Click on the Element symbols above to view some cards in that Element - both of the Major & Minor Arcanas
Tarot Deck Box ~~~~~ Back of Tarot Cards
Australian Animal Tarot Deck e-Book.pdf with Author's full interpretations & meanings - $25.00
The 78 Animals
2. PARROT (Budgerigar) ~ Beauty; Foraging
3. ECHIDNA (Spiny Anteater) ~ Personal Boundaries; Comfort Zone; Single Mind
4. TASMANIAN DEVIL ~ Aggression; Determination
5. WOMBAT (Hairy-Nosed Wombat) ~ Survival; Tenacity
6. BEE ~ Builder; Worker; Service
7. CROW ~ Law; Council; Tools
8. PENGUIN (King Penguin) ~ Agility; Play
9. PLATYPUS ~ Camouflage; Timid
10. DUGONG (Sea Cow) ~ Sacred Gifts; Provider; Walk gently
11. FROG (Giant Green Tree Frog) ~ Cleansing; Emotional Healing
12. DUNNART (Fat-Tailed Dunnart) ~ Alertness; Scrutiny
13. CASSOWARY ~ Respect; Reputation
14. COCKATOO (Sulphur Crested) ~ Friendship; Self-esteem
15. BUTTERFLY ( Mountain Blue - Ulysses) ~ Transformation; Grace
16. GOANNA (Perentie) ~ Curiosity; Power
17. SEAL (Australian Fur Seal) ~ Adaptation; Contentment; Environment
18. RAVEN (Australian Raven) Magick; Mystery~
19. DOG (Australian Cattle Dog)~ Companionship; Loyalty; Smell
20. TASMANIAN TIGER ( Thylacine)~ Illusion; Elusiveness
21. BILBY (The Greater Bilby)~ Solitude; Conquering Fear
22. LIZARD/GECKO ~ Dreamtime; Letting Go
23. BANDICOOT~ Integrity; Mobility
24. POTOROO (Long-nosed Potoroo) ~ Discovery; Newness
25. CROCODILE (Saltwater) ~ Past Lives; Secrets; Watchfulness
26. SPIDER (Red Back Spider)~ Weaving; Interconnectedness
27. HAWK (The Black Kite) ~ Communication; Truth; Soul Healing
28. DINGO ~ Shadows; Deception; Intention
29. KOALA ~ Holding On; Selectiveness; Sharing
30. TURTLE (Loggerhead Turtle)~ Mother Earth; Healing Knowledge
31. MAGPIE (Australian Magpie)~ Protection; Swiftness
32. EMU ~ Attentiveness; Action
33. EAGLE (Wedgetail Eagle)~ Spirit; Spiritual Healing
34. DOLPHIN (Bottle-nosed) ~ Essence; Beginning; Chi
35. ANT (Green Tree Ant)~ Patience; Teamwork; Community
36. TURKEY (Brush Turkey) ~ Give-away; Sharing
37. BAT (The Greater Long-eared Bat)~ Renewal; Rebirth
38. BOWERBIRD (Golden Bowerbird)~ Attraction; Inquisitiveness
39. BROLGA ~ Dancing; Hypnotic
40. SNAKE (Green Tree Python)~ Transmutation; Life Force
41. WHALE (Humpback Whale)~ Keeper of Records; Memories
42. SUGAR GLIDER (Feather Tailed Glider)~ Faith; Trust
43. POSSUM (Ringtail Possum)~ Ego; Persistence
44. KANGAROO/WALLABY~ Abundance; Family
45. OWL (Tasmanian Masked Owl)~ Vision; Silence; Intuition
46. NUMBAT (Banded Anteater) ~ Preparedness; Gathering
47. LYREBIRD (Superb Lyrebird) ~ Imitation; Shyness
48. QUOLL (Native Tiger Cat - Western Quoll) ~ Intelligence; Fearless
49. MANTA RAY (Devil Fish)~ Ebb & Flow
50. CAT (Domestic) ~ Resourcefulness; Independence
51. DOVE~ Feminine Energy of Peace & Love;
52. BRUMBY(Australian Wild Horse) ~ Power; Endurance; faithfulness
53. SEAGULL (Pacific Gull)~ Communicating with Deities; Responsibility
54. SHARK (The Great White)~ Remorselessness; Movement
55. PEACOCK ~ Representation of God; Yin Yang; Immortality
56. MOSQUITO ~ Irritation; Mutation
57. FLY (Aussie Bush Fly)~ Laziness; Breakdown
58. PRAYING MANTAS ~ Prayers; Stillness
59. SWAN (The Black Swan)~ Patience; Quiet Time; Divination
60. MUD CRAB ~ Sideway Movement; Protection of Home
61. CHICKEN (Woodhen)~ Pecking; Seeking; Inner Voice;
62. ORCA (Killer Whale) ~ Shadow Side; Acceptance; Soul Song
63. COW (Brahman)~ Great Mother Goddess; Alter to Danger
64. CAMEL ~ Vastness; Burdens
65. PELICAN ~(The Australian Pelican) Recovery from Loss; Control; Storage
66. RABBIT/HARE ~ Hidden Teachings; Humility
67. BEETLE (Christmas Beetle)~ Centre of Universe; Spiritual Enlightenment
68. WASP ~ Sisterhood; Female Warrior Spirit
69. CURLEW ~ (Bush Thick-kneed Curlew) Soul Lessons; Messenger of Change
70. SEA DRAGON ~ Fatherhood; Masculine Energy
71. MOTH/CATERPILLAR (Emperor Moth)~ Whirlwind energy; Confusion
72. STARFISH (The Blue Starfish)~ Regeneration; Connection to the stars
73. SCORPION ~ Transmutation of poisons; Reflections
74. OCTOPUS (Blue Ring) ~ Smoke Screen; Destroying Barriers
75. DRAGONFLY ~ Dreams; Seeing the Truth
76. WILLIE WAGTAIL ~ Protector; Relatives
77. JELLY FISH (Portuguese Man of War) ~ Entanglement; Pain
78. FOX/FLYING FOX ~ Shapeshifting; Stealth
Brolga - Air - Coins
Crocodile - Fire - Swords
Dragonfly - Earth - Wands/Rods
Penguin - Water - Cups
Sugar Glider - Major Arcana - The Lovers
'Australian Animal Tarot Deck'
By Ann Williams-Fitzgerald
Auz Vizions
Geroge Town, Tasmania 7253, Australia