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De Palma on Domino
"It was not recut.
I was not involved
in the ADR, the
musical recording
sessions, the final
mix or the color
timing of the
final print."

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in the news"

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Thursday, April 27, 2017
In a video posted yesterday to Facebook and Instagram, Brussels actor Mourade Zeguendi stated that he had been offered a role as a "Molenbeek terrorist" in an upcoming film being made by Brian De Palma, but turned it down. "Never in my life could I think I would refuse a role in a Brian De Palma film," Zeguendi says in the video. "Imagine: something that you only encounter once in your life, and you say no. De Palma makes a movie in Brussels and the role they present to me: a terrorist from Molenbeek. So I said no."

Two more actors then commented on Zeguendi's Instagram post, saying that they also refused the role in De Palma's upcoming, unnamed film. After Nasrdin Dchar commented, "Me too!", Fouad Hajji chimed in, commenting, "Happy to know that I was not the only one. After refusing, although I know I made the right choice. I was still hanging a few days .... :( ."

Cinematographer Mounir Ben Bachir asked in the comments if Zeguendi was told what the movie is about. "I can just tell you that Arabs will kill whites lol," replied Zeguendi.

Later, speaking by phone to De Standaard's Jeroen Struys, Zeguendi said, "I've got my belly full of this kind of typecasting." Sounding indignant, Zeguendi added, "I am fed up. Apparently, someone with a darker skin always has to play someone with only one characteristic: his skin color. That hurts me. There is a difference between playing a Mafioso and a terrorist. And when I heard that phrase: 'terrorist from Molenbeek', I said stop. This is not Afghanistan here, huh. As a father, a Belgian and an inhabitant of Brussels, I say: stop. Stop with that simplistic view of the world."

Struys' article continues:

More than a criminal with Moroccan accent

Zeguendi broke in 2009 with Les Barons, about four friends in Sint-Jans-Molenbeek. Their philosophy is that everyone in the world has a limited number of steps available. However, Zeguendi seems to be awarded a limited number of steps in his career. "After the success of Les Barons, I received offers enough for starring. I have to refuse that one by one because they were all stereotyped portraits of the immigrant."

Over the past few years he has had to take pleasure in supporting roles, in which he often excels. "Little roles, but at least characters that were more than a criminal with Moroccan accents."

An article posted Friday by Anealla Safdar at Al Jazeera quotes Zeguendi's original video and then the Standaard interview, adding that the actor was thanking his fans for their support of his stance. Following all of that, here is the rest of the Al Jazeera article:

By the time of publishing, De Palma's representative had not responded to Al Jazeera's request for further comment.

Zeguendi, a 36-year-old actor, has appeared in more than 20 films and television series, and performs in theatre.

Joseph Fahim, a film critic, programmer and a lecturer based in Cairo, told Al Jazeera that Zeguendi's stance was "commendable".

"[But] does it herald a possible future resistance on part of Arab actors for these kind of roles? I doubt it," he said. "For every Zeguendi, there will be dozens of other actors willing to snatch the chance to work with someone like De Palma and justify their decision."

He said that several other artists had refused similar roles on account of being typecast, but not all decisions are made public "because actors usually refuse to sever their relationships with directors".

"So maybe it is actually brave of him to publicise this," said Fahim.

Posted by Geoff at 5:25 AM CDT
Updated: Wednesday, May 3, 2017 6:04 PM CDT
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Thursday, April 27, 2017 - 11:34 AM CDT

Name: "Lear"

God I hope it's not another Redacted kind of movie with a 0 dollar budget, a very sanctimonious message and no A-list actors Cry 

Although it's going to be interesting to see Eastwood and de Palma working on a similar project at the same time Tongue out

(their views on the Iraq war were diametrically opposed) 

Friday, April 28, 2017 - 7:57 PM CDT

Name: "Savafreak"

So you would prefer Eastwood's "expensive" propaganda that is filled with lies and bigotry to De Palma's attempt to tell it as it is and let the truth out there to the viewer? by the was what De Palma showed in that movie was just a fraction of the atrocities entailed by that criminal and unjust war, it was a cry out for those who have no sound. but again seems that people prefer glossily packaged lies rather than unpolished unfiltered truth!

 P.S. I am from Iraq, and a huge De Palma, fan probably his bigger follower ever lived! even before making  Redacted I was crazy about the man's genius and artistry, and after watching the movie, my admiration for him has reached epic proportions, as he is a brave honest man in addition to a visionary director! He is a cinematic God to me 

Saturday, April 29, 2017 - 1:31 PM CDT

Name: "Lear"

I didn't like American Sniper, but Eastwood's subtleties on war are to be found and appreciated in his diptych (Iwo Jima and Flags of our Fathers). Both Redacted and American Sniper felt like they tried to preach to the choir. Regardless of your own views on the Iraq war, your social condition will determine which rendering (between Brian's and Clint's) you would be willing to spend time to watch, and won't change your mind or have a meaningful impact. When I saw Redacted I thought "well, yeah, duuuh, the war in Iraq is ugly and unjustified". What matters is that at the end of the day, very few rednecks will spend $20 on the Redacted DVD, hardly sold in the US; and very few English scholars will spend 12£ on American Sniper, hardly publicised in their social milieu.

Casualties of War, Munich, Heartbreak Ridge, Apocalypse Now and Gardens of Stone were not pandering to their audience. As a cinephile, that's what I am looking forward to.

Let's just hope that Brian de Palma is satisfied with whatever budget he gets :) 

Saturday, April 29, 2017 - 10:04 PM CDT

Name: "harry georgatos"

Mainstream Hollywood is owned by the multi-national corporations which are owned by the Military Industrial Complex that controls the mainstream media. Every news article is filtered and redacted when it comes to USA foriegn policy and conflicts around the world disguised under terrorism as a front for the Wests and USA economic interests for the fat cats who stand to profit.

 Anti-American sentiment and criticism of the war in relation to political figures will be censored. Films such as AMERICAN SNIPER, LONE SURVIVOR, THE KINGDOM. PATRIOTS DAY, TRAITOR, THE HURT LOCKYER, ZERO DARK THIRTY no matter how well crafted and written pander to the subliminal messages of American might and justification of USA foreign policy.

 Anti-war films of criticism towards American policy will not get distribution within the mainstream as the Military Industrial Complex controls the Hollywood studio system. REDACTED was discarded in the waste bin of the film industry as it is probaly the most critical statement about the conflict in Iraq along with THE ROAD TO GUANTANAMO.

 Directors such as De Palma and Oliver Stone find it impossible to get films made and released as their themes are too controversial and won't be tolerated by the powers above. Stone's JFK, NIXON, W and SNOWDEN are controversial and caused controversy, especially with JFK. SNOWDEN was funded with European money and disappeared quicky from cinemas. Controversial and angry films such as BADER MEINHOFF COMPLEX and CARLOS can only be made with money outside the mainstream and probaly will not get major distribution unless someone with the clout of Steven Spielberg with the mighty pro-Israel foreign policy stand to his film.

 Here's hoping De Palma's new terrorism film can be as explosive and controversial as SCARFACE.

 A the end of the day the game is rigged!             

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