou cries out and reaches out with his hand.

Stanyer: What a counter by Cookie Dough, he has Big Lou in the Ankle Lock, it's pinfalls only, but he can destroy the ankle of Big Lou.

Big Lou crawls himself over to his corner and manages to reach out and tag in Mad Mike, Cookie rolls backwards and then spins around and dives to tag in Barry Banoffe. Barry springs off the top rope into a Missile Dropkick, Big Lou gets up and Barry dropkicks him through the ropes. Barry whips Mad Mike to the ropes and hits a jab to the face as he comes off, Barry then bounces around, he jabs Mike a couple more times leaving him dazed. Mike swings a right of his own, but Barry ducks it and spins around to his a big left hand knocking down Big Lou who had just got back in the ring with a chair. Barry then Superkicks Mad Mike as he turns around. Cookie climbs into the ring and lifts up Big Lou onto his shoulder. Barry then climbs to the top rope. Barry dives off the top rope just as Big Lou manages to get a punch on Cookie forcing him to drop to the floor, Barry misses his target and flies straight into a chair shot by Mad Mike which catches him clean in the head. Mad Mike covers Barry. 1.............2..................3!!!!!

Gods of Gore d. The Gummi Bears
13:15 Pinfall

Stanyer: What a win for the Gods of Gore, they go through to the final where they will have to face either the Lords of Destruction or The Pellington Brothers.

Dawg: I think they might have broke Barry's neck, that was a devastating chair shot.

Stanyer: It certainly was, the Gods of Gore seem to leave a trail of destruction in their path.

**Camera cuts backstage where we see the Pellington Brothers heading to the arena**

Dawg: Hey, it looks like the Brothers are ready for tonight.

**Out of nowhere comes Diablo from behind, he takes out Mike with a sledgehammer to the back of his head. Then after an exchange of punches with David he slams his face into a wall. Then picks up the hammer and drives it into the gut of David. Diablo then walks off with a smile on his face.**

Stanyer: He can't do that!! They have a Tag Team Title Tournament Semi Final now, this is disgraceful.

Dawg: Maybe, but it was clever.

**As we see the brothers still down, we see the Lords of Destruction walk up to them**

Bloodstorm: "Don't we have a match with these now?"

Carnage: "Yeah, better make sure they get to the ring I suppose."

**Carnage and Bloodstorm both help up the KO'd Pellington Brothers and drag them away with them**

Tag Team Title Tournament: Semi Finals
Lords of Destruction v The Pellington Brothers.

**"Creeping Death" by Metallica hits, and the Pellington Brothers come rolling through the curtains as if they were thrown there.**

**"Serial Killer" by Prodigy hits and the Lords of Destruction walk out with a smile on their faces. They each pick up a brother and take them to the ring and roll them in.**

Stanyer: This is ridiculous, they can't do this at all.

Report: Carnage and Bloodstorm walk about the ring for a bit. Carnage picks up Michael and delivers the Death Penalty.

Stanyer: Come on Michael, David, WAKE UP!!

Bloodstorm picks up David, he lifts him up for the Jackhammer and holds him there, he walks around a bit, showing off, then drives him into the mat. He holds on for the pin. 1..........2........3.

Lords of Destruction d. Pellington Brothers.
1:18 Pinfall

Stanyer: This is disgraceful, how can they live with themselves after such a victory, in a tournament as well.

Dawg: Because they are now in the Tag Team Title Final.

Stanyer: Well I would love to see Diablo try and take out the Gods of Gore, they would probably kill him.

Dawg: Well, I don't think Diablo would be that stupid.

Stanyer: Well it is now time for our Quarter Final matches in the World Title Tournament, our first match is between Gambino and The Sabre, and I am told Gambino is backstage with Ted Tedision.

**Ted Tedison is shown standing backstage with Gambino as he prepares for his quarter final match with The Sabre**

Tedison"Gambino, you're getting ready to go into the ring with Sabre, a rookie to the PWF roster. How much of an advantage, if any, do you think your experience in the World Title division gives you over Sabre?"

Gambino"What kind of advantage, if any?? Are you implying that you don't think I can beat Sabre?!"

Tedison"No, not at all. It's just that...."

Gambino"(snatching the microphone away from Tedison)Shut the hell up!! Turn your ass around and don't even look at me until I'm done talking! You should be smart enough to know not to even ask me a stupid question like that!(Tedison turns around, facing away from Gambino)Now Sabre, if you're going into this match thinking you've got a clear lane to victory, then think again. I don't give a damn how crazy and screwed up in the head you are, you haven't seen crazy until you've stepped into the ring with me. I'm going into this match tonight with one thing on my mind, that PWF World Championship Title, and I'll tear you apart limb by limb if I have to. That's how much I want that title, that's how much I NEED that title! I'll do anything...oh, and Sabre, I do mean ANYTHING, to get that title back around my waste. I hope you're a religious man Sabre, cuz it's gonna take a miracle for you to beat me tonight."

**Gambino toss's the microphone to the side and boots Tedison in the ass, sending him face first into the wall and falling to the ground. Gambino walks away and the cameras close in on Tedison who is sitting on the ground shaking his head in disbelief.**

Stanyer: Well that wasn't very pleasant was it? Poor Ted, he always seems to be on the rough end of things.

Dawg: What does he expect if he badmouths Gambino.

Stanyer: Well here we go.

World Title Tournament: Quarter Final
Antonio Gambino v The Sabre

**The lights dim and violins begin playing an eerie tune, like from the Godfather movie. On the Ultra-tron, pictures, apparently flashbacks of life in the Mafia, are shown. Images of gunfights, driveby shootings, and car's exploding alternate with pictures of a funeral in progress. Just as they begin lowering the casket into the grave, the screen goes black and then begins flashing the name "Gambino" across the screen in silver lettering. Then, as an explosion of pyros occurs on the stage, "Keep Away" by Godsmack begins blaring through the arena and Gambino appears in the entrance. He stands in the entrance for a short moment before walking down the aisle towards the ring. Once he reaches the ring, he climbs in and heads to the closest corner of the ring and begins taunting the crowd. He then raises both hands in the air as if celebrating.**

James: The following match is a Quarter Final match in the PWF World Title tournament and is scheduled for one fall. Introducing, from Brooklyn, New York, weighing 245lbs, Antonio Gambino**Crowd Boos loudly**

"Sad But True" by Metallica hits, as the lights fade into a dim blue. Sabre struts out, raising his arms to the cheers of the crowd. He walks down the ramp at a normal pace, slapping hands with a few people near the guard rail. He climbs onto the apron, before jumping over the ropes and heading straight to a turnbuckle, to once again raise his hands to the crowd.

James: Introducing his opponent, from Sydney, Australia, weighing 230lbs, The Sabre. **Crowd Cheers loudly**

Report: Gambino and Sabre circle, Gambino jabs at Sabre with a couple of right hands, but Sabre dodges them. The two men then tie up, Gambino takes it into a headlock. Gambino tightens the hold so Sabre drops to one knee. Sabre then pushes off the floor and sends Gambino to the ropes. Sabre goes for a dropkick but Gambino grabs the ropes and Sabre misses and crashes to the mat. Gambino immediately mounts Sabre and punches him repeatedly in the face. Gambino gets off Sabre and immediately flips off the crowd who shower him with boos. Gambino ignores the boos and helps Sabre up, but Sabre counters with a Jawbreaker as he is picked up. Gambino staggers off holding his jaw. Gambino hangs onto the ropes facing out of the ring. Sabre hits a dropkick sending Gambino over the top rope to the floor.

Stanyer: Lovely move by The Sabre.

Dawg: Stop kissing Sabre's ass, please, he doesn't have a hope in hades in this match.

Sabre waits for Gambino to get to his feet then comes off the other side of the ring and flies over the top rope with a Flying Body Press taking Gambino down. Sabre is quick to his feet. He helps Gambino up but Gambino gets a low blow in, then slams the face of Sabre into the ring post. Gambino then stops to catch his breath. As he does, Sabre gets to his feet. Gambino delivers a big right, sending Sabre staggering onto the announce table. Gambino walks over and slams the face of Sabre into the table.

Stanyer: Come on, get him off of here!

Gambino then sticks two fingers up at Stanyer and then slams Sabre's face into the table again.

Dawg: HAH, He put you in your place now didn't he?

Gambino whips Sabre into the ring steps. Gambino then swaggers over to Sabre and stomps at him a couple of times. Gambino then waits for Sabre to get to his feet. Gambino kicks him in the gut and then hits the Double Arm DDT. Gambino then stomps on the back of Sabre's head. Before rolling him over and mounting him to get a few punches in. Gambino gets off of Sabre and poses for the crowd with a cocky smile on his face. The crowd boo profusely. Sabre gets to his feet and Gambino tosses him back into the ring. Gambino slides a chair into the ring before climbing back in himself.

Stanyer: What does Gambino have planned now?

Gambino waits for Sabre to stagger to his feet, then kicks him in the gut and sets him up for the Gambino Bomb. Gambino picks him up above his shoulders, then pauses for a second, but Sabre gets in a couple of punches to the head of Gambino then delivers a Hurricanranna. Gambino bounces back up quickly, Sabre dropkicks Gambino back down, but he gets back up quickly. Sabre kicks Gambino in the gut and whips him to the ropes, but Gambino reverses it, Gambino looks for a Powerslam, but Sabre surprises Gambino with a roll to go behind Gambino and rolls him up in a school boy pin. 1..........2.........Gambino kicks out.

Stanyer: Sabre almost had Gambino then.

Gambino rolls up and tries to catch Sabre off guard with a Mafia Kick, but Sabre ducks it picks up the chair and goes behind Gambino, Gambino turns around and Sabre throws him the chair. Gambino catches it and Sabre tries a back spinning heel kick to catch the chair and Gambino, but Gambino ducks it, goes behind Sabre, then as Sabre spins around Gambino throws the chair straight into the face of Sabre. Sabre goes straight down. Gambino covers quickly. 1.........2............Sabre kicks out. Gambino picks up the chair and waits for Sabre to get to his feet. Gambino then delivers a chair shot to Sabre's head. Gambino then covers. 1.........2...........Sabre gets his left shoulder up. Gambino slams his fist into the mat in frustration.

Dawg: Gambino must not get frustrated, he must stay focused.

Gambino gets up and has a go at the referee, who simply tells him that it was just a two count. Gambino #stares at the referee, then turns back to Sabre. Gambino places the chair over the face of Sabre. Gambino then climbs up to the top rope. Gambino flies off with a Guillotine Leg Drop, trying to drive the chair into Sabre's face, but Sabre rolls out of the way and Gambino hits the mat hard.

Stanyer: This is Sabre's chance now.

Both men stay down for a short while then stagger to their feet at the same time. Gambino tries a right hand, but Sabre blocks it and delivers a couple of elbow strikes then as Gambino is dazed a little, Sabre hits a Fast Spinning Wheel Kick putting Gambino down. Sabre collapses on top of Gambino for a cover. 1.............2........ Gambino kicks out. Sabre climbs to the top turnbuckle as Gambino climbs to his feet.

Stanyer: This could be a mistake by Sabre.

Sabre flies off the top rope and lands on Gambino to attempt a super hurricanranna but Gambino counters by simply driving Sabre into the mat with a Powerbomb. Gambino hooks a leg. 1..........2................Sabre gets his right shoulder up.

Dawg: Man that was close. The youthful exuberance got the better of Sabre and he paid for it with that Powerbomb.

Gambino picks up Sabre and sets him up for the Gambino Facebuster, but Sabre counters with a couple of elbows to the face sending Gambino into the ropes. Gambino comes off and goes for a clothesline but Sabre wraps himself around Gambino and brings him down with a Crucifix Pin. 1.............2.............Gambino kicks out.

Stanyer: Sabre caught Gambino by surprise with that one. And nearly got the 3 count

Gambino gets to his feet, Sabre then tries to catch Gambino with a Back Spinning Heel Kick, but Gambino ducks it and then hits a low blow to Sabre from behind. Gambino then delivers the Gambino Facebuster(Front Russian Leg Sweep). Gambino covers. 1...............2..................3!!!

Gambino d. Sabre
15:38 Pinfall

Stanyer: How cheap a victory can Gambino get, he beat Sabre with a low blow.

Dawg: Who is in the Semi-Finals, and who is out?

Stanyer: Yea, yea, yeah. I know, (sarcastic) "Win by any means necessary"

Dawg: Damn right.

Stanyer: Well I disagree, I think that it is better to win properly than not at all, but that is just my opinion.

Dawg: Well your opinion sucks doesn't it.

**Camera cuts to backstage**

**Maxwell Powers is shown walking down the hall towards the ring when Ted Tedison approach's him.**

Dawg: Hey, it's Maxwell Powers!

Mr. Powers, Mr. Power can we have a word with you before your match with Havok? Powers: You come and ask me for an interview right at this moment. Don't you have enough sense to maybe ask me at not such a crucial time. I should be preparing, I sould be stretching, I should be getting my mantal ready for the new mantal peice I will be getting tonight. You see it may be people like you who simply won't believe the fact that I am going to win tonight but with the entire country of South Africa on my back how can I lose. Gambino may have his mafia connection but where he has filth as his family I have honest people to watch my back. And where Resnick may have all the fans in the world, I have the good citizans of South Africa chanting my name in my country the streets must be filled with people holding signs holding acticles of my clothing and holding get well cards for my father, the greatest man in this whole federation Sir Matthew Powers.

Ted: Thanks you Mr. Powers and I wish you luck.

Maxwell: You only wish me luck, you could be with the millions of my fans in South Africa chanting my name, your whole existence, the real reason you are even here, depends on the outcome of these three matches. Now get out of my face Tedison. As you can plainly see I have a title to win.

**Camera cuts to ringside**

World Title Tournament: Quarter Final
Havok v Maxwell Powers

**The South African Flag appears on the Ultra-Tron before "Ode to Joy" by Beethoven plays, Sir Matthew Powers walks out first, followed by Maxwell Powers. Both men taunt the crowd and get booed for it, they ignore the boos and walk off towards the ring, Maxwell climbs the turnbuckle and poses again, and again gets booed, both men ignore the crowd again.**

James: The following match is a Quarter Final match in the PWF World Title tournament and is scheduled for one fall. Introducing, from Johannesburg, South Africa, weighing 310lbs, accompanied to the ring by his father, Sir Matthew Powers, Maxwell Powers.

"Bad Influence" by Eminem plays as Havok walks in front of the UltraTron and does his taunt, he then walks through the crowd. He really loves the crowd and will never forget where he came from. His Ultra-Tron video shows him skating and then his finisher.

James: Introducing his opponent, from Tucson, Arizona, weighing 267lbs. Havok. *Crowd Cheers*

Report: Havok immediately charges in and gets in repeated right hands to the face of Powers without retaliation. Havok hits a big right hand which sends the big man through the ropes to the floor. Havok paces around the ring to the cheers of the crowd. Powers gets up holding his head. Sir Matthew comes across to speak to Maxwell, Maxwell nods and then climbs in the ring. Havok goes for another right hand, but Powers blocks it and comes back with a right hand of his own. He delays a second before hitting another right hand. Powers then goes for an Irish Whip, Powers goes for a back body drop, but Havok flips over with a Sunset Flip, Havok tries to roll Powers over, but Powers won't go over, and Powers drops to his knees and punches Havok in the face a couple of times. Powers climbs off and Havok rolls out of the way and gets to his feet. Havok goes for Powers with a single leg takedown and then mounts Powers and punches him in the face a couple of times, then gets up and stomps away at him until Powers rolls out of the way and out of the ring.

Stanyer: Looks like Maxwell Powers is having problems controlling Havok.

Dawg: He is just doing the smart thing, taking a breather.

Powers paces about on the outside for a couple of seconds, then rolls back into the ring and gets to his feet. He signals to Havok for a Test of Strength, Havok goes to grab the outstretched hand of Powers but Powers kicks him in the gut as he does so. Powers then hits the Black Hammer(Bradshaw Hammer) sending Havok to the canvas holding his back. Powers immediately mounts Havok and locks on a Camel Clutch. Powers arches back as far as he can on the hold. Havok grimaces at the pain, and reaches out for the ropes which are nearby, Havok manages to grab hold of the bottom rope. The referee tells Powers to let go of the hold. Powers refuses and arches back even further forcing Havok to let go of the rope, but the ref still wants the hold broken, and has to kick Powers in the face to get him to release the hold.

Dawg: That wasn't a good idea.

Powers storms after the referee arguing with him, then turns around and walks right into a back spinning heel kick from Havok which sends Powers down to the mat. Powers gets up quickly holding his head. Havok bounces off the ropes meantime and looks for a Spear but Powers moves out of the way and Havok spears himself into the turnbuckle and hits the ring post shoulder first. Havok immediately falls out of the turnbuckle to the mat and holds his injured shoulder. Powers immediately stomps on the shoulder of Havok.

Stanyer: Powers has found a weak point now, he will concentrate on that shoulder now.

Powers stomps on the shoulder a couple of times, then rolls him over and locks in a sitting Armbar. But Havok immediately reaches out and grabs the ropes. The ref calls for a break, Powers stares at him for a few seconds, then releases the hold before stamping hard on the arm of Havok. Powers picks up Havok and delivers an Arm Popper. Havok collapses to the mat holding his arm. Powers helps Havok up then whips Havok to the turnbuckle and then follows it up with the Powersline(clothesline). Havok staggers out of the corner and then Powers kicks him in the gut and then hits a Gutwrench Powerbomb and hangs on for a pin. 1.........2..........Havok kicks out. Powers mounts the back of Havok and locks in both arms for the African Sleeper(Goku Raku Stretch).

Stanyer: This is the move that beat Matt Van Dam, can Havok survive???

Havok's face is crunched up with the pain of the hold, Powers arches back even further and you can hear Havok cry out. The referee asks Havok if he wants to give up, but Havok refuses. Powers arches back even further, the referee asks again, but Havok just keeps saying no.

Stanyer: How much longer can Havok hold on for??

Dawg: What is the referee doing anyway? This is pinfalls only, it don't matter if Havok gives up or not.

Stanyer: I guess he must have forgotten.

Havok's eyes are now glazed over, and he is close to passing out. Powers appears to ask the referee if he is out. The ref nods to say Havok is out. Powers releases the hold, and then points to himself and puts his hand in the air. But the referee shakes his head and moves his hand as though he was doing a 3 count. Powers looks at the referee a little annoyed, but then turns around and covers Havok. 1..............2..................Havok gets his left shoulder up at the last second.

Stanyer: Powers forgot that this was Pinfalls only, and took too long making the cover. Giving Havok those vital seconds to recover.

Powers sits up and holds his head as if he can't believe Havok kicked out. Powers gets up and remonstrates with the referee. While he does so Havok staggers to his feet. Havok is still dazed, and tries to shake it off as he staggers around the ring. Powers turns around and gets kicked in the gut by Havok and DDT'd. Havok stays down as does Powers. Havok and Powers both make their way to their feet. Powers goes for a right hand, but Havok blocks it and then delivers a succession of right hands knocking Powers into the corner. Havok walks away and then charges in with a clothesline. Powers staggers out and Havok picks him up and hits a Death Valley Driver.

Stanyer: The adrenalin is flowing in Havok now, cover. 1..........2...............Powers kicks out.

Havok immediately climbs to the top rope as Powers gets to his feet. Havok flies off with a Missile Dropkick which takes Powers down. Havok clambers across and covers. 1.........2............Powers kicks out. Havok picks up Powers and looks for a German Suplex, but Powers counters with a couple of elbows to the head of Havok, Powers then reverses the waistlock and looks for a German Suplex of his own, but Havok escapes the suplex and lands on his feet and then hits the Devastation Kick as Powers turns around(Sweet Chin Music.) Havok covers. 1............2.............3!!!!

Havok d. Maxwell Powers
14: 06 Pinfall

Stanyer: Havok gets the win with that devastating kick, if you mind the pun.

Dawg: He should celebrate now, because he isn't going to beat Gambino, and that is clearly stated.

Stanyer: Do you rip of everyone's quotes??

Dawg: Pretty much everyone yeah, I mean, I love it, I just love it.

Stanyer: Please, enough of The Real McCoy impressions.

Dawg: Remember, the Future is here, and Everyone want to be like......

Stanyer: OK, I get the point, I know it's Power G's match next, but Jesus Christ, do you have to go on?

Dawg: Hmm, let me think.... Yes. I am the Real F....

Stanyer: NO!!!

**Johnny Mayhem and Ted Tedison are talking into the camera when the Real McCoy walks past in the background.**

Stanyer: Speak of the devil.

Mayhem: That looks like the Real McCoy, manager of Power G who tonight faces Alexander in the Quarter Finals of the World Title Tournament. Let's see if he'll give us an interview.

**Mayhem, Tedison and the cameraman run after McCoy. They finally catch up with him.**

Mayhem: Real McCoy, you got anything to say before Power G's match tonight.

McCoy: Yeah, but first...

**McCoy grabs Tedison's collar and look's inside the jacket at the label.**

McCoy: What's this cheap shit your wearing, Tedison? You could have at least got a decent jacket for the PPV. Now look at me. I'm what you call style. You won't see me wearing anything like that. As for the match. Well, if Power G gets beat, I'll swap jackets with Tedison and wear his for the rest of the PPV. Luckily for me, Power G won't lose. He's just too good for Alexander to handle and when he hits that G Power Slam, nobody's getting up.

Mayhem: Do you think that G has the ability to win the title?


Mayhem: So you think he can beat anyone in the last eight?

McCoy: Yes

Tedison: You say anything but yes?

McCoy: Shut up Teddy Boy. I didn't come here to be asked dumb questions or to see people dressed like someone whose just come of the streets. I've got better things to do.

**McCoy turns and starts to walk down the corridor.** Mayhem: Well there you have it. McCoy believes that Power G can win the title.

**The camera begins to fade to black slowly but we can still here Mayhem and Tedison talking.**

Tedison: Can you believe that McCoy? Saying I look like a homeless.

Mayhem: Well, you do stink a bit.

Tedison: Thanks for telling me, Johnny. Some friend you are.

Mayhem: Go clean yourself up, stinky.

**Mayhem laughs as the camera finally switches back to the ring. **

World Title Tournament: Quarter Final
Power G v Alexander

"Zombie Nation" by Kernkraft begins to play as Power G walks out with The Real McCoy, both men are holding Microphones. Power G begins to hit himself to psyche himself up, before walking to the ring with the Real McCoy.

James: The following match is a Quarter Final match in the PWF World Title tournament and is scheduled for one fall. Introducing, from Holguin, Cuba, weighing 230lbs, Power G. *Crowd boos*

**Fire Erupts from the stage and continues to burn as "Wherever I may Roam" By Metallica hits Threw the fire walks Maximus and Kull. They look to the crowd and the crowd explodes. They March to the ring and Kull climbs the turnbuckle and raises his sword.**

James: And his opponent, he is one half of the Gods of War, Alexander. *Crowd Cheers*

Report: Power G and Alexander tie up, Power G pushes Alexander into the corner and then delivers a knife edge chop. Power G hits a second chop. Then Alexander grabs Power G and reverses the positions so Power G is in the corner. Alexander then delivers 3 right hands to the face of Power G then whips him into the other turnbuckle, Power G bounces off the turnbuckle and Alexander hits the Roman Kick(Superkick). Alexander covers. 1...........2......Power G kicks out. Power G gets up and chops Alexander. Power G tries another chop, but Alexander catches the hand of Power G and reverses it into a back heel kick. Power G gets back up quickly holding his head. Alexander whips Power G into the ropes and then goes behind Power G and delivers the Warrior's Demise(Neck Crank). Power G collapses to the mat and Alexander covers. 1.........2..............Power G kicks out.

Stanyer: How close was that, Alexander nearly had Power G there.

Alexander picks up Power G and lifts him up for the Fall of Rome(Burning Hammer), but Power G drops off behind him and grabs the head of Alexander as he drops off and delivers a Reverse DDT.

Dawg: Beautiful, just Beautiful.

Stanyer: A superb counter by Power G gives him a way back into this match.

Power G and Alexander both get to their feet, Power G has the adrenalin flowing in his now, and catches the arm of Alexander and hits the Mini Chops. Alexander gets back up and Power G chops him in the chest, then kicks him in the stomach and then delivers a back body flip. Alexander gets back up nursing his neck, Power G kicks him in the gut again and lifts Alexander up and delivers a Crucifix Powerbomb with Pin. 1..............2............Alexander gets his left shoulder up.

Stanyer: Power G is just relentless now.

Power G helps Alexander up, Power G attempts the G Power Slam, but Alexander rolls off and lands on his feet. Alexander tries the KO Punch(Haymaker) but Power G ducks it and again tries the G Power Slam, but Alexander elbows him in the head as he tries, Alexander then lifts Power G up for the Fall of Rome, but Power drops off behind Alexander and then hits the G Power Slam(Olympic Slam). Power G then rolls Alexander up in the Recliner Pin. 1.............2...............3!!!!

Power G d. Alexander
5:24 Pinfall

Stanyer: Power G advances, despite the fantastic efforts of Alexander, he has done well to get this far, in fact everyone who has go this far has done outstandingly well.

Dawg: Alexander tried to throw a spanner in the machine, but the machine just chewed it up and spat it out.

Stanyer: An interesting way of putting it.

Dawg: It don't matter, as Power G has destroyed Alexander in under 6 minutes.

Stanyer: Hey, the match may have been short, but Alexander put up a great fight.

Dawg: Who cares what you think, Power G is through, and there is nothing you can say about that.

Stanyer: Well anyway, we are ready for the last Quarter final now, Gambino will take on Havok in one, now Blackbird takes on Josh Resnick to see who will face Power G in the other semi final.

World Title Tournament: Quarter Final
Blackbird v Josh Resnick

**Walk by Pantera hits the speakers throughout the arena. The Titantron comes on with solar flares of the sun showing. Then out of the back Josh Resnick makes his way out. Stops at the ramp. Listens to the crowd cheer his name. Then continues to the ring. Once on the apron, Resnick climbs up the turnbuckle. Looks out into the crowd before flipping over the ropes, landing on his feet in the middle of the ring.**

James: The following match is a Quarter Final match in the PWF World Title tournament and is scheduled for one fall. Introducing from Detroit, Michigan, weighing 230lbs, Josh Resnick. **Crowd Cheers**

"Cool to Hate" by Offspring starts playing and the arena goes pitch black. 10 seconds go by with nothing happening. Two huge flames light up the Entry way and Blackbird makes his way to the ring.

James: Introducing the challenger, from Dayton, Ohio, weighing 245lbs, Blackbird. *Crowd boos*

Report: Blackbird charges in with right hands, then a quick whip to the ropes, but Resnick reverses it, Resnick goes for a clothesline but Blackbird ducks it and comes off the other side of the ring with a flying forearm sending Resnick down. Resnick gets back up quickly and is near the ropes. Blackbird charges Resnick, but Resnick ducks and low bridges the ropes sending Blackbird flying over the top to the floor. Resnick follows Blackbird out. Resnick picks up Blackbird and slams his head into the steel steps. Resnick then picks up Blackbird and drops him gut first over the guard rail.

Stanyer: This is not what we normally see from Resnick, it's not like him to brawl.

Dawg: Perhaps he realises that the only way to beat Blackbird is to drop to his level.

Resnick then takes the arm of Blackbird and drives it into the steps.

Stanyer: Now we see the plan of Resnick.

Blackbird gets up, Resnick whips Blackbird into the guard rail, Blackbird hits the rail knees first and goes flying over into the crowd. Resnick climbs over the guard rail and goes after Blackbird. Resnick goes to pick up Blackbird but stops and cringes.

Stanyer: Was that a low blow??

Blackbird hits a few Blackbird jabs, then takes Resnick by the head through the crowd. Blackbird slams the head of Resnick into a guard rail. Blackbird takes a drink off a fan and slams it into the face of Resnick. Blackbird then knees Resnick in the gut and takes him further into the crowd towards a backstage exit. Blackbird slams Resnick's face into the wall.

Stanyer: Resnick has been drawn into a brawl, and that is Blackbird's home.

Blackbird takes Resnick backstage and leaves Resnick standing dazed as he picks up a trashcan. Blackbird swings the trashcan, but Resnick grabs the trashcan to block it, then kicks Blackbird in the gut and then drives the trashcan into the face of Blackbird. Resnick then throws Blackbird onto a table backstage. Resnick picks up a chair and slams it into the back of Blackbird sandwiching him between the chair and the table. Resnick pulls Blackbird off the table and whips him into a some shutters. Blackbird hits the shutters hard. Resnick picks Blackbird up and takes him in a headlock further backstage, they are now behind the curtain leading to the arena. Resnick slams Blackbird's head into a table. Resnick then throws Blackbird into the curtains, Blackbird goes through them and the camera switches back to the arena and we see Blackbird rolling onto the stage underneath the Ultra-tron. Blackbird staggers to his feet. Resnick kicks him in the gut and delivers a DDT on the steel stage.

Stanyer: My god, Resnick just drove the head of Blackbird into hardened steel.

Resnick gets up and walks to the edge of the stage, he looks over the edge. The camera zooms in on a table. Resnick points to the table to massive cheers from the crowd. Resnick picks up Blackbird and positions him by the stage. Resnick kicks him in the gut and sets him up for a Powerbomb. Resnick picks Blackbird up above his head. But Blackbird counters with a couple of punches to the head, Blackbird then delivers a hurricanranna taking Resnick over the stage and Resnick goes crashing through the table, Blackbird goes over as well, but crashes down onto the cold hard concrete.

Stanyer: OH MY GOD!!! They could both be dead after that move.

Dawg: I'm not sure who got the worse of that one, Resnick landed on a table then the floor, but Blackbird just hit pure concrete, no table whatsoever.

The camera zooms in on both Resnick and Blackbird. Neither of them are moving.

Stanyer: Would someone get some EMT's out quickly!!

Dawg: Hey, the match ain't over yet, it can only end with a pinfall in that ring, someone has to win, no matter what.

Stanyer: I know that, but these two will need some medical help just to continue this match.

Dawg: Hey I think Blackbird is moving.

The camera focuses on Blackbird, who is dragging himself over to a guard rail. He uses the rail to lift himself to his feet. He tries to walk without the rail, but he nearly collapses and has to hold onto the rail. Resnick starts to stir and rolls over onto his stomach. Blackbird staggers over to Resnick and begins to drag him towards the ring, he has little strength left though and can barely move Resnick.

Stanyer: How is Blackbird doing this, how can he get up from that??

Dawg: Hey remember, Blackbird is the most resilient man in the business today, he can take beatings like no-one else today.

Resnick starts to make his way to his feet, and this makes Blackbird's job a little easier, once Resnick is to his feet, Blackbird locks in a headlock, and takes him to the ring, every so often Blackbird and Resnick drop to their knees as both are struggling to keep their balance. Blackbird rolls Resnick back into the ring. Blackbird picks up a chair and then climbs to the top rope. Blackbird flies off the top rope with a leg drop and puts the chair under his leg aiming for the face of Resnick, but at the last moment, Resnick rolls out of the way and Blackbird lands hard on the mat.

Stanyer: Blackbird seems to be a glutton for punishment.

Resnick makes his way to his feet, Blackbird does the same. Blackbird attempts a jab at Resnick who grabs the arm of Blackbird and tries to take him down into The Equinox, but Blackbird refuses to go down then grabs the head of Resnick and hits the Evenflow DDT. Blackbird collapses on top of Resnick. 1.........2............3!!!!!!

Blackbird d. Resnick
24:14 Pinfall

Stanyer: My God!! Blackbird did it, Blackbird beat the destructive submission expert from Detroit, Michigan.

Dawg: I have to admit, I never expected Blackbird to get this far, he takes so much of a beating, that to survive to the semi's is quite an acheivement.

Stanyer: And now he must take on one of the other impressive newcomers in Power G.

Dawg: Hey, we could have a Blackbird v Gambino final.

Stanyer: A perfectly plausible possibility, we could even have Havok v Power G, two newcomers in the final, that would be something.

Dawg: Something, but not going to happen, there is no way Gambino will lose, it's as simple as that.

Stanyer: Well that may be your opinion, but I disagree 100%. I don't think Gambino will have an easy ride whatsoever.

**Camera cuts backstage where we see Rye Hazwaki in a corridor**

**Rye Hazwaki is seen walking up and down the corridor, pumping him self up for his match with Fro. He has both his belts on each shoulder. Ted Tedison then comes out of the staff room, he looks left then right. When he looks right he sees Rye walking up and down the corridor, Ted wanders up to him and begins to say a few words.**

Ted - Rye.... Can i have a few words?

**Rye looks down at him and then nods.**

Ted - Tonight... you have a US Title defence against The Fro, how do you fell about facing the Fro.... Again?

Rye - Ted.... Tonight i shall walk away from that ring with my US Title in my hand, i shall take The Fro down once again... This title over my left shoulder (US Title) isn't going anywhere!

Ted - But you and Fro wern't fully 100% in the tourny final, so the tables may turn..... and Fro could come out with a victory!

Rye - Yes the tables may turn, but they won't turn, as on the night i will always be greater than my opponant and theres nothing no-one can....

**A Door then swings open as The Fro's head apears, The Fro steps out the room as the two men stare each other down, Ted walks off, as Rye and Fro carry on staring each other down.... **

Stanyer: This two will explode later tonight.

**Camera cuts to ringside where we see the ring is surrounded by pre-setup panes of glass, each perched on special platforms, one each side of the pane to create a gap to go through.**

Stanyer: It is time for the best of 13 Glass match for the extreme title now, Bloodbath is set to take on the champion Theros Macalvia. To win this match you simply have to put your opponent through 7 panes of glass, the first to do so wins the match. It is called the best of 13, as that is the maximum number of panes of glass that the two men can go through between them.

Dawg: This one is going to be bizarre.

Best of 13 Glass Match
Bloodbath v Theros Macalvia

"96 Quite Bitter Beings" by CKY plays as a ring of fire appears by the entrance. Bloodbath rises out of the flames before walking towards the ring. He stops on the apron, and looks to the crowd, before he climbs in the ring.

James: The following match is a Best of 13 Glass match, where the winner is the first person to put his opponent through 7 panes of glass, and it is for the PWF Extreme Hardcore Championship. Introducing the challenger, from Hell, Michigan, weighing 225lbs, Bloodbath.

**Suddenly wild laughter echoes through the arena, the lights flashing purple and red. Theros appears on stage, his hands on his hips as he laughs. After several moments the laughs die off, and Ozzy's 'Crazy Train' hits. Theros stalks down towards the ring, a confident smirk on his face with the Extreme title wrapped around his head like a crown as the music continues to boom. Theros rolls into the ring and starts laughing again. The music then shatters into another chorus of wild laughter.**

James: And his opponent, the PWF Extreme Hardcore Champion, from Syracuse, New York, weighing 282lbs. Theros Macalvia

Report: Bloodbath looks around the ring, and sees the already set up panes of glass on top of specially designed platforms. There are 8 set up around the ring, two on each side. Theros doesn't seem to care, and is reluctant to take off his Extreme Title, Eventually Theros throws it towards a corner of the ring and begins to argue with an imaginary person. The ref rings the bell and Bloodbath charges in with a forearm to the back of Theros. Bloodbath then headbutts Theros and then pushes him into the turnbuckle and chops him in the chest. Bloodbath whips Theros to the other turnbuckle, but Theros reverses it, Bloodbath bounces out of the turnbuckle, Theros grabs him by the head and tosses him over the top rope towards the glass, but Bloodbath manages to grab the top rope and lands on the apron, Bloodbath then shoulder charges Theros in the gut and then springs himself over the top rope and drives his leg into the back of Theros's Neck. Bloodbath rolls out of the ring and picks up one of the spare panes of glass leaning against the barricade. Bloodbath slides it into the ring. It is only a small pane.

Stanyer: Here we go, this match is ready to go extreme.

Theros staggers to his feet, Bloodbath scoops Theros up and then places him on the turnbuckle in the tree of woe position. Bloodbath then picks up the pane of glass and places it over the face of Theros. Bloodbath then walks away to the other turnbuckle. He takes a breath, then charges in and delivers a Dropkick to the glass, shattering it and driving it into the face of Theros. The bell rings.

James: The winner of the first point, Bloodbath!!

Stanyer: Bloodbath is now 1 up, but he needs 6 more.

Theros is released from the tree of woe by the referee. Blood is dripping from various cuts on the face of Theros. Bloodbath helps up Theros, Bloodbath then grabs the arms of Theros and delivers repeated headbutts to the face of Theros. Bloodbath then grabs the head of Theros and tosses him over the top rope and Theros crashes through one of the pre-setup panes of glass.

James: The winner of the 2nd point, Bloodbath, the score is now 2-0 in favour of Bloodbath.

Stanyer: That has to hurt, Theros is rolling around in the shards of glass. He has gone through two already now.

Dawg: It's going to get even worse.

Bloodbath climbs out of the ring, he picks up Theros and moves him towards the next pane of glass. Bloodbath looks to Scoop slam Theros through it, but Theros drops behind him, Theros spins Bloodbath around and then kicks him in the gut and then delivers a Gutwrench Powerbomb driving Bloodbath through the glass.

James: The winner of the third point, Theros Macalvia, the score is now 2-1 in the favour of Bloodbath.

Stanyer: I have no idea why anyone would even want to sign up for this match. It's only 2-1 and the floor is already covered in glass. I swear Theros has shards sticking in his face, and Bloodbath probably has a few in his back now.

Dawg: It's all for the gold, they want to be known as the most extreme wrestler in the business today, and this is how they are going about it.

Theros helps Bloodbath to his feet, then takes him a short way up the ramp and drives the head of Bloodbath into the barricade. Theros then whips Bloodbath into the opposite side. Theros then takes Bloodbath up the ramp in a headlock.

Stanyer: Where is Theros going?

Dawg: I don't think he knows, you know what he is like.

Theros punches Bloodbath in the head as he drags him backstage. Theros eventually throws Bloodbath face first into a shutter. Theros then picks up a Trashcan and for some reason hits himself over the head with it.

Stanyer: What the hell? He just hit himself with a trashcan??

Theros then throws the trashcan away, it hits Bloodbath on the back, but not with much force. Theros then picks up Bloodbath and throws him towards a locker room door. Bloodbath goes through the door, and all you hear is squeals of shock. The camera follows Theros and Bloodbath in to reveal that they are in the women's locker room. Jennifer Van Dam is there along with Stunning Sarah, they had been watching the action from their locker room on a monitor. Theros picks up Bloodbath and throws him face first into a mirror, which shatters, the pieces of the mirror fall on top of Bloodbath.

James: The winner of the 4th point, Theros Macalvia, the score is now tied at 2 all.

Dawg: That's 7 years bad luck for Bloodbath now.

Stanyer: I guess the mirror counts a glass, so I guess that is a point to Theros. Those mirror shards are sharp though, you can see the cuts they made in the back of Bloodbath, his top is ruined now, it's been ripped to pieces.

Theros picks up Bloodbath and takes him out of the locker room, Theros delivers a right hand sending Bloodbath through another door, the camera follows them in revealing it to be a side entrance to the car park. Theros goes to whip Bloodbath into a wall, but Bloodbath reverses and Theros hits the wall hard. Bloodbath then kicks Theros as he comes off the wall and DDT's him on the concrete of the car park. Theros staggers to his feet, Bloodbath takes the head of Theros and takes him over to a car. He slams Theros's head into the bonnet. Bloodbath then tries to put Theros's head through the side window, but it doesn't break. Bloodbath tries again, but Theros blocks it with his hands on the roof, then Theros rams Bloodbath's head into the window putting Bloodbath through it.

James: The winner of the 5th point, Theros Macalvia. The score is now 3-2 in the favour of Theros Macalvia.

Stanyer: That was power from Theros, to put Bloodbath straight through that car window.

Dawg: What the hell is Theros doing??

Theros appears to be argueing with an imaginary person, he pushes them, then he falls to the floor as if he has been pushed. Theros gets up and throws a right hand, but it appears to be blocked and Theros throws himself across the car park as if he has been hit by a big punch. Theros is now near a window which appears to be the security office. Theros then gets up and holds himself in a position as if he is being held by an imaginary person, Theros then appears to charge towards the window in this position and throws himself clean through it, the security guard behind the window manages to scramble to safety of the flailing glass at the last minute. The bell rings.

James: The winner of the 6th point, Bloodbath, the score is now 3-3.

Stanyer: Does that count?? He put himself through a pane of glass??

Dawg: I guess it does, he did go through the glass.

Bloodbath has managed to recover and finds Theros in the security room, he looks at the window with a puzzled look, and sees Theros floored in all the glass. He is totally mystified as to how Theros went throught he window. Bloodbath grabs Theros and takes him into another room, it appears to be a cafeteria. Bloodbath then tells some people to get out of the way of a table.

Stanyer: Hey, that's a glass topped table, he's not going to!!

Bloodbath throws Theros on top of the table, and then climbs on top of the counter. Bloodbath then flies off and delivers a stunning Diving Headbutt driving Theros through the glass table.

Stanyer: What a move by Bloodbath!!!!

James: The winner of the 7th point, Bloodbath. The score is now 4-3 in the favour of Bloodbath.

Both men stay down, They rise to their feet at the same time, Glass is hanging from the tights of Theros, the two men are coverd in cuts and blood is everywhere. Theros appears to have glass shards in his back, but doesn't seem to care. Bloodbath is holding his head. Bloodbath delivers a right hand sending Theros sprawling towards the door of the cafeteria. Theros gets back up and Bloodbath delivers another right hand sending Theros through the swinging doors. We are now outside a locker room with Bloodbath on it, there is a window to the left looking into it.

Dawg: Hey, that's Bloodbath's locker room, what a coincidence.

Bloodbath goes to throw Theros through the window, but Theros spins it around and throws Bloodbath through instead, all you can hears is a loud crash as Bloodbath appears to hit something.

James: The winner of the 8th point, Theros Macalvia, the scored is now tied at 4 all.

Theros staggers into the locker room, we see Bloodbath lieing in a mass of wood and glass, it appears Bloodbath went through a table as well at the window. The camera then looks around the room, and sees a specially set up stack of three panes of glass.

Stanyer: Hey look, three panes of glass.

Dawg: Bloodbath looks like he had some sort of plan for this match, it could backfire.

Theros helps up Bloodbath and drags him towards the stack of glass. Theros is unsure what to do, he stops with Bloodbath in a front facelock. Then Bloodbath punches Theros in the kidneys forcing him to release the facelock and then suddenly delivers the Blood Bash driving the face of Theros through all three panes of glass!!!

James: The winner of the 9th, 10th and 11th points, Bloodbath, and the winner of the match by a score of 7-4, AND NEW PWF EXTREME HARDCORE CHAMPION. BLOODBATH!!!!

Bloodbath d. Theros

Stanyer: Well I have to say that was one of the most bizarre matches I think I have ever seen, but full credit to Bloodbath, he came out on top and he now the new PWF Extreme Champion.

Dawg: That one is hard to describe, it is beyond even me.

Stanyer: Well however you describe it, Bloodbath is the new extreme champion, and Theros Macalvia is covered in glass.

Dawg: Is it time now??

Stanyer: Yes it is, it is now time for our World Title Tournament Semi Finals, first Gambino is to take on Havok.

World Title Tournament: Semi Final
Gambino v Havok

**The lights dim and violins begin playing an eerie tune, like from the Godfather movie. On the Ultra-tron, pictures, apparently flashbacks of life in the Mafia, are shown. Images of gunfights, driveby shootings, and car's exploding alternate with pictures of a funeral in progress. Just as they begin lowering the casket into the grave, the screen goes black and then begins flashing the name "Gambino" across the screen in silver lettering. Then, as an explosion of pyros occurs on the stage, "Keep Away" by Godsmack begins blaring through the arena and Gambino appears in the entrance. He stands in the entrance for a short moment before walking down the aisle towards the ring. Once he reaches the ring, he climbs in and heads to the closest corner of the ring and begins taunting the crowd. He then raises both hands in the air as if celebrating.**

James: The following match is a Semi Final match in the PWF World Title tournament and is scheduled for one fall. Introducing, from Brooklyn, New York, weighing 245lbs, Antonio Gambino**Crowd Boos loudly**

"Bad Influence" by Eminem plays as Havok walks in front of the UltraTron and does his taunt, he then walks through the crowd. He really loves the crowd and will never forget where he came from. His Ultra-Tron video shows him skating and then his finisher.

James: Introducing his opponent, from Tucson, Arizona, weighing 267lbs. Havok. *Crowd Cheers*

Report: Gambino and Havok tie up, Havok takes Gambino into a waistlock, Gambino elbows Havok in the head and reverses the waistlock, Havok pulls forwards and grabs the ropes, Gambino rolls off backwards. Gambino charges in with a clothesline as Havok turns around, Havok ducks it and connects with the Dizzy Kick(Standing Sidekick). Gambino is knocked backwards and hangs onto the ropes. Havok then whips Gambino to the other side and delivers a Hiptoss. Gambino rolls through and to his feet. Gambino attacks Havok with right hands, but Havok blocks one and twists the arm over into a hammerlock. Gambino reverses it into a hammerlock of his own. In a beautiful move, Havok rolls forwards, spinning around to deliver a drop toe hold to Gambino.

Stanyer: Beautiful counter by Havok.

Gambino gets to his feet again, Havok kicks Gambino in the gut and goes for a DDT, but Gambino counters with punches to the kidneys, then delivers a release Northern Lights Suplex. Gambino immediately mounts Havok and punches him repeatedly in the face. Gambino climbs off Havok and Havok gets up holding his face. Gambino hits a couple of right hands, knocking Havok towards the ropes, Gambino backs off and then delivers a running clothesline knocking Havok over the top rope. Gambino then backs off to the other side of the ring and waits for Havok to get to his feet then runs and delivers a running dropkick through the ropes connecting with Havok's head and knocking Havok backwards into the announcers table.

Dawg: Gambino is picking up the pace now, can Havok keep up?

Gambino picks up Havok and slams his head into the announcers table. Gambino then takes the head of Havok and drags him towards the ring post then slams the head of Havok into it. Gambino walks over to the timekeepers table and pushes everyone out of the way and then picks up the ring bell. Gambino walks over to Havok who is just getting to his feet, then charges and drives the bell into the face of Havok, all you hear is a big "Ding".

Stanyer: Gambino drives the bell into the face of Havok.

Dawg: I think Havok is busted.

The camera closes in on the face of Havok, sure enough the red stuff is dripping from his forehead. Gambino sees the blood and smiles. He picks up Havok and holds his face towards the crowd and points to the blood, then flips off the fans and punches Havok repeatedly in the cut.

Stanyer: Come on!! There's no need for that!!

Gambino then picks up Havok. Gambino picks up Havok and looks to drop him on the barricade, but Havok drops behind Gambino and delivers a Russian Leg Sweep where the back of Gambino's head hits the top of the Apron. Gambino stays down holding his head, Havok stays down trying to catch his breath.

Stanyer: My God! Gambino could have been knocked out.!!

Dawg: That would have made you happy now wouldn't it?

Gambino makes his way to his feet, but he has trouble maintaining his balance, Havok is just getting to his feet. Gambino goes for a right hand at Havok, but Havok blocks it and punches Gambino in the face, Gambino is sent staggering over to the announcers tables. Havok makes his way over there, still a little dazed himself, but the adrenalin is keeping him going. Havok picks up Gambino and drops him face first on the announcers table. Havok then picks up a chair and places it on the body of Gambino. Havok then climbs to the apron and takes a backstep. He holds up his arm and then runs and dives off driving an elbow into the chair on top of Gambino. Havok rolls off holding his arm, while Gambino rolls away holding his gut.

Stanyer: What a move by Havok! he drove the elbow deep into the heart of Antonio Gambino.

Havok gets back up and rolls Gambino back into position, Havok then puts the chair back on top of Gambino, this time on his head. Havok walks off and poses to the crowd, then taps his leg.

Stanyer: Havok is calling for a leg drop this time!

Havok turns around and climbs up onto the apron, not realising that Gambino has moved. Havok turns to face Gambino, he can't see him on the floor. Gambino then Pops up from by the apron and throws the chair at Havok, Havok is stunned for a second by the chair. Gambino climbs onto the apron and locks Havok into a Full Nelson, then locks the leg of Havok and dives off driving the face of Havok into the Spanish Announcers table.

Stanyer: MY GOD!!! A Full Nelson Gambino Facebuster driving the head of Havok into the table, unbelievable.

Dawg: Gambino is trying to get Havok back into the ring, Havok is out.

Gambino manages to lift Havok and rolls him back into the ring. Gambino climbs in and hooks the leg of Havok. 1......................2.........................Havok gets his left shoulder up at the last second.

Stanyer: HE KICKED OUT!!!!! How in god's name did Havok kick out after the punishment he just took?

Dawg: I have no idea, I was certain Gambino had him there.

Stanyer: Hey what is Gambino doing?

Gambino looks pissed off, he slides out of the ring and picks up the steel chair off the floor. He slides it into the ring. Gambino then climbs in and picks up the chair. Gambino then drives the chair into the back of Havok, Gambino then snaps and drives the chair repeatedly into the back and legs of Havok, then a few shots to the head.

Stanyer: My God!!! Gambino has snapped, he is destroying Havok!!!

Gambino finally tosses the chair away and covers Havok. 1....................2.....................3!!!!

Gambino d. Havok
16:39 Pinfall

Stanyer: That is no way to win a Semi Final of the World Title Tournament, that was just Cheap.

Dawg: But he is in the final, and could win the World Title, there is nothing cheap about that.

Stanyer: Gambino's march continues, and the question has to be asked, can Power G or Blackbird stop him?

Dawg: The answer is simple, No.

Stanyer: Well we will find out tonight, I can guarantee you that.

Dawg: Well first we must see who will have to stop Gambino.

Stanyer: Indeed, as Power G takes on Blackbird, this one could be a classic in it's own right.

World Title Tournament: Semi Final
Power G v Blackbird

"Zombie Nation" by Kernkraft begins to play as Power G walks out with The Real McCoy, both men are holding Microphones. Power G begins to hit himself to psyche himself up, before walking to the ring with the Real McCoy.

James: The following match is a Quarter Final match in the PWF World Title tournament and is scheduled for one fall. Introducing, from Holguin, Cuba, weighing 230lbs, Power G. *Crowd boos*

"Cool to Hate" by Offspring starts playing and the arena goes pitch black. 10 seconds go by with nothing happening. Two huge flames light up the Entry way and Blackbird makes his way to the ring.

James: Introducing the challenger, from Dayton, Ohio, weighing 245lbs, Blackbird. *Crowd boos*

Report: Blackbird and Power G circle each other, The Real McCoy shouts instructions at Power G in spanish. The two men tie up, Power G uses his height and leverage advantage to push Blackbird into the corner and delivers a knife edge chop. Power G then whips Blackbird to the other turnbuckle, but Blackbird reverses it and delivers a drop toe hold. Blackbird then stomps on the back of Power G's head. Power G gets up holding his head. Blackbird jabs Power G a couple of times, then kicks him in the gut and whips him to the turnbuckle. Blackbird then climbs to the second rope and looks for a DDT off the second turnbuckle, but Power G counters with a punch to the gut and then pushes Blackbird to the mat. Blackbird gets up quickly but gets taken down by a running cross body from Power G. Power G holds on for the pin. 1.....Blackbird kicks out. Both men get back up quickly, Blackbird jabs a couple of times, then Power G blocks one and delivers the Mini Chops.

Stanyer: Does Power G ever stop chopping??

Dawg: Remember, the chop is more powerful than the punch, at least that's what The Real McCoy tells me.

Stanyer: That's debatable.

Blackbird rolls away and gets back up holding his neck, he charges at Power G who counters with a drop toe hold, then hooks the knee of Blackbird and locks in the STF.

Stanyer: Power G has the STF locked in on Blackbird, one of the most devastating submission in the business. It might be an Pinfalls only match, but Blackbird needs to get to the ropes as quickly as possible.

The camera zooms in on Blackbird's face, where you can see him trying to bottle up the pain. The camera zooms in on Power G's face, what you can underneath the mask, his face is expressionless. Blackbird is trying to edge towards the ropes. Just before he can get there, Power G rolls over and turns it into an Inverted STF with Blackbird above him.

Stanyer: OH MY GOD!! The pain, but Power G can't hold it like this forever.

Power G holds the move in for a few seconds then lets Blackbird go, Blackbird rolls about holding his back. Power G grabs him and covers him. 1.............2..............Blackbird kicks out.

Stanyer: The resilience of Blackbird is unreal.

Power G helps up Blackbird and whips him to the ropes. Power G then picks up Blackbird and delivers a Swinging Chokeslam. Power G covers again. 1................2................Blackbird kicks out. Power G picks up Blackbird then chops him in the chest. Power G delivers another two chops knocking Blackbird into the corner. Blackbird bounces out of the corner and Power G hits a running DDT. Power G hooks a leg. 1...........2..............Blackbird kicks out again.

Stanyer: Power G is just relentless, he never seems to stop.

Power G picks up Blackbird and sets him up for a Reverse DDT. Power G then lifts him up for a Reverse Suplex, but Blackbird drops off behind him, and locks Power G in a Reverse DDT position, then lifts him up and drops him down with a Reverse Brainbuster. Blackbird stays down with Power G.

Stanyer: What a counter by Blackbird.

Dawg: He calls that the Throbbing Headache.

Stanyer: Well that is exactly what Power G has now.

Blackbird rolls over and drapes an arm over Power G. 1............2............Power G kicks out. Blackbird rolls out of the ring and to his feet. Power G gets to his feet inside the ring, but is holding his head and struggling to keep his balance. Blackbird picks up a folding chair, and then climbs to the top rope with it. Blackbird then jumps off with a flying chair shot, but Power G hits a Somersault Kick driving the chair back into the face of Blackbird in mid-air.

Stanyer: My GOD!! What a counter by Power G!! Power G has an arm on Blackbird. 1................2.................Blackbird gets his left shoulder up!!!! Where does he get this from???

Dawg: What does it take to put Blackbird away??

Power G gets to his feet, He picks up Blackbird, but Blackbird gets a low blow in as he gets up. Blackbird then quickly positions the chair. Then puts Power G between his legs by the chair.

Stanyer: What does Blackbird have planned now??

Blackbird picks up Power G and sets him up for what looks like a Hangman's DDT, then changes it mid-move into a Piledriver, driving Power G into the chair.

Stanyer: MY GOD!!! A HANGMAN'S PILEDRIVER!!!!!!!!! Blackbird cover, 1.................2................POWER G GETS THE SHOULDER UP!!!!!!!

Dawg: Not even I can explain how Power G kicked out of that one.

Stanyer: Look at this crowd, everyone is on their feet. Neither man is very popular, but every fan in this arena is transfixed by this match.

Blackbird gets to his feet, he can't believe Power G kicked out of that move. Blackbird picks up the chair and climbs the ropes, he then flies off the top rope with a leg drop and puts the chair underneath his leg and drives it into the face of Power G. Power G rolls about the ring holding his face.

Stanyer: OH MY GOD!!!!!! Blackbird could have broken the face of Power G. Cover. 1.............2................3!!! Yes Blackbird wins, NO!!! Wait, the ropes!! Power G had his foot on the ropes, It's not over!!!!

Dawg: What awareness by Power G, he takes a flying leg drop with a chair to his face, and he still knows to get his foot on the ropes.

Blackbird sits up, he looks at Power G, still not believing that Power G kicked out of that move. Blackbird rolls out of the ring, he searches underneath the ring for something.

Dawg: What is Blackbird looking for. Blackbird pulls out a table to a massive pop from the crowd.

Stanyer: A Table!! Blackbird is looking to end this one, once and for all.

Blackbird slides the table into the ring, he sets it up and positions it in one of the corners near the turnbuckle. Blackbird picks up Power G and rolls him onto the table. Blackbird gets in a couple of right hands, then climbs to the top turnbuckle. Power G suddenly gets off the table and staggers into the ropes crotching Blackbird. Power G then drags the table closer to the turnbuckle. Then climbs to the turnbuckle with Blackbird.

Stanyer: Where is Power G getting this from? He is some kind of machine, I swear it, he never seems to stop.

Power G sets up Blackbird for what looks to be a Superplex, but in mid suplex, he drops down and delivers a Super Brainbuster driving the head of Blackbird through the table.

Stanyer: OH MY GOD!!!! THAT HAS TO BE IT, THIS ONE IS OVER, There is no-one who can kick out of that. Power G covers, 1.............2..................HE KICKED OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dawg: What the hell?? Not possible, the referee made a mistake, nobody could have kicked out of that. Nobody, no way, that just isn't possible at all.

Power G looks absolutely shocked. But, then his face turns aggressive and he picks up Blackbird and delivers the G Power Slam.

Stanyer: Surely this match is over now. 1.................2......................BLACKBIRD GOT HIS SHOULDER UP!!!!!

Dawg: What does Power G have to do to beat Blackbird?? Kill him????

Power G turns aggressive now, he picks up Blackbird and delivers the G Power Slam again, but not satisfied he picks up Blackbird and delivers another G Power Slam and then picks Blackbird up again and delivers a 4th G Power Slam. Power G then covers again.

Stanyer: Surely now. 1.................2.......................3!!!!!!! Finally Power G has got the win.

**The entire crowd are standing and give both men a standing ovation.**

Dawg: Listen to this, I've not heard anything like this in a long, long time.

Power G d. Blackbird
24:06 Pinfall

Stanyer: Power G is being helped out by the Real McCoy, remember Power G still has to face Gambino now. Will he even make it to that match, in the state he is in now?

**EMT's come down to help Blackbird, but Blackbird pushes them all out of the way and rolls out of the ring, he can barely stand, but staggers down the aisle, the crowd are still applauding**

Stanyer: It feels like this PPV is over now, after such a great match, but we still have more to come.

Dawg: I have to give it to Blackbird as well, he took a hell of a beating, yet he still wants to walk out of this arena on his own two feet, that takes Balls Jay.

Stanyer: I agree totally. Blackbird is without a doubt the most resilient man in the PWF, in fact I will go as far as to say he is the most resilient man in Wrestling today.

Dawg: But tonight it was just one bump too many, just one match too many for Blackbird.

Stanyer: Yes it was. But now we know who will take part in out main event tonight, Power G will take on Antonio Gambino for the PWF World Title, which I am certain will be a stunning matchup.

Dawg: But first we must see two more title matches.

Stanyer: Yes, we have a couple of more matches before we get to our main event yet. Firstly we have to crown our new Tag Team Champions, and New Tag Team Champions they will be, as the Lords of Destruction take on the Gods of Gore.

Tag Team Title Tournament: Final
Gods of Gore v Lords of Destruction

"Serial Killer" by Prodigy begins to play as images of the Lords of Destruction destroying past opponents play on the titantron. Once the Lords of Destruction appear on the ramp there is a very loud mixed reaction from the crowd with the cheers noticably louder. LoD walk to the ring quickly, barely acknowledging the crowd, climb in & go straight to their corner.

James: The following match is scheduled for one fall and is for the PWF World Tag Team Championship, Introducing the competitors, first, from Canada, at a combined weight of 630lbs, Bloodstorm and Carnage, the Lords of Destruction. *Crowd give a mixed reaction, but mainly cheers.**

**"Natural Born Killaz" by Dr Dre & Ice Cube blasts on the stereos through out the stadium then you see on the Ultra-tron "N.B.K. ALL THE WAY!" in red blood type letters. Big Lou makes his way to the ramp accompanied by Mad Mike his tagteam partner. Big Lou then raises his Louie ville slugger in the air and slowly raises his head up and all of a sudden red flames from the right and green flames on the left side shoot up in the air. Big Lou and Mad Mike then enter the ring both men go over the top rope Mad Mike stands in the center of the ring while Big Lou climbs up the turnbuckle with the Louie ville slugger high in the air.**

James: Introducing their opponents, from Las Vegas Nevada, at a combined weight of 504lbs, Mad Mike and Big Lou, the Gods of Gore. **Crowd Boos**

Report: Big Lou and Carnage start out, They tie up, but Carnage has a big leverage and Strength advantage over Big Lou and easily pushes him to the floor. Big Lou gets back up and walks into a right hand by Carnage, but Big Lou comes back with a big right of his own, Carnage and Lou exchange fists until Carnage gets the upper hand and delivers two rights that send Lou into a neutral Corner. Carnage then whips Big Lou to the other corner and charges in with a clothesline. Big Lou staggers out of the corner and picks him up in a military press and then tosses him to the mat near his corner. Carnage tags in Bloodstorm. Bloodstorm quickly covers. 1...........2..Big Lou kicks out.

Stanyer: LoD are off to a flyer.

Bloodstorm picks up Lou and delivers a couple of right hands, then whips Lou towards the ropes. Bloodstorm then delivers a Tilt a Whirl Sidewalk slam to Lou. Bloodstorm covers. 1...........2............Mad Mike makes the save, then the ref forces him out of the ring. Bloodstorm takes Lou over to his corner and tags in Carnage. The two then whip Lou towards the ropes and deliver a Double Spinebuster, Carnage covers as Bloodstorm leaves. 1...........2..........Mad Mike comes in makes the save. The ref again sends Mike out. Bloodstorm quickly enters the ring and LoD deliver a Double Powerbomb to Big Lou. Carnage then heads out of the ring, the ref turns around and slaps his hands together to ask if they made a tag. Bloodstorm just covers Lou. The ref counts. 1..............2...........Big Lou just kicks out.

Stanyer: Hey, the LoD never tagged.

Dawg: They didn't need to.

Bloodstorm picks up Big Lou and whips him to the ropes, he stoops and lifts Big Lou over in a Back Body drop, but as Lou goes over he grabs the head of Bloodstorm and swings him around to deliver a DDT. Both men they stay down looking for a tag.

Stanyer: Beautiful counter by Big Lou, but he desparately needs a tag.

Lou and Bloodstorm both crawl across the ring, Bloodstorm gets the tag first, but Lou manages to dive out and just makes the tag. Mad Mike comes charging in and dropkicks Carnage down. He then whips Carnage to the ropes after he gets up and delivers a sidewalk slam, Mike then dropkicks Bloodstorm off the apron just as he had stood up, Bloodstorm flies off and lands face first on the barricade. Mike then springs up to the top rope and hits a stunning Missile Dropkick just as Carnage had gotten to his feet. Mike then covers Carnage. 1.............2...............Carnage kicks out. Big Lou now goes around to Bloodstorm on the outside and slams his face into the apron, then whips him into the ring steps. Big Lou then tosses a ball bat to Mad Mike in the ring. He waits for Carnage to get to his feet, Mad Mike charges at Carnage with the ball bat, but Carnage ducks the ball bat and grabs Mike and delivers the Death Penalty.(Rock Bottom). Carnage covers. 1..............2...................3!!!! As Bloodstorm managed to hold Big Lou's foot long enough to stop him climbing into the ring to make the save.

Lords of Destruction d. Gods of Gore
14:12 Pinfall


Stanyer: The Lords of Destruction are the new Tag Team Champions, but they are certainly not the most popular tag team champions, listen to the boos of this crowd.

Dawg: Boos or no boos, the LoD proved that they are the best tag team in the PWF today, and that is that

Stanyer: Well, I think the Gods of Gore will be very dissappointed with that one, and will definitely be looking for a rematch on next weeks Havoc, you can count on that.

Dawg: They can have a rematch if the want, it will just be the same result, they will lose, because the Lords of Destruction are simply a better tag team than the Gods of Gore.

Stanyer: Well I am not a fan of either team, but I have to disagree with you, the Gods of Gore are an excellent tag team, and although they may have been a little below par tonight, believe me, they can go in that ring.

Dawg: Well this was their big chance, and what did they do? They blew it, losers, that's all they will ever be, nothing but losers.

Stanyer: Well I would love to see them prove you wrong in a rematch, Just to see that smug look wiped off your face.

Dawg: It ain't gonna happen, It just ain't gonna happen.

**Camera shows The Fro in weightroom working out bigtime. A reporter catches up to him**

Stanyer: Hey it's the Fro.

Reporter- FRO FRO! Nobody has really heard from you in the last few days ever since you were granted a rematch for the US Title. And from what I have heard you've been in here every day.

The Fro- Here's my reason, I want that title extremely bad. Its like a wrestler's 6th sense, when they're granted a match like this you want to do nothing else but win. Me and Rye wrestled the hell outta each other at the end of the tournament, and we werent even at 100%. Well now I feel like i'm about 200% for that match. The People's Answer wants that gold so badly I can taste it, and I know I can win it. Hell I almost beat a former WORLD champ. The bottom line is, I'm going to give the fans a match for the ages.

Reporter- Anything you want to say to Rye?

The Fro- Yeah.

*Looks deap into the camera* The Fro- Rye, you already have the Challenge Title. Hold on to that belt tightly, cause the US Title is going to slip away from you faster then you can imagine. And Rye, good luck.

**The Fro grabs his stuff and exits the weightroom and the camera goes black**

**Mysterious footage begins to play.**

**arial shot zooming down into a chinese ninja camp**

**A strange Chines man is at a house in China training ground. The man is seen surrounded by several ninjas. One after another they attack. The Man grabs one after another sinking in the Ultimate Armbar. Now with the dust cleared, The Man stares into the camera.**

Man:- PWF... I am Xuway. The House of Pain is the perfect place to make my intro. Since I care only about making people suffer.. Now that I done introducing myself and the TAFKAG, its time to get back to making people suffer.

**The camera fades back to the arena**

Dawg: What the?? Who the hell was that??

Stanyer: He called himself Xuway, I guess that is his name, perhaps we will find out soon enough. It's time for The Fro v Rye now.

The Fro v Rye Hazwaki

**"My Generation" by Limp Bizkit plays as The Fro walks to the ring showing no sign of intimidation or fear and he wears a "The People's Answer" t-shirt. He walks up onto the apron and then faces the crowd and holds one arm in the air. He then enters the ring and goes over to one corner and then holds one arm in the air.**

James: The following match is scheduled for one fall, and is for the PWF United States Heavyweight Championship. Introducing the challenger, from Green Bay Wisconsin, weighing 281lbs, "The People's Answer", The Fro.*Crowd Cheers*

**Break Stuff by Limp Bizkit hits, as the lights flash red and white, and Rye Hazwaki is shown doing a slow ‘Cyclone Kick.’ The Pyro’s blast as Rye stands on the top of the stage, he looks at the crowd then walks down and enters the ring.**

James: And his opponent, from Tokyo, Japan, weighing 251lbs, The PWF United States Champion, Rye Hazwaki. *Crowd Cheers wildly*

Report: Rye and The Fro circle each other, Rye sticks his leg out with a couple of kicks which deliberately miss Fro, but tempt him. Rye and Fro then tie up, they tussle for a few seconds, until Fro uses his extra weight to Rye towards the ropes, then pushes Rye off him, Fro charges in with a clothesline, which Rye ducks, Rye comes off the other side with a Spinning heel kick, but Fro sidesteps it. Rye rolls through with it and back to his feet. Fro goes in with a couple of right hands, then switches to his left. Fro then whips Rye towards the turnbuckle, but Rye reverses it, Fro hits the turnbuckle but flies out of it and Spears Rye to the mat. Fro then covers quickly. 1...........2..........Rye kicks out.

Stanyer: Fro tries to win it early

Fro helps Rye to his feet and whips Rye to the ropes, he then grabs Rye around the waist as he comes off and delivers a overhead Belly to Belly Suplex. Rye hits the mat hard, but gets to his feet using the ropes. Rye staggers into the corner. Fro walks over to him and starts to deliver repeated clotheslines to Rye in the corner. Fro then takes the dazed head of Rye and climbs to the second turnbuckle and spins him around in a Tornado DDT. Fro then covers Rye. 1...............2..............Rye kicks out.

Stanyer: Lovely combination play by The Fro.

Rye Hazwaki staggers to his feet. Fro whips him to the ropes and then delivers a perfect Spinebuster and then hooks the legs of Rye and locks in The Fro Comb(Sharpshooter).

Stanyer: This could do it, even if it doesn't, it will severely weaken the primary offense of Rye Hazwaki, the legs.

Dawg: The Fro Comb, more well known as the Sharpshooter, applies pressure to the knees and lower back, one of the most effective submission moves in the wrestling business today.

The referee asks Rye if he wants to give it up, but he refuses, Rye starts to edge towards the ropes. Fro arches back, but Rye just manages to grab the bottom rope. Fro releases the hold immediately. Rye Hazwaki uses the ropes to help himself up. Fro jabs at Rye, then swings with a big right, but Rye blocks it and then counters with a Palm Strike to the face of The Fro, The Fro staggers backwards holding his face, Rye then springs to the top rope then flies backwards with a Sidekick to the jaw of the Fro as he turns around. Rye then covers Fro. 1.................2...............Fro kicks out.

Stanyer: Amazing agility from Rye.

Rye gets to his feet, but he is holding his lower back, he is in considerable pain from the Fro Comb. The Fro makes his way to his feet. Rye attempts a 540 degree Cyclone kick, but The Fro ducks it, then kicks Rye in the gut and goes for The Fro Bomb, but Rye counters by pushing Fro off him into the ropes, Rye then wraps around Fro into a Full Nelson and delivers the Karate Kripple(Dudley Atomic Drop). Rye then covers Fro. 1...................2....................Fro kicks out. Fro gets to his feet with Rye, Rye tries a Spinning heel kick but Fro ducks it and punches Rye square in the face, this stuns Rye and he staggers backwards into the turnbuckle, Fro whips Rye to the other turnbuckle and then follows in with a splash, but Rye moves out of the way, Rye then hits a spinning heel kick which sends Fro to the canvas, Fro's head hits the canvas and bounce back up so Fro is in a sitting position. Rye then runs off the ropes and hits an awesome Two Footed Dropkick to the face of The Fro. Rye then covers Fro. 1..............2..................3!!!!!

Rye Hazwaki d. The Fro
13:12 Pinfall

James: The winner of the match and STILL PWF US CHAMPION, RYE HAZWAKI!!!!

Stanyer: A superb win for Rye Hazwaki, he retains the US Title, despite another fantastic effort from The Fro.

Dawg: Can we see that Dropkick again, that was devastating.

Stanyer:(as it replays in slo-mo). Rye hits the spinning heel kick, Fro hits the mat so hard he sits up, then Rye comes off the ropes and hits that awesome dropkick to the face.

Dawg: The Fro is just getting up now, looks like his nose is a blooded, could be broken.

Stanyer: That is the effect of that dropkick.

Dawg: Indeed it is.

**Camera switches backstage to Power G's locker room, we see The Real McCoy psyching up Power G, the camera then switches to Gambino's locker room. Gambino is sitting there focusing himself, he sits up and walks to the door and walks out. Camera switches back to the arena**

Stanyer: Well the time for talking is over, the time for predictions are over, it is time to find out just who is the best wrestler in the PWF today, It's time to crown our World Champion. There is nothing left to say.

Main Event

World Title Tournament: Final
Power G v Antonio Gambino

James: The following match is scheduled for one fall and is for the PWF World Heavyweight Championship.

**The lights dim and violins begin playing an eerie tune, like from the Godfather movie. On the Ultra-tron, pictures, apparently flashbacks of life in the Mafia, are shown. Images of gunfights, driveby shootings, and car's exploding alternate with pictures of a funeral in progress. Just as they begin lowering the casket into the grave, the screen goes black and then begins flashing the name "Gambino" across the screen in silver lettering. Then, as an explosion of pyros occurs on the stage, "Keep Away" by Godsmack begins blaring through the arena and Gambino appears in the entrance. He stands in the entrance for a short moment before walking down the aisle towards the ring. Once he reaches the ring, he climbs in and heads to the closest corner of the ring and begins taunting the crowd. He then raises both hands in the air as if celebrating.**

James: Introducing the first competitor, from Brooklyn, New York, weighing 245lbs, Antonio Gambino**Crowd Boos loudly**

"Zombie Nation" by Kernkraft begins to play as Power G walks out with The Real McCoy, both men are holding Microphones. Power G begins to hit himself to psyche himself up, before walking to the ring with the Real McCoy.

James: And his opponent, from Holguin, Cuba, weighing 230lbs, Power G. *Crowd gives a mixture of boos and cheers*

Stanyer: Both men look tired, but Gambino has the slight advantage as Power G wrestled in the much more brutal semi-final.

Report: Power G and Gambino circle each other, both look tired, but both look hungry to win. The two men tie up, They tussle and both try to gain the advantage before Power G pushes Gambino into one of the corners. The referee calls for a break, and Power makes a clean break. Gambino ties up again, Once again Power G uses his leverage advantage to push Gambino into the corner. Power G gives a clean break again, but Gambino rakes the eyes of Power G as he breaks the grapple. Gambino then delivers a right hand that send Power G staggering across the ring. Gambino follows it up with another right hand that sends Power into the other turnbuckle. Gambino then stomps on Power G in the corner. Then delivers a couple of right hands. Gambino then pulls Power G out of the corner and delivers a Vertical Suplex. Gambino then covers. 1............2..Power G kicks out.

Stanyer: Gambino tries to get an early win, but it will take more than that to keep down Power G.

Gambino picks up Power G and whips him to the ropes. Gambino then takes Power G down with a running jumping clothesline. Gambino then stands in the corner and signals for Power G to get up. Power G gets up and turns slowly towards Gambino who takes him down with a massive Spear. Gambino hooks the leg of Power G immediately. 1.............2.............Power G kicks out.

Stanyer: Power G seems to be getting a few cheers from the crowd, what with Gambino not being the most popular wrestler in the world today, and Power G's match with Blackbird, some fans have really taken to Power G.

Power G rolls out of the ring holding his gut. Gambino goes to go out of the ring, but the referee stops him and try's to get him to stay in the ring, Gambino pushes the referee out of the way and climbs out of the ring. The Real McCoy is talking to Power G, trying to encourage him. Gambino pushes the Real McCoy out of the way, McCoy thinks about hitting Gambino with his mic, but thinks again.

Dawg: He musn't hit Gambino with that mic, that would be interference, Gambino would get the title, and Power G would get a 6 month suspension.

Gambino picks up Power G and slams his head into the barricade. Gambino then whips Power G shoulder first into the ring steps. Gambino then pulls up Power G and positions him by the apron with his back to the ring. Gambino slides into the ring and then bounces off the ropes and baseball slide dropkicks the back of Power G's head sending Power G flying forwards into the barricade, the momentum of Power G sends him flipping over the barricade into the crowd. Gambino slides back out and climbs over the barricade. He grabs a drink off a fan, despite the fan's attempts to keep it. Gambino then throws the drink in Power G's face, blinding him. Gambino then kicks Power G in the gut and sets him up for a Piledriver.

Stanyer: Not a piledriver on the concrete, he could break his neck!!!

Gambino tries to lift Power G up, but Power G counters, and back body drops Gambino onto the concrete floor. Gambino gets back up quickly, he charges at Power G, but Power G moves and then helps Gambino to go over the barricade and back to ringside. Power G climbs onto the barricade as Gambino gets to his feet. Power G flies off with a double axe handle, but Gambino gets in a big punch to the gut of Power G. Gambino then quickly Double Arm DDT's Power G onto the floor. Gambino gets back up holding his back, but he climbs to the apron and then flies off and hits a perfect running leg drop driving the leg across the throat of Power G.

Stanyer: Gambino has the advantage now, he must get Power G back into the ring so he can capitalise on it now.

Gambino picks up Power G and rolls him into the ring. Gambino pushes one of the security staff off his chair and picks it up and slides it into the ring. Gambino climbs back into the ring, Power G is slowly getting to his feet. Gambino picks up the chair and waits for Power G to turn towards him before slamming it into the head of Power G. Power G goes down like he was shot, then Gambino covers. 1................2...................Power G kicks out. Gambino gets up and picks up Power G with him, Gambino kicks Power G in the gut and sets him up for the Gambino Bomb(Powerbomb). Gambino flips Power G up and then follows Power G down driving him into the mat. Gambino covers again. 1............2............Power G kicks out again. Gambino slams his fist into the mat in frustration.

Dawg: Gambino must not get frustrated, he knows Power G can take a beating, we saw that in the last match.

Stanyer: Your right, Gambino will only play into Power G's hands if he becomes frustrated. But with Gambino's experience, I'm sure he won't do that.

Dawg: Then again, after what happened against Havok, perhaps getting frustrated might work.

Gambino climbs to the top rope, he flies off and connects with a big Guillotine Leg Drop. Gambino then covers again. 1...............2................Power G kicks out.

Stanyer: It's been one way traffic for most of this match so far, but Power G keeps kicking out.

Gambino gets up and shakes his head. He picks up the chair and taps it into the mat waiting for Power G to get up. Power G slowly gets to his feet, he turns towards Gambino. Gambino charges in with a running chair shot, but Power G ducks it, and Gambino hits the ropes instead. Gambino turns around and Power G dropkicks the chair back into the face of Gambino sending him back through the ropes. Power G still looks a little dazed, but still manages to climb to the top rope. Then flies off and connects with a stunning Senton Bomb to Gambino on the outside.

Stanyer: Amazing move by Power G, now both men are down.

Dawg: This is Power G's chance, he must capitalise while he has the advantage.

Power G is first to his feet. He is still dazed, and he holds his neck for a second. He helps up Gambino who is on all fours. Power G drives the head of Gambino into the announcers table. Power G then rolls Gambino onto the table. Power G chops Gambino across the chest then climbs back onto the apron, and then to the top turnbuckle. Power G looks at Gambino then flips forward in a Shooting Star Press, but Gambino rolls off the table and Power G crashes down through the table.

Dawg: Ouch, that was not good.

Stanyer: Power G just crashed straight through the spanish announcers table after performing a 450 degree somersault. Gambino has the best chance possible to win the World Title now.

Gambino slowly makes his way to his feet, he tries to lift Power G, but he doesn't have enough strength, he drags Power G towards the ring, and then manages to drag him up and push him into the ring. Gambino rolls into the ring and straight into a cover. 1...................2...................Power G gets his left shoulder up just as the referee's hand is about to hit the mat.

Stanyer: How much more can Power G take? It is though he is destined to win the World Title.

Gambino picks up Power G. Power G can hardly stand. Gambino whips Power G to the ropes. Gambino tries a running clothesline, but Power G ducks it and comes off the other side but walks straight into the Mafia Kick by Gambino. Cover 1.................2..................Power G gets his right shoulder up.

Stanyer: Gambino has thrown everything but the kitchen sink at Power G, and still he kicks out. surely it is only a matter of time before Power G can no longer muster up enough strength to kick out.

Gambino picks up Power G and does a cut throat taunt to say it's all over. Gambino then locks in the Gambino Facebuster, but Power G counters with a couple of elbows to the head. Gambino staggers off. Power G goes in with a chop.

Dawg: Power G is fighting back!!!

Power G chops Gambino again then whips him into the ropes, Gambino reverses it. Gambino ducks down for a back body drop but Power G counters with a running DDT. Both men stay down, Power G manages to roll over and drape an arm of Gambino. 1............2..............Gambino kicks out. Power G climbs to his feet, still struggling to keep his balance after the beating he has taken. Power G looks around the ring for something as Gambino gets to his feet. Power G sees the chair that Gambino used. Power G walks over and bends down to pick it up. But Gambino attacks him from behind with a club to the back. Gambino picks up the chair and tries to strike Power G in the head, but Power G counters with a kick to the gut, then he whips Gambino to the turnbuckle and then charges in with a Tiger Wall Flip. As Gambino staggers out Power G kicks Gambino in the gut and then picks him up on his shoulder and then delivers a running Shoulder Breaker. Power G then covers. 1............2...........Gambino kicks out.

Stanyer: Power G now has the advantage, but you can clearly see that both men are extremely tired now, this is their third match of the night.

Power G helps Gambino to his feet. Power G delivers a back body flip. Power G then climbs to the top turnbuckle. Just as Power G is about to jump off, Gambino pushes the referee into the ropes, causing Power G to be crotched on the top rope. Gambino climbs to the top rope with Power G. He lifts Power G up and hooks his leg and head as they are both standing on the top turnbuckle.

Stanyer: This is it, Gambino is going to deliver the Gambino Facebuster from the top turnbuckle to defeat Power G and become the PWF World Champion.

Dawg: It's all over now.

Stanyer: NO WAIT!!! Power G with elbows to the stomach, He has Gambino, G POWER, G POWER, G POWER SLAM!!!!!!! POWER G GOT THE G POWER SLAM FROM THE TOP TURNBUCKLE!!!!!!

Dawg: Power G has the arm on top of Gambino, could it be??

Stanyer: 1...................2..................................3!!!!!!!!!!!!! HE'S DONE IT!!! POWER G HAS DONE IT!! POWER G, POWER G, POWER G IS THE WORLD CHAMPION!!!!


Power G d. Gambino
27:52 Pinfall

Dawg: Well, even though my man lost, I can only but stand and applaud Power G, he deserves it.

Stanyer: The man who only made his Television debut in wrestling just over a month ago has stunned everyone to become the PWF World Champion, defeating none other than Antonio Gambino to do it.

**MVD and Travis Right come running down to the ring, The Real McCoy has helped Power G to his feet. The Referee hands Power G the world title. Power G lifts the title into the air. MVD hugs Power G, so does JVD. The Real McCoy turns his mic on.**

Stanyer: Looks like the manager of our champion has something to say.

McCoy: I LOVE IT, I LOVE IT!! Power G is the New World Heavyweight Champion, and that my friends Is Clearly Stated.

**"Zombie Nation" by Kernkraft hits as Power G climbs the turnbuckle holding the title aloft.**

Stanyer: Well it's been an unbelievable night.

Dawg: It certainly has.

Stanyer: Bloodbath was crowned Extreme Champion, the Lords of Destruction were crowned Tag Team Champions, Rye Hazwaki retained his US Title, and Power G was crowned the World Champion for the first time. It's been a pleasure to be with you folks and I hope you all tune in for Havoc next week.

**Camera fades to a PWF logo**

***© 2001 PWF Entertainment***