 1.  Warm Up
 2.  The Jelq
 3.  PC Flex
 4.  Length Stretch
 5.  Advanced Lengthening
 6.  Advanced Thickening
 7.  Testicle Massage
 8.  Visualization
 9.  Tips/Thoughts
 10.  Newbie Workout
 11.  Expert Workout
 12.  Increasing Head Size
 13.  Combating Curvature
 14.  Combating Impotence
 15.  Combating Premature Ejaculation
 16.  Making Time for Enlargement
 17.  FAQ

Step-By-Step Guide:

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Learn about and perform the Jelq exercise.
Quick Glance:

1. Large washcloth ran under hot water.

2. Wrap washcloth around penis and testicles.

3. Hold washcloth around penis and testicles for 2 to 2 ½ minutes.

4. Run washcloth under hot water to re-heat it again, wrap for another 2 to 2 ½ minutes, repeat this for 3-5 times.

5. Your now ready to begin the workout of your choice.

Warm Up.
This section focuses on how to warm up and prepare yourself for the workout as well as how to relax your penis after an exercise session in order to return the blood flow in your penis to normal. When you work to enlarge your penis you're working in the section of the penis called the corpora cavernosa. Coincidentally the word “cavernosa” comes partly from the word “cavern”. We all know caverns to be large, open places, which is precisely what we want to develop in our penises. The corpora cavernosa as well as some other tissue fills with blood when you get an erection. The penis is just like any other part of the human body in that it must be properly warmed and primed before it is subjected to major stresses, such as intensive workouts. Just as you need to warm up briefly before you workout your body in the gym you must do the same before exercising your penis. Plan on devoting about 10 minutes both before and after your penile fitness workouts to the warm up and cool down methods described on this page.

Always, no matter what, be sure to warm-up properly before doing any of the exercises in this manual with the single exception of the PC Flex.

Begin by shaking your penis out to make sure that it's fairly limber. Slap it up against your leg a few times and get the blood flowing a bit. Stroke yourself to a partial erection to get some extra blood pumped in and then you can begin the warm up method of your choice.

Warm Up/Cool Down Method #1, Hot Cloth Wrap

After you've stretched and massaged your penis as mentioned earlier, grab a decent size washcloth. Run it under hot water until it's completely soaked and warm to the touch and then gently wrap the washcloth around your penis and testicles. Do this in a washtub or bathroom if you can so it will be easier to wipe up the excess water from the washcloth later. You can stand and put down a towel on the floor to absorb the excess water or you can just wring out the warm washcloth really well so it doesn't drip, it's up to you. When you apply the warm washcloth to your penis and testicles you may feel a strange sensation. Don't worry, you'll soon get used to this as a warming up and cooling down method after each penile workout. The cloth cannot remain hot for very long and the urge to pull away should subside after a few seconds. Of course, if it's actual painful to hold the cloth against yourself then it is too hot and you need to use cooler water. Please just use your own best judgment for this. Keep your now warm washcloth wrapped around your penis and testicles for another 2 to 2 1/2 minutes before removing. Run the washcloth under the hot water again and again wrap your package and hold it there for 2 to 2 1/2 minutes. Repeat this process 3-5 times. Exactly what the Hot Cloth Wrap does is super simple. It prepares your penis for the rigors of the upcoming workout by loosening up the tissues inside the penis and allowing the blood to flow more freely. Doing a warm-up such as this will help with penis growth and size over time because the cells, tissues, and spaces for blood in the corpora cavernosa will be much more ready to be stretched and expanded after the warmth of the washcloth. Also, a proper warm up will ensure that you get the absolute minimum of bruising and/or temporary red dots appearing on your penis after the workout. You obviously don't want to ever hurt yourself so warming up before any penile fitness workout is highly recommended.

Warm Up/Cool Down Method #2, Hot Bath

The Hot Cloth Wrap isn't the only way to prepare your body for an intensive workout session. Another great way is to jump into a hot-tub/Jacuzzi or a standard bathroom's bathtub. Be sure that you've submerged all of your penis and testicles though. Also, if you're using a Jacuzzi or hot tub be sure to turn the heat up to somewhere to over 100 degrees, hotter than the normal lukewarm temperature of bathwater. While in the water massage your penis a bit with your fingers, helping stretch it out gently. You don't have to stay in the water all that long, just 8-10 minutes or so. Please be aware that very warm water tends to make people very relaxed and tired so don't let yourself fall asleep. This technique may not be feasible for most people's busy schedules during the week so even if you do own a Jacuzzi don't hesitate to fall back on using a Hot Cloth Wrap when you don't have the time to devote to a dip in the hot tub. Just remember that any warm up is better than no warm up.

Warm Up/Cool Down Method #3, Rice Sock

This is a method for the slightly more adventurous of us. It initially seems more troublesome than the water-based methods but for some it might actually be more convenient. Start by taking a clean, thick sweat sock and fill it slightly more than half full with uncooked rice. Place it in a microwave at a time and power setting to warm the rice up to a hot but comfortable to touch level. Take this easy and learn how much time at what setting is right for your microwave. Do NOT simply stick your hand or penis into the sock without carefully testing the temperature first. Once the rice has reached a desirable temperature simply insert your semi-erect penis into the sock and hold it there for 8-10 minutes.

Feel free to experiment with any other methods as long as they make sense and aren't dangerous. A few members have written to us commenting about how well electric blankets and/or the heat pads that you can buy at camping stores work. Just always be cautious that you're not going to burn yourself and never apply any real heat to your testicles.

We'd like to again emphasize that you should not cut any corners when it comes to warming up. Now is not the time to be lazy. Once you've prepared your penis by using the warm up method of your choice it's on to your workout!

Though it’s very important to warm up prior to most exercise, the PC Flex is an exception. Feel free to perform the exercise with or without a warm-up sequence.