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 >Chapter 01
 >Chapter 02
 >Chapter 03
 >Chapter 04
 >Chapter 05
 >Chapter 06
 >Chapter 07
 >Chapter 08
 >Chapter 09
 >Chapter 10
 >Chapter 11
 >Chapter 12
 >Chapter 13
 >Chapter 14
 >Chapter 15
 >Chapter 16
 >Chapter 17
 >Chapter 18
 >Chapter 19
 >Chapter 20
 >Chapter 21
 >Chapter 22
 >Chapter 23
 >Chapter 24
 >Chapter 25
 >Chapter 26
 >Vote Story
Chapter 10

        It was definitely spring. The birds had started chirping and the crocuses had pushed their heads into the sunlight. Yellow blankets of daffodils played ring a' roses around the oak trees, filling the air with their fragrant scent. Skye and Anya lay back on the long grass and savoured the sunlight for the short time it would be there.
"Perfect. Not a cloud in the sky, no concrete to be seen. And to think you hate it here!"
"No this is nice. It reminds me of home all grassy and natural." Anya took off her sunglasses and sat up. "Is there any other parks like this round here?"
"Nope. They all got sold and made in to houses. Why?"
"No reason. I just like to read in the sun."
"Well you don't get much sun round here I'm afraid girlie. Too many tower blocks. They block out all of the light." Anya lay back down; both of them relishing the silence that followed.
"So what do kids round here do for fun?"
"Well most kids just hang around in gangs, taking drugs, stealing cars, mugging people that sort of thing. Half the others are weird freaky gothic Satan lovers, who for fun, like to Steal your pet cat and dissect it as a present for Satan, so they say anyway but I think they are just freaks who like to kill animals."
"Oh right."
"And the rest of us are cool like you and me. And for fun we go skating or watch films or hang out in the park. Whatever really."
"That sounds much better!" Anya laughed and sat back up again. "Is it really that bad down here?"
"Not really I suppose. You've just got to know the rules round here."
"Which are?" Skye sat up to now and leaned closer to Anya.
"Right well, Lets say you are walking up the high street at night and a crowd of girls walk past. What ever you do don't look at them."
"What do you mean don't look at them?"
"If you look them right in the eye it's considered to be a challenge. They will start saying things like "Who are you looking at?" And then they will punch you. Once those words are said it will inevitably end in a fight unless, of course, you bottle it and run, in which case you will get battered at every opportunity."
"So what am I meant to do?"
"Well if you put your head down and walk past nothing should happen. If it does however, you will have to stand and fight coz although you'll get battered you will also gain respect for getting battered."
"Right got it. Don't look at anyone. Anything else I should know?"
"Never grass up anyone. See all hear all say nothing. Oh and don't shitstir."
"What's shitstiring?"
"God girlie where do you come from? Outer Mongolia? Shitstiring is like say I told you I didn't like Gill Thompson, which is actually true, and you told her what I said to cause trouble then that's shitstiring."
"It's all very confusing isn't it? Don't you just wish every one was nice to each other and happy?"
"In a perfect world maybe, But don't try all this Walton's shit with me. Life is shit. Do you know what I believe? I think that this is hell, A living hell and you get through it the best you can, Then you die and get some peace."
"Are you hungry?"
"Yeah sure. Hey I know a cool burger bar in town. Are you up for cheeseburgers?"
"Let's go!"