 1.  Warm Up
 2.  The Jelq
 3.  PC Flex
 4.  Length Stretch
 5.  Advanced Lengthening
 6.  Advanced Thickening
 7.  Testicle Massage
 8.  Visualization
 9.  Tips/Thoughts
 10.  Newbie Workout
 11.  Expert Workout
 12.  Increasing Head Size
 13.  Combating Curvature
 14.  Combating Impotence
 15.  Combating Premature Ejaculation
 16.  Making Time for Enlargement
 17.  FAQ

Step-By-Step Guide:

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Increasing head size.

Expert's Guide
Congratulations for making it through the first three months of our program. If you have not completed three months of solid workouts, please wait until you have to try any of these methods in order to avoid injury.

By now you’ve probably personalized your workout a bit and know what works better for you. In this guide you’ll learn a few new exercises and secrets for increased sexual satisfaction. The purpose of the Expert’s Guide is to fine-tune your workout and refine your training so you can better achieve optimum penile health.

Read these instructions carefully and then ease new techniques into your workout to add power to your current regiment.

Oriental Massage

The Oriental Massage is an excellent enlargement technique well worth the time it takes to complete.

Inhale deeply and hold your breath. Visualize pushing all of the energy that you breathed in into your penis. Using the index, middle and ring fingers of one hand, push up on the area just behind your scrotum and “hold in” your stored energy. Keep the pressure constant throughout all the upcoming stretching.

Hold your penis right underneath the head and pull—with a steady but comfortable pressure—straight out in front of you 10 to 20 times. Pull to the left another 10 to 20 times, to the right and then down.

Then, with your penis semi-erect, do 10 to 20 slow Jelqs. Your penis should be fully erect. Grab your penis just below the head and pull it to your left. Rotate your penis in a circle much like that of the Slow Crank. Repeat 10 to 20 times and then repeat on the right side.

For your final stretch, hold your penis just below the head and pull the penis straight out in front of you. While continuing to stretch, bring the tip of the penis to touch your left thigh and then out straight again. Complete one set of 10 to 20 times and repeat touching your penis to your right thigh.

This workout is intense and you should soak in a hot tub or warm bath after completing it in order to relax the penile tissues. You may also want to gently massage your penis or have someone massage it for you.

Consider performing this exercise 3 to 5 times a week with comfortable pressure. After you’ve perfected the routine add pressure and increase the level of your workout.

Control Your Orgasms

Since this exercise helps you identify your sexual cycle, it’s important to perform it in a place where you will be completely undisturbed for 20 to 30 minutes (the time it takes to complete the exercise).
Get naked and lie on your back in a comfortable position. Encircle your penis with your fingers in such a way that your middle finger is on the sensitive area directly behind your glans. Rub your penis until it becomes erect and then stop. Keep pressure on your penis head with your middle finger, and concentrate on your most sexually satisfying thoughts. Try to keep a solid 20- to 30-minute block of erotic dreaming; practice until you can uninterruptedly focus to achieve the intense level of concentration necessary for this exercise.

If you focus well and practice, this exercise will allow you to become so stimulated you will be able to orgasm with the simple pressure on your glans. Some men are even able to have multiple orgasms while practicing this method. If you’re not able to achieve orgasm without motion, that’s OK. Jiggle your penis a small amount just before you’re ready to climax to bring yourself to orgasm.

Shock Techniques

If your penis has been slow to grow over the past month, try a technique that bodybuilders have used for various stubborn body parts: shock. Try doubling, tripling or even quadrupling the repetitions of your normal workout; applying more pressure than normal and do your entire workout in one sitting. This will take a while to finish, but you should not plan to exercise for several days afterward in order to allow your body to recover. This should boost your body into motion and prepare it to succeed in your future workouts.

Please note: this will make your penis sore. You will not be able to maintain an erection for several hours after shocking your system so plan accordingly. You should never shock your system before you’ve exercised for several months on plan.