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18th July 2001

Good news folks!! Matt has decided to start doing Armageddon again, as of next week. So this should hopefully be the last show that will be like this.

True Age Outlaws v Gods of Gore

Report: The True Age Outlaws start out brightly hitting a Double Powerbomb on Mike, they covered but Lou broke it up. A low blow from Mike turned the match and the Gods of Gore dominated, hitting a 3D driving Crossbone's neck into the top rope. The True Age Outlaws managed to hang in there and after a double clothesline involving Crossbone and Lou, Black Ass is tagged in and he takes apart the two Gods of Gore and hits a Powerbomb on Mike which nearly gets a 2 count. The Lou manages to take out Crossbone with a chair on the outside which the referee misses and while Black Ass is distracted trying to help his partner, Mike turns him around and scoops him up and hits Dead Man's Curve(TKO) and gets the win for the Gods of Gore.

Gods of Gore d. True Age Outlaws
9:18 Pinfal

Three Way Elimination Hardcore Match(non-title)
Dirk Danger v Rampage v Theros Macalvia

Report: These three men put on a fantastic showing, with some brutal weapon shots, and a devastating Danger Driver from Dirk Danger which put Rampage through a table, however Theros attacked Dirk from behind immediately afterwards and hit The System Shock and pinned Dirk Danger to eliminate him. Theros then attacked and took apart one of PWF's security at ringside, but then got hit from behind with a chair by the now recovered Rampage. The two men then fought it out for a while until Rampage managed to Gore Theros through a table in the corner and then covered to get the 3 count.

Rampage d. Theros & Dirk Danger
20:53 Pinfall

Xuway Promo

Xuway sits in the middle of the ring concentrating. He gets up

Xuway:- You ppl want to see more of the TAFKAG. Did you like the way Resnick screamed in agony. Do you want to see him scream again. Nobody can stand up to the TAFKAG. Not Resnick not Leo not anyone.

Xuway points in the audience at a buff guy.

Xuway:- You want some punk. I'll break that arm.

The guy scared shakes in his boots speechless

Xuway: Thats what I thought. Nobody can beat the TAFKAG

Blackbird Promo

Cool to Hate hits and Blackbird walks out stopping at the top of the entryway

Blackbird: -Xuway...I've never tapped out. Sure I've been beaten by submission once or twice but I have NEVER tapped out! So Xuway...I'll accept your challenge. I have been working on a new submission move so why make not just make the match HARDCORE!!!

Blackbird runs down to the ring and slide in to start the match

Hardcore Match
Xuway Zanchu v Blackbird

Report: This was an outstanding match, Blackbird took a hell of a beating from the big man Xuway, but he stubbornly refused to tap out, Xuway became obsessed with making Blackbird tap out, but he refused to tap out. Xuway went into a rage which gave Blackbird the chance of a comeback and he hit the EvenFlow DDT, but somehow Xuway kicked out. Perhaps Blackbird not getting enough impact in with his weakened arms. Blackbird used a variety of weapons to beat down Xuway, Blackbird then turned the tables on Xuway and locked on the Ankle Lock, Xuway refused to tap out and eventually Blackbird relinquished the hold and then went for his patented "Black Eyes" (Top Rope Leg Drop with a chair under leg). But Xuway rolled out of the way, Blackbird got to his feet and Xuway hit the Tiger Suplex with bridge and got the 3 count.

Xuway d. Blackbird
11:21 Pinfall

Rye Promo

The camera fades into Rye sitting on a small wooden chair that seems to be in a large log cabin. Rye begins to rock on the chair as he looks at the camera.

Rye: "You may all be wondering why i am here... Well to tell you now, this is in fact the nearest place to the Armageddon arena, so that is why i am here at this funny looking log cabin sitting in a rocking chair."

The camera then scans around the small cabin and sees various doors, it then sees a big moose's head above the lit fire place. Some pictures are on the fire place shelf. The camera then looks back at Rye.

Rye: "It's not often that you get a place so peacefull as this, and before you all say anything Rye is still himself, he hasn't gone soft, but when was the last time any of you wrestlers in PWF came here to the wild woods to have a relaxing weekend? Stress Free..."

Rye: "Well while i'm here i may as well issue out a open challenge to someone, anyone for that matter, Titles have been all around me since the begining of PWF, and now i finally get a brake from them, when was the last time i had a singles match, one on one, nothing in it just two men battling it out? I can't remember to tell the truth. But i have one major problem, most wrestlers around me in PWF can't even wrestle there way out of a paper bag let along inside a ring with a top class athlete, but i guess thats just the way it goes."

Rye then stands up, and walks into one of the rooms as the camera looks back at the stuffed moose head and then fades.

Clegg Promo

Clegg is seen in the gym smacking the shit out of a punch bag. He spots the camera and calls the guy over.

Clegg: Rye i saw your little speech earlier on and damn it but i think i should give you a match one on one. I may not be the best wrestler around but i know how to fight my way out of a paper bag. If you want a match you got it but mark my words it won't be pretty.

Clegg turns and starts to beat the hell out of the punch bag again as the camera fades.

Andy Clegg v Rye Hazwaki

Report: Rye starts out the stronger and knocks Clegg off his feet a few times with viscious kicks, but Clegg fights his way back and begins to dominate Rye, His aggressive style managed to keep Rye's kicks at bay. However he couldn't hold Rye down for long, and two quick kicks to the head put Clegg in a sitting position, Rye came off the ropes and hit the Feet of Fury dropkick and covered to get the 3 count.

Rye d. Clegg
5:58 Pinfall

Russians Promo

Du Hast by Rammstein blares over the speakers as the Russians emerge from the back, to the loud boo's of the crowd. Clad in their wrestling attire they make their way to the ring as green pyros shoot from the side off the walkway. They get into the ring and rudely grab a microphone each from the ring attendant before moving to the center of the ring where they get ready to speak

Wowbowski:- Zatknis! American Muddacks! Ve Vrussians Vant to speak!

The crowd boo's violently

Cossak:- Zatknis!

Wowbowski:- vell, tonight, ve have no match. Yet, So, Ve vill chsllenge anyvon who vill dare fights us.

Cossak:- Da. who dareski?

Wowbowski:- Nyet, no von come out. Bunch of pathetic americanskies anyway

As the Russians are about to leave the ring when out walk the Gods of War. They head towards the ring when the Titan-Tron flares up, the two teams look towards it.

Ruff Ryders Promo

The Ruff ryders are shown in the back locker room and Devastator starts to speak

Devastator:-Who do the Russians think they are?

Dominator shruggs his shoulders

Dominator:- You,Crusader,Bloodbath,Havok,and Rye beat the shit out of them and the rest of the gWo.

Devastator: -Oh, I know that is why I think we should have a triple-threat tag match Non-title or titles on the line. We don't give a damn so what do ya say Gods of War and The Russians. We will pin your asses for the one...two....three.....!!!!

Dominator- See ya in the ring

The Fight Song hits in the arena as The Ruff Ryders charge out of the back to the ring

Three Way Elimination Tag Match
Ruff Ryders v The Russians v Gods of War

Report: The Ruff Ryders dominate the early goings and clear the ring. But the Gods of War make a comeback on them and nearly eliminate them. The Russians are tagged in and fare less well and take quite a beating. The Russians make a comeback however, but as Cossak attempts a high flying move he is crotched and Wowbowski is tossed to the outside before The Ruff Ryders deliver Total Devastation(Double Chokeslam off the top rope) to Cossak and then cover to eliminate the Russians. Kull come in and take a beating, but when Alexander comes in he makes a superb comeback and tags Kull back in who hits a Pheonix Splash and gets the 3 count on Dominator as Alexander manages to stop Devastator making the save.

Gods of War d. Ruff Ryders & The Russians
16:18 Pinfall

Homicide Promo

Camera cuts to Homicide's make-shift Armageddon locker room where he sits on a steel chair, in street clothes, watching the broadcast. As he watches the show he comments on his pay per view match and a possible challenge.

Homicide: "Damn, I can't wait until the pay per view when I get the European gold back around my waist. That dumbass, Cage, thinks that he can beat me again in my specialty match...HAH! He will get a taste of his own blood and a trip to the ER for his dumbassness." In the background you can hear the crowd's reaction.

Homicide: "Now, as for tonight. I can't let my wrestling skills decay leading up to the pay per view, so.. Yes.. That's it. I'll issue an open challenge to anyone in the Armageddon arena tonight. None of that sissy ladder match stuff either. Just a one-on-one hardcore match." Crowd roars.

Homicide: "So, if anyone has the balls, I have the time. Just remember my 3 I's: 1-I will injure you, 2-I will not be responsible for the medical bill, and 3- *crowd chants with Homicide* I am the REAL Boston Massacre!!" Crowd erupts.

Camera fades back to the Amrageddon broadcast as Homicide fades out of view with an evil grin across his face.

Information comes through that Maxwell Powers has accepted Homicide's challenge

Maxwell Powers v Homicide

Report: This one was a slugfest, a battle of two big men. The two men beat the hell out of each other. Homicide started in control, but Maxwell Powers took over and hit a devastating Spinebuster that nearly got a 3 count. Homicide came back and almost hit the Boston Massacre but Powers broke free. Sir Matthew Powers distracted the referee as Maxwell got in a low blow and then hit the Jacknife Powerbomb and covered to get the win over the former European Champion.

Powers d. Homicide
9:08 Pinfall

Gambino Promo

Keep Away by Godsmack hits and Gambino storms to the ring. He doesn't even take the time to play to the crowd, as he is obviously in a very fowel mood. He immediately grabs a mic and paces the ring as he speaks Gambino: "Now let's get this straight. It took two of you sons of bitches to take me out on Havoc. Am I right? Not only that, but it took two of you jumping me from behind to take me out. Now, why don't we try this again tonight, and the two of you bastards face me in a handicap match. I want you two to come out, look me in my eyes, and you just try to whip my ass! Now I know, people are probably gonna say, don't do it Gambino, you don't have a chance against both of them. I don't give a rats ass what kind of chances I've got! I want the both of you, right here in this ring, two on one, and it doesn't make a damn bit of difference to me whether I win or lose. I'm gettin some damn payback, one way or another!" Erasers music hits, and Gambino stops in the middle of the ring. He drops the microphone to his side, and stands there awaiting a fight

Eraser Promo

Eraser's music continues to play but no one shows up. The on the Ultra-tron Eraser pops up. Eraser: Gambino! What's wrong. It sound like you are gettign tired of gettign your ass kicked. I don't blame you. Because if I was you, I would beat the shit out of myself. Eraser pauses as the crowd starts to boo him. He waits to they quite down. Eraser: Now you are talking about a 2 on 1 match for tonight. Well I would love to beat you ass like on Havoc and I think Kidd would love it too.

Boos are heard through out the arena

Eraser: But you see there are 2 problems. One Kidd is no wheres near to be found he left the other night and I haven't seen his since.. Second problem is that I didn't have a match for Armageddon so I didn't show up there. So I guess that your little match will have to wait until a later time. And by the way it doesn't take to stones to kill a bird. It just takes one but two stone will kill a bird fast and more painful.

Gambino Promo 2

**Gambino looks to the Tron, and he's visibly getting more angry at Erasers antics**

Gambino: " case you didn't know, I'm the Commissioner of the PWF, and what I say damn well goes around here, ya hear? So when I say we're having a handicap match, we're having us a damn handicap match. I guess your buddy Kidd not being around poses a bit of a problem, so I will move the handicap match to Havoc. But you ain't getting off lightly, tonight you will go one on one with the man known as the self proclaimed "Master of Submission", Josh Resnick

Eraser is furious and starts throwing stuff around his hotel room.

Gambino: (laughing). I think you'd better get your ass moving, because if you don't turn up, then I might just have to fine you a few months wages.

This infuriates Eraser even more who throws a lamp at the wall, shattering it, and then storms out of the room. "Keep Away" hits and Gambino walks off up the ramp

Havok v Matt Van Dam(c)

Report: Havok starts out brightly hitting a springboard moonsault, but MVD takes control and performs the old man stink on Havok. MVD gets a near fall after hitting the Stinky Leg Drop. But Havok starts to make a comeback and hits a big splash and nearly gets the 3 count. Havok attempts the Devastation Kick but MVD ducks it and then hits the Vandaminator. MVD then climbs to the top rope and hits the Five Star Frog Splash to retain his title.

MVD d. Havok
7:58 Pinfall

Main Event
Eraser v Josh Resnick

Report: The two men fought back and forth in the early goings, but Resnick took control and began to work away on the arm of Eraser, Eraser staged numerous comebacks, but Resnick quashed them and eventually locked on The Equinox, but Eraser made it to the ropes. Eraser began a fightback and was about to hit The Eraser when Resnick reversed it into The Equinox, again Eraser made it to the ropes. Resnick was frustrated and began to argue with the referee, he turned around and walked straight into The Eraser(Strong Lariat) and Eraser hooked the leg for the 3 count.

Eraser d. Resnick
12:44 Pinfall

***© 2001 PWF Entertainment***