Nitehawk Cinema in Brooklyn, New York, begins a new midnight series this weekend called "The Works," which "pays special attention and homage to the people and concepts who inspire a closer look," according to the Nitehawk website. "As Nitehawk’s extended series, The Works highlights a director, actor, composer, genre, or influencer on select midnight screenings over a three-month period."
The series will launch with Brian De Palma as the initial subject, beginning with midnight screenings of Dressed To Kill this Friday and Saturday (January 11 and 12). Five more De Palma films will continue the series over the next couple of months: Femme Fatale (February 1 & 2), Blow Out (February 8 & 9), Obsession (February 15 & 16), Raising Cain (March 1 & 2), and Body Double (March 15 & 16).
Nitehawk is an 18-and-older cinema that serves food and beverages, including specialty dishes and drinks inspired by the films being featured. "The Cinema also presents thirty-minute 'Pre-shows' tailored to each movie that feature local filmmakers and clips curated by our cinema department," according to the Nitehawk website.
Updated: Wednesday, January 9, 2013 10:34 PM CST
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