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 >Chapter 01
 >Chapter 02
 >Chapter 03
 >Chapter 04
 >Chapter 05
 >Chapter 06
 >Chapter 07
 >Chapter 08
 >Chapter 09
 >Chapter 10
 >Chapter 11
 >Chapter 12
 >Chapter 13
 >Chapter 14
 >Chapter 15
 >Chapter 16
 >Chapter 17
 >Chapter 18
 >Chapter 19
 >Chapter 20
 >Chapter 21
 >Chapter 22
 >Chapter 23
 >Chapter 24
 >Chapter 25
 >Chapter 26
 >Vote Story
Chapter 15

        The wind picked up a coke can, banging it against the wall like a drum as the helecoptor hovered above the roof of the buliding . Captain Spencer and Leiutenent Davis were standing by the landing pad awaiting Professer Browne's arrival. They had both heard a lot about Professer Browne's work with animal geneolgy and hoped he was the one to get them out of this mess. The helecopter finally landed and a very green looking Proffeser Browne emerged. The roof of the building closed up behind them, bright lights finally replacing the darkness."Proffeser Browne I presume." Captain Spencer offered his hand to shake. "I am Captain Spencer and this is Leiutenant Davis. How was your journey here?"
"Not very good actually, I think I'm gonna be sick." Wes watched their bemused faces for a while. "Yes it is a bit bumpy up there." Captain Spencer shot a quick glance at Leiutenant Davis. "Davis you go on ahead and get everything ready. Proffesser Browne if you would like to come with me I will fill you in on whats been going on. There's just a little paperwork to sort first." It was obvious that people were used to being told what to do around here but he wasn't someone who would jump through hoops for anybody. Captain Spencer lead Wes in to what looked like a little hut on the roof. Sliding his security pass through the slot the doors opened slowly.
"After you proffesser." The room was covered in mirrors from top to bottom showing the lack of sleep on Wes's face. He wished he hadn't drunk that half bottle of whiskey last night and wished he colud have been bothered to shave. Captain Spencer slid a mirrored pannel to the side and entered another four digit code. Slowly at first then faster they began to decend. Quite how far down they went Wes wasn't quite sure but he felt it was quite far under ground level. The lift stopped at a level called U13. The two of them entered the corridor and entered the Captains office.
"Would you like a tea or coffee or something?"
"No thanks. That copter ride has sent my stomach in to orbit. I just want to know why I'm here thanks."
"No problem but before I can tell you you have to sign this document." Captain Spencer opened the top drawer of his desk and handed Wes the form. Wes's eyebrows nearly touched his hairline as he realised what he was being asked to sign. "But this is the offical secrets act!"
"I know. This incident is an offical secret. Comman procedure really."Captain Spencer was sitting in his huge leather chair, half sneering, maybe smiling at Wes.
"Well maybe it's comman procedue in your life but its certainly not in mine. What the hells going on down here and why do you need me?" Wes was starting to panic slightly. He hadn't quite belived the phone call this morning but had given it the benefit of the doubt but this was getting a bit too much.
"I understand proffeser Browne but I can't tell you any more if you don't sign the form."
"Ok ok. If I sign the form I can still leave whenever right?"
"Right. Your not under arrest or anything." Captain Spencer held out a biro for wes to sign the form which he duly did. "Good now we can get down to business." Captain Spencer replaced the form in the drawer. "A year ago nearly to the day can you remember what was happening?"
"We were going to war with Iran wasn't we?"
"Hit the nail on the head there you have. Well about the same time the prime minister gave us instructions to develop the perfect weapon. Something that had regeneration abiltys, agility, versitilty and of course strength. We looked in to lots of different avenues and decided not to go in to anything nuclear or machine oriantated." Captain Spencer took a sip from the glass of water next to him.
"I still don't understand why I'm here sir."
"I'm getting there. Our scientists looked at the way animals protect themselves you know, how a tiger stalks it's prey and so on. We began looking to see if we could find that killer gene and somehow use it to our advantage." Captain Spencer walked over to a video and tv over the other side of the room. "We found the gene that tigers have that makes them such good preditors and we implanted it in to a bear embryo."
"You did WHAT? What on earth were you thinking. You have no idea what might of happend."
"We know. We also, as a saftey measure, implanted a computer chip that would terminate the animal if anything were to go wrong. Unfortunatly whilst still in the womb the embryo somehow interfaced with the chip and disconnected the override codes. It began to learn about our systems and, when the time came, it completely shut us out. We hadn't even thought it was possible so no one had checked if the chip still worked until we tried to use it."
"Are you all crazy. I can't even believe I'm hearing this at all. So what happened?"
"You need to watch this to fully understand what happened that fateful day six months ago." Captain Spencer turned the video on, a very pregnant bear filling up the screen.
"Here you can see project 13. She is in one of the pens we had specially designed. Those fences are titanium steel. The strongest metal for holding animals. The fences were two inches thick and forty feet high. We had adjusted room tempreture for each animal and included their natural habitat as acuratly as we could."
"Do you mean to tell me you didn't just do this to one animal?"
"No we tried all diferant animals first but many didn't make it to childbirth."
"What about the one's that did?"
"Most of the hy-breeds that made it to childbirth died in the following few days." A painful scream made them both jump. The bear on the video was going through the last stages of labour. The bear was having a terible time and it was obvious this child was going to be huge. The head began to emerge at great speed. There was a big problem however.
"That thing has got teeth. No infant has teeth at birth!"
"I know. Poor animal was ripped to shreds before it even got the bastad thing out." The newborn had almost ripped its mother in two before his legs had touched the ground. He was hungry and wasn't about to wait. As he turned the video got a full length shot.
"That is no fucking bear Captain!"
"No it's not. Were not quite sure what it is to be honest." Captain Spencer got up and turned the video off. "That's where you come in. This thing has escaped and we need your help to track it down!"