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Danish bite back at broken promises

Leftwing politicians in western Europe have not had the best crisis. But few have had such a torrid time as Helle Thorning-Schmidt, Denmark’s prime minister.
A year after she broke a losing streak by centre-left leaders in Europe and became the new standard-bearer for social democracy on the continent, Ms Thorning-Schmidt’s party has plunged to its lowest opinion poll ratings in at least a century.

A recent survey for Børsen newspaper putting the Social Democrats on less than 17 per cent, down sharply from the 25 per cent she received in last year’s general elections.
“For the Social Democrat party it is a huge crisis. I don’t think they have registered lower figures in the history of polling,” says Rune Stubager, associate professor of politics at Aarhus University.

Ms Thorning-Schmidt, Denmark’s first woman prime minister, reshuffled her cabinet on Tuesday in an attempt to give fresh impetus to her government. That followed five weeks of inaction due to leadership elections at the Socialist People’s party, a junior coalition partner that has seen its share of the vote almost halve since the elections.
Government insiders admit that the polls make for tough reading but they stress the stamina and fighting qualities of the prime minister, and point to another recent poll, this time from Gallup, that gives the Social Democrats 21 per cent – their best figures in five months. The centre-right opposition bloc was still far out in the lead on 53 per cent.
“It is not good enough,” Ms Thorning-Schmidt said on Danish TV earlier this month. “I obviously take the polls seriously. But I am completely convinced that it is the Social Democrats’ job to take Denmark through the crisis.”

The prime minister never had the easiest task in charge of a fractious coalition and a faltering economy that has brushed with recession repeatedly over the past two years.
But the daughter-in-law of former UK Labour party leader Neil Kinnock has alienated her own voters and those further on the left by pushing through a tax package together with the centre-right opposition and by scrapping a series of pre-election policies.
This has allowed the opposition, in power for a decade until last year and still led by former prime minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen, to paint the government as a breaker of promises after leftwing parties had to drop a number of costly proposals, such as a fares cut on public transport. Others such as a congestion charge for Copenhagen were unceremoniously ditched despite having been repeatedly touted.

But the biggest damage to the Social Democrats came from teaming up with the centre-right to pass tax reform that benefited some of the biggest earners at the expense of old age pensions and unemployment benefits, to the amazement of some leftwing parties. Passing next year’s budget could also require rightwing help, making it another potential flashpoint.
Denmark was the hardest hit of the Nordic countries by the financial crisis, aside from Iceland, as highly indebted households caused big credit losses for banks with several smaller lenders going bust. But the Danish krone has proved to be popular in foreign exchange markets as the country’s peg to the euro means that it is a potentially lucrative trade if the single currency breaks up.
The Danish central bank has responded by pushing interest rates to historic lows, and even taking the deposit rates that it pays banks into negative territory. That means Danish short-term mortgage rates, highly popular with the public, are at record lows and getting ever nearer to zero.
That has done little to help Ms Thorning-Schmidt, however, as second-quarter GDP figures showed a decline.

Mr Stubager says much of the government’s strategy is based on a hope that the Danish economy will rebound before the next elections. “The question is whether it will be soon enough and strong enough for them to be able to claim they did it through their policies,” he adds.
The starting point for the current government was not auspicious with policy differences among the minority coalition partners from the beginning.
Then Ms Thorning-Schmidt and other ministers were distracted by Denmark’s EU presidency in the first half of this year. “This was the worst possible timing – it is really very difficult to focus both internally and on Europe,” one government insider says.

One irony of the recent polls is that there is “a heightened incentive to stay in office as long as possible”, Mr Stubager says, as the centre-right would storm to victory currently.
Ms Thorning-Schmidt urges the government not to obsess about the terrible polls and instead plough on with its policies. “What we should do is not become nervous over the polls. We need to act every single day.”