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 >Chapter 01
 >Chapter 02
 >Chapter 03
 >Chapter 04
 >Chapter 05
 >Chapter 06
 >Chapter 07
 >Chapter 08
 >Chapter 09
 >Chapter 10
 >Chapter 11
 >Chapter 12
 >Chapter 13
 >Chapter 14
 >Chapter 15
 >Chapter 16
 >Chapter 17
 >Chapter 18
 >Chapter 19
 >Chapter 20
 >Chapter 21
 >Chapter 22
 >Chapter 23
 >Chapter 24
 >Chapter 25
 >Chapter 26
 >Vote Story
Chapter 7

        The sun had made a welcome apperance in what had been a gloomy few weeks for Anya. She had started at her new school. It was absolutly horrid. It's castle like stone building had acounted for the fact that Anya was constantly getting lost (which had instantly put Anya in her form tutors bad books). The students all seemed to have their own little circles of friends, and Anya guessed that they didn't relish the idea of a newcomer disturbing the balance. Sitting on one of the wooden canteen benches Anya removed her lunchbox from her bag. Before she could put it on the table she felt a hard shove on her shoulder that sent her lunchbox flying through the air like a frisbee. "Oi. Your in my seat!" The school it girl, Louie Fraizer, stood behind Anya with her two tagalongs, Lisa Trew and Jane Trent. They were all make up and mini skirts with attitude. "Oi im talking to you, get out of my seat now!" Louie's shrill voice had turned into a shreik.
"Sorry I didn't know." Anya offered as she stood up to move. The three bitches sat down with smug smiles on their painted faces as the flock of immature sexualy eager boys crowded around them like bees round honey or flies round shit, depending on which way you looked at it. Anya picked up her lunch box and was forgotten in the crowd.
        Sitting on the damp wooden bench at the back of the school Anya took her lunchbox out of her bag, staring miserably at the contents. Two tuna fish rolls, a bar of chocolate and an apple stared back at her. She chose the apple and took a bite. Sitting alone at lunchtime was no fun she thought, as she replaced the apple in the box and the box in her bag.
       Anya cast her mind back to her old school and the friends she had made there. She remembered Maria Costo. A small wiry girl whose only crime was to try and make friends with Anya. Anya had shunned the girls attemps of friendship and the rest had followed suit. Anya cursed herself, now knowing how horrible it felt. Anya stood up from the bench and decided to do some reading in the liabrary. Making her way through the heaving mass of students, all laughing and chatting to each other, Anya suddenly felt very small and alone.
        The liabray was cold and dark with a musty smell hanging in the atmosphere. Browsing through the vast selection of books she had collected on her table, Anya found she could not occupy her mind with anything other than her father. She wondered why after nearly a month in this new town he hadn't even bothered to pick up the phone and call her. Didn't he love her anymore now that he had his new fancy woman. How she hated that evil bitch who had stole her father from her mother. Anya silently cursed her mother as well for letting him leave. Maybe if she had made more of an effort to keep him they would still be a happy family instead of just another broken home. Maybe if Anya had been better behaved or helped round the house more, her mother would have more time with him then maybe he would have stayed. It seemed divorcing his wife ment divorcing his daughter as well.
"Cheer up it might never happen." A cheerful voice suggested. Anya looked up and found that the voice was owned by a young girl about the same age as Anya. She sported long black hair and pale skin but still managed to look strangly attractive.
"Too late!" Anya replied "It already has."
"What can possibly be so bad that your sitting here with a face like a wet weekend?"
"Well my parents split up and I had to move down here, my dads forgotten who I am, I hate this school, nobody likes me, I feel lonely and unloved…" It all came spilling out before Anya had the chance to realise what she was saying.
"Well it's not all bad. You've met me now and I am the best person to know round here!"
"Sorry I didn't mean to, I mean, I don't even know your name."
"Skye, Skye Conway."
"Anya, Anya Willmot. Pleased to meet you."
"Likewise. Look things are not to bad round here. If you like you can meet me after school and I will show you the sights. Only if you have got nothing better to do that is."
"No I haven't. That would be nice thanks."
"Cool. I'll meet you here at three thirty ok!"
"Sure and Skye thanks for listening. I didn't mean to unload my problems on to you."
"You haven't don't worry. Look I have got to go now but I will meet you here later ok."
"I'll be here at three thirty on the dot!" As Skye walked away Anya found herself smiling for the first time in a long while. Rrriiinnnggg the school bell rung through Anya's ears as she got up and made her way to her next lesson.