
Title: Storms
Author: mako
Rating: NC-17 (for sexual content)
Summary: A storm over Pine Valley and Bianca finds safety in the night.

Title: Courage
Author: Shinko
Rating: PG
Summary: Can Bianca and Frankie find the courage to get what they desire?

Title: Sleepover
Author: North
Rating: NC-17
Summary: A vignette when Bianca first asked Frankie to sleepover.

Title:Untitled [Incomplete]
Author: Rogue Artist
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Bianca falls for a beautiful stranger with hidden motives.

Title: I Still Love You
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Frankie sleeps with a guy. Can Bianca forgive her?
Warnings: there is a little bad language and kissing and caressing. But sex is not in this story. Frankie's not ready. And Bianca wouldn't push her.

Title: Dichotomy
Prelude to Chapters 1-4 Chapters 5 and 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 (End)
Author: North
Rating: PG
Summary: An alternate storyline to the one run on AMC, where the events of November, 2001 transpire differently for Frankie & Bianca.

Title: Whispers
Author: Bergs
Rating: G
Summary: This is a Frankie and Bianca story =-) A "after death" piece.

Title:Off-Camera Monday
Author: Alex Murrell
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Okay, not much of a title...I was more eager to get the story written...This is what happened between the time Bianca helped Frankie to her car, and Erica caught Frankie coming out of Bianca's nothing but that towel...::drool::...Ok, I'm done.

Title: Beautiful
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Bianca finds the woman of her dreams in someone she had never thought it could be.

Title: Homophobe Equals Homosexual
Author: Hope Hartleroad
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Sometimes the one with the most slurs is the one that wants you the most

Title: All I Have
Author: North
Rating: PG-13
Summary: A short story based on a past episode between Bianca and Greenlee pre Jack is Greenlee father revelation (therefore the story is based on G And B not being related). Greenlee just went postal on Bianca for offering her a job at Enchantment, now Bianca has something to say...

Title: Love Is A Promise
Author: North
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Greenlee finds out who really typed the emails she thought were from Carlos.

Title: What Stays
Author: North
Rating: PG
Summary: A different response to the Dec. 24th, 2002 ep of AMC TV, when Greenlee holds an impromptu Christmas party there are unexpected results.

Title: Want Take Have
Author: North
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Very short story, vignette really, about what the woman of Pine Valley want.

Title: Where The Wild Things Are
Author: Snoe
Rating: R
Summary: A trip to a cosmetics summit in Europe turns out to be much more for Bianca and Greenlee, as they find themselves stranded in the middle of nowhere with a bunch of strangers. And if that wasn’t bad enough – soon after weird things start to happen and the two will have to stand together just to survive.

Title: The Monsters Under Our Bed
Author: Snoe
Rating: R
Pairing: Greenlee/Bianca
Summary: Sequel to “Where the Wild Things Are.” Trouble is brewing in Pine Valley and Bianca and Greenlee are in the middle of it. Can they figure out what’s going on before it’s too late? 

Title: Dear Journal 2
Author: Elise Carter
Rating: PG
Summary: Bianca reflects on Laura's condition and her own. Sequal to 'Dear Journal.'

Title: The Bianca and Laura Chronicles
Author: Elise Carter
Rating: PG
Summary: Laura comes to a realization.

Title: A Simple Kiss
Author: Kit Walker
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Bianca loves Laura...what happens.....

Title: The Phone Call
Author: LB
Rating: PG
Summery: Summery: Bianca talks to the one person who she thinks can help on the night she and Laura found out about the Internet site. So no sick Laura here.

Title: If I Wanted To
Author: LB
Rating: PG
Summary: Bianca goes a little crazy one night.

Title: Happy Blackjack
Author: Liz Estrada
Rating: PG
Summary: Set in the not-too-near future, Laura's POV – she's sulking on her birthday.

Title: PFLAG Hags
Author: Liz Estrada
Rating: PG
Summary: Two ladies chat at Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays support group meeting. This is all dialogue, all based on nonsensical speculation, and was written purely to make my reccently retired mother gigle as she rests her weary feet and hogs the remote control so no one can switch away from AMC.

Title: A Friend Is Just A Friend Or Is It?
Parts 1-7 Parts 8-14(conclusion)
Author:Mal Kirk
Rating: PG
Summary: I paired two of Pine Valleys best looking females together & there is another surprise in store.

What If...
Chapters 1-6 Chapters 7-10
Author: Listener15 (Listy)
Rating: PG-13
Summary: What if Laura figured out what has happening to Bianca when Greenlee was blackmailing her? What if this helped push them together romantically? What if Laura never got with Leo....but Bianca instead?

Title: Boathouse
Author: Alex Murrell
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Another reconciliation piece, set after Bianca and Maggie's chat about Lena/Henry, and Bianca's dinner with Kirsti.

Title: She Loves Me
Author: Alex Murrell
Rating: PG-13
Summary: A little vignette inspired by Bianca's proclamation to Erica about "the person I love".

Title: That All Depends
Author: Alex Murrell
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Shameless smut. Takes place as a continuation of that one know, the one where Lena's in Erica's office, leaving Michael a message...Bianca walks in, she changes what she's saying to sound like she's talking to a restaurant...Bianca says "It sounds like you have a date for dinner"...which brings us to the title of the story.

Title: The Struggle
Author: Alex Murrell
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Bianca visits Lena in Jail

Title: Through The Eyes Of A Simple Box
Author: Alex Murrell
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Lena/Bianca
Summary: For Kendra, and her lovable obsession with Pudlo. A turning point in Lianca's relationship, viewed through the eyes of her ever-loyal packing box, Pudlo.

Title: Truth
Author: Alex Murrell
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Someone from Bianca's past returns to help her figure out what to do about Lena. Begins the evening after the big press conference where Michael was outed.

Title: Whole.
Author: Alex Murrell
Rating: PG-13
Summary: This takes place after Bianca is, the day she gets released from the hospital. I was considering all of the speculation that this storyline will desexualize Bianca, and promptly shatter her romance with Lena...My thinking is that it doesn't have to happen that way, and this is my take on how it could go down. Keep in mind, I've never had to deal with this issue personally. I don't know exactly how one would react, nor do I claim to be the be-all end-all of human interaction. This made sense to's not meant to offend. It was also written before the rape actually took place, so I'm aware it didn't end up playing out this way at all.

[COMPLETE!] [UPDATED!] Title: A New Year’s Eve Story
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
Author: Thirdengineer
Rating: PG to NC-17
Summary: Lena and Bianca spend New Year’s Eve fixing their broken relationship.

[UPDATED!]Title: The Road Trip [Incomplete]
Part 1
Author: Thirdengineer
Rating: PG to NC-17 in later chapters
Summary: Bianca and Erica have a huge fight about her baby and she decides to leave Pine Valley and takes Lena along for the ride.

Title: Twos a Charm [Incomplete]
Author: Passions20001
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Bianca and Maggie make a date.
Category: adventure/love

Title: Worth Protecting [Incomplete]
Chapters 1-4
Author: Bynx
Rating: R
Summary: What would happen if someone you didn't know you loved was devastated and then lied to you about it only to protect you from the same fate and from their love for you?...Well, Maggie is about to find out.
Warning: There is rape in this is a hurt/comfort type story...nothing explicit, but it is there. You have been warned.

Title: Escape
Author: North
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Short song fic pairing Maggie & Bianca together. Was done in response to a songfic challenge/request.

Title: Your Girl
Author: North
Rating: PG
Summary: A one shot based on an aired episode and how it *could* have gone. A story about how much love a heart can hold.

Title: Feel My Heart
Author: North
Rating: R
Summary: A fun idea produces some surprising results for Bianca.

Title: Frankie's Ghost
Author: Shinko
Rating: G/PG
Summary: Bianca and Maggie are both being 'haunted'.

Title: All I Want Is You
Author: Kti Walker
Rating: PG
Summary: If you wanted something, you would try to take hold and never let go. Will Maggie grab hold to something she wants more than life itself? Or will it just slip away...

Title: Between Lisa And A Hard Place
Author: Bergs
Rating: R
Summary: Bianca has a new love interest. Will Maggie finally admit how she feels?

Title: Desire
Author: Bergs
Rating: R
Summary: Holly has inspired me to challenge myself a bit (and she doesn't even know it) Her wonderful and extremely well written story "Don't Walk, Run" made feel like attempting to write a more sensual story. Most of mine usually include kissing and nothing more. So I'm going to try for something a little different here. This is a Maggie/Bianca first time story (big shocker). Hehehe.

Title: Fallout
Author: Bergs
Rating: PG
Summary: Unable to admit how she feels, Maggie realizes Bianca loves her. Can Maggie understand her feelings for Bianca before it's too late? Or will their friendship pay the ultimate price.

Title: Know You
Author: Bergs
Rating: PG
Summary: Bianca works out her feelings for Maggie. She decides it's time to tell her how she feels. .

Title: Leaving Town
Author: Bergs
Rating: PG
Summary: Maggie's had enough of Pine Valley. Can Bianca convince her to stay?

Title: Silence
Author: Bergs
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Sometimes saying nothing at all is the best thing to say.

Title: Something As Simple As Nachos
Author: Bergs
Rating: PG
Summary: Maggie realizes what she's been feeling…thanks to Nachos and Bianca's big mouth- not she just needs to get Bianca to see it.

Title: The Heart Wants What It Wants
Author: Bergs
Rating: PG
Summary: Just another "first time story" for Maggie and Bianca. Takes place after the "wedding".

Title: The Promise
Author: Bergs
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Within a second, a choice can change your life. What would you do if you had a chance to choose between your own death or the life of your love? Would you risk it all?

Title: What I Mean Is...
Author: Bergs
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Maggie comes across Bianca's journal and discovers something she should have known all along.

Title: Don't Walk, Run
Author: North
Rating: R
Summary: What happens when Maggie gets fed up with Bianca's evasions.

Title: Holding On
Author: Kit Walker
Rating: PG-13
Summary: After reading some of Bynx's story (Worth Protecting), I had an idea so I am going with it.

Title: Raining Down
Author: Kit Walker
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Just read.

Title: A Promise
Author: Bergs
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Within a second, a choice can change your life. What would you do if you had a chance to choose between your own death or the life of your love? Would you risk it all?

Title: A Good Thing
Author: Bergs
Rating: PG
Summary:Bianca and Maggie first time story. Bianca tries to show Maggie how she feels.

Title: Hold On Tight
Author: Bergs
Rating: PG-13
Summary: After being away from horseback riding for so long, Bianca decides it's time to hop back in the saddle. Maggie joins her for a ride. Boy those have double meaning written all over them =-) The poem is mine. =-) Inspiring sunset and unattainable love..

Title: Fate?
Author: Bergs
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Frankie death- and what fate had in store for her (and those she loves)

Title: Insight
Author: Bergs
Rating: PG
Summary: Insight into what's making Maggie not reach out to Bianca when everyone around her sees she cares much more then she lets on

Title: Cat and Mouse
Author: Bergs
Rating: R
Summary: We skip ahead into the future by about five years or so. Bianca and Maggie, best friends, now share an apartment together in town of PV. After a tragedy has far too close to home, Maggie and Bianca must get by and will come to depend on each other more then ever before. Can they save themselves and those they love from tragedy?

Title: Letting Go
Author: Bergs
Rating: PG
Summary: Bianca visits Frankie and gets a surprise visitor with some good advice.

Title: Tequila Chances
Author: Bergs
Rating: PG
Summary: Bianca and Maggie have a "girls night out" Will one of them get the courage to do what they've been dreaming of?

Title: Obvious
Author: Bergs
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Maggie's inner voice has something to say. Will she listen?

Title: What to Say
Author: Bergs
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Bianca talk to Maggie about how she feels and why she's pulling away from her.

Title: Welcome Home Stranger
Author: Bergs
Rating: R
Summary: Laura's back, and she's decided it's time to mend old wounds. She hopes to regain Bianca's trust, friendship, and maybe something more? What will Maggie have to say about it?
Disclaimer: These characters belong to the wonderful writers of AMC. No harm intended.

Title: Someone's Got To Say It
Author: Bergs
Rating: PG
Summary: Bianca decides she's had enough of playing games. She wants to know where she and Maggie stand.

A Little R&R
Author: Bergs
Rating: PG-13/R
Summary: Maggie is stressed out and feeling down and out. Bianca decides she is going to try and give her friend some much-needed R & R.

Title: If I Could Turn Back Time
Author: Listener15(Listy)
Rating: PG-13/R
Summary: Frankie is dead but not gone. And she gets the answer to the big 'what if' question.

Title: The Bite Of Her Kiss
Author: North
Rating: R
Pairing: Maggie/Bianca
Summary: A Halloween story that crosses over a little with Port Charles. Vampires!
Category: Crossover ever so slightly with Port Charles as it involves the character Caleb from there (he's a vampire).

Title: Unexpected Angels
Author: North
Rating: PG
Pairing: Maggie/Bianca
Summary: A Christmas story based on the TV Christmas events of 2002.

Title: Wilful Blindness
Author: North
Rating: PG
Summary: A confrontation at the boat house leads to revelations for both Bianca and Maggie.

Title: Prom Night
Author: Alex Murrell
Rating: PG-13
Summary: My version of what might have happened when the girls went to prom together.

Title: In Your Eyes
Author: Berg
Rating: PG-13
Summary: The events leading to Maggie and Bianca's entrance to the charity ball. What didn't we see? I'll give you three guesses. It's just a short little fun piece. Hope you like it.

Title: It's All About Choices
Author: Bergs
Rating: PG
Pairing: Maggie/Bianca
Summary: Maggie's thoughts on the choices she has.

Title:I Wanna Be With You
Author: Angel Ruiz
Summary: This is a song fic about Bianca and Sarah.
Disclaimers: I do not own All My Children or any of the characters on it. I do not own the song “I wanna be with you” either.
Category: Song Fic

Title: Touch
Author: L B
Rating: PG
Summary: Binks thinks
Category: Minor angst/reflection

Title: Nobody Knows
Author: TYRex316 (Ternarius Coleman)
Rating: PG
Summary: Just a song fic using 'Nobody Knows' by the Tony Rich.
Category: Song Fic

Title: Coming Home
Parts 1-5 Parts 6-Epilogue
Author: Mona
Rating: PG
Summary: Bianca goes to check out the UCS campus and makes some friends.
Category: Crossover, Buffy: The Vampire Slayer and All My Children.

Title: A Definite Promise Of Rain
Author: recon 'til nightfall
Rating: NC-17
Summary: As you will quickly realize this story is, for the most part, the telling in the 1st person of a dream in progress. As is with dreams, not all things make perfect sense and the focus can and often does shift with no warning. Go with it if you can. I hope it's not too disconcerting.

Title: Dear Journal
Author: Elise Carter
Rating: PG
Summary: Bianca writes in her journal.

Title: Enemies...or not?
Author: Elise Carter
Rating: PG
Summary: It’s ‘Dear Journal’ retold from Erica’s point of view.

Title:Mistaken Motive
Author: Elise Carter
Rating: PG
Summary: Brooke misktakes Erica’s motives.Squeal to 'Mistaken Motive.'

Title: First Time For Everything
Author: Cirrus Kain
Rating: R
Summary: Bianca falls for a sexy and good-natured drifter. But all is rarely as it seems in Pine Valley...

Title: Last Call [Incomplete]
Author: JES
Rating: PG
Summary: Bianca and her friend spend some quality time together and who knows what could happen.
Warning: Bianca smokes and drinks so if that offends you don't read any further.

Title: Coming And Going [Incomplete]
Author: Angel Ruiz
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Sarah is in Europe, Bianca is in Pine valley.

Title: Painted On My Heart
Author: Morrison
Rating: G
Summary: Laura gets a new heart.

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