Title: It's Gonna Be Me
Author: Kata
Disclaimer: For the millionth time, they don't belong to me. Song belongs to 'N Sync.
Rating: PG
Summery: Another Maria POV, about her relationship with Michael. Are you sick of these yet? This one's set after "Independance Day."
Distribution: Give your URL first, unless I already have it.
Feedback: Give me some, and I'll love you forever!


I don't understand Michael and his stonewall. I don't know why he insists on being alone. Two are better than one, and he'll realize this someday. He *will.* He'll finally see that I'll always be there for him. No matter what.

You might've been hurt babe
That ain't no lie
You've seen them all come and go, oh,
I remember that you told me
That it made you belive in
No (wo)man, no cry
Maybe that's why

Michael doesn't have the perfect foster famiily. Not like Max and Isabel do. Just Hank. Hank doesn't care about him. Maybe that's what made him the way he is. Michael can't believe that anyone would ever want him. Michael is frustrating, annoying, and rude, but he does things to my heart that no one else can.

Every little thing I do
Never seems enough for you
You don't want to lose it again
But I'm not like them
Baby when you finally
Guess what
It's gonna be me

I try so hard to let Michael know I care. I hope he knows. I know he's afraid to love, afraid to be loved. Max and Isabel are all he's ever had, and even they have a bond between them that he can't share. But when he let's somebody in, when he finally decides to love someone, it's gonna be me.

You've got no choice, babe
But to move on, you know
There ain't no time to waste 'cause you're just
Too blind to see
But in the end you know it's gonna be me
You can't deny
So just tell me why

Michael's on his own now. No more Hank to beat him. It's time for him to move on, to move on to *me.* I know I sound selfish, but I'm not. Michael needs someone to love, and it's gonna be me. I'm the one for him, and he's the only one for me. Does he know that he's the only one I can even look at in that way? I don't think he does. He's just too blind too see.

Every little thing I do
Never seems enough for you
You don't want to lose it again
But I'm not like them
Baby, when you finally
Get to love somebody
Guess what
It's gonna be me

He's melting. He came to me that night Hank beat him. His stone wall is crumbling. Soon, he'll let me in. Soon, we'll be together again.

There comes a day
When I'll be the one
You'll see
It's gonna... it's gonna be me

I can wait. I'll wait forever if I have to. He can't keep me out forever. He can't deny his feelings for me. He's becoming human.

All that I do
It's not enough for you
Don't want to lose it
But I'm not like that
When you finally come to love
Guess what, guess what

I wonder what more does he want, what more does he need to see, before he realizes that I'm here, and I'm not going to leave. I'm not going to give up Michael. I can't. I love him. Yes, I'll finally admit it to myself. I love him, and maybe that's my problem. I can't, *won't*, let him go.

Every little thing I do
Never seems enough for you
You don't wanna lose it again
But I'm not like them
Baby, when you finally
Get to love somebody
Guess what
It's gonna be me

He'll let himself love somebody someday, and it's gonna be me. I don't think I could let him go. My heart's too entangled with his. He cares. I know that. Maybe he even loves somebody. Eventually he'll realize that he can't be alone. And he'll let somebody in. And guess what. It's gonna be me.



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