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Dragon Court
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Rental Cost Chart
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List of #1 Clans
#1 is a prestigious position on the clan lists that many clan leaders and their hopeful members dream of reaching someday. Clans that are seeking to become the next #1 clan spend many years acquiring their power and have members who put forth an unbelievable amount of hard work and dedication to the wellbeing of their clan. It's not too hard to see why becoming the #1 clan is considered by many to be a major accomplishment that gives people the right to brag about being a member of the "best clan" in the Dragon Court.

Below is a listing of all clans that have ever held the #1 spot for at least one day, the character(s) who have held the in-game leadership spot for that clan while it was #1, when they first became a #1 clan, and the abilities that the clan had at the time.

Clan Leader(s) First #1 Appearance Abilities
Titan Menttal
Early 1999 Quick, Reflex, Sturdy, Dragon
Frost Knights Aargorn Early 2002 Strong, Medic, Quick, Dragon
Imajination damaji Early 2002 Quick, Stubborn, Popular
ShadowRaven Enchant January 2003 Quick, Reflex, Stubborn
Crimson Dragons Laodice October 2003 Reflex, Strong, Stubborn, Trader
Sick-of-it-all adog1
March 2007 Agile, Merchant, Quick, Popular, Strong

Titan's Dominance
Quite a few players argue that Titan has always occupied the #1 spot in the game. This hasty generalization has made them the target of scorn over the years by players who feel that their dismissal from the top of the list is long overdue. Hopefully, this list will disprove that generalization as there have been 5 other clans within the past 5 years that have occupied the #1 position. It's probably worth noting, however, that although several clans have overtaken Titan for the #1 spot since 2002, Titan has always been able to reclaim the #1 spot within a matter of weeks or months.

All creature images and related insignia are ©1997-2007, Fred's Friends, Inc. This help site
is maintained and written by randomorange of the Wizards & Warriors clan. Please send
all inquiries to randomorange through in-game mail. This site is not affiliated with Fred's Friends, Inc.