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 >Chapter 01
 >Chapter 02
 >Chapter 03
 >Chapter 04
 >Chapter 05
 >Chapter 06
 >Chapter 07
 >Chapter 08
 >Chapter 09
 >Chapter 10
 >Chapter 11
 >Chapter 12
 >Chapter 13
 >Chapter 14
 >Chapter 15
 >Chapter 16
 >Chapter 17
 >Chapter 18
 >Chapter 19
 >Chapter 20
 >Chapter 21
 >Chapter 22
 >Chapter 23
 >Chapter 24
 >Chapter 25
 >Chapter 26
 >Vote Story
Chapter 26

        Ellen Davis sat in the chair and slowly slipped her black loafers from her feet. She picked up the cup of steaming hot tea in her very own bone china cup and the local newspaper from the side, lent back in the chair and relaxed. God it had been a long day. It was eleven and nearly time to go home. Sitting in this comfy armchair with a cup of tea, catching up on the latest news was a Sunday night ritual for Ellen. She found if she relaxed a bit before she went home she drove a lot better on the dark slippery roads. Ellen opened up the paper and began reading about an old lady who had died and left her money to the cats she owned. It said in the paper that the womens son was trying to sue the cats for the money. Ellen gave a little chuckle out loud. There were some funny people in this world. She turned over another page and was drawn to one article in particular.

Wild Beast in London?
Sightings have been reported in Guilford of a large bear like animal. It is said to have been responsible for a number of cattle related deaths recently. Local rumour suggests that It may also been linked to the recent dissapearence of an entire family. It is thought that the animal lives underground and may be travelling through dissused mines. The police and the local government deny any knowledge of these allegations and say that there is no evidence to support claims of any wild animal being on the loose. If anybody spots this animal please telephone our hotline.

        "What's that the beast of bodmin has come to Surrey has he?" Ellen giggled. These papers just got stranger and stranger. The staff room door opened and Susie Cue strolled in. She was the night cleaner although Ellen didn't know how any woman could possibly clean in six inch heels and a pvc miniskirt.
"Have you read this paper yet Susie?" Ellen wasn't even sure if Susie could read.
"Nah why? Anyfin interestin innit?" Susie drawled in her east end London accent.
"It says there is a bear like animal travelling though dissused tunnels underground. Can you belive that?"
"Well yeah actually, coz when we ad the christmas do last year I pulled that bloke Dan from the bones department downstairs, well he took me down some door in the back office on the ground floor, yeah right, so we were kissin an that then he opens some door right, an he goes down some stairs right and its all tunnels right. You go down the stairs an theres tunnels to everywhere in this town."
"Well I never knew that Susie. With that knowledge I'm going to go home and see my daughter before she goes to bed." Ellen replaced her shoes and gathered her bag and coat from the hook on the wall. "See ya tomorrow Mrs D!"
"See you later Susie. And it's Mrs W now remember."
"Oh yeah, soz like Mrs W." Ellen made her way down the long polished stairs out of the door to her car. There was one thing she could guarentee tonight and that was she would have no trouble sleeping.
        It was about twelve o'clock when Ellen Davis finally put her key in the lock and stepped through the door of her home. She went straight to the kitchen to make herself a cup of tea. She switched the kettle on and lent on the worktop. Something was bugging her about this kitchen but she couldn't figure it out. Then it hit her. There were three plates in the bowl. Ellen went in to the living room to find Anya, Sofie and Daniel fast asleep in front of the television. "Anya!" She hissed. "Wake up!"
"Yes mum." Anya yawned and stretched her arms in the air.
"Who's this?" Ellen was pointing to Daniel and Sofie who were asleep on the floor.
"Dan and Sof. You don't mind them staying for the night do you mum?"
"No but wake them up and put Sof in your room and Dan in the spare room. I'm not having them sleeping on my cream carpet."
"Okay mum. Will do. Hey Dan, Sof wake up."
"Im going to bed Anya. See you in the morning."
"Yeah night mum. Love you."
"Love you too baby. Night."