Secret World - fanfiction page

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--- NEW ---
Wolf among birds
Wolf Pursuit
Remember Me (New Version)
The Sea Unites


| Angela Baker | Buffywatcher | dragonchic | C.L | edonbird | Freakyy_chic2 | Freshy | John T.Duffin | Ken Barnes | Kari Jo | Majestrix-Windrider | Mysterio000 | Nikia L.Johnson | Nina | Norma & Mitch | paxnirvana | Robin Spivey | roslyn74 | S.Chester | Silver Eagle | Sonni | Syrinx | V | Valkyrie | Wolverana |

Stories List

Stories by Angela Baker

Her Majesty Series (On Going)

Her Majesty the Queen (part 1)
by Angela Baker
Logan comes home from Canada and finds out that someone was expecting him.As he's starting to get to know Ororo,The Shadow King kidnaps her.Will she be rescued ?

Part 2   Part 3 (Contains Sexual Contact)   Part 4   Part 5   Part 6   Part 7   Part 8   Part 9   Part 10   Part 11  

Not Me Series (On Going)

That's Not Me (Part 1)
by Angela Baker
Logan dose something to jeopardize his 4 month relationship with Ororo and things may never be the same.

Part 2   Part 3   Part 4  

Stories by Buffywatcher

Santa's Special Angel
by Buffywatcher
Logan finds his special angel, and the Angel gives him a christmas gift...

Stories by dragonchic

Desert Rose
Just Logan and Ro talking stuff
Sequel to Desert Rose (Wolv/Storm...duh) Ororo suggests that Logan relieves some of his frustrations through a game of tag for two. Short, plotless fluff ;-)

Stories by C.L

Late Chances
by C.L
*** On Going ***
Logan supports Storm at her weakest point... to possibly build the strongest bond ever between them.
by C.L
*** On Going ***
Storm and the girls decide to get a little revenge on the men they love in order to prove that it's not so easy being an X-Woman...but can they stick together long enough to stick it to the men?

Stories by edonbird

by edonbird
A Coda to "Milan" (Coming soon - story by John Duffin!!!), The issues building in Logan and Ororo's relationship since "Like A Fox" come to a head

Stories by Freakyy_chic2

She'll Be Here
by Freakyy_chic2
Set in the movieverse, Logan returns for a silent moment with the woman he left behind - Ororo

Stories by Freshy

Remember me
      < Now a new version ! >
Logan understand he loves Ororo.But their love is in danger because the BrotherHood has other plans for Ororo...
part 2

Stories by John T.Duffin

In Sickness
by John Duffin
How Storm and Wolverine may have met in a world without mutants.
In Health
by John Duffin
What if Forge had asked Logan's advice after proposing to Storm, instead of Jean's advice?
Pale Horse
by John Duffin
Wolverine and the X-Men investigate a series of deaths among their number.
Tell me a story
by John Duffin
Two friends tell each other stories to pass the time when a loved one is wounded. With Storm,Jubilee and of-course - dear old Logan.
The Fox Series
Like a Fox
by John Duffin
A specter from Wolverine's past rises up to threaten Storm.
My hands are of your colour
by John Duffin
Memory and the past intertwine and threaten Silver Fox and Wolverine on their journey back to Westchester.
by John Duffin
Some of Wolverine's mistakes begin to catch up with him in this sequel of the Fox series.
An alternate vision of the Dream's End storyline.
Though I shame to wear a heart so white
by John Duffin
The final installment of the Fox series. The dead cast long shadows in this tale of lies and misdirection.

Stories by Ken Barnes

Storm's Night Out
by Ken Barnes
Storm needs a break and convinces Wolverine to go with her.
Wolverine's Nightmare
by Ken Barnes
Logan and Ororo's relationship proceeds but runs into a that threatens to destroy it.
A Valentine for Storm
by Ken Barnes
A Storm/Wolverine story centering on Valentine's day. Read "Storm's Night Out" and "Wolverine's Nigmtmare" first - it'll help. It's a different side of more "written" than "spoken," Be warned - it has poetry in it...some of it may sound corny.
The Day After - Storm Strikes Back
by Ken Barnes
Sequel to "A Valentine for Storm" It's February 15th and Storm has come up with a way to thank logan for his V-Day present.
Heart of a Warrior
by Ken Barnes
Wolverine's worst fear comes to light when Storm is critically injured.

part 2   part 3   part 4   Epilogue  

Stories by Kari Jo

River Rising
by Kari Jo
Storm and Logan have a talk about why they do what they do.

Stories by Majestrix Windrider

Diamond in the Rough Series (On Going)

Diamond in the Rough (part 1)
by Majestrix
In a human world Logan's broken hearted, find himself in a strip club meeting a beautiful white haired striper named Ororo.Is she THE one ?

Part 2   Part 3   Part 4   (Contains Sexual Contact ) Part 5   Part 6   Part 7   Part 8   Part 9   Part 10   Part 11   Part 12   Part 13 (Contains Sexaul Contact)  

Stories by Mysterio000

Two Souls
A conversation between Wolverine and Storm

Stories by Nikia L.Johnson

And then there was none...
by Nikia L.Johnson
Mr. Sinister reforms the Marauders to strike at Logan and Ororo's family.
The Body Guard
by Nikia L.Johnson
Ororo is in danger of her life. Her father, therefore, hires a bodyguard to protect her- Wolverine.
Follow Your Heart
by Nikia L.Johnson
Logan follows some sage advice from Charles
Pages torn from my Life
by Nikia L.Johnson
What if the X-Men hadn't saved Storm from becoming a vampire?
Tender Moments
by Nikia L.Johnson
Logan discusses his reasons for settling down with an old friend.
Witch Hunt
by Nikia L.Johnson
Ororo and Logan battle a murderous sorceress.
by Nikia L.Johnson
*** Teaser Version ***
Sequel to Nikia's Witch Hunt.
Towards Understanding
by Nikia L.Johnson
Storm and Wolverine attempt to see past their differences.
The Storm
by Nikia L.Johnson
*** A Poem ***

Stories by The Nina

Life Dance
by Nina
Logan can't decide if he should stay or leave...
Takes place after the events of UNX
Healing Heart Series
The Healing Heart
by Nina
Part one of the amazing Healing Heart series.
Ororo feels a bit down,Logan's there to give her a shoulder to cry on.
The Healing Heart, Part 2
by Nina
Ororo breaks in Logan's arms.
The Healing Heart, Part 3
by Nina
Logan gives Ororo more then a shoulder.
Contains Sexual Contact
The Healing Heart, Part 4
by Nina
The Last part of this series,
Good ending for every body ;)**
Zero Hour Series (On Going)
Zero Hour
by Nina
An unexpected visitor turns Logan and Ororo's lives upside-down. Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9

Stories by by Norma Graham & Mitch Kelly

Fog in the Woods
by Norma Graham & Mitch Kelly
Logan and Ororo have a talk and later find them selfs doing totally other things...
*WARNING* --- Contains Sexual Contact, for ADULTS ONLY !

Stories by paxnirvana

Wolf among birds
by paxnirvana
Stretching the interval at the end of the movie, between Magneto's defeat and Logan's departure, so Logan can offend a few more people than just Scott.
Wolf Pursuit
by paxnirvana
Continues the events in "Wolf among birds".
Logan returns from Canada, trouble follows him.
Part 2
Snow and Dreams
by paxnirvana
Logan's dreams and thoughts about Ororo
Fire and Honor
by paxnirvana
Ororo's dreams and thoughts about Logan
Sun and Wind
by paxnirvana
Porn Without Plot (sex,sex,sex) - Logan takes Ororo to Canada.
Clear Blue Sky
by paxnirvana
Porn Without Plot (sex,sex,sex) - More of our favorite pair in Canada.
Random Torture
by paxnirvana
Trouble for the X-Men and especially to our beloved O/L

Stories by Robin Spivey

Come Closer Series (On Going)

Come Closer,Part 1
by Robin Spivey
Logan might have not found what he was looking for in Canada but he found something back at home,Ororo.But while he's getting closer and closer to her, someone else have plans for her...

Part 2   Part 3   Part 4   Part 5   Part 6 (Contains Sexual Contact)   Part 7   Part 8   Part 9  

Stories by roslyn74

by roslyn74
The only thing Ororo and Logan wanted to do was spend a nice weekend with each other... but so many things went wrong, it seemed to them it was lost.
A funny tale about a man trying to have some quality time with his girlfriend, and his girlfriend who is extremely allergic to poison ivy...
part 2   part 3 (NC-17)   part 4   part 5 - fin  

Stories by S.Chester

To Late
by S.Chester
Storm and Logan are sent to stop a little mutant from taking her own life.

Stories by Silver Eagle

Mutant Cripple
Ororo and Logan have a baby.But something went wrong, and there's a problem...
Well, it's a T.B.C and the author looking for a baby

Stories by Sonni

Running with the Wolf
by Sonni
Logan have some ideas about what to do in new year's eve.
by Sonni
Logan and Ororo spend the New Year eve together.
Contains Sexual Contact

Stories by Syrinx

The Sea Unites
by Syrinx
After the X-Men are no more, our favorite two former members find each other again. (Movieverse. Set after the movie about six or so years.) part 2 part 3 part 4

Stories by V (Vaberella)

Mamma & Daddy
A short beautiful story from the eyes of Ororo and Logan's baby.

Stories by Valkyrie

The Calm before the Storm - series

The Calm before the Storm (part 1)
by Valkyrie
Storm tears a strip off Logan
part 2 part 3 part 4

Stories by Wolverana

Merry X-mas Ororo
by Wolverana
Logan and Ororo are sent to find a Christmas tree, Will they find more then a tree ?!
Contains Sexual Contact

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