Title: The Beginning
Author: Kata
Disclaimer: WB owns Roswell. The song's off the "Anastasia" Soundtrack. It doesn't belong to me, either.
Rating: PG
Summery: Michael and Maria's wedding. Everyone looks back at their relationship. Told in differnent perspectives, but I'm not telling you who's who. :-) You should be able to figure them out.
Distribution: Give me your URL first, unless you already have my stuff.
Feedback: Give it to me! Now! :-)


We were strangers
Starting out on a journey
Never dreaming what we had to go through
Now here we are
And I'm suddenly standing
At the beginning with you

If anyone told me I was going to end up with Michael Guerin, I would have laughed my head off. I barely knew the guy, and there wasn't exactly a change to get to know him-- he was never at school. Then the shooting happened, and Liz told me thier secret. That automatically formed a bond, but he was still just this guy. Then he stole my car, and I found what I had never expected. I didn't know what Michael was looking for, or what we were going to find, but the last thing I was expecting to find was *him.* The 'him' that every woman dreams of. Although I doubt that Michael is what they've been dreaming of. But he's mine. At first I... not exactly hated him, but I wasn't quite willing to be friends with him. Then I started asking him those stupid questions from that silly assignment. At first, he made up answers, but then he started telling me real stuff, and I opened up to him, too. To *him.* Michael Guering, who I barely even knew, Michael Guerin, who I loved.

No one told me
I was going to find you
Unexpected what you did to my heart
When I lost hope
You were there to remind me
This is the start

Maria was always just this girl. The slightly ditzy girl who hung out with Liz. Then she was the girl who knew our secret... then she became the only person who actually hunted me down to do a project. Most people would have just made up answers for me themselves. And then, she actually wanted the *real* answers, not the made-up ones. She opened up to me-- not much, but enough. Enough so that I opened up to her. I didn't know humans could be so understanding. And I kissed her. I've never kissed anyone before. If I had thought about it, I would have been nervous. But I didn't think about it. I just kissed her, and, for once, not thinking about my actions turned out all right.

Life is a road
And I want to keep going
Love is a river
I wanna keep flowing
Life is the road
Now and forever
Wonderful journey

Michael and Maria's relationsihp made me jealous at first. Me, the Ice Princess, jealous. He was always the loner, the one who wanted to keep up seperate. What was he doing in a human relationship? Understand, I don't have any romantic thoughts about him-- the thought repulses me. But... Max has belonged to Liz ever since the shooting, and it seemed like Michael was being taken away, too. I always thought that they wre all I had. Then I had a long conversation with Maria, and I found out that she was jealous of *me.* She was afraid that the bond between Max, Michael, and me would prevent her from ever having a real relationship with Michael. That's when I began to realixe that I would always have a part of Michael and Max, and that I had my own human waiting for me.

I'll be there
When the world stops turning
I'll be there
When the storm is through
In the end I want to be standing
At the beginning with you

I didn't understand Maria's fascination with Michael. He was far from the perfect boyfriend-- far from Maria's dream guy. But something kept bringing them back together. They complement each other so perfectly-- even better than Max and me. Maria is calmed down by Michael, and she peps up Michael. They understand each other in a way that no one else can. I see now, I understand. They belong together.

We were strangers
On a crazy adventure
Never dreaming
How our dreams would come true
Now here we stand
Unafraid of the future
At the beginning with you

I've always been happy that Maria found a guy. No, Michael's not perfect-- no one is-- but she loves him, and he loves her, and that's all that matters. Maria's always been a little jealous of Liz and her boyfriends. Even in elementry school, Liz had a boyfriend. Maria's never had that. She got one kiss in the eighth grade, but Michael's her first and only boyfriend.

Life is a road
And I want to keep going
Love is a river
I wanna keep flowing
Life is the road
Now and forever
Wonderful journey

I've always been sort of the leader, the 'protector' of our little group. When Michael started breaking away, I was angry. But he ran to Maria every time. That's when I knew it was going to be okay. Maria would take care of him, and would protect and defent him even more fiercly than I would. She'd be there for him, when I couldn't be. She'd love him forever.

I knew there was somebody somewhere
Like me alone in the dark
Now I know my dream will live on
I've been waiting so long
Nothing's gonna tear us apart

I've been waiting for this day my whole life. I've been there for Michael for all of it, but I never hoped for this. I couldn't. There were so many obstacles in our way. Michael's stone wall, his and Isabel's dreams, my own longing for romance. After we graduated, we broke up. We didn't think we could keep up a long distance realationship. It took us two years to realize how miserable we were. I transfered colleges to be near Michael, and he asked me to marry him. And here we are, on our wedding day, looking at the past while preparing for the future.

Life is a road
And I want to keep going
Love is a river
Now and forever
Wonderful journey

I was miserable when I was away from Maria. I didn't want to admit it, but it was true. When she transfered to be near me, I couldn't believe my luck. Then I took the final stop of letting her in, and asked her to marry me. And here we are, ready for the future to begin, ready for our lives together.

Life is a road, and I wanna keep going
Love is a river, I wanna keep going on
Starting out on a jorney
Life is a road, and I wanna keep going
Love is a river, I wanna keep flowing
In the end, I wanna be standing
At the beginning with you



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