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Rumble in the Bronx
Last Man Standing
War Games
House of Pain

Saturday Night Havoc

Havoc #19
Havoc #18
Havoc #17
Havoc #16
Havoc #15
Havoc #14
Havoc #13
Havoc #12
Havoc #11
Havoc #10
Havoc #9
Havoc #8
Havoc #7
Havoc #6
Havoc #5
Havoc #4
Havoc #3
Havoc #2
Havoc #1

Live from the Alamo Dome
San Antonio, Texas
7th June 2001

**Pyro's blast off all around the Alamo Dome as the packed crowd goes wild. The camera pans across the crowd as "Master of Puppets" blasts it's way through the arena while the Havoc intro plays on the Ultra-Tron. The camera then cuts to the announcers table at ringside.**

Stanyer: Welcome everybody to the Alamo Dome right in the heart of San Antonio, Texas. Hello everyone, I'm Jason Stanyer bringing you PWF Saturday Night Havoc alongside the "Big Dawg" Dave Harley

Dawg: After Armageddon was cancelled, we have an extended card tonight.

Stanyer: That's right folks, we have a long night ahead of us, not to mention some great matches. But first we must talk about what happened to Rye last week.

Dawg: He had it coming, it was expected.

Stanyer: Expected!! He got screwed out of the title, plain and simple.

Dawg: Screwed, what are you talking about. The gWo screwed him out of nothing, absolutely nothing.

Stanyer: Yeah, right, another question for you then, who was the man at the end of last week's Havoc, was it Destroyer?

Dawg: If it is, then it is a miracle, because last I heard he had a broken neck and couldn't even stand up straight.

Stanyer: I got the same info.

**Keep Away by Godsmack blares through the PWF sound system as Gambino appears in the entrance. He is welcomed by an uproar of cheers from the PWF audience. He walks to the ring, and once there, he climbs in an grabs a microphone. He doesn't seem to be in a great mood tonight**

Dawg: Well let's get this show on the road.

Gambino: "Cut the music! It's like this, Eraser, you made the biggest mistake of your life. On Havoc, you invaded my home, and you invaded my privacy. This is supposed to be about the PWF, about wrestling, about pride. But on Saturday night, you took it one step made it personal Eraser, and you made it damn personal. You took it to a place that it's never supposed to go to in the PWF. My advice to you is, watch your back. When you come out of your house at night, look around, I might be there. When you leave the gym after working out, look around, I might be there. When you leave the arena after the show, look around, cuz I might just be there. Everywhere you go, Eraser, look around you little bastard, cuz I just might be there...hiding, waiting to strike, and when I strike, you'll know it. But for tonight, feel safe, feel safe that you're not here at the arena. Feel safe in knowing that you probably did the smartest thing a man in your position could do, and that's keep your distance for the evening."

**Gambino circles the ring for a moment to calm himself down**

Gambino: "As for tonight, I'm sure you've all heard the rumours. The rumours of Crusader defending his Title tonight. Well, I can confirm the the rumours are true, because right here tonight, Crusader will defend his PWF World Championship Title for the very first time since winning it, against Blackbird."

Stanyer: At last someone confirms to us that Blackbird will face Crusader tonight.

**The fans explode in a deafening cheer with this news**

Gambino: "I'm sure that the....

**Gambino is cut off when someones music begins blaring through the arena**

Stanyer: Who's this?

** all of a sudden "I am" hit as Eraser's logo appears on the tittan tron and Gambino tosses the mic out of the way as he gets ready for a fight. Gambino then stand back up straight as he sees Eraser on the titan tron. Eraser seem to be in the lockeroom some wheres. The camera zooms out a little to see that Eraser is in Gambino's office. **

Eraser: Gambino....commissioner....Jackass! Gambi you see I was sitting in the back and I notice that your stupied ass forgot to put Eraser on the card for tonight. Now I know everyone makes mistakes but you are the most stupied son of a bitch I have every seen. I mean Pellington is even smarter than you. How could you forget to put a ICON like me into the event. So I came up with a idea to help you broken down ass. I was thinking since your ass isn't doing anything tonight and since you forgot to put me on the card why don't we just have ourself a little match. Or are you scared that I will break you down just like I did you truck and house. You see Gambino you can't stop Eraser shit you can't even match up to Eraser. The best thing for you to do is just for you to step down from commissioner and let someone with some brains, personality, BALLS, and guts to run as commissioner because son when I get through with you we will need a new commissioner.

** Eraser gets out from behind the desk and walks over to the door. He opens it and then turns to the camera **

Eraser: Gambino. You know that your in deep shit.

**Eraser then slams the door as picture frames fall off Gambinos walls and shatter when they hit the ground. The titan tron goes black and then you see a picture of Eraser's logo slowly appear on the titan tron **

**Gambino looks infuriated and starts to head backstage when....**

**'Zombie Nation' hits and out comes the Real McCoy on his own. McCoy, as usual, has his mic with him. He stares at Gambino before talking. **

McCoy: You better be joking Gambino, you S.O.B. How come that shit Blackbird gets a title shot and the real goddamn champion, who was screwed out of the title, doesn't?? You better have a good reason Gambino. Did you think that Power G and I would forget all about the events of War Games?? Did you think that we wouldn't want a rematch?? We wanted that rematch tonight. But no, you go and give it to Blackbird.

McCoy: It looks like that we’ll have to wait until Last Man Standing before we claim what’s rightfully ours. So Crusader, Power G accepts the challenge made by you on the last Havoc. He will step into the ring with you and will take back the gold that is his. That’s if you still have it Crusader. You better make sure you win tonight or we will be after you Crusader like a pack of wolves.

**McCoy pauses and turns his attention to Gambino. **

McCoy: Now listen here Gambino. I couldn’t care less if you’re commissioner. You could be the president for all I care. Power G will not, no, does not stand for people like you. People who abuse their power.

**The crowd begin to boo. Gambino takes no notice, thinking the boo’s are just because McCoy is still talking. The camera switches to the crowd. A figure is seen moving through it and the camera focuses on this figure. It is Power G. He climbs over the steel guarding and creeps up behind Gambino. McCoy continues to keep Gambino’s attention. **

McCoy: You, Gambino, are abusing your power and you will pay.

**As he says this Power G picks up Gambino and hits him with the G Power Slam. The crowd boo’s heavily. McCoy stands over Gambino. **

McCoy: You didn’t see that coming did you, Gambino?? You wondering where you have felt pain like this before?? Yep, that’s right. That night. That night when Power G beat you for the World Title. That’s when you felt the pain before. Remember it, as you will be receiving this pain over and over again, if Power G doesn’t get his re-match.

Stanyer: Gambino is going to be one pissed of SOB when he gets up.

**The crowd continues to boo as McCoy and Power G leave to the backstage. **

{Commerical Break}

**Clips are shown of Gambino delivering the Gambino Face Buster to various opponents while Keep Away by Godsmack plays. Then a voice over comes on**

Voice"You may not be able to kick ass like PWF Superstar, Antonio Gambino, but now at least you can look like him. New from PWF Shopzone, the Gambino Gangster Hat, available in black and red and for only 21.95. It has the Antonio Gambino logo embroidered on it, so your friends can see who your favorite PWF Superstar is. Also available are the Gambino Gangster Sunglasses. Great for keeping those harmful rays out of your eyes, or even better for looking like a real tough guy! Available now for only 13.95. All your friends are sure to be envious of you for wearing these items, order now from PWF Shopzone or wherever cool clothes are sold.

**Then, Gambino is shown standing on the sidewalk in a busy city wearing the Gangster Hat and Gangster Sunglasses.**

Gambino"You can't be me, you can't be like me, so do the next best thing and look like me!"

{End Commercial}

**As we return from break, a replay of what just took place in the ring is shown with Power G delivering the Power G Slam to Gambino. The cameras then open up backstage to show Gambino and Devstator in Gambino's office. There is broken glass on the floor as well as fallen picture frames. Gambino is throwing things around and cursing Eraser**

Gambino: "God damnit! That son of a bitch Eraser, that son of a bitch Power G!"

**Gambino stops for a moment and looks at Devastator with an evil grin**

Gambino: "You know what, how would you like to have a match tonight, with Eraser? Yeah, that sounds good, hell, that sounds damn good. Even better, I'll make it a No Disqualification Match."

**Devastator nods in agreement with Gambino, and he looks very pleased as he slams his fist into the palm of his hand**

Gambino: "Power G's gonna get what's coming to him too. I'm gonna book myself in a No Disqualification match tonight, against Power G."

**Gambino slams his fist into the wall and leaves an imprint of his hand as the cameras fade out**

Stanyer: Gambino and Power G tonight!!! And Eraser v Devastator!!

***The Sharp Shooters are walking through the halls, when Tedison catches up with them.***

Tedison: "Scotty! Chris! May I have a word with you?"

Scotty Sharp: "Well, I guess so. What would you like to discuss with us?"

Tedison: "Well, tonight you guys are making your debut here in the PWF. I wanted to know what you guys think of the PWF so far and what your thoughts are on tonight's matchup between you two and the True Age Outlaws."

Chris Sharp: "First of all, the PWF so far is great!" *Huge Pop From Crowd* "I mean, this is definately one of the greatest feds of all time! But it will only get better now that we are here!"

Scotty Sharp: "Yeah! I love it here, so far. I just hope that we will get some good competition."

Tedison: "Well, we may see some good competition here tonight. You face another team that is making a debut tonight. What do you guys think about the True Age Outlaws."

Scotty Sharp: "Well, they mean pretty much nothing to us, right now. But, sooner or later, we will think of them as 'The First Victory For The Sharp Shooters On Their Way To PWF Dominance'.

***The Sharp Shooter begin to walk away as Tedison turns to the camera.***

Tedison: "Okay. It looks like the Sharp Shooters are ready for action here tonight!"

Stanyer: Well it is now time for their match.

Sharp Shooters v True Age Outlaws

Chris and Scott both come down to the ring together. When they get in the ring they each stand on opposite turnbuckles and pose for the crowd (sorta like the Hardyz). Then, they patiently await their opponents.

James: Introducing from Pittsburgh Pensylvanlia, at a combined weight of 431lbs, Chris and Scotty Sharp, the Sharp Shooters.

The True Age Outlaws music hits and they walks down to the ring after posing for the fans.

James: Introducing from Richmond, Virginia, at a combined weight of 524lbs, Black Ass and Crossbone, the True Age Outlaws.

**Black Ass and Crossbone spear both of the Sharpshooters and the bell rings and the match is under way.**

Report: After the two True Age Outlaws spear Sharpshooters they hammer into Scotty and Chris with right hands, but Scotty and Chris rolls over Crossbone and Black Ass and start to hammer the True Age Outlaws with right hands. Sharpshooters then climbs off the True Age Outlaws and Scotty is sent out of the ring by the referee. Crossbone rolls out of the ring leaving Black Ass and Chris. Chris ties up with Black Ass and they tussle it out until Black Ass manages to push Chris into his corner where Crossbone clubs Chris across the back with a forearm. Black Ass then delivers two stiff body shots putting Chris in the corner then tags in Crossbone. Black Ass walks across and sticks two fingers up at Scotty, prompting him to climb in the ring and try and fight, but the referee stops him, meanwhile the True Age Outlaws happily stomp away at Chris, then Crossbone starts to choke Chris with his boot as the referee turns around. The referee remonstrates with Crossbone, and eventually he releases the choke hold.

Dawg: What does the ref think he is doing?

Crossbone picks up Chris and delivers a Vertical Suplex. He then picks up Chris and holds him in a headlock. He tags in Black Ass who climbs in and kicks Chris in the gut. Black Ass then whips Chris to the ropes. Black Ass then delivers a Powerslam. Black Ass covers. 1..........................2..........................Chris kicks out. Black Ass picks up Chris and takes him to his corner and tags in Crossbone. They both whip Chris to the ropes and then deliver a Double Spinebuster. Crossbone covers as Black Ass leaves the ring. 1................................2......................................Scotty makes the save, but the ref forces him out of the ring straight away. Crossbone picks up Chris and tosses him outside. Crossbone then sticks two fingers up to Scotty. Scotty climbs in and goes for Crossbone, but the referee has to restrain him. Meanwhile Black Ass delivers two body shots to Chris on the outside and then delivers a brutal chair shot. Black Ass then rolls Chris back into the ring. Crossbone covers. 1..................................2..............................Scotty just makes the save. Black Ass comes in and gets a forearm in on Scotty catching him by surprise and Scotty rolls out of the ring. The ref forces Black Ass out of the ring. Crossbone picks up Chris and takes him over to Black Ass and tags Black Ass in. Black Ass and Crossbone both take Chris to the middle of the ring and set him up for a double suplex. But Chris manages to counter and manages to deliver a Double DDT. All three men stay down as Scotty desperately reaches for a tag. Chris manages to climb over and tags in Scotty to the cheers of the crowd. Black Ass and Crossbone have just made it to their feet. Scotty charges in and clothesline Black Ass down, then clotheslines down Crossbone. Scotty then delivers right hands to Black Ass before a big right puts Black Ass down. Scotty then whips Crossbone to the ropes and then uses Crossbones momentum to toss Crossbone over the top rope Chris goes to Crossbone and starts fighting with him. Scotty then turns around to kick Black Ass in the gut and deliver a DDT and a cover. 1..............................2........................................Black Ass kicks out.

Stanyer: Scotty is on fire now.

Scotty picks up Black Ass and delivers a Belly to Back Suplex. Scotty then climbs to top rope and looks for a high risk move. But Crossbone manages to whip Chris into the steps then climbs to the apron and pushes Scotty off the top rope sending him crashing to the floor. Scotty staggers to his feet and gets kicked in the gut and is set up for the Scissors Kick. Black Ass delivers it and covers Scotty. 1................................2........................................3!!!

True Age Outlaws d. The Sharpshooters
10:51 Pinfall

Stanyer: The True Age Outlaws pick up an excellent win on their debut.

** Big Poppa is pacing around his locker room as the camera crew and Ted “Trolley” Tedison barge in.**

Big Poppa: “What in the.. Hey! You’re not Sabre! Where’s that Aussie-American Milk lover? WHERE?”

Ted Tedison: “I dunno.”


Ted Tedison: “But I..”

Big Poppa: “No buts Ted, you screwed up. Jesus. I brought you into this sport. I gave you fame. I whooped your ass all over that locker room, and this is how you repay me? YOU SCREW WITH ME? Man, that is NOT nice. I can’t believe YOU, my favorite pal, would pull this trick on me.”

Ted Tedison: “Poppa, I swear! I have no clue! I wouldn’t fack with you! I know better! Don’t hurt me! Please don’t!”

Big Poppa: “Wait a flipping tick, are you a commie?”

Ted Tedison: “Uh, I don’t think so.”

Big Poppa: “You don’t THINK so, or you KNOW so?”

Ted Tedison: “I know so! I know so!”

Big Poppa: “I KNEW IT! YOU DAMN COMMIE! The American Milk hating Russians sent you… Didn’t they? Those bastards… I can’t believe it. Ok Commie, its time to punish you, the good old fashioned way.”

**Big Poppa starts barking commands at Tedison, telling him to do things like “Clean the toilet,” and “Organize the Mini-fridge.” After Tedison has finished Poppa’s chores, Big Poppa picks up a handy stick. He examines it, and then tells Tedison to bend over. Right before Poppa can get a swing in, Sabre enters. Ted takes this opportunity to get up.**

Sabre: “Good god man!”

Big Poppa: “SABRE! You’re here! I thought the commies got you! I found out who’s been sending you all those ‘Commies gonna get you’ emails!”

Sabre: “What?”

Big Poppa: “That’s right. IT WAS HIM- Tedison! He’s a commie loving jackass. I’m just about to… Hey, GET BACK HERE COMMIE! I’m not done with ya yet.”

Sabre: “Poppa. Calm down. If he was a commie, he’d have contacts on.”

Big Poppa: “You’re right Sabre, you’re right. Man, I almost made a HUGE mistake. But then that doesn’t explain why he’s here.”

Ted Tedison: “Well, I’m here to talk about tonight’s match.”

Big Poppa: “Ha! Got ‘cha Trolley old pal. You are soooooo easy.”

Ted Tedison: “Huh?”

Sabre: “You were right Poppa, I can’t believe it. Wow, ok. Anyway, what do you want to know exactly?”

Ted Tedison: “Umm… I’m not exactly sure. Give me a few minutes.”

**Show cuts to commercial**

{Commerical Break}

Announcer- SPRITE! The best stuff on Earth!!!

**The camera flashes a shot of General Leo of the PWF drinking Sprite.**

Announcer- The...

**The camera cuts to a shot of the MOW E's Phreak, drinking down some Sprite.**

Announcer- best...

**The next MOW Sanitarium Champion, Heelmaster, is seen, drinking Sprite.**

Announcer- stuff...

**The triple crown champion of the UAW, Bates Masterson, is guzzling down a Sprite.**

Announcer- on...

**Cleveland, Ohio's own Heavy Metal guru, Matt Wilkins is shown tossing a can of Sprite in the air and drinking all of the contents of the can before catching it.**

Announcer- EARTH!!!

**The camera focuses on Nightshade completely downing a 20 oz. Sprite right before the camera! All six men are shown finishing off their respective Sprite. They then give a simultaneous thumbs up.**

Nightshade- Drink Sprite, because I said so!

**The camera cuts out.**

{End Commercial}

- The cameras cut to Big Poppas locker room, where Tedison patiently waits, wishing he hadn't asked what Sabre and Poppas thoughts on their up-coming tag match were. He sits nervously in a small chair twiddling his thumbs, while Sabre and Poppa rummage around, or 'setting up their diorama/game plan' as they called it. Finally, the two superstars drop an empty pizza box on the table in front of Ted, with tiny turnbuckles punctered onto the top of the lid. -

Sabre: 'Okay, Ted. Here's the deal. See these two pineapple pieces? That's the Russians. This bit of bacon here is yours truly, while this slice of green capsicum is Poppa...'

Poppa: 'I don't want to be a piece of green capsicum.'

Sabre: 'Uhhh... okay. Well then, go find something that you think would signify you best.'

Poppa: 'Hmmm... here we go!'

Poppa grabs a piece of red capsicum, and places it on the pizza box.

Sabre: 'Anywayz, here's the game plan, Ted...'

Poppa begins prodding Sabre in the back, a cross look on his face...

Sabre: 'Oh... props to Poppa, for making these little turnbuckles. Well, as you can see, Red Capsicum/Poppa here is smacking the monkey brains out of BOTH pieces of pineapple/Russians, here, while I stand in the corner here and do my nails.

' Poppa: 'Cool, huh!'

Ted lifts the mic to his lips, all the while, staring at the abomination of a pizza box...

Ted: 'Have you boys actually thought about tactics at all? Studied your competition? ... have you even figured out who should be tagged in first???'

Both Sabre and Poppa stare at Ted blankly before Poppa opens his mouth...

Poppa: 'Ummm... perhaps you didn't understand the first time. I'll run it by you again. Here I am, kicking Commie tail, and there's Sabre at the turnbuckle, making us both Tequilas....'

Ted: 'That isn't a game plan! That isn't even a basic plan of attack! The Russians are out there, primed and ready, and from the looks of things, the only thing you two have done is eat pizza!'

Poppa: 'I built the turnbuckles!'

Sabre: 'Ted has a point... that piece of pineapple is bigger than the other pieces. We could be in trouble.'

Poppa: 'True. But on the other hand, they ARE Russian. And I AM Big Poppa.'

Sabre: 'You have a valid point, there. Well Ted, are you done picking our brains?'

Ted: '...... '

Sabre: 'Great. Well, if you excuse us, we have a heap of training and preparation to do before our match, so if you'll excuse us...'

- Sabre and Poppa then sit themselves in front of the television, while Ted and the camera crew decide they're expected to show themselves out... -

Stanyer: (laughing furiously) Dammit, those two should be banned from arenas, they are just tooooo funny.

Dawg: Are we talking about the same two people here?

** Du Hast by Rammstein kicks in and the lights dim as The Russians emerge from the back, there usual blue and red strobe lights have been replaced by a constant bright green light which floods the area surrounding them. Wowbowski tugs at his gWo hockey jersey as Cossak walks over to the fans and starts to mouth them off. They get down to ringside and each grab a mic from a stagehand, then slide into the ring **

Wowbowski:- Zatknis! you pathetic americanski's !!!

( the crowd erupts into a sea of boo's )

Wowbowski:- It seem to me, like vone of your "hero" has problem vith us Vrussians. Comrade Big Poppa seem to think that ve no like american milk. But to tell truth, ve don't hate american milk, Ve detest american milk. It as pathetic as rest of americanski's

( Another eruption off boo's )

Cossak:- And his friend, Sabre, vants to help mr. funny pant. Vhy? Ve tink ve know

Wowbowski:- Da. these two are, vait for it.


Wowbowski:- Jealous

Cossak:- Da.

Wowbowski:- Because They know Ve much better then dem, Ve from Vrussia of course! Only person from here that ve tink is cool, is the gWo's very own Travis Right.

** Wowbowski once again pull on his jersey, to show to the crowd the logo of the gWo, getting yet another session of boo's **

Cossak:- Ve not communist by way, the motherland now Demat.....demotra....

Wowbowski:- Democratic.

Cossak:- Da, so ve say to Mr. USA, and Mr.inbred jailbait from Australia, to get down to vring and fight right now!

Wowbowski:- Ve vaitingk......

**The lights begin to dim and the fans quiet down in anticipation. The words "Real Show" fade in and out on the dark UltraTron, and the lights suddenly turn on and fire works blast off as a customized version of Limp Bizkit's My Way starts up**

James: "Coming to the ring at this time, at a combined weight of 515lbs, Big Poppa and The Sabre *Crowd cheer loudly*

**The audience goes mad as Big Poppa and Sabre emerge through the Havoc curtains. They do a air-guitar taunt to the tune of the song, and they Big Poppa dances down to the ring as Sabre walks down hi-fi-ing all the fans**

Sabre & Poppa v The Russians

Report: Sabre and Wowbowski start out, they tie up, Wowbowski takes Sabre into a headlock, Sabre pushes Wowbowski into the ropes and pushes him off, Wowbowski comes back off with a shoulder block which puts Sabre down. Wowbowski bounces off the ropes again and goes for an elbow drop, but Sabre moves out of the way, Sabre tries a Leg drop, but Wowbowski moves. Wowbowski throws Sabre to the ropes, Wowbowski goes for a hiptoss, Sabre lands on his feet, kicks Wowbowski in the gut, puts his leg over his head, Wowbowski flips him over, Sabre grabs Wowbowski in a waistlock, Wowbowski counters with elbows to the face and then reverses the waistlock, Wowbowski then lifts Sabre up into a German Suplex, but Sabre counters with a Victory Roll, 1........................2.......Wowbowski kicks out. The two roll off and come to a face off. Wowbowski then tags Cossak, Sabre does the same to Poppa.

Stanyer: Wonderful wrestling from these two teams.

Dawg: The question on everyone's minds is will Poppa dance, or wrestle?

Poppa and Cossak tie up, Cossak takes Poppa into a headlock, Poppa pushes him off, Poppa hits a back body drop, Cossak rolls up and goes for a clothesline, Poppa ducks it and then starts to moonwalk backwards to the delight of the crowd.

Dawg: You see what I mean?

Cossak looks angry and charges at Poppa who sidesteps him and uses his momentum to toss him out of the ring. Poppa then tags Sabre who climbs to the top rope.

Stanyer: Here we go, Hurricanranna from the top rope to the outside, unbelievable agility from The Sabre. What an ovation from the crowd for that move.

Poppa applauds The Sabre as he tosses Cossak back into the ring. Sabre climbs to the apron and springs to the top rope spins around and then flies off with a Moonsault onto Cossak, Sabre hooks a leg. 1........................2............................Wowbowski breaks up the pin attempt.

Stanyer: This Sabre is just so agile.

Sabre climbs to the second turnbuckle as Cossak makes his way to his feet. Sabre flies off with a missile dropkick taking Cossak down, Sabre rolls up and stands there arms out taking in the applause of the crowd, but he is too close to the Russians corner and Wowbowski grabs Sabre by the head and slams him down to the mat. Cossak manages to crawl over to Wowbowski and tag him in. Wowbowski then starts to stomp away at Sabre as the crowd start to boo him. Wowbowski ignores the boos and picks up Sabre. Wowbowski hooks up Sabre in a Full Nelson Slam. Wowbowski covers. 1................................2........................Sabre just kicks out.

Dawg: The tide has turned in this match now. The Russians have taken control.

Wowbowski picks up Sabre and tags in Cossak, The two then whip Sabre to the ropes and then lift him up and hit a devastating Flapjack. Cossak hooks a leg as Wowbowski leaves. 1..............................2.............................Poppa makes the save. Cossak moves like lightning to floor Poppa with a forearm which sends Poppa down and rolling out of the ring. Cossak picks up Sabre and hits a big vertical suplex. Cossak then drops a knee to the gut of Sabre and then climbs to the second turnbuckle and flies off with an elbow to the face of Sabre. Lateral Press. 1...........................2.........................Sabre just kicks out.

Stanyer: Cossak makes the tag to Wowbowski as the Russians have taken a firm control of Sabre and Big Poppa in this match.

Dawg: And I can't see it changing anytime soon.

Cossak holds Sabre in a headlock and Wowbowski kicks him hard in the gut. Wowbowski then puts his head between his legs and lifts him up and hits a devastating piledriver.

Stanyer: That has to do it. Wowbowski hooks the leg. 1.............................2.........................Big Poppa just makes the save.

Dawg: The Russians are getting frustrated now they can't get the pinfall.

Wowbowski whips Sabre to the ropes and grabs him around the waist and throws him overhead with a Belly to Belly Suplex, amazingly Sabre lands on his feet, Wowbowski turns around and looks totally shocked as Sabre takes him down with a Superkick and then collapses to the floor himself.

Stanyer: How the hell did Sabre land on his feet? I've never seen agility like that in my life.

Dawg: Both men desperately need to make a tag.

Sabre and Wowbowski crawl to their corners slowly and make tags at the same time, Poppa comes in like a house on fire, he hammers Cossak with a big right hand, then he clotheslines Wowbowski down, then he clotheslines Cossak down. Poppa then whips Wowbowski to the ropes and runs and hits a running swinging DDT. Poppa then grabs Cossak and hits a devastating Death Valley Driver. Poppa hooks a leg. 1...........................2..........................Wowbowski makes the save with a diving double axe handle to the back. Sabre is back in and hits a flipping leg drop to Wowbowski. Poppa picks up Cossak and hits a Short arm clothesline, Cossak rolls out of the ring to try and get a breather.

Stanyer: Wait, look in the crowd, it's HAVOK!!! and CRUSADER!!!!

Crusader and Havok jump the barrier, Crusader stands behind Cossak and Havok stands set for his kick on the other. In the ring Sabre and Poppa deliver a Double Arm Drag to Wowbowski. Cossak slowly gets to his feet, he turns to see Havok who hits the Devastation Kick, Crusader catches him to stop him going down and rolls him back into the ring as the referee was attending to Wowbowski. Sabre climbs to the top rope and hits a Stunning Senton Bomb, Poppa makes the cover. The referee turns around and slides across to make the count. 1........................2...............................3!!!!!!!

Sabre & Poppa d. The Russians
12:36 Pinfall

Stanyer: Big Poppa and Sabre pick up their first Tag Team victory over the Russians.

Dawg: And next time they will get their asses kicked.

**"The Fight Song" by Marilyn Manson hits through the arena and Devastator comes out and walks to the ring. Devastator climbs the turnbuckle and raises his hands in the air why the crowd cheer. He then grabs a mic** Devastator-I would like to thank Gambino for booking the hardcore match againest Eraser earlier. Also I know everyone has been wondering who the masked man is. You say "Is it Destroyer" or "Destroyer couldn't be the masked man, he has a broken neck". Well tonight, I am going to clear it up as to who it is.**Crowd Cheer**Let me introduce you to my friend... **"The Fight Song" hits again and out walks a tall man with a mask on he walks to the ring and stands beside Devastator**

Stanyer: I guess it's time to find out who the man at the end of last weeks show is.

**The Man takes the mask off**

Devastator: -Let me introduce you to my friend and NEW Ruff Ryder tag partner.... DOMINATOR!!!!!!

Dawg: Who?

Dominator:-Thank you Devastator, I know no one here knows who I am, but I am going to make a name for myself. Devastator and I are going to rock the PWF Tag Division of the PWF. Oh yeah and Destroyer this is for you man!

Devastator:- Eraser, See ya in the ring!

Dominator:- And LOD See ya in the ring later!!!!

**"The Fight Song" by Marliyn Manson hits again and The NEW Ruff Ryders walk out of the ring and up the ramp**

{Commerical Break}

**Big Poppa is shown at a disco like dance party, and he's doing a few dance moves. He whips some sweat of his head and notices that everyone around him is having some milk. He swallows his sweat and begins to get delusional. The music starts to fade out as he sees a giant milk carton saying, "Drink Me." He rubs his eyes and it's gone, so begins to walk from the dance floor.**

Girl 1: Big Poppa, don't leave! I want you to show me your moves.

Big Poppa: Yeah, whatever.. I'm going to get something to drink. I'm really thirsty for some reason.

**Big Poppa walks to the bar, and sits down. He winks at the ladies sitting about five seats down.**

Bartender: What'll it be?

Big Poppa: Make it a moo-juice, and hold the ice. I'm feeling a little "exotic" tonight so make it two-percent'er.

Bartender: I'll see what I can do.

**Big Poppa checks his pocket, and finds an oddly large box of pretzels. They look old, but he shrugs and starts eating them by the handful. The bartender comes back**

Big Poppa: *With a mouth full of Pretzels* Where is my milk?

Bartender: Oh, I thought you knew… About 1 minute ago we officially stopped serving everything but Dish Water.

**The Bartender puts a large glass of Dish Water in front of Big Poppa, and Big Pappa starts spitting the pretzels out. Big Poppa gives the camera a mean stare as the announcer says**

Got Milk Guy: Got Milk?

{End Commercial}

No Disqualification Match
Eraser v Devastator

**"The Fight Song" by Marilyn Manson hits as Devastator walks out onto the rampway. He raises both arms in the air with clenched fists. He then walks down to the ring, he climbs in over the top rope. He walks to the far turnbuckle and climbs to the second rope before raising two clenched fists again.**

James: Introducing from Brooklyn, New York, weighing 350lbs, Devastator

**It starts off when "I am" by Eminem starts off low and on the Tron you see flashing pictures of the Triple Hell in a Cell match, all of a studden the music blasts through the speakers and the dim. Eraser comes through the back and stands at the top of the ramp and looks around for 15 sec and then at a certain part of the music he raises both his arms in the air as Pyros go off all around and all up and down the ramp, Eraser walks slowly and powerfully down to the ring and grabs the top rope and climbs over he goes to the middle of the ring and at the same part of the song again he raises his right arm over his head and at each ring post a shot of pyros go off. Then he walks over to his corner and poses one more time as his music stops.**

James: Introducing from Tampa Bay, Florida, weighing 289lbs, The Icon of the PWF, Eraser. *Crowd boos loudly*

Report: The two big men circle each other, they tie up, they aggressively try to gain the advantage over each other, but neither man can get the advantage, so they break the hold. Both men then immediately tie up again, they both aggressively try to get an advantage, and eventually Devastator manages to take Eraser into a headlock, Devastator applies a bit more pressure on the headlock before Eraser pushes him off into the ropes. Devastator comes back and tries a clothesline, but Eraser ducks and then charges into Devastator and clotheslines him over the top rope, Devastator lands on his feet. Eraser then follows Devastator to the outside. Devastator kicks Eraser in the gut, and then goes to slam Eraser's head into the steps, but Eraser blocks it and slams Devastator's head into the steps. Eraser then knees Devastator in the gut. Then walks away before hitting a running knee hit knocking Devastator down. Eraser then picks up a chair. He waits for Devastator to get back up then goes for a big shot to the head, but Devastator springs to life and takes Eraser down with a boot to the face of Eraser.

Stanyer: This is getting brutal now, these two are really taking it to each other now.

Devastator then picks up Eraser and rolls him into the ring. Devastator climbs in after him as Eraser climbs to his feet. Devastator goozles Eraser and sets him up for Total Devastation, but Eraser counters with a Low Blow. Eraser then delivers a DDT. Eraser covers. 1....................2.....................Devastator kicks out. Devastator rises to his feet. Eraser whips him to the ropes, but Devastator reverses it and drags Eraser towards him and goozles him, and this time Devastator delivers Total Devastation. Cover. 1....................2.......................Eraser gets his left shoulder up.

Stanyer: Devastator is taking Eraser apart.

Devastator picks up Eraser who again connects with a low blow on his way up. Eraser then hammers Devastator with two big right hands. Eraser pushes Devastator into the ropes and whips him to the other side, Devastator reverses it, Eraser ducks the clothesline and comes off the other side with massive Spear. Lateral Press. 1................................2...........................Devastator kicks out at the last second. Eraser pounds the mat in frustration. Eraser mounts Devastator and hammers him with right hands. Devastator then suddenly rolls Eraser over and hammers him with right hands to the massive cheers of the crowd. Eraser then pushes Devastator off him and they both get to their feet.

Stanyer: These two are really taking it to each other

Eraser goes for a big right hand, but Devastator blocks it and goes for a short arm clothesline, but Eraser ducks and Devastator clocks the referee, Devastator turns around into a kick to the gut and then Eraser delivers a Belly to Belly Slam. Eraser hooks the leg.

Dawg: Get up you stupid referee.

**Suddenly there is a massive cheer from the crowd, the camera pans to the entrance way**

Stanyer: WAIT!!! It's the Commissioner!!!!

Gambino comes running down the aisle and slides into the ring. Eraser gets up to meet him but is met with a volley of right hands to the face. Gambino then kicks Eraser low and delivers the Gambino Facebuster. Gambino slides out of the ring, Devastator manages to cover Eraser just as the referee awakes. 1.....................2.........................3!!!!!

Devastator d. Eraser
7:30 Pinfall

Stanyer: Devastator has beaten Eraser with the help of Commissioner Gambino.

Dawg: What the hell is the commissioner doing interfering in matches. There will be hell to pay after this one.

**Camera cuts to the parking lot**

*Rampage arrives at the arena and is met by a David Diamond*

Diamond: Your late, and your not in your gear. Your up next.

Rampage: What? I don't have a match tonight, I take on Silas on the next show.

*The staff member glances over a clipboard he is holding.*

Diamond: No, I'm sorry. Your set up for a match with Renegade and Dirk Danger.

Rampage: What!

Diamond: Didn't you recieve word of the match...

*Rampage looks very angry and starts to charge towards Johnny Mayhem sending him off running. He chooses not to chace the man down and storms off towards his locker room a a very foul mood.*

Dawg: Looks like someone forgot to tell Rampage about his match

**The camera cuts to the back where Dirk Danger is getting ready for his match. Dirk just finishes putting on his attire as Johnny Mayhem walks in.**

Mayhem:- I'd like to get your thoughts on tonights match.

Dirk:- Alright, shoot.

Mayhem:- Do you think you have a better chance against the newer wrestler, Rampage?

Dirk:- Well I always look at it like this...Any wrestler, new or experienced, has the talent to beat any wrestler at any time. I may be more experience than Rampage, but I'm sure he's got the talent also. And don't forget about Renegade, he's no rookie.

Mayhem:- True...

Dirk:- I also have him to contend with in the match. It's gonna be one hell of a match, it's my first true test here in the PWF.

Mayhem:- What was that confrontation with Renegade all about?

Dirk:- Oh that...that was just Renegade making a big deal of nothing. I don't take something like that seriously one bit. He might, but I don't care.

**Johnny Mayhem turns to the camera**

Mayhem:- Well that was Dirk Danger's thoughts on Renegade and Rampage. Triple threat!

**The camera fades to a comercial break**

{Commerical Break}

**"Zombie Nation" by Kernkraft plays as we see Power G training, still holding his microphone. Power G is practising his chops.**

McCoy: Forget T-Shirts, forget Baseball Caps, there is only one piece of merchandise you want to get for your kids. Your very own Power G chopping board. Practice your chops, and one day you could chop as well as Power G.

**Power G is seen chopping at a solid wood board emblazened with a picture of Power G with The Real McCoy in the background. Camera fades.**

{End Commercial}

{Theros appears in the hallway. He skips along as he hums a broken rhythm to an unknown, and probably self-created, song. Theros stops as he sees the camera and freezes. He remains this way for a long time, until finally he starts to giggle. The giggles turn into a chuckle, and from there it grows into a titanic laugh as he throws his head back and bellows, using the wall to hold himself upright. Theros smiles as he stops laughing and continues to walk}

Theros: "Xuway..... Zanchuway..... Throughway....."

{Theros walks around the corner and Andy Clegg walks by. But as Clegg get's just past Theros the maniacal left arm shoots out and grabs Clegg by the throat. Andy is caught totally by surprise and swats at the arm trying to dislodge it...}

Theros: "The spirits of the metal call to me, and me to them. Chew... you enjoy the pain? You like the songs of hurt? The music is silent. Your belt is cold. Stale.... stale like wood...."

{Theros's arm snaps straight and slams Andy's head against the wall. Andy bounces back dazed. Theros continues to speak as his arm behaves completely on it's own. The fist rears back and starts to pummel Andy.}

Theros: "Enjoy your cold, watch the seas. The bird knows all, and I ate the bird. Hello, hello hello...."

{Theros smiles brightly and starts to leave. By this point Andy is badly beaten and lays slumped against the wall. Theros's arm is pulled away as the Madman walks, but it takes the chance to smash Andy Clegg over the head once more as Theros leaves.}

Stanyer: Why did Theros just attack Andy Clegg?

Dawg: No idea, but I doubt Andy Clegg will be too pleased when he wakes up.

Stanyer: Well, anyway, it's time for our match between Rampage, Dirk Danger and Renegade.

Rampage v Dirk Danger v Renegade

The arena dims as purple strobe lights flash on the Ultra-tron. Suddenly, a purple explosion on the stage sends Renegade blasting onto the ramp, with his bat in hand. He points with his bat to the crowd to his left, then to the crowd to his right, then he slams it against the metal ramp. He walks toughly to the ring, and slides in. He climbs all four turnbuckles, raising his bat high in the air before climbing down.

James: Introducing, from Toronto, Canada, weighing 266lbs, Renegade

Danger by Mystikal hits, and green and white lights flash on and off. A danger symbol and clips of the Danger Driver are shown flashing on and off. Dirk steps out onto the ramp, he looks around at the crowd who cheers loudly. He then comes out to the end of the stage and flexes to the crowd. He continues down the ramp and steps up onto the ring apron, where he steps through the ropes and walks over and stands on the middle of the ropes and raises his arms in the air.

James: Introducing from Chicago, Illnois, weighing 260lbs, "Double D" Dirk Danger.

The arena lights dim (not turn off) and turn red. Welcome to the Jungle plays and two large explosions go off on either side of the stage. Rampage walks out and makes a v-line straight to the ring hardly looking at the fans. Sometimes he runs straight out as soon as the lights dim and attacks.

James: Introducing from Hamilton, Onatario, weighing 253lbs, Rampage.

Report: Rampage and Renagade tie up. Rampage takes Renagade into an armbar, Dirk then takes advantage and clubs Rampage across the back, Renagade then follows it up with a couple of right hands, the two then hammer Rampage with right hands and Dirk grabs Rampage and tosses him over the top rope. Immediately Renegade rolls up Dirk from behind. 1............................Dirk kicks out. Dirk rolls up and Renagade takes him down with a reverse elbow as Dirk charges in. Dirk is helped up by Renegade who delivers a Back Drop to Dirk and then covers. 1.............................2............................Dirk kicks out. Rampage is back in the ring and he clubs Renegade across the back and then hits a few stomps to the back. Renagade gets to his feet and is whipped to the ropes. Rampage whips him over with a viscious Powerslam. Dirk then grabs Rampage and hits a German Suplex with a bridge. 1.......................2........................Rampage kicks out.

Stanyer: Close call for Rampage there.

Dirk gets back up and ducks a clothesline by Renegade and goes behind him and hooks him up for a Dragon Suplex. 1.............................2............................3!!!!!!

Stanyer: Renegade has been eliminated after 4 minutes.

Dawg: Now it is down to Rampage and Dirk Danger.

Ramapage gets to his feet and takes a couple of rights from Dirk Danger. Danger then kicks him in the gut and hooks him up for the Danger Driver, but Rampage counters with a back body drop. Dirk rolls up and Rampage catches him totally by surprise with a massive Spear.

Stanyer: My god Rampage nearly gored Dirk Danger out of his boots. This one is over.

Rampage picks up the groggy Dirk Danger and hits the Head & Arm Suplex. Lateral Press. 1..........................2...........................3!!

Rampage d. Dirk Danger & Renegade
8:55 Pinfall

**We cut immediately to the backstage area where we see Andy Clegg looking none too happy charging straight into the commissioner's office without knocking. The door slams shut as we cut back to the arena.**

Stanyer: Andy Clegg did not look happy at all

**Call to the Ktulu hits the PA system and the fans erupt. Alexander and Kull walk out to With the World Tag Straps. They slide into the ring Kull jumps on the Turnbuckle and Alexander the ropes and HBK type fireworks erupt behind them.**

Alexander:- Big Lou we meet tonight 1 on 1. Nothing but our skills to rely on no partners just us. Are you ready? I am I've gone toe to toe with the former Heavyweight champion. Hell I'm hear to tell ya that you wont make to our Title match because I will show you what true gore, the horrors of war, is all about.

**Kull picks up the mic and is about to speak but is cut off by Big Lou.**

****Big Lou found in his locker room sitting in his black leather chair in front of his 40inch screen television with a tape in his hand.****

Big Lou: Alexander??? What the hell kind of name is that!? Why not just Alex oh I see it still sounds like a pansy name! Jesus that name explains everything now no wonder your a tag team, your better being known as the gods of war with your partner and that’s that!

(Big Lou adjust his suit while sitting)

Big Lou: Well since I get the chance to brutally kick the severe shit out of you tonight what also means if you leave the ring by a stretcher your fuckin injured and what will lead to the hospital for you paralyzed from the neck down for life! What will simply come as a easy victory for the tag titles! I can picture it now Gods of Gore Vs. Kull for the tag team championship!!

(Big Lou takes his sunglasses off and tucks them in his suit pocket and stares into the camera lens.)

Big Lou: Your gonna be schooled by one of the most hardgore legends in wrestling and you won't like one minute of it! Hey the damn match might not even last a minute maybe just a few seconds while you begin to hemmoorgine in the ring and you just finding out later that night while your in the hospital that your paralyzed from the neck down! The first thing you think is that you'll suffer for the rest of your life on that stretcher of yours 24-7 being sat up by your wife having to shave your face every morning while you look in your bed room mirror seeing my own face laughing at you!!

(Big Lou then raises the tape in his hand towards the camera.)

Big Lou: Well talking about your wife Alexander here a little something Mike told me to pop in the VCR of mine before I leave. Oh and you the Camera man you might want to zoom in on this and get this on the titantron so Alexander and Kull can see this from the ring and especially the audience!

Big Lou: Gone!

****Big Lou then leaves his locker room leaving the camera man taping whats being seen on his television set.****

Stanyer: What is on this video tape.

Dawg: Whatever it is, I'm sure it will be entertaining.

***The crowd silences and Kull and Alexander are standing in the ring with their arms crossed looking up at the titantron as the tape plays.*

*With a home video-like recording quality, Mad Mike is shown at the front steps of a decent-looking house on what WAS some private property.*

Mad Mike: Ladies and gentlemen, I welcome you to yet another edition of...MTV Cribs...hahahaha! *the sound of Big Lou laughing makes it obvious who the camera operator is. The two enter the house and walk around. Opera music is playing lightly in the background.*

MM: So Kull, Alexander, does this place look familiar to you ladies?

*Alexander uncrosses his arms and clenches his fists*

MM: Ohhhhhh, so NOW you know where we are, hahaha! I just gotta say, your house is the BOMB! Hahahaha!

*camera shakes heavily from Lou's laughing, the two men walk into the dining room.*

MM: Ahhhh, your wife is quite the decorator I see! Ooooo, is this a picture of her? ...Damn she's HOT! I'd like to BANG that! Yeeehawww!! Hahaha! *more camera shaking* I'd like to give her the Mad Spike! Again and again and again!

*Mike turns to his left and grabs an expensive vase from a shelf, Alexander grabs the ropes tightly and says quietly to himself "Not the vase, please, she would kill me if something happened to her grandmother's vase."*

MM: Ahh, nice piece we have here. *begins to juggle it around, flipping it around, then grabs it like a baseball bat and swings it at the wall! Alexander screams out "NOO!" Kull just looks over at him with a raised eyebrow, surprised that his tag partner could care for a stupid vase.*

*Mike stops the vase just inches from the wall and sets it back on the shelf and starts to laugh hysterically. Alexander grabs his chest with relief. Mike turns and exits the room. Lou follows with the camera focussed on Mike, but as Lou turns the camera shakes as he bumps something........CRASH! Lou knocked the vase over!*

Lou: Hahaha!! Oh my bad! I didn't even mean to do that! Hahaha!

*Mike is heard laughing hard in the other room. Alexander drops his head down to the ropes, shaking his head in disbelief. Back on the titantron Mike is seen signalling to Big Lou, and Lou presses a button on a remote control and suddenly "The Art of Shredding" by Pantera rips through the house in blistering volume.*

MM: *Mike walks into the bedroom and stops in the doorway and tunrs to face the camera.* Ok shit holes, no fucking around anymore! Here's where our little documentary story takes a twist! Now I know its a little early for chrismas lights, but its right on time for some fireworks! Hahahaha! So come on in and see your early x-mas present!!!

*Alexander and Kull suddenly both realize that their wives were at the house!!! They are both speechless, fearing the worst. Big Lou steps inside the bedroom and turns to his right, revealing Kull's and Alexander's wives tied with ropes and wearing dynamite from head-to-toe!!! The sounds of two dogs barking echoes in the room, but these dogs will not save the day, for they are hooked up with wires too!*

*Lou sets the camera down on a shelf with it pointed at the two women and the dogs. He joins Mike in shifting some wires around, Mike speaks.*

MM: You see, Kull and Alex, sometimes its good to have a nice motivational speech. But why bother when ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS!!! Hahaha! I would say that I regret having to do this...BUT I DON'T!!! HAAAAAHA!

*Lou hands Mike a switchboard and they both step outside the room, but the camera is still filming the potential carnage!! Mike laughs and the track on the CD player conveniently changes to another graceful Pantera song of "Message In Blood." Mike is then heard saying, "10, 9, 8...aww what the hell am I waiting for?!" Then all that is heard is a click...but nothing happens. Just as Kull puts his arm around Alexander in relief, THE BOMB DETONATES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The camera falls to the floor from the vibration of the explosion, and as the smoke clears, gorey carnage is spilled all over the carpet.*

*Both men are silent in the ring. Laughing is heard, but nothing other than that. The camera is picked up and is aimed all over the scorched and blood-drenched floor, the crowd then becomes flooded with people gagging and throwing up everywhere! But then, the camera lifts upward showing the two wives still standing there with duct tape on their mouths and the dynamite still on them. The Gods of War are beyond relief at this point. Mike then comes back into the camera's view laughing. Pantera's "Psycho Holiday" now echoes through the house.*

MM: HAHAHAAAA! Did you boys enjoy the show!!! HAHAHA! As you can see, your precious little wifies are okay, unfortunately. But its gonna take alot of super-glue to put your 2 favorite doggies back together! Mwahahaha!!! I guess now we can just call your little dog sparky! Hahahaha! *The Gods of Gore laugh outrageously.*

Lou: Ahhhh, now the only thing that would make today perfect is some grub!

MM: Ya know Louie, I'd usually dis ya for always being hungry, but this time you're right. What do ya think about gettin' some HOT DOGS!!! HAHAHA! OR SOME 10-ALARM CHILI!!

*Both men laugh and leave the horrific scene, but not before Mike sets the song "Cemetery Gates" to repeat infinitely on the CD player. Back in the arena, the video stops and auto-rewinds. It begins to play once again on the titantron but the feed is cut immediately when loud boos fill the crowd, as they OBVIOUSLY DON'T want to see all that a second time. The Gods of War are immensly shocked, too amazed to feel the relief that their wives were still in one piece. Transmission finally ends as Big Lou's music blasts through the arena.***

Stanyer: That was sick, totally sick, the Gods of War are taking this feud personal, this is going to be one hell of a match now.

Big Lou v Alexander

Report: Big Lou appears from the crowd and jumps Alexander and hammers him with a forearm to the back. Big Lou backs it up with right hands to the face, then an irish whip. Big Lou hammers Alexander down with a reverse elbow. Big Lou then mounts Alexander and hammers him with right hands. The referee has to drag Big Lou off Alexander, Big Lou turns and stalks the referee into the corner. He turns around and walks into forearms from Alexander, then Alexander hooks Big Lou up and hits a Snap Suplex. Big Lou gets back up quickly and Alexander chops him hard in the chest bringing a "whooo!!" from the crowd. Alexander whips Big Lou to the ropes, but Lou reverses and follows in with a clothesline which Alexander ducks and kicks Lou in the gut and hits a Double Arm Suplex.

Stanyer: Lovely move by Alexander.

Alexander rolls over into a lateral press. 1..........................2............Big Lou kicks out. Alexander helps Big Lou up and whips him into the turnbuckle. Big Lou bounces off and Alexander hits the Roman Kick. Alexander covers again. 1...........................2......................Big Lou kicks out. Alexander picks Big Lou up and delivers The Emporer's Hammer(Cannonball Buster). He covers again. 1......................2.........................Big Lou kicks out.

Stanyer: Alexander is getting frustrated now, Big Lou has kicked out of three successive pin attempts.

Alexander picks up Big Lou again, this time he whips him to the ropes and delivers a Spinebuster. Alexander then starts to ascend the turnbuckle.

Dawg: High Risk Move coming up, could be a mistake by Alexander.

Alexander goes for a Big Elbow drop, but Big Lou rolls out of the way. The two men slowly get to their feet, Alexander goes for a right hand, but Big Lou blocks it and hammers Alexander with a big right hand. He backs it up with two more and then kicks Alexander in the gut and then drives the knee upwards into the face of Alexander. Big Lou picks up Alexander and whips him into the ropes, Alexander comes off with a clothesline but Big Lou ducks it and Alexander comes off the other side and Big Lou drives Alexander to the mat with a Powerslam. Big Lou covers. 1.......................2........................Alexander gets his left shoulder up. Big Lou signals that it's over and puts Alexander's head between his legs. He lifts up Alexander for the Powerbomb, but Alexander gets in a couple of right hands to Big Lou and then hits a hurricanranna. Big Lou rolls up and goes for a clothesline but Alexander ducks it and Big Lou nearly knocks the referee down, Big Lou turns around and Alexander lifts him up for the Fall of Rome, but Lou drops down behind him and hits a Low Blow which the referee misses. Big Lou then spins Alexander around and puts his head between his legs and delivers the Mafia Bomb. Lateral Press. 1.......................2...........................3.

Big Lou d. Alexander
6:36 Pinfall

Stanyer: Alexander and the Gods of War will have to wait until another time to get their revenge on the Gods of Gore. I think Alexander was too worried about his wife to concentrate on this match.

**The camera cuts backstage again to the commissioners office, we see Clegg walk out, Johnny Mayhem comes up to him**

Mayhem: "What did you have to discuss with the commissioner Andy?"

Clegg: "I want a piece of Theros tonight, and not only do I have that, I get a shot to win back MY Hardcore title. Now Back the F**k up, I've got a match to go to.

Dawg: Looks like Clegg mustered his way into a title match.

**Xuway is sitting on his throne backstage with his hardcore belt around his waist and his self-acclaimed hardcore crown. His slaves tell him what Gambino has planned for him tonight**

Xuway:-This is really something. I got to fight someone who belongs in a nut house and I got to fight that pest Clegg again. Well, I will be honest I am not really prepared for this. Theros may be the most dangerous man in the PWF. Those who are not afraid of pain are quite rare. Those who actually enjoy it are just plain sick. But Theros make no bones about it. When I grab you and whip you in the TB and apply the Great Immobilizer it wont matter how much you like the pain. I will render your arms useless. See thats the brilliance of all my moves. Thats the difference between me and you. I have a logical style where you have none. You are going to learn how a true hardcore champion defends his belt.

**Xuway takes the belt from around his waist and puts its on his shoulder**

Xuway:- Now Clegg, don't get in my way. I got way too many things going on to deal with the likes of you. Cross my path and you will have hell to pay.

**Xuway now returns the belt to around his waist. He adjusts the thorned crown which opens a little gash on his forehead. Blood tickles down his face**

Xuway:- Now Gumbino, I see you are already making bad decisions. You are not the brightest banana in the bunch are you? It seems that you want to try and stack the deck against me. Be it consious or unconsious you have to let things go in its natural course. You won't help shoots grow by pulling them up higher.

**Xuway again grabs his belt off his waist. He holds it up the camera**

Xuway:- This is staying with me. Gumbino, I am here to start the hardcore dynasty. The people in China want to see a brutal match of their champion fight the PWF's best. To truly appreciate one wrestlers skill over another you must wrestle in one-on-one matches. Don't ever degrade my matches again or you will have the TAFKAG to answer to.

**Xuway puts the belt back around his waist. Camera fades**

{Commerical Break}

Voice: Coming soon to PWF Shopzone, PWF The Music, Volume I. Featuring quality tracks by Godsmack, Limp Bizkit and Metallica. Listen to your favourite PWF's superstars music whenever you want.

{End Commercial}

**"Darling Violetta" plays as Andy Clegg walks out carrying his trusty baseball bat and stands and looks around as if expecting something to kick off. He runs to the ring and begins to stare at a few members of the crowd.**

James: Introducing, from Parts Unknown, weighing 234lbs, Andy Clegg.

Andy Clegg v Xuway v Theros

**Suddenly wild laughter echoes through the arena, the lights flashing purple and red. Theros appears on stage, his hands on his hips as he laughs. After several moments the laughs die off, and Ozzy's 'Crazy Train' hits. Theros stalks down towards the ring, a confident smirk on his face as the music continues to boom. Theros rolls into the ring and starts laughing again. The music then shatters into another chorus of wild laughter.**

James: Introducing from Syracuse, New York, weighing 282lbs. Theros Macalvia

**Xuway sits in a chair which is carried by his loyal slaves. Once in the ring, Xuway meditates in dance. Then the dance gets aggresive almost if he is fighting a ghost. When done his eyes roll up in the back of his head. He goes to his corner and waits. The Ultra-tron just has some ninja camp with a bunch of ninja fighting**

James: Introducing from The Orient, weighing 392lbs, Xuway Zanchu.*Crowd boos*

Report: Clegg rolls out of the ring as Theros circles Xuway. Theros hits his left arm and then goes for a right hand on the big man. It has little effect. Theros hits another couple of right hands. They have little effect as well. Theros's left hand hits himself in the face as though it is telling him off. Then Clegg smashes a Kendo Stick over the back of Xuway's head. Clegg then starts to beat on Xuway with the Stick. Theros kicks Clegg in the gut and then delivers a DDT. Theros then rummages through the items that Clegg had put in the ring. Theros picks up a Fire Extinguisher, but hit gets kicked back in his face by Xuway who has just got back up and does not look happy. Xuway picks up a pair of nunchuks and starts to demonstrate his skills with them. Clegg gets to his feet and Xuway smashes the nunchuks in the face of Clegg. Xuway drops down for the cover. 1............................2......................Clegg kicks out. Xuway immediately locks in a Cross Armbreaker on Clegg and starts to rip away at the arm.

Stanyer: Xuway trying to work on the arm of Clegg, not the strategy you normally see in a Hardcore match.

Xuway releases the hold and gets to his feet and is cracked over the back of the head with a steel chair by Theros. Theros then places the chair on top of Xuway's face and then climbs the turnbuckle. Theros then flies off and hits a Diving Headbutt to the chair on Xuway's face.

Dawg: What the hell? I don't know who that hurt more?

Clegg immediately rolls to cover Xuway. 1...........................2.................................3!!!!

Stanyer: My God!!! Clegg just pinned Xuway, he's is now eliminated, that mean's we will crown a new hardcore champion!!

Clegg sees Theros on the floor holding his face and covers him as well. 1.......................2...................Theros just kicks out. Clegg picks Theros up and whips him to the ropes and hits a drop toe hold Clegg then places a chair across the back of Theros's head and hits a leg drop. Clegg rolls Theros over and covers. 1...............................2.........................Theros just gets his right shoulder up. Clegg tosses Theros to the outside.

Dawg: Hey look at that, a fan has a sign "Hit me Theros"

Stanyer: He should be more careful, the way Theros has been recently, I think he might just hit him!!

Clegg drives Theros into the barricade. Clegg then pulls a table out from under the ring, he sets it up on the outside. Clegg then scoops up Theros for The Cranium Correction. But out of nowhere Theros drops down behind Clegg and grabs his head as he does so and delivers the System Shock through the table. Theros lands with an arm on top of Clegg. 1............................2...........................3!!!!

Theros d. Clegg & Xuway
13:15 Pinfall


Stanyer: Theros Macalavia wins the Hardcore Title, he is now joins DeMoN in the group who have won botht the Hardcore and the Extreme Titles here in the PWF. Now we go backstage for Tedison and Bloodbath.

***Tedison and Bloodbath are standing nearby in the backstage area.***

Tedison: "So, Bloodbath, it has been a busy few weeks for you here with, most recently, the big win over MVD last week. What are your thoughts on the past few weeks and the upcoming few weeks.?"

Bloodbath: "Well, since I humiliated Matt Van Dam last week, I plan on helping my fellow OutKasts do the same to the rest of the gWo, week in and week out. I mean, MVD had no shot against me. I totally destroyed him!"

Tedison: "I wouldn't say that. It was a pretty even match."

Bloodbath: "Were you watching the same event a me? You must no have been. Matt didn't have a chance in Hell, or anywhere else for that matter."

Tedison: "I was watching the correct match and he gave you a good fight!"

Bloodbath: "Don't make me angry, little man! Now, I am gonna go and get ready to humiliate Maxwell Powers. This interview is over!"

***Bloodbath turns and walks down the hallway.***

Stanyer: Looks like Bloodbath is confident after his win over MVD last week.

(Ode to joy hits and Maxwell Powers walks out to the ring. As the crowd verbally assults Maxwell he smiles, snatches the mic form the ring announcer and starts up)

Maxwell: You Americans have always amazed me with how loud you can shun a human being such as myself yet not do anything but that.

(Boos continue)

Maxwell: And yet you also continue to boo not having the slightest idea of what I am talking about. But all that is besides the point. You see tonight I have a match against Bloodbath, an American much like yourselves except for the fact he has a greater chance of backing his words up in a fight unlike the twenty two thousand American pigs sitting before me today.

(Asshole chant starts up)

Maxwell: But putting all of your shamless bigotries toward me aside for a minute. Last Week was the American holiday the Forth of July. And on this important date in world history I saw such things as parades, fireworks, and the eating of huge amounts of meats such as pork and beef. You Americans think you have the time to throw a party such as this when your economy is dying, a president that cannot pronounce or even make meaning to half the words in the Oxford dictionary

(Cheers rain down from the arena)

Maxwell: Like most of the people sitting here

(Boos rain once again down)

Maxwell: Yet you have the gull to throw a celebration and ignore the problems around you in every day life. That is why that no matter how hard Americans try they may be bigger but they will never match South Africa for having the greater people and....

**"The Imperial March hits the arena and the fans immediately erupt with cheers and admiration, as General Leo steps out from the back. He has a microphone in hand and looks at Maxwell Powers. He has a frown on his face and shakes his head.**

General Leo:- Maxwell, I'm going to say the same thing to you as I told Xuway. If you don't like this country, then why are you here? Why don't you go back to your South Africa?

**The fans cheer and begin to chant "Go Home!" Leo smiles and looks around before holding his hand up as to calm the fans down.**

General Leo:- One of the greatest parts of America is the right to be free. Something that South Africa does not have. Maxwell Powers, you can love America, or you can leave it. We Americans are able to learn to live with our plights and make them better. Our economy may be dying, but it's still a hell of a lot better than South Africa's.

**The fans begin to chant "USA!"**

General Leo:- Maxwell, if you don't want to stay here, then leave. If you do, then learn to live with my country and prepare to defend yourself. If you do not cease your attack on America, you will be invoking my wrath.

**"96 Quite Bitter Beings" hits and Bloodbath runs straight past Leo as he leaves and heads to the ring for his match with Powers.**

Maxwell Powers v Bloodbath

Report: Powers fakes a tie up with Bloodbath and hammers him across his back instead. Powers whips Bloodbath to the ropes and looks for a Back Body Drop, Bloodbath counters with a kick to the face. Bloodbath goes for a kick to the gut, but Powers catches the boot, Bloodbath goes for the enziguri, but Powers ducks it. Powers hangs onto the leg and slams the knee into the mat.

Dawg: Maxwell Powers off to a great start.

Powers picks up Bloodbath and whips him to the corner. Powers stomps on Bloodbath until he is in a sitting position. Powers then turns and walks after the referee who was trying to pull him off Bloodbath, while he does so, Sir Matthew on the outside grabs Bloodbath and starts to choke him on the bottom rope.

Stanyer: Come on, that's a cheap shot.

Powers turns back around and picks up Bloodbath. He lifts Bloodbath up in a military press and then drops him down to his shoulder and slams him into the mat. Powers then covers. 1.........................2.......................Bloodbath kicks out.

Powers then locks on the African Sleeper(Goku Raku Stretch) on Bloodbath. Bloodbath refuses to tap out, and tries to pull himself to the ropes. Powers releases the hold and then stomps on the back of Bloodbath. Powers then picks up Bloodbath and delivers a hard backbreaker. He covers. 1..........................2.....................Bloodbath gets the left shoulder up.

Dawg: Smart move by Powers, focusing on the back of Bloodbath.

Stanyer: I can't see Bloodbath tapping out anytime soon though.

Powers picks up Bloodbath and looks for a Sambo Suplex, but suddenly Bloodbath grabs Powers and hits the Blood Bash(Downward Spiral) out of nowhere. Both men stay down. After a few seconds, Bloodbath rolls over and drapes an arm on Powers. 1...............................2...............................Powers kicks out at the last possible moment. Both men slowly get to their feet. Bloodbath blocks a right hand and then hits a couple of fast rights to Powers, then Bloodbath whips Powers to the ropes, but Powers reverses. Bloodbath jumps on the second rope and flies off backwards with a Moonsault taking Powers down. A chorus of boos comes over the crowd as we see that Matt Van Dam is making his way down the ramp, with his wife Jennifer Van Dam.

Stanyer: What the hell is he doing?

Dawg: Watching the match of course, he just liked it so much, he thought he'd get a closer look.

Bloodbath picks up Powers and whips him to the corner, but Powers reverses and sends Bloodbath to the opposite corner but he squashes the referee in the process. Powers hits a right hand on Bloodbath who staggers away. Bloodbath surprises Powers with a Superkick. Meanwhile MVD has climbed to the top rope. Bloodbath turns to see him then sees JVD throw a chair at him, he turns to catch the chair but MVD flies off the top rope and connects with a Leaping Sidekick driving the chair into the face of Bloodbath. MVD puts Powers on top of Bloodbath as the referee starts to come around. MVD slides out of the ring. The referee drags himself into position to make the count. 1.............................2.................................3!!!

Maxwell Powers d. Bloodbath
8:19 Pinfall

Stanyer: What a cheap shot artist MVD is.

MVD and JVD leave through the crowd as Rye Hazwaki comes running down to the ring. Rye starts to chase after them, but gives it up and goes to check on his stable mate in the ring.

Stanyer: MVD costs Bloodbath the match, does he have to interfere in nearly every match involving The OutKasts?

Dawg: Err... Let me think. Yes.

Stanyer: Well let's show some footage from earlier today.

** Johnny Mayhem and a cameraman spot MVD and JVD coming into the arena hand in hand a couple of hours before the start of the show and immediately intercept them for an interview **

Mayhem:- Mr Van Dam, would be possible to get a few minutes of your time?

MVD:- You've got 3 minutes.........

Mayhem:- Your recent bad form has gone someway to suggest that your days as leader of the gWo are numbered, what are your thoughts regarding these rumours?

MVD:- My thoughts are simple, there would be no gWo without MVD, this company would lose half its annual income if there was no gWo and more specifically no MVD, thats how important we are to not only the PWF but the world of wrestling!

Mayhem:- When you first landed here in the PWF, you and Power G were the dominant players and you immediately rose to fame for your ruthlessness in the ring and you earnt your long awaited US title shot but failed due to the interferance of the Outkasts, and subsequently Power G's reign as World Champion was over, how can you justify the slump in form Mr Van Dam?

MVD:- You'd better watch what comes outta that mouth Mayhem, or i may have to fuck you up, but since i'm in a good mood i can now reveal why myself and Power G have allowed the Outkasts to get the better of us recently.....

I've been in South America putting the finishing touches to my new motion picutre "Black Mask 3" which i started before i entered the PWF, and Power G has been flying constantly between Cuba and the US lately to be with his mistress to witness the birth of first son "Mini G"

Mayhem:- Mini G?????

MVD:- Yep Mini G a guarenteed future member of the gWo for sure!

Mayhem:- Indeed........... is there anything else you'd like to add Mr Van Dam?

MVD:- Pitbull............ I've got no distractions now and your the unfortunate sucker who will get MVD's full attention tonight.............prepare to get your ass SMOKED!

**MVD:- pushes the camera out his way as he and JVD walk past and the camera fades with static**

Stanyer: Did he just say Mini G?

Dawg: Don't ask me. I have no idea.

**Shortly after MVD's verbal abuse of the camera crew and interviewer, which ended with a threat to Silas "The Pitbull" Parish, a camera shows Silas in the backstage area. Seeing that the camera is active and focused on him, Silas wastes no time in his response.**

Pitbull: - "M...V...D... You sure as hell are one cocky son of a bitch aren't you? Although, I guess you have more than enough reason to be cocky. You and your gWo seem to run ruffshot over the PWF on a regular basis. Of course, at this time, that means absolutely nothing to me. I don't give a flaming rat's ass about the gWo. What I do care about, is proving that I am a serious competitor here in the PWF. And to do that, it seems that I need gold around my waist. So guess what chuckles! If, or should I say WHEN, I beat your ass, then I get a shot at the Challenge title."

**Silas begins to pace back and forth a bit as he continues to speak.**

Pitbull: - "Now, although the Challenge title was not the gold that I thought would be my first in the PWF. I thought the European title would be, but silly me, I went and knocked myself out in a #1 contenders match and cost myself my fair shot. Oh, and let me just add that knocking myself out was about the only way that Kevin Cage ever could beat me fair and square. But thats a matter for another day, you are my main concern right now MVD. You say you're gonna "Smoke my ass"? Hasn't anyone told you that smoking is hazardous to your health? I guess that something that smoking and I have in common. Cuz messing with this Pitbull is EXTREMELY hazardous to your health! You can count on that!"

**Finally, Silas' nervous energy gets the better of him and he stalks off. The camera follws his movements for a few seconds until he is out of sight and then fades to black.**

*Blackbird is in his locker room getting psyched for his match*

Blackbird: -Crusader....I hope you've kept that title close cause tonight...Tonight I take it from you. Crusader, just keep this in mind...I've never tapped out. My matches get hardcore in a heart beat. Why is that??? Because...Hardcore is more than a lifestyle....Hardcore is what I eat sleep and drink...Hardcore has gotten me here...and Hardcore will see me through this match....Because Hardcore is what I DO! See you in the ring.

*Blackbird grabs a towel and heads for the weight room*

**camera fades**

{Commerical Break}

**Rye Hazwaki, is sitting on a couch in a very large, but empty room**

Rye Hazwaki: *In a Canadian accent, and speaking slowly* "I don't want to think aboot my situation. It's just so hard being the only Canadian-Japanese American known to the free world. Boy do I wish I could do something fun, eh. I wish I could be like Big Poppa himself."

**Suddenly a hardcover book is thrown at Rye Hazwaki, and he gets mad. An announcer starts talking, and Rye responds to what he says.**

Announcer: "Do you feel that you're the only Canadian-Japanese American in the free world that can't go out and have a good time?"

Rye Hazwaki: "YES! YES!"

Announcer: "Are you a non-smoker over the age of 14?"

Rye Hazwaki: "Boy am I!"

Announcer: "Do you feel bad about not knowing how to dance like Big Poppa?"


Announcer: "Then do we have the item for you. Big Poppa has taken journeys all over the world finding unique dance steps, and now he has assembled his personal knowledge and his gained knowledge into one large, user friendly instructional dance book."

Rye Hazwaki: "Now that's fine and dandy, but how does it work?"

Announcer: "With incredible pop out pictures and large font, Big Poppa's Instructional Dance Book makes it easy for people of any race or age to learn to dance, Real Show style."

Rye Hazwaki: "Great! But I don't have a lot of money, how much would this cost an average Canadian-Japanese American like myself?"

Announcer: "Well, the people at DSM and CO like to meet a standard of selling high quality products at low, consumer friendly prices. So that is why they are marketing Big Poppa's book at a recommended price of only $24.52!"

Rye Hazwaki: "Wow! That IS consumer friendly! Where can I buy this wonder book?"

**Rye Hazwaki hits his head and remembers that a book hit him in the head. He smiles and as he opens it, the large empty room he's in turns into a nightclub filled with people. He joins in the fun.**

Rye Hazwaki: "Thanks Big Poppa! You're book turned my lonely nights into crazy… Crazy.. Flights!"

Announcer: "Big Poppa's Instructional Dance Book, sold at bookstores everywhere."

{End Commercial}

#1 Contender's Match for the Challenge Title
Matt Van Dam v Silas "Pitbull" Parish

**"Snap your Fingers, Snap your neck" by Prong plays as MVD walks down the aisle, cluching Jennifer Van Dam by the waist, he lets her go, and poses, flexing his arms towards his head (RVD style). The Ultra-Tron bears the gWo logo and then shows clips of MVD striking opponents out with his Kendo Stick and finishing them the 5 star frog splash.**

James: Introducing, from Battlecreek, England, weighing 228lbs, "The Real F'n Show" Matt Van Dam. *Crowd Boos heavily**

"Come out and Play" by The Offspring begins to play increasingly loud through the arena speakers, heralding the arrival of "Pitbull" Silas Parish. Several scenes of a pitbull on a chain, barking and straining to get loose, play on the TitanTron as the words SILAS PARISH slowly appear at the bottom of the screen and PITBULL appears at the top. Suddenly, a series of pyrotechnic explosions erupt down the right side of the ramp and back up the left side as Silas steps through the backstage curtain and into view. He pauses at the top of the ramp, his eyes locked on his opponent in the ring. He cracks his knuckles and makes sure the tape around his hands is tight, his gaze still locked on the ring. Then he begins to stalk forward. About halfway down the ramp he breaks into a run and slides into the ring under the bottom rope, quickly getting to his feet well before the bell rings.

James: Introducing from Vancouver, Canada, Silas,"The Pitbull" Parish.*Crowd Cheers*

Report: MVD and Pitbull tie up, MVD takes Pitbull into a headlock, Pitbull pushes him off, Pitbull takes MVD down with a running forearm, MVD gets up as Pitbull runs off the ropes, MVD goes for a back body drop but Pitbull rolls over his back into a waistlock, MVD elbows Pitbull and then reverses the waistlock. MVD hooks up Pitbull and goes for a back drop, but Pitbull drops off and lands behind MVD. Pitbull springs up and dropkicks MVD in the back of the head. MVD staggers forwards and Pitbull goes for a clothesline but MVD ducks it and hooks up Pitbull in a Full Nelson and hits a Sit Down Full Nelson Slam.

Stanyer: That will slow Pitbull down.

Suddenly Rye Hazwaki charges down the ramp and slides into the ring, he attacks MVD with kicks. The referee immediately signals for the bell. Rye gets MVD into a sitting position and then hits a kick to the face, MVD recoils and comes back to the same position, Rye hits the same kick. Pitbull then pushes Rye and asks him what the hell he is doing. Rye suddenly rolls out of the ring and runs into the crowd as Power G and Travis Right come running down the aisle.

MVD d. Pitbull
3:15 DQ

Stanyer: Matt Van Dam is now the #1 contender to Rye's challenge title, yet it was Rye who won him the match? Does Rye want to fight MVD?

Dawg: It looks like Rye didn't get enough of an ass kicking from the gWo last week, and wants even more this week.

Stanyer: But what about Silas Parish, a man who has worked most of his life to become a superstar in the PWF, and he loses a chance at a title shot just because Rye hates MVD? That to me isn't fair.

Dawg: Life isn't fair Jay, you just have to live with it.

**A camera cut's backstage where Rye Hazwaki is seen walking up and down the corridor with his head down. Mayhem then shoots out of his small office with a mic in hand, he bangs into Rye by accident and falls to the floor with a thud. Rye looks down at him...**

Rye: "Watch where your going!"

Mayhem: "I...I'm so sorry Rye, oh... before i go can i ask you a few questions?"

**Rye looks down at him for a few minuites before speaking**

Rye: "Sure, fire away."

Mayhem: "Okay, to start off Rye last week you lost your US title to Travis due to gWo, how do you feel about that?"

Rye: "Well, it just proves how much of a man he is, he knew that he wouldn't be able to do it on his own so he had to keep the OutKasts away while gWo came down to that ring and litrally stole that title away from me.... So tonight Travis i propose a re-match, you verse me for the US Title, but to make sure either gWo or OutKasts don't come out it'll be No Interferences!"

Mayhem: "If he accepts will you be confident of beating him?"

Rye: "The score is 2 - 1 to him right now, and it's about time i evened out the scores again... So Travis one on one No Interferences tonigh for that dam US title!"

**Rye then walks off down the corridor as Mayhem runs off in the opposite direction, the camera then slowly fades.**

**The lights go down at PWF Havoc, and then begin to flash as "Privilege" by Incubus begins playing over the speakers... the fans begin to boo as Kevin Cage walks down to the ring, in wrestling attire. Cage then steps into the ring, and picks up the microphone... he paces for a few seconds, then begins speaking.**

Kevin Cage: "You know... it's going to be great to have a European champion like me, isn't it?"

** Points to the fans, who loudly boo at the comment.**

Kevin Cage: "Finally, you fans are going to have someone to look up to, someone who's a hero, someone with actual... eh... Talent. That's the word... Talent."

** Fans chant... "You suck! You suck!"**

Kevin Cage: "You know... I'm still not sure how Homicide... that smelly, lousy, talent-less, dweeb... beat me last week on Havoc. Last week was a total embarassment! Everyone here..."

** Fans boo and chant louder.**

Kevin Cage: *Clears throat* "EVERYONE here... knows that I shouldn't even have to face Homicide again! I should be the champ now, and that Boston loser should be on his way home! You better believe it!"

** Cage sucks chants echo through the arena.**

Kevin Cage: "So, tonight... the Boston Loser will get a taste of your American hero... and his title will be my title and there is nothing he can do about it!"

** Fans continue to boo.**

Kevin Cage: "And here, in this very ring tonight... Homicide - you will belong to me! And then maybe, we won't have to hear your nasty, stupid, boston accent again. See you in the ring."

** Cage slams down the mic, and begins to climb out of the ring, but as he gets halfway... "Cowboys From Hell" by Prodigy starts up over the speakers and the lights go out. As the crowd silences, words flash across the Ultratron: "THE.. REAL.. BOSTON.. MASSACRE!!"; A single silver flare then streaks down from the rafters and is answered by a row of blue explosions. As the pyrotechnics continue, the arena lights go back on and Homicide walks out from behind the curtain with microphone, pacing the stage before he begins to speak.**

Stanyer: "Homicide isn't gonna' put up with this anymore."

Dawg: "If anyone was ripping on me I'd kick their ass.. Well.. I'd be mad.."

Homicide: "You love me.. You hate me.. You'll NEEEVEEER forget me!! CAGE!! Get ready to *crowd chants with Homicide* FEEL the PAIN!!!!!" *crowd erupts*

Stanyer: "Homicide's got the fans on their feet here on Havoc!"

Homicide: "Kev. I've been listening to you for the last 5 minutes run your mouth about how you are gonna' be the new PWF European Champion, and all I've got to say is... HAHAHA! If you think for one second that I'm ever gonna' let this *points to the title belt over his shoulder* outta' my grasp, then tonight in front of all these Homicide fans, you will get a REALITY CHECK!!"

**Camera zooms in on Kevin Cage, who is all red in a dead stare. The camera then cuts back to Homicide who is feeding off the energy of the electrifying Havoc crowd.**

Homicide: "As long as I have air in my lungs and blood running through my vains, I will have this belt around my waist, so get used to this Boston accent if you want to keep TRYING to defeat ME."

Stanyer: "There is nothing wrong with a Boston Accent"

Dawg: "Would you please remove your head from the depths of Homicide's ass for 2 seconds and try talking unbiased."

Stanyer: "What are you talking about. I don't have any favoritism toward Homicide.."

Homicide: "TONIGHT, Kevo. Do you mind if I call you Kevo?"

**Camera zooms on Kevin Cage quick, who picks up the mic ready to speak.**

Homicide: "I don't give a damn what you do and don't mind, Kevo. *crowd cheers* As I was saying, TONIGHT, in that very ring you are standing.. I am going to UNLEASH the MASSACRE on your American ZERO ass, and there ain't a GODDAMN thing YOU or ANYONE in attendance can do about it!"

Dawg: "Just because Homicide beat Cage in a normal match doesn't mean that he owns Cage. A ladder match is a lot different wrestling survival, and I'm sure Cage will pull out all the stops to be champion."

Stanyer: "Maybe, but do you think that for one single solitary second that Homicide is gonna' lay down and let Cage just waltz up that ladder? HELL NO!"

Homicide: "Singles match.. Ladder match.. The stipulations are like black and white, but the result will be grey, Kevo. 'Cuz quite simply.. tonight, I will be crowned the REAL American MASSACRE!! AND.. Just as importantly, the 'winner and STILL European Champion.."

**Camera cuts to the ring where Kevin Cage is about to trembling in anger.**

Homicide: "Oh, ya.. Kevo. Good luck!"

**"Cowboys From Hell" by Prodigy blares over the speakers as Homicide drops the microphone and receives a HUGE ovation from the PWF crowd as Havoc cuts to a commercial break.**

{Commerical Break}

**Clips are shown of the old PWF matches.**

Get your Canadian Monkey shirts today! A Canadian flag on the front and a big ol Monkey on the back of it. Black and white and red colors!

*Big Poppa, Genecide, Rye, Leo, and Blackbird are all shown wearing the shirts and flashing big thumbs up signs*

{End Commercial}

Ladder Match
Kevin Cage v Homicide

**The two men are now in the ring after having their say, the bell rings**

Report: The two men tie up, Homicide takes Cage into an arm wrench, Cage reverses it into a hammerlock. Homicide reverses the hammerlock into a waistlock and then lifts Cage up for a back drop, but Cage drops down behind Homicide and delivers a back drop to him instead. Homicide gets back up and Cage hits a knife edge chop staggering Homicide backwards. Cage hits a second knife edge chop knocking Homicide into the turnbuckle. Cage hits a third knife edge chop then pauses. Homicide grabs Cage and reverses the positions and then hits a big overhand chop. Homicide then whips Cage to the opposite turnbuckle and then charges in for a splash, but Cage moves out of the way and then hits a Hangman's Neckbreaker.

Stanyer: Beautiful Neckbreaker.

Cage rolls out of the ring and collects the ladder from outside. As he is about to slide it into the ring Homicide runs and baseball slides the ladder back into the face of Cage. Homicide slides out of the ring and picks up the ladder, he slides it into the ring and then picks up Cage. Homicide slams the face of Cage into the apron and then pushes him into the ring. Homicide rolls in after him. Homicide picks up the ladder and sets it up in the corner. Homicide goes to Cage who is just getting to his feet and whips him towards the ladder, but Cage reverses and Homicide hits the ladder back first. Cage then dropkicks Homicide back into the Ladder. Homicide goes down face first. Cage picks up the Ladder from the corner and throws it into the fallen Homicide. Cage then starts to climb to the top rope. He flies off with what looks like a Body Splash, but Homicide shows his strength by pushing the ladder upwards into the face of Cage as he rolls out of the way. Homicide picks up the Ladder and sets it up underneath the title.

Stanyer: This could be the chance Homicide needs.

Homicide gets to the top and can almost reach the title when Cage pushes the ladder and Homicide falls off the ladder half way down and is crotched on the top rope and falls to the outside. Cage then sets the ladder back up by the ropes. Cage then climbs to the top of the ladder and looks to the outside, Cage then flies off with a stunning Elbow Drop that connects perfectly to the chest of Homicide.

Dawg: Perfect, absolutely Perfect.

Cage rolls back into the ring and then starts to set up the ladder. He makes his way to the top when Homicide is back up and he is behind Cage. Cage kicks Homicide a couple of times in the face and then tries to grab the title. Homicide comes back and turns around and grabs Cage by the waist and then Powerbombs him off the ladder.

Stanyer: Oh my god, Homicide could have broke the back of Kevin Cage.

Homicide now starts to climb the ladder. He reaches the top when Cage starts to climb up after him holding his back. Homicide kicks him a couple of times but Cage hangs on. Homicide turns around and reaches down to punch Cage in the face. Homicide does it again but Cage catches the arm of Homicide and then flips him over and off the ladder with a beautiful spinning arm drag that sends Homicide rolling out of the ring. Cage then starts to climb the ladder. Cage reaches the top and is touching the title when Homicide is back in and tries to grab the leg of Cage. Cage kicks him off him and Homicide staggers into the ropes, Homicide then charges off and pushes the ladder over, but somehow Cage has managed to grab hold of the title, as the ladder goes over the title comes off the hook and Cage falls to the floor holding the title.

Cage d. Homicide

Stanyer: Kevin Cage is the new European Champion, wonderful.

Dawg: And if Travis retains his title in the next match, it will be a wonderful day.

** The camera cuts back stage again where Johhny Mayhem has now caught up with the U.S. Champion Travis Right. Travis is standing in front of the GWO locker room with the title belt slung over his right shoulder as Mayhem starts to talk **

Mayhem: So Travis, earlier I was talking to Rye and he has demanded a one on one no interference shot at the belt, what do you think about that?

Travis: Well first off, Rye isnt demanding a damn thing. Because im the one with the belt around my waist. But like I said before if Rye wants a shot then im gonna give it to him. And he can bitch and moan all he wants about me not being a real man or whatever. The fact is I've beat him before fair and square and I'll beat him again fair and square. But lets remember Rye, like you said this little No Interference stipulation works both ways. So dont try to bring in any of your loser Outkast buddies to help you out.

Mayhem: Rye seemed to be pretty focused on beating you tonight, arent you worried just the slightest bit:

Travis: Are you kidding me Johnny? I am "The Future" and not just the future of the U.S. title, Im the future of this god damn federation. I dont care who tries to take this belt away from me, because when everything all said and done Im still gonna be the one walking out of the ring with the belt.

Mayhem: With all that confidence that your going to win here tonight, have you givin it any thought on who you'll defend the belt against next.

Travis: No, not really. I mean like I said before it doesnt really matter. But there are a few names that have crossed my mind. Even tho, I kicked his ass at War Games, Havok put up a better fight than most. And my good friend MVD never truely had a fair chance at the title. So I guess we'll just see how things work out.

:Travis glances over at a clock on the nearby wall and stops Johnny before he can ask another question:

Travis: Well, This has been alot of fun but I got things to do Mayhem, so get lost.

Mayhem: Its been a pleasure, I hope to....

:The Future steps inside the GWO locker room and slams the door in Mayhems face before he can finish, as the camera fades off:

Stanyer: Well it looks like Travis has accepted the no interference stipulation.

**Fire Storm's music hits as he walks out of the backstage area. He walks down to the ring with a sad face. He gets in the ring and asks for the mic.**

Fire Storm- Hello Texas!!! *Big Pop from crowd** Today I come to tell you guys some bad news. I hate to do this to you guys but I am afraid that after my last match with Eraser I will retire. I know that this isn't the best way to go down but I will go down. I wish that I could give you guys good moments from the first PWF but my time in the PWF is now cut shorter than expected. To all of my fans I thank you for your help in cheering me up. And to all of my wrestling friends you guys are the best. We may have ups and downs but we all together had a great time. The future is untold as what can happen but I will miss all of you.

**Fire Storm walks out of the ring as the fans give him a standing ovation.**

Stanyer: It is a sad day when a PWF legend such as Fire Storm retires, sadly we were informed of this prior to the show, and as a tribute to Fire Storm have put together a little video for him.

Dawg: (sarcastically). Legend.

**The Ultra-Tron plays a video of Blood Vessel defeating Deathness for the World Title first, it shows many clips from Fire Storm's career, including clips from the Iron Man Match where he reclaimed the World title, and from the final match in the PWF, the Triple Hell in a Cell Match.**

{Commerical Break}

*Crusader is sitting in his million dollar mansion in his laboratory putting some chemicals together. When he completed his job he sprayed himself with the new mixture and nodded in satisfaction.*

*Later on at a wrestling workout gym, Crusader is heading towards the bathroom when Diablo walks out. Crusader steps in and says- "Damn son, what did you have for lunch"
So he leaves the bathroom and puts on his cologne, that still has no name, to cover Diablo's putrid smell. Then Stunning Sarah walks by and says-
"Damn Crusader, you smell so good, can I have some of that for Chris?" Crusader says-
"Sure you can, put it on his musty and beat down body after our match"

*Crusader turns toward the camera and says, get your "Damn, you smell good" cologne only at PWF Shopzone*

{End Commercial}

Stanyer: Welcome back folks, it's time now for Power G v Antonio Gambino.

No DQ Match
Power G v Antonio Gambino

**The lights dim and violins begin playing an eerie tune, like from the Godfather movie. On the Ultra-tron, pictures, apparently flashbacks of life in the Mafia, are shown. Images of gunfights, driveby shootings, and car's exploding alternate with pictures of a funeral in progress. Just as they begin lowering the casket into the grave, the screen goes black and then begins flashing the name "Gambino" across the screen in silver lettering. Then, as an explosion of pyros occurs on the stage, "Keep Away" by Godsmack begins blaring through the arena and Gambino appears in the entrance. He stands in the entrance for a short moment before walking down the aisle towards the ring. Once he reaches the ring, he climbs in and heads to the closest corner of the ring and begins taunting the crowd. He then raises both hands in the air as if celebrating.**

James: Introducing, from Brooklyn, New York, weighing 245lbs, the Commissioner of the PWF, Antonio Gambino**Crowd cheers loudly**

"Zombie Nation" by Kernkraft begins to play as Power G walks out with The Real McCoy, both men are holding Microphones. Power G begins to hit himself to psyche himself up, before walking to the ring with the Real McCoy.

James: Introducing, from Holguin, Cuba, weighing 230lbs, Power G. *Crowd boos*

Report: The two men circle each other for a few seconds, then they tie up. Power G takes Gambino into an arm wrench. Gambino reverses the arm wrench and whips Power G to the ropes. Power G goes for a clothesline, but Gambino ducks it and kicks him in the gut. Gambino then scores with a couple of right hands to the face. Gambino hooks up Power G and delivers a Vertical Suplex. Power G rolls up to his feet but gets knocked back down again by a Gambino clothesline. Gambino mounts Power G and hammers him with right hands to the face.

Stanyer: Power G has not been able to mount much of an offence yet.

Gambino picks up Power G and delivers a Scoop Slam, then climbs to the second turnbuckle and hits a Leg Drop. Gambino covers Power G. 1.............................2..............................Power G kicks out. Gambino picks up Power G and tosses him through the ropes. He rolls out of the ring. Gambino slams the head of Power G into the announcers table, and then whips him into the steel steps. Gambino walks off and comes running back with a knee to the face of Power G.

Stanyer: It's all Gambino so far, he is really pissed off at Power G's attack earlier tonight.

Gambino picks up Power G who pushes Gambino's arms away and hits a knife edge chop. He follows it up with another, but Gambino kicks Power G in the gut and then goes to slam his head into the steps, but Power G blocks it, elbows Gambino in the gut and slams Gambino's head into the steps. Gambino staggers away and Power G runs and takes Gambino down with a Bulldog on the outside. Power G then climbs to the apron, as Gambino gets to his feet Power G hits a stunning Asai Moonsault which takes Gambino down.

Dawg: Beautiful move from the G One.

Power G picks up Gambino and rolls him into the ring. Power G gets to the apron and slings himself over with a Slingshot Body Splash. Power G covers. 1............................2............................Gambino kicks out. Power G picks up Gambino and whips him to the ropes. Power G goes for a Running DDT but Gambino manages to push Power G off him Gambino goes to kick Power G in the gut, but Power G catches the kick, then Gambino hits an Enziguri.

Stanyer: Beautiful counter by Antonio Gambino.

Power G gets to his feet and gets kicked in the gut and Gambino hits the Double Arm DDT. Gambino hooks a leg. 1..............................2................................Power G just kicks out. Gambino picks up Power G. Gambino hooks Power G in a waistlock from behind and looks for a German Suplex, but Power G won't be lifted and then hits a mule kick, Power G then turns around and grabs Gambino and hits the G Power Slam. Power G hooks a leg. 1................................2...............................3!!!!

Power G d. Gambino
7:23 Pinfall

Stanyer: Power G is now 2-0 against Gambino in pinfalls, Gambino will be all out to rectify that in their next encounter.

Dawg: Not a chance, Power G will go 3-0, 4-0, and then as many 0's as you like.

{In the backstage area, a camera man catches up to The One, Crusader}

Crusader: (to the camera man) "You dont even have to say a word jackass. Lets see, Hardcore....Hardcore... Hardc- hey Blacknerd, that reminds me of when i was one of the best damn hardcore champions in the old PWF, a two time champion might i remind you. If hardcore is what you want, i can give you hardcore, because I'm Crusader Chrome and I am the PWF Champion. I'm looking forward to my first title defense versus you boy, its the perfect opportunity for me to prove to the world that I deserve this belt and have worked very hard to get it. So when its all said and done, Blackterd, your ass will be whooped!!!"

{Crusader walks off as the camera fades}

Stanyer: Well folks, it's now time for our US title match, no interference allowed.

Travis Right v Rye Hazwaki

**Break Stuff by Limp Bizkit hits, as the lights flash red and white, and Rye Hazwaki is shown doing a slow ‘Cyclone Kick.’ The Pyro’s blast as Rye stands on the top of the stage, he looks at the crowd then walks down and enters the ring.**

James: Introducing, from Tokyo, Japan, weighing 251lbs, Rye Hazwaki.

**As "Walk with your head up" by Deftones & System of Down hits" hits and you hear "Get up Stand up, I got my head up" Travis comes walking out onto the ramp and arrogantly waves for the fans to boo all they want. Firecrackers pop off all around the Titantron as the Future makes his way to the ring. As he reaches the front of the ring, Travis slides under the bottom rope and slowly walks to the center of the ring. He crosses his arms and nods his head as the pyros explode behind him.**

James: Introducing from Miami, Florida, weighing 283lbs, "The Future" Travis Right.*Crowd Boos*

Report: Rye and Travis stand off. The two men square up to each other, they look each other straight in the eyes, then they start to exchange right hands, Rye not used to fist fights loses out in the battle and Travis hammers him repeatedly until he is in the corner. Travis starts to stomp away on Rye, but Rye manages to grab Travis and reverse the positions, Rye then starts to aim precise kicks at the kidneys of Travis.

Stanyer: Look at the precision of Rye's kicks, targetted for maximum effect.

Rye stops the kicks as Travis gets to his feet holding his left kidney area. Rye tries another kick there, but Travis catches it, Travis spins Rye around and then hits a German Suplex. Travis then mounts Rye and starts to punch him repeatedly in the face. Travis then walks off and comes off the ropes and delivers a leg drop. Travis goes for a cover. 1.....................2...................Rye kicks out. Rye rises to his feet, Travis kicks Rye in the gut, and then whips Rye to the ropes, Travis then hits a Powerslam on Rye driving him into the mat. Travis covers again. 1.............................2................................Rye kicks out.

Stanyer: The champion is in control now.

Rye again gets to his feet. Travis delivers a couple of forearms, then kicks Rye in the gut and delivers a Gutwrench Powerbomb. Travis then climbs to the second turnbuckle and comes off and connects with a Leg Drop to the throat of Rye. Travis covers. 1............................2............................Rye gets the right shoulder up.

Dawg: That one was close.

Travis picks up Rye, He then kicks Rye in the gut and then places his head between his legs and delivers a devastating Jumping Piledriver. Travis covers. 1.........................2............................Rye gets the right shoulder up again.

Dawg: How did he kick out of that? I don't believe that at all.

Travis picks up Rye and sets Rye up for a Powerbomb. He lifts Rye up but Rye hammers him with Right hands and then Travis drops him, Rye then hits a two footed dropkick to the knee and Travis goes down.

Stanyer: Rye has a few seconds to catch his breath, but will it be enough?

Travis gets back up slowly, Travis looks for a right hand, but Rye ducks it and kicks Travis in the chest, Travis reels backwards. Travis tries to punche Rye, but he ducks again and hits a heel kick putting Travis down. Travis rolls away and gets up to his knees. Travis checks his jaw for a second.

Stanyer: Rye is desperate to regain his title.

Travis fakes a punch at Rye, Rye ducks down, but Travis grabs him and goes for an Reverse DDT, but Rye somehow wrangles his way out of it into a hammerlock. Travis, reverses the hammerlock into a top wristlock. Rye then jumps up and hits a two footed dropkick to the chest of Travis forcing him to release the hold. Travis quickly gets back up but gets caught with the Hazwakinator, Rye's version of the Vandaminator. 1............................2.................................Travis just gets his left shoulder up.

Stanyer: A perfect kick from Rye, but still it wasn't enough.

Rye helps Travis back up. Rye kicks Travis in the kidneys a couple of times, then tries a roundhouse to the head, but Travis ducks it and looks for a back drop, but Rye reverses and looks for a German Suplex, but Travis reverses and looks for a belly to back, but Rye elbows him off, Travis comes off the ropes and Rye hits a Belly to Belly Slam. Rye covers. 1............................2...........................Travis just kicks out.

Dawg: Rye was less than an inch away from winning it there.

Rye picks up Travis, Travis pushes Rye's hands away and kicks him in the gut and delivers a DDT. Travis covers. 1............................2..............................Rye just gets the left shoulder up. Rye rises to his feet. Travis swings with a knife edge chop, Rye ducks and connects with a kick to the head of Travis, dazing him. A second and third kick put Travis on his knees. Rye then bounces off the ropes and goes for the Feet of Fury, but Travis rolls out of the way at the last second. Rye lands on his back and gets up. Travis kicks Rye in the gut and then Suplexes him up onto the turnbuckle. Travis hits Rye hard in the face, Travis then climbs up and deliver The Near Future(Super Tazzplex).

Stanyer: This one is over. 1.............................2................................3!!!!

Travis Right d. Rye Hazwaki
13:37 Pinfall

Stanyer: Travis Right retains the US title in another fantastic contest. I hate to admit it, but Travis does deserve the title.

Dawg: Of course he does, he is gWo.

Stanyer: Well folks, after the break it's time for our Main Event, Crusader Chrome v Blackbird for the PWF World Title.

{Commerical Break}

*clips of Blackbird's arm being raised with the Hardcore and World titles are shown*

Voice-He's the most resiliant man in wrestling today. He is a former PWF World Champion

*More clips shown*

Voice-Hardcore is what this man does.

*Blackbird is shown sitting in the corner of a ring with a mic*


Fast voice-Order your copy of Blackbird: Definition of hardcore including entire matches and commentary from Blackbird himself for only $9.99! Available in Shopzone NOW!

{End Commercial}

Main Event

Blackbird v Crusader Chrome

"Cool to Hate" by Offspring starts playing and the arena goes pitch black. 10 seconds go by with nothing happening. Two huge flames light up the Entry way and Blackbird makes his way to the ring.

James: Introducing from Dayton, Ohio, weighing 245lbs, Blackbird. *Crowd boos*

**The lights go out and a series of light blue lights flash throughout the arena. Rock Superstar by Cypress Hill blares over the pa followed by an explosion of fireworks similar to Y2J’s. Crusader's Ultra-tron has images of Harley Davidsons and biker babes transcending into one another. His entrance attire consists of a leather trench coat, dark sunglasses, and a du- rag rapped around his head. When he walks out into the entrance, he pauses and raises both fists in the air, proceeding to walk to the ring. Walking with a bmf walk, he climbs into the ring, while the lights are still out, and raises the lights with a fist in the air.**

James: Introducing, from Palm Beach, Florida, weighing 299lbs, "The One" Crusader Chrome. *Crowd Cheers*

Report: Blackbird and the big man Crusader Chrome circle each other, they tie up. Blackbird quickly goes into a hammerlock, but Crusader elbows him hard in the face and Blackbird staggers into the ropes. Crusader hits a big Powerslam and immediately goes for the early cover. 1.......................Blackbird kicks out.

Dawg: Bah, not even a 2 count.

Blackbird gets back up and Crusader whips him into the ropes, Crusader goes for a clothesline, but Blackbird ducks it and hits a dropkick on Crusader. Crusader staggers back and Blackbird hits a clothesline that takes both him and Crusader over the top rope. Blackbird lands on his feet and immediately starts to stomp on Crusader. Crusader gets to his feet and Blackbird whips him hard into the barricade. Blackbird follows in with a knee to the gut of Crusader. Blackbird picks up Crusader and slams his head into the barricade. Blackbird then takes the dazed Crusader to the ring post and slams his head into it. Blackbird then slides him into the ring. Blackbird climbs to the apron and slingshots over into a leg drop. Blackbird goes for a lateral press. 1..................................2...............................Crusader kicks out.

Stanyer: Blackbird takes the early control in this title match.

Blackbird picks up Crusader and whips him to the ropes, Crusader reverses it but Blackbird bounces off and connects with a flying forearm. Blackbird then climbs to the top rope. He connects with a Missile Dropkick as Crusader gets to his feet. Blackbird goes for the cover. 1................................2.................................Crusader kicks out. Blackbird picks up Crusader and whips him to the ropes and then takes Crusader into a sleeper as he comes off. Blackbird cinches in the sleeper and Crusader drops to one knee, Crusader's body goes all limp and the referee checks the arm of Crusader.

Stanyer: This could be all over right here.

Crusader's arm drops twice, but on the third count Crusader's arm just barely holds up. Crusader then rises back up the adrenalin flowing through him, he elbows Blackbird in the ribs a couple of times and then finally breaks the sleeper. Blackbird staggers off into the ropes but walks straight into a big clothesline from Crusader. Crusader comes off the ropes and goes for a leg drop but misses. Blackbird rolls up and dropkicks the sitting Crusader in the face and then hooks a leg. 1.................................2.............................Crusader kicks out. Blackbird starts to climb to the top rope. but Crusader gets to his feet and manages to walk into the ropes and crotch Blackbird. Crusader then goes across to Blackbird and tosses him off the top rope. Blackbird lands hard on his back but rolls up to his feet. Crusader whips him to the ropes and hits a hard spinebuster. Crusader covers. 1...........................2...............................Blackbird kicks out. Crusader picks up Blackbird and lifts him high above his head with a military press. Crusader then drops him forwards onto his knee. Blackbird rolls off holding his gut. Crusader covers. 1.............................2.........................Blackbird kicks out.

Stanyer: Crusader is firmly in control now. The champion looks set to retain his title.

Crusader picks up Blackbird and hits a German Suplex. Blackbird somehow starts to get to his feet. So Crusader looks for another German Suplex, but Blackbird counters with a Mule Kick to the groin of Crusader. Blackbird then starts to ascend the top rope.

Dawg: Blackbird needs this high risk move to turn the tide in this match.

But as Blackbird gets to the top Crusader is up and comes across and takes Blackbird off the top rope and puts him over his shoulder. Crusader then drives Blackbird into the mat with The Concussion(Emerald Fusion). Crusader then covers Blackbird. 1...............................2..................................3.

Crusader Chrome d. Blackbird
11:18 Pinfall

Stanyer: Well folks, Crusader retains the World title, wait, look it's the gWo. In mass!!

**The entire gWo charge down to the ring. Power G slides into the ring and hits Crusader with a Mic. The rest of the gWo starts to stomp away on Crusader when "Enter Sandman" hits and The OutKasts come running down to the ring. The OutKasts and the gWo start to exchange blows, the gWo take control and as MVD beats on Rye "Priveledge by Incubus" hits the arena and Kevin Cage charges down to the ring armed with a steel chair.**

Stanyer: What the hell does Kevin Cage want?

Kevin Cage charges into the ring and starts to hit the gWo members with his steel chair, but even he is starting to be overpowered. Then suddenly "The Fight Song" by Marilyn Manson hits and the Ruff Ryders come running down to the ring. They start to clean house and clothesline both the Russians out of the ring. Havok hits the Devastation Kick on MVD. Cage stops Power G delivering the G Power Slam to Crusader with a steel chair to the back and Bloodbath hits the Blood Bash on Travis Right. The ring is cleared of the gWo as The Ruff Ryders and Kevin Cage take off their shirts to reveal OutKast's T-Shirts.

WHAT!!! More OutKasts!!!!

The Crowd cheer Cage like crazy, amazing since only 30 minutes before he was the most hated man in the arena.

Stanyer: What a night folks, we are out of time.

**The camera fades out with the gWo retreating up the aisle as The OutKast's celebrate in the ring.**

***© 2001 PWF Entertainment***