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Healing Guide
Going to the Healers Tower in the Fields is the most common way to heal your guts. Regardless of level, it costs 1 mark to heal each injured gut. To cure any status effects that your character is suffering from, you'll need to pay an amount of marks that is equivalent to 10 times your level unless your character is at level 1.

Healing Items
There are eight different items in the game that can be used to heal injured guts in or out of battle. It's generally a good idea to carry some of these items with you so that you won't have to waste quests to get back to the Healers Tower in the Fields.

Item Heals With Medic Cures Diseases? Notes Dropped By
Fish 4 guts 4 guts No Fish are equivalent to Food in every aspect except that they can only be fed to monsters at the Docks. They can also be used to make Fish Oil at the Dragon Guard. Mermaid, Pirates, Sea Serpent
Food 4 guts 4 guts No Food are very easy to get from the Peasants in Shangala, who will drop thousands of Food when you kill or trade with them. However, by then, you wouldn't want to keep eating food just to regain guts because it'll take too long to do. Boar, Giant Rat, Goat, Goblin, Harpy, Jaguar, Kabold, Mercenary, Merchant, Peasant
Healing Salve 12 guts 20 guts No Healing Salves are three times as effective as Food, but they are far more expensive. Stick to the Food. Castle Guard, Elf, Field Soldier, Field Wizard, Giant, Gladiator, Kabold, Mercenary, Treasury Guard
Opal 12 guts 20 guts No Opals can only be used if your character has at least 4 Mage skills. Anaconda, Basilisk, Field Mage, Giant Rat, Golem, Gryphon, Kabold, Mage, Pirates, Sea Serpent, Warlock
Gold Apple 30 guts 50 guts Yes Gold Apples are excellent healing items and you should hoard as many of these as you can. Dragon, Dungeon Mage, Goblin Queen, Harpy, Hercules, Mermaid, Ninja, Panda, Samurai, Second Castle Guard, Sphinx, Unicorn, Wyvern
Nectarine 60 guts 100 guts No Nectarines are twice as effective as Gold Apples, but they're more difficult to get a hold of and they don't cure diseases. Anaconda, Azteca Soldier, Evil Fred, Jaguar
Serpent Scale Soup 120 guts 200 guts No Serpent Scale Soups are the best healing items in the game, but you'll need several Serpent Scales to make them at the Dragon Guard. Priest
Mandrake Root 180 guts 300 guts No In addition to healing 180 guts, Mandrake Roots give you one Berzerk-like ability and subtract 3 wits for the rest of the day. Dungeon Troll, Gryphon, Harpy, Mountain Troll, Peasant

Out of Marks
If for some reason you don't have enough marks to heal all of your guts, you can Rest at the Healers Tower and sacrifice a quest to heal all of your injured guts. Of course, this isn't recommended because healing is such an inexpensive practice that it isn't worth the loss of a quest point.

Healing at the Healers Tower in the Old Days
There used to be two additional options at the Healers Tower that have since been removed from the game. One of these options was "Half Healing," which healed half of your injured Guts at a discounted price, and the other option was "Minor Healing," which healed 1/4 of your injured guts at an even lower price. Healing was also a lot more expensive back then because you had to pay 1 mark per level subtracted by 1 to heal each injured gut. For example, a level 30 character had to pay 29 marks to heal each gut, and if this character were to suffer from an Ieatsu blast that had dealt 450 points of damage, this character would've had to pay as much as 13,050 marks for a Full Healing. Today, this character would only have to pay a measly 450 marks.

All creature images and related insignia are ©1997-2007, Fred's Friends, Inc. This help site
is maintained and written by randomorange of the Wizards & Warriors clan. Please send
all inquiries to randomorange through in-game mail. This site is not affiliated with Fred's Friends, Inc.