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Dragon Court
Dragon Court Help
Dragon Court Game
Tavern Board
Clan Hall Board
Trading Post Board
Board Moderators
Collectors Corner
Event Calendar
External Links
Weapons Guides
In-Depth Weapons Guide
Silver Weapons List
Crystal Weapons List
Antiques Directory
Best Weapons
Enchanting Weapons
Identifying Weapons
Preventing Rust
Rare Attributes Guide
Weapons Shops
The Multiplier Chart
General Guides
In-Depth Creatures Guide
2.1 Billion Item Limit
Bottled Faeries Guide
DC Mail Guide
Dragon Guard Guide
Gaining Rank Guide
Gems Guide
Guild Skills Guide
Healing Guide
Increasing Pack Space
Increasing Stats Guide
Increasing Store Space
Item Shops
NPC Quotes
Scrolls Guide
The Wheel of Fate
Special Guides
Avoiding Scammers
Clan Leader Advice
Choosing a Clan
Finding Cheaters
Questing Tips Guide
The Process of Trading
Tips and Tricks
Charts and Lists
Full Item List
Level Raising/Benefits
List of #1 Clans
Quests with Quick
Rental Cost Chart
Reset Times
Top 24 Clan Standings
Trading Post Terms
Outdated Material
A Look at the Past
11-30-2001 Bug Report
Game Bugs
Guide to Cookies
Item Selling Prices
Old Level Raising
Random's Giveaways
Screenshot Gallery
Summary of Upgrades
Technical Q & A
Thank You List
Who Owns This Site?

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Visitors Reset on 8/20/07.

Increasing Storage Space Guide
Increasing your storage space is always a good idea if you happen to have a lot of valuable items. Although the items and weapons in your Silver Storage are susceptible to rusting regardless of whether or not you've received a blessing from the Royal Court, the Silver Storage is a good place to store your valuables while you're out there questing. It's also a good place to store weapons as long as you've applied some oil to them.

Increasing Storage Space
For now, the only ways to increase the size of your storage box are to either equip a rare weapon with the Merchant and/or Hotel attribute or join a clan that has the Merchant and/or Hotel ability. When you have either of these abilities, you'll have an additional 20 storage spaces.

Storage Size in the Past
Before the DC Upgrade on April 8, 2002, the size of a character's storage box was determined by the character's level. Today, every character has 80 or 100 storage spaces regardless of level.

All creature images and related insignia are ©1997-2007, Fred's Friends, Inc. This help site
is maintained and written by randomorange of the Wizards & Warriors clan. Please send
all inquiries to randomorange through in-game mail. This site is not affiliated with Fred's Friends, Inc.