This new poster design for Jill Gevargizian's The Sylist was posted on the film's Instagram page today, with the following caption:
We are excited to reveal our poster created by @johnpata! With every every decision made on the film we’ve kept this “modern-vintage” idea in mind and wanted to extend over to our poster. It’s inspired by a lot of our favorite older thrillers like Brian De Palma’s Carrie.In an article at Rue Morgue back in October, Gevargizian included Carrie on her list of six films that influenced The Stylist:
Like Carrie, Claire is a loner, an introvert, awkward, sexually repressed, the list goes on. Remember near the end of the film, when Carrie is walking out of the burning school with a deadpan face – void of all care or concern. The Carrie we knew before is gone. This is someone else. Someone filled with nothing but rage. There’s a sequence in THE STYLIST where I realized Claire was in a very similar headspace. And so I wanted to go the extra mile — within that sequence, we dressed Claire very much like Carrie – in a light pink nightgown. Our costume designer Halley Sharp made all my dreams come true.I went on a De Palma binge while prepping for THE STYLIST, a lot of them were first-time watches, like Sisters and Blow Out. De Palma’s cinematography and editing style had a huge influence on Robert Patrick Stern (director of photography), John Pata (editor), and my choices.