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Saturday Night Havoc

Havoc #19
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Havoc #1

Live from the National Car Rental Center
Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
Saturday 21st April 2001

**Pyro's blast off as "Master of Puppets" by Metallica plays, the camera passes over the crowd to reveal a few crowd signs**
"Power Gimp"
"Get ready to be Shocked"
"Diablo sucks"
"Tap Out"
**The camera's pan accross the crowd one last time before zooming to the announce table**

Stanyer: Hello everybody I'm Jason Stanyer alongside The "Big Dawg" Dave Harley, and we welcome you to the National Car Rental Center in Fort Lauderdale, Florida for Saturday Night Havoc.

Dawg: More tournament matches for you tonight, not to mention General Leo takes on Diablo.

Stanyer: Indeed, this promises to be one interesting night. Well we kick off with Antonio Gambino versus The Fro. This should be a great match.

World Title Tournament: Round of Last 16
Antonio Gambino v The Fro

**The lights dim and violins begin playing an eerie tune, like from the Godfather movie. On the Ultra-tron, pictures, apparently flashbacks of life in the Mafia, are shown. Images of gunfights, driveby shootings, and car's exploding alternate with pictures of a funeral in progress. Just as they begin lowering the casket into the grave, the screen goes black and then begins flashing the name "Gambino" across the screen in silver lettering. Then, as an explosion of pyros occurs on the stage, "Keep Away" by Godsmack begins blaring through the arena and Gambino appears in the entrance. He stands in the entrance for a short moment before walking down the aisle towards the ring. Once he reaches the ring, he climbs in and heads to the closest corner of the ring and begins taunting the crowd. He then raises both hands in the air as if celebrating.**

James: Introducing, from Brooklyn, New York, weighing 245lbs, Antonio Gambino**Crowd Boos loudly**

**Gambino signals to the ring announcer for a microphone.**

Gambino"Cut my music! You know, I was going over the brackets for the World Title tournament in my locker room, and something occurred to me. The majority of the original PWF wrestlers have been eliminated from the tournament, and are no longer in it. It looks like it's a bunch of new guys, that are still a bit wet behind the ears. As I looked up and down the brackets, I didn't see much experience lined up, and I definately didn't see much talent. I mean, Tisok, Sabre, Havok, Marcus Shooter, and Power G, just to name a few. Come on, do you really think any of them have a chance to win the PWF World Title? Even if they make it to the final round and have to face me, there's no way I'm walkin out of the PPV without the World Title around my waste. Now, I'll give credit, where credit is due, and there is one name on the list that stands out above all of the others. Josh Resnick, if you make it to the final round, and it's me and you, one on one in the ring, the most prized possession in our sport, the PWF World Title on the line, then congratulations. But don't get your hopes up about just walking right over Antonio Gambino, cuz it ain't gonna happen. Now I've got The Fro tonight, and if...excuse me, when I beat him, I'll advance to the next round. So maybe you should find a nice comfortable seat in front of a moniter in the back, and watch me go to work on this punk. I want you to see exactly what you're up against Resnick."

**Gambino tosses the microphone to the ring announcer and awaits The Fro to make his entrance.**

**"My Generation" by Limp Bizkit plays as The Fro walks to the ring showing no sign of intimidation or fear and he wears a "The People's Answer" t-shirt. He walks up onto the apron and then faces the crowd and holds one arm in the air. He then enters the ring and goes over to one corner and then holds one arm in the air.**

James: Introducing, from Green Bay Wisconsin, weighing 281lbs, "The People's Answer", The Fro.*Crowd Cheers*

Report: Gambino and Fro tie up, Fro takes it into a headlock, but Gambino lifts him over into a back drop. Fro gets up quickly and they tie up again. Gambino takes Fro into a headlock this time and Fro pushes Gambino towards the ropes. Fro tries a running clothesline but Gambino ducks, they both come off the ropes again, Gambino tries a clothesline but Fro ducks it and then The Fro comes off the other side and is caught with a Mafia Kick(Rikishi Sidekick).

James: Devastating kick from Gambino, that could easily knock someone out.

Gambino picks up The Fro and delivers a Suplex. Gambino then comes off the ropes and delivers an elbow drop. Gambino then covers. 1...2.The Fro kicks out. Gambino grabs the Fro and tries again. 1....Fro kicks out. Gambino picks The Fro up. Gambino whips the Fro to the ropes and then tries a back body drop, but Fro kicks him in the head then clotheslines him down as he staggers back. Fro stomps on Gambino a few times until Gambino rolls out of the ring. Gambino starts to pace around the outside, The Fro starts to trash talk him as he walks around.

Stanyer: Look at Gambino, taking the wimps way out.

Dawg: He is taking a little breather, all the great wrestlers know when and when not to fight.

Gambino climbs back in the ring and tries to punch Fro, but he blocks it and delivers three successive rights to Gambino knocking him into the turnbuckle. Fro then whips Gambino to the other turnbuckle and then follows Gambino in with a Jumping Body Splash. Fro then grabs Gambino and delivers a DDT. Fro then covers. 1......2.....Gambino kicks out. Fro then climbs to the top rope as Gambino makes his way to his feet. Fro connects with a Missile Dropkick and then covers Gambino. 1.......2.........Gambino kicks out.

Stanyer: The Fro is doing well against the former PWF World Champion.

Fro picks up Gambino and kicks him in the gut and tries The Fro Bomb, but Gambino pushes Fro off, Fro comes off the ropes Gambino tries a clothesline but Fro ducks it, Gambino spins around and gets kicked in the gut.

Stanyer: THE FRO BOMB!!!! This one's over. 1.....2.........GAMBINO KICKED OUT!!!!!! Unbelievable.

The Fro sits up amazed that Gambino kicked out. He covers again. 1.......2........Gambino kicks out again.

Dawg: It will take a lot more than that to stop Gambino winning this tournament.

Fro picks up Gambino and whips him into the turnbuckle. Fro charges in for a Jumping Body Splash, but Gambino moves out of the way, Fro lands face first on the turnbuckle pad. Fro staggers off and Gambino delivers a Bulldog. Fro staggers to his feet again and Gambino whips him to the ropes. Fro ducks a clothesline but when he tries to duck a second clothesline Gambino delivers a Running DDT. Gambino then climbs to the second turnbuckle and delivers an Elbow Drop then covers. 1........2.........Fro kicks out. Fro staggers to his feet. Gambino puts him in position for a Gambino Facebuster, but Fro elbows him off, Fro then kicks Gambino in the gut and tries The Fro Bomb, but Gambino pushes him off, Gambino then kicks The Fro low and then locks in and deliver The Gambino Facebuster. (Front Russian Leg Sweep). Gambino covers 1......2........3!!

James: What a cheap way to win, a low blow.

Dave: It doesn't matter how you do it, just whether or not you do it.

Gambino d. The Fro
9:54 Pinfall

Stanyer: What a fantastic match, and despite the superb efforts of The Fro, Gambino's march to the World Title continues.

Dawg: The Fro pushes him, but he couldn't beat the man, and just who can stop Gambino?

Stanyer: Well Gambino has now booked his spot at House of Pain, the question is who will follow him.

**The camera switches to a camera showing a limo pulling up, it zooms in on the number plate which read "Diablo 1"**

Dawg: Here comes Diablo, how will he fair tonight?

Stanyer: I'm sure he will find a way to wriggle out of fighting Leo, it is his style.

**Diablo gets out of the limo and walks towards the locker rooms, camera cuts to commercial**

{Commercial Break}

**Clips are shown of the old PWF matches.**

Get your Canadian Monkey shirts today! A Canadian flag on the front and a big ol Monkey on the back of it. Black and white and red colors!

*Big Poppa, Genecide, Rye, Leo, and Blackbird are all shown wearing the shirts and flashing big thumbs up signs*

{End Commercial}

Tedison: Welcome back folks, I'm standing here next to the Sabre, one of the last few wrestlers who were able to make it into the final 16. Sabre, tonight you're up against Tisok. What are your thoughts...

Sabre: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Tisok?!? He's here? I figured he'd up and forfeit the match!

Tedison: Sorry Sabre, but it seems he spurned your advice and wants to continue in the tournament.

Sabre: Damn! He's a cerebral assasin, that Tisok! Obvously too smart for the hardcore ranks. Instead, I'd rate him rather as a Chuck Norris wannabe. Perhaps even Steven Segal, although I think he needs to lose some more matches to obtain that class. Time will tell.

Tedison: So, you don't see Tisok as a threat?

Sabre: Threat?!? He smells like a drunk! It'll be a cold day in hell when 'the man, the myth, the legend, the Tisok' stands in the way of my sucess. He's gonna pay for what he did to my moped, tonight, too, so stay tuned viewers.

Interview: You think Tisok was the one who crushed your vehicle into a square shaped cube?

Sabre stares at Ted Tedison...

Sabre: Square shaped cube?! How long have you been in the buisness??? What the hell is a square shaped cube???

Tedison fidgets, ashamed of his somewhat incompetant observation.

Sabre: Listen. Here's the deal. Tonight, I'm gonna get dressed. Then I might have a shower. Then I'll go and win my match, then I'll have a cup of coffee. Or maybe tea, I haven't decided. Then I'll leave the building, and maybe make some kid cry by not signing his autograph book, but then re-considering because his mom is hot. That's it in a nutshell. Now if you'll excuse me, you square shaped idiot, I have a match to win. PWF gold, here I come!

Sabre struts away, leaving Tedison to stare absently at the floor.

Tedison: Uhhh... there you have it, folks. Looks like the Sabre doesn't plan on exiting the tournament yet, and... well... ahhhh I think my career as an aspiring journalist is over. Thanks a bunch, Sabre.

**Camera returns to the announcer table**

Dawg: (Laughing) Does Ted ever have a good interview.

Stanyer: He does seem to get the rough end of the stick doesn't he. Well time for Sabre v Tisok.

World Title Tournament: Round of Last 16
Tisok v The Sabre

As "It's my job to keep Punk Rock Elite" by NOFX starts, Tisok appears in the stage and taunts for the crowd. Then he goes in the walkway and into ringside where he "high-fives" with his fans, and sometimes pose with them for the camera. he gets in the ring by jumping the ropes qand gets ready for the match. His titantron video shows him in action with incredible flying moves from top rope, ladders, etc.

James: Introducing, from Matomoros, Tamulipas, Mexico, weighing 200lbs, Tisok. *Crowd Cheers*

"Sad But True" by Metallica hits, as the lights fade into a dim blue. Sabre struts out, raising his arms to the cheers of the crowd. He walks down the ramp at a normal pace, slapping hands with a few people near the guard rail. He climbs onto the apron, before jumping over the ropes and heading straight to a turnbuckle, to once again raise his hands to the crowd.

James: Introducing from Sydney, Australia, weighing 230lbs, The Sabre. **Crowd Cheers loudly**

Report: Tisok and Sabre both tie up, Sabre takes Tisok into a Hammerlock, Tisok reverses into a top wristlock, Sabre pushes Tisok off into the ropes, Sabre tries a Hiptoss, but Tisok lands on his feet, Sabre runs in and Tisok flips him over with a Japanese Arm Drag. Sabre rolls through it to stay on his feet, he charges in again and gets taken over with a second Arm Drag. This time Tisok holds on to turn it into an Armbar. Sabre rises to his feet in the armbar, then rolls out of it and then tries a heel kick on Tisok, Tisok ducks it and then School Boy's Sabre. 1......Sabre kicks out.

Stanyer: These two are just so fast.

Sabre gets to his feet. They tie up, Sabre rolls around the back of Tisok, Sabre tries to deliver a German Suplex but Tisok lands on his feet then Tisok delivers a Running Facecrusher. Tisok picks up Sabre and tries a spinning heel kick, but Sabre ducks it and delivers a reverse DDT to Tisok. Tisok bounces back to his feet. Tisok ties up with Sabre, Sabre takes Tisok into a headlock, Tisok pushes Sabre into the ropes. Tisok tries an Arm Drag but Sabre rolls off Tisok and then delivers an awesome Superkick knocking Tisok down. Sabre then spring up to the top rope. Sabre then delivers The Super-Sault(450 Splash) with pin. 1......2......3!!!!

Sabre d. Tisok
4:29 Pinfall

Stanyer: Sabre gets the win very quickly, I am a little disappointed, that was looking to be a great match, but congratulations must go to The Sabre.

Dawg: Who must now take on Gambino in the next round.

Stanyer: Indeed, that will be some match. The guile and experience of Gambino versus the speed and exuberance of The Sabre. It could be a classic, and not to forget this will be Sabre's first ever PWF PPV. He will want to put up a good showing.

Dawg: And Gambino will not have plans to lose to a PWF newbie now will he, even if he has proved to be a very competent one such as The Sabre.

**The camera then fades to the back, and Havok and The Crusader are shown in front of the PWF interview stand.**

Stanyer: Hey that's Havok and Crusader, these two seem to have become friends backstage recently.

Havok: Hey, gWo, this war is not over yet. Because you see, you not only have to deal with Maxwell Powers. You not only have to deal with Rye Hayashi. You have to deal with both The Crusader and me, Havok. Now let me run down the battle for ya. First, we will destroy your manager, then take you out one at a time. Until the only person left is MVD. We will then tie him up and let everybody in the PWF destroy you. Well I have nothing else to say. Do you have anything to say Crusader???

*Crusader takes the mic from Havok's hand and pauses as crowd cheers loudly*

Crusader: "Of course I have something to say. I normally would never think of my career in the PWF as a jobber. But as of late, that is all it has been."

*crowd begins to boo*

Crusader: "But hold on a sec. The whole reason I joined forces with Havok to begin with was as an insurance policy. Mainly because I'm beefing with the gWo-

*crowd boos heavily*

Crusader: But also, my singles career here in the PWF has not been at all what I wanted. I started off pretty good however, by becoming the Challenge Champion. But when I lost it to a GWO member, I also lost focus for awhile and began losing numerous matches. So a tag team career would better suit me at the moment. With Havok, I can cause more destruction upon the GWO. I can also begin rebuilding my singles career in a chance to complete my goal and become World Champion, someday. But for now, Power G and all the other green bastards better watch out, because Crusader and Havok are pissed off and your asses:

crowd: Will be whooped!

Stanyer: Crusader seems to have acquired quite a following here in the PWF, he and Havok could become quite a force here in the PWF.

Dawg: Please, they are up against the owners of the PWF, the gWo, nothing can stop them, not even Crusader and Havok.

Stanyer: The gWo don't own the PWF? What are you....

Dawg: Shut up Stanyer, you want to mess with the gWo?

Stanyer: Well, err.... , no, not really...

Dawg: Good, now shut up and call this match.

World Title Tournament: Round of Last 16
Havok v Genecide

"Bad Influence" by Eminem plays as Havok walks in front of the UltraTron and does his taunt, he then walks through the crowd. He really loves the crowd and will never forget where he came from. His Ultra-Tron video shows him skating and then his finisher.

James: Introducing from Tucson, Arizona, weighing 267lbs. Havok. *Crowd Cheers*

"Stupify" by Disturbed plays as Genecide walks out to the cheers of the crowd. He walks down to the ring, hi-fing with a few fans as he makes his way to the ring. He climbs in the ring and walks over to the opposite turnbuckle and climbs up and holds both hands up.**

James: Introducing at this time, weighing 251lbs, Genecide.**Crowd Cheers**

Report: These two start out by exchanging right hands until Genecide gets the advantage and punches Havok towards the turnbuckle. Genecide then starts to lay into Havok with right hands. Genecide then walks away and then charges in with a clothesline. Genecide then takes Havok and delivers a DDT. Genecide then poses to the crowd. Genecide then helps Havok to his feet. Genecide whips Havok to the ropes Genecide tries a back body drop but Havok rolls over the back of Genecide. Havok then grabs Genecide from behind but Genecide counters with a Mule Kick.

Stanyer: That is just blatant. How can he get away with moves like that???

Dawg: No DQ remember.

Genecide then picks up Havok and delivers a back drop. Genecide picks up Havok again and delivers a Piledriver. Genecide covers. 1.....2......Havok gets his left shoulder up. Genecide picks up Havok and whips him to the ropes, Genecide goes for a clothesline, but Havok ducks and wraps himself around Genecide to deliver a DDT. Genecide gets up quickly but walks straight into the Devastation Kick(Sweet Chin Music). Havok springs to the top rope and then connects with a Flying Body Splash with pin. 1....2.......3!!!!

Havok d. Genecide
4:34 Pinfall

Dawg: How did he win?? He only hit those three moves??

Stanyer: They were three awesome moves, He is the master of that Superkick is Havok, he can KO someone easily with that move.

Dawg: MVD would have killed him.

Stanyer: Well we will see just how well MVD does after the break.

{Commercial Break}

**Rye Hazwaki, is sitting on a couch in a very large, but empty room**

Rye Hazwaki: *In a Canadian accent, and speaking slowly* "I don't want to think aboot my situation. It's just so hard being the only Canadian-Japanese American known to the free world. Boy do I wish I could do something fun, eh. I wish I could be like Big Poppa himself."

**Suddenly a hardcover book is thrown at Rye Hazwaki, and he gets mad. An announcer starts talking, and Rye responds to what he says.**

Announcer: "Do you feel that you're the only Canadian-Japanese American in the free world that can't go out and have a good time?"

Rye Hazwaki: "YES! YES!"

Announcer: "Are you a non-smoker over the age of 14?"

Rye Hazwaki: "Boy am I!"

Announcer: "Do you feel bad about not knowing how to dance like Big Poppa?"


Announcer: "Then do we have the item for you. Big Poppa has taken journeys all over the world finding unique dance steps, and now he has assembled his personal knowledge and his gained knowledge into one large, user friendly instructional dance book."

Rye Hazwaki: "Now that's fine and dandy, but how does it work?"

Announcer: "With incredible pop out pictures and large font, Big Poppa's Instructional Dance Book makes it easy for people of any race or age to learn to dance, Real Show style."

Rye Hazwaki: "Great! But I don't have a lot of money, how much would this cost an average Canadian-Japanese American like myself?"

Announcer: "Well, the people at DSM and CO like to meet a standard of selling high quality products at low, consumer friendly prices. So that is why they are marketing Big Poppa's book at a recommended price of only $24.52!"

Rye Hazwaki: "Wow! That IS consumer friendly! Where can I buy this wonder book?"

**Rye Hazwaki hits his head and remembers that a book hit him in the head. He smiles and as he opens it, the large empty room he's in turns into a nightclub filled with people. He joins in the fun.**

Rye Hazwaki: "Thanks Big Poppa! You're book turned my lonely nights into crazy… Crazy.. Flights!"

Announcer: "Big Poppa's Instructional Dance Book, sold at bookstores everywhere."

{End Commercial}

**Camera cuts to the back to show Diablo walking about in the back, he sees the Lords of Destruction and walks up to them.**

Diablo: "Hey, LOD."

Carnage: "What do you want?"

Diablo: "Hey, no need to be nasty, I have a little proposal to ask of you."

Carnage: "Go on."

**Camera cuts back to ringside.** Stanyer: What the hell was that all about??

Dawg: I don't know, but if it involves Diablo, then you know it will be good.

Stanyer: Well, it's time for your favourite wrestler now, Matt Van Dam.

Dawg: Hey, he is not just mine, he is EVERYONE'S favourite wrestler.

Stanyer: That is a matter of opinion.

** gWo music hits and The Real McCoy, Power G, MVD and JVD enter the arena and walk down the ramp. They all step into the ring.**

Stanyer: Here they come, looks like McCoy has something to say.

McCoy: First things first. As anyone with a bit of intelligence knows, the next PWF Champion is in this ring.

** Crowd boo's and chant's of "Rye" start. McCoy ignores them.**

McCoy:Secondly, Power G's loss to Rye. As i've said before I'm saving Power G for the World Title tournament.That's right Rye you beat a man who didn't care. Not that Rye will have the title for long. I believe MVD has challenged Rye and there's only one outcome to that match 'cos MVD's gonna Stink you out, Rye.

**McCoy, MVD and JVD start to laugh, thinking back to The Stanyer Show and gWo's attack on Rye.**

McCoy: And tonight G faces Carnage. I admit that Carnage did well against General Leo but no matter who you've faced before, your stepping up a league when you face Power G. You also may be wondering, in fact I know you are, where Travis Right is. Well, he's ,shall we say, resting. He'll show up when the time is right.

** MVD takes the mic in hand and begins to speak **

MVD: Now everyone knows where the power in this company lies. The gWo owns this e-fed damn it, and i think we've made it very clear that yet more gold will come our way very soon, if not to myself then to Power G and Travis Right.

Maxwell Powers believes I am a traitor to the British crown??

Have you ever heard such bullshit!
**Crowd cheers, but they are drowned out with boos.**

Maxwell Powers, not only are you going to be given the fight of your life, i'm going to teach you that fighting a little bastard like you is going to be exhibtion wrestling for MATT VAN DAM (flexes arms towards his head as he speaks RVD style).

**Before MVD can end his speech Ode to Joy hits and out walks Maxwell Powers mic in hand. He smiles as he begins talking**

Powers: MVD, you may not of realized it but all you are doing now is rubbing salt further and further into your already open wounds. You say the GWO rules supreme, yet if I remember right you have only one title under your belts and that would be the one you lost so handingly to Rye, who in my fine opinion, I thought was even under you.

**Power G begins to climb over the ropes but is quickly stopped by the Real McCoy**

Maxwell: I see that your friend doesn't like what I'm saying MVD. Well now, maybe he should put that same very effort into learning how to communicate with the locals.

**Powers looks at Power G for a second and then starts a soft chuckle**

Maxwell: But as for you MVD, tonight I will make your already open wounds open even further and then when I have beaten you down and taken what is left of your traitoristic pride, then the jokes will end, the laughter will stop and Maxwell Powers will march on to the ultimate prize the PWF championship

**A chorus of boos rains down from the arena as Powers stands tall, his arms now crossed as he stares down MVD and the rest of the gWo**

Stanyer: This one could get ugly.

World Title Tournament: Round of Last 16
Matt Van Dam v Maxwell Powers

Report: The rest of the gWo leave the ring, as MVD prepares for the match, Powers climbs into the ring. MVD charges straight in and starts to throw right hands before whipping Powers to the ropes, but Powers reverses and whips MVD. MVD comes off the ropes and ducks a running clothesline and then comes off and connects with a Spinning Wheel Kick. MVD then flips over and hits a leg drop. Powers rolls out of the way and then gets to his feet. MVD does his trademark pose. MVD and Powers then tie up. MVD takes Powers into a headlock, but Powers counters with a Backdrop, but MVD drops off and lands on his feet. MVD tries a German Suplex, but can't lift Powers, Powers then counters by dragging them both to the ropes and grabs them, MVD rolls backwards off Powers to his feet.

Stanyer: MVD seems to be getting the better of Powers in the early goings.

MVD and Powers tie up, Powers uses his strength this time to push MVD into the turnbuckle. Powers then delivers a couple of shoulder thrusts to MVD's gut. Powers then whips MVD into the other turnbuckle and charges in with a splash, but MVD moves out of the way then as Powers bounces out of the turnbuckle, MVD takes Powers down with a modified bulldog. MVD then covers. 1.....2........Powers kicks out. MVD picks up Powers and kicks Powers a couple of times in the thigh. MVD then kicks Powers in the gut and delivers a back drop. MVD then bounces off the ropes and connects with a Flipping Senton Splash. MVD then covers. 1....2.......Powers kicks out again.

Stanyer: MVD now has a clear advantage over Maxwell Powers, but Powers always has that strength and could come back at any moment.

MVD stands over Powers and does the pose for the Old Man Stink(Venis Grind and Punch). But before he can get a punch in Powers punches MVD low.

Dawg: Oh come on, that is a cheap shot.

Stanyer: It's not as if MVD wouldn't have done it.

Powers gets up and whips MVD to the ropes, Powers tries a Back Body Drop but MVD flips over him and tries a Sunset Flip, but he can't roll the big man over and Powers kneels to punch MVD in the face a few times. Powers picks up MVD and delivers a couple of right hands knocking MVD into the ropes. MVD is hanging onto the ropes. Powers comes off the other side of the ring and looks to clothesline MVD out of the ring but MVD lets go of the ropes at the last moment and picks up Powers to deliver the Vandaminiser(Tilt a Whirl Driver).

Stanyer: Beautiful counter by MVD, 1.....2.......Maxwell Powers gets his left shoulder up.

MVD picks up Powers, MVD sets up Powers for a Suplex, but Powers blocks the suplex. Powers then lifts up MVD and drops him down in a Brainbuster.

Stanyer: Brainbuster!!! Will that be enough. Powers hooks a leg, 1........2.........NO!! MVD gets the left shoulder up.

Powers picks up MVD and locks on a Reverse Chin Lock.

Stanyer: Powers now trying wear down MVD. With the size of Powers, that Chin Lock will drain the strength out of MVD in no time.

Dawg: MVD needs to find a way out of this hold and fast.

MVD drops down to one knee, and then to the mat. The referee checks MVD, his eyes are glazed over. The ref checks the arm of MVD. One. The ref checks again. TWO. The ref checks again. This time MVD just manages to keep his arm up. MVD then rises to one knee.

Dawg: The adrenaline is flowing in MVD now.

MVD gets to his feet, then turns the Chin Lock into a Headlock and then delivers a Back Drop to Maxwell Powers. Powers quickly bounces back up, but walks straight into the Vandaminator by MVD. MVD then climbs to the top rope and looks for the Frog Splash.

Stanyer: This one could be all over right here. NO!!! Powers gets his knees up, wait Powers has MVD, THE GOKU-RAKU STRETCH. Powers has MVD, can MVD hold on. He is trying to get to the ropes.

Dawg: Just a few more inches now.

Stanyer: No, Powers drags MVD back to the center of the ring, HE'S TAPPING, MVD HAS TAPPED OUT!!! It's over, Maxwell Powers has beaten Matt Van Dam.

Dawg: I can't believe it, MVD is out of the World Title tournament.

Maxwell Powers d. MVD
11:56 Submission

Stanyer: Finally Matt Van Dam has been shut up.

Dawg: Oh you sound so happy about it, Perhaps you can tell it to his face.

Stanyer: He wants to spout off that he will win everything, well someone has beaten him well and truly. Not just beat him, but he made MVD tap out.

Dawg: Just shut up Jay. Shut up.

{Commercial Break}

*Crusader is sitting in his million dollar mansion in his laboratory putting some chemicals together. When he completed his job he sprayed himself with the new mixture and nodded in satisfaction.*

*Later on at a wrestling workout gym, Crusader is heading towards the bathroom when Diablo walks out. Crusader steps in and says- "Damn son, what did you have for lunch"
So he leaves the bathroom and puts on his cologne, that still has no name, to cover Diablo's putrid smell. Then Stunning Sarah walks by and says-
"Damn Crusader, you smell so good, can I have some of that for Chris?" Crusader says-
"Sure you can, put it on his musty and beat down body after our match"

*Crusader turns toward the camera and says, get your "Damn, you smell good" cologne only at PWF Shopzone*

{End Commercial}

**Camera returns to the back, where Ted iv is waiting with Bloodbath** iv: "So, Bloodbath, it seems as though you are on your way to maybe accomplishing your goal here in the new PWF. And that is winning the PWF World Title."

Bloodbath: "Yes, it does seem that I am on my way to doing that. But I must look at the tournament one step at a time and the first step is must go through is Blackbird."

Tedison: "Yeah. How do you feel about going up against a former PWF World Champion in Blackbird?"

Bloodbath: "I am very confident in my abilities and I feel that I can beat Blackbird. I..........................

***Just as Bloodbath is about to say something, out of nowhere Blackbird hits him in the back with a trash can. Bloodbath falls to a heep on the floor.***

Tedison: "Hey! This is an interview with Bloodbath!"

Blackbird: "His interview time is up, and if you don't like it you can join him."

Tedison: "Umm....... I am getting outta here!"

***Tedison runs to get away from the carnage taking place. Blackbird picks up Bloodbath and handcuffs his wrists to a fence in the backstage area. Blackbird then continuously smashes the trash can over Bloodbath's head.***

Blackbird: "How do you like bleeding, Bloodbath? Huh?"

***Bloodbath hangs there motionless as Blackbird walks away with a bloody trash can in his hands.***

Stanyer: What the hell is Blackbird doing?? He could get in a lot of trouble for that attack, he has to face Bloodbath tonight in the World Title Tournament.

Dawg: So what, you know what Blackbird is like, he will do anything.

Stanyer: Anyway, it's time for Power G v Carnage. This one could be a tricky one for Power G. Carnage has already knocked out General Leo.

World Title Tournament: Round of Last 16
Power G v Carnage

"Serial Killer" by Prodigy begins to play as images of the Lords of Destruction destroying past opponents play on the titantron. Once the Lords of Destruction appear on the ramp there is a very loud mixed reaction from the crowd with the cheers noticably louder. LoD walk to the ring quickly, barely acknowledging the crowd, climb in & go straight to his corner.

James: Introducing, from Canada, weighing 317lbs, one half of the Lords of Destruction, Carnage.. *Crowd give a mixed reaction, but mainly cheers.**

"Kernkraft 2000" by Zombie Nation begins to play as Power G walks out with The Real McCoy, both men are holding Microphones. Power G begins to hit himself to psyche himself up, before walking to the ring with the Real McCoy.

James: Introducing, from Holguin, Cuba, weighing 230lbs, Power G. *Crowd boos*

Report: Carnage jumps Power G as he gets in the ring. Carnage gets in a few right hands and then whips G to the ropes. Carnage then hits a Powerslam. Carnage picks up Power G and then delivers a Front Powerslam. Power G rises to his feet quickly, but Carnage kicks him in the gut and then delivers a couple of right hands, Carnage then whips Power G to the corner and then charges in with a clothesline. Power G staggers out of the corner. Carnage takes Power G and delivers a Back Drop.

Stanyer: Carnage has started this match like a house on fire. Cover, 1.......2......Power G gets his left shoulder up.

Carnage picks up Power G and pushes him into the turnbuckle Carnage then starts to lay into Power G with right hands, but Power G blocks one then reverses Carnage into the turnbuckle. Power G then delivers a Knife Edge Chop to Carnage. Power G then backs that up with an Overhand Chop. Power G then whips Carnage to the other turnbuckle, but Carnage reverses it and then charges in and Spears Power G into the turnbuckle.

Stanyer: My God, that could be enough right there, cover. 1......2.........Power G kicks out again. What is this man made of??

Carnage picks up Power G and then casually tosses him over the top rope to the floor. Carnage climbs out and stomps on Power G as he gets up, Carnage slams Power G's face into the barricade, then lifts up Power G and drops him face first on the barricade. Carnage then whips Power G towards the steps, but Power G reverses and Carnage crashes shoulder first into the steel steps. Power G then falls to the ground.

Dawg: Power G needs to capitalise on his advantage.

Stanyer: But he also needs to recover from the beating he has taken so far.

Power G gets to his feet and charges into Carnage who is leaning on the steps, but Carnage moves and hits a drop toe hold driving the face of Power G into the steel steps. Carnage then rolls Power G back into the ring. Carnage rolls in himself as Power G staggers to his feet. Carnage puts Power G into position for the Death Penalty(Rock Bottom) and moves Power G to the center of the ring, But Power G counters with an elbow to the face of Carnage. Carnage comes back off the ropes but Power G takes Carnage down with a Drop Toe Hold and then locks on the STF immediately.

Stanyer: This could be the great equaliser for Power G, the STF is excrutiatingly painful on the back. This is taking a hell of a lot out of Carnage.

Dawg: Carnage is trying to edge towards the ropes. Can he reach it?

Stanyer: Yes he can, Carnage makes it to the ropes. Power G must release the hold, but the damage is already done, Carnage's back is really hurting now.

Power G helps Carnage to his feet. He whips Carnage towards the turnbuckle, but Carnage reverses and whips Power G hard into the turnbuckle. Power G bounces off the turnbuckle.

Stanyer: The Death Penalty!! NO!! Power G counters with an elbow, G POWER, G POWER, G POWER SLAM!!!!. Cover, 1.........2........3!!!!!!

Power G d. Carnage
9:48 Pinfall

Stanyer: Power G picks up the win, but Carnage came damn close to another upset here in the PWF.

Dawg: The gWo march on further still

Stanyer: But how far can Power G go, he now has to take on the winner of Alexander and Marcus Shooter.

Dawg: Power G is better than both men, he will be victorious.

Stanyer: Well I am told we now have Blackbird backstage.

* Blackbird is with another Mayhem backstage at Havoc. *

Mayhem-Blackbird, how do you feel going up against Bloodbath tonight?

Blackbird-I don't see Bloodbath as a threat. I don't hate the guy. He just shouldn't say things he may not live up to. And as for General Leo………………

* A bloody Bloodbath attacks Blackbird from behind with a chair and the two go at it in the back*

Blackbird-What the hell are you doing man? We've got a match in 5 minutes!

Mayhem-I'm getting the hell outta here!

Stanyer: It seems these two cannot stop fighting, this match is going to be a classic.

{Commercial Break}

**Clips are shown of Gambino delivering the Gambino Face Buster to various opponents while Keep Away by Godsmack plays. Then a voice over comes on**

Voice"You may not be able to kick ass like PWF Superstar, Antonio Gambino, but now at least you can look like him. New from PWF Shopzone, the Gambino Gangster Hat, available in black and red and for only 21.95. It has the Antonio Gambino logo embroidered on it, so your friends can see who your favorite PWF Superstar is. Also available are the Gambino Gangster Sunglasses. Great for keeping those harmful rays out of your eyes, or even better for looking like a real tough guy! Available now for only 13.95. All your friends are sure to be envious of you for wearing these items, order now from PWF Shopzone or wherever cool clothes are sold.

**Then, Gambino is shown standing on the sidewalk in a busy city wearing the Gangster Hat and Gangster Sunglasses.**

Gambino"You can't be me, you can't be like me, so do the next best thing and look like me!"

{End Commercial}

World Title Tournament: Round of Last 16
Blackbird v Bloodbath

"96 Quite Bitter Beings" by CKY plays as a ring of fire appears by the entrance. Bloodbath rises out of the flames before walking towards the ring. He stops on the apron, and looks to the crowd, before he climbs in the ring.

James: Introducing, from Hell, Michigan, weighing 225lbs, Bloodbath.

"Cool to Hate" by Offspring starts playing and the arena goes pitch black. 10 seconds go by with nothing happening. Two huge flames light up the Entry way and Blackbird makes his way to the ring.

James: Introducing from Dayton, Ohio, weighing 245lbs, Blackbird. *Crowd boos*

Report: Bloodbath charges down to aisle and starts the match before Blackbird can make it to the ring, Bloodbath and Blackbird exchange right hands on the outside, Bloodbath then whips Blackbird into the barricade. Blackbird bounces off and Bloodbath scoops up Blackbird, but Blackbird drops behind Bloodbath and grabs Bloodbath in a Waistlock, but Bloodbath reverses into a waistlock and then delivers a Back Drop on the concrete floor.

Stanyer: MY GOD!! A Suplex on the concrete floor, that is going to destroy the back of Blackbird.

Bloodbath picks up Blackbird who is holding his back. Bloodbath slams Blackbird's head into the railings a few times as he takes him to the ring and throws him in. Bloodbath then walks around to the announce tables and picks up a chair.

Dawg: Looks like Bloodbath wants to make this one hardcore.

Blackbird staggers to his feet as Bloodbath gets in the ring with the chair. Bloodbath charges in with the chair, but Blackbird counters with a kick to the gut, Bloodbath drops the chair. Blackbird delivers a forearm to the back on Bloodbath, then whips Bloodbath to the ropes, but Bloodbath reverses and hits a belly to belly overhead release suplex. Bloodbath then picks up the chair and taps it onto the mat as Blackbird staggers to his feet. Bloodbath then drives the chair into Blackbird's head, but Blackbird only goes down to one knee. Blackbird gets back up although dazed. Bloodbath slams the chair into Blackbird's head again, this time Blackbird drops down to both knees, but he gets back to his feet again. This time Bloodbath comes off the ropes and drives the Chair into Blackbird's face.

Stanyer: MY GOD!! You can see the imprint that Blackbird's head made in that chair. Cover, 1.......2..........BLACKBIRD KICKED OUT!!!!

Dawg: What the hell is Blackbird made out of??? Nobody could survive that.

Bloodbath looks in shock. He picks up the chair and taps it into the mat preparing for one more shot. Blackbird staggers to his feet, he has been busted open, his hair is drenched with blood. Bloodbath charges in, but Blackbird ducks the chair shot and kicks Bloodbath in the gut and delivers the Evenflow DDT. Bloodbath and Blackbird both stay down.

Stanyer: Blackbird has Bloodbath down, but can he find enough strength to cover Bloodbath.

Blackbird and Bloodbath lie there for about ten seconds until Blackbird manages to roll over and drape an arm over Bloodbath.

Dawg: This is it.

Stanyer: 1......2..........NO!!! Bloodbath kicks out.

Blackbird and Bloodbath both make their way to their feet. Blackbird whips Bloodbath to the ropes, but Bloodbath reverses it. Bloodbath looks for a Back Body Drop, but Blackbird kicks Bloodbath in the head, Bloodbath staggers backwards and comes off the ropes and attacks with a clothesline, but Blackbird kicks Bloodbath in the gut and then delivers a second Evenflow DDT this time driving Bloodbath's head into the steel chair.

Stanyer: Surely this time. Cover. 1..........2.................3!!!!!!

Blackbird d. Bloodbath
7:39 Pinfall

Stanyer: Blackbird advances after a bloody fight with Bloodbath.

Dawg: Blackbird seems to like having the shit kicked out of him, well, there will be plenty of volunteers.

Stanyer: But Blackbird is still in the PWF World Title tournament, looking at the list now, there are only two wrestlers from the old PWF still in there, Gambino and Blackbird.

Dawg: It looks like the PWF has made a lot of good new signings then doesn't it?

Stanyer: For once, I have to agree with you.

Dawg: Damn right you should agree with me.

Stanyer: Well we have the Gods of War backstage now.

**Cameras cut to the back were Alexander stands with Kull roaming around behind himkicking things and knock equipment over.**

Alexander- So the true test of our power has come, the World Tag Team Title Tourament is finally here. As you can tell my partner is quite ready for the challenge ahead. Speaking of this challenge, just who are the Gummi Bears? I know that they are some kind of snack food for kids but now they are a tag team in the greatest Wrestling organization in the world. We will quickly dispatch you Gummi Bears, your enjoyment will be short live, and Shooter I haven't forgotten you either.

**The Camera zooms out to see Kull swing a chair wildly. Alexander then turns around and utters something to him that calms him instantly and they walk of in the direction of the ring.**

Stanyer: Looks like the Gods of War are ready.

**Camera then switches backstage, the Pellington Brothers are walking down a corridor backstage. Then out of nowhere the Lords of Destruction attack them with chairs. The LoD pound on the brothers before walking off down the corridor. They look happy with themselve. The camera follows them**

Stanyer: What the hell is this?? Why did the LoD just attack the Pellington Brothers??

Dawg: Doh!! They fight them next week remember.

**The camera follows the LoD around the corner where Diablo is waiting for them.**

Diablo: Job done?

Carnage: It's been taken care of. Now, where's our money.

Diablo: Straight to the point eh?

**Diablo hands over a brown envolope, Carnage checks the envolope, he nods to Bloodstorm and they walk off.**

Diablo: If Pellington wants to screw with me, well he picked the wrong man.

**Back to ringside**

Stanyer: Diablo paid the LoD to take out the Pellington Brothers? Why, just to get at Mr Pellington??

Dawg: He can't take out the boss himself, so he is taking out everything except the boss.

Stanyer: I can't believe this. Something will have to be done.

World Title Tournament: Round of Last 16
Alexander v Marcus Shooter

**"Final Countdown" by Europe hits and up on the titantron it has highlights of Marcus Shooter's amateur wrestling career and he walks out and stands on the ramp looks around for a moment then walks confidently toward the ring, steps between the ropes and sits on the top corner turnbuckle waiting for the match to start.**

James: Introducing from Detroit, Michigan, weighing 241lbs, Marcus Shooter. *Crowd give a mixed reaction*

**Fire Erupts from the stage and continues to burn as "Wherever I may Roam" By Metallica hits Threw the fire walks Maximus and Kull. They look to the crowd and the crowd explodes. They March to the ring and Kull climbs the turnbuckle and raises his sword.**

James: Coming to this ring, he is one half of the Gods of War, Alexander. *Crowd Cheers*

Report: Shooter and Alexander tie up, neither man can gain an advantage and eventually Alexander pushes Shooter into the turnbuckle and the ref calls for a clean break, which he gets. They circle each other and then tie up again. This time Shooter takes Alexander into a hammerlock. Shooter looks for a back drop, but Alexander hands on his feet. Alexander spins Shooter around and whips him to the ropes. Alexander drops to the mat and lets Shooter run over him, Alexander then springs up and comes off the ropes and charges in with a clothesline but Shooter ducks it, they come off again and Shooter grabs Alexander around the waist and hits a Belly to Belly Overhead Release Suplex. Alexander lands hard on his back and uses the ropes to try and get to his feet. Shooter looks for a T-Bone Suplex, but Alexander elbows Shooter off and delivers a DDT. Alexander then leans on the ropes holding his back.

Stanyer: I think that Belly to Belly hurt Alexander's back, he is really struggling.

Dawg: You don't want a bad back against a Suplex Machine like Marcus Shooter, he will take you to pieces.

Shooter makes his way to his feet. Alexander whips Shooter to the turnbuckle. Alexander charges in with a splash, but Shooter moves out of the way, then delivers a German Suplex with a bridge to Alexander. 1.......2........Alexander kicks out. Alexander gets up holding his back. Shooter grabs the leg of Alexander and looks ready for a Cradle Suplex, but Alexander counters with an Enziguri. Shooter falls straight into the turnbuckle and staggers off, he walks straight into Alexander who lifts him up and delivers The Fall of Rome.(Reverse DVD). Alexander covers. 1......2........3!!!!

Alexander d. Shooter
6:24 Pinfall

Stanyer: Alexander defeats the newcomer to the PWF, the march of the Gladiator continues, Alexander now has to fight Power G in the next round. That will be a tough one.

Dawg: Indeed, few can match the ability of Power G

Stanyer: Well after the break it is Josh Resnick versus Rye Hazwaki, that will be some contest.

{Commercial Break}

Announcer- SPRITE! The best stuff on Earth!!!

**The camera flashes a shot of General Leo of the PWF drinking Sprite.**

Announcer- The...

**The camera cuts to a shot of the MOW E's Phreak, drinking down some Sprite.**

Announcer- best...

**The next MOW Sanitarium Champion, Heelmaster, is seen, drinking Sprite.**

Announcer- stuff...

**The triple crown champion of the UAW, Bates Masterson, is guzzling down a Sprite.**

Announcer- on...

**Cleveland, Ohio's own Heavy Metal guru, Matt Wilkins is shown tossing a can of Sprite in the air and drinking all of the contents of the can before catching it.**

Announcer- EARTH!!!

**The camera focuses on Nightshade completely downing a 20 oz. Sprite right before the camera! All six men are shown finishing off their respective Sprite. They then give a simultaneous thumbs up.**

Nightshade- Drink Sprite, because I said so!

**The camera cuts out.**

{End Commercial}

World Title Tournament: Round of Last 16
Josh Resnick v Rye Hazwaki

**Break Stuff by Limp Bizkit hits, as the lights flash red and white, and Rye Hazwaki is shown doing a slow ‘Cyclone Kick.’ The Pyro’s blast as Rye stands on the top of the stage, he looks at the crowd then walks down and enters the ring.**

James: Introducing, from Tokyo, Japan, weighing 251lbs, Rye Hazwaki.*Crowd Cheers*

**Walk by Pantera hits the speakers throughout the arena. The Titantron comes on with solar flares of the sun showing. Then out of the back Josh Resnick makes his way out. Stops at the ramp. Listens to the crowd cheer his name. Then continues to the ring. Once on the apron, Resnick climbs up the turnbuckle. Looks out into the crowd before flipping over the ropes, landing on his feet in the middle of the ring.**

James: Introducing from Detroit, Michigan, weighing 230lbs, Josh Resnick. **Crowd Cheers**

Report: Josh Resnick opens up with forearms to the face of Rye, Josh then takes Rye into a top wristlock. Rye pushes Josh off him and kicks Josh in the thigh's a couple of times, Josh hits a knife edge chop, then clubs Rye in the shoulder. Josh scoops Rye up and delivers a Shoulder Breaker. Josh then tries to lock in The Equinox(Crippler Crossface) but Rye fights out and grabs the ropes. Josh and Rye get up. Rye tries a martial arts kick, but Josh ducks it and Rye grabs the arm of Rye and tries for The Equinox again, but Rye holds his ground and whips Josh to the ropes.

Stanyer: Josh is trying to end this one fast.

Rye tries a Heel kicks but Josh ducks it and hits a back drop, Josh then rolls over Rye and locks in The Equinox.

Stanyer: HE GOT IT!!! Josh got The Equinox on Rye, Rye has to tap, HE DOES!!!

Resnick d. Rye
4:24 Submission

Stanyer: Josh Resnick advances, this newcomer could go a long way here in the PWF.

Dawg: He now has to go through Blackbird, shouldn't be a problem.

Stanyer: What? Blackbird is a former World Champion??

Dawg: You seen his PWF Win/Loss record?? He loses about 60% of his matches.

Stanyer: That was a long time ago, he has come a long way since then.

Dawg: Please, don't insult my intelligence, I may not like Josh, but I hate Blackbird, I hope Josh rips Blackbird's arm off.

Stanyer: Well anyway, it's time for our Tag Team Title Tournament to continue. We have one of the Quarter Finals next.

{Commercial Break}

**Big Poppa is shown at a disco like dance party, and he's doing a few dance moves. He whips some sweat of his head and notices that everyone around him is having some milk. He swallows his sweat and begins to get delusional. The music starts to fade out as he sees a giant milk carton saying, "Drink Me." He rubs his eyes and it's gone, so begins to walk from the dance floor.**

Girl 1: Big Poppa, don't leave! I want you to show me your moves.

Big Poppa: Yeah, whatever.. I'm going to get something to drink. I'm really thirsty for some reason.

**Big Poppa walks to the bar, and sits down. He winks at the ladies sitting about five seats down.**

Bartender: What'll it be?

Big Poppa: Make it a moo-juice, and hold the ice. I'm feeling a little "exotic" tonight so make it two-percent'er.

Bartender: I'll see what I can do.

**Big Poppa checks his pocket, and finds an oddly large box of pretzels. They look old, but he shrugs and starts eating them by the handful. The bartender comes back**

Big Poppa: *With a mouth full of Pretzels* Where is my milk?

Bartender: Oh, I thought you knew… About 1 minute ago we officially stopped serving everything but Dish Water.

**The Bartender puts a large glass of Dish Water in front of Big Poppa, and Big Pappa starts spitting the pretzels out. Big Poppa gives the camera a mean stare as the announcer says**

Got Milk Guy: Got Milk?

{End Commercial}

Tag Team Title Tournament Quarter Finals
Gods of War v The Gummi Bears

**Fire Erupts from the stage and continues to burn as "Wherever I may Roam" By Metallica hits Threw the fire walks Maximus and Kull. They look to the crowd and the crowd explodes. They March to the ring and Kull climbs the turnbuckle and raises his sword.**

James: Introducing at a combined weight of 513lbs, Alexander and Kull, The Gods of War*Crowd Cheers*

**(Flashin random lights all the way through apart from at the slap hands at the end where one slap makes the lights go one colour, the next changes the colour and the double high five causes the lights to return to normal as well as causing the fireworks on stage) Two rocket fireworks fly to the stage and explode. The Gummi Bears appear and stand at the top with big grins, look at each other, then Cookie runs forward a little and Banoffe leap frogs over him, Banoffe then ducks and Cookie leap frogs him, this is done so each man has leapfrogged twice. Then they look at each other again and run towards the ring, sliding in and rolling. Both men bounce to there feet, look at each other again! and run to opposite diagonal corners and start dancing, they look at each other from there position in the corners, throw both arms in the air with big smiles and run to each others corners high fiving as they go past . Once at the other corner they jump up again and start dancing. After a few more seconds they jump back down and meet in the centre of the ring where they "go down low, go up high then double high five which causes fountains of sparks from up on the stage.**

James: Introducing at a combined weight of 429lbs, Cookie Dough and Barry Banoffe, The Gummi Bears. *Mixed Reaction*

Report: Alexander and Cookie start out. They tie up, Alexander takes Cookie into a headlock, Cookie pushes Alexander off the ropes, Cookie looks for a back body drop, but gets kicked in the head. Cookie staggers backwards and tags Barry. Barry ties up with Alexander, Barry takes Alexander into a headlock, but Alexander counters with a Back Drop. Alexander tags in Kull. As Barry gets to his feet Alexander delivers a Drop toe Hold which is immediately followed by a leg drop to the back of the head from Kull.

Stanyer: Lovely teamwork from the Gods of War.

Kull rolls over Barry into a pin as Alexander leaves the ring. 1......2......Barry kicks out. Kull picks up Barry and whips him into the ropes, Cookie reaches across and gets a blind tag on Barry. Kull delivers a sidewalk slam to Barry and covers. But Cookie comes in and kicks Kull off Barry. Alexander then tries to get in the ring, but the ref stops him, Cookie then locks on the Six Seconds Magic on Kull. As Kull drops to the mat, Barry locks on the Cross Heel Hold.

Stanyer: My God, the pain!!! He's tapping, He's tapping, it's over.

The Gummi Bears d. Gods of War

Dawg: The Gummi Bears just sneaked a win over the Gods of War. The ref kept Alexander distracted long enough for them to lock on those two submission holds. As soon as the ref turned around he could see Kull tapping, there was nothing Alexander could do.

Stanyer: That is one way to put it, but it remains that the Gummi Bears go through and the Gods of War are out of the Tag Team Title tournament.

Dawg: Hey, I think Ted is in the back with General Leo.

**Interviewer Ted Tedison is in the back. He has a microphone in his hand.**

Ted Tedison- I'm about to be joined by General Leo. He is going to be facing Diablo in a match tonight. **General Leo walks in. He is wearing his typical army pants and a white tanktop. He walks up to Ted and shakes his hand.**

Ted Tedison- Welcome General.

General Leo- Hello Mr. Tedison, how are you today?

Ted Tedison- Well, I'm not too bad, but we aren't here to talk about me, we're here to talk about you. Specifically, your match with Diablo. Do you have anything to say about it?

General Leo- Diablo is a bad seed. He is the guy that really messes everything up. He's an ok wrestler, but he thinks he deserves everything, even when he doesn't. These are people that we, in the army, call maggots. Diablo came here out of nowhere. No one wants him here, he just weaseled his way in. I have been hand picked to get him out of here and that is just what I will do.

Ted Tedison- In what ways will you be doing this?

General Leo- Diablo will be to Shocked to even know what is doing here. In the end of our match tonight, he WILL bow before ther Empire. Thank you for having me.

Ted Tedison- You're welcome, thanks for joining me here, and good luck.

**General Leo salutes Ted Tedison and then walks off.**

{Commercial Break}

Voice: Coming soon to PWF Shopzone, PWF The Music, Volume I. Featuring quality tracks by Godsmack, Limp Bizkit and Metallica. Listen to your favourite PWF's superstars music whenever you want.

{End Commercial}

Stanyer: Welcome back folks, what the hell????

** Beginning softly but building in volume, "Come Out And Play" by The Offspring begins to echo through the arena sound system. The crowd turns to see images of a pitbull dog on a chain, barking and straining to be free, playing on the TitanTron. Atthe top of the screen, the words THE PITBULL fade into view at the same time the words SILAS PARISH fade in along the bottom. Suddenly the chain holding the dog back on the video breaks setting off a series of pyrotechnic explosions that erupt down the right side of the entry ramp and then back up the left. As the smoke from the pyro's begins to clear, a figure steps out onto the ramp. He pauses to crack his knuckle and neck, then checks the tape around his fists before striding to the ring. Halfway down the ramp he breaks into a run and slides under the bottom rope. He grabs a microphone out of his back pocket and climbs a turnbuckle as the confused crowd looks on.**

???????? - "Hello PWF fans! I can tell by your confused expressions that you're wondering just who the hell I am and what I'm doing in this very ring here tonight. Well wonder no more, I'm here to tell you. My name, in case you missed it on the TitanTron, is Silas Parish, also known my many as 'The Pitbull'. And I am the newest wrestler on the PWF active roster. I know what you're all thinking right now, 'How could he possibly be a wrestler? Look at him he's what, 3 feet tall?' I assure you all, I am a wrestler and in point of fact I'm 5 feet of pure canine-like tenacity."

**Silas hops down fromt he turnbuckle, mic still in his hand, and begins to circle the ring. Suddenly he stops dead in his tracks and looks out at the crowd as if he heard something.**

Silas 'The Pitbull' Parish - "I hear some scepticism in the murmering out there. What, you guys still don't believe that I'm serious? Haven't any of you ever heard the old saying, 'Its not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog'? Well that saying describes me perfectly, but I'm sure none of you will ever take me seriously until I prove myself huh? Well then, how about I call out any tights wearing, egomaniac in the back who wants to be The Pitbull's first victim? I warn you, I fight like a caged animal when the bell rings. Like my canine cousin's, I go straight for the jugular!"

**As both Silas and the crowd wait to see who, if anyone, comes out to accept this open challenge, he once again begins circling the ring. Several long seconds tick by and the crowd get a little restless, but nowhere near as restless as Silas himself. Then suddenly... **

**The lights fade in the sold out National Car Rental Center as the fans begin to cheer. Red-lights begin to flash across the ceiling of the arena as "Machinehead" begins to blast through the speakers. You see action shots of Cage on the titan-tron, as Cage begins to walk out onto the arena floor, cut like Chris Beniot, wearing Black tights with Red slashes across the thighs. He wears black boots and a sleeveless t-shirt that reads "You will belong to me..." written in blood red. He taunts the crowd and rubs his unshaven face as he steps into the ring and holds up his arms to a chorus of boo's from the crowd. **

James: Introducing from Chicago, Illnois, weighing 225lbs. Kevin Cage(Crowd Boos)

Stanyer: Looks like we have an inpromptu matchup.

The Pitbull v Kevin Cage

Report: The two men lock up and Kevin Cage uses his height advantage to push The Pitbull into the corner. But the Pitbull fights back and pushes Cage out of the corner, turning it into a Waistlock. Pitbull tries a German Suplex, but Cage counters with a Victory Roll. 1...Pitbull kicks out. Pitbull rolls off and then attacks Cage with right hands. He hammers Cage with repeated rights and then clothesline Cage out of the ring. Pitbull follows Cage out of the ring and slams his head into the barricade. Pitbull then whips Cage into the ring steps. Pitbull picks up Cage and looks for a Double Arm DDT, but Cage counters with a punch to the kidneys and tries a Northern Lights Suplex, but Pitbull powers down and hits a DDT. Then suddenly the bell rings.

Stanyer: What the hell? What did the bell ring for???

Dawg: I think the ref just counted both men out.

James: The referee has declared this match a no contest due to a double countout.*Crowd Boo*

Stanyer: That is dissappointing to say the least, he could have let it go.

Dawg: Hey Pitbull isn't finished. Pitbull doesn't stop fighting and drags Cage towards the aisle and whips him into the barricade. Cage comes off and connects with a clothesline putting Pitbull down. The two men then go back and forth up the aisle until they fight their way out of the arena to the backstage. {Commercial Break}

**Images of former PWF World Champions are shown winning their titles**

Voice: 8 men will enter, only one can leave. 8 men will try, but only one can survive. 8 men will look for glory, but only one will find it. 8 men will stand, but only one will become a Champion.

**The House of Pain Logo comes up**

Voice: PWF presents, The House of Pain, live on PPV, April 29th.

{End Commercial}

Stanyer: Welcome back folks, it's time for our Main Event tonight, as Diablo makes his big return to take on General Leo. This one is going to be a classic.

Dawg: This is going to be the first time we have seen Diablo back in the ring for a long time.

Stanyer: He will have to be on top form to beat Leo, who is an outstanding wrestler.

Main Event
General Leo v Diablo

****Take a Look Around** by Limp Bizkit hits as a chorus of boos descend on the arena. Diablo walks out with a huge grin on his face and walks down to the ring. He climbs the apron and then the turnbuckle and raises his arms to the crowd bringing another chorus of boos. He flips the crowd off and gets in the ring.

James: Introducing at this time, weighing 284lbs. from Maryland, Diablo. *Crowd boos and jeers*

**The lights go blue, as "The Imperial March" starts over the speakers. General Leo walks out from the back to an expensive looking fireworks show. The fans cheer as he walks to the ring with his sword in hand. He steps in and the lights go up.**

James: Introducing from Vector, the capital of the World, weighing 235lbs, General Leo.

Report: Diablo and Leo circle each other, they tie up and Diablo takes Leo into a Waistlock, Leo reverses the waistlock into one of his own. Leo tries to hit a German Suplex, but Diablo lands on his feet. Leo spins around and Diablo hits a dropkick catching Leo plum in the face. Leo springs back up. Diablo hits a right hand to Leo knocking him back. Diablo then whips Leo to the ropes. Diablo bends down for a Back Body Drop, but Leo stops and delivers a Double Arm Suplex. Diablo gets back to his feet quickly. Leo connects with a right hand and then looks for a Snap Suplex, but Diablo blocks it and delivers a Vertical Suplex of his own. Diablo bounces off the bottom rope and hits a moonsault on Leo and covers. 1.....2...Leo kicks out.

Stanyer: This one is close in the early goings.

Diablo picks up Leo, he whips Leo to the turnbuckle, but Leo reverses it and Diablo hits the turnbuckle front first and bounces off into Leo who delivers a German Suplex. Diablo gets up quickly but holding his back. Leo comes in to stop Diablo from getting up with a club to the back, but Diablo gets in a low blow.

Stanyer: I was wondering how long it would take before he got in a cheap shot.

Diablo then delivers a DDT to Leo. Diablo then walks around with an arrogant look on his face which brings a chorus of boos from the fans. Diablo climbs the top turnbuckle and connects with a Missile Dropkick as Leo gets to his feet. Diablo covers Leo. 1.....2......Leo kicks out. Diablo picks up Leo and whips him to the ropes. Diablo hits a Powerslam and covers. 1.....2.....Leo kicks out. Diablo picks up Leo and delivers a Brainbuster and then climbs to the top rope. Diablo looks for The Suicide Dive(Twisting Senton Splash). but Leo moves out of the way and Diablo hits the mat hard.

Stanyer: This is Leo's chance now, he must capitalise on Diablo's error.

Dawg: Diablo makes few mistakes, so he must capitalise on those he does make.

Diablo and Leo both make it to their feet at the same time. Diablo swings with a right hand but Leo ducks and hits a German Suplex to a great cheer from the fans. Diablo gets back to his feet quickly. Leo deliver a T-Bone Suplex. Diablo again staggers to his feet. Leo then hits a Tiger Suplex with a bridge. 1.......2........Diablo kicks out.

Stanyer: This is the Leo that we all know, when he is in full flow, his suplexes are unstoppable.

Diablo gets to his feet, Leo locks in Diablo for a belly to belly, but Diablo rakes the eyes of Leo. Diablo then climbs out to the apron and looks for a springboard shoulder block. But Leo catches Diablo in mid-air and delivers a Belly to Belly suplex.

Stanyer: What a counter by Leo, cover. 1...........2............Diablo gets the left shoulder up.

Leo picks up Diablo and puts him in the Katah Jimei(Tazzmission).

Stanyer: This one is over, time for The Shock. DIABLO NECKBREAKER!!!!! What a counter, how did he get that. Cover 1.........2..........3!!!!! Diablo wins, Diablo wins.

Diablo d. Leo
13:26 Pinfall

Stanyer: Hey what is Diablo doing, this match is over.

Dawg: Oh my, A Sledgehammer, this one is going to look good Jay.

Stanyer: Come on, someone stop Diablo. He won the match, isn't that enough?

Diablo gets in the ring with the sledgehammer. He taps the sledgehammer into the mat waiting for Leo to get up. Then "Creeping Death" by Metallica hits and the crowd cheer as the Pellington Brothers run down the ramp and slide into the ring. Michael ducks a sledgehammer shot by Diablo and hits a front dropkick. David then sweeps Diablo from behind. Michael then climbs the turnbuckle as David hits a flipping Leg Drop. But then the Lords of Destruction come running down and knock Michael off the turnbuckle. They then start to lay into David. Diablo gets to his feet and picks up the Sledgehammer. Carnage and Bloodstorm both hold David in position and Diablo smashes the Sledgehammer into the face of David.


Dawg: Who can? Nobody wants to get in their with them three.

Carnage and Bloodstorm pick up Michael and he recieves the same shot as Michael. Diablo then taps the Hammer into the mat waiting for Leo to get up. Diablo then delivers a Running shot smashing Leo down. Diablo and the LoD then stand over Leo as blood starts to drip from his forehead.

Stanyer: Tell me this isn't a sign of things to come. We are out of time folks, tune in next week.

**Camera fades to black**

***© 2001 PWF Entertainment***