Trailers From Hell mainstay
Katt Shea delivers the trailer for
Brian De Palma's
Scarface today. In the video, Shea talks about filming her "very miniscule part" in the film, at the Babylon Club. "I was in the movie because Brian De Palma wanted the club populated with model-actresses," Shea says. "I was told you had to be a model with acting credits, or in my case, an actor with modeling credits, to get the gig. In the hallway at Universal was just littered with gorgeousness at the call. And there were recognizable models just standing there waiting for their interview. And four or five of us got hired. And what we were hired to do was just react at the Babylon Club to the big shootout. Sounds like a day's work, right? Or maybe two days work. But no, between the problem of the walls being mirrors, and the entire crew could be seen in them, and the fact that
Al Pacino wasn't feeling it and wouldn't come out of his trailer for a week, I worked a full week. And at Friday at 12pm, the illustrious DP,
John Alonzo, announced that it was going to be Universal's first no-shot week. An hour later, they got the shot off, and the reaction actors were released. And in their defense, I have to say it was a Herculean shot."
Shea talks about how the film is all about excess, yet the women are all very skinny-- "way too skinny" for Shea's taste. She mentions that while the movie bombed upon release, she still gets residuals from it today amidst all of its success. She also talks about her continued connection to De Palma, naming the first film she directed,
Stripped To Kill, after De Palma's
Dressed To Kill, and being approved by De Palma to direct the sequel to his adaptation of
Carrie (although, she mentions, De Palma said he did not remember her from
Scarface). She finishes by saying that she was the girl in red.