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News From the Realms


December 10th / 1999

Updated the Espionage Page. 

I received the first draft sketch of Trin from Kanthara and it's looking pretty good! The new picture should fit right in to a bunch of new revisions that I'll be putting together for the Valkyrja site in the new Millennium.

I got the use of the Sharp Mobilon from work this weekend, so expect a bunch of new pics of the games table, the gamers, and other neat things that make the magic happen around here. 

Chris Lee paid and developed an official "Games Club" Sign for the downstairs. I'll have a pic for that too.


December 1 / 1999

Hello all! About 30 days left to the new Millennium. Been very busy at work (I'm a computer technician), so I haven't been updating my site lately. But I strive to keep at it until it's all done, then to do it all over again. 

Big Announcement!!

I have been in touch with Karine Charlebois, a.k.a Kanthara of Kanthara's Pic Designs, and I have commissioned her to do a pic of Trin, our fav Gargoyle member of the D.W.J.  I fell in love with Kanthara's gargoyle pics the first time I stumbled onto her site about a year ago and I am extremely happy that she got into contact with me and agreed to do me a pic. If you would like to see what all the fuss is about, do go and check out her site at    Stay tuned for more details.


November 12 / 1999

Big Update!! 

I broke down the PC's of the Department of World Justice into their own pages. I was impressed by how I did Triad's page and decided to do the same thing for Magnus, Shadow, Snake Eyes, Goldberg, and Bishop. Definitely go and check them out! Some of the sketch work is courtesy of Ethan Peacock, who I and my gang met at the comic and collectable expo here in Edmonton. 

Signed up a new site for future renovations and expansion. Now I have , , and now . Of course there's nothing really there yet, but I'm getting close to my 5 megs space limit here, so I'll expand into the others when I need to.


October 17 / 1999

Finished the Triad character page in Villains.


October 16 / 1999

Alright, I secured three important items to facilitate my return to Administrating on the 1st of November. First was a good (And new) Atlas, the last one I had still had a divided Germany, a Soviet USSR, and Check Slovakia, I think I needed a new Atlas for mission planning. 

The second thing I got was the official soundtrack score for The Mummy, Great movie, greater soundtrack, and I've designated it to be the Theme music for Triad (of Villains). 

The Third thing that I got, was a Qui-Gon Electronic Lightsabre. What does this have to do with RPGing? Well ever mess with an Administrator wielding a lightsabre? :)  Actually I collect them. I got 2 Qui-Gon, Ben Kenobi's, and Darth Maul's. 

Alrighty, so here's my schedule after the 1st of November:

Monday Thursday Saturday Sunday
Espionage Villains DWJ DWJ

I'm going to miss my TV Shows, I've grown accustomed to watching some great shows on Saturday evenings. First there's Star Trek Voyager, then Relic Hunter (just premiered tonight, starring Tia Carrera), and right after that is The Dead Man's Gun. Well I suppose that's why I have a VCR. Good shows, if you all can, catch 'em!

Ready for the Millennium? I'm waiting for the second annual Administrator's Discussion (Hosted by me of course at my house for all Administrators). Last year there was Chris (Modular) and Marc (Star Wars). I'm starting to get ready for this year's already. We discuss rules, series, ideas, ect... It's general good time fer all (If your an administrator), but after that is the players Discussion, where players discuss ideas, problems with the particular series. I'm gonna have 2 big announcements this year, should be interesting.


October 12 / 1999

What a week folks! I'm back on my feet after an operation (for a male problem....) and I'm feeling not so bad now, I'm back among the living, and ready to rock n' roll!

I fell in love this week and had to give it away. I found a lost kitten on Wednesday and it was the cutest thing since I found Mozart. It had a tattoo and we eventually tracked it down today. The owner just picked her up and I'm feeling a bit depressed about it. I named her Pharaoh (even though I found out that her name was Jasmine). I wish that little kitty well. Good bye my Pharaoh.

Well it's about 2 weeks to deadline! I'm out of my Sabbatical on November 1st, so my game's club can get back to RPGing the best gaming series created on earth! I guess that the first day will be Espionage (Monday), followed by Villains (Thursdays) and the ever popular DWJ on Saturday and Sundays! I know that the gang has been going through very painful withdrawal since I took my Sabbatical, but it'll be worth it! I created a slew of new missions, re-vamped some existing characters and NPC's, and came up with some new mini-series. I hope to begin posting the missions as they happen somewhere on the site, Stay Tuned!

Updated and added more Super Villains in the DWJ Villains page, Check it out!


October 3 / 1999

Uploaded the new & Improved Triad character profile for the Villains series. Can Evil look this good?

Went to the Edmonton Comic and Collectable convention at the Armory. Met some great people, a superheroine and got a NPC Professionally sketched and inked. Chris, Marc and Bishop also got character sketches done of their DWJ characters. I just have to scan them and upload them onto the site. Stay tuned for more. 

Looks like Tom Inkel of TSSI Environments has been taken over by the Web, Pretty Radical changes there Bud, but it looks great! Click here to go and check it out!


September 22 /1999.

Counters on all the pages! This will help me determine which pages get the most visits and which do not. 

Signed up on Lycos search engine. My site should be up and searchable in the day or so.


September 12th / 1999.                   

Went to the funeral for my Grandfather and it was pretty Emotional. I gave the Eulagy (if you would like to read it, click here). But now the service is over and he was sent to heaven in the usual traditional way. I got to see many members of the family that I haven't seen in a long time, so there's a silver lining even in this dark cloud. My extreme thanks goes out to 
Tom Inkel and TSSI Environments for his honorable mention of my Grandfather's passing and to everyone who visited my site and gave my Grandfather thought on this sad weekend. Thank you all.



September 10th / 1999. (Frigga's Day)

Posted a memorandum in place of my usual opening home page commemorating my Grandfather Leo Roy. If you would like to see it, please click here.


September 9th / 1999.

My Grandfather passed on from this world, and I've been a emotional roller coaster (Good thing I'm on my Sabbatical). I went to the hospital to see the body and to say my last words.

Enjoy life people, It's over too quickly.


September 7th / 1999.

Me and my friend Chris Lee decided to try the optional rules for Top Secret SI involving miniatures (Covered in the players guide). We ran the experiment in a mock situation for about an hour. Our conclusions? Well it took along time and really seemed to slow down the action. We had to measure out the movement of the miniatures, the distance for weapons and took some time to prepare, pretty much in the hour there was two combat phases and a car chase, whereas the ol' fashioned way, there would be more done, and the adrenalin would be pumping the entire way. But the system is pretty exact, whoever is a strategist would love this type of approach. For myself, I think I'll continue using the whiteboard and paper that we've always been using.


September 5th / 1999.

Had a good ol' time chatting with Tom on Excite's Orion HQ chat area. I'm gonna try to make it there every Saturday night around 7pm (MST). Yup, we talked about a lot of things; Alternity, DMOZ, Stories and missions, Austin Powers, Malibu, Girls, Bars, and of course, Top Secret! If you're looking for something interesting to do on Saturday nights, why not join us? Go here for more details.

I updated my Villains area. Not too much, but it's updated!

I put some animated flags on my main page, I found these neat animated gifs at Animation Factory. Go there for some neat animations for your web page. I put the flying American flag (down below), and on my main page, I put two versions of the Canadian flag (Pre-confederation and the current), and one for good 'ol Alberta. <sniff> I'm feeling pretty patriotic right now, gimmie a Molson Canadian 'eh?

And speaking of DMOZ, "The Realms of the Imagination" just got listed in the Espionage area! We're starting to go places!!


September 1st / 1999.

Yay! A new month. Seeing that this news column of mine is going to get pretty long at some time, I've been thinking about only keeping the last month or 2 on here and putting a link where you can see the last submissions of news. I'm still thinking about it  though... 

I've posted the superheroes of  The Vanguard in the DWJ section. This aught to appeal to all you Americans out there, as it's an American based Super hero force brought in to replace the Department of World Justice after they got booted outta the states. Click here to see the page.

I've been noticing that there's no entries in my Guest book. Now I know that there's gotta be people visiting my site, and checking things out, so C'MON!! Click on the link at the bottom (of  EVERY PAGE) to Guest book, then goto Sign the Guest book! I'm a big boy, I can take your criticisms. And of course, you're ever loving comments. So whatcha waiting for?? Sign, Sign, SIGN!!!! :)

Well, looks like Wizards has given us the big thumbs down again for Top Secret version 2. Tom Inkel got the reply pretty quick (and posted it on his website even quicker! Are you sure you're a lawyer or maybe a member of an emergency response team?? :) If you would like to see their reply, Click here!  So what to do next?? Maybe if everyone out there, whether or not you play top secret, Write to Wizards of the Coast! Let's start a big E-mail campaign! It worked for
Star Trek! (well, extended the original series by a season). Why not for a game! Calling all Dungeon masters! Calling all Lurpers, Calling all (however that's spelled), Write Write Write!! Just remember this... 


Updated the DWJ's Neutrals & Vigilantes page, with a special link for the Langolier's Castle. Now you can see where The Langolier, Shadow and Trin live.

Remember. Sign my Guest Book! :)

August 31st / 1999.

Uploaded the DWJ's "Neutral's and Villains" page.

I visited my friend Tom Inkel's web page TSSI Environments and seen that he's sent ol' Wizards of the Coast a letter in support of Top Secret. Right on Tom! What a great letter too, much more was said then in mine, I sure hope that 'ol wizards come through and gives us some support, that'll be great. If ya want to read it, just click here.

I am really close to finishing something I've promised to many people a few months ago. I was on WEBRPG and I seen that some fellow administrators were interested in my set of made up rules to incorporate D&D into Top Secret (for what, only your imagination knows, try teleporting your spies into the past, or into another dimension). Well when I'm done, I'll be sending a copy of the file for sure over to James Hicks of The Orphanage, who has posted many of my files in the past. If you're interested too, send $25 in a self addressed envelope to........ :)  Just kidding, en casa, moo casa, foo casa, just E-mail me and I'll swing the file to ya, just the same ol' blurb, just give me credit. :)


August 25th / 1999.

Added a link in NEWS that will show you devoted players / admirers / fanatics / groupies the E-mail I received from Wizards of the Coast. (Ha ha! Made you go and look for it, This is the News Page! :) Alright, It's late and I need a smoke, just click here to go and see it. :)


August 22nd / 1999.

Updated my Links Page, added some banners, added some comments. Checked out all the other Top Secret SI pages out there. 


August 21st / 1999.

Finished posting my Wild West Pictures of the Players.


August 20th / 1999.

Inspired by Tom Inkel of TSSI Environments, I decided to make a "what's new"/news/post it kinda board to tell people when I've added things, when things have been updated, and  general messages from out there in Top Secret Land.

Fixed up the Department of World Justice Adventure Log in Word, then converted into HTML format. Still not perfect, but does now list all 98 missions so far. Might have to edit the little sidebars out of it. 



The Department of World Justice DWJ NPC's Villains & Organizations Neutrals & Vigilantes  
Villains Triad NPC's Heroes  
Espionage Orion Web    
Modular Modular: 
Downtown Venus


Credits The Realms The Players Links Guest book

Send me E-Mail                                                               

This site last Edited: Monday, January 01, 2001 06:03:17 PM