Australian Animal Wisdom
The Australian animals resonate with the timeless wisdom and energy of this our ancient land. Many of them are truly unique to the Australian continent and are beyond comparison with the characteristics of animals found in other parts of the world. They are truly remarkable creatures with much to offer us in understanding the nature of our own being.
In exploring the 'Wisdom of the Australian Animals', I have identified some of the strengths (medicine) and challenges (shadow side) that each of these animals embodies and that are reflected in us. We see our own qualities in them and in this way they help us to define who we are. By working with them as Animal Spirit Guides I have connected with the inner wisdom (spiritual wisdom) and insights that these animals have to share with us. In effect, I have channelled their essence from within me; I have heard their whispered messages as if on the wind. I have come to truly know that each of these animals exists within us as much as we exist within them - we have interconnectedness.
In endeavouring to define the essence of the Australian Animals, I have chosen not to adopt an approach that reflects indigenous Australian beliefs as I do not believe that I can do justice to the origins of these traditions when they are not mine by birth. Instead, I have chosen to present the ideas in a Universal sense, incorporating symbols, runes, crystals, numerology, colour and astrology. These remarkable animals have something to offer us all. They are a wonderful source of inspiration and guidance for all people globally.
The Australian animals are appreciated and admired worldwide. All animals bring their gifts and medicine to the humans they share this planet with, if we take the time to
look, listen and seek out that knowledge. We can access this wisdom daily for our own spiritual growth, guidance and inner peace.

This exciting book and card set, reflects the uniqueness of the Australian Animals and includes not only our most loved and well known but also equally our little known animals; some of which are now sadly endangered and under threat of extinction.
There are many paths to enlightenment and the 'Wisdom of the Australian Animals Book & Card Set' is just one of them. For many seekers after knowledge and guidance it holds more fascination than many other paths. The Australian Animals vibrate to their own particular crystal, rune, astrology sign, numerology numbers and have their own symbology.
This book and card set is designed to be used intuitively, by sighting the animal or by divination. Divination is a technique used to help you, the seeker, connect with your higher self for insights, wisdom and messages from these animals. Through the divination we connect to 'Spirit' - our guardian angels, and our guides.
'Wisdom of the Australian Animals'
By Ann Williams-Fitzgerald & Illustrations by Karen Osborn
At last this long awaited book and card set accesses the wisdom, medicine and messages of the much-loved Australian Animals. Our animals are appreciated and admired worldwide. All animals bring their gifts and medicine to the humans they share this planet with, if we take the time to look, listen and seek out that knowledge. We can access this wisdom daily for our own spiritual growth, guidance and inner peace.
This exciting book and card set, reflects the uniqueness of the Australian Animals and includes not only our most loved and well known but also equally our little known animals; some of which are now sadly endangered and under threat of extinction.
There are many paths to enlightenment and the Wisdom of the Australian Animals is just one of them. For many seekers after knowledge and guidance it holds more fascination than many other paths. The Australian Animals vibrate to their own particular crystal, rune, astrology sign, numerology numbers and have their own symbology.
This book and card set is designed to be used intuitively, by sighting the animal or by divination. Divination is a technique used to help you, the seeker, connect with your higher self for insights, wisdom and messages from these animals. Through the divination we connect to 'Spirit' - our guardian angels, and our guides.

A copy of the e-book format [pdf] is available for purchase.
To buy your copy of Wisdom of the Australian Animals in e-book format (pdf)
please click on the icon below to make arrangements for your payment directly through Inner Wisdom Promotions. $AUD25.00
Auz Vizions
George Town, Tasmania 7253, Australia
This is a list of the 48 animals featured in 'Wisdom of the Australian Animals' Book & Card Set.
Note: Extra information available on the active links on some of the animals
Click here for A READING from the Animals
'Wisdom of the Australian Animals'
This is the 'Healing Summit' Presentation that was given by the author
Ann Williams-Fitzgerald at the Monterey Beach Hotel, Monterey Bay, California, USA
October 12th - 17th 1997
"For centuries man has exploited birds and animals for entertainment, sport, food and clothing. Alas! We have forgotten that the one life, which flows through us - and to which we cling to as our most precious possession, - also, flows through the animals. Like man, the animals experience pain and pleasure. Like man, the animals depend on food, air and water for their sustenance. Like man the animals love their young and protect them, in times of danger with a courage and devotion no human can surpass.
Animals, indeed, are our earth-companions from whom we may learn many lessons."
Dada JP Vaswani
"The time will come when men such as I will look on the murder
Of animals as they now look on the murder of men"
Leonardo Da Vinci
"While we ourselves are the living graves of murdered beasts,
How can we expect any ideal conditions on this earth"
George Bernard Shaw
"Teaching a child not to step on a caterpillar is as
Valuable to the child as it is to the caterpillar"
Bradley Miller
All animals have their own special wisdom (or medicine), their own special messages to give to humanity, it is up to us however to open our eyes to see, our hearts to feel and our ears to hear these messages, that they bring to us. The Australian Animals vibrate to their own particular crystal, rune, astrology sign, numerology numbers and have their own symbology. And so, I have written down the 'messages and wisdom' of the Animals of Australia. We may begin to learn from them how we might once again believe in the Magick of the Way and trust in the Universal Flow of life. We can access this wisdom daily for our own spiritual growth, guidance and inner peace.
The Wisdom of the Australian Animals
Honour the Mother and the Native Way,
I call it THE WAY.
This magick is simply 'THE WAY', or a Way of Knowing. We all can create our dreams, and walk them, and they will happen. We all can have a life that is truly filled with magick daily.
The wisdom we all need, to help build a new Nation of Peace (or a rainbow tribe) is still there, waiting for us the scratch the surface. It is the Truth, the Way and it is within us. It is the Magick of the Mother and all who dwell in harmony upon her.
This exciting book and card set that I designed, reflects the uniqueness of the Australian Animals and includes not only our most loved and well known but also equally our little known animals; some of which are now sadly endangered and under threat of extinction. 48 of our animals decided that they wanted to be included in this work
(Ann Williams-Fitzgerald - the Author)
"The Wisdom of the Australian Animals has been an enlightening and growing experience for me from start to finish as the author. The concept has floated around in my mind for well over five years (1991); from since about the time I started running workshops on the Native American Medicine Totem Animals that I call 'Circles of Wisdom'. On being prompted by a friend to commence this project, the animals themselves just took over! I heard their messages whispered to me as though on the wind. They were very definite about the messages and wisdom they had to bring. I spent many months researching and studying them to bring in their true essence and wisdom or medicine that they had to share. I found it interesting to note that they seemed to choose which number they would vibrate to and they also vibrated strongly to a particular crystal (regardless of what crystal I thought would suit them!).
When I listed the six 'Master Animals' I had no idea why these six animals choose to make themselves known and why they wanted to be highlighted as master animals in the book. But when I was preparing for this presentation, I decided that I would talk about those six Master Animals. When I started to put together their messages I found that it was the very essence of this Healing Summit - 'manifest the healing of Mother Earth', synchronicity had been at work again - I had chosen the six master animals nine months previous. I am a strong believer that there are no such things as accidents, there is a myriad of magick hidden within the pages of this work. Everything about this book and cards, was the direct result of what the animals wanted! Rather than what I wanted."
Karen's contribution to this work has been mainly representing the animals by illustration from my instructions and visions. I have always loved the Australian Animals and welcomed the opportunity to depict their spiritual nature. What I found, however, was that the animals were very definite about how they wanted to be portrayed. More often then not, my original concept would change halfway through the draft stage. Symbols started to appear in the pictures - some of the animals simply insisted on being placed onto a triangle, or inside a square or circle etc. Those who are aware of the significance of this will gain, as I did, extra messages from these wonderfully unique characters. The colours used with each animal's background are deliberately significant, and were brought through by the animals themselves. We learnt very early to "go with the flow" when depicting these animals. As a result I learnt a great deal from them. Each animal that was painted surrounded us with their particular wisdom and medicine for the period of time we focused solely on them.
The synchronicity of the cover painting - "Wisdom from Within" still astounds me. I had planned which animals I wanted to be on the cover- it was not until afterwards, looking at the completed painting that I realised that all of the Master Numerology animals- 11, 22, 33 & 44 appeared together. Karen & I both have numerology in our names to match these numbers, an observation we both made separately and synchronized in the same period of time. For close observers there are other symbols hidden which resonate with these animals. The Frilled Neck Lizard sits atop a Lapis Lazuli ball, the stone that is said to have existed before time was born."
So now let's take a closer look at these 6 Master Animals
They are:
Raven, Tree Frog, Cassowary, Eagle, Bat, Tasmanian Tiger
18 RAVEN - Magick & Mystery 18=9
"I allow Spirit to guide me in all areas"
Larimar = Understanding self & Earth
Rune: gateway - Magical protector
11. TREE FROG - Cleansing & Emotional Healing 11=11
"I am cleansing now"
Jade = Transmutation of negativity
Rune: Fertility - A new beginning
13. CASSOWARY - Respect & Reputation. 13=4
"I am respectful" (for each other and for Earth)
Moldavite = Respect for Earth
Rune: Constraint - Power to overcome limitations
33. EAGLE - Spirit and Spiritual Healing 33=33
"I am one with Great Spirit"
Gold = Purity
Rune: Breakthrough - Self-change
37. BAT - Renewal & Rebirth 37=10=1
"I welcome my new growth"
Rutilated Quartz = Renewal
Rune: Joy - Bringer of Light, spiritual transformation
20. TASMANIAN TIGER - Illusion & Elusiveness 20=2
"I take time for self"
Alexandrite: Manifestation
Rune: Separation - Strengthens group connections
Now I would like to highlight my findings when I grouped these master animals together: -
Lets look at the Crystals
Larimar = Understanding of self & Earth
Jade = Transmutation of negativity
Moldavite = Respect for Earth
Gold = Purity
Rutilated Quartz = Renewal
Alexandrite = Manifestation
Lets look at the Runes
Gateway = Magickal protector
Fertility = New beginning
Constraint = Power to overcome limitation
Breakthrough = Self-change
Joy = Bringer of Light, spiritual transformation
Separation = Strengthens group connections
Lets look at the Numerology
18 = 9 = Humanitarian
11 = 11/2 = Spiritual
13 = 4 = Willpower
33 = 33/6 = Unconditional love
37 = 10=1 = Innovation
20 = 2 = Balance
Total 132 = 6 = Family
"The very essence of this Healing Summit seems to be the message (Medicine) that these Master Animals have to bring to us."
Ann Williams-Fitzgerald
A message from the Master Australian Animals for the Healing Summit
"We allow Spirit to guide us in all areas
We are cleansing now
We are respectful of self, others & Mother Earth
We are one with Great Spirit
We welcome our new growth
We take time for self"
Now we will explore the Auz Astrology Animals
Astrology Sign -Australian Animal - Rune Symbol = Means
Aries - Red Kangaroo - Movement - Shifting Attitudes
Taurus- Hairy-nosed Wombat- Fertility- End of Cycle
Gemini- Pygmy Sugar Glider- Breakthrough- Self Change
Cancer- Koala- Strength- To clear obstacles
Leo- Frilled Neck Lizard/Gecko- Signals- Gain wisdom
Virgo- Echidna (Spiny Anteater)- Opening- Self confidence
Libra- Sulphur Crested Cockatoo- Joy- Bringer of Light
Scorpio- Red Back Spider- Constraint- Power to overcome
Sagittarius- Kookaburra/kingfisher- Harvest- Fruitful outcome
Capricorn-Goanna- Initiation- Inner Guidance-
Aquarius- Emu- Wholeness- Power to achieve
Pisces- Platypus- Growth- New Beginnings
The Astrology Animals are not just here for us to enjoy as we do they also have a serious message that they want to bring to us.
If we read the Rune meaning in order from Aries through to Pisces this is the message they bring: -
"We here today have the power to bring about shifting attitudes and to end a cycle of destruction, to bring about our own self-change to clear all obstacles in our path. We have now gained wisdom and have our own self confidence to become, 'Bringers of light' with the power to overcome the global problems, so we can bring about a fruitful outcome when we listen to our inner guidance as we all here today have the power to achieve NEW BEGINNINGS for our Mother Earth."
"May all our prayers for peace & harmony
Rise with the smoke
To join with the four winds
And allow us all
To speak to Great Spirit"
Copyright © 1997 Ann Williams-Fitzgerald
Frilled Neck Lizard & Platypus
Let's have a look at some of the cards
Tasmanian Devil
Wedgetail Eagle
Ann Williams-Fitzgerald
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