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Armageddon #7
Armageddon #6
Armageddon #5
Armageddon #4
Armageddon #3
Armageddon #2
Armageddon #1

House Shows

House Show #7
House Show #6
House Show #5
House Show #4
House Show #3
House Show #2
House Show #1


Rumble in the Bronx
Last Man Standing
War Games
House of Pain

Saturday Night Havoc

Havoc #19
Havoc #18
Havoc #17
Havoc #16
Havoc #15
Havoc #14
Havoc #13
Havoc #12
Havoc #11
Havoc #10
Havoc #9
Havoc #8
Havoc #7
Havoc #6
Havoc #5
Havoc #4
Havoc #3
Havoc #2
Havoc #1

live from the Nassau Coliseum
Long Island, New York
30th June 2001

**pyro's blast off as "Master of Puppets" by Metallica plays as the camera pans across the packed crowd at the Nassau Coliseum. The camera cuts to the announcers table**

Stanyer: Welcome everybody to the Nassau Coliseum here in Long Island, New York. We are live for Saturday Night Havoc, I'm Jason Stanyer alongside the "Big Dawg" Dave Harley. It's been 4 weeks since War Games, as you know we have been off air due to problems with our television network, but eventually they have been resolved and now we are back with not one, but two shows a week.

Dawg: I just hope we get to see the gWo kick the OutKast's asses.

Stanyer: Well I can't see that happening tonight.

**Snap your fingers, snap your neck by Prong hits the PWF soundsystem as gWo stand at the entrance way as green pryo erupts from the stage and then make their way to the ring **

Dawg: Here they come now, you will learn to keep your mouth shut Jay.

**The crowd is booing intensly at the green world order as they begin to pose in the ring and then MVD grabs a mic**

MVD:- Shut the fuck up you depraved pieces of garbage!

**Chant of asshole starts up around the arena to further interupt MVD**

MVD:- The return of Armageddon, saw yet again, another landslide in the balance of power here in the PWF. Thats right, the gWo tonight begins a campaign to bring back what is rightfully ours, the world title, the challenge title, and while we are here, why might as well have a piece of that so far elusive US title gold. In our campaign i decided to recruit the hottest tag-team in wrestling today to win the tag titles for the gWo, and that is the RUSSIANS! Congratulations to Wowbowski and Cossak for their excellent work on Armageddon and that goes to you as well Travis, in fact i think you'd like to say something to the fans Travis?

**MVD shakes the hands of the Russians and Travis Right and hands Travis the mic**

Travis: "That's right folks, Tonight, It's time for "The Future" to take what is rightfully his, and that is glory, which tonight will take the form of the US Championship. Currently around the waist of some jobber, what was his name. Do any of you know.................... No of course none of you know who he is, your all Dumb ass New Yorkers (Crowd boos furiously). but you know who you are don't you, I beat Havok's pathetic little ass at War Games, and tonight I claim my prize, a shot at the US title.

**Just as Travis Right puts down his challenge to Rye for his US title.... The arena lights dim to a blood red. "Enter Sandman" by Metallica hits as The OutKasts walk out to thousands of fans that are chanting 'Outkasts' 'Outkasts'. The 4 members stand side by side as they all stare at gWo. Rye then procedes to put the mic that is in his hand up to his mouth...**

Rye: "Travis Right, the record between me and you stands at 1, 1. You've beat me, and i've beat you, so tonight i will accept your little challenge for my US belt as i ain't afraid of no one.... This will be the last straw between me and you, this will show who is the better man.... You've seen me beat many contenders including Power G and MVD."

**Rye then looks at the members of OutKasts and then turns his head back to gWo.**

Rye: "You know what you've got into Travis and you probably know how to get out, so all i say is you best come prepared."

*after Crusader takes the mic*

[Crusader pauses as the crowd chants his name, when they settle down he raises the mic to his lips]

Crusader: "You know, nothing would make the GWO more mad than a ton of cheap pops for the champion, RIGHT?!!!"

(crusader recieves a huge cheap pop from the crowd)

Crusader: "The Outkasts kicked the GWO's ass in that ladder match, RIGHT?!!!"

(he recieves another huge cheap pop)

Dawg: Cheap Pop, after Cheap Pop.

Crusader: "My name is Crusader Chrome and I am the Pelican Wrestling Federation CHAMPION!!!!"

(yet another huge cheap pop from the crowd)

Crusader: "Now GWO, i know that upset you, so lets get down to business. I know that sooner or later G, you will get your rematch for this belt. I've been challenged by two people already but have not said a word to them until after we fight. After all, it is customary for the former champ to get the first shot. Whenever this match does take place, I say we up the anty. How about, hmmm, Last Man Standing?"

(the crowd cheers in agreement)

Crusader: "We'll see if youre up to the challenge. But as long as it took me to win this damn belt, dont think for one second that I'm going to let it slip away. My intensity level rose 10 notches after that match and turned me into one ass whippin son of a bitch. Even though me and Bloodbath lost that tag match at Armageddon, i became the first man to survive a Stinky little leg drop and kick out of the VanDaminator. In other words, I can take a hell of a lot of punishment to hold on to my title. And Power G, or to any other challenger, I dont think you can dish out enough."

[Crusader hands the mic to Havok]

Havok receives the mike.

Havok: Who wants to wreak Havok???

(Crowd says "We do!!!")

Havok: That is what I thought. So the gWo has got the Russians on their side. Well, I now know that the Green World Order has taken a lot of people around the world.

(Crowd boos.)

Havok: I say to hell with the Russians, they think that they are all that. Screw you guys. I make a challenge for right here tonite. In a tag team match. Havok and the Crusader versus the Russians. Right here to night.

(Crowd almost starts a riot.)

Stanyer: Tonight!!!!

Havok: Who wnats to wreck Havok???

** Wowbowski grabs the microphone from MVD **

Wowbowski:- You vant us? In match? vhat you tink Cossak?

** Wowbowski passes the microphone to Cossak Joe **

Cossak:- Vell, i say ve beat the brains out of stupid americanskies

** Crowd boos as Cossak hands the mic back to Wowbowski **

Wowbowski:- You and the tainted champski have match then. Ve vill show you vhy the gWo is da best group of peoples in vrestling. You vill vish you never meet us Vrussians after either me put you in gansta stretch, or Cossak here puts you in bear hug. You vill tap like little school girl .

** Cossak grabs the mic **

Cossak:- Da!

** He gives it back to Wowbowski **

Wowbowski:- See you tonight, comrades

***Havok hands the microphone over to Bloodbath.***

Bloodbath: "I have one thing to say! On Armageddon, MVD and Power G, you guys got lucky. The OutKasts are gonna dominate the gWo from here on out, because we are just too good and too united for you pansies.......................

MVD:- you really don't get it do you Bloodbath you piece of trash!

The Outkasts are dead, your all a team of followers without a leader, i've already lead the gWo to glory and we hunger for alot more, so tonight i challenge you to match here and now, leader of the gWo vs the wannabe boss of the losers ahem i mean outkasts, if you think you have what it takes, i'll see you in the ring!

Stanyer: Bloodbath v MVD!! Tonight??? What a matchup!!!

** MVD slams the mic down and his theme music plays as Bloodbath and MVD stare each other down as the camera fades**

{Commerical Break}

**Clips are shown of Gambino delivering the Gambino Face Buster to various opponents while Keep Away by Godsmack plays. Then a voice over comes on**

Voice"You may not be able to kick ass like PWF Superstar, Antonio Gambino, but now at least you can look like him. New from PWF Shopzone, the Gambino Gangster Hat, available in black and red and for only 21.95. It has the Antonio Gambino logo embroidered on it, so your friends can see who your favorite PWF Superstar is. Also available are the Gambino Gangster Sunglasses. Great for keeping those harmful rays out of your eyes, or even better for looking like a real tough guy! Available now for only 13.95. All your friends are sure to be envious of you for wearing these items, order now from PWF Shopzone or wherever cool clothes are sold.

**Then, Gambino is shown standing on the sidewalk in a busy city wearing the Gangster Hat and Gangster Sunglasses.**

Gambino"You can't be me, you can't be like me, so do the next best thing and look like me!"

{End Commercial}

Stanyer: Welcome back folks, it's time for our first match as Maxwell Powers takes on The Sabre

Maxwell Powers v The Sabre

"Sad But True" by Metallica hits, as the lights fade into a dim blue. Sabre struts out, raising his arms to the cheers of the crowd. He walks down the ramp at a normal pace, slapping hands with a few people near the guard rail. He climbs onto the apron, before jumping over the ropes and heading straight to a turnbuckle, to once again raise his hands to the crowd.

James: Introducing from Sydney, Australia, weighing 230lbs, The Sabre. **Crowd Cheers loudly**

(Ode to joy hits as Maxwell Powers stand at the top of the rampway looking down at Sabre who waits in the ring)

Maxwell: Sabre, it is not to late yet, you can still bail out. For you to even try to defeat Maxwell Powers is a joke if I have ever heard one. Look I am six ten three hundred and seven pounds, you are barely even considered a heavyweight. So let's put all these foolish games aside and stop this nonsense right now.

(Maxwell waits at the top if the rampway Sabre just stand in the ring waiting)

Maxwell: What is wrong with you. You stand there like a statue and ignore every word I have to say as if you were my equal. No one in this federation is my equal not Gambino, not Josh Resnick and not some "Light" like yourself Sabre. I told you this is not going to be some David and Golith so let me show you a stunning reenactment of Bloody Sunday.

(Maxwell spikes the mic and heads toward the ring)

Report: The two men circle, they tie up, Powers pushes Sabre to the ground. Powers then looks amused at the size difference between the two men. Sabre then crawls through the legs of Powers, who turns around to try and find Sabre, Sabre kicks him in the gut, and then places his leg over the head of the stooped Powers, Powers flips Sabre over who tries to deliver a back drop to Powers, Powers elbows Sabre off him, Sabre staggers into the ropes and comes back towards Powers who lifts him up for a sidewalk slam, but Sabre counters with a Flying Headscissors.

Stanyer: Amazing speed and agility from The Sabre.

Powers gets to his feet immediately, Powers charges in with a clothesline, but Sabre ducks it and delivers two quick forearms to the face of Powers. Sabre then goes for an irish whip, but Powers reverses it and then whips Sabre hard into the turnbuckle. Sabre staggers out, Powers charges in with a clothesline, but Sabre springs to life and delivers a drop toe hold to Powers. Sabre then rolls to the apron and stands up. Sabre then flips over the ropes and drops the leg across the back of Powers' head.

Stanyer: Stunning, simply stunning.

Dawg: You finished kissing his ass??

Sabre flips up to his feet to the cheers of the crowd. Sir Matthew Powers then climbs to the apron, the referee goes to him and allows Maxwell Powers to get in a low blow on The Sabre.

Stanyer: What a cheap shot by Maxwell Powers.

Powers clubs Sabre down to the mat with a viscious forearm. Powers then climbs on top of Sabre and punches him repeatedly in the face. Powers then climbs to his feet and mocks the crowd who shower him with boos. Powers then picks up Sabre, who quickly rolls behind Powers and rolls him up in a School Boy Pin. 1................2........Powers kicks out. As they both get to their feet Powers knocks Sabre straight back down with a hard clothesline. Powers comes off the ropes and drops a big elbow to the chest of Sabre. Powers then covers. 1.............2.......Sabre kicks out. Powers helps Sabre to his feet and whips him to the ropes. Powers then scoops him up and drives him into the mat with a sidewalk slam. Powers hooks a leg. 1.............2..............Sabre kicks out.

Stanyer: How much more punishment can Sabre withstand, Powers is a big man, every move does real damage to Sabre.

Sabre slowly gets back to his feet. Powers whips Sabre to the ropes, Powers lifts up Sabre for a Back Body Drop, but Sabre hooks the head of Powers and spins around to drive Powers' head into the canvas with a swinging DDT.

Stanyer: Amazing counter by The Sabre.

Sabre and Powers stay down as the referee administers his ten count, on 8 they are both up. Sabre gets a couple of chops to Power's chest then whip's him into the ropes and takes him down with a flipping dropkick. The referee checks on Powers as Sir Matthew Powers climbs to the apron and starts to trash talk Sabre. Sabre walks over to him and starts to trash talk back, Maxwell Powers is holding on to the referee to stop him seeing what is going on. Then suddenly Sir Matthew Powers tosses some sort of powder into Sabre's face.

Stanyer: What the hell was that? Sabre is blinded.

Maxwell Powers goes straight to Sabre and kicks him in the gut and puts Sabre's head between his legs and then delivers the Jacknife Powerbomb to Sabre. Lateral Press. 1....................2...........................3.

Powers d. Sabre
4:42 Pinfall

Stanyer: Powers' picks up the tainted victory thanks to his father, Matthew Powers.

Dawg: That's SIR Matthew to you.

Stanyer: He doesn't deserve that title after just cheating to win the match.

Dawg: What are you talking about Jay? There was no cheating in that match, only a win for Maxwell Powers.

**Camera cuts backstage where Ted Tedison is hurrying down the hall after Andy Clegg**

*** Clegg is finally caught up with after his defeat at the hands of Xuway. ***

Clegg: Well i lost the title straight away and boy do i feel bad about it. Xuway you done well you busted my arm pretty good and you walk away from the match Hardcore champion. Big deal though i did what i set out to do here and that was win a title. Now i could sit around and cry about the fact that i lost but i ain't gonna. Its time to do something different. The European title is the next step in a campaign of terror that i plan to unleash until then everyone watch their backs.....

*** Clegg then heads off down the hall and the camera fades. ***

Dawg: Andy Clegg wants the European Title, now that is a good one, HAHAHAHAH Stanyer: It's not such a faraway thought. He could do it.

Dawg: Hey, look, a Pig flying.

Stanyer: Your just cruel you are.

Dawg: I know, it's good isn't it

Stanyer: Well anyway folks, it's time for out first gWo v The OutKast's match as The Russians take on Havok & Crusader.

Crusader & Havok v The Russians

** A Russian flag appears on the Big Screen along as red and blue strobe lights begin to flash, after a few moments Du Hast by Rammstein kicks in. The two Russians then come walking out of the back, Wowbowski turns and looks at the picture of the flag while Cossak just walks straight to the ring. Wowbowski follows Cossak down and slides into the squared circle. He makes his way to the middle of the ring**

James: Introducing from Borisovka, Russia, at a combined weight of 591lbs, Wowbowski and Cossak Joe, The Russians **Crowd Boos**

"Enter Sandman" by Metallica plays, as the lights go a deep red and The OutKast's symbol appears on the Ultra-Tron. The crowd goes wild as they see Crusader Chrome and Havok walk out onto the ramp

James: Introducing two members of The OutKast's, the PWF World Heavyweight Champion, Crusader Chrome and Havok. **Crowd Cheers loudly**

Report: Crusader and Havok begin to make their way down the ramp when they are jumped by Power G and Travis Right. Power G surprises Crusader with a G Power Slam on the ramp, at the same time Travis hits a German Suplex to Havok on the ramp.

Stanyer: What the hell, the gWo is attacking Crusader & Havok before this match even starts!!!!

Dawg: It's called teamwork Jay, something you know nothing about.

Power G picks up Crusader and rolls him into the ring. Travis tosses Havok into the ring. Wowbowski and Cossak mount Havok and Crusader respectively. Wowbowski tosses Havok out of the ring while Cossak whips the still stunned Crusader into the turnbuckle and then takes him down with a big clothesline.

Stanyer: This is a massacre. Wait, here comes Bloodbath & Rye!!!!

Bloodbath and Rye attack Travis and Power G and they begin to fight their way backstage, in the ring Cossak hits the Soviet Stinger on Crusader who is still feeling that G Power Slam on the steel ramp. Cossak hooks the leg. 1..................2.....................3!!!!!!

The Russians d. Crusader & Havok
1:37 Pinfall

Dawg: Cossak Joe just picked up a pin over the World Champion!!!!

Stanyer: Thanks in no small part to the FORMER Champion, Power G. With that G Power Slam on the ramp. From behind I might add.

Dawg: The G Power Slam is done from behind though?

Stanyer: You know what I mean.

**"The Imperial March" hits the arena, as General Leo walks down to the ring, with the American flag in his hands. The fans cheer as they see the General. He is handed a microphone by the ring announcer and gets in the ring.**

Stanyer: It looks like we are to hear from our patriot, General Leo.

General Leo:- As most of you fans saw, at War Games, Xuway Zanchu and I had a match. It was a flag match. If I were to defeat Xuway, then he would be forced to become an American. If he beat me, he would burn the American flag...

**The fans boo.**

General Leo:- That is the same way I felt. Xuway has decided that by living in this country, he can do anything that he pleases to hurt the American citizens. Whether he mocks our heritage, makes fun of our "weird" names, or burn our American flag. Maybe in China, you could get away with burning the nation's flag, but in America, it is a crime. A crime that I do not intend to let him go unpunished for.

**The fans cheer the General.**

General Leo:- Tonight, a match has been booked. A match that pits Xuway and Josh Resnick against myself and another great American, Blackbird.

**The fans cheer even louder for Blackbird.**

General Leo:- I would like to thank Blackbird for saving our country from the great embarassment that would have come over us if our flag would to be burned. He single-handedly saved the honor of our country. Blackbird, I extend my hand in friendship to you. I only hope that you will recieve it...

**The arena goes black. The loud bells of ACDC hits the speakers. Xuway appears on the Tron. He is wearing his hardcore belt as well as his self-acclaimed hardcore crown**

Xuway:- Blah, Blah Blah. When will you learn. When will you stop. When will you realize that I as a Chinese man am a much better wrestler than you.

**Arena echoes in boos**

Xuway:- I am quite happy Mr. P booked this match. Now that I have schooled you Chinese Torture 101, tonight I will make you tap out to the TAFKAG.

**Leo interrupts Xuway.**

General Leo- Xuway... do you really think that I would tap to your TAKFAG? Do you really think that I would give up, submit to a man who hates my country as much as you? I think not. I would never submit to you. Not if my life depended on it. Xuway... it's coming... Bow before the Empire.

**"The Imperial March" hits again as General Leo leaves the ring and makes his way to the back. The fans cheer him the whole way.**

{Commerical Break}

Announcer- SPRITE! The best stuff on Earth!!!

**The camera flashes a shot of General Leo of the PWF drinking Sprite.**

Announcer- The...

**The camera cuts to a shot of the MOW E's Phreak, drinking down some Sprite.**

Announcer- best...

**The next MOW Sanitarium Champion, Heelmaster, is seen, drinking Sprite.**

Announcer- stuff...

**The triple crown champion of the UAW, Bates Masterson, is guzzling down a Sprite.**

Announcer- on...

**Cleveland, Ohio's own Heavy Metal guru, Matt Wilkins is shown tossing a can of Sprite in the air and drinking all of the contents of the can before catching it.**

Announcer- EARTH!!!

**The camera focuses on Nightshade completely downing a 20 oz. Sprite right before the camera! All six men are shown finishing off their respective Sprite. They then give a simultaneous thumbs up.**

Nightshade- Drink Sprite, because I said so!

**The camera cuts out.**

{End Commercial}

[The camera is backstage during Havoc in the hallway area... Kevin Cage is seen walking down the hall, talking to himself... he's in his wrestling gear and has a Chicago Cubs cap on backwards... He is talking as he is walking down the hallway...]

Kevin Cage: What a match that was on Armaggedon with Rye... Whew! That was something. Well, I have my chance to get the European title tonight. Man, Homicide doesn't stand a chance! Ha! He's gonna have the shortest European title reign in PWF history! That's gonna be funny! Ah, but it's gonna feel really great holding that title in my hands tonight. Finally, PWF gold!

[As Cage is walking, he sees a Jennifer Van Dam walk by him wearing an extremely short skirt... they make eye contact as she passes by... As Cage stares at her he walks straight into Matt Van Dam...]

Kevin Cage: Oh, oh... uh, hey Matt...

[Van Dam gives Cage a look and walks on by...]

Kevin Cage: Man... I just made his day! The future European champion just walked into him! And did you see Jennifer staring at me? Yeah... chicks dig the gold.

[The scene ends with Cage walking out of view with a smirk on his face...]

Stanyer: Well folks it's time for the in ring return of the former 4 time PWF World Champion, Eraser. Who has promised to debut a new finishing move, right here tonight.

Eraser v Fire Storm

**It starts off when "I am" by Eminem starts off low and on the Tron you see flashing pictures of the Triple Hell in a Cell match, all of a studden the music blasts through the speakers and the dim. Eraser comes through the back and stands at the top of the ramp and looks around for 15 sec and then at a certain part of the music he raises both his arms in the air as Pyros go off all around and all up and down the ramp, Eraser walks slowly and powerfully down to the ring and grabs the top rope and climbs over he goes to the middle of the ring and at the same part of the song again he raises his right arm over his head and at each ring post a shot of pyros go off. Then he walks over to his corner and poses one more time as his music stops.**

James: Introducing from Tampa Bay, Florida, weighing 289lbs, The Icon of the PWF, Eraser. *Crowd boos loudly*

**Fire Storms music hits as the lights go out. The words "Fear for he is here" flash on the screen. Pyros start fling from the rafters as Fire Storm comes out walking with an evil grin on his face. He stands there for a while as the arena starts to get hotter and hotter. As smoke rises up around him he disappears. The crowd looks in amaze. All of the sudden a huge explosion around the ring, lights up the arena. He then is somehow standing in the middle of the ring.**

James: Introducing from East Los Angeles, California, weighing 283lbs, Firestorm. *Crowd Cheers*

Report: Fire Storm and Eraser tie up, they vy for the advantage, Eraser manages to take Fire Storm into a hammerlock, Eraser reverses it and then hammers a couple of forearms to the back of Fire Storm. They break the hold and Eraser kicks Fire Storm in the gut as he turns around. Eraser whips Fire Storm to the ropes, Fire Storm tries a clothesline but Eraser ducks it and then takes Fire Storm down with a left arm clothesline. Fire Storm gets back up a little dazed, Eraser hooks Fire Storm up and then delivers a vertical suplex. Eraser comes off the ropes and drops an elbow to the chest of Fire Storm. Eraser then mounts Fire Storm and batters him with right hands to the face. Eraser climbs off Fire Storm and goes to taunt the crowd.

Stanyer: Is it me, or has Eraser gotten even more arrogant than before?

Dawg: Definitely you.

Eraser turns around and just sees Fire Storm come at him with a clothesline and manages to duck it, then he smashes a stiff clothesline to the jaw of Fire Storm which sends him down to the canvas.

Stanyer: Oh my God, what a clothesline, that must have been the new finisher Eraser has been talking about. Lateral Press, this one's over. 1.............2....................3.

Eraser d. Fire Storm
2:43 Pinfall

Stanyer: Let's see that clothesline again, Eraser caught Fire Storm right on the jaw with that stiff clothesline, that has to be the hardest clothesline i've ever seen, Fire Storm will be lucky if Eraser hasn't broken or dislocated his jaw.

Dawg: Eraser showed tonight that he has lost nothing in his six months out of wrestling. He can still kick everyone's ass.

Stanyer: I have no doubts about his ability, he is a former 4 time PWF World Champion, there are few who can match what Eraser has acheived here in the PWF. There are few people who can even claim to hold a positive win/loss record over Eraser.

Dawg: That is why he will always be the ICON of the PWF.

Stanyer: Well folks, I am told that Johnny Mayhem is backstage with Mad Mike.

***Mad Mike is standing backstage, seen being interviewed by Johnny Mayhem. Mike is STILL pissed over his last match, that being the loss to DeMoN at Armageddon for the Extreme title, the one Mike had just won shortly before at War Games. He keeps his composure (somehow) and sets his bat down as Johnny Mayhem starts to speak.*

Mayhem: Mike, tonight you face Theros Macalvia. Please tell us what your thoughts are going into this match.

Mike: *long hesitation* ....With the beckoning plea of a child, one hears the sound of pain, and like rainbows from hell all destinations of mercy find their path of fate upon the victims of victims.....Once let free the lost souls find their homes in the minds of vulnerable psychopaths.....The sight of a thousand birds flying through the funerals of the un-dead.....The warning of a warning, warning everyone to be warned...*takes off shades then stares at camera....Mike then bursts out laughing as he puts his shades back on*

Mike: Hahahahahaha!!!! Damn that was just as good and STUPID as the 'great' Theros Macalvia would have done himself!! Hahaha! Don't you think so Johnny MayBerry?

Mayhem: Uhh...*takes a step back from Mike* was ok...I guess...and the name's Johnny--

Mike: Oh shut up I know who you are. Theros, you fuckin wack-job, listen closely, you choked out my tag partner Big Lou at Armageddon, and in return I'm gonna choke you out like a little fuckin' baby!!! Cuz thats what you are, crying about your own problems in the form of useless bickering and words that people LAUGH at you for using. I'll choke you just like that freak-of-a-lawyer I put in a coma cuz he couldn't get a friend of mine an appeal! It seems TO ME that you are in the wrong profession, Theros. I mean, I can give you a job in the DEAD department if you'd like, as I have helped MANY people get there. *laughs to self* But you should just hang up the boots and grab a pencil and write some nice little poems, whether its about rainbows and blue skies or never-rising suns and dead bodies ruling of the world, I couldn't give less of a shit, cuz you CERTAINLY don't cut it as a wrestler! And tonight you're going to find that out the hard way!! Or should I say, THE HARDGORE WAY!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!! But tonight I have a very special present for you, compliments of Big Lou and myself...

*Mad Mike points down to a bucket beside him which is filled to the top with barbwire. Mike reaches in and grabs some barbwire and slowly starts to wrap a small piece around his hand, blood leaking as the wire breaks the skin, smiling grimmly. Johnny Mayhem takes yet another step back, and another.*


*Mike pics up his bat and storms down the hall and takes a HUGE swing at a crate nearby, busting it into pieces, Mad Mike continues on down the hall and Johnny Mayhem departs in the opposite direction. But then...***

**Theros Macalvia is seen wandering down the same hallway, as he wanders, people get out of the way, staff duck through doors. Theros appears quite calm. Johnny Mayhem appears heading the opposite way to Theros. As Mayhem passes Theros, the left arm of Theros suddenly strikes out at Mayhem. It beats him to the floor with repeated punches to the head, Theros then uses his right arm to drag the left arm off Mayhem, Theros then wanders off pointing and shouting at his left arm**

Stanyer: What the hell? Theros just attacked poor Johnny Mayhem for no reason whatsoever, what is wrong with him??

{Commerical Break}

**Big Poppa is shown at a disco like dance party, and he's doing a few dance moves. He whips some sweat of his head and notices that everyone around him is having some milk. He swallows his sweat and begins to get delusional. The music starts to fade out as he sees a giant milk carton saying, "Drink Me." He rubs his eyes and it's gone, so begins to walk from the dance floor.**

Girl 1: Big Poppa, don't leave! I want you to show me your moves.

Big Poppa: Yeah, whatever.. I'm going to get something to drink. I'm really thirsty for some reason.

**Big Poppa walks to the bar, and sits down. He winks at the ladies sitting about five seats down.**

Bartender: What'll it be?

Big Poppa: Make it a moo-juice, and hold the ice. I'm feeling a little "exotic" tonight so make it two-percent'er.

Bartender: I'll see what I can do.

**Big Poppa checks his pocket, and finds an oddly large box of pretzels. They look old, but he shrugs and starts eating them by the handful. The bartender comes back**

Big Poppa: *With a mouth full of Pretzels* Where is my milk?

Bartender: Oh, I thought you knew… About 1 minute ago we officially stopped serving everything but Dish Water.

**The Bartender puts a large glass of Dish Water in front of Big Poppa, and Big Pappa starts spitting the pretzels out. Big Poppa gives the camera a mean stare as the announcer says**

Got Milk Guy: Got Milk?

{End Commercial}

{Commerical Break}

Voice: Coming soon to PWF Shopzone, PWF The Music, Volume I. Featuring quality tracks by Godsmack, Limp Bizkit and Metallica. Listen to your favourite PWF's superstars music whenever you want.

{End Commercial}

Dawg: Well it is time for Leo to eat his words as he taps out to the TAFKAG.

Stanyer: Somehow I just can't see that happening.

Tag Team Match
Xuway & Resnick v Blackbird & General Leo

**Xuway sits in a chair which is carried by his loyal slaves. Once in the ring, Xuway meditates in dance. Then the dance gets aggresive almost if he is fighting a ghost. When done his eyes roll up in the back of his head. He goes to his corner and waits. The Ultra-tron just has some ninja camp with a bunch of ninja fighting**

James: The following match is a tag team contest scheduled for one fall, Introducing first from The Orient, weighing 392lbs, Xuway Zanchu.*Crowd boos*

**Walk by Pantera hits the speakers throughout the arena. The Titantron comes on with solar flares of the sun showing. Then out of the back Josh Resnick makes his way out. Stops at the ramp. Listens to the crowd's boos. Then continues to the ring. Once on the apron, Resnick climbs up the turnbuckle. Looks out into the crowd before flipping over the ropes, landing on his feet in the middle of the ring.**

James: Introducing his tag team partner, from Detroit, Michigan, weighing 230lbs, Josh Resnick. **Crowd boos**

"Cool to Hate" by Offspring starts playing and the arena goes pitch black. 10 seconds go by with nothing happening. Two huge flames light up the Entry way and Blackbird makes his way to the ring.

James: Introducing their opponents, first from Dayton, Ohio, weighing 245lbs, Blackbird. *Crowd cheers*

**The lights go blue, as "The Imperial March" starts over the speakers. General Leo walks out from the back to an expensive looking fireworks show. The fans cheer as he walks to the ring with his sword in hand. He steps in and the lights go up.**

James: Introducing from Washington D.C., weighing 235lbs, General Leo. *Crowd cheers wildly*

Report: Resnick and Leo start out, they tie up, Resnick spins Leo into a hammerlock, Leo reverses it into a top wristlock, Leo then forces Resnick into a neutral corner. Resnick counters with a couple of kicks to the gut and then a snap suplex to Leo. Leo gets to his feet. As he gets up you can clearly hear him say "you wanna suplex me, I'll show you a suplex" Leo then ties up with Resnick and then grabs him around the waist and delivers an overhead belly to belly release suplex. Resnick gets to his feet slowly and Leo grabs him again and delivers a T-Bone Suplex. Resnick stays down and rolls into his corner and tags Xuway.

Dawg: Let's see Leo suplex Xuway Zanchu.

Leo jabs at Xuway a couple of times, who blocks the arm of Leo and then tries to clothesline Leo down, Leo ducks underneath and goes for a Belly to Belly Suplex, but Xuway goes dead weight and Leo can't get him off the mat. Xuway then delivers a viscious elbow to the head of Leo sending him sprawling across the ring. Leo tags in Blackbird. Blackbird springs to the top rope and flies at Xuway with a springboard clothesline, but Xuway grabs the arm of Blackbird in mid-air and turns it into a single arm DDT driving the arm of Blackbird into the canvas.

Stanyer: Blackbird doesn't get off to a good start against Xuway.

Xuway immediately rolls over Blackbird and locks in a Cross Armbreaker. Blackbird quickly drags himself to the ropes and grabs the bottom one. Xuway gets up and picks up Blackbird holding his left arm, Xuway twists it around into an arm wrench and then jerks the arm of Blackbird a couple of times. Xuway drags Blackbird over to his corner and tags in Resnick. Xuway jerks the arm of Blackbird one more time before climbing out of the ring. Resnick immediately hammers the arm of Blackbird a couple of times with nasty forearms. Resnick then whips Blackbird to the ropes. Resnick goes for a hiptoss but Blackbird lands on his feet, Blackbird tries a clothesline, but Resnick ducks it and then grabs the arm of Blackbird and hits a rolling arm dragon screw.

Stanyer: Resnick and Xuway have isolated Blackbird and are concentrating their attack on his left arm.

As Blackbird lies on the mat holding his left arm, Resnick stomps on it a couple of times. Resnick then grabs the arm of Blackbird and holds it down onto the mat, then raises his knees into the air and drives it into the prone arm of Blackbird. Resnick does it one more time, causing more damage to that arm of Blackbird. Resnick takes down Blackbird in a Fujiwara armbar in his corner,and reaches out to tag in Xuway. Xuway climbs in and stomps on the arm of Blackbird as Resnick releases the hold and rolls out to the apron. Xuway picks up Blackbird and whips him to the ropes Xuway then hits a big back elbow to the left shoulder of Blackbird. Xuway picks up Blackbird again and whips him to the ropes a second time. This time Blackbird manages to Spear Xuway and put him down, giving him time to recuperate.

Stanyer: Blackbird needs to make a tag and quickly.

Blackbird crawls across to his corner, but as he does, Xuway tags Resnick who runs in and grabs the right leg of Blackbird. He drags Blackbird up, but Blackbird counters and manages to kick Resnick in the gut and then hits the EvenFlow DDT. Blackbird then makes a diving tag to General Leo. Leo climbs into the ring and immediately clothesline downs Xuway who charges into the ring. Leo then waits for him to get up and amazingly delivers a Belly to Belly Slam. Then he grabs Resnick as he gets up and delivers a devastating Full Nelson release suplex. Leo then climbs on top of Xuway and hammers him with right hands.

Stanyer: General Leo is taking Xuway and Resnick apart.

Blackbird gets to his feet and starts to hit Resnick with right hands and whips him into the corner. He follows in with a clothesline. Resnick falls down to the mat. Blackbird climbs to the top rope and flies off with a leg drop to the chest of Resnick. General Leo picks up Xuway and looks for a German Suplex but Xuway counters with a Mule Kick. Blackbird picks up Resnick and sets him in position for the EvenFlow again, but Resnick counters with a Northern Lights Suplex with a bridge. 1.....................2....................3!!!!

Xuway & Resnick d. Blackbird & Leo
10:23 Pinfall

Stanyer: Resnick picks up the win with the Northern Lights. Hey what is Xuway doing, come on, the match is over.

Xuway locks in the TAFKAG(Ultimate Armbar) on General Leo while Resnick stomps away at Blackbird in the corner. Resnick pulls Blackbird out of the corner and locks on The Equinox(Crippler Crossface).

Stanyer: Someone get these two off of them.

Security comes running down and pulls the 4 men apart. Xuway and Resnick walk back up the ramp with a smile on their faces.

{Commerical Break}

*Crusader is sitting in his million dollar mansion in his laboratory putting some chemicals together. When he completed his job he sprayed himself with the new mixture and nodded in satisfaction.*

*Later on at a wrestling workout gym, Crusader is heading towards the bathroom when Diablo walks out. Crusader steps in and says- "Damn son, what did you have for lunch"
So he leaves the bathroom and puts on his cologne, that still has no name, to cover Diablo's putrid smell. Then Stunning Sarah walks by and says-
"Damn Crusader, you smell so good, can I have some of that for Chris?" Crusader says-
"Sure you can, put it on his musty and beat down body after our match"

*Crusader turns toward the camera and says, get your "Damn, you smell good" cologne only at PWF Shopzone*

{End Commercial}

Stanyer: Welcome back folks.....

**The Memory Remains hits as the owner of the PWF walks down to the ring to a massive cheer from the crowd, he has a big smile on his face. He climbs into the ring and takes the microphone**

Stanyer: Well let's hear what the boss has to say.

Pellington: "Last night was a dream come true for me. We had a plan, and we executed it perfectly. Last night will be the last time you will EVER see Diablo in the PWF again. That I can guarantee. But that is old news, now onto my big announcement, these last few weeks have really taken their toll on me, and my family, hell my two sons have asked to leave the PWF, and I have granted their request, they want to further their careers where I cannot assist them, and I wish them good luck. But that is not my announcement, no I have decided that I am putting too much pressure on myself being on TV week in week out. So I have decided to take a step back and let someone else run things, someone who I can trust, someone who I know can do the job right. Ladies and Gentleman, let me introduce to you, the NEW PWF Commissioner, Antonio Gambino.

Stanyer: Gambino is commissioner!!!!

**Keep Away by Godsmack blares throughout the arena as Gambino walks down in a suit, he climbs into the ring as the crowd cheer.**

**Gambino enters the ring and is handed a microphone from the ring announcer. He and Pellington shake hands as they wait for the cheers to calm down. Once it is quiet, Gambino is ready to speak**

Gambino: "Thank you Mr. Pellington. Just let me say, first off, that I agree with you %100 on what a great plan that we had against Diablo. But Diablo's long gone, he's old news, and I've got bigger and better things to talk about tonight. I want you to know that it's a great honor to be the new Commissioner of such a great company as the PWF. I will do my best to make sure things run fair around here, and that everyone has an equal chance to showcase their talents. I know that I can certainly do a better job than that of some of our former Commissioners, and I'm sure I don't have to say any names.(cough, cough, Headache, cough)"

**The crowd gives a little laugh after Gambino's statement about the former PWF Commissioner, and even Pellington lets a smile slip out.**

Gambino: "Anyways, like I was saying...I plan on being a fair, and completely un-biased Commissioner, and making sure that the PWF runs as smoothly as possible. I will adress any and all problems that arrise here within the company. If anyone has a complaint about anything, anything at all, just come and see me and I'll see that it's dealt with in a timely manner. Now I know this is a side of me that none of you have ever seen before, but don't take my kindness as a weakness. I'm still gonna be kicking ass like always, and don't think that I'm gonna be letting up on the competition. Now, that brings me to the next thing...Eraser..."

**Just as Gambino begins to speak, Devastators music hits and Devastator appears in the entrance**

** before Devastator could even make it down to the ring Eraser pops up on the tron. Eraser does not have a smile on his face **

Stanyer: Hey, that's Eraser, where is he??? He was at the arena not so long ago.

Eraser: What in the Hell just happen. I mean did I hear this right. Gambino that S.O.B is now the new commissioner I don't belive it. Gambino a no body compared to me and he gets the job. Pellington are you stupied or just dumb. I mean why would you pick Gambino over me. I am the ICON of the PWF! ** he crowd begans to boo ** Gambino you best tell your people over there to shut up before something bad happens.Gambino: what do you mean over there Eraser? **Gambino looks at Pellington and says something off mic**

** the cameras start to zoom outward to see Eraser is parked infront oh Gambino's house. the crowd goes silent as Gambino's eye widen **

Eraser: nice house Gambino. Well I hope no one breaks in and trashes the place.....................before I do!

Stanyer: He is at Gambino's House!!!

Dawg: Genius.

** Eraser begans to laugh as he gets out his jeep and pulls a chain, baseball bat and a lead pipe out of the back oh the jeep. **

Eraser: You see Gambino there is no one home tonight so I thought why not stop by and see whats up.

** Gambino is walking around the ring in pissed off and stops when Eraser says **

Eraser: Don't worry Gambino I won't break anything to expensive. By the way Pellington you have just made the worst mistake of your life by giving Gambino the job of commissioner, because as long as he is Commissioner I will destroy the PWF peice by peice and before you know it the PWF will be no more and the EWF will rule the world.

** Eraser starts to walk toward the house then stops as the cameras turn back to Gambino and Pellington **

**The two men look at each other, they are mytified**

**Devastator is in the entrance and then walks down to the ring and grabs the mic from Gambino's hand**

Devastator:-Well Gambino congrats on becoming the new PWF Commissioner but, Eraser thinks he should be the commissioner because he was the PWF Icon. Eraser the key word there is WAS! You were the PWF Icon but now you aren't there are many new tops starts that are better than you just to name a few. Well there is me, Devastator of course and also The New PWF world champion Crusader, and some one who even beat Gambino back at the first Pay Per View for the World title in the torunment Power G! You are no longer the icon of the PWF and you will never be the world champion as long as Gambino and I stand in your way! And back to Gambino I think we have a little unfinished business to take care of and there names are The Lords of Destruction! I want a little payback for what they did to my brother Destroyer!**Crowd Cheers** Gambino tonight I want you to book a match me and you againest the Lords of Destruction! What do you say?

**Devastator waits for Gambino's reply**

**Gambino takes the mic. back and looks to the tron where Eraser is still being shown at his house**

Gambino: "Eraser, if you got some free time later, when you're not smelling my wifes underwear, why don't you tune in to the PWF on tv. Then you can see what you're up against when me and Devastator face LOD and beat their ass's all over the place. You can see exactly what you've got coming your way when I get ahold of you, when I wrap my hands around your scrawny little neck, and choke the life out of you."

Stanyer: All right, Gambino and Devastator finally get chance to get some payback on the LoD.

**Gambino's music plays as he, Devastator, and Pellington leave the ring together**

{Commerical Break}

(((The scene opens showing a crowded street. It closes in on a middle-aged, balding, overweight guy in an old blue car. Smoke comes across his face as he shouts "C'mon, get going!!!" Suddenly you see a man on top of the car...)))

BaldGuy: Whoa... who are you?

KevinCage: I'm Kevin Cage, and I'm here to make YOU a better person... no longer will you be a pot-bellied, smelly, balding moron... When you order my T-shirt from PWF Shopzone, for only 19.95... you will be a HERO!

BaldGuy: Wow! How do I get one?

(((Camera cuts to a picture of the t-shirt with 1-800-255-4099 on the bottom... a voice says... "Order the Cage T-shirt at the PWF Shopzone for only 19.95... ORDER TODAY! The camera cuts back to Cage...)))

KevinCage: Get yours now!

{End Commercial}

**The camera cuts to Homicide's make-shift locker-room, where Homicide is lacing up his boots and watching the Havoc broadcast on his portable 12 inch television. As he sees Kevin Cage up to his usual naive behahvior, he sits back in his fold-out steel chair and mutters to himself.**

7 Homicide: "If Cage wants to survive our match tonight, he better focusing on our match and not Mrs. Van Dam. I've had this title for a week now, and there is NO *censored* WAY that I will let this gold slip through MY hands."

**Homicide bends down to tie his other boot**

Homicide: "This is my time to shine and I swear on everything that is Holy that his parents will cry when they see what I have done with him.. *under his breath* Some hero he will be when he is getting pushed around in a wheel chair.."

**Homicide lets out another laugh and then he pulls off his "REAL Boston Massacre" t-shirt and goes to the floor where he begins doing one-armed push-ups**

Homicide: "Parents better put the children to bed 'cause TONIGHT the MASSACRE will be UNLEASHED!!"

**Homicide picks up his European title and walks out the door**

Stanyer: It's time to find out whether Kevin Cage and Homicide can back up their words.

Kevin Cage v Homicide

The lights go out in a sold out PWF Arena. Suddenly the lights flicker and "Privilege" by Incubus begins blasting through the speakers. Kevin Cage walks out as the crowd gives a loud chorus of boos. Cage taunts the fans as he walks slowly to the ring. Once he reaches his destination, he steps through the ropes as the crowd's hatred of him is shown...

James: The following match is scheduled for one fall and is for the PWF European Championship. Introducing the challenger, from Chicago, Illnois, weighing 225lbs, Kevin Cage.*Crowd boos*

**"Cowboy's From Hell" by Prodigy hits, and words flash across the tron screen as the lights go off. THE...REAL...BOSTON...MASSACRE...; Four silver streaks shoot down from the rafters, and are answered by two red flames which shoot up from each side of the stage. As the lights dimly flash on with alternating flashes of red, Homicide can be seen facing the tron in a pose as if he was hanging from a cross. Then, as the crowd erupts in cheers, the arena lights go on, and Homicide turns, and proceeds down to the ring as he is announced.**

James: Introducing his opponent, from Boston, Massachusetts, weighing 292lbs, The PWF European Champion, "The Real Boston Massacre" Homicide. *Crowd cheers*

Report: Kevin Cage and Homicide circle each other as the bell rings. They tie up, they trie to out power each other, Homicide suceeds and pushes Cage into the turnbuckle. The referee calls for a break, but Homicide ignores him and hammers Cage with repeated right hands to the face. Cage Homicide whips Cage to the opposite Turnbuckle. Cage bounces off the turnbuckle and staggers out. Homicide comes of the ropes and takes Cage down with a running Bulldog. Homicide goes for an early cover. 1............2................Cage kicks out. Cage gets to his feet and connects with a forearm to Homicide. Cage follows it up with two more forearms and then pushes Homicide into the ropes and then off to the other side, but Homicide reverses and follows in with a clothesline which Cage ducks under, Cage comes off with a left arm clothesline, but Homicide ducks underneath and hits a Hangman's Neckbreaker. Homicide then mounts Cage and delivers repeated punches to the face.

Stanyer: Homicide is cooking tonight, he is really taking it to the challenger, Kevin Cage.

Cage eventually manages to get a right hand to Homicide and then pushes Homicide through the ropes to the floor. Cage rolls out as well, holding his head as he does so. Cage props Homicide up against the apron and hits a knife edge chop. A resounding "Wooo!!!" goes around the arena. Cage delivers a second chop and gets the same response. Homicide then suddenly reverses the positions and delivers an overhand chop to Cage. Cage comes back with a knife edge chop and then a drop toe hold which sees Homicide smash his head into the apron.

Stanyer: The referee letting these two fight it out, rather than count them out.

Cage picks up Homicide and then delivers a back drop on the mats on the outside. Cage then stomps on Homicide a couple of times. Cage picks up Homicide and slams his head into the barricade. Cage then whips Homicide back first into the steel steps.Cage kicks Homicide in the chest a couple of times while he is down.

Dawg: This is the Kevin Cage I know.

Cage picks up Homicide and then lifts him up and drops him chest first across the barricade. Cage then rolls him into the ring. Cage picks up Homicide and delivers a DDT, but Cage hangs on and delivers a second DDT.

Stanyer: We've seen this before, no wait, Homicide gets a couple of rabbit punches to the kidneys of Cage.

Homicide pushes Cage off into the ropes, Homicide ducks down for a back body drop and Cage hits a Running DDT to complete the tri-fector. Cage covers.

Stanyer: Could be a new European Champion. 1..............................2...........................Homicide kicks out.

Cage picks up Homicide and delivers a backbreaker, then leaves him on his knee and presses down on the head and legs for the submission.

Dawg: If he can't pin him, perhaps he can make him tap out.

Homicide refuses to give up and Cage pushes him off him and then covers. 1....................2...........................Homicide gets his left shoulder off the canvas. Cage picks up Homicide and then delivers a viscious uppercut sending Homicide down to the canvas. Cage then starts to climb the turnbuckle.

Stanyer: We don't see this often from Cage, he is clearly pulling out all the stops to win the European Title.

Cage flies off with a big splash but Homicide rolls out of the way. Both men stay down.

Dawg: And that's why he doesn't go up much.

The two men both make it to their feet at the same time, Cage goes for a forearm, but Homicide blocks it and hammers Cage with a big right hand. Homicide then backs it up with a couple more right hands, then whips Cage to the ropes and takes him down with a big clothesline. Cage bounces straight back up and gets hammered back down with a big right hand from Homicide. Cage gets back up and Homicide delivers a Sideslam. Homicide covers. 1.......................2.................Cage kicks out.

Stanyer: Homicide is making a big comeback now, can Cage withstand this onslaught?

Cage staggers back to his feet, Homicide goes behind Cage and goes for The Boston Massacre, but Cage spins around and grabs both arms of Homicide and rolls him up for a Backslide. 1...............................2..........................Homicide kicks out. Homicide rolls to his feet as does Cage, Homicide charges in, but Cage goes low and grabs both legs of Homicide and manages to turn him over for the Lion Cager.(Walls of Jericho)

Stanyer: Can Cage make Homicide tap out?? Look at Cage arching back on the hold. The pain that must be running through the body of Homicide must be unbearable, how is he holding on?

Homicide starts to crawl and make his way towards the ropes. Cage arches back even further stopping Homicide for a few seconds. Homicide somehow manages to drag enough strength from his body to reach the bottom rope and the ref calls for a break.

Stanyer: Somehow Homicide manages to survive the Lion Cager, but how much longer can he carry on?

Cage picks up Homicide and pushes him into the turnbuckle, Cage chops him hard in the chest. Cage goes for a second chop when Homicide ducks it and grabs Cage from behind.

Stanyer: THE BOSTON MASSACRE!!!!(Reverse DDT Drop) THE BOSTON MASSACRE!!!. Can Homicide make the cover. Homicide gets an arm over Cage. 1.................................2............................................3!!!!!!

Homicide d. Cage
11:48 Pinfall

James: The winner of the match and STILL PWF European Champion, "The Real Boston Massacre", HOMICIDE!!!!!

Stanyer: Somehow Homicide retains his European title after a titanic struggle with Kevin Cage.

** The cameras pick back up to see that Gambino's house is all alone. And no one is around. The police passes by and stops as the cop gets out of his car and walks toward the house. The cops gets almost to the house when he notices that Gambino's house has been vandalized by someone. The cops walks around to see what has happen as he notices that the house is missing the front door and all the windows have been broken. The cop walks in the house to find that no one is home. The cameras that are following the cop sees a picture of Gambino and his wife the picture is torn in half and Gambino's side is torn into peices. The camera man turns when he feels something touch him in the back. The camera meets up with Eraser who caughts the man with a hard right hand to the side of the head which sends him down and send the camera falling also. The camera then catches Eraser walking over to the cop who is facing the other way. The camera then shuts off as you hear a crunching sound. **

Stanyer: What the hell did he do in Gambino's house? Did Eraser just attack a cop?? What is going on??

Dawg: Mind Games boy, Eraser is playing Mind Games with Gambino. And he is taking them all, hook, line and sinker.

{Commerical Break}

*Voice - Hello, this is a comercial to advertise the new "Big Poppa Chat-Line" You can talk to Big Poppa any time of the day and talk to his about any of these catagories:

'How To Lose
'How To Dance
'How To Wrestle
'How To Make The Chicks Spot You
and you have a 100% chance he will answer. So call now on


Calls cost $4 a min, but it's well worth it!

*Big Poppa - Call Me Now. (Wink, Wink)

{End Commercial}

Theros Macalvia v Mad Mike

**Suddenly wild laughter echoes through the arena, the lights flashing purple and red. Theros appears on stage, his hands on his hips as he laughs. After several moments the laughs die off, and Ozzy's 'Crazy Train' hits. Theros stalks down towards the ring, a confident smirk on his face as the music continues to boom. Theros rolls into the ring and starts laughing again. The music then shatters into another chorus of wild laughter.**

James: Introducing from Syracuse, New York, weighing 282lbs. Theros Macalvia

Natural Born Killaz blast on the stereos throughout the arena then you see on the titantron "N.B.K. ALL THE WAY!" in red blood type letters. Mad Mike makes his way to the ramp. Mad Mike then raises his Louie ville slugger in the air and slowly raises his head up and all of a sudden red flames from the right and green flames on the left side shoot up in the air. mad Mike then enters the ring and goe over the top rope, mad Mike climbs up the turnbuckle with the Louie ville slugger high in the air.

James: Introducing from Las Vegas, Nevada, weighing 234lbs, "The Human Chainsaw" Mad Mike. *Crowd Boos*

Report: Mike immediately charges in and catches Theros off guard with repeated right hands to the face of Theros. Mike whips Theros to the ropes and hammers him down with a stiff clothesline. Mike mounts Theros and hammers him with right hands.

Stanyer: Mad Mike is really out for revenge after Theros literally choked out his cousin Big Lou on Wednesday Night.

After Mike stops punching him in the face he grabs Theros by the hair and starts to pound the head of Theros into the mat. The referee admonishes him for it, but Mike pushes him away and starts to choke Theros. This time the referee pulls Mike off Theros and Mike threatens the referee. Mike turns around and Theros's left arm suddenly shoots out and catches Mike down low. Theros then slowly staggers to his feet, Thero's left shoots out and hits stinging left jabs to the face of Mike. Theros grabs his left arm and begins to verbally admonish it for attacking Mike.

Dawg: What the hell is wrong with Theros? And that left arm, it seems to have a mind of it's own.

While Theros admonishes his left arm, it tries to reach out and grab Mike, but Theros pulls it back and starts to shout at it. Mike comes back and hits a stiff clothesline sending Theros staggering backwards. Mike then charges in and clothesline Theros over the top rope taking himself out with him. Mike picks up Theros, but Theros's left arm starts to hammer him repeatedly in the gut. The arm then grabs Mike by the head and tosses him towards the steps. Mike hits the steps head first. Theros's left arm suddenly goes limp. Then his left leg starts to stomp away furiously at the prone body of Mad Mike. Then suddenly the arm springs back to life and dives into the crowd dragging Theros with him. The arm grabs a fan from the crowd and drags him over the barricade.

Stanyer: WHAT THE HELL!!!! He's just a fan, what the hell is Theros doing???

Theros's left arm goes to hit the fan, when the referee manages to grab his arm, the arm fights free and again goes for the fan who is cowering down by the barricade. This time security grabs Theros and the arm starts to fight them off, but after a struggle they manage to handcuff Theros and hold him down.

Dawg: I've never seen anything like that, Theros just pulled someone out of the crowd and went to attack him.

Stanyer: If it wasn't for that referee, he damn sure would have done. Theros needs to be locked away, and they should throw the key away until he can control that left arm of his.

{Commerical Break}

*clips of Blackbird's arm being raised with the Hardcore and World titles are shown*

Voice-He's the most resiliant man in wrestling today. He is a former PWF World Champion

*More clips shown*

Voice-Hardcore is what this man does.

*Blackbird is shown sitting in the corner of a ring with a mic*


Fast voice-Order your copy of Blackbird: Definition of hardcore including entire matches and commentary from Blackbird himself for only $9.99! Available in Shopzone NOW!

{End Commercial}

**Call of the Ktulu by Metallica hits and out comes Alexander hoisting his World Tag Title on his shoulder and Kull carrying his at his side. Kull slides into the ring and lays his title on the mat and climbs a turnbuckle. Alexander climbs to the second rope and a fireworks display erupts behind them.**

Stanyer: Looks like our Tag Team Champions have something they want to say.

Alexander- It's been almost 2 weeks now and I hate to say this but we have already dominated every worthy tag team in this federation. I do not wish to be arrogant or even cocky but it seems that way. There is a lack of competition in the PWF.

Kull- We're being told that there is more competition on the way that they're signing new teams and hurrying their debuts as fast as they can. Then they say what about the Russians they look good, well they look good but that's one match against the Gummi Bears, I'm not impressed.

Alexander- I challenge any 2 guys in the back that think they can get along long enough to wrestle a tag match to come out and face the Wraith of the War Gods.

Kull- Anyone brave enough?

****Natural born killaz by Dr. Dre and Ice Cube hit the speakers of the Nassau Coliseum. Big Lou and Mad Mike then walk out from the backstage on to the ramp way each holding a bat in there right hand. Both men come out to the ramp and stop and look into the crowd and throw there right arms up in the air with there bats high above there heads. Big Lou then pulls out a mic from his loose pocket from his pants pocket.****

Stanyer: I think these might just be brave enough Kull.

Dawg: I'm amazed Big Lou is out here, he was choked out on Wednesday, but that is just the way he is.

Big Lou:- "You come out here running your little mouths saying you our dominating the tag team division well you ain't cause we beated both your ass's back in the day and we never fought before or after that ever since. Your lucky you didn't have the tag team titles that night cause we would of had them in our possesion as we speak! But no you had to run your mouth. Mad Mike and I were both in our locker room watching you guys saying a crock of shit lies towards the p.w.f fans here tonight and Mike and I couldn't stand it anymore and now where out hear with proof showing where the #1 contenders of the p.w.f. tag team titles. You will lose once again to the God's of Gore and will walk out of that very own ring your standing in tonight as tag team champions!"

(Big Lou hands the mic to his partner Mad Mike. Mad Mike takes off his sunglasses and slowly raises the mic towards his face.)

Mad Mike:- "Whats there to say... Big Lou said everything that needed to be said. Well I know one thing i can say, your looking at your new world tag team champions of the p.w.f. the GODS OF GORE!!"

**Natural Born Killaz hits as the Gods of Gore and the Gods of War make their way backstage**

Stanyer: That to me sounds like a challenge. And it's a match I would like to see. Let's hope our new commissioner makes the match happen somewhere down the line.

Dawg: So would I, so I could see those damn Gods of War get their asses kicked.

Stanyer: I take it your not a fan.

Dawg: "The Conqueror" Kull, what is he going to conquer, "The Gummi Bears".

Stanyer: I'd choose your words carefully.

Dawg: Blah, Blah, Blah.

Stanyer: Well you can think about it as you watch your favourite wrestler.

Matt Van Dam v Bloodbath

**"Snap your Fingers, Snap your neck" by Prong plays as MVD walks down the aisle, cluching Jennifer Van Dam by the waist, he lets her go, and poses, flexing his arms towards his head (RVD style). The Ultra-Tron bears the gWo logo and then shows clips of MVD striking opponents out with his Kendo Stick and finishing them the 5 star frog splash.**

James: Introducing, from Battlecreek, England, weighing 228lbs, "The Real F'n Show" Matt Van Dam. *Crowd Boos heavily**

**"96 Quite Bitter Beings" by CKY plays as a ring of fire appears by the entrance. Bloodbath rises out of the flames before walking towards the ring. He stops on the apron, and looks to the crowd, before he climbs in the ring.**

James: Introducing, from Hell, Michigan, weighing 225lbs, Bloodbath.

Report: MVD comes in with a couple of forearms, but Bloodbath comes back with forearms of his own. Bloodbath then takes down MVD by the legs, Bloodbath then tries to roll across MVD and lock on an armbar, MVD counters and cartwheels up to his feet. Bloodbath gets to his feet. They tie up, MVD takes Bloodbath into a hammerlock, Bloodbath reverses and delivers a Back Drop. MVD gets up quickly and hits a charging forearm. Bloodbath goes down but gets back up quickly. MVD and Bloodbath then tie up again, MVD takes it into a waistlock, but Bloodbath reverses it, MVD then counters with a couple of elbows to the back of the head, then springs up and hits a beautiful kick to the back of the head of Bloodbath.

Stanyer: What a kick my MVD, caught Bloodbath totally off guard.

MVD picks up Bloodbath and whips him to the turnbuckle, MVD then hits a drop toe hold, then a corkscrew leg drop driving Bloodbath's head into the canvas. MVD rolls Bloodbath over into a pin. 1.......................2............................Bloodbath kicks out. MVD springs up to the top rope as Bloodbath staggers to his feet. MVD flies off with a spinning wheel kick taking Bloodbath down. MVD rolls Bloodbath over. 1......................................2.......................................Bloodbath kicks out again. MVD looks infuriated. MVD picks up Bloodbath, then kicks him low causing Bloodbath to double up, Bloodbath then comes off the ropes and goes for the FrogAsser, but Bloodbath suddenly springs to life and catches MVD mid move and delivers a Dragon Screw Leg Whip. MVD hits the canvas holding his knee. Bloodbath rests on the ropes trying to catch his breath. As MVD gets to his feet. Bloodbath attacks. He locks MVD in a headlock and looks to hit a DDT, but MVD blocks it with a couple of rabbit punches, MVD then flips Bloodbath over with a hiptoss, but Bloodbath lands on his feet. Bloodbath grabs MVD for a Belly to Belly, but MVD counters with an elbow to the back of Bloodbaths head. Bloodbath turns away from the blow, MVD grabs Bloodbath from behind and looks for a German Suplex, but Bloodbath reverses the waistlock and locks in a Sleeper Hold. MVD runs up the turnbuckle and flips over Bloodbath and catches him with a Vandaminator. Lateral Press. 1........................2.............................Bloodbath just kicks out.

Stanyer: So close once again. Bloodbath is really taking a beating from MVD.

Dawg: What did you expect?

MVD gets to his feet and springs to the top rope. MVD comes off with the 5 Star Frog Splash and connects perfectly. Cover 1...............................2....................................Bloodbath somehow kicks out.

Stanyer: Bloodbath just kicked out of the Five Star Frog Splash. Unbelievable.

MVD then picks up Bloodbath and knocks him straight back down again with a viscious heel kick and then drags him back in position. MVD then starts to climb the turnbuckle again. But Bloodbath gets to his feet and manages to run into the ropes and crotch MVD. Bloodbath then starts to ascend the turnbuckle and locks in MVD.

Stanyer: He's not, no way. OH MY GOD!!! BLOOD BASH FROM THE TOP ROPE!!!!! UNREAL.

Bloodbath drapes an arm over MVD. 1.............................2.................................3!!!!!!

Bloodbath d. MVD
6:11 Pinfal

Stanyer: Bloodbath has just beaten MVD, and may have broken his face with that devastating move.

Dawg: He got lucky, that was virtually the only move he hit.

Stanyer: But he got the 1,2,3, something MVD couldn't even get with his Frog Splash, could he.

Dawg: We'll see, we'll see. I know things you don't.

Stanyer: Like what.

Dawg: Wait and see.

{Commerical Break}

**The screen goes onto Rye Hazwaki with black Karate trousers on, he is seen in the distance, lots of people are standing around him. Rye then jumps in the air, and Cyclone Kick's all of the people around him, they all fall to the ground. A voice is then heard.**

Voice: You want to know the newest fashion???? Well, look at these.
**The screen goes to a man just showing the bottom half of his body it shows, Black Karate Trousers with Rye Hazwaki down one side, and his face on the other it also has a red belt.**

Voice: The new fashion of today, Rye Karate trousers, avaliable in Red, Black, White and Blue. You ask where from? only $24.83 and if you buy two pairs, you can get your very own Rye Vest. In Red, Black and white.

Voice:So come to now!

**The screen then goes onto Rye again, but in a diffrent location jumping up in slow motion (Matrix Style) and Whirl-Wind Kicking a Man..**


****"Do not try those moves at home."****

{End Commercial}

**Inside the LoD lockerroom Carnage and Bloodstorm are talking and laughing together. Both are talking in very bad Russian still making fun of The Russians when Ted Tedison opens the door and allows himself in.**

Tedison:- LoD..I would like to get a couple of words from you. Earlier you heard that our new comissioner, Gambino, has made a match involving you, the LoD, against Gambino & Devastator. Both are looking for pay back for what you did to...

Carnage:- Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Do you ever shut up? Now first things first. We have a match tonight?? When did this happen? I didnt hear anything! No one told us!

Tedison:- As I said earlier....

Carnage:- Shut it little man. Listen Gambino...tonight was our night off! A night to relax and have fun for us. And on your first night on the job as our new commish you piss the LoD off! Well that was a huge mistake!

Bloodstorm:- And you Devastator...why cant you just leave things alone?? Are you that eager to join your brother? What we did with Destroyer was make an example out of him. We showed the world what we can and will do if we so desire. If you think you are going to stop us you might as well get yourself a hospital bed waiting for your broken body!

Carnage:- So now instead of making fun of those Russian guys and having a good time we must waste a few minutes...and this will take no more then a couple of minutes...of our precious time to beat the hell out of you. Well Gambino..Devastator...after tonight you will know never to piss off the LoD!!

**Carnage points towards the door and stares at Ted.**

Carnage:- Get out now! And next time you just walk in without knocking first do so with paramedics waiting outside the door...youll need them.

Stanyer: My god, the Lords of Destruction are not in a good mood at all.

Dawg: What do you expect, it was their day off, and they are told they must wrestle Gambino and Devastator, how would you feel?

Stanyer: Well anyway folks, its now time for our US title match, these two are 1 and 1 against each other so far, Travis beat Rye before the tournaments ended. Before War Games, Rye defeated Travis for the Challenge Title. Now tonight they fight for the US Title. This one is going to be a classic.

Travis Right v Rye Hazwaki

**As "Walk with your head up" by Deftones & System of Down hits" hits and you hear "Get up Stand up, I got my head up" Travis comes walking out onto the ramp and arrogantly waves for the fans to boo all they want. Firecrackers pop off all around the Titantron as the Future makes his way to the ring. As he reaches the front of the ring, Travis slides under the bottom rope and slowly walks to the center of the ring. He crosses his arms and nods his head as the pyros explode behind him.**

James: The following match is scheduled for one fall and is for the PWF United States Championship, Introducing the challenger, from Miami, Florida, weighing 283lbs, "The Future" Travis Right.*Crowd Boos*

**Break Stuff by Limp Bizkit hits, as the lights flash red and white, and Rye Hazwaki is shown doing a slow ‘Cyclone Kick.’ The Pyro’s blast as Rye stands on the top of the stage, he looks at the crowd then walks down and enters the ring.**

James: Introducing, from Tokyo, Japan, weighing 251lbs, the PWF United States Champion, Rye Hazwaki. *Crowd cheers wildly*

Report: The crowd quietens down in anticipation of this main event calibur matchup. The two men circle each other, Travis tries a feeler grapple, Rye swings with a roundhouse kick as a demonstration. Travis calls for the tieup, they tieup, Travis takes Rye into a waistlock, Rye pushes Travis into the ropes and pushes him off, Rye tries a standing heel kick, but Travis ducks underneath and locks in a waistlock, Rye catches Travis with a couple of quick elbows and reverses the waistlock, Rye sweeps Travis forward down to the mat, Rye bounces off the ropes, Travis moves into position, Rye goes over the top of him, Travis stands up and tries to leapfrog Rye, but Rye stands firm and catches Travis with a straight martial arts kick to the face as he lands. Travis staggers down into the corner. Rye runs into one corner and runs at Travis and goes for a two footed dropkick to the face, but Travis moves out of the way and Rye slides through and crotches himself on the ringpost.

Stanyer: Lovely ring awareness by Travis Right, he drew Rye right into him.

Travis pulls Rye out from the post and picks him up. Travis whips him into the opposite turnbuckle, Rye staggers out and Travis lifts him up onto his shoulders and delivers a Death Valley Driver. Travis immediately covers. 1...........................2................................Rye just gets his left shoulder up. Travis frustrated grabs the leg of Rye and covers again. 1.............................2............................Rye kicks out again. Travis picks up Rye and hits a Double Underhook Backbreaker. Travis lets Rye hit the mat and then turns him over for a Boston Crab. But Rye uses his phenomenal Leg strength to power out of it. Travis gets to his feet and ducks a heel kick from Rye and grabs him around the waist and delivers a Belly to Back Suplex. Travis covers. 1................................2............................Rye kicks out.

Stanyer: Fast paced high impact action from Travis Right, that is his third high impact move in quick succession.

Dawg: He knows that he can't let Rye back in because of those devastating kicks that Rye uses.

Travis picks up Rye and whips him into the ropes and hits a running knee to the gut. Travis then puts Rye between his legs and signals for a piledriver, but Rye counters with a back body drop. Travis rolls up and gets caught with Hazwaki Kick(Crescent Kick). Travis ends up in a sitting position. Rye positions himself and then hits a kick to the face that echoes around the arena. Rye sets himself up again and hits a second kick that sends Travis sprawling across the ring.

Stanyer: My god those kicks nearly caved in the skull of Travis Right, what a sudden turnaround in fortunes, one minute Travis is dominating and suddenly Rye has Travis on the run.

Travis Right staggers to his feet as Rye prepares for another kick, Rye connects with two kicks to the kidneys and then as a mock to MVD he hits his version of a Vandaminator.

Dawg: Hey, that's MVD's move, he can't use that.

Stanyer: What are you talking about, MVD ripped it off in the first place.

Dawg: What do you mean MVD ripped it off, it's that damn RVD that is the rip-off.

Stanyer: Whatever.

Suddenly the Ultra-Tron comes to life. Rye Hazwaki turns to see what is happening.

Stanyer: What the hell, that's The Russians?? What are they doing? Hey that's the OutKast's locker room. What the hell are they doing???

Dawg: It looks like they are moving something across the door? It's a stack of anvil cases, that's what they bring the ring parts in.

Stanyer: But what are they planning??

Suddenly Jennifer Van Dam appears from the crowd by the announcing tables. She climbs to the apron and tries to get in the ring, the referee goes to her and stops her. Rye Hazwaki taunts JVD.

Stanyer: What is JVD doing? Hey behind you, G POWER, G POWER SLAM!!! Power G from nowhere!!!

Dawg: The top rope, MVD!!!

Stanyer: FIVE STAR FROG SPLASH. And Rye is STILL getting to his feet!!!!

Power G and MVD slide out of the ring, Travis is up to his feet, he locks in Rye Hazwaki and delivers The Last Gasp(Mu-Ken). JVD drops down from the apron, the referee spins around and sees Travis with the bridge. 1..........................2..............................3!!!!!!!!!!!!

Travis d. Rye
5:16 Pinfall

James: The winner of the match, and NEW PWF UNITED STATES CHAMPION, "THE FUTURE" TRAVIS RIGHT!!!!!! *Crowd Boos loudly*

Stanyer: The gWo just screwed Rye out of the US title.

Dawg: Remind you of anything, it's only what The OutKast's did to the gWo.

Stanyer: Wait, on the Tron!!!

The Tron shows the OutKast's locker room blocked by those cases, the cases suddenly collapse and Crusader, Havok and Bloodbath come out and head immediately to the ring.

Stanyer: This is going to explode right here in this very ring, Wait, The Russians!!!! They just clocked Bloodbath with a double chair shot!!!!!!

Dawg: I don't think the rest noticed. They are running into a carefully laid trap by the gWo.

Crusader and Havok charge out of the entrance to the cheers of the crowd, they head to the ring, where Power G, Travis and MVD are waiting for them. They slide in and Crusader hammers MVD and Travis down with right hands, Havok knocks Power G into a corner, but Power G flips him around and starts to chop him. Crusader gets overpowered by the double team of Travis and MVD. MVD sets Crusader up on the top rope and Travis hits The Near Future. Power G hits the G Power Slam on Havok. On the ramp we see Bloodbath stagger out only for The Russians to come out and clock him again with chairs. Then Wowbowski tosses Bloodbath off the stage through a table to the floor.

Stanyer: OH MY GOD!!!! Bloodbath just fell ten feet from the stage!!!!! The Damn gWo.

In the ring MVD sits and waits for Rye to stagger up, MVD taps his thigh and then hits the FrogAsser as Rye tries to get to his feet.

Dawg: The OutKast's have been decimated by the gWo.

Stanyer: This isn't right, will someone stop the gWo.

Dawg: Nothing can stop the gWo. You should know that by now.

Stanyer: Dammit, there will be hell to pay when The OutKasts awake.

{Commerical Break}

**Big Poppa is shown at a disco like dance party, and he's doing a few dance moves. He whips some sweat of his head and notices that everyone around him is having some milk. He swallows his sweat and begins to get delusional. The music starts to fade out as he sees a giant milk carton saying, "Drink Me." He rubs his eyes and it's gone, so begins to walk from the dance floor.**

Girl 1: Big Poppa, don't leave! I want you to show me your moves.

Big Poppa: Yeah, whatever.. I'm going to get something to drink. I'm really thirsty for some reason.

**Big Poppa walks to the bar, and sits down. He winks at the ladies sitting about five seats down.**

Bartender: What'll it be?

Big Poppa: Make it a moo-juice, and hold the ice. I'm feeling a little "exotic" tonight so make it two-percent'er.

Bartender: I'll see what I can do.

**Big Poppa checks his pocket, and finds an oddly large box of pretzels. They look old, but he shrugs and starts eating them by the handful. The bartender comes back**

Big Poppa: *With a mouth full of Pretzels* Where is my milk?

Bartender: Oh, I thought you knew… About 1 minute ago we officially stopped serving everything but Dish Water.

**The Bartender puts a large glass of Dish Water in front of Big Poppa, and Big Pappa starts spitting the pretzels out. Big Poppa gives the camera a mean stare as the announcer says**

Got Milk Guy: Got Milk?

{End Commercial}

{Commerical Break}

Voice: Coming soon to PWF Shopzone, PWF The Music, Volume I. Featuring quality tracks by Godsmack, Limp Bizkit and Metallica. Listen to your favourite PWF's superstars music whenever you want.

{End Commercial}

Stanyer: Well folks after that disgraceful attack by the gWo, this happened during the break.

**Footage rolls**

**The OutKasts are seen walking backstage, they are each nursing their wounds.**

Crusader: Damn that gWo, they had better have life insurance for what we are going to do to them now.

**The OutKasts arrive at the gWo locker room, they storm in, but it is empty, even the clothes are gone.**

Havok: Where did they go all of a sudden?

**The OutKasts head on down the hall and come out into the car park, they see a stretch limo in the car park, pointing towards the entrance. MVD is standing with his upper body sticking through the sunroof. He is simply smiling. Crusader runs after the limo, but it speeds away. Crusader smashes his fist into the nearest car.**

**Footage ends**

Stanyer: The gWo made a quick getaway after they jumped The OutKasts, when they clash, it will NOT be pretty.

Dawg: No, it will be more of the same.

Stanyer: Somehow I doubt it. Well folks it's now time for our Main Event.

Main Event
Gambino & Devastator v Lords of Destruction

**"The Fight Song" by Marilyn Manson hits as Devastator walks out onto the rampway. He raises both arms in the air with clenched fists. He then walks down to the ring, he climbs in over the top rope. He walks to the far turnbuckle and climbs to the second rope before raising two clenched fists again.**

James: The following No Disqualification Tag Team Contest is scheduled for one fall, Introducing first, from Brooklyn, New York, weighing 350lbs, Devastator

Stanyer: No DQ?? Did Gambino add that?

**The lights dim and violins begin playing an eerie tune, like from the Godfather movie. On the Ultra-tron, pictures, apparently flashbacks of life in the Mafia, are shown. Images of gunfights, driveby shootings, and car's exploding alternate with pictures of a funeral in progress. Just as they begin lowering the casket into the grave, the screen goes black and then begins flashing the name "Gambino" across the screen in silver lettering. Then, as an explosion of pyros occurs on the stage, "Keep Away" by Godsmack begins blaring through the arena and Gambino appears in the entrance. He stands in the entrance for a short moment before walking down the aisle towards the ring. Once he reaches the ring, he climbs in and heads to the closest corner of the ring and begins taunting the crowd. He then raises both hands in the air as if celebrating.**

James: And his tag team partner, the commissioner of the PWF, from Brooklyn, New York, weighing 245lbs, Antonio Gambino**Crowd Boos loudly**

"Serial Killer" by Prodigy begins to play as images of the Lords of Destruction destroying past opponents play on the titantron. Once the Lords of Destruction appear on the ramp there is a very loud mixed reaction from the crowd with the cheers noticably louder. LoD walk to the ring quickly, barely acknowledging the crowd, climb in & stand in their corner.

James: Introducing, from Canada, at a combined weight of 630lbs, Bloodstorm and Carnage, the Lords of Destruction. *Crowd give a mixed reaction, but mainly cheers.**

Report: Gambino and Carnage start out, They tie up, but Carnage has a big leverage and Strength advantage over Gambino and easily pushes him to the floor. Gambino gets back up and walks into a right hand by Carnage, but Gambino comes back with a big right of his own, Carnage and Gambino exchange fists until Carnage gets the upper hand and delivers two rights that send Gambino into a neutral Corner. Carnage then whips Gambino to the other corner and charges in with a clothesline. Gambino staggers out of the corner and picks him up in a military press and then tosses him to the mat near his corner. Carnage tags in Bloodstorm. Bloodstorm quickly covers. 1...............................2..........................Gambino kicks out.

Stanyer: The Lords of Destruction are fired up and are taking it to the PWF commissioner.

Bloodstorm picks up Gambino and delivers a couple of right hands, then whips Gambino towards the ropes. Bloodstorm then delivers a Spinebuster to Gambino. Bloodstorm covers. 1..............................2..........................Devastator makes the save, then the ref forces him out of the ring. Bloodstorm takes Gambino over to his corner and tags in Carnage. The two then whip Gambino towards the ropes and deliver a Double Flapjack, Carnage covers as Bloodstorm leaves. 1...........2..........Devastator comes in makes the save.

Dawg: Devastator again has to make the save. Not doing so well are they?

The ref again sends Devastator out. Bloodstorm quickly enters the ring and LoD deliver a Double Powerbomb to Gambino. Carnage then heads out of the ring, the ref turns around and slaps his hands together to ask if they made a tag. Bloodstorm just covers Gambino. The ref counts. 1.....................................2.....................................Gambino just kicks out.

Stanyer: Hey, the LoD never tagged.

Dawg: They don't have to, and don't want to.

Bloodstorm picks up Gambino and whips him to the ropes, he stoops and lifts Gambino over in a Back Body drop, but as Gambino goes over he grabs the head of Bloodstorm and swings him around to deliver a DDT. Both men they stay down looking for a tag.

Stanyer: Beautiful counter by Gambino, but he desparately needs a tag.

Gambino and Bloodstorm both crawl across the ring, Bloodstorm gets the tag first, but Gambino manages to dive out and just makes the tag. Devastator comes charging in and clotheslines Carnage down. He then whips Carnage to the ropes after he gets up and delivers a sidewalk slam, Devastator then delivers a big boot to Bloodstorm to knock him off the apron just as he had stood up, Bloodstorm flies off and lands face first on the barricade. Devastator then grabs Carnage by the throat just as he had gotten to his feet. Devastator then covers Carnage. 1.............2...............Carnage kicks out. Gambino now goes around to Bloodstorm on the outside and slams his face into the apron, then whips him into the ring steps. Gambino then tosses a chair to Devastator in the ring. He waits for Carnage to get to his feet, Devastator charges at Carnage with the steel chair, but Carnage ducks the chair shot and grabs Devastator and delivers the Death Penalty.(Rock Bottom). Carnage covers. 1..................................2.....................................Gambino just makes the save.

Stanyer: How close was that.The Lords of Destruction nearly won this one right there.

Carnage gets to his feet and grabs Gambino by the throat and delivers a devastating chokeslam.

Stanyer: This one is now over, there is no way Gambino is getting up from that one. WAIT IN THE RING!!! IS THAT???

Carnage stands up and trash talks Gambino as he is down then turns around and sees someone standing behind him. He steps back in shock, as if he recognises him. The man then kicks him in the gut and then delivers the Devastator. Bloodstorm comes into the ring and gets hammered with right hands and then the man delivers the Devastator to him as well. The man places the arm of Devastator over Carnage.

Stanyer: Is that Destroyer? It can't be? He has a broken neck? If it isn't who is it??

Dawg: Dammit no, this can't happen like this.

The referee counts. 1...............................................2..................................................3!!!!!!

Devastator & Gambino d. Lords of Destruction
14:01 Pinfall

Stanyer: Who is that man? And what was he doing here, we are out of time folks, hopefully we will know more on Armageddon. This is Jason Stanyer, see you next week folks.

**The last shot shows the man standing over the Lords of Destruction holding up the arms of Gambino and Devastator.**

***© 2001 PWF Entertainment***