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Dragon Court
Dragon Court Help
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Weapons Guides
In-Depth Weapons Guide
Silver Weapons List
Crystal Weapons List
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Best Weapons
Enchanting Weapons
Identifying Weapons
Preventing Rust
Rare Attributes Guide
Weapons Shops
The Multiplier Chart
General Guides
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2.1 Billion Item Limit
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Visitors Reset on 8/20/07.

Enchanting Weapons
Using Enchant Scrolls, players can raise the Attack, Defend, and Skill points of their weapons. 1 skill point is added to a weapon for each successful enchantment. In addition, 1 attack point is added for the first five successful enchantments, 1 defense point for the next five successful enchantments, and so forth. Those of you who enjoy finding weapons with random attributes will be pleased to know that it's now possible to find enchanted weapons from creatures who might drop them. Still, all weapons can only be enchanted up to a certain point until additional enchant scrolls will no longer work on the weapon.

More Successful Enchanting
As with any other scroll in the game, Enchant Scrolls are more likely to work if your character has a higher amount of Wits. Check out the Scrolls Guide to learn more about the success rate of an enchant scroll.

Enchanting Calculator
A thoughtful player by the name of Herfried has created an Enchanting Calculator for others to use.

Unlimited Enchanting
As of the DC Upgrade on April 8, 2002, it is no longer possible for players to enchant their weapons for as many times as they wish to. Each and every single weapon has a certain "Maximum Enchants" value, the maximum number of successful enchant scrolls that can be used on the weapon. For further information about maximum enchants, please check out the In-Depth Weapons Guide.

Stages of Enchantment
After the DC Upgrade on April 8, 2002, enchanted weapons went through three distinct stages: Enchant Weak, Enchant Good, and Enchant Strong. These stages were indicative of the enchantment progress of a weapon. At the Enchant Weak stage, a weapon could safely be enchanted many more times. At the Enchant Good stage, a weapon had already been enchanted many times but could still be enchanted further more. When a weapon entered the Enchant Strong stage, however, a weapon had a chance of exploding and being lost permanently.

Today, enchanted weapons no longer go through all these stages; Enchant Strong is the only stage that weapons go through and weapons do not explode anymore.

Enchanted Weapons Prior to April 8, 2002
Before the DC Upgrade on April 8, 2002, there wasn't a limit to the number of times that a weapon could be enchanted. Very few weapons that had been enchanted to a significant level a few years ago exist today, and those that still exist are highly sought after by collectors and serious players alike. Antiques with a high amount of base skill can be enchanted much more than the weapons that are dropped by creatures today, which more than makes up for the insignificant amount of base attack and defense that they provide. The high skill alone means that an antique weapon has a greater potential for having very high attack, defense, and skill points. Not surprisingly, the most sought after antiques are Head, Body, and Left armaments.

Also, in the past, many players made sure that their weapons didn't exceed 5,000 total skill points because those who had more than 5,000 skill were promptly removed from the Top 24 Skill list. Even then, those who had exactly 5,000 skill didn't always make the Top 24 list because there were many others who had that many skill points.

Since weapons only gained skill points for successful enchantments back then, there weren't any other incentives for a player to enchant weapons other than to qualify for the Top 24 Skill list or to have a greater chance of attacking creatures first.

No, I don't have my enchanted antiques anymore, but I wish I did!

Enchant Weak
Enchant Good
Enchant Strong

All creature images and related insignia are ©1997-2007, Fred's Friends, Inc. This help site
is maintained and written by randomorange of the Wizards & Warriors clan. Please send
all inquiries to randomorange through in-game mail. This site is not affiliated with Fred's Friends, Inc.