 1.  Warm Up
 2.  The Jelq
 3.  PC Flex
 4.  Length Stretch
 5.  Advanced Lengthening
 6.  Advanced Thickening
 7.  Testicle Massage
 8.  Visualization
 9.  Tips/Thoughts
 10.  Newbie Workout
 11.  Expert Workout
 12.  Increasing Head Size
 13.  Combating Curvature
 14.  Combating Impotence
 15.  Combating Premature Ejaculation
 16.  Making Time for Enlargement
 17.  FAQ

Step-By-Step Guide:

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Newbie Workout!
Tips and Thoughts
Remember to use lubrication when appropriate (especially during the Jelquing exercises)—otherwise your skin will become chaffed and irritated. Experiment with different substances and decided what works best for you. You may want to try K-Y Jelly, Astroglide, olive oil, Vaseline or baby oil. Never use soap of any kind as this is ultimately more drying than moisturizing, and remember that—in the event that you want to use your new-found lubricant during sex—oil-based lubricants destroy condoms. It’s best to use a water-based alternative like K-Y Jelly or Astroglide during lovemaking.

If for any reason your penis appears bruised, spotted or simply irritated, stop exercising for a few days. Your main goal is to increase the health of your penis, not injure it. What’s more, you’re much less likely to exercise properly if you’re in pain. There’s no rush to this process, so relax and begin again when you’ve healed. In the meantime, feel free to practice your PC Flex as they’re easy and convenient, and don’t require and skin contact.

Remember that the penis is much like the rest of your body; there’s not a single exercise that will shape it as you wish, you’ve got to perform a complete workout. Start by reading our entire manual and decide which exercises will work best for you. Tailor your workout to suit your needs after a month of the basic exercises. Creating your own fitness style will go a long way toward your success.

Don’t skip the visualization and breathing exercises. Though they may be new to you, expert athletes have used these to help their performances for years. Proper use of mental imagery will help increase your success in the program and create a more positive sense of well-being. It will help you gain control over your penis and augment the results of your workout.

If you are having problems with the exercises, or feel an unavoidable urge to ejaculate which exercising, focus on your PC muscles first. Developing these muscles will help you succeed with the other exercises and will empower you to control your ejaculations. Strong PC muscles will enable you to last longer during lovemaking and gain control over your body.

You may have trouble not become erect during the Length Stretch exercise—this is normal. Once you begin an erection, stop exercising until it subsides and then begin again. If you cannot avoid an erection by the stop-and-start method, you may want to allow yourself to orgasm prior to the Length Stretch since it’s often harder to have an erection immediately after climaxing.

Add a set of Jelquing exercises after doing a Length Stretch since your penis will be stretched and ready for work. Jelq for 10 to 20 minutes for guaranteed results.

Stick with the program for the first few weeks. Experts say it takes two to three weeks to develop a habit, so working out will become easier within a month. Though you can benefit from casual exercising, if you exercise daily and give 100% to your penile health program, you will see results. It’s worth your time and energy in the long run.

Don’t rest for more than a few days. The more time spend away from your workout routine, the harder it is to get back into it. Try to exercise most days of the week. Don’t get frustrated if you’re not seeing much change, keep at it and in several months you will notice a difference. Make exercising a priority and reap the rewards of your effort!