 1.  Warm Up
 2.  The Jelq
 3.  PC Flex
 4.  Length Stretch
 5.  Advanced Lengthening
 6.  Advanced Thickening
 7.  Testicle Massage
 8.  Visualization
 9.  Tips/Thoughts
 10.  Newbie Workout
 11.  Expert Workout
 12.  Increasing Head Size
 13.  Combating Curvature
 14.  Combating Impotence
 15.  Combating Premature Ejaculation
 16.  Making Time for Enlargement
 17.  FAQ
Things NOT to Do...
Most likely you’ve chosen to join because you like our guaranteed results and have decided ours is a better method than others for penis enlargement and health. That said you may still have questions about some of the alternatives.

Vacuum/Penis Pumps:

Pumps function by forcing blood into the penis through by an air vacuum to lengthen the organ. Results of using a penis pump can seriously damage the body through ruptured blood vessels and severe chafing. Long-term effects can include massive scarring (which can lead to Peyronie’s—a disease that curves the penis), loss of feeling, erectile dysfunction and deformity. program works by augmenting blood flow to the penis through a series of exercises, not a dangerous pump. Unlike the temporary, concentrated blood flow that results from using a pump, our program promotes long-term, healthier circulation that encourages penile growth.

In addition to missing out on the other health benefits of a penile workout program, pump users may experience these problems:

  • Ruptured blood vessels
  • Embarrassment if someone discovers the pump
  • Very slow enlargement
  • Injury from over-pumping
  • Extreme, painful swelling
  • Impotence
  • Incontinence


Penis enlargement surgery is an unpopular method of increasing penis size and, for our medical modernism, a highly unregulated surgery.

Snipping the Ligaments Method:

In this surgical lengthening procedure, the physician makes a cut above the base of the penis to release the suspensory ligaments that hold the penis inside the body. The ligaments are then repositioned to allow the penis to immediately extend an average of 1 ½ inches in length. The problem with this surgery, however, is that these ligaments are responsible for holding the penis away from the body during an erection. After snipping the ligaments the penis can get hard but will hang directly down from the body when erect. Though you can still become erect, you won’t be able to “get it up” anymore.

Fat Transfer Method:

During the Fat Transfer, adipose (fat) tissue is removed from the lower abdomen or inner thighs and then placed under the skin around the penis shaft. The girth of the penis grows immediately by 30% to 50%, but after a few months the body reabsorbs this fat and the penis shrinks to normal size. You’re right back where you began.

Dermal Graft Augmentation Method:

In this procedure to increase girth strips of skin and fat are removed from inconspicuous parts of the body and inserted in slices wrapping around penis shaft underneath the skin. Girth increases by 30% to 50% but the operation is incredibly painful and physically disgusting. This process is so disturbing we won’t go into detail—feel free to research more if you’d like additional information.

Penis enlargement surgery can cost as must as $10,000 and will cause intense scaring and pain. What’s more, the surgeries do nothing to improve your overall penile health and may prevent your ability to have intercourse for months. Past the generally unattractive prospect of putting a knife to your penis, there are a multitude of other unwanted possible outcomes:

  • Incredible discomfort
  • Bruising and scarring
  • Reduced penis size
  • Extensive nerve damage
  • Impotence
  • Viral infection
  • Psycho-sexual troubles
  • Permanent deformity
Why Program is Superior provides a safe, more effective means to a larger, stronger penis. Our 100% natural, doctor-recommended plan easily surpasses the benefits from other methods, and our workout program spares you from their grave side effects.

Our program grows the length and girth of your penis naturally and effectively by increasing blood flow to the area. Through our exercises you can also promote nerve growth to increase your pleasure during intercourse and stimulate your prostate to increase the amount you ejaculate.

Our program will help your penis grow longer and thicker--and only exercises from cause a more muscular appearance for your penis. Remember, program benefits you in many ways:

  • Quickly add one to three inches to your penis size
  • Enjoy powerful, more intense orgasms
  • Learn to control and strengthen your erections
  • Eliminate premature ejaculation forever
  • Boost your ejaculate volume by 8 to 10 times
  • Make every erection iron-hard
  • Improve circulation within your penis and testicles
  • Create optimum penile health
  • Develop an impressive muscular-looking penis
  • Permanently and safely improve your penis is healthy and it works!