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Kata's Rowellian Fanfic

Kata's Roswellian Fanfic

Welcome! This is where all my fanfic is kept! It's Roswell. (In case you couldn't tell by the title of the page)Pretty much everything is rated PG, PG-13 at the most. Be sure to tell me what you think of my fanfic at Always remember-- Roswell belongs to the wonderful WB, Jasaon Katims, and Melinda Metz. Repeat after me, THEY ARE NOT MINE! All the stories are mine. Right now, I don't really have time to add anyone elses. I'm sure you can relate to that! But please enjoy the stories I have up!

Alright. Here's the situation. I've decided to stop writing fanfic and concentrate on my own stuff. I added Consequences and Back To Your Heart, which I had up at, but never put up here. I will eventually finish Rosmole and put it up here, but for now you can read the first nine parts here.

Leave your mark, sign my Dreambook!

Back To Your Heart
This is set after "Behind the Music" and is in Michael's point of view.

A post-"Departure" fic in Isabel's POV.

A Different Kind of Destiny
What did Maria think when Michael came to her in "Independence Day"? Once of those fics that I really liked, but that got hardly any feedback. Go figure.

You Don't Know The Invisible Man Nobody Wants to be Lonely
My K/T trilogy. I'm still a fan of K/T, no matter what has happened on the show.

The New Boyfriend
Maria has a new boyfriend... or does she? Inspired by my very own invisible boyfriend.

Not Alone
Roswell is nothing like Tess expected, but is she really without love? One of the few fics, I'm actually somewhat satisfied with!

Is Isabel all alone? Set right before the second season. I belive this was my first A/I fic.

Love After All?
Maria wonders whether or not she and Michael had true love. Set right before the second season. I feel in love with the song, and just had to find a way to work it into a fic.

Lucky? Hurt Healing
I've recieved more feedback on this trilogy than any other fic I've ever written. Ironically, I was so unsure about "Lucky" that I almost didn't share it. I'm not sure what that says about me!

Michael's thoughts after "Destiny." It's a different concept from most of my song fics.

It's Gonna Be Me
Another Maria POV about her relationship with Michael. Set after "Indpendance Day. It's a nice commentary on the events of "Independance Day."

A Necessary Letter
Maria has broken up with Michael, and he writes a letter to get her back. It's about a totally made-up situation, but it's still a nice glimpse into Michael's thoughs.

Spin the Truth
Answer to a challenge. Everyone plays a game combining "Truth or Dare," and "Spin the Bottle. I really don't like the way this turned out. (Especially since I forgot Max!) Read it anyway.

The Beginning
Michael and Maria are getting married. It has everyone's POV in it. I'm not entirely satisfied with the way this turned out, but what writer ever really is?

The Best Thing
An answer to a challenge. Happy, sappy, and fluffy!It's a nice change from all the angst and drama.

Michael's thoughts, post-Destiny. After all those Maria POV's, it was Michael's turn.

It Has Begun Prologue 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
A future fic. The aliens return after a long absence. I didn't end this fic as well as I started it and I was probably too optamistic about the relationships, but all in all, it's not a bad fic.

As Long As You Love Me
Maria thinks things over after "Destiny. I probably wrote too many post-Destiny fics, but I needed something to do while I was waiting for season 2.

You're Still The One
A happy future fic where everything turned out okay. It's a good one to read when things aren't going our way on the show.

All For You
TPTB concentrate on Michael's relationship problems. I decided to take a look at Maria's.

I Don't Know You Anymore
It's the day after graduation, and Michael talks to Maria for the first time in two years. Somewhat angsty. I think I really picked a good song for this one.

The Hardest Thing
The M&M breakup expanded. They didn't give it enough time on the show, so I wrote a different version.

A coda to "Destiny" in Maria's POV. Another short one, but I needed to get it out of my system.

Unsaid Words
What might happen if Michael doesn't say "I love you." Angsty. I was feeling very "teenagery" when I wrote it.

The Thoughts' of Tess A look into the mind of Tess. Written in defence of her during the first season.

Be a Man
Post-Crazy. Michael takes romance lessons from Max. A very fun fic to write, and, hopefully, to read.

Hold Me
Post-Four Square. Michael and Maria talk. Michael finally says the "L" word. I still like this fic. I wish they had shown something like this on the show!

A very sappy fic about the Homecoming dance. Maybe too sappy, but I needed to write it.

Only a Tattoo Artist? 1 2 3 4 5 6
Maria meets a mysterious tattoo artist who may know somthing about the aliens, especially Michael. Set before "Sexual Healing," so the continuity is off. My first attempt at a series. It didn't turn out too bad, but once again, my writing has improved since then. (I hope!)

A coda to "Crazy." It just had to be written.

You Sang to Me
A short song fic in Michael's POV. He's thinking about Maria. My first of many songfics.

Through Maria's Eyes
The first Roswell fanfic I ever wrote. It's a look at the M/M relationship through Maria's eyes. I still like the concept, but I like to think my writing has improved since I wrote this!

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